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Flikke, Rune. „Writing ‘naturecultures’ in Zulu Zionist healing“. Nordic Journal of Science and Technology Studies 2, Nr. 1 (01.12.2016): 12. http://dx.doi.org/10.5324/njsts.v2i1.2131.

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<div>In this article my primary aim is to argue for an ontological and phenomenological approach to studying healing rituals within the African Independent Churches in South Africa. Through ethnographic evidence I will argue that the healing rituals are misrepresented in more traditional epistemologically tuned studies, and suggest that a better understanding is to be achieved through a focus on Latour’s ‘natures-cultures’ or Haraway’s ‘naturecultures’, thus showing how health and well-being are achieved through a creative process which continuously strive to break down any distinction of nature and culture as separate entities. I conclude by arguing that the contemporary healing rituals, which surfaced in South Africa in the mid eighteen-seventies, were a sensible and experience based reactions to the colonial contact zones of a racist Colonial regime dependent on African labor.</div>
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Dr Kally Forrest. „New South African Federation Prioritises Marginalised“. International Union Rights 24, Nr. 2 (2017): 22. http://dx.doi.org/10.14213/inteuniorigh.24.2.0022.

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Forrest, Dr Kally. „New South African Federation Prioritises Marginalised“. International Union Rights 24, Nr. 2 (2017): 22–23. http://dx.doi.org/10.1353/iur.2017.a838348.

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Musiker, Naomi. „London Jewish Chronicle: South African abstracts 1859-1910“. African Research & Documentation 100 (2006): 37–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0305862x00019725.

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During the first two decades of the twentieth century, research documents into the historical development of the Jewish community in South Africa were largely the work of individuals. The most notable of these were those of Rabbi Dr J H Hertz, of the Witwatersrand Hebrew Congregation who presented an address on the Jews of South Africa to the first South African Zionist Congress (1905), various papers by the amateur historians S J Judelowitz and S A Rochlin, Louis Hermann's History of the Jews in South Africa, covering the period to 1890 and S A Rochlin and Muriel Alexander's researches into newspaper files, the former covering Transvaal papers from 1892 to 1924 and the latter, Cape papers until the end of 1918.
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Kenny, Bridget. „The South African labour movement“. Tempo Social 32, Nr. 1 (15.04.2020): 119–36. http://dx.doi.org/10.11606/0103-2070.ts.2020.166288.

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This paper reviews the state of the South African labour movement. It discusses trade unions within the context of national political dynamics, including the Tripartite Alliance and neoliberalism, as well as growing precarianization of work within South Africa. It examines splits within the major federation and explores debates around union renewal and new worker organizations. It argues that the political terrain is fragmented and shifting, but workers’ collective labour politics abides.
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Campbell, Peter N. „African Biochemists Plan More Collaboration“. Scientific World JOURNAL 1 (2000): 21. http://dx.doi.org/10.1100/tsw.2000.16.

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The Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) was the first regional organisation of biochemists, holding its first congress in London in 1964. There followed the creation of the Pan American Association of Biochemical Societies (PAABS) and then the Federation of Asian and Oceanian Biochemists (FAOB). An obvious development was the formation of a similar organisation to take care of Africa, but this proved impossible so long as apartheid survived in South Africa. With the removal of the latter, the way was clear for the foundation of the Federation of African Societies of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (FASBMB). The first congress of the new federation was held in Nairobi in September 1996 under the Presidency of Prof. Dominic Makawiti of Nairobi University. Among the 300 participants were representatives from 19 countries in Africa. The second congress was held at Potchefstroom in South Africa in 1998 and the third was just held in Cairo.
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Tal, Nitzan, und Louise Bethlehem. „South African text; Zionist palimpsest: Israeli critics read Alan Paton’s Cry, the Beloved Country“. Journal of Modern Jewish Studies 19, Nr. 4 (27.11.2019): 450–71. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14725886.2019.1693116.

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Cabrita, Joel. „AN INTRODUCTION TO THE LETTERS OF ISAIAH MOTEKA: THE CORRESPONDENCE OF A TWENTIETH-CENTURY SOUTH AFRICAN ZIONIST MINISTER“. Africa 84, Nr. 2 (09.04.2014): 163–98. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0001972014000011.

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ABSTRACTSouth African Zionism, one of the most popular Christian movements in modern South Africa, has frequently been interpreted in narrowly indigenous terms, as a local, black appropriation of Christianity, heavily invested in orality and ritual performance. The correspondence of the twentieth-century Zionist minister Isaiah Moteka tells a different story. Moteka honed the craft of letter-writing in order to build and sustain his relationship with Zion, Illinois, the headquarters of the worldwide Zionist church. Through the exchange of letters across the Atlantic, Moteka affirmed his own and his congregants’ place within a multiracial Zion diaspora. And through their complex invocation of overlapping local and global affiliations, Moteka's writings proclaimed his standing both as a regional clergyman and as a cosmopolitan internationalist. In particular, these ambiguous missives became the platform for Moteka's engagement with apartheid-era state officials. Seeking to persuade state officials that his organization fell under ‘white’ supervision, Moteka's letters proclaimed his accreditation by Zion, Illinois, thereby casting himself as a deputy of the worldwide movement. But these documents’ citation of transatlantic loyalties also suggests Moteka's own conflicted loyalties. His letters asserted loyalty to the nation state while they simultaneously subordinated earthly power to the Kingdom of God.
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Houle, Robert. „Mbiya Kuzwayo's Christianity: Revival, Reformation and the Surprising Viability of Mainline Churches in South Africa“. Journal of Religion in Africa 38, Nr. 2 (2008): 141–70. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/157006608x289666.

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AbstractMuch of the credit for the vitality of Christianity in southern Africa has gone to the African Initiated Churches that date their birth to earlier 'Ethiopian' and 'Zionist' movements. Yet far from being compromised, as they are often portrayed, those African Christians remaining in the mission churches often played a critical role in the naturalization of the faith. In the churches of the American Zulu Mission, the largest mission body in colonial Natal, one of the most important moments in this process occurred at the end of the nineteenth century when participants in a revival, led in part by a young Zulu Christian named Mbiya Kuzwayo, employed the theology of Holiness to dramatically alter the nature of their lived Christianity and bring about an internal revolution that gave them effective control of their churches.
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Hasan, Dr Rumy. „THE UNITARY, DEMOCRATIC STATE AND THE STRUGGLE AGAINST APARTHEID IN PALESTINE–ISRAEL“. Holy Land Studies 7, Nr. 1 (Mai 2008): 81–94. http://dx.doi.org/10.3366/e1474947508000073.

