Dissertationen zum Thema „Système de planification et de contrôle“
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Germain, Christophe. „Contrôle organisationnel et contrôle de gestion : la place des tableaux de bord dans le système de contrôle des petites et moyennes entreprises“. Bordeaux 4, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000BOR40023.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCausse, Olivier. „Navigation sous contraintes : planification et contrôle d'exécution pour un robot mobile autonome“. Phd thesis, Grenoble INPG, 1994. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00344991.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDenis, Jean-Philippe. „Conception d'un système de controle du développement du groupe : architecture et principes ingénieriques“. Lyon 3, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000LYO33027.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSheikhkhoshkar, Moslem. „Planification et contrôle multi-niveaux et collaboratifs des chantiers de construction à l’aide de la BIM et du Lean“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024LORR0106.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe effective management of construction projects is essential due to their inherent complexity and substantial financial implications. In this regard, the project planning and control domain plays a vital role in successful project execution, which requires data-driven and knowledge-based decisions to navigate these complexities and ensure successful project outcomes. Despite the presence of various planning and control systems, ineffective planning and control remain major causes of low productivity, budget overruns, and delays in construction projects. Integrating existing planning and control systems can address these issues by aggregating the advantages of each. However, a significant gap exists due to the lack of a multi-level and integrated framework that combines different planning methods and control metrics across various schedule levels, leveraging the strengths of each to offer a more effective solution. Furthermore, there is a deficiency in data-driven and knowledge-based systems that address the specific needs and applications of project teams regarding a planning and control system, proposing optimized multi-level solutions. This study aims to bridge this gap by first developing a multi-level and integrated framework for project planning and control. Subsequently, it develops and implements a data-driven and knowledge-based decision support system (DSS) that leverages a knowledge database built from experts' experiences. This system proposes multi-level and integrated solutions for the planning and control of construction projects, enhancing both theoretical frameworks and practical applications. The developed DSS simplifies the decision-making process by posing straightforward and relevant questions tailored to the project team's requirements, thereby suggesting the most suitable approaches for project planning and control. The developed framework and decision support system were validated by applying them to a renovation case study and receiving positive feedback from experts. Eventually, a detailed methodological guideline was crafted to facilitate the implementation of the DSS-recommended multi-level planning and control system for renovation projects. This guideline offers clear, step-by-step instructions to ensure straightforward adoption and effective integration into project management practices. This versatile tool can be applied across various project types during the preconstruction phase, determining the most effective planning and control strategies based on the functional requirements of the project team
Berret, Bastien. „Intégration de la force gravitaire dans la planification motrice et le contrôle des mouvements du bras et du corps“. Dijon, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008DIJOS065.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis is aimed at better understanding how the Central Nervous System (CNS) plans and controls movements and, in particular, how the gravity field is integrated within these processes. To perform rapid movements, the CNS must anticipate the effects of gravity on the moving limb. To tackle this, experiments in humans and modeling works have been undertaken. The experimental paradigms used here are pointing movements toward a target involving only the arm or the whole body. Concerning the arm movements, our work was grounded on a singular observation showing that upward and downward movements exhibit significant differences, suspected to be due to gravity. In order to test this hypothesis, a theory based upon the minimization of the absolute work of forces produced by muscles has been developed. It postulates that human movements are optimal and minimize in particular an energetic quantity. The main theoretical result is the demonstration of an equivalence between the minimization of a criterion including the absolute work of forces and the presence of simultaneous inactivation periods of agonistic and antagonistic muscles acting at a joint. Experiments have confirmed the existence of such periods of silence in muscular activities at the times predicted by the model. Therefore, we have concluded that the optimality criterion used by the brain to plan movements includes a term similar to the absolute work. A by-product of this result is that both gravitational and inertial forces are integrated into the same motor plan, within the minimization of energy expenditure. However, in most daily-life motor tasks, minimizing energy can not be the only goal of the action; preserving balance or be precise must also be taken into account. An experimental protocol has been elaborated in order to clarify how the CNS coordinates the control of posture and movement for whole-body pointing tasks. Our results confirm the idea of a modular organization of movements for such multi-goal tasks, i. E. Performed from the combination of pre-programmed sequences. In conclusion, this work suggests that the CNS integrates the biomechanical properties of the body and the environmental constraints within a single motor plan. Depending on the task, the CNS could optimize a compromise between energy consumption, safety, or movement precision. Moreover, these results reinforce the idea that an internal model of gravity exists and is strongly implied in human motricity
Meziou, Tarak Najah. „Système réactif pour l'évitement des obstacles en robotique mobile : architecture d'un contrôle d'exécution assurant l'interaction du système et d'une planification globale“. Châtenay-Malabry, Ecole centrale de Paris, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992ECAP0249.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePolack, Philip. „Cohérence et stabilité des systèmes hiérarchiques de planification et de contrôle pour la conduite automatisée“. Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PSLEM025/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAutonomous vehicles are believed to reduce the number of deaths and casualties on the roads while improving the traffic efficiency. However, before their mass deployment on open public roads, their safety must be guaranteed at all time.Therefore, this thesis deals with the motion planning and control architecture for autonomous vehicles and claims that the intention of the vehicle must match with its actual actions. For that purpose, the kinematic and dynamic feasibility of the reference trajectory should be ensured. Otherwise, the controller which is blind to obstacles is unable to track it, setting the ego-vehicle and other traffic participants in jeopardy. The proposed architecture uses Model Predictive Control based on a kinematic bicycle model for planning safe reference trajectories. Its feasibility is ensured by adding a dynamic constraint on the steering angle which has been derived in this work in order to ensure the validity of the kinematic bicycle model. Several high-frequency controllers are then compared and their assets and drawbacks are highlighted. Finally, some preliminary work on model-free controllers and their application to automotive control are presented. In particular, an efficient tuning method is proposed and implemented successfully on the experimental vehicle of ENSIAME in collaboration with the laboratory LAMIH of Valenciennes
