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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Speech development of children"


Toshtemir Qizi, Rayimova Gulmira, und To'rayeva Dilnoza Ismoilovna. „SPECIFIC TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF SPEECH IN MENTALLY RETARDED CHILDREN FEATURES CHARACTERISTIC OF SPEECH DEVELOPMENT IN MENTALLY RETARDED CHILDREN“. European International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Management Studies 02, Nr. 10 (01.10.2022): 117–21.

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In the article we can learn about the fact that the cognitive impairment of children with intellectual disabilities is characterized by limited perception of the world around them, poor communication, lack of interest, decreased demand for speech, retarded speech development.
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Ozoda, Kakhkharova. „FAIRY TALE-BASED SPEECH DEVELOPMENT TECHNIQUES FOR CHILDREN“. International Journal of Pedagogics 4, Nr. 2 (01.02.2024): 17–24.

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The article written on the topic "Fairy tale-based speech development techniques for children", offers suggestions for helping young children learn how to connect speech. The article aims to clarify the significance of fairy tales' influence on children's speech development. The article also emphasizes the concepts of the instructor organizing the speech development process while taking the pedagogical process into consideration.
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Zamira, Rasulova, Kambarova Nazira und Aliyeva Ravshanoy. „SPEECH DEVELOPMENT OF PRESCHOOL - CHILDREN EXERCISES AND METHODS“. International Journal of Pedagogics 03, Nr. 02 (01.02.2023): 38–43.

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The level of speech development significantly affects the success of school. Children with a high level of speech development, as the rules do not have difficulties in learning, quickly master the skills of writing and reading. In children with a low level of speech development, difficulties in communication and literacy are found. Preschool Children’s Communication skills are vital to their overall development that lay a foundation for a successful future. Cognition, social interaction, oral-motor development are some of the key factors that influence a child’s communication development. Listening, understanding and using spoken language are the most important components of communication.
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Afisha, Fauza, und Febrianti Isnaini. „Language Development Intervention in Children Speech Delay: Systematic Review“. International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews 5, Nr. 6 (Juni 2024): 6260–365.

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Djordjevic, S., und L. Djordjevic. „Speech Development of Preschool Children“. Education and Pedagogical Sciences, Nr. 1 (162) (2014): 14–23.

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Mance, Nina, und Barbara Lamot. „SPEECH DEVELOPMENT IN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN“. Zbornik Odseka za pedagogiju, Nr. 32 (05.12.2023): 107–28.

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Speech development is a complex process influenced by various factors, which are very important. From birth, a child is surrounded by sounds coming from the environment, and for them to be able to produce sounds themselves, they need time and interaction with others. A child often experiences the first interaction with the parents, whose role is to provide the child with a safe and stimulating speaking environment and care for his speech development. As the child grows, they get to know other people, most often the teacher and the children in the educational groups with whom they interact. However, there are children who, despite proper cognitive development, proper hearing, and good health, show certain deviations from proper language development. It is considered that these children follow the course of regular language development, only that it develops more slowly than in children who do not belong to this group. Significant deviations from proper language development make it difficult for children to communicate already in the early years of life, which ultimately results in lower achievements in school. It is a well-known fact that children acquire knowledge through play, which, in addition to being interesting and fun, provides great benefits. In addition to the environment, language games play an important role in developing speech and speaking skills. Playing language games affects the child’s activity and speech training, especially if the child is faced with articulation or other speech disorders already at an early age. The aim of this paper is to raise awareness of the importance of language games in preschool and the child’s environment for their normal and overall development. Language games can precisely enable such children to successfully solve challenges.
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Masitoh, Masitoh. „GANGGUAN BAHASA DALAM PERKEMBANGAN BICARA ANAK“. Edukasi Lingua Sastra 17, Nr. 1 (14.04.2019): 40–54.

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The problem in this article was about the language disorder in the speech development of children. The language disorder on the speech development of children were one of the type of communication disorder that indicate the children who experience the disorders process to use any symbols in language. The language disorder on speech development of children was happened cause there was a disorder on nerves system or abnormalities in related organ that related to the process to use the language and to childrens' speech which occurs due to injury or trauma when they were in prenatal, natal and postnatal. Beside that it could be also caused by the environment at the age of the development of the childrens' language and speech they were did not got a good stimulus. The childrens who experience those difficulties were late in having language development skills. This things could occur in phonology, semantics, and syntax problems so that the childrens was experience the difficulties in transformation that were highly required in communication activities. The handling goals thatcan be done for the children who had the language disorders in speech development was speech therapy, oral motor, and melody intonation.
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Aymbetova, Dametken M. „THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN'S SPEECH DEVELOPMENT“. American Journal Of Social Sciences And Humanity Research 3, Nr. 10 (01.10.2023): 82–90.

