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Pryimak, N. S., und O. V. Deviatkova. „ENTERPRISE ECONOMIC SECURITY STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT: THEORETICAL FUNDAMENTALS AND TOOLS“. Visnyk of Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mykhailo Tugan-Baranovsky, Nr. 1 (76) 2022 (2022): 37–45. http://dx.doi.org/10.33274/2079-4819-2022-76-1-37-45.

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Objective. The objective of the article is to substantiate a theoretically significant approach to understanding the essence of the strategic management of the economic security of an enterprise and the choice of effective tools for assessing its effectiveness. Method. To substantiate the results of the study, a set of methods is used,: imethods of theoretical analysis and synthesis, generalization, dynamic analysis, index method, graphical method. The theoretical and methodological base of the study contains the provisions of the theory of management, strategic management, strategic analysis, financial analysis. Results. In the study, the identification of the subject and object of the economic security of the enterprise is carried out, the connection between the management of economic security and the strategic management of the enterprise and the set of the main functions of the latter are updated. Specifically, under the strategy of economic security of an enterprise, it is proposed to understand a comprehensive strategy related to strategies of a supporting type, designed to maintain the state of long-term economic security of both the entire enterprise and economic security in terms of local components (market, technical and technological, personnel, financial, etc.) . The authors’ vision of the algorithm for developing a strategy for the economic security of an enterprise is proposed. It presupposes the following sequential actions: setting the problem; team building; analysis of external and internal factors that generate threats; gradation of threats according to the level of consequences; threat impact forecast; assessment of resource potential; determination of methods, technologies and tools for implementing the economic security strategy; making a decision on a specific strategy, its financial justification; implementation of the company’s economic security strategy. In the course of a practical study, an analysis of the level of economic security of YuzhGOK JSC is made. To identify the economic security strategy of the plant for 2018-2020, a profile of economic security is compiled, the integral coefficient of economic security is calculated, and using the SPACE analysis, it has been found that the plant implements an aggressive economic security strategy, which is effective and adequate for the current business conditions. It has been established that an aggressive security strategy does not require changes, that is, strategic management should focus on the implementation of control and preventive functions that will ensure the preventive nature of strategic management and monitoring of the operating environment. Key words: strategic management, economic security, economic security strategy, strategic management of economic security, strategic management functions.
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Fauzatul Laily Nisa und Cholid Fadil. „Fundamental Factors Of Stock Price Assessment In Blue Chip Stock Investment Decisions“. International Journal of Educational and Life Sciences 2, Nr. 5 (01.06.2024): 482–91. http://dx.doi.org/10.59890/ijels.v2i5.1901.

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This research explores the fundamental factors that influence the assessment of blue-chip stock prices and their impact on investment decisions. These factors include net profit, revenue growth, debt ratio, and liquidity. The research method involves analyzing historical financial data of blue-chip companies and surveys of capital market investors. The research results show that net profit and revenue growth have a significant influence on the assessment of blue-chip stock prices. Debt and liquidity ratios have also been shown to have an important impact in shaping investor perceptions. Furthermore, these findings provide a better understanding of how investors use these fundamental factors as a basis for making their investment decisions. The implications of this research contribute to our understanding of the factors that investors should pay attention to when assessing blue-chip stocks. Capital markets practitioners can use this information to design more informed and timely investment strategies. Meanwhile, capital market regulators may consider these findings to increase market transparency and sustainability. Thus, this research not only contributes to the financial literature by exploring the relationship between fundamental factors and stock price valuation, but also provides valuable practical insights for capital market players.
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Blizkiy, Roman Sergeevich, und Yuliya Sergeevna Lebedinskaya. „Fundamentals of formation and problems of development of small and medium-sized enterprises: digital transformation“. Vestnik of Astrakhan State Technical University. Series: Economics 2022, Nr. 3 (30.09.2022): 55–61. http://dx.doi.org/10.24143/2073-5537-2022-3-55-61.

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The modern assessment of the state of the economy in the world has become widespread in the context of the systemic paradigm, according to which two aspects of the consideration of the economy can be distinguished: interaction of macroeconomics with the state and society; space-time continuum of different levels of the economy (micro-, meso- and macro levels). In terms of the ongoing global political contradictions, financial and economic crises, socio-ethnic conflicts, COVID-19 restrictions, the issues of in-depth understanding of sustainable mechanisms for economic development are of particular relevance, which involves the development of approaches and measures aimed at stable formation and development in small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs). The solutions are to be found and the scientific hypotheses expressed in assessing the features of the formation and development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation are to be formed in the context of digital transformation of business processes. There is studied a wealth of patterns, which accompany various aspects of the formation and development of SMEs, taking into account the harmonization of the features of digital transformations in the field of economic, legal, socio-economic and accounting and analytical systems and tracks of their acceleration. The factors influencing the formation and development of SMEs are graphically interpreted, the main stages in the evolution of the formation of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation are characterized, and the problems, trends, prospects and main determinants of the features of the development of the object under study are identified through a content analysis and institutional, sociological and economic analysis. There has been worked out a concept of prospects for the development of digital transformation of SMEs including the four main areas (internal potential, adaptive business environment, availability of strategic resources, institutional regulation), which provide a faster transition to the new forms of organizing and running business.
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Nica, Ionuț, Camelia Delcea, Nora Chiriță und Ștefan Ionescu. „Quantifying Impact, Uncovering Trends: A Comprehensive Bibliometric Analysis of Shadow Banking and Financial Contagion Dynamics“. International Journal of Financial Studies 12, Nr. 1 (05.03.2024): 25. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijfs12010025.

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This study describes a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of shadow banking and financial contagion dynamics from 1996 to 2022. Through a holistic approach, our study focuses on quantifying the impact and uncovering significant trends in scientific research related to these interconnected fields. Using advanced bibliometric methods, we explored the global network of publications, identifying key works, influential authors, and the evolution of research over time. The results of the bibliometric analysis have highlighted an annual growth rate of 22.05% in publications related to the topics of shadow banking and financial contagion, illustrating researchers’ interest and the dynamic nature of publications over time. Additionally, significant increases in scientific production have been recorded in recent years, reaching a total of 178 articles published in 2022. The most predominant keywords used in research include “systemic risks”, “risk assessment”, and “measuring systemic risk”. The thematic evolution has revealed that over time, the focus on fundamental concepts used in analyzing these two topics has shifted, considering technological advancements and disruptive events that have impacted the economic and financial system. Our findings provide a detailed insight into the progress, gaps, and future directions in understanding the complex interplay of shadow banking and financial contagion. Our study represents a valuable asset for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers with a keen interest in understanding the dynamics of these critical components within the global financial system.
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Shanklin, Stephen B., und Craig R. Ehlen. „Extending The Use And Effectiveness Of The Monopoly® Board Game As An In-Class Economic Simulation In The Introductory Financial Accounting Course“. American Journal of Business Education (AJBE) 10, Nr. 2 (31.03.2017): 75–80. http://dx.doi.org/10.19030/ajbe.v10i2.9916.

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This paper extends the use of the Monopoly® board game as an economic simulation exercise designed to reinforce an understanding of how the accounting cycle impacts the financial statements used to evaluate management performance. This extension adds elements of debt not previously utilized to allow for an introduction of the fundamentals of ratio analysis at a foundation level in financial accounting instruction. This extended approach uses the rules and strategies of a familiar board game to create a simulation of business and economic realities, which then becomes an effective, interactive, in-class financial accounting practice set. The unique combination of each player’s skill and luck provides for unlimited outcome possibilities, delivering an interpretive result that students can neither predict nor easily manipulate. This pedagogical approach serves to provide students with a sense of proprietorship in the activities of the instruction and fosters a competitive spirit to succeed in class activities that will ultimately be presented to the entire class. While the instructor surrenders a significant level of control in the class exercise, the uniqueness of each Monopoly® team’s game results requires active engagement in-class and additional individual effort on the follow-up assignments outside the classroom. In the previous use of the Monopoly® board game, the class activity provided a valuable parallel for reality in practicing the financial accounting cycle and emphasizing its use by external parties. Because of the dynamic sense of capturing the “real-time” aspect of the game into finished financial statements for analysis, students start to sense a greater appreciation for the role that accounting cycle activities play in business reporting and the assessment of operating results. Using the Monopoly® board game in the first course in financial accounting tends to generate a higher level of competitive energy in the classroom experience, with more actively engaged students grasping the nature and purpose of the financial accounting system more quickly and actively than with other pedagogical approaches previously used. More recently, using Microsoft Excel to reflect the game results and present the financial statements has added to the robust learning experience achieved by incorporating the Monopoly® board game.
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Mastilo, Zoran, Anđelka Štilić, Dejan Gligović und Adis Puška. „Assessing the Banking Sector of Bosnia and Herzegovina: An Analysis of Financial Indicators through the MEREC and MARCOS Methods“. Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice 13, Nr. 1 (01.01.2024): 167–97. http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/jcbtp-2024-0008.

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Abstract The banking sector assumes a pivotal role in the economic development of nations. The assessment of financial indicators pertaining to banks holds fundamental importance in the evaluation of bank stability and sustainability. This research employs the MEREC (Method based on the Removal Effects of Criteria) and MARCOS (Measurement of Alternatives and Ranking according to COmpromise Solution) methodologies to delve deeper into the financial landscape of the banking sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). Specifically, the objective is to rank banks according to their financial indicators, utilizing financial data from the year 2022. The MEREC method is applied to gauge the significance of financial indicators and ascertain their respective weights, while the MARCOS method is employed to rank banks within BiH based on their financial indicators. The examination of financial indicators within the BiH banking sector, facilitated by the MEREC and MARCOS methodologies, yields a more comprehensive understanding of the sector’s present condition. Limitations of this research, which primarily stem from its reliance on available financial data and predefined methodologies, lies within limited consideration for external factors. To provide a broader contextual perspective, the inclusion of additional financial indicators and comparative analyses with banking sectors of other nations would be imperative. The findings of this research reveal that Raiffeisen Bank exhibits the most favourable financial indicators and demonstrates the highest level of efficiency within this context. Consequently, this research offers insights into identifying exemplary banks that can serve as models for enhancing the performance of others.
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Filipovic, Miroslava. „Global capital markets: An updated profile“. Panoeconomicus 54, Nr. 2 (2007): 197–217. http://dx.doi.org/10.2298/pan0702197f.