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This paper utilises a comparison between Apartheid South Africa and Israel to argue that Israel, from its inception, has been an apartheid state, albeit different in form to the South African variety. The fundamental proposition is that only the dismantling of the Zionist legal code, the constitution and discriminatory state structures will ensure the end of apartheid in Palestine–Israel. The sine qua nonfor this is the creation of a single, unitary, democratic state. Accordingly, the goal of the Palestinian liberation struggle should decisively shift away from the 'two-state solution' in favour of a 'one-state solution'. To this end, six theses are presented.
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Schoffeleers, Matthew. „Ritual healing and political acquiescence: the case of the Zionist Churches in southern Africa“. Africa 61, Nr. 1 (Januar 1991): 1–25. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/1160267.

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AbstractZionist Churches, especially those emphasising healing, exhibit a strikingly acquiescent attitude towards South African State politicies. This article examines the evidence as well as the explanations that have been put forward by social scientists and theologians. The particular focus of the article, however, is on medical systems as mechanisms of social control, a perspective that in this context has tended to be overlooked.
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Baumann, Ted, und Diana Mitlin. „The South African Homeless Peoples' Federation – investing in the poor“. Small Enterprise Development 14, Nr. 1 (März 2003): 32–41. http://dx.doi.org/10.3362/0957-1329.2003.007.

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Raijman, Rebeca. „African Jewish Communities in the Diaspora and the Homeland: The Case of South Africa“. Religions 15, Nr. 2 (06.02.2024): 200. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/rel15020200.

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As part of this Special Issue devoted to research on the Jewish communities in Africa and their diaspora, we focus on the case of South African Jews who emigrated to Israel. First, we analyze the socio-religious and cultural context in which a Jewish diaspora developed and marked the ethno-religious identity of South African Jews both as individuals and as a collective. Second, we examine the role of ethno-religious identification as the main motive for migrating to Israel, and third, we show the role of ethno-religious identity in the integration of South African Jews into Israeli life. This study relies on data from a survey of South Africans and their descendants living in Israel in 2008, and in-depth interviews. The findings provide evidence for a strong Jewish community in South Africa that created a strong sense of belonging to the Jewish people and a strong attachment to Israel. As expected, two of the key reasons for the decision to move to Israel were ideology and religion. The immigrants wanted to live in a place where they could feel part of the majority that was culturally and religiously Jewish. Finally, ethno-religious identities (Jewish and Zionist) influenced not only the decision making of potential immigrants but also their process of integration into Israeli life.
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MAXWELL, DAVID. „HISTORICIZING CHRISTIAN INDEPENDENCY: THE SOUTHERN AFRICAN PENTECOSTAL MOVEMENT c. 1908–60“. Journal of African History 40, Nr. 2 (Juli 1999): 243–64. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s002185379800735x.

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Scholarly study of Christian independency in southern Africa began with the publication of Bengt Sundkler's Bantu Prophets in 1948. A rich literature subsequently followed, much of it deploying his now classic typology of Ethiopian and Zionist Churches. Nevertheless, the historical study of independency has been limited. As one scholar has recently observed, historians have tended to focus on the Ethiopian-type churches, leaving the study of the Zionist-type to anthropologists and missiologists. The neglect of Zionist-type churches by historians meant that early studies on this form of Christianity were historically weak. Missiologists distorted the whole area of inquiry with theological concerns, at first raising the spectre of syncretistic heresy, and more recently making claims about indigenous authenticity. Anthropologists initially viewed independent churches as fascinating examples of cultural resilience. The movements were seen as sources of community, loyalty and security in the face of the atomising and anomic experience of urbanization; or as foci for ‘the process of modification and adaptation’ taking place throughout rural society. But anthropologists rarely paid attention to independency's origins. Where historians did engage with Zionist-type independency, they did so through the spectacles of nationalist historiography in order to demonstrate independency's supposed proto-nationalist character.By adopting an international and regional perspective, this article provides an account of the historical origins and early evolution of these churches. Where scholars in the past have tended to disaggregate the movement, essentializing its later racial and geographical boundaries, this paper will draw the early history of the movement together, illuminating its common origin and global character. The basic ingredients of this account have been available in the work of Walter Hollenweger, Jean Comaroff, Sundkler's later book, and more recently, studies by Jim Kiernan and David Chidester. Nevertheless, the historical implication that so-called African independent churches emerged out of the global pentecostal movement continues to be ignored.The purpose of demonstrating the origins of southern African pentecostalism is not to make the now commonplace historical and anthropological critique of authenticity, although those pursuing a theological agenda which distinguishes African Independent Churches as a separate category of Christianity would do well to pay heed to that critique. Neither is it assumed that analysis of origins explains the meaning and appeal of different southern African pentecostal movements and denominations. Rather, this paper demonstrates that pentecostalism is a global phenomenon: a collection of vital and powerful idioms about illness and healing, evil and purity which make striking resonances with peoples sharing common historical experiences of marginalization from established religion and from the values of twentieth-century industrial capitalism. At the same time pentecostalism has also exhibited a remarkable capacity to localize itself, taking on very distinct meanings in different local contexts. At the heart of this paper lies a comparative analysis of the radically different responses which the movement engendered from the South African and Southern Rhodesian states.
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Gidron, Yotam. „From discursive resistance to new genealogies: rethinking Israelite identities in Africa through the case of Nuer Christian Zionists“. Africa 91, Nr. 5 (November 2021): 832–51. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0001972021000607.

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AbstractScholars have commonly interpreted the emergence of claims of Israelite descent among African peoples as attempts of marginalized communities to construct empowering identities by drawing on biblical narratives. This article tries to make sense of such claims from a more emic perspective, not as an instrumental counter-discourse but as a genuine attempt to grapple with the nature of ethnic membership and the place of certain communities in relation to biblical genealogies, time and space. The article explores the claims of Nuer members of several Evangelical Zionist churches operating in western Ethiopia and South Sudan that the Nuer are among the ‘lost tribes’ of Israel. It demonstrates how Nuer Zionists have reinterpreted Nuer identity, known for its permeability and constructivist nature, in light of contemporary premillennialist Zionist notions of history and peoplehood, which emphasize ethnic fixity and focus on lineages, exclusive bloodlines and biological descent. The article offers a new perspective on Israelite identities in Africa and on the influence of born-again Christianity on the construction of ethnic identities.
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Chalufu, Sibusiso, Matete Madiba, Saloschini Pillay und Matome Mashiapata. „Perspectives from the Africa region“. New Directions for Student Services 2023, Nr. 183 (September 2023): 47–54. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ss.20478.

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AbstractThis article describes the student affairs associations of South Africa and how they pooled their strategy into a Southern African federation, strengthening their impact on student support and development, policy development, and professional development in Southern Africa. The pan‐African developments to strengthen higher education, driven by the Association for African Universities, reveal the ambitious plans to strengthen student support in African higher education.
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Savage, Carter Julian. „“In the Interest of the Colored Boys”: Christopher J. Atkinson, William T. Coleman, and the Extension of Boys' Clubs Services to African-American Communities, 1906–1931“. History of Education Quarterly 51, Nr. 4 (November 2011): 486–518. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1748-5959.2011.00355.x.

