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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Stress"


Radojlović, Jasmina, und Nikola Petrović. „Stress all around us: Overcoming chronic stress“. Zdravstvena zastita 40, Nr. 6 (2011): 79–82.

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Kitanović, Vladimir. „Stres i prevladavanje stresa u sportu“. Aktuelno u praksi: bilten za strucna pitanja u fizickoj kulturi 25, Nr. 2 (2015): 5–10.

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The term stress is mentioned in daily life to the extent that we can say that stress has become an integral part of modern human life. Like the rest of the population, even athletes are not spared to the stress and its consequences. Stress is usually mentioned in negative context, and most people think that stress is negative phenomenon. The key concept for understanding what impact stress has on the emotions, behavior and performance of athletes, becomes stress overcoming, since the prevailing opinion that stress does not induce disorders, but the ways how people cope with stress. The aim of this paper is to present the basic theoretical issues related to stress and coping with stress in sport.
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Lalević, Nina. „Stress at work: A special phenomenon or a type of general stress? - Milanko Čabarkapa: Professional stress: Psychology of stress at work, Institute for Textbooks, Belgrade, 2017“. Socioloski pregled 55, Nr. 1 (2021): 208–22.

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Occupational stress is drawing the attention of an increasing number of authors who deal with psychology of work and organization. Unlike old, "industrial" definitions of stress at work, modern ones put the emphasis on the psychological aspects of work which have adverse effects on the employee's mood, motivation and general health condition. Therefore, more attention is dedicated to the approach of superiors, interpersonal relations and balance between private and business life, as well as traditional effects of monotony, work conditions and opportunities for advancement. The author establishes an expertise base about stress by presenting and analyzing the results of numerous scientifically relevant studies on the topic of stress at work, thus familiarizing students, researchers and practitioners with the most important postulates, observations and implications for treating consequences of stress. Moreover, stress as one of the most current issues of modern era is increasingly positioning itself in the centre of the work context through problematic interpersonal relations, conflict or confusing work roles and insufficient or inadequate reward. The author finishes his book/textbook with the chapter about stress measurement methods and techniques, which will be crucial in proving the presence and toxic effects of stress, and in treating stress-related occupational diseases in the future.
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Stožinić, Svetomir, und Milorad Borzanović. „Fight against stress: How can we live with stress?“ Zdravstvena zastita 38, Nr. 6 (2009): 67–71.

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Stanković-Đorđević, Mirjana. „Professional stress and personality traits as a factor in coping with teachers' stress“. Зборник радова Филозофског факултета у Приштини 48, Nr. 2 (2018): 49–68.

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TOPAL HANÇER, Ayşe, Nuran GÜLER und Burcu Kübra SÜHA. „Nursing Senior Students' Perceived Stress and Stress Coping Behaviors“. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Nursing Sciences 11, Nr. 4 (2019): 347–56.

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Witt, Magdalena, Bogusław Stelcer und Marta Czarnecka-Iwańczuk. „Stress coping styles in firemen exposed to severe stress“. Psychiatria Polska 52, Nr. 3 (30.06.2018): 543–55.

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Šidlauskaitė, Ieva. „PSICHOLOGINIO-SOCIALINIO STRESO IR GYVENIMO STILIAUS SĄSAJOS“. Psichologija 24 (01.01.2001): 21–37.