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Reforms in the education system and the law on the state language require changes in the methodology and practice of forming children's speech, in particular, developing the speech of older children of preschool age. These changes are reflected in normative educational and methodological literature to a certain extent. However, they need to be approached critically from the point of view of current requirements. Most of the Methodist scientists correctly emphasize the conditions for the development of children's speech in kindergartens.
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Mamatova, Aziza. „Speech Development Problems For Students With Disabilities In Mental Development“. American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations 03, Nr. 04 (30.04.2021): 441–46.

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This article provides information on the features of the psychological and speech development of mentally retarded students, the importance of the level of speech development in mastering the child's curriculum, as well as the effectiveness of complex interventions in educational and correctional work with such children.
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Kizi, Bakirova Umida Bakhtiyor. „CONSULTATION FOR EDUCATORS "DEVELOPMENT OF COHERENT SPEECH IN OLDER PRESCHOOL CHILDREN"“. American Journal Of Social Sciences And Humanity Research 03, Nr. 03 (01.03.2023): 56–58.

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The work on the sound culture of speech in the senior preschool age is aimed at solving the problems of cultural and speech education and at preparing preschoolers for literacy. Work continues on the formation of phonemic hearing, children's awareness of the sound composition of the word, the formation of phonemic perception of the word.
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Dissertationen zum Thema "Speech development of children"


Holm, Alison. „Speech development and disorder in bilingual children“. Thesis, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, 1998.

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Speech-language pathologists have no clear guidelines on how to assess, diagnose or treat bilingual children with speech disorders. This thesis addresses this issue. The phonological development of 91 Cantonese-English and Punjabi-English bilingual children is described. Two Cantonese-English bilingual children's phonological development over the year they were first exposed to English is also presented. The bilingual children's phonological systems were clearly differentiated. The bilingual children's speech also included many phonological processes that would be considered atypical for a monolingual child. The use of these processes is argued to be characteristic of normal bilingual development. The longitudinal data showed that the atypical error patterns were transient and directly related to the introduction of the second language. Some `atypical' error patterns could be plausibly explained by referring to the nature of the two phonological systems. Other atypical processes could be explained by language-specific differences in normal developmental or adult variation patterns. This thesis argues that the differences evident in the bilingual children's phonological patterns are due to `hypothesis testing' resulting in underspecified realisation rules. There was no indication that bilingual children process phonological input and output differently to monolingual children. However, they differentiate the cognitive-linguistic information they abstract from the two languages, and they use separate phonological realisation rules for each language. This thesis argues that bilingual children use the same phonological processing mechanism for both languages, however they are able to filter each language through the appropriate language-specific phonological information. Case studies of 21 children with disordered speech and treatment case studies of 2 children are also presented. The disordered speech data supports current psycholinguistic models of speech processing the hypothesised levels of breakdown fit with the error profiles evident. The bilingual children with speech disorder validate Dodd's (1995) classification system: four different types of disorder were evident. The results of the two treatment case studies presented suggest that unless intervention targets the underlying deficit the effect of intervention will be language-specific. The investigation into bilingual children with disordered speech indicates that speechlanguage pathologists need to assess both languages of a bilingual child to determine the language-specific patterns and the type of disorder and that it is important to compare bilingual children to their bilingual normally developing peers, not to monolingual developmental data.
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Nicol, Anthony. „Speech-enabled application development for young children“. Thesis, University of Central Lancashire, 2005.

