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Buzykina, Yu N. „Discussion about authenticity of Loreto’s Sacred Space in the notes of Vasily Grigorovich-Barsky“. Journal of Visual Theology 5, Nr. 1 (2023): 78–92. http://dx.doi.org/10.34680/vistheo-2023-5-1-78-92.

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The article analyzes three fragments from the travel notes of Vasily Grigorovich- Barsky about pilgrimage sites identified as the house of the Virgin Mary in Mariazell, Loreto and Nazareth. This traveler, who lived in the 18th century, was an Orthodox Christian and his education was very close to European University tradition, was interested not only in the appearance and history of these complexes, but also in the authenticity of the objects of wor-ship. The texts about Mariazell and Loreto are non-critical descriptions, although about the shrine in Nazareth in his description Barsky is doubting about the authenticity of what he had seen earlier. Bringing scientific arguments, he is convinced of the falsity of the Catholic shrine in Loreto and the falsity of the legend about moving the house to another location. His rea-soning, at first glance, is a natural part of interfaith polemics, but when referring to the tradi-tion of Loretan criticism, it turns out that the author is included in the polemic that began in European religious and scientific circles long before him. His arguments are of interest from the point of view of the history of the Church, since he refutes Catholic practice, relying on arguments of a scientific nature, and not on theology.
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Manurung, P., und SN Sabatini. „Church Interior Lighting: A Semantic Differential Research“. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1301, Nr. 1 (01.02.2024): 012006. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/1301/1/012006.

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Abstract Lighting is essential for improving the visual conditions and meeting the needs of space users. It serves both quantitative and qualitative roles in a building. Furthermore, the lighting in a house of worship fulfills visual tasks and creates atmosphere for worship. This research aims to explore the perception of the Nazarene Christian Church (GKN) Filadelfia congregation regarding to the interior lighting conditions of their church using the semantic differential method. The results show that the congregation perceives the lighting is suitable for visual tasks, but the interior design falls short in creating the atmosphere required for a place of worship. This includes aspects like identity, warmth, intimacy, mystique, hierarchy, and expansiveness. The interior lighting of the Nazarene Christian Church Filadelfia needs to be redesigned to align with the church’s purpose and meaning, in addition to meet visual requirements.
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Sunariyanti, Sapto, Seri Damarwanti, I. Made Priana, Darmanto Darmanto und Roni Gunawan. „Evaluasi Keterlibatan Gereja Kristen Nazarene di Pulau Jawa Terhadap Isu Eco-Theology di Era Masyarakat 5.0“. Angelion: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen 2, Nr. 2 (14.12.2021): 129–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.38189/jan.v2i2.193.

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Genesis 1:26 and 2:15 state that the Church as an integral part of mankind receives mandate from God to preserve the earth which He created good. The earth which once was good but now is facing a crucial environmental problems, such as nature pollution and global warming; which is caused by human indiscretion in managing the earth; become the impetus for this paper to examine whether the Church has been being eco – theology enough and also to explore the Church’s involvement in maintaining the nature as an environment for every creature. In order to accomplish the objective of this paper, hence the question of whether the Church is still actively carrying out God’s mandate as the steward and caretaker of the earth, becomes the main issue that will be discussed and answered in this research. The selection of the Church of the Nazarene population was determined on the basis that in the perspective of Missio Dei, and the statute of the Church of the Nazarene, the Church plays a role in carrying out God’s Mission through environmental preservation. Java island is appointed as the population based on facts that Java island is the most densely populated area in Indonesia which is vulnerable to environmental damage. The research was conducted with the biblical study approach on the key verse and undertaking evaluation of the Church’s role through a survey method to measure its involvement in environmental issues with various approaches that are possible to be implemented in 5.0 era. The result of the research is expected to become a turning point for the Church’s involvement to be more effective in overcoming environmental problems around the Church. The recency of the research compared with the previous one lies on the implementation aspect of Missio Dei of the Church of the Nazarene, and its relevance towards the Church’s responsibility in preserving the earth. Kejadian 1:26 dan 2:15 menyatakan bahwa Gereja sebagai bagian integral dari umat manusia mendapat mandat dari Tuhan untuk memelihara bumi yang diciptakanNya baik. Bumi yang semula baik adanya, namun kini menghadapi masalah lingkungan hidup yang krusial, seperti pencemaran alam dan pemanasan global; yang diakibatkan oleh ketidakbijaksanan manusia dalam menata bumi; menjadi pendorong dari paper ini untuk menelisik apakah Gereja sudah cukup ber eco – theology (berteologi alam) dan juga untuk mengeksplorasi bagaimana keterlibatan Gereja dalam memelihara alam sebagai lingkungan hidup setiap makhluk. Dalam rangka mencapai tujuan paper ini, maka pertanyaan apakah Gereja masih menjalankan mandate Tuhan sebagai pengelola dan pemelihara bumi secara aktif, menjadi issue utama yang akan dibahas dan dijawab dalam penelitian ini. Pemilihan populasi Gereja Kristen Nazarene ditentukan atas dasar bahwa dalam perpektif Missio Dei, dan Tata Dasar Gereja Kristen Nazarene; Gereja berperan menjalankan Misi Allah melalui melestarikan lingkungan hidup. Pulau Jawa ditentukan sebagai populasi dengan dasar fakta bahwa Pulau Jawa merupakan area dengan populasi terpadat di Indonesia yang rentan terhadap kerusakan lingkungan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan studi biblika atas nats kunci dan melakukan evaluasi atas peran Gereja melalui metode penelitian survey untuk megukur keterlibatannya dalam issue–issue lingkungan hidup dengan berbagai pendekatan yang memungkinkan untuk diimplementasikan di di era 5.0. Hasil penelitian diharapkan dapat menjadi titik balik keterlibatan Gereja lebih efektif dalam mengatasi masalah lingkungan hidup di sekitar Gereja. Kebaharuan penelitian dibandingkan penelitian sebelumnya terletak pada implementasi aspek Misio Dei Gereja Kristen Nazarene, dan relevansinya terhadap tanggungjawab Gereja dalam memelihara bumi.
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Rocca, I., I. Forti, G. D’Acunto und A. Saetta. „SURVEY, DIAGNOSTICS, MONITORING METHODOLOGY AND DIGITAL TWIN FOR THE CONSERVATION OF THE FACADE OF THE CHURCH OF SANTA MARIA DI NAZARETH IN VENICE“. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XLVIII-M-2-2023 (26.06.2023): 1331–36. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-xlviii-m-2-2023-1331-2023.