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Darbe siekta nustatyti, ar psichologinis-socialinis stresas siejasi su gyvenimo stiliaus ypatumais: priklausomybes sukeliančių medžiagų (alkoholio, tabako, narkotikų) vartojimo kiekiu bei polinkiu tai keisti; su mityba ir fiziniu aktyvumu bei noru keisti gyvenimo stiliaus ypatumus sveikatingumo linkme.Tyrimas atliktas naudojantis sveikatos apklausos anketa. Tyrimo rezultatai pateikiami naudojantis 18-22 metų amžiaus tirtų vaikinų 616 anketų.Nustatyta, kad: 1. Jaunuoliai, kuriems būdingas aukštas psichologinio-socialinio streso lygis, vartoja daugiau priklausomybę sukeliančių medžiagų (tabako, alkoholio, narkotikų), nei tie jaunuoliai, kuriems būdingas žemas psichologinio-socialinio streso lygis. 2. Aukšto psichologinio-socialinio streso lygio jaunuoliai labiau linkę nekeisti priklausomybę sukeliančių medžiagų vartojimo nei žemo psichologinio-socialinio streso lygio jaunuoliai. 3. Aukštas psichologinis-socialinis stresas yra susijęs su nesveikesniu gyvenimo stiliumi (mažesniu fiziniu aktyvumu, didesniu druskos vartojimu). THE LINK BETWEEN PSYCHOLOGICAL-SOCIAL STRESS AND LIFE STYLE Ieva Šidlauskaitė SummaryThe purposes of this work was to state the connection between psychological-social stress (PS stress) and life style's features, such as: nicotine use; alcohol use; drugs use; nutrition and physical activity. To state the connection between psychological-social stress level and quantity of nicotine, alcohol, drugs use; tendency to change habits in the direction of healthier life style. Research has been carried according to health questionnaire (translated by A. Gostautas, 2000). For data analysis we used results from common research with 616 youngsters (form 18 till 22 years).Conclusions are following:• Youngsters with higher PS stress level use more cigarettes, alcohol and drugs comparing with youngsters with lover PS stress level.• Youngsters with higher PS stress level are liable not to change using of nicotine, alcohol and drugs, comparing with youngsters with lover PS stress level.• Higher PS stress level is related with unhealthier life style.
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BÜYÜKOĞLU, Tülay, und Nurcanan ASLAN. „Oxidative Stress and Effects of Oxidative Stress on the Dairy Cattle During Transition Period“. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Veterinary Sciences 9, Nr. 2 (2018): 33–41.

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ARSLAN, Mücahid Alp, und Levent DÖNMEZ. „Effect of Stress and Coping with Stress Capability on Burnout among Medical Students“. Akdeniz Medical Journal 3, Nr. 3 (28.09.2017): 149–57.

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Dissertationen zum Thema "Stress"


Charašauskienė, Vaiva. „Streso problema įvairiose ugdymo įstaigose“. Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2006.

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Place of writing the study: Lithuanian university of agriculture. Institute of rural culture. Academy. 2006 years. Volume of work:57 pages There are:3 tables, 14 pictures, 5 appendices Bibliography:39 publications Object of research: Stress experienced by the the people at work in educational institutions Methods of research: 1. The analysis of bibliography. 2. The questionnaire about stress at work taken from J.Pikūnas, A.Palujanskienė‘s book „Stresas“ (2005), page No 86. 3. The questionnaire about inner stressors taken from J. Pikūnas, A.Palujanskienė‘s book „ Stresas“ (2005), page No 30. 4. Additional questions in order to rate stressors affecting workers in educational institutions and ways of overcoming stress. 5. The statistical analysis of data. Results of research: The hypothesis of research proved partly: there is a different level of stress in different schools; factors influencing stress are different but ways of dealing with stress are the same, except the activity in spirituals. Educators at Lukšiai secondary school and Viliampolė children and youth boarding – school feel moderate stress; educators at Kolpingas College suffer from strong stress. Inner stressors mostly affect workers at Viliampolė children and youth boarding – school is the sequence of structure of the organization and microclimate. There is no one dominant factor for the teachers at Lukšiai V.Grybas secondary school – both factors related with tasks, the role of the worker and communication... [to full text]
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Bártová, Soňa. „Vyhodnocování, zvládání a snižování stresu“. Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská, 2011.

