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Ogren, Christine A. „Complexities of Efficiency Reform: The Case of Simplified Spelling, 1876–1921“. History of Education Quarterly 57, Nr. 3 (19.07.2017): 333–68.

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Progressive Era advocates of spelling reform argued that adopting “simplified” word forms would increase the efficiency of American schools. National education leaders and administrators sustained the movement as they discussed simplified spelling extensively in meetings of the National Education Association and state teachers’ associations as well as in education journals. While emphasizing saving money and time, their arguments for spelling reform also infused social justice into social efficiency, and efficiency into child-centered pedagogy. Although leaders saw schoolteachers as the torchbearers for simplified spelling, teachers’ subtle resistance undermined the movement. Teachers and the few administrators who opposed spelling reform occasionally voiced objections to efficiency itself, but their concerns about public scrutiny most influenced their opposition and thus the movement's ultimate demise. This examination of the public education sector's relationship to the simplified spelling movement illustrates the complexity of education leaders’ relationship with efficiency as well as their vulnerability to teacher resistance and public censure.
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Prokopenko, Anastasia Viktorovna, und Alla Anatolyevna Gontar. „Socio-psychological adaptation of children with mental disabilities by means of orph-pedagogy“. KANT 40, Nr. 3 (März 2021): 272–79.

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The article outlines the problem of social and psychological adaptation of children with mental disabilities in institutions of additional education (on the example of music education) as a consequence of the predominance of the informative-logical approach in pedagogy, which is poorly combined with the principles of inclusion. The purpose of the study is to offer, as an alternative, an introduction to academic education of K. Orff's pedagogical principles. The article discusses their key features and benefits. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that in domestic education the issue of using spelling techniques for the socio-psychological adaptation of children with disabilities is raised for the first time. The study revealed: a contradiction between the legal framework that guarantees inclusion for children with mental disabilities and difficulties on the part of educational organizations that provide it; the advantages of the humanistic approach, one of which is the pedagogical concept of Karl Orff; the possibility of using spelling techniques in the socio-psychological adaptation of children with mental disabilities.
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Ivanova, Nelly. „THE PEDAGOGY STUDENTS’ LEVEL OF LANGUAGE CULTURE“. Education and Technologies Journal 13, Nr. 1 (01.08.2022): 189–93.

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The problems related with the level of the language culture of the regular and part time students in pedagogy degree course of the Faculty of Education of Sofia university ‘’St. Kliment Ohridski’’ as potential future primary teachers are discussed in the article. The analysis is based on test study data from a research made in February–May 2022 in the context of the optional discipline Contemporary Bulgarian Language. The test items cover basic language concepts and grammar categories, as well as spelling peculiarities in order the level of the knowledge of contemporary Bulgarian language and the constructs from the different language branches – phonetics, morphology, syntax, lexicology, stylistics – to be revealed. The test study results are interpretedon the basis of comparative analysis. The conclusions and generalizations from the analysis determine the proposed recommendations for the further improvement of the students’ language preparation. The main focus is on the importance of the language preparation and culture of the students in pedagogy as potential primary teachers. The study has been carried out as a part of a project supported by The Scientific Research Fund of Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski“ for 2022 under the scientific guidance of Prof. Dr. Habil. Nelly Ivanova.
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Amrullah, Afif. „تحليل مواد الكتب الدراسية لدرس اللغة العربية بالمدرسة الثانوية الإسلامية من منظور البيداغوجيا الإنتقادية“. Taqdir 7, Nr. 1 (28.06.2021): 1–14.

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This research assumes that textbooks contribute to forming students' attitudes and behavior towards the realities that occurred around them. The discussion in this research is formulated interrogatively as follows: 1) How are textbooks considered from a critical pedagogical point of view? 2) What are the advantages and disadvantages of textbooks from the perspective of critical pedagogy? This research is of the type of library research whose analysis is based on a critical pedagogy perspective. In order to facilitate the data analysis process, this research uses the technique of critical discourse analysis. As for writing this research, it is presented in a descriptive and narrative form. This research concludes with the following results: 1) Textbooks do not reach students with low economic levels. 2) No questions in composition and spelling formats 3) The multiple choices exercise was very controlling 4) The textbooks contain many Islamic subjects; 5) The topic in the textbooks did not yet discuss issues around: capitalism, liberalism, secularism, gender equality and other major humanitarian themes.
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Rebreikina, A. B., E. V. Larionova und O. V. Martynova. „Event-related potentials during literacy acquisition“. Современная зарубежная психология 9, Nr. 2 (2020): 21–33.

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Literacy is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon that has been well studied in psychology and pedagogy. Neurophysiologists try to understand the mechanisms of writing and reading acquisition by analyzing different linguistic processes. In this paper, we review the data that were revealed by using the event-related potentials (ERPs) method in the light of spelling, lexical, semantic and syntactic aspects of literacy, as well as changes in the components of ERPs in children and adults during language acquisition and in dyslexia, the most studied reading disorder. The ERPs method can help to understand both the general, universal neural underpinnings of literacy development and the unique features of different languages.
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Ogunyemi, Kehinde Olufemi. „Comparative Analysis of English Language Learners' Errors across Different Linguistic Backgrounds“. American International Journal of Social Science Research 4, Nr. 2 (15.07.2019): 94–101.

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The focus of the study is the comparative analysis of English as a second language learners’ errors across different linguistic backgrounds in Nigeria. The study adopted the descriptive research design. The population for the study consisted of senior secondary school students in Ondo State. A simple random sampling technique was employed to select four secondary schools and 26 students from four schools in Akoko Ondo State(12 male, 14 female). The sample consisted students from three linguistic backgrounds (Igbo, Yoruba, and Hausa). The instrument used to gather data was a verbal ability test. The reliability of the instrument was determined through the test- retest method (r = 0.83). Four research questions were answered. The findings revealed that there was a significant difference in the scores of students from different linguistic backgrounds in their use of tenses, pronouns, spellings and pronunciation. On the basis of these findings it was recommended that students are to be given time to pay attention to their use of English tenses, pronoun, spelling and pronunciation so as to maximize their academic potentials and possibilities. There is need to give teachers chance to experience in-service training and seminars. This will make them conversant with current development in pedagogy and language itself.
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Wah, Francesca, und Tick Ngee Sim. „Effects of reward pedagogy on spelling scores and prosocial behaviors in primary school students in Singapore“. Educational Psychology 40, Nr. 3 (02.10.2019): 349–66.

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Файзуллина, Г. Ч., Г. А. Яркова und Н. Е. Молдук. „Formation of spelling vigilance of junior schoolchildren through graphic illustrations (at the regional component)“. Review of pedagogical research 6, Nr. 1 (09.02.2024): 132–37.

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Аннотация: в статье актуализируется проблема повышения уровня орфографической грамотности младших школьников. Актуальность темы обосновывается применением нетрадиционных методов в практической деятельности учителя и включением регионального компонента в учебный процесс. Целью исследования является рассмотрение особенностей формирования орфографической зоркости младших школьников посредством графических иллюстраций. При формировании орфографической зоркости обучающихся наиболее продуктивным является использование метода графических иллюстраций, что способствует активизации познавательных процессов: мышления, восприятия, воображения, памяти, внимания. Внедрение регионального компонента в учебно-воспитательный процесс способствует формированию интереса и уважения к историческому прошлому Родины, любви к ней. В рамках научной статьи дидактически обосновываются особенности формирования орфографической зоркости младших школьников посредством создания графических иллюстраций (на региональном компоненте Тюменской области и г. Тобольска). Представлены фрагменты занятий с использованием метода графических иллюстраций. Практическая значимость исследования заключается в использовании результатов для решения практических задач в области педагогики с целью формирования орфографической зоркости младших школьников как в рамках урочной, так и внеурочной (проектной) деятельности. Автор приходит к выводу о том, что формирование орфографической зоркости младших школьников посредством графических иллюстраций способствует повышению уровня грамотности учащихся, совершенствованию навыков творческой деятельности, развитию познавательных процессов, формированию патриотических качеств личности: любви и уважения в Родине, интереса к изучению истории Отечества. Abstract: the article actualizes the problem of increasing the level of spelling literacy of primary schoolchildren. The relevance of the topic is justified by the use of non-traditional methods in the practical activities of the teacher and the inclusion of a regional component in the educational process. The purpose of the study is to consider the features of the formation of spelling vigilance in primary schoolchildren through graphic illustrations. When developing students' spelling vigilance, the most productive is to use the method of graphic illustrations, which helps to activate cognitive processes: thinking, perception, imagination, memory, attention. The introduction of a regional component into the educational process contributes to the formation of interest and respect for the historical past of the Motherland and love for it. Within the framework of the scientific article, the features of the formation of spelling vigilance of primary schoolchildren through the creation of graphic illustrations (on the regional component of the Tyumen region and the city of Tobolsk) are didactically substantiated. Fragments of lessons are presented using the method of graphic illustrations. The practical significance of the study lies in the use of the results to solve practical problems in the field of pedagogy in order to develop the spelling vigilance of primary schoolchildren both within the framework of class and extracurricular (project) activities. The author comes to the conclusion that the formation of spelling vigilance in junior schoolchildren through graphic illustrations helps to increase the level of students' literacy, improve creative skills, develop cognitive processes, and form patriotic personality traits: love and respect in the Motherland, interest in studying the history of the Fatherland.
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Pasa, Laurence, und Jacques Fijalkow. „Didactique de l’écrit: simplifier la langue ou la présenter dans sa complexité?“ Travaux neuchâtelois de linguistique, Nr. 33 (01.12.2000): 45–66.