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Abstract. This contribution aims to illustrate the experimental research linked to the restoration concluded in 2018 for the conservation of the façade of the Santa Maria di Nazareth church in Venice and the ongoing monitoring methodology for the evaluation of its conservation state over time. The baroque façade is unique in Venice as it is entirely made of Carrara marble, a limestone with a saccharoid structure which has proved over the centuries unsuitable for the aggressive lagoon climate, given the complex architectural conformation and the unfavourable environmental conditions in which the façade is inserted.The state of conservation of the marble at the beginning of the last worksite showed widespread and worrying degradation in many parts, especially in the more protruding ones: in fact, the stone surface reached detachment and pulverization by simple contact. The ultimate goal was to achieve a compatible and retractable conservative restoration for a possible improvement of the conservative results over time and also to facilitate an effective retrieval of scientific data in case of future interventions. With this aim, once the construction site was completed, a survey campaign with the purpose of reproducing a digital twin through 3D modelling was planned, to monitor the façade to have an exhaustive knowledge of the possible vulnerabilities present, with the involvement of the VIDE laboratory of IUAV University of Venice. A data acquisition protocol has been developed for the preservation of cultural heritage, thus guaranteeing an uninterrupted knowledge of the material degradation and of the structural situation.
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Jatmiko, Bakhoh. „Hakekat Seksualitas Manusia : Perspektif Gereja Kristen Nazarene di Abad 21 terhadap Praktek LGBT“. SANCTUM DOMINE: JURNAL TEOLOGI 4, Nr. 1 (09.12.2019): 29–39. http://dx.doi.org/10.46495/sdjt.v4i1.15.

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Civilization and social structure have dramatically changed in these last several decades. Exponential development of globalization and the growth of technology of communication have transformed values, views and cultures of human civilization nowadays. These are the symptoms of world web wide era; where the local issues can be global discussion in minutes. In one hand, the Church of God should be sensitive to the age changes, does some adaptations and changes to be relevant. In the other hand, the Church of God should not be conformed to this world. Church of the Nazarene as one of the Christian Church denominations in the world is demanded to take the stance to deal with the changes that are happened today especially in LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) issue.
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FAZIO, Giovanni. „A THEOLOGICAL SUPPORT, FROM CHALCEDON, TO THE SHROUD IMAGE NATURAL FORMATION“. International Journal of Theology, Philosophy and Science 5, Nr. 8 (27.05.2021): 42–48. http://dx.doi.org/10.26520/ijtps.

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The fourth Ecumenical Council of Chalcedon (451 AD) sanctions, for the Holy Church very important conclusions regarding the nature of Christ. The above results do not contrast, but rather open to a natural formation of the Shroud body image. This occurs because it was affirmed in Chalcedon that Jesus Christ, the Nazarene, has two natures, one human and one divine, “inconfusedly, unchangeably, indivisibly, inseparably”, which coexist in one person (hypostasis). Consequently, the monophysitism of Eutiche and of the Egyptian, Syrian and Armenian Churches, was rejected. Now, the Resurrection of the Nazarene is a Transcendental event that, according to those like us who support the natural formation of the Shroud body image, acted only on the corpse leaving the burial linen in the Immanent, under the dominion of the natural sciences. So, the Miracle of the Resurrection shows the divine nature of Christ, while the Shroud body image formation, the human one.
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Choi, Doo-Hyun. „Rev. Young Baik Kim and the Church of the Nazarene in Korea“. Theological Forum 108 (30.06.2022): 161–98. http://dx.doi.org/10.17301/tf.2022.6.108.161.

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Canete, Jonathan James O. „When expressions of faith in the Philippines becomes a potential COVID-19 ‘superspreader’“. Journal of Public Health 43, Nr. 2 (18.03.2021): e366-e367. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/pubmed/fdab082.

