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Spriano, Luca. „Well Ramified Extensions of Complete Discrete Valuation Fields with Applications to the Kato Conductor“. Canadian Journal of Mathematics 52, Nr. 6 (01.12.2000): 1269–309. http://dx.doi.org/10.4153/cjm-2000-053-1.

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AbstractWe study extensions L/K of complete discrete valuation fields K with residue field of characteristic p > 0, which we do not assume to be perfect. Our work concerns ramification theory for such extensions, in particular we show that all classical properties which are true under the hypothesis “the residue field extensionis separable” are still valid under the more general hypothesis that the valuation ring extension is monogenic. We also show that conversely, if classical ramification properties hold true for an extension L/K, then the extension of valuation rings is monogenic. These are the “well ramified” extensions. We show that there are only three possible types of well ramified extensions and we give examples. In the last part of the paper we consider, for the three types, Kato’s generalization of the conductor, which we show how to bound in certain cases.
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Yeung, Catherine W. M., und Robert S. Wyer. „Does Loving a Brand Mean Loving Its Products? the Role of Brand-Elicited Affect in Brand Extension Evaluations“. Journal of Marketing Research 42, Nr. 4 (November 2005): 495–506. http://dx.doi.org/10.1509/jmkr.2005.42.4.495.

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Three studies examine the influence of brand-elicited affect on consumers' evaluations of brand extensions. When a brand spontaneously elicits affective reactions, consumers appear to form an initial impression of the brand's new extension based on these reactions. The affect that they experience for other reasons and attribute to the brand can influence this impression as well. Their later evaluations of the extension are then based on this impression. This is true regardless of the similarity between the extension and the core brand. These results contrast with evidence that affect influences brand extension evaluations through its mediating impact on perceptions of core-extension similarity. This latter influence occurs only when consumers are explicitly asked to estimate the extension's similarity to the core before they evaluate it.
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Lyu, Ting, Liang Liu, Fangzhou Zhu, Simin Hu und Renjun Ye. „BEFP: An Extension Recognition System Based on Behavioral and Environmental Fingerprinting“. Security and Communication Networks 2022 (21.02.2022): 1–15. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2022/7896571.

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Browser extensions are third-party applications that can customize the browsing experience. Previous studies have shown that browser extension fingerprinting can be used to track users and reveal users’ privacy information by obtaining the browser extension list. However, the proposal of various defense measures weakens the effectiveness of the existing extension fingerprinting technologies. In this paper, we first propose two extension fingerprinting technologies: JavaScript-based environmental fingerprinting and DOM-based behavioral fingerprinting. They, respectively, capture the operation behaviors of extensions on JavaScript properties and webpage’s DOM. Second, we design BEFP, an extension recognition system which comprehensively utilizes the above two technologies to improve the uniqueness of the extension fingerprint. Finally, we collect the latest data set and carry out experiments on the actual scenario where users install multiple extensions. The results show that the true positive rate of extension recognition is as high as 96.3%. And the extension’s detectable rate of BEFP is superior to the existing technologies. Moreover, it is proved that the JavaScript-based environmental fingerprinting can complement the DOM-based fingerprinting to distinguish the extensions with the same DOM modification.
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Saccoman, John J. „On the extension of linear operators“. International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 28, Nr. 10 (2001): 621–23. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/s0161171201006998.

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It is well known that the Hahn-Banach theorem, that is, the extension theorem for bounded linear functionals, is not true in general for bounded linear operators. A characterization of spaces for which it is true was published by Kakutani in 1940. We summarize Kakutani's work and we give an example which demonstrates that his characterization is not valid for two-dimensional spaces.
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Page, James O. „Paramedic services — A true extension of emergency medicine“. Annals of Emergency Medicine 14, Nr. 10 (Oktober 1985): 994–95. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0196-0644(85)80246-8.

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Akhmet, Marat, und Mehmet Onur Fen. „Extension of Lorenz Unpredictability“. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 25, Nr. 10 (September 2015): 1550126. http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/s0218127415501266.

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It is found that Lorenz systems can be unidirectionally coupled such that the chaos expands from the drive system. This is true if the response system is not chaotic, but admits a global attractor, an equilibrium or a cycle. The extension of sensitivity and period-doubling cascade are theoretically proved, and the appearance of cyclic chaos as well as intermittency in interconnected Lorenz systems are demonstrated. A possible connection of our results with the global weather unpredictability is provided.
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Chikvinidze, B. „An extension of the mixed Novikov–Kazamaki condition“. Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics 20, Nr. 04 (Dezember 2017): 1750022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/s0219025717500229.

