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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Territorial instruments"


LOURO, PAULO, MADALENA CORTE-REAL und TÂNIA MATA. „CARTAS EDUCATIVAS: INSTRUMENTOS DE QUÊ?“ GOT - Journal of Geography and Spatial Planning, Nr. 23 (31.07.2022): 35–54.

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This article is the second in a line of research entitled "Instruments for territorial management", which seeks to analyse the use and valuation, by municipalities, of instruments such as the Municipal Master Plan (MP), the Educational Charter (EC), the Municipal Civil Protection Plans and also the identification of existing participation instruments in the different municipalities. In the present case, we seek to know practices and perceptions about the Educational Charter through the analysis of 44 Educational Charters and by conducting interviews with municipal representatives about this instrument for territorial management. The data collected indicate that, despite the explanation about the importance of this document, it is, in many municipalities, completely out of date and, probably, of no use. There seems to be, currently, a perspective that it should contemplate other educational dynamics than those of formal education and that it is essential to contemplate its connection to other territorial management instruments in the sense of an effective implementation of municipal educational policies considering an integrated territorial vision.
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Topicality. Tax instruments that are aimed on stimulation of economic activity are widely used as regulators of regional territorial economic systems in developed countries, especially in the EU, and for Ukraine this practice, on the author's opinion and on the opinion of many experts in taxation sphere, will also support economic development priorities and would be appropriate and effective. The processes of voluntary formation of united territorial communities and decentralization of administrative-territorial organization in Ukraine did not bring the expected growth in the economic development of territorial economic systems and this necessitates the formation of a comprehensive policy to promote economic development of territorial complexes with special emphasis on economic growth. Supporting the priorities of economic development of regional, subregional economic systems and parts of functional areas at the basic level can be effectively implemented through tax instruments, because such measures are effective and can stimulate the rapid direction of financial, commodity, logistics, investment flows towards favorable business conditions. A promising direction for the development of territorial economic systems is the support of economic cooperation in communities, because this will provide conditions for the division of labor in the territorial dimension and will stimulate the creation of extended value chains.Aim and tasks. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the feasibility and determine the potential effectiveness of tax instruments that are to stimulate the economic development and cooperation of territorial communities in Ukraine in the context of administrative and territorial reform and according to the impact of modern challenges of the ensuring of the competitiveness of domestic economic complexes in context of integration into world economic systems.Research results. The article considers the tools of economic cooperation of communities as means of functional territories creating, which is an alternative to the process of united territorial communities forming, and as a universal mean of ensuring of the economic capacity of communities in terms of unification, which is especially relevant during the completing of decentralization reform, when delegation of all powers is provided to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.Measures of economic capacity increase of territorial communities with the use of economic cooperation tools are developed in the article, including tax, organizational, financial, informational levers that are relevant to the current conditions of development of territorial communities in Ukraine and regions. Particular attention is paid to tax measures and mechanisms that are to stimulate economic development and cooperation of local communities, as it is proved that such levers of regulation are among the most effective.Conclusion. It is determined that stimulation of investment activity, general economic development and cooperation by tax regulation measures is already possible and appropriate institutional support for such tools has already been formed, but for further introduction of a comprehensive mechanism of tax stimulation of cooperation and formation of functional territories on the basis of effective division of labor support, additional more significant and systemic changes to the current institutional environment, especially to the Tax Code of Ukraine are needed.
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RAMIREZ SÁNCHEZ, JESÚS MARÍA. „La estrategia territorial de Navarra, una necesaria renovación, y revisión, del instrumento“. RVAP 123, Nr. 123 (01.08.2022): 275–317.

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La Estrategia Territorial de Navarra (ETN), el instrumento de ordenaciónterritorial de ámbito de toda la Comunidad, fue aprobada en junio de 2005.Es un instrumento programático que contiene criterios, directrices y guías de actuación,pero no contiene determinaciones, normas o preceptos normativos quevinculen directa o indirectamente, a través del planeamiento urbanístico local alos particulares y administraciones públicas. Pero la naturaleza jurídica, el carácterorientativo de sus determinaciones y la escasa repercusión de la ETN, pareceque hace evidente una necesaria reformulación del instrumentos y revisión de lafigura. Ello supondría optar por un instrumento con carácter de norma, o mantenerel exclusivo carácter de documento estratégico no vinculante. Los efectos deun modelo de carácter normativo deberían tener un valor jurídico como principiosinformadores de cualquier actuación en el territorio. Nafarroako lurralde-estrategia (NLE) erkidego osorako eremuarenlurralde-antolamendurako tresna da, eta 2005eko ekainean onartu zen. Tresnaprogramatikoa da, irizpideak, gidalerroak eta jarduketa-gidak ditu, baina ez tokikohirigintza-plangintzaren bitartez partikularrak eta administrazio publikoak zuzeneanedo zeharka lotuko dituen zehaztapen, arau edo arau-agindurik. Baina NLEren izaerajuridikoa kontuan hartuta, zehaztapenak orientagarriak direla eta eragin urria izanduela, argi dago tresna berriz formulatu behar dela eta figura bera berrikusi.Horrek ekarriko luke arau izaerako tresna bat aukeratzea, edo dokumentu estrategikoez-loteslearen izaera esklusiboari eustea. Arau izaerako ereduaren ondorioekbalio juridikoa eduki beharko lukete, lurraldean egin beharreko edozein jarduketarenprintzipio informatzaile gisa. The Navarra Territorial Strategy (ETN), the highest-ranking territorialplanning instrument in the entire Community, was approved in June 2005. It isa programmatic instrument that contains criteria, guidelines and action guides,but does not contain determinations, norms or normative precepts that linkdirectly or indirectly, through local urban planning, to individuals and publicadministrations. But the legal nature, the guiding nature of its determinations andthe limited impact of the ETN, seems to make evident a necessary reformulationof the instruments and revision of the figure. This would mean opting for astandard instrument or maintaining the exclusive nature of a non-binding strategicdocument. The effects of a normative model should have a legal value asprinciples that inform any action in the territory.
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Хрусталев, Борис, Boris Hrustalev, Юлия Артамонова und Julia Artamonova. „TERRITORIAL INDUSTRIAL CLUSTERS: PRACTICAL INSTRUMENTS OF FORMATION“. Russian Journal of Management 5, Nr. 4 (09.01.2018): 573–80.

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Brisson, Geneviève, und Guy Chiasson. „Les observatoires territoriaux observés : deux cas de trajectoires de transfert de connaissance territoriale“. Article régulier 45, Nr. 2 (13.09.2022): 124–32.

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Cet article analyse la trajectoire de deux observatoires territoriaux situés dans les régions québécoises de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue et l’Outaouais. Cette analyse a pour but de montrer qu’au Québec les observatoires peuvent être d’importants instruments de développement : ils permettent de produire de la connaissance territoriale utile aux acteurs du développement de leurs régions respectives. En prenant appui sur des catégories développées par la littérature sur le transfert de connaissances et le développement territorial, nous montrons que les deux observatoires suivent des trajectoires différenciées de partage de connaissances et des façons propres d’organiser le rapport entre la recherche et l’action.
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Semyhulin, Pavlo K., und Ihor V. Yaroshenko. „Global Experience in the Use of Instruments for the Implementation of Project Activities in Public Management of Spatial Development of Territories“. Business Inform 5, Nr. 556 (2024): 50–59.

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The spatial development of territories in Ukraine, in particular in the context of the introduction of decentralization principles into the public administration system, is characterized by the identification of an additional wide range of internal and external factors and problems of functioning in various spheres of society, as well as the actuation of issues regarding the need to find and implement more effective instruments that can solve them. Domestic experience in overcoming various kinds of territorial problems is limited and insufficient, therefore, the study of the best foreign theories and practices in this regard, including the use of instruments for the implementation of project activities, as well as the analysis of opportunities for their implementation, remains relevant. In the context of the spatial development of territories, project activities can be considered as a purposeful system of actions organized by any public governance entities or established in the process of their interaction with each other, aimed both at solving a specific territorial problem and at stimulating the development of various spheres of community life, involving a wide range of mechanisms and instruments for managing spatial development based on planning, financing and implementation of a specific project in order to achieve the final result. The article provides an analysis of the global and European experiences in the use of an instrumentarium for the implementation of project activities in public management of spatial development of territories; approaches are generalized and features of the use of projects depending on the priorities of spatial development, individual characteristics and the presence of territorial problems within each country are determined; the possibilities and relevance of using positive examples of the implementation of multidirectional project activities in the process of managing the spatial development of territories in Ukraine, which is expedient in the period of their post-war recovery, are considered. Acquaintance with the global and European experiences of formation by individual countries, in accordance with national characteristics and the chosen model of development, of priority goals, objectives, mechanisms and instruments of territorial management will allow using positive achievements and, on the basis of the formed strategic directions, introducing effective instruments, in particular for the implementation of project activities, support and stimulation of the development of their own territories, taking into account the characteristics inherent in Ukraine.
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Semyhulina, Iryna B., Ihor V. Yaroshenko, Olha Yu Poliakova und Olga Yu Ivanova. „A Classification of Territorial Communities in Ukraine as an Instrumentarium for Effective Public Management of Spatial Development“. PROBLEMS OF ECONOMY 2, Nr. 56 (2023): 129–40.

