Dissertationen zum Thema „Tiv Art“

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Salisbury, Amelia Rose. „Hot cashew on a tin roof“. Thesis, University of Iowa, 2014. https://ir.uiowa.edu/etd/4743.

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Morais, Tiago Gualberto. „Lembrança de Nhô Tim“. Universidade de São Paulo, 2018. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/27/27159/tde-05122018-094222/.

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Este trabalho investiga as relações entre a exploração da terra realizada pela prática da mineração e estratégias de produção de memória a partir da proposta de um diálogo artístico na comunidade do bairro Resplendor, na cidade de Igarapé-MG. Esta região de recente urbanização destaca-se, especialmente, pelas transformações da paisagem em decorrência da proximidade com grandes empreendimentos: o centro de arte contemporânea Inhotim; a economia mineradora; a instalação de presídios (Bicas I e II) e a construção de conjuntos habitacionais populares. Partindo de uma série de intervenções nesta localidade realizada em 11 de setembro de 2016, a qual possui no objeto Lembrança de Nhô Tim seu eixo central, propus a elaboração desta publicação impressa de caráter ficcional reunindo registros audiovisuais, documentos, imagens de trabalhos artísticos e depoimentos desta experiência e seus desdobramentos ao longo deste curso de mestrado. Aspira-se ampliar as compreensões artísticas contemporâneas envoltas em práticas capazes de aglutinar aspectos envolvidos com o sistema da arte, o convívio comunitário e com a invenção de memórias.
This work studies the connections between the exploitation of land carried out by the practice of mining and strategies of memory production made from the proposal of an artistic dialogue in the community of Resplendor, in the city of Igarapé- -MG. This region of recent urbanization stands out, especially, considering the transformations of the landscape due to the presence of large enterprises: the Center of Contemporary Art Inhotim; mining economy; installation of the prisons (Bicas I and II) and the establishment of popular housing. Starting from a series of interventions in this location, realized on September 11th 2016, which has the object Souvenir of Nhô Tim as it\'s central axis, I proposed the elaboration of this printed publication which has a fictional character and gathers audiovisual records, documentation, images of art works and testimonies of this experience and its unfolding during the course of this Masters degree program. The aim is to broaden the contemporary art comprehension wrapped in practices capable of agglutinating aspects involved in art systems, community living and with the invention of memories.
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Cheng, Herelius Maria. „Skorstenprojektets lokalitet och globalitet : Jan Svenungssons skulpturer i en postindustriell tid“. Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Konstvetenskapliga institutionen, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-326669.

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Gekosky, Sandra J. „Luca Della Robbia and his Tin-Glazed Terracotta Sculptures“. Ohio University / OhioLINK, 2005. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ohiou1126821886.

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Conte, Nathalie [Aude]. „TACC-TIC cellulaires“. Aix-Marseille 2, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003AIX22079.

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Antonio, Jennifer. „The creative use of the tin-containing layer on float glass“. Thesis, University of Sunderland, 2009. http://sure.sunderland.ac.uk/6490/.

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This research explored the creative potential of the phenomenon of “bloom”, a matt film caused by the expansion of the tin-containing layer on the surface of float glass that occurs when it is reheated to temperatures above 600° C. “Bloom” has long been regarded as a problem, both in industry and by artists using float glass for kilnforming. Under specific conditions designed to stretch the glass the expansion of the tin-containing layer can be controlled sufficiently to produce a new surface effect similar to iridescence, instead of a matt film. The research examined ways of using the new surface to create images in glass. In addition, the hardness of the tin in relation to the glass causes the images to form slight low relief. The visual effects can be contrasted with those of existing methods of creating surfaces on glass and with methods of forming low relief in glass, in being lightreflecting and integral to the medium itself. While the effects are quite subtle, methods derived from creative practice were developed to create artworks that exploited their unique visual characteristics. These are composed of imagery, glass and light. The research has been approached from the perspective of an artist working with the medium of glass. Its purpose was to explain and control the effects sufficiently in order to use them for creative expression. The submission consists of a body of artwork and a written thesis.
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Imparato, Francesco <1994&gt. „Una visione della diversità: l'outsider nel cinema di Tim Burton“. Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/15303.

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Con le sue atmosfere macabre e fiabesche, Tim Burton è un regista che ha lasciato un'impronta peculiare nel cinema occidentale degli ultimi anni. I mondi da lui creati sono caratterizzati da luoghi e personaggi indimenticabili, come il villaggio di Halloween e Jack Skeleton in Nightmare Before Christmas. Quello che traspare da molte delle sue opere è una certa affinità tra il regista e i suoi personaggi. Quest'ultimi rivelano il ragazzino un po' strano che fu Burton, cresciuto nei sobborghi americani quasi stereotipati di Burbank, California. Molto spesso, infatti, i suoi eroi vengono considerati “diversi”, reietti di una società che li crede strani, a volte pericolosi. Tramite la sua sensibilità ed esperienza personale, Burton propone quindi il discorso sulla diversità e sulla normalità. In che modo il regista rappresenta questi due tipi di realtà, così distanti tra loro ma intrecciate allo stesso tempo? Spesso i suoi protagonisti, rinnegati o emarginati, sono considerati in una luce positiva, portatori di visione del mondo che va al di fuori degli stereotipi. Così facendo, il regista critica ciò che è “normale”, sottolineandone gli aspetti assurdi e le nevrosi che lo caratterizzano. Dopo aver analizzato la biografia del regista e le influenze che lo hanno formato, si cercherà di identificare il ruolo dell'outsider, figura a cui tutti i suoi personaggi fanno riferimento. Si analizzeranno quindi le loro carattristiche principali, per poi comprendere come essi si rapportino al mondo che li circonda.
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Anséhn, Linn. „Bernadotter i tid och rum : Tre utställningar år 2010 - vad förmedlas och hur?“ Thesis, Högskolan i Halmstad, Sektionen för humaniora (HUM), 2010. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-15960.

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I denna uppsats har jag undersökt tre utställningar. En på Dunkers kulturhus i Helsingborg samt två på Nationalmuseum i Stockholm. Den gemenamma nämnaren för dessa utställningar är att de behandlar släkten Bernadotte, Sveriges nuvarande kungafamilj. Syftet har varit att undersöka vad Dunkers och Nationalmuseum signalerar med respektive utställning. Jag har också undersökt om avsikten med utställningen stämmer överens med vad den signalerar.
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Thornton, M. F. „Spectroscopic determination of temperature distributions for a TIG arc“. Thesis, Cranfield University, 1993. http://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/10551.