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This study compares first-graders acquisition of literacy in two different instructional settings. One teacher used a traditional approach based on a systematic presentation of the grapheme-phoneme correspondences while the other one was identified as a whole language teacher using literature and writing experiences, with incidental attention to phonics. During the school-year, documentation collection about the pedagogy included questionnaires, field notes of monthly observations of reading and writing lessons, systematic collections of the activities and analysis of the linguistic structures contained in the texts used in both classrooms. Data collection was conducted longitudinally and involved three tasks: invented spelling, oral reading and reading content recall. Differences between the two groups were in the difficulties encountered in the three tasks and in children’s representations of the written language. The influence of the way the teacher presents the written language on first-graders difficulties and representations is discussed.
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Vozniuk, A., und T. Guzhanova. „New Paradigm of Language Development and Reading Instruction of the Preschool and Primary School Children“. Zhytomyr Ivan Franko state university journal. Рedagogical sciences, Nr. 4(86) (21.12.2016): 46–50.

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The article, based on the interdisciplinary approach, consider a new paradigm of language development and reading instruction of the children of preschool and primary school. In this regard, we can speak about the pedagogical problem of spelling achievement and verbal literacy, which can be understood as literacy in the narrow sense. From this type of literacy the literacy in a broad sense, id est. social competence stems. The latter is interpreted as a person's ability to access information and to analyze it consciously, to understand and use various types of information that allows an individual to be involved in economic, cultural, and political practices of the society. This, in turn, expands the life opportunities of the person. It is concluded that a person's success in life depends on literacy, which is deteriorating, and one of the reasons for this trend is a phonematic opposition linguodidactics paradigm of contemporary school. Under such conditions the urgent need arises to build a holistic methodological system of teaching children to read based on effective methods and technologies (a global method, N. A. Zaitsev's method for early and intensive literacy, probabilistic technology education of A. M. Lobok, pedagogical system of P. V. Tulienev, the system-information approach to the organization of educational environment), which are built on psycho-physiological characteristics of child's development in the early stages of its evolution, who perceives the world holistically, at the level of right hemispheric mechanisms of cognition and understanding the reality.
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Romadhon, M. Galuh Elga, Dzulfikri Dzulfikri und M. Faruq Ubaidillah. „NON-ENGLISH MAJOR TEACHERS’ EXPERIENCES OF TEACHING ENGLISH FOR YOUNG LEARNERS (TEYL): A PHENOMENOLOGICAL STUDY“. LLT Journal: A Journal on Language and Language Teaching 27, Nr. 1 (22.04.2024): 320–35.

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Non-English major teachers’ experiences of teaching English for young learners in Indonesia have not been widely studied until recent times. To fill the lacuna, this phenomenological study looks at the lived experiences of four teachers with non-English major backgrounds who teach English for young learners. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the participants and teaching observations were also additionally carried out to triangulate the data. The data were then analyzed following Braun and Clarke’s (2006) thematic analysis. Findings suggest that the participating teachers encountered multi-level complexities in teaching English such as wording arrangement, sentence construction, spelling, mother tongue fossilization, and misbelief of English as a foreign language. The study also revealed the use of digital tools, songs, and games, as mostly utilized by the teachers. Interestingly, despite the non-English major backgrounds attached to the teachers, their teachings led to sustained and engaging English language learning among young learners. This study implies that pedagogical decisions have been of value to effective pedagogy and classroom activities in teaching English for young learners.
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Silva, Breno, und Agnieszka Otwinowska. „Vocabulary acquisition and young learners: Different tasks, similar involvement loads“. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 56, Nr. 2 (25.05.2018): 205–29.

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AbstractLaufer and Hulstijn (2001) suggest that the motivational-cognitive construct ofinvolvementmay explain and predict different levels of effectiveness for vocabulary-learning tasks. Drawing on their original work and on later research on theinvolvement load hypothesis(ILH), this study set out to compare the effectiveness of carefully-designed tasks for incidental vocabulary acquisition in children. Thirty-eight EFL elementary-level 10-year-olds from a public school in Warsaw, Poland, participated in the experiment. Divided into three groups, the participants performed three different sequences of tasks, each sequence inducing similar levels of involvement load. In order to measure receptive lexical learning and retention of meaning and spelling, the children were tested with an orthography test, an L2-L1 translation test, and a multiple-choice test immediately after the treatment, and one week later. In support of the ILH, the MANOVA results showed no significant differences between the treatments (irrespective of them being input- or output-based) in any of the test measurements, either in the immediate or in the delayed posttest. We discuss the results in light of the ILH, and outline some limitations and possible implications for pedagogy.
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Ndukwani, Tiyiselani, und Runash Ramhurry. „A Discourse Analysis of Cyber Socialising Interactions in English among Students“. Journal of Linguistics, Literature, and Language Teaching (JLLLT) 3, Nr. 1 (07.12.2023): 15–32.

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The influence of technology and engagement in cyber socializing has become a prominent part of modern communication. A new learning pedagogy with proper guidelines is needed to assist users in engaging with social networking platforms efficiently. The researchers investigated discourse analysis involving participants to answer questions about the contextual application of the language and the functions and results of aspects of discourse such as diction, cohesion, and metaphors. The researchers employed a quantitative approach in this study. The study randomly sampled 80 students from the University of Technology in Gauteng to participate in quantitative discourse analysis of communication using Facebook, WhatsApp, and Twitter texts. The data elicitation methods embraced extracts from Facebook, WhatsApp, and Twitter texts provided by 80 participants. Data were collected via email, and texts were numbered according to the participants. These texts remain anonymous, and the identities of the participants are concealed. The study found that the use of emoji characterized the language used on Facebook, WhatsApp, and Twitter, low register words, code-switching, few spelling errors, and the modern tendency to shorten words by using clipping and number homophones, which are not seen as errors but a unique style of writing.
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Escalante Gamazo, Marbella Cumandá, Alba Paulina Hernández Freire, Cristina del Rocío Jordán Buenaño und Ana Jazmina Vera de la Torre. „Boosting the English writing competence through the use of discourse connectors“. ConcienciaDigital 5, Nr. 1.1 (05.02.2022): 91–108.

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Introduction. Discourse connectors are linguistic elements which main aim is to join sentences and provide fluency to the text. Objective. The present study investigates the relationship between discourse connectors and the improvement of the writing competence in the students of third semester at Carrera de Pedagogy de los Idioms Nationals y Estrangers, October 2020 – February 2021 academic period. Methodology. The research was qualitative and quantitative, cross-sectional correlational type with an experimental design and a literary review of the variables. The population consisted of 30 students from Carrera de Pedagogy de los Idioms Nationals y Estrangers, 12 women and 18 men, they were between 20 and 24 years old. To collect the information, a survey with 23 questions was elaborated which was validated by two experts in the writing field. They rated validity, relevance and coherence. The results from the survey allowed to establish the strategies and activities to teach the discourse connectors. Participants were also given an independent writing pre-test taken from the University of Cambridge and assessed with a rubric provided by the same university. Then, with the information obtained, a didactic guide was developed and the students had the opportunity to learn and practice the discourse connectors for two months. Finally, a post-test from the same university was applied to measure the relationship of discourse connectors and the improvement of writing competence. Results. With the help of the statistics the pre and post writing test were compared. The study showed that students use the correct punctuation and spelling and choose the correct DCs. Moreover, they choose the correct place of DCs within the sentence. Furthermore, their paragraphs contain topic sentences with controlling idea, supporting ideas and conclusions. Consequently, they improve their writing competence.
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Escalante Gamazo, Marbella Cumandá, Alba Paulina Hernández Freire, Cristina del Rocío Jordán Buenaño und Ana Jazmina Vera de la Torre. „Boosting the English writing competence through the use of discourse connectors“. ConcienciaDigital 6, Nr. 1.4 (08.03.2023): 91–108.

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Introduction. Discourse connectors are linguistic elements which main aim is to join sentences and provide fluency to the text. Objective. The present study investigates the relationship between discourse connectors and the improvement of the writing competence in the students of third semester at Carrera de Pedagogy de los Idioms Nationals y Estrangers, October 2020 – February 2021 academic period. Methodology. The research was qualitative and quantitative, cross-sectional correlational type with an experimental design and a literary review of the variables. The population consisted of 30 students from Carrera de Pedagogy de los Idioms Nationals y Estrangers, 12 women and 18 men, they were between 20 and 24 years old. To collect the information, a survey with 23 questions was elaborated which was validated by two experts in the writing field. They rated validity, relevance and coherence. The results from the survey allowed to establish the strategies and activities to teach the discourse connectors. Participants were also given an independent writing pre-test taken from the University of Cambridge and assessed with a rubric provided by the same university. Then, with the information obtained, a didactic guide was developed and the students had the opportunity to learn and practice the discourse connectors for two months. Finally, a post-test from the same university was applied to measure the relationship of discourse connectors and the improvement of writing competence. Results. With the help of the statistics the pre and post writing test were compared. The study showed that students use the correct punctuation and spelling and choose the correct DCs. Moreover, they choose the correct place of DCs within the sentence. Furthermore, their paragraphs contain topic sentences with controlling idea, supporting ideas and conclusions. Consequently, they improve their writing competence.
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Bowles, Melissa A. „Exploring the Role of Modality: L2-Heritage Learner Interactions in the Spanish Language Classroom“. Heritage Language Journal 8, Nr. 1 (30.03.2011): 30–65.