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The article substantiates the expediency of introducing an extended and multilevel classification of territorial communities in Ukraine on the basis of the use of various classification signs and features, as well as the development of appropriate instruments (methodical approach) to the formation of a generalized classification. Based on the generalization of the current approaches to existing varieties of territories by analyzing individual directions of their functioning and life support, instruments have been developed for the formation of a generalized classification of territorial communities in Ukraine on the basis of a combination of a wide range of features, which will further form universal recommendations for defining models and directions of spatial development of communities and develop targeted instruments for their development and support, depending on the specifics and features. The peculiarity of the developed classification of territorial communities of Ukraine is the allocation of three main blocks of classification features: block of resource conditions of spatial development, the purpose of which is to identify those resources of various types that the community has to ensure for its development; a block of achieving the development capacity, which is designed to assess the efficiency of resource use and substantiate the feasibility of special government support for community development; a block of the problem-oriented development, which identifies the main problems of the community that exist or may become relevant during the period of implementation of the community development strategy. The result of the practical application of the proposed instruments for the classification of territorial communities should be the creation of conditions for each of them ion order to determine the level of capacity for self-development, formation of development priorities, use of directions and opportunities of government support in the process of developing a model, strategy and plans for its implementation, application of the program-project approach to the spatial development of territorial communities in Ukraine, depending on the extant, relevant needs and future prospects for the development of the country and its territories, including in the period of post-war recovery and restoration.
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URRUTIA LIBARONA, Iñigo, und Maite URIARTE RICOTE. „Régimen jurídico de la zona de montaña pirenaica en Navarra“. RVAP 92, Nr. 92 (30.04.2012): 175–233.

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LABURPENA: Lan honetan, Nafarroako pirinio-mendialdeko araubide juridikoa aztertzen da, arreta berezia jarriz lurralde-antolamenduko araudiari eta lurralde-antolamenduko araudiko tresna nagusiei. Nafarroako Lurralde Estrategian jasotzen diren neurriak aurkezten dira lehenik, erreferentzia-esparrua direnez gero eta gainerako tresnak egiteko gidalerroak ematen dituztenez gero. Hori osatzeko, Pirinioak Garatzeko 2007-2009 Plan Estrategikoan jasotzen diren neurri substantiboak tartekatzen ditugu, plan hori garapenerako tresna integrala denez gero eta programa ekonomiko, ingurumenezko eta sozialak betearazteko helburua duenez gero. Azterlana amaitzeko, oraintsu onartutako Pirinioetako Lurralde Antolamenduko Planari heltzen diogu. Tresna administratiboa da, erregelamendu-izaerakoa, eta jendaurreko informazioaren aldietan eragile sozial eta politikoek egindako ekarpenak aintzat hartuz aztertzen dugu. RESUMEN: El trabajo estudia la regulación jurídica de la zona de montaña pirenaica de Navarra, con especial atención a la normativa sobre ordenación territorial, y a los principales instrumentos previstos en la misma. Se comienza con la presentación de las medidas contenidas en la Estrategia Territorial de Navarra por constituir el marco de referencia y ofrecer las orientaciones para la elaboración de los demás instrumentos. De forma complementaria, se intercalan las previsiones sustantivas contendidas en el Plan Estratégico de Desarrollo del Pirineo 2007-2009, considerado un instrumento integral de desarrollo y dirigido a la ejecución de programas económicos, medioambientales y sociales. El estudio finaliza con un acercamiento al recientemente aprobado Plan de Ordenación Territorial del Pirineo, instrumento de naturaleza administrativa y carácter reglamentario, analizado al hilo de las consideraciones aportadas por los distintos agentes sociales y políticos en los periodos de información pública. ABSTRACT: The work studies the legal regulation of the area of Pyrenees mountains in Navarra, with special attention to the normative on zoning and the main instruments therein envisaged. The study begins by introducing the measures contained in the Zoning Strategy of Navarra in order to create a framework of reference and to offer guidance to elaborate the rest of instruments. In addition, the substantive provisions contained in the Strategic Plan for the Development of the Pyrenees 2007-2009 are interspersed, by considering it an integral instrument of development and it is aimed at the execution of economic, environmental and social programmes. The study ends with the rapprochement to the recently approved Plan of Zoning for the Pyrenees, an administrative instrument of statutory character, by analyzing it in the light of the considerations provided for by the several social and political agents within the public information periods.
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Martínez Martínez, Guadalupe. „Territorio y paisaje en la gestión del patrimonio arqueológico. Alcances desde la experiencia del diagnóstico territorial del patrimonio arqueológico en la región Lambayeque, Perú / Territory and landscape in the archaeological heritage management. The scope of territorial assessment experience of archaeological heritage in Lambayeque Region, Peru“. Ería 1, Nr. 1 (03.05.2020): 53–71.

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Los procesos de transformación del territorio en el Perú afectan la comprensión, protección y conservación de los sitios arqueológicos, desbordados por la intensidad y rapidez de los cambios. Sin embargo, los instrumentos de gestión patrimonial y territorial vigentes no facilitan espacios de integración del patrimonio arqueológico en las dinámicas territoriales actuales. El concepto de paisaje abre una oportunidad de alineación de sendas visiones sectoriales. En la región Lambayeque, en el norte del Perú, la elaboración de un diagnóstico territorial de su patrimonio arqueológico por el Ministerio de Cultura, permitiría ensayar una propuesta operativa del paisaje para la gestión de este patrimonio.Les processus de transformation du territoire au Pérou affectent la compréhension, la protection et la conservation des sites archéologiques, submergés par l’intensité et la vitesse des changements. Cependant, les instruments de gestion du patrimoine et du territoire ne fournissent pas d’espaces pour l’intégration du patrimoine archéologique dans les dynamiques territoriales actuelles. Le concept de paysage ouvre une opportunité d’aligner les visions sectorielles. Dans la région de Lambayeque, au nord du Pérou, l’élaboration d’un diagnostic territorial de son patrimoine archéologique par le ministère de la Culture, permettrait de tester une proposition de paysage opérationnelle pour la gestion de ce patrimoine.The understanding, protection and conservation of archaeological sites are overwhelmed by the strength and speed of territorial changes. However, heritage and territorial management tools do not integrate archaeological heritage into current territorial dynamics. The landscape concept is an opportunity to align both approaches. The Ministry of Culture of Peru has developed a territorial assessment of archaeological heritage in Lambayeque, North of Peru. It allows for a landscape operational approach to the heritage management.
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Medeiros, Eduardo. „Spatial Planning, Territorial Development, and Territorial Impact Assessment“. Journal of Planning Literature 34, Nr. 2 (19.02.2019): 171–82.

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This article debates the possibilities and advantages of using territorial impact assessment (TIA) policy evaluation methodologies to assess the implementation of spatial planning instruments. It builds on existing literature to define key analytical goals, dimensions, and respective components to monitor and evaluate the implementation of spatial plans, at all territorial levels, to be used as a TIA evaluation matrix. It concludes that, despite the inherent complexity associated with the process of evaluating spatial planning processes, there are manifest advantages to using TIA tools to evaluate them, mostly at the ex post phase.
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Dissertationen zum Thema "Territorial instruments"


Rodaro, Elisa. „Territorial cooperation between sub-national authorities: legal instruments in European perspective“. Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Trento, 2010.

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The thesis takes into consideration the development of legal instruments of territorial cooperation between sub-national authorities in Europe. In particular the tools of the Council of Europe and of the European Union are analysed. A peculiar attention is drawn on the Regulation (EC) No 1082/2006 establishing an European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC).
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Rodaro, Elisa. „Territorial cooperation between sub-national authorities: legal instruments in European perspective“. Doctoral thesis, University of Trento, 2010.

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The thesis takes into consideration the development of legal instruments of territorial cooperation between sub-national authorities in Europe. In particular the tools of the Council of Europe and of the European Union are analysed. A peculiar attention is drawn on the Regulation (EC) No 1082/2006 establishing an European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC).
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BUSTI, MARTINA. „Governing the gap. Strategies and instruments for the territorial development in European cities“. Doctoral thesis, Gran Sasso Science Institute, 2017.

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This thesis addresses the topic of how strategies of urban spatial development act through existing urban planning institutional contexts. The research has roots in strategic planning and spatial planning theory but pertains to the interdisciplinary field of urban studies and therefore is at the edge between policy analysis, urban planning and social studies. In this work, strategic planning is defined as a set of methodological approaches and instruments that contributes to the management of change. The change I refer to is the shift towards different forms of urban development and governance in European cities, happening at the turn of the century and largely debated by urban studies academia. Although this change concerns all the areas of public policies, I have focused my interest on spatialrelated decisions and strategies and developed my observations on three different scales. The three levels of analysis (European networks level, urban level, and urban projects level) are linked to three different indicators of strategies embeddedness: international transfer mechanisms, existing planning cultures and local institutional constraints. To each of them, I have dedicated one chapter of the thesis. In the first chapter, through a socio-graphical report of strategic planning emergence and dissemination in Europe, I have defined my entry point in the existing literature and exposed the need to re-establish a sound comparative attitude according to this broader definition of strategic planning. In the second chapter, I have looked at the strategic planning-related discourses and diachronic innovations (between the beginning of the ’90s and the end of the 2000s) in three European capital cities – Rome, Vienna and Paris. My aim has been: to reconstruct the infrastructural organization on which the governments have embedded their objectives; and to identify the adjustments operated on the institutional settings related to spatial planning culture. The result of this analysis questions the existence of a unique model of strategic planning institutionalization, despite the convergence of related narratives and expected governance models. In the third and last part of the thesis, I have analysed the development of the polycentric urban strategy, pursued by the centre-left “reformist” municipalities in Rome, between 1993 and 2008. In this dig at the local scale, I have elaborated on the link between strategies and strategic projects, to obtain information on how the existing instruments and institutional structures determine the absorption of strategies at the implementation level. My results relate to the need to consider these normative and cultural constraints when looking for indicators of strategic planning manifestations. In other words, the institutionalisation of strategies characterises contemporary strategic planning models in distinctive ways, related to implementation instruments inertia.
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Quer, Giovanni Matteo. „Beyond Territorial Protection: Millet and Personal Autonomy as Instruments for (New) Minorities in Europe?“ Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Trento, 2011.

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New and non-territorial minorities in Europe do not find adequate protection within the territorial autonomy model. After a compared analysis of contemporary millet systems (Lebanon, Israel, and Iraq), the dissertation focuses on Eruopean instruments for protecting non-territorial minorities in terms of personal autonomy, cultural autonomy, and political representation. Europe is progressively adopting non-territorial means of minority protection, which leads to the reconsideration of the nation-State model. First, personal autnomy implies legal pluralism; secondly cultural autnomy and political representation require the progressive inclusion of diverse groups in teh decision-making processes.
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Quer, Giovanni Matteo. „Beyond Territorial Protection: Millet and Personal Autonomy as Instruments for (New) Minorities in Europe?“ Doctoral thesis, University of Trento, 2011.

