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Buy, Frédéric. „L'organisation contractuelle du spectacle sportif“. Aix-Marseille 3, 2001.

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Malgré l'interventionnisme croissant de l'Etat et l'indéniable publicisation qui en résulte, le sport reste profondément ancré dans le droit privé. Le contrat constitue en effet l'élément fondateur de l'activité, et son rôle apparaît au grand jour à travers la façon dont s'organise le spectacle sportif. Quelles sont les caractéristiques de l'activité contractuelle qui crée le spectacle ? Le spectacle justifie-t-il un régime contractuel spécifique ? Telles sont les deux questions essentielles auxquelles se propose de répondre la présente étude. Sont ainsi évoqués, en premier lieu, les principaux contrats constitutifs du spectacle. Entre acteurs du mouvement sportif et agents économiques extérieurs, se développe un tissu de relations fort complexe fondé sur des contrats d'engagement, de télévision, de publicité, d'intermédiaire, d'assurance, etc. . . , et régi par un ensemble de règles originales dont la source est à la fois étatique et corporatiste. .
Despite increasing State intervention and the undeniable application of public law that follows, sport remains firmly anchored in private law. Indeed, the contract is the founding element of this activity, and its role is clearly shown in the manner in which sporting events are organized. What are the characteristics of the contract-related activities which create the sporting event ? Do sporting events require specific contracting regulations ? These are the two main questions that the present study aims to answer. First, the main contracts establishing the event will be considered. A complex web of relations develops between figures in the sporting world and external financial agents based on employment, television, advertising, intermediary and insurance contracts, etc. . . Which is governed by a set of regulations of state and corporatist origin. .
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Buy, Frédéric. „L'organisation contractuelle du spectacle sportif /“. Aix-en-Provence : Presses universitaires d'Aix-Marseille, 2002.

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Barget, Éric. „Le spectacle sportif ponctuel : essai d'évaluation“. Limoges, 2001.

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Dans cette thèse, des instruments d'analyse économique des spectacles sportifs ponctuels dans leur contexte régional sont proposés. Il est établi que c'est autour de l'opposition entre valeur et impact économique que la réflexion pourra se structurer. Une première expérimentation de l'analyse couts-avantages des spectacles sportifs est proposée ainsi qu'un survey des nombreuses études d'impact économiques réalisées dans le passé. Il est envisagé de tendre vers une systématisation de ce type d'approches dans le cadre des travaux en cours sur la recherche de méthodes standard d'évaluation des politiques publiques
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Terrien, Mickaël. „Orchestration des ressources et efficience des entreprises de spectacle sportif“. Caen, 2016.

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L’objectif de cette thèse est de tendre vers le niveau méta de la stratégie en conciliant une analyse du contenu et des processus stratégiques. Pour y parvenir, le cadre théorique de l’orchestration des ressources est appliqué à un terrain de recherche transparent, les clubs de football professionnels français. La performance de ces organisations est évaluée à partir de la méthode d’enveloppement de données, permettant notamment de tenir compte du caractère multidimensionnel et idiosyncratique de leurs objectifs. Les scores d’efficience managériale pure obtenus sont par ailleurs décomposés au niveau des processus (structuration du portfolio, regroupement et mise en œuvre des ressources) afin d’ouvrir la boîte noire des organisations et de mieux localiser les origines des différentiels de performance. Les résultats indiquent notamment l’existence d’un avantage concurrentiel issu de l’imperfection du marché du travail. Il repose sur les trois micro-fondations d’un tel avantage basé sur le capital humain (attirer, garder et motiver ses salariés à un prix inférieur aux concurrents). Cette analyse du contenu permet par la suite de s’intéresser à trois problèmes stratégiques auxquels sont confrontées les entreprises de spectacle sportif : la définition de leur objectif organisationnel en fonction des opportunités et menaces survenant dans leur environnement ; les déterminants des successions managériales ; la capacité de résilience de ces organisations face à une turbulence. La volonté de tendre vers le niveau méta de la stratégie aura permis de montrer que les théories contradictoires identifiées sur ces différentes thématiques peuvent co-exister
This work aims at reaching the meta level of strategy by reconciling the division between content and process analysis. To achieve it, the theoretical framework of resource orchestration is applied to a transparent industry, French football clubs. The performance of those organizations, which is multidimensional and idiosyncratic, is assessed thanks to the method of data envelopment analysis. Moreover, pure managerial efficiency scores are decomposed into three organizational process (structuring the resource portfolio, bundling resources and leveraging capabilities) in order to look inside the black box and to better locate the origins of the differentials of performance. The results indicate, among other things, the existence of a competitive advantage based on the labor market imperfections. It lies on the three micro-foundations of such advantage (attracting, retaining and motivating employees at lower wage than its competitors). Then, this content analysis allows to deal with three strategic issues faced by French football clubs: the definition of their organizational aim according to the opportunities and threats in the environment; the determinants of managerial succession; their resilience capacity after a period of turbulence. The pursuit of the meta level of strategy allows to highlight that competing theories dealing with each strategic problems could coexist
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Vivarelli, Agathe. „Comprendre la digitalisation de l’expérience du spectacle sportif médiatisé et in situ“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris sciences et lettres, 2024.

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Cette thèse par essais explore les différentes facettes de la digitalisation de l’expérience de spectacle sportif, du point de vue des gestionnaires et des consommateurs, à la fois dans les enceintes sportives et en dehors de ces dernières. En proposant un système de délivrance de l’expérience et une cartographie du parcours du consommateur de spectacle sportif, le premier essai met en lumière pourquoi et comment les différentes parties prenantes, notamment les clubs, intègrent des technologies dans l’expérience. Le deuxième essai explore quant à lui de quelle manière les applications mobiles des clubs modifient l’expérience des consommateurs, soulignant les tensions entre connexions sociales réelles et virtuelles et les effets ambivalents de la digitalisation (création versus destruction de valeur). Enfin, le troisième essai élargit l’analyse en s’intéressant aux technologies embarquées par les joueurs (bodycams), qui modifient la médiatisation et par là-même, l’expérience du spectacle sportif : elles induisent pour le spectateur, une transition d’une forme d’incarnation vers celle d’une désincarnation vis-à-vis du sportif sur le terrain. Ensemble, ces trois essais offrent une vision large et complète de la manière dont la digitalisation modifie l’expérience du spectacle sportif, en mettant au jour les opportunités et les défis qu’elle engendre
This thesis, structured as a series of essays, explores the various facets of the digitalization of the sports spectacle experience from the perspectives of both managers and consumers, both within and outside sports venues. The first essay introduces an experience delivery system and a mapping of the sports spectacle consumer journey, highlighting why and how different stakeholders, particularly clubs, integrate technologies into the experience. The second essay examines how club mobile applications transform consumer experiences, emphasizing the tensions between real and virtual social connections, as well as the ambivalent effects of digitalization (value creation versus value destruction). Finally, the third essay expands the analysis by focusing on player-embedded technologies (such as bodycams), which alter media coverage and, consequently, the sports spectacle experience itself. These technologies lead spectators through a transition from a form of embodiment to a sense of disembodiment in relation to the athlete on the field. Together, these three essays offer a broad and comprehensive view of how digitalization is reshaping the sports spectacle experience, revealing both the opportunities and challenges it creates
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Panhuys, Bertrand. „Spectacle sportif, droits de retransmission et équilibre compétitif : le choix d'un modèle d'organisation : l'exemple du basket professionnel“. Limoges, 2008.

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L'arrivée des médias dans l'univers sportif a modifié les mécanismes de marchés et les habitudes de consommation. En transformant les outils de production et en créant de nouveaux débouchés (multiplication des chaînes câblées ou numériques), les grands groupes de communication ont fait du sport un produit plus télégénique et un vecteur de communication qui attire de nombreux partenaires financiers. Mais, cette évolution a également entraîné une modification des relations entre médias et instances sportives, rendues plus complexes en raison notamment de la multiplication des événements sportifs et de l'explosion du montants des droits de retransmission. Face au pouvoir de ces intervenants qui cherchent à maîtriser complètement le processus de production allant de l'origine jusqu'au produit final, la gouvernance du sport est mise en péril, de même que l'équilibre compétitif que les organisations tentent de préserver. Ainsi, il apparaît nécessaire de redimensionner le (s) modèle (s) d'organisation pour continuer à garantir les principes d'équité et d'incertitude propres au sport. Le basket qui a l'image d' un sport jeune et dynamique constitue une bonne ilustration de cette problématique et permet de confronter plusieurs systèmes
The arrival of the media in sports activity has modified market mechanisms and consumer habits. By transforming production means and creating new outlets (increase in cable and digital TV network), mass media firms have changed sport into a TV product and a vector of communication which attracts many more financial partners. This evolution has led to a change in the relationship between the media and the sports organizations, becoming more complex because of the increase in sport events and increases coasts of broadcasing rights. Faced with the power of these new actors who want to manage the whole supply chain, from the product's creation to its distribution, sport as a whole is in danger, as is the competitive sport balance that the organizations try to preserve. It is thus necessary to consider new management models to guarantee the principles of equity and uncertainty unique to sport. Basketball, which has a modern and dynamic image, is a good imustration of this kind of problem and a way to show the differences between several production systems of sports entertainment
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Scelles, Nicolas. „L'incertitude du résultat, facteur clé de succès du spectacle sportif professionnel : l'intensité compétitive des ligues : entre impacts mesurés et effets perçus“. Caen, 2009.

