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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Self-test and reliability"


Watson, Neill, Brandon C. Bryan und Todd M. Thrash. „Self-discrepancy: Long-term test–retest reliability and test–criterion predictive validity.“ Psychological Assessment 28, Nr. 1 (Januar 2016): 59–69.

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Oliva, Allison, Kristal M. Riska und Sherri L. Smith. „Test–Retest Reliability of the Listening Self-Efficacy Questionnaire“. American Journal of Audiology 30, Nr. 4 (09.12.2021): 1108–13.

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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the test–retest reliability and the minimum detectable change (MDC) scores of the Listening Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (LSEQ). Method: A total of 77 older adults who were experienced hearing aid users were administered the LSEQ in pen–paper format on two separate occasions. They were provided the first copy of the LSEQ in the clinic to take home to complete. Those participants who completed and returned the first copy of the questionnaire were then mailed a second copy of the LSEQ to complete and return approximately 2 weeks later. The mean subscale and total scale scores from the two administrations were compared using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) to determine test–retest reliability of the measure. The MDC scores, or the minimum difference between scores to demonstrate a real change in self-efficacy levels, were also calculated for each subscale and the total scale. Results: The ICCs ranged from 0.786 to 0.920 for the subscale and total scale scores. The MDC scores for the subscale and total scale ranged from 14.3% to 19.1%. Conclusions: The results of this study indicate that the LSEQ has moderate to excellent test–retest reliability. The MDC scores demonstrate that the LSEQ has the potential to detect true changes in listening self-efficacy in older patients with hearing loss who use hearing aids. The LSEQ may aid clinicians in understanding listening self-efficacy in their patients and how their self-efficacy levels change with amplification.
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Edwards, Jordan W., Dennis G. Fisher, Mark E. Johnson, Grace L. Reynolds und David P. Redpath. „Test–retest reliability of self-reported drug treatment variables“. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 33, Nr. 1 (Juli 2007): 7–11.

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Brown, Trent D., und Bernie V. Holland. „Test-Retest Reliability of the Self-Assessed Physical Activity Checklist“. Perceptual and Motor Skills 99, Nr. 3_suppl (Dezember 2004): 1099–102.

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Ohl, Alisha M., Emily Crook, Diane MacSaveny und Alanna McLaughlin. „Test–Retest Reliability of the Child Occupational Self-Assessment (COSA)“. American Journal of Occupational Therapy 69, Nr. 2 (09.02.2015): 6902350010p1.

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Levy, Sharon, Lon Sherritt, Sion Kim Harris, Elizabeth C. Gates, David W. Holder, John W. Kulig und John R. Knight. „Test-Retest Reliability of Adolescents??? Self-Report of Substance Use“. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research 28, Nr. 8 (August 2004): 1236–41.

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Rivera, Semilla, Sally W. Vernon, Jasmin A. Tiro, Sharon Coan, Deborah del Junco, Wen Chan und Ann Coker. „Test–retest reliability of self-reported mammography in women veterans“. Preventive Medicine 42, Nr. 4 (April 2006): 320–26.

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Brody, S. „Four-Year Test-Retest Reliability of Self-measured Blood Pressure“. Archives of Internal Medicine 159, Nr. 9 (10.05.1999): 1007–8.

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Dimala, Cempaka Putrie, Arif Rahman Hakim und Ivana Mara Salsabila. „Effectiveness of Positive Self Talk to Increasing Student’s Self-Confidence“. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science VII, Nr. IV (2023): 1584–92.

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This study aims to determine the effectiveness of positive self-talk to increase the self-confidence of psychology students at Buana Perjuangan University, Karawang. This study uses a one group pre-test post-test design. The population in this study were psychology students from the 2018 class. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling and the sample consisted of 11 students. The instrument used in this study is a self-confidence scale that has been tested starting from expert judgment to reliability testing. The reliability of the confidence scale that was tested using Cronbach Alpha obtained a coefficient of 0.896 which indicates a very good level of reliability. Hypothesis testing using paired samples test assisted through SPSS version 23 for windows program. The results showed that the treatment with positive self-talk techniques was effective in increasing the self-confidence of psychology students. This can be seen in the paired samples test, the results of the pre-test and post-test scores of the experimental group obtained a Sig (2-tailed) value of 0.005 < 0.05, which means H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted.
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Dissertationen zum Thema "Self-test and reliability"


Lee, Catharine H. „The Parenting Styles Self-Test, reliability and construct validity“. Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999.

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Hamidzadeh, Mahnaz. „Reliability of patient self-measure physical performance test among mixed cancer patients (stage I-IV)“. Thesis, McGill University, 2011. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=96761.

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Physical performance is a useful and complementary method of monitoring cancer and its impact. Patient self measurement of physical performance would be very useful. This study evaluated the reliability of self-measured Simmonds Physical Performance Task Battery (SPPT) among mixed cancer patients (stage I-IV). Eighty six adults participated. Performance on the SPPT was measured simultaneously by the patient and the practitioner. The procedure was repeated one week later. Intra-Class Correlation (ICC) coefficients showed that test-retest reliability and inter-rater reliability of self-measured performance for the seven SPPT tasks was good to excellent (ICC1, 1= 0.87-0.963 and ICC1, 2= 0.93-0.97, respectively). Except for the six minute walk, mean performance scores were systematically higher for patient compared to practitioner measures (p<.0005). Self measurement is reliable and patients should be instructed to measure and monitor their physical performance as an indicator of disease state. Patient and practitioner methods of measurement can not be used interchangeably.
La performance physique constitue une méthode utile et complémentaire pour le suivi du cancer et de son impact. Dans ce contexte, l'auto-évaluation de la performance physique par le patient serait très utile. L'étude a évalué la fiabilité de la batterie de tests de Simmonds pour l'auto-évaluation de la performance physique (SPPT) chez un groupe mixte de patients cancéreux (stade I–IV). Quatre-vingt-six patients adultes y ont pris part. La performance selon la batterie SPPT a été mesurée simultanément par le patient et le praticien. La procédure a ensuite été répétée une semaine plus tard. Les coefficients de corrélation intraclasse (ICC) ont démontré que la fiabilité test-retest et inter-examinateur de la performance auto-évaluée à l'égard des sept tâches de la batterie SPPT était de bonne à excellente (ICC1,1= 0,87– 0,963 et ICC1,2= 0,93–0,97, respectivement). Sauf pour la marche de six minutes, les scores moyens de performance se sont révélés systématiquement plus élevés chez les patients comparativement aux mesures du praticien (p<,0005). L'auto-évaluation est donc fiable et on devrait donner comme consigne aux patients de mesurer et de suivre leur performance physique en tant qu'indicateur de l'état pathologique. Toutefois, les méthodes de mesure – celle du patient et celle du praticien – ne peuvent être utilisées de manière interchangeable.
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Patel, Darayus Adil. „Test and characterization methodologies for advanced technology nodes“. Thesis, Montpellier, 2016.