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New and non-territorial minorities in Europe do not find adequate protection within the territorial autonomy model. After a compared analysis of contemporary millet systems (Lebanon, Israel, and Iraq), the dissertation focuses on Eruopean instruments for protecting non-territorial minorities in terms of personal autonomy, cultural autonomy, and political representation. Europe is progressively adopting non-territorial means of minority protection, which leads to the reconsideration of the nation-State model. First, personal autnomy implies legal pluralism; secondly cultural autnomy and political representation require the progressive inclusion of diverse groups in teh decision-making processes.
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Lapostolle, Dany. „L'ingénierie territoriale vue des pays : une bureaucratie professionnelle territoriale en gestation“. Thesis, Lyon 2, 2010.

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L’étude de l’ingénierie territoriale dans les Pays du Beaujolais et du Roannais en Rhône Alpes, en liaison avec de nombreux autres dispositifs (Contrats d’agglomération, Contrats Territoriaux Emploi Formation, Leader) met en lumière une tendance forte à la recentralisation de la gestion publique territoriale.L’ingénierie territoriale est une bureaucratie professionnelle territoriale coincée entre les injonctions autoritaires de l’État et les velléités d’autonomie du pouvoir local. D’un côté, on observe que l’Europe, les services centraux de l’État diffusent des représentations et les bonnes pratiques aussi strictes que les règles impersonnelles du modèle bureaucratique wébérien. De l’autre côté, les pouvoirs locaux, face aux insuffisances des services déconcentrés de l’État structurent une ingénierie territoriale composite pour se doter de l’expertise nécessaire à leur stratégie de développement. Paradoxalement, c’est dans le cadre des politiques constitutives, que le pouvoir local en se dotant d’un appareil d’expertise, gage d’autonomie, crée les conditions de son propre contrôle et de sa soumission au régime d’agence qui s’impose comme nouveau mode de régulation de l’action publique au détriment de la négociation contractuelle.En d’autres termes, les instruments d’action publique et les savoir mobilisés par l’ingénierie territoriale dans la démarche de projet participent d’une technologie de gouvernement qui ne met pas fin à la rationalité bureaucratique, elle la transforme
The study of territorial engineering in two “Pays” (rural areas) of the Rhône-Alpes Region – the “Beaujolais” and the “Roannais”, linked to a number of other measures (urban area contracts, territory/employment/training contracts, Leader) reveals a strong trend towards re-centralising the public management of territories.Territorial engineering is a professional bureaucracy caught between authoritarian dictates from the State and local authority desires for autonomy. On one hand, Europe and central State services convey representations and good practices as strict as the impersonal rules of Weber’s model of bureaucracy. On the other hand, local authorities, faced with the insufficiencies of decentralised State services construct their own composite territorial engineering to acquire the expertise necessary for their development strategies. Paradoxically, it is in the context of constitutive policies that local authorities, in acquiring a system of expertise – guarantee of autonomy, create the conditions of their own control and their submission to an agency system which asserts itself as the new way of regulating public action to the detriment of contractual negotiation.In other words, the instruments of public action and the expertise mobilized by territorial engineering in project planning participate in a technology of governance which, rather than bringing bureaucratic rationality to an end, transform it
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Archipavas, Julianne Alves Naporano. „Instrumentos de ação pública: um estudo no Vale do Ribeira a partir do CONSAD e do CODIVAR“. Universidade de São Paulo, 2016.

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O CODIVAR (Consórcio de Desenvolvimento Intermunicipal do Vale do Ribeira) e o CONSAD (Consórcio de Segurança Alimentar e Desenvolvimento Local) são dois instrumentos de ação pública criados no Vale do Ribeira - SP com o objetivo de promover cooperação para o desenvolvimento, a partir de diferentes referências. No caso do CODIVAR, sua origem é bottom-up a partir de iniciativa voluntária dos prefeitos e da influência externa do nível estadual representado por Franco Montoro e seus ideais progressistas; é configurado em uma estrutura decisória restrita aos prefeitos. No caso do CONSAD, sua origem é top-down a partir do contexto das políticas de desenvolvimento territorial propostas pelo nível federal representado por Lula e fundamentado pela retórica participativa de seu discurso eleitoral; é configurado em uma estrutura decisória que concede poder de participação e capacidade de deliberação para a sociedade civil, proporcionando-lhe protagonismo. Ao longo do tempo e do movimento de interação com os atores que se apropriaram destes instrumentos de acordo com suas lógicas e interesses, os objetivos que motivaram sua criação mudaram de trajetória. Assim, os instrumentos passaram a ser inercialmente conduzidos, assumindo vida própria a partir de novas representações. Este movimento de apropriação do espaço do Vale do Ribeira pelos atores permitiu a construção social de dois territórios sobrepostos, organizados por conexões e lógicas de atuação distintas (embora igualmente amesquinhadas) que geram tensões e impossibilidade de articulação e cooperação. Além disso, este movimento permite entender como foram construídas relações de atraso no interior destes instrumentos. No caso do CODIVAR, tais relações explicam sua capacidade de permanência legitimada no espaço de ação pública do Vale do Ribeira, enquanto no CONSAD desenharam caminhos que levaram ao esvaziamento do fórum.
CODIVAR (Intermunicipal Consortium for the Development of the Ribeira Valley) and CONSAD (Consortium for Food Security and Local Development) and are two public action instruments created in the Ribeira Valley, São Paulo state, Brazil, with the aim of promoting cooperation for development from different references. In the case of CODIVAR, its origin is \"bottom-up\" from voluntary initiative of the mayors and the external influence of the state level government represented by Franco Montoro and his progressive ideals; It is set in a decision-making structure restricted to mayors. In the case of CONSAD, its origin is \"top-down\" from the context of territorial development policies proposed by the federal level represented by Lula and grounded by the participatory rhetoric of his election speech; It is set in a decision-making structure that empowers participation and deliberation capacity for civil society, making it the protagonist. Over time and throughout the movement of interaction with the actors who have appropriated these instruments according to their logic and interests, the goals that motivated instruments creation changed their trajectory. Thus, the instruments started being inertially conducted, taking life from new representations. This appropriation movement of the Ribeira Valley by the actors allowed the social construction of two overlapping territories, organized by distinct connections and logics of action (though both contaminated by personal and political interests) that generate tension and impossibility of articulation and cooperation. Furthermore, this movement allows to understand how delayed relations were constructed within these instruments. In the case of CODIVAR such relations explain its legitimate staying power in public action space of the Ribeira Valley, while in CONSAD such relations drew paths that led the forum to emptying process.
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Chanard, Camille. „Territoire et énergie : politiques locales, échelles d'intervention et instruments de mobilisation, de connaissance et d'action“. Thesis, Besançon, 2011.

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La thèse est consacrée aux politiques énergétiques mises en place par les autorités locales, plus particulièrement au niveau régional. La remise en question des systèmes énergétiques basés sur les énergies fossiles donne aux échelons locaux un rôle de plus en plus important dans ce domaine. En effet, la complexité des systèmes énergétiques impose d'agir au plus près des consommateurs pour maintenir l'équité d'accès et pour adapter la distribution aux besoins et usages. En parallèle, les contraintes environnementales et la recherche d'une exploitation plus raisonnée des ressources disponibles nécessitent une connaissance fine des territoires et de leurs potentialités énergétiques. Dans ce contexte, les autorités locales ont encore du mal à identifier l'ensemble des éléments qui composent les systèmes énergétiques territoriaux et à cerner les contours de ces derniers. L'enjeu essentiel de notre recherche est alors de déterminer leur structure et leur fonctionnement afin de mettre en évidence des leviers institutionnels pouvant être actionnés au niveau local dans le cadre de politiques énergétiques.La première partie de la thèse s'intéresse aux liens existant entre fonctionnement du territoire et problématique énergétique. Nous montrons l'intérêt spécifique de la géographie et de l'approche territoriale pour éclairer cette relation dans la double perspective de l'aménagement du territoire et de la mobilisation des acteurs. La deuxième partie est consacrée à l'identification des instruments mobilisables et actions réalisables par les autorités locales pour maîtriser les consommations et développer les énergies renouvelables. À partir de ces constats, la troisième partie traite plus spécifiquement de l'échelon régional. L'étude des Schémas régionaux du climat, de l'air et de l'énergie (SRCAE) et des Observatoires régionaux de l'énergie montre l'intérêt de ce niveau d'échelle qui peut, par sa position d'interface entre local et global, contribuer efficacement à l'amélioration de la connaissance des territoires. Celle-ci est indispensable à la mise en place d'actions coordonnées entre les acteurs et à l'élaboration de politiques réellement adaptées aux spécificités locales
The thesis is about French local authorities' energy policies, and more particularly about regional policies. In a context of reassessment of fossil fuel-based energy systems, local authorities have a key role to play. Indeed, energy systems are complex and require to act locally, in order to keep fair access for consumers and to adapt supply to needs and uses. In the same way, environmental constraints and sustainable exploitation of local resources involve to have a good knowledge of territory and of local energy potential. But, local authorities do not know much about boundaries and about components of territorial energy systems. The main purpose of the thesis is to determine structure and behaviour of these energy systems in order to identify public policy incentive levers at local scale.The first part of the thesis deals with the links between land uses, actors' behaviours, political choices and energy consumptions. Here, we point out the specific interest of geography and territorial approach to treat energy issue, both for land planning and for actors' mobilization. In the second part, we identify policy instruments which local authorities should dispose and actions they should implement in order to develop energy saving and renewables. Then, the third part is more specific to regional level. The analysis of two French planning instruments (Regional Plans for Climate, Air and Energy and Regional Energy Observatories), shows the interest of this scale which could, with its position between national and local levels, contribute to improve knowledge of territories, to coordinate local actions and to develop energy policies adapted to local specificities
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Gauthier, Marie-Helene. „Quelle coordination territoriale pour la valorisation de la donnée en région ? : l'hypothèse DataLab Normandie“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2024.