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In most post-secondary Spanish language programs in the U.S., heritage language (HL) learners and second-language (L2) learners are enrolled together, in the same courses (Ingold, Rivers, Tesser, & Ashby, 2002). Nevertheless, there is scant empirical research on what actually goes on in these classrooms and what the nature of learner-learner interactions is (Blake & Zyzik, 2003; Bowles, in press). This study reflects a reality in many Spanish classes because it analyzes the task-based interactions of nine learner-learner pairs, each containing an L2 learner and an HL learner of Spanish. The pairs completed a series of three tasks — one oral (a spot-the-differences task) and two written (a crossword puzzle task and a cloze/complete-the-story task). Results showed that, in completing the tasks, the L2 and HL learners had their language-related issues resolved in equal proportion but that there were qualitative differences on the written tasks in terms of the linguistic targets. HL learners relied on their L2 partners for orthography issues (spelling and accent placement), whereas L2 learners relied on their HL partners for vocabulary issues and, to a lesser extent, for grammar-related queries. Implications for pedagogy in classrooms enrolling both L2 and HL learners are discussed.
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Demir, Cuneyt. „Determining Efficient Post-writing Activity for Error Correction: Self-editing, Peer review, or Teacher Feedback?“ Porta Linguarum Revista Interuniversitaria de Didáctica de las Lenguas Extranjeras, Nr. 36 (21.06.2021): 101–17.

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Writing in English has always been a formidable obstacle for learners; accordingly, many studies aimed to find not band-aid but complete solutions for learners to improve their writing proficiency. One of these solutions, largely thought to reduce language errors, is error correction. However, instructors seem to be alternating between different corrective feedbacks with the purpose of determining the most efficient one for their students. Previous research largely compared peer feedback and teacher correction and ignored self-editing. In this sense, this study investigated three error correction methods, namely self-editing, peer review, and teacher corrections. To achieve this, three student groups were created and each group, composed of 10 students, was tested with one method. Wilcoxon, Kruskal-Wallis, and Mann-Whitney U tests were employed for analyses and the results yielded significant differences in terms of all methods concerning comparisons of pre- and post-tests. On the other hand, the test to determine inter-group differences found significant results for the method of teacher correction. Furthermore, the most frequent linguistic errors in students’ writing were revealed. This research contributes to teaching pedagogy by comforting instructors regarding the efficiency of teacher correction and suggests instructors focus on particularly spelling, punctuation, and article to prompt writing development.
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Bybyk, Svitlana. „Dynamics of structural-level norms and educational practice: deviations and trends of changes“. Linguistics, Nr. 2 (48) (2023): 115–26.

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The article presents an analysis of the language of the educational web resource, namely: Ukrainian educational platforms for schools. What material was used in the texts of the posts on the pages of the well-known platforms «Na uroko», «Vseosvita», «Osvitoria», «Prometheus», «Classtime», «Umity». It was noted that among the peculiarities of the language of Ukrainian scientific and educational platforms, it is worth paying attention to violations of: spelling norms, and along with them certain trends that linguists should think about; morphological norms as deviations. Changes in the style of popular science, scientific and educational content require a cultural and linguistic evaluation; permanent fascination with non-adapted concepts of a foreign language, which are given the status of terms in pedagogy, linguistic didactics. It is noted that language as the basis of the cultural potential of the information and educational environment is a determining resource for the social and intellectual development of the student's personality, the formation of his requests for self-improvement, self-education; language should be a model for imitation in everyday and professional spheres of life, a means of transmission from generation to generation of normative canons of oral and written communication, a guide to the informational, spiritual and axiological culture of a teacher.
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Tsinko, Svitlana. „Ivan Ohiienko's ideas in the formation of the national-patriotic personality of the future teacher of literature“. IVAN OHIIENKO AND CONTEMPORARY SCIENCE AND EDUCATION SCHOLARLY PAPERS PHILOLOGY, Nr. 17 (01.12.2020): 160–65.

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The article highlights the role of Ivan Ohiienko’s ideas, published in the work «Science of Native Language Responsibility», in shaping a national-patriotic person-ality of the future teacher of literature.The author notes that the majority of I. Ohiienko’s ideas about children upbring-ing are intertwined with the requirements and objectives of modern pedagogy, and the realities of our time not only provide reasons for studying his experience, but also encourage the revival and implementation of his ideas.Our time encourages to studying the scientifi c heritage of Ukrainian scholars, a special place among which belongs to Ivan Ohiienko – a world-famous fi gure of science and education.Ivan Ohiienko’s ideas set down in the work «The Science of Native Language Responsibility» are important and relevant in general and in the fi eld of education in particular, because most of his ideas about children upbringing are intertwined with the requirements and objectives of modern pedagogy.In our opinion, Ivan Ohiienko’s ideas should be implemented fi rst of all by teach-ers with the support of the state and the government.Ivan Ohiienko assigns a priority role in forming the national-patriotic personality to the school, teacher, and family. Therefore, forming a professionally oriented per-sonality of the future literature teacher is impossible without relying on the pedagogi-cal and national-linguistic ideas of the prominent Ukrainian scholar Ivan Ohiienko.The article presents tasks for both collective and individual students’ work, de-signed to develop creativity, critical thinking, non-standard approach to solving the problem; contribute to the national-patriotic personality formation of the future teach-er. For example: to comment in the form of an essay the proposed quotations from the work of Ivan Ohiienko: «It is not free to change the spelling too soon, because it lowers the general literacy of the people» [4, р. 19]; to design and present a project «The relevance of Ivan Ohiienko’s ideas in modern society and education»; to make a mental map «The science of responsibility to the native language of every citizen» (based on the ideas of Ivan Ohiienko), etc.
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Altuwairesh, Nasrin. „Successful Translation Students’ Use of Dictionaries“. International Journal of English Linguistics 12, Nr. 2 (11.01.2022): 25.

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Dictionaries of all types are an indispensable tool for both professional and trainee translators. However, the literature on trainee translators indicates that the skills associated with dictionary use have not been given the required attention. Knowing which dictionaries to use and how to use them efficiently when engaged in the translation process are significant aspects of translation pedagogy. In fact, facilitating the development of effective dictionary use helps develop translation competence in general. Therefore, the present article reports on a qualitative case study of successful translation students’ usage of and preferences for various types of dictionaries. The results show that successful trainee translators use dictionaries to locate synonyms or better translations for target words. Successful translation students are also reported to use dictionaries frequently to check spelling. Most respondents reported consulting the dictionary after they finished reading source texts. In line with the global move toward digitalization, the participants reported using electronic dictionaries with significantly greater frequency than paper dictionaries. In most cases, successful translation students’ use of paper dictionaries was limited to classroom examinations. The open-ended interview questions also helped to reveal the variety of dictionaries used by this group of trainee translators. Taken together, these findings have utility for translation instructors, particularly regarding the improvement of trainee translators’ experiences and the provision of assistance to less successful students.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

Conny, Conny, Nudia Yultisa, Rakhmat Wahyudin und Tri Indah Rezeki. „LINGUISTIC SHIFT AMONG GEN Z IN COMPUTER-MEDIATED COMMUNICATION“. English Review: Journal of English Education 12, Nr. 3 (28.09.2024): 959–70.

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In the quickly changing context of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) revolution, it is essential to comprehend how Generation Z (Gen Z) modifies their language usage. As digital natives who have grown up with technology, Gen Z is at the forefront of shaping and transforming language in the digital age. This study investigates the notable changes in Gen Z's language use in digital discourse, emphasizing Instagram. The goal is to recognize how the linguistic shifts of Gen Z are changing how people communicate in digital environments. This study used a qualitative content analysis method to analyze the data from Instagram comments and posts, highlighting essential features such mixing language, new slang and expression, use of non-standard spelling, emoji language and use of symbols, and contextualization in pop culture and social media trends. The results show that Gen Z used the linguistic shift in their communication in digital discourse such as communication in Instragram. These linguistic patterns show how Gen Z navigates and shapes their digital identities through language and how engaged they are with pop culture and social media trends. This study adds to our understanding of how digital platforms shape language use and social interaction in the modern period. It emphasizes the necessity of more investigation into how these changes may affect sociolinguistic theory, pedagogy, and communication techniques.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

GU, Mingjuan, Nooreen Noordin und Lilliati Ismail. „Enhancing Second Language Learners’ Writing through a Process-Genre Approach: A Multidimensional Analysis of Complexity, Accuracy, and Fluency Development“. Arab World English Journal 16, Nr. 1 (20.03.2025): 221–34.

