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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Splitting scheme"


Lai, Junjiang, und Zhencheng Fan. „Stability for discrete time waveform relaxation methods based on Euler schemes“. AIMS Mathematics 8, Nr. 10 (2023): 23713–33.

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<abstract><p>Stability properties of discrete time waveform relaxation (DWR) methods based on Euler schemes are analyzed by applying them to two dissipative systems. Some sufficient conditions for stability of the considered methods are obtained; at the same time two examples of instability are given. To investigate the influence of the splitting functions and underlying numerical methods on stability of DWR methods, DWR methods based on different splittings and different numerical schemes are considered. The obtained results show that the stabilities of waveform relaxation methods based on an implicit Euler scheme are better than those based on explicit Euler scheme, and that the stabilities of waveform relaxation methods based on the classical splittings such as Gauss-Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel splittings are worse than those based on the eigenvalue splitting presented in this paper. Finally, numerical examples that confirm the theoretical results are presented.</p></abstract>
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Ahmed, Nauman, Tahira S.S., M. Rafiq, M. A. Rehman, Mubasher Ali und M. O. Ahmad. „Positivity preserving operator splitting nonstandard finite difference methods for SEIR reaction diffusion model“. Open Mathematics 17, Nr. 1 (29.04.2019): 313–30.

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Abstract In this work, we will introduce two novel positivity preserving operator splitting nonstandard finite difference (NSFD) schemes for the numerical solution of SEIR reaction diffusion epidemic model. In epidemic model of infection diseases, positivity is an important property of the continuous system because negative value of a subpopulation is meaningless. The proposed operator splitting NSFD schemes are dynamically consistent with the solution of the continuous model. First scheme is conditionally stable while second operator splitting scheme is unconditionally stable. The stability of the diffusive SEIR model is also verified numerically with the help of Routh-Hurwitz stability condition. Bifurcation value of transmission coefficient is also carried out with and without diffusion. The proposed operator splitting NSFD schemes are compared with the well-known operator splitting finite difference (FD) schemes.
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Lai, J. S., G. F. Lin und W. D. Guo. „Simulation of Hydraulic Shock Waves by Hybrid Flux-Splitting Schemes in Finite Volume Method“. Journal of Mechanics 21, Nr. 2 (Juni 2005): 85–101.

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AbstractIn the framework of the finite volume method, a robust and easily implemented hybrid flux-splitting finite-volume (HFF) scheme is proposed for simulating hydraulic shock waves in shallow water flows. The hybrid flux-splitting algorithm without Jacobian matrix operation is established by applying the advection upstream splitting method to estimate the cell-interface fluxes. The scheme is extended to be second-order accurate in space and time using the predictor-corrector approach with monotonic upstream scheme for conservation laws. The proposed HFF scheme and its second-order extension are verified through simulations of the 1D idealized dam-break problem, the 2D oblique hydraulic shock-wave problem, and the 2D dam-break experiments with channel contraction as well as wet/dry beds. Comparisons of the HFF and several well-known first-order upwind schemes are made to evaluate numerical performances. It is demonstrated that the HFF scheme captures the discontinuities accurately and produces no entropy-violating solutions. The HFF scheme and its second-order extension are proven to achieve the numerical benefits combining the efficiency of flux-vector splitting scheme and the accuracy of flux-difference splitting scheme for the simulation of hydraulic shock waves.
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Geiser, Jürgen. „Computing Exponential for Iterative Splitting Methods: Algorithms and Applications“. Journal of Applied Mathematics 2011 (2011): 1–27.

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Iterative splitting methods have a huge amount to compute matrix exponential. Here, the acceleration and recovering of higher-order schemes can be achieved. From a theoretical point of view, iterative splitting methods are at least alternating Picards fix-point iteration schemes. For practical applications, it is important to compute very fast matrix exponentials. In this paper, we concentrate on developing fast algorithms to solve the iterative splitting scheme. First, we reformulate the iterative splitting scheme into an integral notation of matrix exponential. In this notation, we consider fast approximation schemes to the integral formulations, also known as -functions. Second, the error analysis is explained and applied to the integral formulations. The novelty is to compute cheaply the decoupled exp-matrices and apply only cheap matrix-vector multiplications for the higher-order terms. In general, we discuss an elegant way of embedding recently survey on methods for computing matrix exponential with respect to iterative splitting schemes. We present numerical benchmark examples, that compared standard splitting schemes with the higher-order iterative schemes. A real-life application in contaminant transport as a two phase model is discussed and the fast computations of the operator splitting method is explained.
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Li, Wanling, und Gengjun Gao. „Research on Multi-product Order Splitting and Distribution Route Optimization Of "Multi-warehouse in One Place"“. Frontiers in Business, Economics and Management 8, Nr. 3 (20.04.2023): 1–8.

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In recent years, large online supermarkets have become a new trend in the development of e-commerce. Due to the limited storage capacity of a single warehouse, many large online supermarkets, such as Jingdong and Tmall, often adopt the warehouse layout of "one place and multiple warehouses" to quickly respond to customer needs, and the sorting and distribution tasks of orders are completed by the warehouse. At the same time, due to the change of people's lifestyle, customer demand presents the characteristics of "one order with multiple products" and "one order with multiple quantities", which makes the split fulfillment of orders become a common phenomenon. In this paper, under the condition that the warehouse is not out of stock in the layout of one place and many warehouses, aiming at the split execution problem of multi-category orders, the split order method is based on the combination of "minimum split order rate" and "principle of proximity". An order splitting optimization model considering both category and quantity splitting is established, and a set of initial order batch splitting schemes is formed to achieve the first optimization of multi-category order splitting. Secondly, the PLBH-LNS method is used to generate a better initial distribution scheme considering the customer preset time window limit and vehicle-mounted capacity constraint. Finally, with the goal of minimizing the total order performance cost, the solution idea of two-stage method is used for reference, based on the initial order splitting scheme and distribution scheme, the improved two-stage genetic algorithm is used to generate the optimal order allocation scheme and distribution scheme from the alternative schemes, and the global optimization of the splitting and distribution process is realized. The experimental results show that compared with the order splitting strategy using simple rules in practice, the PLBH-LNS method can reduce the average order splitting cost by 12.48%, which provides a new idea and effective auxiliary decision support for the order splitting problem of large online supermarkets.
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Geiser, Jürgen. „Embedded Zassenhaus Expansion to Splitting Schemes: Theory and Multiphysics Applications“. International Journal of Differential Equations 2013 (2013): 1–11.

