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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Telemidi"


Wang, Chunxia, Shuqiang Li und Charles R. Haddad. „A new species of the spider genus Cangoderces (Araneae, Telemidae) from South Africa“. African Invertebrates 59, Nr. 1 (21.03.2018): 37–46.

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A new species of the spider family Telemidae from South Africa, Cangodercesglobosa sp. n., is diagnosed, described and illustrated. This is the second species of the family to be recorded from the country. Consistent with the habits of most Afrotropical telemids, C.globosa sp. n. was collected by sifting leaf litter in forests.
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JOCQUÉ, RUDY, MERLIJN JOCQUE und MENARD MBENDE. „A new Cangoderces (Araneae, Telemidae) from DR Congo, the first telemid from Central Africa“. Zootaxa 5162, Nr. 4 (08.07.2022): 430–38.

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Spiders collected as part of a rapid biodiversity survey in lowland forest in Democratic Republic Congo contained a new species of Cangoderces Harington, 1951 (Telemidae). The male of the new Cangoderces wewef sp. n. is characterized by the male palp with a deep triangular dorsal indentation of the bulbus and the apophyses at the base of the embolus. The female is recognized by the shape of the sclerotized spermatheca in the endogyne. The presence of the species in DR Congo fills the huge distribution gap between the species known from South Africa, Kenya and western Africa.
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BRESCOVIT, ANTONIO DOMINGOS, JONAS EDUARDO GALLÃO und IGOR CIZAUSKAS. „A new species of Pinelema Wang & Li, 2012, a relictual telemid spider inhabiting caves in Brazil (Araneae, Telemidae)“. Zootaxa 5383, Nr. 3 (12.12.2023): 352–64.

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A new species of the genus Pinelema Wang & Li, 2012, occurring in caves of the state of Bahia in Northeastern Brazil, is described and illustrated. This species has the typical troglobitic characters, such as the absence of eyes, elongation of legs and setae, and pale, almost depigmented, somatic coloration. Data on the natural history of populations of P. elinae sp. nov. from caves in the Serra do Ramalho, State of Bahia, are presented. This work represents the first description of a relictual species of Telemidae spiders in Brazil.
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Prawiroharjo, Pukovisa, Peter Pratama und Nurfanida Librianty. „Layanan Telemedis di Indonesia: Keniscayaan, Risiko, dan Batasan Etika“. Jurnal Etika Kedokteran Indonesia 3, Nr. 1 (26.02.2019): 1.

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Layanan telemedis memberikan kesempatan kepada dokter dan pasien untuk saling berinteraksi dari jarak jauh. Layanan telemedis antara dokter dan dokter telah lama berkembang dalam bentuk konsul, dan saat ini telesurgery dan teleradiologi merupakan fitur yang potensial untuk dikembangkan. Sementara itu layanan telemedis dokter-pasien makin berkembang bersama dunia internet, dan harus memperhatikan keterbatasan keyakinan profesional dokter terhadap kondisi klinis pasien, harapan dokter dan pasien dari layanan telemedis, dan aspek konfidensialitas informasi. Layanan telemedis memberikan kesempatan untuk menyelenggarakan praktik kedokteran yang terbebas dari batasan jarak, namun hendaknya tidak diarahkan untuk menggantikan interaksi tatap muka dokter-pasien. Layanan telemedis sebagai bagian dari kemajuan teknologi memang bersifat disruptif, oleh karena itu diperlukan regulasi untuk memastikan perkembangan layanan telemedis sesuai dengan tujuan dan nilai-nilai luhur etika kedokteran berdasarkan Kode Etik Kedokteran dan Sumpah Dokter. Pemerintah, Ikatan Dokter Indonesia, dan Majelis Kehormatan Etik Kedokteran diharapkan dapat mendukung dan mengawal perkembangan layanan telemedis ini ke arah yang baik dan saling bekerja sama dalam audit dan evaluasi layanan-layanan telemedis di Indonesia.
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Meisari, Winda Azmi, Nannyk Widyaningrum, Primanda Budi Utami und Tafdilla Rahmawati. „Pendampingan Masyarakat dalam Penggunaan Aplikasi Telemedis“. Seandanan: Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat 3, Nr. 1 (30.06.2023): 48–52.

