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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Trinity test"


Smith, Julian. „Trinity Test Site“. New Scientist 206, Nr. 2755 (April 2010): iii.

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Deakin, Michael A. B. „G.I. Taylor and the Trinity test“. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 42, Nr. 8 (11.05.2011): 1069–79.

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Hanson, Susan K., Anthony D. Pollington, Christopher R. Waidmann, William S. Kinman, Allison M. Wende, Jeffrey L. Miller, Jennifer A. Berger, Warren J. Oldham und Hugh D. Selby. „Measurements of extinct fission products in nuclear bomb debris: Determination of the yield of the Trinity nuclear test 70 y later“. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113, Nr. 29 (05.07.2016): 8104–8.

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This paper describes an approach to measuring extinct fission products that would allow for the characterization of a nuclear test at any time. The isotopic composition of molybdenum in five samples of glassy debris from the 1945 Trinity nuclear test has been measured. Nonnatural molybdenum isotopic compositions were observed, reflecting an input from the decay of the short-lived fission products 95Zr and 97Zr. By measuring both the perturbation of the 95Mo/96Mo and 97Mo/96Mo isotopic ratios and the total amount of molybdenum in the Trinity nuclear debris samples, it is possible to calculate the original concentrations of the 95Zr and 97Zr isotopes formed in the nuclear detonation. Together with a determination of the amount of plutonium in the debris, these measurements of extinct fission products allow for new estimates of the efficiency and yield of the historic Trinity test.
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Jowers, Dennis W. „A Test of Karl Rahner’s Axiom, “The Economic Trinity is the Immanent Trinity and Vice Versa”“. Thomist: A Speculative Quarterly Review 70, Nr. 3 (2006): 421–55.

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Simon, Steven L. „Introduction to the Trinity Nuclear Test Collection of Papers“. Health Physics 119, Nr. 4 (01.09.2020): 389.

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Beck, Harold L., Steven L. Simon, André Bouville und Anna Romanyukha. „Accounting for Unfissioned Plutonium from the Trinity Atomic Bomb Test“. Health Physics 119, Nr. 4 (01.09.2020): 504–16.

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Blume, Lesley M. M. „Collateral damage: American civilian survivors of the 1945 Trinity test“. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 79, Nr. 4 (04.07.2023): 232–37.

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Spoth, Daniel F. „The Critical Mass of Language: Post-Trinity Representation“. FORUM: University of Edinburgh Postgraduate Journal of Culture & the Arts, Nr. 05 (12.12.2007): 1–17.

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To its viewers, the first atomic bomb test (codenamed "Trinity") appeared as not merely a dazzling, unprecedented leap forward in the history of science, not merely the swift, fiery eradication of all of their long-held fears and anxieties concerning the success of the project, but also a monumental event in the history of language (Thomas Farrell saw in it "that beauty the great poets dream about but describe most poorly and inadequately"). This article seeks to interrogate not only the poeticizing of the Trinity test by its architects and the subsequent revulsion toward the event felt by artists worldwide, but also the representational dilemma that the possibility of a "poetic" bomb creates: how can artistic representation of the invisible, the sublime, and the incomprehensible adapt itself to the new technological sublimity of the merciless, neutral variety that the bomb incarnates? The article addresses this question through a study of both nonliterary texts (eyewitness accounts) and literary representation (a reading of Richard Powers's The Time of Our Singing and William Faulkner's Nobel Prize speech). Its conclusion is that the bomb, pace the accounts of the Trinity eyewitnesses, in fact less suggests a variety of representation that renders all others insignificant (thus exempting it from moral, social, or spiritual concerns) than it insists upon the reimagining of older poetic tropes. Trinity, by suggesting an apocalyptic conflict between older modes of signification and the new "atomic poetics," in fact symbiotically relies upon the traditions from which it splits.
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Syarifah, Tika Rafid. „PENGARUH MOTIVASI DAN KOMPETENSI TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN PADA PT TRINITY AUTO DI SAMARINDA“. Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Fisipol Unmul 7, Nr. 4 (30.11.2019): 451.

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This study aims to test and analyze how much influence Motivation and Competence on Employee Performance at PT Trinity Auto in Samarinda. The research method used in this study was observation, interviews, questionnaires, and literature study using a Likert scale and the sample used was 63 samples. Data analysis tools used are validity test, reliability test, classic assumption test, multiple linear regression test. The results showed that motivation and competency simultaneously affect employee performance. From the results of the correlation test of 0.681 which has a strong relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable. The results of the coefficient of determination test which among the independent variables have an effect of 68.1% while the rest are influenced by variables outside this study. From the results of this study concluded that the Competence that most influences on employee performance is seen from the results of the t test with a value of 6,055. These results can prove that competence at PT Trinity Auto has an influence on employee performance.
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Letham, Robert. „The Trinity between East and West“. Journal of Reformed Theology 3, Nr. 1 (2009): 42–56.

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AbstractAlthough—following contemporary interpreters—this article qualifies Theodore de Régnon's famous sharp distinction between Eastern and Western trinitarianism, it argues that the 'acid test' of the liturgy makes clear that there simply is a contrast between Eastern and Western ways of conceiving of the Trinity. Historically, this contrast found its focal point in the filioque controversy. Therefore, after a sketch of the broader framework of the divergence between Eastern and Western theology, the pros and cons of the addition of the filioque clause to the Creed are discussed. It turns out that Augustine played an ambivalent role in this connection. Finally—drawing on some recent proposals, a way forward in the filioque debate is suggested.
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Dissertationen zum Thema "Trinity test"


Rocha, Fernanda Pessolo. „Qualidade de vida: estudo longitudinal após trinta meses da realização do teste sorológico para o HIV“. Universidade de São Paulo, 2007.

