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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Special forces (Military intelligence)"


Asanbai, А. Zh, und B. А. Kashkarbaev. „Possibilities of using military intelligence forces and means in special military action“. Proceeding "Bulletin MILF" 54, Nr. 2 (30.06.2023): 15–20.

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The publication examines the trends in the use of forces and means of military intelligence, taking into account modern conditions and factors and the nature of modern warfare. The analysis of the experience of conducting military intelligence in modern military conflicts is presented and its role in special military operations is noted. The author's views on the improvement of the organizational and staff structure of the reconnaissance company of the mechanized brigade are given. The ways of increasing the capabilities of intelligence agencies in the course of obtaining intelligence data by equipping intelligence units with unmanned aerial vehicles are proposed.
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Mammadov, R. А. „The application of special operations forces combat tactics“. Proceeding "Bulletin MILF" 58, Nr. 2 (15.06.2024): 92–99.

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Special Operations Forces (SOF) are pivotal assets in contemporary military endeavors, undertaking missions demanding precision, stealth, and adaptability. This article scrutinizes the critical imperative of refining combat tactics for SOF units. It delineates multifaceted strategies for tactical enhancement, including rigorous training regimes and immersive simulation exercises. Moreover, it emphasizes the integration of cutting-edge technologies, such as advanced weaponry, surveillance systems, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and cyber capabilities, to augment situational awareness and mission efficacy. Effective collaboration and information sharing among diverse military branches and intelligence agencies are underscored as indispensable for maximizing operational impact. By perpetually evolving their tactics, SOF units can adeptly navigate the intricate dynamics of modern warfare, effectively countering emerging threats and ensuring mission success in today's ever-evolving security milieu. The article explores the importance of enhancing the application of combat tactics for Special Operations Forces (SOF) in modern military operations. It discusses various strategies for tactical improvement, including training and simulation, integration of technology, collaboration, and information sharing among different branches of the military and intelligence agencies. By continuously refining and innovating their tactics, SOF units can stay ahead of emerging threats and achieve mission success with greater efficiency and precision in today's dynamic security landscape.
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Vashchenko, O. A. „The subject of criminal trespass in forensic characteristics of obstructing the lawful activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations“. Analytical and Comparative Jurisprudence, Nr. 1 (20.03.2024): 566–70.

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The article states that Russia's military aggression against our country created, among other things, the need to make changes to domestic legislation in order to criminalize certain activities of people. In particular, by supplementing the Criminal Code of Ukraine with Article 114-1 "Obstructing the lawful activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations.” And with the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the territory of Ukraine, unfortunately, the number of the specified criminal offenses only increased: 7 criminal offenses in 2021, 76 in 2022, 159 in 2023. It has been established that the subject of a criminal offense in the studied category of criminal offenses will be the lawful activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations in a special period. It has been investigated that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are a military formation that, according to the Constitution of Ukraine, is entrusted with the defense of Ukraine, the protection of its sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability. And other military formations include the State Border Service of Ukraine, the Security Service of Ukraine, the State Special Service of Transport, the State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine, as well as the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine It was concluded that the subject of criminal trespass is a criminal offense provided for in Art. 114-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine is the legal activity of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, the Security Service of Ukraine, the State Special Transport Service, the State Service for Special Communication and Information Protection of Ukraine and the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine. The obstruction itself may consist of a certain intervention aimed at complicating the successful performance of the tasks of the Armed Forces and other military formations within the framework of their legitimate activities. Such obstacles can arise both in the form of actions that pose a threat to society, and in the form of inaction. In the first case, obstruction can be manifested in active measures aimed at creating physical barriers (for example, damage to vehicles) and/ or informational barriers (for example, spreading disinformation). In the second case, it may arise due to non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of legal obligations (for example, sabotage), which as a result leads to the corresponding obstruction.
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Korablev, Yurii Y., Igor Y. Pugachev, Esedulla M. Osmanov und Sergey Y. Dutov. „The need to strengthen the physical fitness of the special operations military forces and the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Russian Federation“. Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities, Nr. 185 (2020): 153–65.

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We consider the provisions of the need to strengthen the physical fitness of the special operations forces and the Main Intelligence Directorate, caused by the tendency to add to the special groups lineup people who possess high-level skills in modern computer technologies. In the special operations forces units and the Main Intelligence Directorate, there is a high selection of employees in terms of physical condition and perfect mastery of the electronic equipment skills, while at the same time, the equipment is constantly being improved. On a massive scale, objectively team cannot equally possess the skills of working with computer technology, only particularly unique specialists are able to perfectly work in this direction. The life of these military personnel in the process of warfare must be preserved first of all. This causes a tendency to increase the level of physical fitness of the personnel of these special forces, especially when exercising the load against the backdrop of complex fatigue.
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BEBYK, V. „Іnformation and communication wars and information and communication forces“. INFORMATION AND LAW, Nr. 3(46) (05.09.2023): 86–97.

