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Goldstein, Charles A. „Foreword“. International Journal of Cultural Property 17, Nr. 2 (Mai 2010): 135–37. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0940739110000226.

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The Harvard Law School Symposium, “Spoils of War v. Cultural Heritage: The Russian Cultural Property Law in Historical Context,” was convened in February 2008 to bring together legal, historical, and other academic experts who might shed some light on the issues raised by Russia's 1998 law that essentially nationalized and declared Russian ownership of the great many works of art, books, and archives that were taken under orders by the Red Army to the Soviet Union at the end of World War II. The symposium was jointly sponsored by the Commission for Art Recovery, the Foundation for International Cultural Diplomacy, the Harvard Law School Arts and Literature Law Society, the Harvard Law School European Law Research Center, and the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies of Harvard University.
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Ficke, James R., und Michael Bosse. „Extremity War Injuries V: Barriers to Return of Function and Duty“. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeon 19 (Februar 2011): v—viii. http://dx.doi.org/10.5435/00124635-201102001-00001.

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Jančárková, Taťána. „LEASHING THE DOGS OF CYBER WAR“. CONTEMPORARY MILITARY CHALLENGES 2022, Nr. 2 (15.06.2022): 71–81. http://dx.doi.org/10.33179/bsv.99.svi.11.cmc.24.2.4.

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Abstract States have increasingly been engaged in the development of cyber capabilities which can act across the full spectrum of effects. The structures competent to deliver these effects are usually institutionally tied to armed forces or intelligence services, or represent a mixture of the two. Both types of organizations are typically subject to strict oversight and control mechanisms due to the nature of their activities and their potential to impact on the constitutional foundations of a democratic state. Yet, there is limited research available on the respective national frameworks governing offensive cyber capabilities, and similarly little information on the applicable control mechanisms. This article provides an overview of the areas of oversight, explores the challenges related to cyber capabilities, and offers possible avenues for future research. Key words Offensive cyber operations, human rights, rule of law, constitutional order, oversight. Povzetek Države se vse bolj ukvarjajo z razvojem kibernetskih zmogljivosti, ki lahko delujejo v celotnem spektru učinkov. Strukture, pristojne za doseganje teh učinkov, so navadno institucionalno povezane z oboroženimi silami ali obveščevalnimi službami oziroma so sestavljene iz obeh. Zaradi narave njihovih dejavnosti in možnosti vpliva na ustavne temelje demokratične države za obe vrsti organizacij navadno veljajo strogi mehanizmi nadzora in kontrole. Kljub temu je na voljo le malo raziskav o ustreznih nacionalnih okvirih, ki urejajo ofenzivne kibernetske zmogljivosti, in malo informacij o veljavnih nadzornih mehanizmih. V članku so predstavljeni pregled področij nadzora in izzivi, povezani s kibernetskimi zmogljivostmi, ter nakazane možnosti za prihodnje raziskave. Ključne besede Ofenzivne kibernetske operacije, človekove pravice, pravna država, ustavni red, nadzor.
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Frank, M., und L. Mathieu. „Management of War Orthopaedic Injuries in Recent Armed Conflicts“. Acta chirurgiae orthopaedicae et traumatologiae Cechoslovaca 80, Nr. 3 (01.06.2013): 197–202. http://dx.doi.org/10.55095/achot2013/031.

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Lawton, Graham. „The spoils of war“. New Scientist 253, Nr. 3379 (März 2022): 28. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0262-4079(22)00524-3.

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Gould, Rebecca. „The Spoils of War“. New Writing 8, Nr. 1 (März 2011): 35–42. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14790726.2010.529916.

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Campbell, Kirsten. „The spoils of war“. Economy and Society 34, Nr. 3 (August 2005): 495–507. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03085140500112095.

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Haus, Heinz-Uwe. „The Dramatic Spoils of War“. European Legacy 13, Nr. 3 (Juni 2008): 337–38. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10848770802052723.