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The thesis with title „Stress Evaluation, Coping and Reduction“ is dealing with this nowadays and often discussed problems focused on possibly purposes of work stress, influence of stress on health and techniques of stress coping. The theoretical part concerns on stress and relate topics. In the practical part I have made an analysis of stress load on some employees of dm drogerie markt limited liability company. In conclusion I have suggested proposals leading to stress reduction on this workplace.
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Jalušková, Radka. „Vyhodnocování, zvládání a snižování stresu“. Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská, 2011.

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The Master´s Thesis „Stress evaluation, coping and reduction” deals with analyzing stress in students, ordinary workers and top managers. The theoretical part analyzes stress, effects of stress, its impact on human health, his work / study results and overall his life. The practical part is concerned with the influence of stress on students, ordinary workers and top managers, using a questionnaire. On the basis of the analysis is specified what causes stress for the various groups, how most respondents solve the stress. The conclusion of the work includes the proposal of effective coping and stress reduction for each group of respondents.
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Kršková, Božena. „Vyhodnocování, zvládání a snižování stresu“. Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská, 2010.

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The Master’s thesis "Stress evaluation, coping and reduction" dealing with the currently very topical issue the stress acting on employee working conditions. It analyzes the types of stress, signs, symptoms and effects on health and work performance of employees. The thesis is focused on the factors causing stress, their identification and reduction of the company. The theoretical part is focused on theoretical analysis of the problems. The practical part is devoted to the measurement of stressors in the working environment for catering JHREST s.r.o. employees. The work conclusion includes a proposal of the stress factors reduction in the company.
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Koutný, Pavel. „Vyhodnocování, zvládání a snižování stresu“. Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská, 2014.

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The diploma thesis concentrates on the stress that the vast majority of employees face today. The thesis analyzes the various types of stress, its indication and manifestation. Furthemore, the factors that contribute to stress, their identification and elimination are also discussed. The focus of the thesis is on the theoretical analyzis of the problems. Moreover, it measures the stressors on the workplace, too. Specifically, it evaluates the level of stress in P&L spol. s.r.o. In the conclusion, the recommendations that decrease the detected stress factors are given.
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Hacajová, Karolína. „Vyhodnocování, zvládání a snižování stresu“. Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská, 2013.

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The Master´s thesis “Stress evaluation, coping and reduction” is dealing with a topic of work-related stress, which is very common at working places of many companies nowadays. The theoretical part is focused on definition of basic concepts of stress and common techniques of coping and reduction of stress. The practical part provides a measurement of certain level of work-related stress in Henkel Slovensko, spol. s r.o. company based on questionnaire survey. The conclusion of the thesis contains the recommendations focused on reduction of certain stress factors´ impact and precaution of formation of work-related stress.
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Krištopaitytė, Justė. „Vyresnių klasių mokinių, turinčių specialiųjų ugdymo(-si) poreikių, streso įveikos ypatumai“. Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2012.

