Dissertationen zum Thema „Time /Frequency Selective Broadband Channels“

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Bemani, Ali. „Affine Frequency Division Multiplexing (AFDM) for Wireless Communications“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2023. https://accesdistant.sorbonne-universite.fr/login?url=https://theses-intra.sorbonne-universite.fr/2023SORUS610.pdf.

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La recherche de nouvelles formes d'onde robustes, lorsque utilisées sur des canaux doublement sélectifs, est primordiale. De telles formes d'onde permettraient donc d'assurer des communications fiables pour les réseaux sans fil de nouvelle génération dans les scénarios de haute mobilité. Dans cette thèse, une nouvelle solution, le affine frequency division multiplexing (AFDM), est proposée. Cette nouvelle forme d'onde de type multichirps est basée sur la transformée de Fourier affine discrète (DAFT), une variante de la transformée de Fourier discrète caractérisée par deux paramètres pouvant être adaptés pour mieux faire face aux canaux doublement dispersifs. Cette thèse offre une enquête complète sur les principes de l'AFDM au sein des communications à haute mobilité. Elle fournit un aperçu de la relation explicite entrée-sortie dans le domaine DAFT, révélant l'impact conséquent des paramètres de l'AFDM. Le manuscrit détaille le réglage précis des paramètres DAFT qui permette d'assurer une représentation complète délai-Doppler du canal de propagation sans fil. À travers des démonstrations analytiques, il est affirmé que l'AFDM atteint de manière optimale l'ordre de diversité des canaux doublement dispersifs en raison de la représentation complète délai-Doppler du canal qu'il permet d'obtenir. La thèse propose également deux algorithmes de détection à faible complexité pour l'AFDM, tirant parti de la parcimonie inhérente du canal. Le premier est un détecteur de type minimum mean squared error (MMSE) à faible complexité basé sur la factorisation LDL. Le deuxième est un égaliseur de type decision feedback equalizer (DFE) à faible complexité basé sur la combinaison cohérente, grace à la méthode maximum ratio combining (MRC), de différentes copies des symboles d'entrée du canal ayant été altérés par différents trajets de ce dernier. De plus, la thèse présente une technique de type embedded d'estimation de canal pour les systèmes AFDM, exploitant la capacité de l'AFDM à obtenir une représentation complète délai-Doppler du canal. Dans cette approche, un seul symbole pilote est inséré dans le domain DAFT du symbole AFDM, et les interférences que ce pilote pourrait générer pour les symboles de donnée sont évitées par des intervalles de garde. Un algorithme pratique d'estimation de canal, compatible avec ce schéma de transmission de pilote et basé sur une approche de type approximate maximum likelihood (ML), est aussi proposé. La thèse est conclue en se penchant sur de possibles applications de l'AFDM au delà de celles conçues pour les environnements marqués par une haute mobilité, spécifiquement les applications de type integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) et les communications dans les bandes de hautes fréquences. Il est démontré que pour identifier tous les composants de délai et de Doppler liés au milieu de propagation, on peut utiliser soit le signal AFDM complet, soit seulement sa partie pilote constituée d'un symbole de domaine DAFT et de son intervalle de garde. De plus, la nature chirp de l'AFDM permet une annulation simple de l'auto-interférence, éliminant ainsi le besoin de méthodes coûteuses normalement nécessaires dans les systèmes full duplex. La thèse met également en évidence les bonnes performances de l'AFDM pour les communications sans fil dans les bandes de hautes fréquences sans ou avec mobilité, grâce à la répartition maximale du signal AFDM en temps et en fréquences, assurant un gain de couverture. Contrairement à d'autres formes d'onde, l'AFDM ne fournit pas seulement une répartition maximale temps-fréquences mais assure également une détection robuste et efficace et une résilience au décalage de fréquence de porteuse et au bruit de phase
In the realm of next-generation wireless systems (beyond 5G/6G), the vision is clear: to support a broad range of services and applications. This includes ensuring reliable communications in environments marked by high mobility, such as high-speed railway systems and various vehicular communications. Despite the deployment of various multicarrier techniques like orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) and single-carrier frequency division multiple access (SC-FDMA) in standardized communication systems, the challenge persists. These techniques, while effective in time-invariant frequency selective channels, face performance degradation in high mobility scenarios due to the destruction of orthogonality among subcarriers caused by significant Doppler frequency shifts. Addressing this, the search for new, robust modulation techniques is paramount. It stands as a key area of investigation aiming to resolve the reliable communications issue for next-generation wireless networks within doubly-selective wireless channels. In this thesis, a novel solution, affine frequency division multiplexing (AFDM), is proposed. This new chirp-based multicarrier waveform is based on the discrete affine Fourier transform (DAFT), a variant of the discrete Fourier transform characterized with two parameters that can be adapted to better cope with doubly dispersive channels. This thesis provides a comprehensive investigation into the principles of AFDM within high mobility communications. It provides insight into the explicit input-output relation in the DAFT domain, unveiling the consequential impact of AFDM parameters. The manuscript details the precise setting of DAFT parameters, ensuring a full delay-Doppler representation of the channel. Through analytical demonstrations, it asserts that AFDM optimally achieves the diversity order in doubly dispersive channels due to its full delay-Doppler representation. The thesis also proposes two low-complexity detection algorithms for AFDM, taking advantage of its inherent channel sparsity. The first is a low complexity MMSE detector based on LDL factorization. The second is a low complexity iterative decision feedback equalizer (DFE) based on weighted maximal ratio combining (MRC) of the channel impaired input symbols received from different paths. Additionally, the thesis presents an embedded channel estimation strategy for AFDM systems, leveraging AFDM's ability to achieve full delay-Doppler representation of the channel. In this approach, an AFDM frame contains a pilot symbol and data symbols, with zero-padded symbols employed as guard intervals to prevent interference. A practical channel estimation algorithm based on an approximate maximum likelihood (ML) approach and compatible with this pilot scheme is also provided. The thesis concludes by delving into the expanded applications of AFDM, specifically in integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) and extremely high frequency (EHF) band communications. It is demonstrated that to identify all delay and Doppler components linked with the propagation medium, one can use either the full AFDM signal or only its pilot part consisting of one DAFT domain symbol and its guard interval. Furthermore, the chirp nature of AFDM allows for unique and simple self-interference cancellation with a single pilot, eliminating the need for costly full-duplex methods. The thesis also highlights AFDM's efficient performance in high-frequency bands (with or without mobility), where the maximal spreading of its signal in time and frequency ensures a coverage gain. Unlike other waveforms, AFDM not only provides maximal time-frequency spreading but also ensures robust and efficient detection, characterized by one-tap equalization and resilience to carrier frequency offset (CFO) and phase noise
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Chu, Alice Pin-Chen. „High-Rate Space-Time Block Codes in Frequency-Selective Fading Channels“. Thesis, University of Canterbury. Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10092/10360.