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This study investigated the effects of the Process-Genre Approach on Chinese polytechnic English as a Second Language learners’ writing performance, focusing on lexical and syntactic complexity, accuracy, and fluency. The research addresses the need for effective writing instruction in polytechnic education. Ninety-two low-intermediate learners from two intact classes participated in a 9-week intervention. The treatment group (n = 46) received a process-genre instruction, while the control group (n = 46) followed a conventional product-oriented instruction. The quantitative analysis measured complexity through lexical density, type-token ratio, lexical sophistication for lexical complexity, as well as sentence length, dependent clauses, coordinate phrases for syntactic complexity. Accuracy was assessed by four error types (syntactic, morphological, preposition, and spelling), and fluency was gauged by total word count and words produced per 30 minutes. Pre-post comparisons showed significant improvements within the treatment group across all dimensions. Between-group analysis revealed superior gains in fluency and complexity for the treatment group over the control group. In contrast, there was no significant difference in accuracy across the two groups. These results suggest the process-genre approach enhances fluency and complexity but may require additional form-focused instruction to improve accuracy. The study contributes to writing pedagogy by demonstrating how the process-genre approach can be optimized to support multidimensional writing development in polytechnic education contexts.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

Damanik, Sisila Fitriany, Mahmud Layan Hutasuhut, Widya Andayani und Nazlah Syahaf Nasution. „LISTENING WITH A SMILE: HOW HUMOR ENHANCES STUDENT ENGAGEMENT IN EFL COURSES“. English Review: Journal of English Education 13, Nr. 1 (11.03.2025): 247–56.

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In the quickly changing context of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) revolution, it is essential to comprehend how Generation Z (Gen Z) modifies their language usage. As digital natives who have grown up with technology, Gen Z is at the forefront of shaping and transforming language in the digital age. This study investigates the notable changes in Gen Z's language use in digital discourse, emphasizing Instagram. The goal is to recognize how the linguistic shifts of Gen Z are changing how people communicate in digital environments. This study used a qualitative content analysis method to analyze the data from Instagram comments and posts, highlighting essential features such mixing language, new slang and expression, use of non-standard spelling, emoji language and use of symbols, and contextualization in pop culture and social media trends. The results show that Gen Z used the linguistic shift in their communication in digital discourse such as communication in Instragram. These linguistic patterns show how Gen Z navigates and shapes their digital identities through language and how engaged they are with pop culture and social media trends. This study adds to our understanding of how digital platforms shape language use and social interaction in the modern period. It emphasizes the necessity of more investigation into how these changes may affect sociolinguistic theory, pedagogy, and communication techniques
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

Nouri, Tayebeh, und Majid Farahian. „Investigating Iranian High School EFL Learnersꞌ Spelling Errors“. Journal of Studies in Education 6, Nr. 2 (26.04.2016): 75.

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<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:OfficeDocumentSettings> <o:AllowPNG/> </o:OfficeDocumentSettings> </xml><![endif]--><p>The present study investigated the types of spelling errors that Iranian high school EFL learners made. It also aimed at finding whether there is a significant difference in the number of occurrence of each type of spelling error. To attain the purpose of the study, 110 third grade high school students were selected to participate in this study. The participants took a dictation test. As the next step, the participantsꞌ spelling errors were classified according to Cookꞌs (1999) classification which includes omission errors, substitution errors, transposition errors, and insertion errors. The results demonstrated that the learners made omission errors more than other types of errors. The findings of this study also showed that the difference between the frequencies of errors was statistically different. 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Jatau, Stephen, Ibrahim Ahmad Shehu und Fauziyat Abdulrauf. „A Study of Pronunciation Errors of First Year Students of English Education, Nasarawa State University Keffi, Nigeria“. African Journal of Humanities and Contemporary Education Research 15, Nr. 1 (12.07.2024): 311–23.

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The paper examines pronunciation errors of first-year students of English, Nasarawa State University Keffi, Nigeria, with the view of helping them to improve their spoken aspect of English. A survey research design was employed to carry out the study. The population of the study comprises of 50 randomly selected first-year students of English Education. Oral Production Test (OPT) was the instrument used in carrying out this study. The respondents were asked to pronounce 20 randomly selected words and their speeches were tape-recorded, played and listened to ascertain their pronunciation errors and compare them with the standard pronunciation. Error Analysis is the theoretical framework employed for this study. The results show that the consonant sounds / θ/ was substituted for /t/, /ð/ for /d/, /ʃ/ for /tʃ/, /z/ for /s/, and /v/ for /f/ in words like; ‘there’ /ðeə/ for /dia/, ‘theme’ /θi:m /for /tim/, ‘chagrin’ /ʃa:gri/ for /tʃagin/, ‘things’ /θiŋz/ for /tiŋs/, and ‘of’ /ɔv/ for /ɔf/ respectively. The vowel sounds /ʌ/ was substituted for /ɔ/, /e/ for /i/, /ɜ:/ for /ɔ:/, /a:/ for /æ/ and /ə/ for /æ/. Also, words that have consonant clusters; /stj-/ and /mpts/, and words that have complex spelling systems; ‘ewe’ /ju:/ and ‘ewer’/juə/ posed pronunciation difficulties to the study population. Identifying these areas of pronunciation difficulties will assist curriculum planners, syllable compilers teachers and textbooks writers to map out these areas of pronunciation difficulties for improved pedagogy.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

Al-Jarrah, Tamer Mohammad, Noraien Mansor und Radzuwan Ab Rashid. „The Impact of Metacognitive Strategies on Jordanian EFL Learners’ Writing Performance“. International Journal of English Linguistics 8, Nr. 6 (26.11.2018): 328.

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One of the most challenging aspects of foreign language learning is writing. Writing is the most demanding and complicated aspect of language system. Writing requires the collective effort of orthographic, graphomotor and other linguistic skills with the inclusion of semantics, syntax, spelling, and writing conventions without being restricted to the aforementioned skills. The Improvement of cognitive psychology, metacognition has drawn the focus of an increasing number of researchers&rsquo; and paved way for recent dimensions on EFL writing, particularly in the aspect of writing achievement. Due to the fact that the method possesses a highly-placed executive aptness which comprises of formulation, supervision, and assessment, this study attempts to investigate the influence of using metacognitive strategies on Jordanian EFL learners&#39; writing performance. Forty four students were randomly selected from secondary school level to partake in experimental control of the study. The researcher made use of the intervention program based on CALLA model of teaching in classroom. The experimental group (EG) received metacognitive strategies-based writing instruction whereas the control group (CG) received only the routine writing instruction (Product Approach). After five weeks of instruction, both groups were post-tested and at the end of program which lasted for twelve weeks, the students carried out another post-test. Data were submitted to the independent Mann-Whitney U test followed by Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test analysis. The results showed that there was a positive effect in the experimental group&#39;s writing performance. The findings of this study have implications for pedagogy as well as for future research.
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DIOUF, Yves. „Diagnostic et correction des fautes d'accentuation en situation d'enseignement/apprentissage“. ALTRALANG Journal 6, Nr. 1 (30.06.2024): 82–95.

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ABSTRACT: In written expression, learners do not very often apply the rules learned in lower levels. However, the frequent use of mobile phones for sending SMS messages has suddenly worsened their expression problem. The transposition of the atypical writing style of SMS into school learning poses serious problems, as learners produce texts without respecting spelling rules, particularly accentuation, both in literary exercises and evaluations. To objectively assess its true impact on students' written expression level, we decided to conduct surveys among the targeted individuals and utilize pedagogy. Through didactics, we found that the learners' accentuation problem is fundamentally linked to the transposition of the "normless" writing of SMS into written productions in evaluations. RÉSUMÉ : En expression écrite, les apprenants n’appliquent pas très souvent les règles apprises dans les niveaux inférieurs. Cependant, l’usage fréquent du téléphone portable pour l’envoi de SMS a subitement aggravé leur problème d’expression. La transposition de l’écriture atypique des SMS dans l’apprentissage scolaire pose de sérieux problèmes dans la mesure où les apprenants produisent des textes sans pour autant respecter les règles orthographiques, plus précisément l’accentuation, aussi bien en exercices littéraires qu’en évaluations. Pour évaluer de façon objective son véritable impact sur le niveau d’expression écrite des élèves, nous avons décidé de mener des enquêtes auprès des personnes ciblées et de mettre à contribution la pédagogie. Grâce à la didactique, nous avons trouvé que le problème d’accentuation des apprenants se trouve à la base de la transposition de l’écriture “sans normes” des SMS dans les productions écrites en évaluation.
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Prof. Ignatius Chukwumah. „Decolonizing Western Phonics“. Ahyu: A Journal of Language and Literature 6 (04.12.2023): 26–43.

