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Haberey-Knuessi, Véronique. „Complexité des temporalités multiples“. Éducation Permanente N° 229, Nr. 4 (01.12.2021): 139–48.

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Sallustio, Madeleine. „Dossier : « La recherche au défi de la crise des temporalités » : No Future. Les collectifs néopaysans et leur rapport à l’avenir : utopie, dystopie et présentisme“. Natures Sciences Sociétés 31, Nr. 4 (Oktober 2023): 453–66.

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S’intéresser aux rapports que les individus entretiennent à l’égard du futur et à la façon dont ceux-ci façonnent des états émotionnels (individuels ou collectifs) est utile pour mieux comprendre ce qui motive les pratiques sociales. Cet article propose de s’intéresser aux théories de l’effondrement qui nourrissent l’imaginaire de certains protagonistes du phénomène du « retour à la terre ». Sur la base d’un travail de terrain de longue durée au sein d’une dizaine de collectifs néopaysans dans le Massif central, je mobiliserai le paradigme des temporalités multiples pour nuancer les effets des théories de l’effondrement sur le quotidien des individus. J’argumenterai que les projets visant le repli en monde rural et l’autonomie alimentaire s’inscrivent dans une temporalité présentiste paradoxale qui fait coexister des horizons temporels antinomiques, à la fois pessimistes et optimistes, vis-à-vis de l’avenir et de la lutte sociale. Le refus des acteurs d’adhérer aux grands récits linéaires et d’un mode de lutte organisé et cohérent à visée universelle me permettra ici d’alimenter les réflexions 1) sur l’action humaine dans son rapport à la crise environnementale et sociale et 2) sur des fondements épistémologiques plus généraux, relatifs à la manière d’appréhender les temporalités en sciences sociales.
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Oualdi, M'hamed. „Une succession d'empires: Les historicités d'une société maghrébine (1860-1930)“. Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 72, Nr. 4 (Dezember 2017): 1055–83.

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RésuméEn étudiant un conflit juridique transméditerranéen autour de la succession d'un ancien ministre tunisien mort à Florence en 1887, cet article appelle à une écriture de l'histoire du Maghreb contemporain qui ne soit pas seulement conçue à partir de l’étude des sources coloniales européennes ou selon une temporalité coloniale mais qui puisse emprunter d'autres cadres d'analyse. Il s'agit aussi de prendre en compte le chevauchement des temporalités impériales française et ottomane en Méditerranée jusqu'aux années 1920, ainsi que la multiplication des litiges nés avant la colonisation de la Tunisie, des dissensions qui continuaient à fournir des raisons d'agir durant la période coloniale. Reconsidérer ces conflits non pas à l'aune de la colonisation mais selon leurs multiples temporalités et en diversifiant les sources nuancerait largement l'idée d'une absence de sources dites « locales » souvent avancée dans les études d'histoire coloniale du Maghreb. Tout autant que les parties prenantes européennes, les acteurs maghrébins impliqués dans des litiges juridiques furent à l'origine d'une profusion documentaire. Ils n'ont cessé de produire des preuves écrites et des justifications – y compris littéraires – en langue arabe pour appuyer leurs argumentaires. Les archives coloniales n'ont capté qu'une partie de ces écrits et donc des sources disponibles pour raconter une autre histoire contemporaine du Maghreb.
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Sawaya, Michèle, Heidi Schweinschwaller, Marie-Lucie Guyard und Olivier Taïeb. „Figuration des temporalités dans un hôpital de jour pour adolescents“. Enfances & Psy N° 100, Nr. 2 (24.05.2024): 145–52.

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Le temps adolescent, temps de transition entre le temps de l’enfance et celui de l’âge adulte, est figuré de multiples façons par le cadre et les activités thérapeutiques de notre hôpital de jour. L’objectif est d’inscrire les expériences des adolescents dans une perspective de subjectivation et d’accès à la mise en récit de leur propre histoire.
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Wallerstein, Immanuel. „L’héritage de la sociologie, la promesse de la science sociale“. Cahiers de recherche sociologique, Nr. 31 (03.05.2011): 9–52.

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Il existe une culture de la sociologie, créée dans la période 1945-1970, sur la base de trois axiomes simples, dérivés respectivement de Durkheim, Marx et Weber. Dans les vingt-cinq dernières années, cette culture fait face à six défis principaux, provenant de l’intérieur et de l’extérieur de la communauté culturelle : les doute au sujet de la rationalité formelle; un défi civilisationel; le concept des temporalités sociales multiples; les sciences de la complexité et la fin des certitudes; le sexe comme variable structurante même dans les sciences; et l’argument que la modernité n’a jamais existé. La sociologie peut-elle relever ces défis?
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Wallerstein, Immanuel. „L'héritage de la sociologie. La promesse des sciences sociales“. Sociétés contemporaines 33-34, Nr. 1-2 (01.07.1999): 159–94.

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Résumé RÉSUMÉ: Il existe une culture de la sociologie, créée dans la période 1945-1970, sur la base de trois axiomes simples, dérivés respectivement de Durkheim, Marx et Weber. Dans les vingt-cinq dernières années, cette culture a été confrontée à six défis principaux, provenant de l’intérieur et de l’extérieur de la communauté culturelle: les doutes au sujet de la rationalité formelle: un défi civilisationnel; le concept des temporalités sociales multiples; les sciences de la complexité et la fin des certitudes; le genre comme variable structurante même dans les sciences; et l’idée que la modernité n’a jamais existé. Est-ce que la sociologie pourra relever ces défis?
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Tehel, Amélie. „« C’est le bâtiment qui dicte vers où on va ». Faire parler les lieux d’urbanisme transitoire“. Approches Théoriques en Information-Communication (ATIC) N° 8, Nr. 1 (04.10.2024): 145–61.

