Dissertationen zum Thema „Systèmes à base de composants concurrents“
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Farhat, Salman. „Safe Dynamic Reconfiguration of Applications with Features“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lille (2022-....), 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024ULILB014.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCloud applications and cyber-physical systems require frequent reconfiguration at run-time to adapt to changing needs and requirements, highlighting the importance of dynamic reconfiguration capabilities. Additionally, the environment platforms can extend and modify their services at run-time, which necessitates a compositional approach to allow the modifications of the configurations. To manage the variability of large systems' architecture, feature models are widely used at design-time with several operators defined to allow their composition. Existing approaches compute new valid configurations either at design time, at runtime, or both, leading to significant computational or validation overheads for each reconfiguration step. In addition, building correct-by-construction formal models to handle application reconfigurations is a complex and error-prone task, and there is a need to make it automated as far as possible.To address these challenges, we propose an approach named FeCo4Reco that leverages feature models to automatically generate, in a component-based formalism called JavaBIP, component-based run-time variability models that respect the feature model constraints. These component-based run-time variability models are executable and can be used at runtime to enforce the variability constraints, that is, to ensure the (partial) validity of all reachable configurations.As complex systems' architectures may evolve at run-time by acquiring new functionalities while respecting new constraints, we define composition operators for component-based run-time variability models that not only encode these feature model composition operators, but also ensure safe run-time reconfiguration. To prove the correctness and compositionality properties, we propose a novel multi-step UP-bisimulation equivalence and use it to show that the component-based run-time variability models preserve the semantics of the composed feature models.For the experimental evaluation, we demonstrated the applicability of our approach in real-world scenarios by generating a run-time model based on the feature model of the Heroku cloud platform using our approach. This model is then used to deploy a real-world web application on the Heroku platform. Furthermore, we measured the time and memory overheads induced by the generated run-time models on systems involving up to 300 features. The results show that the overheads are negligible, demonstrating the practical interest of our approach
Nguyen, Thanh-Hung. „Vérification Constructive des Systèmes à base de Composants“. Phd thesis, Grenoble, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010GRENM020.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe goal of the thesis is to develop theory, methods and tools for the compositional and incremental verification for component-based systems. We propose a compositional verification method for proving safety properties. The method is based on the use of two kinds of invariants: component invariants which express local aspects of systems and interaction invariants which characterize global constraints induced by synchronizations between components. We provide efficient methods for computing these invariants. We also propose a new technique that takes the incremental design of the system into account. The integration of verification into design process allows to detect an error as soon as it appears. Moreover, the technique helps to avoid redoing all the verification process by reusing intermediate verification results. It takes advantage of the system structure for coping with complexity of the global verification and therefore, reduces significantly the cost of verification in both time and memory usage. The methods have been implemented in D-Finder tool-set. The experimental results obtained on non trivial examples and case studies show the efficiency of our methods as well as the capacity of D-Finder
Nguyen, Thanh-Hung. „Vérification Constructive des Systèmes à base de Composants“. Phd thesis, Grenoble, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00485933.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBen, Hafaiedh Imane. „Systèmes à base de composants : du design à l'implémentation“. Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00573291.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAl, Masri Nada. „Modèle d'Administration des Systèmes Distribués à Base de Composants“. Phd thesis, INSA de Lyon, 2005. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00474407.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleYoussef, Lilia. „Construction de systèmes répartis sécurisés à base de composants“. Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00721746.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleHamouche, Rédha. „Modélisation des systèmes embarqués à base de composants et d'aspects“. Evry-Val d'Essonne, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004EVRY0015.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis work address embedded systems design. It proposes a modelling approach that faces the complexity of theses systems, reduces their design time and covers their different and multiple application domains (Models of Computation). This approach, called ModelJ, is based on two main paradigms recently appeared in software engineeriing : the component and the aspect paradigms. The component paradigm addresses the system complexity and improves reusability where as the aspect paradigm deals with the flexibility and adaptability of system descriptions. The proposed approach defines a metamodel and a framework. The metamodel provides a set of reusable and modular abstract models for describing the embedded system in a language-independent way. The framework is the software environment that implements the defined metamodel and allows to model, develop and simulate the system
Skiba, Karima. „Modélisation de systèmes intégrés à base de composants électroniques virtuels“. Grenoble INPG, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002INPG0088.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRenaux, Emmanuel. „Définition d'une démarche de conception de systèmes à base de composants“. Lille 1, 2004. https://ori-nuxeo.univ-lille1.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/9f245270-7f66-4a80-842b-e1a2e267e31b.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLa vue de cas d'utilisation permet de décrire les besoins des utilisateurs finaux et les dépendances entre composants au niveau fonctionnel. La vue d'interactions des éléments du système donne une représentation plus fine des dépendances entre composants par échange de message et permet de définir les interfaces. La vue de conception de composants décrit la structure des composants. La vue d'assemblage des composants logiques décrit le modèle du système. Chaque vue est décrite par une partie du méta-modèle définissant les concepts mis en jeu et leurs relations. Ce méta-modèle garantit la cohérence entre les vues et les activités sous-jacentes. Ce formalisme, ainsi que la démarche améliorent le portage des composants modélisés vers des composants de plate-formes technologiques spécifiques. Cependant, la projection vers ces plate-formes reste difficile. Elle peut être assistée par le biais de projections vers des modèles intermédiaires. La thèse présente l'implantation d'une chaîne globale de conception de composants qui s'appuie principalement sur l'atelier ouvert Eclipse utilisé aussi bien dans l'industrie que dans le monde académique. L'implantation d'un modèle intermédiaire par un framework enrichissant le modèle EJB, montre que cette démarche augmente la productivité de systèmes à base de composants. Ils sont mieux conçus et les possibilités de courtage et de réutilisation de composants préfabriqués sont accrues. Enfin, l'étude d'un mécanisme d'extensibilité de notre modèle offre des perspectives d'adaptation de notre travail à d'autres paradigmes et d'autres démarches qui devraient permettre une exploitation plus large de notre travail
