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Tolera, Habtamu Haile. Suitability of local materials to purify Akaki Sub-Basin water. Hannover: Technische Informationsbibliothek u. Universita tsbibliothek, 2007.

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L, Meinert Dennis, und Tennessee Valley Authority. Water Management, Hrsg. Monitoring and evaluation of aquatic resource health and use suitability in Tennessee Valley Authority reservoirs. Chattanooga, Tenn: Tennessee Valley Authority, Resource Group, Water Management, 1993.

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Robinson, Keith W. Availability and suitability of data from public water-supplier sources for use in water-quality assessments. Pembroke, N.H: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Dept. of Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 1998.

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Watts, Kenneth R. Availability, sustainability, and suitability of ground water, Rogers Mesa, Delta County, Colorado: Types of analyses and data for use in subdivision water-supply reports. Reston, Va: U.S. Geological Survey, 2008.

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Makhijani, Arjun. Heat, high water, and rock suitability at Hanford: A preliminary assessment of the suitability of the Hanford, Washington, site for a high-level nuclear waste repository. Washington, D.C: Health & Energy Institute, 1985.

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Geological Survey (U.S.) und Oklahoma Geological Survey, Hrsg. Suitability of ponds formed by strip mining in eastern Oklahoma for public water supply, aquatic life, waterfowl habitat, livestock watering, irrigation, and recreation. Oklahoma City, Okla: U.S. G.P.O., 1994.

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Celewycz, A. G. Suitability of Dry Bay, southeastern Alaska, as rearing habitat for juvenile salmon. Juneau, Alaska: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Fisheries Science Center, Auke Bay Laboratory, 1997.

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Mueller, Gordon. Testing of golf course ponds at Page, Arizona for suitability as grow-out facility for razorback sucker using surplus fish from Ouray National Fish Hatchery. [Denver, Colo.]: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 1997.

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Lowe, Mike. Guidelines for preparing hydrogeologic reports addressing suitability for alternative waste-water disposal systems in rock in Duchesne County, Utah. [Salt Lake City]: Utah Dept. of Natural Resources, Utah Geological Survey, 1998.

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Osmundson, Douglas B. Longitudinal variation in fish community structure and water temperature in the Upper Colorado River: Implications for Colorado Pikeminnow habitat suitability ; final report. Grand Junction, CO (764 Horizon Drive, South Annex A, Grand Junction, Colorado 81506-3945): U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1999.

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Geological Survey (U.S.) und National Water Quality Assessment Program (U.S.), Hrsg. Availability and suitability of municipal wastewater information for use in a national water-quality assessment: A case study of the upper Illinois River basin in Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin. Urbana, Ill: U.S. Geological Survey, 1990.

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Determination of the chemical suitability of a dredged material containment area for aquaculture. Vicksburg, Miss: US Army Corps of Engineers, Environmental Laboratory, 1990.

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Guidelines for preparing hydrogeologic reports addressing suitability for alternative waste-water disposal systems in rock in Duchesne County, Utah. Utah Geological Survey, 1998.

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Walmsley, Peter. New transducers in underwater noise measurement: New electro-acoustic sensor materials are evaluated for hydrophone performance and suitability in schemes for accurate measurement of radiated submarine noise in shallow water. Bradford, 1985.

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Chiou, Wen-An, Helmut Coutelle, Andreas Decher, Michael Dörschug, Reiner Dohrmann, Albert Gilg, Stephan Kaufhold et al. Bentonites -. Herausgegeben von Stephan Kaufhold. E. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, 2021.

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<p><b>Bentonites</b> are rocks mostly consisting of swelling clay minerals. They were first described from the Cretaceous Benton Shale near Rock River, Wyoming, USA. </p> <p> Because of their useful properties (e.g. highly adsorbent, cation exchanging, swelling), bentonites have many uses, in industry (among them as drilling mud, purification agent, binder, adsorbent, paper production), culture (for e.g. pottery) and medicine/cosmetics/cat litter, civil engineering, and in the future even in the disposal of high-level nuclear waste. </p> <p> Particular chemical characteristics of bentonite clay minerals are rather variable but critically determine their suitability for a particular application. </p> <p> The 15 specialist authors discuss bentonite terminology, classification and genesis and use in eight chapters. Individual chapters deal with the methods bentonites are analysed with, their properties and performance in terms of parameters such as cation exchange capactiy, rheology, coagulation concentraion, water uptake capacity, free swelling, and electrical resistivity (amongst others). </p> <p> A chapter is dedicated to the sources of bentonites, the technology employed to produce them, and how quality control is carried out both in the mine and the laboratory. A further chapter is dedicated to methods of processing the mined material, different activation methods, drying, grinding, and purification. </p> <P> Use cases for bentonites are discussed in a chapter of its own. References, a section on norms and standards, and a list of abbreviations complete the text. </p> <p> The volume addresses students, researchers, and professionals in the mineral industry dealing with bentonite and their clay-mineral constituents, quality assessement and control, and persons that use bentonites in their products. </p>
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Kiszka, Krzysztof. Ruchy osuwiskowe w świetle badań dendrogeomorfologicznych na podstawie analizy osuwiska Sawickiego w Beskidzie Niskim = Landsilde movements based on dendrogeomorphological research based on a analysis of the Sawicki Landslide in the Beskid Niski mts. Instytut Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania im. Stanisława Leszczyckiego, Polska Akademia Nauk, 2021.

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Research concerns the problem of landslide movement, which is one of the most important geomorphological processes in the Carpathians. The aim of the studies is to determine the temporal and spatial complexity of landslide activity and to demonstrate the suitability of using different species of conifers in the dendrogeomorphological method. The Sawicki landslide located in Beskid Niski Mts., which is one of the largest landslides in the Polish Flysch Carpathians, was selected for dendrogeomorphological analysis. The dendrogeomorphological method and geomorphological mapping were used in the research. 1078 samples from conifers (fir, spruce, larch and pine) growing on the Sawicki landslide and its immediate surroundings were taken using an increment borer in 2013- 2018. The cores were taken from the upslope and downslope side of the tree stump. The width of annual tree rings were measured for each extracted core sample. The landslide activity was assessed on the basis of the eccentricity, the eccentricity index and its yearly variation. Geological and topographic maps, published data on landslides activity in the research area, precipitation data from the Research Station in Szymbark (Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Science) for 1968-2017 and from the meteorological station in Krynica (Institute of Meteorology and Water Management) for 1881-2010 were also used for dendrogeomorphological research of Sawicki landslide. The research shows that the Sawicki landslide is characterized by varied temporal and spatial complexity of landslide activity. The dynamics of displacements within the research sites and research sub-sites, including various fragments of landslides, and movements of colluvial packages is spatially mosaic and chaotic in time. Mass movements covering almost the entire surface of the landslide occurred in the years 1913-1914 and 1974-1975, while in the years 1888, 1906-1907, 1916, 1918, 1929, 1965, 1973, 1980, 1983-1985, 1997 landslide activity was recorded only in its particular parts. The largest variation in the dynamics of landslide movements is characteristic for the period 1970-1985. It was also found that in the initial stage of formation of the landslide tongue, the colluviums movement is disordered. During further downhill movement, the direction of displacement is arranged. Periods of Sawicki landslide activity refers to extremely humid years (62%) and wet years (48%) and they are consistent with the years of landslides activity in Szymbark, listed in the current literature of the subject. The most predisposed conifer species to dendrogeomorphological analysis were spruce, larch and fir. Despite its limitations, the dendrogeomorphological method is a useful tool in landslide activity research.
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