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The growing popularity of wireless communications networks has resulted in greater bandwidth contention and therefore spectrally efficient transmission schemes are highly sought after by designers. Space-time block codes (STBCs) in multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) systems are able to increase channel capacity as well as reduce error rate. A general linear space-time structure known as linear dispersion codes (LDCs) can be designed to achieve high-data rates and has been researched extensively for flat fading channels. However, very little research has been done on frequency-selective fading channels. The combination of ISI, signal interference from other transmitters and noise at the receiver mean that maximum likelihood sequence estimation (MLSE) requires high computational complexity. Detection schemes that can mitigate the signal interference can significantly reduce the complexity and allow intersymbol interference (ISI) equalization to be performed by a Viterbi decoder. In this thesis, detection of LDCs on frequency-selective channels is investigated. Two predominant detection schemes are investigated, namely linear processing and zero forcing (ZF). Linear processing depends on code orthogonality and is only suited for short channels and small modulation schemes. ZF cancels interfering signals when a sufficient number of receive antennas is deployed. However, this number increases with the channel length. Channel decay profiles are investigated for high-rate LDCs to ameliorate this limitation. Performance improves when the equalizer assumes a shorter channel than the actual length provided the truncated taps carry only a small portion of the total channel power. The LDC is also extended to a multiuser scenario where two independent users cooperate over half-duplex frequency-selective channels to achieve cooperative gain. The cooperative scheme transmits over three successive block intervals. Linear and zero-forcing detection are considered.
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Katayama, Masaaki. „Keynote: “Power line channels: frequency and time selective” Part 2.-Noise statistics of indoor PLC channels“. IEEE, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/2237/9424.

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Wavegedara, Kapila Chandika B. „Advanced receivers for space-time block-coded single-carrier transmissions over frequency-selective fading channels“. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/620.

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In recent years, space-time block coding (STBC) has emerged as an effective transmit-diversity technique to combat the detrimental effects of channel fading. In addition to STBC, high-order modulation schemes will be used in future wireless communication systems aiming to provide ubiquitous-broadband wireless access. Hence, advanced receiver schemes are necessary to achieve high performance. In this thesis, advanced and computationally-efficient receiver schemes are investigated and developed for single-carrier space-time (ST) block-coded transmissions over frequency-selective fading (FSF) channels. First, we develop an MMSE-based turbo equalization scheme for Alamouti ST block-coded systems. A semi-analytical method to estimate the bit error rate (BER) is devised. Our results show that the proposed turbo equalization scheme offers significant performance improvements over one-pass equalization. Second, we analyze the convergence behavior of the proposed turbo equalization scheme for Alamouti ST block-coded systems using the extrinsic information transfer (EXIT)-band chart technique. Third, burst-wise (BW)-STBC is applied for uplink transmission over FSF channels in block-spread-CDMA systems with multiuser interference-free reception. The performances of different decision feedback sequence estimation (DFSE) schemes are investigated. A new scheme combining frequency-domain (FD) linear equalization and modified unwhitened-DFSE is proposed. The proposed scheme is very promising as the error-floor behavior observed in the existing unwhitened DFSE schemes is eliminated. Fourth, we develop a FD-MMSE-based turbo equalization scheme for the downlink of ST block-coded CDMA systems. We adopt BW-STBC instead of Alamouti symbol-wise (SW)-STBC considered for WCDMA systems and demonstrate its superior performance in FSF channels. Block spreading is shown to be more desirable than conventional spreading to improve performance using turbo equalization. We also devise approximate implementations (AprxImpls) that offer better trade-offs between performance and complexity. Semi-analytical upper bounds on the BER are derived. Fifth, turbo multicode detection is investigated for ST block-coded downlink transmission in DS-CDMA systems. We propose symbol-by-symbol and chip-by-chip FD-MMSE-based multicode detectors. An iterative channel estimation scheme is also proposed. The proposed turbo multicode detection scheme offers significant performance improvements compared with non-iterative multicode detection. Finally, the impact of channel estimation errors on the performance of MMSE-based turbo equalization in ST block-coded CDMA systems is investigated.
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Kosa, Irfan. „Performance of IEEE 802.11a wireless LAN standard over frequency-selective, slowly fading Nakagami channels in a pulsed jamming environment“. Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 2002. http://library.nps.navy.mil/uhtbin/hyperion-image/02Dec%5FKosa.pdf.

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Thesis (M.S. in Electrical Engineering)--Naval Postgraduate School, December 2002.
Thesis advisor(s): R. Clark Robertson, Tri Ha. Includes bibliographical references (p. 107-108). Also available online.
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Gong, Yi. „Space-time coding for high data-rate wireless communications over space and frequency selective fading channels /“. View Abstract or Full-Text, 2002. http://library.ust.hk/cgi/db/thesis.pl?ELEC%202002%20GONG.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2002.
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 105-114). Also available in electronic version. Access restricted to campus users.
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Siyau, Ming Fei. „A novel training-based MIMO channel estimation scheme for layered space-time systems in frequency selective wireless channels“. Thesis, Cranfield University, 2009. http://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/3464.