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The article analyzes the basic categories of the theory of information and communication wars: theater of information and military operations, information and communication forces, intelligence, counterintelligence, etc. It is proven that in the conditions of the formation of the global information society, the spiritual sphere of society becomes a special theater of military operations, in which there are fierce battles for control over the global social consciousness, the consciousness of nations, social groups and individuals. Modern information and communication technologies, the virtualization of information space and time, the development of manipulative psychotechnologies, the formation of information and communication troops create quite effective opportunities to achieve the goals and objectives of information and hybrid wars.
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Yasynovskyi, Pavlo. „Types of military formations as part of a criminal offense under art. 114-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine“. Visegrad Journal on Human Rights, Nr. 6 (14.03.2024): 194–200.

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In the context of constantly changing geopolitical realities and expanding terrorist threats, the problem of military formations in the context of a criminal offense is becoming more relevant than ever. This article will examine the current state of this problem, determine its relevance and suggest possible ways to protect against this type of threat. The purpose of the work is to define the types of “military formation” and to establish their typical features. The methodological basis of the study is a combination of theoretical and practical approaches, within which general scientific and special legal methods are applied. The author analyzes the concept of “military formation” and identifies its types at the regulatory, legal and theoretical and legal levels. The article focuses on the issues related to the types of military formations and their inherent features, and their place in the criminal offense under Article 114-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The author concludes that legislative regulation of military formations in the area of criminal offenses requires immediate attention and effective measures. This issue is global, and therefore international cooperation and development of special forces are key factors for protection against crime. Our research allows us to distinguish the types of military formations: The Armed Forces of Ukraine and their structural subdivisions, characterized by the presence of all mandatory features of such formations as military; the National Guard of Ukraine and the Foreign Intelligence Service; military formations of the Security Service of Ukraine, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, the State Special Transport Service; other military formations, which include the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine, the State Protection Department of Ukraine, etc.
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SAKA, Luqman. „A Fitful Path: Nigeria’s Faltering Counterterrorism Operation against the Boko Haram in the Northeast“. BULLETIN OF "CAROL I" NATIONAL DEFENCE UNIVERSITY 12, Nr. 4 (18.01.2024): 102–23.

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Nigeria’s security environment continues to be tense, tenuous and fluid. From all indications and yardsticks of policy planning and implementation, the country’s security architecture seems to be unraveling. As the nation’s security establishments confront multiple security crises especially in Northern Nigeria, their policy and operational reactions continue to be reactive. While the Boko Haram insurgency rages, a decade after the commencement of military operations against the group, military successes in the Northeast are at best modest. Following a decade of commitment of military resources including billions of dollars deployed to the procurement of armament and military hardware, expansion of forces’ strength and creation of special operation formations, one can ask why have the military operations continued to falter and security architecture unravel? The study was anchored on the qualitative research approach and sourced data from published and openly available official documents, scientific publications and newspapers articles, reports, opinion pieces and commentaries. Making use of this open-sourced information, this study explains faltering military operations and Nigeria’s worsening security environment to the failure of security planning, poor civil-military relations including lack of depth in intelligence agencies penetration of local communities across Northern Nigeria, rivalry among the three arms of the Nigerian Armed Forces, persistency of the poor culture of intelligence information sharing and lack of synergy and poor coordination among Nigeria’s security establishments. This study recommends that more attention need to be paid to intelligence gathering, synergy and coordination among the security establishments in the bids to enhance the prospects of Nigeria’s counter-terrorism operation and other military engagements across the country.
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The article devoted to the analysis of the actions of special forces of US and South Vietnam during 1961–1967. One of the main tasks of these units during Vietnam war – destruction main objects of «Ho Chi Minh Trail» in South Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. The work is built with the assistance of a memoir – translations memories combatants in South Vietnam and Laos, soldiers and commanders of Army of US, South Vietnam and Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV). The materials housed in the monographs of American and Vietnam researchers of the Indochina conflict, 1960–1970-s.In the early 1960s, in the setting of active infiltration teams of PAVN from DRV administration of USA adopted decision to send to Indochina units of special forces (Green Berets). Many of the military personnel who served in Vietnam belonged to 5th and 7th Special Forces Groups. Some Green Berets were assigned to the U.S. Military Assistance Command’s Studies and Observation Group (SOG) for making top secret intelligence operations and helped train the South Vietnamese special forces (LLDB). The most Green Berets defended South Vietnam’s border from infiltration from DRV. Apart from Green Berets, special units of the US NAVY were also active in South Vietnam. The main task of the special forces of the NAVY was the blockade of all waterways supplying partisans from North Vietnam and Cambodia by means of ambushes, sabotage, laying of mines and raids on bases of PAVN. In 1965-1967s mixed teams of Green Berets and LLDB conducted long-range reconnaissance missions into Laos and directed air strikes against the «Ho Chi Minh Trail». The U.S. aircraft bombed the «Ho Chi Minh Trail» daily, targeting areas based on electronic detection devices and intelligence gained by covert teams that infiltrated the area. However, these efforts could not slow down the movement of troops of PAVN, supplies southward along the «Ho Chi Minh Trail». The author paid attention to the creation units of special forces as part of army units of US Army situated in South Vietnam during 1965–1967. Special attention is paid by the author to the analysis secret operations of Green Berets against «Ho Chi Minh Trail». The author concluded that the special forces of USA and South Vietnam failed to achieve the set goals.
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McGhee, Stephen, Deborah Kenny, Alicia Rossiter, Katherine Ling, Susan Sheehy, Linda H. Yoder, William T. Bester, Kelly Wolgast und Alan Finnegan. „Working Together for a Common Goal: The International Armed Forces Community Nursing Research Collaboration“. Building Healthy Academic Communities Journal 7, Nr. 2 (16.11.2023): 15–24.