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Indivíduos que se submetem ao teste sorológico para dosagem de anticorpos contra o Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (anti-HIV ) podem ficar expostos a grande dose de estresse, nem sempre suportada pela estrutura psíquica, com o risco de ocorrer suicídio ou ato desordenado. Isto demonstra as implicações psíquicas pelas quais o indivíduo passa ao realizar exame, independente do resultado. A realização do exame exige uma série de diferentes cuidados e atenção para com esses indivíduos. É importante avaliar-se quanto esses indivíduos gostariam de saber, qual a possível reação frente a um resultado positivo. Por outro lado um resultado negativo também traz grande ansiedade havendo ainda os que não acreditam que o resultado seja negativo e com isso estão sendo poupados pela equipe de saúde. A proposta deste trabalho foi compreender melhor os aspectos da realização do teste após 30 meses, verificando mudanças na qualidade de vida da população estudada. A casuística foi composta por 24 sujeitos, sendo 15 soronegativos e 9 soropositivos, que realizaram o exame anti-HIV no serviço do Centro de Testagem e Aconselhamento (CTA), de agosto de 2000 a setembro de 2001. Utilizou-se o instrumento de avaliação de qualidade de vida WHOQOL-100 da Organização Mundial de Saúde, o qual é composto de 100 questões e desenvolvido com 24 categorias e características psicométricas para a avaliação dos resultados. Para tratamento dos dados as respostas obtidas no instrumento de avaliação de qualidade de vida WHOQOL-100 foram submetidas as etapas frente as Facetas e Domínios, realizando a análise estatística dos dados pelo teste não- paramétrico Wilcoxon, adotando o nível de significância de p=0.05. Os escores médios de cada indivíduo foram analisados de forma pareada nos períodos estabelecidos: agosto de 2000 a setembro de 2001 e fevereiro de 2003 a abril de 2004. Paralelamente aplicou-se uma entrevista individual, composta por duas questões abertas. As entrevistas foram analisadas pela metodologia qualitativa de pesquisa de acordo com o pressuposto teórico de Bardin, seguindo três pólos cronológicos: pré- análise, exploração do material e interpretação final. A análise feita individualmente para cada um dos grupos soronegativos e soropositvos, revelou aspectos importantes que interferiram na qualidade de vida. Este estudo propiciou algumas reflexões que podem contribuir para minimizar o sofrimento desses indivíduos (soronegativos e soropositivos) e melhorar a qualidade de vida, são elas: as reações emocionais provocadas pela realização do teste interferem na qualidade de vida dos soronegativos e soropositivos; após a devolutiva, oferecer psicoterapia de apoio individual a todos os indivíduos que realizaram o teste; a elaboração de novas estratégias de prevenção na atuação dos profissionais da saúde junto aos soronegativos, na tentativa de provocar mudanças no comportamento e conseqüente melhora na qualidade de vida; os profissionais de saúde necessitam estar mais preparados para revelar o resultado de sorologia positiva para o HIV; o teste sorológico para o HIV e a informação oferecida em alguns serviços parecem não ser suficientes para minorar o sofrimento provocado pela realização do teste e o resultado positivo.
Individuals submitted to the serologic test for the determination of antibodies against human immunodeficiency virus (anti-HIV) may be exposed to a great deal of stress not always tolerated by their psychic structure, with the risk of suicide or of a disordered act. This demonstrates the psychic implications faced by an individual when taking the test, regardless of the result. The individuals who take this test require a series of different acts of care and attention. It is important to evaluate how much these individuals would like to know and what their possible reaction would be to a positive result. On the other hand, a negative result also brings a lot of anxiety, with some individuals not believing that the result is negative but thinking that the health team is just sparing them. The proposal of the present study was to better understand the aspects involved in having taken the test, 30 months after its execution, and to determine possible changes in the quality of life of the population studied. The series consisted of 24 subjects, 15 of them seronegative and 9 seropositive, who took the anti-HIV test in the service of the Testing and Counseling Center (CTA) from August 2000 to September 2001. The instrument used for the evaluation of quality of life was the WHOQOL-100 of the World Health Organization, which comprises 100 questions and is developed with 24 psychometric categories and characteristics for the evaluation of the results. For data treatment, the replies to the WHOQOL-100 were submitted to Facets and Domains stages and the data were analyzed statistically by the non-parametric Wilcoxon test, with the level of significance set at p=0.05. The mean scores for each individual were analyzed in a paired manner during the periods established, i.e., August 2000 to September 2001 and February 2003 to April 2004. An individual interview consisting of two open questions was held in parallel. The interviews were analyzed by the qualitative research methodology according to the theoretical assumption of Bardin, involving three chronological phases: pre-analysis, exploration of the material and final interpretation. The analysis, carried out individually for the seronegative and seropositive groups, revealed important aspects that interfered with the quality of life. The present study permitted some reflections that can contribute to minimizing the suffering of these individuals (seronegative and seropositive) and to improving their quality of life, as follows: the emotional reactions provoked by taking the test interfere with the quality of life of both seronegative and seropositive subjects; after revealing the result of the test, individual support psychotherapy should be offered to all subjects who took it; new prevention strategies should be elaborated by the health professionals for seronegative subjects in an attempt to induce changes of behavior and a consequent improvement of quality of life; the health professionals should be better prepared to reveal a positive serology result for HIV; the serologic HIV test and the information offered in some services appear not to be sufficient to reduce the suffering provoked by taking the test and receiving a positive result.
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Barat, Théodora. „Fοur Cοrners : désert fourmillant, zone sacrifice, objet de représentations“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2024.