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Lieux hybrides, multi-acteurs et impliqués dans les enjeux de leur territoire (Burret, 2015), les tiers-lieux solidaires engagent leurs publics dans des formes de cohabitation multiples (Galvão et al ., 2022), parfois d’autant plus sensibles qu’elles s’ancrent dans une gestion quotidienne de l’urgence sociale auprès de publics en situation de vulnérabilité. Les configurations sociales des tiers lieux s’articulent avec des configurations spatiales également atypiques, en témoigne l’engouement pour les projets d’urbanisme transitoire. Cet article explore la manière dont deux actants non-humains parlent et agissent dans le cadre de ces projets, à savoir le bâtiment et le temps. Le bâtiment y sera vu comme investi d’une mission de ventriloquie (Cooren, 2010a, 2010b) pour accueillir les visiteurs et impulser l’appropriation du lieu et de sa vie collective. Le temps, quant à lui, sera abordé par le caractère chronotopique des tiers-lieux solidaires. Caractéristique singulière des projets d’urbanisme transitoire, le croisement de temporalités multiples sera montré comme source de fragilités, mais aussi d’opportunité de création de nouveaux espaces de rencontres et de dialogue.
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Cuny, Cécile, Alexa Färber und Anne Jarrigeon. „« L’urbain par l’image ». Retour sur la fabrique d’un objet éditorial collectif“. Communication & langages N° 215-216, Nr. 1 (22.09.2023): 101–19.

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L’ouvrage collectif L’urbain par l’image, collaborations entre arts visuels et sciences sociales (Creaphis, mars 2020) ouvre la boite noire des pratiques de collaboration entre artistes, chercheuses et chercheurs. Il déplie leurs arrangements matériels, leurs temporalités, leurs objets, leurs techniques, leurs références et catégories. Sa maquette, délibérément expérimentale, a été réalisée avec un éditeur particulièrement attentif aux spécificités de chaque projet et à leur dimension visuelle. Nous revenons ici sur la fabrique de cet objet éditorial. Les choix esthétiques et de médiation qu’il active offrent une entrée privilégiée pour questionner les transformations du statut de l’image dans la recherche urbaine. Dans cet espace de pratiques, l’analyse des multiples articulations d’un travail collaboratif contextualisé permet de réinterroger les potentialités de l’image et ses actualisations.
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Rouchi, Camille. „Réflexivité et recherche-action en contrat CIFRE, quand les contraintes du terrain deviennent opportunités“. Nouvelles perspectives en sciences sociales 13, Nr. 1 (21.03.2018): 211–24.

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Cet article propose de communiquer sur un retour d’expérience et d’engager une réflexion sur la réalisation d’une recherche critique en sciences humaines financée par son terrain de recherche. L’ambition est ainsi d’adopter un double point de vue : celui de l’universitaire et du professionnel. Cette posture n’étant pas sans inconvénient puisqu’elle implique de se poser la question à la fois des attentes et des besoins du monde professionnel et scientifique dans le cadre de ce qui relève de la recherche-action. Être engagé par son terrain, c’est se confronter à la contradiction des temporalités et de multiples intérêts. Nous verrons que l’élaboration de l’objet de recherche, l’obtention des données et les modalités de restitution, interpelle la nécessité d’adopter un point de vue réflexif et pour le chercheur de transformer les contraintes en opportunités.
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Naudet, Cédric. „Ce qu’« expliciter » pourrait être“. Spirale - Revue de recherches en éducation N° Varia, E1 (16.04.2024): 3–17.

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L’article propose d’interroger la thématique de « l’enseignement explicite » depuis la géographie scolaire du secondaire. Dans un contexte où les injonctions à l’explicitation sont de plus en plus pressantes – mais aux contours flous, voire contradictoires – des observations menées auprès de professeurs de collège et de lycées montrent comment ils y font face. Une analyse des pratiques enseignantes à partir des finalités éducatives du monde en géographie (le but), des savoirs dispensés (les connaissances) et des procédés d’étude et de pensée (les méthodes), nous permet de distinguer deux explicitations de nature différente. La première, par définition, amène à déterminer par une formulation précise, par le professeur, des caractéristiques d’un concept, d’une démarche ou de la finalité de la discipline. La seconde, par délimitation des situations, consiste à s’appuyer sur des habitudes de travail pour amener les élèves à s’expliciter à eux-mêmes les savoirs, les méthodes et les finalités de la discipline. Ces pratiques mettent en évidence un processus d’explicitation aux formes non nécessairement contradictoires et aux temporalités multiples.
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Hugueny-Léger, Elise. „Donner corps à la perte: Figures du deuil parental dans Puisque rien ne dure de Laurence Tardieu“. Irish Journal of French Studies 19, Nr. 1 (09.12.2019): 144–64.

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Cet article analyse les stratégies narratives mises en place par Laurence Tardieu dans le roman Puisque rien ne dure (2008), en les confrontant à des approches théoriques sur le deuil et le traumatisme (Barthes, Caruth, Derrida, Forest, Freud, Lussier). En relatant deux occurrences de deuil (la disparition d'une petite fille, puis la mort de sa mère quinze ans plus tard), ce texte recourt à des dispositifs d'énonciation multiples (pluralité de voix, citations, journal intime) et à des temporalités superposées qui soulignent la permanence du deuil. Puisque rien ne dure permet d'évaluer l'impact du deuil sur le couple qui se sépare, tiraillé entre amnésie et excès de mémoire, et d'aborder la spécificité d'un deuil parental rendu encore plus difficile quand le corps de l'enfant n'est pas retrouvé. In fine, cet article suggère qu'en représentant le deuil parental dans un espace romanesque et non autobiographique, Tardieu utilise la latitude de la fiction pour penser le deuil et lui donner une forme, à travers les possibilités créatrices du texte littéraire, et du corps maternel.
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Pirlot, Gérard. „« J’arrive où je suis étranger »“. Revue française de psychanalyse Vol. 88, Nr. 3 (04.06.2024): 37–48.