Machani, Mahdi. „Heuristiques efficaces pour la planification intégrée de la maintenance préventive et de la production d'un système multi-états“. Thesis, Université Laval, 2009. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2009/26667/26667.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleChauvet, Ingrid. „Contrôle de qualité et mise en oeuvre d'un logiciel de planification inversé pour la radiothérapie conformationnelle avec modulation d'intensité“. Toulouse 3, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004TOU30055.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMourou, Pascal. „Planification et contrôle d'exécution dans un monde multi-agent : copilote pour véhicule en circulation autoroutière“. Toulouse 3, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994TOU30135.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGuérin, Clément. „Gestion de contraintes et expertise dans les stratégies d'ordonnancement“. Thesis, Rennes 2, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012REN20025/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleOnly a few research works in psychology are devoted to scheduling, for example about planning tasks, workers and machines occupation in the shop. In the literature, schedulers are mainly described from the procedural viewpoint. For describing scheduling activity, we adopted the complementary representational viewpoints in terms of constraints management. Two scheduling situations have been studied: timetabling and industrial scheduling. By comparing novices and experts, we observed that the latter used constraints visible on the timetable or on the Gantt chart, to solve the scheduling problem. Moreover, experts used a higher level of abstraction than novices in the control of processing. Finally, we highlighted the similarities and differences between industrial scheduling and timetabling. In addition, we conducted a multidisciplinary study from a previous work in the field of operational research by evaluating a scheduling tool. We investigated the effect of the mutual control modality on human scheduling decisions, and the management of breakdowns risks in a shop by schedulers
Paulin, Mathias. „Contributions à l'apprentissage automatique de réseau de contraintes et à la constitution automatique de comportements sensorimoteurs en robotique“. Phd thesis, Montpellier 2, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008MON20064.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIn the first part of this Ph. D. Thesis, we propose an interactive version of the constraint network acquisition platform CONACQ in which the system actively asks questions to the user in order to increase more rapidly and consistently the knowledge of the platform. We propose a number of algorithms for identifying good queries for acquiring constraint networks and our empirical studies show that using our techniques the number of examples required to acquire a constraint network is significantly reduced. In the second part, we are interested in a practical use of the automatic constraint network acquisition in Robotics. Our approach uses CONACQ in order to model automatically the elementary actions of a robot with constraint networks. These are then combined by planning in order to automatically define a sequence of elementary actions which must be executed by the robot to perform a sensorimotor behaviour
Herrera, Carlos. „Cadre générique de planification logistique dans un contexte de décisions centralisées et distribuées“. Phd thesis, Université Henri Poincaré - Nancy I, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00639761.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGumb, Bernard André. „Des mythes fondateurs du contrôle de gestion et de leurs prolongements : le cas de l'informatique décisionnelle“. Université Robert Schuman (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2005. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00205064.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis research work is about an interdisciplinary topic, concerning management control, management information systems, and strategic decision making theories and practices. In its first part, the thesis shows historically the relevance of this field. The author insists on the links between management control and IT based business intelligence, which both are based on similar myths: the cult of the measure, the decision-maker metaphysics, and teleology. The second and third parts involve the implementation of the methodology used to validate the research questions. The author chooses a constructivist approach, based on general managers' narrations, in which he tries to appraise the relevance of the identified myths. The qualitative and exploratory analysis shows that “strategic decisions” are much more complex than supposed in normative approaches
Wei, Yan. „Planification et Suivi de Mouvement d’un Système de Manipulateur Mobile non-holonome à deux bras“. Thesis, Ecole centrale de Lille, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018ECLI0004/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis focuses on the motion planning and tracking of a dual-arm mobile humanoid. First, MDH is used for kinematic modeling. The co-simulation via Simulink-Adams on prototype is realized to validate the effectiveness of RBFNN controller. In order to overcome the shortcomings of Euler-Lagrange’s formulations that require calculating energy and energy derivatives, Kane’s method is used. In addition, physical stability is analyzed based on Kane’s method and a controller is designed using back-stepping technique. Secondly, an improved MaxiMin NSGA-II is proposed to design the mobile base’s (MB) optimal position-orientation and the upper manipulator’s (UM) optimal configuration given only the initial pose and end-effectors’ (EEs) desired positions-orientations. A direct connect algorithm combining BiRRT and gradient-descent is designed to plan the transition from initial pose to optimal pose, and a geometric optimization method is designed to optimize and cohere the path. In addition, forward motions are obtained by assigning orientations for MB thus indicating robot’s intention. In order to solve the failure problem of offline algorithm, an online algorithm is proposed while estimating dynamic obstacles’ motions. In addition, in order to optimize via-poses, an algorithm based on EEs’ via-points and MOGA is proposed by optimizing four via-pose-based objective functions. Finally, the motion tracking problem is studied given EEs’ motions in the task space. Instead of controlling the absolute motion, two relative motions are introduced to realize the coordination and cooperation between MB and UM. In addition, an modulated WLN technique is proposed to avoid joints’ limits
Chirca, Mihai. „Perception pour la navigation et le contrôle des robots mobiles. Application à un système de voiturier autonome“. Thesis, Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016CLF22763/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis work covers the conception of a system capable to do automatic parking maneuvers more versatile than those already commercialized, respecting the technical definition of exteroceptive sensors limited by costs and weight. A typical use case is to set a vehicle to park autonomously in the parking lot of a home, function generally called autonomous home valet parking. Taking from the existing and knowing the expected performances, a system architecture and a functional architecture were drawn. This allowed to compose an assembly of interconnected functions that participated in the creation of modular software architecture, as well as in the creation of connection interfaces with the prototype vehicle. First, we explored the obstacle detection problem. Having a closed property system with ultrasonic sensors, we managed to build an obstacle map with a higher precision level than the build-in product. An increasing limit detection of the ultrasonic sensors was developed using the Structure from