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There are several activities in the educational development of young children which require them to speak aloud to a parent or teacher. High pupil-teacher ratios and modem lifestyles limit the time available for one-to-one interaction so the benefits of enabling a computer to assist in this area are significant. There are several large international research projects attempting to implement customised systems with the aim of becoming automated reading tutors within the next few years. This thesis considers a different approach; it tests the feasibility of using commercial speech recognition technology with young children. Commercial technology has the advantage of being available now and it has matured enough for standards to have been developed which enable a speech application to easily use alternative recognition technologies if required. Recognition accuracy needs to be measurable; to simplify and disambiguate the measurement of recognition accuracy, a new metric has been developed. Improvements in recognition accuracy have been found through experimentation. The experiments need a large amount of speech data from children. To facilitate this, a set of tools has been developed to collect a speech corpus from three different regions of the country then automatically measure the recognition effectiveness under different test conditions. Speech recognition is one of several input modes which support a multimodal interface; for it to be effective, the interface with which it is integrated also needs to be effective, so this thesis additionally studies the area of Child-Computer Interaction; one of the outcomes of this study is a set of interface design guidelines which have been developed through the implementation and evaluation of several multimedia applications. Several user evaluation methods have been used to test the applications with young children in the classroom and their effectiveness is discussed. The thesis integrates the speech recognition and Child-Computer Interaction studies to produce a speech-enabled application using the developed interface design guidelines and proposed speech interface design guidelines. The application was evaluated in the classroom with very encouraging results. The thesis concludes that commercial speech recognition can be used effectively with young children if the limitations, optimisations and guidelines developed during this project are considered.
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Hockley, Neil Spencer. „The development of audiovisual speech perception“. Thesis, McGill University, 1994. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=22526.

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The developmental process of audiovisual speech perception was examined in this experiment using the McGurk paradigm (McGurk & MacDonald, 1976), in which a visual recording of a person saying a particular syllable is synchronized with the auditory presentation of another syllable. Previous studies have shown that audiovisual speech perception in adults and older children is very influenced by the visual speech information but children under five are influenced by the auditory input almost exclusively (McGurk & MacDonald, 1976; Massaro, 1984; and Massaro, Thompson, Barron, & Laren, 1986). In this investigation 46 children aged between 4:7 and 12:4, and 15 adults were presented with conflicting audiovisual syllables made according to the McGurk paradigm. The results indicated that the influence of auditory information decreased with age, while the influence of visual information increased with age. In addition, an adult-like response pattern was observed in only half of the children in the oldest child subject group (10-12 years old) suggesting that the integration of auditory and visual speech information continues to develop beyond the age of twelve.
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Hide, Megan Jayne. „Treatment effects on cluster development in the speech of 4-year-old children with speech disorder“. Thesis, University of Canterbury. Communication Disorders, 2007.

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Purpose: This study examined the effectiveness of two differing interventions to improve the consonant cluster production in six children aged 4-5 years with concomitant speech sound disorder and expressive language difficulty. Method: Participants were selected for the study based on a high incidence of consonant clusters errors in their speech production. All participants had at least 75% of their cluster production attempts in error in their initial speech sample. The participants were randomly assigned to receive 24 hours of either a phonological awareness intervention with integrated speech targets (Gillon & Moriarty, 2005), or a morphosyntax intervention which alternated therapy sessions for language and speech targets (Haskill, Tyler, & Tolbert, 2001) Each intervention was administered in two blocks of 6 weeks separated by a 6-week therapy break. Hour-long small group intervention sessions were attended twice weekly by all participants. Consonant cluster productions were assessed using speech probes and standardised speech assessments. These were administered pre-intervention, post-intervention, and at follow-up 3 months post-intervention. These measures were compared to identify any improvement in (a) word-initial cluster accuracy as a result of /s/ clusters being targeted in the phonological awareness intervention;(b) word-final cluster accuracy as a result of word-final morphemes being targeted in the morphosyntax intervention; and (c) cluster element accuracy as a result of improved production of the phonemes as singletons. Results: The data supported the hypotheses that targeting word-initial clusters in the phonological awareness intervention would lead to improvements in accuracy for target /s/ clusters, non-target /s/ clusters and singleton fricatives. Improvements in production of /s/ clusters, singleton fricatives, and untreated consonant + liquid clusters were significant for all participants in this intervention type. The improvement for word initial /s/ clusters was greater than for the treatment group who received morphosyntax intervention. The data was less convincing for the hypothesis that word-final cluster production would improve following intervention for word-final morphemes in the morphosyntax intervention. Although there was improvement in word-final production for two of the participants in this group, there were similar or greater improvements seen for the children who received phonological awareness intervention in which word-final clusters were not targeted. The data supported the final hypothesis that improved production of singletons following speech intervention for these phonemes would result in improved accuracy for the phonemes when attempted in the context of clusters. All participants had improved accuracy of cluster elements that had been singleton targets during intervention. Conclusion: The data showed that the Phonological Awareness intervention led to significant improvement in production of the target /s/ clusters, and generalised to increased accuracy for production of singleton fricatives, non-target /s/ clusters, and untreated consonant + liquid clusters. The Morphosyntax intervention resulted in less consistent improvement in production for target word-final clusters. In this programme, word-final clusters were implicitly treated through language intervention for word-final morphemes. The data indicates that improvement in consonant cluster production is facilitated when using explicit teaching methods to introduce and practice consonant clusters during intervention with children with speech sound disorder.
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Nathan, Elizabeth. „The development of speech processing skills in children with and without speech difficulties“. Thesis, University College London (University of London), 2001.

