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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Storming of the Bastille"


Balter, M. „FRENCH SCIENCE: Storming the Bastille“. Science 296, Nr. 5568 (26.04.2002): 649–51.

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Ruback, R. Barry, Sarah Koon-Magnin und Mary K. Faulkner. „Storming the Bastille: Indirect Tests of How the Vainqueurs Assembled*“. Mobilization: An International Quarterly 21, Nr. 1 (01.03.2016): 23–42.

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How do people assemble in large groups? Do they come as individuals, do they move as an entire group from one location to another, or do they come in small groups of two or three? In this paper, we examine this issue in the context of the most prototypical of crowd events, the storming of the Bastille in 1789. We use data about the Vainqueurs (stormers) de la Bastille drawn from the French National Archives to indirectly test four possible mechanisms by which the Vainqueurs came to the Bastille: as individuals, through social networks, by proximity to gathering places, or through formal associations. Spatial analyses of their addresses, coupled with an eyewitness account of how people joined the Vainqueurs, suggest that social networks and proximity to gathering places best explain who stormed the Bastille, although there is evidence that some people came alone and some came through formal associations.
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Schurer, N. „The Storming of the Bastille in English Newspapers“. Eighteenth-Century Life 29, Nr. 1 (01.01.2005): 50–81.

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Kehoe, Alice B. „Method and explanation in archaeology: Storming the Bastille“. Reviews in Anthropology 20, Nr. 4 (April 1992): 215–23.

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Rishbeth, H., R. A. Heelis, J. J. Makela und S. Basu. „Storming the Bastille: the effect of electric fields on the ionospheric F-layer“. Annales Geophysicae 28, Nr. 4 (16.04.2010): 977–81.

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Abstract. We discuss different phenomena occurring during ionospheric F-region storms that in principle might be caused by electric fields and point out challenges that must be faced when considering the physical processes at work. We consider the transport of plasma across many degrees of latitude at sub-auroral latitudes, the origin of patches of so-called "storm enhanced density" at high mid-latitudes, and the very high reported heights of the F2 peak at low latitudes. We discuss the role that electric fields might play in changing locally the net production of ionization as well as transporting it. We suggest that the local change in ionization production should be considered as a more important process for producing plasma density enhancements than transport from a more remote source of enhanced density.
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Ramet, Sabrina P. „Kant on ethics and politics“. Eastern Review 8 (30.12.2019): 183–99.

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Best known for his ethical works, Immanuel Kant was part of the liberal Enlightenment and addressed most of the principal political issues of his day. Several of his major works were written in the wake of the storming of the Bastille in Paris, while Europe was engaged in the French Revolutionary Wars. His rejection of revolution but endorsement of the principles for which the French revolutionaries were fighting, as well as his plea for a federation of European states that would settle disputes peacefully, reflected his engagement with the controversies raised by the Revolution. But, although he could not countenance revolution, he declared that, once a revolutionary government has succeeded in establishing itself, citizens should obey the new government, rather than try to restore the ousted authorities.
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Popkin, Jeremy D. „Port-au-Prince and the Collapse of French Imperial Authority, 1789–1793“. French Historical Studies 44, Nr. 1 (01.02.2021): 59–84.