Motion technique. This obstacle occupancy information was exploited afterwards in order to solve the detection problem of the navigation corridors. Second, the vehicle localization is addressed. Three localization techniques work for a continuous functioning robustness: the localization by odometry, the localization by occupancy grid map matching and the localization by comparing the current image with the images stored in a database adapted to our needs and improved by computing means. Last, we interested in the vehicle navigation problem. We considered solved the actuator control problem for the tracking of a given trajectory and we concentrated on an admissible trajectory planning. We developed a local path planning technique for avoiding the unmapped obstacles. In order to build the trajectory we used curves of known geometry and we proved that by using clothoides and eventually two circle arches (if maximum steering angle achieved) it is therefore be possible to create trajectories with continuous curves adapted to our situation. We confirmed that using an obstacle map will allow us to predict forehead the possibility to take a specific navigation corridor. Each part of this work was validated in simulation as well as on real data, proving the pertinence of the proposed approaches for the intended application
Gancet, Jérémi. „Systèmes multi-robots aériens : architecture pour la planification, la supervision et la coopération“. Phd thesis, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse - INPT, 2005. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00011361.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleHerrera, Carlos. „Cadre générique de planification logistique dans un contexte de décisions centralisées et distribuées“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Nancy 1, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011NAN10046.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis is concerned with the foundations of the planning and control logistics systems and shows the interest of the PDS (Product-driven Systems) applied in this context. The development of such systems must consider the coherence between the different components. Centralized systems offer long terms plans aiming an optimal cost, but also some stability and nervousness reduction. Distributed systems allow a fast reaction to perturbations happening in the physical system. Then, the hybridization of these two kinds of planning and control systems is a way of increase productivity for logistic and industrial systems. The first chapter of the thesis describes the evolution of the production planning and control systems, to identify forces and weaknesses of the different approaches proposed until our days and allow to define the general objective of the thesis. Chapter two analyses the state of the art concerning the tools for modeling hybrid centralized/distributed production systems and also the concept of product-driven systems. This chapter serves as a basis to define the specific objectives of the thesis. Chapter three introduces the proposed modeling framework. This framework is based on a cybernetic approach, and more specifically in the Viable System Model (VSM). The chapter starts with a general presentation of VSM and then introduces a generic framework to model PDS. Finally, this chapter describes an application for production planning and control. Chapter four defines the different decision methods developed for the implementation of the generic model defined in the chapter three. At centralized and distributed levels these methods are based on mathematical programming models. Chapter five shows the main results of an application based on an industrial case which required the development of a simulation tool which considers variables of short, médium and long terms for the different optimization models. These results show the interest of this type of hybridization
Altazin, Estelle. „Stabilité et replanification d’un système ferroviaire dense“. Thesis, Lyon, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018LYSEM008.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleWhile operating a dense railway system, minor incidents can easily generate delays. Those delays can spread and rapidly amplify along one line, and sometimes to other lines sharing the infrastructure, rolling-stock units or drivers. This thesis addresses the real-time decision-making problem while operating a dense railway system. Dense railway operations are first presented, along with their properties and weaknesses. The notion of stability for a dense railway system is introduced and discussed. Related problems and approaches of the literature are reviewed, both in railway and in urban transportation, and the considered real-time rescheduling problem is presented. A first resolution approach, based on an Integer Linear Programming model, is proposed, and numerical experiments on real data are analyzed. They show the relevance of the rescheduling problem. A more general approach is then proposed, that iterates between an optimization module and a simulation module. All operational actions are considered in the iterative approach, and the use of simulation allows for a precise evaluation of the impact of actions on passengers. This new approach is also multi-objective, thus different solutions can be proposed to the decision makers. A rescheduling tool has been implemented, using the iterative approach, and connected to industrial data flows. Real-life experiments on a Transilien line proved that the tool, and thus the iterative approach, fulfills the decision makers’ expectations and helps reducing the duration of perturbations and their impact on passengers
Prandi, Dario. „Géométrie et analyse des systèmes de commande avec dérive : planification des mouvements, évolution de la chaleur et de Schrödinger“. Phd thesis, Ecole Polytechnique X, 2013. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00878567.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLosa, Damiana. „Planification de manoeuvres à poussée forte vs à poussée faible pour le maintien à poste de satellites géostationnaires“. Phd thesis, Paris, ENMP, 2007. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00002163/en/.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleHabran, Yves. „Intégration de systèmes d'instruments et développement des systèmes d'activités : le cas du pilotage de la performance commerciale dans une banque“. Paris 10, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA100044.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis qualitative research is a longitudinal study of the commercial. Performance management in a bank. In this bank, the uses of commercial objectives and bonus system - the "how much" tools - favoured the development of a result-orientated culture. But, other tools aimed at developing salesman skills in order to improve their results - the "how" tools (coaching, "good practices" sharing. . . ) - did sot influence practices as much as their designers thought. This study analyses the reasons why the integration of these two instruments system did sot take place as expected. The interpretation of this "collisions between instruments is grounded on a multidisciplinary framework (activity theories, "instrumental approach". . . ). An approach to consider performance, its assessment and its management, is then outlined. Suggestions enabling the dynamic organisation of activity systems and a better integration of instruments systems are indicated
Losa, Damiana. „Planification de manœuvres à poussée forte vs à poussée faible pour le maintien à poste de satellites géostationnaires“. Phd thesis, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00173537.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDès son apparition, la technologie des systèmes de propulsion à poussée faible a rencontré un vif intérêt auprès des agences et des sociétés spatiales. Grâce à sa haute impulsion spécifique (qui implique une basse consommation de carburant), cette technologie est devenue très compétitive par rapport à la technologie traditionnelle des propulseurs chimiques à poussée forte, surtout dans les phases de transfert et rendez-vous des missions spatiales.