Navas, Juan F. „Une infrastructure pour l'optimisation de systèmes embarqués évolutifs à base de composants logiciels“. Brest, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011BRES2013.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRegarding embedded systems software which is open to change, we find (i) the need for a model of the structuring of software that facilitates the development process, (ii) the ability to make evolve the system behavior at execution-time, to adapt to changes in its environment, and (iii) the accounting of the physical resources limitations in execution platforms. The use of software components is a design approach which, though the abstraction of technical details, cases software complexity management. It meets the first requirement and is the basis of our proposals. Based on this approach, we intend to answer the following question: how components should be developed to satisfy the requirements that derive from strong physical constraints and the need of software evolution? To answer this question, we first introduce the notion of component reification. A reification is a collection of data and behaviors that encapsulate aspects of the component at a specific point of its life-cycle. Based in this concept, we then propose optimization techniques for the generation of the glue code that ensures the interoperability of components, in order to satisfy the physical constraints due to limited resources. These techniques make possible the definition of optimization levels for each instance of the component model entities, which allows us to adjust the performance of the software to its (extra)functional needs. Then, we define four categories of evolution based on evolution my characteristics of each entity of the model, and we deploy an evolution infrastructure tailored to the systems evolution needs, coupled with the softwares performance requirements
Prada, Rojas Carlos Hernan. „Une approche à base de composants logiciels pour l'observation de systèmes embarqués“. Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00621143.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBasu, Ananda Shankar. „Modélisation à base de composants de systèmes temps réel hétérogènes en BIP“. Grenoble 1, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008GRE10249.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleWe present the BIP component framework for component-based construction of real-time systems from heterogeneous components. BIP stands for Behavior, Interaction and Priority, the three main elements for building components. It considers that systems can be obtained by composition of 3-layered components, where the lowest layer represents behavior as a set of transitions with triggers and actions; the intermediate level is the set of the interactions between the transitions of the behavior level, and the upper level is a set of dynamic priority rules. BIP has a rigorous formal semantics, and supports a system construction methodology based on a parameterized composition operator on components. The use of a layered composition operator allows incremental construction. The system construction process can be viewed as a sequence of transformations in a three-dimensional space of Behavior X Interaction X Priority, and provides a basis for the study of property preserving transformations between subclasses of systems such as untimed/timed, asynchronous/synchronous. We also provide a distributed semantics for systems in BIP, using a partial state model, and show the use of an auxiliary predicate called Oracle to preserve observational equivalence with respect to the centralized semantics. We present an implementation of BIP as a tool chain that allows modeling, static analysis and execution of BIP descriptions on a dedicated engine. Three different implementations for the engine have been provided, a centralized enumerative engine, a centralized symbolic engine and a distributed engine. We illustrate the use of the tool chain for two major application domains, Software Componentization, and Modeling mixed hw/sw systems
Navas, Juan. „Une infrastructure pour l'optimisation de systèmes embarqués évolutifs à base de composants logiciels“. Phd thesis, Université de Bretagne occidentale - Brest, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00624826.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCouturier, Vincent. „L'ingénierie des systèmes d'information coopératifs par réutilisation : une approche à base de patterns“. Lyon 3, 2004. https://scd-resnum.univ-lyon3.fr/out/theses/2004_out_couturier_v.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleOur research work aims at facilitating the engineering of Cooperative Information Systems (CIS) by specifying reusable software patterns. Our patterns are firstly domain patterns that are reusable during analysis and design stages of the process of CIS engineering. Technical support patterns form reusable structures dedicated to the implementation of objects specified in our cooperation design patterns and describe how to build an application. Moreover, utilization support patterns form guidelines helping designers to reuse former patterns. Finally, we propose a general process for developing CIS by reuse of patterns. This process covers all the development stages (analysis, design and implementation) and contributes to the rapid development of CIS
Özcan, Ali Erdem. „Conception et implantation d’un environnement de développement de logiciels à base de composants, applications aux systèmes multiprocesseurs sur puce“. Grenoble INPG, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007INPG0080.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleOur work aims at the definition of an open and extensible development environment for supporting the design and implementation of component based software. Our proposition takes the form of a component based software architecture compilation toolset, accepting architectures described in different languages, and providing different functionalities such as code generation and deployment. The extensibility of the toolset is achieved thanks to a fine-grained component-based architecture, implementing a set of extensible programming patterns, and to a plug-in support for loading third party extensions. Two evaluation use-cases set up in the context of system-on-chips are presented in order to illustrate the effectiveness of our approach. The first use-case presents the development of operating system kernels. The second one describes the extension of the toolset with a synchronization pattern description language for easing the development of distributed streaming applications