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Non traduit
The introduction of nanometer technologies, has allowed the semiconductor industry to create nanoscale devices in combination with gigascale complexity. However, new technologies bring with them new challenges. In the era of large systems embedded in a single System-On-Chip and fabricated in continuously shrinking technologies, it is important to test and ensure fault-free operation of the whole system. The cost involved in semiconductor test has been steadily growing and testing techniques for integrated circuits are today facing many exciting and complex challenges. Although important advances have been made, existing test solutions are still unable to exhaustively cover all types of defects in advanced technology nodes. Consequently, innovative solutions are required to cope with new failure mechanisms under the constraints of higher density and complexity, cost and time to market pressure, product quality level and usage of low cost test equipment.The work of this thesis is focused on the development of silicon test and characterization methodologies that aid in the accurate detection and resolution of issues that may arise due to variability, manufacturing defects, wear-out or interference. A wide spectrum of these challenges has been addressed from a test perspective to ensure that the availability of effective test solutions does not become a bottleneck in the path towards further scaling. Additionally the advances and innovations introduced in the myriad domains of electronic design, reliability management, manufacturing process improvements etc. that call for the development of advanced, modular and agile test methodologies have been effectively covered within the scope of this work.This thesis presents the significant contributions made for enabling resolution of state of the art industrial test challenges via the design and implementation of novel test strategies (targeting the 28nm FDSOI technology node) for:•Detection & diagnosis of timing faults in standard cells.•Analysis of Setup and Hold margins within silicon.•Verification & reliability analysis of innovative test structures.•Analysis of on-chip self heating.•Enabling characterization and performance evaluation of high speed digital IPs
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Adelsköld, Signe, und Hanna Thalin. „Reliabilitets- och validitetsprövning av Modifierad Self-efficacy Scale för patienter med långvarig smärta“. Thesis, Uppsala University, Physiotheraphy, 2010.

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Syfte: Studiens syfte var att reliabilitetspröva stabiliteten för M-SES för patienter med långvarig smärta genom test-retest metoden. Syftet var även att undersöka samtidig validitet för M-SES, genom att utföra M-SES och SES mätt vid samma tillfälle.

Metod: I studien undersöktes self-efficacy instrumentet M-SES på Uppsala Akademiska sjukhus, på avdelningarna för Smärtcentrum och Smärtrehabilitering. Frågeställningarna berörde vilken stabilitets reliabilitet mätt med test-retest som förelåg hos M-SES, samt vilken grad av samtidig validitet som förelåg för M-SES korrelerat med SES. Den slutliga undersökningsgruppen bestod i frågeställningen om stabilitets reliabilitet av 29 patienter (23 kvinnor, sex män), och i frågeställning om samtidig validitet av 22 patienter (17 kvinnor, fem män).

Resultat: Vid prövning av stabilitets reliabilitet för M-SES visade resultatet en stark korrelation, med korrelationskoefficient 0,92 och p<0,05. Det förelåg även en god överrensstämmelse för test-retest undersökningen. Prövningen av samtidig validitet för M-SES visade en stark korrelation, med koefficienten 0,88 och p<0,05.

Konklusion: Studiens resultat visade att det förelåg en stark stabilitets reliabilitet och samtidig validitet för M-SES för patienter med långvarig smärta. Då studien genomfördes med få deltagare bör resultatet tolkas med försiktighet.

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Rucker, Paul D. „A reliability comparison of recessed-gate and self-aligned gate small signal GaAs MESFETS utilizing an accelerated life test set designed for large scale automated testing“. Thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1987.

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A large scale automated test set was designed and built to address the varied accelerated life test requirements of the GaAs industry. GaAs low-noise/small-signal MESFETs with 1 x 300 micron gate peripheries and 3 different gate structures were subjected to a 1000 hour high temperature storage test: 1) to compare the reliability performance and manufacturability of a) recessed-gate MESFETs with TiPdAu gates b) realigned self-aligned gate (RSAG) MESFETs with TiWNx Schottky and TiPdAu overlay c) planarized self-aligned gate (PSAG) MESFETs with TiWNx Schottky and TiPdAu overlay. 2) to study the changes in Idss, Rg, Ro, gm, and Vp over time and their effects upon MAG (Maximum Available Gain). 3) to study failure criteria and their applicability toward accurate life predictions. The recessed-gate devices suffered from Au/GaAs channel interdiffusion resulting in substantial dc parameter degradation above 225°C with an activation energy of 1.7 eV. Although the most widely used device structure in the GaAs industry, its process is not conducive to parameter uniformity. The realigned self-aligned gate (RSAG) devices are an initial attempt at the fabrication of a self-aligned gate analog MESFET. They were found to exhibit excellent electrical characteristics, but their reliability performance was unpredictable due to the critical nature of the .5 micron TiPdAu gate overlay realignment to a 1 micron TiWNx Schottky. Planarized self-aligned gate (PSAG) devices were found to be readily manufacturable and to exhibit excellent reliability. The use of a decrease in MAG was found to be a more meaningful failure criterion than a 20% change in Idss, which is employed extensively in the literature.
Master of Science
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Lubaszewski, Marcelo. „Le test unifié de cartes appliqué à la conception de systèmes fiables“. Grenoble INPG, 1994.