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We present some operator splitting methods improved by the use of the Zassenhaus product and designed for applications to multiphysics problems. We treat iterative splitting methods that can be improved by means of the Zassenhaus product formula, which is a sequential splitting scheme. The main idea for reducing the computation time needed by the iterative scheme is to embed fast and cheap Zassenhaus product schemes, since the computation of the commutators involved is very cheap, since we are dealing with nilpotent matrices. We discuss the coupling ideas of iterative and sequential splitting techniques and their convergence. While the iterative splitting schemes converge slowly in their first iterative steps, we improve the initial convergence rates by embedding the Zassenhaus product formula. The applications are to multiphysics problems in fluid dynamics. We consider phase models in computational fluid dynamics and analyse how to obtain higher order operator splitting methods based on the Zassenhaus product. The computational benefits derive from the use of sparse matrices, which arise from the spatial discretisation of the underlying partial differential equations. Since the Zassenhaus formula requires nearly constant CPU time due to its sparse commutators, we have accelerated the iterative splitting schemes.
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Wei, Weiping, Youlin Shang, Hongwei Jiao und Pujun Jia. „Shock stability of a novel flux splitting scheme“. AIMS Mathematics 9, Nr. 3 (2024): 7511–28.

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<abstract><p>This article introduced the HLL-CPS-T flux splitting scheme, which is characterized by low dissipation and robustness. A detailed theoretical analysis of the dissipation and shock stability of this scheme was provided. In comparison to Toro's TV flux splitting scheme, the HLL-CPS-T scheme not only exhibits accurate capture of contact discontinuity, but also demonstrates superior shock stability, as evidenced by its absence of 'carbuncle' phenomenon. Through an examination of the disturbance attenuation properties of physical quantities in the TV and HLL-CPS-T schemes, an inference was derived: The shock stability condition for an upwind method in the velocity perturbation was damped. Theoretical analysis was given to verify the reasonableness of this inference. Numerical experiments were carefully selected to test the robustness of the new splitting scheme.</p></abstract>
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High-resolution extensions to six Riemann solvers and three flux vector splitting schemes are developed within the framework of a reconstruction-evolution approach. Third-order spatial accuracy is achieved using two different piecewise parabolic reconstructions and a weighted essentially nonoscillatory scheme. A three-stage TVD Runge–Kutta time stepping is employed for temporal integration. The modular development of solvers provides an ease in selecting a reconstruction scheme and/or a Riemann solver/flux vector splitting scheme. The performances of these high-resolution solvers are compared for several one- and two-dimensional test cases. Based on a comprehensive assessment of the solutions obtained with all solvers, it is found that the use of the weighted essentially nonoscillatory reconstruction with the van Leer flux vector splitting scheme provides solutions for a variety of problems with acceptable accuracy.
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Chen, Jing-Bo. „High-order time discretizations in seismic modeling“. GEOPHYSICS 72, Nr. 5 (September 2007): SM115—SM122.

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Seismic modeling plays an important role in explor-ation geophysics. High-order modeling schemes are in demand for practical reasons. In this context, I present three kinds of high-order time discretizations: Lax-Wendroff methods, Nyström methods, and splitting methods. Lax-Wendroff methods are based on the Taylor expansion and the replacement of high-order temporal derivatives by spatial derivatives, Nyström methods are simplified Runge-Kutta algorithms, and splitting methods comprise substeps for one-step computation. Based on these methods, three schemes with third-order and fourth-order accuracy in time and pseudospectral discretizations in space are presented. I also compare their accuracy, stability, and computational complexity, and discuss advantages and shortcomings of these algorithms. Numerical experiments show that the fourth-order Lax-Wendroff scheme is more efficient for short-time simulations while the fourth-order Nyström scheme and the third-order splitting scheme are more efficient for long-term computations.
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Liu, Chein-Shan, Chih-Wen Chang und Chia-Cheng Tsai. „Numerical Simulations of Complex Helmholtz Equations Using Two-Block Splitting Iterative Schemes with Optimal Values of Parameters“. AppliedMath 4, Nr. 4 (09.10.2024): 1256–77.

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For a two-block splitting iterative scheme to solve the complex linear equations system resulting from the complex Helmholtz equation, the iterative form using descent vector and residual vector is formulated. We propose splitting iterative schemes by considering the perpendicular property of consecutive residual vector. The two-block splitting iterative schemes are proven to have absolute convergence, and the residual is minimized at each iteration step. Single and double parameters in the two-block splitting iterative schemes are derived explicitly utilizing the orthogonality condition or the minimality conditions. Some simulations of complex Helmholtz equations are performed to exhibit the performance of the proposed two-block iterative schemes endowed with optimal values of parameters. The primary novelty and major contribution of this paper lies in using the orthogonality condition of residual vectors to optimize the iterative process. The proposed method might fill a gap in the current literature, where existing iterative methods either lack explicit parameter optimization or struggle with high wave numbers and large damping constants in the complex Helmholtz equation. The two-block splitting iterative scheme provides an efficient and convergent solution, even in challenging cases.
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Dissertationen zum Thema "Splitting scheme"


Kularathna, Shyamini. „Splitting solution scheme for material point method“. Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2018.

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Material point method (MPM) is a numerical tool which was originally used for modelling large deformations of solid mechanics problems. Due to the particle based spatial discretiza- tion, MPM is naturally capable of handling large mass movements together with topological changes. Further, the Lagrangian particles in MPM allow an easy implementation of history dependent materials. So far, however, research on MPM has been mostly restricted to explicit dynamic formu- lations with linear approximation functions. This is because of the simplicity and the low computational cost of such explicit algorithms. Particularly in MPM analysis of geomechan- ics problems, a considerable attention is given to the standard explicit formulation to model dynamic large deformations of geomaterials. Nonetheless, several limitations exist. In the limit of incompressibility, a significantly small time step is required to ensure the stability of the explicit formulation. Time step size restriction is also present in low permeability cases in porous media analysis. Spurious pressure oscillations are another numerical instability present in nearly incompressible flow behaviours. This research considers an implicit treatment of the pressure in MPM algorithm to simu- late material incompressibility. The coupled velocity (v)-pressure (p) governing equations are solved by applying Chorin’s projection method which exhibits an inherent pressure stability. Hence, linear finite elements can be used in the MPM solver. The main purpose of this new MPM formulation is to mitigate artificial pressure oscillations and time step restrictions present in the explicit MPM approach. First, a single phase MPM solver is applied to free surface incompressible fluid flow problems. Numerical results show a better approximation of the pressure field compared to the results obtained from the explicit MPM. The proposed formulation is then extended to model fully saturated porous materials with incompress- ible constituents. A solid velocity(v S )-fluid velocity (v F )-pore pressure (p) formulation is presented within the framework of mixture theory. Comparing the numerical results for the one-dimensional consolidation problem shows that the proposed incompressible MPM algorithm provides a stable and accurate pore pressure field even without implementing damping in the solver. Finally, the coupled MPM is used to solve a two-dimensional wave propagation problem and a plain strain consolidation problem. One of the important features of the proposed hydro mechanical coupled MPM formulation is that the time step size is not dependent on the incompressibility and the permeability of the porous medium.
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Ravikumar, Devaki. „2D Compressible Viscous Flow Computations Using Acoustic Flux Vector Splitting (AFVS) Scheme“. Thesis, Indian Institute of Science, 2001.