Pendant la définition des missions à poussée faible, les analyses de faisabilité des phases de transfert et rendez-vous (via la solution de problèmes d'optimisation de trajectoire) ont été réalisées avec des solutions d'optimisation alternatives. En effet, pendant ces phases, il est nécessaire d'activer les systèmes de propulsion à faible poussée sur des longues portions du temps de transfert.
Par conséquent, les problèmes d'optimisation de trajectoire à poussée forte (typiquement formulés en temps discret) ont été remplacés par des problèmes d'optimisation de trajectoire à poussée faible formulés en temps continu et résolus par des techniques de contrôle en temps continu.
Le premier objectif de cette thèse est de comprendre quel est l'impact de la technologie à faible poussée lors de l'analyse de faisabilité de la phase de maintien à poste de satellites géostationnaires. Nous étudions en particulier l'impact de l'utilisation des systèmes de propulsion à faible poussée sur la planification de manœuvres et sur la boucle entière de maintien à poste géostationnaire.
L'étude consiste à déduire si la planification de manœuvres à poussée faible est compétitive au regard des stratégies classiques de planification couramment employées pour des manœuvres à poussée forte.
Généralement, les stratégies classiques à long terme pour le maintien à poste sont déduites de modèles de propagation d'orbite simplifiés (en fonctions des paramètres orbitaux moyennés) par la conjonction des trois facteurs suivants : la forte poussée des propulseurs, la dimension de la fenêtre de maintien à poste pas très contraignante ainsi que la possibilité d'exécuter des manœuvres à basse fréquence.
Dans le cadre de cette thèse, compte tenu du faible niveau des poussées et des contraintes strictes en position (fenêtres de maintien à poste petites), nous considérons comme plus appropriés l'hypothèse d'une plus haute fréquence de manœuvres et l'utilisation d'un modèle de propagation d'orbite en fonction de paramètres osculateurs.
Pour la planification de manœuvres, nous proposons une solution par approche directe : le problème de maintien à poste en tant que problème de contrôle optimal est discrétisé et traduit en un problème d'optimisation paramétrique. Deux techniques différentes d'optimisation sont proposées : l'optimisation sous contraintes à horizon fixe et celle à horizon glissant.
Cette deuxième technique est appliquée aux équations linéarisées du mouvement préalablement transformées via un changement de variable à la Lyapunov sur l'état des déviations des paramètres équinoxiaux osculateurs. Cette transformation de Lyapunov définit des nouveaux paramètres orbitaux. Elle rend le processus de planification plus compréhensible du point de vue du contrôle et plus facile à implémenter d'un point de vue numérique, grâce aux concepts de platitude et inclusion différentielles.
Les résultats de la planification de manœuvres à poussée faible sont obtenus dans un premier temps en fonction des changements de vitesse, dans un deuxième temps en fonction des forces engendrées par les tuyères des systèmes de propulsion classiques. Le but est de déterminer la solution la plus efficace en conditions nominales et en cas de panne d'un des propulseurs.
Le problème du positionnement simultané de plusieurs satellites dans une même grande fenêtre de maintien à poste n'est pas adressé explicitement. Il est implicitement résolu en proposant une technique fine de contrôle pour maintenir chaque satellite à poste dans une fenêtre de dimension très petite.
