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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Social and psychological overdeterminations"


Cherezova, E. B. „Mental causality within Justus Buchler’s ordinal metaphysics“. Siberian Journal of Philosophy 21, Nr. 4 (10.10.2024): 29–47.

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The paper aims to look at the possibilities of overcoming the restriction on the systematic overdetermination of mental causation in the ordinal naturalism of J. Buchler. We think that in ordinal naturalism, conscious behavioral acts have integrity and specificity, while being associated with other orders (physiological, psychological, social), but not being reduced to them, which ensures the complexity of mental causation, i.e. the possession of both mental and physical traits of both cause-events and effect-events. This will allow us to change the form of causal statements so as to avoid overdetermination. Mental causation is interpreted as an irreducibly natural complex. The order of physical events excludes mental traits as irrelevant. In the order of events of conscious behavior, a coalescence of physical and mental complexes occurs, forming a new integral complex. Therefore, highlighting the mental aspect of causation is a description of the traits of both the cause-event and the effect-event, belonging to the same order of conscious behavior. The identification of individual traits may have the syntactic character of the analysis of causal statements, but ontologically both types of causality are real relations of natural complexes of different orders.
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Albino, J., und T. Tiwari. „Behavior Change for Caries Prevention: Understanding Inconsistent Results“. JDR Clinical & Translational Research 5, Nr. 1 (27.09.2019): 6–9.

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Most applied work on caries prevention acknowledges the role of oral hygiene and dietary control strategies in reducing the prevalence and incidence of caries. What we seldom address, however, is the necessity of initiating and sustaining behaviors that will ensure these strategies are implemented. Virtually every approach to prevention of caries requires the individual to do something, that is, to engage in different behavior. We are continually confronted by the fact that to improve oral health, individuals must behave in new ways. Strategies for achieving better oral health most often have relied on providing information or telling people what they should or should not do. These approaches have not proven highly effective, yet they continue to be the mainstay of efforts to improve oral health. Acknowledging this failure, dental behavioral scientists have turned to the health beliefs model or to other cognitive-behavioral models, with their emphases on relative risks, barriers, and readiness to change. These models help us to conceptualize what people are doing to keep themselves, or their children, orally healthy, but the success of these models has been only marginal, especially among groups where disparities are extreme. In response, increasingly complex models that require attention to social and environmental variables, as well as individual behavior, have been proposed. Acknowledgment of “upstream variables” has become common—especially when working with populations experiencing health disparities, but overcoming upstream influences can appear to require sweeping changes that we often are not in a position to address. Consequently, research only picks away at individual elements of models, seeking the behavioral “magic bullet.” In an effort to elucidate the challenges, this article introduces the construct of overdetermination of behavior and encourages more rigorous documentation of potential determinants, as well as personalized development of behavioral approaches for implementing strategies to improve oral health. Knowledge Transfer Statement: This article reexamines our inconsistent results in effecting behavior change for better oral health using 2 important psychological constructs: “upstream variables” and the “overdetermination” of behavior.
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Guchet, Xavier. „“Technological Object” in Gilbert Simondon’s Philosophy“. Philosophy Today 63, Nr. 3 (2019): 705–16.

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For the last twenty years, the philosophy of technology has firmly taken an “empirical turn” and has been strongly pervaded with Science and Technology Studies (STS) lessons, focusing on the social consistency of technical beings. In this context, Simondon’s approach to technology may appear a bit dated. A major issue of On the Mode of Existence of Technical Objects (MEOT) is indeed to theorize technology beyond any reference to social commitments: Simondon distinguishes “pure technicity,” amenable to rational analysis, from “psychosocial overdeterminations” that contaminate technical objects with exogenous concerns. Thus, Simondon may prove behind the times when he claims to analyze technology as a non-social realm. This article intends to demonstrate that Simondon can nevertheless fruitfully feed current debates related to technological developments. More precisely, the difference between several concepts of technological objects in MEOT proves to be of major interest for clarifying current issues related, in particular, to ethics.
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Hollander, Jocelyn A., und Judith A. Howard. „Social Psychological Theories on Social Inequalities“. Social Psychology Quarterly 63, Nr. 4 (Dezember 2000): 338.