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La littérature économique sur le sport professionnel établit un lien fort entre l’incertitude du résultat et la demande du public (Andreff, 2008 ; Neale, 1964 ; Rottenberg, 1956). Ceci correspond au concept d’équilibre compétitif. Dans la continuité des travaux antérieurs, cette thèse part du constat suivant : sous un ensemble de règles sportives, il doit être envisageable d’optimiser le caractère spectaculaire des compétitions et donc la demande du public en favorisant l’incertitude du résultat, les rebondissements et l’existence d’enjeux. Ces trois éléments déterminent le concept d’intensité compétitive (IC). La problématique consiste à s’interroger sur les règles permettant d’optimiser l’IC des ligues sportives professionnelles et la faisabilité de leur mise en place compte tenu de leur perception par les responsables de ligues et clubs. Les résultats quantitatifs mettent en évidence la perspicacité de règles spécifiques : à l’échelle intra-match, les systèmes de bonus induisent une plus forte incertitude du résultat ; à l’échelle intra-championnat, l’existence d’un plus grand nombre de places à enjeux (playoffs, places qualificatives pour les compétitions continentales, relégations) permet de concerner plus d’équipes en saison régulière. Néanmoins, les entretiens auprès de responsables font ressortir des freins perçus quant à l’introduction de ces règles (illisibilité des systèmes de bonus, qualification d’un trop grand nombre d’équipes en playoffs remettant en cause le mérite sportif, voire la tenue de la saison régulière, risque économique lié aux relégations). Dès lors, l’optimisation de l’IC doit intégrer ces contraintes
The economic literature on professional sport establishes a strong link between uncertainty of outcome and public demand (Andreff, 2008; Neale, 1964; Rottenberg, 1956). It corresponds to competitive balance concept. In the continuity of previous studies, this thesis starts from the following statement: under a set of sports rules, it must be envisageable to optimize the spectacular character of competitions and so public demand in favorising uncertainty of outcome, reversals and the existence of stakes. These three elements determine competitive intensity (CI) concept. The problem consists in wondering about rules which allow optimizing CI of professional sports leagues and the feasibility of their setting up considering leagues and clubs officials perception. Quantitative results reveal the clear-sightedness of specific rules: at the intra-match state, bonus systems lead to a stronger outcome uncertainty; at the intra-championship state, the existence of a greater number of ranks with stakes (playoffs, qualifying ranks for continental competitions, relegations) allow concerning more teams in regular season. Nevertheless officials’ interviews make perceived brakes about the introduction of these rules (illegibility of bonus systems, qualification of a too great number of teams in playoffs questioning the sports merit or even the posture of the regular season, economic risk related to relegations). Consequently CI optimization must integrate these constraints
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Bouniol, Romain. „Droit de la concurrence et spectacle sportif : contribution à l'étude des relations entre les réglementations sportives et les règles de concurrence“. Perpignan, 2013.

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Le spectacle sportif est une activité économique au sens du droit européen. Même s’il repose sur ses propres règles de droit, il est donc soumis au droit de la concurrence. Les relations entre les réglementations sportives et les règles de concurrence ne sont pas antinomiques. Elles prennent en considération la particularité du secteur d’activité du sport sans toutefois conduire a une exemption totale du droit commun. Les comportements des acteurs du spectacle sportif doivent nécessairement être compatibles avec les règles de concurrence. Pourtant, toutes les normes sportives ne sont pas assujetties au droit de la concurrence. A la fois activité physique et économique, le spectacle sportif pressente une certaine singularité. Les relations entre les réglementations sportives et les règles de concurrence révèlent l’existence de règles exclusives au mouvement sportif : les règles purement sportives. Elles sont insaisissables par le droit de la concurrence car elles représentent la spécificité juridique du spectacle sportif
The sport show is an economic activity for the European law. Even if it rests on its own legal rules, it is thus submitted to the competition law. The relations between the sport rules and the competition rules are not paradoxical. They consider the peculiarity of the sport without bring however to a total exemption of the common law. The behavior of the actors of the sport show must inevitably be compatible with the competition law. At the same time physical and economic activity, the sport show presents a certain peculiarity. The relations between the sport rules and the competition rules reveal the existence of exclusive rules in the sport movement: the purely sport rules. They are imperceptible by the competition law because they represent the legal specificity of the sport show
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Charlot, Vincent. „Les spectacles sportifs professionnels et leurs public : l'exemple de la "configuration" paloise : L'élan béarnais Pau-Orthez (Basket-ball masculin, la section paloise Rugby (Rugby à XV) et le Tarbes Gespe Bigorre (Basket-ball féminin)“. Toulouse 3, 2006.

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L’espace géographique regroupant les villes de Pau (France – Dpt 64) et Tarbes (France – Dpt 65), distantes d’une trentaine de kilomètres, abrite trois clubs sportifs professionnels évoluant au plus haut niveau de pratique : l’Elan Béarnais Pau-Orthez (basket-ball masculin), la Section Paloise (rugby à XV) et le Tarbes Gespe Bigorre (basket-ball féminin). Les trajectoires historiques des deux disciplines et la place qu’elles occupent dans les espaces des sports régionaux, nationaux et internationaux construisent des rapports fondamentalement différent à l’égard du processus d’internationalisation et de professionnalisation du spectacle sportif. L’analyse comparative des publics mais également du mode de fonctionnement interne de ces trois clubs permet d’appréhender la dynamique locale ou régionale en matière de spectacles sportifs professionnels
Three top level professional sports teams are to be found in Pau (France) and Tarbes (France), cities only separated from thirty kilometers: the Elan Béarnais (male basketball), the Tarbes Gespe Bigorre (female basketball) and the Section Paloise (15-a-side rugby). Their respective historical paths and the place they occupy in all regional, national and international sports have led to the building of totally different relationships with the process of internationalizing and professionalizing spectator sport. Through both a comparison of the fans and the internal working of each club, one can apprehend the consequences of the globalization of spectator sport on local and regional dynamics
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Bolz, Daphné. „Pratique et spectacle sportifs en Italie fasciste et en Allemagne nazie : étude à partir des équipements sportifs“. Strasbourg 2, 2005.

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Ce travail a pour objectif de comparer les politiques de construction d'équipements sportifs en Italie fasciste et en Allemagne nazie afin d'encadrer les masses par le sport et de mettre en scène la supériorité de leur doctrine. La première partie du travail présente le contexte sportif et historique dont héritent le fascisme italien et le national-socialisme. La manière dont les régimes fasciste et nazi ont tenté d'encadrer, d'un point de vue idéologique, la pratique sportive populaire est traitée dans la deuxième partie. De nombreux équipements sportifs ont été construits pour encourager la pratique sportive des populations ; nous en avons étudié la mise en œuvre et l'efficacité. La troisième partie vise à mettre en évidence l'utilisation du spectacle sportif dans le but de mobilisation des masses. Dans les années 1930, l'organisation de la Coupe du monde de football en Italie en 1934 et des Jeux olympiques de Berlin en 1936, ainsi que l'adaptation des constructions d'équipements sportifs au spectacle, témoignent de cette tendance. Finalement, l'architecture même des équipements sportifs est étudiée dans la quatrième et dernière partie. En effet, sous les régimes étudiés, l'architecture possède une haute valeur symbolique. Par l'étude de l'architecture sportive, cette partie met en évidence comment le sport et l'art se sont complétés pour créer une atmosphère particulièrement chargée en symboles. Les sources sur lesquelles repose cette recherche sont essentiellement des archives nationales italiennes et allemandes, des archives communales italiennes, et les archives du Comité International Olympiques
This work aims to compare the policies concerning the construction of sports facilities in fascist Italy and Nazi Germany in order to train and supervise the masses through sport an to show the superiority of their doctrine. The first part of the work presents the sporting and historical context inherited by Italian fascism and National Socialism. The way the fascist and the Nazi regimes tried to supervise the popular practising of sport from an ideological point of view is treated in the second part. Many sports facilities were built to encourage the population to practise sport. The implementation and effectiveness of this policy will be covered in this second part. The third part aims to make clear the use of sport as a spectacle in order to mobilise the masses. In the thirties, the organisation of the football World Cup in Italy in 1934 and of the Olympic Games in Berlin in 1936, as well as the adaptation of sports facilities for the purpose of spectacles reveal this trend. Lastly, the architecture of sports facilities is examine in the fourth and last part. Indeed, for those regimes, architecture had a high symbolic value. Through the study of sports architecture, this part shows how sport an art complement one another in order to create an atmosphere, which is particularly symbolic. The sources for this research were mainly the Italian and German national archives, Italian communal archives an the archives of the International Olympic Committee
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Grause, Mackenzie M. „The Identity and Spectacle of Sport as a Modern Piazza“. University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2018.

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Fagan, Kara Elizabeth. „The spectacle of female athleticism in classic Hollywood, 1935-1955“. Diss., University of Iowa, 2016.

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Focusing on classic Hollywood, I contend that overly narrow concepts of both “sport” and “sport(s) film” have contributed to the scholarly neglect of key texts and characters from this period. Just as a wider analysis of the history of women’s athletic participation has expanded definitions of “sport,” scholars need to consider examples that complicate conventional understandings of sport films. This dissertation focuses on the female athletic performances during the studio era that -- precisely because they deviate from traditional conceptions of sport -- open up space for a range of meanings and identities around issues of gender and sexuality. I look specifically at Olympic skater Sonja Henie’s nine skating musicals with 20th Century-Fox, Esther Williams’s sixteen MGM swimming vehicles, and the 1944 filmic adaptation of Enid Bagnold’s novel National Velvet starring Elizabeth Taylor. This project is in conversation with longstanding debates, particularly in film studies, about the fraught visibility granted to women’s bodies on screen, issues of embodiment and disembodiment, and questions about identification and alienation of real and imagined spectators. The physicality of these studio era protagonists raises issues about the materiality of bodies and embodied subjectivity, even when a corporeal realism that focuses closely on bodily exertion, and the potential consequences of intense physical activity including pain and injury, is denied. This project, then, identifies the specific threats -- as stars and characters – that these women’s active bodies posed and describes how the studios defused and obscured their corporeal and ideological transgressive potential. And yet, in acknowledging and analyzing how and why these studio era female stars are “not there as themselves,” and in foregrounding the consistent disavowal of female strength and athleticism, I suggest that there are critical moments where that power is dramatically and corporeally present, and aesthetically critical.
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Ben, Hamida Chiheb. „Sport et spectacle : étude comparative des spectateurs de football, de tennis et de golf“. Paris 5, 1993.

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Phillips, Pete. „Sports commentary and the performance event : how neoliberal ideology reframes spectacles of participation“. Thesis, University of Chichester, 2017.

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The thesis uses performance to elucidate the politics of sports commentary. In contrast to Williams' assertion that TV sports maintain a strong sense of their independence despite control and commodification by government or commerce (1989) and Kennedy's suggestion that the significance of sport is not tied to ideology (2001), the thesis argues that sports commentary, however implicitly, asserts neoliberal authority within sporting broadcasts. This written thesis and the Practice as Research articulates and critically contextualises the performance of sports commentary resulting in the production of a postdramatic theatre performance referred to as PhD Practice (2016), DVD documentation of the live event, a script and critical writing. Focusing on the commentary of the charity fun-runner in the Big City Marathon (BCM) the thesis uses Fischer-Lichte's notion of performance as event (2008) as a framework to examine how sports commentary changes the way an event is received and subsequently perceived. Through the creation of a performance event that renders the strategies of the sports commentator (Whannel, 1992) as an event of text (Turner, 2009), the research articulates a gap between the event and how that event is framed, reframed and enframed (Žižek, 2014) by the commentary. The thesis subsequently argues that the position taken by the commentator complicates Fischer-Lichte's autopoietic feedback loop (2008), enacting a degree of sovereignty (Agamben, 1995) over the event, contradicting the way in which the feedback loop purports to neutralise the sovereign position of the performer in postdramatic theatre (Lehmann, 2006). This partially sovereign position maintained by the commentator manipulates the audience into a pattern of consent that mirrors the enactment of neoliberal authority (Harvey, 2005). The commentator is thus able to reframe mass participation in the BCM, so that fun-runners and spectators are made to perform as neoliberal subjects, contextualised by capitalist charity (Livingstone, 2013), complicit with neoliberal ideology. This approach represents significant developments in two distinct areas. Firstly, considering sports commentary as an event of text (Turner, 2009) represents a distinctive contribution to the study of event based performance and provides a position from which to articulate a practical and political critique of the autopoietic feedback loop (Fischer-Lichte, 2008). Secondly, the use of performance to examine sports commentary, as an example of commentary as a broad cultural phenomenon, contributes to discourse around the performance of ideology.
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Evans, Claire Anne. „The media representation of Formula One as 'spectacle' : constructing sport as a live mediatised event“. Thesis, Cardiff University, 2013.