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Si on veut assurer de facon efficace les tests de conception, de fabrication, de maintenance et le test accompli au cours de l'application pour les systemes electroniques, on est amene a integrer le test hors-ligne et le test en-ligne dans des circuits. Ensuite, pour que les systemes complexes tirent profit des deux types de tests, une telle unification doit etre etendue du niveau circuit aux niveaux carte et module. D'autre part, bien que l'integration des techniques de test hors-ligne et en-ligne fait qu'il est possible de concevoir des systemes pour toute application securitaire, le materiel ajoute pour assurer une haute surete de fonctionnement fait que la fiabilite de ces systemes est reduite, car la probabilite d'occurrence de fautes augmente. Confrontee a ces deux aspects antagoniques, cette these se fixe l'objectif de trouver un compromis entre la securite et la fiabilite de systemes electroniques complexes. Ainsi, dans un premier temps, on propose une solution aux problemes de test hors-ligne et de diagnostic qui se posent dans les etapes intermediaires de l'evolution vers les cartes 100% compatibles avec le standard IEEE 1149. 1 pour le test "boundary scan". Une approche pour le BIST ("Built-In Self-Test") des circuits et connexions "boundary scan" illustre ensuite l'etape ultime du test hors-ligne de cartes. Puis, le schema UBIST ("Unified BIST") - integrant les techniques BIST et "self-checking" pour le test en-ligne de circuits, est combine au standard IEEE 1149. 1, afin d'obtenir une strategie de conception en vue du test unifie de connexions et circuits montes sur des cartes et modules. Enfin, on propose un schema tolerant les fautes et base sur la duplication de ces modules securitaires qui assure la competitivite du systeme resultant du point de vue de la fiabilite, tout en gardant sa sureté inherente
On one hand, if the goal is to ensure that the design validation, the manufacturing and the maintenance testing, along with the concurrent error detection are efficiently performed in electronic systems, one is led to integrate the off-line and the on-line testing into circuits. Then, for complex systems to make profit of these two types of tests, such unification must be extended from the circuit to the board and module levels. On the other hand, although the unification of off-line and on-line testing techniques makes possible the design of systems suiting any safety application, the hardware added for increasing the application safety also decreases the system availability and reliability, since the probability of occurrence of faults increases. Faced to these two antagonist aspects, this thesis aims at finding a compromise between the safety and the reliability of complex electronic systems. Thus, firstly we propose a solution to the off-line test and diagnosis problems found in the intermediate steps in the evolution towards boards which are 100% compliant with the IEEE standard for boundary scan testing. An approach for the BIST (Built-In Self-Test) of boundary scan circuits and interconnects then illustrates the ultimate step in the board off-line testing. Next, the UBIST (Unified BIST) scheme - merging BIST and self-checking capabilities for circuit on-line testing, is combined with the IEEE standard for boundary scan testing, in order to obtain a design strategy for unifying the tests of interconnects and circuits populating boards and modules. Finally, we propose a fault-tolerant scheme based on the duplication of these kind of modules which ensures the competitivity of the resulting system in terms of reliability at the same time as preserving the inherent module safety
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Cota, Erika Fernandes. „ATPG para teste de circuitos analogicos e mistos“. reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 1997.

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Este trabalho tem como objetivo realizar um estudo do problema de teste de circuitos analógicos e mistos, propondo uma metodologia de teste e apresentando uma ferramenta para geração automática de vetores de teste (ATPG). A necessidade deste tipo de pesquisa torna-se clara no momento em que um número cada vez maior de aplicações requer algum tipo de interação entre dispositivos analógicos e digitais, não só em se tratando de placas de circuito impresso, mas também em um mesmo circuito integrado. A metodologia prevê a detecção de falhas paramétricas, de grandes desvios e catastróficas em circuitos lineares e não-lineares. Além disso. a ocorrência de falhas de interação é considerada, assim como a definição de vetores para diagnóstico que garantam máxima cobertura de falhas. Inicialmente são apresentados alguns aspectos teóricos relacionados ao teste deste tipo de circuitos (complexidade do teste, abordagens existentes e trabalhos correlatos). A seguir, são apresentados o modelo de falhas utilizado e a metodologia proposta, bem como a ferramenta de ATPG. A técnica é aplicada, então, a dois circuitos. O processo de geração dos vetores de teste é explicado e exemplos de vetores gerados são apresentados. Posteriormente, uma proposta de automatização do método é feita, acompanhada da descrição de algumas ferramentas comerciais utilizadas. Por fim, os resultados e conclusões são apresentados.
This work aims at studying the testing problems related to analog and mixedsignal circuits. This kind of research is very useful nowadays, since there is a great demand for circuits that need some kind of interaction between analog and digital blocks. This document presents a method and an automatic test pattern generation tool aplicable to the detection of soft, large and hard fault in linear and non-linear circuits. This method considers, also, interaction faults and computes diagnose vectors that garantee maximal fault coverage. At first. a brief review of methods. approaches and related works is presented. Then. the fault model used and the test methodology are defined. and an ATPG tool is proposed. Next, the ATPG algorithm is applied to a linear and to a non-linear circuit. The test vector generation process and the test vectors computed are then shown. After that a way to automatize the ATPG tool is discussed under the light of those commercial tools that were used in this work. Finally. the conclusions and results are presented.
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Small, Nicola. „Patient empowerment in long-term conditions : development and validation of a new measure“. Thesis, University of Manchester, 2012.