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Children with developmental speech disorder of no known aetiology constitute a heterogeneous group, both in their presenting difficulties, which can include additional language and speech perception difficulties, and in the developmental course of the disorder. This thesis examines this heterogeneity from a developmental and psycholinguistic perspective. Using a longitudinal design, speech processing and language skills are explored over three years in a group of children with speech difficulties (n=47) and an age- and nonverbal IQ-matched longitudinal control group (n=47), mean age 4;06 - 6;07. Other measures were of developmental history, family history, psychosocial status and therapy input. Key areas of investigation were: the proportion of children whose speech later resolves; uncovering the 'resolving' and 'persisting' profile; the role of input processing in speech development, in particular, the role of accent variability; and the occurrence of dissociable speech processing patterns on matched word/nonword repetition and on speech input tasks. Group characteristics were examined through an analysis of patterns of dissociation on tasks across the group and an examination of patterns of association on speech and language measures (in comparison to the control group) in order to establish the developmental relationships between different aspects of speech processing. Thus concurrent and longitudinal relationships were examined using descriptive statistics, prospective and retrospective subgroup analyses and multiple regression analyses. A 'persisting' speech profile was identified as a pervasive speech processing and language difficulty and/or more severe speech output problems. A 'resolved' profile was confined to early, moderate, specific speech difficulties. Apart from nonword repetition, there was no evidence that speech outcome was related to different rates of speech or language development. Using evidence from normal and atypical development, an interactive view of speech development is outlined. Despite the need to understand development as interactive, speech output performance is argued to be the main factor mediating and constraining change between the ages of 4-6 in children with speech difficulties. An emerging discrepancy between word and nonword repetition, with nonword repetition not improving at similar rates to word repetition in some children with persisting speech difficulties, is cited as additional evidence that speech output, in particular, motor programming deficit, is the core characteristic of a persisting speech disorder.
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Adams, Anne-Marie. „Phonological working memory and speech production in young children“. Thesis, University of Bristol, 1995.

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Geronikou, E. „Speech processing and morphological development in Greek-speaking children“. Thesis, University of Sheffield, 2016.

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There is currently little knowledge about the development of morphology in relation to phonology and the speech processing system (speech input, speech output, and lexical representations). In this thesis a psycholinguistic approach was used to investigate the development of phonological and morphological skills in Greek speaking preschool age children. The central hypothesis is that the successful acquisition of phonological and morphological characteristics of a spoken language depends on the accuracy and efficiency of speech processing skills. This has been explored through a longitudinal normative study of speech and language development and two intervention single case studies of children with speech difficulties. Two groups of typically developing children aged 3;0-3;5 and 4;6-5;0 years respectively were assessed longitudinally at three assessment points six months apart. At each point published language assessments and experimental tasks were used. A number of morphological phenomena e.g. tense, possessive pronouns, irregular plural, were taken as the basis for experimental stimuli that reflected the morphological and phonological properties of interest. These stimuli were used in tasks of speech perception and word and nonword repetition, items being matched across tasks. The two intervention studies focused on the impact of training the production of phonological targets on the accuracy of morphological productions, and vice versa, as well as the effect of this training on broader speech and language processing skills. Significant processing similarities were found between phonological and morphological items, as were relationships between the two domains. Both intervention case studies indicated that as a result of targeting the accurate production of morphemes, generalization to the accurate production of phonological characteristics may occur; one case also supported the reverse effect. Overall, these results suggest that the morphological characteristics of spoken language are an integral part of lexical representations, a finding which has interesting implications for speech and language therapy practice.
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Youngdahl, Carla L. „The Development of Auditory “Spectral Attention Bands” in Children“. The Ohio State University, 2015.