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Argon TIG arc temperatures have been measured for a wide range of arc parameters using the 'Fowler-Milne' spectroscopic method. Prompted by widespread disagreement amongst temperatures published by previous groups, a detailed investigation has been carried out into those experimental and theoretical aspects of the measurement process that may have led to incorrect results. The tests have included the variation of experimental parameters, the choice of Abel inversion procedure, and the calculation of argon species number densities and partition functions. The existence of equilibrium within the TIG arc has been investigated by determining temperatures with a number of argon emission lines. Significant differences 'in derived values of the temperatures were observed within 1mm of the tungsten cathode tip, smaller variations were observed over the remainder of the arc. The results indicate that large scale departures from a Boltzmann distribution amongst argon atom excited states exists close to the tungsten tip, deviations decrease with increasing distance from the tip but do not disappear completely. lt is believed that the breakdown of equilibrium within the argon TIG arc may help to explain the disagreement in temperatures obtained by past groups that have used spectroscopic methods. Despite evidence for non-equilibrium within the arc. results from previous groups suggest that derived values of .the temperatures are substantially correct in the main body of the arc. The detailed temperature maps provide useful information on temperature changes with arc parameters for the purposes of modelling and understanding of the arc.
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Nikolayeva, Tetyana, und Jiaxi Guo. „The study of influence of traditional Chinese tie-dye technique on modern fiber art design“. Thesis, Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну, 2021. https://er.knutd.edu.ua/handle/123456789/17923.

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The article presents an in-depth study of traditional Chinese art, namely the tai-dye technique, and an analysis of the impact and role of traditional art on modern fiber art. The work carried out the research and analysis of the: traditional Chinese tai-dye patterns; production tie-dye process; relevance of using traditional tie-dye technique in modern design.
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Shlasko, Ellen. „Delftware Chronology: A New Approach to Dating English Tin-Glazed Ceramics“. W&M ScholarWorks, 1989. https://scholarworks.wm.edu/etd/1539625501.

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Forsling, Maria. „Spår från det förflutna : minnen som skapare av mening i tid och rum“. Thesis, Konstfack, Institutionen för Bildpedagogik (BI), 2010. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:konstfack:diva-3279.

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I detta examensarbete undersöker jag minnen som spår och representationer av det förflutna utifrån frågeställningarna: Hur och varför representeras, problematiseras och granskas minnen av samtida konstnärer? Hur kommuniceras detta till en större allmänhet? Hur förhåller sig minnet till rum, tid, identitet och meningsskapande? I uppsatsen analyserar jag tre samtida konstverk, som på olika sätt problematiserar och granskar minnesberättelser. Analysen görs i dialog med begrepp och teorier från Paul Ricoeurs tankar om människans identitet som en berättande varelse, vidare Annette Kuhns kritiska minnesarbete och slutligen med kognitiv teori kopplad till förmågan att minnas och glömma. Representation ses ur ett konstruktionistiskt perspektiv och utifrån semiotikens tredelning av olika teckenkategorier, det vill säga ett minne kan representeras som ett spår, en symbol eller genom ikonisk likhet. Mitt didaktiska syfte är att skapa ett underlag till bildundervisning i skolan om hur minnen representeras med konstens metoder. Jag avslutar med att sammanfatta utmärkande drag i konstverken och deras sätt att representera minnen och framhåller även minnenas roll och karaktär. Gestaltningen vilar på tanken att människans identitet formas och konstrueras av berättelser. Men också att minnenas plats i vår föreställningsvärld producerar mening i våra liv. Fysiska objekt har samlats in av skilda material och former som representerar olika personers minnen och berättelser. Det handlar om minnen från tidigare generationer av föräldrar, en faster eller farfar. De inkapslade minnena växer i gestaltningen ut från en plan vägg, täckta av en hinna av text. Texter öppnar upp och inviger åskådaren i historien bakom objektet. Installationen dokumenterar skilda ögonblick i olika personers liv och blir tillsammans ett arkiv av personers minnen och livshistorier.
BI / Konst
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Norlund, Michaela. „Bonnstan - Skellefteå kyrkstad : kyrkstadens funktion i tid och rum“. Thesis, Högskolan på Gotland, Institutionen för humaniora och samhällsvetenskap, 2012. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hgo:diva-1808.

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This essay is about Skelleftea church town which is named Bonnstan and refers to the city for farmers. Originally, its mission was to function as temporary residence for long distance travelers of the villages, during weekends intended for religious gatherings. Bonnstan have furthermore periodically and in lesser extent been used as permanently abode for domestic workers. Nowadays the area consists of 114 cottages with nearly 400 chambers. The earliest known documentation of Skelleftea church town's existence is from the 17th century even though it may have its origin from the Middle Ages. These early church cottages burnt down in 1835 and were restored two years after the accident. Bonnstan from 19th century has been well preserved ever since. My analysis is about how Bonnstan has served as a meeting place for the city's inhabitants, from the 17th century until today. I also aim to find parallels between these buildings aesthetics and its target audience, together with use. This essay follows a chronological disposition in which social and cultural contexts are examined with the method hermeneutics. Its aesthetics is characterized by simplicity and has fulfilled many important purposes in social and cultural context through time. I aim to declare my opinion on why this is an important monument with complex meanings.
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Gernes, Kristina. „Zlatanstatyn : Ett hjälteporträtt ur synk med sin tid“. Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Konstvetenskapliga institutionen, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-412226.

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This paper is analyzing the Zlatan statue from an art -theoretical and -historical perspective, focusing on issues relating to its references to different sculptural traditions, its symbols of power and what consequences this has for the understanding of the artwork, and finally how the statue works as a portrait of the football player Zlatan Ibrahimovic. The analysis shows that the statue bears traces of both Greek sculptural tradition as well as fascist sculptural tradition, two imageries that shared the fascination for athletic body ideals but for completely different reasons. The paper also shows that the statue uses numerous symbols of power, symbols linked to the patriarchal dominance in public space, and builds on a long tradition of how men of power are portrayed in public art. Zlatan himself was involved in the design of his tribute portrait, something that here is interpreted as an attempt to subvert the inevitable ephemerality and thus uphold the myth of Zlatan.
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Schöffski, Tim [Verfasser]. „Das Verbot der monetären Staatsfinanzierung (Art. 123 AEUV ) : Disparitäten beim Normativitätsverständnis in der Europäischen Währungsunion / Tim Schöffski“. Frankfurt a.M. : Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2020. http://d-nb.info/1209451816/34.

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Williams, Annika. „Iscensatta ryttarinnor och performativa hästar : En ryttarporträttsvit från tidigmodern tid i Skoklosters slotts samling“. Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Konstvetenskapliga institutionen, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-446945.