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Cette thèse débutée en septembre 2020 et financée par un support CIFRE s'est déroulée au sein de la Région Normandie et de l'UMR IDEES 6266 LE HAVRE. Elle porte sur la question des conditions d’émergence et d’évolution d’un dispositif territorialisé de valorisation de la donnée à l'échelle régionale. L'hypothèse principale considère que l’échelon régional offre à l’ensemble des acteurs concernés des repères territoriaux et des raisons objectives de coopérer au travers d’un dispositif dédié, le DataLab Normandie. Celui-ci, expérimenté sous la forme d'un consortium entre 2020 et 2023, constitue le cœur de ce travail. Ce dispositif régional est susceptible d'assurer la coordination des acteurs (publics, privés et académiques), de les faire adhérer à une cause commune (la donnée) pour en faire une ressource territoriale et la valoriser autour de projets concrets. La thèse prend appui sur d'autres exemples de dispositifs territoriaux français pour discuter des modèles possibles d'organisation et révèle, à partir de la théorie des conventions, un certain nombre d'épreuves territoriales de la donnée qu'il convient d'organiser et de faire passer. Le principal résultat est que si le DataLab Normandie assume très correctement un rôle "d'impulsion", notamment dans le cadre d'appels à projets, il peine toutefois pour l'instant à apparaître comme une structure incontournable d'ingénierie au service des acteurs régionaux
This thesis, which began in September 2020 and was funded by a CIFRE, was carried out within the Normandy Region and the UMR IDEES 6266 LE HAVRE. It focuses on the question of the conditions for the emergence and development of a territorial system for exploiting data at regional level. The main hypothesis is that the regional level provides all the players involved with territorial reference points and objective reasons for cooperating through a dedicated mechanism, the DataLab Normandie. The DataLab, which will be piloted as a consortium between 2020 and 2023, forms the core of this work. This regional mechanism is likely to ensure the coordination of players (public, private and academic), to get them to adhere to a common cause (data) in order to turn it into a regional resource and develop it around concrete projects. The thesis draws on other examples of French territorial systems to discuss possible organisational models and reveals, on the basis of convention theory, a number of territorial tests of data that need to be organised and passed on. The main finding is that, while DataLab Normandie does a good job of providing ‘impetus’, particularly in the context of calls for projects, it is still struggling to establish itself as a key engineering structure serving regional players
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Vandevelde, Jean-Christophe. „Les instruments d'évaluation des impacts sur la biodiversité : entre aménagement du territoire et conservation : Le cas des grands projets ferroviaires“. Thesis, Orléans, 2014.

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L’apport majeur de la thèse est de montrer que la place grandissante de la biodiversité dans les politiques d’aménagement du territoire tient beaucoup au rôle joué par les instruments d’évaluation des impacts, qu’on regroupe sous le terme d’évaluation environnementale. En considérant ces instruments (études d’impact, mécanismes de compensation, processus participatifs associés) comme des « coproductions », c’est-à-dire des instruments mélangeant des éléments de science et de décisions politiques, nous avons montré qu’ils avaient des effets propres qui ont largement influencé les politiques d’aménagement et la manière dont les acteurs de l’aménagement se représentent la biodiversité.L’étude des instruments de l’évaluation environnementale, selon une démarche socio-historique d’une part et au travers de l’étude d’une série de grands projets ferroviaires d’autre part, nous a permis de montrer l’existence de plusieurs « régimes » caractéristiques de l’évaluation environnementale, qui mobilisent différents outils et différentes représentations de la biodiversité, et que nous avons identifié comme « pionnier », « institutionnalisé » et « utilitariste ».L’étude de la biodiversité dans la société peut être appréhendée non seulement au travers des conventions, lois, et conflits d’acteurs qu’elle génère mais aussi par les instruments concrets mis en place pour la prendre en compte, ces instruments étant à la fois des révélateurs des représentations de la biodiversité à un moment donné et des vecteurs de changement de ces représentations
The major contribution of this thesis is to show that the growing role for biodiversity in territorial planning policies is firmly linked to the role played by impact assessment instruments, grouped together under the term 'environmental assessment'. By considering these instruments (impact studies, offset mechanisms, associated participatory processes) as 'co-productions', that is to say as instruments mixing elements of science and political decision-making, we showed that they had their own effects, which have strongly influenced planning policies and the way in which planning actors conceive of biodiversity.The study of environmental assessment instruments, following on the one hand a socio-historical approach and on the other a series of case studies of large-scale railway projects, allowed us to show the existence of several 'regimes' characteristic of environmental assessment, that mobilise different tools and different representations of biodiversity, and which we have identified as 'pioneering', 'institutionalised' and 'utilitarian'.The study of biodiversity in society can therefore be approached not only through analysing the conventions, law and conflicts between actors that it generates, but also through considering the concrete instruments implemented in order to take biodiversity into account, these instruments revealing the representations of biodiversity at a moment in time and being the vectors of change in these representations
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Bücher zum Thema "Territorial instruments"


Portugal. Regime jurídico dos instrumentos de gestão territorial: Comentado. Coimbra: Edições Almedina, 2012.

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Portugal. Regime jurídico dos instrumentos de gestão territorial: Anotado. Lisboa: Dislivro, 2005.

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Maria, Jordan Galduf Josep, García Reche Andrés und Fuentes Prosper Víctor, Hrsg. Política económica: Objetivos, instrumentos, sectores y territorio. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch, 1995.

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Vaglica, Giovan Battista. Gli organi antichi nel territorio monrealese. Monreale: Associazione artistico-musicale "Ignazio Sgarlata", 1991.

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Fanfani, David, und Claudio Fagarazzi, Hrsg. Territori ad alta energia. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2012.

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In recent years the subject of energy planning has come to occupy a role of growing importance, both in relation to the escalating costs, scarcity and impact of energy procurement and consumption and in relation to the increasingly broad future prospects generated by the development of technologies for the exploitation of renewable sources. Within this framework, the development and use of the latter frequently appears to be without benchmarks for integration into the broader picture of territorial planning, and hence of coordination with other human activities and territorial resources. With this in mind, this book aims to compose the elements of a perspective in which energy planning is seen not as an ulterior and separate form of planning, but as an activity integrated within the more general instruments for the government of the territory, and more specifically one that employs the resources of the territory in a sustainable manner also with a view to endogenous local development.
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Muñoz, Luis Roberto Martínez. Instrumentos de ordenamiento territorial y urbano: Conceptos, proceso legal y articulación. Bogatá, D.C., Colombia: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2004.

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Ordinario, Federación Sindical Unica de Trabajadores Campesinos de Cochabamba Congreso. Por la tierra, el territorio y el instrumento político. Cochabamba, Bolivia: [s.n.], 1995.

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Colombia. Ministerio de Hacienda y Crédito Público. Instrumentos de gestion para las entidades territoriales: Guia de procedimientos financieros. Bogota, D.C: Ministerio de Hacienda y Credito Público, 2005.

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Gediel, José Antônio Peres. Mapa territorial, temático e instrumental da assessoria jurídica e advocacia popular no Brasil. Curtiba/PR: Terra de Direitos, 2012.

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Kotrikaże, Revaz. Kʻartʻuli xalxuri da Sakʻartʻveloši gavrcʻelebuli sakravebi: [redakʻtori, Revaz Kotrikaże ; šemdgeneli, N. Buaże] = Gruzinskie narodnye i rasprostranennye na territorii Gruzii muzykalʹnye instrumenty / [redaktor, Revaz Kotrikadze ; sostavitelʹ, N. Buadze]. Tʻbilisi: Xalxur sakravtʻa saxelmcipʻo museumi, 1990.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Territorial instruments"


Tsitselikis, Konstantinos. „Linguistic Rights in Greece: Crossing Through Territorial and Non-Territorial Arrangements“. In Realising Linguistic, Cultural and Educational Rights Through Non-Territorial Autonomy, 103–19. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2022.

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AbstractSince 1913, when Greece significantly increased her territory, minority protection has come under the spotlight of international consideration and guarantees. During the past 110 years, language rights, among other minority rights, were either reluctantly granted or ignored. Although minority languages have been treated asymmetrically and incoherently, a particular pattern seems to have emerged: minority languages spoken by Christians (Vlach, Slavic languages, Arvanitika) are subject to assimilation dynamics, whereas minority languages spoken by non-Christians (Muslims, Jews) are governed by protection norms, with or without territorial criteria. This trend was shaped by international political influences and legal regulations through a very narrow perspective, which actually screened out any attempt at establishing non-territorial arrangements. Today, only one minority language enjoys special rights (mostly in the field of education), namely Turkish spoken by the Muslims of Thrace. Despite this, migratory flows after 1990, primarily from Albania, the former USSR and the Middle East, once again brought up the question of multiculturalism, language contact and language management. However, subsequent Greek governments have been reluctant to introduce special language rights for immigrants and refugees. Since Greece refrains from adhering to the main European legal instruments that safeguard language rights, such as the European Charter for Regional of Minority Languages or the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, the single protective mechanism granting linguistic rights remains the Treaty of Lausanne, which is limited to a specific minority language within a specific region. The legal protection of linguistic otherness in Greece was and still is fragmented and ambivalent, ranging from non-territorial autonomy invisibility to strict institutional territoriality.
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Gianasso, Elena. „Leonardo negli studi ottocenteschi sulla cartografia delle Alpi“. In Lo sguardo territorialista di Leonardo, 79–86. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2023.

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Leonardo’s manuscripts contain many quotes of ‘his’ Western Alps, well-known mountains sketched, with lakes, rivers and towns, creating outstanding territorial readings. In the 19th century, he became a turning point between medieval representation techniques and the great cartographic reform of the 16th century. Leonardo’s approach to territorial drawing, his evolutionary theories on the history of the Earth, his measuring and survey instruments, his calculation of mountains altitudes can be compared to subsequent maps confirming, , with ideal overlaps, the crystal clear anticipations of the ‘Grande di Vinci’.
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Arnone, Massimo, und Michele Capriati. „Innovation Policies in Germany: An Analysis of Tools and Impacts“. In Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 85–102. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.