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Abstract The Filipino people are known for their strong religious faith. Even in the midst of the most trying moments of their collective history their faith remains steadfast. The isolation brought by the COVID-19 pandemic did not stop the Filipino Catholic faithful from expressing their faith but made it stronger. Allowed by the government to attend Church celebrations, the Filipino Catholic devotee flocked in the Quiapo Church just to attend the feast of the Black Nazarene and had a chance to hold its image with a firm conviction that the grace of God could protect them from the pandemic. However, the local medical experts called their devotion, in this time of crisis, as a ‘superspreader’, a sign not of hope but of despair.
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Snyder, Howard A. „Our Watchword and Song: The Centennial History of the Church of the Nazarene“. Wesley and Methodist Studies 4 (01.01.2012): 169–71. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/42909844.

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Snyder, Howard A. „Our Watchword and Song: The Centennial History of the Church of the Nazarene“. Wesley and Methodist Studies 4 (01.01.2012): 169–71. http://dx.doi.org/10.5325/weslmethstud.4.2012.0169.

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Choi, Doo-Hyun. „A Comprehensive Study on the Theological Prolegomena of the Church of the Nazarene“. Korean Journal of Christian Studies 131 (31.01.2023): 93–133. http://dx.doi.org/10.18708/kjcs.2024.

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Sunariyanti, Sapto, Yupiter Hulu, Sukirdi, Seri Damarwanti und Natalia Mega Saputri. „Contextual Service as an Expression of Missioner Value in the Church of the Nazarene“. SANCTUM DOMINE: JURNAL TEOLOGI 11, Nr. 1 (01.07.2022): 169–84. http://dx.doi.org/10.46495/sdjt.v11i1.127.

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Ibadah merupakan salah satu saluran ekspresi hubungan manusia dengan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa melalui penyembahan secara kontekstual, namun kontekstualisasi ibadah juga berpotensi membawa pergeseran tata nilai dalam masyarakat sehingga makna ibadah mengalami pergeseran tata nilai yang jauh berbeda dari esensi aslinya. Akibatnya ibadah tidak dapat membawa pesan Misi dan menumbuhkan karakter misioner pada jemaat. Isu ini menarik untuk diteliti dan membawa pada kebutuhan gereja untuk membangun kembali dasar teologis yang benar dalam ibadah kontekstual. Bagaimana membangun kembali dasar teologis tentang ibadah kontekstualisasi sehingga memenuhi karakteristik ibadah yang misioner? Ini adalah pertanyaan yang akan dijawab dalam penelitian. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk membangun kembali dasar teologis ibadah kontekstual untuk membangun karakter misioner jemaat. Ibadah di Gereja Kristen Nazarene dilakukan sebagai ekspresi kasih tertinggi kepada Allah yang sarat dengan nilai misioner. Metode penelitian ini akan memakai pendekatan analisa fenomenologi secara deskriptif berdasarkan tinjauan pustaka untuk menggali dasar teologi dan mendapatkan jembatannya pada karakter Kristen yang misioner. Kajian tentang budaya diperlukan untuk mendapatkan ketajaman aspek kontekstualisasi dalam ibadah, dilengkapi dengan observasi lapangan untuk melihat aplikasinya di lapangan. Terkonklusi bahwa perlu kembali memberikan pengajaran tentang membangun dasar teologis dan misi tentang ibadah kontekstual kepada seluruh praktisi dan pengambil keputusan yang terlibat dalam ibadah kontekstual dalam gereja melalui berbagai program pengajaran, pemantauan dan evaluasi kepada seluruh pihak terkait.
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Jara, Reverend Trino. „A Journey Towards the Meaningful Inclusion of Children in the Church of the Nazarene“. Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 33, Nr. 3 (12.05.2016): 225–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0265378816646957.

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O'Brien, Glen. „"A Dogged Inch-by-Inch Affair": The Church of the Nazarene in Australia 1945-1958“. Journal of Religious History 27, Nr. 2 (Juni 2003): 215–33. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-9809.00172.

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Choi, Doo-Hyun. „The History of the Church of the Nazarene in Korea and the Problems of Indigenization“. Korean Journal of Christian Studies 128 (30.04.2023): 195–244. http://dx.doi.org/10.18708/kjcs.2023.

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Johnston, Ann, Pamela Greenlee, Matthew W. Marcukaitis und Ian M. Lopshire. „Building a new academic library Web site“. Library Hi Tech News 32, Nr. 8 (05.10.2015): 1–15. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/lhtn-07-2015-0049.

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Purpose – The Benner Library Web site at Olivet Nazarene University was targeted for an update and those responsible desired a systematic, efficient approach to the process. Design/methodology/approach – The project needed clear goals and careful coordination of all stakeholders, including all levels of patrons, library professionals and staff and university administrators. Findings – The methodical approach proved to be time consuming but effective. Originality/value – A team composed of Web developers, programmers and graphic designers accomplished the technological process, but communication between team members and stakeholders was essential.
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Jung, Musung. „Missiological Trends and Tasks of the Church of the Nazarene: with Special Reference to Johannesburg 2014“. Theology of Mission 37 (30.11.2014): 339–70. http://dx.doi.org/10.14493/ksoms.2014.3.339.

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Hirst. „Solidarity with the Poor? Positioning the Church of the Nazarene in England in 2003 and 2013“. Wesley and Methodist Studies 10, Nr. 1 (2018): 66. http://dx.doi.org/10.5325/weslmethstud.10.1.0066.