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Cette recherche porte sur l’empreinte de l'extraction d'uranium et de l'armement militaire nucléaire dans la région des Four Corners aux États-Unis. Confrontant récit muséal et enquête de terrain, elle tend à démontrer comment la propagande infuse la narration historique et invisibilise certaines réalités irradiées. Elle questionnera également le nucléaire comme paroxysme du paradigme techno-capitaliste et comme réinvestissement de la figure du pionnier. Nous étudierons aussi Les résurgences nucléaires dans d’autres domaines comme le Land Art et le cinéma. Cette étude démontrera enfin comment les États-Unis sont un incubateur du colonialisme nucléaire. En opposition à ce regard colonial, le désert sera présenté non pas comme une zone aride et stérile, mais comme un écosystème fourmillant afin d’envisager une représentation en résistance
This research focuses on the footprint of uranium mining and nuclear military weaponry in the Four Corners area in the United States. Confronting museum narratives and field surveys, it aims to demonstrate how propaganda infuses the historical narrative and invisibilizes certain irradiated realities. It also examines nuclear power as a paroxysm of the techno-capitalist paradigm and as a reinvestment in the pioneer figure. It will also examine nuclear resurgences in other fields, such as Land Art and cinema. Finally, this study will show how the United States is an incubator of nuclear colonialism. In opposition to this colonial gaze, the desert will be presented not as an arid, sterile zone, but as a teeming ecosystem in order to consider a representation in resistance
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Whitefield, Keith R. „Between God and man : personhood, Trinity, and the metaphor of text : an essay in theological deconstruction“. Thesis, University of Aberdeen, 1990.

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The project of this thesis is to begin the task of re-assessing the notion of personhood, particularly in respect of its role in the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, in the light of post-structuralist critical theory. Taking Jacques Derrida's critique of western thought as its starting point, the author attempts to undertake a deconstructive reading of the notion of pesonhood and its conceptual background through the texts of philosophy and theology. In Chapter 1 the author portrays, in the style of cultural criticism, the central themes of Hebrew and Greek thought, and tradition has dominated our western thought, yet our Hebraic heritage remains important. In juxtaposing these two traditions the author sets up two terrains upon which the critique will be developed. The critique begins in Chapter 2. The author explores the way in which philosophy has marginalised the polysemous features of language. The author argues that it is in these features, and not in the logical structures of analysis, that the essence of language lies. The author goes on to portray language as risk taking. The author then examines the ways in which philosophy has attempted to master the `flux' of change and temporality by privileging the present. The author establishes, through a re-reading of Husserl, that an escape from the flux is impossible. Using Kierkegaard's notion of repetition, he distinguishes two movements in which Being is possible amidst the flux, viz. recollection and repetition. The author goes on to discuss the approaches of three philosophers, Aquinas, Heidegger, and Derrida, who recognize in Being a differential structure. Three key terms are picked out for special examination: Aquinas' use of the term subsistentia in his understanding of Being per se, Heidegger's notion of the Ereignis, and Derrida's exposition of difference. Finally, the author presents his own account of Being in terms of the movements of recollection and repetition. Here the political and ethical prejudice which underpins the conceptual framework of the tradition becomes exposed. The author then develops an account of personhood drawing on the work of Emmanuel Levinas. Being is to be understood in terms of the relation of identity and alterity, a relation of responsibility. This results in a re-interpretation of the themes of Ereignis, difféance, and subsistentia. The author goes on to examine Levinas' notion of `being in responsibility', explaining it in terms of the movement of repetition. This leads to an interpretation of the meaning of pesonhood in terms of the meaning of the word persona. Finally, the author demonstrates that persons only `come to be' in the context of society, in which `being as responsibility' issues forth as a concern for justice, and it is out of the concern for justice that consciousness is born. On this basis, the author argues that all language is fundamentally theological. If, as Levinas argues, all speech bears witness to the Infinite as a concern for justice between persons in society, then in this witness the Trinity is revealed. The author goes on to discuss the attempts of Moltmann and Zizioulas to explain the Trinity in social rather than ontological terms. Developing their insights, the author goes on to sketch out an account of the Trinity as the foundation and source of the divine life and being, which in turn is to be understood in ethical terms - as infinite justice. The whole argument is presented within the framework of extracts from T.S. Eliot's `Four Quartets', to which the argument adverts, and to which the body of the thesis acts as an indirect commentary.
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Heimerl, Christian Heimerl Christian Guilelmus. „The Middle English Version of William of Saliceto's Anatomia : a critical edition, based on Cambridge, Trinity College MS R. 14.41 with a parallel text of the medieval latin Anatomia, ed. from Leipzig, Universitätsbibliothek MS 1177 /“. Heidelberg : Winter, 2008.̲ar=1&doke̲xt=htm.

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Legerpušis, Mindaugas. „Įvairių veislių rapsų aliejaus tribologinių savybių vertinimas“. Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2014.

