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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Vcakd"


Lin, Wei Min, Hitoshi Ohmori, T. Suzuki, Yoshihiro Uehara, Y. Watanabe und Shinya MORITA. „Characteristics of Free Form Finishing Applying V-CAM System“. Key Engineering Materials 329 (Januar 2007): 273–78.

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A new CAD system, which is called Volume-CAD (VCAD) have been developed. We carried out research and development of VCAD fabrication process based on VCAD/CAM precision control. In this study, a developed V-CAM had been used for a polishing fundamental experiment of a free form surface. The relationship between NC resolution and form accuracy of polished surface are discussed.
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Pasha, Tayyab, Rafaqat Ahmed, Muhammad Amir, Amir Iqbal und Ayesha Siddiqa. „EARLY OUTCOMES“. Professional Medical Journal 23, Nr. 05 (10.05.2016): 583–88.

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Objectives: Off pump TACR/MACR performed in experienced hands hascomparable results to on pump TACR/MACR. Period: January-2012 to December-2015.Material and method: 405 patients with two and three vessel coronary artery disease (two &three VCAD) underwent OPCAB at the department of cardiac surgery, Jinnah hospital, Lahore.73 of them got total or multiple arterial coronary revascularizations. 34 patients (41%) hadtwo VCAD and 47 (59%) had three VCAD. Total arterial revascularization was performed in 70(95.8%) patients using right internal mammary artery and left internal mammary artery and/orradial artery. 3 (4.10%) patients got multiple arterial grafts using BITA, RA and SVG. Results:There was no death reported in first 30 days post operatively. Deep sternal wound infectionoccurred in only one patient. The rate of perioperative stroke and renal failure was zero. Two(2.46%) patients had acute MI and 1 patient was reopened due to bleeding. Conclusion: Weconclude that early outcome of OPCAB total or multiple arterial coronary revascularizations, inexperienced hands, are as safe and effective as ONCAB.
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MASUDA, Takatoshi, und Toshio NAGASHIMA. „165 Nonlinear stress analysis using VCAD Framework“. Proceedings of The Computational Mechanics Conference 2006.19 (2006): 583–84.

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YOKOTA, Hideo. „S203 Development of VCAD Tools for Biomedical Simulation“. Proceedings of the Bioengineering Conference Annual Meeting of BED/JSME 2008.21 (2009): 341–42.

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Imai, N., T. Nagashima und K. Kase. „Crack propagation simulator V-X3D based on VCAD framework“. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 10 (01.06.2010): 012053.

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NISHIMURA, Masaomi, Tetsuro MURAI, Masakatsu TSUNEKI, Yutaka OTAKE, Hideo YOKOTA, Kiwamu KASE, Ryutaro HIMENO und Akitake MAKINOUTI. „523 Design of tailor made implants using VCAD system“. Proceedings of the JSME annual meeting 2006.5 (2006): 101–2.

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Ohura, K., Z. Sun, Akitake Makinouchi und Cristian Teodosiu. „Volume-CAD: An Integrated Environment for Virtual Manufacturing and Structural Analysis“. Advanced Materials Research 23 (Oktober 2007): 17–24.

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The Volume-CAD System Research Program aims at developing a core technology for data integration of computerized design, analysis, manufacturing, and testing processes. The potential applications of the Volume-CAD environment cover a large area of engineering and biomedical design. In this paper, we shall mainly focus on the VCAD-based software for the structural analysis and the simulation of casting processes.
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Cronin, Blaise, und Yvonne Rogers. „From Victorian visiting card to vCard: the evolution of a communicative genre“. Journal of Information Science 29, Nr. 1 (Februar 2003): 65–68.

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Yun, Se-Mi, und Ik-Seong Jo. „The Design and Implementation of Web Agents for vCard Service in Mobile Enviromnent“. KIPS Transactions:PartD 9D, Nr. 3 (01.06.2002): 477–86.