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Kegiatan pengabdian masyarkat ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tingkat pemahaman warga tentang pemanfaatan telemedis sebagai media sarana penunjang masyarakat untuk upaya preventif dalam Kesehatan diri, dalam proses pelaksanaan kajian studi kemasyarakatan, juga dilakukan sosialisasi tentang pemanfaatan telemedis serta fungsi telemedis untuk mengurangi aktifitas keluar rumah untuk berobat, dengan memanfaatkan telemedis masyarakat bisa melakukan screening awal untuk menilai kapan harus segera kerumah sakit atau hanya perlu perawatan di rumah, mengingat telemedis juga merupakan telekomunikasi secara langsung baik via chat atau face time, serta pemesanan obat, dan melakukan update Riwayat pemerikasaan. Dalam pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarkat ini, dilakukan kajian untuk menggali pemahaman Masyarakat, dan dari hasil kajian diketahuai bahwa dari 30 responden yang terlibat dalam kajian ini hanya 3 orang yang memahami tentang pemanfaatan telemedis, dan dari 3 orang tersebut hanya 1 responden yang benar-benar memanfaatan aplikasi telemedis yaitu Halodoc dan Alodokter, dengan lama penggunaan kurang lebih 2 tahun terakhir, dari total seluruh responden sebanyak 30 orang. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa masih banyak warga yang belum mengenal telemedis secara penuh, sehingga sangat kurang memanfaatkan aplikasi telemedis
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Ginting, Litri Artiani, Sakinah Yusro Pohan und Anni Mardiah Pohan. „Telemedis Dalam Pelayanan Perawatan Kehamilan“. Jurnal Kesehatan Ilmiah Indonesia (Indonesian Health Scientific Journal) 9, Nr. 1 (24.06.2024): 178–92.

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Latar Belakang: Selama beberapa tahun, pelayanan perawatan kehamilan di berbagai tempat melibatkan 12-14 kunjungan tatap muka selama kehamilan. Telemedis mulai diterapkan untuk mengurangi kunjungan tatap muka karena adanya pandemi COVID. Tujuan: artikel ini bertujuan untuk meninjau kemajuan terkini dalam telemedis yang digunakan untuk memberikan pelayanan perawatan kehamilan. Metode: Scooping Metode berdasarkan Arskey & O’Malley. Hasil: Kami melakukan tinjauan naratif yang meneliti dampak telemedis terhadap perawatan kehamilan. Ada dua jenis telemedis yang digunakan dalam perawatan kehamilan. Yang pertama adalah telemedis real-time, dimana konsultasi dilakukan secara virtual, bukan tatap muka. Yang kedua adalah pemantauan jarak jauh, dimana pemeriksaan fisik di klinik digantikan dengan pemeriksaan alternatif di rumah. Ini dapat mencakup pemantauan tekanan darah, pemantauan detak jantung janin, dan teknologi baru seperti tele-ultrasound. Telemedis dalam layanan antenatal tampaknya dapat diterima baik oleh wanita hamil maupun penyedia layanan kesehatan. Kesimpulan: Penerapan teknologi telemedis dapat meningkatkan pengalaman perawatan antenatal bagi perempuan dan mengurangi pengeluaran layanan kesehatan tanpa memberikan dampak buruk pada kesehatan ibu dan bayinya. Diperlukan lebih banyak penelitian untuk memastikan bahwa telemedis tidak mengubah risiko kejadian langka seperti kematian ibu dan bayi.
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Jeune-Smith, Yolaine, Gorica Malisanovic, Bruce A. Feinberg und Ajeet Gajra. „Adoption of telemedicine (Telemed) by medical oncologists/hematologists (mO/H) during the COVID-19 pandemic.“ Journal of Clinical Oncology 39, Nr. 28_suppl (01.10.2021): 285.