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Using data from the 2008 Formula One motor racing World Championship, this thesis theorises live, televised sports events as discursively constructed "spectacles". The two key aims of the study are; (1) to contribute to our understanding of the organising principles and broadcast values in televisual representations of sports; and (2) to demonstrate how "spectacle‟ is created as a textual accomplishment. Data includes verbal commentaries, interviews, video footage, and onscreen graphics. The analysis is primarily informed by the notion of the „activity types‟ concept (Levinson, 1979), "recontextualisation‟ (Linell, 1998), and follows broadly the principles of grounded theory (Strauss and Corbin, 1998) and multimodal discourse analysis (Kress and van Leeuwen, 2006; Machin, 2007). The broadcasts are shown to be constructed as a sports-magazine that consists of a variety of mediatised activities and the study examines the mediatised event in relation to the organising principles of these activities. The study also explores three intrinsic elements found in live televised broadcasts, namely "liveness‟, "domain‟ and "bimodality‟. These refer to the interplay between the „live‟ and "non-live‟ segments of the coverage; shifts across the "physical‟ and "mediatised‟ domains; and the relationship between the "visual‟ and "verbal‟ tracks respectively. Overall the thesis demonstrates how the sports-magazine format allows the programmes to introduce thematic diversity, while retaining coherence. Furthermore, the centrality of liveness is found to be problematic in the broadcasts due to live motor sport‟s potential to turn into tragedy, should a life-threatening or fatal crash occur. However, the analysis reveals that the broadcasters manage moments of great tension by foregrounding the notion of "safe-danger‟ throughout the programmes, and when an accident does take place; they use a number of reporting strategies to compensate for the lack of information during the live event.
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Pappa, Evdokia. „Sports spectacle, media and doping : the representations of Olympic drug cases in Athens 2004 and Beijing 2008“. Thesis, Brunel University, 2013.

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This thesis explores the depiction of doping in the press. My interest in the topic stemmed from an early personal experience in competitive athletics where I was exposed to an in-sports reality that tolerated the use of performance-enhancing substances. However, references to doping in the media appeared to depict it in a different way. In order to investigate the divergence, the thesis analysed the reporting of two Olympic Games, namely Athens 2004 and Beijing 2008. It focused on empirical data and thus all articles that referenced doping were collected one month prior, during and one month after the two Olympic Games. In total 1274 articles were collected and analysed. Adopting a post-structuralist approach, the discourse analysis of the data leads to the identification of journalistic techniques that constructed discursive statements of doping. It was observed that first of all, in the case of highly publicised drug cases, these statements could be understood as constructing a moral panic episode. Secondly, the same discursive statements were circulated in the press even in the absence of positive doping samples. The thesis draws on the theories of moral regulation and governmentality to make sense of the constant presence of doping discursive statements in the press. It argues that inducting doping into sport spectacle makes its depiction seem apolitical and disconnected from society. However, in-depth theorisation of the phenomenon shows that its mediated construction plays an active role in influencing public policy.
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Moronell, Catherine. „Building the spectacle : breaking the wall : project for a civic sports precinct at Trafalgar Park, Cape Town“. Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2014.

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This design dissertation follows a narrative process of research and design speculation. The report defines the subject of the project and is the first part of the dissertation. The subject can be divided into the two major themes of: historically defensive territory and voyeurism or peoples' desire for publicness. The project is initiated through this pairing of seemingly antithetical themes. The second part and final outcome is a building proposal. Its function has been formed through my engagement with themes. The resultant programme is a civic sports precinct at Trafalgar Park and Baths in Woodstock, Cape Town. I chose this site for it concealed a hidden narrative in the city. The ruin of an 18th century Dutch defence system in the park was a catalyst for the investigation. Creating a civic recreational space in this guarded public territory (both historically and at present) became the object of my project. The narrative of keeping-out emerges as a socio-historical reading of the site. The possibility of seeing-in between sites of activity and how this informs publicness became the first spatial informant for the design project for public space.
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Emmanuel, Nathalie. „Le festival et le droit : essai sur la nature juridique d'un nouveau bien“. Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2011.

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Le festival n'est pas une activité a-juridique. Cette activité événementielle attractive est encadrée par les pouvoirs publics tant par des mesures de police administrative que dans son occupation du domaine public. Cet événement présentant incontestablement des atouts pour la politique touristique et culturelle d'un territoire est devenu une véritable institution cofinancée par les pouvoirs publics. Oscillant entre mission de service public et simple activité de prestation de services, la question de l'intérêt public local de cette activité est au cœur d'un contentieux émergent devant le juge administratif. Dans le même temps, la valeur du festival tend à se privatiser. L'introduction du mécénat, le recours à certains droits de propriété intellectuelle pour protéger cette valeur (droit des marques pour l'appellation et le droit d'auteur pour la programmation) et le travail des groupes de pression pour obtenir un nouveau droit voisin en faveur des organisateurs de spectacles sont autant d'indices qui illustrent ce mouvement de privatisation. De plus, la tentation d'appropriation des concepts festivaliers incite à proposer une qualification juridique globale pour laquelle la notion de fonds de commerce s'avère adaptée. Enfin, l'application de contrats de franchise ou de partenariat aux festivals constitue des instruments juridiques utiles pour permettre leurs duplications.
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Boutelier, Cécile. „Décider la programmation des espaces sportifs : la question des outils d’aide à la décision : entre logiques d’acteurs, demandes sociales et obsolescence du patrimoine : l’exemple de la Ville de Rennes“. Thesis, Rennes 2, 2013.

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La gestion des équipements sportifs est un des piliers de la politique sportive élaborée par les élus, et ce, quelque soit la commune. La programmation, la réalisation et l’entretien d’infrastructures sportives permettent à une Direction des sports de réaliser diverses missions dans le domaine de l’éducation, l’animation sportive et le soutien aux associations dans l’organisation de manifestations sportives. Toutefois, ces initiatives publiques sont confrontées à un triptyque complexe : l’obsolescence du patrimoine sportif, l’identification des demandes sociales et les stratégies individuelles et collectives des acteurs du monde sportif.Ce champ d’étude soulève plusieurs questions : Comment concevoir une offre d’espaces sportifs pour une ville comme Rennes ? Quelles sont les logiques d’implantation du patrimoine sportif ? Quels sont les indicateurs inhérents aux pratiques sportives qu’un service des sports d’une collectivité locale doit intégrer pour concevoir une politique d'animation, de construction et de rénovation d'équipements sportifs ? L’approche sociohistorique permet d’appréhender l’articulation entre contexte local et national ainsi que les logiques de réseaux dans la prise de décision en matière de programmationd’équipements. Celle-ci s’appuie sur une étude de la construction des équipements sportifs à Rennes de la fin du 18ème siècle à nos jours. De plus, l’enquête auprès des acteurs du sport et des pratiquants à Rennes, ainsi qu’une étude comparative des méthodologies de programmation des équipements dans neuf villes de France, apportent des éléments de réponse et dessinent les perspectives en matière d’aide à la décision dans la programmation des espaces sportifs
Management of sports facilities is one of the pillars of sports policy developed by elected officials, whatever the town. Planning, implementing and maintaining sports facilities allow a Sports Departments to carry out various tasks in the field of education, sports activities and supporting associations in the organization of sport events. However these public initiatives are facing a complex triptych: the obsolescence of sporting equipment, identifying the social demand and the individual and collective strategies of the players in the sports world. This study raises several questions: How to design the right offer of sport facilities for a city like Rennes? What should be the logic behind picking location of sport equipment? What indicators are inherent to sports that sports department of a local authority must track to develop a policy for utilization, construction and renovation of sports facilities? The sociohistorical approach allows understanding the relationship between local and national context and the logic of the networks of decision making for equipment planning. It is based on a study of the construction of sports facilities in Rennes from the late 18th century to today. In addition a survey of sport stakeholders and practitioners in Rennes, and a comparative study of programming methodologies facilities in nine cities of France, provide some answers to improve decision making in regards to planning sport facilities
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Oh, Miyoung. „Sport spectacle, globalisation and nation : a case study of South Korean women's narratives of the 2004 Olympic Games and the 2006 FIFA World Cup“. Thesis, University of Roehampton, 2007.

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This research interrogates South Korean women’s gender, ethnic and national identity construction revealed through sport spectacle. Two phases of the interviews were conducted for the research: focus group interviews during the 2004 Athens Olympics and individual interviews between March and April 2005, the period of the final qualifying stage for the 2006 FIFA World Cup. Newspaper extracts on the Olympics and the football matches were presented in the interviews. The analysis of the women’s identity construction was contextualized in relation to South Korea’s socio-cultural, historical and political networks. Globalisation provides the overall framework for the research. Globalisation has dramatically transformed the way people construct their relations to themselves, others and their nation. The research explored how the interviewed women produced and reproduced the meanings and values of the sport events and sport games in search for a sense of security and certainty in the ever-shifting global context. Their struggles to ‘live’ in the new social milieu, a process of reterritorialisation, were also analysed. Moreover, the women’s relationships with North Korea were examined based on the concepts of the ethnic identity and also of the nation as a historical community with shared culture, tradition and history. Although infamously labeled internationally as part of the ‘axis of evil’, North Korea provided a source of ambiguous identity to the interviewees. The women’s perceptions of Japan, South Korea’s old enemy, were also investigated around the themes of postcolonial identities. In addition, the research demonstrated the women’s gendered perceptions of sportswomen and sportsmen and an idea of nationhood represented by them.
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Genty, Matthieu. „Essai d'analyse systémique sur la comparaison interculturelle des spectacles sportifs : le football à Paris et le baseball à New York“. Paris 5, 2008.