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Simoni, Laura, Alessandra Scarton, Claudio Macchi, Federico Gori, Guido Pasquini und Silvia Pogliaghi. „Quantitative and Qualitative Running Gait Analysis through an Innovative Video-Based Approach“. Sensors 21, Nr. 9 (23.04.2021): 2977.

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Quantitative and qualitative running gait analysis allows the early identification and the longitudinal monitoring of gait abnormalities linked to running-related injuries. A promising calibration- and marker-less video sensor-based technology (i.e., Graal), recently validated for walking gait, may also offer a time- and cost-efficient alternative to the gold-standard methods for running. This study aim was to ascertain the validity of an improved version of Graal for quantitative and qualitative analysis of running. In 33 healthy recreational runners (mean age 41 years), treadmill running at self-selected submaximal speed was simultaneously evaluated by a validated photosensor system (i.e., Optogait—the reference methodology) and by the video analysis of a posterior 30-fps video of the runner through the optimized version of Graal. Graal is video analysis software that provides a spectral analysis of the brightness over time for each pixel of the video, in order to identify its frequency contents. The two main frequencies of variation of the pixel’s brightness (i.e., F1 and F2) correspond to the two most important frequencies of gait (i.e., stride frequency and cadence). The Optogait system recorded step length, cadence, and its variability (vCAD, a traditional index of gait quality). Graal provided a direct measurement of F2 (reflecting cadence), an indirect measure of step length, and two indexes of global gait quality (harmony and synchrony index). The correspondence between quantitative indexes (Cadence vs. F2 and step length vs. Graal step length) was tested via paired t-test, correlations, and Bland–Altman plots. The relationship between qualitative indexes (vCAD vs. Harmony and Synchrony Index) was investigated by correlation analysis. Cadence and step length were, respectively, not significantly different from and highly correlated with F2 (1.41 Hz ± 0.09 Hz vs. 1.42 Hz ± 0.08 Hz, p = 0.25, r2 = 0.81) and Graal step length (104.70 cm ± 013.27 cm vs. 107.56 cm ± 13.67 cm, p = 0.55, r2 = 0.98). Bland–Altman tests confirmed a non-significant bias and small imprecision between methods for both parameters. The vCAD was 1.84% ± 0.66%, and it was significantly correlated with neither the Harmony nor the Synchrony Index (0.21 ± 0.03, p = 0.92, r2 = 0.00038; 0.21 ± 0.96, p = 0.87, r2 = 0.00122). These findings confirm the validity of the optimized version of Graal for the measurement of quantitative indexes of gait. Hence, Graal constitutes an extremely time- and cost-efficient tool suitable for quantitative analysis of running. However, its validity for qualitative running gait analysis remains inconclusive and will require further evaluation in a wider range of absolute and relative running intensities in different individuals.
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Dissertationen zum Thema "Vcakd"


CAVICCHIONI, OTTAVIA. „Possibili applicazioni dell’ecografia 3D/4D in medicina prenatale: esperienza di un singolo centro“. Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata", 2010.