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Given a continuous local martingale [Formula: see text], the associated stochastic exponential [Formula: see text] is a local martingale, but not necessarily a true martingale. To know whether [Formula: see text] is a true martingale is important for many applications, e.g., if Girsanov’s theorem is applied to perform a change of measure. We give several generalizations of Kazamaki’s results and finally construct a counterexample which does not satisfy the mixed Novikov–Kazamaki condition, but satisfies our conditions.
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Lamm, Alexa J., und Ricky W. Telg. „Using the True Colors Personality Assessment to Strengthen Extension Programs“. EDIS 2015, Nr. 7 (09.10.2015): 3. http://dx.doi.org/10.32473/edis-wc234-2015.

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A person’s personality affects the way he or she learns best. Extension programs can use an understanding of different learning styles and preferences to reach the greatest number of people. This EDIS document is the third in the Teaching to Different Personality Types series, and provides a detailed explanation of the True Colors™ personality assessment and how it can be used to assist in extension program development. Written by Alexa J. Lamm and Ricky W. Telg, and published by the UF Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, September 2015. (Photo credit: Rawpixel Ltd/iStock/Thinkstock.com) AEC572/WC234: Using the True Colors Personality Assessment to Strengthen Extension Programs (ufl.edu)
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Zhou, Jun Ping, Chun Guang Zhou, Yan Dong Zhai und Yong Juan Yang. „Solving #QBF Using Extension Rule“. Applied Mechanics and Materials 26-28 (Juni 2010): 250–54. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amm.26-28.250.

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Extension rule is a new method for computing the number of models for SAT formulae. In this paper, we investigate the use of the extension rule in solving #QBF, i.e., computing the number of Q1x1…Qn xn which makes the Quantified Boolean Formulas (QBF) Q1x1…Qn xnF evaluate to true. We present a #QBF algorithm based on the extension rule, namely QBFMC, which also integrates the unit propagation and the component analysis together. These excellent technologies improve the efficiency of solving #QBF problems efficiently.
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Klink, Richard R., und Daniel C. Smith. „Threats to the External Validity of Brand Extension Research“. Journal of Marketing Research 38, Nr. 3 (August 2001): 326–35. http://dx.doi.org/10.1509/jmkr.38.3.326.18864.

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The findings of prior research suggest that a brand's extendibility is constrained by the degree of perceived fit between the brand and extension product categories. However, there are many examples of brands that have been extended successfully into “perceptually distant” domains. Drawing on theories of consumer information processing and product adoption, the authors identify three background traits of prior work that may help explain the discrepancy between prior research and marketplace observation: (1) limited extension information, (2) failure to account for consumers' new product adoption tendencies (i.e., earlier versus later), and (3) single exposure to proposed extensions. In this study, the authors find that the effects of fit disappear when attribute information is added to extension stimuli and are applicable only for later product adopters. The authors also find that perceived fit increases with greater exposure to an extension. Beyond implications for brand extension research, this study underscores the need to recognize that certain research design factors related to external validity, which are often assumed irrelevant, can alter what is held to be true.
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Rathjen, Michael. „The disjunction and related properties for constructive Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory“. Journal of Symbolic Logic 70, Nr. 4 (Dezember 2005): 1233–54. http://dx.doi.org/10.2178/jsl/1129642124.

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AbstractThis paper proves that the disjunction property, the numerical existence property. Church's rule, and several other metamathematical properties hold true for Constructive Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory, CZF, and also for the theory CZF augmented by the Regular Extension Axiom.As regards the proof technique, it features a self-validating semantics for CZF that combines realizability for extensional set theory and truth.
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Houde, Jean-Philippe, Rudolf Hebel und André Cabral de Oliveira. „True hearth lining wear as blast furnace campaign extension tool“. Vestnik of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University 15, Nr. 4 (2017): 87–93. http://dx.doi.org/10.18503/1995-2732-2017-15-4-87-93.

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Petiteau, Jean-Christophe, Ramzi Othman, Pierrick Guégan, Hervé Le Sourne und Erwan Verron. „Dynamic uniaxial extension of elastomers at constant true strain rate“. Polymer Testing 32, Nr. 2 (April 2013): 394–401. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.polymertesting.2012.10.007.

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Yang, Lian-Zhong. „On an extension of a theorem of Sato“. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 40, Nr. 3 (Dezember 1989): 441–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0004972700017500.

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Let f(z) be a n-valued algebroid function of order λ(0 ≤ λ ≤ 1), Sato obtained an elliptic theorem for f(z) with a condition. In this paper, we prove that Sato's theorem is true without conditions and give a generalisation.
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Ritter, Ann M., R. Scott Graham, Barbara Amaker, William C. Broaddus und Harold F. Young. „Intracranial extension of an eccrine porocarcinoma“. Journal of Neurosurgery 90, Nr. 1 (Januar 1999): 138–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.3171/jns.1999.90.1.0138.