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New development in wireless technology using multiple antennas with appropriate space-time processing has recently become the new frontier of wireless communication systems due to the potential for providing very high spectral efficiency and enormous capacity improvement over the conventional wireless radio communications. The technical advances in using the multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless links present a promising breakthrough in resolving the bottleneck of current capacity limitation for future intensive wireless networks. The MIMO wireless systems utilize multiple antennas at both side of the transmitter and the receiver for enormous gains in spectral efficiency as well as system capacity in terms of higher data throughput by exploiting the multipath diversity in a rich scattering environment. A number of MIMO systems have been proposed to permit very high transmission rate, far exceeding the conventional communication technique. In particular, the Bell Laboratories layered space-time (BLAST) architecture has been presented that uses concept of spatial diversity and successive interference cancellation technique to improve the quality of signal reception over the flat-fading or the frequency selective fading channel. However, in order to achieve the quoted capacity gains in MIMO systems, the channeli nformation in terms of the multiple channeli mpulse responses(C IRs) and their fading coefficients must be known or estimated, which requires the design of a suitable channele stimator.T hus far, existing MIMO channele stimations chemesh aveb eenm ostly limited to the flat-fading case or cater specifically for coded space-time systems such as space-timeb lock code systems.I n this thesis,t he work is to considert he existing MIMO channel estimation techniques (used in the flat fading condition) and extend them to cater for a more realistic time-varying, frequency selective fading channel. The focus of this thesis has been the design and development of suitable training-based MIMO channel estimation scheme as well as the formulation of a new pilot code to enable effective estimation for the frequency selective channel. The novel channel estimator is also incorporatedi nto the BLAST architecturet o allow the practical assessmenotf using nonidealized channel to be studied and analysed for the performance of the MIMO systems. The driver for this work has been the recognition of the importance of channel knowledge for all the MIMO system to be used in practical application.
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Siyau, M. F. „A Novel training-based MIMO channel estimation scheme for layered space-time systems in frequency selective wireless channels“. Thesis, Department of Aerospace, Power & Sensors, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/1826/3464.

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New development in wireless technology using multiple antennas with appropriate space-time processing has recently become the new frontier of wireless communication systems due to the potential for providing very high spectral efficiency and enormous capacity improvement over the conventional wireless radio communications. The technical advances in using the multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless links present a promising breakthrough in resolving the bottleneck of current capacity limitation for future intensive wireless networks. The MIMO wireless systems utilize multiple antennas at both side of the transmitter and the receiver for enormous gains in spectral efficiency as well as system capacity in terms of higher data throughput by exploiting the multipath diversity in a rich scattering environment. A number of MIMO systems have been proposed to permit very high transmission rate, far exceeding the conventional communication technique. In particular, the Bell Laboratories layered space-time (BLAST) architecture has been presented that uses concept of spatial diversity and successive interference cancellation technique to improve the quality of signal reception over the flat-fading or the frequency selective fading channel. However, in order to achieve the quoted capacity gains in MIMO systems, the channeli nformation in terms of the multiple channeli mpulse responses(C IRs) and their fading coefficients must be known or estimated, which requires the design of a suitable channele stimator.T hus far, existing MIMO channele stimations chemesh aveb eenm ostly limited to the flat-fading case or cater specifically for coded space-time systems such as space-timeb lock code systems.I n this thesis,t he work is to considert he existing MIMO channel estimation techniques (used in the flat fading condition) and extend them to cater for a more realistic time-varying, frequency selective fading channel. The focus of this thesis has been the design and development of suitable training-based MIMO channel estimation scheme as well as the formulation of a new pilot code to enable effective estimation for the frequency selective channel. The novel channel estimator is also incorporatedi nto the BLAST architecturet o allow the practical assessmenotf using nonidealized channel to be studied and analysed for the performance of the MIMO systems. The driver for this work has been the recognition of the importance of channel knowledge for all the MIMO system to be used in practical application.
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Chi, Xuan. „The Impact of Channel Estimation Error on Space-Time Block and Trellis Codes in Flat and Frequency Selective Channels“. Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2002. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/33963.

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Recently multiple antenna systems have received significant attention from researchers as a means to improve the energy and spectral efficiency of wireless systems. Among many classes of schemes, Space-Time Block codes (STBC) and Space-Time Trellis codes (STTC) have been the subject of many investigations.

Both techniques provide a means for combatting the effects of multipath fading without adding much complexity to the receiver. This is especially useful in the downlink of wireless systems. In this thesis we investigate the impact of channel estimation error on the performance of both STBC and STTC.

Channel estimation is especially important to consider in multiple antenna systems since (A) for coherent systems there are more channels to estimate due to multiple antennas and (B) the decoupling of data streams relies on correct channel estimation. The latter effect is due to the intentional cross-talk introduced into STBC.
Master of Science

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Chayot, Romain. „Synchronisation, détection et égalisation de modulation à phase continue dans des canaux sélectifs en temps et en fréquence“. Thesis, Toulouse, INPT, 2019. http://oatao.univ-toulouse.fr/24188/1/Chayot_Romain.pdf.