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Studies have focused on written children’s literature, and only recently, those on performances for children have concentrated on social effects. However, a novel strand of children's performance, Uncle Wowo (a Facebook/YouTube performance page) whose anchor, Uncle Wowo, resorts to a performative mode that draws on the Idoma (an indigenous Nigerian language) alphabet to spell-read English words. First, he spells each alphabet. This study draws on Idoma spelling and articulatory system, English pronouncing conventions and sundry concepts of decolonization to unveil how Uncle Wowo guides his humorous purposes to online child auditors by focusing on the most defining skits containing words capturing the fragmentation of the autochthonous African worldview. These words which range from the names of countries, places of worship, acts/items of worship embodying foreign thoughts and ethics to those serving as impediments to the indigenous group’s complete humanization, especially because they were the heritage of colonialism alien to the indigenous users. This essay argues that Uncle Wowo’s performance was a decolonising performative act that retrieves the African language from the sphere where it symbolises the language of the oppressed to that which it figures actual liberty, even if, linguistically. Paulo Freire’s theory of critical pedagogy assists in this symbolic retrieval, revival and liberation of the oppressed through the restoration of the thought-language of the dehumanised and colonised. The essay concludes that as insignificant as children's humorous performance, Uncle Wowo dares to upstage Western pronouncing patterns in obviously negligible ways but significantly decolonising of Western linguistic pedagogies.
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Ndukwani, Tiyiselani, und Runash Ramhurry. „A DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OF CYBER SOCIALISING INTERACTIONS IN ENGLISH AMONG STUDENTS“. ELTALL: English Language Teaching, Applied Linguistic and Literature 5, Nr. 1 (24.07.2024): 85–102.

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The influence of modern technology and engagement in cyber socialising have become a prominent part of modern communication. A new learning pedagogy with proper guidelines is needed to assist users to engage with social networking platforms efficiently. The researcher investigated discourse analysis involving participants to answer questions about both the contextual application of the language, and the functions and results of aspects pertaining to discourse such as diction, cohesion, and metaphors. The researcher employed a quantitative approach in this study. The study randomly sampled 80 students from a University of Technology (UoT) in Gauteng to participate in quantitative discourse analysis of communication using Facebook, WhatsApp and Twitter texts. The methods of data elicitation embraced extracts from Facebook, WhatsApp and Twitter texts provided by 80 participants. Statistics were used to present the findings of the quantitative data which included mainly frequency of certain aspects pertaining to discourse. Data were collected via email and texts were numbered according to the participants. These texts remain anonymous and the identities of the participants were concealed. The study found that the language used on Facebook, WhatsApp and Twitter was characterised by the use of emoji, low register words, code-switching few spelling errors and the modern tendency to shorten words by using clipping and number homophones which are not seen as errors but a unique style of writing. Facebook, WhatsApp and Twitter remain three popular communication sites and discourse surfaces since it is important for users to communicate meaningfully even when using excessive punctuation to indicate excitement and emoji to communicate emotions.
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Kozolup, Mariya, Olha Patiyevych, Halyna Kryzhanivska und Olesya Antokhiv-Skolozdra. „Challenges for non-English speakers: inter- and intralingual factors shaping the writing of Ukrainian authors in biologial sciences“. Studia Biologica 17, Nr. 3 (September 2023): 167–88.

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Background. Nowadays, almost all indexed journals expect submissions in English, which is a great challenge for exophonic authors. Code-switching context, where cross-language effects, especially native language interference, are well distinct, is critical for approaching the dilemma. Navigating the complicated issues of language-related challenges will be impossible without referring to three crucial levels of written production: lexical, syntactic, and textual. In our investigation, we address the nature of potential errors and their inter- and intralingual origins. In particular, we identify and interpret the deviations from Standard English in scholarly research writing of Ukrainian authors in the field of life sciences, exemplify and classify errors into categories based on the type of language misuse. Materials and Methods. Language material for the study comprised 50 manuscripts submitted by authors from Ukraine to the journal “Studia Biologica”. This research is a mixed-method study encompassing descriptive qualitative and descriptive quantitative methods. Content analysis was employed as the data gathering technique. The analysis of texts was focused on tracing deviations from consistent principles and rules of Standard English and linguistic features of English research discourse and encompassed such steps as highlighting the error, cross-checking and stating the deviation, listing and classifying the errors, and tracing a possible connection of the error to authors’ first language interference. Results. The study identified language areas where Ukrainian authors fail to effectively communicate their ideas to the global academic community. At the textual level, the problem areas encompass defective paragraph structure and excessive verbosity. At the syntactic level, the most critical deviations from the language and stylistic norm comprised misuses of word order and clauses, wordy and confusing sentences with multiple issues that hinder the readability of text. The most widespread grammatical mistakes include missing predicates, faulty subject-verb agreement, incorrect forms of the verb, and inappropriate use of articles, pronouns, demonstratives and quantifiers. At the lexical level, the prevalent errors relate to various types of loan translation, but also include improper word choices and poor vocabulary. Orthographic mistakes, though in minority, refer to the spelling of toponyms, capitalisation, switching from American to British orthographic standards and other random spelling errors. Conclusions. An insight into the nature of the analysed deviations suggests the presence of both intra- and interlingual factors that cause mistakes in papers submitted for publication in the field of life sciences. The error analysis can be beneficial in the educational process for both educators and practitioners. Proper understanding of the functional mechanism of the mistakes might increase the awareness of the potential pitfalls and consequently help avoid them. The classification of errors can be adopted in the educational process and contribute to the development of error pedagogy.
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Kwachakale Kavute, Christopher, und Agness Chimangeni Chaliwa Hara. „An Examination of Common Errors in Essays Written By Secondary School Students in Malawi: Some Implications for Teaching“. Journal of Law and Social Sciences 5, Nr. 1 (15.08.2022): 52–68.

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This study aimed at analysing errors in essays written by Malawian students who were learning English as a Second Language (ESL). Its specific focus was three-fold: to analyse errors using Corder’s (1974) five-stage approach to Error Analysis, to assess sources of the errors and to identify measures that could be applied to help students attain proficiency in English. The study utilised qualitative and quantitative designs. The participants in this study were students and teachers. The former were required to write essays which were analysed using Corder’s (1974) five-stage approach to Error Analysis while the latter were interviewed to establish sources of errors and ways to overcome them. The study has revealed that the following were the most frequent errors: tense, spelling, subject-verb agreement, articles, nouns, capitalisation and fragment. The study has further revealed that inter- lingual and intra-lingual interferences were the main sources of errors. The study has further demonstrated that other factors such as a lapse in reading culture, carelessness and social media’s writing style influence students’ errors. This study has shown that Error Analysis is helpful to teachers because it enables them to identify specific and common problems. Teachers can, therefore, focus more attention on the identified problems. The findings have pedagogical implications for ESL teachers because they would employ appropriate pedagogy to minimise students’ errors in the area of grammar and sentence structures. The findings also have practical implications in the sense that some platforms could be organised in order to grill teachers on how to improve their content and pedagogical skills in ESL writing. Teachers could also use these platforms to share their experiences with fellow teachers and map the way forward to improve their instruction skills.
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Krastiņa, Linda, und Zenta Anspoka. „Daži diasporas skolēnu latviešu valodas mācīšanās motivācijas aspekti“. Valodu apguve: problēmas un perspektīva : zinātnisko rakstu krājums = Language Acquisition: Problems and Perspective : conference proceedings, Nr. 19/20 (16.12.2024): 221–35.

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The topicality of the problem stems from the results of a study conducted by the Latvian Language Agency in 2022 about the diaspora students’ attitude towards the Latvian language and its acquisition, the motives for learning it using the ClassFlow education platform. The aim of the article is to analyse the main motives that determine the need of diaspora students to learn Latvian. The research methodology is based on theories of motivation (Cherry 2019; Garleja 2001), theories of pedagogy and psychology (Over 2016; Āboltiņa 2014; Svence 1999) on the motivation of young children and adolescents to learn. Empirical data was obtained by performing a content analysis of questionnaire results as well as the pedagogical process of diaspora students. The obtained data was ranked. The study reveals that students’ learning motivation is a complex issue, as it is based on biological, emotional, social, and cognitive aspects. This can be addressed if the student's learning motives are made clear. The individual and often subjective stimuli of each student must also be considered. The most important learning motives of diaspora students are awareness of belonging to Latvia and Latvian people, opportunity to visit Latvia (visit relatives, friends, travel, participate in summer camps), plan or desire to return to Latvia in the near or distant future, use of Latvian language in the family, and the personal significance of the environment and its connection with real life, the teacher’s personality and his professionalism. Among the respondents, 49 % indicate the need to communicate with relatives and friends in Latvia as the most motivating factor. These include trips to visit relatives or friends in Latvia on holidays, participation in summer camps in Latvia, as well as remote communication with relatives and friends in Latvia via telephone or other means of communication. A quarter of the surveyed students (25 %) justify learning Latvian by associating themselves and / or their parents with Latvia, Latvian nationality, Latvian language, Latvian citizenship. Quite a significant part of the respondents (17 % of the students) answered that it is their parents’ wish for them to learn Latvian, or they do not know why they are studying at all. 22 % of students mention facing various difficulties in learning Latvian as a foreign language as a motivation lowering factor, since for many of them Latvian is no longer their native language, and it is not used or used very little in their family. Learning grammar is difficult, especially suffixes, pronunciation and spelling, long vowels and punctuation, pronunciation, and spelling of two consonants, as well as the difference in alphabet. Students often confuse the language they are learning with other languages they know. 10 % of students point to the high total workload of general education, after school education, Latvian language lessons and other responsibilities. In order to promote the learning motivation of diaspora students, Latvian language teachers should pay more attention to issues like the correspondence of the curriculum to the precisely tested level of the student's language acquisition, his/her age and interests, diversified teaching methodology, immediate feedback and necessary support.
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Humeniuk, Iryna, und Mykhailo Humeniuk. „The Criterion and Level Aspect of the Experimental Research into the Effectiveness of the Methodical System of Teaching Ukrainian Language for Professional Purposes“. Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University 11, Nr. 1 (31.03.2024): 138–46.