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AbstractThis work proposes an analysis of the main financial and political instruments adopted in 2012–2019 in Germany to support the various forms of innovation (startups, clusters, technology transfer, university-industry partnerships, etc.). In this way, we will try to understand whether these examples of industrial innovation policy have managed to play a crucial role in reducing the development gaps between West Germany and East Germany, thus facilitating acceleration of convergence between these two territorial areas.
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Shikova, Natalija, und Immaculada Colomina Limonero. „Can Non-Territorial Autonomy Help to Enforce the Linguistic, Cultural and Educational Rights of the Roma?“ In Realising Linguistic, Cultural and Educational Rights Through Non-Territorial Autonomy, 171–94. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2022.

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AbstractRacist and discriminatory policies against the Roma persist in both eastern and western Europe. Methods of repression have varied over time, but it is striking that strategies of open or tacit discrimination and expulsion of the Roma are still found in some contemporary policies of the older and transitional democracies, in EU Member States and countries that are candidates for EU membership. Of major concern is the fact that xenophobic statements and actions against the Roma often come from leading politicians or from national governments. Additionally, despite various international and regional human rights instruments, the ongoing structural discrimination that the Roma face has not yet been addressed within the existing legal framework. Many of the measures that have been proposed to address social exclusion and marginalisation are largely unenforceable; they tend to overlook the harsh living conditions, lack of access to public services, low level of education and embedded prejudice against the Roma. This paper addresses the human rights violability of cultures commonly marginalised in society. In many cases, although human rights protection regimes are enacted for certain cultures, the measures do not encompass groups that are non-dominant and territorially dispersed. The case of the Roma exemplifies not only this situation in respect of their language, cultural and educational rights in Spain and in North Macedonia, but also how the establishment and implementation of possible non-territorial autonomy (NTA) arrangements can help to overcome lasting discrimination. There is no unique model of NTA since it is applied differently in different contexts and circumstances. However, in essence, NTA arrangements can help minorities to enjoy cultural or other activities without territorial limitation. NTA can thus support the protection of territorially dispersed cultures and alleviate some of the harsh practices that they face.
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Larsen, Henrik Gutzon, und Carl Marklund. „Sublimated Expansionism? Living Space Ideas in Nordic Small-State Geopolitics“. In Socio-Spatial Theory in Nordic Geography, 15–30. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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AbstractIn intellectual histories of geography as well as in international relations, geopolitics is usually the business of great powers, understood as the expansion of hard power through territorial control. However, the existence of a ‘Geopolitik of the weak’ has also been theorised, premised on the ability of smaller states – such as the Nordic countries – to secure their survival through a wider range of policy instruments. In this chapter, we analyse key themes in the work of two Nordic geographical thinkers deeply concerned with the place and status of their home countries in the era of high modernity – Rudolf Kjellén and Gudmund Hatt. Relying upon their scholarly works as well as relevant public debates circa 1905–1945, we trace the ‘small-state geopoliticking’ of Hatt and Kjellén, identifying three key characteristics of their style of small-state geopolitics: (1) determinism is qualified by voluntarism; (2) space is complemented by future; and (3) external expansion is sublimated into internal progress. In its reconceptualisation of living space as primarily concerned with existential survival as premised upon future progress, rather than outward-oriented territorial expansion, small-state geopolitics emerges as a highly situated, somewhat quaint but nonetheless significant element in Nordic theorising of geography.
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de la Torre Gonzalo, Sandra. „Management and governance of the kingdom’s finances. Financial literacy as useful knowledge in late-medieval Aragon (1365-1515)“. In L’economia della conoscenza: innovazione, produttività e crescita economica nei secoli XIII-XVIII / The knowledge economy: innovation, productivity and economic growth, 13th to 18th century, 352–72. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2023.

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This paper’s primary research question is to what extent change in mechanisms and instruments of financial management proceeding from trading knowledge improved the efficiency of late-medieval poli-ties. To do so, we have examined a territorial state experience in medie-val Iberia. In the mid-14th century, Aragon designed its autonomous fiscal system managed by a kingdom’s finance. The new supra-local pol-ity made use of financial accounts to keep track of revenues and to ac-cess credit, which led to the refinement of documentary practice and monitoring methods. The analysis brings up the agency of a group of merchants that shaped the functioning of the Aragonese treasury from budgeting to tax collecting. Particular attention is paid to the impact of the increasing prominence of financial numeracy on institutional ac-countability and governance.
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Russo, Michelangelo, und Arjan van Timmeren. „Dimensions of Circularity for Healthy Metabolisms and Spaces“. In Regenerative Territories, 1–27. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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AbstractIn this first chapter of the Book “Regenerative Territories. Dimensions of Circularity for Healthy Metabolisms”, the relation between circularity and space is explored. The main focus is the development over time, and in particular the way how spatial planning and strategies respond to new unpredictable urgencies and opportunities related with territorial metabolisms. In relation to space and time, 5 grand rules are explored as necessary to implement the transition towards Circularity: (1) The Circular Economy paradigm shift requires a socio-ecological perspective and looking beyond boundaries; (2) Circular Economy is based on systems thinking and territorial metabolism; (3) a Circular Economy calls for a renewed approach to the public domain and stakeholder involvement; (4) amplifying the definition of Circular Economy with the inclusion of wastescapes; and (5) Planning the Circular Economy as an open collaborative system. The paradigm shift of contemporary planning towards circularity is aimed to facilitate the capacity of cities to be adaptive and flexible to the speeding up of the biggest changes in the present-day society. Therefore, the relation between the various spatial scales is strictly interlinked to the time scales, as well as to the metabolic processes and Life Cycles of Territories. In this perspective, the “existing city” is a non-negotiable common heritage, the result of a “selective accumulation” of material and immaterial traces produced by the slow and progressive anthropic work in the territory. Contemporary spatial planning looks beyond boundaries. This concerns both the physical boundaries between areas or countries, both the boundaries of the various scale levels of solutions, of the interrelated networks, of the public space and, particularly, of their reciprocity. It induces the scrutinization of the underlying social needs and the finding of instruments that allow the spatial planning and renewed infrastructure to fit the changing social objectives such as sustainability and liveability. The territory of the Circular Economy is the city, as a complex and multidimensional organism. However, the most problematic field for experimenting with “circular planning” is the peri-urban territory consisting of urbanized areas, crossed by differentiated phenomena of settlement expansion beyond the limits of the countryside, which identifies rural and open space, traditionally coinciding with the limits of the city. A circular planning for the regeneration of the peri-urban identifies the waste spaces, the decay of the territory, the obsolescence and end of life of buildings, functions and urban parts now inadequate, namely wasted landscapes (wastescapes). The latter are both the result of metabolic transformations of the territory and generator of prospects and potential for rebalancing the material welfare of the city.
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Pérez de Armiño, Karlos. „Introduction: EU Support for Peace in Colombia. Territorial Approach, Strengthening Civil Society and Human Rights“. In Rethinking Peace and Conflict Studies, 1–47. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.

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AbstractThis first chapter provides an introduction to the book as a whole. In the first place, it offers a general view of the historical context and the contents of the Havana Peace Agreement signed in 2016 between the Colombian government and the guerrilla organization FARC-EP. It also outlines the areas and instruments in which the EU’s support for this Agreement is materialized, as well as the motivations behind this support. These include the EU’s wish to project itself as a normative power, as well as interests of an economic and political type, and the search for regional stability. Additionally, the chapter defines the starting points and the transversal axes around which the book as a whole is articulated, referring to the three fields in which we consider that the EU’s activities in Colombia have been making several innovative contributions enabling it to move beyond conventional liberal peace: the strengthening of civil society, the promotion and defense of human rights, and the adoption of a territorial approach. Equally, the text provides a brief theoretical framework for the book, pointing to some theoretical debates in Peace Studies that could be enriched by the European experience in Colombia.
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do Nascimento, Isaac Monteiro, und Eduardo Pessoa de Queiroz. „The Linear Regression Model for Estimate the Price in Crossing Transport Services: Methodology and Application“. In Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 1419–31. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.

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AbstractThe Brazilian’s urbanization process, allied to the expansion of the economic frontier, which have occurred concomitantly in the last five decades, are responsible for the increase in the number urban settlements and for the increase in the country’s arable area. However, in many cases, transport infrastructure did not keep pace with the process of territorial occupation. In this sense, many highways were provided without the proper instruments for transposing watercourses and many crossing shipping companies emerged. Nowadays, there are ninety federal crossing lines in operation. One of the main issues inherent to these services is the prices charged and the respective affordability. Considering this scenario, the present work selected crossing sample to estimate prices using the Linear Regression Model. The selected model was applied to forecast crossing price in 8 (eight) crossing lines. As result, the price charged in all of them were out of the prediction interval model, indicating that the Regulatory Agency should investigate the reason why they are dissonant to market practices.
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Pérez de Armiño, Karlos. „The EU’s Peace Work in Colombia: Conclusions, Lessons Learned and Future Prospects“. In Rethinking Peace and Conflict Studies, 355–91. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.

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AbstractThis chapter takes up some of the transversal ideas addressed throughout the book. In the first place, it formulates some conclusions on the support given by the EU to the peace process in Colombia over two decades and, in particular, to the implementation of the Havana Peace Agreement. It considers that a hybrid model of peacebuilding has been shaped, with objectives and principles of liberal peace, but with some innovative elements that go beyond the latter, above all in three fields: the commitment to strengthening civil society, the defence of human rights and the adoption of a territorial approach. In the second place, we extract some lessons from the accumulated European experiences and activities in the country that could enrich the EU’s normative framework and repertoire of peacebuilding instruments in the world. Finally, we reflect on the growing space and the opportunities that Gustavo Petro’s election as president in August 2022 has opened for the EU to continue acting as a firm supporter of the Peace Agreement. The chapter is based on a documentary analysis and interviews conducted with several actors.
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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Territorial instruments"


Jacob, Nadia, und María Cortopassi. „Estructuras territoriales ocultas: los parajes en la Quebrada de Humahuaca“. In Seminario Internacional de Investigación en Urbanismo. Barcelona: Instituto de Arte Americano. Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2013.