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Abstract The establishment of the independent nation of Haiti in 1804 was made possible by the collapse of imperial authority early in the French Revolution. Events in the colony's capital, Port-au-Prince, had much to do with that collapse. Between the fall of 1789, when news of the storming of the Bastille reached Saint-Domingue, and the spring of 1793, when French revolutionary authorities recognized that their only hope of maintaining control of the colony was to ally themselves with its black and mixed-race populations against the remaining whites, Port-au-Prince was the most troubled of the island's urban centers and one of the most unstable sites in France's transatlantic empire. Understanding how Port-au-Prince went from a center of colonial authority to a locus of disorder where fatal wounds were inflicted on the colonial order is crucial to any explanation of the background to the Haitian Revolution. L'établissement de la nation indépendante d'Haïti en 1804 fut rendu possible par la faillite de l'autorité impériale pendant les premières années de la Révolution française. Les événements dans la capitale coloniale de Port-au-Prince ont joué un grand rôle en précipitant cette faillite. Entre l'automne de 1789, quand la nouvelle de la prise de la Bastille est arrivée à Saint-Domingue, et le printemps de 1793, quand les autorités révolutionnaires dans la colonie ont reconnu que leur seul espoir de la maintenir sous leur contrôle fut de s'allier avec les populations noires et de couleur contre les blancs, Port-au-Prince fut la ville la plus troublée de Saint-Domingue et l'un des sites les plus perturbés de tout l'Empire français. Une compréhension du processus qui a fait d'un centre d'autorité dans la colonie un foyer de désordre où des coups fatals furent portés contre l'ordre impérial est cruciale pour expliquer le succès de la Révolution haïtienne.
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Mancano, Leandro. „Storming the Bastille: Detention conditions, the right to liberty and the case for approximation in EU law“. Common Market Law Review 56, Issue 1 (01.02.2019): 61–90.

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In recent years, detention conditions in the EU have come in the spotlight as an issue of extreme relevance. Concerns about appalling standards of living in places of deprivation of liberty have emerged transversally in the area of freedom, security and justice (AFSJ). The risk that poor detention conditions result in inhumane or degrading treatment – prohibited by Article 4 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (CFREU) – has served to limit the operation of secondary EU law. This has occurred in the framework of forced movement of persons as between Member States, and has mainly called into question the level of protection ensured in the State where the person will be transferred. This may hold true for both asylum law and mutual recognition in criminal matters. While the broader debate on detention conditions has hitherto focused on Article 4, the impact on the right to liberty under Article 6 CFREU has been underexplored. This paper submits that detention conditions must be studied from the perspective of the right to liberty, and makes the case for approximation of detention conditions at EU law level.
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BLENKINSOP, SEAN. „From Waiting for the Bus to Storming the Bastille: From Sartrean seriality to the relationships that form classroom communities“. Educational Philosophy and Theory 44, Nr. 2 (Januar 2012): 183–95.

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The world of fashion has lived in a bubble long before the concept found its way into social networks. Well before the social networks themselves, in fact. The very emergence of fashion as an idea occurred within the bubble of the social life at Palace of Versailles, France, where the notorious Louis XIV sported great interest in the looks of his court in addition to those of his own. The article is an outsider’s attempt to have a sober look at the fashion industry that until recently seemed to have maintained the “structure of feeling” of the 17th century Palace of Versailles. Today’s social realities, however, put fashion in the state of a shock that probably equals that of the Storming of the Bastille in 1789, even though it is presumably much less sudden. Written in the manner of the most popular contemporary fashion media format – a bullet list, the text presents a conceptual analysis of the world’s second most wasteful yet poisonously attractive industry, critically reflecting on such characteristic values of the fashion field as concept and features, hierarchy, arrogance, resources and philosophy.
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Dissertationen zum Thema "Storming of the Bastille"


Brennan, Patricia L. „Storming the ramparts, employment equity and the military“. Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998.

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Steffel, Jennifer Elaine. „Storming the suburban fortress : understanding the NIMBY phenomenon“. Thesis, McGill University, 1995. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=23704.