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Background: Patient empowerment is viewed as a priority by policy makers, patients and practitioners worldwide. Although there are a number of measures available, none have been developed specifically for patients in the UK with long-term conditions. It is the aim of this study to report the development and preliminary validation of an empowerment instrument for patients with long-term conditions in primary care.Methods: The study involved three methods. Firstly, a systematic review was conducted to identify existing empowerment instruments, and to describe, compare and appraise their content and quality. The results supported the need for a new instrument. Item content of existing instruments helped support development of the new instrument. Secondly, empowerment was explored in patients with long-term conditions and primary care practitioners using qualitative methods, to explore its meaning and the factors that support or hinder empowerment. This led to the development of a conceptual model to support instrument development. Thirdly, a new instrument for measuring empowerment in patients with long-term conditions in primary care was developed. A cross-sectional survey of patients was conducted to collect preliminary data on acceptability, reliability and validity, using pre-specified hypotheses based on existing theoretical and empirical work. Results: Nine instruments meeting review inclusion criteria were identified. Only one instrument was developed to measure empowerment in long-term conditions in the context of primary care, and that was judged to be insufficient in terms of content and purpose. Five dimensions (‘identity’, ‘knowledge and understanding’, ‘personal control’, personal decision-making’, and ‘enabling other patients’) of empowerment were identified through published literature and the qualitative work and incorporated into a preliminary version of the new instrument. A postal survey achieved 197 responses (response rate 33%). Almost half of the sample reported circulatory, diabetic or musculoskeletal conditions. Exploratory factor analysis suggested a three factor solution (‘identity’, ‘knowledge and understanding’ and ‘enabling’). Two dimensions of empowerment (‘identity’ and ‘enabling’) and total empowerment showed acceptable levels of internal consistency. The measure showed relationships with external measures (including quality of chronic illness care, self-efficacy and educational qualifications) that were generally supportive of its construct validity.Conclusion: Initial analyses suggest that the new measure meets basic psychometric criteria and has potential for the measurement of patient empowerment in long-term conditions in primary care. The scale may have a role in research on quality of care for long-term conditions, and could function as a patient-reported outcome measure. However, further validation is required before more extensive use of the measure.
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Buthelezi, Colette Lesego. „Test-retest reliability of the Picture My Participation Instrument“. Diss., University of Pretoria, 2018.

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Introduction: People who have disabilities are often deprived of opportunities to be involved in daily life situations. While research attempts to explore the participation patterns of individuals with disabilities, there is a paucity of studies that have obtained the personal opinions of participation from children with intellectual disabilities, and none that have obtained personal opinions (self-reports) from children living in low- to middle-income (LAMI) countries. Reasons for this are thought to be the lack of measures and methods available for obtaining self-reports from children with intellectual disabilities. The Picture my Participation (PMP) instrument has been developed for use in LAMI countries and when used with the Talking MatsTM framework, ensures that the views of children with intellectual disabilities can be obtained. This study aimed to assess the test-retest reliability of the PMP instrument. Methods: Sixteen children aged 12 to 17 years with intellectual disabilities and their primary caregivers took part in this study. Each participant pair was required to complete the Picture My Participation survey twice in a space of two weeks. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient and Spearman’s rank order were used to measure internal consistency and test-retest reliability. Results and conclusions: While the questionnaire yielded high alpha values, indicating high internal consistency, the values for test-retest reliability were incomparable due to a small sample size and limited data. Further study is required with a larger and more diverse data sample.
Mini Dissertation (MAAC)--University of Pretoria, 2018.
This research forms part of an international project jointly funded by the National Research Foundation (NRF)/ STINT. Opinions expressed and conclusions arrived at are those of the author and are not necessarily to be attributed to the NRF/ STINT.
Centre for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (CAAC)
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Bücher zum Thema "Self-test and reliability"


United States. General Accounting Office., Hrsg. Electronic warfare: DOD did not meet test criteria before production of the Airborne Self-Protection Jammer : statement of Louis J. Rodrigues, director, Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence Issues, National Security and International Affairs Division, before the Subcommittee on Federal Services, Committee on Governmental Affairs, United States Senate. [Washington, D.C.]: The Office, 1992.

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Office, General Accounting. Nuclear science: DOE's self-supporting isotope program is experiencing problems : fact sheet for the Chairman, Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources Subcommittee, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives. Washington, D.C: The Office, 1992.

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Proudfoot, Diane, und B. Jack Copeland. Artificial Intelligence. Herausgegeben von Eric Margolis, Richard Samuels und Stephen P. Stich. Oxford University Press, 2012.

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In this article the central philosophical issues concerning human-level artificial intelligence (AI) are presented. AI largely changed direction in the 1980s and 1990s, concentrating on building domain-specific systems and on sub-goals such as self-organization, self-repair, and reliability. Computer scientists aimed to construct intelligence amplifiers for human beings, rather than imitation humans. Turing based his test on a computer-imitates-human game, describing three versions of this game in 1948, 1950, and 1952. The famous version appears in a 1950 article inMind, ‘Computing Machinery and Intelligence’ (Turing 1950). The interpretation of Turing's test is that it provides an operational definition of intelligence (or thinking) in machines, in terms of behavior. ‘Intelligent Machinery’ sets out the thesis that whether an entity is intelligent is determined in part by our responses to the entity's behavior. Wittgenstein frequently employed the idea of a human being acting like a reliable machine. A ‘living reading-machine’ is a human being or other creature that is given written signs, for example Chinese characters, arithmetical symbols, logical symbols, or musical notation, and who produces text spoken aloud, solutions to arithmetical problems, and proofs of logical theorems. Wittgenstein mentions that an entity that manipulates symbols genuinely reads only if he or she has a particular history, involving learning and training, and participates in a social environment that includes normative constraints and further uses of the symbols.
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Buchteile zum Thema "Self-test and reliability"


