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Das, Kalyan. Labour contracts and work agreements in tea plantations of Assam. Noida: V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, 2002.

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Moore, Sian. The content of new voluntary trade union recognition agreements 1998-2002. London: Dept. of Trade and Industry, 2004.

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Idubor, Richard. Employment and trade dispute law in Nigeria. Akure: Sylva Publishers, 1999.

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Panitch, Leo. The assault on trade union freedoms: From wage controls to social contract. Toronto, Ont: Garamond Press, 1993.

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Wooden, Mark. The changing nature of bargaining structures and the consequences for management and trade unions. Adelaide: National Institute of Labour Studies, 1999.

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Fossum, John A. Labor relations: Development, structure, process. 7. Aufl. Boston: Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 1999.

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Fossum, John A. Labor relations: Development, structure, process. 5. Aufl. Homewood, IL: Irwin, 1992.

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Fossum, John A. Labor relations: Development, structure, process. 6. Aufl. Chicago: Irwin, 1995.

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Forschungsinstitut für Wirtschaftsverfassung und Wettbewerb (Cologne, Germany), Hrsg. Tarifautonomie und Kartellrecht: Referate einer FIW-Veranstaltung. Köln: Heymann, 1990.

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Drongelen, J. van. Vakverenigingsvrijheid, het recht op collectief onderhandelen, mededingingsrecht. Zutphen: Uitgeverij Paris, 2009.

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Drongelen, J. van. Vakverenigingsvrijheid, het recht op collectief onderhandelen, mededingingsrecht. Zutphen: Uitgeverij Paris, 2009.

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New Jersey. Legislature. General Assembly. Labor Committee. Public hearing before Assembly Labor Committee: Consider the findings of the State Commission of Investigation in its report entitled "Contract labor, the making of an underground economy," and evaluate what progress has been made in implementing the recommendations of that report. Trenton, N.J. (State House Annex, P.O. Box 068, Trenton 08625-0068): The Committee, 1999.

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Martin, Brendan. In the public interest?: Privatization and public sector reform. London: Zed Books in association with Public Services International, 1993.

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Committee, New Jersey Legislature General Assembly Labor. Public hearing before Assembly Labor Committee: To review the efforts of the Department of Community Affairs to enforce the Carnival-Amusement Rides Safety Act, P.L. 1975, with special consideration of the impact of P.L. 1989, enacted on April 29, 1998. Trenton, N.J. (PO Box 068, Trenton 08625): The Committee, 1999.

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Committee, New Jersey Legislature General Assembly Labor. Public hearing before Assembly Labor Committee: Drug and alcohol abuse in the workplace. Trenton, N.J: The Committee, 1992.

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New Jersey. Legislature. General Assembly. Labor Committee. Public hearing before Assembly Labor Committee: Implementation of the Workforce Development Partnership Program. Trenton, N.J: The Committee, 1993.

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New Jersey. Legislature. General Assembly. Labor Committee. Public hearing before Assembly Labor Committee: The evaluation of the Workforce Development Partnership Program in 1994, 1995, and 1996 : a status report from the State Employment and Training Commission on New Jersey's implementation of the Federal Workforce Investment Act. Trenton, N.J: The Committee, 2000.

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New Jersey. Legislature. General Assembly. Labor Committee. Public hearing before Assembly Labor Committee: The implementation of the Youth Transitions to Work Partnership Act and the occupational health and safety component of the Workforce Development Partnership Program. Trenton, N.J: Office of Legislative Services, Public Information Office, Hearing Unit, 1993.

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New Jersey. Legislature. General Assembly. Labor Committee. Public hearing before Assembly Labor Committee: Progress being made in the implementation of the Workforce Development Partnership Program. Trenton, N.J: The Committee, 1994.

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New Jersey. Legislature. General Assembly. Labor Committee. Public hearing before Assembly Labor Committee: Testimony on undocumented aliens in New Jersey and their impact on jobs and money spent for them in health care, education, prisons, and other services. Trenton, N.J: The Committee, 1994.

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New Jersey. Legislature. General Assembly. Labor Committee. Public hearing before Assembly Labor Committee: Testimony regarding the operations of the Division of Disability Determinations in the New Jersey Department of Labor. Trenton, N.J: The Committee, 1993.