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Si les drones militaires connaissent un développement important depuis une quinzaine d’année, suivi depuis quelques années par les drones civiles dont les usages ne font que se multiplier, en réalité les drones ont un siècle avec le premier vol d’un avion équipé d’un système de pilotage automatique sur une centaine de kilomètre en 1918. La question des règles d’usage des drones civiles sont en cours de développement malgré leur multiplication pour des usages allant de l’agriculture, à l’observation en passant par la livraison de colis. Ainsi, leur intégration dans l’espace aérien reste un enjeu important, ainsi que les standards de communication avec ces drones dans laquelle s’inscrit cette thèse. Cette thèse vise en effet à étudier et proposer des solutions pour les liens de communications des drones par satellite.L’intégration de ce lien de communication permet d’assurer la fiabilité des communications et particulièrement du lien de Commande et Contrôle partout dans le monde, en s’affranchissant des contraintes d’un réseau terrestre (comme les zones blanches). En raison de la rareté des ressources fréquentielles déjà allouées pour les futurs systèmes intégrant des drones, l’efficacité spectrale devient un paramètre important pour leur déploiement à grande échelle et le contexte spatiale demande l’utilisation d’un système de communication robuste aux non-linéarités. Les Modulations à Phase Continue permettent de répondre à ces problématiques. Cependant, ces dernières sont des modulations non-linéaire à mémoire entraînant une augmentation de la complexité des récepteurs. Du fait de la présence d’un canal multi-trajet (canal aéronautique par satellite), le principal objectif de cette thèse est de proposer des algorithmes d’égalisation (dans le domaine fréquentiel pour réduire leur complexité) et de synchronisation pour CPM adaptés à ce concept tout en essayant de proposer une complexité calculatoire raisonnable. Dans un premier temps, nous avons considéré uniquement des canaux sélectifs en fréquence et avons étudier les différents égaliseurs de la littérature. En étudiant leur similitudes et différences, nous avons pu développer un égaliseur dans le domaine fréquentiel qui proposant les mêmes performances a une complexité moindre. Nous proposons également des méthodes d’estimation canal et une méthode d’estimation conjointe du canal et de la fréquence porteuse. Dans un second temps nous avons montré comment étendre ces méthodes à des canaux sélectifs en temps et fréquence permettant ainsi de conserver une complexité calculatoire raisonnable.
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Chen, Harry Zhi Bing. „Space-time coding for frequency-selective fading channels“. Thesis, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/15161.

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This thesis studies space-time coded transmissions over frequency-selective channels. For this, the performance of maximum likelihood sequence estimation (MLSE) decoding is analyzed, taking into account channel estimation errors. Furthermore, reduced complexity suboptimum decoding schemes are investigated. To analyze MLSE decoding performance, three lower bounds, namely, the matched filter bound (MFB), the improved MFB (IMFB), and the IMFB I, are derived. The MFB assumes no intersymbol interference (ISI) in the received symbols, while IMFB takes into account the effect of ISI of neighboring symbols, and thus provides a tighter bound. IMFB JL, which is the tightest lower bound for time-reversal and space-time block coding (TR-STBC), in addition, considers the decoupling errors of the symbols from the other transmit antenna. Our numerical results for delay diversity (DD), TR-STBC, and maximum ratio combining (MRC) show that the IMFB, and especially the IMFB JL, match well with simulation results. For reduced complexity decoding, we present three different decision-feedback sequence estimation (DFSE) schemes for TR-STBC and' DD. The first scheme, called unwhitened DFSE (U-DFSE), performs reduced-state sequence estimation based on the output of the spatial-temporal matched filter (MF) typically employed in TR-STBC. The second approach improves upon U-DFSE by subtracting a bias term caused by anti-causal interference from the U-DFSE metric. In the third scheme, the noise component in the output of the spatial-temporal MF is first whitened using a prediction-error filter that can be efficiently computed using the Levinson-Durbin algorithm. Subsequently, whitened DFSE (W-DFSE) is performed. Our results show that for binary modulation, U-DFSE and its improved version can approach the performance of W-DFSE for the full range of delay spreads relevant for the global system of mobile communication (GSM) and enhanced data rates for GSM evolution (EDGE). On the other hand, for high-level modulation, only W-DFSE gives a satisfactory performance.
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Vijaya, Krishna A. „A Filterbank Precoding Framework For MIMO Frequency Selective Channels“. Thesis, 2006. https://etd.iisc.ac.in/handle/2005/1084.

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Wireless systems with multiple antennas at both the transmitter and receiver (MIMO systems) have been the focus of research in the recent past due to their ability to provide higher data rates and better reliability than their single antenna counterparts. Designing a communication system for MIMO frequency selective channels provides many signal processing challenges. Popular methods like MIMOOFDM and space-time precoding linearly process blocks of data at both the transmitter and the receiver. Independence between the blocks is ensured by introducing sufficient redundancy between successive blocks. This approach has many pitfalls, including the limit on achievable data rate due to redundancy requirements and the need for additional coding/processing. In this thesis, we provide a filterbank precoding framework (FBP) for communication over MIMO frequency selective channels. By viewing the channel as a polynomial matrix, we derive the minimum redundancy required for achieving FIR equalization of the precoded channel. It is shown that, for most practical channels, a nominal redundancy is enough. The results are general, and hold for channels of any dimension and order. We derive the zero-forcing and MMSE equalizers for the precoded channel. The role of equalizer delay in system performance is analyzed. We extend the minimum redundancy result to the case of space-time filterbank precoding (STFP). Introducing the time dimension allows the channel to be represented by a block pseudocirculant matrix. By using the Smith form of block pseudocirculant matrices, we show that very high data rates can be achieved with STFP. When channel information is available at the transmitter, we derive an iterative algorithm for obtaining the MMSE optimal precoder-equalizer pair. We then provide a comparison of FBP with the block processing methods. It is shown that FBP provides better BER performance than the block processing methods at a lower computational cost. The reasons for the better performance of FBP are discussed.
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Vijaya, Krishna A. „A Filterbank Precoding Framework For MIMO Frequency Selective Channels“. Thesis, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/2005/1084.

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Wireless systems with multiple antennas at both the transmitter and receiver (MIMO systems) have been the focus of research in the recent past due to their ability to provide higher data rates and better reliability than their single antenna counterparts. Designing a communication system for MIMO frequency selective channels provides many signal processing challenges. Popular methods like MIMOOFDM and space-time precoding linearly process blocks of data at both the transmitter and the receiver. Independence between the blocks is ensured by introducing sufficient redundancy between successive blocks. This approach has many pitfalls, including the limit on achievable data rate due to redundancy requirements and the need for additional coding/processing. In this thesis, we provide a filterbank precoding framework (FBP) for communication over MIMO frequency selective channels. By viewing the channel as a polynomial matrix, we derive the minimum redundancy required for achieving FIR equalization of the precoded channel. It is shown that, for most practical channels, a nominal redundancy is enough. The results are general, and hold for channels of any dimension and order. We derive the zero-forcing and MMSE equalizers for the precoded channel. The role of equalizer delay in system performance is analyzed. We extend the minimum redundancy result to the case of space-time filterbank precoding (STFP). Introducing the time dimension allows the channel to be represented by a block pseudocirculant matrix. By using the Smith form of block pseudocirculant matrices, we show that very high data rates can be achieved with STFP. When channel information is available at the transmitter, we derive an iterative algorithm for obtaining the MMSE optimal precoder-equalizer pair. We then provide a comparison of FBP with the block processing methods. It is shown that FBP provides better BER performance than the block processing methods at a lower computational cost. The reasons for the better performance of FBP are discussed.
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Hu, Tsung Wen, und 胡聰文. „Study on complex-field space time trellis codes over frequency selective channels“. Thesis, 2008. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/70354262879016753382.