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von Hippel, William. „A Social Psychological Perspective“. Ethics & Behavior 4, Nr. 4 (Dezember 1994): 397–99.

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Meadows, Mark, und Diane Grant. „Social and psychological exclusion“. Community, Work & Family 8, Nr. 1 (01.02.2005): 5–21.

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Velligan, Dawn, und Shitij Kapur. „PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIAL TREATMENTS“. Schizophrenia Research 136 (April 2012): S1—S2.

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Richards, Graham. „Jung's social psychological meanings“. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 18, Nr. 2 (2008): 108–18.

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de la Sablonnière, Roxane, Laura French Bourgeois und Mariam Najih. „Dramatic Social Change: A Social Psychological Perspective“. Journal of Social and Political Psychology 1, Nr. 1 (16.12.2013): 253–72.

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Moreno, Esteban Sánchez. „Collectivize Social Support? Elements for Reconsidering the Social Dimension in the Study of Social Support“. Spanish Journal of Psychology 7, Nr. 2 (November 2004): 124–34.

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Psychological models of mental disorders play an important role in the explanation of psychological deterioration. Researchers from this area usually study several cognitive and behavioral variables to account for the onset and maintenance of depression. However, many authors have detected the need to include a “social dimension” in the explanation of deterioration. In this sense, social support has become a crucial aspect in the study of mental health, and the psychological literature on this topic has generated an intense debate about several facets of the positive impact of social networks on psychological well-being. In this article, the author defends that this increasing centrality of the concept has been accompanied by a psychological reductionism that is making the role of “social aspects” to explain psychological well-being more problematic. Implications of this reductionism are discussed, and an alternative proposal is made to overcome some theoretical and empirical problems related to social support research.
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Dissertationen zum Thema "Social and psychological overdeterminations"


Michel, Claire. „Praticiens réflexifs et pouvoir d'entendre en travail social : quelle place pour les approches biographiques en formation ?“ Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lille (2022-....), 2024.

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Intéressée par les personnes accompagnées et l'écoute des souffrances psycho-sociales des usagers par les professionnels de l'intervention sociale, l'auteure interroge les dispositifs de formation dans ce domaine d'activité. Après avoir observé une injonction forte à la réflexivité dans le parcours de formation des futurs travailleurs sociaux, elle questionne ce tournant réflexif à partir des liens qui existent entre la figure idéal-typique de l'individu contemporain et la prise en compte des surdéterminations sociales dans le travail d'écoute et d'accompagnement chez les professionnels du champ de l'éducation spécialisée. Préoccupée de la façon dont le dispositif de formation pourrait davantage soutenir une perspective « techniciste » de l'intervention sociale, l'auteure introduit la pratique des récits de vie à partir d'un dispositif d'accompagnement collectif et clinique, auprès de huit étudiants. La recherche biographique, et plus précisément la sociologie clinique, semblent s'avérer particulièrement pertinentes, en complémentarité de l'approche par compétences, pour la formation des futurs travailleurs sociaux et la construction de leur identité professionnelle. Favorisant le développement du « pouvoir d'entendre » des futurs professionnels, ces approches accordent en effet une place prépondérante aux processus de subjectivation, tout en mettant en commun le projet collectif du « prendre soin d'autrui ». Il s'agit alors de porter attention à la construction d'une posture professionnelle spécifique à partir d'un travail de relecture existentielle visant, pour les étudiants, à mieux préciser « ce que je fais avec ce que je suis » dans l'activité professionnelle
Interested in the people that are being supported and the listening to the psycho-social suffering of users by social intervention professionals, the author questions the training systems in this field of activity. After having observed a strong injunction to reflexivity in the training of future social workers, she questions this reflexive turn based on the links that exist between the ideal-typical figure of the contemporary individual and the taking into account of social overdeterminations in the work of listening and support among professionals in the field of special education. Concerned by the way in which the training system could further support a « technicist » perspective of social intervention, the author introduces the pratice of life stories through a collective and clinical support system, with eight students. Biographical research, and more precisely clinical sociology, seem to be particularly pertinent with the skills-based approach, for the training of future social workers and the construction of their professional identity. Promoting the development of the « power to hear » of future professionals, these approaches indeed give a prominent place to processes of subjectivation, while sharing the collective project of « taking care of others ». It is then a question of paying attention to the construction of a specific professional posture from a work of existential rereading aimed, for the students, at better specifying « what I do with what I am » in the professional activity
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Mabry, J. Beth. „Social Structure and Anger: Social Psychological Mediators“. Diss., Virginia Tech, 1999.