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On Tuesday morning, May 1, 1928, Frank Callen, an African-American Superintendent of the Boys' Club of Savannah, came to the podium and stood before a sea of his white colleagues at the 22nd Annual Convention of the Boys' Club Federation in Birmingham, Alabama. Convention advertisements called boys' workers to the “Sunny South” through tales of fried chicken, hot biscuits served with the nectar from Alabama clover, and a region called Dixie that was “twice as nice as paradise.” The Federation had selected Birmingham as the site for its inaugural convention in the South to kick off their efforts to expand the number of Clubs in this region. Since its inception in 1906, the Clubs within the Federation had primarily provided service to white immigrant boys in the urban northeast, but this was rapidly changing as the number of Clubs in African-American communities had steadily risen over the last six years.
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Kenny, Bridget. „Walmart in South Africa: Precarious Labor and Retail Expansion“. International Labor and Working-Class History 86 (2014): 173–77. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0147547914000167.

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In 2011 Walmart's bid to buy a controlling stake in South Africa's Massmart Holdings, Inc. went before the country's Competition Commission and Competition Tribunal, both of which would determine whether to grant the merger outright or to place conditions on it. Massmart Holdings comprises a number of branded subsidiaries in the South African market, including Walmart-style general merchandise dealers, electronics retailers, do-it-yourself building suppliers, and food wholesalers—Game, Dion, Builder's Warehouse, and Makro, respectively—as well as the more recently acquired food retailer, Cambridge Food. South African unions, most prominently the South African Commercial, Catering and Allied Workers Union (Saccawu), with support from the Global Union Federation UNI Global and, in the United States, the United Food and Commercial Workers, fought the merger.
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Skubko, Yury. „30th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations Between Russia and South Africa“. Uchenie zapiski Instituta Afriki RAN 60, Nr. 3 (07.09.2022): 119–27. http://dx.doi.org/10.31132/2412-5717-2022-60-3-119-127.

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On March 14, 2022 the Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences held a round table discussion to mark the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of South Africa, organized by the Centre for Southern African studies. The history and current state of relations between the two countries and peoples were discussed by African studies researchers, Russian Foreign ministry officials and diplomats in South Africa, South African public figures and civil society activists, veterans of the national liberation movement. Among issues discussed were historic ties between Russia and South Africa dating back to the 18th century, first diplomatic contacts in the 19th century, participation of Russian volunteers in the Anglo-Boer war of 1899–1902, Russian emigration to South Africa, Soviet aid to the national liberation struggle against the apartheid regime, particularly relations with the ANC, first Soviet-South African diplomatic ties, influence on them of perestroika and the dissolution of USSR. Current problems of cooperation and development of relations in different fields within strategic partnership between the two countries, particularly, within the framework of BRICS, were also discussed.
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Hyam, Ronald. „The Geopolitical Origins of the Central African Federation: Britain, Rhodesia and South Africa, 1948–1953“. Historical Journal 30, Nr. 1 (März 1987): 145–72. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0018246x00021956.

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The Central African Federation (1953–63) was the most controversial large-scale imperial exercise in constructive state-building ever undertaken by the British government. It appears now as a quite extraordinary mistake, an aberration of history (‘like the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem’), a deviation from the inevitable historical trend of decolonization. Paradoxically, one of its principal architects, Andrew Cohen (head of the African department of the colonial office) is also credited with having set the course for planned African decolonization as a whole. There have already been several attempts to explain how an error so interesting and surprising, so large and portentous, came to be made. No one, however, has yet presented an analysis based on British government archives, and the authoritative evidence that they alone can provide.
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Zambakari, Christopher. „South Sudan and the East African Community: Common Market, Citizenship, and Political Federation“. International Journal of African Renaissance Studies - Multi-, Inter- and Transdisciplinarity 10, Nr. 2 (03.07.2015): 6–31. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/18186874.2015.1107975.

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Nattrass, Nicoli. „From fragmentation to fragile unity: Organizational fault-lines in South African business“. South African Journal of Business Management 29, Nr. 1 (31.03.1998): 21–29. http://dx.doi.org/10.4102/sajbm.v29i1.767.

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This article explores the nature and history of organized business in South Africa. It describes the major racial, sectoral and other fault-lines which fracture the business community, and indicates that many of these are the legacy of apartheid. It points out that the relationship between business and the state was ambiguous, varied between the economic sectors, and changed radically over time. The latter sections of the article discuss the role of business in South Africa's transition (and the collective action problems which were experienced), and charts the developments which lead up to the creation of the mega federation Business South Africa (BSA). It is argued that BSA represents an important, yet fragile, step towards unity.
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Dibben, Pauline, Geoffrey Wood und Kamel Mellahi. „Is social movement unionism still relevant? The case of the South African federation COSATU“. Industrial Relations Journal 43, Nr. 6 (November 2012): 494–510. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-2338.2012.00683.x.

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Naty, Alexander, Morie Kaneko (ed.) und Masayoshi Shigeta (ed.). „The ak’aat k’aal movement among the Aari people of south-west Ethiopia“. Aethiopica 9 (24.09.2012): 49–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.15460/aethiopica.9.1.240.

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Students of African studies have reported a variety of religious movements under the rubric of independent churches. These include the Cherubim and Seraphim, the Church of the Lord, the Church of Simon Kimbangu, the Zionist and Ethiopianist’s independent churches in southern Africa. Most of these churches emerged in those countries that were under European colonial domination. Ethiopia did not experience European colonialism. Indeed, imperial Ethiopia conquered militarily less powerful kingdoms and chiefdoms that were located to the south and south-western of the then Abyssinia. The conquest of formerly independent populations in southern Ethiopia during the late nineteenth century introduced unequal power relations between the indigenous people and the new settlers. This paper examines the evolution of a religious movement referred to as ak’aat k’aal among the Aari people of south-west Ethiopia in the context of the indigenous forms of domination. Although the movement was short-lived, it was meant to enable the Aari to cope with the social psychological stress that the serfdom system generated. The Aari were not able to practice their traditional religion because of the serfdom. Therefore, they had to abandon their religion. However, doing this without finding a substitute was incompatible with Aari religious ideology. The ak’aat k’aal was a substitute just for a short period. ATTENTION: Due to copy-right no online publication is provided.
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Ismail, Salma. „Imali Nolwazi (“We Need Money and Knowledge”): A rallying cry from the South African Homeless Peoples Federation“. Radical Housing Journal 1, Nr. 1 (04.04.2019): 151–69. http://dx.doi.org/10.54825/ynua5112.