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In this thesis, we propose a novel complex-field Space Time Trellis Codes (STTC) and derive performance upper bounds for this code over frequency selective channels. The novel STTC can directly combine the coding trellis and the channel effect to enable the full diversity order be achieved by joint decoding based on MLSE (Maximum Likelihood Sequence Estimator). Then we discuss the characteristics of the complex-field STTC. In order to simplify the performance analysis of this code, we assume that error probability is dominated by the minimum distance of the first error event in the combined trellis. We use the Rayleigh sum distribution and density to derive an upper bound for this code and show this new code can achieve diversity order as we expect by simulation results.
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Li, Chi-Ming, und 李啟銘. „Space-Time Code Design for Linear Modulation over Frequency-Selective Fading Channels“. Thesis, 2017. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/3n9t57.

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In this thesis, we derived the rank design criterion of a space-time code scheme for linear modulation over frequency-selective fast fading channels with oversampling technique. With an optimal convolutional temporal encoder and an optimal spatial encoder achieving the full transmit spatial diversity, the overall diversity gain is at least Lr(L*ECL*L) if L<=l and Lr(Lt*ECL*l+L-l) if L >l, where Lr is the number of receive antennas, Lt the number of transmit antennas, ECL the effective code length of the convolutional encoder, l the oversampling factor and L the number of taps in the equivalent tapped-delay-line channel model. We have devised an finite-state machine for a Viterbi decoder which implements the maximum likelihood sequential detection of the received signal.Simulation results have confirmed that this coding scheme is very effective.
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Maa, Ching-Shyang, und 馬清祥. „Structured Design and Analysis of Space-Time Codes in Frequency-Selective Wireless Channels“. Thesis, 2004. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/67120193517783610255.

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In a wireless system with multipath MIMO (multiple input multiple output) channels using antenna arrays, the delay spread of multipaths results in intersymbol interference (ISI) and channel frequency selectivity. Similar to the channel frequency selectivity, spatial gains at the multipath angles also naturally result in channel angle selectivity. Based on the channel selectivity structures characterized by the path delays and the path directions-of-departure/arrival (DODs/DOAs), in this thesis, we first seek new insights into the matching of space-time codes and multipath MIMO channels in their angle-frequency (AF) structures. Next, by exploiting the wireless MIMO channel structure, new space-time code design criteria are derived. New structure-based space-time codes are identified through computer searches to justify the new criteria. Simulation results show that these codes have superior performance over the existing codes in the corresponding frequency-selective channels. Based on the new design criteria, we propose two low-complexity channel-adapted space-time (CAST) coding schemes, where trade-offs among codeword error rate, data throughput and computational complexity are very flexible. Simulation results confirm that, in the frequency-selective MIMO channels, the CAST coding schemes can perform significantly better than the existing space-time codes, e.g., Alamouti space-time orthogonal code. In addition, recent advances in information theory show that employing multiple antennas at both sides of a wireless link promises enormous capacity potential. With knowledge of channel state information (CSI) at the transmitter, space-time eigen-beamforming is the optimum coding scheme to exploit this potential. However, in non-stationary wireless environments, high complexity on MIMO channel tracking and large amounts of CSI feedback render such an approach impractical. By exploiting the wireless multipath channel structure, a space-time coding scheme involving a novel structure-based water-filling algorithm is proposed. Outage capacities evaluated through Monte Carlo simulations confirm the performance advantage of the proposed space-time coding scheme. For more efficient usage of bandwidth, blind detection schemes attract more and more attention. In a noncoherent system, a differential phase coding scheme is an attractive technique as it obviates the need for phase synchronization. However, its performance degrades considerably when channels vary rapidly. To establish a reliable communication link, we propose a wireless system with a blind receiver which jointly performs noncoherent channel estimation and serially-concatenated turbo code decoding over fast time-varying Rayleigh-fading channels. The low complexity blind receiver consists of two parts: 1) a Kalman filter as its channel estimation part and 2) two decoders, including a differential decoder and a convolutional decoder, as its signal decoding part. With various soft information, calculated in the maximum likelihood sense, iteratively passed around between the channel estimator and the signal decoder, the system is expected to hopefully approach the optimal performance. Note that, with no training data in the proposed system, it is impossible for the Kalman filter to avoid the CSI phase ambiguity problem, which can be perfectly taken care of by the differential decoder. Computer simulations confirm that the proposed system exhibits robustness against fast time-variation of Rayleigh-fading channels.
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Li, Yu-chen, und 李昱蓁. „Coherent and Noncoherent Space-Time Modulation for Single-Carrier Block Transmission over Frequency-Selective Channels“. Thesis, 2008. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/20556569555351308304.