Kanso, Bilal. „Modélisation et validation des systèmes à base d'états“. Phd thesis, Ecole Centrale Paris, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00659305.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMessaadia, Karima. „Un méta modèle pour la réutilisation de composants dans les systèmes à base de connaissances“. Nantes, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002NANT2097.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleJayaprakash, Nagapraveen. „Infrastructure à base de règles actives pour la décision dans des systèmes autonomes à composants“. Grenoble INPG, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008INPG0050.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe ability to (re)act automatically to perform corrective actions in response to the occurrence of situations of interest (events) is a key feature of autonc computing. Ln active database systems, it is incorporated by Event-Condition-Action (or active) rules. We propose a rule model, composed of a rule defir model and a rule execution mode!. We propose equally an architecture for the integration of rules into component-based systems in which they as weil. Their semantics (execution model, behaviour) are represented as components, which permits i) to construct personalized rule-based systems and ii) to dynamically modify them and their semantics in the same manner as the underlying system. These foundations form the basis of an extensible framewoi which is a library of components to construct the various active mechanisms
Peschanski, Frédéric. „Composition et adaptation dynamiques de systèmes distribués : une approche à base de composants asynchrones typés“. Paris 6, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002PA066293.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBénazéra, Emmanuel. „Diagnostic et reconfiguration basés sur des modèles hybrides concurrents : application aux satellites autonomes“. Toulouse 3, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003TOU30105.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleStoicescu, Miruna. „Conception et implémentation de systèmes résilients par une approche à composants“. Phd thesis, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse - INPT, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01018621.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCharaf, Eddin Mohammad. „Contribution to dynamic reconfiguration in component-based systems : consistency and non-functional properties specification“. Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015TOU30045/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe research of this thesis has two main goals. The first goal is to provide the reconfigurability feature to the component-based systems. The second goal is to select the optimal configuration from a set of configurations, which provide similar functionality. The selection process depends on the non-functional properties of the system. Reconfigurability is essential feature for many contemporary component-based systems. Reconfigurability enhances the continuous availability, the adaptability, the evolvability, the maintainability, and the performance. Avionics systems, telecommunications switches and some commercial systems require the high availability. For these systems, long shutting down is not allowable due to economical or safety reasons. The adaptability and the evolvability are also important features for those systems which need to accommodate the environmental changes or the new requirements of software users. The maintainability and the performance are important requirements for a large category of systems. All the previous motivations and more show the importance of having the reconfigurability. Reconfigurability is the ability to change the system structure or the system behavior at running time without stopping it. The work presented in this thesis investigates the required mechanisms and techniques in order to provide the reconfigurability feature to a component-based system. The provision of the reconfigurability feature requires preserving the system consistency during and after the reconfiguration. The consistency has two kinds: global consistency and local consistency. In this thesis, we propose an approach to preserve the global consistency of a reconfigurable component-based system using declarative formal language. Another approach is proposed to preserve the local consistency during the reconfiguration. The second approach investigates the relationship between the indirect dependency and the dynamic reconfiguration. Configuration selection is to select the most optimal configuration from a set of alternatives in order to maximize the end user satisfaction. The thesis proposes an approach to make the best selection depending on the user preferences
Bigot, Céline. „Une proposition de formalisme orienté composant : application de méthodes d'exécution symbolique pour la validation de systèmes à base de composants“. Paris, CNAM, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005CNAM0497.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMore and more, software are considered as assembly of components, each component is also being considered as an independent software. This kind of approach aims at simplify software conception, development and maintenance steps while guaranteeing in an easier way their quality, reliability and safety. In this context, we propose a formal framework for component and components system definitions with a UML-oriented syntax and an operational and denotational semantics. The operational semantics allows us to automatically simulate a system easily thanks to the AGATHA tool, for generate tests. The denotational semantics allows the definition of a component and components system specification formalism as some mechanisms like symbolic execution, that we redefine and prove correct for our formalism
Al, Shara Zakarea. „Migration des applications orientées-objet vers celles à base de composants“. Thesis, Montpellier, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016MONTT254/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLarge object-oriented applications have complex and numerousdependencies, and usually do not have explicitsoftware architectures. Therefore they are hard to maintain, and parts of themare difficult to reuse. Component-based development paradigm emergedfor improving these aspects and for supporting effectivemaintainability and reuse. It provides better understandabilitythrough a high-level architecture view of the application. Thus, migrating object-oriented applications to component-based ones will contribute to improve these characteristics, and support software evolution and future maintenance.In this dissertation, we propose an approach to automatically transform object-oriented applications tocomponent-based ones. More particularly, the input of the approach isthe result provided by software architecture recovery: acomponent-based architecture description. Then, our approachtransforms the object-oriented source code in order to producedeployable components. We focus on transforming object-oriented dependencies into interface-based ones. Moreover, we move from the concept of object to the concept of component instance. Furthermore, we provide a declarative transformation approach using domain-specific languages. We demonstrate our approach on many well-known component models