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Fedoruk, Oles. „Character of cossack Kyrylo Tur in the deleted fragment of P. Kulish’s novel “Chorna rada” (“The Black Council: The Chronicle of 1663”)“. Synopsis: Text Context Media 26, Nr. 4 (2020): 118–23. http://dx.doi.org/10.28925/2311-259x.2020.4.1.

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The subject of the inquiry is editions and versions of the text of the novel “The Black Council: The Chronicle of 1663” by Panteleimon Kulish. The objective of the study is to analyze a fragment of the original edition (released in 1846), that was not included in the final text (released in 1857), peculiar in that it contains materials to characterize the image of the Cossack. Analysis of this fragment in the interpretive and textual planes provides for a better understanding of the creative method of P. Kulish as the author of the “The Black Council”. The methodology of the article comprises of a combination of source studies and comparative methods, which helps to solve the raised textual problems. In particular, the comparison of different editions reveals the effect of the “blind eye” when reading the final text: the omitted place correlates with the immediate context, and upon careful reading of the novel one could notice a possible omission, because its presence somewhat violates the logic of presentation. As a result, it has been revealed that the Russian-language equivalent of the fragment is contained in a magazine publication “Kyiv Pilgrims in the 17th Century” (1846). This text is a dialogue between hetman Yakym Somko, Cossack Kyrylo Tur, colonel-priest Ivan Shram and his friend Matvii Cherevan. V. Petrov’s statement that the writer “builds his novel by wide concentric closed motivational circles”, using the methods of refutations and oppositions, has been confirmed. In textual criticism terms, this fragment in the final version reveals the effect of the “blind eye” while reading the novel. Cherevan’s remark (that only in the Sich everybody knows how to “live the right way”) is in response to Tur’s statement that the Cossacks are hardy drinkers and Tur’s ignoring of Somko’s accusations that the Cossacks sit up to their neck in vodka in the final text are less motivated than in the original version. Also, it is revealed that the source of Tur’s statement is that the Sich Cossacks divide the spoils of war in three parts: to the needs of the church, to the military needs and Cossacks festivities and fun. The author used an allusion to the epic song [duma] about Samiilo Kishka. The analyzed fragment of the original edition is published for the first time, which determines the novelty of the study. The analysis of Kyrylo Tur’s image in this fragment is promising in connection with the forthcoming comprehensive study of the topic, which will become possible after the publication of all draft texts of both versions of the novel in Complete Works by P. Kulish.
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Finkbeiner, Ann. „Military science: Scientific spoils of war“. Nature 515, Nr. 7528 (November 2014): 489–90. http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/515489a.

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HAYES, P. „Spoils of War: The Paperclip Conspiracy.“ Science 239, Nr. 4846 (18.03.1988): 1435–36. http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.239.4846.1435.

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Borbás, Benjámin. „Are There Rules in War?“ East Central Europe 47, Nr. 1 (11.04.2020): 10–28. http://dx.doi.org/10.30965/18763308-04701002.