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This dissertation includes two parts. The first part deals with time-reversal single carrier orthogonal space-time blocked technique employed in a multi-access CDMA uplink system over a quasi-static frequency selective fading channel. To avert the rate loss problem normally encounter in convolutionally coded space-time block modulation, we assign each user multiple spreading sequences so as to expand constellation size of orthogonal space-time codes. At receiver,one approaches, namely single-user detectors based on minimum mean-square error (MMSE) sense. Indeed, in computer simulations this receivers in terms of bit error rate (BER) indicates that the computational complexity was traded for performance gain. We, rather than assume channel state information (CSI) known to both transmitter and receiver, consider noncoherent space-time modulation in single-carrier block system over quasi-static frequency-selective fading channel. Indeed, capitalizing on multi-channel input-output relation in time domain, we construct space-time codes of constant signaling amplitude by means of complex orthogonal sequences to achieve maximal diversity gain along with coding advantage. Numerical result indicates that SC block system can outperform the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) counterpart, which additionally suffers from higher peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR), in terms of block error rate (BLER) under the same scenario conducted in simulations
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Lin, Yu-Teng, und 林郁登. „On the Study and Performance Evaluation of the STBC MIMO-OFDM Wireless Broadband Communication System over Frequency Selective Fading Channels“. Thesis, 2006. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/12919638056303631298.

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Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) system is a reliable communication system which applies multi-antenna at both transmitter and receiver sides. The MIMO system can be configured and used as the spatial multiplexing mechanism to increase the data rate or used as the diversity technology to improved data Link reliable. On the other hand, the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) modulation scheme using a cyclic prefix (CP) technique also exhibits the desired property of strong resistance to the propagation channel fading caused by the channel multipath delay spread. Thus, the use of MIMO system in conjunction with OFDM modulation (MIMO-OFDM) technique has demonstrated its great potential for high quality wireless wideband data communication. However, in most practical situation, the channel knowledge is unknown at transmitter, the use of space-time coding scheme is then required to be introduced into the MIMO-OFDM system to consolidate the system performance by exploiting the benefits of the triple diversities in space, time and frequency domains. It is therefore, the kernel purposes of this paper are to study the MIMO-OFDM system infrastructure using the space-time block coding (STBC) scheme, and to evaluate the system performance over the propagation channel having frequency selective fading. The results can be useful to get insight into the robustness and the capabilities associated with this new noteworthy prospect of the wireless broadband communication system
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Yang, Chieh-Chih, und 楊傑智. „On Frequency-Domain Equalization with Training-Based Channel Estimation for Orthogonal Space-Time Block Coded System via MIMO Frequency-Selective Fading Channels“. Thesis, 2007. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/02950626224237711536.

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We propose an instructive derivation for the generalized block-level orthogonal space-time block encoder, capable of achieving full spatial diversity via frequency- selective fading environment provided that channel order is known. Instead of dealing with special case and then extending the results intuitively, we provide an alternative by starting with the general signal model with multiple transmit and multiple receive antennas, from which a general form of block-level orthogonality is established. In particular, transmit diversity with more than two transmit antennas can be achieved without compromise by means of frequency-domain equalization, in contrast to the QO-STBC-based approach. Pairwise error probability analysis is derived, under certain assumption which is numerically supported by simulation results, for analytical verifications of our claim on full diversity, inclusive of transmit-receive diversity and the multipath one. Moreover, the encoder structure enables us to generalize a training-based channel estimation technique, originally proposed for flat-fading scenario, to the frequency-selective fading scenario. Surprisingly we even obtain similar optimality criteria for optimal training block design which in our case, the signal block are fixed as OSTBC-based and the design derivation reduces to derive optimal power constraint over the training blocks. The optimality criteria for the training blocks are easy to satisfy when randomness of signal constellation is not a concern. Simulation results validate our discussion of the behaviors of the least-squares and linear MMSE channel estimates.
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Rakshith, M. R. „Algorithms For Spatial Modulation Systems“. Thesis, 2013. http://etd.iisc.ac.in/handle/2005/3905.

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It is well known that multiple antennas at the transmitter and receiver are imperative for reliable and high data-rate communication over wireless channels. However, these systems essentially need multiple radio frequency (RF) chains owing to multiple antennas, and hence pose challenges for applications with limited form-factor. Antenna Selection (AS) techniques alleviate this problem by using only a subset of the total available antennas and hence require only a few RF chains compared to the number of antennas. These systems operate in a closed-loop scenario, where the information fed back from the receiver is used for the transmit antenna subset selection. In contrast to this, a novel open-loop technique known as spatial modulation (SM) was recently proposed that uses a single RF-chain at the transmitter and achieves a higher spectral efficiency compared to single-input and AS based systems. The work in the thesis mainly focuses on the following aspects of SM system: Study of Mutual Information in SM systems operating in open-loop and closed-loop scenarios: We study the achievable mutual information in the SM system operating with finite and Gaussian input alphabet, and compare the results with that of the SIMO and AS based systems. Reduced-complexity maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding algorithms for SM systems: We propose ML-optimal sphere decoders for SM systems with arbitrary number of transmit antennas. Furthermore, a reduced-complexity ML detector is also proposed whose computational complexity is lowest among the known existing detectors in the literature. Transmit diversity techniques for SM systems: The conventional SM system achieves a transmit diversity order of one. We propose a complex interleaved orthogonal design baaed SM scheme that achieves a transit diversity order of two, while offering symbol-by- symbol ML decodability. Transmit antenna subset selection algorithms for SM systems: The SM system is considered in the closed-loop scenario, where only a subset of the total number of transmit antennas is chosen based on the information fed back by the receiver. Specifically, the Euclidean distance and capacity optimized antenna selection algorithms are studied in comparison with the conventional AS based systems. SM system operating in dispersive channels: The SM system operating in a dispersive channel with the aid of zero-padding is studied. It is shown that the SM system achieves full receive-diversity and multipath-diversity with ML decoding, but offers a decoding complexity that is exponential in the number of multipaths. Furthermore, a reduced complexity linear receiver is proposed that achieves achieves full multipath as well as receive-diversity, while offering a decoding complexity order same as that of the SM system operating in a frequency-flat channel.
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Rakshith, M. R. „Algorithms For Spatial Modulation Systems“. Thesis, 2013. http://etd.iisc.ernet.in/2005/3905.