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Du point de vue de la mise en spectacle du sport, l'Amérique du nord et l'Europe se distinguent par des pratiques apparemment hermétiques les unes aux autres. Entre permanences et différences, l'étude des exemples du football à Paris et du baseball à New York permet de mieux cerner l'influence des différents aspects du sport et de la culture qui entrent en ligne de compte dans la définition des « façonSd'être au spectacle » : poids des préférences ethnomotrices, influence de l'histoire, rôle de la culture globale, règles constitutives de la mise en spectacle, structure des systèmes sportifs nationaux, économie et droit du sport, modalités de compétition et d'organisation des ligues ou « mythologies » plus ou moins maléables montrent que le succès de chaque championnat professionnel repose sur la diffusion et la reproduction d'une culture spécifique. Le sport comme spectacle s'impose ainsi en dernière instance comme une « matière molle » qui s'adapte aux cultures locales
From the point of vue of sport events shows, North America and Europe are characterized by a seemingly sealed practices to each other. Between permanences and differences, the study of the examples of football in Paris and baseball in New York provides a better understanding of the different aspects of sport and culture that are taken into account in the definition of « the way to be part of the show » : weight of ethnomotorskills, influence of history, role of global culture, rules on how to set the show, structure of national sports systems, economics and sports laws, terms of competition and organization of leagues, or more or less deritives « mythologies » show that the success every professional league is based on the dissemination and replication of a specific culture. Sport as a show appears in the final instance as a « soft matter » which adapts to local cultures
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Delorme, Nicolas. „Stratégie fédérale et développement d'un sport spectacle : l'exemple du hockey sur glace en France : socio-histoire d'un échec ?“ Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2011.

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Cette thèse s'intéresse - au niveau national - aux transformations du hockey sur glace sur une période allant de 1986 (date de l'obtention des Jeux Olympiques d'Hiver de 1992 à la France) à 2006 (date de la scission entre le hockey sur glace et la FFSG). Il s'agit d'un travail socio-historique qui portera son attention sur les structures fédérales (et leurs transformations) et sur l'évolution de la politique de la Commission Sportive Nationale de Hockey sur Glace (CNHG), notamment en ce qui concerne la mise en spectacle et la professionnalisation de ce sport au cours de la période que nous avons définie précédemment. Nous nous intéresseront également aux clubs évoluant (ou ayant évolué) en première division. L'analyse, outre la stratégie globale, doit comprendre les jeux d'acteurs au sein de l'espace fédéral (CNHG et FFSG) et leurs rapports de force, les soubassements idéologique de l'action dans le cadre fédéral, mais aussi tenir compte du contexte sportif national avec le développement du sport-spectacle et du " star système " au cours des années 1980. Il s'agira également d'analyser la structuration du hockey sur glace sous forme professionnelle (e.g., ligue professionnelle, statut des clubs, syndicats (joueurs, clubs, arbitres), contrôle de gestion, etc.) et son positionnement à l'international avec les conséquences des différentes législations européennes (e.g., arrêt Bosman (1995), arrêt Malaja (2002)).
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Goudreau, Éric. „Entre quatre câbles la mise en scène du spectacle de lutte professionnelle au Québec, des années 1950 aux années 1970“. Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2012.

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Bien qu'aujourd'hui, l'intérêt populaire pour la lutte professionnelle au Québec se soit essoufflé, il est indéniable que cet univers, avec sa conception unique de l'idée de"sport-spectacle", nous a laissé son empreinte dans l'univers sportif et culturel québécois. En effet, des années 1950 à 1980, la lutte au Québec connaîtra une explosion de popularité grâce à la diffusion des combats à la télévision où il y a, à son apogée en 1957-1958, près de 1 500 000 spectateurs rivés hebdomadairement devant leur téléviseur pour assister aux tribulations de certaines personnalités qui marquent encore aujourd'hui l'imaginaire collectif tels : le"lion" Yvon Robert, le magnifique Édouard Carpentier ou le terrible et détestable Maurice"Mad Dog" Vachon. Face à la popularité de la lutte professionnelle au Québec, il serait important d'analyser comment la mise en scène du spectacle s'effectue et permet une participation émotive de ses spectateurs, afin de mieux comprendre l'héritage culturel que nous a laissé la lutte québécoise des années 1950 aux années 1970. Quelles sont les représentations de la lutte pour le public et pour le lutteur professionnel ? Qui va participer au spectacle [i.e. aux spectacles] de lutte ? De fait, c'est par le biais du rituel, en lien avec une « mythologisation » du spectacle, de l'accentuation du sentiment d'appartenance communautaire et de la création de symboles identitaires (personnalités « phares », les héros) que se construisent et se véhiculent différents symboles et valeurs concernant : la justice (l'idée que le gentil lutteur doit suivre les règles et la notion de vengeance), la douleur (du déni de celle-ci à sa surreprésentation) et la masculinité (discours sur ce que doit être un vrai homme et présentation de symboles machistes).
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Poulter, Gillian. „Becoming native in a foreign land, visual culture, sport, and spectacle in the construction of national identity in Montreal, 1840-1885“. Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2000.

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Boris, Latinović. „Sport kao svetovna religija i ritualni obrazac ponašanja“. Phd thesis, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Asocijacija centara za interdisciplinarne i multidisciplinarne studije i istraživanja, 2016.

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Природа спорта као драме, условљена је улогом коју спорт има у друштву. Спортски спектакл је савремена паганистичка свечаност којом се владајућим односима и вриједностима даје судбинска димензија. Спорт је ритуално исказивање покорности духу који влада свијетом и у том смислу највиша религиозна церемонија која има литургијски карактер.Спорт и рeлигиja нa први пoглeд дjeлуjу кao двиje пoтпунo нeпoвeзивe ствaри, a кoликo су зaпрaвo слични дoкaзуjу сaкрaлни oбjeкти нa многобројним излoжбама, кojе пaрaлeлнo прикaзуjу вjeрскe икoнe и култнe прeдмeтe из свијета спорта.
Priroda sporta kao drame, uslovljena je ulogom koju sport ima u društvu. Sportski spektakl je savremena paganistička svečanost kojom se vladajućim odnosima i vrijednostima daje sudbinska dimenzija. Sport je ritualno iskazivanje pokornosti duhu koji vlada svijetom i u tom smislu najviša religiozna ceremonija koja ima liturgijski karakter.Sport i religija na prvi pogled djeluju kao dvije potpuno nepovezive stvari, a koliko su zapravo slični dokazuju sakralni objekti na mnogobrojnim izložbama, koje paralelno prikazuju vjerske ikone i kultne predmete iz svijeta sporta.
The nature of the sport as drama, is conditioned by the role that sport plays in society. Sporting spectacle contemporary pagan ceremony laying the governing relations and values gives fatal dimensions. Sport is a ritual expression of obedience to the spirit that rules the world and in this sense, the highest religious ceremony that has a liturgical character.Sport and religion at first sight look like two totally unrelated things, and how they actually prove similar religious buildings in many exhibitions that also depict religious icons and cult objects from the world of sport.
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SANTOS, Francisco Xavier Dos. „Ethos dos dirigentes e a figuração do futebol de espetáculo: O caso do sport club do Recife“. Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 2015.

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Submitted by Irene Nascimento ( on 2016-10-19T17:38:35Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) TESE FRANCISCO - VERSÃO IMPRESSÃO 18 03 2016.pdf: 2526387 bytes, checksum: 998f5b09ca71f0968547a649a795c5de (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-19T17:38:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) TESE FRANCISCO - VERSÃO IMPRESSÃO 18 03 2016.pdf: 2526387 bytes, checksum: 998f5b09ca71f0968547a649a795c5de (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-11-23
Este trabalho aborda o futebol-espetáculo e a figura dos dirigentes do Sport Club do Recife, clube esse localizado na cidade de mesmo nome. Trata-se de uma tese na área da sociologia, que analisa a relação entre o futebol-espetáculo e o dirigente de clube; mais especificamente, o processo de constituição do ethos dos dirigentes profissionais desse clube. Nosso interesse é explicitar como se dá no contexto do futebol-espetáculo a constituição do ethos do dirigente do Sport, no sentido de revelar a complexa dimensão que envolve esse processo da vida dos mandatários de clube do futebol profissional; e também mostrar a perspectiva complexa desse processo constitutivo do ethos no âmbito local. Buscou-se investigar como se constitui o ethos dos dirigentes do Sport Club do Recife na figuração do futebol espetáculo e quais consequências resultam desse ethos na administração do clube. De modo mais específico, primeiramente levantou informações sobre os dirigentes e o cenário do clube; em seguida, as caracterizou e avaliou; depois apontou um modo de constituição do ethos e, por fim, analisou-a na perspectiva das consequências resultantes da maneira como acontece nesse clube de futebol de Recife. O estudo se desenvolveu mediante coleta de informações obtidas por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas, gravadas em um smartphone, pesquisa documental e anotações registradas em nosso “caderno de campo”, com base nas observações realizadas em nosso convívio dentro do clube. A pesquisa abrangeu, em sua totalidade, o universo dos funcionários administrativos e dirigentes, todos envolvidos com o clube de futebol profissional. Conclui-se que a constituição do ethos entre os dirigentes do Sport Club do Recife é um aspecto que não revela formas puras. Seu processo no clube investigado, tanto numa gestão quanto noutra é, por assim dizer, de natureza híbrida.
This research addresses the soccer spectacle and the figure of the leaders of the Sport Club do Recife, this club is located in the city of the same name. It is a thesis in the field of sociology, which analyses the relationship between soccer spectacle and his club directors; More specifically, the ethos of the maintenance process of the professional directors of this club. Our interest is to explain how is the soccer spectacle context of the constitution of the head of Sport ethos, to reveal the complex dimension involved in this process of life of the professional soccer club directors; and also show the complex perspective of this constitutional ethos of the process at the local level. We sought to investigate how is the ethos of the directors of the Sport Club do Recife in the figuration of soccer and show which consequences result from this ethos in the administration of the club. More specifically, first raised about the directors and the club scene; then the characterized and evaluated; then pointed an ethos constitution mode and, finally, analyzed from the perspective of the consequences resulting from the way happens in Sport soccer club. The study was developed by gathering information obtained through semi-structured interviews, recorded on a smartphone, desk research and recorded notes in our "field notebook", based on observations in our midst within the club. The research covered in its entirety, the universe of administrative staff and directors, all involved with professional soccer club. It is concluded that the formation of ethos between the directors of the Sport Club do Recife is an aspect that does not reveal pure forms. His process in the investigated club, both in management as another is, so to speak, of a hybrid nature.
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Megne, M'ella Ghislain Desire. „L'organisation sociale du sport au GABON, de l'indépendance à nos jours (1960-2012). Analyse socio-historique des facteurs de facilitations et des contraintes. Perspectives comparatives : Caméroun-Sénégal“. Thesis, Bordeaux, 2014.