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L’expérience du voyage n’est évidemment pas sans évoquer la cure analytique. Cette odyssée, obligeamment, amène à se perdre, seule façon de se trouver. La durée du voyage analytique ouvre à la réappropriation d’un passé en développant un espace subjectif dans lequel conflits et pensées peuvent s’étirer dans de multiples strates psychiques. Le temps y devient espace, de même qu’une autre langue ouvre à d’autres temporalités. Partant de l’expérience de Julien Green d’un changement de langue créant un réel changement d’espace psychique, l’auteur souligne qu’il n’est pas de quête intérieure qui ne puisse se passer de voyage, d’une langue à l’autre ou d’un pays à l’autre. Montaigne, Descartes et Freud cultivèrent leur vie durant les voyages terrestres, comme pour mieux franchir les frontières intérieures qui les habitaient et que stimulaient ces pérégrinations. Or, si le monde de ces auteurs était celui des frontières et des « topiques » bien définies, celui sans frontières de la postmodernité mondialisée n’aboutit-il pas à un Homme fluide, en quête de limite dans une société par trop « liquide » dans lequel tout voyage intérieur devient périlleux ?
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Daverne, Carole. „De l’expérimentation à la généralisation du baccalauréat professionnel en trois ans (BP3)“. Éducation et francophonie 40, Nr. 1 (05.07.2012): 195–212.

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La rénovation de l’enseignement professionnel en France suscite de multiples questions, notamment sur les divers facteurs susceptibles d’influencer l’appropriation du changement par les élèves. Nous avons mené une étude longitudinale pendant trois ans dans deux lycées professionnels, et plus précisément recueilli des questionnaires et des entretiens approfondis réalisés avec des chefs d’établissement, des enseignants et des élèves. En classe de seconde, de nombreux lycéens, caractérisés par un parcours scolaire chaotique et une orientation par défaut, (re)découvrent leurs capacités scolaires à travers des expériences de réussite ou parviennent à donner du sens aux enseignements dispensés, soit parce qu’ils se projettent dans un avenir à court terme plus rassurant, soit parce qu’ils se sentent reconnus par leurs pairs et leurs enseignants. En classes de première et terminale, la désillusion est toutefois grande : « rattrapés » par les exigences scolaires, ces lycéens dessinent des projets d’avenir éloignés de leur formation, voire ne sentent plus l’engagement fort des professeurs auprès d’eux. L’influence des facteurs organisationnels, et surtout individuels, dans l’appropriation du changement par les élèves pointée dans cet article se définit par la fragilité et la variabilité, selon les temporalités considérées.
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Cho, Eung-Chul. „The Black-and-white Screen, As Visualizer Of Temporalités -The case of <The Book of Fish>-“. Korean Association of Cultural Studies 10, Nr. 2 (30.10.2022): 49–70.

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An important number of black-and-white films are made each year. Filmmakers tend to justify such practice based on the notion of temporality. Black-and-white images are indeed effective mediums in terms of visualizing temporal distance (past, future, timelessness etc.), as opposed to temporal nearness (now). This paper is an attempt to move away from such a reductionist view, by focussing on another type of temporality. I will argue that black-and-white films are powerful visualizers of various time scales, or temporalités. It is important to note that the strong expressivity of black-and-white images is not restricted to its relationship with one particular time scale, but concerns all time scales. To make this point, I will rely on Braudelian time concepts, i.e. longue durée, conjoncture, événement. The validity of this hypothesis will be examined by analyzing <The Book of Fish>(Lee Joon Ik, 2021). I will conclude that black-and-white films have the potential to visualize multiple temporalities within one single film, in a non-reductionist manner, rather than a reductionist one.
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Mathew, Shaj. „The Multiple Simultaneous Temporalities of Global Modernity: Pamuk, Tanpınar, Proust“. Modern Language Quarterly 82, Nr. 4 (01.12.2021): 473–98.

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Abstract This essay proposes the theory of multiple simultaneous temporalities as a constitutive feature of global modernism. It spotlights varieties of heterogeneous time—outside but alongside the homogeneous empty time of clocks and calendars—in modernist literature. These overlapping temporalities replace the linear succession of past, present, and future with a principle of nonteleology. The multiple simultaneous temporalities of these works analogize the multiple simultaneous temporalities of global modernity. Thus the temporalization of difference that separates developed nations from developing ones is refuted by the pluralization of temporality. The simultaneity of these temporalities denies, a priori, the ideology of progress. The essay makes this point through a series of interlaced epiphanies about time, across time, staging an East-West comparison that reflects the creole nature of global modernity. It does so via readings of interconnected novels by Orhan Pamuk, Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar, and Marcel Proust.
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Oroz, Tomislav. „Multiple Island Temporalities“. Narodna umjetnost 59, Nr. 2 (20.12.2022): 9–38.

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This paper seeks to explore the notion of “island time” as a metaphor for addressing the multiple island temporalities emerging in the community of Sali, the biggest settlement on the southern shore of Dugi otok. In general, temporalities are conceived as the mode and the rhythm of being, entangled within the thick web of social, cultural, spatial, economic, gendered, and ideological transformations. The concept of “multiple temporalities”, inspired by the time studies and the anthropology of thime theoretical framework, points to the processes of diverse temporal frames and rhythms overlapping, intertwining, and coexisting. The focus of this paper is on the emergence of linčarnica, a triangular slope in the port of Sali. Based on ethnographic research, the paper will address the problems involved in the social and cultural creation of “island time”, popularly known as time moving at a slower pace. By problematising the concept of temporality at the crossroads of Mediterranean studies, island studies, time studies, and Balkan studies, the paper will address questions of specific, island-triggered, and socially performed atmospheric “island time” rebranded for the purpose of tourism and imagined within the specific cultural and social milieu of Dalmatia.
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Kulezic-Wilson, Danijela. „Musical and film time“. Muzikologija, Nr. 8 (2008): 253–71.