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This article summarizes new research on the custom of distributing the spoils of war amongst active military participants in the Holy Land. A letter of guarantee records an agreement between John of Brienne, king of Jerusalem, and the Teutonic Knights right after the capture of Damietta (1219) during the Fifth Crusade. This document is compared with contemporary sources reporting on military actions of the Teutonic Order. The article argues that the strength of a military order and power relations between parties participating in military campaigns can be studied through their sharing of the spoils of war.
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Obdobje po koncu hladne vojne, povezano z reformami vojaškoobrambnih in naci- onalnovarnostnih sistemov ter družbene spremembe, ki so posledica zlasti informa- tizacije in na njej temelječe globalizacije, je nedvomno zaznamovano tudi z refor- miranjem šolskega oziroma izobraževalnega sistema, tako civilnega kot vojaškega. V pričujočem prispevku poskušamo prikazati, da smo v Sloveniji s konvergentnim modelom vojaškega šolstva morda celo prehiteli naše zaveznike in partnerje, po drugi strani pa smo s civilno-vojaškim sodelovanjem na področju vojaškega modula v okviru študija obramboslovja odpravili tisti manko, ki je civilnim obrambnim stro- kovnjakom oteževal pot v vojaško organizacijo in častniški poklic. The post-Cold War period, which was strongly linked to the reforms of military defence and national security systems as well as to social changes mainly caused by informatization and globalization based on it, has certainly also been characteri- zed by the reforms of civilian and military educational systems. The paper aims at showing that Slovenia with its convergent model of the military educational system may be well ahead of its allies and partners. On the other hand, the civil-military co- operation in the field of the military module as part as the defence studies filled the gap which impeded civil military experts from entering the military organization and becoming officers.
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Abstract The contemporary security environment is global, dynamic, and unpredictable, particularly in terms of providing cyber security and cyber defence. Numerous analyzes of Russian hybrid operations have shown that the Russian Federation is conducting a number of cyber operations to achieve its politically strategic goals. Despite such debates, the Russo-Ukrainian war represents a new turning point in the global security environment, as many non-state actors have become involved in the conflict and cyberspace has become a tool for implementing sanctions. Thus, the article aims to analyze the implementation of cyber operations of the Russian Federation as observed in the case of its military aggression against Ukraine and the potential global impact of cyberspace in armed conflict for the future. Key words Hybrid operations, information operations, cyber operations, cyber attack, cyberspace. Povzetek Sodobno varnostno okolje je globalno, dinamično in nepredvidljivo, predvsem v smislu zagotavljanja kibernetske varnosti in kibernetske obrambe. Številne analize ruskega hibridnega delovanja so pokazale, da Ruska federacija za doseganje svojih političnostrateških ciljev izvaja veliko kibernetskih operacij. Kljub tovrstnim razpravam pa rusko-ukrajinska vojna pomeni novo prelomnico v globalnem varnostnem okolju, saj so se v konflikt vključili tudi nedržavni subjekti, kibernetski prostor pa je postal orodje za implementacijo sankcij. Cilj članka je analizirati izvajanje kibernetskih operacij Ruske federacije ob njeni vojaški agresiji proti Ukrajini in morebitni globalni vpliv kibernetskega prostora na oborožene spopade v prihodnosti. Ključne besede Hibridne operacije, informacijske operacije, kibernetske operacije, kibernetski napad, kibernetski prostor.
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한관수. „Spoils of War: Revisiting the Outcome of the Korean War“. military history ll, Nr. 81 (Dezember 2011): 227–59. http://dx.doi.org/10.29212/mh.2011..81.227.

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Hove, Leo Van. „On the War On Cash and its spoils“. International Journal of Electronic Banking 1, Nr. 1 (2008): 36. http://dx.doi.org/10.1504/ijebank.2008.020438.

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Stratigakos, Despina. „The Professional Spoils of War: German Women Architects and World War I“. Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 66, Nr. 4 (01.12.2007): 464–75. http://dx.doi.org/10.1525/jsah.2007.66.4.464.

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Gensior, Matthias H. L., und Manuel Cornely. „Der Lipödemschmerz, seine Folgen auf die Lebensqualität betroffener Patientinnen – Ergebnisse einer Patientenbefragung mittels Schmerzfragebogen“. Handchirurgie · Mikrochirurgie · Plastische Chirurgie 51, Nr. 04 (August 2019): 249–54. http://dx.doi.org/10.1055/a-0942-9607.