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Glendenning, Cezarina. „“Not All Roads Lead to God, but God Walks All Roads to Reach People.”“. Kairos 15, Nr. 1 (27.05.2021): 81–93. http://dx.doi.org/10.32862/k.15.1.5.

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The doctrine of prevenient grace in the Wesleyan tradition has always played an important role in shaping the way we understand and participate in the mission of God (Missio Dei) and the role of the church in it. The doctrine of prevenient grace, in the Wesleyan-Arminian tradition, continues to shape the understanding of holiness as God’s activity to restore broken relationships. Holiness, as it is often misunderstood, is not a physical separation between what we consider holy and unholy, churchy and worldly, pure and impure, but the redemption of broken relationships (God and humans, humans with each other, humans and creation and human with the self). The goal of this paper is to further explore the theological and missiological bases of the doctrine of prevenient grace, as understood by Wesley, and the practical implication that this doctrine has in shaping the way the church fulfills its missiological call in the world. This paper is divided into three main sections: the first part of the paper will focus on defining prevenient grace and its relationship to the mission of God (Missio Dei); the second part will explore the missiological and theological implications of the doctrine of prevenient grace, and the last part will illustrate practically the theological and missiological motivation of the work of the Church of the Nazarene with refugees in Zagreb, Croatia.
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McCoy, Bill. „Leprosy, Piety and Identity: The Mbuluzi Leprosy Hospital as Informal Pilgrimage Site, 1948–82“. Studies in World Christianity 20, Nr. 1 (April 2014): 54–69. http://dx.doi.org/10.3366/swc.2014.0071.

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This paper explores the idea of Swaziland's Mbuluzi Leprosy Hospital as a kind of informal pilgrimage site for missionaries of the Church of the Nazarene and other Western Christians while investigating the ways in which this status shaped the social life of the hospital community. And because the course of leprosy treatment during the middle years of the twentieth century typically required many months and often years to run its course, the paper particularly seeks to understand how this peculiar position may have impacted the identity of the patients whose lives were consequently put on display and what implications this had on their world-views and expectations in life after the hospital closed in 1982, arguing that the concept of moral bonds of dependence, derived from recent work by James Ferguson, provides the best model for understanding these dynamics.
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Djurić-Milovanović, Aleksandra. „"Our Faith Is Good, but Strict": The Transformation of the Apostolic Christian Church-Nazarene in North America“. Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies 6, Nr. 1 (2018): 61–72. http://dx.doi.org/10.18061/1811/86025.

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N. Kamau, John, Mary M. Njau und Jacinta Wanyagi. „Factors Influencing Work Attitude Amongst ‘Y’ Generation University Evening Students in Kenya (A Case of Africa Nazarene University)“. IOSR Journal of Business and Management 16, Nr. 5 (2014): 33–39. http://dx.doi.org/10.9790/487x-16543339.

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Blevins, Dean G. „Renovating Christian Education in the 21st Century: A Wesleyan Contribution“. Christian Education Journal: Research on Educational Ministry 2, Nr. 1 (Mai 2005): 6–29. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/073989130500200101.

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Contemporary attempts to renovate evangelical Christian discipleship in the 21st century include efforts to resolve the relationship between modern Christian education paradigms and the rediscovery of ancient Christian (spiritual formation) practices. One example resides in the current research on Practicing our Faith (Bass, 1997), and in age-level emphases on formational practices beginning to surface (Jones, 2003). Additional studies are needed for comprehensive approaches to Christian education in the 21st century. Evangelical Christian educators seeking new paradigms may find another example closer to home in John Wesley's means of grace. Wesleyan educators may have something distinct to offer contemporary evangelicalism if they can first embrace their own heritage and work to develop an approach that embraces the three emphases of formation, discernment, and transformation. A beginning point may be a new text currently emerging from Wesleyan educators within the Church of the Nazarene that seeks to synthesize the best of modern and postmodern education under this rubric.
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Dulibić, Ljerka, und Iva Pasini Tržec. „Austrijski slikar Leopold Kupelwieser i biskup Josip Juraj Strossmayer“. Ars Adriatica, Nr. 6 (01.01.2016): 209. http://dx.doi.org/10.15291/ars.186.

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All 20th-century chronologies of the collector’s activity of Bishop Josip Juraj Strossmayer (1815-1905) and overviews of the evolution of today’s Strossmayer’s Gallery of Old Masters at the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts mention the bishop’s cooperation with the Austrian Nazarene painter Leopold Kupelwieser (1796-1862), father of Paul Kupelwieser, the former owner of the Brijuni islands. This episode from the “prehistory” of Strossmayer’s Gallery has hitherto been known only as a brief notice repeated in almost identical formulations: “In 1857, the bishop sent the first larger group of paintings to Vienna in order to be restored under the supervision of painter Leopold Kupelwieser.” Research of archival documents mentioning the cooperation between Bishop Strossmayer and painter Kupelwieser has now been complemented with an overview of Kupelwieser’s activity in Croatia, with an aim of promoting the preservation and evaluation of this segment of his painting oeuvre. Besides paintings ordered by Strossmayer (presently at the Diocesan Museum of Zagreb), Kupelwieser produced two paintings for Croatian churches independently of his cooperation with the bishop (for the church of St Stephen of Hungary, today’s church of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Nova Gradiška, and for the chapel of St Peter and Paul in Dvor na Uni). Two more paintings are preserved on the Brijuni islands that do not directly belong to Kupelwieser’s oeuvre yet are closely linked to him.
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Lyu, Won-Yuol. „Telling a Life Story as Theological Reflection : Donald Owens, the First Korean Missionary in the Church of the Nazarene“. Theology and Praxis 70 (30.07.2020): 395–434. http://dx.doi.org/10.14387/jkspth.2020.70.395.