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The article analyzes the criterion and level aspect of the experimental research into the effectiveness of the methodical system of teaching Ukrainian Language for Professional Purposes. The tasks have been performed in the context of teaching the academic discipline to students of specialties 012 Preschool Education and 013 Primary Education. The terminological base of the study has been formed based on interpretation of the concepts: “criterion,” “indicator,” “level,” and “competence paradigm”. In accordance with the research aim, the criteria for assessing the formation of students’ professional competences have been substantiated. The cognitive and motivational criterion is singled out to illustrate the formation of the knowledge, professional and motivational components of students’ training, which include the system of content-based interdisciplinary connections in the theoretical unit of the academic discipline Ukrainian Language for Professional Purposes. The operation and activity-based criterion has been introduced to determine the level of formation of students’ abilities and skills to operate the acquired knowledge in practice, create secondary texts using samples and auxiliary means (dictionaries, schemes, spelling, etc.), and act according to an algorithm. The professional and creative criterion illustrates the ability of future specialists in pedagogy for productive and creative application of acquired abilities and skills in changeable conditions and independent activity at the analytical and synthetic level. The developed criteria are the main parameters for determining the level of formation of the predicted ability of students at higher education institutions for practical professional and pedagogical activity. According to each criterion, the indicators of formation of students’ professional competences have been determined: discursive, documentary, general scientific, information technology, entrepreneurial, editorial, and terminological. Based on the criteria and their indicators, three levels of formation of the studied ability have been established, and the selection of their nominations has been substantiated: sufficient, satisfactory, and initial. The materials provided in the article are a part of the experimental research shown in the author's doctoral dissertation: Humeniuk I. M. “Methodical System of Teaching Ukrainian Language for Professional Purposes to Students at Pedagogical Institutions of Higher Education”, 13.00.02 “Theory and Methods of Teaching (Ukrainian language)”, 2023.
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Boonsad, Supapong, und Authhapon Intasena. „The Development of Thai L1 Grade 4 Students’ Spelling Skills Using the Integrated Explicit Instruction and Metacognition Exercises“. Journal of Educational Issues 8, Nr. 1 (05.04.2022): 230.

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The purposes of the current study were 1) to investigate the effectiveness of the integrated explicit instruction and metacognition exercises on Thai L1 grade 4 students’ spelling skills, 2) to compare Thai L1 grade 4 students’ spelling skills before and after using the integrated explicit instruction and metacognition exercises, and 3) to study students’ satisfaction toward the integrated explicit instruction and metacognition exercises. The participants were 42 4th grade primary school students in Thailand selected by the purposive sampling method. The instruments were a set of spelling exercises designed using the integration of explicit teaching and metacognitive instruction, a pre-posttest, and a questionnaire. The data were analyzed using percentage, mean score, standard deviation, a paired samples t-test, and the effectiveness index with the criterion of 80. The results of the study indicate that 1) the effectiveness of the integrated explicit instruction and metacognition exercises on Thai L1 grade 4 students’ spelling skills was at 84.57/83.97 reaching the criteria of 80, 2) the students’ score after learning with the integrated explicit instruction and metacognition exercises was significantly higher than students’ score before the treatment at a statistical level of .05, and 3) students’ satisfaction toward the integrated explicit instruction and metacognition exercises was at a very high level (x̄ = 4.53, S.D. = 0.52). The result of the study could be implicated in both pedagogic and academic aspects.
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Mosleth King, Maiken. „Towards a Pedagogy of Ancient Egyptian Language and Hieroglyphs“. Cahiers du Centre de Linguistique et des Sciences du Langage, Nr. 68 (16.10.2024): 63–90.

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This paper discusses the challenges of teaching the Middle Egyptian language and Egyptian hieroglyphs to adult anglophone learners outside university settings. These challenges include the lack of L1 speakers; the large volume of signs in the script; the difficulty in reconstructing pronunciation due to the paucity of written vowels; and the lack of accessible learning tools such as readers and textbooks for the intermediate stage. As spoken proficiency in this extinct language is not a feasible goal, it is argued here that teaching should revolve around achieving reading competence. The paper advocates for a pedagogical approach that centres on using vocabulary, including variant spellings, as the fundamental building blocks of learning. This entails reading words, sentences and paragraphs of increasing complexity, which over time aids memorisation of vocabulary and builds confidence. Grammar and syntax can be gradually introduced and contextualised by reading practice sentences. It is also argued here that producing digitised versions of ancient Egyptian texts using hieroglyphic font software such as JSesh allows for the creation of practice texts in a standardised and legible format. This, in turn, makes it possible to use pedagogical aids such as adding spaces between words and adding signs omitted by the ancient scribes. Finally, it is argued that learning vocabulary and grammar is enhanced by discussions of the wider semantic and cultural meaning(s) of the ancient text in question.
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Francis, OBITUBE, Kelvin, und OKEKE, Chukwuma Onyebuchi. „Sociolinguistic-cum-pedagogic Implications of Anglicisation: Evidence from Igbo Toponyms“. Theory and Practice in Language Studies 9, Nr. 4 (01.04.2019): 371.

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Naturally, a group’s urge to protect all aspects of its language against negative sociolinguistic influences is a task carried out with all dedication because a group’s language identifies them, tells their story and showcases their cultural heritage. Presently, Igbo toponyms are seriously threatened by anglicisation. The paper’s main objectives are to highlight the various forms of anglicisation observed in Igbo toponyms, their negative influences on the Igbo language, and how to overcome this negative sociolinguistic phenomenon. The paper adopts a qualitative analysis approach; and observes that Igbo toponyms are actually anglicised, following the trend left by the British by adding ‘r’, ‘h’, ‘aw’, etc., with negative effects such as wrong spelling and meanings of Igbo toponyms, loss of history and cultural heritage of the Igbo etc. If this negative sociolinguistic phenomenon is left unchecked, potential loss of some letters of the Igbo alphabet and the Igbo language endangerment, are imminent.
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Nawaz, Shahid, Rasheed Ahmed und Amna Mushtaq. „Effects of Short Messaging Services' Language on the Academic Writing Skills of Graduate Learners at University Level“. Global Language Review VI, Nr. II (30.06.2021): 110–17.

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Short messaging service (SMS) language, text speak or text language is used with internet-based communication such as text messaging or e-mail and instant messaging. The current study aims at determining the reasons for short messaging service (SMS) language usage and its effects on the academic writing of the learners. Eighty (40 male and 40 female) learners and ten teachers were purposive a selected as participants of the study. The data were amassed from two public sector universities of the Punjab, Pakistan. Two questionnaires, one for teachers and the other for learners,were administered as research tools for the data collection. The collected data were analyzed through SPSS. The majority of the teachers viewed that the SMS language usage had an undesirable effect on the pedagogic inscriptions of the university learners. Learners opined that the SMS language was an easy and fast mode of writing through they committed errors of punctuation, spelling, and syntax.
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Fenko, Mariia, und Zoriana Matsiuk. „«Native speaking» in the context of the national-patriotic becaming of a modern ukranians (based on the pedagogical concept of Ivan Ohienko).“ IVAN OHIIENKO AND CONTEMPORARY SCIENCE AND EDUCATION 20 (25.12.2023): 280–86.

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Modern processes of globalizations, geopolitical changes, the tendency of Ukraine to become the European cultural and educational space – all this createing challenges for society to formation and preservation of self-identity, national con-sciousness and, at the same time, inter-ethnic tolerance. Among a number of issues today – is the pressing issue of the Ukrainian language. The activity of the discussions is due to the fact that Ukraine presents itself to the world as an internatinal formation, where are interwined the economic, socio-political, national, religious and confes-sional interests of nations; Ukraine’s fi ghting for her self-identity, and the Ukrainian people are fi ghting to be independent and free.That’s why to use language as foundations national-patriotic education of modern Ukrainian citizen is in the fi eld of our research. Solution of this problem is able to contribute od creative using philosoph-ped-agogic legacy of the outstanding scientist-linguist, patriot, theologian, cultural and religious fi gure Ivan Ohiienko (metropolian Hilarion). The pedagogical activity of Ivan Ohiienko is a component of his educational work. The wide fi eld of his teacher’s interests covered the problems of humanizing the educa-tional process, de-russifi cation of educational institutions, the spread of the Ukrainian language and spelling, and the formation of nationally conscious Ukrainians.We consider the statement of the pedagogic-thinker to be fair that a real conscious patriot of Ukraine can be raised only with help of the Ukrainian language and only on its basis can those qualities of the person be formed, which are aimed at protecting and defensing the honor of one’s nation, people and state.The key opinion of the past and the present, formulated by Ivan Ohiienko, is «For one people – one literary language, pronunciation and spelling».As a theologian and thinker, Metropolitan Hilarion defi ned the ten most impor-tant commandments of the native-language Ukrainian citizen-patriot, which are ex-tremely relevant in our time.In general, the «native language» concept of youth education, in our opinion, can be outlined in three aspects: realist, identifi cation/personal, social.Pedagogical, theological, linguistic, etc. achievements of Ivan Ohiienko are of unparalleled importance for the development of Ukraine, for the education of its fu-ture generations
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Valdés Rodríguez, María Caridad, Alicia Senra Mujica, Antonio Rey Roque und Susana Darín. „Las Competencias Pedagógicas en los Creativos Entornos Virtuales de Aprendizaje Universitarios“. Edutec. Revista Electrónica de Tecnología Educativa, Nr. 24 (20.12.2007): a084.