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Over the past 19 years, millions of military service members from the United States (U.S.) and United Kingdom (U.K.) served alongside each other in Iraq and Afghanistan. The U.S. and U.K. clearly recognize the sacrifices that the members of their armed forces have made for their respective countries. Sir Winston Churchill described the special relationship which has facilitated cooperation between the U.S. and U.K. in economic activities (trade and commerce), intelligence sharing, and the planning and execution of military operations and military medicine. It would be to the benefit of all, especially the military members, veterans, and family members, if nursing also joined in this collaborative effort. Ensuring the efforts of NATO nurse scientists and educators working to advance military, veteran, and their families’ health are aligned requires outlining key priorities across nations and identifying resources that can facilitate collaborations. To that end, with the support of the American Academy of Nursing (AAN), the International Armed Forces Community Nursing Research Collaboration (IAFNRC) was established. This manuscript provides detailed insight into the work of the IAFNRC.
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Khirkh-Ialan, V., und V. Bakhvalov. „CONCEPTUAL SCHEME SYSTEM FOR MODELING OF TACTICAL SITUATION ON THE BASIS OF GEOINFORMATION SYSTEM“. Visnyk Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Military-Special Sciences, Nr. 2 (39) (2018): 78–84.

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The analysis of the directions of geoinformation systems use in the military sphere indicates the need to develop domestic simulation systems for combat operations simulation and the creation of a system for a tactical military situation simulation using geoinformation systems for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The article proposes a conceptual scheme of a system of simulation of a tactical situation on the basis of GIS technologies, which is proposed to be used for planning intelligence and special operations, the definition of objectives, the analysis of terrain and the mutual visibility of opposite sides, management of combat. Keywords: combat simulation system, geoinformation system, geospatial simulations.
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Dissertationen zum Thema "Special forces (Military intelligence)"


Bari, Gabor. „Intelligence architecture in the Hungarian Special Operations Forces“. Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 2005.

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Newell, Thomas. „The use of Special Operations Forces in combating terrorist financing“. Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 2006.

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Robertsen, Tom A. „Transforming Norwegian Special Operation Forces“. Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 2006.

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Tajti, Norbert. „Enhancing Hungarian Special Forces through transformation--the shift to Special Operations Forces“. Thesis, Monterey, California : Naval Postgraduate School, 2010.

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Thesis (M.S. in Defense Analysis)--Naval Postgraduate School, June 2010.
Thesis Advisor(s): Lee. Doowan ; Second Reader: Greenshields, Brian H. ; Third Reader: Porkolab, Imre. "June 2010." Description based on title screen as viewed on July 14, 2010. Author(s) subject terms: Special Forces, Special Operations Forces, Hungary, organizational design, special operations, NATO. Includes bibliographical references (p. 103-108). Also available in print.
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Windmueller, Armin K. „Improving counterinsurgency an auxiliary training program for special forces“. Thesis, Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 2006.