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✓ Eccrine porocarcinoma is a rare malignant tumor of the true sweat gland. It commonly presents in the lower extremities with lymphatic metastasis. The authors describe the clinical presentation, radiographic evidence, operative discoveries, and pathological findings in a patient with an eccrine porocarcinoma involving the soft tissue of the occiput, which had eroded through the cranium. A review of the literature failed to reveal any other such case. The discussion includes the epidemiology, pathogenesis, treatment, and outcome of eccrine porocarcinomas. The six reported cases of scalp eccrine tumors are reviewed.
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Miles, Murray. „McRae on Innate Ideas: A Rejoinder“. Dialogue 27, Nr. 1 (1988): 29–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0012217300019466.

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It will come as no surprise that I have a different interpretation of the four passages in which, McRae claims, Descartes “definitely includes extension and its modes in what is given through the senses”. In the first, Descartes includes extension, etc., among his ideas of corporeal bodies. This is not to say that he includes them among his adventitious ideas, though. All adventitious ideas are ideas of external bodies. But the converse is not true. Not all ideas of corporeal bodies are ipso facto adventitious ideas, for, as I see it, the idea of the true and immutable nature of body is non-sensible and innate. McRae slides from “all adventitious ideas seem to be ideas of external bodies” to “all ideas of external bodies (including extension) are adventitious”.
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Irfan, Muhammad, Sahib Khan, Arslan Arif, Khalil Khan, Aleem Khaliq, Zain Memon und Muhammad Ismail. „Single Image Super Resolution Technique: An Extension to True Color Images“. Symmetry 11, Nr. 4 (02.04.2019): 464. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/sym11040464.

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The super-resolution (SR) technique reconstructs a high-resolution image from single or multiple low-resolution images. SR has gained much attention over the past decade, as it has significant applications in our daily life. This paper provides a new technique of a single image super-resolution on true colored images. The key idea is to obtain the super-resolved image from observed low-resolution images. A proposed technique is based on both the wavelet and spatial domain-based algorithms by exploiting the advantages of both of the algorithms. A back projection with an iterative method is implemented to minimize the reconstruction error and for noise removal wavelet-based de-noising method is used. Previously, this technique has been followed for the grayscale images. In this proposed algorithm, the colored images are taken into account for super-resolution. The results of the proposed method have been examined both subjectively by observation of the results visually and objectively by considering the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and mean squared error (MSE), which gives significant results and visually better in quality from the bi-cubic interpolation technique.
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Senthil Kumar, S. „Design of partial discharge analyser for true compatibility and resolution extension“. IEE Proceedings - Science, Measurement and Technology 151, Nr. 4 (01.07.2004): 285–90. http://dx.doi.org/10.1049/ip-smt:20040569.

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Wheeler, J., und R. W. H. Butler. „Criteria for identifying structures related to true crustal extension in orogens“. Journal of Structural Geology 16, Nr. 7 (Juli 1994): 1023–27. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0191-8141(94)90083-3.

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Blanchard, F. „Extensions à fibre constante“. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 11, Nr. 1 (März 1991): 7–17. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0143385700005988.

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AbstractThe aim of this paper is to prove that any transitive constant-to-one extension of a coded system is still coded. The corresponding statement for sofic systems is false, and it is an open question whether it is true for subshifts of finite type.
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BALBIANI, PHILIPPE, ALEXANDRU BALTAG, HANS VAN DITMARSCH, ANDREAS HERZIG, TOMOHIRO HOSHI und TIAGO DE LIMA. „‘KNOWABLE’ AS ‘KNOWN AFTER AN ANNOUNCEMENT’“. Review of Symbolic Logic 1, Nr. 3 (Oktober 2008): 305–34. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1755020308080210.

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Public announcement logic is an extension of multiagent epistemic logic with dynamic operators to model the informational consequences of announcements to the entire group of agents. We propose an extension of public announcement logic with a dynamic modal operator that expresses what is true after any announcement: ⋄φ expresses that there is a truthful announcement ψ after which φ is true. This logic gives a perspective on Fitch's knowability issues: For which formulas φ, does it hold that φ → ⋄Kφ? We give various semantic results and show completeness for a Hilbert-style axiomatization of this logic. There is a natural generalization to a logic for arbitrary events.
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Kläger, Johannes, Gabriel Wasinger, André Oszwald und Eva Compérat. „The Prostate Is Not a Pill and Therefore Has No Capsule“. Anatomia 2, Nr. 3 (14.08.2023): 253–60. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/anatomia2030023.

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Tumor staging of prostate cancer is a fundamental principle in management and therapy, with a hallmark being tumor growth beyond the organ boundary. Often, this is referred to as “capsule penetration”, suggesting the existence of a true prostatic capsule that would facilitate the determination of tumor penetration. In fact, the prostate does not have a true capsule and, depending on the anatomic area, it blends with the surrounding fibrous, adipose and muscular tissue. This makes it sometimes difficult or impossible to unequivocally identify extraprostatic tumor extension. It is necessary to appreciate this difficulty in order to better understand the significance of extraprostatic tumor extension.
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Knapp, Wolfgang, und Peter Schmid. „An extension theorem for integral representations“. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series A. Pure Mathematics and Statistics 63, Nr. 1 (August 1997): 1–15. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1446788700000288.