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Grobler, Isabella Johanna. „Speech motor development of Afrikaans speaking children aged four to seven years“. Diss., Pretoria : [s.n.], 2000.

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Proctor-Williams, Kerry. „First Words to Stories: Language Intervention for Preschool Children“. Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2010.

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Bücher zum Thema "Speech development of children"


Russell, Veronica Jane. Speech development in children with cleft lip and palate. Leicester: Leicester Polytechnic, 1991.

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Russell, Veronica Jane. Speech development in children with cleft lip and palate. Leicester: Leicester Polytechnic, 1991.

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D, Barrett Martyn, Hrsg. Children's single-word speech. Chichester [West Sussex]: J. Wiley, 1985.

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William, Yule, und Rutter Michael, Hrsg. Language development and disorders. London: MacKeith, 1987.

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Judith, Coupe-O'Kane, und Goldbart Juliet, Hrsg. Communication before speech: Normal development and impaired communication. London: Croom Helm, 1988.

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McMillan, Anita R. Ready-to-use language articulation & development activities for special children. West Nyack, N.Y: Center for Applied Research in Education, 1992.

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Orton, Samuel Torrey. Reading, writing, and speech problems in children and selected papers. Austin, Tex: Pro-Ed, 1989.

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B, Shulman Brian, und Capone Nina C, Hrsg. Language development: Foundations, processes, and clinical applications. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2009.

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Konieczna, Ewa. From telegraphic speech to morphological and syntactic iconicity: Early child speech development from Polish and English data. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2014.

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1951-, Nippold Marilyn A., und Scott Cheryl M, Hrsg. Expository discourse in children, adolescents, and adults: Development and disorders. New York: Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2010.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Speech development of children"


Levy, Y., A. Tennebaum und A. Ornoy. „Speech Monitoring in Retarded Children“. In New Directions In Language Development And Disorders, 51–60. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2000.

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Peng, Gang, und Fei Chen. „Speech Development in Mandarin-Speaking Children“. In Speech Perception, Production and Acquisition, 219–42. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020.

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Vahitova, Galiya H., und Alexander V. Obskov. „Development of Preschool Children Speech Problems“. In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 128–33. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Lyakso, Elena, Olga Frolova, Arman Kaliyev, Viktor Gorodnyi, Aleksey Grigorev und Yuri Matveev. „AD-Child.Ru: Speech Corpus for Russian Children with Atypical Development“. In Speech and Computer, 299–308. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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Weiss, Deborah, und Rhea Paul. „Delayed Language Development in Preschool Children“. In The Handbook of Language and Speech Disorders, 178–209. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.

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Koopmans-van Beinum, Florien, und Jeannette van der Stelt. „Early speech development in children acquiring Dutch“. In The Acquisition of Dutch, 101. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1998.

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Glennen, Sharon L. „Speech And Language Development In Adopted Children“. In The Routledge Handbook Of Adoption, 337–52. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY : Routledge, 2020.: Routledge, 2020.

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Chapman, Kathy L., und Elisabeth Willadsen. „The Development of Speech in Children with Cleft Palate“. In Cleft Palate Speech: Assessment and Intervention, 23–40. West Sussex, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2013.

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Matveev, Yuri, Anton Matveev, Olga Frolova und Elena Lyakso. „Automatic Recognition of the Psychoneurological State of Children: Autism Spectrum Disorders, Down Syndrome, Typical Development“. In Speech and Computer, 417–25. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Glennen, Sharon. „Chapter 6. Speech and language clinical issues in internationally-adopted children“. In Starting Over – The Language Development in Internationally-Adopted Children, 147–78. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2016.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Speech development of children"


Karelina, Inna B., und Karina A. Smirnova. „Stimulation of speech development in young children with delayed speech development“. In Специальное образование: методология, практика, исследования. Yaroslavl state pedagogical university named after К. D. Ushinsky, 2021.

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The article reflects the experience of volunteer speech therapy work with young children on the basis of a Sunday school at the Church of the Epiphany in the city of Yaroslavl. The results of the examination of the speech development of children with delayed speech development at an early age are presented. The author describes a cycle of lessons developed by the authors to activate the speech of children with speech retardation using musical games, an analysis of the results after the lessons is given.
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Karelina, Inna Borisovna, und Karina Antonovna Smirnova. „Stimulation of speech development in young children with delayed speech development“. In СПЕЦИАЛЬНОЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ: МЕТОДОЛОГИЯ, ПРАКТИКА, ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ. Ярославль: Ярославский государственный педагогический университет им. К.Д. Ушинского, 2021.