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The present work deals with the extension of Acoustic Flux Vector Splitting (AFVS) scheme for the Compressible Viscous flow computations. Accurate viscous flow computations require much finer grids with adequate clustering of grid points in certain regions. Viscous flow computations are performed on unstructured triangulated grids. Solving Navier-Stokes equations involves the inviscid Euler part and the viscous part. The inviscid part of the fluxes are computed using the Acoustic Flux Vector Splitting scheme and the viscous part which is diffusive in nature does not require upwinding and is taken care using a central difference type of scheme. For these computations both the cell centered and the cell vertex finite volume methods are used. Higher order accuracy on unstructured meshes is achieved using the reconstruction procedure. Test cases are chosen in such a way that the performance of the scheme can be evaluated for different range of mach numbers. We demonstrate that higher order AFVS scheme in conjunction with a suitable grid adaptation strategy produce results that compare well with other well known schemes and the experimental data. An assessment of the relative performance of the AFVS scheme with the Roe scheme is also presented.
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Ravikumar, Devaki. „2D Compressible Viscous Flow Computations Using Acoustic Flux Vector Splitting (AFVS) Scheme“. Thesis, Indian Institute of Science, 2001.

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The present work deals with the extension of Acoustic Flux Vector Splitting (AFVS) scheme for the Compressible Viscous flow computations. Accurate viscous flow computations require much finer grids with adequate clustering of grid points in certain regions. Viscous flow computations are performed on unstructured triangulated grids. Solving Navier-Stokes equations involves the inviscid Euler part and the viscous part. The inviscid part of the fluxes are computed using the Acoustic Flux Vector Splitting scheme and the viscous part which is diffusive in nature does not require upwinding and is taken care using a central difference type of scheme. For these computations both the cell centered and the cell vertex finite volume methods are used. Higher order accuracy on unstructured meshes is achieved using the reconstruction procedure. Test cases are chosen in such a way that the performance of the scheme can be evaluated for different range of mach numbers. We demonstrate that higher order AFVS scheme in conjunction with a suitable grid adaptation strategy produce results that compare well with other well known schemes and the experimental data. An assessment of the relative performance of the AFVS scheme with the Roe scheme is also presented.
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Wood, William Alfred. „Multi-dimensional Upwind Fluctuation Splitting Scheme with Mesh Adaption for Hypersonic Viscous Flow“. Diss., Virginia Tech, 2001.

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A multi-dimensional upwind fluctuation splitting scheme is developed and implemented for two-dimensional and axisymmetric formulations of the Navier-Stokes equations on unstructured meshes. Key features of the scheme are the compact stencil, full upwinding, and non-linear discretization which allow for second-order accuracy with enforced positivity. Throughout, the fluctuation splitting scheme is compared to a current state-of-the-art finite volume approach, a second-order, dual mesh upwind flux difference splitting scheme (DMFDSFV), and is shown to produce more accurate results using fewer computer resources for a wide range of test cases. The scalar test cases include advected shear, circular advection, non-linear advection with coalescing shock and expansion fans, and advection-diffusion. For all scalar cases the fluctuation splitting scheme is more accurate, and the primary mechanism for the improved fluctuation splitting performance is shown to be the reduced production of artificial dissipation relative to DMFDSFV. The most significant scalar result is for combined advection-diffusion, where the present fluctuation splitting scheme is able to resolve the physical dissipation from the artificial dissipation on a much coarser mesh than DMFDSFV is able to, allowing order-of-magnitude reductions in solution time. Among the inviscid test cases the converging supersonic streams problem is notable in that the fluctuation splitting scheme exhibits superconvergent third-order spatial accuracy. For the inviscid cases of a supersonic diamond airfoil, supersonic slender cone, and incompressible circular bump the fluctuation splitting drag coefficient errors are typically half the DMFDSFV drag errors. However, for the incompressible inviscid sphere the fluctuation splitting drag error is larger than for DMFDSFV. A Blasius flat plate viscous validation case reveals a more accurate vertical-velocity profile for fluctuation splitting, and the reduced artificial dissipation production is shown relative to DMFDSFV. Remarkably the fluctuation splitting scheme shows grid converged skin friction coefficients with only five points in the boundary layer for this case. A viscous Mach 17.6 (perfect gas) cylinder case demonstrates solution monotonicity and heat transfer capability with the fluctuation splitting scheme. While fluctuation splitting is recommended over DMFDSFV, the difference in performance between the schemes is not so great as to obsolete DMFDSFV. The second half of the dissertation develops a local, compact, anisotropic unstructured mesh adaption scheme in conjunction with the multi-dimensional upwind solver, exhibiting a characteristic alignment behavior for scalar problems. This alignment behavior stands in contrast to the curvature clustering nature of the local, anisotropic unstructured adaption strategy based upon a posteriori error estimation that is used for comparison. The characteristic alignment is most pronounced for linear advection, with reduced improvement seen for the more complex non-linear advection and advection-diffusion cases. The adaption strategy is extended to the two-dimensional and axisymmetric Navier-Stokes equations of motion through the concept of fluctuation minimization. The system test case for the adaption strategy is a sting mounted capsule at Mach-10 wind tunnel conditions, considered in both two-dimensional and axisymmetric configurations. For this complex flowfield the adaption results are disappointing since feature alignment does not emerge from the local operations. Aggressive adaption is shown to result in a loss of robustness for the solver, particularly in the bow shock/stagnation point interaction region. Reducing the adaption strength maintains solution robustness but fails to produce significant improvement in the surface heat transfer predictions.
Ph. D.
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Krinshnamurthy, R. „Kinetic Flux Vector Splitting Method On Moving Grids (KFMG) For Unsteady Aerodynamics And Aeroelasticity“. Thesis, Indian Institute of Science, 2001.