Boykin, Gary L., und Valerie J. Rice. „Physical Readiness is More Than Physical Fitness: Relationships Between Army Physical Fitness Test Scores and Self-reports of Physical and Psychological Fitness“. In Advances in Human Error, Reliability, Resilience, and Performance, 176–83. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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Bauer, Lars, Hongyan Zhang, Michael A. Kochte, Eric Schneider, Hans-Joachim Wunderlich und Jörg Henkel. „Online Test Strategies and Optimizations for Reliable Reconfigurable Architectures“. In Dependable Embedded Systems, 277–302. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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AbstractRuntime/reconfigurable architectures based on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are a promising augment to conventional processor architectures such as Central Processing Units (CPUs) and Graphic Processing Units (GPUs). Since the reconfigurable parts are typically manufactured in the latest technology, they may suffer from aging and environmentally induced dependability threats. In this chapter, strategic online test methods for dependable runtime-reconfigurable architectures as well as cross-layer optimizations for high reliability and lifetime are developed. Firstly, two orthogonal online tests are proposed that ensure reliable configuration of the reconfigurable fabric and aid fault detection. Secondly, a novel design method called module diversification is presented that enables self-repair of the system in case of faults caused by degradation effects as well as single-event upsets in the configuration. Thirdly, a novel stress-aware placement method is proposed that aims for slowing down system degradation by aging effects. The combined methods ensure reliable operation across architectural and gate level and allow to prolong the lifetime of dependable runtime-reconfigurable architectures.
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Qin, Shuai, Qingming He, Jiahe Bai, Wenchang Dong, Liangzhi Cao und Hongchun Wu. „Group Constants Generation Based on NECP-MCX Monte Carlo Code“. In Springer Proceedings in Physics, 86–97. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.

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AbstractThe reliability of few-group constants generated by lattice physics calculation is significant for the accuracy of the conventional two-step method in neutronics calculation. The deterministic method is preferred in the lattice calculation due to its efficiency. However, it is difficult for the deterministic method to treat the resonance self-shielding effect accurately and handle complex geometries. Compared to the deterministic method, the Monte Carlo method has the characteristics of using continuous-energy cross section and the powerful capability of geometric modeling. Therefore, the Monte Carlo particle transport code NECP-MCX is extended in this study to generate assembly-homogenized few-group constants. The cumulative migration method is adopted to generate the accurate diffusion coefficient and the leakage correction is performed using the homogeneous fundamental mode approximation. For the verification of the generated few-group constants, a code sequence named MCX-SPARK is built based on NECP-MCX and a core analysis code SPARK to perform the two-step calculation. The physics start-up test of the HPR1000 reactor is simulated using the MCX-SPARK sequence. The results from MCX-SPARK agree well with the results from the design report and a deterministic two-step code Bamboo-C. It is concluded that the NECP-MCX has the ability to generate accurate few-group constants.
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Benso, Alfredo, Stefano Di Carlo und Alessandro Savino. „Software-Based Self-Test for Reliable Applications in Railway Systems“. In Railway Safety, Reliability, and Security, 198–220. IGI Global, 2012.

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The very strict safety standards, which must be guaranteed in a railway system, make the testing of all electronic components a unique and challenging case study. Software-based self-test represents a very attractive test solution to cope with the problem of on-line and off-line testing of microprocessor-based systems. It makes it possible to deeply test hardware components without introducing extra hardware and stressing the system in its operational condition. This chapter overviews the basic principles of software-based self-test techniques, focusing on a set of best practices to be applied in writing, verifying and computing the final test coverage of high-quality test programs for railway systems.
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Tripathi, Suman Lata. „Design for Testability of High-Speed Advance Multipliers“. In AI Techniques for Reliability Prediction for Electronic Components, 175–90. IGI Global, 2020.

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An efficient design for testability (DFT) has been a major thrust of area for today's VLSI engineers. A poorly designed DFT would result in losses for manufacturers with a considerable rework for the designers. BIST (built-in self-test), one of the promising DFT techniques, is rapidly modifying with the advances in technology as the device shrinks. The increasing complexities of the hardware have shifted the trend to include BISTs in high performance circuitry for offline as well as online testing. Work done here involves testing a circuit under test (CUT) with built in response analyser and vector generator with a monitor to control all the activities.
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„Designing, Deploying, and Evaluating Open-Access Online Delphi Studies (OAODS)“. In Advances in Data Mining and Database Management, 31–66. IGI Global, 2019.

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This chapter describes the work of creating multimodal open-access online Delphi studies (OAODS). These are electronic Delphi studies that do not begin with an invited group of identified experts to seat a Delphi panel but rather with self-identified domain-specific authorities active on the Social Web, with post-data-collection vetting of the participants (when knowable) and their responses. This chapter explores how to design such instruments with efficacy and nuance, and built-in tests of respondent expertise, and fraud detection, and further, how to test such instruments for efficacy, reliability, and validity, while using some of the latest features available in online survey research platforms. The platform used in this work is the Qualtrics Research Suite.
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Dentale, Francesco, Michele Vecchione und Claudio Barbaranelli. „Applying the IAT to Assess Big Five Personality Traits“. In Advances in Psychology, Mental Health, and Behavioral Studies, 1–15. IGI Global, 2015.