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This essay is a study of a suite of six small-scale equestrian portraits in the Skokloster Castle Collection. The suite represents aristocratic women at the court of Louis XIV. In the portraits, the equestriennes and their horses perform advanced dressage movements. In the 17th Century the advanced dressage riding, performed in l'art du manège, was a masculine sphere. The equestrian portraits in the Skokloster suite therefore evoke questions regarding early modern female horse- and riding culture. How do we read these equestrian portraits today? In the analysis I focus on what the horses and riders do. I discuss the portraits in the light of la Querelle des femmes and how early modern French elite women would search for a new female role. Horseriding would open up for a possibility for women to expand their physical movements outdoors. In the 1630s a new category of female equestrian portraits surface where the equestriennes and their horses perform movements like carrière, terre-à-terre, courbette etc - movements which had earlier been performed in male equestrian portraits. The equestrian portraits in the Skokloster suite may be categorized to this new type of female equestrian portraits. The equestrian portraits in the Skokloster suite "descript" the "social manuscript" of the genre. Earlier, female riders had beed depicted on walking or trotting horses, or rarely, on horses performing passage. For a multifaceted reading I present a historic background and context to early modern riding culture as well as equestrian portraits as an art historical genre. In the essay I discuss attribution, possible commissioner and possible intended viewers.
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Nero, Julie. „Hannah Hoch, Til Brugman, Lesbianism, and Weimar Sexual Subculture“. Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 2013. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=case1347561845.

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Dowling, Andrew John, und andrewjohn3055@yahoo com. „Novel strategies for surface micromachining TiN thin films deposited by filtered arc“. Swinburne University of Technology. Industrial Research Institute Swinburne, 2005. http://adt.lib.swin.edu.au./public/adt-VSWT20051129.085933.

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TiN is used commercially as a wear resistant coating on cutting tools and as a diffusion barrier in microelectronics. TiN has gained increased interest as a material for MEMS, however there has been very little work carried out in the area of patterning and releasing TiN for use as a structural MEMS material. This thesis presents an investigation into the patterning and release of filtered arc deposited TiN thin films using surface micromachining techniques. Two novel strategies are presented for patterning TiN thin films and are achieved using excimer laser micromachining and photolithographic wet-etching. TiN was deposited onto single crystal Si and Cr and Cu sacrificial layers on Si. The use of Cr as a sacrificial layer was found to facilitate the best quality patterning of the TiN and hence the majority of the work involved using Cr sacrificial layers. TiN was deposited using partial filtration and full filtration and differences in the ability to selectively laser pattern the TiN from the Cr sacrificial layer are presented. Various analytical techniques were employed to investigate the origin of the difference in laser patterning the TiN thin films. The establishment of TiN and Cr as a novel material combination for surface micromachined MEMS was extended by etching the Cr sacrificial layer to facilitate the release of TiN stress-measurement structures. The major finding of this thesis is that filtered arc deposited TiN thin film on Cr can be used as a material combination to surface micromachine freestanding TiN structures as high quality patterning and etch selectivity can be achieved using both excimer laser micromachining and photolithographic wet-etching.
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Verdier, Benoît. „TIC et groupes sociaux /“. Paris : Hermès science publications-Lavoisier, 2007. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb41164095h.

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Pock, Tim Verfasser], und Verena [Akademischer Betreuer] [Nordhoff. „The effect of growth factor supplemented ART culture media on whole mouse embryo development / Tim Pock ; Betreuer: Verena Nordhoff“. Münster : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Münster, 2019. http://d-nb.info/1197692002/34.

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Pock, Tim [Verfasser], und Verena [Akademischer Betreuer] Nordhoff. „The effect of growth factor supplemented ART culture media on whole mouse embryo development / Tim Pock ; Betreuer: Verena Nordhoff“. Münster : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Münster, 2019. http://d-nb.info/1197692002/34.

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Joensen, Jóan Pauli. „Fra bonde til fisker : studier i overgangen fra bondesamfund til fiskersamfund på Faerøerne /“. Tórshavn : Føroya fornminnissavn, 1987. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb36152207v.

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Joona, Bergström Johanna. „”Are you watching closely?”“. Thesis, Högskolan Dalarna, Bildproduktion, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:du-20517.

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Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur klippning har bidragit till att förstärka det vilseledande narrativet i filmen The Prestige (2006). Tre scener som anses vara betydelsefulla för filmens vilseledande narrativ har analyserats, för att fastställa vad som händer med berättandet i filmen när olika klipptekniker används och hur klippningen bygger upp den här typen av narrativ. Med hjälp av Kleckers forskning om vilseledande narrativ, Bordwell och Thompsons teori kring hur tid kan manipuleras genom klippning och Corrigan och Whites teori om olika klipptekniker, undersöker uppsatsen hur det vilseledande narrativet är strukturerat genom klippning. Resultatet visar på att det går att konstatera att klippningen i The Prestige har bidragit till att framhäva det vilseledande narrativet. Genom användningen av olika klipptekniker, har berättandet i filmen lyckats vilseleda publikens uppmärksamhet. Tack vare blandningen av de olika teknikerna undanhålls viktig information från betraktaren, vilket är avgörande för att ett vilseledande narrativ ska fungera.
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Kirchner, Norbert. „Westfälisches Schützenwesen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert : Wandel und gegenwärtige Stellung /“. Münster ; New York : Waxmann, 1992. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb35602214t.

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Mougenot, Jonathan. „Modélisation de l'interaction entre un arc électrique et matériau : application au soudage TIG“. Toulouse 3, 2013. http://thesesups.ups-tlse.fr/2148/.

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Les plasmas thermiques sont utilisés dans de nombreuses applications industrielles. Dans le soudage à l'électrode réfractaire (ou soudage TIG), un arc électrique est établi dans un gaz inerte entre une électrode en tungstène et les pièces métalliques à souder. Le plasma thermique, créé par l'arc, transfère son énergie au métal entrainant la création d'une zone fondue et un dégagement de vapeurs métalliques. Ce travail porte sur la modélisation d'un arc électrique en interaction avec une pièce d'acier afin de prédire le comportement dynamique et l'état thermique de la zone fondue et du plasma. Dans cette optique, un modèle instationnaire et tridimensionnel couplant le plasma (à l'ETL), le métal (liquide et solide) et prenant en compte les vapeurs métalliques produites a été développé à partir du code de calcul numérique @Saturne. Distribué en licence GPL par EDF, le code est basé sur la méthode des volumes finis pour résoudre les équations magnéto-hydrodynamiques des fluides traversés par un courant électrique. Plusieurs modifications du code ont été nécessaires afin de prendre en compte l'interfaçage entre le plasma et le matériau ainsi que la résolution des phénomènes physiques dans la zone fondue. Le modèle a été appliqué pour des arcs d'argon et d'Arcal 37 (70%He-30%Ar) en interaction avec un acier inoxydable AISI304. Il permet de prédire les dimensions de la zone fondue, l'influence des forces sur la distribution des vitesses dans le métal (notamment l'importance de l'effet Marangoni), l'impact du changement de la nature du gaz plasmagène et l'effet des vapeurs métalliques. Ces résultats sont une première étape vers la compréhension et l'optimisation des différents paramètres opératoires intervenant sur le procédé de soudage TIG
Thermal plasmas are used in several industrial applications. In tungsten arc welding (or TIG), an electric arc is established in an inert gas between a non-fusible tungsten electrode and the metallic work piece. The thermal plasma created by the arc transfers its energy to the metal leading to the creation of a melted zone and metallic vapours production. This work concerns the modelling of an electric arc in interaction with a steel workpiece to predict the dynamic behaviour and the thermal state of the melted zone and of the plasma. In this way, a transient three-dimensional model coupling the plasma (at LTE), the metal (liquid and solid) and taking into account the presence of metallic vapours was developed from the code @Saturne. Distributed in GPL license by EDF, this code is based on the finite-volume method which is applied to solve the magneto-hydrodynamic equations of the fluids in the presence of electric current. Several modifications of the code were necessary to take into account the interface between the plasma and the material as well as the resolution of the physical phenomena in the melted zone. The model was applied to argon and Arcal 37 (70%He-30%Ar) arcs in interaction with stainless steel AISI304. It allows to predict the weld pool dimension, the influence of the strengths on velocity field in the metal (specially the Marangoni effect), the impact of the inert gas composition and the effect of the metallic vapours. These results are a first stage towards the understanding and the optimization of different TIG welding operating parameters
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Robert, Pascal. „Une théorie sociétale des TIC : penser les TIC entre approche critique et modélisation conceptuelle /“. Paris : Hermès science publications-Lavoisier, 2009. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb42014888c.