Paulin, Mathias. „Contributions à l'apprentissage automatique de réseau de contraintes et à la constitution automatique de comportements sensorimoteurs en robotique“. Phd thesis, Université Montpellier II - Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00340438.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLe, Gloannec Simon. „Contrôle adaptatif d'un agent rationnel à ressources limitées dans un environnement dynamique et incertain“. Caen, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007CAEN2016.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis deals with decision-theoretic autonomous agents. This work consists in constructing a control system for a resource-bounded agent evolving in a uncertain environment. Such agents must be able to control their resources consumption during a mission. The first part of this thesis introduces the concept of planning under uncertainty in general, and Markov decision processes (MDP) in particular, for the control. Solving techniques of large MDPs are presented. In this control system, we consider resource-bounded agents adopting progressive reasoning as a specific resource-bounded reasoning with anytime behavior. We call progressive processing units (PRU) the task structure which allows the agent to adapt the quality of their accomplishment to the available resources. Each PRU defines a multi-level hierarchy task, to better accomplish the mission. This thesis presents two extensions of the progressive reasoning : the control of multiple resources and an adaptive control system that faces changes during the mission. Firstly, algorithms are presented to avoid combinatorial explosion due to the multiple resources. Secondly, a value function approximation algorithm permits to quickly obtain a control system when the mission suddenly changes. Promising experimental results have been obtained and illustrated on a real robot
Guerin, Clément. „Gestion de contraintes et expertise dans les stratégies d'ordonnancement“. Phd thesis, Université Rennes 2, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00744251.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleFayolle, Jean. „Validation de données et diagnostic des procédés industriels“. Nancy 1, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987NAN10171.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMajumdar, Barbara. „Pilotage de la création de valeur en R&D : quelle instrumentation dans un cadre multi-projets et multi-agents ?“ Rennes 1, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010REN1G002.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSince the 1990s, networks have been increasingly considered as the best organizational form to foster the creation of value through innovation, and more specifically through technological innovation. Hence the development of clusters, which are a gathering of companies and research laboraties working in the same field within a given perimeter, whether spontaneously or upon the will of public authorities. In this context, the question is how can we help to improve the creation of value in such networks dedicated to innovation ? In response, first, we need to understand why a network organization is so well adapted to creating value. So we start with giving a clear definition of what value means within this context. Then, we identify the processes involved in creating value so that we can draw a systemic model, which is operationalized in order to build a management tool. This research is grounded in one of the french clusters launched in 2005 under the name of "pôles de compétitivité", located in Brittany. It designs a tool focused on evaluating the implementation of strategic decisions oriented towards the creation of value within the cluster. However, this tool was finally abandoned by the people in charge of the cluster. Therefore, the document concluded with a critical analysis of the limits of the tool and the conditions under which it could be implemented successfully
Benloucif, Mohamed Amir. „Coopération homme-machine multi-niveau entre le conducteur et un système d'automatisation de la conduite“. Thesis, Valenciennes, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018VALE0012/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe recent technological breakthroughs in the actuation, perception and artificial intelligence domains herald a new dawn for driving assistance and highly automated driving. However, in a context where the automation remains imperfect and prone to error, it is crucial to ensure that the automated driving system maintains the driver’s situation awareness in order to be able to successfully and continuously supervise the system’s actions. At the same time, the system must be able to ensure the safety of the vehicle and prevent the driver’s actions that would compromise his safety and that of other road users. Therefore, it is essential that the issue of interaction and cooperation with the driver is addressed throughout the whole system design process. This entails the issues of task allocation, authority management and levels of automation. Conducted in the scope of the projet ANR-CoCoVeA (French acronym for: "Cooperation between Driver and Automated Vehicle"), this thesis takes a closer look at the question of cooperation between the driver and automated driving systems. Our main objective is to provide the driver with a suitable assistance level that accounts for his intentions while ensuring global safety. For this matter, we propose a general framework that incorporates the necessary features for a successful cooperation at the different levels of the driving task in the form of a system architecture. The questions of task allocation and authority management are addressed under their different nuances and the identified system functionalities are studied and adapted to match the cooperation requirements. Therefore, we have developed algorithms to perform maneuver decision making, trajectory planning, and control that include the necessary mechanisms to adapt to the driver’s actions and intentions in the case of potential conflicts. In addition to the technical aspects, this thesis studies the cooperation notions from the human factor perspective. User test studies conducted on the SHERPA-LAMIH dynamic simulator allowed for the validation of the different developments while shedding light on the benefits of different cooperation forms
Moulin, Philippe. „Modélisation et commande des systèmes d'air des moteurs suralimentés“. Phd thesis, Paris, ENMP, 2010. https://theses.hal.science/tel-00506475.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe performances of internal combustion engines are limited by the quantity of fresh air and burned gas that can be brought into the cylinder by their air system. Turbochagers enable to increase this quantity and this is the reason why they are now used commonly, often combined with other complex components. These systems generate a slow dynamics on the engine. The associated control strategies are therefore complex because they must utilize the full dynamics of a complex system. This thesis investigates the control problems of turbocharged air systems through three case studies : a fixed geometry turbocharger on a gasoline engine, a variable geometry turbine on a Diesel engine fitted with two exhaust gas recirculation circuits, and a two stage turbocharger on a Diesel engine. The proposed approach consists in the reduction of a physical model of the system and in the design of simple control strategies based on the analysis this model. Thanks to the simplicity of both the reduced model and the control law, it is possible to prove properties of the closed loop system such as the convergence, the stability and the satisfaction of constraints. Experimental results are