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L’ambition qui préside ce mémoire de thèse est aussi originale que passionnante :analyser le rôle de l’organisation sociale du sport gabonais dans un contexte de pays en voiede développement, mode d’expression pour les populations autochtones en période decolonisation, puis élément d’intégration dans le concert des nations après les indépendances.Cette recherche vise comme objectif général la compréhension des organisations sportives auGabon. Précisément, il s’agit de comprendre l’impact et le rayonnement des fédérationssportives depuis son accès à l’indépendance (1960) à la période actuelle (2012). Toutefois, ledétour dans le passé nous révèle que les fédérations sportives sont cloisonnées bien sûr dansle rapport culture traditionnelle et culture moderne. Dès lors, on assiste à un déphasage avecles besoins économiques et socio-culturels de l'heure. Au cours de ce voyage dans le temps,cette thèse s’inscrit dans une optique pluridisciplinaire et comparative axée sur les méthodesde la sociologie du sport. Elle s’attache à décrypter les conditions historiques, sociales,politiques, économiques, institutionnelles et les logiques d’acteurs en présence pourcomprendre les conséquences qui en résultent et qui témoignent d’une organisation singulièredans un espace francophone, (Gabon, Cameroun, Sénégal). De fait, elle informe sur lespolitiques sportives. Qui organisent ? Comment ? Et dans l’intérêt de qui ? Tels sont lesenjeux principaux, dont la problématique d’ensemble est de se demander : pourquoil’organisation du sport gabonais privilégie-t-elle le modèle importé? Plus précisément,Comment la transposition du modèle français influence-t-elle les politiques sportives auGabon et interagit-t-elle avec les particularismes locaux? Loin d’être une spécificitégabonaise, le legs colonial reste une propriété consubstantielle aux jeunes Etats africains
The ambition that leads this thesis is as original as fascinating: analyzing the roleof the social organization of the Gabonese sport in the context of a developing country, themode of expression of the local people in the colonial period, and the element of integrationin the concert of nations after the independences. This research, in general, seeks tocomprehend sport organizations in Gabon. It is all about understanding the implication andthe impact of sport federations in Gabon from its independence (1960) to now. A trip in thepast reveals us that sport federations are separated from the traditional culture and modernculture. Therefore, we can see why they are out of touch with the current economic and socioculturalneeds of the moment. As we travel back in time, the purpose of this thesis ismultidisciplinary and comparative, based on the methods of the sociology of sport. It seeks todecrypt historical, social, political, economic and institutional conditions; and the logic of thepresent actors, so to understand the consequences that follow, and are testimonies of a uniqueorganization a francophone area (Gabon, Cameroon, and Senegal). This thesis informs aboutthe sport policies. Who organizes? How? In whose interest? These principal questions lead usto the overall problematic: Why sport organizations in Gabon favor more imported models oforganization. In more detail, how the transposition of the French model influences sportpolicies in Gabon; and how does it interact with the local particularities. Far from being aGabonese specificity solely, the colonial input remains a substantial propriety in youngAfrican states
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Dantas, Junior Hamilcar Silveira. „Da “escolarização do esporte” à “esportivização da escola”: tradição e espetáculo nos Jogos da Primavera de Sergipe 1964-1995)“. reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFBA, 2008.

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Approved for entry into archive by Maria Auxiliadora Lopes( on 2013-05-03T18:30:21Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 5 Hamilcar Dantas parte 5.pdf: 3880515 bytes, checksum: 382214b265373f6abcfa1439d7bdf657 (MD5) Hamilcar Dantas parte 4.pdf: 2622048 bytes, checksum: b3436b8557b63e8032ad2e6a9878cb57 (MD5) Hamilcar Dantas parte 3.pdf: 4027213 bytes, checksum: c23585ef1d8835d5419555a9e8a5ee30 (MD5) Hamilcar Dantas _parte 2.pdf: 2832627 bytes, checksum: 2fb50f08fdfa549bbe15e7775747041c (MD5) Hamilcar Dantas _parte 1.pdf: 5421780 bytes, checksum: ac7d983178452321ac735c33fdbec2ed (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2013-05-03T18:30:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 5 Hamilcar Dantas parte 5.pdf: 3880515 bytes, checksum: 382214b265373f6abcfa1439d7bdf657 (MD5) Hamilcar Dantas parte 4.pdf: 2622048 bytes, checksum: b3436b8557b63e8032ad2e6a9878cb57 (MD5) Hamilcar Dantas parte 3.pdf: 4027213 bytes, checksum: c23585ef1d8835d5419555a9e8a5ee30 (MD5) Hamilcar Dantas _parte 2.pdf: 2832627 bytes, checksum: 2fb50f08fdfa549bbe15e7775747041c (MD5) Hamilcar Dantas _parte 1.pdf: 5421780 bytes, checksum: ac7d983178452321ac735c33fdbec2ed (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008
O século XX foi marcado pelo avanço da industrialização, pela transnacionalização econômica, pela bipolaridade entre capitalismo e socialismo, pela expansão da educação básica em meio à ampliação da barbárie capitalista. Sobretudo o século do espetáculo, um fenômeno que, sob a dinâmica da modernidade, formatou a compreensão do mundo e as relações sociais à lógica imagética frenética do capital, alterando as rotinas humanas em suas experiências práticas. Educação e esporte foram dois dos elementos centrais deste século enquanto a juventude, face às suas características de frenesi, euforia e inserção social, tornou-se o principal alvo do espetáculo. No âmbito dos projetos educacionais modernos, o esporte,como produção histórico-cultural da modernidade pautada na institucionalização de temas lúdicos da cultura corporal, foi apropriado como saber a ser escolarizado. Essa "escolarização do esporte" passou, a partir da década de 1950, com a solidificação dos meios de comunicação de massa e da reconstrução das tradições sob a forma do espetáculo, à sua exacerbação como conteúdo único, culminando com a "esportivização da escola", uma vinculação de toda a dinâmica escolar à lógica esportiva consubstanciada no controle, rendimento, selecionamento e eficácia. Em larga medida, tal processo sofreu interferências políticas, vicejou interesses mercadológicos, oportunizou inserções culturais e refletiu distintas práticas pedagógicas, intra e além-muros escolares. A explosão desse processo na escola teve como um dos pilares, os eventos esportivo-educacionais, os conhecidos jogos estudantis os quais, em Sergipe, enraizaram-se na memória social como "Jogos da Primavera". Desenvolvido ao longo do período de 1964 a 1995, com paralisações, enfraquecimentos e consolidações, os Jogos da Primavera materializaram as tensões entre as concepções de escola e esporte, a definição da prática pedagógica e os distintos projetos de formação humana no seio escolar, que levaram à questão: quais as dimensões, contradições e representações materializadas nos Jogos da Primavera de Sergipe, no âmbito do processo global de "esportivização" da escola? Objetiva, portanto essa tese, analisar o processo histórico de "esportivização" da escola pela compreensão da gênese, fortalecimento, contradições e representações dos Jogos da Primavera de Sergipe, mediando tradição e espetáculo. Caracterizando-se como uma pesquisa histórica que media a diacronia e a sincronia, assentada nos diálogos tensos entre materialismo histórico e história cultural, foram utilizadas fontes variadas: das fontes oficiais representativas dos interesses dos gestores educacionais às fontes que oportunizaram verificar as práticas e suas representações no limite das experiências dos homens, a saber; periódicos, iconografia e fontes orais. Concluiu-se que a "esportivização" da escola é a síntese educativa da sociedade do espetáculo. Tal síntese se consolidou, via jogos estudantis, com a contínua reconstrução das tradições ritualísticas esportivas em espetáculo, com a ênfase no caráter mercantil do esporte, inebriando o seio escolar com sua lógica de produtividade e selecionamento. Esse processo se instaurou com a resistência ativa de professores e alunos envolvidos nas práticas, tornando possível, nos tempos modernos, a projeção e construção de novas práticas assentadas em políticas culturais, voltadas para a formação humana.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

Crance, Marie-Cécile. „Construction d'une œuvre collective et apprentissage en éducation physique : dynamique de la pratique d'une classe de collégiens engagés dans un projet de construction d'un spectacle de danse à l'échelle d'une année scolaire“. Nantes, 2013.

Der volle Inhalt der Quelle
Cette recherche, qui s'inscrit dans le programme du Cours d'action (Theureau, 2006), visait à analyser l'activité collective de construction d'un spectacle de danse par une classe de collégiens durant une année scolaire. Le questionnement empirique était orienté par des débats pédagogiques relatifs à la conception de dispositifs d'apprentissage visant à favoriser le développement chez les élèves de compétences leur permettant de faire (construire) quelque chose ensemble. L'observatoire de cette pratique scolaire a accordé une place centrale à une enquête ethnographique, au recueil de « carnets de bord » des élèves, et à des entretiens d'autoconfrontation à ces carnets de bord. Le traitement des données a mobilisé les trois descripteurs de la théorie des communautés de pratique (Wenger, 2005) – entreprise commune, engagement mutuel et répertoire partagé -comme réduction opératoire de l'articulation des cours de vie relatifs à cette pratique de danse. Cette étude a permis de caractériser, d'une part, la dynamique de cette pratique grâce à la description de la succession de synchrones d'activité collective, et d'autre part, la dynamique de construction de l'oeuvre artistique, en termes d'effets de cette activité collective tout au long de ce processus. Elle ouvre sur un ensemble d'orientations pouvant guider la conception de dispositifs pédagogiques analogues, et offre un ensemble de matériaux empiriques exploi tables dans le cadre de la formation (initiale ou continue) des enseignants.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

Polycarpe, Cyril. „De l’idée olympique à l’olympisation : construire un citoyen exemplaire (1892-1920)“. Thesis, Besançon, 2016.