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Magistro darbe buvo atlikta teorinė mokslinės literatūros analizė apie stresą, jo įveikos būdus, mokyklinį stresą ir jo įveikimą, mokinių paauglystės psichologinius ypatumus. Taip pat nagrinėti autorių darbai apie mokyklinio streso įveikos stilius ir naudojamas strategijas. Iškelta hipotezė, kad vyresnių klasių mokinių naudojami streso įveikos stiliai skiriasi, lyginant specialiųjų ugdymo(-si) poreikių turinčius mokinius ir jų bendraamžius. Anketinės apklausos metodu buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas – ištirti vyresnių klasių mokinių, turinčių specialiųjų ugdymo(-si) poreikių, streso įveikos ypatumus. Atlikta statistinė (aprašomoji vidurkių, koreliacijų) duomenų analizė. Tyrime dalyvavo 216 bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų vyresnių klasių mokinių, iš kurių 114 – mokiniai, turintys specialiųjų ugdymo(-si) poreikių, 102 – jų bendraamžiai. Empirinėje dalyje nagrinėjami vyresnių klasių specialiųjų ugdymo(-si) poreikių turinčių mokinių ir jų bendraamžių naudojami streso įveikos stiliai; patikimo mokytis mokykloje, mokymosi rezultatų ir mokyklinio streso įveikos stilių ryšiai; vyresnių klasių mokinių mokyklinio streso įveikos ypatumai. Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados: 1. Mokiniai, neturintys specialiųjų ugdymo(-si) poreikių, dažniau renkasi adaptyvaus vengimo mokyklinio streso įveikos stilių. 2. Specialiųjų ugdymo(-si) poreikių turinčios mergaitės dažniau renkasi streso įveikos stilius, orientuotus i problemos sprendimą bei emocinį reagavimą, negu specialiųjų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
Master thesis performed a theoretical analysis of scientific literature on stress, school stress, the coping methods, psychological characteristics of adolescent students. Also it was analyzed styles and strategies of school stress coping. Hypothesis, that high school students’ used styles of stress coping are different compared to the students with special educational needs and their peers. The study was conducted the questionnaire method. Research destination – investigate stress coping characteristics of high school students with special educational needs. It was conducted the statistical (descriptive averages, correlations) data analysis. The study included 216 general education high school students, of which 114 - students with special education needs, 102 - their peers. The empirical part deals with high school special education (learning) needs of students and their peers used stress coping styles; connections between styles of school stress coping, pleasant to learn at school and learning outcomes; characteristics of high school students’ stress coping. The main empirical findings: 1. Students, who do not have special educational needs, more adaptive choice of school avoidance stress coping styles. 2. Girls with special educational needs more often choose stress coping styles, oriented to solving the problem and emotional response than boys with special educational needs. 3. The connections between stress coping styles, oriented to solving the problem, emotional... [to full text]
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Šmatavičius, Gintaras Valentinas. „Besigydančių dėl širdies ir kraujagyslių ligų streso įveikos, savigarbos ir agresyvumo charakteristikų sąsajos“. Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2010.

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Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti širdies ir kraujagyslių ligomis (ŠKL) sergančių asmenų savigarbos, agresyvumo ir streso įveikos sąsajas. Tyrime dalyvavo 161 asmuo – 86 vyrai (53,4 proc.) ir 75 moterys (46,6 proc.). Tiriamąją grupę sudarė 78 reabilitacijoje besigydantys pacientai. Palyginamąją grupę sudarė 83 sveiki asmenys. Tiriamųjų amžiaus svyravo nuo 19 iki 75 metų (50,81 ± 12,75). Tyrimo metu išanalizuotos streso įveikos, savigarbos ir agresyvumo charakteristikos bei sąsajos abejose grupėse. Tiriamųjų streso įveikos strategijų įvertinimui naudota Ž. Grakausko ir G. Valicko sudaryta streso įveikos vertinimo metodika. Tiriamųjų savigarbai nagrinėti naudota M. Rosenberg savigarbos skalė (The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale). Agresyvumo analizei tiriamiesiems buvo pateiktas A. Bass - Darki klausimynas. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad tiriamųjų, sergančių ŠKL, savigarbos rodikliai žemesni nei sveikų respondentų. Nėra skirtumo tarp sergančių ŠKL ir sveikų tiriamųjų fizinės ir verbalinės agresijos charakteristikų. Sergantieji ŠKL ir sveiki tyrimo dalyviai vienodai dažnai naudoja vengimo ir su socialine parama susijusias streso įveikos strategijas. Tiriamųjų, sergančių ŠKL, į problemą orientuotų streso įveikos strategijų naudojimas nesusijęs su savigarbos rodikliais. Moterų, sergančių ŠKL, žemesni fizinės ir verbalinės agresijos rodikliai susiję su aukštesniais savigarbos rodikliais. Vyrų, sergančių ŠKL, savigarba ir verbalinės agresijos lygis nesusiję. Sergančių ŠKL vyrų aukštesni... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
The aim of the study was to evaluate the connection between self-esteem, aggression and stress coping of cardiovascular patients. 161 people participated in the research: 86 men (53.4%) and 75 women (46.6%). 78 patients in rehabilitation formed the experimental group. The control group was formed from 83 healthy people. The age of the participants ranged from 19 to 75 (50,81 ± 12,75). During the research, the characteristics and connection between self-esteem, stress coping and agression were analysed in both groups. For evaluating stress coping strategies, the methodology for evaluation of stress coping by Ž. Grakauskas and G. Valickas was used. For self-esteem, The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale was applied, while Bass-Darky questionnaire was employed in order to analyse aggressiveness. The research results have demonstrated that self-esteem indicators were lower for the cardio-vascular patients than for healthy respondents. Besides, there is no difference between physical and verbal aggression characteristics of cardiovascular patients and healthy people. Both, the experimental group and the control group, use the avoidance strategy and the strategies related to social support in coping with stress. The usage of problem-oriented stress coping strategies of cardiovascular patients is not related to self-esteem indicators. Female cardiovascular patients exhibit lower physical and verbal aggression indicators, which are associated to higher self-esteem indicators... [to full text]
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Bohatcová, Tereza. „Vyhodnocování, zvládání a snižování stresu“. Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská, 2014.