provided for each case study in order to demonstrate the relevance of the approach. The first problem considered is single input single output (SISO) with constraints on the actuator. The system is non linear and first order. The control strategy is based on feedback linearization and constrained motion planning. It consists in a dynamic inversion of a physical representation of the system. Practical issues such as actuator constraints and integrator anti wind up are taken into account in both feedforward and feedback terms of the controller. The approach and the developments are then extended to more complex applications. The second air system considered contains several subsystems with many interactions : turbocharger and exhaust gas recirculation circuits. A similar level of representation as for the first case is used for the system analysis. It is shown that the dynamics of the exhaust gas recirculation circuits are faster than that of turbochargers and can therefore be neglected. However the static interactions between the two systems impose constraints on the turbocharger control. The control structure developed for the first example is adapted to this new control problem. The last application is the most complex one. The control problem can be reduced to a single input single output (SISO) problem, but the system is second order and constraints must be respected on one of the states. A reduced physical second order model allows to study the trajectories of the closed loop system in the phase plane. Control strategies are thus designed to force the system to the desired trajectory while satisfying the constraints. The thesis thus shows that different air systems control problems can be addressed with similar coherent solutions. The global approach and the chosen modeling level are generic. They can therefore be extended to future air systems control problems, but also to diagnostic problems for which they are well adapted
Moulin, Philippe. „Modélisation et Commande des Systèmes d'Air des Moteurs Suralimentés“. Phd thesis, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00506475.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLi, Zhi. „Commande optimale (en Production et Stock) de Systèmes Assemble-To-Order (ATO) avec prise en compte de demandes en composants individuels“. Phd thesis, Ecole Centrale de Lille, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00866378.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAlami, Rachid. „Robots autonomes : du concept au robot. Architectures, représentations et algorithmes“. Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 1996. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00165562.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleHervagault, Yoann. „Conception et réalisation d'un système efficace de communication et de coordination au sein d'une flotille de drones aquatiques de surface“. Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019GREAT048.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLes travaux présentés dans cette thèse visent à améliorer les performances du système SPYBOAT, une gamme de drones aquatiques de surface développés par l'entreprise CT2MC et destinés à la réalisation de missions de surveillance environementale en eau douce. Afin de pouvoir mener à bien leurs missions, le maintien de la communication radio avec ces équipements est primordial à la fois pour pouvoir envoyer de nouvelles instructions aux agents, et pour évaluer l'état d'avancement de la mission. Les objectifs de cette thèse sont donc complémentaires:- concevoir une antenne dédiée à un véhicule autonome de surface et contenue dans sa coque,- développer une stratégie de déploiement qui prend en compte la portée radio et les ressources de calcul limitées.Dans un premier temps, les paramètres dynamiques d'un des modèles SPYBOAT ont été identifiés au cours d'une campagne de mesures réalisée sur le Lac du Bourget (73). Le modèle dynamique est ensuite approfondi afin de mettre en évidence sa platitude qui sera utilisée lors de la génération des trajectoires de référence.Ensuite, les conditions particulières d'un point de vue radio-fréquence sont abordées telles que la proximité de l'eau, les faibles hauteurs et le voisinage d'éléments conducteurs. La topologie choisie consiste en un réseau d'antennes constitué de 3 monopoles semi-circulaires. Les performances de cette antenne ont été évaluées par simulation et confirmées par le biais de mesures effectuées sur des prototypes. Les résultats montrent que ces antennes offrent des performances comparables aux dipoles filaires classiquement utilisés dans ce domaine.Enfin, nous proposons un algorithme de génération d'une trajectoire de référence pour une flotte de drones exploitant la platitude des systèmes à contrôler. Les contraintes de portée induites par l'utilisation de l'antenne sont prises en compte afin de garantir le contact radio avec chaque agent. Cette étape d'optimisation est réalisée en amont de la mission afin de minimiser la tâche alouée au contrôleur, qui consiste en une commande LQR (Linear Quadratic Regulator) à gain variable. Cette stratégie de commande a été simulée et testée avec succès sur un système réel
Martinez, José. „Contribution aux problèmes de contrôle de concurrence et de reprise dans les bases de données à objets“. Phd thesis, Université Montpellier II - Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, 1992. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00429663.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleFang, Jianxin. „Analyse et algorithmes de résolution de systèmes ATO (Assemble-To-Order) : Applications aux systèmes du type W“. Thesis, Ecole centrale de Lille, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017ECLI0012/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleWe analyze a W-configuration assemble-to-order system with random lead times, random arrival of demand, and lost sales, in continuous time. We formulate the problem as an infinite-horizon Markov decision process. We deviate from the standard approach by first characterizing a region (the recurrent region) of the state space where all properties of the cost function hold. We then characterize the optimal policy within this region. In particular, we show that within the interior of the recurrent region components are always produced. We also characterize the optimal component allocation policy which specifies whether an arriving product demand should be fulfilled. Our analysis reveals that the optimal allocation policy is counter-intuitive. For instance, even when one product dominates the other, in terms of lost sale cost and lost sale cost rate (i.e., demand rate times the lost sale cost), its demand may not have absolute priority over the other product’s demand. Such a feature has not been observed in many integrated production/inventory settings where inventory allocation follows a fixed priority in satisfying demands. We also show that the structure of the optimal policy remains the same for systems with batch production, Erlang distributed production times, and non-unitary product demand. Finally, we propose efficient heuristics that can be either used as a substitute for the optimal policy or can be used as a starting policy for the common algorithms that are used to obtain the optimal policy in an effort to reduce their computational time