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Comparative analysis of linear, non-linear and multiple temporal dimensions in music and film reveals that the understanding and utilisation of time in these two arts reflect not only the aesthetic inclinations of its creators and their subjective experiences of temporality but also their philosophical views and, sometimes, spiritual beliefs. Viewed in the context of contemporary theories about Time, particularly Shallis' interpretation of different temporalities as symbolic of various levels of reality and J. T. Fraser's concept of time as a hierarchical nest of different temporalities or Umwelts, the results of this comparison lead to the conclusion that the time in which music and film unfold belongs to a separate, artificial Umwelt of its own - art-temporality.
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Huisman, Rosemary. „J. T. Fraser and the Temporal Texture of Narrative, an Intersection of Disciplines“. KronoScope 23, Nr. 1 (31.05.2023): 73–85.

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Abstract This paper tracks the intersection of three disciplinary areas: J. T. Fraser’s theory of time as nested temporalities, M. A. K. Halliday’s systemic functional linguistics, and English literary history. Narrative theorists claim that narrative is a use of language that organizes the human understanding of time. However, narrative is not limited to only one temporality but can include the multiple temporalities that appear in Fraser’s model. This approach repudiates studies of narrative, such as those in the structuralist tradition of dual discourse and story, which assume “time” has a singular meaning equivalent to Fraser’s “biotemporality.” Each temporality can be associated with a different type of coherent story, and thus the one narrative can weave together stories with different temporalities, its “temporal texture.” Fraser and Halliday both recognize Gerald Edelman’s dual model of the brain and the emergence of language through the evolution of the human brain from “primary consciousness” to “higher-order consciousness.” Language evolves in the “human umwelt” of everyday experience of material, mental and social worlds in the gravitational context of this earth. Thus pre-twentieth century narratives, with various textures, tell stories of Fraser’s temporalities of human earthly experience. Fraser’s model also describes the “unearthly temporalities” that, from the twentieth century, modern science and technology have added to human understanding, producing what he calls the “extended human umwelt.” The twentieth century narratives of modernism and postmodernism may include these temporalities in their texture. However, the digital culture of the twenty-first century already reshapes the human umwelt; the paper ends with some speculation on changes in organization of temporal meaning in the evolving context.
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Robertson, Shanthi. „Migrant, interrupted: The temporalities of ‘staggered’ migration from Asia to Australia“. Current Sociology 67, Nr. 2 (13.09.2018): 169–85.

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The mobilities of increasing numbers of ‘middling’ migrants from Asia to Australia involve complex trajectories that encompass multiple transitions across statuses and places as well as ambiguities around temporariness and permanence. This article argues that during these ‘staggered’ migrations, intersections between multiple ‘timescales’ – institutional, biographic and everyday – produce specific experiences of time for migrants that interrupt teleological imaginaries of both life transitions and migration outcomes. Drawing on data from in-depth narrative interviews with middling migrants, this article focuses on two such temporal experiences, ‘contingent temporality’ and ‘indentured temporality’, and seeks to demonstrate how these experiences are produced through the overlaps and intersections of institutional, biographical and everyday timescales. The article seeks to advance empirical understandings of the temporalities of new forms of migrant mobility between Asia and Australia, as well as to contribute new conceptual approaches to scholarship on migration and time.
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Song, Chungki. „Three theses of historical temporality in the posthumanist era: Multiplicity, Presentism, and Subjectivity“. Korean Society of the History of Historiography 48 (31.12.2023): 71–100.

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The discussion of the Anthropocene, concerns the global environments and reflection on traditional humanism, which have taken place after COVID-19, led to new changes in the historiography. These changes are more in-depth and fundamental than those raised by so-called 'postmodern history' or memory boom. Above all, the changes of the historical temporality are of importance. Three changes that are closely related to each other, are detected. Firstly, there is no one single temporality in history. Instead multiple temporalities of society and nature coexist now. Secondly, the modern historical temporality, which is composed of the past, present, and future, faced a crisis and entered a period where only the present expands. Various factors are into play in this, but in my view, the increased 'networks' between humans and non-human beings play a key role. Thirdly, it is now starting to give more meaning to subjective than objective temporality. Because the time is considered now disconnected rather than continuous, historical events are constituted not by the objective but by the subjective meanings.
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McKenzie, Pamela J., und Elisabeth Davies. „Documenting multiple temporalities“. Journal of Documentation 78, Nr. 1 (05.10.2021): 38–59.

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PurposeThis article explores the varied ways that individuals create and use calendars, planners and other cognitive artifacts to document the multiple temporalities that make up their everyday lives. It reveals the hidden documentary time work required to synchronize, coordinate or entrain their activities to those of others.Design/methodology/approachWe interviewed 47 Canadian participants in their homes, workplaces or other locations and photographed their documents. We analyzed qualitatively; first thematically to identify mentions of times, and then relationally to reveal how documentary time work was situated within participants' broader contexts.FindingsParticipants' documents revealed a wide variety of temporalities, some embedded in the templates they used, and others added by document creators and users. Participants' documentary time work involved creating and using a variety of tools and strategies to reconcile and manage multiple temporalities and indexical time concepts that held multiple meanings. Their work employed both standard “off the shelf” and individualized “do-it-yourself” approaches.Originality/valueThis article combines several concepts of invisible work (document work, time work, articulation work) to show both how individuals engage in documentary time work and how that work is situated within broader social and temporal contexts and standards.
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McKenzie, Pamela J., und Elisabeth Davies. „Documenting multiple temporalities“. Journal of Documentation 78, Nr. 1 (05.10.2021): 38–59.