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Horns, Dieter. „Suche nach TeV-Photonen aus intergalaktischen Kaskaden und nach Bose-Einstein-Kondensaten in TeV-Photonen /“. Hamburg : Dissertation.de, 2001. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb399656128.

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Faraone, Kevin Michael. „Gas Tungsten Arc Welding of 304L and 21-6-9 Austenitic Stainless Steel with Penetration Enhancing Compounds“. The Ohio State University, 2014. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1388356167.

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Nibhanupudi, Syam S. „Affect of pressurised solidification on the secondary dentritic arm spacing in lead-tin alloy“. abstract and full text PDF (free order & download UNR users only), 2008. http://0-gateway.proquest.com.innopac.library.unr.edu/openurl?url_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:dissertation&res_dat=xri:pqdiss&rft_dat=xri:pqdiss:1453603.

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Tam, Ho Yuen. „LRL genes are ancient regulators of tip-growing rooting cell development in land plants“. Thesis, University of Oxford, 2013. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:7bdf64dc-a00e-48e0-8343-c2d1469119c4.

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Evolution of developmental genes is an important mechanism for plant morphological evolution. The LRL genes are an ancient group of bHLH transcription factors that positively regulate root hair development in angiosperms. Here I show that, in the moss Physcomitrella patens, two LRL genes are present and they positively regulate rhizoid and caulonema (a rhizoid-like cell type) development. GUS-transcriptional reporter plants show that both PpLRL1 and PpLRL2 are expressed in tissues giving rise to caulonemata. Loss-of-function mutants in either PpLRL1 or PpLRL2 led to defective rhizoid and caulonema development, and the Pplrl1 Pplrl2 double loss-of-function mutants completely lack rhizoids and caulonemata. Consistent with this, gain-of-function mutants show enhanced rhizoid and caulonema development. In addition, I show that the stimulatory effects of auxin and low phosphate on the development of rhizoids and/or caulonemata required PpLRL gene function. Together, these results show that LRL genes are conserved, positive regulators in tip-growing rooting cell development in land plants. To elucidate whether LRL genes belong to part of a conserved gene network, I use qRT-PCR to determine the transcriptional interaction between LRL genes and the Class I RSL genes, which is another group of conserved regulators of rhizoids and root hairs. Comparing the LRL-RSL network between P. patens and A. thaliana reveals that LRL and Class I RSL genes are transcriptionally independent of each other in P. patens but one LRL gene is transcriptionally downstream of Class I RSL genes in A. thaliana. This suggests that the gene network controlling tip-growing rooting cell development has changed since mosses and angiosperms last shared a common ancestor.
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Baranov, O. O. „Influence of Ion Current Density on the Properties of Vacuum Arc-deposited TiN Coating“. Thesis, Sumy State University, 2013. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/35250.

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Influence of ion current density on the thickness of coating deposited in the vacuum arc setup has been investigated. A planar probe was used to measure the ion current density distribution across plasma flux at a distance of 250 mm from the plasma duct exit. The current density from 20 to 50 A/m2 was obtained, depending on the probe position relative to the substrate center. TiN coatings were deposited onto cutting inserts placed at different locations on the substrate, and SEM technique was used to characterize surfaces of the coatings. It was found that low-dense coatings were formed at the decreased ion current density. A quantitative dependence of the coating thickness on the ion current density in the range of 20 to 50 A/m2 were obtained for the films deposited at substrate bias of 200 V and nitrogen pressure 0.1 Pa. The results may be useful for controlling ion flux distribution over the large substrates. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/35250
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Bergman-Håkansson, Mona. „En kvantitativ studie beträffande lärare, tid och trötthet“. Thesis, Malmö högskola, Lärarutbildningen (LUT), 2005. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-36029.

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Syftet med detta arbete är upplysande och gäller lärarens upplevelse av tid och energi. Genom skola och praktik har jag sett hur lärararbetet kan praktiseras. Nu vill jag ytterligare vidga perspektivet över hur det i praktiken förhåller sig. I ljuset av styrdokument och litteraturstudier, vill jag också analysera rådande lärarpraxis. Min undersökning är en fallstudie och min enkätundersökning, som genomförs på två gymnasieskolor, baseras på en kvantitativ metod. Mina resultat pekar på att tiden i första hand går till förberedelser, i andra hand lektioner, i tredje hand efterarbete och i fjärde hand kontakter. Jag har sett hur ca 70 % av lärarna menar att läraruppdraget, av olika anledningar, men framför allt på grund av bedömning, rättning och känslor av otillräcklighet, är speciellt tröttande. Min avsikt har inte varit att ge ett svar. Jag ser däremot hur upplevelsen av tid och energi kan kopplas till förändringar av styrdokument och hur rådande förändringar kan kopplas samman med en ’disciplinering’ av läraryrket. Disciplineringen är kanske inte fel men bör belysas
AbstractThe end of this work is illustrative and is applicable to teachers experience of time and energy. Through schools and practices I’ve seen how the work as a teacher can be put into practice, now I do want to broaden my mind about how the practical matters stand. In the light of governingdocuments and litterature I want to analyse ruling praxis. My examination should be seen as a case study and my opinion poll is accomplished on two upper secondary schools and based upon a quantitative method. My result indicates that the time in first place goes to preparations, in second place to lessons, in third place to take care and mark papers and works and in fourth place to different kinds of contacts. I have seen that 70% say that the teaching profession, on different reasons but specially cause of markings and feelings of insufficiency, is particular tiring. My intention was not to give an answer. While I do see how the experince of time and energy can be connected to the change of ruling praxis and how the prevailing change can be connected to a disciplination of teaching profession. The disciplination does not have to be wrong although it should be a part of our awareness.
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Hirvonen, Vuokko. „Saamenmaan ääniä : Saamelaisen naisen tie kirjailijaksi /“. Helsinki : Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 1999. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb39993023d.