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Se investigó, desde la concepción del diseño curricular, para la implementación, de la estrategia de formación por competencias profesionales pedagógicas, durante los años de la carrera de Ingeniería en Ciencias Informáticas. Fue necesario remodelar los módulos de aprendizajes respondiendo a un modelo desde y para la producción. Se desarrolló la experiencia por cuatro cursos, con alumnos de 4º y 5º año. Se conjugó la formación on-line interactiva mediante la Plataforma Moodle y la presencial con flexibilidad en la asignatura Formación Pedagógica.Se alcanzaron niveles motivacionales superiores por el magisterio en este tipo de alumnado, un mayor interés y satisfacción por la docencia y el proceso evaluativo, se potenciaron las competencias en el rol docente de la Práctica Profesional y se logró la producción en equipos de varios Sitios Web, Portales y productos multimedias para diferentes enseñanzas sobre:Creatividad Pedagógica, Formación Pedagógica, Pensamiento Pedagógico del Che y Martí, Competencias Profesionales, Comunicación Mediática, Comunicación Profesional, Monitoreo y análisis de los medios de comunicación, Grafología y de Ortografía y Redacción.Los estudiantes participaron en el proceso vivencial docente – metodológico - investigativo, cultural y productivo, en un entorno de formación práctica, concebido para un profesional de carrera técnica. Es este un profesional que se forma así para asumir novedosos retos mediante la integración de sus conocimientos informáticos en nuevos espacios educativos cubanos, como los Institutos Politécnicos de Informática, las Facultades Regionales y la propia comunidad universitaria. AbstractThe present work shows the investigation of the formation strategy for pedagogic professional competences with the career of Computer Science’s Engineering from the conception of curricular design, and for its implementation. It was necessary to modify the learning modules according to the necessities in and for the production. The experience was developed during four courses with the 4th and 5th year students. The interactive on-line formation was interrelated through Moodle’s Platform, face to face lessons and some flexibility with the subject Pedagogic Formation.Motivational higher levels and also bigger interest and satisfaction from the instruction and the evaluating process were reached by the teaching staff with this kind of students. Competences were strengthened in the training role of professional practice, achieving some Web Sites, Portals and multimedia for different teaching subjects like: Pedagogic Creativity, Pedagogic Formation, Pedagogic Thought of Che and Martí, Professional Competences, Mediated Communication, Professional Communication, Monitoring and media analysis, Graphology, Spelling and Writing.Students participated in the lively methodological, investigative, cultural, productive and educational process in an environment of practical formation, conceived for a professional of a technical career. This is a professional that is formed this way to assume new challenges by means of the integration of their computer knowledge with new Cuban educational settings as: Computer science's Polytechnic Institutes, the Regional Schools and our own University Community.
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Neganova, Galina D., und Veranika N. Kurcova. „Results of the international project on publishing the works of Gertsel’ Shklyar“. Vestnik of Kostroma State University 27, Nr. 3 (28.10.2021): 264–68.

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At late December 2017, in pursuance of the previously concluded international agreement on cooperation between Kostroma State University and the Centre for Research of Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, a three-year work plan was approved. It included a project aimed at systematisation, scientific interpretation and preparation for publication of the heritage of Gertsel Shklyar, a talented linguist who, in the mid-20th century, contributed a lot to Belarusian linguistics, Russian linguistics, hebraistics. In the course of the project, previously unknown facts of Gertsel’ Shklyar’s biography, summary of the results of his scientific activities during his work at the Belarusian Academy of Sciences (the 1930s) and Kostroma Pedagogic Institute (the 1940s–60s) were disclosed. The linguistic scientist worked actively in the field of Belarusian studies – he participated in the compilation of the Belarusian-Russian and Russian-Belarusian dictionaries, studied Polonisms in the Belarusian language, worked on amending the existing Belarusian-language spelling, on the creation of university textbooks on the modern Belarusian language. Together with Sof’ya Rokhkind, he created the USSR’s first “Yiddish-Russian Dictionary (Jewish-Russian Dictionary)ˮ. Research in the field of the Russian language was mainly dialectological. Gertsel’ Shklyar laid the foundations for the card index of Kostroma regional dictionary. The article examines the results of the international project, highlights the events dedicated to the presentation of the book of selected works by Gertsel’ Shklyar.
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Leray, Maï, und Henry Tyne. „Homophonie et maîtrise du français écrit : apport de l’apprentissage sur corpus“. Linguistik Online 78, Nr. 4 (30.09.2016).

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Mastery of spelling in L1 French is notoriously complex, in particular due to morphographic difficulties and grammatical homophony. This study investigates the use of data-driven learning in French primary schools for the homophonous set /sE/ (c’est, s’est, ces, ses, sais/t). The results show that whereas initially there is no difference in comparison to traditional teaching (i.e. following pre-test, fewer errors are made in general at the time of learning by both experimental and control groups), there is less attrition for the data-driven learning group, with some spellings progressing even at the post-test stage. We suggest that data-driven learning may be used for developing spelling in L1 French as learners are exposed to enriched input. The question of how a predominantly L2-based method can be applied to L1 pedagogy is raised.
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Davis, Cheron, Novell Tani, Krystal Bush und Amelia Fields. „Reading Outside of the Box: HBCU Preservice Teachers, Culturally Relevant Pedagogy and Letterbox Lessons“. Florida Journal of Educational Research 58, Nr. 8 (12.12.2020).

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This study offers a preliminary investigation of gains in students’ early literacy reading scores when historically Black college or university preservice teachers facilitate letterbox lesson interventions during field clinical experiences with at-risk readers using culturally relevant pedagogy and materials. The aims of this study were to (a) assess overall gains in reading and (b) examine more specific gains in phoneme awareness, letter naming fluency, decoding, and spelling. Using t-test comparisons, results indicate significant gains between the administered pre- and post-reading assessments on phonemic awareness development, letter naming fluency, and spelling abilities. The findings suggest culturally relevant pedagogy combined with clinical letterbox interventions may particularly support the reading achievement of at-risk readers. Additional research is needed to better understand the impact of historically Black college or university preservice teachers’ use of culturally relevant materials and pedagogy and field clinical letterbox interventions with at-risk readers.
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Englebretson, Robert, M. Cay Holbrook, Rebecca Treiman und Simon Fischer-Baum. „The primacy of morphology in English braille spelling: an analysis of bridging contractions“. Morphology, 14.07.2023.

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AbstractThis study examines the use of braille contractions in a corpus of spelling tests from braille-reading children in grades 1-4, with particular attention to braille contractions that create mismatches with morphological structure. Braille is a tactile writing system that enables people who are blind or visually impaired to read and write. In English and many other languages, reading and writing braille is not simply a matter of transliterating between print letters and their braille equivalents; Unified English Braille (the official braille system used in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and several other English-speaking countries) contains 180 contractions—one or more braille cells that represent whole words or strings of letters. In some words, the prescriptive rules for correct braille usage cause contractions to bridge morphological boundaries and to obscure the spellings of stems and affixes. We demonstrate that, when the prescriptive rules for correct braille usage flout morphological structure, young braille spellers generally follow the morphology rather than the orthographic rules. This work establishes that morphology matters for young braille learners. We discuss the potential impact of our findings on braille research, development, and pedagogy, and we suggest ways in which our findings contribute to understanding the nature of orthographic morphemes and the place of braille in the reading sciences.
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Neimat Idris Moh.Saeed Omer. „Error Analysis of Grammatical Features in Saudi Undergraduate EFL Writing“. EVOLUTIONARY STUDIES IN IMAGINATIVE CULTURE, 05.09.2024, 483–98.