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The ubiquitous settlement pattern of the American suburb is in fact a carefully constructed reality. Because the vision of the home in the suburbs is very deeply rooted, any development which is considered threatening to this image is met with a defensive reaction. Too often, however, when these NIMBY ("Not In My Back Yard") sentiments are permitted to dictate what is acceptable in a community, housing affordable to low- and moderate-income households is purposely excluded.
This thesis explores the processes by which discriminatory NIMBY sentiments are realized as legal development regulations in contemporary suburbs. The historic evolution of the suburbs and the psychological foundations behind their typical characteristics are presented as the sources of a suburban value structure which esteems NIMBY. Suburban governments are mandated to represent their constituents' values, but exclusionary development controls are a complex product of constituent demands, fiscal constraints, and constitutional limits.
This analysis reveals that legislative responsibility often bows to political weakness. NIMBY groups use political pressure to manipulate municipal governments into using their vast discretionary powers over development as a weapon for exclusion. In response to either political or fiscal motivations, legislators pressure planners to validate discriminatory legislative agendas with their plans, thus undermining their abilities to guide growth effectively. Although the process of development regulation is well-grounded in historic and legal precedents, when legislation is used for discriminatory ends, citizens' civil and property rights are jeopardized. This thesis explains how regulations such as zoning ordinances can be used for exclusion when municipal government disregards its mandate to be the guardian of the general welfare.
Increased awareness of both the motivations and the manifestations of the NIMBY phenomenon may enable individuals as well as lawmakers to create a more equitable suburbia.
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Robveille, Yolande. „Les ateliers-lofts de la bastille. Urbanite et parole habitante“. Paris 8, 1989.

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Les ateliers-lofts de la bastille. Description d'un micro-phenomene exprimant un desir habitant en resonnance avec la reconquete de la forme originelle de l'urbanite comment des amoureux de l'urbain concoivent leur territoire au sein des megalopoles. Comment une fois de plus des minoritaires (artistes,marginaux) fabriquent une mode qui meme recuperee par les professions liberales est significative d'une volonte de reconstruction d'un espace urbain favorable a l'homme. Presentation du quartier, des lieux, des gens, paroles de leur vecu habitant et elements d'analyse sont retranscrits dans ce memoire ainsi que dans le film video qui en fait partie
Description of a micro-phenomena that means a desire of dwelling dealing with reconquest of urbanity's original feature. How people liking downtown living think about their own territory inside megalopolis. Once more, how minirities (artists,marginals) create new fashions expressing a will of rebuilding an urban spice favorable to man. Even if then recovered by other social groups as liberal professions. Introduction to the neighbourhood, the places, the dwellings, the people, how they live and how they talk from it, and all elements pf analysis are also showed in the video movie which is part of this work
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Barnet, Belinda. „Storming the interface : hypertext, embodied flows and fast-forward feedback loops /“. Title page, contents and conclusion only, 1997.

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Assennato, Marco. „Une Marseillaise sans Bastille à prendre : Manfredo Tafuri enquête par la philosophie“. Thesis, Paris Est, 2017.

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Depuis quelques années, une certaine récupération des idées de Manfredo Tafuri est en cours. Pourtant cette diffusion d'idées n'est pas exempte d’incompréhensions et de malentendus. L'œuvre de Tafuri est marqué par une approche théorique forte: dans ses écrits travaillent les questions le plus aiguës d'un chapitre oublié et pourtant fondamental de la philosophie italienne récente. La recherche porte principalement le schéma de ce questionnement philosophique et sur son impact sur le débat architectural. Il s'agit de sonder une série de nœuds théoriques apparemment distincts ou plus larges que les problématiques architecturales telles qu’elles sont habituellement posées: la modernité, la technique, les langages, la liberté et les conditionnements de l'action subjective. A travers la pluralité des thèmes affrontés, ce qui s’est dégagé, est que le travail de cet historien, dans son ensemble, a été principalement traversé par le problème théorique du projet. Chez Tafuri on trouve une extraordinaire cartographie philosophique de l'architecture. Cartographie qui fonctionne par fragments, traces, emblèmes d'un débat plus large qui concerne la politique et l'histoire des intellectuels italiens entre 1960 et 1980
Certain aspects of Manfredo Tafuri's work have been recently reexamined by the academic community. However, the redraft of his ideas has likely generated both several misunderstandings and misconceptions. His theoretical approach is one of the main keys to interpret his work: the issue of any architectural process is the complexity of the process itself. The theoretical issues of an architectural project relates to Tafuri’s argument regarding the basic constraints that we could find in the philosophical debate about modernity, techniques, languages, freedom and the constraints on subjective action. Tafuri tracks an extraordinarily rich cartography of architecture and a cultural and political pathway that connects a wide critical thinking sphere of the Italian intelligentsia between the 1960s and 1980s
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Moss, John. „Storming the Castle: Non-Secular Subversion of the Pas D'Armes in The Castle of Perseverance“. VCU Scholars Compass, 2008.