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PurposeThis article explores the varied ways that individuals create and use calendars, planners and other cognitive artifacts to document the multiple temporalities that make up their everyday lives. It reveals the hidden documentary time work required to synchronize, coordinate or entrain their activities to those of others.Design/methodology/approachWe interviewed 47 Canadian participants in their homes, workplaces or other locations and photographed their documents. We analyzed qualitatively; first thematically to identify mentions of times, and then relationally to reveal how documentary time work was situated within participants' broader contexts.FindingsParticipants' documents revealed a wide variety of temporalities, some embedded in the templates they used, and others added by document creators and users. Participants' documentary time work involved creating and using a variety of tools and strategies to reconcile and manage multiple temporalities and indexical time concepts that held multiple meanings. Their work employed both standard “off the shelf” and individualized “do-it-yourself” approaches.Originality/valueThis article combines several concepts of invisible work (document work, time work, articulation work) to show both how individuals engage in documentary time work and how that work is situated within broader social and temporal contexts and standards.
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Lewis, Camilla, und Vanessa May. „Material–temporal registers of belonging: Theorising the interplay between temporality and the built environment“. Time & Society 29, Nr. 1 (22.09.2019): 28–50.

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This paper explores the interplay of temporality and the built environment in diverging discourses of belonging at Claremont Court, a modernist housing scheme in Edinburgh which was designed in 1958 by Sir Basil Spence, a key figure of post-war architecture. It explores belonging to place as a complex temporal process, in which the individual is connected to the built environment through various material–temporal registers. While existing analyses of belonging demonstrate that it is a fundamentally temporal experience, not enough is known about belonging as a temporal phenomenon. To fill this gap, our analysis reveals how multiple temporalities of the built environment are entwined with residents’ biographies, everyday life and future aspirations, which shape their varied sense of belonging. To conclude, we argue not only for theorising the temporal nature of belonging, but also how the temporality of the built environment shapes people’s sense of belonging. In doing so, we extend the literature on belonging by theorising the relationship between temporality and the built environment with the help of the concept of material–temporal registers.
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Rosenberg, Rae. „When Temporal Orbits Collide: Embodied Trans Temporalities in U.S. Prisons“. Somatechnics 7, Nr. 1 (März 2017): 74–94.

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This paper explores trans temporalities through the experiences of incarcerated trans feminine persons in the United States. The Prison Industrial Complex (PIC) has received increased attention for its disproportionate containment of trans feminine persons, notably trans women of colour. As a system of domination and control, the PIC uses disciplinary and heteronormative time to dominate the bodies and identities of transgender prisoners by limiting the ways in which they can express and experience their identified and embodied genders. By analyzing three case studies from my research with incarcerated trans feminine persons, this paper illustrates how temporality is complexly woven through trans feminine prisoners' experiences of transitioning in the PIC. For incarcerated trans feminine persons, the interruption, refusal, or permission of transitioning in the PIC invites several gendered pasts into a body's present and places these temporalities in conversation with varying futures as the body's potential. Analyzing trans temporalities reveals time as layered through gender, inviting multiple pasts and futures to circulate around and through the body's present in ways that can be both harmful to, and necessary for, the assertion and survival of trans feminine identities in the PIC.
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Schey, Ryan. „The Queer Temporalities of (Im)Possible School Futures: Transness, Christian Epistemologies, and Racial Anxiety in a Secondary Classroom“. Research in the Teaching of English 58, Nr. 2 (01.11.2023): 129–55.

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Drawing on a yearlong ethnography I conducted at a public, urban, comprehensive high school in the midwestern United States, in this article I analyze a classroom instructional conversation about gender and trans identities in a sophomore humanities (grade 10) course that combined English language arts and social studies. In the conversation, youth constructed temporalities (i.e., relationships among pasts, presents, and futures) that were out of sync with the temporalities sanctioned by the school. In doing so, they drew on ideologies about gender, religion, race, sexuality, and class. Yet different youth offered futures that were incommensurate, particularly because they clashed over whether temporalities were rigid, fixed, and unchangeable or fluid, variable, multiple, and thus open to change. Being out of sync signaled possibilities, but not guarantees, of more just futures and suggested a need for literacy educators and researchers to rethink the roles of (un)certainty, (in)stability, and (non)linearity in classroom instruction with respect to sexual and gender diversity. In making this argument, I integrate queer and trans theorizations of temporality and futurity with adolescent queer literacies scholarship, specifically the concept of literacy performances.
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Lessard, David, Isabelle Toupin, Kim Engler, Andràs Lènàrt und Bertrand Lebouché. „HIV-Positive Patients’ Perceptions of Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence in Relation to Subjective Time: Imprinting, Domino Effects, and Future Shadowing“. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (JIAPAC) 17 (01.01.2018): 232595821875920.

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Antiretroviral treatment adherence barriers are major concerns in HIV care. They are multiple and change over time. Considering temporality in patients’ perceptions of adherence barriers could improve adherence management. We explored how temporality manifests itself in patients’ perceptions of adherence barriers. We conducted 2 semi-structured focus groups on adherence barriers with 12 adults with HIV which were analyzed with grounded theory. A third focus group served to validate the results obtained. Three temporal categories were manifest in HIV-positive patients’ perceptions of barriers: (1) imprinting (events with lasting impacts on patients), (2) domino effects (chain of life events), and (3) future shadowing (apprehension about long-term adherence). An overarching theme, weathering (gradual erosion of abilities to adhere), traversed these categories. These temporalities explain how similar barriers may be perceived differently by patients. They could be useful to providers for adapting their interventions and improving understanding of patients’ subjective experience of adherence.
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Pearson, Steven. „Multiple Temporalities, Layered Histories“. Contemporaneity: Historical Presence in Visual Culture 6 (30.11.2017): 83–88.