Grondin, Guillaume. „MaDcAr-Agent : un modèle d'agents auto-adaptables à base de composants“. Phd thesis, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00775866.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBen, Salah Ramzi. „Sur l'analyse temporisée de systèmes de grande taille“. Grenoble INPG, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007INPG0107.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis is part of the effort made to move the algorithmic formai verification of timed systems from the proof-of-concept phase to industrial usage. It introduces two important contributions. The first is a major improvement to the symbolic reachability algorithm for timed automata. The second is a compositional divide-and-conquer methodology. The essence of the technique is in introducing an auxiliary clocks, and then projecting the zones obtained from reachability computation on these clocks. Tow versions of this technique are presented, the first dealt with the special case of acyclic environments that generate a finite number of events within a bounded time. The second technique is aimed at more general situations where the environment may produce an infinite stream of events. That makes it possible to benefit from the modularity of complex systems to built their model hierarchically
Pontisso, Nadège. „Association cohérente de données dans les systèmes temps réel à base de composants - Application aux logiciels spatiaux“. Phd thesis, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse - INPT, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00459071.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGuesmi, Hela. „Des systèmes à base de composants aux implémentations cadencées par le temps : une approche correcte par conception“. Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017GREAM061/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIn hard real-time embedded systems, design and specification methods and their associated tools must allow development of temporally deterministic systems to ensure their safety. To achieve this goal, we are specifically interested in methodologies based on the Time-Triggered (TT) paradigm. This paradigm allows preserving by construction number of properties, in particular, end-to-end real-time constraints. However, ensuring correctness and safety of such systems remains a challenging task. Existing development tools do not guarantee by construction specification respect. Thus, a-posteriori verification of the application is generally a must. With the increasing complexity of embedded applications, their a-posteriori validation becomes, at best, a major factor in the development costs and, at worst, simply impossible. It is necessary, therefore, to define a method that allows the development of correct-by-construction systems while simplifying the specification process.High-level component-based design frameworks that allow design and verification of hard real-time systems are very good candidates for structuring the specification process as well as verifying the high-level model.The goal of this thesis is to couple a high-level component-based design approach based on the BIP (Behaviour-Interaction-Priority) framework with a safety-oriented real-time execution platform implementing the TT approach (the PharOS Real-Time Operating System). To this end, we propose an automatic transformation process from BIPmodels into applications for the target platform (i.e. PharOS).The process consists in a two-step semantics-preserving transformation. The first step transforms a BIP model coupled to a user-defined task mapping into a restricted one, which lends itself well to an implementation based on TT communication primitives. The second step transforms the resulting model into the TT implementation provided by the PharOS RTOS.We provide a tool-flow that automates most of the steps of the proposed approach and illustrate its use on an industrial case study for a flight Simulator application and a medium voltage protection relay application. In both applications, we compare functionalities of both original, intermediate and final model in order to confirm the correctness of the transformation. For the first application, we study the impact of the task mapping on the generated implementation. And for the second application, we study the impact of the transformation on some performance aspects compared to a manually written version
Khalgui, Mohamed. „Validation temporelle et déploiement d'une application de contrôle industrielle à base de composants“. Thesis, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007INPL009N/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis deals with the temporal validation and the deployment of component-based industrial control applications. We are interested in the Function Blocks approach, defined in the IEC 61499 standard, as a well known component based technology in the industry. A Function Block is an event triggered component owning data to support the application functionalities. The advantage of this technology is the taking into account of the application and also its execution support. The first thesis contribution deals with the interpretation of the different concepts defined in the standard. In particular, we propose a policy defining a deterministic behavior of a FB. To apply an exhaustive temporal validation of the application, we propose a behavioral model of a Block as Timed Automata. On the other hand, we propose a semantic for the concept of FBs networks to develop industrial control applications. The second thesis contribution deals with the deployment of FBs networks in a distributed multi-tasking architecture. Such deployment has to respect classical End to End Response Time Bounds as temporal constraints. To validate the temporal behavior of an application, we propose an approach transforming its blocks into an actions system with precedence constraints. The purpose is to exploit previous theories on the scheduling of real-time systems. To deploy FBs networks in feasible OS tasks, we propose a Hybrid scheduling approach combining an off-line non-preemptive scheduling and an on-line preemptive one. The off-line scheduling allows to construct OS tasks from FBs, whereas the on-line one allows to schedule these tasks according to the classical EDF policy. A constructed OS task is an actions sequence defining an execution scenario of the application. Thanks to this approach, we reduce the context switching at run-time by merging application actions in OS tasks. In addition, the system feasibility is increased by applying an on-line preemptive policy. Finally, the last thesis contribution is an extension of the previous one. We propose an approach allocating FBs networks in a distributed architecture. Based on a heuristic, such approach uses the hybrid method to construct feasible OS tasks in calculators. The allocation problem of a particular application FB is to look for a corresponding calculator while respecting functional, temporal and execution support constraints. We note that the proposed heuristic is based on a back-tracking technic to increase the solutions space