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New Jersey. Legislature. General Assembly. Labor Committee. Public hearing before Assembly Labor Committee: Operations of the Division of Disability Determinations in the Department of Labor. Trenton, N.J: The Committee, 1994.

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New Jersey. Legislature. General Assembly. Labor Committee. Public hearing before Assembly Labor Committee: Assembly bill no. 3181 (clarifies the law respect to the kinds of matters which are proper subjects for negotiations in public sector employment) : December 6, 1990, room 368, State House Annex, Trenton, New Jersey. Trenton, N.J: The Committee, 1990.

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New Jersey. Legislature. General Assembly. Labor Committee. Public hearing before Assembly Labor Committee: Assembly bill no. 3565 (concerns regulation of apparel industry) and Assembly bill no. 2974 (prohibits industrial homework in the manufacture of women's apparel) : October 2, 1990, City Council Chambers, Passaic City Hall, Passaic, New Jersey. [Trenton, N.J.]: The Committee, 1990.

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Jefferson, Michael. 12. Trade unions: recognition, collective bargaining, and industrial action. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/he/9780198815167.003.0012.

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Each Concentrate revision guide is packed with essential information, key cases, revision tips, exam Q&As, and more. Concentrates show you what to expect in a law exam, what examiners are looking for, and how to achieve extra marks. The chapter discusses the law on trade unions. Topics covered include independence and recognition; the legal enforceability of collective agreements; disclosure of information for collective bargaining; protection for trade unionists; statutory immunity in tort for various types of industrial action. Strikes are always in breach of the contract of employment (unless, as rarely happens, the contract provides for its suspension during industrial action). Therefore, protection given to unions and members in relation to strikes and other forms of industrial action is really important: without it, striking—a fundamental human right—would be illegal in all circumstances.
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Fossum, John A. Labor Relations. 9. Aufl. McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2005.

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Fossum, John A. Labor Relations: Development, Structure, Processes. McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2001.

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Fossum, John A. Labor Relations: Development, Structure, Process. McGraw-Hill Education, 2014.

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Fossum, John A. Labor Relations. McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2012.

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Fossum, John A. Labor Relations. 8. Aufl. McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 2001.

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Fossum, John A. Labor Relations: Development, Structure, Processes. 8. Aufl. McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2001.

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Jones, Alison, und Brenda Sufrin. 7. Article 102 TFEU. Oxford University Press, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/law/9780198723424.003.0007.

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All books in this flagship series contain carefully selected substantial extracts from key cases, legislation, and academic debate, providing able students with a stand-alone resource. This chapter discusses the following: the meaning of ‘abuse’ in Article 102; types of conduct that may constitute an abuse; dominance and abuse in different markets; general issues in respect of abuses concerning prices; predatory pricing; margin squeeze; exclusive purchasing (single branding) contracts, and discount and rebate schemes; tying and bundling; refusal to supply; other exclusionary practices; discrimination contrary to Article 102(c); exploitative abuses; refusal to supply, export bans and other conduct hindering inter-member state trade; and abuse and collective dominance.
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Bôaviagem, Aurélio Agostinho da, Eugênia Cristina Nilsen Ribeiro Barza, Francisco Antônio de Barros e. Silva Neto und Paul Hugo Weberbauer. Integração regional, Globalização e Direito Internacional - Volume 3. Brazil Publishing, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.31012/978-65-5861-469-2.

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This book is the fruitful result of the extensive research conducted by the Research Group Regional Integration, Globalization and International Law by its members and colleagues from the Faculty of Law of Recife. The scholars have dedicated their research to develop a comprehensive study on relevant topics of International Law, in particular from the perspective of regional arrangements and globalization. As the Research Group has three fields of research, the papers have been divided into three parts accordingly. In Part 1, the articles address topics with respect to regional integration, focusing on the European Union and the MERCOSUR agreements. In Part 2, the papers deal with matters derived from the phenomenon of globalization, which demand international disciplines, such as the environment, consumer relations, cooperation and movement of goods and persons. Finally, in Part 3, the articles concentrate on the current and relevant discussions about international governance of several topics, such as foreign investment, trade, space exploitation, intelectual property, contracts, commerce and arbitration. That being said, this collective work is essential for professionals and scholars from the legal and related fields to deepen their knowledge on debates dominating the study of International Law and its diversities.
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Battilana, Julie, Michael Fuerstein und Mike Lee. New Prospects for Organizational Democracy? Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198825067.003.0013.