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This article tracks the history of the Victoria Mxenge Housing Project (1994-2013), from its start as a development organisation to its evolution into a social movement, then as a service provider and currently as an independent organisation. I discuss these developments against the political context in which there is rapid urbanisation in a country with a history of violent land dispossession. Post-apartheid, the state has built many houses, provided sanitation and electricity to thousands of poor people but it did not live up to the promises presented in the South African Constitution that was mapped out in 1994. Against this background, the article tells the story of poor, homeless African women in the Victoria Mxenge Project (VM), an affiliate of the South African Homeless People’s Federation linked to International social movements such as Indian Slum dwellers International. The women, through a process of learning, acquired the skills to save, secure land, build more than 5000 houses and become leaders of a housing social movement which later became a service provider to the state. It describes the choices they faced in an ever-changing social movement caught up in a struggle to mobilise for land and housing. This story further explores the creative and critical role that radical adult education played in a development context. It illustrates how South African poor citizens learned through social activism and community development. It explores the current context in which the housing movement has become fractured and more radical organisations enter the struggle, Finally, it discusses the different and more complex interactions between social movements, NGOs and the state and how knowledge is produced in informal sites which can lead to social transformation.
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Obu, Raphael Nyarkotey, und Lawrencia Aggrey Bluwey. „African naturopathic education: Ghana’s model using competency-based curriculum“. Journal of Preventive Medicine and Holistic Health 8, Nr. 2 (15.01.2023): 75–84. http://dx.doi.org/10.18231/j.jpmhh.2022.016.

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Despite the over 62 years of Naturopathy’s existence in the Ghanaian jurisdiction, no single tertiary program in Naturopathy or Complementary and Alternative Medicine is taught. The practice has not been streamlined and properly structured. Those who engage in the Naturopathic trade mostly receive their education through correspondence from unrecognized and unaccredited foreign schools that teach a limited aspect of naturopathy. : Following the development and approval of two Naturopathic programs; The Higher National Diploma (HND) for training Naturopaths and Bachelor of Technology in Naturopathy and Holistic Medicine, a 5-year program for Naturopathic Physicians, this paper provides a critical evaluation of the curricula approved by the Commission for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (CTVET) in Ghana. This paper employs a sequential two-stage qualitative process. In phase one, the two curricula were submitted to the World Naturopathic Federation (WNF) Canada, for evaluation. Phase two involved a document analysis using the curriculum recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Naturopathic Federation (WNF), and the South African Naturopathic curriculum. An in-depth evaluation and comparison with the Ghanaian program were conducted, together with abstracted WNF responses which were then analyzed thematically. After the necessary recommendations by WNF were adopted. The two Ghanaian curricula met the international standard. The recommendations also strengthened the mandatory general area of competence in Naturopathic training. The Ghanaian Bachelor’s in Naturopathy has total clock hours of 5,979, which surpasses the South African degree in Naturopathy(5,950) clock hours. The Ghanaian naturopathic mandatory and elective subjects in the curricula meet the international standards. Issues raised by World Naturopathic Federations (WNF) were all addressed to strengthen the program.
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Mozgovoy, S. I., T. V. Yakubenko und O. V. Yakubenko. „Organization of cervical cancer screening in African countries as a direction of cooperation within the SDGS“. Terapevt (General Physician), Nr. 2 (18.02.2024): 39–47. http://dx.doi.org/10.33920/med-12-2402-04.

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The article analyzes the indicators of early cancer detection in progressive and crisis countries in Africa. An analysis of the possible causes of the low detection rate and five-year survival of patients in crisis countries is made. The ways of possible cooperation with the Russian Federation on the way to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals are outlined. According to the United Nations, the African continent includes 54 indepen dent states. Most of them were colonized and had external control of major European countries — Great Britain, France, Germany, and others. In the middle of the 20th century, the process of gaining the independence by African countries began. Nevertheless, to date, the influence of European countries on many spheres of life on the African continent con tinues to persist. African countries have a large gap in socio-economic indicators and are very heterogeneous. Among them, progressive countries can be distinguished — those with experience in effective strategies for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Such countries include the Republic of Seychelles, Equatorial Guinea, the Repub lic of South Africa, and others. The Russian Federation has strong partnership relations with the Republic of South Africa within the framework of the interstate united group BRICS. Along with the progressive countries, it is necessary to identify crisis countries that have not yet developed experience in effectively achieving the SDGs. Crisis states have many socio-economic issues, low per capita incomes, and big problems in the orga nization of education and health care. These countries include the Republic of Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Central African Republic, and others. The interaction of countries can be aimed at training personnel for the healthcare system of African countries, developing standards for the early detection of oncolog ical diseases of the most typical localizations for African countries, and working out treatment protocols. The possibilities of interaction of the Department of Pathological Anatomy, Omsk State Medical University, and crisis countries of the African continent on the introduction of innovative developments are analyzed. These programs require political, economic, scientific, technological, and socio-cultural cooperation between Russia and African countries.
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Rudman, Riaan J., und Wandi Kruger-Van Renen. „South African students' perceptions of the usefulness of a management accounting simulation“. Journal of Economic and Financial Sciences 7, Nr. 1 (30.04.2014): 187–212. http://dx.doi.org/10.4102/jef.v7i1.136.

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Professional bodies such as the International Federation of Accountants and related bodies such as the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants require Information Technology (IT) to be integrated with the professional subjects, which includes Management Accounting. This has been a recent development in the training of professional accountants. Historically, universities have mainly focused on numerical problem-solving, but there has been a shift in focus from numerical problem-solving only to integrating numerical problem-solving with strategic and business matters.The Department of Accounting at Stellenbosch University developed a management accounting simulation in the form of a business plan project covering the entire process of launching a new business idea. Students select a new business concept, research the viability thereof and prepare various sets of financial information and a business plan. The learning objective of the simulation is to integrate management accounting with IT, and expose students to a real-life business experience.A questionnaire was developed to evaluate students’ perceptions of the benefits and disadvantages of a simulation, including a business plan project as a teaching tool. Responses to the appropriateness of a simulation as a teaching tool were favourable. Respondents felt that it helped them to understand both management accounting as well as IT functionalities better.
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ROKEM, FREDDIE. „Editorial: Wherein the articles of this issue and some new developments for TRI are introduced“. Theatre Research International 33, Nr. 1 (März 2008): 1–3. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0307883307003355.