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Mühlbacher, Marlene. „High-resolution characterization of TiN diffusion barrier layers“. Licentiate thesis, Linköpings universitet, Tunnfilmsfysik, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-120394.

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Titanium nitride (TiN) films are widely applied as diffusion barrier layers in microelectronic devices. The continued miniaturization of such devices not only poses new challenges to material systems design, but also puts high demands on characterization techniques. To gain understanding of diffusion processes that can eventually lead to failure of the barrier layer and thus of the whole device, it is essential to develop routines to chemically and structurally investigate these layers down to the atomic scale. In the present study, model TiN diffusion barriers with a Cu overlayer acting as the diffusion source were grown by reactive magnetron sputtering on MgO(001) and thermally oxidized Si(001) substrates. Cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (XTEM) of the pristine samples revealed epitaxial, single-crystalline growth of TiN on MgO(001), while the polycrystalline TiN grown on Si(001) exhibited a [001]-oriented columnar microstructure. Various annealing treatments were carried out to induce diffusion of Cu into the TiN layer. Subsequently, XTEM images were recorded with a high-angle annular dark field detector, which provides strong elemental contrast, to illuminate the correlation between the structure and the barrier efficiency of the single- and polycrystalline TiN layers. Particular regions of interest were investigated more closely by energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) mapping. These investigations are completed by atom probe tomography (APT) studies, which provide a three-dimensional insight into the elemental distribution at the near-interface region with atomic chemical resolution and high sensitivity. In case of the single-crystalline barrier, a uniform Cu-enriched diffusion layer of 12 nm could be detected at the interface after an annealing treatment at 1000 °C for 12 h. This excellent barrier performance can be attributed to the lack of fast diffusion paths such as grain boundaries. Moreover, density-functional theory calculations predict a stoichiometry-dependent atomic diffusion mechanism of Cu in bulk TiN, with Cu diffusing on the N-sublattice for the experimental N/Ti ratio. In comparison, the polycrystalline TiN layers exhibited grain boundaries reaching from the Cu-TiN interface to the substrate, thus providing direct diffusion paths for Cu. However, the microstructure of these columnar layers was still dense without open porosity or voids, so that the onset of grain boundary diffusion could only be found after annealing at 900 °C for 1 h. The present study shows how to combine two high resolution state-of-the-art methods, TEM and APT, to characterize model TiN diffusion barriers. It is shown how to correlate the microstructure with the performance of the barrier layer by two-dimensional EDX mapping and three-dimensional APT. Highly effective Cu-diffusion barrier function is thus demonstrated for single-crystal TiN(001) (up to 1000 °C) and dense polycrystalline TiN (900 °C).
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Emmanuel, Mahé. „Pour une esthétique in-formationnelle. La création artistique comme anticipation des usages sociaux des TIC“. Phd thesis, Université Rennes 2, 2004. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00442345.

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Si, dans notre tentative pour penser les usages futurs des technologies de l'information et de la communication, nous sommes sans doute inévitablement enfermés dans les limites des usages actuels, peut-être les artistes qui mobilisent ces technologies peuvent-ils, qu'ils en aient ou non conscience, nous donner à voir des logiques et des pratiques qui permettent d'imaginer quelques éléments de ce futur. Ceci, bien entendu suppose que les artistes soient capables d'anticipations dans le domaine de l'innovation technologique. Pour explorer cette hypothèse, nous avons volontairement décidé d'analyser des productions artistiques pour tenter de comprendre comment les « usages artistiques » se forment dans le cours de l'élaboration et de la réalisation d'un projet, mais également la façon dont ces oeuvres, qualifiées de « tekhnê-logiques », inventent ou mettent en scène de nouveaux usages (imaginés ou réels) liées à la communication contemporaine. Les Technologies de l'Information et de la communication, dans ce contexte, apparaissent comme des outils de production et non pas seulement des outils de diffusion ou de transmission. Les artistes ne se limitent par à travailler avec les TIC mais aussi à travailler sur elles, en leur attribuant de nouvelles formes esthétiques, organisationnelles, symboliques, en créant de nouveaux dispositifs communicationnels. En parallèle à ces analyses de pratiques artistiques multimedia, une analyse approfondie des collaborations entre un centre de R-D (France Télécom R&D) et des artistes a été menée pendant trois années (de 2001 à 2004) pour comprendre comment les coopérations s'établissent, aboutissant à des innovations dans le domaine des télécommunications. Ces analyses ne valent pas tant par les objets qu'elles traitent et les résultats auxquelles elles aboutissent que par la façon dont elles ont été traitées, c'est-à-dire par l'élaboration progressive d'une approche fondée sur l'hypothèse d'une analyse en termes d'esthétique « in-formationnelle ». Cette approche permet de questionner les notions d'usages, d'anticipation et d'innovation à travers les notions de forme et d'in-formation, c'est-à-dire en questionnant leurs différentes régimes de visibilité, et en élaborant l'hypothèse que les TIC se présentent aujourd'hui sous la forme de « Gaz media » (ou « Khaos media »). Le projet de cette recherche est de considérer que l'Esthétique doit être ré-investie, davantage qu'elle ne l'est encore, par les Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication, non seulement comme objet, mais surtout comme théorie des formes et des processus.
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Dettlaff, Tomas. „Malmö konsthall i tid och rum – en fallstudie om visuell identitet och platsmarknadsföring“. Thesis, Malmö högskola, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), 2012. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-22536.

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This thesis examines how techniques from place marketing, developed to market places, can be used in the process of designing a visual identity for an institution. The thesis is a case study of the development of a new visual identity for the public art institution Malmö konsthall. The essay presents Malmö Konsthall, defines the term visual identity and describes the main principles in place branding. I then define target audiences and key values, discuss the application of place marketing principle and go through the design process of the new visual identity. The process showed that theories about flagship buildings, signature design and signature districts have the biggest influence on the design. The conclusion is that theories from place marketing can be valuable tools for graphic designers, and would benefit from being explored further. Several strategies in place marketing function, mainly those relating to environment and architecture, can be of direct benefit to the designer.
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Zhang, Tong. „Characterization of the shuttling properties of RNA-binding TIA proteins“. Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/210999.

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Kim, George E. (George Ea-Hwan). „The effects of low pressure nitrogen on titanium cathode sources in TiN arc ion-plating“. Thesis, McGill University, 1995. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=29062.

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The arc ion-plating technique is used in the industrial coating processes where TiN thin films are deposited onto various base materials. The overall objective of this research was to study the effects of low pressure nitrogen introduced into a continuous, titanium vacuum arc. An arc ion-plating system was designed and built to allow for as much flexibility as possible. Permanent magnets were placed behind the cathode surface to confine and rotate the arc.
Changes in cathode, arc and emission properties were noted with respect to vacuum, argon and nitrogen ambients. The introduction of nitrogen, above a critical pressure ($ sim$1 $ times 10 sp{-3}$ Torr), increased arc velocity and decreased crater diameter, erosion rate and ion emission. This occurred when arc rotation was combined with nitrogen introduction. Thermal properties of the cathode during arcing seemed to play an important role in determining the extent of nitrogen-cathode interaction. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis has shown that nitriding occurred within the regions of arcing and was dependent on nitrogen pressure (with all other parameters remaining constant). The most encouraging result found was the complete elimination or macroparticles normally present in the coating/film.
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Kumara, Chamara. „Modelling of the temperature field in TIG arc heat treated super duplex stainless steel samples“. Thesis, Högskolan Väst, Avdelningen för maskinteknik och naturvetenskap, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-9590.