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This study uses 1996 General Social Survey data to examine potential social psychological mediators, suggested by equity theory and research on distress, of the relationship between social structure and anger. A broader social structure and personality approach to anger is compared with the equity and stress models proposed. Among social structural locations, anger varies only by age when other social characteristics are controlled in OLS regressions. Frequency of anger declines with age. No direct relationship between anger and gender, ethnicity, education, income, or marital or parental statuses is evident. However, the tendency to express anger is associated with more frequent anger. Equity beliefs about gender and individualism do not significantly affect anger. However, the belief that others cannot be trusted is positively related to anger and mediates the relationship between age and anger. Similar to findings related to distress, both self-efficacy and social integration suppress anger. As suggested by the social structure and personality approach, combining cultural factors, such as beliefs, and proximal influences, such as social and personal resources, explains more of the relationship between social structure and anger than either an equity or stress model alone. Mistrust and self-efficacy together explain more variation in the frequency of anger than either alone. In this study, social disadvantage does not directly predict anger. Because anger is prevalent in work and family relationships, the relationship between age and anger may be explained by age-graded changes in work and family roles (Schieman 1999). However, this would not explain the lack of variation in anger by other structural locations in which social disadvantage likely affects work and family relationships. The social psychological factors that have the most significant effect anger in this study (mistrust and self-efficacy) vary by ethnicity and socioeconomic status. Were it not for greater mistrust and lower self-efficacy, blacks and the socioeconomically disadvantaged would be angry significantly less often than whites and those of higher socioeconomic status. These findings suggest that expectations and perceptions of control, shaped by in-group comparisons and experience and which vary by social structural location, may affect anger.
Ph. D.
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Fairbanks, Megan Ann. „Well-being social+physical+psychological+spiritual /“. Cincinnati, Ohio : University of Cincinnati, 2008.

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Thesis (M.A.)--University of Cincinnati, 2008.
Advisors: George Thomas Bible (Committee Chair), Elizabeth Riorden (Committee Co-Chair). Title from electronic thesis title page (viewed Sept. 7, 2008). Includes abstract. Keywords: well-being; social; patterns. Includes bibliographical references.
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Alleyne, Emma Kirsten Abiodun. „Gang membership : Behavioural, social psychological characteristics“. Thesis, University of Kent, 2010.

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Ashford, Paul. „Social psychological dimensions in environmental response“. Thesis, University of Surrey, 1994.

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FAIRBANKS, MEGAN ANN. „well-being: social+physical+psychological+spiritual“. University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2008.

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Waddington, David P. „A social psychological analysis of strikes“. Thesis, Aston University, 1985.