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More than two decades after the beginning of the financial revolution globalization of capital flows still attracts considerable attention, from both practitioners and academics. The aim of this paper is to contribute to understanding of some aspects of the global capital scene, as well as to emphasize certain developments which might illustrate its changing profile. Several fundamental perspectives profile the global capital market. A quantitative review provides a sense of sheer volumes, trends, origins and destinations of capital flows; an assessment of the global capital market?s degree of integration follows. The emergence of new (types of) actors is another important aspect of the global processes, while illustrations of new market products and emerging segments may add new perspectives on the profile of the global capital market. Finally, the paper concludes with a brief overview of digitalization of the financial supply chain.
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Tang, Zixuan. „The Application of the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) in China's Financial Market: An Analysis of Regulatory Impact and International Comparison“. Advances in Economics, Management and Political Sciences 67, Nr. 1 (05.01.2024): 12–17. http://dx.doi.org/10.54254/2754-1169/67/20241253.

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Indentation of Abstract should be left 0.53"/1.35cm. As the world's second largest economy, China is also one of the world's biggest emerging economies; The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is one of the most classic pricing models, and China's asset pricing model has gained a lot of experience from it. This research investigates the application of the CAPM in China's financial market, focusing on the influence of financial market regulation and conducting a comparative analysis with international markets. CAPM is a fundamental asset pricing model used to estimate asset expected returns and risks based on their covariance with the overall market portfolio. The study aims to analyze the practical implementation of CAPM in China's financial market, considering the impact of financial market regulation on the model's effectiveness. Key variables such as market data, risk-free rates, and stock returns are utilized, with specific adjustments made to accommodate China's unique regulatory environment. The research's significance lies in providing valuable insights into asset pricing and risk assessment in China's financial market, as well as implications for investors and policymakers. By comparing the results with international markets, this study contributes to a broader understanding of the CAPM model's applicability and effectiveness in diverse regulatory settings.
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Fuhrmeister, Christian. „Wie Architekturgeschichte schreiben, wie Architekturgeschichte denken?“ architectura 50, Nr. 1-2 (25.11.2022): 138–41. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/atc-2020-1017.

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Abstract The short intervention pleads for a comprehensive analysis of architecture in the sense of an encompassing history of the built environment. Trespassing beyond the study of formal invention and mere aesthetic qualities, the paper argues for a holistic or systemic approach that aims at incorporating the many truly fundamental and foundational aspects, like capital in the form of land or financial resources, or power. Since many forces shape the building, it is a unique source in its own right that can be used, in turn, for an enhanced understanding of past societies. At the same time, this broader assessment is meaningful and relevant for us today.
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Poliukhovych, Nataliia, Larysa Raicheva und Andrii Ivanov. „MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF RISK ASSESSMENT OF ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT“. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies 8, Nr. 3 (30.09.2022): 166–73. http://dx.doi.org/10.30525/2256-0742/2022-8-3-166-173.

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The article considers the issues of selection and use of management tools and methods, development and selection of enterprise strategy taking into account risks. The author's understanding of the risk management process is given, the basic principles that guide the development and implementation of risk management strategy at the enterprise are listed. The development of a risk assessment algorithm is proposed and the features of individual elements of the integrated risk assessment flowchart are characterized. In the paper, attention was drawn to the differences in the qualitative and quantitative risk analysis, the peculiarities of their methodology were determined. Considerable attention is paid to the definition of risk assessment methods, methods of risk minimization are listed, and as a result, the definition of the term "risk" is generalized. The methods of formation of enterprise strategy, which can be represented by three groups: portfolio analysis methods, mathematical methods, forecasting methods, are investigated. It is determined that modern methods of enterprise management and mechanisms for making key decisions in business imply the need to develop a procedure for both substantive and quantitative accounting and assessment of the entire range of possible uncertainties and risks that accompany the market activity of the enterprise. It is shown that most of the risks to be taken into account, quantified and accounted for in the economic and mathematical model of the enterprise, cover two main activities of the enterprise, and are integrated into the concept of risk management assessment: production and financial sphere. An economic and mathematical model of choosing the optimal strategy of the enterprise, taking into account the risk factors of management, according to the criterion of maximizing the amount of consolidated cash flow from operating and financial activities, which reflects both the production and technological conditions of the enterprise and the peculiarities of decision-making in the commodity and financial markets, is built. This optimization model is implemented to solve the problem of choosing the optimal management strategy taking into account management risks. However, all these methods start to work when the risk is realized (or must be realized) in losses and damages. Such an approach to building an effective risk management system does not comply with the principle of proactivity: it is not necessary to include in the cost estimate of the enterprise the costs of eliminating the consequences of the risk, it is necessary to include the costs of preventing the risk. With this approach, preventive and adequate measures can reduce the cost of risk, as well as choose the optimal level of risk, which is determined by the minimum cost. The results of the analysis show that most of the known methods of forecasting and risk assessment are inapplicable in conditions of unpredictability. The situation with the application of risk management tools is slightly better. Dissipation and insurance, as well as diversification of activities and the creation of funds and reserves are at least limitedly applicable. The presence of a risk assessment and coordination system at the enterprise will make it possible to identify existing risks, determine the level of danger and, using certain methods and tools of risk management, reduce their negative impact on the financial and economic activities of the enterprise. Currently, the approach to risk assessment is being transformed, as new challenges require fundamental changes in risk assessment and modeling systems.
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Barry, Patrick, Kathryn Cormican und Sean Browne. „Great Minds Think Alike, Fools Seldom Differ: An Empirical Analysis of Opportunity Assessment in Technology Entrepreneurs“. Sustainability 14, Nr. 1 (21.12.2021): 49. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su14010049.

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This study extends the literature on self-employment and entrepreneurship by offering empirical insights into the factors that influence technology entrepreneurs at the early stages of the new venture creation process. Specifically, this research focuses on how technology entrepreneurs assess opportunities at the start of the process. Using data from technology entrepreneurs in Ireland, we analyze differences between part-time entrepreneurs and full-time entrepreneurs and discover that not all entrepreneurs attach importance to activities that were previously considered fundamental. While we confirm that opportunity cost, market assessment, and financial analysis are critical and ever-present, we argue that aspiring technology entrepreneurs must be cognizant that when employment-related costs are included as a dimension of opportunity costs, the level and importance of opportunity costs rise for both part-time and full-time entrepreneurs. We also find that whether nascent entrepreneurs work full-time or part-time on the new venture has an impact on which activities are completed and at what point of the process they are completed. For example, we show that part-time entrepreneurs identify markets earlier than full-time entrepreneurs whereas the opposite is true when it comes to financial data preparation. We argue that a greater understanding of these issues will help technology entrepreneurs to make informed decisions. As a result, our findings may influence an aspiring entrepreneur’s decision to start a new venture. They also have ramifications for investors and support services. Consequently, we discuss theoretical contributions, practical ramifications, and future research possibilities.
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Thukral, Shagun, Sunder Korivi, Dipasha Sharma und Dipali Krishnakumar. „Too little, too late? Role of credit rating agencies in the Amtek AUTO default“. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies 7, Nr. 4 (13.11.2017): 1–22. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/eemcs-09-2016-0195.

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Subject area Fixed Income markets, Financial Markets and Institutions. Study level/applicability This case can be used in a postgraduate finance course such as an MBA and executive program for courses such as Fixed Income Markets and Financial Markets and Institutions. Case overview In late August 2015, the sudden downgrade and eventual default of Amtek AUTO Ltd (Amtek) on its debentures upset mutual fund investors and regulators. Questions were raised about the credit rating agencies and their lack of timely action as well as about the independent credit analysis followed by fund houses to protect the interests of investors. One such investor, Suresh Nair, decided to gather all possible available information on Amtek to determine whether it was sheer negligence on the part of all parties involved or if Amtek was in fact in a situation of sudden distress. The case seeks to highlight the credit analysis process, while looking out for red flags to identify potential default or financial stress in a company. Expected learning outcomes To understand the credit analysis process through a fundamental analysis process. To analyze and interpret the financial position of the company through various financial ratios. Identifying “red flags” while evaluating a potential credit that pose as “risks” to credit assessment. Understanding the role and relevance of credit rating agencies in the bond market. Supplementary materials Teaching Notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email support@emeraldinsight.com to request teaching notes. Subject code CSS 1: Accounting and Finance
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Borba, Ana Tereza Andrade, Leonardo Jaime Machado Simões, Thamiles Rodrigues de Melo und Alex Álisson Bandeira Santos. „Techno-Economic Assessment of a Hybrid Renewable Energy System for a County in the State of Bahia“. Energies 17, Nr. 3 (24.01.2024): 572. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/en17030572.

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Installation of hybrid systems with storage is a way to maximize the amount of energy generated through exploring the complementarity of different sources. Understanding hybrid power plant (HPP) operation is crucial for optimizing new systems and reconfiguring existing plants, to their enhance efficiency. Alongside technical aspects, economic feasibility is also a fundamental feature. This study simulated an off-grid HPP to consider the energy consumption of Casa Nova in Bahia, Brazil. The methodology consisted of the selection of energy sources, choosing a reference location, acquisition of generation and operational data, modeling and simulating the system in different scenarios, and a financial analysis. HOMER Pro software Version 3.16.2 was used to optimize the plant configuration, and the outputs were evaluated using the perspectives of levelized cost of energy (LCOE), simple payback, and power load fulfillment. As a result, scenario 3 was the most competitive, emphasizing that the use of different energy sources increased the system generation capacity. However, the addition of battery energy system storage (BESS) resulted in a high LCOE when compared to individual sources, which demonstrated that the cost of battery integration is not yet nationally competitive. Moreover, the results highlighted the importance of research investments, energy governance, and regulation in promoting hybrid system adoption.
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Odojoma Park IDISI, Prekeme Philip OJOKOJO und Emeka Solomon FIDELIS. „Causes and drivers of inflation in Nigeria: A comprehensive review“. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews 19, Nr. 1 (30.07.2023): 779–88. http://dx.doi.org/10.30574/wjarr.2023.19.1.1376.