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AbstractBy a fundamental theorem of Brauer every irreducible character of a finite group G can be written in the field Q(εm) of mth roots of unity where m is the exponent of G. Is it always possible to find a matrix representation over its ring Z[εm] of integers? In the present paper it is shown that this holds true provided it is valid for the quasisimple groups. The reduction to such groups relies on a useful extension theorem for integral representations. Iwasawa theory on class groups of cyclotomic fields gives evidence that the answer is at least affirmative when the exponent is replaced by the order, and provides for a general qualitative result.
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Bin-Shuwaish, M., J. B. Dennison, P. Yaman und G. Neiva. „Estimation of Clinical Axial Extension of Class II Caries Lesions with Ultraspeed and Digital Radiographs: An In-vivo Study“. Operative Dentistry 33, Nr. 6 (01.01.2008): 613–21. http://dx.doi.org/10.2341/07-167.

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Clinical Relevance Both Ultraspeed and RVG-6000 radiographs underestimated the true clinical extension of Class II caries lesions; however, the RVG-6000 was more accurate in estimating the axial extension of a lesion than Ultraspeed films. Placement of Ultraspeed film was more pleasant for the patient than the RVG-6000 size 2 sensor.
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Kanovei, Vladimir. „On external Scott algebras in nonstandard models of Peano arithmetic“. Journal of Symbolic Logic 61, Nr. 2 (Juni 1996): 586–607. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/2275677.

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AbstractWe prove that a necessary and sufficient condition for a countable set of sets of integers to be equal to the algebra of all sets of integers definable in a nonstandard elementary extension of ω by a formula of the PA language which may include the standardness predicate but does not contain nonstandard parameters, is as follows: is closed under arithmetical definability and contains 0(ω) the set of all (Gödel numbers of) true arithmetical sentences.Some results related to definability of sets of integers in elementary extensions of ω are included.
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Kumar, Ashwani, und Surjeet Kumar. „Easurement the attitude and priority of farmers about privatization of extension in district of Meerut of western Uttar Pradesh“. International Journal of Agricultural Invention 2, Nr. 01 (30.06.2017): 78–81. http://dx.doi.org/10.46492/ijai/2017.2.1.17.

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At present we are facing the challenges of implication of WTO on Indian agriculture. Thus the extension would focus the quality cost of production, market led extension and cyber application in extension. These challenges require the change in present extension services. Private extension's filling up the gap which is created by the government extension agencies. This transition from resource based to technology based system agriculture however places greater responsibility upon the agriculture extension sector. Keeping in view the situation this study is carried out in district Meerut Four blocks were also chosen from the twelve blocks of district Meerut. Accordingly a total of eight villages were selected for the study. Thus a sample size comprised to two hundred farmers respondents. The inference that could be drawn from the analysis is that the respondents have realized the advantages of privatization in case of cultivation practices of medicinal plants and cultivation practices of fruits and vegetable crops. Besides farmers prefer those agencies that responsibility to supervise agriculture operations and ensure better income i.e. marketing to farmers. It is evident the study area that seed production is confirmed to commercial and horticulture crops and mainly managed by private agencies. It is also concluded from the analysis of the study that mostly fanner are willing to pay extension services rendered. It is true that farmers will be ready for cost sharing only when the benefits and w and weight their cost (Samanta,1977).
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Smarandache, Florentin. „Note on Partial Falsifiability of Fuzzy and Fuzzy-Extension Hypotheses“. Plithogenic Logic and Computation 1 (29.04.2024): 93–95. http://dx.doi.org/10.61356/j.plc.2024.1240.

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In this short note, we adjust the (classical) Falsifiability of a hypothesis that may be 100% true as in classical logic, to the field of multi-valued logics, where there are partialities of truth-value, of indeterminacy, and of false-value of a hypothesis, and we call it Partial Falsifiability.
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Itai, Masanori. „On the strong Martin conjecture“. Journal of Symbolic Logic 56, Nr. 3 (September 1991): 862–75. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/2275055.

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AbstractWe study the following conjecture.Conjecture.Let T be an ω-stable theory with continuum many countable models. Then either i) T has continuum many complete extensions in L1(T), or ii) some complete extension of T in L1has continuum many L1-types without parameters.By Shelah's proof of Vaught's conjecture for ω-stable theories, we know that there are seven types of ω-stable theory with continuum many countable models. We show that the conjecture is true for all but one of these seven cases. In the last case we show the existence of continuum many L2-types.
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Schoenhagen, Paul. „Second admission (chest): distal extension with compressed true lumen descending thoracic segment“. ASVIDE 5 (März 2018): 310. http://dx.doi.org/10.21037/asvide.2018.310.