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It is important to remember that the categories of medieval performance were established far removed from their period in history. As a genre, the morality play includes a wide diversity of time, geography, content and performance styles. Such disparities have made it difficult to develop a comprehensive definition, without which comparisons between works cannot be consistent. As scholarship continues to explore these works in context of their performance, it becomes increasingly important to identify which performance styles best inform their production. In examining The Castle of Perseverance within the parameters of pas d’armes, new meanings can be drawn from its text. Instead of simply incorporating the conventions of tournament staging, the play exposes the faults of the secular societies they were intended to promote. Currently it is impossible to determine definitely that The Castle of Perseverance was intended to be a subversion of the pas d’armes. There is no identified author or even record of a single performance in medieval times. Yet the circumstantial evidence within the text supports the theory of subversion. Further research is still needed on the performance of The Castle of Perseverance within the appropriate historical context in order to better understand its place within the larger canon of medieval drama.
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Cleveland, Clayton. „Storming the Security Council: The Revolution in UNSC Authority Over the Projection of Military Force“. Thesis, University of Oregon, 2013.

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Why have states requested international authorization for their projections of military force more after 1989? One perspective suggests powerful states should not make such requests. Rather, they should look to their own power instead of international organizations. Another view suggests international authorization is a way to provide credible signals about state intentions. A third perspective suggests states view international authorization of military force as appropriate. I establish that states have changed their behavior, requesting international authorization more often after 1989. Then, I develop hypotheses involving material power, burden-sharing, informational signaling, and international norms. I assess their ability to explain the increase in authorization requests through evidence from over 150 military force projections by a wide range of states and through a detailed evaluation of United States behavior. The U.S. provides a strong test case for the theories evaluated, since powerful states should be least susceptible to pressures for requesting authorization, and yet it does so more frequently after 1989. I find the expectation that states should request international authorization emerged after the U.S. set a precedent during the Persian Gulf War. The end of the Cold War changed the perceived "viability" of different strategies for projecting military force for U.S. policy-makers. Requesting authorization from the UN became a plausible alternative. The decision to request international authorization--and the justifications U.S. decision makers offered for doing so--led to the expectation by other states that the U.S. would do so for future projections of military force. This international norm helps explain the politics of international authorization for the airstrikes on Iraq (1998), the Iraq War (2003) and the Libyan intervention (2011). The response of other countries to the Clinton Administration's failure to request authorization for airstrikes on Iraq in 1998 demonstrates that expectations regarding whether the U.S. should request authorization had shifted. The subsequent consolidation of the norm helps explain the requests for authorization by the Bush Administration for the Iraq War in 2003 and by the Obama Administration for Libya in 2011. The dissertation increases our understanding of the relationship, and the role of authority, between states and international organizations.
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Zeller, Benjamin E. Ariel Yaakov S. „Storming the gates of the Temple of Science religion and science in three new religious movements /“. Chapel Hill, N.C. : University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2007.,733.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2007.
Title from electronic title page (viewed Dec. 18, 2007). "... in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctorate of Philosophy in the Department of Religious Studies." Discipline: Religious Studies; Department/School: Religious Studies.
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Rochegude, Johanna A. „Interactive Dreams“. Thesis, Malmö högskola, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), 2015.