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In the summer of 2007 the annual conference of the International Federation of Theatre Research (IFTR/FIRT) met for the first time in Africa. Hosted by Stellenbosch University in South Africa, it was probably the first international theatre conference of its kind on the continent, enabling scholars and practitioners from all over the world as well as from many African countries to present their work on the conference theme: ‘Theatre in Africa – Africa in the Theatre’. This issue of TRI opens with two articles which reflect the deep interest among non-African scholars in the latest developments on African stages as well as the challenge of depicting its complex state of affairs from within. Both contributions examine strategies of subversion mobilized by theatre to create continuity and identity through different readings of the historical past.
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Gwande, Victor Muchineripi. „'For our self-sufficiency and autonomy': International Worker Solidarity and the Global Networks of FOSATU in the Democratic Struggle in South Africa“. Historia 68, Nr. 1 (06.07.2023): 86–112. http://dx.doi.org/10.17159/2309-8392/2023/v68n1a4.

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This article examines the place of the trade union movement in the democratisation project in South Africa. While scholarship exists which shows the role of the labour movement in the ending of apartheid, the focus tends to emphasise what has been called political or social movement unionism. However, one labour centre, the Federation of South African Trade Unions (FOSATU), pursuing a workerist approach to its trade unionism, created and extended tentacles of democracy during apartheid, outside the ambit and influence of political parties and the nationalist movement. FOSATU also created global networks and outreach in search of international worker solidarity. That solidarity was imperative for FOSATU's self-sufficiency and autonomy as well as that of the broader anti-apartheid movement. The article argues that FOSATU broadened the platforms of the democratic struggle in South Africa beyond the nation-state boundary. In doing so, it contributes to the historiographies of the trade union movement, the struggle for democracy in South Africa and the transnational turn in the South African labour movement. The study uses the minutes and reports of FOSATU's national executive, its central committee meetings and also news reports from the FOSATU Worker News, all of which are housed at Wits University's William Cullen Library, in the Historical Papers section.
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Lichtenstein, Alex. „Challenging ‘umthetho we femu’ (the law of the firm): gender relations and shop-floor battles for union recognition in Natal's textile industry, 1973–85“. Africa 87, Nr. 1 (27.01.2017): 100–119. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0001972016000711.

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AbstractAs part of a growing working-class movement that sought full legal status as employees in South Africa, stable urban residence and union recognition, female African factory workers became part of a dynamic new labour movement emanating from the shop floor. At the same time, this new role allowed them to challenge patriarchal structures of authority in the factory, the community and the home. This article examines the gender dimension of a bitter inter-union rivalry that beset Durban's Frame textile complex during the early 1980s. With African unions at last recognized by the apartheid state, Frame sought to bolster the strength of a compliant company union in order to thwart the organizing drive of a more confrontational independent union, an affiliate of the newly established Federation of South African Trade Unions (FOSATU). This union rivalry was fought out in the courts as well as inside the factory, in the streets of Durban's townships, and in an African workers’ hostel in nearby Clermont. The legal dispute generated affidavits by women workers attesting to the pressures they faced to join the company union and their reasons for preferring FOSATU. This evidence shows that African women successfully challenged the patriarchal authority of male managers, security personnel, indunas and male co-workers at Frame in order to join an independent union.
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Meiring, P. G. J. „’n Nuwe hoofstuk in die verhouding tussen Franse Protestante en Suid-Afrika: Die Collogue L’Afrique du Sud en transition, Parys, 15–16 Januarie 1993“. Verbum et Ecclesia 14, Nr. 1 (09.09.1993): 97–104. http://dx.doi.org/10.4102/ve.v14i1.1278.

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A new chapter in the relationship between French Protestants and South Africa: The Colloque l’Afrique du Sud en transition, Paris, 15–16 January, 1993Early in 1993 an important colloquium, called together by the Federation of Protestants in France, (FPF) in conjunction with DEFAP, the missionary secretariate of the FPF, on South Africa in transition, was held in Paris. The colloquium had a fourfold purpose: to inform the French public on recent developments in South Africa; to explain the difficult problems awaiting solutions in that country; to rebuild contact between churches in South Africa and France; and to identify lessons France, as well as the wider world, may learn from the South African experience. Speakers from both South Africa and France were invited to address the colloquium. In the article some of the views expressed at the colloquium are summarised and evaluated. In an introductory paragraph the role and the influence of Protestants in France today are briefly touched upon.
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Millstein, Marianne, Sophie Oldfield und Kristian Stokke. „uTshani BuyaKhuluma––The Grass Speaks: the political space and capacity of the South African Homeless People’s Federation“. Geoforum 34, Nr. 4 (November 2003): 457–68. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0016-7185(03)00046-0.

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Bolnick, Joel. „u Tshani Buyakhuluma (The grass speaks): People's Dialogue and the South African Homeless People's Federation (1994-6)“. Environment and Urbanization 8, Nr. 2 (Oktober 1996): 153–70. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/095624789600800216.

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Kirkwood, Patrick M. „Alexander Hamilton and the Early Republic in Edwardian Imperial Thought“. Britain and the World 12, Nr. 1 (März 2019): 28–50. http://dx.doi.org/10.3366/brw.2019.0311.

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In the first decade of the twentieth century, a rising generation of British colonial administrators profoundly altered British usage of American history in imperial debates. In the process, they influenced both South African history and wider British imperial thought. Prior usage of the Revolution and Early Republic in such debates focused on the United States as a cautionary tale, warning against future ‘lost colonies’. Aided by the publication of F. S. Oliver's Alexander Hamilton (1906), administrators in South Africa used the figures of Hamilton and George Washington, the Federalist Papers, and the drafting of the Constitution as an Anglo-exceptionalist model of (modern) self-government. In doing so they applied the lessons of the Early Republic to South Africa, thereby contributing to the formation of the Union of 1910. They then brought their reconception of the United States, and their belief in the need for ‘imperial federation’, back to the metropole. There they fostered growing diplomatic ties with the US while recasting British political history in-light-of the example of American federation. This process of inter-imperial exchange culminated shortly after the signing of the Treaty of Versailles when the Boer Generals Botha and Smuts were publicly presented as Washington and Hamilton reborn.
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Bolnick, Joel. „uTshani Buyakhuluma (The grass speaks): People's Dialogue and the South African Homeless People's Federation (1994-6)“. Environment and Urbanization 8, Nr. 2 (01.10.1996): 153–70. http://dx.doi.org/10.1630/095624796101287175.

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Kopteva, Lyudmila, Lyudmila Shabalina und Artur Budagov. „Certain aspects of African countries food security provision“. E3S Web of Conferences 210 (2020): 03009. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202021003009.