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The US military has proven its strengths many times over through its ability to dominate opponents on the conventional battlefield. However, when it comes to irregular wars and insurgent conflicts, which are defined by enemies who conduct war from the shadows and refuse to meet on the open field, finding success has been far more difficult. The nature and dynamics of these unconventional wars are dramatically different from the conventional warfare realm, and require innovative approaches and rethinking of many long held conceptions of waging war. Conducting unconventional warfare has been the core mission of US Army Special Forces (USSF) since they were founded in 1952. Throughout a relatively short history, USSF have shown a broad utility in conducting operations with indigenous military, paramilitary, and civilian personnel in "irregular wars" and low intensity conflicts (LICs), and thus Special Forces have been widely regarded as the preeminent experts in this particular field of warfare. Now more than ever, the capabilities of Special Forces are invaluable in supporting US national security strategy, continuing the Global War on Terror (GWOT), and supporting efforts to transform military capabilities for irregular warfare and unconventional conflicts. USSF are now faced with a difficult challenge: high demand and operations tempo require that USSF must find new ways to more effectively and efficiently employ their skills in unconventional environments. In order to enhance the capabilities of USSF in conducting unconventional warfare and counterinsurgency, this thesis proposes that USSF develop a training program that allows recruitment and selection of both indigenous personnel and US foreign-born as auxiliaries and surrogates to USSF operations. Training would take place in the US and would be for the explicit purpose of creating indigenous cadres for assisting Special Forces Operational Detachment Alphas (SFODAs) in developing operational/security forces and intelligence networks at the local level in order to create long-term stability in unconventional conflict areas.
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Mellingen, Kjetil. „Strategic utilization of Norwegian Special Operations Forces“. Thesis, Monterey, California : Naval Postgraduate School, 2010.

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Thesis (M.S. in Defense Analysis and Information Operations)--Naval Postgraduate School, June 2010.
Thesis Advisor: Sepp, Kalev I. ; Second Reader: Tucker, David. "June 2010." Description based on title screen as viewed on July 15, 2010. Author(s) subject terms: Norway, Norwegian, special operations, Special Operations Forces, SOF, Information Operations, Psychological Operations, PSYOP, PSYOPS, Computer Network Operations, CNO, Deception, MILDEC, NORSOF, strategic assets, Forsvarets spesialkommando, FSK, Hærens jegerkommando, HJK, NORASOC, Marinejegerkommandoen, MJK, NORNAVSOC, 137 Luftving, 137 Air Wing, Canada, CANSOF, CANSOFCOM, Poland, POLSOF, POLSOCOM, NATO SOF Study. Includes bibliographical references (p. 163-166). Also available in print.
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Burris, Bradford M. „Army Special Operations Forces professional military education for the future“. Thesis, Monterey, California : Naval Postgraduate School, 2010.

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Thesis (M.S. in Defense Analysis)--Naval Postgraduate School, June 2010.
Thesis Advisor(s): Simons, Anna ; Second Reader: Nix, Dayne. "June 2010." Description based on title screen as viewed on July 14, 2010. Author(s) subject terms: Military Education, Special Operations Education, Army Education, ARSOF Leader Development, Special Forces, Psychological Operations, Civil Affairs, Professional Military Education. Includes bibliographical references (p. 73-76). Also available in print.
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Reed, D. Todd Donahoe Adrian A. „The TAO of Special Forces : an analysis of counterinsurgency doctrine /“. Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 2004.

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Ramirez, Armando J. „From Bosnia to Baghdad : the evolution of US Army Special Forces from 1995-2004 /“. Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 2004.

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Allen, Thaddeus P. Fielden Patsy. „Improving USAF Special Tactics readiness to meet the operational demands of the USAF and US Special Operations Command (SOCOM) /“. Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 2002.

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Bücher zum Thema "Special forces (Military intelligence)"


Boltunov, Mikhail. Diversanty ... kto oni? Rostov-na-Donu: izd-vo "Prof-Press", 1997.

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Gaujac, Paul. Les forces spéciales de la Libération. Paris: Histoire & collections, 1999.

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Di︠a︡chki, Slavcho. Informat︠s︡ionna i analitichna deĭnost na spet︠s︡ialnite sluzhbi za sigurnost. Sofii︠a︡: Izd-vo "Albatros", 2001.

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istoriï, Ukraïnsʹkyĭ instytut voi︠e︡nnoï, Hrsg. Zadzerkalli︠a︡ istoriï: Narysy mynuloho spet︠s︡ialʹnykh sluz︠h︡b. Kyïv: K.I.S., 2008.

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Michael, Smith. Killer elite: The real story behind SEAL Team Six and the Bin Laden raid. London: Phoenix, 2011.

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Śledziński, Kacper. Cichociemni: Elita polskiej dywersji. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Znak, 2012.

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Warner, Philip. Secret forces of World War II. Barnsley: Pen & Sword Military, 2004.

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Georgiev, I︠U︡liĭ. Bŭlgarskite spet︠s︡sluzhbi s pogled kŭm obedinena Evropa. Sofii︠a︡: "Priva konsult" EOOD, 2000.

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Bentzien, Hans. Division Brandenburg: Die Rangers von Admiral Canaris. [Berlin]: Edition Ost, 2004.