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This review article provides a comprehensive analysis of the causes and drivers of inflation in Nigeria. Inflation is still a chronic problem for the Nigerian economy, and understanding the fundamental causes is critical for successful policy formation and economic stability. The review investigates macroeconomic issues such as monetary policy, fiscal policy, exchange rates, and international trade dynamics in order to determine their influence on Nigerian inflation. It also investigates the link between these variables and inflation expectations and persistence. The evaluation looks at structural variables that contribute to inflation, such as supply-side shocks like food and energy price variations. Institutional problems such as corruption, poor governance, and policy implementation difficulties are investigated for their impact on inflationary pressures. The efficacy of regulatory frameworks, the stability of the financial industry, and the actions of central banks are all assessed. The assessment underlines the interaction and complexity of these elements, emphasizing the importance of a comprehensive strategy for addressing inflation in Nigeria.
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Petrova-Antonova, Dessislava, Ivaylo Spasov, Yanita Petkova, Ilina Manova und Sylvia Ilieva. „CogniSoft: A Platform for the Automation of Cognitive Assessment and Rehabilitation of Multiple Sclerosis“. Computers 9, Nr. 4 (16.11.2020): 93. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/computers9040093.

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Cognitive disorders remain a major cause of disability in Multiple Sclerosis (MS). They lead to unemployment, the need for daily assistance, and a poor quality of life. The understanding of the origin, factors, processes, and consequences of cognitive disfunction is key to its prevention, early diagnosis, and rehabilitation. The neuropsychological testing and continuous monitoring of cognitive status as part of the overall evaluation of patients with MS in parallel with clinical and paraclinical examinations are highly recommended. In order to improve health and disease understanding, a close linkage between fundamental, clinical, epidemiological, and socio-economic research is required. The effective sharing of data, standardized data processing, and the linkage of such data with large-scale cohort studies is a prerequisite for the translation of research findings into the clinical setting. In this context, this paper proposes a software platform for the cognitive assessment and rehabilitation of patients with MS called CogniSoft. The platform automates the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) test and diagnostic tests for the evaluation of memory and executive functions based on the nature of Brief International Cognitive Assessment for MS (BICAMS), as well as implementing a set of games for cognitive rehabilitation based on BICAMS. The software architecture, core modules, and technologies used for their implementation are presented. Special attention is given to the development of cognitive tests for diagnostics and rehabilitation. Their automation enables better perception, avoids bias as a result of conducting the classic paper tests of various neurophysiologists, provides easy administration, and allows data collection in a uniform manner, which further enables analysis using statistical and machine learning algorithms. The CogniSoft platform is registered as medical software by the Bulgarian Drug Agency and it is currently deployed in the Neurological Clinic of the National Hospital of Cardiology in Sofia, Bulgaria. The first experiments prove the feasibility of the platform, showing that it saves time and financial resources while providing subjectivity in the interpretation of the cognitive test results.
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Xu, Jing. „Behavioral Finance Provides Insights into Risk Perception and Risk Management“. Academic Journal of Management and Social Sciences 4, Nr. 1 (30.08.2023): 12–15. http://dx.doi.org/10.54097/ajmss.v4i1.11472.

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This article aims to explore the significant implications of behavioral finance in the realms of risk perception and risk management. Behavioral finance reveals behavioral biases exhibited by individuals in the investment and decision-making processes, uncovering phenomena that traditional financial theories have not fully explained. From overconfidence to loss aversion, and from herd behavior to delayed gratification, these behavioral biases influence investors' risk perception, risk aversion, and risk management strategies, thus triggering significant volatility and opportunities in the market. This article will first review the fundamental concepts and theoretical framework of behavioral finance, explaining why it holds particular significance in understanding risk perception and risk management. Subsequently, it will delve into how risk perception plays a pivotal role in investment decisions and analyze the impact of information processing on risk assessment. Building upon this foundation, it will delve into the specific applications of behavioral finance in risk perception and risk management, including loss aversion and loss-avoidance strategies, as well as the influence of crowd behavior on market risk.
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Ortiz, Catalina, Camilo Salcedo und Juan Saldarriaga. „Assessment of the Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic Stay-at-Home Measures on Potable Water Consumption Patterns, Location, and Financial Impacts for Water Utilities in Colombian Cities“. Water 14, Nr. 19 (24.09.2022): 3004. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/w14193004.

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Several studies suggest that social distancing measures due to the COVID-19 pandemic have affected the water sector, specifically regarding its demand and supply. Given the importance of hygiene practices, this effect is heightened by the role that potable water availability has in tackling the spread of the virus. This study aimed to assess the impact of the pandemic on the water consumption patterns and location in four Colombian cities known for their important commercial, industrial, academic, and touristic features. Results exhibit diverse diminishing water consumption trends alongside COVID-19 because of different attributes of the cities (e.g., size, environmental, socioeconomic, and sociocultural characteristics). For instance, the touristic case study has been the most affected because of travel restrictions, with an average commercial demand drop of 32%. In contrast, industrial case studies have had a rapid recovery in water demand, with average industrial drops of 11–14% compared to 20–25% in non-industrial cities. These water demand changes do not affect only the operation of water utilities, but also their finances. Economic losses were estimated at 3.7%, 2.4%, and 6.4% of the expected incomes for the first 14 months of the pandemic for the case studies in this paper. Under a changing environment, understanding these changes and challenges is fundamental for ensuring that water systems are resilient in any unexpected situation.
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Bugaytsov, Sergey Georgiyovych, und Vasyl Anatoliyovych Shoyko. „IMPROVEMENT OF MECHANISMS OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN FIELD OF FIRE SAFETY AS A COMPLEX NATIONAL SECURITY“. UKRAINIAN ASSEMBLY OF DOCTORS OF SCIENCES IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 1, Nr. 12 (14.02.2018): 80–93. http://dx.doi.org/10.31618/vadnd.v1i12.81.

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The article describes the objects of administrative influences from the position of development of the sphere of fire safety. Mechanisms of state management of the fire safety sphere in Ukraine are investigated. The main causes of fires in Ukraine are identified according to experts. Proposals have been made on the necessary changes to the law of Ukraine “On the Fundamentals of National Security of Ukraine”. The proposed scientific and theoretical foundations of mechanisms for the implementation of state governance in the field of fire safety. It was determined that the state should always act as a reliable guarantor of mandatory liability of organizations operating hazardous industrial facilities, establish criteria for determining the amount of financial security for civil liability for damage caused by an emergency situation related to the occurrence of a fire; introduction of scientifically sound approaches to the assessment of fire damage with the involvement of independent expert organizations; development of the regulatory and legal framework for the implementation of supervisory functions and ensuring the responsibility of managers of enterprises (institutions, organizations) and executive authorities in the field of fire safety. At the same time, it is justified that the main indicators in the state regulation should be considered: the frequency of fires, losses, the costs of measures to prevent and eliminate emergencies associated with the occurrence of a fire and prevented damage. It is specified that the understanding of the importance of fire safety as a priority component of national security is not very deep in our opinion, is also due to the fact that the losses that result from the occurrence of fires are not always properly calculated. In our opinion, the calculations of only a set of known losses can not expose all the costs that the state and society bear on the results of fires. The most obvious example is the consequences of a fire in the forest.
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KUVIKA, Ganna. „METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO ASSESSING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF HOSPITALITY ESTABLISHMENTS“. Management 38, Nr. 2 (25.07.2024): 107–20. http://dx.doi.org/10.30857/2415-3206.2023.2.9.

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INTRODUCTION. In the fiercely competitive landscape of the hospitality industry, the success and sustainability of establishments are contingent upon their ability to distinguish themselves in the market. This distinction, often referred to as competitiveness, encompasses a multitude of factors ranging from customer satisfaction and service quality to innovation and financial performance. Assessing and understanding these factors is fundamental for businesses striving to thrive in an ever-evolving market. This article delves into the intricate web of hospitality competitiveness, aiming to provide a comprehensive methodology that amalgamates qualitative and quantitative measures. By addressing this multidimensional concept, this research endeavors to shed light on the nuanced aspects that underpin the competitive advantage of hospitality establishments.PURPOSE OF THE ARTICLE. The primary purpose of this article is to propose a robust and versatile methodology for evaluating the competitiveness of hospitality establishments. Through an extensive review of existing literature and an integration of various qualitative and quantitative metrics, this research aims to offer a holistic approach to businesses, policymakers, and researchers. By outlining the key dimensions of competitiveness and delineating practical methods of assessment, the article seeks to empower stakeholders in the hospitality industry with actionable insights. Furthermore, this research intends to bridge the existing gap in knowledge, providing a structured framework for understanding the dynamics of competitiveness in the contemporary hospitality landscape.RESULTS. The results of this study unveil a multifaceted understanding of hospitality competitiveness. Through an amalgamation of qualitative and quantitative data, several key insights have emerged. Firstly, establishments that prioritize customer satisfaction and consistently deliver high-quality services tend to outperform their competitors. Secondly, a strong emphasis on innovation, encompassing both technological advancements and unique service offerings, significantly contributes to the competitive edge. Additionally, financial stability, efficient operations, and a commitment to sustainable practices emerged as pivotal factors in determining the long-term competitiveness of hospitality businesses. By integrating these diverse elements, the proposed methodology offers a comprehensive view, enabling establishments to identify their strengths and areas needing improvement.CONCLUSIONS. In conclusion, this research underscores the vital importance of adopting a multidimensional approach when assessing the competitiveness of hospitality establishments. The findings emphasize that a singular focus on any one aspect, be it customer satisfaction or financial performance, is insufficient in capturing the complexities of the industry. A holistic strategy that integrates customer-centric practices, innovative solutions, financial stability, and sustainability efforts is imperative for long-term success. Moreover, the study reaffirms that the adaptability of establishments in response to changing consumer preferences and technological advancements is paramount. As businesses navigate the competitive terrain of the hospitality industry, they must recognize that competitiveness is not a static attribute but a dynamic quality that necessitates continuous evaluation and evolution. By embracing the multifaceted methodology proposed in this research, establishments can position themselves strategically, anticipate market trends, and enhance their offerings, ensuring not only their survival but also their prosperity in the ever-competitive hospitality sector.KEYWORDS: competitiveness; hospitality establishments; methodology; evaluation criteria; industry analysis; customer satisfaction; service quality; innovation; sustainability.
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Seppa, Raul. „Implication of inside-debt: signalling for bankruptcy probabilities within small firms“. Baltic Journal of Management 9, Nr. 2 (01.04.2014): 168–88. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/bjm-03-2013-0043.