Bobeff, Gustavo. „Spécialisation de composants“. Phd thesis, Université de Nantes, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00484948.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleKhalgui, Mohamed. „Validation temporelle et déploiement d'une application de contrôle industrielle à base de composants“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007INPL009N.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis deals with the temporal validation and the deployment of component-based industrial control applications. We are interested in the Function Blocks approach, defined in the IEC 61499 standard, as a well known component based technology in the industry. A Function Block is an event triggered component owning data to support the application functionalities. The advantage of this technology is the taking into account of the application and also its execution support. The first thesis contribution deals with the interpretation of the different concepts defined in the standard. In particular, we propose a policy defining a deterministic behavior of a FB. To apply an exhaustive temporal validation of the application, we propose a behavioral model of a Block as Timed Automata. On the other hand, we propose a semantic for the concept of FBs networks to develop industrial control applications. The second thesis contribution deals with the deployment of FBs networks in a distributed multi-tasking architecture. Such deployment has to respect classical End to End Response Time Bounds as temporal constraints. To validate the temporal behavior of an application, we propose an approach transforming its blocks into an actions system with precedence constraints. The purpose is to exploit previous theories on the scheduling of real-time systems. To deploy FBs networks in feasible OS tasks, we propose a Hybrid scheduling approach combining an off-line non-preemptive scheduling and an on-line preemptive one. The off-line scheduling allows to construct OS tasks from FBs, whereas the on-line one allows to schedule these tasks according to the classical EDF policy. A constructed OS task is an actions sequence defining an execution scenario of the application. Thanks to this approach, we reduce the context switching at run-time by merging application actions in OS tasks. In addition, the system feasibility is increased by applying an on-line preemptive policy. Finally, the last thesis contribution is an extension of the previous one. We propose an approach allocating FBs networks in a distributed architecture. Based on a heuristic, such approach uses the hybrid method to construct feasible OS tasks in calculators. The allocation problem of a particular application FB is to look for a corresponding calculator while respecting functional, temporal and execution support constraints. We note that the proposed heuristic is based on a back-tracking technic to increase the solutions space
Zhang, Tiantian. „Injection de spin dans des systèmes à base de semiconducteurs III-V en vue de nouveaux composants spintroniques“. Thesis, Toulouse, INSA, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014ISAT0005/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSpintronics of semiconductors aims at using carrier spins as supplementary means of information transport. Thiswould lead to components showing extended functionalities. This thesis work is dedicated to the study of injectionand manipulation of electron spin in semiconductors, which are the basis of any spintronic application. In a first stepwe demonstrate the high efficiency of CoFeB/MgO/GaAs - based spin injectors. Circular polarization degrees of electroluminescence over 20% are measured on spin polarized LEDs (SpinLEDs) at 0.8 T and 25 K. Comparison betweensputtering- and MBE- grown spin injectors has shown similar results. In both case, spin injection efficiency is increasedby thermal annealing of the sample, in the range 300 − 350◦C. Indeed, annealing improves the quality of CoFeB/MgOinterface, and induces the crystallization of CoFeB above 300◦C. A higher stability of spin injection with current injectionis found when the tunnel barrier is grown by sputtering. This is due to the MgO/GaAs interface characteristicswhich is related to the growth technique. In a second step, we demonstrate spin injection without external appliedmagnetic field, through an ultra-thin (a few atomic layers) CoFeB electrode, taking advantage of the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of the layer which leads to a remanant magnetization along the growth axis. For the first time in this configuration, circular polarization degrees of electroluminescence of about 20% are measured at 25 K at zero magnetic field. In a third step, due to the crucial role it may play in electrical injection, electron spin dynamics in high energy L-valleys is investigated. Using polarization resolved excitation photoluminescence in the range 2.8-3.4 eV, we observe that a fraction of photogenerated spin polarization is preserved when electrons are scattered hundreds of meV down to Γ valley. Spin relaxation time in L valleys is estimated to 200 fs. Finally we investigate electron and spin properties of GaAsBi dilute bismide alloy. We observe that the bandgap energy is reduced by 85meV/%Bi when Bi element is introduced into GaAs matrix. Moreover, the electron Land´e factor is about twice the one in GaAs for a 2.2% Bi composition. These features are evidence of the strong perturbation of host states and spin-orbit interaction enhancement
Tournier, Jean-Charles. „Qinna : une architecture à base de composants pour la gestion de la qualité de service dans les systèmes embarqués mobiles“. Phd thesis, INSA de Lyon, 2005. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00009704.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCe travail de thèse présente une architecture de gestion de qualité de service pour les systèmes embarqués mobiles à composants. Cette architecture, appelée Qinna, est définie à l'aide de composants Fractal et permet la mise en œuvre, ainsi que la gestion dynamique, de contrats de qualité de service entre les différents composants d'un système. L'originalité de l'approche proposée permet de prendre en compte la qualité de service quelque soit le niveau considéré du système (niveau applicatif, niveau services, niveau système d'exploitation et niveau ressources).
L'architecture Qinna a été validée par une évaluation qualitative à base de patrons génériques d'architecture, puis par une évaluation quantitative permettant de montrer que le coût de l'architecture reste faible.
Le travail réalisé ouvre de nombreuses perspectives de recherche notamment celle de généraliser l'approche utilisée (définition d'une architecture abstraite de composant pour la prise en charge de la gestion d'une propriété non-fonctionnelle, ici la QdS) à d'autres propriétés non-fonctionnelles (par exemple la sécurité ou la tolérance aux fautes), et d'en tirer des conclusions sur la définition et la génération de conteneurs ouverts.