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285 Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically impacted access to and delivery of healthcare in the U.S. At the height of the pandemic, many practices began initiating or increasing telemed visits to meet care demands in a quarantined environment. The objective of this descriptive study was to assess mO/H perceptions of benefits and barriers to current and post-pandemic use of telemed in oncology. Methods: Web-based surveys were fielded to mO/H before virtual meetings held between September and November 2020. Participants submitted their demographic information and responses to questions about pandemic impacts on their practice and patients. Responses were aggregated and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: A total of 259 mO/H across the U.S. completed the survey; 73% practice in a community setting; 44% identify as hospital employees. The participants spend a median of 90% of their working time in direct patient care, have a median of 18 years of clinical experience, and see a median of 20 patients per day on clinic days. Before the pandemic, 92% of the participants’ practices had telemed capabilities but of those, 77% were not utilizing telemed for any visits. During the pandemic, almost all the participants’ practices were offering telemed, with 97% reporting some patient visits being conducted via telemed. Most (78%) anticipate continuing to offer or conduct some patient visits via telemed. Two-thirds stated that up to 25% of their patient visits could be converted to telemed outside of a pandemic environment. The types of visits that most believe are suitable for telemed include reviewing test/lab results, routine surveillance of chronic conditions, and survivorship care visits. Most (60%) stated that their patients view telemed favorably. About half reported a positive overall experience with telemed, with 47% reporting a better-than-expected experience. Most (79%) estimated that pivoting to telemed equates to a revenue loss of up to 50% for that visit; 53% feel that telemed has had an overall negative financial impact on their practice. Two-thirds have experienced challenges getting reimbursed for telemed claims. The most common challenges with telemed reported were reluctance or inability of patients to participate in telemed (39%) and technology challenges (37%). The most common benefit of telemed reported was safety, i.e., less potential exposure to COVID-19 for providers and staff (65%). Conclusions: Telemed use was infrequent before the pandemic, but utilization has dramatically increased during the pandemic. Despite favorable experiences with telemed, mO/H expect telemed use to decline significantly post-pandemic. This prediction may be driven by the perceived loss of revenue when an in-person visit is converted to telemed visit. Further research is needed in identifying factors that may allow for the long-term adoption of telemed for appropriate patients.
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Putri, Tiar Anindya. „Kebijakan Pembatasan Sosial Berkala: Prediksi Sikap Masyarakat terhadap Telemedis Selama Pandemi COVID-19“. Jurnal Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi (JustIN) 10, Nr. 4 (25.12.2022): 460.

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Kebijakan pemerintah untuk pembatasan sosial berkala dan Adaptasi kebiasaan Baru (AKB), mendorong masyarakat untuk menyesuaikan perilaku dengan menyesuaikan diri mematuhi protokol kesehatan yang ditetapkan sejak hadirnya pandemi COVID-19 di Indonesia. Dalam sektor Kesehatan, penyesuaian dilakukan dengan gencarnya pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat secara daring. Telemedis dapat memberikan pelayanan perawatan rutin tanpa risiko tertular Covid-19 karena dilakukan secara daring. Meskipun Telemedis menawarkan banyak manfaat potensial, namun mendorong penggunaannya pada masyarakat merupakan sebuah tantangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi sikap terhadap Telemedis selama masa pembatasan sosial dan Adaptasi kebiasaan Baru (AKB) pandemi COVID-19 di Indonesia, kemudian menilai kesediaan masyarakat untuk menggunakan layanan tersebut di masa depan, dan mengevaluasi sejauh mana responden telah berubah pikiran tentang layanan ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua pendekatan analisis statistik. Pendekatan pertama adalah studi cross-sectional, deskriptif, dan korelasional dilakukan di antara orang dewasa berusia diatas 19 tahun (> 20 tahun) menggunakan jaringan media sosial (N = 203). Kemudian pendekatan kedua adalah Ordered Logistic Regression Models pada dua butir kuesioner untuk variabel dependen, yaitu memprediksi kesediaan menggunakan telemedis di masa depan dan memprediksi perubahan pikiran tentang telemedis. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner online yang secara eksplisit dirancang untuk mengukur sikap terhadap telemedis. Enam puluh empat persen responden setuju dan sangat setuju bahwa mereka perlu menggunakan telemedis selama masa kebijakan pembatasan sosial dan Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru (AKB) pendemi COVID-19. Namun, meskipun terdapat ketersediaan telemedis selama pembatasan pada masa pandemi COVID-19, tetapi 46,92% responden cenderung tetap lebih suka pergi ke klinik atau rumah sakit. Sebanyak 24,64% responden ragu untuk pergi ke klinik atau rumah sakit, dan 28,44% responden enggan untuk pergi ke klinik atau rumah sakit. Hal ini menjadikan telemedis di Indonesia belum dianggap kebutuhan, namun masih dianggap jalan keluar pertama yang bisa dilakukan di masa pembatasan sosial berkala.
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Hayati, Yetty Husnul, und Abdul Lukman Hakim. „PENGARUH DISKRIMINASI HARGA TERHADAP PENINGKATAN PENJUALAN KARTU PERDANA IM3 PADA PT. NUSAPRO TELEMEDIA PERSADA BOGOR“. JIMFE (Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi) 1, Nr. 2 (27.03.2018): 58–67.