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Purpose – Small privately held firms extensively use debt provided by principal owners and households (inside-debt) as an alternative capital source to straight equity capital. The purpose of the research study is to investigate inside-debt-bankruptcy relations. Design/methodology/approach – Inside-debt-bankruptcy relation is tested on three prominent bankruptcy prediction models using correlation and logit regression analysis. Sample consists of 314 Estonian small firms. Financial reports of 2007 are modelled against bankruptcies declared in 2009. Findings – Results imply that users of inside-debt are less profitable; they have weaker liquidity position and less retained earnings. Leverage is not found to be significant determinant between inside-debt users and non-users. Fundamental finding of the study suggests that the use of inside-debt is significantly and positively related to bankruptcy probability. While inside-debt carries no risk elements per se, findings are robust to indicate that the use of inside-debt has significant power to signal for increasing bankruptcy risk and as such, reducing information asymmetry of small firms. Research limitations/implications – This study is limited to single country data. Bankruptcy data fall to the period of economical recession. It is suggested to repeat the study in a normal economical situation and to extend sample size over different countries. Practical implications – Findings contribute to the understanding of firms' financial risk, firm behaviour and capital structure development. In a lending industry, results shall supplement to prudent credit risk assessment techniques and design of bankruptcy models in general. Originality/value – To the author's best knowledge, inside-debt-bankruptcy relation is not studied so far in the existing academic literature.
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MAZARAKI, Anatolii, und Vasуl LAGUTIN. „PARADIGM OF ECONOMICS AND THE POTENTIAL FOR ITS CHANGES IN THE XXI CENTURY“. Economy of Ukraine 2022, Nr. 3 (28.03.2022): 23–38. http://dx.doi.org/10.15407/economyukr.2022.03.023.

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Changes in the paradigm of economics are viewed as a response to the systemic transformations of the economy at the beginning of the XXI century. The potential for paradigm change is understood as the level of readiness and capacity of modern economics for paradigmatic shifts. At the same time, the change of the scientific paradigm is determined both by the internal potential of science itself and by the potential influence of the external socio-economic environment. The authors' understanding of the essence and structural components of the paradigm of economics in the XXI century is represented. In the context of the problem of mono-/polyparadigmality of economics, the essence of the paradigmatic complex is defined on the basis of criterion application of three fundamental categorical types: ontological, epistemological and axiological. The main normative tenets of the currently dominant neoclassical paradigm as the mainstream of economics are revealed from the standpoint of critical attitude to them. The central anomaly of the neoclassical paradigm is the de facto denial of the "value" as a category. The architecture of the modern financial system dominated by virtual financial assets, which are "detached" from assessment of their real value, successfully "works", according to neoclassicists, without the category of "value". It is proved that scientific economic research in its reality cannot but use quantitative scientometric models, which should be based on the category of "value". Value is the primary ontological foundation of economics. The interpretation of potential possibilities of paradigmatic renewal of modern economics is suggested taking into account corresponding objective changes in global social and economic development. The necessity of paradigmatic overcoming the isolation of micro- and macroeconomics, expanding the use of empirical analytical methods and their formalized interpretation based on the use of artificial intelligence in research, improving the management of complex socio-economic systems based on forecasting their development is substantiated.
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Sahu, Chiranjeev, und Kranti Kumar Dewangan. „Stock Market Prediction using Twitter“. INTERANTIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT 07, Nr. 10 (01.10.2023): 1–11. http://dx.doi.org/10.55041/ijsrem26020.

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This study presents an assessment of monetary trade discussions on Twitter using Python. The fast improvement of online diversion has uncovered it a critical focal point for getting a handle on feeling towards stocks. We preprocess an enormous dataset of tweets connected with explicit stock images by using Python's strong elements. We use feeling assessment strategies to gauge the assessment (great, negative, or unprejudiced) imparted in these tweets. Additionally, we are able to identify potential correlations between changes in the stock market and patterns and trends in Twitter sentiment by employing tools for statistical analysis and visualization. This examination exhibits how to really utilize Python to investigate Twitter information and gives financial backers valuable data for going with informed securities exchange choices. In the present speedy monetary scene, information driven direction is fundamental for financial backers and merchants. This theoretical presents an extensive examination of Twitter's financial exchange execution utilizing Python, a flexible and strong programming language for information investigation and representation. The review starts by social event authentic stock cost information for Twitter (NYSE: TWTR) utilizing well known monetary APIs or web scratching strategies. Python libraries, for example, Pandas and NumPy are utilized to control and clean the information, guaranteeing its reasonableness for examination. Different information perception instruments like Matplotlib and Seaborn are saddled to make shrewd outlines and diagrams that give a visual portrayal of Twitter's stock presentation over the long haul. To acquire further experiences, the investigation integrates factual and monetary measurements, for example, moving midpoints, relative strength file (RSI), and beta coefficient. These measurements are International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM) Volume: 07 Issue: 10 | October - 2023 SJIF Rating: 8.176 ISSN: 2582-3930 © 2023, IJSREM | www.ijsrem.com DOI: 10.55041/IJSREM26020 | Page 2 determined utilizing Python's numerical libraries and are critical in surveying the stock's unpredictability, energy, and market risk. Opinion examination likewise assumes a huge part in understanding what Twitter's stock is meant for by web-based entertainment. Regular Language Handling (NLP) libraries like NLTK or spaCy are used to dissect tweets and news stories connected with Twitter. Feeling scores are processed to measure the public's opinion towards the organization, and this information is connected with stock cost developments. Moreover, AI models can be carried out utilizing Python's Scikit-Learn or TensorFlow libraries to anticipate future stock cost patterns in view of authentic information and opinion examination results. Techniques for time series forecasting like ARIMA and LSTM can offer useful insights into potential price movements. All in all, this Twitter Securities exchange Examination utilizing Python exhibits the force of information driven dynamic in the monetary world. Investors and traders can use Python's data manipulation, visualization, and machine learning capabilities to make better decisions, reduce risks, and possibly take advantage of market opportunities in Twitter's stock. The study demonstrates how Python's adaptability and the stock market's dynamic nature complement one another. Key Words: Twitter, Stock Market
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Gatto, Vittorio, Matteo Scopetti, Raffaele La Russa, Alessandro Santurro, Luigi Cipolloni, Rocco V. Viola, Mariantonia Di Sanzo, Paola Frati und Vittorio Fineschi. „Advanced Loss Eventuality Assessment and Technical Estimates: An Integrated Approach for Management of Healthcare-Associated Infections“. Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 20, Nr. 8 (28.08.2019): 625–34. http://dx.doi.org/10.2174/1389201020666190408095050.

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Background: Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) represent a crucial issue in health and patient safety management due to the persistent nature, economic impact and possible preventability of the phenomenon. Compensation claims for damages resulting from HAI could provide insights that can improve the understanding of suboptimal steps in the therapeutic process, enable an estimate of costs related to infectious complications, and guide the development of planning tools for implementation of the quality of care. Objective: This paper analyzes all the HAI claims received at the Umberto I General Hospital of Rome across a five-year period with the aim of outlining a methodological approach to the litigation management and of characterizing the economic impact of infections on health facilities resources. Methods: All claims received during the study period have been classified according to the International Classification for Patient Safety (ICPS) system. Subsequently, claims related to Healthcare Associated Infections were evaluated through an innovative tool for determination of the risk of loss, the Advanced Loss Eventuality Assessment (ALEA) score. Results: The results obtained demonstrate the relevance of a correct management of HAI claims in the administration of a health care system. Specifically, the cases examined during the study highlighted the significant impact of infectious diseases of a nosocomial nature in terms of frequency and economic exposure. Conclusion: The proposed methodological approach allows a productive analysis of the internal processes, providing fundamental data for the refinement of the preventive strategies and for the rationalization of the resources through the expenditure forecasts. Article Highlights Box: Healthcare-Associated Infections represent an essential element to consider in the management of health facilities. • Many studies highlight the economic burden of Healthcare-Associated Infections in health policies. • Litigation management represents a useful resource in the prevention of Healthcare Associated Infections. • Appropriate clinical risk management policies in the field of Healthcare-Associated Infections allow the implementation of preventive measures, the reduction of the incidence of the phenomenon and the quality of care. • The costs of Healthcare-Associated Infections can be limited through a systematic methodological approach based on Advanced Loss Eventuality Assessment and technical estimate of the value of each case. • The application of a standardized system would be desirable in any health facility despite the potential methodological, technical, behavioral and financial issues.
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Campeau, M., S. Lasalle, C. Lambert und É. Filion. „Self-directed learning module for radiation therapy treatment planning“. Journal of Clinical Oncology 25, Nr. 18_suppl (20.06.2007): 17051. http://dx.doi.org/10.1200/jco.2007.25.18_suppl.17051.