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Analysis of unsteady flows is a very challenging topic of research. A decade ago, potential flow equations were used to predict unsteady pressures on oscillating bodies. Recognising the fact that nonlinear aerodynamics is essential to analyse unsteady flows accurately, particularly in transonic and supersonic flows, different Euler formulations operating on moving grids have emerged recently as important CFD tools for unsteady aerodynamics. Numerical solution of Euler equations on moving grids based on upwind schemes such as the ones due to van Leer and Roe have been developed for the purpose of numerical simulation of unsteady transonic and supersonic flows. In the present work, Euler computations based on yet another recent robust upwind scheme (for steady flows) namely Kinetic Flux Vector Splitting (KFVS) scheme due to Deshpande and Mandal is chosen for further development of a time accurate Euler solver to operate on problems involving moving boundaries. The development of an Euler code based on this scheme is likely to be highly useful to analyse problems of unsteady aerodynamics and computational aeroelasiticity especially when it is noted that KFVS has been found to be an extremely robust scheme for computation of subsonic, transonic, supersonic and hypersonic flows. The KFVS scheme, basically exploits the connection between the linear scalar Boltzmann equation of kinetic theory of gases and the nonlinear vector conservation law, that is, Euler equations of fluid dynamics through moment method strategy. The KFVS scheme has inherent simplicity in splitting the flux even on moving grids due to underlying particle model. The inherent simplicity of KFVS for moving grid problems is due to its relationship with the Boltzmann equation. If a surface is moving with velocity w and a particle has velocity v, then it is quite reasonable to do the splitting based on (v-w)<0 or >0. Only particles having velocity v greater than w will cross the moving surface from left to right and similar arguments hold good for particles moving in opposite direction. It is therefore quite natural to extend KFVS by splitting the Maxwellian velocity distribution at Boltzmann level based on the sign of the normal component of the relative velocity. The relative velocity is the difference between the molecular velocity (v) and the velocity of the moving surface(w). This inherent simplicity of the Kinetic Flux Vector Splitting scheme on Moving Grids (KFMG) method has prompted us to extend the same ideas to 2-D and 3-D problems leading to the present KFMG method. If w is set to zero then KFMG formulation reduces to the one corresponding to KFVS. Thus KFMG formulations axe generalisation of the KFVS formulation. In 2-D and 3-D cases, in addition to the KFMG formulation, the method to move the grids, the appropriate boundary conditions for treating moving surfaces and techniques to improve accuracy in space and time are required to be developed. The 2-D and 3-D formulations based on Kinetic Flux Vector Splitting scheme on Moving Grids method have been developed for computing unsteady flows. Between two successive time steps, the body changes its orientation in case of an oscillation or it deforms when subjected to, aerodynamic loads. In either of these cases the grid corresponding to the first time step has to be moved or regenerated around the displaced or deformed body. There are several approaches available to generate grids around moving bodies. In the present work, the 'spring analogy method' is followed to obtain grid around deflected geometries within the frame work of structured grid. Using this method, the grids are moved from previous time to the current time. This method is capable of tackling any kind of aeroelastic deformation of the body. For oscillating bodies, a suitable boundary condition enforcing the flow tangency on the body needs to be developed. As a first attempt, the body surface has been treated as an 1-D piston undergoing compression and expansion. Then, a more general Kinetic Moving Boundary Condition(KMBC) has been developed. The KMBC uses specular reflection model of kinetic theory of gases. In order to treat fixed outer boundary, Kinetic Outer Boundary Condition(KOBC) has been applied. The KOBC is more general in the sense that, it can treat different type of boundaries (subsonic, supersonic, inflow or out flow boundary). A 2-D cell-centered finite volume KFMG Euler code to operate on structured grid has been developed. The time accuracy is achieved by incorporating a fourth order Runge-Kutta time marching method. The space accuracy has been enhanced by using high resolution scheme as well as second order scheme using the method of reconstruction of fluxes. First, the KFMG Euler code has been applied to standard test cases for computing steady flows around NACA 0012 and NACA 64AQ06 airfoils in transonic flow. For these two airfoils both computational and experimental results are available in literature. It is thus possible to verify (that is, prove the claim that code is indeed solving the partial differential equations + boundary conditions posed to the code) and validate(that is, comparison with experimental results) the 2-D KFMG Euler code. Having verified and validated the 2-D KFMG Euler code for the standard test cases, the code is then applied to predict unsteady flows around sinusoidally oscillating NACA 0012 and NACA 64A006 airfoils in transonic flow. The computational and experimental unsteady results are available in literature for these airfoils for verification and validation of the present results. The unsteady lift and normal force coefficients have been predicted fairly accurately by all the CFD codes. However there is some difficulty about accurate prediction of unsteady pitching moment coefficient. Even Navier-Stokes code could not predict pitching moment accurately. This issue needs further in depth study and probably intensive computation which have not been undertaken in the present study. Next, a two degrees of £reedom(2-DOF) structural dynamics model of an airfoil undergoing pitch and plunge motions has been coupled with the 2-D KFMG Euler code for numerical simulation of aeroelastic problems. This aeroelastic analysis code is applied to NACA 64A006 airfoil undergoing pitch and plunge motions in transonic flow to obtain aeroelastic response characteristics for a set of structural parameters. For this test case also computed results are available in literature for verification. The response characteristics obtained have showed three modes namely stable, neutrally stable and unstable modes of oscillations. It is interesting to compare the value of airfoil-to-air mass ratio (Formula) obtained by us for neutrally stable condition with similar values obtained by others and some differences between them are worth mentioning here. The values of \i for neutral stability are different for different authors. The differences in values of (Formula) predicted by various authors are primarily due to differences which can be due to grid as well as mathematical model used. For example, the Euler calculations, TSP calculations and full potential calculations always show differences in shock location for the same flow problem. Changes in shock location will cause change in pressure distribution on airfoil which in turn will cause changes in values of \L for conditions of neutral stability. The flutter speed parameter(U*) has also been plotted with free stream Mach number for two different values of airfoil - to - air mass ratio. These curves shown a dip when the free stream Mach number is close to 0.855. This is referred as "Transonic Dip Phenomenon". The shock waves play a dominant role in the mechanism of transonic dip phenomenon. Lastly, cell-centered finite volume KFMG 3-D Euler code has been developed to operate on structured grids. The time accuracy is achieved by incorporating a fourth order Runge-Kutta method. The space accuracy has been enhanced by using high resolution scheme. This code has 3-D grid movement module which is based on spring analogy method. The KMBC to treat oscillating 3-D configuration and KOBC for treating 3-D outer boundary have also been formulated and implemented in the code. The 3-D KFMG Euler code has been first verified and validated for 3-D steady flows around standard shapes such as, transonic flow past a hemisphere cylinder and ONERA M6 wing. This code has also been used for predicting hypersonic flow past blunt cone-eylinder-flare configuration for which experimental data are available. Also, for this case, the results are compared with a similar Euler code. Then the KFMG Euler code has been used for predicting steady flow around ogive-cylinder-ogive configuration with elliptical cross section. The aerodynamic coefficients obtained have been compared with those of another Euler code. Thus, the 3-D KFMG Euler code has been verified and validated extensively for steady flow problems. Finally, the 3-D KFMG based Euler code has been applied to an oscillating ogive-cylinder-ogive configuration in transonic flow. This test case has been chosen as it resembles the core body of a flight vehicle configuration of interest to DRDO,India. For this test case, the unsteady lift coefficients are available in literature for verifying the present results. Two grid sizes are used to perform the unsteady calculations using the present KFMG 3-D Euler code. The hysteresis loops of lift and moment coefficients confirmed the unsteady behaviour during the oscillation of the configuration. This has proved that, the 3-D formulations are capable of predicting the unsteady flows satisfactorily. The unsteady results obtained for a grid with size of 45x41x51 which is very close to the grid size chosen in the reference(Nixon et al.) are considered for comparison. It has been mentioned in the reference that, a phase lag of (Formula) was observed in lift coefficients with respect to motion of the configuration for a free stream Mach number of 0.3 with other conditions remaining the same. The unsteady lift coefficients obtained using KFMG code as well as those available in literature are plotted for the same flow conditions. Approximately the same phase lag of (Formula) is present (for (Formula)) between the lift coefficient curves of KFMG and due to Nixon et al. The phase lag corrected plot of lift coefficient obtained by Nixon et al. is compared with the lift coefficient versus time obtained by 3-D KFMG Euler code. The two results compare well except that the peaks are over predicted by KFMG code. It is nut clear at this stage whether our results should at all match with those due to Nixon et al. Further in depth study is obviously required to settle the issue. Thus the Kinetic Flux Vector Splitting on Moving Grids has been found to be a very good and a sound method for splitting fluxes and is a generalisation of earlier KFVS on fixed grids. It has been found to be very successful in numerical simulation of unsteady aerodynamics and computational aeroelasticity.
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Krinshnamurthy, R. „Kinetic Flux Vector Splitting Method On Moving Grids (KFMG) For Unsteady Aerodynamics And Aeroelasticity“. Thesis, Indian Institute of Science, 2001.