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Lo scopo del nostro studio è stato quello di dimostrare e confermare l’utilità dell’ampio spettro di metodiche fornite dalla tecnologia ecografica tridimensionale e quadridimensionale, nel diagnosticare, monitorare, prevedere o studiare determinate patologie ostetriche. Il nostro studio ha coinvolto patologie perinatali che risultano essere ancora di problematica gestione. In particolare si è cercato di approfondire la diagnosi e la previsione delle patologie cromosomiche, della pre-eclampsia e della pre-eclampsia grave tale da richiedere l’espletamento del parto prima di 32 settimane di gestazione, di alcune malformazioni cardiache quali la Trasposizione completa e corretta dei Grossi Vasi, lo studio della funzionalità cardiaca in feti normali e con ritardo di crescita intrauterino. Per tutti gli esami effettuati è stato utilizzato un ecografo Voluson 730 (G. E. Healthcare). La tecnica ultrasonografica utilizzata è stata quella tradizionale bidimensionale con la misurazione di distanze (valvole cardiache, biometria fetale), con l’uso del Doppler colore e pulsato (visualizzazione di vasi sanguigni quali le arterie uterine e l’arteria ombelicale, dei flussi sanguigni intracardiaci, la visualizzazione dei diagrammi di flusso dei vasi uterini, la misurazione del PI, TVI, dei flussi trans-valvolari cardiaci). La tecnica tradizionale è stata integrata e confrontata con quella tridimensionale e quadridimensionale. Gli apparecchi ecografici tridimensionali acquisiscono un singolo volume di voxels mediante una “spazzolata” del fascio ultrasonoro attraverso l’area di interesse, e ciò permette l’approccio standard per lo studio tridimensionale delle strutture non-cardiovascolari. L’immagine così ottenuta è un’immagine statica. La tecnologia 4D aggiunge l’elemento movimento ed in particolare lo Spatio-Temporal Image Correlation (STIC) permette di ottenere una sequenza di un singolo ciclo cardiaco, come fosse un esame bidimensionale condotto dal vivo ed in tempo reale. La sovrapposizione del colore è invece particolarmente utile per verificare la normale emodinamica cardiaca o la presenza di eventuali anomalie. L’utilizzo del power Doppler tridimensionale ha permesso di studiare gli indici di vascolarizzazione placentare quali vascularization index (VI), flow index (FI) e vascularization flow index (VFI). Per studiare il volume di un tessuto, di un organo o di una cavità (nel caso specifico dell’intera placenta o delle cavità cardiache) è stata utilizzata la tecnica VOCAL (Virtual Organ Computer-Aided anaLysis), che permette di ottenere una sequenza di diverse sezioni dopo una rotazione di alcuni gradi rispetto alla precedente. In ogni piano il contorno è stato tracciato manualmente. Il computer ha poi eseguito la ricostruzione e calcolato il volume. Per studiare le scansioni utili a diagnosticare malformazioni cardiache quali la Trasposizione dei grossi vasi è stata utilizzata la metodica SonoVCAD (Sonographically based Volume Computer-AideD) che ricostruisce automaticamente le scansioni cardiache diagnostiche da un volume quadridimensionale del torace fetale ottenuto tramite STIC. Le tecniche descritte sono state utilizzate nella ricerca clinica, permettendo la stesura dei quattro studi analizzati di seguito.
The aim of this study was to demonstrate and confirm the utility of the wide spectrum of methods provided by the 3D and 4D ultrasound technology, in increasing the detection rate, monitoring, predicting and studying several obstetrical pathologies. Our study involved perinatal pathologies where management could be difficult. In particular we tried to go into diagnosis and prediction of chromosomal abnormalities, pre-eclampsia and severe pre-eclampsia requiring delivery prior to 32 weeks of gestation, some cardiac defect like complete and correct trasposition of the great arteries and the study of cardiac function in normal and growth restricted fetuses. Every scan was performed using a Voluson 730 ultrasound machine.(G. E. Healthcare). We used the traditional bidimensional ultrasound technology to measure distances (cardiac valves, fetal biometry), with color and pulsed Doppler use (blood vessels visualization like uterin arteries and umbilical artery, intracardiac blood flow, uterin arteries waveform visualization, measure of PI, TVI and cardiac trasvalvular flows). T raditional technique was integrated and comparated to the tridimensional and quadridimensional ones. Ultrasound 3D machines acquire a single volume of voxels by a sweep of ultrasound troughout the interest area, and this allows the 3D approach for the study of non-vascular structures. This provides a static image. The 4D technology adds movement and in particular the STIC software (Spatio-Temporal Image Correlation) allows to obtain a sequence of a single cardiac cicle, like a bidimensional examination in real time. Adding color is useful to verify the cardiac flows and the presence ofe several abnormalities. 4D Power Doppler use allowed study of placental vascularization indices like vascularization index (VI), flow index (FI) e vascularization flow index (VFI). The VOCAL software was used to study the volume of a tissue, organ or cavity (for exemple the whole placenta or cardiac cavities) producing a sequence of several sections of the heart, each obtained after a rotation from the previous one. In each plane the contour was traced manually, and at the end, the computer provided the reconstruction of the ventricle and calculated its volume. To detect cardiac malformations such Trasposition of the great arteries we used the SonoVCAD software (Sonographically based Volume Computer-Aided anaLysis) that automatically retrieves diagnostic cardiac planes from a 4-dimensional volume of the fetal chest obtained with spatiotemporal image correlation (STIC). We finnally concluded that the 3D/4D technique provides several benefits, because the study of the volumes is possible offline, after sacnning and can be repeated by different operators or several times by the same operator, giving the possibility of double-blinded studies. The automatic approach shows good retrieval of diagnostic cardiac planes in fetuses with TGA, which may improve diagnostic efficacy for this disease. There is a good agreement between SV measured either by 2D Doppler or by 4D STIC. The 4D STIC represents a simple and rapid technique to estimate fetal SV and promises to become the method of choice. The combination of abnormal uterine artery Doppler and low placental volume at 11–14 weeks achieves better results than does either test alone in the prediction of pre-eclampsia. We provide normal ranges of placental vascular indices between 11 + 0 and 13 + 6 weeks of gestation, which may be useful in future research on placental vascularity in certain at-risk pregnancies. Additional studies are needed to further validate these methods and it’s very important to remember that to obtain a quality volume we need to have a good bidimensional image.
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Bücher zum Thema "Vcakd"