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Skirtingos rapsų veislės skiriasi sėklų aliejingumu ir chemine sudėtimi (riebalų, baltymų, eruko rūgšties, gliukozinolatų kiekis). Todėl, remiantis sėklų sudėties skirtumais, galima iškelti hipotezę, kad ir šių veislių aliejų tribologinės savybės bus skirtingos. Tyrimų tikslas - ištirti kai kurių rapsų veislių aliejaus tribologines savybes bei įvertinti šiuos skirtumus. Šiame darbe atlikti įvairių veislių rapsų aliejaus tribologinių savybių vertinimo tyrimai bei aptariami gauti rezultatai. Tirtas grynas ir specialiais alyvų priedais modifikuotas rapsų aliejus: 1 % antioksidacinio priedo LZ 5150C ir 3 % antifrikcinio ir antidiliminio priedo LZ 5399. Tyrimų rezultatai rodo, kad skirtingų veislių rapsų aliejus pasižymi skirtingomis tribologinėmis savybėmis. Šias savybes galimai pagerina didesnis polinesočiųjų riebiųjų rūgščių kiekis. Rapsų aliejus, modifikuotas įvardintais priedais, visoms tirtoms veislėms efektyviai slopina dilimą ir trintį. Gautus darbo rezultatus bus galima naudoti parenkant biologinės kilmės bazines žaliavas bioalyvoms rapsų aliejaus pagrindu.
There is known different oiliness and chemical composition of seeds depending on rapeseed varieties (fat, protein, erucic acid, glucosinolate content). Therefore, based on seed composition differences, possible hypothesis, that the different varieties of rapeseed oil tribological properties may have differences. The aim of research is to explore tribological properties and evaluate their differences of few different varieties of rapeseed oil. At this work there are accomplished researches of evaluation of different varieties rapeseed oil tribological properties. Pure and modified with special additives rapeseed oil has been studied: used 1% oxidation inhibitors LZ 5150C and 3% anti-friction additives LZ 5399. The results show that the different varieties of rapeseed oil have different tribological properties. These properties can be improved by more polyunsaturated fatty acids. Modified with specified additives rapeseed oil effectively inhibited wear and friction for all investigated varieties. The obtained results in this work will be used in searches for new or upgrading an existing basic raw bio-oil.
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Forster, Dion Angus. „Validation of individual consciousness in strong artificial intelligence : an African theological contribution“. Thesis, 2006.

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The notion of identity has always been central to the human person's understanding of self. The question "who am I?" is fundamental to human being. Answers to this question have come from a wide range of academic disciplines. Philosophers, theologians, scientists, sociologists and anthropologists have all sought to offer some insight. The question of individual identity has traditionally been answered from two broad perspectives. The objectivist approach has sought to answer the question through empirical observation - you are a mammal, you are a homo-sapien, you are male, you are African etc. The subjectivist approach has sought to answer the question through phenomenological exploration - I understand myself to be sentient, I remember my past, I feel love etc. A recent development in the field of computer science has however shown a shortcoming in both of these approaches. Ray Kurzweil, a theorist in strong artificial intelligence, suggests the possibility of an interesting identity crisis. He suggests that if a machine could be programmed and built to accurately and effectively emulate a person's conscious experience of being `self' it could lead to a crisis of identity. In an instance where the machine and the person it is emulating cannot be either objectively distinguished (i.e., both display the same characteristics of the person in question), or subjectively distinguish themselves (i.e., both believe themselves to be the `person in question' since both have an experience of being that person. This experience could be based on memory, emotion, understanding and other subjective realities) how is the true identity of the individual validated? What approach can be employed in order to distinguish which of the two truly is the `person in question' and which is the `emulation of that person'? This research investigates this problem and presents a suggested solution to it. The research begins with an investigation of the claims of strong artificial intelligence and discusses Ray Kurzweil's hypothetical identity crisis. It also discusses various approaches to consciousness and identity, showing both their value and shortfall within the scope of this identity conundrum. In laying the groundwork for the solution offered in this thesis, the integrative theory of Ken Wilber is presented as a model that draws on the strengths of the objectivist and subjectivist approaches to consciousness, yet also emphasises the need for an approach which is not only based on individual data (i.e., the objectivist - you are, or subjectivist - I am). Rather, it requires an intersubjective knowing of self in relation to others. The outcome of this research project is an African Theological approach to self-validating consciousness in strong artificial intelligence. This takes the form of an African Theology of relational ontology. The contribution falls within the ambit of Christian anthropology and Trinitarian theology - stressing the Christian belief that true identity is both shaped by, and discovered in, relationship with others. The clearest expression of this reality is to be found in the African saying Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu (A person is a person through other persons).
Systematic Theology
D. Th.
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Mohammed, Sarojani S. 1980. „Trini talk or the Queen's English? : navigating language varieties in the post-colonial, high stakes climate of "Standard Five" classrooms in Trinidad“. 2008.