Der volle Inhalt der Quelle
Analysis of unsteady flows is a very challenging topic of research. A decade ago, potential flow equations were used to predict unsteady pressures on oscillating bodies. Recognising the fact that nonlinear aerodynamics is essential to analyse unsteady flows accurately, particularly in transonic and supersonic flows, different Euler formulations operating on moving grids have emerged recently as important CFD tools for unsteady aerodynamics. Numerical solution of Euler equations on moving grids based on upwind schemes such as the ones due to van Leer and Roe have been developed for the purpose of numerical simulation of unsteady transonic and supersonic flows. In the present work, Euler computations based on yet another recent robust upwind scheme (for steady flows) namely Kinetic Flux Vector Splitting (KFVS) scheme due to Deshpande and Mandal is chosen for further development of a time accurate Euler solver to operate on problems involving moving boundaries. The development of an Euler code based on this scheme is likely to be highly useful to analyse problems of unsteady aerodynamics and computational aeroelasiticity especially when it is noted that KFVS has been found to be an extremely robust scheme for computation of subsonic, transonic, supersonic and hypersonic flows. The KFVS scheme, basically exploits the connection between the linear scalar Boltzmann equation of kinetic theory of gases and the nonlinear vector conservation law, that is, Euler equations of fluid dynamics through moment method strategy. The KFVS scheme has inherent simplicity in splitting the flux even on moving grids due to underlying particle model. The inherent simplicity of KFVS for moving grid problems is due to its relationship with the Boltzmann equation. If a surface is moving with velocity w and a particle has velocity v, then it is quite reasonable to do the splitting based on (v-w)<0 or >0. Only particles having velocity v greater than w will cross the moving surface from left to right and similar arguments hold good for particles moving in opposite direction. It is therefore quite natural to extend KFVS by splitting the Maxwellian velocity distribution at Boltzmann level based on the sign of the normal component of the relative velocity. The relative velocity is the difference between the molecular velocity (v) and the velocity of the moving surface(w). This inherent simplicity of the Kinetic Flux Vector Splitting scheme on Moving Grids (KFMG) method has prompted us to extend the same ideas to 2-D and 3-D problems leading to the present KFMG method. If w is set to zero then KFMG formulation reduces to the one corresponding to KFVS. Thus KFMG formulations axe generalisation of the KFVS formulation. In 2-D and 3-D cases, in addition to the KFMG formulation, the method to move the grids, the appropriate boundary conditions for treating moving surfaces and techniques to improve accuracy in space and time are required to be developed. The 2-D and 3-D formulations based on Kinetic Flux Vector Splitting scheme on Moving Grids method have been developed for computing unsteady flows. Between two successive time steps, the body changes its orientation in case of an oscillation or it deforms when subjected to, aerodynamic loads. In either of these cases the grid corresponding to the first time step has to be moved or regenerated around the displaced or deformed body. There are several approaches available to generate grids around moving bodies. In the present work, the 'spring analogy method' is followed to obtain grid around deflected geometries within the frame work of structured grid. Using this method, the grids are moved from previous time to the current time. This method is capable of tackling any kind of aeroelastic deformation of the body. For oscillating bodies, a suitable boundary condition enforcing the flow tangency on the body needs to be developed. As a first attempt, the body surface has been treated as an 1-D piston undergoing compression and expansion. Then, a more general Kinetic Moving Boundary Condition(KMBC) has been developed. The KMBC uses specular reflection model of kinetic theory of gases. In order to treat fixed outer boundary, Kinetic Outer Boundary Condition(KOBC) has been applied. The KOBC is more general in the sense that, it can treat different type of boundaries (subsonic, supersonic, inflow or out flow boundary). A 2-D cell-centered finite volume KFMG Euler code to operate on structured grid has been developed. The time accuracy is achieved by incorporating a fourth order Runge-Kutta time marching method. The space accuracy has been enhanced by using high resolution scheme as well as second order scheme using the method of reconstruction of fluxes. First, the KFMG Euler code has been applied to standard test cases for computing steady flows around NACA 0012 and NACA 64AQ06 airfoils in transonic flow. For these two airfoils both computational and experimental results are available in literature. It is thus possible to verify (that is, prove the claim that code is indeed solving the partial differential equations + boundary conditions posed to the code) and validate(that is, comparison with experimental results) the 2-D KFMG Euler code. Having verified and validated the 2-D KFMG Euler code for the standard test cases, the code is then applied to predict unsteady flows around sinusoidally oscillating NACA 0012 and NACA 64A006 airfoils in transonic flow. The computational and experimental unsteady results are available in literature for these airfoils for verification and validation of the present results. The unsteady lift and normal force coefficients have been predicted fairly accurately by all the CFD codes. However there is some difficulty about accurate prediction of unsteady pitching moment coefficient. Even Navier-Stokes code could not predict pitching moment accurately. This issue needs further in depth study and probably intensive computation which have not been undertaken in the present study. Next, a two degrees of £reedom(2-DOF) structural dynamics model of an airfoil undergoing pitch and plunge motions has been coupled with the 2-D KFMG Euler code for numerical simulation of aeroelastic problems. This aeroelastic analysis code is applied to NACA 64A006 airfoil undergoing pitch and plunge motions in transonic flow to obtain aeroelastic response characteristics for a set of structural parameters. For this test case also computed results are available in literature for verification. The response characteristics obtained have showed three modes namely stable, neutrally stable and unstable modes of oscillations. It is interesting to compare the value of airfoil-to-air mass ratio (Formula) obtained by us for neutrally stable condition with similar values obtained by others and some differences between them are worth mentioning here. The values of \i for neutral stability are different for different authors. The differences in values of (Formula) predicted by various authors are primarily due to differences which can be due to grid as well as mathematical model used. For example, the Euler calculations, TSP calculations and full potential calculations always show differences in shock location for the same flow problem. Changes in shock location will cause change in pressure distribution on airfoil which in turn will cause changes in values of \L for conditions of neutral stability. The flutter speed parameter(U*) has also been plotted with free stream Mach number for two different values of airfoil - to - air mass ratio. These curves shown a dip when the free stream Mach number is close to 0.855. This is referred as "Transonic Dip Phenomenon". The shock waves play a dominant role in the mechanism of transonic dip phenomenon. Lastly, cell-centered finite volume KFMG 3-D Euler code has been developed to operate on structured grids. The time accuracy is achieved by incorporating a fourth order Runge-Kutta method. The space accuracy has been enhanced by using high resolution scheme. This code has 3-D grid movement module which is based on spring analogy method. The KMBC to treat oscillating 3-D configuration and KOBC for treating 3-D outer boundary have also been formulated and implemented in the code. The 3-D KFMG Euler code has been first verified and validated for 3-D steady flows around standard shapes such as, transonic flow past a hemisphere cylinder and ONERA M6 wing. This code has also been used for predicting hypersonic flow past blunt cone-eylinder-flare configuration for which experimental data are available. Also, for this case, the results are compared with a similar Euler code. Then the KFMG Euler code has been used for predicting steady flow around ogive-cylinder-ogive configuration with elliptical cross section. The aerodynamic coefficients obtained have been compared with those of another Euler code. Thus, the 3-D KFMG Euler code has been verified and validated extensively for steady flow problems. Finally, the 3-D KFMG based Euler code has been applied to an oscillating ogive-cylinder-ogive configuration in transonic flow. This test case has been chosen as it resembles the core body of a flight vehicle configuration of interest to DRDO,India. For this test case, the unsteady lift coefficients are available in literature for verifying the present results. Two grid sizes are used to perform the unsteady calculations using the present KFMG 3-D Euler code. The hysteresis loops of lift and moment coefficients confirmed the unsteady behaviour during the oscillation of the configuration. This has proved that, the 3-D formulations are capable of predicting the unsteady flows satisfactorily. The unsteady results obtained for a grid with size of 45x41x51 which is very close to the grid size chosen in the reference(Nixon et al.) are considered for comparison. It has been mentioned in the reference that, a phase lag of (Formula) was observed in lift coefficients with respect to motion of the configuration for a free stream Mach number of 0.3 with other conditions remaining the same. The unsteady lift coefficients obtained using KFMG code as well as those available in literature are plotted for the same flow conditions. Approximately the same phase lag of (Formula) is present (for (Formula)) between the lift coefficient curves of KFMG and due to Nixon et al. The phase lag corrected plot of lift coefficient obtained by Nixon et al. is compared with the lift coefficient versus time obtained by 3-D KFMG Euler code. The two results compare well except that the peaks are over predicted by KFMG code. It is nut clear at this stage whether our results should at all match with those due to Nixon et al. Further in depth study is obviously required to settle the issue. Thus the Kinetic Flux Vector Splitting on Moving Grids has been found to be a very good and a sound method for splitting fluxes and is a generalisation of earlier KFVS on fixed grids. It has been found to be very successful in numerical simulation of unsteady aerodynamics and computational aeroelasticity.
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Ultra-fast laser heating of nano-films is investigated using 3-D Dual Phase Lag heat transport equation with laser heating at different locations on the metal film. The energy absorption rate, which is used to model femtosecond laser heating, is modified to accommodate for three-dimensional laser heating. A numerical solution based on an explicit finite-difference method is employed to solve the DPL equation. The stability criterion for selecting a time step size is obtained using von Neumann eigenmode analysis, and grid function convergence tests are performed. DPL results are compared with classical diffusion and hyperbolic heat conduction models and significant differences among these three approaches are demonstrated. We also develop an implicit finite-difference scheme of Crank-Nicolson type for solving 1-D and 3-D DPL equations. The proposed numerical technique solves one equation unlike other techniques available in the literature, which split the DPL equation into a system of two equations and then apply discretization. Stability analysis is performed using a von Neumann stability analysis. In 3-D, the discretized equation is solved using delta-form Douglas and Gunn time splitting. The performance of the proposed numerical technique is compared with the numerical techniques available in the literature.
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Bensaid, Bilel. „Analyse et développement de nouveaux optimiseurs en Machine Learning“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024.