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Lyu, Won Yuol. „Phineas Bresee, the Founder of the Church of the Nazarene and a Preacher in the 19th century American Holiness Movement“. Theology and praxis 40 (30.07.2014): 125–66. http://dx.doi.org/10.14387/jkspth.2014.40.125.

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Maslov, Konstantin I. „About Alexey Khomyakov’s Views on Church Painting“. Observatory of Culture 21, Nr. 2 (19.04.2024): 170–76. http://dx.doi.org/10.25281/2072-3156-2024-21-2-170-176.

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The article is devoted to the views on church painting of one of the Slavophile leaders A.S. Khomyakov. In 1845, Alexander Ivanov, an artist working in Rome, influenced by the “Slavophile” atmosphere of meetings with F.V. Chizhov, N.M. Yazykov and N.V. Gogol, attempted to use an icon as a model for the image of the Resurrection of Christ for the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Saviour (for the first time in the history of the Russian academic school). It is doubtful that Khomyakov could have unreservedly welcomed this endeavor by Ivanov. Although he believed that for Russia’s return to nationality it would be sufficient only to revive the old in consciousness and life, he did not at all understand this return as a revival of the authentic forms of Old Russian art or as a stylization of these forms. Khomyakov’s negative attitude to stylizations is evidenced by his sharp criticism of the eclecticism of Bavarian art. In Russia, he believed, the link with tradition had long been severed and therefore Old Russian art could not serve as a basis for a modern art school. Not in Ivanov’s traditional icon-oriented sketch of the Resurrection of Christ, but in his painting The Appearance of the Messiah, Khomyakov recognized, even before he saw it with his own eyes, evidence of the beginning of the revival of truly Russian life and Russian thought. In his opinion, the artist sought in the painting to eliminate personal artistic manner, to become a kind of transparent medium through which the holy image would be imprinted on the canvas. The German Nazarene artists tried to capture the Christian phenomenon in the artistic contemplation of the spirit, but they could only teach it, they themselves were incapable of it. Ivanov, a graduate of the Imperial Academy of Arts, who had perfectly mastered the craft of an artist, was at the same time, according to Khomyakov, a pupil of icon painters, who created a great work of church wall painting. The history of the Russian art school of the second half of the 19th — early 20th century fully confirmed the validity of this assessment of the painting The Apparition of the Messiah. It laid the foundation for the God-seeking direction of Russian painting, on which Russian art blossomed in the work of I.N. Kramskoi, V.M. Vasnetsov, M.V. Nesterov, N.N. Ge, as well as atheists — V.D. Polenov and V.V. Vereshchagin. Although not all the works of this trend were honored to be accepted into the bosom of the Orthodox Church, most of them allow us to be deservedly proud of the Russian art school.
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Briel, Don J. „The University and the Church“. Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 18, Nr. 4 (2015): 15–31. http://dx.doi.org/10.1353/log.2015.0033.

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Ryu, Ukryel. „The Two Wings of Holiness: Research on the Way the Church of the Nazarene Has Dealt with the Issue of Homosexuality“. Korean Journal of Christian Studies 122 (31.10.2021): 41–88. http://dx.doi.org/10.18708/kjcs.2021.

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Jung, Musung. „Exploring a New Leadership Paradigm Contributive to Creating the Growth Momentum of the Asia-Pacific Region of the Church of the Nazarene“. Theology of Mission 43 (30.07.2016): 161–86. http://dx.doi.org/10.14493/ksoms.2016.3.161.

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Dlamini, Shokahle R. „The Colonial State and the Church of the Nazarene in Medical Evangelisation and the Consolidation of Colonial Presence in Swaziland, 1903–1968“. South African Historical Journal 70, Nr. 2 (03.04.2018): 370–82. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02582473.2018.1492626.

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Groop, Kim. „Undoing GDR Iconoclasm: The Return and Interpretation of a Spiritual and Academic Heritage through the Building of the Paulinum in Leipzig“. Church History 88, Nr. 4 (Dezember 2019): 1013–38. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s000964071900249x.

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On the first Sunday of Advent in 2017, a new university church was consecrated at Leipzig University in Germany. This celebration brought to an end the five-decade-long absence of a church within the old university. The inauguration of the Paulinum—as the combined church and assembly hall was named—visibly reconnected the university with a church history involving the active participation of personalities such as Martin Luther, Johann Tetzel, Felix Mendelssohn, and Johann Sebastian Bach. Under scrutiny in this article is the 1968 destruction of the University Church of Saint Paul, originally a medieval monastery, by the Socialist Unity Party (SED) as a kind of socialist iconoclasm. Through the destruction of the University Church of Saint Paul, I argue, the church became something of an architectonic and cultural martyr. Although the Paulinum is not viewed as a direct continuation of the university church, its completion and refurbishing with art treasures from the old church has, however, come to be viewed as a counterpart to SED barbarism and as an undoing of some aspects of the destruction. Moreover, some episodes from the university church and its destruction have been passed on and attached to the Paulinum as a mnemonic layer, much valued by the university, city, and region.
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D'Costa, Gavin. „Theology between Church, University, and Society“. Theology 107, Nr. 835 (Januar 2004): 56–57. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0040571x0410700116.