Quilbeuf, Jean. „Implantations distribuées de modèles à base de composants communicants par interactions multiparties avec priorités : application au langage BIP“. Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00947636.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleNoël, Victor. „Architectures logicielles à base de composants et systèmes multi-agents : contributions mutuelles et complémentaires pour supporter le développement logiciel“. Phd thesis, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00865795.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGuennoun, Mohammed Karim. „Architectures dynamiques dans le contexte des applications à base de composants et orientées services“. Toulouse 3, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006TOU30236.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAdaptability for software applications can be separated into two categories. First relates to the behavioral adaptation also called algorithmic adaptation. This adaptation addresses the redefinition of the behavior of the application and its components and implies, for example, adding a new method into the interface of a component or updating the orchestration protocol that coordinates a set of services. Second category, in which we can classify our work, relates to the structural adaptation and implies a reconfiguration at the architectural level. This kind of reconfiguration deals with the organization of the architecture and involve, for instance, the substitution of a failing component by another with same functionalities or the redirection for a customer of a service which does not respect the QoS contract towards a service likely to offer better guarantees. In this thesis, we specify a meta-model relating to the description and the automatic management of dynamic architectures. Architecture instances are described by extended graphs where components (or services) are represented by vertices, and interdependencies (e. G. Connections, relations of control. . . Etc) are described by edges. The architectural styles are specified by extended graph grammars. The meta-model considers descriptions by admitting various abstraction levels and offers mechanisms to either abstract or refine descriptions according to specific points of view. It, also, makes it possible to describe architecture management protocols and to characterize the architectural properties to be preserved for each considered architectural level. We developed an algorithm for graph homomorphisms building and an algorithm for graph transformation in the context of extended graph grammars defined for our meta-model. .
Jaber, Mohamad. „Implémentations Centralisée et Répartie de Systèmes Corrects par construction à base des Composants par Transformations Source-à-source dans BIP“. Phd thesis, Grenoble, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010GRENM062.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe thesis studies theory and methods for generating automatically centralized and distributed implementations from a high-level model of an application software in BIP. BIP (Behavior, Interaction, Priority) is a component framework with formal operational semantics. Coordination between components is achieved by using multiparty interactions and dynamic priorities for scheduling interactions. A key idea is to use a set of correct source-to-source transformations preserving the functional properties of a given application software. By application of these transformations we can generate a full range of implementations from centralized to fully distributed. Centralized Implementation: the implementation method transforms the interactions of an application software described in BIP and generates a functionally equivalent program. The method is based on the successive application of three types of source-to-source transformations: flattening of components, flattening of connectors and composition of atomic components. We shown that the system of the transformations is confluent and terminates. By exhaustive application of the transformations, any BIP component can be transformed into an equivalent monolithic component. From this component, efficient standalone C++ code can be generated. Distributed Implementation: the implementation method transforms an application software described in BIP for a given partition of its interactions, into a Send/Receive BIP model. Send/Receive BIP models consist of components coordinated by using asynchronous message passing (Send/Receive primitives). The method leads to 3-layer architectures. The bottom layer includes the components of the application software where atomic strong synchronization is implemented by sequences of Send/Receive primitives. The second layer includes a set of interaction protocols. Each protocol handles the interactions of a class of the given partition. The third layer implements a conflict resolution protocol used to resolve conflicts between conflicting interactions of the second layer. Depending on the given partition, the execution of obtained Send/Receive BIP model range from centralized (all interactions in the same class) to fully distributed (each class has a single interaction). From Send/Receive BIP models and a given mapping of their components on a platform providing Send/Receive primitives, an implementation is automatically generated. For each class of the partition we generate C++ code implementing the global behavior of its components. The transformations have been fully implemented and integrated into BIP tool-set. The experimental results on non trivial examples and case studies show the novelty and the efficiency of our approach
Jaber, Mohamad. „Implémentations Centralisée et Répartie de Systèmes Corrects par construction à base des Composants par Transformations Source-à-source dans BIP“. Phd thesis, Grenoble, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00531082.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBouaziz, Rahma. „Processus IDM pour l’intégration des patrons de sécurité dans une application à base de composants“. Thesis, Toulouse 2, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013TOU20101/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSecurity has become an important challenge in current software and system development. Most of designers are experts in software development but not experts in security. It is important to guide them to apply security mechanisms in the early phases of software development to reduce time and cost of development. To reach this objective, we propose to apply security expertise as security patterns at software design phase. A security pattern is a well-understood solution to a recurring information security problem. So, security patterns encapsulate the knowledge accumulated by security experts to secure a software system. Although well documented, patterns are often neglected at the design level and do not constitute an intuitive solution that can be used by software designers. This can be the result of the maladjustment of those patterns to systems context, the inexpertness of designers with security solutions and the need of integration process to let designers apply those pattern ? solutions in practical situations and to work with patterns at higher levels of abstraction. To enable designers to use solutions proposed by security patterns, this thesis proposes a model driven engineering approach to secure applications through the integration of security patterns. Component-based approach is a powerful means to develop and reuse complex systems. In this thesis, we take component based software systems as an application domain for our approach