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Ces dernières années, l’intelligence artificielle (IA) est confrontée à deux défis majeurs (parmi d’autres), à savoir l’explicabilité et la frugalité, dans un contexte d’intégration de l’IA dans des systèmes critiques ou embarqués et de raréfaction des ressources. Le défi est d’autant plus conséquent que les modèles proposés apparaissent commes des boîtes noires étant donné le nombre faramineux d’hyperparamètres à régler (véritable savoir-faire) pour les faire fonctionner. Parmi ces paramètres, l’optimiseur ainsi que les réglages qui lui sont associés ont un rôle critique dans la bonne mise en oeuvre de ces outils [196]. Dans cette thèse, nous nous focalisons sur l’analyse des algorithmes d’apprentissage/optimiseurs dans le contexte des réseaux de neurones, en identifiant des propriétés mathématiques faisant écho aux deux défis évoqués et nécessaires à la robustesse du processus d’apprentissage. Dans un premier temps, nous identifions des comportements indésirables lors du processus d’apprentissage qui vont à l’encontre d’une IA explicable et frugale. Ces comportements sont alors expliqués au travers de deux outils: la stabilité de Lyapunov et les intégrateurs géométriques. Empiriquement, la stabilisation du processus d’apprentissage améliore les performances, autorisant la construction de modèles plus économes. Théoriquement, le point de vue développé permet d’établir des garanties de convergence pour les optimiseurs classiquement utilisés dans l’entraînement des réseaux. La même démarche est suivie concernant l’optimisation mini-batch où les comportements indésirables sont légions: la notion de splitting équilibré est alors centrale afin d’expliquer et d’améliorer les performances. Cette étude ouvre la voie au développement de nouveaux optimiseurs adaptatifs, issus de la relation profonde entre optimisation robuste et schémas numériques préservant les invariants des systèmes dynamiques
Over the last few years, developping an explainable and frugal artificial intelligence (AI) became a fundamental challenge, especially when AI is used in safety-critical systems and demands ever more energy. This issue is even more serious regarding the huge number of hyperparameters to tune to make the models work. Among these parameters, the optimizer as well as its associated tunings appear as the most important leverages to improve these models [196]. This thesis focuses on the analysis of learning process/optimizer for neural networks, by identifying mathematical properties closely related to these two challenges. First, undesirable behaviors preventing the design of explainable and frugal networks are identified. Then, these behaviors are explained using two tools: Lyapunov stability and geometrical integrators. Through numerical experiments, the learning process stabilization improves the overall performances and allows the design of shallow networks. Theoretically, the suggested point of view enables to derive convergence guarantees for classical Deep Learning optimizers. The same approach is valuable for mini-batch optimization where unwelcome phenomenons proliferate: the concept of balanced splitting scheme becomes essential to enhance the learning process understanding and improve its robustness. This study paves the way to the design of new adaptive optimizers, by exploiting the deep relation between robust optimization and invariant preserving scheme for dynamical systems
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Tang, Kunkun. „Combining Discrete Equations Method and Upwind Downwind-Controlled Splitting for Non-Reacting and Reacting Two-Fluid Computations“. Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2012.