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La presente investigación constituye un estado de avance en el marco del Proyecto de Red “Paisajes culturales y desarrollo local. Evaluación de programas, proyectos y transformaciones territoriales en la Quebrada de Humahuaca”. Como integrantes del Nodo3–Rosario nos hemos centrado en los alcances conceptuales y operativos de nociones como territorio y paisaje, el análisis de los procesos de transformación del territorio y las alternativas de los instrumentos de ordenamiento territorial. Particularmente este artículo pretende destacar la unidad de las formas del paisaje rural y urbano, entendiendo que esta unidad define rasgos de identidad de las comunidades de este sistema territorial. Asimismo, se plantea su inclusión dentro de los lineamientos generales de un posible sistema de planificación y como parte sustantiva de los recursos patrimoniales. Lo oculto define un “rasgo permanente” en un área compleja y extensa en el espacio y el tiempo como lo es la Quebrada de Humahuaca. This working paper is a state of progress within the framework of the network project "Cultural landscapes and local development. Evaluation of programmes, projects and territorial transformations in the Quebrada de Humahuaca". As members of the Nodo3-Rosario we have focused on the conceptual and operational scope of notions such as territory and landscape, the analys is of the processes of transformation of the territory and the alternatives of territorial regulation instruments. Particularly this article aims to highlight the forms of the rural and urban landscape unit, understanding that this unit defines features of identity of the communities living in this territorial system. Likewise raises its inclusion within the outlines of a possible system of planning and as a substantive part of the heritage resources. The unseen defines a "permanent feature" in a complex and extensive both in space and time area such as the “Quebrada de Humahuaca”.
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Dumitrаche (Serbаnescu), Аnа-Mаriа, Oаnа Oрrisаn und Elenа Condreа. „Integrated Territorial Investments - ITI Dаnube Deltа“. In International Conference Innovative Business Management & Global Entrepreneurship. LUMEN Publishing, 2020.

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Integrаted territoriаl investments аre instruments used in the development of a territory thаt imрly a strategy focused on territorial development into an integrated manner related to а selected territory, also representing a group of implemented actions that help achieving the objectives of the territorial strategy that is designated for integrated development, and governance mechanisms. For the management of integrаted territoriаl investments. Bаsicаlly, ITIs аre sub-рrogrаms thаt include integrаted multi-dimensionаl meаsures. The key to imрlementing ITI is the integrаted аррroаch. The integrаted territoriаl аррroаch аlso involves overcoming аdministrаtive limits аnd requires greater disposition of different levels of government to cooрerаte аnd coordinаte аctions to аchieve common goаls. ITIs аre not oрerаtions or рriorities in аn oрerаtionаl рrogrаm, but аllow funding for the imрlementаtion of integrated territorial strategies across multiple axe of priority from a various number of operational programs. It should аlso be noted thаt in аddition to investments thаt suррort аn ITI-bаsed develoрment strаtegy through аn ITI, аdditionаl аctions tаrgeted аt the sаme аreа cаn be funded through the рriority аxes of аn oрerаtionаl рrogrаm or oрerаtionаl рrogrаms thаt do not раrticiраte in ITI funding - however, it is recommended thаt sectorаl investments be linked аnd аligned with integrаted territoriаl develoрment strаtegies. Unfortunаtely, аt the level of the nаtionаl territory, the only area where аn I.T.I. tyрe finаncing was аррroved. is the Dаnube Deltа. The uniqueness of The Dаnube Deltа Biosphere Reserve provides very specific functions: uncommon and sporadic population, the vulnerability of the economics and job specializations, unsаtisfаctory аccess to various services, etc. The World Bаnk, helped by the аuthorities supported the develoрment and implementation of the integrаted strаtegy within this аreа. The projects of the total operational programs are funded by The ITI Dаnube Deltа Finаnciаl Instrument, allowing investments from the CF, ERDF, ESF, EАFRD аnd EMFF.
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Orduña Giró, Paula. „El suelo rural en el planeamiento territorial: lógicas e instrumentos en tres territorios del Sur de Europa occidental“. In Seminario Internacional de Investigación en Urbanismo. Barcelona: Curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo. Universidade do Vale do Itajaí, 2016.

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En Europa la preocupación por el planeamiento urbanístico ha evolucionado notablemente: el ámbito rural se descubre como ámbito de valores y estructuras que la cultura urbanística desea dotar de protagonismo. Este trabajo se interesa por la evolución de las teorías, modelos e instrumentos del planeamiento territorial para ordenar el suelo rural en Cataluña, Francia e Italia. La aproximación pretende resumir un siglo de recorrido en el tratamiento del suelo rural comparando los instrumentos de tres casos de estudio: la región metropolitana de Barcelona, la aglomeración urbana de Lyon y la provincia de Bolonia. Los tres son regiones con una larga tradición de planeamiento, en muchos momentos ejemplar. In Europe, concerns regarding urban planning have evolved notably: rural areas are now recognized as a field of values and structures that planning culture wishes to bring to front. This paper examines the evolution of common meanings, terms and tools referring rural land in Catalonia, France and Italy’s Regional Planning. The approach resumes a century’s overview on rural land treatment and compares instruments used in three study cases: metropolitan region of Barcelona, urban agglomeration of Lyon and the province of Bologna, regions with a long planning tradition, often considered as exemplary.
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Wilderom Chagas, Mariana Martinez, und Marlon Rubio Longo. „DIÁLOGOS ENTRE DUAS EXPERIÊNCIAS LATINOAMERICANAS DE INTERVENÇÃO URBANA: PIU Arco Tietê, São Paulo, e Macroproyecto Río Sur, Medellín“. In Seminario Internacional de Investigación en Urbanismo. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Grup de Recerca en Urbanisme, 2022.

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The paper aims to discuss two experiences of urban intervention in São Paulo and Medellín – PIU Arco Tietê and Macroproyecto Río Sur. Both projects propose to transform the territorial dynamics (economic and socio-spatial) in their respective cities, by using urban instruments which are crucial part of the municipal and metropolitan plans. The study was developed in three research axes, dedicated to the analysis of the intervention areas, to understand how both projects participate in the structure of urban plans and the specificities of the applied urban instruments. The transversal analysis of these topics has demonstrated the similarities and challenges for the operationalization of these projects in the Latin American context, considering the urban instruments and design tools that supported them. Keywords: urban instruments, urban project, São Paulo, Medellín O artigo tem como objetivo discutir duas experiências de intervenção urbana em São Paulo e Medellín – o PIU Arco Tietê e o Macroproyecto Río Sur. Ambos propõem transformar as dinâmicas territoriais (econômicas e socioespaciais) das respectivas cidades, por meio da aplicação de instrumentos urbanísticos inseridos nos planos municipais e metropolitanos. A artigo se desenvolve em três eixos de análise, dedicados à inserção das áreas de intervenção, à estruturação dos projetos nos planos urbanísticos e às especificidades dos instrumentos urbanísticos utilizados. A leitura transversal desses temas demonstra as similaridades e desafios para a operacionalização desses projetos no contexto latino-americano, considerando os instrumentos urbanísticos e ferramentas projetuais que lhe deram suporte. Palavras-chave: instrumentos urbanísticos, projeto urbano, São Paulo, Medellín
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Jolly, Jean-François. „A propósito del "trinomio imperfecto" políticas públicas, planeación y territorio: algunas reflexiones sobre el desarrollo de un esquema para el análisis de las políticas públicas en el territorio fundamentado en la interdeterminación entre territorio, territorialidad y territorialización de las políticas públicas“. In Seminario Internacional de Investigación en Urbanismo. Barcelona: Maestría en Planeación Urbana y Regional. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá, 2014.

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Este artículo no tiene como propósito presentar un “primer balance” de los avances que ha tenido el Grupo de investigación PU sobre el desarrollo del esquema para el análisis de las políticas públicas en el territorio fundamentado en la interdeterminación entre territorio, territorialidad y territorialización de las políticas públicas o “sistema socio territorial” de Monnet (Jolly, 2012), sino presentar algunas reflexiones a partir de los mismos. Recuerda los nueve “consideraciones” o ideas fundamentales de la propuesta de esquema y su relación con el esquema de análisis de las políticas públicas en el territorio (Jolly, 2007) y con la planeación, y presenta avances y resultados conceptuales e instrumentales de las utilizaciones de esta propuesta realizados por miembros del Grupo y las perspectivas e interrogantes que plantean el desarrollo del esquema en cuanto a sus aspectos analíticos y a sus utilizaciones normativas e instrumentales como manera de entender mejor las complejas interrelaciones entre políticas públicas, planeación y territorio y responder así a los retos de la territorialización de la acción pública “desde abajo y del “despliegue territorial” de las políticas públicas formuladas “desde arriba”. This paper does not aims to present an “initial assessment” of the progress that has been PU research group (in terms of the development of the scheme for the analysis of public policies in the territory based on the interdeterminacion between territory, territoriality and territorialization of public policies ("territorial social system" of Monnet) (Jolly, 2012), but to offer some reflections from them. Remembers the nine “considerations” or fundamental ideas of the proposed scheme and its relationship with scheme analysis of public policies in the territory (Jolly, 2007) and with the planning and presents conceptual and instrumental advances and results of the uses of this proposal that have been members of the group and perspectives and questions posed by the development of the scheme in terms of its analytical aspects and their policy uses and instruments as a way to better understand the complex interrelationships between public policies, planning and territory to meet the challenges of the territorialization of public action bottom up and the territorial deployment top down.
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Elinbaum, Pablo. „Planes fuera del sistema: instrumentos ad-hoc para la ordenación y gestión de las áreas urbanas“. In Seminario Internacional de Investigación en Urbanismo. Barcelona: Maestría en Planeación Urbana y Regional. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá, 2014.