to facilitate the development of applications by assembling prefabricated software building blocks called components. The proposed process provides separation between domain expertise and application security expertise, both of which are needed to build a secure application. Our main goal is to provide a semi-automatic integrating of security patterns into component-based models, and producing an executable secure code. This integration is performed through a set of transformation rules. The result of this integration is a new model supporting security concepts. It is then automatically translated into aspect-oriented code related to security. These aspects are then woven in a modular way within the functional application code to enforce specified security properties. The use of aspect technology in the implementation phase guarantees that the application of security patterns is independent from any particular implementation. In order to provide a clear comprehension of the SCRIP process, we have described it using the standard SPEM . This work is implemented in a software tool called SCRI-TOOL (SeCurity patteRn Integration Tool). This tool allows not security experts developers to integrate different security properties throughout the development cycle of an component based application. To illustrate the use of SCRI-TOOL, we propose a case study regarding electronic healthcare systems. The choice of such a case study is motivated by the great attention archived for such systems from academia and industry and by the importance of security in such systems. Indeed, because of the large number of actors that can interact in such systems, security is a critical requirement. This case study will also allow us to illustrate the proposed methodology to highlight the importance of security management at a high level of abstraction. As results of the application of this process, we obtain a health care application completely secure and meeting the requirements of medical context
Lepreux, Sophie. „Approche de développement centré décideur et à l'aide de patron de systèmes interactifs d'aide à la décision : Application à l'investissement dans le domaine ferroviaire“. Valenciennes, 2005. http://ged.univ-valenciennes.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/007a05a5-88ef-48c2-bcaf-993bcac935dc.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis presents the problematic of the choice between investment projects and focus to the need of Decision Support Systems (DSS) to help the railway authorities. We consider the case where the decision-making is mainly knowledge-based. In order to capitalize and reuse this knowledge, the component-based development (CBD) was studied. The approaches found in various domains such as software engineering, HCI, DSS, knowledge-based systems and CBD were investigated to match the development requirements. So, our work aims at the proposal of a new approach which includes a model, a method and an architecture as well. The approach aims at the decision-maker centered development and using patterns. It was applied to develop a DSS in the railway infrastructure investment domain. The first evaluation allowed to globally validate the approach and the end users agreed with the developed system. The perspectives of this work aims at extending the approach to other kinds of DSS
Constant, Olivier. „Une approche dirigée par les modèles pour l'intégration de la simulation de performance dans la conception de systèmes à base de composants“. Pau, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PAUU3013.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePredicting the performance of distributed systems is an issue that must be taken into account during the whole design and development process. This is especially true for systems that are built out of reused components since these systems are more difficult to predict. Nevertheless, evaluating the performance of a system at the design phase requires specific techniques and skills. A solution consists in extending classical design languages to allow transformation of design models into specific performance models. This thesis proposes a rigorous approach, based on MDE (Model-Driven Engineering) techniques, for the automatic transformation of UML 2. 0 models of component-based systems into queueing network models for performance simulation. A metamodel is first defined to provide a precise conceptual framework for component-based executable models exploiting the expressivity of simulation languages. The metamodel, called CPM (Component Performance Metamodel), is then used to define a profile for UML 2. 0. The profile is structured into several layers that group extensions and OCL (Object Constraint Language) queries and constraints. In order to solve the semantic ambiguities of UML, the metamodel of UML 2. 0 Sequence Diagrams is restricted to a subset close to the MSC (Message Sequence Charts) language. Using the formal semantics of MSC, the problem of model executability is tackled by additional constraints allowing to define OCL queries that can drive transformations on the basis of the semantics of the models. The generated performance models can be executed by an industrial performance simulator
Hamoui, Mohamad Fady. „Un système multi-agents à base de composants pour l’adaptation autonomique au contexte – Application à la domotique“. Thesis, Montpellier 2, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010MON20088/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleHome automation environments are ubiquitous environments where domestic devices, scattered throughout a home, provide services that can be used remotely over a network. Home automation systems are proposed to enable the users of controlling the devices according to their needs. Ideally, these systems orchestrate the execution of the services provided by the devices to achieve complex services. Even more, these systems must adapt to the variety of environments in terms of devices and users needs. They must also be able to adapt dynamically, if possible in an autonomous manner, to the changes of their execution context (appearance or disappearance of a device, changing needs).In this thesis, we provide an answer to this problematic with SAASHA, a multi-agent home automation system based on components. The combination of these two paradigms enables managing the adaptation on three levels: presentation (user interface), organization (system architecture) and behavior (internal architecture of agents). The agents perceive their context and its changes. The Users are offered a dynamic view of the context allowing them to define custom scenarios as rules. The agents divide the roles among them to realize the scenarios. They modify dynamically their internal architecture throughout the generation, deployment and assembly of components to adopt new device control behaviors and scenarios. The agents collaborate to execute the scenarios. In case of a change, these three levels of adaptation are updated dynamically and autonomously to maintain the service continuity. A SAASHA prototype, based on UPnP and OSGi industry standards, has been developed to assess the feasibility of our proposal