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This study was an exploration of the relationship between classroom discourse and a high-stakes, standardized test, the Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA), administered to students in Trinidad in their final elementary school year ("Standard 5"), with scores used to determine placement into secondary school. Classroom discourse was measured as represented in the oral and written language modeled to students by teachers and textbooks, and compared to the written language expectations implicit in the instructions and items on the SEA. Students' SEA scores were analyzed in relation to their teachers' language to determine if achievement was related to exposure to local/non-standard features of Trinidadian English. One outcome of this analysis was the creation of a survey developed to measure teachers' propensity for speaking Trini (Creole/dialect) or Trinidadian Academic English (standard English) in class by having them respond to audio clips. The survey was found to have acceptable reliability and concurrent validity. For the oral language investigation, 13 teachers were recorded as they led their class in one lesson, and an index of Trini usage (number of Trini utterances per 100 words) was calculated for each teacher. This index was used in an HLM model to determine if teachers' language was a predictor of their students' SEA scores. The distribution of the Trini index was positively skewed, M=1.1 and SD=1.25, indicating low usage of Trini. Trini usage was not found to be a significant predictor of students' 2008 SEA scores, but was found to be a significant predictor of the variation in SEA scores when these were aggregated by class. Similarly, there were few instances of Trini features in the examined textbooks. However, on the SEA, the only influence of Trini was the presence of dialect options used as distractors on two "fill in the blank" items, suggesting a mismatch between the features used in instructional language and the language expectations on the exam. In general, the low exposure to local features did not account for students' achievement on the SEA, but was positively related to the consistency of scores within a class.
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Bücher zum Thema "Trinity test"


1539-1604, Socinus Faustus, Hrsg. Logos o uomo?: Testi antitrinitari. Dronero (Cuneo): L'arciere, 2009.

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Paoletti, Paolo. Il ponte a Santa Trinità, com'era e dov'era: Dalla distruzione nel 1944 al ritrovamento della testa della Primavera nel 1961. Firenze: Becocci, 1987.

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Paoletti, Paolo. Il Ponte a Santa Trinita: Com'era e dov'era : dalla distruzione nel 1944 al ritrovamento della testa della primavera nel 1961. Firenze: Becocci, 1987.

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Österreich, Elva K. Manhattan Project Trinity Test: Witnessing the Bomb in New Mexico. Arcadia Publishing, 2020.

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Manhattan Project Trinity Test: Witnessing the Bomb in New Mexico. History Press Limited, The, 2020.

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Österreich, Elva K. The Manhattan Project Trinity Test: Witnessing the Bomb in New Mexico. The History Press, 2020.

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Hanson, Gregory E. Trinity Test: Eight Questions to Assess Your Understanding of the Godhead. Independently Published, 2018.

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Loring, William S. Birthplace of the Atomic Bomb: A Complete History of the Trinity Test Site. McFarland & Company, Incorporated Publishers, 2019.

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Government, U. S., und Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. Trinity: The World's First Atomic Explosion - History of the Atomic Bomb Test and the New Mexico Test Site, Rehearsal Shot, Report on Nuclear Energy Released, Damage Effects, Observations. Independently Published, 2017.

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La fede dei padri: Tematiche, testi e riflessioni desunte dai padri pre-niceni relativamente ai trattati su Dio uno e trino. Roma: Pontificia Università Urbaniana, 1985.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Trinity test"


Christoffersson, Anders, und Roland Roberts. „Trinity or Verity ?“ In Monitoring a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, 611–28. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1996.

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Semkow, Thomas M., Pravin P. Parekh und Douglas K. Haines. „Modeling the Effects of the Trinity Test“. In ACS Symposium Series, 142–59. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 2006.

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Heaney, Maeve Louise. „11. Spiritual Subjects“. In Music and Spirituality, 233–54. Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, 2024.

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This chapter focusses on and explores the connection between the two core themes at the heart of the book’s research agenda: spirituality and music. Building on broad and intellectually informed definitions of musicking and spirituality, the chapter names three theological categories from the world of Christian theology – Grace, Trinity, and the Ascended Body of Christ – that help ground some commonly-perceived connections between the two, as well as various disciplinary fields from world of music study – musical semiotics, hermeneutics, and history – necessary to explore these connections further. From these preliminary considerations, the chapter makes a case for grounding research into music and spirituality on the source and subject of that work: the very person of the researcher. A reflexive and self-appropriated researcher is the foundation of all useful knowledge and the condition of possibility for its clarity and future development. Drawing on the categories of narrative, biography (Metz), the researcher “in conversion” (Lonergan), and a small test-group of reflective responses from scholars at work in this field, I suggest that more awareness of whence our interest in this field will help bridge gaps and advance our quest to understand music, spirituality and the spaces in-between.
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Schrader-Kniffki, Martina, Yannic Klamp und Malte Kneifel. „Translationsstrategien in Texten der Evangelisierung und der indigenen Rechtsprechung in Neu-Spanien“. In Übersetzungskulturen der Frühen Neuzeit, 287–312. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2021.

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ZusammenfassungThis paper sets out to reconstruct concepts of translation between Spanish and indigenous languages that were prevalent in religious as well as notarial contexts in colonial Mexico (more specifically in a district within the state of Oaxaca) between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries. To this end, we analyse Christian doctrinal texts translated from Spanish into the Zapotec language by Dominican friars in order to propagate the Christian faith, as well as notarial texts in the form of testaments written in Zapotec by the indigenous population and translated into Spanish in order to be submitted as evidence in court. We pay particular attention to the use and translation of the Christian concept of the Trinity, which is used in both text types, and show that it is subject to various explicit and implicit translational norms and strategies, depending on the translation context.
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„The Trinity Test“. In The First Atomic Bomb, 5–40. Nebraska, 2023.

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„The Trinity Test“. In Atomic Doctors, 31–58. Harvard University Press, 2020.