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This thesis aim was to design a new form of playful interaction engaging dreaming and awake players. In the tested concept, “Wakers” were able to influence and interact with the dreams of “Dreamers” (with the help of BCI to detect their brainwaves, emotional states and REM phases) by applying external stimuli on the dreamer (somatosensory stimulation, specifically vibrations). In the concept, the dreamer was wearing “the stimuli pajamas”, which vibrated in different ways every time the waker would poke, stroke, shake “the ball”, a prototype displaying the emotional states, sleep stages and movements of the dreamer. Each time the waker would interact with the ball, feedback would be transmitted to the vibrating pajamas, thus influencing the dream and state of the dreamer, which would then be transmitted back and displayed on the ball. A new playful experience was created using sleep as a necessary component.The research was experiment-driven (with body-storming and lo-fi prototyping), and revealed touch to be a powerful and underexplored way to influence dreams. Furthermore, transmitting the emotional states of the dreamer to “the ball” helped render the abstract notion of someone else’s sleep tangible to the waker. The co-creation session organized revealed that the particular concept developed in the context of sleep was tied to interesting notions, such as bringing forward the relationships between the players, the unbalanced power relations, sensual play, abusive play and more. The concept sketches explored the design space around the main concept and shaped some of these different scenarios. All these contributions are aimed to be inspirational material for further research in the field.
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Kappenstein, Reinhild. „Décor et mise en scène actuels de l'opéra : décor et mise en scène d'un opéra romantique, à l'exemple de Samson et Dalila de Saint-Sae͏̈ns, monté par Pier Luigi Pizzi le 24.5.1991 à l'Opéra Bastille“. Paris 1, 1996.

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L'opéra "Samson et Dalila" de Saint-Saëns, monté par Pier Luigi Pizzi à l'opéra Bastille en 1991, nous sert d'exemple pour relever le lien qui existe entre l'histoire de l'art et l'opéra. Pizzi, décorateur et metteur en scène à la fois, se prête bien à ce genre d'étude : ses spectacles sont surtout portés vers les beaux-arts et, notamment, vers la peinture. Le thème de "l'image scénique" est donc le pivot de notre recherche. On a essayé de dégager des références culturelles (beaux-arts, musique, littérature, film, etc. ) qui ont ou auraient pu nourrir et composer l'image scénique. Notre choix, souvent subjectif, reste ouvert à l'imagination libre du lecteur, ce qui s'explique en outre par le fait que l'image scénique (en soi) est censée susciter des images mentales et virtuelles. L'image scénique présente un tableau d'ensemble dont les éléments divers ont été définis, voire aménagés différemment au fil des époques. Ici, on a examiné leur position dans l'ensemble de l'opéra et leurs rôles au carrefour de l'esthétique romantique et contemporaine en particulier, l'esthétique du chant a été surtout liée à la notion de l'âme et de la pensée à l'époque romantique; elle trouve aujourd'hui le corps comme vecteur (d'expression). Comment l'âme et le corps sont-ils alors rendus maintenant en fonction de l'image scénique, comment se traduisent et se définissent-ils à l'intérieur de la représentation scénique, voire à celui des institutions des arts ? Cette question nous amène à examiner l'identité des institutions lyriques de Paris, "l'opéra national de Paris" (la mise en scène de "Samson et Dalila" de Pizzi y fait largement allusion), leur relation entre elles et leur position au sein des institutions de l'art en général
The opera "Samson et Dalila" by Camille Saint-Saëns produced on stage by Pier Luigi Pizzi at the opera "Bastille" in 1991 served as an example for pointing out the link which exists between art history and opera. Pizzi, who is both stage designer and producer, offers an excellent example for this kind of study: his stage representations mainly turn toward the fine arts and especially toward painting. The subject of his stage design is the topic of our research. We tried therefore to determine the cultural references (fine arts, music, literature, film, etc. ) Which have been our could have been used for the stage design. Our choices, often personal, still are open to the free imagination of the reader, which may be explained by the fact that the stage design by itself is supposed to stimulate an imaginative response in the spectator. The stage design presents a composition of opera as a whole and also its part in crossing over between romantic and contemporary esthetics. Especially the esthetics of singing was linked to the idea of the "soul" and the "mind" in the romantic period. Today the "body" itself represents the means of expression. How now to render "soul" and "body" according to stage design ? How to translate and to define them in the context of stage representation, as well as in other institutions of art ? These questions lead to an analysis of the identity of the parisian opera houses such as the "national opera of paris" (the stage setting of "Samson et Dalila" by Pizzi widely referred to them), their relationships among themselves, and their position among art institutions in general
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Bücher zum Thema "Storming of the Bastille"


Soboul, Albert. The French Revolution, 1787-1799: From the storming of the Bastille to Napoleon. London: Unwin Hyman, 1989.