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This chapter reviews the studies that applied the Implicit Association Test (IAT) to assess the Big Five personality traits, focusing on issues related to measurement and validity. After a brief introduction on the implicit self-concept of personality, the following five issues are critically reviewed: (1) the experimental procedure of both classical and questionnaire-based Big Five IATs, (2) the factorial structure and reliability of the implicit traits and the degree of dissociation between implicit and explicit measures, (3) the state and trait components of implicit scores, (4) the predictive validity of the Big-Five IATs with respect to relevant behavioural criteria, and (5) the robustness to faking of the Big Five IATs. Future research directions for the implicit measures of the Big Five were discussed.
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Onabajo, Marvin, Yong-Bin Kim, Yongsuk Choi, Hari Chauhan, Chun-hsiang Chang und In-Seok Jung. „Digitally Assisted Performance Tuning of Analog/RF Circuits with an On-Chip FFT Engine“. In Advances in Computer and Electrical Engineering, 236–67. IGI Global, 2015.

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A serious drawback associated with systems-on-a-chip integration and CMOS technology scaling trends is the increasing susceptibility to manufacturing process variations and aging effects. Consequently, it is critical to improve on-chip measurement and self-calibration capabilities as well as the testability of single-chip systems. This chapter describes a robust design methodology for enhanced reliability of analog front-end circuits in mixed-signal chips. The system under development is comprised of small blocks close to high-frequency analog circuits under test to down-convert signals to low frequencies such that they can be routed to an on-chip analog-to-digital converter architecture for built-in testing applications. An efficient Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) engine is used to calculate the frequency spectrum of the signal with significantly less chip area compared to existing FFT engines. The self-contained system provides the measurement results in digital form to support digital calibration approaches, particularly those that involve digitally assisted analog blocks.
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Ma, Zhenghao, Chuan Wang, Chuanyi Ma und Shutang Liu. „Experimental Modal Analysis of Subgrade Based on Impact Excitation“. In Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering. IOS Press, 2023.

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In order to understand the levels of modal parameters such as modal frequency and modal damping of soil subgrade (treated with 4% slaked lime) during compaction, and find new quality evaluation parameters, reasonably evaluate the conventional vibration compaction technology, and optimize the vibration frequency (or serve intelligent compaction). The self-made modal tester and a portable falling weight deflectometer (PFWD) are used to test the modality and dynamic resilient modulus of soil subgrade under different compaction times. Levy method was used to identify parameters such as natural frequency, and the relationship between natural frequency and resilient modulus was analyzed. The results showed that there are three modes in the frequency range of interest in engineering for low-dose lime-improved soil subgrade, and the compaction technology adopted was obviously unreasonable. There was a significant relevance between the natural frequencies of each mode of the subgrade and the resilient modulus. This phenomenon indicates the reliability of the modal test and the accuracy of modal parameter identification, and indicates that the lower modal frequency can be used as a new parameter to reflect the subgrade compaction quality.
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Skaik, Huda Alami, und Roslina Othman. „Determinants of Knowledge Sharing Behaviour among Academics in United Arab Emirates“. In Business Intelligence, 1402–18. IGI Global, 2016.

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The main objectives of this research are to (i) investigate the practice of knowledge sharing among academics, and (ii) examine the relationship between knowledge sharing behaviour and its predictors based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour. Data were collected through an online survey using a questionnaire from academics in public universities. Using SPSS and PLS-SEM, data analysis process involved (i) analysis of descriptive statistics to evaluate knowledge sharing practice, (ii) assessment of the measurement model to evaluate items reliability and validity, and (iii) assessment of the structural model to evaluate its validity, path coefficients, and test the hypotheses. The results showed a great extent of knowledge sharing practice. They proved that academics' knowledge sharing behaviour is significantly influenced by intention, which is influenced by attitude, subjective norms, and self-efficacy. Contrary to the theory, the results showed that controllability does not influence intention.
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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Self-test and reliability"


Zick, Kenneth M., und John P. Hayes. „Self-Test and Adaptation for Random Variations in Reliability“. In 2010 International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL). IEEE, 2010.

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Snyder, E. S., D. V. Campbell, S. E. Swanson und D. G. Pierce. „Novel self-stressing test structures for realistic high-frequency reliability characterization“. In Proceedings of IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium. IEEE, 1993.

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Liu, Ya-Jun, und Jing-Yi Zhao. „Research test of suspension structure reliability for 9000 kN self-walking transporter“. In 2009 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV). IEEE, 2009.

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Papa, Gregor, und Tomasz Garbolino. „Optimal on-line built-in self-test structure for system-reliability improvement“. In 2011 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC). IEEE, 2011.

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Lajo, Noel, Emre Armagan, Fei Chai und Sumant Padiyar. „Test method for moisture-driven failure: Effect of VLSI device self-heating and local temperature rise“. In 2017 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS). IEEE, 2017.

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Fomina, Tatiana Gennadievna. „Self-Regulation, Test Anxiety, Reliability And Success in The Final Exam: Structural Model“. In Personal and Regulatory Resources in Achieving Educational and Professional Goals in the Digital Age. European Publisher, 2020.

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Stöcklein, Jörg, Daniel Baldin, Wolfgang Müller und Tao Xie. „Virtual Test Environment for Self-Optimizing Systems“. In ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013.

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In our paper we present a virtual test environment for self-optimizing systems based on mutant based testing to validate user tasks of a real-time operating system. This allows the efficient validation of the code coverage of the test cases and therefore helps to detect errors in order to improving the reliability of the system software. Technically we are able to run and test the software on both systems. By writing application software and setting up the virtual test environment properly, we define our test cases. To validate the code coverage for our test cases, we use the approach of mutant based testing. By running this mutated code on our virtual prototype in the virtual test environment, we are able to efficiently validate the code coverage and are able to detect bugs in the application code or detect dead code that is not executed. Finding non-executing code leads to redefinition of our test cases by either changing the test environment or the application code in the case of dead code. We implemented the virtual test environment on top of the third party low cost VR system Unity 3D, which is frequently used in entertainment and education. We demonstrate our concepts by the example of our BeBot robot vehicles. The implementation is based on our self-optimizing real-time operating system ORCOS and we used the tool CERTITUDE(TM) for generating the mutations in our application code. Our BeBot virtual prototype in our virtual test environment implements the same low-level interface to the underlying hardware as the real BeBot. This allows a redirection of commands in ORCOS to either the real or the virtual BeBot in order to provide a VR based platform for early software development as well as ensures comparable conditions under both environments. Our example applies a virtual BeBot that drives through a labyrinth utilizing its IR sensors for navigation. The mutant based testing checks if all situations implemented by the software to navigate through the labyrinth are covered by our tests.
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Cimino, Mikael, Herve Lapuyade, Magali de Matos, Thierry Taris, Yann Deval und Jean Baptiste Begueret. „A Sub 1V CMOS LNA dedicated to 802.11b/g applications with self-test & high reliability capabilities“. In 2007 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) Symposium. IEEE, 2007.