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„2 The Trinity Test“. In Atomic Doctors, 31–58. Harvard University Press, 2020.

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„Invention of Tradition? Trinity as Test“. In Religious Identity and the Invention of Tradition, 97–110. BRILL, 2001.

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Kiernan, Vincent. „Trinity, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki“. In Atomic Bill, 61–85. Cornell University Press, 2022.

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This chapter turns to discuss the plutonium bomb that was projected to have an explosive energy equal to that of 20,000 tons of TNT. The Trinity test was carried out in Alamogordo, New Mexico, about 200 miles south of Los Alamos. Bracing for history to be made, the chapter narrates how William Laurence was taken aback by the pessimism that he encountered among the physicists when he arrived at Los Alamos. Some of the Los Alamos scientists doubted that the bomb would explode at all. As the moment of detonation approached, the chapter chronicles how the light from the blast illuminated the night sky for miles and caused alarm among some New Mexico residents. Just as a lightning flash precedes a thunderclap by a few moments, so the light from Trinity was followed by a booming sound. The chapter documents at least four distinct accounts of the Trinity explosion that Laurence wrote over the years. It emphasizes that Laurence saw the Trinity test as marking the start of a new epoch in human history, an event with such wrenching emotional power that it could inspire its witnesses to spontaneously render deep philosophical reactions.
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„Leslie Groves, Report on the Trinity Test, 1945“. In Nuclear Reactions, 23–27. University of Washington Press, 2016.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Trinity test"


Liu, Yunlong, Xiaobing Geng und Mei Xu. „Simulation study on radioactive deposition of nuclear explosion taking Trinity test as an example“. In Third International Conference on Optoelectronic Science and Materials (ICOSM 2021), herausgegeben von Siting Chen und Pei Wang. SPIE, 2021.

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Vlaisavljević, Dušan, Matija Kostić, Dejan Stojčevski und Aleksandar Petković. „TRINITY PROJEKAT: MODEL PREKOGRANIČNE RAZMENA BALANSNE REZERVE“. In 36. Savetovanja CIGRE Srbija 2023 Fleksibilnost elektroenergetskog sistema. Srpski nacionalni komitet Međunarodnog saveta za velike električne mreže CIGRE Srbija, 2023.

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TRINITY addresses the EU’s Research Horizon Framework 2020 Programme within the call Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future: secure, clean and efficient energy (“LC-SC3-ES-2-2019: Solutions for increased regional cross-border cooperation in the transmission grid”. The aim of TRINITY is to develop a set of solutions that will support the integration of the electricity markets in South East Europe and enhance cooperation and coordination among the transmission system operators, whilst promoting higher penetration of clean renewable energies. Within this paper, a model for establishing regional cooperation for cross-border exchange of balancing reserves is presented. The proposed model is defined in accordance with the relevant European regulations - network codes, which elaborate in detail the possibilities and limitations for the application of cross-border exchange of balancing reserves. Based on the proposed model, a software solution was developed, a regional platform for the exchange of balancing reserves. The platform was used for pilot tests between transmission system operators in the region. The paper presents the results and findings of the demonstrations carried out for the SMM (Serbia - North Macedonia - Montenegro) control block, as well as recommendations for further steps and the development of cross-border balancing cooperation.
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Hristova-Shomova, Iskra. „Двата превода на Словото за Въведение Богородично от Герман Константинополски (BHG 1103) / Two Translations of the Homily for the Presentation of the Holy Virgin Mary by German of Constantinople (BHG 1103)“. In Учителното евангелие на Константин Преславски и южнославянските преводи на хомилетични текстове (IX-XIII в.): филологически и интердисциплинарни ракурси / Constantine of Preslav’s Uchitel’noe Evangelie and the South Slavonic Homiletic Texts (9th-13th century): Philological and Interdisciplinary Aspects. Institute of Balkan Studies and Centre of Thracology – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2024.

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The Homily for the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Temple by German of Constantinople (BHG 1103) with the incipit Θυμηδίας μὲν πᾶσα θειοτάτη πανήγυρις has an early Old Bulgarian translation, saved in Panegyrikoi of old recension. The translation is not complete, some parts of the Greek text were omitted. This translation has an East Slavic redaction, which contains changes of the text, sometimes significant, but the omitted parts of the text have not been added. The same homily has a Middle Bulgarian translation of the full text. The paper contains a comparison between the Old Bulgarian translation (on the base of manuscript Zographensis no. 94), its East Slavic redaction (on the base of manuscript kept in the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, no. 669) and the Middle Bulgarian translation (on the base of the Panegyricon of Mardarius of Rila, kept in the Rila Monastery, no. 4/5). Both translations are skillful, made by experienced translators who were fluent in Greek and had rich vocabularies, although they have made some mistakes.
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Oliveira, Erinaldo Santos, und Christina von Flach. „Avaliação da Eficácia do Uso Pedagógico de Projetos OSS“. In Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - SBC, 2023.