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Lors que nous examinons numériquement des phénomènes multiphasiques suite à un accidentgrave dans le réacteur nucléaire, la dimension caractéristique des zones multi-fluides(non-réactifs et réactifs) s'avère beaucoup plus petite que celle du bâtiment réacteur, cequi fait la Simulation Numérique Directe de la configuration à peine réalisable. Autrement,nous proposons de considérer la zone de mélange multiphasique comme une interface infinimentfine. Puis, le solveur de Riemann réactif est inséré dans la Méthode des ÉquationsDiscrètes Réactives (RDEM) pour calculer le front de combustion à grande vitesse représentépar une interface discontinue. Une approche anti-diffusive est ensuite couplée avec laRDEM afin de précisément simuler des interfaces réactives. La robustesse et l'efficacité decette approche en calculant tant des interfaces multiphasiques que des écoulements réactifssont à la fois améliorées grâce à la méthode ici proposée : upwind downwind-controlled splitting(UDCS). UDCS est capable de résoudre précisément des interfaces avec les maillagesnon-structurés multidimensionnels, y compris des fronts réactifs de détonation et de déflagration.
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Hameed, Khalid W. H. „Multiuser Multi Input Single Output (MU-MISO) Beamforming for 5G Wireless and Mobile Networks. A Road Map for Fast and Low Complexity User Selection, Beamforming Scheme Through a MU-MISO for 5G Wireless and Mobile Networks“. Thesis, University of Bradford, 2019.

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Multi-User Multi-Input Multi-Output (MU-MIMO) systems are considered to be the sustainable technologies of the current and future of the upcoming wireless and mobile networks generations. The perspectives of these technologies under several scenarios is the focus of the present thesis. The initial system model covers the MU-MIMO, especially in the massive form that is considered to be the promising ideas and pillars of the 5G network. It is observed that the optimal number of users should be served in the time-frequency resource even though the maximum limitation of the MU-MIMO is governed by the total receiving antennas (K) is less than or equal to the base station antennas (M). The system capacity of the massive MIMO (mMIMO) under perfect channel state information (CSI) of uncorrelated channel is investigated and studied. Two types of precoders were applied, one is directly based on channel inversion, and the other uses the Eigen decomposition that is derived subject to the signal to a leakage maximization problem. The two precoders show a degree of equivalency under certain assumptions for the number of antennas at the user end. The convex optimization of multi-antenna networks to achieve the design model of optimum beamformer (BF) based on the uniform linear array (ULA) is studied. The ULA is selected for its simplicity to analyse many scenarios and its importance to match the future network applied millimetre wave (mmWave) spectrum. The maximum beams generated by the ULA are explored in terms of several physical system parameters. The duality between the MU-MIMO and ULA and how they are related based on beamformer operation are detailed and discussed. Finally, two approaches for overloaded systems are presented when the availability of massive array that is not guaranteed due to physical restrictions since the existence of a large number of devices will result in breaking the dimension rule (i.e., K ≤ M). As a solution, a low complexity users selection algorithm is proposed. The channel considered is uncorrelated with full and perfect knowledge at the BS. In particular, these two channel conditions may not be available in all scenarios. The CSI may be imperfect, and even the instantaneous form does not exist. A hybrid precoder between the mixed CSI (includes imperfect and statistical) and rate splitting approach is proposed to deal with an overloaded system under a low number of BS antennas.
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Iraq
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Bücher zum Thema "Splitting scheme"


Meng-Sing, Liou, und United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., Hrsg. A flux splitting scheme with high-resolution and robustness for discontinuities. [Washington, DC]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1994.