Kenkyūjo), Riken Shinpojūmu VCAD Shisutemu Kenkyū 2008 (2008 Rikagaku. Riken Shinpojūmu VCAD Shisutemu Kenkyū 2008: Monotsukuri kara saibō made. Saitama-ken, Wakō-shi: VCAD Shisutemu Kenkyū Puroguramu, 2008.

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Riken Shinpojūmu VCAD Shisutemu Kenkyū 2008 (2008 Rikagaku Kenkyūjo). Riken Shinpojūmu VCAD Shisutemu Kenkyū 2008: Monotsukuri kara saibō made. Saitama-ken, Wakō-shi: VCAD Shisutemu Kenkyū Puroguramu, 2008.

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VCA-DCV VMware Certified Associate on VSphere Study Guide: Vcad-510. Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John, 2015.

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Robert, Schmidt, und Dane Charlton. VCA-DCV VMware Certified Associate on VSphere Study Guide: Vcad-510. Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John, 2015.

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VCA-DCV VMware Certified Associate on VSphere Study Guide: Vcad-510. Wiley & Sons, Limited, John, 2015.

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Kent, Brad. Missing Links. Herausgegeben von Nicholas Grene und Chris Morash. Oxford University Press, 2016.

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Shaw, often marginalized within Irish theatre history as the author ofJohn Bull’s Other Island, his one play set in Ireland which was rejected by the Abbey, is a much more persistent and influential presence than has generally been acknowledged.John Bullitself, a pungent commentary on the politics of its times, was in fact often performed in Ireland, including at the Abbey, and it was followed by the one-actO’Flaherty VCand ‘The Tragedy of an Elderly Gentleman’, one of the parts ofBack to Methuselah, both of them with an Irish setting. Shaw’s form of discussion play of ideas had a notable impact on later Irish writers, particularly Seán O’Casey, but also Denis Johnston and Teresa Deevy, giving him a key role in the development of modern Irish theatre.
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Buchteile zum Thema "Vcakd"


Hossain, Sium, Babe Sultana, Umme Habiba und Farzana Rahman. „VCard: An Optimal, Secured and Centralized Database Solution to Fulfill Digital Bangladesh Dream“. In Multi-Strategy Learning Environment, 301–13. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2024.

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Soulimane, Ghizlene, Belkacem Kouninef, Mohamed Senouci und Mohamed Djelti. „QR Codes and Mobile Technology Used in the Blended Learning Approach“. In Online Course Management, 1035–48. IGI Global, 2018.