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A participant observation method was employed :in the study of a 20-week stoppage at Ansells Brewery Limited, a constituent company of Allied Breweries (U.K.). The strike, :involving 1,000 workers, began :in opposition to the implementation of a four-day working week and culminated in the permanent closure of the brewery. The three main phases of the strike's development (i.e., its :initiation, maintenance and termination) were analysed according to a social-cognitive approach, based on the psychological imagery, beliefs, values and perceptions underlying the employees' behaviour. Previous psychological treatments of strikes have tended to ignore many of the aspects of social definition, planning and coordination that are an integral part of industrial action. The present study is, therefore, unique in concentrating on the thought processes by which striking workers .make sense of their current situation and collectively formulate an appropriate response. The Ansells strike provides an especially vivid illustration of the ways in which the seminal insights of a small number of individuals are developed, via processes of communication and:influence, into a consensual interpretation of reality. By adopting a historical perspective, it has been possible to demonstrate how contemporary definitions are shaped by the prior history of union-management relations, particularly with regard to: (a) the way that previous events were subjectively interpreted, and (b) the lessons that were learned on the basis of that experience. The present approach is psychological insofar as it deals with the cognitive elements of strike action. However, to the extent that it draws from relevant sections of the industrial relations, organizational behaviour, sociology, anthropology and linguistics literatures, it can claim to be truly interdisciplinary.
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Oesterle, Sabrina. „The social psychological and social structural contexts of environmental action /“. Diss., ON-CAMPUS Access For University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Click on "Connect to Digital Dissertations", 2001.

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De, Andrade Ruaan Kriel. „The relationship between psychological capital and psychological well-being“. Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2013.

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A study of the available literature on Psychological WellQBeing and Positive Organisational Scholarship revealed that enormous potential existed for further research. This is a relatively new field with limited literature and research evidence available. It became very clear from the beginning that the relationships between these constructs could successfully be researched. It was therefore decided to embark on an academic research journey in order to contribute to the existing knowledge available on these constructs within the South African Private Healthcare Industry. This quantitative research was used to obtain more clarity about the relationships between the two constructs and to gather the responses from the research population. The research sample consisted of 152 nursing staff. Two questionnaires were integrated to develop the Nursing Psychological WellQBeing Questionnaire and consisted of i) PsyCap Questionnaire developed by Luthans, Youssef and Avolio2007, and ii) Psychological WellQBeing Questionnaire developed by Ryff 2000. A total of 152 nursing staff responded to an 87–item paperQbased questionnaire. Four research questions were formulated and covered the following: •The content, validity and portability of the measuring instruments; •The configuration of the various constructs; • Relationships between some of the variables . The content and the structure of the measuring instruments were assessed by means of Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and) Exploratory Factor Analyses (EFA). These assessments showed that the original measuring instruments are not portable to a culture which is different to the one where they were originally developed. The relationship between dimensions of Psychological WellQBeing and PsyCap sense of achievement and optimism is a significant finding. The significance of the findings of this study and the contribution that it makes to the existing theory is seen in the importance of the portability of measuring instruments. Recommendations in this regard have been made in Chapter 5. Various findings have also highlighted the relationships between Psychological WellQBeing and PsyCap. The importance of future research topics has been recommended.
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Bell, Bonnie M. „The psychological/social impact of cochlear implants /“. Link to online version, 2005.

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Bücher zum Thema "Social and psychological overdeterminations"


Wilson, Mark, und William P. Fisher,, Hrsg. Psychological and Social Measurement. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Daniel, Druckman, Hrsg. Negotiations: Social-psychological perspectives. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 1994.

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1939-, Burke Peter J., Hrsg. Contemporary social psychological theories. Stanford, Calif: Stanford Social Sciences, 2006.

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Leung, Kwok, und Michael Harris Bond, Hrsg. Psychological Aspects of Social Axioms. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2009.

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Mirowsky, John. Social causes of psychological distress. 2. Aufl. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 2012.

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1954-, Hogg Michael A., und Abrams Dominic 1958-, Hrsg. Group motivation: Social psychological perspectives. New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1993.

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Mirowsky, John. Social causes of psychological distress. 2. Aufl. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 2012.