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Reichardt, Rolf. Bastille. Munich: Oldenbourg, 1988.

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Brown, Dale. Storming heaven. [s.l: s.n.], 1995.

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Brown, Dale. Storming heaven. New York: Putnam, 1994.

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Mills, Kyle. Storming heaven. Leicester: Charnwood, 2005.

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McBride, Mary. Storming paradise. Toronto: Harlequin Books, 2003.

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Harrison, Payne. Storming Intrepid. London: Guild Publishing, 1989.

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Brown, Dale. Storming heaven. Thorndike, Me: Thorndike Press, 1994.

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Harrison, Payne. Storming Intrepid. New York: Crown, 1989.

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Mills, Kyle. Storming heaven. New York: HarperPaperbacks, 2000.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Storming of the Bastille"


Gehring, Sophie, und Leonie Stahlhut. „Picture-Storming“. In Key Competences for Higher Education and Employability, 229–32. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2024.

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Andrews, Stuart. „Bastille Euphoria“. In The British Periodical Press and the French Revolution, 1789–99, 1–13. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2000.

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McConnell-Sidorick, Sharon. „Storming the Bastille“. In Silk Stockings and Socialism. University of North Carolina Press, 2017.

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This chapter demonstrates how the hosiery union's important but heretofore forgotten efforts played a key role in the founding of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) and important labor legislation, major New Deal programs like public housing, and labor feminism. These achievements are bracketed by two major strike waves--under the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) in 1933 when they negotiated the Reading Formula, and under the Wagner Act in 1937 when the Apex strike led to the Supreme Court decision in support of labor, Apex v. Leader. Using the hosiery union as a microcosm of national trends, it also suggests reasons some top CIO officials gravitated toward a top-down structure, increasingly in the orbit of the Democratic Party, while another group struggled to maintain a democratic, bottom-up organizational structure--and what this meant for women and social justice unionism.
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„The Storming of the Bastille“. In The Bastille, 38–78. Duke University Press, 1997.

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„THE STORMING OF THE BASTILLE:“. In The Bastille, 38–78. Duke University Press, 1997.

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Grossman, Lewis A. „Storming the Bastille of Orthodoxy“. In Choose Your Medicine, 10–23. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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After describing orthodox medicine and its alternatives in early America, this chapter discusses the rise of country’s earliest medical licensing laws, in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. These schemes strove to exclude unorthodox practitioners from the medical profession. American arguments for freedom of therapeutic choice were born in opposition to these original licensing systems. The chapter examines in detail the medical liberty advocacy of Benjamin Rush, an influential Founding Father who was also the most prominent American physician of the early national period. The chapter analyzes the genesis during this time of various strains of medical freedom rhetoric that would persist, to varying degrees, throughout American history.
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„Appendix: Reports on the Storming of the Bastille, 1789“. In The Bastille, 247–50. Duke University Press, 2020.

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„2. The Storming of the Bastille: The Historical Event as Collective Symbolic Action“. In The Bastille, 38–78. Duke University Press, 2020.

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Knight, Mark, und Emma Mason. „Dissent: Wesley to Blake“. In Nineteenth-Century Religion and Literature: An Introduction, 17–51. Oxford University PressOxford, 2006.