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Lee,Hoe-Nung. „A Study of a Fully Inclusive Chapel including Persons of Disabilities with Regular Students in the Christian University: According to Korea Nazarene University“. Journal of Christian Education in Korea ll, Nr. 23 (Januar 2010): 75–101. http://dx.doi.org/10.17968/jcek.2010..23.003.

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Teemus, Moonika. „Friedrich Ludwig von Maydells Brief aus Rom vom Jahr 1823“. Baltic Journal of Art History 12 (08.12.2016): 111. http://dx.doi.org/10.12697/bjah.2016.12.06.

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The article studies a letter from Friedrich Ludwig von Maydell (1795– 1846), the most renowned representative of Romanticism in Estonia, to his uncle Otto Christian Sigismund von Ungern-Sternberg (1778–1861), written in Rome at the beginning of the year 1823. It was the turning point in Maydell’s life when he had decided to give up the studies in law at the University of Tartu and to devote himself to art. For this reason, Maydell like many of his contemporaries travelled to Rome. In his letter, now preserved in the National Archives in Tartu, Maydell describes his everyday life in Rome and the efforts he has made to “follow his true path”. Additionally, it appears that it was the founder and leader of the Nazarene movement, Johann Friedrich Overbeck (1789–1869), who played an influential role in Maydell’s decision about whether or not to become an artist.
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Groop, Kim. „Reformation and the university church in Leipzig“. Approaching Religion 13, Nr. 2 (01.09.2023): 77–90. http://dx.doi.org/10.30664/ar.126047.

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The purpose of this article is to investigate how memory activists from 2008 onwards used the past in their advocacy work for the restoration of the university church in Leipzig. The Paulinerkirche was built as a Dominican monastery church in the first half of the thirteenth century. In 1545, shortly after the Reformation had reached Leipzig, it was reconsecrated by Martin Luther and became the first Protestant university church in Germany. Following the demands of the GDR state, it was destroyed in 1968. In writings, demonstrations and speeches, advocates of church rebuilding made use of the Reformation, but also of other tropes in the local history to draw attention to their cause. The goal was not to create a new Reformation site; rather, the aim was to compel the university leadership to abandon its goal to build a multi-purpose value-neutral assembly hall and instead honour its cultural and religious heritage, undo some of the damage done in 1968 and allow the return of the university church.
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Schafer, Frederick C., und Joseph F. Bridger. „University City United Methodist Church, Charlotte, NC“. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 119, Nr. 5 (Mai 2006): 3370. http://dx.doi.org/10.1121/1.4786532.

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Mance Cipek, Ivana. „Ana Marija Marović, slikarica na glasu svetosti“. Radovi Instituta za povijest umjetnosti, Nr. 47 (März 2024): 125–44. http://dx.doi.org/10.31664/ripu.2023.47.10.

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Anna Maria Marovich (Venice, 1815 - Venice, 1887), a Venetian born into a family of Boka origins, achieved a reputation for sanctity during her lifetime due to her religious zeal and charitable work. With the initiation of her beatification process, she was formally recognized as an honourable servant of God (It. venerabile). However, she was also highly esteemed for her accomplishments in poetry and painting. Her inclusion in Ivan Kukuljević Sakcinski’s Slovnik umjetnikah jugoslavenskih (Lexicon of Yugoslav Artists) secured her a place in the Croatian gallery of prominent artistic figures. Although information about Anna Maria Marovich’s paintings is often relayed within the context of cultural historiography, relatively little has been said about her oeuvre from an art-historical perspective. Therefore, this paper reconstructs the historical context of her artistic endeavours, tracing her interest in artistic expression within the educational framework typical of an upper-middle-class girl of her era, and examining the support she received from two influential clerics - Abbot Daniele Canal (1791-1884) and Cardinal Jacopo Monico (1778-1851), the Venetian patriarch, with whom she also cooperated in converting monasteries into charitable institutions. Both figures were instrumental in fostering Marovich’s artistic career and played a significant role in promoting her figure and work within the Catholic Church and the Habsburg court. The paper also critically assesses certain assertions regarding Marovich’s painting oeuvre prevalent in scholarly literature, identifying her extant artworks that can be located and those known only through printed sources. Some limited conclusions are drawn about lost pieces that brought fame to the artist and gave rise to stories about them. Notable among these are a painting of Our Lady of Carmel commissioned by the Austrian empress Maria Anna in 1845, and an early piece depicting the Saviour made for Cardinal J. Monico around 1843, which indirectly influenced the imperial commission. Hypotheses concerning lost artworks are largely based on Marovich’s poetry, or rather her poetic exchange with various persons, in which frequent references are made to her paintings. The central part of the article analyses her most significant achievement - the Addolorata altarpiece created for the church of Santa Maria del Pianto o dei Sette Dolori in Venice. This altarpiece, reconsecrated in 1851 at the behest of Don Daniele Canal, was an integral part of the renovated monastic complex repurposed as an educational institution for girls. Surviving studies and drawings, which are here analysed in detail, confirm that Anna Maria Marovich received professional instruction, probably from the painter Maria Tagliapietra, who was active in Venice at the time. Iconographic analysis of the painting suggests that it belongs to the contemplative type of the sorrowful Mother of God, standing in the foreground at Christ’s tomb and praying with folded hands and a slightly lowered head. In previous centuries, such iconography was typically reserved for devotional images and uncommon on church altars dedicated to this cult, especially in pastoral centres. Consequently, it is inferred that Marovich’s altarpiece reflected a more recent or modern development of this form of piety, emphasizing its penitential aspect in alignment with the new purpose of the monastic complex as an institution for the resocialization of girls. The Addolorata altarpiece is also analysed from a stylistic point of view, establishing the painter’s departure from baroque conventions in depicting the subject and opting for classicist elements, consistent with prevailing trends of her time. However, claims that Marovich adhered to the Nazarene school are refuted; her eclectic approach, drawing from various artistic models ranging from the Raphaelesque to the Seicentoist, lacks a discernible preference indicative of a Nazarene influence. Nevertheless, her work resonated with the romantic sensibility of her era, which valued sincerity of motivation over formal properties. In the concluding part of the article, it is established that the figure and oeuvre of Anna Maria Marovich epitomize the European culture of restoration and the policy of the Catholic Church in social modernization, reflected in religious art. In this context, Marovich’s paintings, both thematically and iconographically, reflect the modern evolution of specific devotions popularized during the 19th century, which she actively promoted through her pious, charitable, and monastic activities. While her artistic style may not have been highly innovative, it should be evaluated within the context of the evolving societal role of art in bourgeois culture, where laywomen’s participation in artistic practice gained acceptance and acknowledgment.
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Zou, Lin. „The Indigenous Adaptation of Modern Chinese Church Universities: A Case Study of The Main Building of Fu Jen Catholic University“. Highlights in Science, Engineering and Technology 51 (16.05.2023): 183–91. http://dx.doi.org/10.54097/hset.v51i.8263.