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It is well known that multiple antennas at the transmitter and receiver are imperative for reliable and high data-rate communication over wireless channels. However, these systems essentially need multiple radio frequency (RF) chains owing to multiple antennas, and hence pose challenges for applications with limited form-factor. Antenna Selection (AS) techniques alleviate this problem by using only a subset of the total available antennas and hence require only a few RF chains compared to the number of antennas. These systems operate in a closed-loop scenario, where the information fed back from the receiver is used for the transmit antenna subset selection. In contrast to this, a novel open-loop technique known as spatial modulation (SM) was recently proposed that uses a single RF-chain at the transmitter and achieves a higher spectral efficiency compared to single-input and AS based systems. The work in the thesis mainly focuses on the following aspects of SM system: Study of Mutual Information in SM systems operating in open-loop and closed-loop scenarios: We study the achievable mutual information in the SM system operating with finite and Gaussian input alphabet, and compare the results with that of the SIMO and AS based systems. Reduced-complexity maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding algorithms for SM systems: We propose ML-optimal sphere decoders for SM systems with arbitrary number of transmit antennas. Furthermore, a reduced-complexity ML detector is also proposed whose computational complexity is lowest among the known existing detectors in the literature. Transmit diversity techniques for SM systems: The conventional SM system achieves a transmit diversity order of one. We propose a complex interleaved orthogonal design baaed SM scheme that achieves a transit diversity order of two, while offering symbol-by- symbol ML decodability. Transmit antenna subset selection algorithms for SM systems: The SM system is considered in the closed-loop scenario, where only a subset of the total number of transmit antennas is chosen based on the information fed back by the receiver. Specifically, the Euclidean distance and capacity optimized antenna selection algorithms are studied in comparison with the conventional AS based systems. SM system operating in dispersive channels: The SM system operating in a dispersive channel with the aid of zero-padding is studied. It is shown that the SM system achieves full receive-diversity and multipath-diversity with ML decoding, but offers a decoding complexity that is exponential in the number of multipaths. Furthermore, a reduced complexity linear receiver is proposed that achieves achieves full multipath as well as receive-diversity, while offering a decoding complexity order same as that of the SM system operating in a frequency-flat channel.
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Λάλος, Αριστείδης. „Αποδοτικές τεχνικές εκτίμησης – ισοστάθμισης γενικευμένων ασύρματων καναλιών πολλαπλών εισόδων – πολλαπλών εξόδων“. Thesis, 2009. http://nemertes.lis.upatras.gr/jspui/handle/10889/4068.