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ZusammenfassungBei 640 Patientinnen einer Fachklinik für operative Lymphologie erfolgte mittels Fragebogen der Deutschen Schmerzgesellschaft e. V. eine Befragung. Neben Fragen zum Schmerz und zur Schmerzcharakteristik wurden gleichzeitig noch demographische Daten miterhoben. Es ergab sich, dass nur bei etwas über 50 % eine echte Adipositas nachgewiesen werden konnte.Lipödem und Adipositas müssen als unabhängige Krankheitsbilder gewertet werden. Der Schmerz wurde überwiegend als drückend und ziehend empfunden. Attribute wie klopfend oder pochend, passend zu einer akuten Entzündung, erfuhr die Wertung „nichtzutreffend“. Die Beschwerdesymptomatik war unabhängig vom BMI, der bei der Lipohyperplasie dolorosa nur bedingt verwertbar ist. Insgesamt ist das Leitsymptom „Schmerz“ sehr facettenreich, das angeborene, nicht erworbene Lipödemfett der Extremitäten führt zu einer deutlichen Beeinträchtigung der Aktivitäten allgemein, als auch im Freizeitbereich. Die durch den GBA initiierte Studie muss daher kritisch gesehen werden. Da bislang keine objektivierbaren Befunde beim Lipödem erhoben werden können, ist eine subtile Befragung betroffener Patientinnen zur Diagnosestellung notwendig.
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Ikenberry, G. John, und Ian Clark. „The Post-Cold War Order: The Spoils of Peace“. Foreign Affairs 81, Nr. 1 (2002): 206. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/20033017.

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Webersik, Christian. „Bargaining for the Spoils of War: Somalia’s Failing Path from War to Peace“. African Security 7, Nr. 4 (02.10.2014): 277–302. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19392206.2014.977173.

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de Waal, Alex. „The Price of South Sudan's Independence“. Current History 114, Nr. 772 (01.05.2015): 194–96. http://dx.doi.org/10.1525/curh.2015.114.772.194.

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Rastegaeva, M. N. „«LEGITIMATE RIGHT» TO LOOT: THE DISTRIBUTION OF WAR BOOTY AND ROMAN CIVITAS OF THE REPUBLIC“. Ancient World and Archaeology 21, Nr. 21 (2023): 110–39. http://dx.doi.org/10.18500/0320-961x-2023-21-110-139.

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the article examines the distribution and use of war booty in the Roman Republic. In spite of quite extensive historiography on this question, scholars as a rule focused their interest on the role of the commander in the process of dividing the loot, and the collective of citizens of the Roman state, which also claimed part of the loot, unreasonably remained without required attention. Therefore the article analyzes the parts of the Roman civitas, among which the spoils of war were distributed, namely, the commander, the soldiers and the treasury. Besides the desire of each of the parties to get their «legitimate» part of the loot inevitably led to a number of conflicts, which were later reflected in the literary tradition. Based on the information from narrative sources, author of the article highlights not the economic, but the political and ideological aspects of the problem – how the distribution of loot was carried out, what traditions were formed for this procedure, whether there was any law, what social contradictions were in the division of the loot, what ideas are associated with this process and what place civil community is occupied in the distribution of the spoils of war. Discussion of all these issues allows us to create an idea of the role that war booty played in the economy of the Roman Republic; in particular, the article reveals the issues of the relations between war booty and tax system. In addition, the article presents a number of important remarks on the interrelation of the commander, the army and the state treasury, which were the main players in the process of dividing the spoils of war. The article concludes that in Rome, until the end of the Republic, there was no universal norm of law which would regulate the processes of distribution of war booty; it is more likely to claim that there is some tradition which took into account the interests of all parties and changed with the development of Roman statehood.
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Szewczyk, Karol, Jakob Mann, Alexander Ellwein, Gunnar Jensen, Mara Warnhoff, Florian Hahner, Helmut Lill und Rony-Orijit Dey Hazra. „Arthroskopisch assistierte Versorgung einer intraartikulären Skapulafraktur bei einem Rugbyspieler“. Sportverletzung · Sportschaden 36, Nr. 01 (11.01.2022): 49–54. http://dx.doi.org/10.1055/a-1577-7029.