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Analysis of the African countries food security demonstrate significant aggravation of the situation in several countries to the south of the Sahara. Conflicts, social inequality, high level of poverty against the background of a rapid population growth, unfavorable climatic conditions as well as ineffective government policy in the field of providing the population with foodstuff were determined as the main causes of population undernourishment. In Africa, due to low incomes of the population, most of the food ration consists of cereals and a small part of meat, fish and dairy products. It was revealed that African countries are the net importers of foodstuff, with cereals accounting for the largest part of imports. It was noted that international experts forecast foodstuff and fodder demand increase in these countries. It was defined the African region can potentially become one of the promising sales markets for Russian producers of grain crops and agricultural products. The results of the study are aimed at overcoming the problem of starvation, economic backwardness and improving the living standards of the African continent population, as well as developing an economic toolkit for the interaction of the Russian Federation with African countries.
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Krieg, Mark, und Shawn Cunningham. „Opportunities for the South African Foundry Industry in the Global Automotive Supply Chain“. Advanced Materials Research 1019 (Oktober 2014): 26–35. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amr.1019.26.

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<span><span style="font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: medium;" face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </span> <p>Two rapid assessments of foundries in the automotive supply chain were conducted in 2012 and 2013 on behalf of the National Foundry Technology Network (NFTN), an initiative of the Department of Trade and Industry (dti). The investigation was not an academic or econometric study; but to identify areas where assistance was required by the foundries, and opportunities for growth. There are both Tier 1 and Tier 2 foundries that are qualified to, and do, supply the automotive sector. Castings, components and sub-assemblies are produced in South Africa for the majority of passenger vehicle manufactures. There has been an increase in volumes supplied by smaller, often Tier 2 & 3 foundries, however, drive train castings are largely imported. Furthermore, there was little evidence of supply contracts for the next model ranges. Local castings were said to be 10% to 30% more expensive than imported parts. Typically, sourcing discussions are made outside of the country, and price and security of supply are main considerations. Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM’s) have committed to local sourcing, but it was clear that a significant intervention was required to change the downward trend. This would be outside the scope of both the Aluminium Federation of South Africa (AFSA) and the NFTN. It was recommended that a Competitive Improvement Initiative (CII) be launched by the NFTN. This was subsequently approved by the NFTN/dti.</p> <span style="font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: medium;" face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </span>
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Vlasov, Mikhail, Almaz Imatdinov, Ilya Titov, Nikola Vasković, Valentina Lyska, Timofey Sevskikh, Adylia Sybgatullova, Elena Pivova, Sergey Morgunov und Vladimir Balyshev. „Characteristics of African Swine Fever Virus Isolated from Domestic Pigs and Wild Boars in the Russian Federation and South Ossetia“. Acta Veterinaria 70, Nr. 1 (01.03.2020): 58–70. http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/acve-2020-0004.

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AbstractThe article presents the results of a comparative study of the biological, molecular and genetic characteristics of African swine fever virus (ASFV) isolates, obtained from domestic pigs and wild boars in the Russian Federation and South Ossetia from 2016 to 2018. The studied isolates caused the death of pigs manifesting, as a rule, signs of an acute or subacute form of the disease when using various methods of infection including intramuscular, direct contact, intranasal and oral routes. The virus was hemadsorbing, belonging to serotype 8 and genotype II, and accumulated in the blood with a titer of 6.5 to 7.5 lg HAU50/cm3. The ASFV isolates circulating in the central region of Russia were found to have an insertion of 10 base pairs in the intergenic region I73R/I329L. However, the ASFV isolated in the Irkutsk region and South Ossetia, as well as Georgia 2007/1 (FR682468.1), lacked this insertion.
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Yakovlev, P. P. „From the standpoint of friendshoring: Russia's trade relations with the regions of the global south“. International Trade and Trade Policy 9, Nr. 1 (05.05.2023): 136–52. http://dx.doi.org/10.21686/2410-7395-2023-1-136-152.

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The geography of Russia's foreign trade, which is experiencing a period of profound transformational changes, acquires radically new contours. The Western states, which for a long time occupied dominant positions in the exports and imports of the Russian Federation, are being replaced by the countries of the global South – regions of Asia, Africa and Latin America. This process has been developing for more than a decade, but has now been radically accelerated in the face of sanctions and restrictions imposed on the Russian economy and trade, and the almost complete curtailment of Russia's business ties with the collective West. The countries of the global South, the informal leader of which is the economically successful China, are promoting their own agenda in the field of international trade, which opens up wide opportunities for Russia, but it also poses a new challenge – the need to build mutually beneficial business relations with dozens of different Asian, African and Latin American countries. Solving this problem requires rebooting the system of Russian foreign trade relations and developing a scientifically based and feasible strategy for cooperation with the regions of the global South. In doing so, it is necessary to take into account both the factors that bring all developing countries closer together and also regional and national specificities, which form an extremely diverse picture of the specific interests of individual States. The scientific novelty of this article, the author of which relies on the fruitful methodology developed by R. I. Khasbulatov, consists in a comparative analysis of trade relations of the Russian Federation with each of the largest regions of the global South: Asia, Africa and Latin America. The paper reveals both the specific features of Russian-Asian, Russian-African and Russian-Latin American trade, and the general features inherent in business relations of domestic enterprises with partners in the global South. The main conclusion of the study is that the development of trade relations with friendly countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America on the principles of friendshoring is becoming a key link in the foreign economic strategy, the main content of the turn of Russia's trade flows from the western (northern) to the eastern (southern) direction.
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Pretorius, Z. A., W. H. P. Boshoff und G. H. J. Kema. „First Report of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici on Wheat in South Africa“. Plant Disease 81, Nr. 4 (April 1997): 424. http://dx.doi.org/10.1094/pdis.1997.81.4.424d.

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During August 1996, stripe (yellow) rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, was observed for the first time on bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) in the Western Cape, South Africa. Ensuing surveys during the growing season indicated that stripe rust occurred throughout most of the wheat-producing areas in the winter rainfall regions of the Northern, Western, and Eastern Cape provinces. The disease was also observed on irrigated wheat in the summer rainfall area south of Kimberley. Stripe rust was most severe in the Western Cape, where prolonged cool and wet conditions favored epidemic development and necessitated extensive and often repeated applications of triazole fungicides. Due to spike infection and destruction of foliage, significant losses in grain quantity and quality occurred in certain fields. Avirulence/virulence characteristics of 32 stripe rust isolates, collected from commercial wheat fields, trap nurseries, and triticale, were determined on 17 standard differential wheat lines and seven supplementary testers supplied by C. R. Wellings, Plant Breeding Institute, Cobbitty, Australia. All isolates were representative of one pathotype, characterized by avirulence to Chinese 166 (Yr1), Vilmorin 23 (Yr3), Moro (Yr10), Strubes Dickkopf, Suwon 92/Omar, Clement (Yr2,9), Triticum aestivum subsp. spelta var. album (Yr5), Hybrid 46 (Yr4), Reichersberg 42 (Yr7), Heines Peko (Yr2,6), Nord Desprez (Yr3), Carstens V, Spaldings Prolific, Heines VII (Yr2), Federation*4/Kavkaz (Yr9), and Avocet-S/Yr15, and by virulence to Kalyansona (Yr2), Heines Kolben (Yr2,6), Lee (Yr7), Compair (Yr8), and Federation 1221. Cultivars Trident (Yr17), Avocet-R (YrA), and Selkirk (YrSk) appeared heterogeneous for stripe rust reaction. The pathotype resembled race 6E16, previously detected in East and North Africa, the Middle East, and western Asia. Pathotype identity was confirmed at IPO-DLO, Wageningen, using one South African isolate of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici. In view of the rapid dispersal of the pathogen during 1996, susceptibility of several high-yielding cultivars, and favorable climatic conditions in many wheat-growing areas, stripe rust is considered potentially damaging to South African wheat production. Field observations and seedling tests have shown, however, that certain cultivars are resistant to the introduced pathotype. At present the genetic basis of this resistance is largely unknown.
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Hall, Jenny. „Let the people speak! Resisting the erosion of the right to public participation in the wake of The Federation of Fly Fishers v The Minister of Environmental Affairs“. South African Law Journal 139, Nr. 4 (2022): 862–86. http://dx.doi.org/10.47348/salj/v139/i4a6.