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ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to determine the effect of price discrimination on the level of prime IM3card sales at PT. Nusapro Telemedia Persada. This study on price discrimination and the level of primeIM3 card sales are done PT. Nusapro Telemedia Persada, using price data agency locations and pricesas well as increased sales of retail locations (IDR) on card products prime IM3. The analytical methodthat used is ranging from descriptive analysis using the formulas of multiple regression analysis, multiplecorrelation analysis, as well as testing hipotesis. Price discrimination prime IM3 card company PTNusapro Telemedia Persada is based on two indicators, namely: pricing Agent locations and pricing atretail locations. Application of the implementation of price discrimination on the IM3 SIM CardCompanies PT Nusapro Telemedia Persadais good enough. At company Telemedia Persada PT Nusaproaverage increase or decrease in sales of SIM cards IM3 in 2014 at $ 1,970,569,134. While the effect ofprice discrimination against prime IM3 card sales increase at company PT Nusapro Telemedia Persadaamounting to 68.3% and 31.7% influenced by other factors.Keywords: Discrimination Hara to increased sales
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Eichelberger, Jan. „Telemedizin: Arzthaftung bei telemedi zinischen Angeboten“. kma - Klinik Management aktuell 24, Nr. 04 (April 2019): 92–93.

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Digitalisierung und Vernetzung machen es heute technisch möglich, den klassischen Arzt-Patienten-Kontakt durch den Einsatz von Fern kommunikationsmitteln wie Smartphone und Internet zu ergänzen oder gar zu ersetzen. Die damit verbundenen arzthaftungsrechtlichen Risiken sind nicht zu unterschätzen.
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Dissertationen zum Thema "Telemidi"


Silva, Maria Lucia Valadares e. „Avaliação do hiato planejamento e implementação nas empresas estatais do setor de telecomunicações : o caso TELEMIG“. reponame:Repositório Institucional do FGV, 1994.

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Submitted by Estagiário SPT BMHS ( on 2011-09-16T20:12:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 000064285.pdf: 7958091 bytes, checksum: 6ec0ad149ba92bacd005a2ee785bf50e (MD5)
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o objetivo do presente estudo é duplo: (1) identificar e analisar os fatores que contribuem para acentuar o hiato capacidade de planejar e incapacidade de implementar o planejamento estratégico e (2) analisar e exemplificar a prática do planejamento estratégico nas empresas. estatais do setor de telecomunicações, para que os administradores do setor repensem a atual situaçao das telecomunicações no país e conscientizem-se do seu papel enquanto ator responsável pela proposiçao de um novo modelo institucional que atenda às necessidades da populaçao brasileira. A finalidade aqui, porém, não é analisar os acontecimentos atuais e torná-los justificativa para um novo modelo de planejamento, mas propor um modelo realista capaz de incorporar as variáveis ambientais, ainda que falte os elementos norteadores de uma política de telecomunicações, ou que restrições legais orientem os procedimentos efetivos do trabalho, interferindo no funcionamento quotidiano da organização. No entanto, os elementos restritivos são quase sempre aceitos sem o questionamento devido. Na verdade, as empresas estatais do setor de telecomunicações têm se limitado a arguir sobre o limite de investimento, sob a alegação da forte demanda reprimida, mas até nesse ponto a arguição é frágil, se se considerar a distribuição de rendas no país que toma, cada dia mais, o telefone um artigo de luxo, contrariamente ao que se observa em todo o mundo, onde qualquer evolução de serviços só foi iniciada depois do atendimento básico a toda a população. O estudo é composto de nove capítulos. O primeiro deles é uma introdução ao estudo, através da fonnulação do problema e da situação-problema objeto da pesquisa. No segundo capítulo aborda-se o referencial teórico básico para a formulação de hipóteses para a pesquisa mais adaptadas à Administração Pública. O terceiro, Estratégia e Planejamento Estratégico, tem a preocupação de resgatar na teoria administrativa os aspectos conceituais que poderão ajudar a compreender as especificidades da Administração Pública. No quarto capítulo, sobre a dimensão do planejamento no setor estatal de telecomunicações, discute-se a estrutura do setor, a representatividade das telecomunicações na economia brasileira e a perspectiva dos gerentes de nove empresas operadoras do Sistema Telebrás e de seu Centro de Pesquisa sobre planejamento e sua imprescindibilidade nos ambientes turbulentos e competitivos. O quinto capítulo apresenta o sistema de planejamento adotado pela empresa observada: modelo, características, instrumentos, o perfil do profissional que trabalha em áreas de planejamento e ainda a localização do planejamento na estrutura organizacional. A montagem do perfil é fruto de pesquisa realiz.ada junto a empresa. No sexto capítulo, em oposição ao quinto, apresenta-se o sistema de planejamento sob a ótica de gerentes e funcionários, a partir dos resultados da pesquisa-ação. O que o aspecto formal apresenta em termos de funcionamento ideal do processo de planejamento é criticado pelos gerentes e técnicos, apontando as falhas do processo. No sétimo capitulo se aborda pontos do hiato, caracteristicos do setor de telecomunicaçOes, apontados na pesquisa pelos participantes e hipóteses preliminares da dissertação. Estes pontos constituem efetivas barreiras ao planejamento estratégico, pois justificam a falta de atuação estratégica em decorrência das amarras que sAo impostas às operadoras dos serviços de telecomunicações. Embora sejam preliminares, o capitulo oitavo pretende encaminhar propostas para reformulação do planejamento do Setor de TelecomunicaçOes, através de uma solução alternativa para o Caso-TElEMIG. Finalmente o capítulo nove apresenta algumas considerações finais e conclusivas sobre o tema, objeto da dissertação.
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López, Reyes Luis Andrés. „Análisis de Alternativas de Desarrollo de Sistemas de Medida Avanzada Bajo el Concepto de Redes Inteligentes en Chilectra S.A“. Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2008.