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17051 Background: Radiation Oncology is a rich and rewarding specialty that requires in-depth understanding of anatomy, physics, dosimetry and oncology. The area of dosimetry is an important and basic fundamental concept to be acquired during residency, and pertinent educational tools are few and far between. The purpose of this project was to develop a self-assessment tool to facilitate radiation therapy treatment planning for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Methods: We focused our learning module on basic dosimetric and NSCLC treatment planning objectives that radiation oncology residents will encounter during residency. Interactive questions incorporating objective-related concepts were then devised. Treatment planning program templates were developed using the Eclipse software application. Results: A web-based self-directed learning module was developed as the tool's delivery mechanism. The module's questions were divided into the following sections: Chest Anatomy, ICRU Concepts, Beam Modificators, Integrated NSCLC Treatment Plans, Systematic Treatment Planning Approach and Inhomogeneity Corrections. By answering questions via the module, learners receive immediate feedback, corrections and concept-related explanations. A variety of different question techniques were employed, such as multiple choice questions, open-ended questions and associations. Learners are prompted by the system to draw isodoses and volumes on the screen. Other tasks in the module involve identifying structures, setting treatment fields and analyzing dose volume histograms. The website is publicly available in both English and French at: http://www.radiol.umontreal.ca/radio-onco/ . Conclusions: This self-directed learning module is a complementary tool that will help residents gain a solid grasp of NSCLC treatment planning objectives. Other modules covering radiation therapy treatment planning for a variety of anatomical sites, as well as diseases at different stages will eventually be created and added to the website. This educational project aims to facilitate learning and understanding the concepts of treatment planning, according to the different types of cancer. No significant financial relationships to disclose.
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Хахонова, Н. Н., und И. Н. Емельянова. „AUDITORS' ASSESSMENT OF THE IMPACT OF ACCOUNTING POLICY PROVISIONS ON THE ORGANIZATION OF CONTROL-ORIENTED ACCOUNTING OF THE AUDITED ENTITY“. Учет и статистика, Nr. 1(65) (22.04.2022): 38–47. http://dx.doi.org/10.54220/1994-0874.2022.65.1.013.

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В статье рассматриваются вопросы формирования и оценки учетной политики хозяй-ствующих субъектов в ходе проведения аудиторской проверки. Кризис национальной и мировой экономики привел к созданию отдельными аудируемыми лицами контрольно-ориентированной системы бухгалтерского учета, что обусловило возникновение ряда спе-цифических методологических и методических вопросов в теории аудита, требующих сво-его решения. В статье исследованы особенности, присущие контрольно-ориентированной системе бухгалтерского учета, и раскрыты основные аспекты формирования ее инстру-ментария. Отличительной чертой контрольно-ориентированной системы бухгалтерского учета является ее ориентация на построение эффективной системы внутреннего контроля в целях снижения негативного воздействия различных факторов на эффективность управле-ния предприятием. Основополагающим этапом в алгоритме достижения данной задачи яв-ляется формирование положений в учетной политике о представлении финансовой отчет-ности с учетом количественных и качественных показателей при построении контрольно-ориентированной системы бухгалтерского учета. Понимание данных нюансов аудиторами в ходе оценки учетной политики является непременным требованием для подготовки со-ответствующего аудиторского заключения. The article deals with the issues of formation and evaluation of the accounting policy of economic entities during the audit. The crisis of the national and world economy led to the crea-tion of a control-oriented accounting system by individual audited entities, which led to the emergence of a number of specific methodological and methodological issues in the theory of39auditing that require their solution. The article examines the features inherent in the control-oriented accounting system and reveals the main aspects of the formation of its tools. A distinc-tive feature of the control-oriented accounting system is its focus on building an effective internal control system in order to reduce the negative impact of various factors on the efficiency of en-terprise management. The fundamental stage in the algorithm for achieving this task is the for-mation of provisions in the accounting policy for the presentation of financial statements, taking into account quantitative and qualitative indicators in the construction of a control-oriented ac-counting system. Understanding of these nuances by auditors during the assessment of account-ing policy is an indispensable requirement for the preparation of an appropriate audit opinion.
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HOLOVACH, Volodymyr, und Tetiana HOLOVACH. „The concept of the auditor's professional skepticism and its genesis“. Economics. Finances. Law 2, Nr. - (03.03.2022): 5–11. http://dx.doi.org/10.37634/efp.2022.2.1.

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The paper considers such a fundamental principle of audit as the auditor's professional skepticism. Guided by an integrated approach, the conceptual foundations of professional skepticism, patterns of its origin, its formation and development are determined depending on the understanding of the public function of audit and the auditor's duty to detect the fraud at the appropriate historical stage. It is noted that the concept of skepticism has a deep history and is considered in philosophy, psychology, law and other sciences. It is concluded that in the aspect of audit the methodological skepticism deserves attention, which is not limited to doubt, but is aimed at making sound hypotheses. Their construction and verification are subject to the general laws of gnoseology, which directly apply to the auditor's cognitive activity. Based on this approach, it is proposed to consider a hypothetical judgment in audit activity to identify and assess the risks of fraud from the standpoint of professional skepticism as making and verifying assumptions in the form of a version. Thus, the professional judgment of the auditor, which takes the form of professional skepticism, is necessarily based on the conclusions of the opposite or contradictory judgment. The paper also presents a critical assessment of the Law of Ukraine "On Auditing Financial Statements and Auditing" to determine the content of professional skepticism. The ways to improve national legislation and its conformation with the requirements of International Standards on Audit are proposed.
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Rice, Karen L. „Understanding the Fundamentals of Measurement Instruments“. Clinical Nurse Specialist 27, Nr. 5 (2013): 224–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/nur.0b013e3182a0b9c9.

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Randall, Alan. „Resource Scarcity and Sustainability—The Shapes Have Shifted but the Stakes Keep Rising“. Sustainability 13, Nr. 10 (20.05.2021): 5751. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su13105751.

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The objective is to provide an interpretive reading of the literature in resource scarcity and sustainability theory from the nineteenth century to the present time, focusing on shifts that have occurred in problem definition, conceptual framing, research tools applied, findings, and their implications. My reading shows, as one would expect, that the discourse has become more technical and the analysis more sophisticated; special cases have been incorporated into the mainstream of theory; and, where relevant, dynamic formulations have largely supplanted static analysis. However, that is barely scratching the surface. Here, I focus on more fundamental shifts. Exhaustible and renewable resource analyses were incorporated into the mainstream theory of financial and capital markets. Parallels between the resources and environmental spheres were discovered: market failure concepts, fundamental to environmental policy, found applications in the resources sector (e.g., fisheries), and renewable resource management concepts and approaches (e.g., waste assimilation capacity) were adopted in environmental policy. To motivate sustainability theory and assessment, there has been a foundational problem shift from restraining human greed to dealing with risk viewed as chance of harm, and a newfound willingness to look beyond stochastic risk to uncertainty, ambiguity, and gross ignorance. Newtonian dynamics, which seeks a stable equilibrium following a shock, gave way to a new dynamics of complexity that valued resilience in the face of shocks, warned of potential for regime shifts, and focused on the possibility of systemic collapse and recovery, perhaps incomplete. New concepts of sustainability (a safe minimum standard of conservation, the precautionary principle, and planetary boundaries) emerged, along with hybrid approaches such as WS-plus which treats weak sustainability (WS) as the default but may impose strong sustainability restrictions on a few essential but threatened resources. The strong sustainability objective has evolved from maintaining baseline flows of resource services to safety defined as minimizing the chance of irreversible collapse. New tools for management and policy (sustainability indicators and downscaled planetary boundaries) have proliferated, and still struggle to keep up with the emerging understanding of complex systems.
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Osipova, A. A. „Fundamentals of business planning of agricultural enterprises“. Collected Works of Uman National University of Horticulture 2, Nr. 99 (22.12.2021): 319–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-319-326.

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In world practice, a business plan has long become a generally accepted way of providing commercial information and the basis for business negotiations. With the development of market relations and the expansion of international economic relations, business planning becomes one of the important elements of ensuring the competitiveness and successful production and financial activities of an enterprise. On the basis of the business plan, the calculation of the economic efficiency of business ideas and investment decisions, the assessment of the commercial feasibility of investing in their implementation is carried out. A well thought out business plan can be a key step in building a successful and sustainable agricultural enterprise. Business plans, as objects that reflect the characteristics of the field of activity, must be developed not in a template, but based, first of all, on the intended purpose. In this case, the number of sections is regulated. It is one thing when a business plan is developed with the aim of introducing a highly effective innovation, and quite another when it is created for the financial recovery of an organization. A business plan is a document that defines the future goals of a business and a strategy for achieving them. Description can take two forms: narrative and financial. A business plan includes the following documents: resume, business introduction, market analysis, competitor analysis, products and services, marketing and sales strategies, organizational structure, and financial projections. Thus, a business plan is an invaluable tool that helps a grower to be on track to achieve the goals of an agricultural business. Regardless of whether you are a cattle farmer, raising products or processing, it is an agricultural business.
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Dao, Minh Quang. „Determinants of the global financial crisis recovery: an empirical assessment“. Journal of Economic Studies 44, Nr. 1 (09.01.2017): 36–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/jes-09-2015-0160.

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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to empirically assess the effect of the factors contributing to the recovery from this crisis in terms of national GDP growth among the G7, Asian7, and Latin American7 countries. Design/methodology/approach The author uses a multivariate regression analysis of the determinants of the global financial crisis recovery. Findings Based on data from 21 developed and developing emerging market economies the author found that good macroeconomic fundamentals together with more open financial policy, financial liberalization, financial depth, domestic performance, and favored global conditions do linearly influence national GDP growth. Over 85 percent of cross-country variations in GDP growth during the recovery phase of the global financial crisis can be explained by its linear dependency on pre-crisis national GDP growth, financial liberalization, financial depth, domestic performance, as well as interaction terms between various explanatory variables. Cross-country differences in national GDP growth also linearly depend on macroprudence and on favorable global conditions. Originality/value Results of such empirical examination may enable governments in developing countries devise resilience strategies that may serve as powerful tools for dealing with future global financial crises.
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Hehedosh, Kristian V. „The Prospects for Recognition of Economics Specialties and Digital Assessment of a Scientist in Ukraine“. Business Inform 4, Nr. 543 (2023): 53–62. http://dx.doi.org/10.32983/2222-4459-2023-4-53-62.