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Dochan, Kwak, und Ames Research Center, Hrsg. An upwind-differencing scheme for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Moffett Field, Calif: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Ames Research Center, 1988.

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Dochan, Kwak, und Ames Research Center, Hrsg. An upwind-differencing scheme for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Moffett Field, Calif: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Ames Research Center, 1988.

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Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering., Hrsg. Gas evolution dynamics in Godunov-type schemes and analysis of numerical shock instability. Hampton, VA: Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering, NASA Langley Research Center, 1999.

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Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering., Hrsg. Gas evolution dynamics in Godunov-type schemes and analysis of numerical shock instability. Hampton, VA: Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering, NASA Langley Research Center, 1999.

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Center, NASA Glenn Research, Hrsg. Ten years in the making: AUSM-family. [Cleveland, Ohio]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Glenn Research Center, 2001.

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S, Liou M., und United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., Hrsg. Hybrid upwind splitting (HUS) by a field-by-field decomposition. [Washington, DC]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1995.

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Lui, Shiu-Hong. Entropy analysis of kinetic flux vector splitting schemes for the compressible Euler equations. Hampton, VA: Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering, NASA Langley Research Center, 1999.

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Roberto, Marsilio, und Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering., Hrsg. A numerical method for solving the three-dimensional parabolized Navier-Stokes equations. Hampton, VA: Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering, NASA Langley Research Center, 1995.

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A new flux splitting scheme. [Washington, DC]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1991.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Splitting scheme"


Kolesov, Alexandr E., Petr N. Vabishchevich, Maria V. Vasilyeva und Victor F. Gornov. „Splitting Scheme for Poroelasticity and Thermoelasticity Problems“. In Finite Difference Methods,Theory and Applications, 241–48. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.

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Martin, David James. „Novel Z-Scheme Overall Water Splitting Systems“. In Springer Theses, 123–43. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.

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Bonfiglioli, A., P. De Palma, G. Pascazio und M. Napolitano. „An Implicit Fluctuation Splitting Scheme for Compressible Flows“. In Computational Fluid Dynamics 2000, 367–72. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2001.

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Boukili, Hamza, und Jean-Marc Hérard. „A Splitting Scheme for Three-Phase Flow Models“. In Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 109–17. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Beccantini, A. „Colella-Glaz Splitting Scheme for Thermally Perfect Gases“. In Godunov Methods, 89–95. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2001.

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Yamamoto, Satoru, und Byeong Rog Shin. „Preconditioned Implicit Flux-splitting Scheme for Condensate Flows“. In Computational Fluid Dynamics 2002, 112–17. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2003.

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Rossow, C. C. „A Simple Flux Splitting Scheme for Compressible Flows“. In Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics (NNFM), 355–62. Wiesbaden: Vieweg+Teubner Verlag, 1999.

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Barash, Danny, Moshe Israeli und Ron Kimmel. „An Accurate Operator Splitting Scheme for Nonlinear Difusion Filtering“. In Scale-Space and Morphology in Computer Vision, 281–89. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2001.

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Friedman, Avner. „A pseudo non-time-splitting scheme in air quality modeling“. In Mathematics in Industrial Problems, 89–93. New York, NY: Springer New York, 1997.

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Liu, Zhi-feng, Wen-hua Dou und Ya-jie Liu. „AMBTS: A Scheme of Aggregated Multicast Based on Tree Splitting“. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 829–40. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2004.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Splitting scheme"


Garrido, David, Hashem Moradmand und Borja Peleato. „An Online Coded Caching Scheme Without File Splitting“. In 2024 IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (MeditCom), 137–42. IEEE, 2024.

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Ragonis, Eldar, Eran Ben-Arosh, Lev Merensky und Avner Fleischer. „Controlling High Harmonic Supercontinuum Generation with the Spectral Polarization of the Driver“. In CLEO: Fundamental Science, FM3B.5. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 2024.

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A High-Harmonic-Generation (HHG) scheme offering continuous control over the bandwidth of the spectral peaks is presented. The scheme uses a vectorial two-color driver with close frequencies, generated by spectrally splitting an input laser pulse and recombining the two halves after their polarizations are made cross-elliptical counter-rotating.
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Sawada, Keisuke. „A flux difference multidimensional splitting scheme“. In 14th Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference. Reston, Virigina: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1999.

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Rawal, Bharat S., und Yong Wang. „Splitting a PRE-scheme on Private Blockchain“. In 2019 IEEE Canadian Conference of Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE). IEEE, 2019.

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JHA, AKHILESH KUMAR, JUICHIRO AKIYAMA und MASARU URA. „FLUX-DIFFERENCE SPLITTING SCHEME FOR GRAVITY CURRENTS“. In Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Flow Modeling and Turbulence Measurements. WORLD SCIENTIFIC, 2002.

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Lin, Wei, Yi Tang und Bin Liu. „Traffic Splitting over ECMPs using ACC Scheme“. In 2006 First International Conference on Communications and Networking in China. IEEE, 2006.

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Zhou, Yue, Qiangming Zhou, Hongqiao Yu, Qian Pu, Yifan Zhou, Wei Hu und Yujiao Chen. „Splitting control decision scheme design and splitting control analysis in a provincial power grid“. In 2016 12th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA). IEEE, 2016.

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Yan, Zhiwei, Anlei Hu und Wei Wang. „A cache-splitting scheme for DNS recursive server“. In 2012 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Intelligence Systems (CCIS). IEEE, 2012.

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Dorodnyy, Alexander, Valery Shklover, Leonid Braginsky, Christian Hafner und Juerg Leuthold. „Spectrum splitting double-cell scheme for solar photovoltaics“. In 2014 IEEE 40th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC). IEEE, 2014.

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Hsu, Ching-Hsien, und I.-Chung Hsu. „An Incremental Splitting Scheme for Efficient Tag Identification“. In 2009 International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization, CSO. IEEE, 2009.

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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Splitting scheme"


Li, Yongjun. NSLS-II upgrade proposal with splitting dipole scheme. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2018.

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