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Τα συστήματα πολλαπλών κεραιών στον πομπό και στο δέκτη (MIMO) αποτελούν βασικά μέτωπα ανάπτυξης των ασύρματων επικοινωνιών. Ωστόσο, η εφαρμογή της τεχνολογίας MIMO στα κινητά δίκτυα επικοινωνιών αντιμετωπίζει το πρακτικό πρόβλημα της ενσωμάτωσης πολλαπλών κεραιών σε μικρά κινητά τερματικά. Με σκοπό την αντιμετώπιση του εμποδίου αυτού, δημιουργήθηκε ένα άλλο σημαντικό μέτωπο έρευνας, αυτό των συνεργατικών επικοινωνιών. Στο πλαίσιο της παρούσας διδακτορικής διατριβής ασχοληθήκαμε με την ανάπτυξη και μελέτη αλγορίθμων επεξεργασίας σήματος για τα δύο παραπάνω συστήματα. Σχετικά με τα συστήματα MIMO η πρωτοποριακή έρευνα που πραγματοποιήθηκε στα Bell labs στα μέσα της δεκαετίας του ΄90, απέδειξε ότι η χρήση πολλαπλών κεραιών μπορεί να οδηγήσει σε σημαντική αύξηση της χωρητικότητας των ασύρματων συστημάτων βελτιώνοντας την αξιοπιστία της μετάδοσης. Προκειμένου να αξιοποιηθούν οι παραπάνω δυνατότητες απαιτείται η σχεδίαση σύνθετων δεκτών MIMO. Προς αυτήν την κατεύθυνση έχει στραφεί ένας μεγάλος αριθμός μεθόδων ισοστάθμισης του καναλιού και πιο συγκεκριμένα δεκτών ανατροφοδότησης αποφάσεων. Δεδομένου ότι σε ευρυζωνικά συστήματα επικοινωνιών το ασύρματο κανάλι είναι άγνωστο στο δέκτη και μεταβάλλεται χρονικά, στραφήκαμε προς τις προσαρμοστικές μεθόδους ισοστάθμισης. Στα πλαίσια της διαριβής αναζήτησαμε προσαρμοστικούς αλγόριθμους κατάλληλους για τη σχεδίαση προσαρμοστικών ισοσταθμιστών MIMO DFE με τα εξής χαρακτηριστικά: 1) να παρουσιάζουν απόδοση (ταχύτητα σύγκλισης) συγκρίσιμη με αυτή του RLS, 2) η υπολογιστική τους πολυπλοκότητα να είναι μικρότερη από αυτή του RLS και 3) να είναι αριθμητικά ευσταθείς. ΄Εχει αποδειχθεί ότι προσαρμοστικοί αλγόριθμοι που βασίζονται στη μέθοδο των συζυγών κλίσεων (conjugate gradient (CG)) πληρούν τις παραπάνω προϋποθέσεις. Αρχικά αναζητήσαμε τεχνικές που βασίζονται στη μέθοδο αυτή και χρησιμοποιούνται σε προβλήματα προσαρμοστικού φιλτραρίσματος και πιο ειδικά, στο πρόβλημα προσαρμοστικής ισοστάθμισης διαύλου στη περίπτωση SISO. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, υλοποιήσαμε έναν προσαρμοστικό αλγόριθμο στο πεδίο των συχνοτήτων που επεξεργάζεται τα δεδομένα κάθε φορά που λαμβάνεται ένα νέο εισερχόμενο πακέτο δεδομένων. Ο προτεινόμενος ισοσταθμιστής πετυχαίνει μια πολύ καλή απόδοση, ενώ οι υπολογιστικές του απαιτήσεις είναι πολύ χαμηλές. Στη συνέχεια αναπτύξαμε τρεις νέους αλγορίθμους προσαρμοστικής ισοστάθμισης συχνοτικά επιλεκτικών συστημάτων MIMO, που βασίζονται στη μέθοδο CG και στις προβολές Galerkin. Το πρόβλημα σχεδιασμού προσαρμοστικών MIMO DFE αντιμετωπίζεται ως ένα πρόβλημα επίλυσης γραμμικών εξισώσεων, με πολλαπλά δεξιά μέλη, που εξελίσσεται στο χρόνο. Επισημαίνουμε ότι τα σχήματα που προτείνουμε θα μπορούσαν να αποτελέσουν ένα γενικότερο πλαίσιο σχεδίασης προσαρμοστικών δεκτών για συχνοτικά επιλεκτικά συστήματα MIMO, με ιδιότητες σύγκλισης παρόμοιες με αυτές του RLS, έχοντας, ωστόσο, μικρότερες υπολογιστικές απαιτήσεις. Στα πλαίσια της παρούσας διδακτορικής διατριβής αναπτύξαμε τεχνικές εκτίμησης καναλιού για συνεργατικά δίκτυα με N αναμεταδότες που είτε ενισχύουν και αναμεταδίδουν ή αποκωδικοποιούν και αναμεταδίδουν το λαμβανόμενο σήμα. ΄Ολες οι τεχνικές εκτίμησης που προτείναμε υλοποιούνται εξ΄ ολοκλήρου στο πεδίο των συχνοτήτων. Αρχικά παρουσιάσαμε τεχνικές που βασίζονται στη μετάδοση πιλοτικών συμβόλων σε συγκεκριμένες συχνοτικές συνιστώσες. Στη συνέχεια αποδείξαμε ότι όλα τα κανάλια από την πηγή μέσω των αναμεταδοτών προς τον προορισμό μπορούν να εκτιμηθούν τυφλά εάν γνωρίζουμε τις φάσεις της απόκρισης συχνότητας του ασύρματου καναλιού μεταξύ πηγής και προορισμού.. Επιπρόσθετα, πραγματοποιήθηκε ϑεωρητική ανάλυση της απόδοσης των προτεινόμενων σχημάτων η οποία επαληθεύτηκε μέσω προσομοιώσεων σε υπολογιστή. Τέλος, αξιολογήσαμε πειραματικά διάφορα πρωτόκολλα συνεργατικής επικοινωνίας (AF, DF, SF) και τεχνικές κατανεμημένης χωροχρονικής επεξεργασίας DSTC για συνεργατικά δίκτυα σε μια πλατφόρμα υλοποίησης πραγματικού χρόνου που χρησιμοποιεί επεξεργαστές ψηφιακής επεξεργασίας σήματος. Διαπιστώσαμε ότι τα πειραματικά αποτελέσματα συμφωνούν πλήρως με τα θεωρητικά.
Systems employing multiple antennas at the transmitter and the receiver, known as MIMO (multiinput multioutput) systems, as well as space time coding techniques developed for such systems, are two of the main technologies employed for the evolution of wireless communications. However, the application of MIMO technology to mobile networks, often faces the practical implementation problem of having too many antennas on a small mobile terminal. In an attempt to overcome such a severe limitation, cooperative communication schemes have been proposed. This PhD dissertation, described our work on the design and analysis of signal processing algorithms for the two aforementioned systems, as is described in detail next. Concerning MIMO systems, the pioneering work performed at Bell Labs in the middle of the nineties, proved that the use of multiple antennas can lead to a significant increase in wireless systems capacity. To exploit this potential, sophisticated MIMO receivers should be designed. To this end, a large amount of channel equalizers and, more specifically, decision feedback equalizers has been proposed. Because these assumptions are difficult to meet in high rate single carrier systems, we have focused our attention on decision feedback equalizers. . Our main goal is to derive algorithms for updating the MIMO DFE filters with the following characteristics: 1) convergence properties similar to these of the RLS 2) more computationally efficient than RLS and 3) numerically stable. It is known that adaptive algorithms based on the CG (conjugate gradient) have the above characteristics We initially studied this method as an iterative method for solving linear equations and we pointed out the main differences with the steepest descent method, on which the LMS algorithm is based. An extended search of adaptive DFE algorithms, based on the CG method was carried out. More specifically, a new block adaptive CG algorithm was developed. In the resulting algorithm, one CG iteration per block update is executed. In order to reduce even more the complexity, the algorithm was implemented in the Frequency Domain. The proposed equalizer offers a good performance - complexity trade off. Three new adaptive equalization algorithms for wireless systems operating over frequency selective MIMO channels, based on the CG method and the Galerkin projection method, are proposed. The problem of MIMO decision feedback equalizer (DFE) design is formulated as a set of linear equations with multiple righthand sides (RHSs) evolving in time. These schemes provide a flexible framework in MIMO adaptive equalization design to implement schemes with convergence properties comparable to the RLS, but of lower computational cost. Furthermore, we worked on channel estimation for cooperative communication networks, where the nodes either simply amplify and forward the received signal, or they decode and transmit the signal (DF). We first propose efficient channel estimation techniques for relay networks with N relays. The new methods are implemented in the frequency domain (FD). Initially, training based techniques are presented, where the training pilots are multiplexed with the data in the frequency domain. It is then shown that all the channels in the network can be estimated blindly provided that we know the phases of the frequency response of the (Source → Destination) channel. Thus, by making use of a small number of pilots in only one link (the sourcetodestination link) we can estimate all the other channels (Source→Relay i→Destination) in the network. A theoretical performance study of the proposed algorithms is presented and closed form expressions for the mean squared channel estimation error are provided. The presented theoretical analysis is verified by extensive Monte Carlo simulations. The application of the derived schemes to the DF case, and the impact of erroneous detection to their performance are also studied. Finally, we investigated experimentally four cooperative relaying schemes: amplify and forward (AF), detect and forward (DF), cooperative maximum ratio combining (CMRC) and distributed spacetime coding (DSTC), and one novel selection relaying (SR) scheme on a realtime DSP based testbed. The experimental results are fairly close to the ones predicted by theory
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