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Um dos desafios do uso de projetos Software de Código Aberto (OSS) na Educação é a avaliação de sua eficácia para alcançar os objetivos pedagógicos de uma disciplina. Este artigo apresenta o modelo conceitual E3S para avaliação da eficácia de projetos OSS no Ensino de ES. Construímos o modelo por meio de análise documental sobre referenciais curriculares da SBC e de sociedades internacionais, e de trinta artigos da literatura sobre uso de projetos OSS na Educação. Aplicamos o modelo para avaliar o uso do projeto JabRef em uma disciplina de Teste de Software.
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Ferreira, Maria Alice dos Santos, Joyce Bianca Pereira Bezerra, Wanessa Nascimento Félix Da Silva Silva und Maria Rosana De Souza Ferreira. „A INTERVENÇÃO DO FISIOTERAPEUTA NA DOENÇA DE ALZHEIMER: REVISÃO LITERÁRIA“. In II Congresso Brasileiro de Saúde On-line. Revista Multidisciplinar em Saúde, 2021.

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Introdução: A doença de Alzheimer (DA) é uma das principais doenças neurodegenerativas progressivas, que tem a síndrome do declínio cognitivo funcional e acometem em maior quantidade pessoas da terceira idade. A maior causa dessa doença é a genética, atingindo mais de 70% da população, outros fatores de risco inclui histórico de lesão na cabeça ou hipertensão. Os seus sintomas iniciais podem ser confundidos com o processo de envelhecimento natural, como esquecimento, dificuldade de se locomover, postura, marcha, equilíbrio, influenciando na qualidade de vida diária. A intervenção fisioterapêutica na DA tem se mostrado muito eficiente por proporcionar uma melhora nas atividades de vida diária. Objetivo: Avaliar a ação de exercícios fisioterapêuticos que contribuem significativamente na qualidade de vida de pacientes com DA. Materiais e Métodos: Foi realizada uma busca na base de dados PubMed, utilizando os descritores “physiotherapy”, “alzheimer” e “intervention”. Foram encontrados trezentos e trinta e oito artigos dos últimos cinco anos, dos quais foram selecionados cento e trinta e nove através dos títulos e desses só quinze foram selecionados por leitura completa dos artigos. Resultados: Os quinze artigos que integraram o estudo, aplicaram novas propostas de intervenção fisioterapêutica em pacientes com DA. Além dos tratamentos farmacológicos, os exercícios físicos combinados com a intervenção fisioterapêutica trariam resultados significativamente melhores na qualidade de vida dos pacientes, podendo diminuir a progressão da patologia na sua fase precoce. Alguns autores trouxeram atividades funcionais como exercícios aeróbicos (melhora o fluxo sanguíneo cerebral, aumenta o volume do hipocampo e melhora a neurogênese), teste de marcha (velocidade e comprimento dos passos), equilíbrio (plataformas vibratórias). Essas intervenções fisioterapêuticas acarretam na minimização de suas manifestações clínicas geradas conforme a progressão do mal de Alzheimer. Conclusões: Apesar do treinamento cognitivo agregar-se à fisioterapia motora, a mesma não traz a cura, pois é uma doença irreversível, a fisioterapia colabora retardando o surgimento dos sintomas, tendo uma melhora significativamente na qualidade de vida dos pacientes. Estudos apontam que quem se exercita mais, possuem células nervosas mais saudáveis e o risco de desenvolver o Alzheimer cai pela metade.
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Reginaldo, Jarriv Alcantara de Oliveira, Francisco de Assis Zampirolli und Wagner Tanaka Botelho. „LookASD – Intelligent System to Assist Healthcare Professionals in Decision-Making About Children with ASD“. In Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - SBC, 2023.

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O Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) é caracterizado por distúrbios neurodesenvolvimentais que afetam as habilidades sociais, a comunicação e as capacidades de aprendizado das pessoas. Afeta aproximadamente uma em cada 200 pessoas. As pessoas com TEA nascem com o transtorno e não há cura. No entanto, ainda é necessário disponibilizar métodos simples e confiáveis que utilizem dados públicos para auxiliar os profissionais de saúde no seu diagnóstico. Este artigo apresenta o LookASD, um sistema de código aberto que exibe múltiplas imagens para capturar os padrões de atenção visual (mapas focais) de crianças de cinco a 12 anos. Para isso, uma webcam captura os mapas focais e, em seguida, os classificam usando um conjunto de dados públicos composto por mapas focais de crianças com e sem TEA. Na classificação, trinta e quatro métodos de aprendizado de máquina da biblioteca Sklearn foram utilizados no conjunto de dados, sendo 80% para treinamento e 20% para teste. Os classificadores mais precisos foram a Classificação de Vetores de Suporte (SVC), K-Vizinhos Mais Próximos (KNeighborsClassifier) e o Histograma Gradient Boosting (HistGradientBoostingClassifier).
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Loureiro, G., LSA Rocha, DD Pereira, FGD Morais, AA Cain, M. Martins, MF Benini und NM Sumita. „IMPORTÂNCIA DA QUANTIFICAÇÃO DAS CADEIAS LEVES KAPPA E LAMBDA LIVRES URINÁRIAS NO ESTUDO DAS PARAPROTEÍNAS“. In Resumos do 54º Congresso Brasileiro de Patologia Clínica/Medicina Laboratorial, 20. Zeppelini Editorial e Comunicação, 2022.