Abdellatif, Tesnim. „Implémentation rigoureuse des systèmes temps-réels“. Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00744508.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAmiour, Mahfoud. „Vers une fédération de composants interopérables pour les environnements centrés procédés logiciels“. Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999GRE10078.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBondé, Lossan. „Transformations de modèles et interopérabilité dans la conception de systèmes hétérogènes sur puce à base d'IP“. Lille 1, 2006. https://pepite-depot.univ-lille.fr/LIBRE/Th_Num/2006/50376-2006-Bonde.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleNain, Grégory. „EnTiMid : Un modèle de composants pour intégrer des objets communicants dans des applications à base de services“. Phd thesis, Université Rennes 1, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00646664.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGuedria, Soulaimane. „Une plateforme d'apprentissage profond à base de composants qui passe à l'échelle : une application aux réseaux de neurones convolutionnels pour la segmentation en imagerie médicale“. Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020GRALM023.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDeep neural networks (DNNs) and particularly convolutional neural networks (CNNs) trained on large datasets are getting great success across a plethora of paramount applications. It has been providing powerful solutions and revolutionizing medicine, particularly, in the medical image analysis field. However, deep learning field comes up with multiple challenges: (1) training Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) is a computationally intensive and time-consuming task (2) introducing parallelism to CNNs in practice as it is a tedious, repetitive and error-prone process and (3) there is currently no broad study of the generalizability and the reproducibility of the CNN parallelism techniques on concrete medical imaging segmentation applications.Within this context, the present PhD thesis aims to tackle the aforementioned challenges. To achieve this goal, we conceived, implemented and validated an all-in-one scalable and component-based deep learning parallelism platform for medical imaging segmentation. First, we introduce R2D2, an end-to-end scalable deep learning toolkit for medical imaging segmentation. R2D2 proposes a set of new distributed versions of widely-used deep learning architectures (FCN and U-Net) in order to speed up building new distributive deep learning models and reduce the gap between researchers and talent-intensive deep learning. Next, this thesis also introduces Auto-CNNp, a component-based software framework to automate CNN parallelism throughout encapsulating and hiding typical CNNs parallelization routine tasks within a backbone structure while being extensible for user-specific customization. The evaluation results of our proposed automated component-based approach are promising. It shows that a significant speedup in the CNN parallelization task has been achieved to the detriment of a negligible framework execution time, compared to the manual parallelization strategy. The previously introduced couple of software solutions (R2D2 and Auto-CNNp) at our disposal led us to conduct a thorough and practical analysis of the generalizability of the CNN parallelism techniques to the imaging segmentation applications. Concurrently, we perform an in-depth literature review aiming to identify the sources of variability and study reproducibility issues of deep learning training process for particular CNNs training configurations applied for medical imaging segmentation. We also draw a set of good practices recommendations aiming to alleviate the aforementioned reproducibility issues for medical imaging segmentation DNNs training process. Finally, we make a number of observations based on a broad analysis of the results of the already conducted CNN parallelism experimental study which led us to propose a guideline and recommendations for scaling up CNNs for segmentation applications. We succeeded to eliminate the accuracy loss with scale for the U-Net CNN architecture and alleviate the accuracy degradation for the FCN CNN architecture
Souchon, Frédéric. „SaGE, un système de gestion d'exceptions pour la programmation orientée message : le cas des systèmes multi-agents et des plates-formes à base de composants logiciels“. Montpellier 2, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005MON20148.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleNguyen, Dong-Ha. „Un langage d'aspects fondé sur les automates à pile visible : une approche pour la composition logicielle à l'aide de protocoles comportementaux non réguliers“. Nantes, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011NANT2069.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCurrently, there are only few AOP systems that exploit protocol-based pointcut languages in order to enable declarative aspect definitions and provide support for reasoning over properties of AO programs. Furthermore, most approaches to protocol-based software evolution only support regular protocols which are limited in expressiveness. The goal of this thesis is to develop an aspect language that is not only more expressive but also amenable to property analysis and verification. Our aspect language addresses these limitations by extending the original framework with more specific language support for non-regular protocols as well as providing techniques for the analysis of properties of components. Concretely, this thesis provides four contributions. First, we have defined the VPA-based aspect language, which provides an aspect model on top of protocols defined using the class of visibly pushdown automata (VPAs). Second, we have used aspects over interaction protocols of software components in order to define and analyze fundamental correctness properties of components. Third, we have considered how to harness existing model checkers to verify systems that are modified by VPA-based aspects. Fourth, we have shown how VPA-based aspects can be useful for the definition of different functionalities in two different application domains : the management of nested login sessions, and the management of queries in P2P-based grid systems
Faddoul, Rafic. „Optimisation de la maintenance des ouvrages de génie civil sur la base des critères de coût et de fiabilité“. Nantes, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010NANT2108.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleWe present in this thesis a Generalized Partially Observable Markov Decision Process GPOMDP which allows for the optimization of complex sequences of decisions during each time period of the planning horizon of the Inspection, Maintenance and Rehabilitation (IM&R) of civil engineering structures. Then, we propose a methodology, using a Lagrangian relaxation technique, for the optimization of the IM&R of multiple structures under the constraints of limited available budgets, creating thus an economical interdependence among the decisions relative to each of the structures of the group. Then, we adapt the multi-structure methodology for the IM&R optimization of series and parallel multi-component systems constrained by minimum reliability limits for the whole system during each stage, thus creating a structural or functional interdependence among the decisions related to each of its components. After that, we propose a methodology which takes into account the epistemic uncertainty veiling the true value of the transition matrices in MDPs. All of the information included in the characterization of the epistemic uncertainty is used. We deal with both cases where the epistemic uncertainty is expressed by means of Bayesian probabilities distributions, and fuzzy sets theory. Finally, we propose an extension of POMDPs in order to take into account, at the beginning of the planning horizon, the possible availability of free information in future time periods. We assume that this information has a Bayesian network structure