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En este trabajo se analiza el estado del arte de los sistemas de medida orientados a los clientes de baja tensión en Chilectra S.A. y las tendencias de sistemas de medida avanzada en el mundo. Se realiza una evaluación técnica - económica de tres escenarios: Un sistema de lectura remota con corte y reposición del servicio y dos sistemas con diferentes opciones de tarifas y servicios adicionales. Se determinan los beneficios y costos que determinan la rentabilidad del proyecto. En base a los resultados de la evaluación, se desarrolla una propuesta mínima funcional de las características del sistema. Se analizan los riesgos del proyecto, así como las especificaciones que hoy rigen. Se presentan alternativas de sistemas de medida avanzada presentes en el mercado y se plantean políticas a seguir de modo de incrementar la viabilidad del proyecto.
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AUGUST, ANDREA LETICIA, und 歐安蕾. „The Moderating effect of Customer Satisfaction on the relationship between Performance Evaluation and Purchase Intention-Taking Belize Telemedia Limited as Sample“. Thesis, 2018.

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Telecommunications has become a vital part of our daily lives. People have grown accustomed to using telecommunications services, whether a phone call, text message or the internet, and it seems that our daily lives are affected by bad services. A cellular phone has given access to vast amounts of information with a simple click of a button or a tap on a screen. The opportunities that lie in the telecom market seem endless and the growing demand for mobile telephony systems is creating a world-wide market. In the case of Belize, telecommunications is a monopoly industry that with a slow paced growth rate of its services. Customers in Belize have grown accustom to their telecommunications services and are aware of better services in other countries but have no choice but to accept and continue using the services being provided. This research will focus on the significant influence that performance evaluation of Belize Telemedia Limited has on purchase intention of customers. It will also focus on the significant influence on the effect that customer satisfaction has on performance evaluation and purchase intention. This results in this research shows that performance evaluation has a significant influence on the purchase intention of phone services. It also depicts that customer satisfaction has, albeit small, an influence on the relationship between the performance evaluation and purchase intention. Respondents are more inclined to purchase phone services than internet services and are a slightly more satisfied with internet services based on their lack of experience with purchasing and using internet services.
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Bücher zum Thema "Telemidi"


John, Child. Corporate co-evolution: The life and death of Telemig. Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub., 2008.

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International Symposium on Mine Mechanization and Automation (5th 1999 Sudbury, Ontario, Canada). Proceedings of Telemin 1 and 5th International Symposium on Mine Mechanization and Automation. Herausgegeben von Vagenas Nick, Baiden Greg, Scoble Malcolm und Telemin 1 and 5th International Symposium on Mine Mechanization and Automation (5th : 1999 : Sudbury, Ont.). Sudbury, Ont: Miller Publishing, 1999.

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John, Child. Corporate Co-Evolution. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2009.

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Eckert, Sabine, Helmut Hühlbach, Fabian Schuster und Martin Geppert. Vertragshandbuch Telemedia. C.H. Beck, 2001.