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Zang, Yong‐Hua, René Muller und Daniel Froelich. „New Representation of the True Stress for Uniaxial Extension of Crosslinked Rubbers“. Journal of Rheology 30, Nr. 6 (Dezember 1986): 1165–80. http://dx.doi.org/10.1122/1.549885.

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Nick Reid, J., und Randall K. Jamieson. „True and false recognition in MINERVA 2: Extension to sentences and metaphors“. Journal of Memory and Language 129 (Februar 2023): 104397. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jml.2022.104397.

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Kim, Kuk-Hyoe, Eui-Sang Chung und Tae-Young Chung. „Radial extension of capsulorhexis in true exfoliation patient: A potentially hazardous complication“. Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery 35, Nr. 3 (März 2009): 590–92. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcrs.2008.08.047.

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Gumenyuk, Pavel. „On existence of Becker extension“. Annales Fennici Mathematici 47, Nr. 2 (12.07.2022): 979–1005. http://dx.doi.org/10.54330/afm.120591.

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A well-known theorem by Becker states that if a normalized univalent function \(f\) in the unit disk \(\mathbb{D}\) can be embedded as the initial element into a Loewner chain \((f_t)_{t\geqslant 0}\) such that the Herglotz function \(p\) in the Loewner-Kufarev PDE \(\partial f_t(z)/\partial f=zf'_t(z)p(z,t)\), \(z\in\mathbb{D}\), a.e. \(t\ge0\),satisfies \(\big|(p(z,t)-1)/(p(z,t)+1)\big|\le k<1\), then \(f\) admits a \(k\)-q.c. (= "\(k\)-quasiconformal") extension \(F\colon\mathbb{C}\to\mathbb{C}\). The converse is not true. However, a simple argument shows that if \(f\) has a \(q\)-q.c. extension with \(q\in(0,1/6)\), then Becker's condition holds with \(k:=6q\). In this paper we address the following problem: find the largest \(k_*\in(0,1]\) with the property that for any \(q\in(0,k_*)\) there exists \(k_0(q)\in(0,1)\) such that every normalized univalent function \(f\colon\mathbb D\to\mathbb C\) with a \(q\)-q.c. extension to \(\mathbb C\) satisfies Becker's condition with \(k:=k_0(q)\). We prove that \(k_*\ge 1/3\).
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Briggs, William, Matt Pocernich und David Ruppert. „Incorporating Misclassification Error in Skill Assessment“. Monthly Weather Review 133, Nr. 11 (01.11.2005): 3382–92. http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/mwr3032.1.

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Abstract It is desirable to account for misclassification error of meteorological observations so that the true skill of the forecast can be assessed. Errors in observations can occur, among other places, in pilot reports of icing and in tornado spotting. Not accounting for misclassification error gives a misleading picture of the forecast’s true performance. An extension to the climate skill score test developed in Briggs and Ruppert is presented to account for possible misclassification error of the meteorological observation. This extension supposes a statistical misclassification-error model where “gold standard” data, or expert opinion, is available to characterize the misclassification-error characteristics of the observation. These model parameters are then inserted into the Briggs and Ruppert skill score for which a statistical test of significance can be performed.
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Malamud, M. M. „TO THE BIRMAN–KREIN–VISHIK THEORY“. Доклады Российской академии наук. Математика, информатика, процессы управления 509, Nr. 1 (01.01.2023): 54–59. http://dx.doi.org/10.31857/s2686954322600574.

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Let A ≥ mA 0 be a closed positive definite symmetric operator in a Hilbert space ℌ, let \({{\hat {A}}_{F}}\) and \({{\hat {A}}_{K}}\) be its Friedrichs and Krein extensions, and let ∞ be the ideal of compact operators in ℌ. The following problem has been posed by M.S. Birman: Is the implication A–1 ∈ G∞ ⇒ (\({{\hat {A}}_{F}}\) )–1 ∈ G∞(ℌ) holds true or not? It turns out that under condition A–1 ∈ G∞ the spectrum of Friedrichs extension \({{\hat {A}}_{F}}\) might be of arbitrary nature. This gives a complete negative solution to the Birman problem.Let \(\hat {A}_{K}^{'}\) be the reduced Krein extension. It is shown that certain spectral properties of the operators (\({{I}_{{{{\mathfrak{M}}_{0}}}}}\) + \(\hat {A}_{K}^{'}\))–1 and P1(I + A)–1 are close. For instance, these operators belong to a symmetrically normed ideal G, say are compact, only simultaneously. Moreover, it turns out that under a certain additional condition the eigenvalues of these operators have the same asymptotic.Besides we complete certain investigations by Birman and Grubb regarding the equivalence of semiboubdedness property of selfadjoint extensions of A and the corresponding boundary operators.
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Blum, Abraham, und Moshe Azencot. „Small Farmers' Habits of Reading Agricultural Extension Publications: The Case of Moshav Farmers in Israel“. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 19, Nr. 4 (Oktober 1989): 381–93. http://dx.doi.org/10.2190/c23j-etuf-kynj-t8m9.