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Fomina, T. G., E. V. Filippova und V. I. Morosanova. „Regulatory and personal resources in predicting student’s success and reliability of actions at the final exam: structural modeling“. In INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL ONLINE CONFERENCE. Знание-М, 2020.

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The article presents the results of an empirical study of the role of conscious self-regulation as a significant resource for the successful completion of final exams by Russian students. As a methodological approach to the study of self-regulation of educational activity used the concept of V. I. Morosanova. Methods: «Self-Regulation Profile of Learning Activity Questionnaire» — SRPLAQ (2015); Spilberger’s «Test Anxiety Inventory» — TAI, Russian adaptation, 2004; Eysenck personality inventory, Russian adaptation, 2000. The study also took into account the students’ results of the Unified State Exam in mathematics on a sample of students in eleventh grade (N = 231). The reliability of student actions was calculated. The results of structural modeling are analyzed, during which an empirical model of regulatory and personality predictors of the success and reliability of students’ exam outcomes in mathematics is tested. By the obtained model, the reliability of exam results is primarily associated with the reliability of self-regulation, and the test anxiety of students. At the same time, a successful exam result is determined by the general level of conscious self-regulation of learning activity and a low level of test anxiety. Extraversion affects success and reliability indirectly — through self-regulation and anxiety. The hypotheses are confirmed that conscious self-regulation acts as a system-forming factor in the system of significant non-cognitive predictors of success and reliability of students in examination testing situations. Regulatory characteristics make it possible to compensate and overcome some limitations of personal temperamental characteristics and mediate the impact of test anxiety on exam results.
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Stang, Marco, Luca Seidel, Veljko Vučinić und Eric Sax. „Exploring Metamorphic Testing for Self-learning Functions with User Interactions“. In Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies (IHIET-AI 2024). AHFE International, 2024.

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Self-learning functions, an evolving field in modern technology, are increasingly being integrated into a multitude of applications. They primarily rely on data-driven learning techniques, such as supervised, unsupervised machine learning and reinforcement learning. In the field of autonomous vehicles, self-learning functions are important for real-time decision-making, as they adapt to dynamic scenarios by collecting extensive data from sensors. Likewise, self-learning functions with user-interaction, a subset of self-learning functions, are asserting their influence in the automotive industry, as they observe driver behavior and recognize user-specific interactions with the system. In addition to data-driven learning, these functions incorporate real-time user interactions, such as activating seat heating or ventilation, and autonomously execute these interactions, enhancing overall comfort of the driver. The growing integration and interaction of self-learning functions underscore the importance of conducting research and refining testing methodologies to ensure their reliability and effectiveness. To meet the growing need for trusted and reliable self-learning features, effective testing methods are essential for validating the accuracy and robustness of self-learning functions with user interaction. In contrast to traditional software, self-learning functions change and adjust themselves based on data and interactions. This causes challenges to predict and verify their intended behavior. Furthermore, each potential user exhibits distinctive individual behavior that differentiates them from other users. As a consequence, attempting to address every potential user interaction with traditional testing methods and predefined test case specifications becomes impractical. Moreover, the behavior of a self-learning function adapts over time to that of the respective user. As a result, the user behavior to be tested evolves, rendering traditional testing through predefined test cases unfeasible. Consequently, adapted testing methods are indispensable to effectively address the test-oracle problem. This paper presents a solution to address the test-oracle problem by leveraging metamorphic testing as a method for validating self-learning functions with user interaction. Metamorphic testing approaches the problem of the test-oracle from a perspective not typically employed by other testing strategies: instead of focusing on individual test cases, metamorphic tests examine the outcomes of multiple test cases within a testing system and their relationships with each other. Metamorphic testing assesses whether the test inputs and outputs fulfill specific metamorphic relationships upon multiple test executions. These metamorphic relationships describe the essential properties of the intended functionality. They transform existing input-output test cases into new follow-up test cases. If the behavior of the self-learning functions deviates from the metamorphic relationship in these original and follow-up test cases, the testing system is considered faulted. The effectiveness of fault detection significantly relies on metamorphic relations. Thus, the analysis of metamorphic relations becomes an essential task and a creative endeavor for the tester. Furthermore, it will be a significant contribution of this publication.The proposed paper offers an analysis of the insights gained from the application of metamorphic testing to a self-learning comfort function. This underscores how effective the testing methodology is in identifying inaccuracies in the self-learning function's interpretation of user behaviors, thus contributing to our understanding of their reliability and adaptability in simulated scenarios. In conclusion, the utilization of metamorphic testing in the context of self-learning functions, with a specific emphasis on user interactions, emerges as a promising and efficient strategy.
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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Self-test and reliability"


Kehr, Alan. PR-464-133609-R01 Review of Self-Healing Pipeline Coatings for the Prevention of External Corrosion. Chantilly, Virginia: Pipeline Research Council International, Inc. (PRCI), August 2017.