Der volle Inhalt der Quelle
L'idée olympique développée par Pierre de Coubertin s'avère être un projet de reconstruction démocratique de l'histoire politique et de l'éducation physique et sportive de 1892 à 1920. Ancré dans le période des révolutions industrielles et de l'avènement de l'État-nation, ce travail heuristique vise à décrire un processus d'actions dans la formation d'un citoyen exemplaire. Cette mission est accomplie grâce à l'importance et au charisme de Pierre de Coubertin, véritable initiateur et idéologue, ainsi que grâce à ses réseaux. Les pratiques culturelles et sportives créées sont diffusées par le biais de divers concepts (sociabilité, réseaux, rapports de pouvoirs et le jeu démocratique) à travers les Jeux et le CIO. Croisant des sources variées et originales, notre étude révèle que le processus inhérent à la renommée de l'œuvre de Pierre de Coubertin tient à trois indicateurs complémentaires. Premièrement, le succès de cette idée spécifique est dû à la personnalité et au parcours de vie de l'inspirateur, doté de réseaux utiles et multiples. Deuxièmement, Pierre de Coubertin fédère des acteurs internationaux et s'appuie sur un noyau d'hommes, les cooptés du Comité international olympique, pour créer une identité de groupe dans cette organisation. Le comité possède des spécificités politiques, éducatives, sportives et sociales suffisantes pour promouvoir un message d'envergure au sein d'espaces géographiques internationaux. Le Baron utilise les réseaux, les structures sociales et les échanges interpersonnels pour convaincre, légitimer et diffuser son projet de citoyen exemplaire. Enfin, il s'attache, à promouvoir son modèle en tirant profit de la modernité et de la force des espaces démocratiques lancés dans une «course au progrès et à la reconnaissance». Notre travail articule majoritairement ces trois logiques explicatives pour comprendre la naissance de l'idée olympique d'envergure internationales de 1892 à 2896, son développement entre 1897 et 1914 et enfin la fin de l'idée olympique idéale en 1920 pour laisser place au spectacle sportif
The Olympic idea as it was developed by Pierre de Coubertin happens to be a project whose aim was to rebuild a democratic political history of physical education from 1892 to 1920. Anchored in the era of industrial revolutions and of the birth of the nation-State, this heuristic work aims at describing a process of actions in the creation of an exemplary citizen. Such a mission was accomplished thanks to the important charisma of a man, Pierre de Coubertin, who was also the father of the idea and an ideologist thanks to his network of acquaintances. The cultural and sporting practices that were created were spread through diverse concepts (sush as sociability, networks, power relations and democracy) both with the Games and the IOC. This study mixes different sources so as to reveal the process that was linked to Pierre de Coubertin's work in three complementary indicators. First, the success of this specific idea is due to the originator's personality and very life, whose network of acquaintances was decisive. Then Pierre de Coubertin federated international actors by relying on a group of men - those who were co-opted in the IOC - so as to create a group identity within the comittee. Indeed, the Committee possesses politicaln educational, sporting and social specificities that helped to spread the message within international geographic spaces. To finish, Pierre de Coubertin endeavored to promote his model by taking advantage from the modernity and the strength of the democratic spaces that were then launching into a "race to progress and to recognition". Our work uses these three logics to understand the birth of the olympic idea worldwide from 1892 to 1896, its development between 1897 and 1914 and eventually its en 1920 to make room for sports show
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

Bastos, Lucas Lopes Albuquerque. „A construção e desconstrução de narrativas midiáticas de idolatria futebolística: um estudo de caso sobre Adriano, o "Imperador"“. Niterói, 2017.

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Submitted by Programa de Pós-Graduação em Mídia e Cotidiano ( on 2017-05-16T20:15:13Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LUCAS BASTOS - Dissertação.pdf: 2254326 bytes, checksum: 18c398a9b3c36dbf0bb431e9d791af94 (MD5)
Approved for entry into archive by Josimara Dias Brumatti ( on 2017-05-23T14:11:01Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 LUCAS BASTOS - Dissertação.pdf: 2254326 bytes, checksum: 18c398a9b3c36dbf0bb431e9d791af94 (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-23T14:11:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LUCAS BASTOS - Dissertação.pdf: 2254326 bytes, checksum: 18c398a9b3c36dbf0bb431e9d791af94 (MD5)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Essa dissertação busca compreender como se dá a influência das narrativas midiáticas da imprensa esportiva nos processos de construção e desconstrução de ídolos futebolísticos na contemporaneidade. Para atingir os objetivos de pesquisa investiga-se os interesses que a mídia poderia atender em suas narrativas acerca desses jogadores, a partir de conceitos como indústria cultural e sociedade do espetáculo. Também explorase o perfil multifacetário do ídolo futebolístico contemporâneo a partir dos conceitos de mito, herói e celebridade, assim como a relação entre o futebol e a identidade nacional brasileira. Para tanto, realiza-se um estudo de caso sobre o jogador Adriano, a partir das análises de conteúdo e de discurso das reportagens veiculadas pelos jornais Extra e O Globo em diferentes momentos da carreira do atleta. Essa análise revela variações no tratamento dado à Adriano pela imprensa mediante principalmente a oscilações no desempenho esportivo do jogador mas também pela adequação ou não da conduta social e comportamental do atleta às diretrizes de produção de conteúdo desses veículos
This dissertation seeks to understand how is the influence of the media narratives of the sports press in the processes of construction and deconstruction of football idols nowadays. To achieve the research objectives investigates the media concerns that could fit in their narratives about these players, from concepts such as culture industry and the society of spectacle. It also explores the multifaceted profile of contemporary football idol from the concepts of myth, hero and celebrity, as well as the relationship between football and the Brazilian national identity. The study presents a case study on Adriano, from the analysis of content and discourse of articles published in the newspapers Extra and O Globo in different athlete career moments. This analysis reveals variations in the treatment given to Adriano by the press mainly to fluctuations in the sporting performance of the player but also the adequacy or not of social and behavioral conduct of the athlete to the content of these vehicles production guidelines
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

Belkebir, Joumana. „Analyse exploratoire du comportement de deux catégories de jeunes consommateurs marocains de spectacles de football et de jeux vidéo de football“. Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2018.

Der volle Inhalt der Quelle
Il existe aujourd’hui un intérêt managérial et académique à analyser les comportements de consommation des jeunes marocains de 8 à 24 ans spectateurs de football et pratiquants de jeux vidéo de football. D’une part, un intérêt managérial car ces jeunes marocains constituent un débouché majeur et une source de recettes pour le secteur du football au Maroc. D’autre part, un intérêt académique car peu de travaux existent dans la littérature marketing internationale et marocaine portant sur les comportements de cette population. Le concept d’identité, dont l’application est particulièrement pertinente à cette catégorie d’adolescents, nous semble central pour enrichir la compréhension de ces comportements. Dans cette perspective, notre travail doctoral vise à montrer l’importance de la prise en compte de la double identité jeune et marocaine en relation avec d’autres variables plus classiques (environnementales, sociodémographiques et expérientielles), lorsqu’il s'agit de consommations passionnées et (ou) partisanes des spectacles de football et des jeux vidéo de football. À partir d’une approche exploratoire qualitative et quantitative, notre recherche permet de mettre en évidence des profils de jeunes marocains spectateurs et joueurs, et d'étudier la relation entre leur consommation des spectacles de football et de jeux vidéo de football. De plus, cette étude met en avant l’émergence d’une nouvelle consommation féminine et connectée des spectacles de football. Au final, nos résultas peuvent permettre aux gestionnaires d’adapter leurs politiques de distribution et de communication des jeux vidéo et des spectacles de football à ces segments
Nowadays, there is a managerial and academic interest in analyzing the consumption behavior of moroccan football spectators and football video game players aged between 8 and 24. A managerial interest because the young Moroccans constitute a major market and a source of revenue for the football sector in Morocco and an academic interest considering the lack of research in the international and Moroccan marketing literature concerning these types of behaviors. The concept of identity is particularly important to explain the behavior of this category of adolescents. In this perspective, our doctoral work aims to show the importance of the young and Moroccan identity in relation to other more traditional variables (environmental, socio-demographic and experiential), when it is related to passionate and (or) partisan consumption of football shows and football video games. Through a qualitative and quantitative exploratory approach, our research essentially highlights profiles of young moroccan spectators and players, and analyzes the relationship between the consumption of football shows and football video games. In addition, this study highlights the emergence of a female and connected football consumption shows among young Moroccans between 8 to 24. Finally, our results can help managers to adapt their distribution and communication strategies of football video games and football shows to these segments
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

Forain, Guillaume. „"A sport for the taste of the court" : présentation et traduction annotée de huit masques de cour de Ben Jonson (1605-1624)“. Montpellier 3, 2009.

Der volle Inhalt der Quelle
Cette étude propose la première traduction in extenso de huit textes écrits par Ben Jonson pour des masques de cour sous Jacques Ier. Genre pluridisciplinaire, équivalent anglais du ballet de cour français et de l’intermezzo italien, le masque eut une existence éphémère (1605-1640), mais brillante. Le premier volume retrace ses origines et le travail des deux artistes qui lui donnèrent sa supériorité sur ses prédécesseurs : Jonson, par la qualité de ses textes, et Inigo Jones, dont les scénographies somptueuses réduisirent ces derniers à un rôle de faire valoir sous le règne suivant. Puis un panorama critique montre que le masque, loin d’être simplement un panégyrique royal, donnait souvent voix à des enjeux politiques complexes. Sont également exposés l’esprit et les principes de cette traduction : il s’est agi de faire entendre à la fois l’aspect idéologiquement et historiquement daté de ces textes (notamment en traduisant en alexandrins rimés les pentamètres iambiques du main masque, le panégyrique proprement dit), mais aussi leur dimension plus moderne, en particulier dans les passages comiques de l’antimasque. Enfin, ce volume comprend de nombreux documents (chronologiques, biographiques, iconographiques) en annexe. Le second volume inclut les textes anglais et leur traduction en regard, justifie le choix des éditions utilisées (Herford & Simpson, Orgel), présente le contexte historique et les grandes lignes thématiques de chaque oeuvre, et fournit de nombreuses notes qui prennent en compte le travail de commentaire antérieur et l’apport critique le plus récent. Cette traduction inédite vise à rendre les masques de Jonson accessibles à la communauté francophone ; mais les mises à jour et interprétations proposées dans le volumineux appareil critique pourront également se révéler utiles aux spécialistes de la période
This study offers the first full-length translation of eight texts written by Ben Jonson for Jacobean court masques. The masque, a cross-disciplinary genre and the counterpart of the French ballet de cour and Italian intermezzo, was short-lived (1605-1640), but dazzling. The first volume traces its origins and the work of the two artists who improved it over its predecessors : Jonson, by the quality of his texts, and Inigo Jones, whose lavish stage designs reduced the text to a mere foil in the next reign. Then, a critical overview of the genre shows that, far from being only a royal panegyric, masques often voiced complex political issues. The spirit and principles of this translation are also put forward : the aim was to express both the ideological and historical outdatedness of these texts (especially by translating into rhymed Alexandrine verse the iambic pentametres of the main masque – the panegyric part proper), but also their more modern dimension, especially in the comic passages of the antimasque. Lastly, there are many chronological, biographical and iconographical documents appended to this volume. The second volume includes the English text and French translation facing each other, accounts for the choice of the editions used (Herford & Simpson, Orgel), presents the historical context and main thematic lines of each masque, and provides numerous notes, taking into account the work of the previous commentators and the most recent critical contributions. This unprecedented translation aims at making Jonson’s masques available to the francophone community ; yet the updating work and interpretations offered in the substantial critical apparatus may prove useful to the specialists of the period
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

Polycarpe, Cyril. „De l’idée olympique à l’olympisation : construire un citoyen exemplaire (1892-1920)“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Besançon, 2016.