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At the end of the 19th century, many church cases occurred, which seriously affected Christian missionary activities in China and forced missionaries to think about the relationship between the Christian church and the people in China. After that, a movement for the indigenous adaptation of Christianity gradually emerged, with church schools becoming one of the main representatives of indigenisation. The Main Building of Fu Jen Catholic University, designed by Dom Adelbert Gresnigt, is a good example of the indigenous adaptation of the church university in this context. This paper analyses the design approach of the Main Building of Fu Jen Catholic University, extracts the embodiment of the Chinese traditional revival style and summarises the characteristics and reasons for the indigenous adaptation of the Main Building compared with other church university cases. The results show that the Main Building of Fu Jen Catholic University has features such as a traditional Chinese roof and decoration in the context of the Catholic indigenisation movement but is more conservative in design and plainer in colour than similar buildings. Gresnigt, as both a priest and architect, designed Fu Jen Catholic University with a more Catholic character and religious atmosphere than other church universities.
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Шаблевский, Николай. „Biblical Problematic, Containing in Letter 47 of the Catholicos Timothy I“. Библия и христианская древность, Nr. 4(12) (15.12.2021): 131–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.31802/bca.2021.12.4.006.

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В 47-м письме Тимофей I, католикос Церкви Востока, представил несколько библейских фрагментов, которые не имеют явных интертекстуальных связей. Например, Тимофей I не знал, где в Ветхом Завете написано, что Иисус Христос будет называться Назарянином (Мф. 2, 23). По его словам, в пещере недалеко от Иерихона какой-то араб со своей собакой вдруг обнаружил много библейских рукописей. Итак, католикос надеялся найти в этих открытиях разрешение библейских апорий. В этой заметке автор обращает внимание на библейские фрагменты, процитированные Тимофеем I, и пытается установить интертекстуальные связи в библейских текстах, при этом Ветхий Завет представлен масоретским текстом, Пешиттой, Септуагинтой и Сиро-Гексаплами, а Новый Завет - Пешиттой и критическим изданием Nestle-Aland. In Letter 47, Timothy I, Catholicos of the Church of the East, presented several biblical passages that have no obvious intertextual connections. For example, Timothy I did not know where in the Old Testament it is written that Jesus Christ would be called a Nazarene (Mt. 2, 23). According to him, in a cave near Jericho, an Arab with his dog suddenly discovered many biblical manuscripts. So, the Catholicos hoped to find in these discoveries a solution to the biblical aporias. In this article, author draws attention to the biblical passages quoted by Timothy I and try to establish intertextual connections in the biblical texts, while the Old Testament is represented by the Masoretic text, Peshiṭta, Septuagint and Syro-Hexapla, that the New Testament is represented by Peshiṭta and the critical edition of Nestle-Aland.
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Lyu, Won-Yuol. „A Study of Preaching of Donald Owens, the First Missionary of the Church of the Nazarene, in the Postwar Society of South Korea(1954-1965)“. Theology and Praxis 75 (30.07.2021): 413–36. http://dx.doi.org/10.14387/jkspth.2021.75.413.