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ZusammenfassungBei Skapulafrakturen handelt es sich um eine seltene Verletzungsentität mit einer Inzidenz von 0,4–1 % aller Frakturen und 3–5 % der Frakturen des Schultergürtels. Im vorliegenden Fall handelt es sich um einen 29-jährigen männlichen Patienten, der im Rahmen eines Punktspiels der Rugby-Bundesliga die o. g. Verletzung nach einem direkten Anpralltrauma erlitt. Nach der klinischen sowie radiologischen Untersuchung zeigten sich eine mehrfragmentäre, dislozierte Skapulablattfraktur unter mehrfragmentärer Beteiligung der Margo superior, Frakturausläufer in die Margo medialis und V. a. Stufenbildung im Glenoid bei äquatorialer Transversalfraktur (Euler und Rüedi D2b/nach AO 14 F1.3e). Die operative Versorgung erfolgte in minimalinvasiver arthroskopischer Technik, und postoperativ wurde eine frühfunktionelle Nachbehandlung ohne Belastung und mit einer Bewegungslimitierung von 90° Abduktion/Anteversion durchgeführt. Bereits am 1. Spieltag der Rückrunde (5 Monate postoperativ) war der Patient wieder vollständig einsatzfähig und 6 Monate postoperativ präsentierte sich der Patient beschwerdefrei mit einem exzellenten klinischen Resultat (CS 100 Punkte, SSV 98 %, OSS 12 Punkte, ASES-Score 100 Punkte). Zusammenfassend ist die arthroskopisch assistierte Versorgung einer intraartikulären Skapulafraktur beim sportlich aktiven Patienten mit einem entsprechend hohen körperlichen Anspruch eine suffiziente Therapieoption.
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Sjökvist, Peter. „Literary Spoils of War in Uppsala in Practice – Controversial Theology“. Biblioteka, Nr. 25 (34) (30.12.2021): 127–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.14746/b.2021.25.6.

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Religious conflicts did not only take place on battlefields in the 17th century, but in far wider contexts. We see them also in propaganda, poetry, sermons and academic discourse. When the literary spoils of war were taken by the Swedish from Catholic libraries in Poland to the Lutheran Uppsala University, many books were not highly valued. These Catholic books ended up stored separately from the ‘sound and pure’ volumes found in the first library building in Uppsala. In this article, it is shown how these Catholic books did at times prove useful, at least in the field of polemical theology. In fact, teaching at the university took an increasingly anti-Catholic direction after the arrival of the collections from Braniewo and Frombork to Uppsala, with the main confessional enemy apparently being Robert Bellarmine.
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Shosky, John. „Dividing the Spoils: The War for Alexander the Great’s Empire“. European Legacy 19, Nr. 1 (07.11.2013): 132–34. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10848770.2013.859799.

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Clark, Ian. „The Spoils of War and the Spoiling of the Peace“. Journal of Contemporary History 38, Nr. 4 (Oktober 2003): 659–65. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/00220094030384009.

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Wagner, Katarzyna. „RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE PAST? SPOILS OF WAR IN SWEDISH MUSEUM DISPLAYS“. Muzealnictwo 63 (05.08.2022): 106–11. http://dx.doi.org/10.5604/01.3001.0015.9502.

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The paper’s goal is to attempt to show what narrative Swedish museums conduct on spoils of war and trophies which are in their collections, how this strategy was worked out, and how to understand the responsibility versus the visitor watching such objects. Materials from a symposium and a conference held in Stockholm in 2008 have been analysed, and so have current texts (labels, curatorial texts, entries in online catalogues). Swedish museum curators have considered their responsibility to be proper preservation, studying, conserving, displaying those objects, making them available to the public (exhibitions, online bases), thus the basic museum activity has turned into a synonym of modern responsibility. The key activity which enabled the working out of this joint policy is to be found in detailed provenance studies.
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Kensinger, Loretta. „Book Review: Spoils of War: Women of Color, Cultures, and Revolutions“. Humanity & Society 23, Nr. 4 (November 1999): 391–93. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/016059769902300411.

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Jarych, Adam Jakub. „Manubiae, praedae i spolia - określenia rzymskiej zdobyczy wojennej“. Studia Europaea Gnesnensia, Nr. 14 (15.12.2016): 31–50. http://dx.doi.org/10.14746/seg.2016.14.2.