Ndiaye, Moulaye A. A. „Évaluation de performance d’architecture de contrôle-commande en réseau dans un contexte incertain d’avant-vente“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LORR0027.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis PhD dissertation, supported by CIFRE convention between the company Schneider-Electric and the University of Lorraine through the CRAN laboratory, deals with the assessment of temporal performances for a networked distributed control system. The industrial need was the development of a quotation and sizing tool of industrial control architecture during pre-sales stage. This stage is characterized by limited information about the process and the customers’ needs. The underlying scientific problematic was the ability to generate automatically models serving as support for the evaluation. In fact, performance assessment is realized for a wide range of architecture during a small amount of time, which is not compliant with a manual definition of the models. Our contribution is mainly based on a formal definition of a “builder” model with Colored and Timed Petri Nets which embeds mechanisms for configuration, instantiation and parameters setting of the architecture models. Several algorithms have been proposed for firstly build automatically the architecture Petri Nets model from a formal description of the topology and from a component model library and, secondly, for generating performance observers. Theses algorithms have been implemented on a tool gathering a user interface developed by Schneider –Electric and the Petri Nets simulator called CPN Tools which provides the performance assessment through Monte-Carlo simulation. The added value of this approach has been illustrated through case studies provided by Schneider-Electric
Panchea, Adina. „Inverse optimal control for redundant systems of biological motion“. Thesis, Orléans, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015ORLE2050/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis addresses inverse optimal control problems (IOCP) to find the cost functions for which the human motions are optimal. Assuming that the human motion observations are perfect, while the human motor control process is imperfect, we propose an approximately optimal control algorithm. By applying our algorithm to the human motion observations collected for: the human arm trajectories during an industrial screwing task, a postural coordination in a visual tracking task and a walking gait initialization task, we performed an open loop analysis. For the three cases, our algorithm returned the cost functions which better fit these data, while approximately satisfying the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) optimality conditions. Our algorithm offers a nice computational time for all cases, providing an opportunity for its use in online applications. For the visual tracking task, we investigated a closed loop modeling with two PD feedback loops. With artificial data, we obtained consistent results in terms of feedback gains’ trends and criteria exhibited by our algorithm for the visual tracking task. In the second part of our work, we proposed a new approach to solving the IOCP, in a bounded error framework. In this approach, we assume that the human motor control process is perfect while the observations have errors and uncertainties acting on them, being imperfect. The errors are bounded with known bounds, otherwise unknown. Our approach finds the convex hull of the set of feasible cost function with a certainty that it includes the true solution. We numerically guaranteed this using interval analysis tools
Mora-Camino, Félix. „Synthese de travaux sur l'analyse, la planification et la commande de systemes complexes de production et de transport“. Toulouse 3, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987TOU30209.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGbaka, Alfred. „Contrôle de gestion et stratégie : déterminants et réalités du processus de contrôle stratégique : Une recherche exploratrice“. Lille 1, 1996. https://pepite-depot.univ-lille.fr/LIBRE/Th_Num/1996/50374-1996-233.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleA new king of literature has been developping for a few years now, advocating the necessity of implementing formal strategic control devices for maintaining performance in an incertain environmental context. All the works from this literature focus in conclusion on almost no practice of such devices within the entreprises. However, this works are questinable because of showing a simplistic and incomplete vision of the involved process. A more complete work leaning on the principle of field research method and based on a pragmatic conception anables ones to reveal the reality of practical experience which is rather diversified and which comprises variables degrees of sophistication. Three configurations of strategic control practices are identified : the first one gets closer to an "ideal" strategic control device, the second one shows a characteristic signed of transition situation, the third reflects a classic management control system on certain points
Denis-Vidal, Lilianne. „Identification d'un système biochimique, modélisation et contrôle d'un système de réacteurs“. Compiègne, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993COMPD640.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleNdiaye, Moulaye A. A. „Évaluation de performance d’architecture de contrôle-commande en réseau dans un contexte incertain d’avant-vente“. Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LORR0027/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis PhD dissertation, supported by CIFRE convention between the company Schneider-Electric and the University of Lorraine through the CRAN laboratory, deals with the assessment of temporal performances for a networked distributed control system. The industrial need was the development of a quotation and sizing tool of industrial control architecture during pre-sales stage. This stage is characterized by limited information about the process and the customers’ needs. The underlying scientific problematic was the ability to generate automatically models serving as support for the evaluation. In fact, performance assessment is realized for a wide range of architecture during a small amount of time, which is not compliant with a manual definition of the models. Our contribution is mainly based on a formal definition of a “builder” model with Colored and Timed Petri Nets which embeds mechanisms for configuration, instantiation and parameters setting of the architecture models. Several algorithms have been proposed for firstly build automatically the architecture Petri Nets model from a formal description of the topology and from a component model library and, secondly, for generating performance observers. Theses algorithms have been implemented on a tool gathering a user interface developed by Schneider –Electric and the Petri Nets simulator called CPN Tools which provides the performance assessment through Monte-Carlo simulation. The added value of this approach has been illustrated through case studies provided by Schneider-Electric
Gritli, Abdelkader. „Comportements stratégiques, facteurs clés de succés et contrôle“. Lille 1, 1998. https://pepite-depot.univ-lille.fr/LIBRE/Th_Num/1998/50374-1998-223.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleStudying the management literature shows us that most empirical researches concerning the relationship between strategy and control have been done in a very restricted way and have been only looked through. For that reason, it was obsolutely necessary to refuse the instrumental control vision of firms wich often inspires determinist and simplifying models. Then our study will aim at three different objects: the first one is : - testing the miles and snow typology in the french firms context from a very wide conceptualization of items in order to constitute our own work tool. - trying to check the similarities and differences in the behaviour of some contextuel and organizational variables. The second one is : - examining the relationship between critical success factors, control and performance, trying to set the reliability of the critical success factors in predicting control and performance vectors. The third object consists in studying "quality" , a specific critical success factor example, and in considering its impact, in a possible evolution of control systems. Thus, we will enlighten the relationship between strategy and control on a theoretical and practical point of view in firm management. For that purpose, a standard, embracing different "spectra" has been achieved, based on a double methodology: a questionnaire and interviews