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John, Simpson. The quiet operator: Special forces signaller extraordinary. London: Leo Cooper, 1993.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Special forces (Military intelligence)"


Rietjens, Sebastiaan. „Intelligence in Military Missions: Between Theory and Practice“. In Handbook of Military Sciences, 1–20. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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AbstractIntelligence is the primary mechanism that military organizations use to generate understanding and its main purpose is to provide information to decision-makers such as commanders that may help illuminate their decision options. This chapter assesses the role of intelligence in military missions, more specifically the counterinsurgency and stabilizations missions that took place in, for example, former Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Mali.The chapter starts by addressing the changing and increasingly complex nature of many of the conflicts from the 1990s onwards. It explores how this has influenced the use of intelligence and presents two distinct schools of thought. The first school of thought, referred to as Jominian intelligence, tries to unravel the operational environment in a systematic way and regards the intelligence challenges as a series of problems with definite solutions. The second school of thought, referred to as Clausewitzian intelligence, argues that the goal of intelligence is to assess uncertainty and reach a deliberate judgment.The main body of the chapter then analyzes the intelligence process and identifies several of the main intelligence issues within military missions. The intelligence process starts with the direction phase in which policy makers, military commanders, or planners state their needs, often referred to as information requirements. Several issues complicate such direction, including (1) the comprehensive focus of many current military missions, (2) their abstract and ambiguous strategic objectives and expectations, and (3) the military’s unfamiliarity with the area of operations.In the second phase of the intelligence process, the necessary information is collected. In addition to consulting their archives and databases, military units often have a plethora of means, both technical and human, available to collect information. Cross-cultural competencies are of crucial importance, in particular, during the collection phase.The third phase of the intelligence process, labeled processing, turns raw data into intelligence. During the processing phase, the data are analyzed in order to gain understanding or insight. This exceeds the registration of events, but includes understanding the meaning of these events as well as their importance.The fourth and final phase is dissemination of intelligence. Here, the relationship between the producers and consumers of intelligence during military missions is explored. This includes the reasons why consumers sometimes do not fully accept the intelligence they receive.The chapter concludes with an agenda for research on military intelligence. It calls, for example, for a more eclectic author base; multidisciplinary as well as comparative research; increased attention to oversight, ethics, and open source intelligence; and more emphasis on intelligence within the navy, special forces, and constabulary forces.
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Greene, Carroll H., und Mark A. Staal. „Resilience in US Special Operations Forces“. In Handbook of Military Psychology, 177–92. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Tsuchiya, Motohiro. „Overcoming the Long Shadow of the Past: Defense AI in Japan“. In Contributions to Security and Defence Studies, 487–504. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.

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AbstractSince the end of World War II, Japan has not had a full-fledged military, but only Self-Defense Forces (SDF) for the sole purpose of “exclusively defensive defense.” Hesitancy exists in society, especially in academia, to research and develop technologies that could be diverted to military use. This has created a long shadow of the past in which public opinion, strategic culture, and the academic-industrial ecosystem mutually reinforce each other not to directly address defense technologies, though Japan is often recognized as one of the most technologically advanced countries. However, with the recent deterioration of the national security environment around Japan, such hesitance is weakening, and research and development of technologies that can be applied to defense purposes is now being conducted, also in cooperation with partners like the United States, the United Kingdom, and others. Discussions about artificial intelligence (AI) for defense purposes began in earnest around 2022, with descriptions found in government and defense documents, and budget appropriations beginning to be made. However, the budget size is miniscule and no special organization for defense AI exists. In addition, there is no plan to use defense AI in earnest in defense operations, and it is merely positioned as one of the technologies that are attracting widespread attention. The defense industry is working on AI across the board, but Japan’s defense industry has a large proportion of civilian demand, and there are aspects of the industry that are not necessarily for defense use. If necessary, they will be applied to defense applications, but they are not actively promoted as AI for defense. Attempts to deepen the knowledge of AI among SDF personnel have only just begun.
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Seals, Bob. „Covert Warfare and Special Operations Forces“. In A Companion to American Military History, 762–73. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.

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Hachey, Krystal K., Tamir Libel und Zack Partington. „The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Military Profession“. In Rethinking Military Professionalism for the Changing Armed Forces, 201–11. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Roskin, Joel, und Eliyahu Dekel-Dolitzky. „The 1968–1973 Egyptian Army Field Preparations for Crossing the Suez Canal and the Conflict Between Israel Defense Forces Intelligence Research Units“. In Advances in Military Geosciences, 125–43. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Kümmel, Gerhard. „Debating German Special Forces: A Scandal in the Military, a Documentary, and a Thread“. In Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications, 129–44. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Malakauskis, Paulius, und Aušrius Juozapavičius. „Assessing the Vulnerability of Military Personnel Through Open Source Intelligence: A Case Study of Lithuanian Armed Forces“. In HCI International 2023 – Late Breaking Papers, 435–44. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.

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Wang, Chunlai. „Research on the Characteristics of Physical Fitness Testing for Special Operation Forces of Military Powers and Their Reference Value“. In Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 3–10. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019.