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The need for public participation in environmental decisions is accepted in both international and South African law. In the run up to, and just after, the transition to democracy, South Africa was exemplary in many instances in ensuring that participation occurred in a meaningful and broad-based way. In recent years, however, some may question whether the underlying rationale for public participation is still as valued by government, or whether it is being diluted to a mechanistic procedural requirement reminiscent of the past. Disputes about the way in which requirements to give effect to public participation are being implemented have recently surfaced in the courts in respect of several environmental issues. There has been strong public opposition to municipal service delivery regarding waste and water, seismic testing off the South African coast, and law-making activities regarding trout. This article considers the court’s oversight of public participation processes in respect of one of those issues — recent decisions on the introduction of executive regulations. It does so by tracing the particular dynamics regarding the need for public participation in South Africa and assessing the way in which the court has adjudicated public participation disputes in the law-making context. It finds that the court appears to be willing to play its oversight role in a way which is true to the underlying ethos of democratic decision-making in the environmental context, albeit that further opportunities for the court to consider the full range of matters involving participation should be welcomed.
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Stainbank, Lesley, und Devi Dutt Tewari. „Professional accounting education programmes in South Africa and India“. Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies 4, Nr. 1 (25.02.2014): 97–116. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/jaee-12-2011-0056.

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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide a contextual analysis of the professional accounting education programmes in South Africa and India by benchmarking both programmes to the International Education Standards (IESs) of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). Design/methodology/approach – The research methodology is a qualitative archival approach extracting information from secondary data (Statements of Membership Obligations’ compliance questionnaires available on the IFAC web site and information from the web sites of the relevant professional accountancy bodies). Findings – With regards to the IESs, the study found that both countries comply with the standards, although important differences occur. In South Africa, most of the education takes place during the university phase; and while both countries cover the content requirements, India covers the acquisition of professional skills more formally; ethics is taught and examined in both countries; both countries require a three year training contract; both countries have a final examination but the content of the examinations are different; and South Africa requires more continuous professional development than India. These findings, when related to India's and South Africa's relative positions on certain of the Global Competitiveness Indices may indicate that India could learn from the South African accountancy education model in order to strengthen the Indian position with regards to auditing and reporting standards. Research limitations/implications – A limitation of the study is that it did not investigate the quality of the relative education programmes and it benchmarks both programmes at a single point in time. Practical implications – India could strengthen its accounting profession by implementing some of the South African aspects of its education model. South African could consider adopting the flexibility in the entry requirements in the Indian education model in order to increase the number of accountants in South Africa. These findings may also be useful to other developing countries to identify practices which could be adopted if suitable in their respective countries. Originality/value – The study is original as accountancy education programmes in India and South Africa have not been contrasted before. In view of their similar colonial background and the fact that both countries are major economic and political forces in their respective regions, the value of this study is that it provides useful and relevant information to India, South Africa and other countries with similar economic and social backgrounds.
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Munday, Roderick. „Jury trial, continental style“. Legal Studies 13, Nr. 2 (Juli 1993): 204–24. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1748-121x.1993.tb00481.x.

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Strange events are occurring in the world of the jury. At a time when English confidence in the institution is on the ebb, a phenomenon evidenced both in the titles of recent jury studies - The Jury Under Attack and Taking Liberties- and in a steady stream of skeptical commentaries, it is reported that in Japan the Bar Federation is set to call for the restoration of jury trial, first introduced by a law of 1926 but suspended after an experimental period in 1942. Spain has a new Constitution that imposes a duty on the legislature to institute jury trial, an undertaking currently under examination by the Spanish Ministry of Justice. And in South Africa, recent calls for a more representative justice system have prompted the editor of the South African Law Journal, Professor Ellison Kahn, to devote a tetralogy of articles to consideration of the reintroduction of jury trial within that jurisdiction.
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Melo, Luciana Costa, Sandro Rodrigo Barbosa da Silva, Beatriz Marques Ramos, Elisama Gomes de Santana und Adrielle Silva de Oliveira. „The worldwide metabolic syndrome prevalence in people living with HIV: a systematic review“. MOJ Food Processing & Technology 12, Nr. 1 (12.03.2024): 65–72. http://dx.doi.org/10.15406/mojfpt.2024.12.00300.

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Metabolic alterations have been reported in people living with HIV (PLHIV), related to viral infection, side effects of antiretroviral therapy, genetic, environmental and/or sociodemographic factors. We aimed to draw a global picture of prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) in PLHIV. We performed a systematic review based on the PRISMA Statement method. We selected studies that investigated epidemiological characteristics of PLHIV who developed MetS in 4 databases: PubMed, SciELO, LILACS and Science Direct, using descriptors: HIV; prevalence; metabolic syndrome; epidemiology; antiretroviral therapy, highly active. A total of 1117 articles were identified, including 98 in the final analysis. The prevalence of MetS ranged from 7.8 to 55.8% (Internacional Diabetes Federation - IDF) and 7.1 to 58% (National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III - NCEP/ATP III), being higher in African women than in African men (IDF), whereas European women and women of unknown origin were lower than women from Asia, South and North America (NCEP/ATP III). There is a high prevalence of MetS in PLHIV. The importance of multidisciplinary follow-up and encouragement of lifestyle changes in PLHIV is emphasized.
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Sibanda, Gladys Mankoana, und Johan L. Beckmann. „Admission policies as enablers and disablers of children’s rights to basic education: Stakeholders’ perceptions“. South African Journal of Education 41, Nr. 4 (30.11.2021): 1–19. http://dx.doi.org/10.15700/saje.v41n4a1939.