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Master's thesis deals with the stress applied to the employee in a work process in the company ABC, Ltd. It focuses on the factors that cause stress. It examines its manifestations and effects on health and work performance of employees. The theoretical part includes an overview of this issue. The practical part is analytical, processing questionnaires students - future employees and current employees. Visions of students at secondary and university level of stress that occurs in the process, are compared to the fact how stress manifests itself directly to employees in working conditions. The conclusion presents proposals to reduce or eliminate stress and increase resilience against him.
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Petrecká, Veronika. „Riziko a prevence syndromu vyhoření v průběhu pracovní kariéry“. Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2014.

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This dissertation identifies factors causing the burnout syndrome, which occur especially in the area of work career. It discusses risks that cause the burnout syndrome and the possibilities of its prevention. The theoretical part analyses particular aspects of burnout and describes career as a significant part of human life. The second part of the dissertation evaluates research that was conducted in a chosen organisation. Findings regarding a stress prevention programme are discussed in the second part, as well as the topic of how ready participants are to use the gained knowledge in real life. The paper also assesses how employees and their supervisors evaluate the stress prevention programme. The purpose of this dissertation is to analyse the effectiveness of the stress prevention programme and its impacts. Some suggestions of possible improvements within the programme are also mentioned.
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Bücher zum Thema "Stress"


Tangri, Ravi. Stress costs, stress cures. Victoria, B.C: Trafford, 2003.

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Kitaev-Smyk, L. A. Organizm i stress: Stress zhizni i stress smerti. Moskva: Smysl, 2012.

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Whittlesey, Marietta. Stress. Springhouse, Pa: Springhouse Corp., 1986.

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Cooper, Cary L., und Philip Dewe. Stress. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2004.

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Bittles, Alan H., und Peter A. Parsons, Hrsg. Stress. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1996.

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Tanghatar, Rasoul. Stress. Herbolzheim: Centaurus Verlag & Media, 2012.

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Sprung, Barbara. Stress. Austin, Tex: Raintree Steck-Vaughn, 1998.

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Donsbach, Kurt W. Stress. Sherbrooke, Québec: Éditions du IIIe millénaire, 1990.

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1941-, Ross Robert N., und Cohen Sanford I, Hrsg. Stress. Sydney: Bay Books, 1985.

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Bogatova, Masha. Stress. Moskva: Ėksmo, 2022.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Stress"


Houldey, Gemma. „Stress? What stress?“ In The Vulnerable Humanitarian, 53–73. London: Routledge, 2021.

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Sheldon, Peter R. „Long-term Responses to Physical Stress: Evidence from the Fossil Record“. In Stress, 1–23. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1996.