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In Quotational Practices: Repeating the Future in Contemporary Art, Patrick Greaney asserts, “the past matters not only because of what actually happened but also because of the possibilities that were not realized and that still could be. Quotation evokes those possibilities. By repeating the past, artists and writers may be attempting to repeat that past’s unrealized futures.”[1] In the information age, the Internet, for instance, provides us an expanded collection of visual information—quite literally available at our fingertips—summoning together aspects of the past and possibilities of the future into a boundless present. Sketchbook Revisions (2014–2015), a series of mixed-media paintings, represents my attempt to communicate the ways in which I experience my contemporary moment constructed from multiple temporalities excavated from my past. This body of work combines fragments of representational paintings created between 1995 and 2003 and nonrepresentational renderings produced between 2003 and 2014. Using traditional tracing paper and graphic color, I randomly select moments of my previous work to transfer and layer over selected areas of already-filled pages of a sketchbook I used from 2003 to 2004. These sketches depict objects I encountered in studio art classrooms and iconic architecture on the campus of McDaniel College, and often incorporate teaching notes. The final renditions of fragmented and layered histories enact the ways that we collectively experience multiple temporalities in the present. Quoting my various bodies of work, Sketchbook Revisions challenges both material and conceptual boundaries that determine fixed notions of artistic identity.
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Kierulf, Caroline. „Printmaking and multiple temporalities“. Journal of Visual Art Practice 14, Nr. 3 (02.09.2015): 179–91.

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Folkers, Andreas. „Fossil modernity: The materiality of acceleration, slow violence, and ecological futures“. Time & Society 30, Nr. 2 (19.02.2021): 223–46.

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This article seeks to materialize social theories of modern temporalities. It proposes a tempo-material analysis of carbon resources like coal, oil, and gas to illuminate how fossil materialities both underpin and undermine modern temporalities and introduce the notion of fossil modernity to evoke an understanding of the modern composed of multiple conflicting modes of material temporality. Fossil resources (fossil fuels and petrochemical substances) drive the pace and progressive perspective of modernity. The residuals of these resources (CO2, plastic waste, and petrochemical toxins) confront societies with long-lasting ecological damage. Fossil fuels helped to produce the expectation of growth and endless possibility. Fossil residuals create a horizon of ecological liabilities in which past options have become future obligations. This renders the pretences of “modernization” understood as a process of constant renewal and innovation problematic. The article argues that modern societies cannot simply overcome their material–temporal predicaments through “decarbonization” because even after a shift to solar power, organic agriculture, and sustainable plastics, the fossil past will continue to influence, inform, and incite social operations. The article thus shows how different responses to the problems of fossil modernity need to go back to and emerge from the material residues of the past: this goes for bio-capitalist projects seeking to “recycle” the entropic temporality of fossil residuals as well as for environmental justice movements that decipher these residuals as indexes of social asymmetries and call for socio-ecological “redistribution.”
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Feldberg, Olya. „From dinosaurs to nuclear fallout: Multiple temporalities of scale in memory studies“. Memory Studies 16, Nr. 6 (Dezember 2023): 1594–608.

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The purpose of this article is to explore potential avenues for the forthcoming “fourth wave” of memory studies, building upon existing theories of temporality in the field. By focusing on relative duration, particularly short-term versus long-term perspectives, it argues for the differentiation between objects of remembering, such as events and conditions, and modes of remembering, such as commemoration, legacy, and heritage. The article argues that our present moment is characterized by the proliferation of temporalities of various scales and the complex interplay between forms of memory and the scales against which it is constructed. This argument is illustrated by the different forms of the Chernobyl disaster remembering in Russia as well as Putin’s strategic use of historical analogies from the distant past. Finally, the article proposes an agenda for the politics of time, expanding the scope of the “politics of memory” to encompass the social construction of past, present, and future on different scales and their use by existing systems of power.
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Lainez, Nicolas. „Treading water: Street sex workers negotiating frantic presents and speculative futures in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam“. Time & Society 28, Nr. 2 (22.06.2018): 804–27.

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Structural conditions shape the temporalities that govern the lives of street sex workers operating in Châu Đốc, a small town in Southern Vietnam. These women live each day as they come and make decisions based on quick returns and the management of daily needs, prioritizing short-term solutions over planning for the future. The ethnographic study of the multiple temporalities that govern street sex work, family care, gambling and debt-juggling practices shows that these women live in a frantic present-oriented temporality that is filled with pressing tasks and routines. This leads to an uncertain future that engenders various forms of hopeful and speculative behaviour, but precludes systematic planning. As a result, these women are treading water: putting effort into keep themselves afloat but never furthering their status and lives or catching up with the currents of development and progress. Overall, this article argues that this day-to-day lifestyle goes hand in hand with the linear and future-oriented time of capitalism and wage-labour that has infiltrated everyday life in post-reform Vietnam.
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This article seeks to conceptualise time and temporality in the context of semi-peripheral social relations, with a particular focus on the transnational dimensions of policy translation. In particular, we show how, albeit within the co-existence of multiple temporalities, ‘policy time’ and ‘time in policy’ tends to enable and privilege particular kinds of policy processes over others. Revisiting a number of themes from our ethnographic work on social policy reform drawn, mainly, from the post-Yugoslav and Hungarian context and relating, mainly, to so-called ‘Europeanisation’ processes, allows us to foreground the spatio-temporal dimensions of policy processes. The text explores some key challenges in terms of how to treat time within critical policy studies.
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Araújo, Janice débora De alencar batista, Rebeka Rodrigues alves da Costa und Ana maria Monte coelho Frota. „de chrónos à aión – onde habitam os tempos da infância?“ childhood & philosophy 17 (02.05.2021): 01–24.