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Geen, Russell G. Human motivation: Social psychological approach. Pacific Grove, Ca: Brooks/Cole, 1994.

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Davis, Mark H. Empathy: A social psychological approach. Madison, Wis: Brown & Benchmark Publishers, 1994.

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E, Jarrett Joanna, Hrsg. Unemployment: Its social psychological effects. Cambridge [Cambridgeshire]: Cambridge University Press, 1985.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Social and psychological overdeterminations"


Geen, Russell G. „Social Psychological“. In Handbook of Aggressive and Destructive Behavior in Psychiatric Patients, 51–64. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1994.

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Pineda, Jaime A. „Psychological Features“. In The Social Impulse, 85–92. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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Banyard, Philip, und Andrew Grayson. „Social Influence“. In Introducing Psychological Research, 5–28. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2008.

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Banyard, Philip, und Andrew Grayson. „Social Judgements“. In Introducing Psychological Research, 29–57. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2008.

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Banyard, Philip, und Andrew Grayson. „Social Interaction“. In Introducing Psychological Research, 58–84. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2008.

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Jinghuan, Zhang. „Psychological Social Psychology“. In The ECPH Encyclopedia of Psychology, 1–3. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2024.

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Krieger, Michelle A., Greg A. Chung-Yan und Shelagh M. J. Towson. „Social Psychological Theory“. In Applied Social Psychology: Understanding and Addressing Social and Practical Problems, 27–44. 2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks California 91320: SAGE Publications, Inc, 2017.

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Jinghuan, Zhang. „Psychological Social Psychology“. In The ECPH Encyclopedia of Psychology, 1186–88. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2024.

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Wulff, David M. „2. Psychological Approaches“. In The Social Sciences, herausgegeben von Frank Whaling, 21–88. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 1985.

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Gregory, Virgil L. „Psychological Perspective“. In Mental Health and Social Work, 47–65. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Social and psychological overdeterminations"


Zadorozhniy, Kostyantyn. „Psychological Training of a Shooter“. In SOCIOLOGY – SOCIAL WORK AND SOCIAL WELFARE – REGULATION OF SOCIAL PROBLEMS. NDSAN (MFC - coordinator of the NDSAN), 2020.

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Friggeri, Adrien, Renaud Lambiotte, Michal Kosinski und Eric Fleury. „Psychological Aspects of Social Communities“. In 2012 International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust (PASSAT). IEEE, 2012.

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„Folk Psychological Interpretation of Guozhuang Dance“. In 2020 International Conference on Social Sciences and Social Phenomena. Scholar Publishing Group, 2020.

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Eyssel, Friederike. „What's Social about Social Robots? A Psychological Perspective“. In 2022 17th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). IEEE, 2022.

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Senchenko, Kateryna. „Socio-psychological adaptation of externally displaced Ukrainians in Germany“. In Sociology – Social Work and Social Welfare: Regulation of Social Problems. Видавець ФОП Марченко Т.В., 2023.

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Background: The problem of social and psychological adaptation of externally displaced Ukrainians is extremely urgent today, as millions of citizens were forced to leave Ukraine as a result of the full-scale invasion. Given the differences in language, culture, religion, and administrative structure of the host countries, the problem of adaptation has become extremely acute for many. Without proper support and resources to help them integrate into their new communities, internally displaced persons may deal with a variety of challenges, including isolation, discrimination, and mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. This can make it difficult for them to rebuild their lives and achieve a sense of security and stability. Purpose: To identify the conditions that influence the successful psychosocial adaptation of externally displaced Ukrainians. Methods: The theoretical method was aimed at studying scientific papers and articles on the topic of social and psychological adaptation. An empirical method was also used, which included the Methodology for Diagnosing Socio-Psychological Adaptation by K. Rogers and R. Diamond and a questionnaire of our own design aimed at studying the difficulties and problems faced by people in the new social environment. Results: In general, most of the respondents have average levels of indicators according to the Rogers and Diamond methodology for diagnosing social and psychological adaptation, but a low level of social adaptation, emotional comfort and striving to dominate was also found in some of the respondents. The analysis of our own questionnaire showed that the process of adaptation of externally displaced Ukrainians is influenced by such factors as language skills, access to medical services, government support, education and employment, and social and cultural environment. Conclusions: The results of the study revealed that although most of the respondents have average adaptation indicators, externally displaced Ukrainians experience a range of problems and need support and additional measures. Keywords: adaptation, social and psychological adaptation, externally displaced Ukrainians, integration, social environment
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Gosteva, S. R. „SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF VOLUNTEER ACTIVITY“. In XIV International Social Congress. Russian State Social University, 2015.

