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Marjan, Svetličič, Hrsg. Enhanced transition through outward internationalization: Outward FDI by Slovenian firms. Burlington, Vt: Ashgate, 2003.

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Rojec, Matija. The development potential of foreign direct investment in the Slovenian economy. [Vienna]: Vienna Institute for Comparative Economic Studies, 1997.

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Serbia) Kopaonik biznis forum (2008 Kopaonik. Tranzicija, Dostizanje EU i povezane teme: Uloga investitora iz Slovenije, Ruske federacije i Austrije. Beograd: Savez ekonomista Srbije, 2008.

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Slovenia. Investment guaranties: Agreement between the United States of America and Slovenia, signed at Washington April 26, 1994. Washington, D.C: Dept. of State, 1996.

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Okrogla miza o vplivu geopolitičnega položaja Slovenije na strategijo razvoja Slovenije (1992 Ljubljana, Slovenia). Okrogla miza o vplivu geopolitičnega položaja Slovenije na strategijo razvoja Slovenije. Ljubljana: Svetovni slovenski kongres, 1992.

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Affairs, Slovenia Ministry of Foreign. Foreign trade regime of the Republic of Slovenia. Ljubljana: Republic of Slovenia, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, 1992.

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Trade and Investment Promotion Office (Slovenia), Hrsg. Slovenia: Foreign direct investment : frequently asked questions. Ljubljana: Trade and Investment Promotion Office, 1999.

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Zidarič, Bojan. Doing business in Slovenia. Herausgegeben von Milenkovič Vladoša und Centre for International Cooperation and Development (Slovenia). Ljubljana: Centre for International Cooperation and Development, 1999.

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Slovenia. Ministrstvo za ekonomske odnose in razvoj. Foreign trade regime of the Republic of Slovenia. Ljubljana: Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Economic Relations and Development, 1994.

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Kranjc, Alenka Žnidaršič. Investicijski skladi v Sloveniji-- (ne)uspeh in za koga. Postojna: Dej, 1999.

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Rojec, Matija. Privatization through foreign investment in Slovenia: Concept, experiences, and policy options. Ljubljana, Slovenia: Centre for International Cooperation and Development, 1994.

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Rojec, Matija. Foreign direct investment in Slovenia: Some aspects of foreign investors' considerations. Ljubljana: Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Economic Relations and Development, 1994.

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Agency for Privatization of the Republic of Slovenia., Development fund of the Republic of Slovenia. und Centre for International Cooperation and Development (Slovenia), Hrsg. Joint ventures and acquisitions in Slovenia. Ljubljana: Centre for International Cooperation and Development, 1992.

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Prinčič, Jože. Kapitalna, ključna kapitalna in temeljna investicijska izgradnja v Sloveniji, 1945-1956. Novo Mesto: Dolenjska založba, 1992.

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Caprirolo, Gonzalo. Capital account liberalisation and exchange rate policy in Slovenia. Ljubljana: Institute for Economic Research, 1999.

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Kočica, Jiři, und Andrej Srakar. Shema deleža za umetnost: Umetniška dela v investicijskih projektih v Sloveniji in državah EU. Ljubljana: Zavod za kiparstvo, 2009.

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Jaklic, Andreja, und Marjan Svetlicic. Enhanced Transition Through Outward Internationalization: Outward FDI by Slovenian Firms. Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.

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Enhanced Transition Through Outward Internationalization: Outward FDI by Slovenian Firms. Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.

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Jaklic, Andreja, und Marjan Svetlicic. Enhanced Transition Through Outward Internationalization: Outward FDI by Slovenian Firms. Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.

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Jaklic, Andreja, und Marjan Svetlicic. Enhanced Transition Through Outward Internationalization: Outward Fdi by Slovenian Firms (Transition and Development). Ashgate Publishing, 2003.

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Publications, USA International Business. Slovenia Investment & Business Guide. 3. Aufl. International Business Publications, USA, 2000.

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Organisation for economic co-operation and development. Slovenia (Finance and Investment). OECD, 2002.

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Center, Emerging Markets Investment. Slovenia Investment & Business Guide. International Business Publications, USA, 1999.

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Publications, USA International Business. Slovenia Business & Investment Opportunities Yearbook. 4. Aufl. Intl Business Pubns USA, 2002.

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Publications, USA International Business. Slovenia Investment and Business Guide. 4. Aufl. Intl Business Pubns USA, 2002.

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Publications, USA International Business. Slovenia Investment and Business Guide. International Business Publications, USA, 2003.

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Publications, USA International Business. Slovenia Investment and Business Guide. 3. Aufl. Intl Business Pubns USA, 2001.