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Scientific research on the prospects for the development of education and science in Ukraine in the context of European integration and information transformation is considered at almost every scientific conference and is present in government decisions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. However, there are still many unsolved questions (and often debatable) about the prospects for recognizing economics specialties in the new system of adaptation to the International Standard for the Classification of Education, which requires detailed revision. Simultaneously, given the positive trends in the development of the digital economy in Ukraine, we believe that it is worth exploring the possibility of developing a methodological approach to the digital assessment of a scientist. The article considers the analysis of economics specialties that were enshrined in the system of higher education in Ukraine before 2015 and further on, taking into account adaptation to international standards. However, blind copying of foreign standards has buried alive the economic science itself, which was based on marketing, accounting and auditing, and finance. Therefore, the publication presents a graphical model of the relationship between economics specialties through the analysis of the fundamental understanding of its individual directions. It is also emphasized that it is necessary to enshrine in the economic science the specialty «Management (by kinds of economic activity)» at the master’s and doctoral levels of higher education. This can be justified by the fact that not all specialists in a particular sector of the economy (educators, employees of health care institutions, etc.), although they are professionals in their field, due to the lack of knowledge in various disciplines of management and economics, can be efficient managers. Management is one of the directions of economic science, the subject of study of which is the search for methods of rational organization of the production system on the basis of marketing, financial and accounting support for the creation and realization of consumer value and obtaining the planned profit. The number of higher education institutions in each region allows creating new and improving traditional educational programs directly for the specific features of regional business. Thus, further research should be aimed at studying individual educational programs of economic specialties in the regions of Ukraine in order to form a national strategy for the development of higher education for subsequent years. Regarding the development of scientific research in the context of the formation of a digital society, we propose to create a web platform for assessing the scientific activities of scientists based on the results of conferences, seminars or forums on the basis of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (MES) in cooperation with other educational and scientific organizations. The algorithm of actions should be as follows: an educational and scientific organization coordinates with the MES the relevant scheduled conference; a scientific platform is created on the website of the MES, where interested conference participants register personal pages and which are open to other registered participants; the latter send materials to the educational and scientific organization holding the conference; the educational and scientific organization forms a scientific manual in electronic format, each article of which is displayed simultaneously on the personal page of the conference participant; in the future, each registered participant may, if desired, express his own scientifically based comment and rate for this material (0–100 points). Therefore, further scientific research should be aimed at determining the classification criteria in establishing points for scientific material in accordance with the assessment «Excellent, can be implemented (90–100 points)» to «Unsatisfactory, requires significant revision (up to 50 points)».
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Yu., Tararico, und Lukashuk V. „Intellectual decision-making technology in agricultural production“. Artificial Intelligence 27, jai2022.27(1) (20.06.2022): 219–28. http://dx.doi.org/10.15407/jai2022.01.219.

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Objective assessment of agro-resource potential of regions, understanding of the principles of forming the optimal structure of production in relation to soil and climatic conditions and energy potential, analysis of factors influencing the use of certain means of production, allows producers to make close to optimal current and strategic decisions. To do this, all industrial resources must be considered not separately, but in a complex structure of the agricultural production system in order to ensure the most rational use of them in optimal quantities and interaction. To strengthen the food security and energy independence of the state, it is necessary to form a powerful agricultural sphere of Ukraine. This is achieved through the rational use of agricultural resources, including solar energy through the binding of virtually unlimited resources of nitrogen, carbon, oxygen and hydrogen of the Earth's atmosphere in fats, proteins and hydrocarbons, provided mandatory recycling or reuse of minerals, balanced combination of biological and industrial resources and systematic increase of soil fertility. Therefore, it is necessary to make the transition from the traditional style of enterprise management, based on the production experience and intuition of managers and staff, to modern methods of decision-making that allow for operational and long-term planning with high accuracy and predictability. It is known that the main tool of systems analysis is modeling. The fundamental value of the model lies in its ability to change the real process. For most farms, the farm-wide experimentation procedure is either unacceptable or impractical. Such an experiment has too dangerous consequences for them. Therefore, when analyzing the problem, there is a need for a simulator of the researched enterprise, which could be used for testing instead of the real system. Such a simulator is a model that should reflect the most important patterns of transformation of natural, material, financial, informational, energy and labor resources into agricultural products. The result is a system of interconnected standard modules for determining indicators: production volumes, product prices, the amount of costs, the amount of credit required, the assessment of possible profits and the accumulation of own funds. Each of the considered production or economic indicators can be determined separately. The algorithm of the perspective information system presented in the work allows to comprehensively analyze the action and interaction of individual components of agricultural production and to make close to optimal strategic and current decisions at different levels of agro-industrial complex management.
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Stepanenko, Sergii, und Alina Rychyk. „THEORETICAL FUNDAMENTALS OF BANKING CAPITAL FORMATION“. Ukrainian Journal of Applied Economics 5, Nr. 3 (07.09.2020): 92–99. http://dx.doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-3-9.

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Introduction. Banks are an important component of the country's economy. Thanks to banks there is an accumulation, storage, redistribution of funds between participants of market relations. The efficiency of banks depends on the formation and use of bank capital. Bank capital is of local, regional and national importance – it ensures the profitability of an individual bank, affects the development of the region and the investment attractiveness of the country. The purpose of the research is to develop a theoretical and methodological basis for assessing the bank's capital, taking into account the impact of trends in an unstable economy. Results. The expediency of taking into account the issue of bank capital valuation in the bank's activity is substantiated. The essence of bank capital is determined. The authorized, regulatory and prescribed types of bank capital are described. The structure and functions (protective, ensuring the operational activities of the bank, regulatory) of bank capital are defined. The influence of factors on the amount of bank capital is substantiated. The standards by which the capital adequacy of banks is checked are described. The main approaches to the implementation of the mechanism of banks' equity formation are outlined. Theoretical and methodological approaches to the assessment of bank capital are generalized, the method of calculation is outlined, their conditions of use, shortcomings and information source are highlighted. The connection between the assessment of bank capital and the implementation of the process of its formation is substantiated. The scientific and methodological basis for such an assessment is described. The need to improve the methodological tools for assessing the bank's capital has been proved. Conclusions. The existing organizational and methodological support for the assessment of bank capital does not fully meet current trends and needs some improvement. Objectivity in the assessment of bank capital is an important element in the process of bank capital formation. Adaptation of international experience in the assessment of the bank's capital will contribute to the development of the domestic financial market as a whole. Key words: bank, bank capital, estimation, formation of bank capital, bank equity, principles, methods.
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Batiuk, B. V. „Problems and prospects of algorithmic trade in financial markets“. Entrepreneur’s Guide 13, Nr. 2 (01.05.2020): 9–16. http://dx.doi.org/10.24182/2073-9885-2020-13-2-9-16.

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The use of algorithms in trading (algorithmic trading) is the trend of recent decades, which has largely changed the market. As part of the research, the fundamentals of algorithmic trading, it’s possible application during exchange trading, were examined in detail. An assessment was also made of the accessibility of obtaining exchange robots for the corporate sector, the benefits of use and optimal conditions for use. Moreover, the impact of exchange trading on the global economy is valuable and a forecast is made for the further development of trading robots.
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Kurilo, Anna E. „Long-Term Trends in Regional Labor Markets in Russia“. REGIONOLOGY 29, Nr. 2 (30.06.2021): 427–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.15507/2413-1407.115.029.202102.427-446.

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Introduction. Unemployment is one of the fundamental issues of macroeconomics and has a significant impact on the socio-economic development of regions and the country as a whole. Based on the results of the conducted study, the article identifies the correlation between unemployment and volumes of output in the regions of the Russian Federation. Materials and Methods. The paper used open statistical data for 79 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The methods of comparative, economic, and statistical analysis were used to identify the trends in the development of regional labor markets. The trends of the labor market, including the correlation between the gross regional product and the unemployment rate, were studied based on the economic and statistical models and the statistical data for Russian regions for 1997–2017. Results. The study has revealed the increasing discrepancy between the aggregates of the labor market – the registered unemployment rate and the unemployment rate according to the conducted sample surveys of the population. The inertia of the indicator of “the registered unemployment rate”, associated with the institutional constraints of the labor market, has been shown. The slow response of the gross regional product to the change in the aggregates of unemployment has been revealed. No clear correlation has been observed between volumes of output and changes in the unemployment rate according to the methodology of the International Labour Organization based on the data from the sample labor force surveys. Discussion and Conclusion. The increasing divergence of aggregates of unemployment reveals a distortion of the formal institutional environment of the labor market and is due to the financial constraints of public authorities. Further research will focus on the assessment of the impact of the sectoral structure of the economy on the closeness of the correlation between changes in the gross regional product and the aggregates of the labor market. Understanding the trends in the development of the labor market is necessary for conducting a balanced policy of managing its transformation and the socio-economic development of the regions and the country as a whole.
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Ostrenko, K. S., V. P. Galochkina, V. О. Lemiasheuski, A. V. Agafonova, A. N. Ovcharova, N. V. Belova und I. V. Kutin. „Correlation of dicarboxylic acid cycle with tricarboxylic acid cycle in highly productive pigs“. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series 58, Nr. 2 (12.05.2020): 215–25. http://dx.doi.org/10.29235/1817-7204-2020-58-2-215-225.