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Gilli, Andrea, Mauro Gilli und Ivan Zaccagnini. „Exploring the Benefits of a New Force Enabler: Defense AI in Italy“. In Contributions to Security and Defence Studies, 283–304. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.

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AbstractItaly is striving to bridge its gap in defense Artificial Intelligence (AI) despite being a latecomer in the field. This pursuit aligns with broader efforts towards digitalization and modernization, particularly within its Armed Forces. Acknowledging AI’s potential benefits and threats, Italy emphasizes human involvement in decision-making processes while advancing modernization initiatives. Italy sees defense AI as a force multiplier, enhancing Armed Forces capabilities through sensor sophistication, automation, data fusion, and decision-making support.The commitment to modernize dates back to the early 2000s, notably with the Forza NEC program launched in 2007. Aimed at integrating military assets into a network-centric framework by 2031, this initiative seeks to enhance computation, communication, and situational awareness. In 2021, the Ministry of Defense allocated €190M for AI development until 2035, marking a significant investment exclusively focused on defense AI. However, several programs, including the ambitious Global Combat Air Programme (GCAP) and Robotics and Autonomous Systems Experimentation Campaign (RAS), are going to involve AI technologies.The Italian Armed Forces collaborate and synergize on their key projects with the country’s whole AI ecosystem, which includes academic institutions, civil and military research labs, startups, and private and public high-tech companies. In addition, most Italian defense AI development projects are designed to optimize resources while also ensuring integrability and interoperability among its Armed Forces branches as well as NATO allies and platforms—this is also true for AI and training. The Italian Armed Forces have set their key goals for 2035, but it remains to be seen if they will be able to accomplish them by that year.
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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Special forces (Military intelligence)"


Almer, Alexander, Anna Weber, Florian Haid, Lucas Paletta, Michael Schneeberger, Stefan Ladstätter, Dietmar Wallner et al. „Real-time remote stress monitoring based on specific stress modelling considering load characteristics of different military forces“. In 14th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2023). AHFE International, 2023.

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An ongoing challenge for the Military Task Forces is the management of personnel to optimise and maintain performance, whilst also ensuring ongoing health and wellbeing. In the course of intensive training and exercises as well as in real operational scenarios, soldiers often suffer physiological and psychological borderline stresses and also injuries during physical and combat-related training, with overuse injuries often occurring here. Innovative developments and research projects for the physiological monitoring of soldiers arise, based on innovative developments in the field of biosensor technology. Soldiers are at the center of deployed sociotechnical systems despite major innovations in the field of autonomous systems and artificial intelligence (Swiss, 2020). These are aspects and development approaches that are of great interest to military as well as civilian task forces. Motivation and Requirements: Military training and exercise missions as well as real deployment scenarios are often associated with a high degree of physical stress and responsibility and require a high level of mental performance and concentration. Reduced concentration and reaction cause delayed or possibly even wrong decisions, which can have fatal consequences. The research project VitalMonitor therefore focuses on the development of a (i) real-time monitoring system, which analyses changes in physiological parameters from heart rate, heart rate variability, skin conductance, core body temperature, etc., (ii) decision support tool for mission commanders to determine optimal work-rest-cycles preventing physical overstraining in trainings and missions (iii) personalized physical fitness training for soldiers to control their individual stress situation in a targeted manner avoiding poor performance. Methods and Results: In order to be able to make concrete statements about a current, individual stress situation for the soldiers of different task forces, it is necessary to characterize the work stress and to develop specific load and stress models. Basically, here is a relevant difference in the stress models if we compare e.g. CBRN group, light infantry forces and special military forces in the operational loads. In a first step, an attempt was made to create a so-called expert model for the load characteristics on the basis of extensive expert knowledge and measured values collected in the context of various stress tests with various military task forces. The focus was initially on the CBRN task force and further extensive tests were carried out as part of the VitalMonitor project.The basis for the creation of a specific stress model is the comprehensive analysis of the scenario-related work conditions, the psychological and cognitive stress as well as the physiological stress and the interrelationships that occur. The use of an available innovative bio-sensor technology must enable the remote measurement of vital values of the soldiers in the different deployment scenarios. Conclusion and Outlook: Soldiers are at the center of deployed sociotechnical military systems, while requirements in the physiological and cognitive field have increased significantly. Therefore, optimized capability and performance development for soldiers is a key focus for military organizations. Innovative biosensor technology, which is currently available on the commercial market, enables the monitoring of physiological parameters during physical strain and thus basically also during different military deployment scenarios. A targeted use for military tasks, which provides soldiers, executives and medical personnel with meaningful, real-time situation-relevant information, requires an intelligent analysis of the sensor data. These analysis methods take into account, on the one hand, the load characteristics of the operational scenarios and, on the other hand, the individual fitness and stress situation of the persons.
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Fang, Rui, und Liangzhong Cui. „Knowledge Graph-based Intelligence Analysis of Foreign Military Forces“. In ICAICE 2023: The 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Engineering. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2023.