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Super Duplex Stainless Steels have superior corrosion resistance properties and strength compared to conventional steels. However, these properties are influenced by the different phases that precipitate during the heat treatment process. The conventional way of studying the time and temperature effects on the properties and micro-structure of SDSS is to prepare many samples at different temperatures and holding times. The welding research group at Production Technology Center, Trollhättan, Sweden, has recently developed a unique heat treatment method to produce a wide range of temperature by using a stationary TIG arc heat source. It results in a graded micro-structure in a single sample at a specific time period. The accuracy of the results ob-ained from this process is highly related to the accuracy of the temperature field model next to weld pool. In this work, a model was developed by using OpenFOAM CDF code, to predict the temperature field of the super duplex stainless steel samples that have been subjected to this novel TIG arc heat treatment process. The developed model was able to capture the trend in the overall temperature field in the heat affected zone. However, there was some mismatch between the modelled and experimental temperature profiles in certain locations in the heat affected zone. Further improvements have to be done to the developed model in order to take the phase transformation effect into account. A preliminary investigation has been carried out on how to implement this in the current model and reported in the thesis.
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Rothé, Françoise. „Identification des protéines FBP1 et FBP2 comme partenaires des protéines de liaison aux éléments riches en adénine et uridine (ARE) TIA-1 et TIAR“. Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/210897.

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Dans les cellules eucaryotes, l’expression d’un gène peut être régulée à de nombreux niveaux. Les études réalisées sur le contrôle de l’expression génique se sont généralement intéressées aux mécanismes de contrôle transcriptionnel. Cependant de nombreux exemples mettent de plus en plus en évidence l’importance des mécanismes post-transcriptionnels dans cette régulation. Les contrôles post-transcriptionnels de l’expression génique reposent essentiellement sur des interactions spécifiques entre les régions 5’ et 3’ non traduites de l’ARNm et des protéines agissant en trans qui contrôlent spécifiquement la maturation des ARNs messagers (ARNms), leur localisation cytoplasmique, leur stabilité et/ou leur traduction. Les éléments riches en adénine et en uridine (ARE), localisés dans la région 3’ non traduite de nombreux ARNms, font partie des séquences régulatrices les plus étudiées. Elles sont notamment présentes dans les ARNms codant pour des cytokines et des proto-oncogènes. Les protéines de liaison à l’ARN jouent donc un rôle central dans la régulation de l’expression des gènes. Les protéines TIA-1 et TIAR appartiennent à la famille des protéines qui fixent l’ARN et qui contiennent des domaines RRM (RNA Recognition Motif). Elles sont impliquées dans des mécanismes permettant la régulation de l’expression génique tels que l’épissage alternatif et la traduction. En particulier, elles participent à l’arrêt général de la traduction qui accompagne un stress environnemental en séquestrant les ARNms poly(A)+ non traduits dans des foci cytoplasmiques appelés granules de stress (SGs). Elles sont également impliquées dans la répression traductionnelle d’ARNms spécifiques en liant les ARE présents dans les extrémités 3’ non traduites de certains ARNms, et notamment des ARNs messagers codant pour le TNF-α et la cyclooxygénase-2 (Cox-2). L’invalidation des gènes tia-1 et tiar chez la souris conduit à une létalité embryonnaire élevée suggérant que ces protéines jouent également un rôle important au cours de l’embryogenèse. Afin de comprendre les mécanismes par lesquels les protéines TIA-1 et TIAR remplissent leurs différentes fonctions, nous avons réalisé un criblage par la technique du double hybride en levure afin d'identifier des partenaires d’interaction de ces deux protéines. Les protéines TIA-1 et TIAR interagissent avec les protéines FBPs (Fuse Binding Proteins). Celles-ci participent notamment à la maturation et à la dégradation des ARNs. Nous avons montré que les protéines FBPs co-localisent parfaitement avec TIA-1 dans le noyau et migrent dans les granules de stress en réponse à un stress oxydatif. De plus, des expériences de retard de migration sur gel réalisées à partir d’extrait cytosolique de macrophages ont montré que les protéines FBPs sont présentes dans le même complexe liant l’ARE du TNF-α que TIA-1. Enfin, la surexpression du domaine de liaison à l’ARN KH3 de FBP2 en fusion à l’EGFP induit la séquestration spécifique des protéines TIA-1 et TIAR dans des foci cytoplasmiques, empêchant ainsi leur accumulation nucléaire. Nos résultats indiquent que les protéines TIA-1/R et FBPs pourraient être fonctionnellement impliquées dans des étapes communes du métabolisme de l’ARN dans le noyau et/ou le cytoplasme.
Doctorat en sciences, Spécialisation biologie moléculaire
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Parakala, Padma. „Effects of Thickness and Indenter Tip Geometry in Nanoindentation of Nickel Films“. Thesis, University of North Texas, 2004. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc4452/.

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Nanoindentation has become a widely used technique to measure the mechanical properties of materials. Due to its capability to deform materials in micro- and nano-scale, nanoindentation has found more applications in characterizing the deformation behavior and determining the mechanical properties of thin films and coatings. This research deals with the characterization of samples received from Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices (CAMD) and Integran Technologies Inc., Toronto, Canada and the objective of this investigation was to utilize the experimental data obtained from nanoindentation to determine the deformation behavior, mechanical properties of thin films on substrates and bulk materials, and the effect of geometrically different indenters (Berkovich, cubecorner, and conical). X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscope (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and atomic force microscopy (AFM) analysis were performed on these materials to determine the crystal orientation, grain size of the material, and also to measure any substrate effects like pile-up or sin-in respectively. The results indicate that indentation size effect (ISE) strongly depends on shape of the indenter and less sensitive to penetration depth where as the hardness measurements depends on shape of indenter and depth of penetration. There is a negligible strain rate dependency of hardness at deeper depths and a significant increase in the hardness due to the decrease in grain size and results also indicate that there is no significant substrate effect on thin films for 10% and 20% of film thicknesses. Nanocrystalline material could not validate a dislocation based mechanisms deformation for indentation made by cubecorner and conical indenters in depths less than 1mm.
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Lapa, Rodrigo Amaral. „Museu, arte e tecnologia: as transformações dos museus contemporâneos influenciadas pelas TIC\'s“. Universidade de São Paulo, 2012. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/18/18142/tde-01062012-141408/.