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This article reflects on childhood times based on the words chrónos, kairós and aión, which the Greeks use to conceptualize time, in dialogue with different authors, such as Kohan (2007, 2009, 2018), Pohlmann (2005), Skliar (2018), Kohan and Fernandes (2020). In the pedagogical field, we explore how Pedagogy of Childhood has focused on the importance of childhood temporality and children’s agency, with contributions from Hoyuelos (2020), Parrini (2016), Aguilera et al. (2020), Barbosa (2013), Oliveira-Formosinho e Araújo (2013), Oliveira-Formosinho (2018), Pinazza and Gobbi (2014). We reflect on what forms of organizing time are possible when we think about children and their childhoods. Would it be a continuous and chronological time, a time of opportunity for the instant (kairos) or the timeless intensity of the aiónic? Would it be possible to open spaces in school for other temporalities, given its immersion in chronological time (chronos), and its extreme emphasis on routine? We seek a relationship between forms of temporality, philosophy, and early education in order to explore alternative possibilities in the relationship between child and the school context, and conclude that, since the child’s is the aiónic time of intense experience, it is in the heightened dynamic immediacy and the multiple symbolic languages of play that it may be possible to create pedagogical structures that provide a dwelling for childhood temporality.
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Hudson, Joanne. „The Multiple Temporalities ofInformal Spaces“. Geography Compass 9, Nr. 8 (August 2015): 461–81.

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Hardt, Michael. „Multiple Temporalities of the Movements“. tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society 15, Nr. 2 (29.05.2017): 390–92.

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Opitz, Sven, und Ute Tellmann. „Future Emergencies: Temporal Politics in Law and Economy“. Theory, Culture & Society 32, Nr. 2 (16.12.2014): 107–29.

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This article develops a notion of the ‘politics of time’ in order to analyse the effects that imaginations of future emergencies have in the fields of law and economy. Building on Niklas Luhmann’s theory of social time, it focuses on the multiplex temporalities in contemporary society, which are shown to interact differently with the ‘emergency imaginary’. We demonstrate that the apprehension of the future in terms of sudden, unpredictable and potentially catastrophic events reinforces current modes of producing financial futurity, while it undermines the procedural rhythm and retroactive sentencing of liberal law. As a whole, the article supplements the analysis of the ‘politics of truth’ prevalent in the current debate about precaution and pre-emption with a theoretical perspective on social temporality.
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Polomeni, A. „À défaut d’« après » : myélome multiple et temporalités“. Psycho-Oncologie 8, Nr. 2 (Juni 2014): 84–88.

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Anderson, Caitlin. „Bee and Tree Temporality in The History of Bees and The Overstory“. Journal of Ecohumanism 1, Nr. 1 (23.01.2022): 19–30.

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The loss of biodiversity through a rapidly changing climate means humans can no longer assume their longevity on Earth; a crisis that has prompted a wave of literary imaginings. This article examines Maja Lunde’s The History of Bees (2015) and Richard Powers’ The Overstory (2018). Through comparing these authors’ contrasting treatment of temporality, I argue that both novels perform crucial cultural work in destabilising myopic perspectives on human and environmental paradigms and depict human and more-than-human experiences of time. My article investigates how extensive scales and multiple temporalities can be imagined in literature. By illustrating the complexity of scale and time, Lunde and Powers combat narrow, anthropocentric depictions of nature in favour of holistic, multi-faceted depictions of nature. Lunde’s and Powers’ treatment of time illuminates methods that diversify perspectives of human citizenship in, and relationship to, a more-than-human world. Through examining each narrative’s multi-layering of temporalities, this article explores how The History of Bees and The Overstory each capture the complexities of ecological life in an attempt to enlarge and redirect attention to both the minute and cosmological layers of time.
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Hilte, Mats Bertil. „The Concept of Recovery and Temporality in Drug User´s Stories“. SUCHT 68, Nr. 2 (01.04.2022): 97–105.

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Abstract: Background: Temporality and the embodiment of time is an important dimension in different recovery models, as well as in drug users’ recovery stories. Aim: The main objective of this article is twofold: first, to perform a critical analysis of prominent recovery models and their multiple temporalities, and second, to explore of how female drug users, enrolled in drug treatment, narrate their recovery process. Methods: The empirical data is drawn from a previous work, which focused on female drug users, their experiences of drug use, and of being enrolled in drug treatment. That study, which is now revisited, was designed as a qualitative case study based on semi-structured, tape-recorded, and transcribed interviews with 29 recovering drug users. Results/Conclusion: The findings in this study indicate the existence of different recovery stories – a therapeutic story, a cognitive one, and a twelve-step story. These stories embody differing motives and temporalities. In the process of developing new stories of themselves, the women in recovery reorder their narratives and open up to connect with the past and present, and thereby initiate a process leading to new interpretations of self.
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Acocella, Antonio. „Hans Döllgast. Ricostruzione della Alte Pinakothek, Monaco, Germania“. Firenze Architettura 27, Nr. 1-2 (30.01.2024): 162–73.

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L’Alte Pinakothek conferma l’idea dell’aspetto differito e collettivo delle opere d’architettura, mostrando come la loro vita non sia mai frutto di un soggetto e di un tempo univoci. La sua esemplarità risiede, in primis, nel modo in cui tali temporalità differite e autorialità molteplici siano riuscite a ‘mantenere in vita’ l’edificio nel segno della continuità dei tratti fondativi del progetto. The Alte Pinakothek confirms the idea of the deferred and collective aspect of architectural works, and shows how their existence is never the result of a single subject and a specific time. Its exemplary nature lies, first and foremost, in the way in which such deferred temporalities and multiple authorships have succeeded in “keeping the building alive”, under the sign of the continuity of the founding features of the project.
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Riva, Sara, Tess Altman und Gerhard Hoffstaedter. „Editorial Introduction: Neoliberal Temporalities and Expertise in Migration Governance“. Migration and Society 7, Nr. 1 (01.06.2024): 1–11.