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Prof. Mellitus N. WANYAMA; Prof. Frederick B. J. A. NGALA, Joyce M. MOCHERE;. „The Relevance of University Music Curricula to the Requirements of Church Music Job Market in Kenya.“ Editon Consortium Journal of Curriculum and Educational Studies 2, Nr. 1 (07.10.2020): 250–74. http://dx.doi.org/10.51317/ecjces.v2i1.161.

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In the prevailing global church music job market, church worship ministers or music directors are on high demand as they play a crucial role in church liturgy and other church musical events. Globally, many universities offer programmes on music training and pastoral leadership. In Kenya, such training is predominantly in theological schools with few universities offering such programmes. Currently, there is a growing interest of church musicians in Kenya due to the need to spread the gospel beyond the church walls and to promote ecumenism. For example, churches participate in church crusades, church concerts, and inter-churches music festivals. This strengthens the need for church worship ministers with music and leadership training. Universities in Kenya are, therefore, obligated to offer church music programmes that will enable these worship ministers to fit in the current job market. The discourse on church music, though, is rare in Kenya hence limited literature on the same. The study had an objective of establishing the relevance of university music curricula to the requirements of church music job market in Kenya. Elliot's Praxial theory underpinned the study. The study found out that universities are not keen to include music programmes that are relevant to the music job market. The Simple Matching Coefficient (SMC) of university X and Y music curricula to the requirements of church music job market was 0.00. Both universities did not have a church music program hence missing all the requirements of the given job market. The study recommends that there is a need to develop church music programmes in universities in Kenya, and this can be done in collaboration with the Schools of Theology at the university.
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Milofsky, Carl, und Brandn Green. „Re-Building Coal Country: A Church/University Partnership“. Religions 7, Nr. 6 (13.06.2016): 75. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/rel7060075.

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Dulles,, Avery. „University Theology as a Service to the Church“. Thought 64, Nr. 2 (1989): 103–15. http://dx.doi.org/10.5840/thought198964232.

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Higton, Mike. „Theological Education between the University and the Church“. Journal of Adult Theological Education 10, Nr. 1 (Mai 2013): 25–37. http://dx.doi.org/10.1179/1740714113z.0000000002.

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Tunytsya, Yu, und M. Gaykovskyy. „Church and social problems“. Ukrainian Religious Studies, Nr. 4 (10.12.1996): 72. http://dx.doi.org/10.32420/1996.4.80.

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Under such general name on the basis of the Lviv Polytechnic University every two years scientific international conferences take place. In September of this year she was devoted to the problem "Human person and spiritual values". At the conference, 45 scientific reports were heard and discussed. The huge potential of Christianity in the formation, education and spiritualization of the human person and the Ukrainian society was pointed out.
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Laubscher, M. „Interview with Prof. Piet Meiring“. Acta Theologica 43, Nr. 2 (13.12.2023): 1–10. http://dx.doi.org/10.38140/at.v43i2.7786.

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Professor Piet Meiring was born in Johannesburg in 1941. He studied at the University of Pretoria, and at the Free University, Amsterdam. He was ordained to the ministry of the Dutch Reformed Church (DRC) in 1968 and served in three congregations in Pretoria. His academic career includes the chair in Missiology and Church History, University of the North (Turfloop); a parttime lectureship at the University of South Africa.
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Rotich, Marseline Cherono, Margaret Gecaga und Josephine Gitome. „Role of Church Affiliation and the Sexual Behaviour Choices of Students in Selected Universities in Nairobi County, Kenya“. International Journal of Humanity and Social Sciences 2, Nr. 1 (24.01.2024): 1–16. http://dx.doi.org/10.47941/ijhss.1641.

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Purpose: The current study sheds light on the role of church affiliation in shaping sexual attitudes and behaviour. Not enough was known about how Christianity can influence the construction of values and beliefs that discourage risky sexual behaviour among adolescents at universities in Kenya. Little was understood on the role of church affiliation explaining variation in adolescent sexuality among Christian communities at universities. Spirituality is an understudied subtype of religiosity yet it may explain patterns of sexual behaviour. Most studies that have examined the relationship between sexual behaviours and religiosity have focused on sexual intercourse. These studies have not examined other sexual behaviour choices, like internet sex. Methodology: Using a mixed-methods design, the relationship between church affiliation and sexual behaviour was examined. In quantitative analysis, a stratified probability sample of (n=176 students) who attend regular prayer sessions in three universities: the Kenyatta University (KU) Main Campus, the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) Karen Campus, and the Daystar University was used. Qualitative interviews were conducted with university administrators, chaplains, and other church workers. Undergirding the study was the social identity theory, which articulates the idea of people seeking to gain membership and acceptance in any social group. Findings: The findings suggest church affiliation has a significant effect on sexual attitudes, values, and behaviour. There seems to be an interaction between extrinsic and intrinsic religiosity, with frequent church attendance appearing to induce more conservative sexual beliefs, attitudes and behaviour. Church affiliation had a significant effect on sexual behaviour choices, which includes internet sex and cohabitation and extreme sexual activities.
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Wood, J. E. „The Place of Church-State Studies in the University“. Journal of Church and State 35, Nr. 1 (01.01.1993): 131–51. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jcs/35.1.131.

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Muhlestein, Daniel K. „Teaching Contemporary Literary Theory at a Church-Sponsored University“. Christianity & Literature 48, Nr. 1 (Dezember 1998): 79–93. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/014833319804800109.

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