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Este trabalho aborda o tema do museu por meio de suas transformações no contexto da Sociedade da Informação. Do ponto de vista teórico-metodológico, estabelece análises sobre os aspectos que envolvem museu, arte e tecnologia, proporcionados pela interação entre arte e espectador. Discute as possibilidades oferecidas pelas TIC\'s (Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação) e sua relevância no âmbito social, cultural e artístico como instrumento agregador e transformador das funções da arte e da arquitetura nos museus. Busca também compreender os processos de criação e desenvolvimento da arte e sua integração com a arquitetura dos museus no desenho de obras e espaços interativos. O trabalho busca identificar a incorporação destas tecnologias e discutir suas principais possibilidades, riscos e desafios. Enfatiza a importância do aspecto multidisciplinar na concepção dos novos museus e nas estratégias de organização do espaço museográfico.
This work addresses the theme of the museum space transformations in the context of the Information Society. From the standpoint of theoretical and methodological framework, seeks to establish benchmarks and qualitative aspects that involve cognitive and spatial relationships between the Museum, Art and Technology, provided mainly by the creation of interactive and integrated digital systems. It discusses the possibilities offered by new technologies and their relevance in the social, cultural and art as an aggregator tool and processor functions of Arts and Architecture. It\'s scope understand the processes of creation and development of art and its integration with architecture in the conception of museums that use interactive systems. The study points to a tendency to incorporate these technologies in order to make the public more involved and communicative with art and architecture. Emphasizes the importance of the multidisciplinary aspect designing new museums, it\'s social and cultural aspects, and the strategies of museological space.
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Edmunds, Janet Elizabeth. „Understanding the experiences of mothers who are breastfeeding an infant with tongue tie: A phenomenological study“. Thesis, Australian Catholic University, 2012. https://acuresearchbank.acu.edu.au/download/35a12a39d0e9a0734be830a2b18fa88fcebf53ed90b6a3a5699420e61f0fad88/3108856/64854_downloaded_stream_79.pdf.

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In Australia, initial exclusive breastfeeding rates are 92 %, reducing to 14% at six months. One factor that contributes to early breastfeeding cessation is infant tongue tie. It is linked to breastfeeding difficulties and these problems contribute to early breastfeeding cessation. Tongue tie or ankyloglossia is described as a congenital condition with an unusually thickened, tightened or shortened frenulum (membrane or string under the tongue). The frenulum may vary in length, elasticity and placement along the underside of the tongue to the floor of the mouth, which then can affect infants' breastfeeding skills in different ways. Tongue tie has been reported as occurring between 2.8% and 10.7% of all infants with an average of 5.14%. The shortened membrane limits movement of the tongue, which can affect activities such as feeding, dental hygiene and speech. Since breastfeeding has been shown overwhelmingly to be of significant benefit to infants and mothers, it is important to address any condition that may impair breastfeeding. The purpose of this research was to describe the effect tongue tie has on the breastfeeding experiences of women in order to provide evidence that can be used to review and refine practices within the health service district. This study utilised a qualitative research approach: hermeneutic phenomenology. Because phenomenology seeks to explore the meaning, examination and description of the human experience and therefore gain an understanding of what has occurred, it is appropriate for this study, which focuses on description and interpretation of the breastfeeding experiences of women whose infants have tongue tie. In particular, hermeneutic phenomenology has been selected because it focuses on what the experience means for the individuals being-in-the world, and how these individuals interpret their experience and this experience influences the choices that they make. A purposive sample of ten women from lactation clinics within one health service district was selected for interview. Women were invited to participate in the research immediately following their visit to a lactation clinic. Tongue tie was identified as the probable cause of the breastfeeding difficulties that they were experiencing. These problems included difficulties latching their infant to the breast, cracked and sore nipples and low breast milk supply. The data collection method used in this study was in-depth interviews, using open-ended questions. Two interviews were conducted with each woman who consented to participate in the study. The themes that emerge from the analysis tell a common story. That is the story of the expectations, challenges, disappointment, frustrations and relief that the women felt during the initial period when they started to breastfeed their infants. Consistent with hermeneutic phenomenology, the interpretation of the findings which is presented within several themes is a fusion of the participant mother's perspectives with those of my own. The journey is marked in six distinct phases. These are Expectations; Something is wrong; Questioning, Seeking advice, No real answers; Symptoms and perseverance; Approaching the wall it's all too much and Relief. These themes are discussed and interpretations made as to their effect on the women's' breastfeeding experience. This study has explored what it is like to breastfeed an infant with tongue tie. Despite women in this research study being committed to breastfeeding because of its health benefits, they found that having an infant with tongue tie was a harrowing journey with many frustrations along the way. Breastfeeding did not always transpire to be the natural experience that they had anticipated. It became evident that many people including health professionals have limited knowledge surrounding tongue tie and its potential effect on breastfeeding.;This lack of knowledge had a significant impact on the women in this study who were breastfeeding as they did not receive appropriate advice in regards to the breastfeeding difficulties that they were experiencing. The absence of a universal diagnostic and assessment tool for infants with tongue tie was also identified as a significant issue in the research. Implementation of an appropriate diagnostic and assessment tool for tongue tie into all hospitals would help reduce the incidence of breastfeeding difficulties that the women in this research study described. Early identification and prompt management of tongue tie would subsequently contribute to increasing breastfeeding rates which currently are below government targets.
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Jones, Hannah. „Maternal Autoimmunity and Inflammation are associated with Childhood Tics and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder“. Thesis, The University of Sydney, 2021. https://hdl.handle.net/2123/26281.

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Although genetic variation is a major risk factor of neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) such as tics and childhood obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), environmental factors during pregnancy and early life are important in disease expression. Epidemiological studies and animal models indicate maternal inflammation is one potential environmental factor. In my thesis, I compared the frequency of proinflammatory states in mothers of 200 children with tics/OCD with 100 autoimmune neurological controls and 100 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. I prospectively recruited children with tics/OCD aged ≤16 years sequentially referred to the Children’s Hospital at Westmead, and used a structured interview to capture data, focusing on maternal autoimmunity. Children with tics/OCD were phenotyped to identify associations with maternal autoimmunity, and exploratory biomarker testing and transcriptome analysis were performed in a subgroup of mothers to identify immune pathways potentially relevant to neurodevelopment in offspring. A total of 61 (30.5%) mothers of children with tics/OCD had autoimmune disease compared with 20 (20%) mothers of children with autoimmune neurological conditions (p=0.054) and 12 (12%) mothers of healthy controls (p=0.0004, adj OR 2.7 (95th CI 1.28-5.68)). Other proinflammatory states were also more common in mothers of children with tics/OCD than mothers of healthy controls (p<0.0001). Maternal autoimmunity was not associated with a distinct clinical phenotype in the child. Maternal blood and published Tourette brain transcriptomes showed common enrichment of differentially expressed genes in innate immune pathways. Our results indicate dysregulation of innate immune pathways may be pivotal in the expression of NDDs and should be a focus of further research. Understanding immune mechanisms in neurodevelopment could unveil opportunities to mitigate risk to children by reducing exposure to inflammation and open new avenues for treatment.
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Olausson, Magnus. „Den engelska parken i Sverige : under gustaviansk tid /“. Stockholm : Byggförl, 2001. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb38812935p.