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Luego de medio siglo de intensos procesos de urbanización, los límites municipales, con los que generalmente se asociaba la escala local, entran en contradicción y anacronismo con las dinámicas territoriales contemporáneas. Los nuevos patrones urbanos se explican mejor con el concepto de ‘área urbana’ cuya ordenación suele abordarse desde la ambigua y fluctuante escala sub-regional. Así, la necesidad de abordar conjuntamente fenómenos locales y regionales, entra en contradicción con los sistemas de planeamiento convencionales y con la subsidiariedad de las estructuras administrativas históricas. El objetivo de esta comunicación radica en evidenciar la innovación y la especificidad del planeamiento de las áreas urbanas. En particular, se explora el carácter heurístico de los instrumentos, focalizando en cómo permiten re-definir las escalas territoriales de ‘lo local’ y ‘lo regional’, e implícitamente la idea de ciudad y su gobernanza. Para este fin, nos apoyaremos en un estudio de caso comparado de tres planes de escala intermedia, coetáneos, implementados de forma ad-hoc y referidos a modelos socioculturales europeos diferentes. Argumentamos que ‘lo urbano’ debe restablecerse en cada experiencia de planeamiento de forma ad-hoc, utilizando la escala intermedia como un instrumento no solo de diseño sino también de gobernanza para superar los niveles tácitos y estáticos de los sistemas de planeamiento. After half a century of intense urbanization, municipal boundaries -those generally associated with local scale- show explicit contradiction regarding current territorial dynamics. New urban patterns are more related to the concept of 'urban area' and the ambiguous and fluctuating sub-regional scale. Thus, the need to jointly address local and regional phenomena challenges conventional planning systems and the subsidiarity of historical administrative structures. The aim of this paper is to evidence the innovation and specificity of recent urban areas’ management. In particular, we explore the heuristic nature of intermediate planning instruments, focusing on how they re-define the territorial scale of ‘the local’ and ‘the regional’, and implicitly the idea of the city and its governance. To this end, we rely on a multiple case study of three recent plurimunicipal plans, implemented in an ad-hoc manner, and referred to different European cultural models. We argue that intermediate design and governance instruments allow rearranging a meaningful scale for “the local”, overcoming tacit and static levels of planning systems.
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Cortazzo, Rafael. „Revisión analítica de enfoques conceptuales e instrumentos normativos de gestión territorial sustentable: con foco en el sistema nacional de áreas protegidas del Uruguay“. In Seminario Internacional de Investigación en Urbanismo. Barcelona: Facultad de Arquitectura. Universidad de la República, 2015.

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La gestión del territorio uruguayo muestra un cambio reciente, profundo y rápido en sus modalidades productivas, incrementándose la participación de la agricultura y en particular los monocultivos de soja, arroz, pinos y eucaliptos. Simultáneamente la exportación de materias primas está en su máximo histórico, potenciando la presión sobre sus ecosistemas endógenos (factores bióticos y abióticos). Las prácticas agrícolas no sostenibles, la contaminación y pérdidas o degradación de recursos, son las amenazas predominantes para los ecosistemas nativos, contribuyendo sistémicamente al declive de los servicios ambientales, y consecuentemente afectando al bienestar humano. Este texto sintetiza la investigación Revisión analítica de enfoques conceptuales e instrumentos normativos de gestión territorial sustentable, con foco en el Sistema Nacional de Áreas Protegidas (2014), presentando sus conclusiones en referencia a las estrategias e instrumentos jurídicos y de gestión, para la conservación del patrimonio ambiental del Uruguay. Uruguayan territory management shows a recent deep and fast change, in their production methods, increasing the share of agriculture in particular monoculture soy, rice, pine and eucalyptus. At the same time, the export of raw materials is at a record high, increasing pressure on their endogenous ecosystems (biotic and abiotic). Unsustainable agricultural practices, pollution and loss or degradation of resources, are the predominant threats to native ecosystems, systemically contributing to the decline of ecosystem services, and consequently affecting the human welfare. This paper summarizes the research “Analytical review of conceptual approaches and policy instruments for sustainable land management, with focus on the National System of Protected Areas (2014), presenting their findings in reference to strategies and legal instruments and management for the conservation of environmental heritage of Uruguay”.
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Vivanco, Lorena, Alfredo Ordoñez, Natalia Pacurucu und Boris Orellana-Alvear. „Opportunities and challenges of citizen participation in the territorial planning system in Ecuador“. In 13th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2022). AHFE International, 2022.

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Fragmented public action and the limitations to coordinate national and local public policies with the involvement of citizens need to generate spaces and mechanisms for citizen participation linked to the planning processes of the different levels of government. In Ecuador (2008), citizen participation is a constitutional right of mandatory compliance for the entities and instruments part of the National Decentralized System of Participatory Planning. This study aims to analyze the normative aspects of the citizen participation system for territorial planning at the national and subnational level its opportunities. It challenges to promote the involvement of citizens in the formulation and updating of territorial planning instruments. To this end, an in-depth reading of national legislation is carried out, contrasted with the methodological guidelines of the official planning guides and information obtained from interviews with those who participate in the planning process. The results show that the structure of the participation model established constitutionally after a decade of operation has been limited to a legal process of mandatory compliance by the different levels of government. Participation spaces have been developed only at consultative and information levels. Then, there are no legitimacy processes of territorial planning instruments, which are necessary to implement normative and methodological adjustments that contribute to a new culture of the public planning to build the future development of the territory and its ordering.
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Nunes Honda, Luciana Quevedo, und Ideni Terezinha Antonello. „Uma experiência concreta de planejamento territorial: avaliação do Plano Diretor Municipal (PDM) de Ibiporã/PR“. In Seminario Internacional de Investigación en Urbanismo. Barcelona: Curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo. Universidade do Vale do Itajaí, 2016.

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O presente artigo tem como objetivo avaliar o planejamento e a gestão urbanos, bem como os planos diretores produzidos no Brasil nas últimas décadas. Para a análise do tema proposto foi essencial fundamentar a instituição de instrumentos legais para o ordenamento territorial brasileiro. A aprovação do Estatuto da Cidade (EC) gerou expectativa de mudança nos rumos da política e gestão territorial na direção da construção de municípios mais justos, social e ambientalmente. O EC instituiu instrumentos para o cumprimento da função social da propriedade e para institucionalizar a participação da sociedade. Após 15 anos de experiência, discute-se sobre o impacto transformador desta norma, tomando-se como referência a revisão do PDM Participativo de Ibiporã/PR. O planejamento participativo do PDM não conseguiu modificar a trajetória de desenvolvimento desigual nos municípios, contudo, diversificou e ampliou o campo de disputa e instituiu espaços alternativos de representação popular. This article aims to evaluate the planning and urban management, and master plans produced in Brazil in recent decades. For the analysis of the proposed theme was essential reasons for establishing legal instruments for the Brazilian territorial planning. The approval of the City Statute (CS) has generated expectations of change in the direction of policy and land management towards building fairer municipalities, socially and environmentally. The CS has introduced tools for the fulfillment of the social function of property and to institutionalize the participation of society. After 15 years of experience, we discuss about the transformative impact of this standard, taking as reference the review of PDM Participatory Ibiporã / PR. The PDM participatory planning could not modify the unequal development trajectory in the cities, however, diversified and expanded the playing field and set up alternative spaces for popular representation.
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Mantovani, Graciela Verónica, und María Celeste Peralta Flores. „Bordes e interfases: miradas sobre el paisaje del periurbano norte del gran Santa Fe; Argentina“. In Seminario Internacional de Investigación en Urbanismo. Barcelona: Facultad de Arquitectura. Universidad de la República, 2015.

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El trabajo que se expone tiene como recorte geográfico tres localidades argentinas en proceso de conurbación: Santa Fe, Monte Vera y Recreo. En los últimos años, la ciudad de Santa Fe como núcleo central, ha cubierto casi la totalidad de su territorio jurisdiccional con usos residenciales y productivos, comenzando a demandar de los asentamientos colindantes el soporte territorial para continuar su desarrollo, dinámica de crecimiento que instala el proceso de metropolización como nuevo marco de ordenamiento. En este contexto de mutación, la producción fruti-hortícola que ha rodeado al área urbana santafesina desde sus orígenes, ha visto considerablemente reducida su área de trabajo en la última década, poniendo en crisis la continuidad de aquella actividad de abastecimiento. Leer el espacio productivo-rural en términos históricos, ambientales y administrativos, nos permite reflexionar sobre la transformación instalada, como así también repensar los posibles instrumentos de planificación acordes a esta coyuntura del cambio de escala. The work described has the geographic frame of three Argentine locations in process of conurbation and its interface: Santa Fe, Monte Vera and Recreo. In the last years, the city of Santa Fe as a central nucleous has covered almost all of its jurisdictional territory with its residential and productive demands. In order to continue its expansive development, the territorial support of neighboring towns is needed. This growing dynamics installs the metropolization process in a new planning frameword. In this mutating context, the historic fruit-horticultural activity that has surrounded the urban area of Santa Fe City has considerably reduced its working area in the last decade. Consequently the continuity of this work is undergoing a crisis. Reading the productive rural space in historical, environmental and administrative terms allows us to reflect upon the installed transformation, as well as rethinking about possible planning instruments appropriate to actual changes in scale.
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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Territorial instruments"


Ortiz Arciniegas, Catalina, Natalia Villamizar Duarte, Eliana Torres Toro, Gloria Naranjo, Juan Esteban Lopera, Fernando Zapata, Paula Vargas López und Claudia Rengifo. Policy Brief No. 11. Comprehensive neighbourhood upgrading for peace (CNU-PEACE). A strategy for territorial reparation. Universidad del Valle, Juni 2024.