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Abstract On 14 July 1791, the Constitutional Society of Birmingham arranged a dinner to celebrate the anniversary of the storming of the Bastille. Antirevolutionary fervour was already high, and the celebration provoked an organized mob to attack the homes of several Dissenters, including the scientist, Joseph Priestley. His chapel, house, library, and laboratory were all burned down.
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Vincent, Bernard. „Storming the “Bastille of Words”: Tom Paine’s Revolution in Writing“. In The Transatlantic Republican, 1–17. BRILL, 2005.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Storming of the Bastille"


Anderson, Ken, und Jane McGonigal. „Place storming“. In the third Nordic conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2004.

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Zhang, Xiao, Ron Wakkary, Leah Maestri und Audrey Desjardins. „Memory-storming“. In the Designing Interactive Systems Conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2012.

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Kita, Yui, und Jun Rekimoto. „V8 Storming“. In AH2018: The 9th Augmented Human International Conference. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2018.

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Caon, Maurizio, Leonardo Angelini, Omar Abou Khaled, Elena Mugellini und Assunta Matassa. „Towards Multisensory Storming“. In DIS '18: Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2018. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2018.

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Linker, Jon, Tibor Torok, Cooper Downs, Roberto Lionello, Viacheslav Titov, Ronald M. Caplan, Zoran Mikić und Pete Riley. „MHD simulation of the Bastille day event“. In VIII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON “TIMES OF POLYMERS AND COMPOSITES”: From Aerospace to Nanotechnology. Author(s), 2016.

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Anderson, Connor, Adam Teuscher, Elizabeth Anderson, Alysia Larsen, Josh Shirley und Ryan Farrell. „Have Fun Storming the Castle(s)!“ In 2021 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV). IEEE, 2021.

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Kushiro, Noriyuki, Tatsuya Ehira und Rei Kaihara. „Aware Environment for Workshop with Game Storming“. In 2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW). IEEE, 2016.

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VIAN, JP. „ACOUSTICAL PLANNING FOR THE NEW PARIS 'OPERA DE LA BASTILLE'“. In Acoustics '88. Institute of Acoustics, 2024.

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Sushitha, S., und H. R. Poornima. „Constructive Outline for Storming Strategies with Cloud (COSSWC)“. In 2022 Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS). IEEE, 2022.

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Arsuaga-Rios, Maria, und Miguel A. Vega-Rodriguez. „Cost optimization based on brain storming for grid scheduling“. In 2014 Fourth International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology (INTECH). IEEE, 2014.

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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Storming of the Bastille"


Halterman, Andrew. Storming the Kasa? Security analysis of TP-Link Kasa smart home devices. Ames (Iowa): Iowa State University, Januar 2019.

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Galvani, Marina. Thinking Outside the Box: Arguments for IADB's Involvement in the Preservation and Development of Heritage. Inter-American Development Bank, Januar 2007.

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This paper discusses the role of culture in development through suggestions, speculations, and case studies from several parts of the world. Most of the cases have been collected through interviews, brain storming, intense discussions, collegial laughs, and open doubts. This paper compliments Thinking outside the Box: Strategies and Examples for in the Preservation and Development of Heritage.
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Molas, Bàrbara. The Insurrection Wave: A Comparative Assessment of Anti-Government Attacks in Germany, the US, and Brazil. ICCT, September 2023.

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The storming in Berlin of the Reichstag in August 2020, the US Capitol in January 2021, and the Brazilian Supreme Court in Brazil in January 2023 were all violent events where individuals and groups attempted to overthrow or challenge democratically elected governments. While the specific circumstances and motivations of each case differ, there are common action triggers, including: the widespread presence of conspiracy theories; the successful misuse of social media for anti-government mobilisation; and the mainstreaming of extremist and antidemocratic rhetoric through political legitimisation. With these three variables in mind, this policy brief conducts a comparative analysis of the elements that allowed for insurrection to happen in Germany, the US, and Brazil. This paper aims to help understand whether there are elements that make democracies especially vulnerable to violent insurrections and, in identifying them, propose ways forward to make counter-terrorism and prevention policies stronger.
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