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The paper is the fundamental beginning of research series aimed at understanding the processes associated with high performance in higher animals. The research aim is to study correlation of dicarboxylic acid cycle with tricarboxylic acid cycle with establishment of activity and dislocation of enzymes, confirming the hypothesis of availability and active metabolic participation of peroxisome in highly productive animals. Research was conducted on the basis of the VNIIFBiP animal vivarium in 2019 with a group of piglets of the Irish Landrace breed (n = 10). After slaughter at the age of 210 days, the nuclear (with large tissue particles), mitochondrial and postmitochondrial fractions of the liver were studied with assessment of succinate dehydrogenase and activity of other dehydrogenes of the Krebs cycle. It was found that peroxisomes act as universal agents of communication and cooperation, and microtelets are able to generate various chemical signals that carry information, to control and arrange a number of mechanisms in the metabolic processes in the body. Despite the fact that the Krebs cycle dehydrogenases are considered mitochondrial enzymes, the experiment showed an increase in activity of priruvate dehydrogenase (P > 0.1), isocitrate dehydrogenase (0.1 > P > 0.05) and malate dehydrogenase (0.1 > P > 0.05), which, when comparing the mitochondrial and postmitochondrial fractions, indicates a higher activity of peroxisomal fractions. The peroxisome localization place is the postmitochondrial fraction, and the lower layer contains larger peroxisomes to a greater extent, while the upper layer contains smaller ones. It was found that indicator enzymes of glyoxylate cycle isocitratliase and malate synthase exhibit catalytic activity in the peroxisomal fraction of liver of highly productive pigs. The obtained data on functioning of key glyoxylate cycle enzymes and their intracellular compartmentalization in highly productive pigs allow learning more about the specifics of metabolism and its regulation processes. Application of this knowledge in practice opens up prospects for rationalizing the production of livestock products of increased quantity, improved quality with less feed, labor and financial resources spent.
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ANTYPENKO, Nаdiia, und Maksym PROKOPENKO. „Methodological and theoretical fundamentals of bankruptcy probability assessment of "UkSATSE" enterprise“. Economics. Finances. Law 5/2, Nr. - (30.05.2022): 5–9. http://dx.doi.org/10.37634/efp.2022.5(2).1.

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In the economic sciences today there is a large number of developments in the field of analysis and forecasting of insolvent companies, which in turn helps to find and assess the criteria for the probability of bankruptcy of insolvent entities on the example of state enterprise “Ukrainian State Air Traffic Services Enterprise (UkSATSE)”. This paper is devoted to the reflection of the main methods and models for estimating the probability of bankruptcy of the enterprise, which were proposed by foreign and domestic scientists. In particular, it is noted that the assessment of the threat of bankruptcy on the model of Altman in our economic conditions can be considered as conditional, preliminary, especially if the business entity cannot be classified as medium or large. This model does not allow to obtain a fairly objective result. This is due to differences in the accounting of individual indicators, the impact on their formation of a number of external factors (primarily inflation), the mismatch between the book and market value of individual assets and other objective reasons. Such features determine the need to adjust the coefficients of significance of the indicators given in the Altman model, which in a developing economy is hardly possible. It is noted that in general, only financial ratios are used to predict the probability of bankruptcy, and the company's bankruptcy depends not only on the financial area. The calculated indicators do not include such coefficients as: return on assets, the degree of suitability of fixed assets, material consumption, instability of personnel - these are some of the main coefficients of the company. Methods of domestic scientist O. Tereshchenko will be suitable for our country. Thus, all models of the probability of bankruptcy have a serious drawback: they do not take into account the state of development of the industry and the country. The main directions and ideas in business are considered, the forecast of Eurocontrol concerning changes of traffic of flights for 4 years is resulted. The use of a discriminant model for estimating the probability of bankruptcy on the example of the enterprise state enterprise “UkSATSE” is analyzed. Based on all the data, an analysis and description of the shortcomings of the use of discriminant analysis is created. Recommendations for improving the state of the enterprise and timely forecast of the probability of bankruptcy are given.
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Baxter, Ryan J., und Jay C. Thibodeau. „Does the Use of Intelligent Learning and Assessment Software Enhance the Acquisition of Financial Accounting Knowledge?“ Issues in Accounting Education 26, Nr. 4 (01.11.2011): 647–56. http://dx.doi.org/10.2308/iace-50052.

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ABSTRACT This paper presents the findings of a study designed to examine the effectiveness of intelligent online learning and assessment software in the introduction to accounting course. The software was used in the course to help students master the fundamentals of financial accounting. Our findings reveal that students who used the software performed significantly better than those who had not on the exams that tested the underlying financial accounting material. Furthermore, implementation of the software resulted in better course management for the professor, who noted that students in the experimental group took far less office hour time for tutoring of financial accounting material. Importantly, we believe that the program provides a unique mechanism for educators teaching the introduction to accounting course to address functional competencies of financial accounting in both an efficient and effective manner. Data Availability: Data used in this study are available from the authors upon request.
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Amran, Farizah Dhaifina, und Tsalis Kurniawan Husain. „Peningkatan Kapasitas Bisnis pada Kelompok Peternak Ayam KUB Bumdes Cisadane.“ Mitra Mahajana: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 3, Nr. 1 (06.02.2022): 65–73. http://dx.doi.org/10.37478/mahajana.v3i1.1554.

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Most of the residents of Salenrang Village have a livelihood as farmers, and there are also those who are engaged in trading or breeding buffalo, cows, horses, goats, chickens, and ducks. Of the several livestock groups in the area, there is the KUB BUMDES Chicken Farmer Group (KPP). KUB chicken (Kampung Unggul Balitnak) is a type of free-range chicken with a new strain produced by the Agricultural Research and Development Agency of Indonesia. The main obstacle to empowering small businesses comes from the entrepreneurs themselves, for example the absence of a bookkeeping system. The market opportunity is quite promising, but continuity and consistency cannot be fulfilled. Limited information and marketing methods make this business not well developed. This activity aims to: (1) Increase entrepreneurship awareness in partner groups, (2) Instill knowledge about business fundamentals in partner groups, (3) Conduct financial management and administration training. This activity is carried out on July-August 2019 by direct guidance, coaching and training methods to partners through three stages, namely: stage 1. Inculcating entrepreneurship awareness, stage 2. Instilling knowledge about business fundamentals, stage 3. Financial management training. The results of this activity found that (1) Awareness of partner group entrepreneurship has grown, (2) understanding of partner group business fundamentals is good, (3) partner group financial management knowledge already exists.
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Wang, Jami, Davin A. Agustines und Benjamin K. P. Woo. „Fundamentals of Research and Statistics for Physicians“. Journal of Medical and Health Studies 3, Nr. 3 (06.07.2022): 07–08. http://dx.doi.org/10.32996/jmhs.2022.3.3.2.

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Although there is a constant need for clinicians to understand research, there are few opportunities in the medical curriculum that teaches us how to approach research. There is a growing importance of understanding the approach to research papers and introductory statistics for early clinicians pursuing a career in psychiatry. In our manuscript, we provide guidance to make this process more manageable and efficient by comparing research papers to the standardized clinical subjective, objective, assessment, and plan (SOAP) notes while defining statistical significance.
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Syed, Aamir Aijaz, Muhammad Abdul Kamal, Simon Grima und Assad Ullah. „The Impact of Financial Development and Macroeconomic Fundamentals on Nonperforming Loans among Emerging Countries: An Assessment Using the NARDL Approach“. Computation 10, Nr. 10 (11.10.2022): 182. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/computation10100182.

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The relationship between financial development indicators and non-performing loans (NPLs) has garnered significant attention, especially in emerging countries. The puzzle of whether financial sector development increases or decreases Non-performing Loans (NPL)s has not been resolved to the satisfaction of the curious mind. This research attempts to answer the above question by studying the asymmetric and symmetric association between financial sector development and NPLs, by utilizing the novel non-linear autoregressive distribution lag (NARDL) and the linear autoregressive distribution lag (ARDL) approach. Moreover, to make the study inclusive, we have added a series of proxies to measure financial sector development and macroeconomic vulnerabilities. Our main findings confirm that financial sector development and NPLs move together in the long run, and there is significant evidence of the asymmetric relationship. We infer that NPLs react differently to the negative and positive shocks of financial development and macroeconomic variables both in the short and long run. In the long-run positive shocks in financial intermediation, banking efficiency, banking depth, banking stability index, and banking non-interest income significantly impact the NPLs in emerging countries. The positive shocks of financial sector development (financial intermediation and size of banks) increase NPLs in emerging countries and vice-versa. Furthermore, regarding the macroeconomic variables, the positive shock of inflation, unemployment, and interest rate positively affect NPLs. The empirical analysis also concludes that in the long-run foreign bank presence is an insignificant factor affecting NPLs in the selected countries. This study emphasizes that, unlike the linear model, the non-linear model provides a more realistic and robust result by highlighting hidden asymmetries, which will help policymakers make appropriate strategic decisions.
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Lisovenko, Anna, Maryna Kriukova, Larysa Absalyamova, Inna Chukhrii, Nataliia Korchakova und Kseniia Androsovych. „Neuropsychological Fundamentals of Envy“. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience 13, Nr. 1 (02.03.2022): 158–72. http://dx.doi.org/10.18662/brain/13.1/274.

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The article deals with psychogenetic and neuropsychological principles of envy. Its originality lies in the fact that envy is seen as an unpleasant emotion and feeling, and a negative attitude, projected onto another person who, compared to the object of envy, has certain advantages, opportunities, or is in a more favourable position (social, psychological, physical, financial). Besides, the article analyzes theoretical-empirical and experimental studies on envy, its neuropsychological aspects and influence on the functioning of the brain. It shows prerequisites (genetic and social) for envy as an emotional experience and analyzes the role of social comparison in generating and consolidating envy. The article discusses describes the neuropsychological localization of envy in brain structures and the role of mirror neurons in the formation of envious impulses. It also theoretically proves that envy as a mental reaction is a situational and short-term feeling of dissatisfaction aroused by someone else’s possessions, qualities or luck, which is manifested in a strong desire to have them for oneself right away. Social comparison (not in one’s favour) causes a profound drop in self-esteem, which the brain perceives as physical pain. This triggers specific mechanisms of imaginary psychological compensation when someone else’s defeat is perceived as one’s victory. Short-term envious reactions are based on the natural action mechanism of mirror neurons in the brain that come from “imitative desire”, important for survival. Neuropsychologists have traced the overactivation of mirror neurons responsible for assessment and motivation in those people whose experience of envy is frequent and long-term. The article suggests possible ways of envy psychocorrection based on the neuropsychological mechanisms of its formation.
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Sheng, Yankai, Kui Fu und Jing Liang. „Construction of a Fundamental Quantitative Evaluation Model of the A-Share Listed Companies Based on the BP Neural Network“. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2022 (01.03.2022): 1–12. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2022/7069788.