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Mastery of English grammatical accuracy is paramount for developing proficiency as a foreign language. However, research examining tendencies among Saudi undergraduate writers remains limited. This study aimed to address such gaps through a comprehensive identification and categorization of errors present in student essays. A rigorous mixed-methods approach analyzed over 350 grammatical mistakes across 50 female students' writing samples. Errors were systematically coded and categorized to reveal frequency data through quantitative analysis. Findings demonstrated spelling, subject-verb agreement, and capitalization as the most prevalent issue areas, collectively accounting for over 75% of errors. Examples uncovered specific challenges involving verb tense, sentence fragments, and article usage. While outcomes aligned with previous literature, linguistic influences on persistent spelling difficulties were explored to broaden understandings. Recommendations for targeted exercises strengthening weaker domains like phonics rules and irregular verbs were provided. Continuing periodic error analyses can optimally inform evolving pedagogy tailored to emerging needs over time. Significantly, this novel diagnostic approach begins addressing critical literature gaps through data-driven insights that meaningfully inform curriculum development to better support the still under-researched Saudi EFL student population.
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Sheokarah, Jennifer, und Ansurie Pillay. „Beyond classroom walls: The role of a co-curricular English club in supporting second language learning“. Journal of Education, Nr. 82 (2021).

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Second language learners of English in South Africa and beyond face challenges in acquiring the target language. In this paper, we report on a study during which we worked with an English Language Club set up as a co-curricular activity at a South African high school. We focus on one activity of the club that took place beyond the classroom walls to help learners improve their spelling. While the activities of the club were underpinned by critical pedagogy, we interpreted the findings of the study using Krashen's Affective Filter hypothesis. Using a critical paradigm, a qualitative approach, and an action research design, in this aspect of the study, as foregrounded in this paper, we aimed to answer the question of how learners' attitudes towards spelling may be changed by an activity outside the classroom. Our observations, fieldnotes, and reflections revealed that learners are able to transcend their fear of the language and increase their participation levels when they are in a relaxed learning environment that values their interests; this increased, in turn, their self-confidence. We argue for the use of alternative teaching methods to complement conventional teaching and learning.
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Olawe, Opeyemi Emmanuel, Oluwadamilola Temitope AKINYEMI und Qomorundeen Adeniran LAWAL. „Lexico-Syntactic Study of English Usage in Online News Responses and Their Implications for 21st-Century Pedagogy“. Qeios, 09.01.2024.

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Online news reading is becoming a part of people’s daily lives, and this medium gives readers the opportunity to comment and share their opinions. It is noteworthy that the comments posted in response to online news articles encompass the entire Nigerian populace of over 250 ethnic groups and more than 400 languages for whom English is a second language. Therefore, this study examined the diverse ways in which Nigerians use English in their comments on online news articles and how these usages affect the teaching and learning of English in the 21st century. A study corpus of about 100 sentences was collected from Opera news responses over a period of three months. Analysis revealed that the use of English in online news responses differs from standard English usage due to users’ habits to code switch and mix, translate directly from their mother tongue to English, give different meanings to existing words, or coin words to represent things that are new to ease their communication. In the attempt, grammar, punctuation, and spelling were either badly used or omitted. This linguistic habit, when transferred by students to their academic work, influences how they are subsequently evaluated. Therefore, there is a critical need for teachers to identify and distinguish between the usages of English that are “incorrect,” “dialectical,” and those that conform to “Standard English” so that students do not mistakenly interchange them.
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Phonna, Rahmi. „AN ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS’ FREE WRITING“. Englisia Journal 1, Nr. 2 (01.05.2014).

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Writing contains a compound process to be expressed that entails the writer to pay more attention on linking appropriate words together. Most linguists agree that a writer should attain high level of understanding to pursue the lifelong learning of academic writing pedagogy. This study aimed to analyze the students’ free writing by identifying the category of mistakes that often appear on their writing assignment. 28 free writings were collected, as the main data, from 28 students as the samples for this study. They were then analyzed by using the guidelines of correction symbols from Hogue (1996) and Oshima & Hogue (1999). The results revealed that 11 categories of grammar that often applied incorrectly on the students’ free writing. The misused of verb-agreement (V/A) was the most frequent category occurred, followed by word form (Wf) and Spelling (Sp). The least category of errors identified on the students’ free writing was conjunction (Conj) and wrong word (Ww) categories. Overall, 175 errors from different grammatical conventions were repeated in the students’ free writing.
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„Towards a More Effective Second Language Writing Pedagogy: Using Task-based Reading to Develop Writing Skills of ESL Learners“. University of Chitral Journal of Linguistics and Literature 5, Nr. I (30.09.2021): 330–50.

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The connection between reading and writing has been acknowledged since long and explored through comprehension-based learning activities but not investigated substantially through empirical research into task-based reading activities. This study was carried out to explore the link between task-based reading activities and improvement in ESL writing. The study was prompted by the need to inculcate the maximum level of writing proficiency in a limited time available for instruction in a 4 month semester. We experimented with introducing task-based critical reading to explore its impact on the ESL writing proficiency of Pakistani ESL learners at the undergraduate level with Computer Science as their major. Analyzing students’ pre-test and post-test scores using Wilcoxon signed-rank test and t-test revealed a significant improvement in the overall writing proficiency, content, organization, sentence structure (SS), grammar, punctuation, and spelling (GPS) of students. The findings have important pedagogical implications for improving the learners’ writing proficiency by integrating task-based reading activities in ESL teaching. The article also suggests some of the tasks that teachers can associate with reading in classrooms. It recommends making authentic reading material part of the ESL syllabus everywhere in the world in order to equip learners with better writing skills essential for success in all subjects, higher studies, and research. Keywords: Task-based language learning; proficiency; motivation; schemata; fluency; process-oriented approach; second language writing development
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Crompton, Helen, Adam Edmett, Neenaz Ichaporia und Diane Burke. „AI and English language teaching: Affordances and challenges“. British Journal of Educational Technology, 30.03.2024.

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AbstractEnglish is one of the most used languages for jobs, markets, tourism, discourse and international connectivity. However, English learners face many challenges in gaining English language skills. Extant studies show that AI has affordances to support in English language teaching and learning ELT/L. This study answers the call to examine specific challenges and affordances for using AI in ELT/L. A systematic review method was used with PRISMA principles to identify 42 studies. Findings reveal the geographical locations of studies, learner ages and years of study. Grounded coding was then used to identify affordances of the use of AI in ELT/L in the areas of speaking, writing, reading, pedagogy and self‐regulation. AI in ELT/L challenges uncovered were technology breakdowns, limited capabilities, fear and standardising language. Policymakers, funders, practitioners and educational leaders can use the information provided in this study to gain a holistic understanding of the current trend in the use of AI in ELT/L, and practical implications are provided to guide future use of AI. Practitioner notesWhat is already known about this topic English is one of the most used languages for jobs, markets, tourism, discourse and international connectivity. Empirical evidence shows that pupils can often face difficulties when learning English, with challenges such as irregularity in English spelling. AI has supported language teaching and learning with studies showing that AI can support language‐specific skills. What this paper adds Provides the scholarly community with a unique systematic review in the use of AI in ELT/L across learner levels. Identifies affordances of AI in ELT/L in speaking, writing, reading, pedagogy and self‐regulation. Identifies challenges of AI in ELT/L in technology breakdowns, limited capabilities, fear and standardising language. Provides researchers with a review of the field with identification of gaps and future research opportunities. Implications for practice and/or policy Provides practical implications from the findings for educators, policy makers and program designers. Highlights the gaps in academic knowledge as a lack in the use of AI for assessment in ELT/L.
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„Bilingualism“. Language Teaching 36, Nr. 4 (Oktober 2003): 278–80.

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04–652 Castro, D. and Gavruseva, E. (University of Iowa; Email: Finiteness and aspect in Spanish/English bilingual acquisition. First Language (Bucks, UK), 23, 2 (2003), 171–192.04–653 Gutierrez-Clellen, Vera F. (San Diego State U., CA, USA; Email: and Kreiter, Jacqueline. Understanding child bilingual acquisition using parent and teacher reports. Applied Psycholinguistics (Cambridge, UK), 24, 2 (2003), 267–288.04–654 Jaffe, Alexandra (California State U., USA; Email: Talk around text: literacy practices, cultural identity and authority in a Corsican bilingual classroom. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism (Clevedon, UK), 6, 3&4 (2003), 202–220.04–655 Marian, Viorica (Northwestern U., IL, USA; Email: and Spivey, Michael. Bilingual and monolingual processing of competing lexical items. Applied Psycholinguistics (Cambridge, UK), 24, 2 (2003), 173–194.04–656 Martin, D., Krishnamurthy, R., Bhardwaj, M. and Charles, R. (School of Education, University of Birmingham, UK; Email: Language change in young Panjabi/English children: implications for bilingual language assessment. Child Language Teaching and Therapy (London, UK), 19, 3 (2003), 245–266.04–657 Olmedo, Irma M. (College of Education, U. of Illinois-Chicago, USA; Email: Language mediation among emergent bilingual children. Linguistics and Education (New York, USA), 14, 2 (2003), 143–162.04–658 Ruan, J. (U. of Oklahoma, USA). Toward a culture-sensitive pedagogy: emergent literacy learning in Chinese-English bilinguals in America. Language, Culture and Curriculum (Clevedon, UK), 16, 1 (2003), 39–47.04–659 Seeff-Gabriel, B. (Department of Human Communication Science, University College London; Email: Phonological processing: a platform for assisting second-language learners with English spelling. Child Language Teaching and Therapy (Clevedon, UK), 19, 3 (2003), 291–310.
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