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Steptoe, Andrew. „Cardiovascular Disease and Stress: from Aetiology to Intervention“. In Stress, 159–73. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1996.

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Eysenck, Hans J. „Psychosocial Stress and Cancer“. In Stress, 174–91. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1996.

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Berry, R. J. „Environmental Stress and Evolutionary Adaptation“. In Stress, 24–40. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1996.

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Parsons, Peter A. „From Energy Budgets to Adaptive Limits under Stress: Sexual Ornaments, Senescence, and Outlier Human Populations“. In Stress, 41–60. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1996.

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Carter, Nicholas D. „Population Differences in Blood Pressure Genes“. In Stress, 61–69. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1996.

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Kieser, Jules A. „Sub-threshold Effects of Maternal Alcohol Consumption on Craniodental Development“. In Stress, 70–80. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1996.

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Schmitt, Lincoln H. „The Assessment of Stress in Traditional Societies“. In Stress, 81–99. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1996.

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Frankenhaeuser, Marianne. „Stress, Gender and Leadership“. In Stress, 100–112. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1996.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Stress"


Korhonen, M. A., Tao Liu, D. D. Brown und C. Y. Li. „Stress and alloying effects in electromigration“. In Third international stress workshop on stress-induced phenomena in metallization. AIP, 1996.

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Kraft, O., M. Bauer und E. Arzt. „Electromigration-induced voiding mechanisms in metallizations“. In Third international stress workshop on stress-induced phenomena in metallization. AIP, 1996.

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Wang, P. H., P. S. Ho, C. Lee und H. Kawasaki. „Initial void formation in bamboo Al-Cu(1%) two-level structure“. In Third international stress workshop on stress-induced phenomena in metallization. AIP, 1996.

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Hu, C. K., D. C. Edelstein, C. Uzoh und T. Sullivan. „Comparison of electromigration in submicron Al(Cu) and Cu thin film lines“. In Third international stress workshop on stress-induced phenomena in metallization. AIP, 1996.

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Toyoda, H., T. Kawanoue, S. Ito, M. Hasunuma und H. Kaneko. „Effects of aluminum texture on electromigration lifetime“. In Third international stress workshop on stress-induced phenomena in metallization. AIP, 1996.

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Nogami, Takeshi, und Takenao Nemoto. „Cu behaviors induced by aging and their effects on electromigration resistance on Al-Cu lines“. In Third international stress workshop on stress-induced phenomena in metallization. AIP, 1996.

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Pollak, R., H. Huck, H. Haselier, P. Ehrhart und W. Schilling. „Investigation of stresses in passivated gold lines“. In Third international stress workshop on stress-induced phenomena in metallization. AIP, 1996.

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Okabayashi, H., H. Kitamura, M. Komatsu und H. Mori. „In-situ side-view observation of electromigration in layered Al lines by ultrahigh voltage transmission electron microscopy“. In Third international stress workshop on stress-induced phenomena in metallization. AIP, 1996.

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Pramanick, S., D. D. Brown, V. Pham, P. Besser, J. Sanchez, N. Bui und J. T. Yue. „Dependence of electromigration failure modes on EM-induced and thermally-induced mechanical stress in interconnect lines“. In Third international stress workshop on stress-induced phenomena in metallization. AIP, 1996.

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Shingubara, Shoso, Kazuyuki Fujiki, Hiroyuki Sakaue und Takayuki Takahagi. „Resistance oscillations induced by DC electromigration“. In Third international stress workshop on stress-induced phenomena in metallization. AIP, 1996.

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Greene, K. D., M. C. Newman und R. H. Jagoe. STResS (Simulated Toxicant-Related Stress) documentation. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Dezember 1994.

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Dorsey, Achsah, Elissa M. Scherer, Randy Eckhoff und Robert Furberg. Measurement of Human Stress: A Multidimensional Approach. RTI Press, Juni 2022.