Masson, Sophie. „Les interactions entre système de transport et système de localisation en milieu urbain et leur modélisation“. Lyon 2, 2000. http://theses.univ-lyon2.fr/documents/lyon2/2000/smasson.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis research proposes an interactive operational transport and land use model like a tool of transport planning aid. The construction of this model falls under a will to exceed the traditional methodology of the strongly criticized models of transport owing to the fact that they badly take into account the character derived of the travel demand, in particular, the locations of the residents and of the activities, generators of travel, are regarded as fixed. In the long run, the interactions between transport and land use must be explicitly integrated. The modification of the conditions of travel has impacts on the urban forms and the effect of these forms on the travel demand is not a doubt. The implementation of such a model requires an analysis of the travel demand, initially, and a conceptual and theoretical analysis of the mechanisms of interaction between transport and land use in the second time. That is the subject of the first part of this work. The second part of the thesis is devoted to the development of an interactive model of transport and urbanisation. This one articulates three submodels: a model of urban development which takes as a starting point the theory of the urban economic base, a model of urban structure which estimates the distribution of the locations of the residents and the induced activities. Lastly, a model of travel which expresses the market equilibrium of the urban transport obtained through the stages of generation, spatial distribution, modal split and assignment. The dynamics of long term of the model is obtained by the introduction of retroactive loops. The model brings certain lesson for the transport planning. The latter must fall under a total step and of long term, and must be considered in coherence with the urban planning
Francois, Julien. „Planification des chaînes logistiques : modélisation du système décisionnel et performance“. Phd thesis, Université Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux I, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00267825.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleFrançois, Julien. „Planification des chaînes logistiques : modélisation du système décisionnel et performance“. Bordeaux 1, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007BOR13521.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSupply chain global management must be consistent with partners’ local management policies. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the performance of supply chains with various management architectures compounding, in different levels, hierarchical and distributed approaches. These architectures are analyzed comparatively, using a generic planning model involving production, storage and transport constraints in distributed organisations. The specific problem of production capacity sharing of a partner working for several supply chains is also studied
Hicheur, Halim. „Contrôle et guidage de la locomotion humaine“. Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00161881.
Der volle Inhalt der Quellechangements de direction de marche est réalisée. Enfin, quelques approches et principes particulièrement intéressants, comme le principe de segmentation et celui d'optimalité, sont discutés dans le cadre général de l'étude expérimentale et de la modélisation des processus de génération et de contrôle des trajectoires locomotrices.
Levant, Yves. „Opérations de croissance externe et système de contrôle organisationnel“. Lille 1, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998LIL12024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMaubourguet, Nicolas. „Contrôle nicotinique du système dopaminergique et du comportement d'exploration“. Paris 6, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA066197.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleHilt, Pauline. „Décision motrice et contrôle modulaire d'un système hyper-redondant“. Thesis, Dijon, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015DIJOS061/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis is aimed at better understanding how the Central Nervous System (CNS) plans and controls voluntary movements. When moving, humans must overcome intrinsic (e.g. choosing which muscles to activate) and extrinsic (e.g. choosing where to reach an object) redundancy, requiring selecting one motor solution among several potential ones. To better understand this process, we studied in parallel two important motor control theories: muscular synergies and motor decision. In a first part, we focused on intrinsic redundancy by testing the muscular synergies hypothesis. According to it, the CNS simplifies the control of muscles, in using a limited set of building blocks whose linear combinations allow the performance of virtually any motor task. In this study, we challenge the modular motor control hypothesis by combining a) the design of a highly comprehensive experiment with b) the use of a unifying modularity model to describe single-trial EMG activity in space and time and c) a module evaluation process that assesses the modular decomposition not only in input space (EMG data reconstruction) but also in task space (task discrimination). Our rationale is that an effective modular control implementation would allow not only the formation of a wide variety of muscle patterns but also the achievement of a large set of tasks. The main theoretical result is the existence of few spatial and temporal modules that not onlygive a concise representation of muscle patterns but also carry nearly all task-relevant information of EMG signals. In a second part, we studied the decisional process that underlies all voluntary movement. In daily life, human movement is guided by objective external constraints (e.g. an object to reach), potential external cost/benefits (e.g. monetary reward) and internal cost/benefits associated with each movement (e.g. energy expenditure). Here,we aimed at investigating internal variables orienting action selection when facing the complexity of human-environment interactions. To this aim, we designed an experimental protocol reducing external constraints: no predetermined endpoint (e.g. salient target) and no explicit reward (e.g. money). Subjects had to perform whole body reaching movements towards a uniform surface (no pre-determined endpoint). Our results illustrate the presence of idiosyncratic values guiding posture and movement coordination that can be combined in a flexible manner as a function of context and subject. A first value takes into account the energy expenditure and articular jerk, while the other favored stable dynamic equilibrium but requires larger energy expenditure and articular jerk. In conclusion of this work, we suggest that motor control can be viewed as a decision process evaluating internal values to elaborate the most efficient control in function of context. In addition, this control can be simplified by the use of functional modules allowing CNS to generate rapidly a large set of whole body movements