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In this article we report on a qualitative study done in Pretoria, South Africa, in which we investigated the experiences of 2 representatives of the Gauteng Department of Education (GDE); School Governing Body (SGB) spokespersons from 4 schools located in the Gauteng province, 2 representatives of the Federation of SGBs, 4 principals from 4 schools, and 4 parents from 4 schools regarding public primary schools’ admission policies and practices as enablers or disablers of children’s rights to basic education. Using structured, open-ended interviews, qualitative data were generated to explore the experiences of the participants on the public primary schools’ admission policies and practices as enablers or disablers of a right to basic education. We argue that the implementation of school admission policies as enabler to access to basic education must be based on a system of rights and corresponding obligations established by the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, and the various legislative and policy frameworks. The findings of the study reveal that the learner admission system in South African public schools remains problematic, which in turn aids as a disabler of children’s right to basic education.
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von Bülow, Mathilde. „Beyond the Cold War: American Labor, Algeria’s Independence Struggle, and the Rise of the Third World (1954–62)“. Journal of Social History 53, Nr. 2 (2019): 454–86. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jsh/shz103.

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Abstract During the late 1950s, trade unions came to be vital actors in the solidarity movements of the Global South, especially in pan-African initiatives. The case of the Union générale des travailleurs algériens (UGTA) is particularly illustrative of this development. Algeria’s long and brutal independence struggle was championed throughout the Afro-Asian bloc, and the UGTA became an important auxiliary in the bloc’s campaigns to secure that end. In this essay, the case of Algeria and the UGTA serves as a prism through which to study how some of the most powerful Western trade union federations of the day—especially the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO)—responded to the “subaltern” internationalisms engendered by decolonization and the “spirit of Bandung,” whether in the guise of positive neutrality or the project for pan-African unity. In this way, this essay sheds new light on the nature and role of labor internationalism in the context of the global Cold War. The case of Algeria is emblematic of the ways in which decolonization and the “spirit of Bandung” came to challenge traditional understandings of labor internationalism, whether as an identity or a practice. What is more, the case of Algeria allows us to reconceptualize AFL-CIO attitudes and designs vis-à-vis the decolonizing world. In highlighting American weakness when confronted by non-Western agency, this essay argues that the polarized view of the federation as an anticommunist crusader with an imperialist agenda is flawed.
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Van Onselen, Charles. „The Modernization of the Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek: F. E. T. Krause, J. C. Smuts, and the Struggle for the Johannesburg Public Prosecutor's Office, 1898–1899“. Law and History Review 21, Nr. 3 (2003): 483–526. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/3595118.

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The southern part of the African continent has, for nearly a hundred and fifty years, been witness to a set of epic struggles to create within it a single unified state and, within that, forms of citizenship that are both identifiably “South African” and more or less collectively owned. The never-ending nature of these twinned tasks has echoes in contemporary mantras about the healthiness of “nation-building,” just as surely as the underlying anemia remains manifest in the name of a place and a people that are, arguably, still more of an expression of geography than a reflection of a collectively lived experience. Perhaps it is significant that it was only a decade after the discovery of diamonds, in the late 1860s, that these struggles first took on recognizably modern political forms. An early attempt to promote federation among the dominant white settlers was, however, thwarted by the still largely separate identities of the two British coastal colonies (the Cape and Natal) and two inland Afrikaner-Dutch or “Boer” republics (the Orange Free State and the Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek) that sprawled over southern Africa—enveloping, albeit imperfectly, their distinctive and very different indigenous African, imported Asian, and Colored (people of mixed descent) laboring populations.
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Sekgala, Machoene Derrick, Maretha Opperman, Buhle Mpahleni und Zandile June-Rose Mchiza. „Association between Macronutrient and Fatty Acid Consumption and Metabolic Syndrome: A South African Taxi Driver Survey“. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19, Nr. 23 (22.11.2022): 15452. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijerph192315452.

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We aimed to examine the association between macronutrient and fatty acid intake and metabolic syndrome (MetS) and its components in South African male mini-bus taxi drivers. One hundred and eighty-five (n = 185) male taxi drivers, aged 20 years and older, who operate in the Cape Town metropole, South Africa, were included. The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) algorithm was used to define MetS. The association between macronutrient and fatty acid intake (assessed using 24 h recall) and MetS were analyzed using multivariable nutrient density substitution models. Overall, protein consumption significantly increased the likelihood of high blood pressure (HBP) and significantly lowered the likelihood of having low levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C). In an isoenergetic state, the intake of protein instead of carbohydrates (CHOs) and total fat, reduced the likelihood of elevated triglycerides by 6.7% and 6.6%, respectively. The intake of CHOs instead of protein and total fat, reduced the likelihood of HBP by 2.2% and 2.8%, respectively. In the same isoenergetic state, the intake of saturated fatty acids (SFAs) instead of mono-unsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) increased the likelihood of HBP by 9.8%, whereas the intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) instead of SFAs decreased the likelihood of HBP by 9.4%. The current study showed that when total food energy intake is kept constant, a diet that is high in protein, CHOs and PUFAs reduces triglycerides and BP, whereas the intake of total fat and SFAs had the opposite effect. It should, however, be noted that these outcomes were produced using mathematical models, as such we recommend further prospective studies in real life that will reveal the actual associations between the consumption of macronutrients and fatty acids and MetS and its components.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

Gviliya, Natalya Alekseevna, und Kristian Bidossessi Adoussiba. „Logistics as a driver of trade and economic cooperation “Russia – Africa”“. Vestnik of Astrakhan State Technical University. Series: Economics 2023, Nr. 4 (29.12.2023): 75–81. http://dx.doi.org/10.24143/2073-5537-2023-4-75-81.

Der volle Inhalt der Quelle
Russia and Africa have a long history of trade relations, including the export and import of various goods and services. In recent years, the ways of cooperation have become more active and diverse. The list of the main African countries – trade and economic partners of the Russian Federation is given. The increase in export supplies from Russia to African countries and the increased interest of African countries in Russian goods and services create new opportunities for the development of mutually beneficial relations. The development of trade and economic cooperation between Russia and Africa in modern conditions has led to the need to create efficient and sustainable logistics routes between these two regions. The relevance of the formation of new logistics routes is substantiated and the potential benefits that they can bring to both sides, including economic growth, strengthening trade ties and increasing competitiveness, are investigated. The key factors influencing the formation of these routes, such as geographical location, infrastructure capabilities, customs procedures, transport networks and communications, are analyzed. Prospects for the development of new logistics routes to the African continent associated with the continuation of the North-South transport and logistics corridor were noted. The challenges and problems that countries face when creating new logistics routes are considered, and recommendations for overcoming them are proposed. The effective formation of new logistics routes between Russia and Africa can potentially lead to stimulating economic growth, developing trade and strengthening relations between the regions.
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