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Territorial planning is crucial in the implementation of urban territorial peace. Self-built neighbourhoods and their residents have been the most affected by the armed conflict and have suffered collective, community, and territorial damage more intensely. Therefore, it is imperative to generate restorative measures aimed at comprehensive reparations for surviving victims and communities affected by multiple forms of violence. The Comprehensive Neighbourhood Upgrading (CNU) is a multidimensional territorial intervention strategy that involves a long-term, multi-actor and multi-scalar political commitment to improve housing conditions. A CNU with a territorial peace focus (CNU-PEACE) requires a gender, generational, differential, and intersectional perspective that articulates policies, instruments, and physical and social interventions to repair the damage caused by the conflict, enabling the exercise of the right to the city and contributing to the de-escalation of violence. This Policy Brief presents the articulation between CNU and the construction of territorial peace to advance territorial reparation in Medellín.
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Rodriguez Espinosa, Shirley Andrea. Notas de planificación territorial. Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia, Mai 2022.

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La planificación territorial en la actualidad ha tomado mayor fuerza debido a que es un instrumento que se requiere para orientar y reorientar los territorios en un ámbito de requerimientos de manejo equilibrado entre el naturales -sociedad-desarrollo-sustentabilidad. La diversidad, complejidad y potencialidad de los territorios y sus dinámicas, aunado a la normatividad están contempladas en la planificación territorial. La nota de campus se presenta con cinco capítulos que están orientados a dar herramientas básicas para el entendimiento de la temática de ordenamiento territorial. En el Capítulo 1, se presentan los conceptos y enforque de territorio y el ordenamiento territorial en Colombia. En el Capítulo 2. El Marco normativo para la gestión territorial, en el Capítulo 3. El Desarrollo del ordenamiento territorial y “orden deseado”, en el Capítulo 4 se aborda el Ordenamiento territorial ambiental y en el Capítulo 5. Consideraciones finales. El documento aborda temáticas de planificación territorial y su conceptualización teórica. Para trabajar en el curso de Planificación territorial 201724. La planificación territorial es una disciplina que converge interés de todos los habitantes de un territorio porque es un concepto, un instrumento para el reto para el logro de un “orden deseado”.
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Ortiz Arciniegas, Catalina, Natalia Villamizar Duarte, Eliana Torres Toro, Gloria Naranjo, Juan Esteban Lopera, Fernando Zapata, Paula Vargas López und Claudia Rengifo. Policy Brief No. 11. Mejoramiento integral barrial para la paz (MIB-PAZ). Una herramienta de reparación territorial. Universidad del Valle, Juni 2024.

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El ordenamiento territorial es crucial en la implementación de la paz territorial urbana. Los barrios autoconstruidos y sus pobladores/as, han sido los más afectados por el conflicto armado y han sufrido con mayor intensidad los daños colectivos, comunitarios y territoriales. Por ello, es imperativo generar medidas restaurativas encaminadas a la reparación integral para víctimas sobrevivientes y comunidades afectadas por múltiples violencias. El Mejoramiento Integral de Barrios (MIB) es una estrategia de intervención territorial multidimensionalque conlleva un compromiso político multi-actoral y multi-escalar de largo plazo para mejorar las condiciones habitacionales. Un MIB con un enfoque de paz territorial (MIB-PAZ) requiere una perspectiva de género, generacional, diferencial e interseccional que articule políticas, instrumentos e intervenciones físicas y sociales que reparen los daños generados por el conflicto, que permitan ejercer el derecho a la ciudad y que contribuyan al desescalamiento de violencias. Este Policy Brief presenta la articulación entre MIB y la construcción de paz territorial para avanzar en la reparación territorial en Medellín.
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Vélez, Susana. Diseño e implementación de sistemas de información territorial [SIT] para iniciativas de desarrollo económico local: Guía metodológica. Inter-American Development Bank, September 2011.

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Los Sistemas de Información Territorial (SIT) apoyados en los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) constituyen un soporte de gestión de la información y un excelente medio para la visualización y representación espacial de los datos. Por ello, son un instrumento estratégico para la gestión y planificación de un territorio. En este sentido, se puede afirmar que la implantación de un SIT es, en la actualidad, un elemento clave para la gestión de programas de desarrollo económico local (DEL). Esta Guía busca explicar, demostrar mediante ejemplos y apoyar el diseño y la implementación de un SIT en proyectos de DEL por parte de los responsables de las agencias de desarrollo económico y otros actores vinculados a la competitividad territorial (consultores, técnicos de otras entidades de desarrollo, empresarios, agentes tecnológicos y científicos, responsables de organizaciones de empresas, entre otros).
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Arcia, Diego, Augusto César Pinto Carrillo und León Espinosa Restrepo. Sistemas de ordenamiento territorial en América Latina y el Caribe: documento resumen. Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, Juni 2023.

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Esta publicación describe los sistemas de ordenación del territorio en 26 países de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC), profundizando en 13 de ellos. El análisis abordó los marcos normativos, las políticas y los instrumentos de desarrollo territorial y urbano. Además, se analizaron las leyes, programas e instituciones encargadas de preservar los derechos de los pueblos originarios -indígenas y tribales- fueron revisados, con el fin de asegurar su participación en estos procesos. Como ejemplos de gobernabilidad en el ordenamiento territorial y la planificación urbana, se incluye una síntesis de tres estudios de caso en áreas subnacionales de ALC: El Área Metropolitana de Mendoza en Argentina; el Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá en Colombia; y el Distrito Cultural e Histórico de Cartagena de Indias en Colombia, señalando los principales logros y desafíos para su consolidación. Las conclusiones del documento reflejan los principales avances y desafíos que aún persisten en esta materia en ALC y un balance sobre la definición y creación de un Sistema de Ordenamiento Territorial en los países. Finalmente, se hacen recomendaciones generales realizadas respecto a los procesos de ordenamiento territorial, en cuanto a los aspectos técnicos a fortalecer local y nacionalmente y las áreas de trabajo a profundizar.
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Vial, Tomas. El rol del sector público en facilitar la participación privada. Inter-American Development Bank, Juni 2005.

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Presentación que ofrece información acerca de CORFO (Corporación de Fomento de la Producción). Menciona los datos históricos, instrumentos de fomento, definición de programas integrados y programas territoriales integrados de la CORFO.
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Riquelme, Guillermo. Informe Socioeconómico del Maule (ISOMA) 2023. Universidad Autónoma de Chile, Dezember 2023.

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El informe constituye una aproximación a la realidad social y económica de la región del Maule desde el análisis de datos de fuentes oficiales de gobierno, en una primera instancia, en el diálogo de relevantes agentes locales, por otro, y de la generación de información in-situ mediante la aplicación de instrumentos de medición a fin de obtener una panorámica territorial.
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Ortiz Arciniegas, Catalina, und Ángela María Franco Calderón. Policy Brief No. 1. Mejoramiento integral de barrios como estrategia para la transición hacia la paz territorial urbana. Universidad del Valle, Dezember 2022.

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Teniendo en cuenta que en Colombia la mayor parte de las víctimas de desplazamiento forzado buscaron refugio en las ciudades, en los procesos de reparación territorial y restitución de derechos la dimensión urbana debe ser incluida como parte del marco de justicia transicional y restaurativa. Bajo este enfoque, el mejoramiento integral de barrios (MIB) toma relevancia como estrategia para la construcción de paz territorial urbana. Este instrumento contribuye a consolidar ciudades más justas mediante la provisión de vivienda digna, servicios urbanos básicos y acceso a oportunidades en los barrios autoconstruidos y puede apoyar a las víctimas del conflicto en su búsqueda de arraigo, identidad y memoria. Este Policy Brief presenta recomendaciones de política pública para que los tomadores de decisiones puedan articular el MIB y la construcción de paz con un enfoque territorial de derechos e interseccional que permita atender tanto a las comunidades urbanas vulnerables como a múltiples sujetos de reparación que llegaron a las ciudades en busca de nuevas oportunidades de vida.
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Valenzuela, Juan Pablo. Mayor eficacia del gobierno municipal: El Estado más cercano a los ciudadanos. Inter-American Development Bank, Dezember 2006.

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La presente nota técnica analiza el proceso de descentralización en el Estado chileno, en el contexto de un programa de gobierno que ha definido la profundización del proceso de descentralización como uno de los ejes más ambiciosos de su quehacer para los próximos cuatro años. El autor plantea que para hacer frente a los desafíos del programa es indispensable mejorar la actual calidad de la gestión de los municipios, puesto que ellos son las entidades públicas más cercanas a los ciudadanos. El documento se organiza de la siguiente manera: en la introducción se describe el contexto, luego se realiza un análisis diagnóstico sobre una serie de ejes: el actual grado de descentralización a nivel municipal, la heterogeneidad municipal, la calidad de la gestión, la participación ciudadana y los instrumentos de articulación para la gestión territorial. La tercera sección se ocupa de los principales desafíos para mejorar la gestión municipal y el desarrollo territorial a nivel local. Por último se formulan una serie de propuestas.
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Riquelme Silva, Guillermo Manuel. Informe Socioeconómico del Maule (ISOMA). Universidad Autónoma de Chile, Juni 2021.

Der volle Inhalt der Quelle
El presente documento técnico, altamente especializado, se constituye en el fruto de una gestión colaborativa entre el Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas (INE) de la Región del Maule y el Instituto Iberoamericano de Desarrollo Sostenible (IIDS) de la Universidad Autónoma de Chile. El informe constituye una aproximación a la realidad social y económica de la región del Maule desde el análisis de datos de fuentes oficiales de gobierno, en una primera instancia, en el diálogo de relevantes agentes locales, por otro, y de la generación de información in- situ mediante la aplicación de instrumentos de medición a fin de obtener una panorámica territorial. Los ámbitos caracterizados mediante el presente trabajo investigativo son considerados especialmente relevantes para la gestión territorial tendiente a mejorar los niveles de desarrollo en su consideración multidimensional, y con orientación a la sustentabilidad y sostenibilidad, con lo que se provee a los agentes decisionales de importantes insumos para el diseño de intervenciones orientadas a la mejora de la calidad de vida de sus habitantes en general, como a las condiciones laborales objetivas y subjetivas en lo particular en la ya descrita configuración situacional.
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