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Cozien, Roger F. „From war to computer war: military forces, computer intelligence, and computer assault“. In Intelligent Systems and Advanced Manufacturing, herausgegeben von Angappa Gunasekaran und Yahaya Y. Yusuf. SPIE, 2001.

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Jones, Joseph. „Integrating and Shaping Military Cyber Defence in Operational and Intelligence Planning“. In International Conference on Cybersecurity and Cybercrime. Romanian Association for Information Security Assurance, 2022.

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The cyber threat landscape has undoubtedly evolved at an exponential rate. As such, NATO and EU forces have transformed their capabilities to meet present-day operational challenges in cyberspace. However, this paper will not only identify relative successes by NATO and EU forces with regards to their respective development of cyber defence capabilities, it will also indicate limitations with regards to the projection of power within cyberspace and the lack of national and international coordination concerning offensive cyber operations and the collection of intelligence from cyberspace.
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Jenkins, Michael, Caroline Kingsley, Richard Stone und Sean Kelly. „Small UXS-Squad Teaming: Military Operational Use Cases“. In AHFE 2023 Hawaii Edition. AHFE International, 2023.

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The proliferation of small unmanned systems (i.e., drones) being deployed at the squad or small unit level for military applications continues to increase (e.g., the use of both commercial and bespoke custom drones in the conflict in Ukraine has been a headlining story since the start of the conflict). The reliability and capabilities these low-cost platforms offer pose numerous potential benefits for squad level operations, particularly for Special Operations Forces (SOF). This paper and associated poster present a summary of current operational use cases for commercially available small unmanned systems based on feedback from a cohort of representative military end users. The purpose of this summary is to provide designers and developers of unmanned systems, payloads, autonomy, and other related capabilities with an operationally grounded set of use cases to better inform their efforts from the perspective of the users who must make the decision to rely on these technologies, noting that this population is typically one that is challenging to access.
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Morong, Stanislav. „Fluktuácia vo vojenskej logistike – príčiny, dôsledky a východiská“. In Nové trendy profesijnej prípravy v Ozbrojených silách. Akadémia ozbrojených síl generála Milana Rastislava Štefánika, 2023.

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The article uses the obtained statistical data together with the empirical findings of the author and the officials of the strategic level of military logistics management to assess the unfavourable development in the field of human resources in this specific branch of the Armed Forces. From the portfolio of factors having a critical influence on the interest or reluctance of professional soldiers - officers to perform management functions in the specialisations of military logistics, special attention is paid to the education and training of these specialists. The author of the article presents a fundamental relational determination between the quality of education in military logistics and personal stability in the performance of functions after graduation. He points out the economic and professional consequences of using inappropriate tools for reducing the personnel deficit in the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic and presents a spectrum of proposals necessary for a positive turnaround in the human resources segment of military logistics.
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The Romanian i ntelligence services have closely monitored the Soviet forces that occupied Bessarabia and northern Bukovina in June-July 1940. Between September 1940 and June 1941, special attention was paid to Soviet aviation (aerodromes, aviation units, types of aircraft, doctrine, etc.) located on Romania's borders. On June 22, 1941, when the conflict between Germany and allies (including Romania) and the USSR began, the Romanian army had pertinent information about the Soviet armies in Bessarabia and Bukovina, especially about the air force. These data were used by Romanian-German forces to take by surprise the Soviet aeronautics and annihilate them.
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Digitalization involves a collective technological progress and a transformation process. Digitalization in the military environment has acquired new perspectives. The level of digitalization of different armies across Europe is not very well known but can be intuited. New current concepts such as AI - artificial intelligence, Internet of Things - IoT, blockchain, big data, Machine learning, augmented reality, virtual reality, extended reality, mixed reality, quantum computing, will be included in the existing military ones (e.g., C4I2SR). Even if the technological advance has increased in the military, the limits of digitalization are referring to the human factor. Reaching the limits of digitalization in the sphere of air defense forces us to design a non- digital backup plan.
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From military theorists` perspective, the airspace is an area from which objectives of strategic importance to the enemy can be effectively engaged and neutralized, in order to disorganize the command and control system at strategic level, as well as to diminish the enemy’s operational potential to develop and the tactical effort in the area / areas where military actions are carried out. From this point of view, maintaining control of the airspace is a necessary condition for providing national security, and this can be achieved by constantly updating the doctrine of the air force, the one that manages the use of airborne vectors (aviation, missiles, artillery, drones, etc.) and supports the development of specific infrastructures, research and production elements, as well as modern structures for the educational and training needs of the Air Force. The airspace and going beyond that, the circumterestrial space are areas where there are no physical limitations or obstacles, geographical or relief conditions as found in districts where land forces operate or in the areas of military operations carried out by naval forces. Given the lack of these restrictions, the branch that uses the airspace has a unique feature, namely ubiquity, a characteristic that outlines the special importance of air force and air doctrine in meeting the objectives of military strategy and national security.
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Leblond, Cedric, Jean Franc¸ois Sigrist, Christian Laine, Bruno Auvity und Hassan Peerhossaini. „A Review of Fluid Forces Induced by a Circular Cylinder Oscillating at Low Amplitude and High Frequency in Cylindrical Confinement“. In ASME 2006 Pressure Vessels and Piping/ICPVT-11 Conference. ASMEDC, 2006.