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Chen, Candise, Min Wang, Hua Shu, Han Wu und Chu Chu Li. „Development of tone sensitivity in young Chinese children“. In Speech Prosody 2010. ISCA: ISCA, 2010.

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Ivashenko, Lyudmila Gennadyevna, Yulia Aleksandrovna Rezaeva und Yulia Valeryevna Tarasova. „Development of speech activity of children using ICT“. In VII International Research-to-practice Conference. TSNS Interaktiv Plus, 2016.

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Ziganurova, R. V. „Communication Activity Of Children (With Healthy Speech Development And Speech Impairment)“. In Humanistic Practice in Education in a Postmodern Age. European Publisher, 2020.

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Oborina, Natalya Valentinovna. „The role of the speech fitness in young children speech development“. In IX International Research-to-practice conference. TSNS Interaktiv Plus, 2016.

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Mohamad, Mariam, Balakrishnan Muniandy und Aznan Che Ahmad. „EXPLORING A MOBILE APPLICATION FOR SPEECH DELAY CHILDREN IN MALAYSIA“. In International Technology, Education and Development Conference. IATED, 2016.

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Bielova, O. B. „Psychological predictors of speech development in older preschool children with speech disorders“. In PROSPECTS FOR PEDAGOGICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH. Baltija Publishing, 2024.

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Lyakso, Elena, Olga Frolova und Aleksandr Nikolaev. „VOICE AND SPEECH FEATURES AS A DIAGNOSTIC SYMPTOM“. In International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends. inScience Press, 2021.

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"The study of the peculiarities of speech of children with atypical development is necessary for the development of educational programs, children’s socialization and adaptation in society. The aim of this study is to determine the acoustic features of voice and speech of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) as a possible additional diagnostic criterion. The multiplicity of symptomatology, different age of its manifestation, and the presence of a leading symptom complex individually for each child make it difficult to diagnose ASD. To determine the specificity of speech features of ASD, we analyzed the speech of children with developmental disabilities in which speech disorders accompany the disease - Down syndrome (DS), intellectual disabilities (ID), mixed specific developmental disorders (MDD). The features that reflect the main physiological processes occurring in the speech tract during voice and speech production are selected for analysis. The speech of 300 children aged 4-16 years was analyzed. Speech files are selected from the speech database ""AD_Child.Ru"" (Lyakso et al., 2019). Acoustic features of voice and speech, which are specific for different developmental disorders, were determined. The speech of ASD children is characterized by: high pitch values (high voice); pitch variability; high values for the third formant (emotional) and its intensity causing ""atypical"" spectrogram of the speech signal; high values of vowel articulation index (VAI). The speech of children with DS is characterized by the maximal duration of vowels in words; low pitch values (low voice); a wide range of values of the VAI depending on the difficulty of speech material; low values of the third formant; unformed most of consonant phonemes. The characteristics of speech of children with ID are: high values of vowel’s duration in words, the pitch, and the third formant, low values of the VAI; of MDD - low pitch values and high values of the VAI. Based on the identified peculiarities specific to each disease, the set of acoustic features specific to ASD can be considered as a biomarker of autism and used as an additional diagnostic criterion. This will allow a timely diagnose, appoint treatment and develop individual programs for children. Speech characteristics of children with ID, DS, and MDD can be considered to a greater extent in the training and socialization of children and used in the development of training programs taking into account individual peculiarities of children."
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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Speech development of children"


Weybright, Glenn. An investigation of the development of the phonemes /t/and /k/ in the speech of preschool children. Portland State University Library, Januar 2000.

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Arkell, Kenneth. Articulation Error Rates for Oral Reading Tasks in Children with Developmental Apraxia of Speech. Portland State University Library, Januar 2000.

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Horowitz, Alan. The effects of three stress modes on error productions of children with developmental apraxia of speech. Portland State University Library, Januar 2000.

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Kolesova, N. A. Educational and methodological manual for teachers of preschool educational organizations "Elements of fairy-tale therapy in the socio-communicative development of older preschool children". Sib-expertise, Februar 2022.