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Folsach, Kjeld von. „Fra nyklassicisme til historicisme : arkitekten G. F. Hetsch /“. København : Selsk. til udgivelsen af danske mindesmærker : Christian Ejlers forl, 1988. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb39161448c.

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Branco, Neyde Figueira. „O poder vai dançar de Tim Robbins: história, avanços e limites“. Universidade de São Paulo, 2011. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/8/8147/tde-30092011-160430/.

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Esta pesquisa se utiliza do filme O poder vai dançar (Cradle will rock, 1999), dirigido por Tim Robbins, para entender a História, os avanços e limites de dois momentos históricos: a década de 1930 e a de 1990 nos Estados Unidos. Definido como uma história predominantemente verdadeira, o filme apresenta personagens e fatos reais e fictícios, que se alternam e se relacionam. Ele é composto por uma série de narrativas, aparentemente fragmentadas e desconexas, mas cujas relações são construídas em todo o seu decorrer. De modo geral, podemos dizer que o filme retrata a década de 1930, momento de potencial revolucionário na História dos Estados Unidos, uma vez que a crise econômica potencializou e tornou visíveis os problemas decorrentes do sistema capitalista. Em seu intento, o diretor se aproxima da concepção benjaminiana de História, à medida que, mais do que simplesmente reproduzir a narrativa desse período, opta por se apropriar de um momento explosivo do passado, carregado de elementos em comum com o presente, e utilizar a citação do passado como fonte de inspiração no combate presente. Ou seja, parte desse passado para na verdade dizer algo sobre a realidade em que está inserido, da década de 1990. Assim, ao pensar sobre esses contextos históricos, nos possibilita refletir sobre suas características, motivações e conseqüências. Para tanto, Tim Robbins se utiliza de elementos do teatro épico, e não apenas retrata os elementos históricos do período, mas busca principalmente provocar uma reflexão por parte da audiência. E tal reflexão vai além do entendimento da história, avança sobre questões como o reconhecimento pelo artista de sua condição de proletário da cultura e sobre o limite que se coloca entre fazer arte paga por empresas e a prostituição, entre outras.
This research makes use of the movie Cradle will rock (1999), directed by Tim Robbins, to understand the History, progresses and limits of two historical periods: the decades of 1930 and 1990 in the United States. Defined as a (mostly) true story, the movie presents real and fictional characters and facts, which are alternated and connected to each other. It has a series of narratives, aparently fragmented. However, its connections are built in the course of the movie. In general, we can say that the film portrays the decade of 1930, moment of revolutionary potential in the History of the United States, as a result of the economical crisis, that made visible all the problems deriving from the capitalistic system. In his intent, the director approaches the conception Benjamin has of the History, as he chooses to go beyond than only narrate the facts of the period and decides to appropriate of such an explosive moment of the past, replete of elements in common with the present, and use the citation of the past as a source of inspiration in the current battle. That is, uses the past in order to say something about the reality he experiences in the decade of 1990. In this manner, we can consider these historical periods and reflect on its characteristics, motivations and consequences. In order to do that, Tim Robbins makes use of elements of the epic theater, and not only depicts the historical elements of the period but also tries to provoke the audience and make them reflect about the facts and elements he exposes. These reflections surpass the understanding of the History and reaches questions such as the recognition of the artist of his condition of proletarian of the culture and the limit between making art sponsored by companies and the prostitution of the artist, among other.
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Léaustic, Anne. „Nouveaux colloïdes photosensibles à base d'oxyde de titane TiO“. Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1987. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37607106d.

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Hallén, Per. „Järnets tid : den svenska landsbygdsbefolkningens järninnehav och järnkonsumtion 1750 /“. Göteborg : Göteborg univ, 2003. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb392843294.

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Berthier, Anne. „Analyse des phénomènes de transfert et couplages physico-chimiques lors de la transformation des métaux sous arc électrique“. Nantes, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009NANT2056.

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Cette étude vise à comprendre et à identifier les mécanismes physico-chimiques dans le bain fondu et au voisinage de l'électrode mis en jeu lors des procédés de soudage TIG et A-TIG. L'inversion des mouvements de convection Marangoni dans le bain a été mise en evidence par des expériences relativement simples à mettre en oeuvre. La constriction de l'arc électrique au passage du soudage TIG à A-TIG a été étudiée par imagerie rapide. La température électronique de l'arc a été quantifiée par spectroscopie optique d'émission pour déterminer l'influence des flux activants sur celle-ci. L'influence de la vitesse, de la hauteur d'arc et de l'énergie de soudage sur la forme des cordons de soudure a été démontrée. L'effet de la granulométrie et du mode d'application des flux activants sur les caractéristiques géométriques des cordons de soudure a été présenté. Un flux dont l'effet activant est similaire au flux commercial a été réalisé tout en abaissant sa toxicité de 30%. Un modèle 2D axisymétrique avec une source de chaleur fixe et basé sur la méthode des éléments finis a été développé pour simuler les mouvements des fluides dans le bain fondu. Parallèlement, une étude expérimentale a validé les résultats obtenus avec le modèle. La déformation des tôles après soudage a aussi été étudiée en fonction du procédé de soudage, de la vitesse d'avance et de l'épaisseur des tôles. L'effet des paramètres de soudage sur les propriétés mécaniques du matériau après soudage a été démontré. L'application à l'acier inoxydable austénitique Super Duplex a permis de montrer l'évolution des propriétés microstructurales, mécaniques et de la résistance à la corrosion lors des procédés TIG et A-TIG
Our work is based on the comprehension and the identification of physical and chemical mechanisms in the molten zone and near the cathode during TIG and A-TIG welding processes. The inversion of convection movements in the melting zone was determined by simple measurements. The electrical arc constriction while passing from TIG to A-TIG was studied using a high speed camera. The optical emission spectroscopy enabled us to quantify the electrical arc temperature and to determine the influence of the activating flux on it. The influence of the welding speed, the arc length and the welding energy on the geometry of the weld bead was demonstrated. The effect of the grain size or the type of deposition of the activating flux on the characteristics of the weld bead is presented. A new flux with similar activating effect than commercial flux but with reduced the toxicity (~30%) was created. A 2D axial symmetric model with a stationary heat source was to simulate the flow behaviour in the melting pool. These results are compared to experiments to validate the results obtained with the numerical model. The deformation of rectangular plates after welding was studied as a function of welding process, the welding speed and the thickness of the plates. The effect of welding parameters on the mechanical properties after welding was demonstrated. The application of the austenitic stainless steel Super Duplex enabled us to show the evolution of the micro structural and mechanical properties and corrosion tests during TIG and A-TIG welding processes
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