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Quantitative investment has attracted much attention, along with the vigorous development of Fintech. Fundamentals are one of the most important reference factors for investment. Before quantitative trading, evaluation of fundamentals may have been more dependent on personal experience. While artificial intelligence evaluation models can provide good investment suggestions and select stocks with better fundamentals. From the four angles of solvency, growth ability, operation ability, and profitability, this research selects 13 financial indicators to build a fundamental evaluation system through correlation coefficient analysis. The corporate life cycle assessment indicator is innovatively added so that the fundamental improvement expectation is put into the evaluation system. Four different kinds of scoring methods are applied to obtain a more rational and comprehensive evaluation of indicators. Then, grey relational analysis is adopted to determine the initial weight to calculate the expected output. Finally, BP neural network (back propagation) is used for training and testing to realize weight optimization. It is concluded that the model is suitable for quantitative scoring of the fundamentals of listed companies and can effectively reflect their value of them.
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Muir, Tyler. „Financial Crises and Risk Premia*“. Quarterly Journal of Economics 132, Nr. 2 (10.03.2017): 765–809. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/qje/qjw045.

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Abstract I analyze the behavior of risk premia in financial crises, wars, and recessions in an international panel spanning over 140 years and 14 countries. I document that expected returns, or risk premia, increase substantially in financial crises, but not in the other episodes. Asset prices decline in all episodes, but the decline in financial crises is substantially larger than the decline in fundamentals so that expected returns going forward are large. However, drops in consumption and consumption volatility are fairly similar across financial crises and recessions and are largest during wars, so asset pricing models based on aggregate consumption have trouble matching these facts. Comparing crises to “deep” recessions strengthens these findings further. By disentangling financial crises from other bad macroeconomic times, the results suggest that financial crises are particularly important to understanding why risk premia vary. I discuss implications for theory more broadly and discuss both rational and behavioral models that are consistent with the facts. Theories where asset prices are related to the health of the financial sector appear particularly promising.
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Ramaz Otinashvili, Ramaz Otinashvili, Aleksandre Elisabedashvili Aleksandre Elisabedashvili und Varaz Bedinashvili Varaz Bedinashvili. „Fundamentals of Systematic Management of Business Security“. Economics 105, Nr. 8-10 (02.12.2023): 157–67. http://dx.doi.org/10.36962/ecs105/8-10/2023-157.

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Safety is a complex indicator that includes various areas of the company - management, marketing, personnel management, financial aspects, etc. The more sustainable the business is, the more efficient its business processes are and the less dependent it is on unexpected changes in the market situation. The human factor plays a special role in ensuring business security. As a result, working with staff and preventing malicious attempts on their part is an important part of the company's security system. In the context of a security strategy, depending on the nature of the challenges, an appropriate system of prevention needs to be introduced. It is important to constantly monitor its continuous development. The purpose of the business security system is the correct management of challenges - forecasting, assessment, detection, resolution of crisis situations and planning of preventive measures against possible recurrence. Effective management of the business security system should create conditions for the creation of competitive technologies and goods/services that ensure the successful operation of the facility. Keywords: business, management, security, system, strategy.
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Anjum, Muhammad Naeem, Shahid Kalim Khan und Waqas Patras. „Investigating the role of Financial Technology on the Performance of Islamic Financial Institutions“. Research Journal for Societal Issues 4, Nr. 1 (31.12.2022): 117–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.56976/rjsi.v4i1.37.

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The purpose of this research is to investigate the significant part that Financial Innovation (FI) plays in maintaining the stability of Islamic financial institutions. The research philosophy of interpretivism serves as the basis for this body of work. To acquire information, interviews were conducted with various people. The method of purposive sampling was used by the researchers, and the samples were selected with the purpose of the study in mind. As a direct consequence of this, 10 industry professionals agreed to be interviewed for this research. In addition to having a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of Islamic financial innovation, these professionals have worked in the industry for a minimum of five years, making them exceptionally qualified. The researchers used the analytic software known as N-Vivo to do data analysis and interpretation. According to the results, the function of financial innovation in the present environment is crucial, and it has become a lifeline for Islamic financial institutions. In addition, the results of NVivo indicated that financial innovation in IFIs plays significant roles in the areas of digitalization, financial technology, financial inclusion, religiosity, as well as consumer and market acceptability
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Ekeocha, Patterson C., und Elias A. Udeaja. „Spillover effect of United States Monetary Policy on Nigeria’s Financial and Macro Fundamentals“. Central Bank of Nigeria Journal of Applied Statistics, Vol. 11 No. 1 (09.09.2020): 111–45. http://dx.doi.org/10.33429/cjas.11120.5/5.

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This paper examines spillover effects of U.S monetary policy on macroeconomic fundamentals in Nigeria from January 1985 to December 2018. The study period is partitioned to account for conventional monetary policy (CMP) period, January 1985 to August 2007 and unconventional monetary policy (UMP) period, September 2007 to December 2018. Guided by relevant pre-tests, we find BEKK-VARMA-CCCMGARCH as the most appropriate model. The study finds significant spillover effects of U.S CMP and UMP on interest rate, exchange rate and inflation rate in Nigeria. We, however, observe that while CMP may be a significant accelerator of shocks persistence on interest rates and exchange rates, the extent to which the UMP accelerate shocks in inflation rate tends to vary for different measures of quantitative easing. Thus, in addition to past own shocks and past own conditional variance of these macro fundamentals, understanding their dynamics cannot be in isolation of their vulnerability to external shocks and volatility due to spillover effects of monetary actions in other economies. In formulating monetary policy, it is therefore, imperative for the Central Bank of Nigeria to monitor the monetary policy process of the US to hedge against shocks spillovers.
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Окороков, V. Okorokov, Окорокова und E. Okorokova. „IFRS Fundamentals Application in the Process of Enterprise’s Financial Management and Budgeting Improving“. Administration 3, Nr. 4 (10.12.2015): 27–31. http://dx.doi.org/10.12737/16694.

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The essence of methodological approach to an enterprise’s income and expenses classifier development is revealed in this paper. This approach takes into account the fundamentals of international financial reporting standards (IFRS). Three factors that confirm the fundamental changes in financial management quality in Russia have been emphasized. The author accentuates that the changes quality strongly depends on company and industry size, but the financial management culture is developing rather unevenly. In Russia the unambiguous understanding of the term “real economy” hasn’t been created yet. In some non-production sectors, including the sports one, which is actively supported at the state level, the management quality is behind the large state companies. This fact provides a great field of research for young Russian scientists. In that regard, the evolution of IFRS in Russia is analyzed in this paper. Specific group of companies for which the reporting use question is critical. In the context of proposed in this work methodical approach to the development of financial items classifier for the company budgets, the author explains the difference between the principles of Russian and international financial accounting standards. It is stated that even today some of the IFRS principles can be used to improve the system of financial management and budgeting at the enterprises. The author describes the budgeting implementing process and notes possibilities for using the IFRS principles in the budgeting. The role of financial items classifier formation in the budgeting implementation process has been analyzed in this paper. A comparative analysis of budget’s revenue and expenditure versus budget’s cash flow in conjunction with the IFRS figures has been carried out. Interpretation of comparative analysis data allows see the reasons for discrepancies between profit and cash flow. The comparative analysis results have been presented as a summary table. Logical structure and principles of items grouping are the basis for formation of unified chart of accounts for the enterprise, as well as for operational and financial budgets development.
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Masko, Ludmila, und Pavel Pankou. „SPECIAL ASPECTS OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS VALUATION FOR TRAINING SPECIALISTS OF ECONOMIC MAJORS“. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference 6 (28.05.2021): 389–99. http://dx.doi.org/10.17770/sie2021vol6.6438.

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Nowadays financial instruments market is the high-priority area of economic development in Belarus, where important place is given to creation the variety of corporate financial instruments, which requires prompt response from economic sciences.However, fundamentals of financial instruments valuation and ways of reflecting them in financial statements are complex issues that require special approach in the process of instruction economic disciplines, related to these topics. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to form systematic understanding the basics of financial instruments valuation based on the study their economic essence and the development of practical guidelines for valuation methods application. In the study have been proposed new, different from existing, questions that should be considered in the course structure when studying financial instruments by students of economic majors; have been offered practical guidelines on the ways of financial instruments valuation in the form of applied models that contribute to further understanding their economic essence, creating essentials for effective usage these instruments in future. In the study the following scientific methods were used: analysis, synthesis, generalization, induction, deduction, observation, formalization. The research is based on the provisions of IFRS, works of domestic and foreign economists, current Belarussian legislation on the considered issue.
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Attinasi, Maria-Grazia, Cristina Checherita und Christiane Nickel. „What Explains the Surge in Euro Area Sovereign Spreads during the Financial Crisis of 2007–09?“ Public Finance and Management 10, Nr. 4 (Dezember 2010): 595–646. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/152397211001000403.

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This paper explains the determinants of widening sovereign bond yield spreads vis-à-vis Germany in selected euro area countries during the period end-July 2007 to end-March 2009, when the financial turmoil developed into a full-blown financial and economic crisis. Emphasis is given to the role of fiscal fundamentals and government announcements of substantial bank rescue packages. The paper finds that higher expected budget deficits and/or higher government debt ratios relative to Germany contributed to higher government bond yield spreads in the euro area during the analyzed period. More importantly, the announcements of bank rescue packages have led to a re-assessment, from the part of investors, of sovereign credit risk, first and foremost through a transfer of risk from the private financial sector to the government.
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