Der volle Inhalt der Quelle
L'idée olympique développée par Pierre de Coubertin s'avère être un projet de reconstruction démocratique de l'histoire politique et de l'éducation physique et sportive de 1892 à 1920. Ancré dans le période des révolutions industrielles et de l'avènement de l'État-nation, ce travail heuristique vise à décrire un processus d'actions dans la formation d'un citoyen exemplaire. Cette mission est accomplie grâce à l'importance et au charisme de Pierre de Coubertin, véritable initiateur et idéologue, ainsi que grâce à ses réseaux. Les pratiques culturelles et sportives créées sont diffusées par le biais de divers concepts (sociabilité, réseaux, rapports de pouvoirs et le jeu démocratique) à travers les Jeux et le CIO. Croisant des sources variées et originales, notre étude révèle que le processus inhérent à la renommée de l'œuvre de Pierre de Coubertin tient à trois indicateurs complémentaires. Premièrement, le succès de cette idée spécifique est dû à la personnalité et au parcours de vie de l'inspirateur, doté de réseaux utiles et multiples. Deuxièmement, Pierre de Coubertin fédère des acteurs internationaux et s'appuie sur un noyau d'hommes, les cooptés du Comité international olympique, pour créer une identité de groupe dans cette organisation. Le comité possède des spécificités politiques, éducatives, sportives et sociales suffisantes pour promouvoir un message d'envergure au sein d'espaces géographiques internationaux. Le Baron utilise les réseaux, les structures sociales et les échanges interpersonnels pour convaincre, légitimer et diffuser son projet de citoyen exemplaire. Enfin, il s'attache, à promouvoir son modèle en tirant profit de la modernité et de la force des espaces démocratiques lancés dans une «course au progrès et à la reconnaissance». Notre travail articule majoritairement ces trois logiques explicatives pour comprendre la naissance de l'idée olympique d'envergure internationales de 1892 à 2896, son développement entre 1897 et 1914 et enfin la fin de l'idée olympique idéale en 1920 pour laisser place au spectacle sportif
The Olympic idea as it was developed by Pierre de Coubertin happens to be a project whose aim was to rebuild a democratic political history of physical education from 1892 to 1920. Anchored in the era of industrial revolutions and of the birth of the nation-State, this heuristic work aims at describing a process of actions in the creation of an exemplary citizen. Such a mission was accomplished thanks to the important charisma of a man, Pierre de Coubertin, who was also the father of the idea and an ideologist thanks to his network of acquaintances. The cultural and sporting practices that were created were spread through diverse concepts (sush as sociability, networks, power relations and democracy) both with the Games and the IOC. This study mixes different sources so as to reveal the process that was linked to Pierre de Coubertin's work in three complementary indicators. First, the success of this specific idea is due to the originator's personality and very life, whose network of acquaintances was decisive. Then Pierre de Coubertin federated international actors by relying on a group of men - those who were co-opted in the IOC - so as to create a group identity within the comittee. Indeed, the Committee possesses politicaln educational, sporting and social specificities that helped to spread the message within international geographic spaces. To finish, Pierre de Coubertin endeavored to promote his model by taking advantage from the modernity and the strength of the democratic spaces that were then launching into a "race to progress and to recognition". Our work uses these three logics to understand the birth of the olympic idea worldwide from 1892 to 1896, its development between 1897 and 1914 and eventually its en 1920 to make room for sports show
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

Santos, Guilherme Ferreira. „Um mundo, um sonho . Uma utopia? : narrações midiáticas de valores olímpicos e esportivos na cerimônia de abertura dos Jogos Olímpicos de Pequim-2008“. Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2012.

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Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-23T14:02:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Guilherme Ferreira Santos.pdf: 1942591 bytes, checksum: ea9529b6ec26447454ef59673448a6f9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-23
No bojo do processo da gênese do olimpismo, um elemento chaves que surge na dinâmica do mesmo é a televisão. Um dos momentos quando esse elemento mais se explicita nos Jogos Olímpicos é justamente quando há a maior expressão dos valores do olimpismo e a maior demonstração simbólica da celebração do potencial do esporte: as cerimônias de abertura. Considera-se tal momento como integrante de um contexto social mais amplo, aqui denominado (de acordo com Bauman) de modernidade líquida, onde a forma é difícil de ser mantida e onde predominam a estética do consumo e a instantaneidade. Esta pesquisa também se ancora teoricamente nos estudos dos Jogos Olímpicos como performances culturais . De acordo com essa abordagem, o traço espetacular dos Jogos dá o seu caráter atrativo. Um dos meios de essa atração se concretizar é a imagem que se faz das cerimônias de abertura através das narrações televisivas, as quais são construções cuidadosamente criadas de um evento ao vivo, diferindo-se em sua apresentação e impacto na medida em que viajam pelo globo. Nesse contexto, é válido o estudo de uma narração televisiva brasileira contemporânea. Para tanto, coloca-se como questão principal do trabalho a seguinte pergunta: como uma rede brasileira de televisão (a Rede Globo) constrói, apresenta e traduz sentidos sobre valores no/do esporte e sobre valores olímpicos na transmissão da cerimônia de abertura dos Jogos Olímpicos de Pequim-2008? Desse modo, objetiva-se: identificar os valores do esporte e do olimpismo (e seus possíveis deslocamentos de sentidos) que aparecem no discurso televisivo da Rede Globo durante a cerimônia de abertura dos Jogos Olímpicos de Pequim-2008; compreender como os narradores/comentaristas brasileiros dessa rede de televisão constroem as narrativas sobre os valores do/no esporte e sobre os valores olímpicos no contexto da complexa oscilação social e esportiva em que vivemos hoje ao narrarem através de um elemento cotidiano sintomático da citada complexidade (a televisão) uma performance cultural não cotidiana. Metodologicamente, provem-se, aqui, do chamado método qualitativo . Os dados foram coletados a partir de fontes primárias. Tais fontes se inserem na pesquisa documental, que também é classificadora deste estudo. Compõe os dados um texto oral a narração televisiva da cerimônia de abertura dos Jogos de Pequim-2008, o qual chama-se aqui de corpus de análise, sendo este constituído da fala de narradores, repórteres e comentaristas de uma emissora de televisão brasileira.Utilizam-se como técnicas principais de abordagem a Análise Crítica do Discurso e o paradigma indiciário. Na análise dos dados foi possível identificar que a maioria dos valores olímpicos e esportivos está de algum modo presente na narração televisiva da cerimônia de abertura dos Jogos Olímpicos de Pequim-2008. A maneira como tais valores são referidos não abrange uma exposição textual propositiva, isto é, são poucos os momentos da narração estudada quando os narradores separam uma ocasião discursiva para falarem específica e propositalmente sobre os valores olímpicos e esportivos. Além disso, os termos identificados na narração são mais ligados ao caráter espetacular dos Jogos, especialmente quando as falas advém dos profissionais da comunicação.
In the midst of the genesis process of the Olympic spirit a key element that arises in the dynamics of it is the television. One of the moments when this element is more explicit in the Olympics is just when there is the greatest expression of the Olympic values and the most symbolic demonstration of the celebration potential of the sport: the opening ceremonies. These moment is considered as part of a broader social context, here called (according to Bauman) of liquid modernity, where the shape is difficult to maintain and where predominate the aesthetics of consumption and the instantaneousness. This research also is theoretically anchored in studies that consider the Olympic Games as cultural performances . According to this approach the spectacular feature of the Games gives his attractive character. One way of achieving this attraction is through the image that is made of the opening ceremonies by the television s narrations which are constructions carefully created for a live event, differing in their presentation and impact on the extent to which it travels the globe. In this context, the study of a narration in contemporary Brazilian television is worthy. To this end, stands as the leading question of the work the following interrogative: how a Brazilian television network (Rede Globo) builds, displays and translates meanings of sports and Olympics values in the transmission of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games-2008? Thus, work s objective is: to identify the Olympics and the sports values (and possible shifts of meaning) that appear in the televised speech of Rede Globo during the opening ceremony of Beijing Olympics-2008; understand how the Brazilian narrators/commentators construct texts about the Olympics and sports values in the context of the complex social and sport oscillation in which we live today when they narrate through television (that is a crucial element of the quoted oscillation) a cultural performance not daily. Methodologically, it is used the so-called qualitative method . Data were collected from primary sources. Such sources are included in documentary research, which also classifies this study. An oral text compose the data the television narration of the opening ceremony of Beijing Olympics-2008, which is called analysis corpus. The analysis corpus is made up of narrators , reporters and commentators speeches of a Brazilian television station. The Critical Discourse Analysis and the evidential paradigm are used as the main approach techniques. For data analysis, we found that the majority of sports and Olympic values are somehow present in the television narration of the opening ceremony of Beijing Olympics-2008. The way these values are listed does not include a textual display purpose, that is, there are few moments when the narration studied is shown as a separate discursive occasion to speak specifically and purposefully about the sports and the Olympic values. In addition, terms identified in the narrative are more connected to the spectacular nature of the Games, especially when the speech comes from communication professionals.
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Forichon, Sylvain. „Les spectateurs du cirque à Rome (du Ier siècle a.C. au VIe siècle p.C.) : passion, émotions et politique“. Thesis, Bordeaux 3, 2015.