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„Psychological Counseling Training to Improve the Psychological Quality of College Students“. In 2018 3rd International Social Sciences and Education Conference. Francis Academic Press, 2018.

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„SOCIAL COMPARISON, BODY APPRECIATION AND SOCIAL MEDIA USE: AN EXPLORATIVE STUDY“. In International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends. inScience Press, 2023.

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Kobzeva, Olga V. „Social Success As A Psychological Phenomenon“. In Psychology of Personality: Real and Virtual Context. European Publisher, 2020.

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PAISI-LAZARESCU, Mihaela. „Psychological Variables Involved in Social Behavior“. In 15th Edition of the International Conference on Sciences of Education, Studies and Current Trends in Science of Education, ICSED 2017, 9-10 June 2017, Suceava (Romania). LUMEN Publishing House, 2018.

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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Social and psychological overdeterminations"


Melnyk, Yuriy. KRPOCH Social and Psychological Center. KRPOCH, 2012.

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Low, Natalie, und Clare Lally. Social and psychological implications of fraud. Parliamentary Office for Science and Technology, April 2024.

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Bullis, Judith. A social-psychological case history : the Manson incident. Portland State University Library, Januar 2000.

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Kang, Ju-Young M., und Kim K. P. Johnson. Appearance and Social Psychological Meanings of a Favorite Clothing Item. Ames: Iowa State University, Digital Repository, 2013.

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Padilla Vergara, Tatiana, Enrique Carlos Urzola Mestra und David José Hernández Hoyos. Psychological aspects of human behavior. Ediciones Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Dezember 2023.

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This class note presents the topics and units of study developed in the course “Psychological Aspects of Human Behavior.” The document briefly describes the theorists and authors that students should consider to better understand the concepts being studied, providing tools to professionals in the social sciences to comprehend the fundamental principles of human behavior (psychobiological, emotional, behavioral, and cognitive), and the practical application of some of these concepts in everyday social contexts, from a critical and competency-based educational methodology.
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Shu, Suzanne, und John Payne. Social Security Claiming Intentions: Psychological Ownership, Loss Aversion, and Information Displays. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, Juli 2023.

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A review of the literature on the actual problem of modern society - Internet addiction (ID) is presented. ID has negative social, health and economic consequences. The number of Internet addicts is increasing every year. Patients with IS have characteristic symptoms: increased tolerance syndrome (increased time and intensity of Internet activity); syndrome of loss of quantitative and situational control; withdrawal symptoms, with the impossibility of Internet activity and affective disorders develop.
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Decker, Susan. Social support and well-being in middle-aged and elderly spinal cord injured persons: a social-psychological analysis. Portland State University Library, Januar 2000.

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Library, Spring. Vitiligo and the Social Stigma Attached to It. Spring Library, Dezember 2020.

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The well-established theory states that vitiligo is usually initiated by a trigger including hormonal changes, psychological trauma, and stress, exposure to chemicals, or trauma to the skin and sufferers have to cope-up with a lot of social stigmas.
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Stewart, Katricia. Intrapersonal and Social-Contextual Factors Related to Psychological Well-being among Youth Experiencing Homelessness. Portland State University Library, Januar 2000.

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