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This paper deals with fluid forces induced by an oscillating rigid circular cylinder in a fluid initially at rest. The amplitude of the imposed movement is assumed sufficiently small so that no wake is formed. The objective of the present paper is to review different theoretical methods to evaluate fluid forces. A wide variety of conditions is considered, from inviscid, compressible flows in infinite fluid domains, to viscous, incompressible and strongly confined ones. A special care is taken to underline the limits of the simplified models regarding real fluid effects, such as three-dimensional centrifugal instabilities. This review is related to a study whose ultimate aim is to predict dynamic fluid load during a typical shock encountered in the environment of a military ship.
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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Special forces (Military intelligence)"


Peterson, Morris, und Donald E. Davis. Rockwell VIPER: Precision Intelligent Targeting System for Conventional Military and Special Operations Forces. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Juni 1998.

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Modigs, Ronny. Special Forces Capabilities of the European Union Military Forces. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Mai 2004.

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Scofield, E. L. Operational Level Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield for Special Operations Forces. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Februar 1999.

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Li, Fu, Khoi Do und Ambrose Goicoechea. Software User's Manual for the Special Forces Military Occupational Specialties Allocation System. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Oktober 1993.

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Summers, Robert Jr M. Regionally Aligned Forces: The Critical Role of Military Engagement and Interdependence Between Conventional and Special Operations Forces. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, April 2015.

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Bredenkamp, Michele H. How Can the U.S. Army Overcome Intelligence Sharing Challenges Between Conventional and Special Operations Forces? Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Mai 2003.

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Don, Peter J. Honing the Tip of the Spear: Developing and Operational-Level Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield for Special Operations Forces. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Februar 2003.

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Schick, Howard P. The Road to Success in Military Operations Other Than War: Paved by the Synchronization of Conventional and Special Operations Forces. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Mai 1998.

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McFee, Erin, Connor Christensen und Luke Magyar. Afghan Allies Out of War: Addressing the Needs of the Afghan Special Forces Community and their Families in the United States. Trust After Betrayal, August 2023.

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This policy paper examines the challenges faced by ex-Afghan National Army Special Operations Command (ANASOC) soldiers who resettled in the U.S. after the withdrawal from Afghanistan. The research, based on interviews and surveys with 36 veterans, reveals leadership dynamics, evacuation disparities, family reunification struggles, language barriers, and psychosocial challenges. The recommendations include designating ANASOC veterans for Special Immigrant Visas, streamlining family reunification, facilitating military service pathways, providing language and education support, and establishing comprehensive psychosocial frameworks. These measures not only honor their sacrifices but also enhance national security, reinforce partnerships, and contribute to the American workforce.
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Ruff, Grigory, und Tatyana Sidorina. THE DEVELOPMENT MODEL OF ENGINEERING CREATIVITY IN STUDENTS OF MILITARY INSTITUTIONS. Science and Innovation Center Publishing House, Dezember 2020.

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The troops of the national guard of the Russian Federation are equipped with modern models of weapons, special equipment, Informatization tools, engineering weapons that have artificial intelligence in their composition are being developed, " etc., which causes an increase in the requirements for the quality of professional training of future officers. The increasing complexity of military professional activities, the avalanche-like increase in information, the need to develop the ability to quickly and accurately make and implement well-known and own engineering solutions in an unpredictable military environment demonstrates that the most important tasks of modern higher education are not only providing graduates with a system of fundamental and special knowledge and skills, but also developing their professional independence, and this led to the concept of engineering and creative potential in the list of professionally important qualities of an officer. To expedite a special mechanism system compact intense clarity through cognitive visualization of the educational material, thickening of educational knowledge through encoding, consolidation and structuring Principle of cognitive visualization stems from the psychological laws in accordance with which the efficiency of absorption is increased if visibility in training does not only illustrative, but also cognitive function, which leads to active inclusion, along with the left and right hemispheres of the student in the process of assimilation of information, based on the use of logical and semantic modeling, which contributes to the development of engineering and creative potential.
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