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With the personnel cutback in agricultural extension services at a time when farmers need to receive more agro-technical information than ever, the need for efficient written communication channels between extension and farmers grows. This is especially true for small farmers, like those living in Moshavim, in Israel. A representative sample of 171 farmers were interviewed. They had quite good reading habits and fewer reading problems than could be expected. Farmers also made good use of the extension publications which they received. The main problems encountered were a weak distribution system and the necessity for authors of extension pamphlets and brochures to consider more the special needs of small farmers. The findings in this study reinforce earlier data from other countries on the potential (and actual) value of written communication as an agricultural extension tool.
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Haberman, Shelby J., und Jiahe Qian. „Linear Prediction of a True Score From a Direct Estimate and Several Derived Estimates“. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 32, Nr. 1 (März 2007): 6–23. http://dx.doi.org/10.3102/1076998606298036.

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Statistical prediction problems often involve both a direct estimate of a true score and covariates of this true score. Given the criterion of mean squared error, this study determines the best linear predictor of the true score given the direct estimate and the covariates. Results yield an extension of Kelley’s formula for estimation of the true score to cases in which covariates are present. The best linear predictor is a weighted average of the direct estimate and of the linear regression of the direct estimate onto the covariates. The weights depend on the reliability of the direct estimate and on the multiple correlation of the true score with the covariates. One application of the best linear predictor is to use essay features provided by computer analysis and an observed holistic score of an essay provided by a human rater to approximate the true score corresponding to the holistic score.
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Van Slycke, S., A. S. Simons, K. Van Den Heede, P. Van Crombrugge, K. Tournoy, P. Simons, H. Vermeersch und N. Brusselaers. „Combined cervicosternotomy and cervicotomy for true retrosternal goiters: a surgical cohort study“. Updates in Surgery 73, Nr. 4 (29.03.2021): 1–10. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s13304-021-01027-1.

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Abstract Objective Intrathoracic goiters are a heterogeneous group characterized by limited or extensive substernal extension. Whereas the former can be treated through cervicotomy, the latter sometimes requires a cervicosternotomy. Whether cervicosternotomy leads to more morbidity remains unclear. This study aimed to compare intra- and postoperative morbidity in patients treated by cervicotomy or cervicosternotomy for intrathoracic goiters and standard thyroidectomy. Methods In a prospectively gathered cohort undergoing thyroid surgery (2010–2019) intra- and postoperative morbidity of cervicotomy (N = 80) and cervicosternotomy (N = 15) for intrathoracic goiters was compared to each other and to a ‘standard’ thyroidectomy (N = 1500). Results An intrathoracic extension prior to surgery was found in 95 (6%) of all thyroidectomies. Eighty patients (84%) were operated by cervicotomy and 15 (16%) by cervicosternotomy. The risk of temporary recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy was much higher in the cervicosternotomy group (21%) compared to cervicotomy (4%) and standard thyroidectomy (3%). The risk of temporary hypocalcemia after cervicotomy (28%) was comparable to a standard thyroidectomy (32%) but higher after cervicosternotomy (20%). No cases of permanent hypocalcemia or laryngeal nerve palsy were observed in both groups with substernal extension. The need for surgical reintervention was significantly higher in the cervicotomy group (6%) compared to cervicosternotomy (0%) and standard thyroidectomy (3%). Conclusion In patients undergoing thyroid surgery for an intrathoracic goiter, cervicosternotomy was associated with more temporary laryngeal nerve palsy, but none of the interventions resulted in higher risks of permanent nerve damage, permanent hypocalcemia, or reintervention for bleeding. Reintervention was even more common after cervicotomy compared to cervicosternotomy. Level of evidence IV
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Mickelsson, Jouko. „3D Current Algebra and Twisted K Theory“. Reviews in Mathematical Physics 30, Nr. 07 (25.07.2018): 1840011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/s0129055x18400111.

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Equivariant twisted K theory classes on compact Lie groups [Formula: see text] can be realized as families of Fredholm operators acting in a tensor product of a fermionic Fock space and a representation space of a central extension of the loop algebra [Formula: see text] using a supersymmetric Wess–Zumino–Witten model. The aim of the present paper is to extend the construction to higher loop algebras using an abelian extension of a 3D current algebra. We have only partial success: Instead of true Fredholm operators we have formal algebraic expressions in terms of the generators of the current algebra and an infinite dimensional Clifford algebra. These give rise to sesquilinear forms in a Hilbert bundle which transform in the expected way with respect to 3D gauge transformations but do not define true Hilbert space operators.
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Marczak, Adam W., und Jerzy Płonka. „On Nilpotent Extensions of Algebras“. Algebra Colloquium 14, Nr. 04 (Dezember 2007): 593–604. http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/s1005386707000545.