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Abstract This Special Section addresses the political effects of the increasing confluence between humanitarian, securitizing, and neoliberal logics in contemporary migration governance through the themes of temporality and expertise. Urgent temporalities and global expertise work to control migrant mobilities and amplify neoliberal values of efficiency, productivity, and universality while marginalizing alternative and local knowledges. Five interdisciplinary articles focus on the role humanitarian organizations play in migration governance at multiple scales, in different global contexts and through a range of methods. The contributors highlight the entanglement of state and non-state actors in humanitarian settings, and consider how they may perpetuate and/or challenge neoliberal bordering regimes. United by an intersectional feminist approach, a key aim is to interrogate power relations and to explore hopeful avenues for political resistance.
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Jordheim, Helge, und Einar Wigen. „Conceptual Synchronisation: From Progress to Crisis“. Millennium: Journal of International Studies 46, Nr. 3 (Juni 2018): 421–39.

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International order is also temporal order, based on the alignment, more precisely, the synchronisation of the multiple times at work on a global scale. Synchronicity between cultures, languages, and polities does not emerge by itself. To create temporal orderings on a global scale requires work: political, social, and linguistic. Some work of synchronisation is performed by technological innovations such as clocks, trains, telegraph lines, phones, satellites etc. Another set of tools, however, is linguistic, made up by concepts used to make historical and political time understandable and workable. Concepts are used to order events, objects and polities temporally, thus making both them and their temporality aspects of international order. By drawing together experiences, events, and meanings from different knowledge fields or cultures, they synchronise them, aligning their speeds, rhythms, and durations. One of the most central concepts that have been used in synchronisation over the past two centuries is progress. In this article we map out how it has synchronised temporalities on a global scale, and ask whether progress is in the process of being replaced by the concept of crisis as the main tool for synchronising temporalities in international society – using examples from political and administrative rhetoric as well as anthropological studies.
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Wigen, Einar. „The Multiple Temporalities of Epidemic Endings“. Centaurus 64, Nr. 1 (Juni 2022): 273–86.

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Fitz-Henry, Erin. „Multiple Temporalities and the Nonhuman Other“. Environmental Humanities 9, Nr. 1 (Mai 2017): 1–17.

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Brandão, Juliana. „Excavating Temporalities“. Habitus 15, Nr. 2 (21.12.2017): 207.

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Does archeology only handles the past? Is studying recent contexts through archeology a valid proposal? The past ten years have seen an increase in the interest of studying the ‘contemporary past’, term infused with a singularity that has been discussed by several archeologists: it is, simultaneously, past and present, rupturing with the concept of linearity of time. This is more perceived in research with historical contexts as the object, because artifacts, documents and oral reports inflate with multiple temporalities the archaeological narratives. In this article, I aim to provoke thought on how our conceptions of time influence the archeology métier. Using as example my PhD research in development, which analyzes an old psychiatric institution from Minas Gerais – Hospital Colônia – I aim to highlight the potentials of a work concerned with recent contexts, in which the temporal perspective is multiple and not linear. Escavando temporalidades Arqueologia é apenas sobre passado? É válido e possível estudar arqueologicamente contextos recentes? Neste artigo pretendo fazer uma pequena provocação no sentido de pensar como nossas concepções de tempo influenciam nosso métier e, utilizando minha pesquisa doutoral como exemplo, chamarei a atenção para os potenciais de um trabalho preocupado com contextos recentes, cuja perspectiva temporal é múltipla e não linear.
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Bailey, Robert, und Cristina Albu. „The Temporalities of Soviet and Postcommunist Visual Culture: Boris Groys and Petre Petrov in Conversation“. Contemporaneity: Historical Presence in Visual Culture 1 (01.06.2011): 41–60.

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This discussion took place on April 21, 2010 in the Humanities Center at the University of Pittsburgh. Over the course of two hours, we, Robert Bailey and Cristina Albu, posed to Boris Groys and Petre Petrov a series of questions about temporality and visual culture in the Soviet Union, contemporary Russia, and other formerly communist countries in Eastern Europe. Our hope was to identify the paradoxical instances when multiple temporalities coexist or compete for control of time, or where different forces impose their respective narratives, chronologies, or histories on the same moments and events. We are grateful to Professors Groys and Petrov for their careful and considered answers to our questions. Thanks are also due to Professors Jonathan Arac and Todd Reeser at the Humanities Center for facilitating the discussion, as well as to Contemporaneity editors Heidi Cook, Amy Cymbala, and Rachel Miller for their help with transcription.
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Younis, Musab. „Race, the World and Time: Haiti, Liberia and Ethiopia (1914–1945)“. Millennium: Journal of International Studies 46, Nr. 3 (27.05.2018): 352–70.

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This article explores the role played by time in the maintenance of global racial difference with reference to the precarious sovereignties of Haiti, Liberia and Ethiopia during the interwar period. It suggests that the experiences of these states, understood through the discourses which sought to both support and undermine them, point to a shift away from juridical division in global order and towards a hierarchy framed in terms of racialised temporalities. While postcolonial scholarship can help us to understand this shift, it has not fully comprehended the interpenetration of multiple forms of temporality in the service of colonial and racial ordering. For interwar intellectuals and activists committed to pan-African liberation, the desire for a new world order free from racialised stratification meant an engagement with sites of black sovereignty that was, by necessity, ambivalent and strategic in its approach to the politics of time.
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Isberg, Erik. „Multiple Temporalities in a New Geological Age“. Geschichte und Gesellschaft 46, Nr. 4 (09.12.2020): 729–35.

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Simpson, Barbara, und John Sillince. „The Multiple Temporalities of Changeful Organizational Practice“. Academy of Management Proceedings 2013, Nr. 1 (Januar 2013): 11613.

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Fortis, Paolo. „On the multiple temporalities of Guna woodcarving“. Cahiers d'anthropologie sociale N° 19, Nr. 2 (30.08.2021): 107–23.

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