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La passion des Romains pour les jeux du cirque, et surtout pour les courses de chars, apparaît comme un topos dans la littérature ancienne. Si les auteurs anciens ont maintes fois évoqué l’état d’excitation du public, les jugements moraux et les stéréotypes l’emportent sur toute tentative d’analyse et très peu d’amateurs de courses ont laissé de témoignage, comme la première partie de cette thèse le met en évidence. Il nous a donc fallu dépasser ces préjugés afin d’expliquer les raisons d’un tel engouement. La confrontation des données issues des sources textuelles aux résultats de travaux récents en psychologie des émotions et en sociologie du sport nous a permis de démontrer, dans la seconde partie, le lien entre la passion des jeux et les émotions provoquées par ces spectacles. En effet, cette passion se nourrissait largement des émotions intenses éprouvées par les spectateurs, elles-mêmes conséquence d’un phénomène d’hyperstimulation sensorielle auquel ils étaient soumis depuis leur arrivée aux abords du bâtiment jusqu’à la fin des jeux. Cet engouement pour les ludi circenses avait donc des causes intrinsèques aux spectacles. Face à ce constat et à l’intérêt croissant du pouvoir pour les circenses dès la fin de la République, la troisième partie de cette thèse examine la question de l’instrumentalisation de ces jeux à des fins politiques. Si des chefs d’armées, comme Pompée ou Jules César, comprirent tout le bénéfice qu’ils pouvaient en retirer en terme de popularité et si, à partir d’Auguste, les circenses font partie intégrante de la politique impériale, il serait néanmoins erroné de percevoir les spectateurs du cirque comme une foule manipulée par le pouvoir. Ils jouissaient en ce lieu d’une autorité considérable, non seulement sur le déroulement des jeux, mais aussi à l’égard de l’empereur, à tel point que le rapport de force avec ce dernier pouvait même éventuellement s’inverser. Le cirque a été en effet parfois le cadre de manifestations d’hostilité de la foule à l’encontre de l’empereur ou de ses proches et dans la plupart des cas les manifestants ont obtenu gain de cause. La clémence du prince semble donc avoir été l’usage en ce lieu. Cependant, il convient de ne pas réduire les acteurs de ces mouvements de protestation à la plèbe. Ces manifestations étaient vraisemblablement souvent orchestrées et soigneusement préparées à l’avance, or il nous est apparu que seuls des membres de l’ordre sénatorial ou équestre avaient les moyens humains et logistiques d’y parvenir
Passion for Roman circus games, and especially for chariot races, appears as a topos in ancient literature. Even if ancient authors frequently evoke the excitement of the audience, this excitement often attracts moral condemnations and stereotypes rather than critical analysis and there are very few testimonies coming from chariot races enthusiasts, as it may be noted in the first part of the thesis. This study aims to overcome these prejudices in order to explain the reasons for such an enthusiasm. In the second part, after confronting data coming from textual sources with what recent works in psychology of emotion and sociology of sport can teach us, we demonstrate the link between passion for the games and the emotions provoked by those spectacles. This passion, indeed, was mainly entertained by the intensity of the emotions, resulting themselves from the sensory overload which the spectators experienced, from the moment they were reaching the circus to the end of the games. This passion may be due to factors intrinsic to the show. Considering this aspect as well as the growing interest of the power for circenses at the end of the Republic, the third part examines the exploitation of the games for political purposes. Even if army leaders, such as Pompey and Caesar, well understood all the benefits they could derive in terms of popularity, and even if the circenses started to be, from Augustus on, an integral part of imperial policy, it would be a mistake to see the spectators simply as a crowd manipulated by political power. It appears that the spectators enjoyed considerable authority over this place, not only in relation to the conduct of the games, but also even in relation to the emperor, insomuch as the power struggle between the emperor and his subjects could sometimes be reversed. On several occasions, indeed, the circus was the scene of the crowd’s hostility against the emperor or his relatives, and in many such cases, the demonstrators were successful. It seems that it was customary for the emperor to show clemency within the circus. However, it is important not to generalise about the participants of protests and not to consider them simply as a plebeian mob. Such protests were in all likelihood often carefully orchestrated and planned in advance; it seems clear that only members of the senatorial or equestrian orders had the human resources and logistical capacity to achieve that
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Sharp, M. P. „Sporting spectacles : cricket and football in Sydney 1890-1912“. Phd thesis, 1986.

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Between 1890 and 1912 cricket and football became mass spectacles in Sydney. Cricket had been popular since the 1850s but an over-abundance of international tours in the 1880s almost killed the game as a spectacle. In the same decade rugby and Australian rules competed with each other to become Sydney's main football code. From the early 1890s public interest in cricket revived, partly because of a break in international tours and partly through the introduction of a local club competition based on Sydney's rapidly expanding suburbs. At the same time rugby eclipsed Australian rules and quickly emerged as a major participant and spectator sport. Cricket and rugby attracted officials, players and spectators from all sections of the community. At club level the social composition of clubs and teams varied according to the character of the suburb. Broadly, at all levels cricketers were about four-fifths middle class and one-fifth working class, rugby officials and players were half middle class and half working class and rugby league officials and players were about three-quarters working class and one quarter middle class. Cricket matches attracted more women and middle class spectators than did rugby matches but at both rugby and rugby league matches crowds were roughly equally divided between middle class and working class patrons. The development of cricket and rugby as mass spectacles generated large amounts of money. Once established both sports had to compete in the quickly expanding leisure market for paying customers. Throughout the period a major issue was whether officials or players should control the sports. The major private schools nurtured, and the daily and weekly press expressed the notion that cricket and rugby were more than just amusements - they were moral metaphors. Officials, many of whom also came from private schools, believed that only they could be trusted to maintain the purity of both sports through the exclusion of professionalism. Players believed that they deserved a share of the profits that their labours produced, especially when playing left them financially disadvantaged. Many cricketers sought and received generous payments to compensate them for loss of salary and wages while playing, but footballers received little compensation for injury or time off work until rugby league began in 1907. The popularity of rugby league, which eclipsed rugby union as a spectacle within three seasons, indicates that the majority of Sydney-siders rejected the view of officials and the press. For them the moral significance of sport was secondary to its value as an amusement.
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Zhang, Jing-Tang, und 張景棠. „An Analysis on the Religious Perspectives of Modern Sport Spectacle“. Thesis, 2014.

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Since the secularization of religion, also with the concepts of Liberalism (freedom, autonomy, independence, equality), individuality becomes the structural principles of society. However, it doesn't mean the extinction of collectivity. Modern sport as a religious existence, we can see the dialectic relationship between individuality (difference) and collectivity (identity). In the discussion of the cases, the power of collectivity embodied in the summon of mass media. Because of the complicated history, national identity of Taiwanese needs to be reinforced and confirmed once again. In Kierkegaard 's point of view, when an individual finds a “ truth” which it can sacrifice for it, it becomes a religion for his/her own. In Simmel's point of view, the trust and loyal relationship between people in modern sports is the prototype of religion. However, under the analytic result. Strictly speaking, Modern sports is not a religion but a religious existence. The feeling of surprise that modern sports bring to people is as unique as a religious experience. The concept of surprise leads to the dialectic relationship between everyday life(sacred/secular). And the concept of ambivalence embodied in modern sports is mentioned as well. This conflict state of one’s mind needs to be cultivated by himself/herself, which is to embrace the positive and negative feeling in a religious way.
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„From Sport to Spectacle: An Archaeology of Latin American Soccer“. Doctoral diss., 2017.

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abstract: Using Michel Foucault’s archaeological and genealogical approaches, this study analyzes the influence of discourse—particularly the discursive impact of the short story, novel, poetry, chronicle, essay, film, photography, and comics—in shaping how soccer has become known in Latin America. The analysis not only considers how the so-called “beautiful game” and related texts have been embedded with dominant ideologies—among these heteronormativity, nationalism, elitism, and neoliberalism—but also how resisting discursive forces have attempted to deconstruct these notions. The following pages demonstrate that soccer in Latin America represents more than just a mere sport, but rather a significant social and cultural entity that facilitates an understanding of the region. Furthermore, by providing a critical view of one of the region’s most powerful cultural institutions, this study sheds light on how dominant individuals use the sport and popular culture to construct knowledge and guide social practices.
Doctoral Dissertation Spanish 2017
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Wang, Nan-hsiung, und 王南雄. „Outdoor live sport broadcast as a spectacle – A case study on Chinese Taipei baseball games of Beijing Olympics“. Thesis, 2009.

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This research is a case study on Chinese Taipei baseball games of Beijing Olympics. It examines the outdoor live sport broadcast as a media spectacle. While Chinese Taipei baseball team participating in Olympic Games, Warner Village Plaza held outdoor live sport broadcast party at the very same fime. This research adopts qualitative methodology, which includes that is participant observation, semi-structured interviews and focus group interview. The outdoor live sport broadcasting party at Warner Village Plaza created a carnival created and represented a “hyper-real”world. At the same time, the audience not only enjoyed the experience of watching TV form various visual angles but also a carnival-like experience of game at stadium. The Olympic baseball games were a big “media event”. Audience who watched this demonstrating the totem on the body and in the action, connecting themselves to Chinese Taipei baseball team. An imagination community with common identity has thus constructed.
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Poulter, Gillian. „Becoming native in a foreign land visual culture, sport and spectacle in the construction of national identity in Montreal, 1840-1885 /“. 1999.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--York University, 1999. Graduate Programme in History.
Typescript. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 436-482). Also available on the Internet. MODE OF ACCESS via web browser by entering the following URL:
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Comtois, Patricia. „Jeunes femmes et loisirs commerciaux durant les années folles (1919-1929) : étude des discours ecclésiastiques et journalistiques“. Mémoire, 2007.

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Ce mémoire analyse les discours traitant des rapports entre les femmes et les loisirs commerciaux pour la période des années dites folles, soit de 1919 à 1929. L'accent a été mis dans ce mémoire sur les jeunes femmes montréalaises. Divisé en trois chapitres analytiques, ce mémoire se penche sur le phénomène des théâtres et des cinémas, sur la danse, ainsi que sur les sports. À travers les différents discours traitant des loisirs commerciaux, nous avons tenté de dégager l'enjeu principal au coeur des réactions publiques face à la popularité du divertissement féminin. Pour ce faire, plusieurs types de discours ont été étudiés. D'abord, le discours catholique à travers les mandements des évêques ainsi qu'à l'aide du journal L'Action catholique. Divers points de vue journalistiques ont également été analysés avec La Patrie, le Herald, L'Actionf rançaise, La Revue populaire, La Bonne Parole, Le Quartier Latin et le McGill Daily. Enfin, le discours publicitaire est représenté par l'ensemble de ces journaux en plus des catalogues des magasins Eaton et Dupuis Frères. Divers constats ont pu être établis au cours de cette étude. D'abord, il est clair que l'enjeu principal pour les discours étudiés s'avère être la sexualité féminine. La crainte d'une libéralisation des moeurs sexuelles engendrée par les loisirs commerciaux fait couler beaucoup d'encre chez les journalistes. Pourtant, ces discours se retrouvent en réelle opposition avec le discours publicitaire. Alors que les discours journalistiques et religieux semblent faire figure du discours dit traditionnel, les publicités sont à l'inverse un vent de modernité sur l'image de la femme. L'étude de la culture urbaine montréalaise a permis de constater que celle-ci encourageait la fusion des diverses classes sociales, des deux sexes et des ethnies. Les sports semblent toutefois faire figure d'exception, puisqu'ils divisent les classes sociales en plus des anglophones et des francophones. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : XXe siècle, Femmes, Sexualité, Cinéma, Danse, Théâtre.
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Marino, Clara. „Real Fake Fighting: the Aesthetic of Qualified Realism in Japanese Professional Wrestling“. 2021.

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Professional wrestling is a performance art in which the line between fact and fiction is often obscured. Much of the existing scholarship on the medium that examines its dynamics regard reality and artifice focuses on the role of the artificial, analyzing pro-wrestling as primarily a form of heightened spectacle akin to passion plays or soap opera. However, professional wrestling in Japan, particularly that found in the country's largest promotion, New Japan Pro-Wrestling, features many elements that resemble real sports much more closely than many American promotions. These elements include fighting styles, wrestler injury, characters that do not fit easily into defined archetypes, stories focused on win-loss records, promos that resemble press releases, and audiences who react to the show not only like a performance, but also as if it were a real sport. At the same time, it does still feature many spectacular and heightened elements found throughout the pro-wrestling world, resulting in an overall aesthetic of qualified realism. This realism is a defining element of promotions like New Japan Pro-Wrestling, and it serves to make characters and their stories relatable to audiences in ways that are more difficult for other promotions. This reveals unique thematic qualities of Japanese pro-wrestling, in addition to demonstrating the aesthetic diversity of the genre as a whole.
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