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In this paper, we investigate essentially n-ary term operations of nilpotent extensions of algebras. We detect the connection between term operations of an original algebra and its nilpotent extensions. This structural point of view easily leads to the conclusion that the number of distinct essentially n-ary term operations of a proper algebraic nilpotent extension 𝔄 of an algebra ℑ is given by the formula [Formula: see text] We show that in general the converse theorem is not true. However, we suppose that if a variety [Formula: see text] is uniquely determined by its pn-sequences, the converse theorem is also satisfied. In the second part of the paper, we characterize generics of nilpotent shifts of varieties and describe cardinalities of minimal generics. We give a number of examples and pose some problems.
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Bird, J. Brianne, Alexa J. Lamm und Hannah Carter. „Using Personality Type Preferences to Enhance Team Work in Extension Programs“. EDIS 2016, Nr. 8 (06.10.2016): 4. http://dx.doi.org/10.32473/edis-wc269-2016.

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This 4-page fact sheet is the fifth of the Teaching to Personality Types series, a series on teaching different personality types. It covers the practical ways in which Extension professionals can use the influence of personality type preferences to enhance team dynamics in Extension program development and implementation. It also covers the Myers-Briggs personality type indicator, True Colors personality type indicator, and the Kirton Adaption Innovation Inventory. Written by J. Brianne Bird, Alexa J. Lamm, and Hannah Carter, and published by the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, September 2016. AEC607/WC269: Using Personality Type Preferences to Enhance Team Work in Extension Programs (ufl.edu)
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Klebaner, F., und R. Liptser. „When a Stochastic Exponential Is a True Martingale. Extension of the Beneš Method“. Theory of Probability & Its Applications 58, Nr. 1 (Januar 2014): 38–62. http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/s0040585x97986382.

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Lu, Aizhong, Ning Zhang und Guisen Zeng. „An Extension Failure Criterion for Brittle Rock“. Advances in Civil Engineering 2020 (27.10.2020): 1–12. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2020/8891248.

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Under the triaxial compressive state, the compressive strain is supposed to happen in the direction of the maximum principal stress, but tensile strain happens in the direction of the minimum principal stress. Moreover, as the intermediate principal stress is not too high, the corresponding strain can also be tensile. If the brittle rock is assumed as linear elastic in the prefailure stage, a new strength criterion based on the sum of the two tensile strains was presented. The new criterion considers the differences in mechanical parameters (i.e., elastic modulus and Poisson’s ratio) under tension and compression. The parameters of the criterion only include Poisson’s ratio and uniaxial strength. And the effect of the intermediate principal stress σ 2 can be reflected. Certain featured failure phenomenon of rock material can be explained well by the proposed criterion. The results of conventional and true triaxial tests can verify the criterion well. Finally, the criterion is compared with the Mohr–Coulomb and Drucker–Prager criteria.
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Koh, K. H., H. I. Lee, K. S. Lim, J. S. Seo und M. J. Park. „Effect of wrist position on the measurement of carpal indices on the lateral radiograph“. Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume) 38, Nr. 5 (04.12.2012): 530–41. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1753193412468543.

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The purpose of this study was to find out whether the carpal indices measured on lateral radiographs with a slightly malpositioned wrist are the same as those measured in the true neutral position. Lateral radiographic views of 25 wrists were taken with 5° intervals from 20° of flexion to 20° of extension. Most carpal indices measured in the flexed or extended position were significantly different from the wrist in zero flexion-extension, except scapholunate angle at 5° of extension and scaphocapitate angle at 5° and 10° of flexion. Starting from the flexed position, there was an average of −4.0° change in radioscaphoid angle, −1.0° in scapholunate angle, −1.0° in scaphocapitate angle, +3.0° in radiolunate angle, and +2.0° in lunocapitate angle for each 5° of extension with linear trends. The results from this study suggest that even minimal degrees of flexion-extension can affect the measurements of carpal indices on lateral radiographs.
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Nys, G. A., A. Kharroubi, F. Poux und R. Billen. „AN EXTENSION OF CITYJSON TO SUPPORT POINT CLOUDS“. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XLIII-B4-2021 (30.06.2021): 301–6. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-xliii-b4-2021-301-2021.

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Abstract. The combination between dense point clouds and 3D vector objects permits new cartographic representation of urban information. This paper proposes an extension for the CityJSON encoding to support point clouds. Following the 3.0 CityGML specifications, attributes and features are added to the core module of v1.0.1 CityJSON. Two solutions are proposed: inline complex geometries and external link to a remote file. The extended schema can be illustrated in four scenarios: detailed features visualization, fall-back solution in features reconstruction processes, simulating urban climate represented as vector fields, and true-to-life representation solution for complex elements such as solitary vegetation objects. It permits 3D city modelers to handle points clouds in a native way reducing files size and avoiding redundancy. All developments and documentation are available open-source.
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Ohtsuchi, Naoya, Jun Hayakawa und Tomohiko Kawamura. „Northward range extension of Porcellanopagurus nihonkaiensis Takeda, 1985 (Decapoda, Anomura, Paguridae) in Japan“. Crustaceana 92, Nr. 5 (03.05.2019): 577–83. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/15685403-00003891.