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Britain, Great. The Public Telecommunication System Designation (American Telemedia Limited) Order 1997 (Statutory Instruments: 1997: 2771). Stationery Office Books, 1997.

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Britain, Great. The Public Telecommunication System Designation (Tmi Telemedia International Ltd) Order 1997 (Statutory Instruments: 1997: 921). Stationery Office Books, 1997.

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Ltd, ICON Group. TELEMIG CELULAR PARTICIPACOES SA: International Competitive Benchmarks and Financial Gap Analysis (Financial Performance Series). 2. Aufl. Icon Group International, Inc., 2000.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Telemidi"


Ratib, O. „TELEMED project“. In Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) in Medicine, 335–36. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1991.

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Frexia, Francesca, Vittorio Meloni, Mauro Del Rio und Gianluigi Zanetti. „CRS4 Telemed: Open and Low-Cost Technologies for Real-Time Telesonography“. In Innovative Technologies and Signal Processing in Perinatal Medicine, 39–54. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Sinha, Oikantik, Parth Dharmarha und Pravin Kumar. „Application of Goal Programming to Optimize the Schedule and Frequency of Product Advertisement in Telemedia“. In Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 875–84. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021.

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Bradley, Richard A. „FAMILY TELEMIDAE • Longlegged Cave Spiders“. In Common Spiders of North America. University of California Press, 2012.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Telemidi"


Samonte, Mary Jane C., Justin Angelo S. Monasterial, Jona Eliza M. Quirimit und Romeo Robert R. Sulit. „Here2SeeU: TeleMed for the Blind“. In 2024 4th International Conference on Computer Communication and Information Systems (CCCIS), 34–40. IEEE, 2024.

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„TELEMED 2007 Technical Program Committee“. In First International Conference on the Digital Society (ICDS'07). IEEE, 2007.

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Ahmed, Shaftab, und M. Yasin Akhtar Raja. „Telemedic sensor networks and informatics for healthcare services“. In 2009 6th International Symposium on High Capacity Optical Networks and Enabling Technologies (HONET). IEEE, 2009.

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APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

Bartsch, Gerneth und Schosser. „Remote Expert Consultation In Radiology - The Telemed Project“. In Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE, 1992.

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Bartsch, Frank-Reinhard, Marlene Gerneth und Rudolf Schosser. „Digital-image communication in the EC-project TELEMED“. In Medical Imaging 1993, herausgegeben von R. Gilbert Jost. SPIE, 1993.

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Semenets, Valerii, Valeriia Chumak, Iryna Svyd, Oleg Zubkov, Oleksandr Vorgul und Natalia Boiko. „DESIGNING THE STRUCTURE OF A GENERAL-PURPOSE TELEMEDICINE COMPLEX“. In 2021 III International Scientific and Practical Conference Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Device Development on Microcontrollers and FPGAs. MC-ampFPGA-2021, 2021.

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Abstract Taking into account modern trends, the analysis of the construction principles of telemadic systems, networks and complexes is presented in the work. The general structure of providing telemedicine services is developed. Structures of realization of portable and mobile telemedicine complexes are offered. Infocommunication systems and networks for implementation in mobile telemedicine complexes are analyzed. The advantages of using the sensor mobile body area network of the IEEE 802.15.6 WBAN standard in mobile telemedicine complexes are justified. Keywords: telemedicine, telemedicine complex, medical services, device structure, microcontroller, sensor network, wireless sensor body area network.
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Becevic, Mirna, Blake Anderson, Jing Ginger Han, E. Rachel Mutrux, Lanis Hicks, Karen Edison und Chi-Ren Shyu. „TeleMDID: Mobile technology applications for interactive diagnoses in teledermatology clinics“. In 2013 IEEE 15th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom 2013). IEEE, 2013.

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APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

Kreinis, Alex, Tom Damri, Tomer Leon, Marina Litvak und Irina Rabaev. „Telemoji: A video chat with automated recognition of facial expressions“. In 2021 International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP). IEEE, 2021.

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APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

Bartsch, Frank-Reinhard, Marlene Gemeth und Rudolf Schosser. „Remote expert consultation in radiology — The TELEMED project“. In 1992 14th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE, 1992.

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APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

Piyapan, Siriporn, Mathurada Krachaechuang, Tanyawat Samakit, Tanadul Somboonwong, Kankanit Srininrat und Phornphop Naiyanertr. „Telemed noninvasive glucose blood level measuring by near infrared light“. In 2020 8th International Electrical Engineering Congress (iEECON). IEEE, 2020.

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