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The joint pursuit of commercial and societal objectives will likely require non-traditional (non-hierarchical) ways of organizing. This chapter discusses the prospects for one promising alternative: “organizational democracy.” This is a flatter form characterized by distributed decision rights, a deliberative culture, and employee ownership. Other alternatives to hierarchy have emphasized individualistic values of autonomy and empowerment. In contrast, organizational democracy emphasizes the collective. Relevant work in political philosophy underlines analogous dimensions including representation, deliberation, and a collective point of view. The last point makes it different from work on solidarity and class or group interest. In multi-objective organizational democracy there are trade-offs and these are negotiated. Representation and deliberation come to the foreground. Unlike in traditional organizations, however, negotiations are not regarded as transaction costs to be minimized; rather they are brought to the foreground and cultivated. The chapter illustrates these ideas and discusses challenges and avenues for future research.
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Jarvis, Katie. Politics in the Marketplace. Oxford University Press, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780190917111.001.0001.

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Politics in the Marketplace integrates politics, economics, and gender to ask how the Dames des Halles invented notions of citizenship through everyday trade during the French Revolution. As crucial food retailers, traditional representatives of the Third Estate, and famed leaders of the march on Versailles, these Parisian market women held great revolutionary influence. This work innovatively interweaves the Dames’ political activism and economic practices to reveal how marketplace actors shaped the nature of nascent democracy and capitalism through daily commerce. Parisians struggled to overhaul the marketplace and reconcile egalitarian social aspirations with free market principles. While haggling over new price controls, fair taxes, and acceptable currency, the Dames and their clients negotiated economic and social contracts in tandem. The market women conceptualized a type of economic citizenship in which individuals’ activities such as buying goods, selling food, or paying taxes positioned them within the collective social body and enabled them to make claims on the state. They insisted that their commerce served society and demanded that the state pass favorable regulations to reciprocate. The Dames also drew on their patriotic work as activists and their gendered work as republican mothers to compel the state to provide practical currency and assist indigent families. Thus, the Dames’ notion of citizenship portrayed useful work, rather than gender, as the cornerstone of civic legitimacy. Consequently, Politics in the Marketplace challenges the interpretation that the Revolution launched an inherently masculine trajectory for citizenship. It calls on scholars to rethink the relationship among work, gender, and embryonic citizenship.
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Eller, Jonathan R. Critical Praise, Private Worries. University of Illinois Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.5406/illinois/9780252036293.003.0037.

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This chapter focuses on Ray Bradbury's anxiety about long fiction amid critical praise in 1951. By the time Bradbury's Miracle Year had run its course, he had successfully built a new story collection around the Illustrated Man framing device. And with the February 1951 release of his second Doubleday book, Bradbury was beginning to solidify his reputation as a major market book author. This chapter starts with a discussion of the critical acceptance for Bradbury's The Illustrated Man and The Martian Chronicles, focusing on their favorable reviews, their publication in major American and British trade houses, and the mass-market paperback contracts Bradbury received for both of them. It then examines Bradbury's private worry about whether he would be able to build book-length success, similar to what he achieved with the Chronicles, out of an expansion of “The Fireman” novella. Finally, it looks at Don Congdon's advice for Bradbury to pursue the conventional realism of the Mexican stories and develop them into a 60,000-word novel.
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Rose, Gillian, Sam Hind, Scott Rodgers, Monica Degen, Isobel Ward, Zlatan Krajina, Giorgia Aiello, Joel McKim, Ayona Datta und Asli Duru. Seeing the City Digitally. Amsterdam University Press, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.5117/9789463727037.

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This book explores what’s happening to ways of seeing urban spaces in the contemporary moment, when so many of the technologies through which cities are visualised are digital. Cities have always been pictured, in many media and for many different purposes. This edited collection explores how that picturing is changing in an era of digital visual culture. Analogue visual technologies like film cameras were understood as creating some sort of a trace of the real city. Digital visual technologies, in contrast, harvest and process digital data to create images that are constantly refreshed, modified and circulated. Each of the chapters in this volume examines a different example of how this processual visuality is reconfiguring the spatial and temporal organisation of urban life.
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