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Abstract For the first time the occurrence of Porcellanopagurus nihonkaiensis Takeda, 1985 is reported both from Sagami Bay and Otsuchi Bay. The use of an empty shell of a true limpet of the family Lottiidae Gray, 1840 by Porcellanopagurus sp. is herein also reported for the first time.
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Kim, Lauren, Christopher Huang, Adrienne L. Morey und Mark J. Winder. „Intraosseous Lipomatous Meningioma“. Case Reports in Neurological Medicine 2015 (2015): 1–3. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/482140.

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A 49-year-old man with intermittent headaches and right sided parietal lump was found to have an intraosseous right parietal lesion on computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A stereotactic craniectomy and excision of the lesion were performed with histopathology confirming features consistent with primary lipomatous meningioma with intraosseous extension. Lipomatous meningiomas are very uncommon subtype of meningiomas, with ongoing discussions as to their true pathogenesis. To our knowledge this case represents the first reported case of a lipomatous meningioma with predominant intraosseous extension.
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O'brien, Frank. „A Test of Randomness for Finite Spatial Distributions“. Perceptual and Motor Skills 78, Nr. 3 (Juni 1994): 707–14. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/003151259407800305.

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A statistical method is presented for determining randomness of points spatially distributed in two-dimensional space. The procedure is based on a distance-to-particle (nearest neighbor) model derived from an elementary Poisson process. In a previous derivation of the method, an extension to the model was proposed and used without adequate empirical justification. Herein the test is derived in detail and its performance evaluated with Monte Carlo simulations. Results indicate that the model extension provides adequate representations when the null hypothesis is true.
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McGee, Vann. „On the degrees of unsolvability of modal predicate logics of provability“. Journal of Symbolic Logic 59, Nr. 1 (März 1994): 253–61. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/2275263.

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The modal predicate logic of provability identifies the “□” of modal logic with the “Bew” of proof theory, so that, where “Bew” is a formula representing, in the usual way, provability in a consistent, recursively axiomatized theory Γ extending Peano arithmetic (PA), an interpretation of a language for the modal predicate calculus is a map * which associates with each modal formula an arithmetical formula with the same free variables which commutes with the Boolean connectives and the quantifiers and which sets (□ϕ)* equal to Bew(⌈ϕ*⌉). Where Δ is an extension of PA (all the theories we discuss will be extensions of PA), MPL(Δ) will be the set of modal formulas ϕ such that, for every interpretation *, ϕ* is a theorem of Δ. Most of what is currently known about the modal predicate logic of provability consists in demonstrations that MPL(Δ) must be computationally highly complex. Thus Vardanyan [11] shows that, provided that Δ is 1-consistent and recursively axiomatizable, MPL(Δ) will be complete , and Boolos and McGee [5] show that MPL({true arithmetical sentences}) is complete in {true arithmetical sentences}. All of these results take as their starting point Artemov's demonstration in [1] that {true arithmetical sentences} is 1-reducible to MPL({true arithmetical sentences}).The aim here is to consolidate these results by providing a general theorem which yields all the other results as special cases. These results provide a striking contrast with the situation in modal sentential logic (MSL); according to fundamental results of Solovay [8], provided Γ does not entail any falsehoods, MSL({true arithmetical sentences}) and MSL(PA) (which is the same as MSL(Γ)) are both decidable.
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ACHEE, B. L., und DORIS L. CARVER. „OBJECT EXTENSIONS TO Z: A SURVEY“. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 06, Nr. 03 (September 1996): 507–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/s0218194096000211.

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Formal specification languages provide assistance to solving the problem of high maintenance costs caused by ineffective communication of a system’s requirements. Using a sound mathematical basis, a formal specification language provides a precise and definitive system description that can serve as a binding contract. Additionally, the integration of the object-oriented paradigm with a formal specification language provides increased potential for software reuse, conceptually cleaner specifications and a framework for defining interfaces. To this end, there has been significant work done to extend existing specification languages to allow object-oriented specifications. This paper provides a comparison of such object-oriented specification languages, specifically, those extending Z. The paper is organized into five major sections. After a brief introduction to the concepts of formal specification languages and Z, a simple library system is defined and used as an example throughout the paper. Each of the object-oriented specification languages is introduced and classified as either using Z in an object-oriented style or providing a true object-oriented extension of Z. For each language, the specification of the example library system is presented following a brief overview of the language’s features. An in-depth comparison is made of each of the languages which provide a true object-oriented extension of Z.
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