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In this paper the reader is acquainted with the most important issues associated with the proceeds of Roman plunder and pillage, to which the sources refers as manubiae, praeda and spólia. The deliberations are based on numerous narrative and epigraphic accounts, presenting the manner in which spoils of war were distributed by the leaders of the Re-publican period.
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Priemel, Kim Christian. „Occupying Ukraine: Great Expectations, Failed Opportunities, and the Spoils of War, 1941–1943“. Central European History 48, Nr. 1 (März 2015): 31–52. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0008938915000059.

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AbstractThe attack against the Soviet Union was ideologically motivated, but the timing owed a great deal to military and economic considerations. German hopes largely focused on Ukraine, which was expected to be both a giant breadbasket and a reservoir of essential minerals. But plans for the economic exploitation of Ukraine were flawed from the beginning and remained inconsistent throughout the war. Substantial reconstruction efforts only began belatedly and were accompanied by brute force that combined economic logic with ideological zeal. The Nazi policies of racist repression and mass murder were, then, both a means of and an obstacle to exploitation of the East. Yet, they were also successful: without the raw materials obtained from Ukraine, the Nazi war machine would have likely ground to a halt well before 1945. The cost of sustaining the German war effort was consequently borne, to a large extent, by the local population, which labored under appalling conditions both in the Reich and in Ukraine itself.
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Palm, Edward F., Jurgen Kleist, Bruce A. Butterfield und Samuel Hynes. „The Spoils of War: The Bright and Bitter Fruits of Human Conflict“. South Atlantic Review 63, Nr. 2 (1998): 146. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/3201051.

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Sergei Kapterev. „Illusionary Spoils: Soviet Attitudes toward American Cinema during the Early Cold War“. Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History 10, Nr. 4 (2009): 779–807. http://dx.doi.org/10.1353/kri.0.0121.

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MacLeod, George. „The Spoils of War: Money and Humanism in Emmanuel Dongala'sJohnny Chien Méchant“. Contemporary French and Francophone Studies 19, Nr. 5 (20.10.2015): 525–32. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17409292.2015.1092236.

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Findlay, Mark, und Sylvia Ngane. „Sham of the Moral Court? Testimony Sold as the Spoils of War“. Global Journal of Comparative Law 1, Nr. 1 (2012): 73–101. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/2211906x-00101003.

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This paper analyses the critical influences on witness-based truth-telling for judicial decision-making in the international criminal tribunals. The judicial fixation on witness testimony reflects the weight and legitimacy given to personal testimony before international courts. This weight must be balanced by the awareness that a witness may provide false testimony intentionally, or may be coaxed by third parties to provide such testimony, as has been evidenced recently before the ICC. If witness testimony is tainted then its capacity to endorse the truth-finding function of the court is compromised. As a consequence the ability to assert that the tribunal is a ‘moral court’ based on empirical truth in such circumstances is jeopardized. The nexus between witness testimony, truth, the morality of judicial determinations, and the legitimacy this affords is explored in what follows. We question whether simple assertions that witness testimony, tested through adversarial examination, produces truth and resultant morality, are all they seem. The analysis also critiques the forensic reality of witness testimony before the international tribunals. Ultimately the paper suggests that while truthful testimony is crucial if international criminal trials are to produce legitimate judicial determinations, the naïve claim to a moral court as a consequence of tested witness testimony is problematic at least and unsustainable at best.
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O’Mahoney, Joseph. „Proclaiming Principles: The Logic of the Nonrecognition of the Spoils of War“. Journal of Global Security Studies 2, Nr. 3 (Juli 2017): 204–19. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jogss/ogx006.

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Levin, Dov. „Arrests and Deportations of Latvian Jews by the USSR During the Second World WAR“. Nationalities Papers 16, Nr. 1 (1988): 50–70. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00905998808408068.

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Mass deportations of native populations (Jews included) from territories annexed by the USSR in 1939–40 in amicable division of spoils with Nazi Germany and its allies had everywhere the same historical background and followed roughly the same procedure. Territories in question included the states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in their entirety, parts of Finland, nearly one-half of pre-1939 Poland, and the formerly Romanian regions of Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina.
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Woods, David. „Caligula's Seashells“. Greece and Rome 47, Nr. 1 (April 2000): 80–87. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/gr/47.1.80.