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The purpose of this article is to explore the teaching processes that use Quick Response (QR) codes and mobile devices to support blended learning at the National Institute of Telecommunications and ICT (INTTIC). The satisfactory results of our previous research show that the use of mobile technology could enhance accessibility and communication in a blended learning course. In Algeria, the mobile penetration rate stands at over 111% and 21% with 3G. Since most of our students have access to mobile technology, three in five were smartphones. Using this technology would encourage students to use their phones to send questions to their teachers, listen to a podcast and snip the quick response (QR) codes. This paper introduces the implementations of QR codes, vcard and QR voice as a new tool in the Moodle platform in our institute. The QR code contains the URL of the page of one particular Moodle course and quiz are added to the bottom of Moodle. The students' satisfaction had been acknowledged as an important factor in order to estimate the effectiveness of a blended learning course.
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Pournelle, Jerry. „The Ten Worst E-mail Mistakes“. In 1001 Computer Words You Need to Know. Oxford University Press, 2004.

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Anyone who uses e-mail should avoid the following mistakes: Giving confidential information in an unsecured e-mail. Your credit card number, for instance, can easily be sent throughout the world. It’s best to send credit-card information only through secure Web sites. See “How to Shop Safely Online” on p.143. Opening attachments from strangers. Never open an e-mail that has an attachment that is vague or says “Check this out!” A virus may spread by invading the contact list on a computer and sending itself to every e-mail address on the list. Opening unsolicited e-mail without first scanning for viruses. There are several free anti-virus programs available, and they should be updated regularly. Hitting “reply” to an unsolicited e-mail when asking to be taken off the sender’s list. By hitting “reply” you may be opening up your account to a deluge of spam. Hitting “reply all” when only the sender needs a response. Does everyone really need to know your reply? Think before you reply, especially if the e-mail was sent to a very large group. Forwarding hoaxes or jokes. Most people get too much e-mail, and they would prefer a real note from you, not a hoary joke or, worse, a scaremongering urban legend or false charity scam. If something sounds too good (or too shocking) to be true, it probably is. Check the web for information before you send something on; is a great site for checking stories. Sending an e-mail without a signature. It’s helpful to include at least your name and e-mail address at the bottom of your message, especially if you are e-mailing someone for the first time. Don’t use a vCard (virtual business card). It may be mistaken for a virus. Sending an e-mail without spell-checking it. Most e-mail systems spell-check as you type or have a “spell-check before sending” setting. Sending large files or pictures. Don’t clog up your recipient’s mailbox—ask before sending big files. Sending e-mail without a “subject” line or with a vague subject line. Be specific.A subject that reads “Looking forward to dinner Saturday!” will get more attention than one that reads “hi” or “see you soon?” A blank subject line may get no attention at all.
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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Vcakd"


Dragulescu, B., I. Ermalai, M. Bucos und M. Mocofan. „Using hCard and vCard for improving usability in Moodle“. In 2011 6th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI). IEEE, 2011.

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Kwaw, Edward K. A., und Peter Gorny. „Reality in Virtual Construction Using Virtual-CAD (VCAD)“. In Eighth International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE-VIII). Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2000.

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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Vcakd"


Saint-Andre, P. vCard KIND:application. RFC Editor, Dezember 2011.

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Salgueiro, G., J. Clarke und P. Saint-Andre. vCard KIND:device. RFC Editor, Februar 2013.

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Perreault, S. vCard Format Specification. RFC Editor, August 2011.

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Dawson, F., und T. Howes. vCard MIME Directory Profile. RFC Editor, September 1998.

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Perreault, S. xCard: vCard XML Representation. RFC Editor, August 2011.

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Mayrhofer, A. IANA Registration for vCard Enumservice. RFC Editor, August 2007.

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Stepanek, R., und M. Loffredo. vCard Format Extensions for JSContact. RFC Editor, Mai 2024.

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Small, T., D. Hennessy und F. Dawson. Calendar Attributes for vCard and LDAP. RFC Editor, Januar 2000.

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Jennings, C. vCard Extensions for Instant Messaging (IM). Herausgegeben von J. Reschke. RFC Editor, Januar 2007.

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Kewisch, P. jCard: The JSON Format for vCard. RFC Editor, Januar 2014.

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