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The textbook emphasizes the relevance of the problem of the socio-communicative development of children of older preschool age. The manual consists of two chapters: the first chapter reveals general approaches and features of using elements of fairy-tale therapy in working with children of older preschool age to form their socio-personal competencies, describes the features of perceptions of preschool-age children when reading tales into their hearing, and also reveals the use of elements of fairy-tale therapy in pedagogical measures for the socio-communicative and speech development of older preschool children. The second chapter is devoted to the description of the most effective methods that make it possible to determine the degree of assimilation of the child's socio-personal competencies and the level of effectiveness of pedagogical influence aimed at communication and interaction between the children of the group. Practical materials are presented in the form of therapeutic tales that can be used by teachers of preschool educational organizations in corrective and developmental work on the socio-communicative development of older preschool children. The educational and methodological manual is addressed to teachers of preschool educational organizations, can be used in the system of further training in educational programs "Pedagogical activities in the context of the implementation of GEF preschool education," "Modern educational technologies in the context of the implementation of GEF preschool education."
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Wallace, Ina F. Universal Screening of Young Children for Developmental Disorders: Unpacking the Controversies. RTI Press, Februar 2018.

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In the past decade, American and Canadian pediatric societies have recommended that pediatric care clinicians follow a schedule of routine surveillance and screening for young children to detect conditions such as developmental delay, speech and language delays and disorders, and autism spectrum disorder. The goal of these recommendations is to ensure that children with these developmental issues receive appropriate referrals for evaluation and intervention. However, in 2015 and 2016, the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) and the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care issued recommendations that did not support universal screening for these conditions. This occasional paper is designed to help make sense of the discrepancy between Task Force recommendations and those of the pediatric community in light of research and practice. To clarify the issues, this paper reviews the distinction between screening and surveillance; the benefits of screening and early identification; how the USPSTF makes its recommendations; and what the implications of not supporting screening are for research, clinical practice, and families.
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Spencer, Trina, Kerstin Tönsing und Shakila Dada. Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Interventions that Promote Labeling, Commenting, and Telling: A Systematic Review Protocol. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, April 2022.

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Review question / Objective: The aim of this systematic review is to identify and describe the augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) interventions that improve the labeling, commenting, and telling skills of children with communication disabilities. To that end, the following questions will be addressed: What is the quality and quantity of research investigating AAC interventions to promote labeling, commenting, and telling skills of children with communication disabilities? Which (if any) AAC interventions have sufficient empirical evidence to support their recommendation in practice for teaching children with communication disabilities labeling, commenting, and telling skills? Condition being studied: Speech is the primary modality of communication and socialization. However, not all individuals develop functional speech due to a variety of developmental or acquired disabilities, such as autism spectrum disorders (ASD), cerebral palsy (CP), or traumatic brain Injury. Although diagnoses vary, all these individuals share the condition of being unable to meet all the communication needs that others without disabilities typically meet through speech. Such Individuals are typically described as having complex communication needs or a severe communication disorder, or as requiring augmentative and alternative communication (Von Tetzchner & Basil, 2011).
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Midak, Lilia Ya, Ivan V. Kravets, Olga V. Kuzyshyn, Jurij D. Pahomov, Victor M. Lutsyshyn und Aleksandr D. Uchitel. Augmented reality technology within studying natural subjects in primary school. [б. в.], Februar 2020.

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The purpose of the research is creation of mobile app (supported by Android) for visualization of chemical structure of water and to display video- data of laboratory experiments that can be used by the teacher and pupils for an effective background for learning natural cycle subjects and performance of laboratory experiments in the elementary school using lapbook. As a result of work, aimed at visualizing the education material, a free mobile app LiCo.STEM was developed; it can be downloaded from the overall-available resource Google Play Market. Representation of the developed video materials on the mobile gadgets is conducted by “binding” them to individual images- “markers” for every laboratory experiment. Applying such technologies gives an opportunity to establish educational activity, based on interference of adults with children, oriented on interests and abilities of each kid, development of curiosity, cognitive motivation and educational energy; development of imagination, creative initiative, including the speech, ability to chose the materials, types of work, participants of the common activity, promotion of conditions for parents participate in the common study activity.
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Pemba, Dhonam. A Novel Speech to Text Model for Children. ResearchHub Technologies, Inc., März 2024.

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Mohwinkel, Sheryl. Phonological Awareness Skills in Children with Highly Unintelligible Speech. Portland State University Library, Januar 2000.

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Sabrin, Howard. UNIX Speech Processing Development. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Oktober 1997.

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