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There can be no student of Roman history who has not, at one time or other, pondered the significance of the emperor Caligula's (A.D. 37–41) alleged command to his soldiers to gather seashells for transportation back to Rome as the spoils of war. It is with some trepidation, therefore, that I dare to offer yet another interpretation of an event which, as we shall see, has not lacked commentators.
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Nyszkiewicz, Ralf Dietger, Eva-Maria Baur, Jörg van Schoonhoven, Florian Goehtz, Arne Tenbrock, Tobias Lutz, Michael Millrose et al. „Die Komplexität handchirurgischer Therapien im Kontext sektorenübergreifender Versorgungskonzepte: Konsensusempfehlung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Handchirurgie“. Handchirurgie · Mikrochirurgie · Plastische Chirurgie 55, Nr. 03 (Juni 2023): 216–22. http://dx.doi.org/10.1055/a-2067-4727.

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ZusammenfassungDie zunehmende ökonomische Einflussnahme auf die Versorgung von Patienten hat nicht zuletzt durch die politisch gewollte Ambulantisierung von operativen Behandlungen aktuell einen Höhepunkt erreicht. Das im Jahr 2022 veröffentlichte Gutachten des IGES-Institutes hat in dieser Hinsicht einen wichtigen Beitrag geleistet. Im Vorwege der Veröffentlichung herrschten zum Teil erhebliche Unsicherheiten hinsichtlich des Inhaltes dieses Gutachtens. Dies war nicht zuletzt der Tatsache geschuldet, dass die medizinischen Fachgesellschaften, vertreten durch die AWMF, im Rahmen der Erstellung dieses Gutachtens nur teilweise eingebunden waren. Dennoch zeigten sich nach Veröffentlichung dieses Gutachtens teilweise begrüßenswerte Ansätze. Einerseits findet sich eine relativ hohe Zahl von Leistungen, die Krankenhäuser gemäß den Empfehlungen zukünftig auch ambulant erbringen können. Diese resultiert aus einem sogenannten potenzialorientierten Ansatz der Gutachter. Maßgeblich war, dass Möglichkeiten für eine ambulante Durchführung bestehen. Da bei diesem Ansatz auch nach Ansicht der Gutachter die Gefahr besteht, „über das Ziel hinaus“ zu schießen, wurden sogenannte „Kontextfaktoren“ definiert, die erfüllt sein sollten, damit ein Eingriff dann auch tatsächlich ambulant erbracht werden kann. Diese Kontextfaktoren berücksichtigen sehr viel detaillierter die Gesamtumstände des jeweiligen Falles als das frühere G-AEP (German Appropriateness Evaluation Protocol), insbesondere was die Berücksichtigung der perioperativen Infrastruktur ebenso wie die individuelle Situation des einzelnen Patienten anbelangt. Leider musste man feststellen, dass bei der Umsetzung der Empfehlungen dieses Gutachtens in eine Neufassung des Vertrages zum ambulanten Operieren nach §115b SGB V (AOP-Vertrag) weit überwiegend nur die Punkte des Gutachtens, die eine Ausweitung des ambulanten Operierens forderten, in dem neuen AOP-Vertrag umgesetzt worden sind. Insbesondere die aus medizinischer Sicht wichtigen Aspekte für eine patientenindividuelle Anpassung der ambulanten Leistungserbringung (z. B. hohes Alter, Frailty, Begleiterkrankungen) wurden ebenso wie die wichtigen Strukturvoraussetzungen für die ambulante postoperative Betreuung bestenfalls rudimentär in den neuen AOP-Vertrag mit aufgenommen. Aus diesem Grunde sah die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Handchirurgie sich genötigt, ihren Mitgliedern eine Empfehlung an die Hand zu geben, welche medizinischen Aspekte insbesondere bei der Durchführung handchirurgischer Operationen Berücksichtigung finden müssen, um auch bei ambulanter Leistungserbringung ein Höchstmaß an Sicherheit für die uns anvertrauten Patienten zu garantieren. Es wurde eine Expertengruppe aus erfahrenen Handchirurginnen und Handchirurgen sowie Handtherapeuten gebildet, die an Krankenhäusern jeder Versorgungsstufe und als niedergelassene Operateure tätig sind, um gemeinsam konsentierte Handlungsempfehlungen zu formulieren.
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James, Harold, und Bruce Kent. „The Spoils of War: The Politics, Economics, and Diplomacy of Reparations, 1918-1932.“ Economic History Review 43, Nr. 2 (Mai 1990): 310. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/2596806.