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Stress is a multidimensional construct that comprises exposure to events, perceptions of stress, and physiological responses to stress. Research consistently demonstrates a strong association between stress and a myriad of physical and mental health concerns, resulting in a pervasive and interdisciplinary agreement on the importance of investigating the relationship between stress and health. Developing a holistic understanding of stress requires assessment of the three domains vital to the study of stress: (1) the presence of environmental stressors, (2) psychological and biological reactions to stressors, and (3) the length of time over which the stressor or stress response occurs. Research into all three domains requires multiple methods. Self-reports allow for subjective evaluations of stress that illuminate the duration and severity of the psychological response to stressors. Biomarkers, in turn, capture a more-objective measure of stress and create a deeper understanding of the biological response to chronic and acute stress. Finally, the use of digital biomarkers allows for further exploration of the physiological fluctuations caused by stress by measuring the changes occurring at the same time as the stressor. Future research on stress and health should favor a multidimensional approach that creates a triangulated picture of stress, drawing from each of the three aforementioned method groups.
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Parrington, R. J., J. J. Scott und F. Torres. Residual stresses and stress corrosion cracking in pipe fittings. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Juni 1994.

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Keenan, Teresa A. Dealing with Stress. AARP Research, Dezember 2019.

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Marangoni, Alejandro G., und M. Fernanda Peyronel. Controlled-Stress Rheometry. AOCS, April 2014.

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Parlatore, Cecilia, und Thomas Philippon. Designing Stress Scenarios. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, April 2022.

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Acharya, Viral, Richard Berner, Robert Engle, Hyeyoon Jung, Johannes Stroebel, Xuran Zeng und Yihao Zhao. Climate Stress Testing. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, April 2023.

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El Halawani, Mohamed, und Israel Rozenboim. Temperature Stress and Turkey Reproduction. United States Department of Agriculture, Mai 2002.

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High temperature stress is of major concern to turkey producers in Israel and the United States. The decline in the rate of egg production at high environmental temperature is well recognized, but the neuroendocrinological basis is not understood. Our objectives were: 1) to characterize the hypothalamo-hypophyseal axis involvement in the mechanism(s) underlying the detrimental effect of heat stress on reproduction, and 2) to establish procedures that alleviate the damaging effect of heat stress on reproduction. Heat stress (40oC, Israel; 32oC, U.S.) caused significant reduction in egg production, which was restored by VIP immunoneutralization. The decline in egg production did not appear to be entirely related to the expression of incubation behavior due to the rise in circulating PRL in stressed birds. Heat stress was found to increase circulating PRL in ovariectomized turkeys independent of the reproductive stage. Active immunization against VIP was shown for the first time to up-regulate LHb and FSHb subunit mRNA contents. These findings taken together with the results that the heat stress-induced decline in egg production may not be dependent upon the reproductive stage, lead to the suggestion that the detrimental effect of heat stress on reproductive performance may be in part mediated by VIP acting directly on the GnRH/gonadotropin system. Inhibin (INH) immunoneutralization has been shown to enhance FSH secretion and induces ovulation in mammals. It is hypothesized that immunization of heat-stressed turkeys against INH will increase levels of circulating FSH and the number of preovulating follicles which leads to improved reproductive performance. We have cloned and expressed turkey INH-a and INH-bA. Active immunization of turkey hens with rtINH-a increased pituitary FSH-b subunit mRNA and the number of non-graded preovulatory yellow follicles, but no significant increase in egg production was observed.
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Poole, Elizabeth M. Psychosocial Stress and Ovarian Cancer Risk: Metabolomics and Perceived Stress. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Oktober 2014.

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Meyerhoff, James L., George A. Saviolakis, Michael L. Koening und Debra L. Yourick. Physiological and Biochemical Measures of Stress Compared to Voice Stress Analysis Using the Computer Voice Stress Analyzer (CVSA). Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Mai 2001.

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