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Objetivo: Avaliar a sensibilidade e a especificidade da dosagem das CLLs por imunoturbidimetria com relação à eletroforese e à imunofixação de proteínas urinárias. Método: Trinta e oito amostras de urina da rotina laboratorial (isolada e de 24 horas) foram avaliadas. Os exames de eletroforese e imunofixação das proteínas urinárias foram solicitados. A detecção das CLLs por eletroforese e imunofixação foi realizada no equipamento SPIFE II (Helena, USA). A dosagem quantitativa das CLL foi realizada por método imunoturbidimétrico, utilizando um conjunto diagnóstico da marca Freelite (Binding Site, UK) no equipamento Optilite (Binding Site, UK). A idade média dos pacientes da casuística foi de 67 anos, variando de 33 a 82 anos, sendo 24 (63%) do sexo masculino e 14 (37%) do feminino. Vinte e nove (76%) amostras foram de urinas coletadas em um período de 24 horas e nove (24%), amostras isoladas. Da casuística de 38 amostras, detectou-se a presença de componente monoclonal por eletroforese e imunofixação em 31 (81,5%) delas. Das amostras com componente monoclonal, em 20 (64,5%) foram identificadas cadeia kappa livre; em oito (25,8%), cadeia lambda livre e em três (9,7%), apenas cadeias completas (IgG kappa ou IgG lambda). A dosagem quantitativa das CLLs apresentou sensibilidade de 58% e especificidade de 86%, considerando como valores de referência kappa livre ≤ 32,9 mg/l, lambda livre ≤ 3,79 mg/l e relação kappa livre/lambda livre ≤ 8,69. Conclusão: A dosagem das CLLs séricas é o exame indicado pelas diretrizes no diagnóstico e no monitoramento das paraproteinemias. A dosagem urinária pode auxiliar no monitoramento dos pacientes que apresentam alteração identificável, permitindo uma determinação quantitativa mais precisa do componente monoclonal. Referências: 1. Pieri M et al. Nephelometric assay of urine free light chains: an alternative and early clinical test for Bence-Jones protein quantification. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2018; 56(12): e313-e315.
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Santos, IO, FD Menegat, AR Ianicelli, TGR Costa, EA Rosseto, CES Ferreira, SA Lottenberg und MC Batista. „ANÁLISE DA RELAÇÃO ALDOSTERONA/ RENINA NO RASTREAMENTO DO HIPERALDOSTERONISMO PRIMÁRIO“. In Resumos do 55º Congresso Brasileiro de Patologia Clínica/Medicina Laboratorial, 80. Zeppelini Editorial e Comunicação, 2023.

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Objetivo: A relação aldosterona/renina (REL) é o principal teste laboratorial preconizado para o rastreamento do hiperaldosteronismo primário. Em nosso laboratório, a aldosterona (VR até 980,7 pmol/l) e a renina direta (VR 6,8 a 86,6 mcUI/ml) são dosadas no plasma por imunoensaios quimioluminescentes em plataforma automatizada (iSYS, IDS). De acordo com a literatura médica, valores da REL maiores que 37,4 sugerem hiperaldosteronismo primário. Entretanto, o uso de inúmeros medicamentos, frequentemente não informados ao laboratório, podem interferir na dosagem desses hormônios e no cálculo da REL. No presente estudo, analisamos o perfil da REL na população atendida em nosso laboratório. Método: Foram submetidas à dosagem de aldosterona e renina 277 amostras da rotina, coletadas ao acaso na posição sentada, nos ensaios iSYS (IDS), no período de janeiro de 2022 a maio de 2023. Conclusão: A mediana (interquartis 25% e 75%) da aldosterona, da renina e da REL foi 257,60 pmol/l (179,15 e 400,90), 19,50 mcUI/ml (10,35 e 42,42) e 13,94 (6,86 e 26,15), respectivamente. Trinta amostras (12,6%) coletadas de 29 pacientes apresentaram REL maior que 37,4, sugestivas de hiperaldosteronismo primário. Desses pacientes, 20 realizaram exames de imagem do abdômen, sendo detectados nódulos adrenais em apenas três casos. Nos demais 17 pacientes, os valores elevados da REL foram atribuídos à possível interferência de medicamentos em uso, já que essa é a principal causa dessas alterações, embora não a única. Esses dados sugerem que a REL pode ser útil no rastreamento do hiperaldosteronismo primário, mas é imprescindível que ela seja interpretada, levando em consideração todos os medicamentos em uso, de modo a evitar que resultados falsamente elevados levem a investigações complementares desnecessárias.
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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Trinity test"


Tasseff, Sarah. Trinity Test Wall Display. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), April 2022.

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Mitchell, Renae. Witness the Trinity test through Lab artifacts. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Juni 2022.

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Quinn, V. E. Analysis of nuclear test TRINITY radiological and meteorological data. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 1987.

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Steeves, Brye. Test your Trinity knowledge, print a 75th anniversary poster. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Juli 2020.

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Snead, Jennifer. Trinity 78th Anniversary: re-discovered, unclassified footage shows use of tanks to collect radioactive samples immediately after Trinity test. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Juli 2023.

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Steeves, Brye. 76th anniversary of Trinity test Dawn of the Atomic Age commemorated with new stories, plus printable posters. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Juli 2021.

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Ali, Alee, und Alan Carr. How did the world’s first atomic bomb get its name? Looking back on the Trinity test on its 76th anniversary. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Juli 2021.

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Hansen, W. R., und J. C. Rodgers. Radiological survey and evaluation of the fallout area from the Trinity test: Chupadera Mesa and White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Juni 1985.

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Rajan, Mahesh. Trinity Acceptance Tests Performance Summary. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Dezember 2015.

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Wright, Alan F., und Normand A. Modine. Scaling tests of a new algorithm for DFT hybrid-functional calculations on Trinity Haswell. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2017.

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