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Howe, Timothy. „A Review of “Dividing the Spoils: The War for Alexander the Great's Empire”“. History: Reviews of New Books 40, Nr. 2 (April 2012): 57. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03612759.2012.644511.

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Kohler, Eric D., und Bruce Kent. „The Spoils of War: The Politics, Economics, and Diplomacy of Reparations, 1918-1932“. German Studies Review 14, Nr. 3 (Oktober 1991): 639. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/1431003.

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Farrar, L. L. „The Spoils of War: The Politics, Economics, and Diplomacy of Reparations 1918–1932“. History: Reviews of New Books 19, Nr. 3 (Januar 1991): 125. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03612759.1991.9949284.

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McCartney, Innes. „Spoils of War: The fate of enemy fleets after the two World Wars“. Mariner's Mirror 106, Nr. 4 (01.10.2020): 495–96. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00253359.2020.1780805.

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Carr, W. „The Spoils of War: the Politics, Economics and Diplomacy of Reparations, 1918-1932“. German History 8, Nr. 3 (01.07.1990): 371–72. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/gh/8.3.371.

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Bolunduţ, Ioan-Lucian. „The Gold of the Dacians“. Mining Revue 30, Nr. 2 (01.06.2024): 32–43. http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/minrv-2024-0013.

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Abstract The Dacians hoarded about 200 tons of gold and 400 tons of silver, before the Roman conquest of 105/106 AD. The exploitation of gold and silver by the Dacians is attested by the multitude of artifacts discovered in the territory inhabited by them. The work presents the most important treasures of gold and silver of the Dacians, but also the evaluation of the spoils of war taken by the Romans after the defeat of the Dacians.
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Deshmukh, Marion, und Elizabeth Simpson. „The Spoils of War. World War II and Its Aftermath: The Loss, Reappearance and Recovery of Cultural Property“. German Studies Review 22, Nr. 2 (Mai 1999): 322. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/1432106.

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Ishihara, Akifumi, und Prakarsh Singh. „Concessions and Repression in Conflict“. B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 16, Nr. 2 (01.04.2016): 865–99. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/bejeap-2015-0017.

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Abstract We build a model for predicting civil wars where the government bargains with a rebel group using concessions and repression. The equilibrium is either a state of perpetual peace where there are concessions but no repression or a state of repressive equilibrium that can lead to civil wars. At the lowest levels of political competition, a move towards open electoral participation decreases the ability of the state to use repression to limit challengers, increasing the likelihood of war. At higher levels, an increase in competition decreases the probability of war by increasing concessions to the rebel group. Increasing concessions makes war less likely because it decreases the spoils of war and provides one explanation for the non-monotonicity found between probability of civil war and democracy. We test the prediction of this non-linearity using the technique in [Hansen (2000). “Sample Splitting and Threshold Estimation.” Econometrica 68:575–603] and find evidence consistent with the model.
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Kennedy, Janet E., und Vahan D. Barooshian. „V. V. Vereshchagin: Artist at War“. Slavic and East European Journal 38, Nr. 2 (1994): 375. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/308826.

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Williams, Robert C., und Vahan D. Barooshian. „V. V. Vereschagin: Artist at War.“ American Historical Review 99, Nr. 3 (Juni 1994): 943. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/2167882.

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Bowlt, John E., und Vahan D. Barooshian. „V. V. Vereshchagin: Artist at War“. Russian Review 53, Nr. 4 (Oktober 1994): 572. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/130977.

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