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Doing business in Slovenia. Ljubljana, Slovenia: Centre for International Cooperation and Development, 1996.

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OECD Investment Policy Reviews: Slovenia 2002. OECD, 2002. http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264196162-en.

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Publications, USA International Business. Slovenia Business and Investment Opportunities Yearbook. 3. Aufl. Intl Business Pubns USA, 2001.

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Doing Business with Slovenia. GMB Publishing, 2004.

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Reuvid, Jonathan. Doing Business with Slovenia. GMB Publishing, 2005.

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Publications, USA International Business. Slovenia Mineral & Mining Sector Investment And Business Guide. Intl Business Pubns USA, 2005.

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Doing business in Slovenia for the year 2006. Ljubljana: Price-Waterhouse-Coopers, 2006.

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Ibp, Inc. Slovenia Investment and Business Guide Volume 1 Strategic and Practical Information. Lulu Press, Inc., 2016.

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Communal infrastructure in Slovenia: Survey of investment needs and policies aimed at encouraging private sector participation. Washington, D.C: World Bank, 2000.

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Enhanced Transition Through Outward Internationalization. Taylor & Francis Group, 2019.

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The Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Labour Productivity: Evidence From Estonia and Slovenia (Working Paper Series, Number 32). University of Tartu, 2004.

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Forbidden bread: A memoir. Berkeley, Calif: North Atlantic Books, 2009.

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Agreement between the government of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland and the government of the republic of Slovenia for the promotion and protection of investments, Ljubjana, 3 July 1996. London: Stationery Office, 1999.

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Popadyuk, Tatyana, Saidkhror Gulyamov und Sharafutdin Khashimkhodzhaev, Hrsg. IX INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL CONFERENCE “MANAGERIAL SCIENCES IN THE MODERN WORLD”. EurAsian Scientific Editions, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.56948/zajh8343.

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On 9 November 2021, 9th International Scientific-Practical Conference “Managerial Sciences in the Modern World” was opened. This year, the event took place in the online format because of the strained epidemiological situation. A total of about 450 specialists took part in the conference. “Managerial Sciences” has already become a kind of brand, with more than half a dozen different round table discussions, sections”, said Arkady Trachuk, Dean of the Faculty “Higher School of Management” at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, who moderated the plenary session. He said that the 2021 conference participants included representatives from Latvia, Republic of Fiji, Kuwait, India, Uzbekistan, and Russia. Russia was represented by seven regions: Moscow and Moscow Region, Bryansk-, Tver-, Saratov-, Arkhangelsk regions, Republic of Tatarstan and Krasnodar Territory. Delegates from 25 universities, including 6 foreign higher educational establishments, took part in the sections’ work. The central event of the first day of the conference was a plenary session during which presentations were delivered by representatives of Germany, Slovenia, Uzbekistan and Russia. The plenary session was opened by Arkady Trachuk. His presentation focused on the goals of introducing digital technologies in the Russian industry. The speaker presented the results of the research implemented by a team of scholars from the Department of Management and Innovation at the Faculty “Higher School of Management”. Alexander Brem, Head of Technological Entrepreneurship and Digitalisation at Stifterverband Consulting Company funded by Daimler Foundation (Germany), talked about artificial intelligence as an innovation management technology. The expert is convinced that artificial intelligence will become the core technology to drive the technological development in the 21st century. Jörg Geisler, head of Finance and Risk Management at S-Kreditpartner GmbH, expert on consumer lending at savings banks (Germany), dwelled on an important subject – “Risk management at times of digital innovation” by the example of the banking industry. Samo Bobek, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) at the University of Maribor, Professor of e-business and information management (Slovenia), delivered a presentation on “Digital transformation impact on business models”. His presentation dealt with digital transformation of business models. Azizjon Bobojonov, Head of International Project Office, Associate Professor of the Department “Digital Economy and Information Technologies” at Tashkent State University of Economics (Republic of Uzbekistan), talked in his presentation “Reinventing the services in the digital age” about new discoveries in the service industry in the epoch of digital transformation. The plenary session was followed by thematic sessions in the following areas: • Change management and leadership • Business strategies and sustainable development • International management and business • Theoretical issues of management • Theory and practice of project management • Corporate governance and corporate social responsibility • Operations and business process management • Strategic financial management • Public sector management and efficiency problems • Major cities and urban agglomerations management • Real sector investment management • Crisis and business continuity management • Systems analysis in management • Knowledge and talent management • Sports digitalisation management • Digital marketing and marketing communications • Shaping innovation strategy in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution.
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