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The objective of this study is to investigate the potential of existing self-healing coating solutions for pipeline applications with the goal of improved pipeline reliability and a reduction in operating expenses by reducing excavations, coating repairs, pipe repairs and replacements. There has been much recent publicity regarding this technology, resulting in a need to determine usefulness and identify applicability to pipelines. This report will cover existing technologies for use in self-healing coatings, the technologies under development applicable to pipeline coatings, the companies active in this development, and the current status of developments. The report also provides a draft test program for the evaluation of pipeline self-healing materials and proposes the next steps for a future project.
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Wu, Yingjie, Selim Gunay und Khalid Mosalam. Hybrid Simulations for the Seismic Evaluation of Resilient Highway Bridge Systems. Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, CA, November 2020.

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Bridges often serve as key links in local and national transportation networks. Bridge closures can result in severe costs, not only in the form of repair or replacement, but also in the form of economic losses related to medium- and long-term interruption of businesses and disruption to surrounding communities. In addition, continuous functionality of bridges is very important after any seismic event for emergency response and recovery purposes. Considering the importance of these structures, the associated structural design philosophy is shifting from collapse prevention to maintaining functionality in the aftermath of moderate to strong earthquakes, referred to as “resiliency” in earthquake engineering research. Moreover, the associated construction philosophy is being modernized with the utilization of accelerated bridge construction (ABC) techniques, which strive to reduce the impact of construction on traffic, society, economy and on-site safety. This report presents two bridge systems that target the aforementioned issues. A study that combined numerical and experimental research was undertaken to characterize the seismic performance of these bridge systems. The first part of the study focuses on the structural system-level response of highway bridges that incorporate a class of innovative connecting devices called the “V-connector,”, which can be used to connect two components in a structural system, e.g., the column and the bridge deck, or the column and its foundation. This device, designed by ACII, Inc., results in an isolation surface at the connection plane via a connector rod placed in a V-shaped tube that is embedded into the concrete. Energy dissipation is provided by friction between a special washer located around the V-shaped tube and a top plate. Because of the period elongation due to the isolation layer and the limited amount of force transferred by the relatively flexible connector rod, bridge columns are protected from experiencing damage, thus leading to improved seismic behavior. The V-connector system also facilitates the ABC by allowing on-site assembly of prefabricated structural parts including those of the V-connector. A single-column, two-span highway bridge located in Northern California was used for the proof-of-concept of the proposed V-connector protective system. The V-connector was designed to result in an elastic bridge response based on nonlinear dynamic analyses of the bridge model with the V-connector. Accordingly, a one-third scale V-connector was fabricated based on a set of selected design parameters. A quasi-static cyclic test was first conducted to characterize the force-displacement relationship of the V-connector, followed by a hybrid simulation (HS) test in the longitudinal direction of the bridge to verify the intended linear elastic response of the bridge system. In the HS test, all bridge components were analytically modeled except for the V-connector, which was simulated as the experimental substructure in a specially designed and constructed test setup. Linear elastic bridge response was confirmed according to the HS results. The response of the bridge with the V-connector was compared against that of the as-built bridge without the V-connector, which experienced significant column damage. These results justified the effectiveness of this innovative device. The second part of the study presents the HS test conducted on a one-third scale two-column bridge bent with self-centering columns (broadly defined as “resilient columns” in this study) to reduce (or ultimately eliminate) any residual drifts. The comparison of the HS test with a previously conducted shaking table test on an identical bridge bent is one of the highlights of this study. The concept of resiliency was incorporated in the design of the bridge bent columns characterized by a well-balanced combination of self-centering, rocking, and energy-dissipating mechanisms. This combination is expected to lead to minimum damage and low levels of residual drifts. The ABC is achieved by utilizing precast columns and end members (cap beam and foundation) through an innovative socket connection. In order to conduct the HS test, a new hybrid simulation system (HSS) was developed, utilizing commonly available software and hardware components in most structural laboratories including: a computational platform using Matlab/Simulink [MathWorks 2015], an interface hardware/software platform dSPACE [2017], and MTS controllers and data acquisition (DAQ) system for the utilized actuators and sensors. Proper operation of the HSS was verified using a trial run without the test specimen before the actual HS test. In the conducted HS test, the two-column bridge bent was simulated as the experimental substructure while modeling the horizontal and vertical inertia masses and corresponding mass proportional damping in the computer. The same ground motions from the shaking table test, consisting of one horizontal component and the vertical component, were applied as input excitations to the equations of motion in the HS. Good matching was obtained between the shaking table and the HS test results, demonstrating the appropriateness of the defined governing equations of motion and the employed damping model, in addition to the reliability of the developed HSS with minimum simulation errors. The small residual drifts and the minimum level of structural damage at large peak drift levels demonstrated the superior seismic response of the innovative design of the bridge bent with self-centering columns. The reliability of the developed HS approach motivated performing a follow-up HS study focusing on the transverse direction of the bridge, where the entire two-span bridge deck and its abutments represented the computational substructure, while the two-column bridge bent was the physical substructure. This investigation was effective in shedding light on the system-level performance of the entire bridge system that incorporated innovative bridge bent design beyond what can be achieved via shaking table tests, which are usually limited by large-scale bridge system testing capacities.
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CAE Correlation of Sealing Pressure of a Press-in-Place Gasket. SAE Imposter, April 2021.

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The Press-in-Place (PIP) gasket is a static face seal with self-retaining feature, which is used for the mating surfaces of engine components to maintain the reliability of the closed system under various operating conditions. Its design allows it to provide enough contact pressure to seal the internal fluid as well as prevent mechanical failures. Insufficient sealing pressure will lead to fluid leakage, consequently resulting in engine failures. A test fixture was designed to simulate the clamp load and internal pressure condition on a gasket bolted joint. A Sensor pad using TEKSCAN equipment was used to capture the overall and local pressure distribution of the PIP gasket under various engine loading conditions. Then, the Sensor pad test results were compared with simulated CAE results from computer models. Through the comparisons, it is found that the gasket sealing pressure of test data and CAE data show good correlation for bolt load condition 500N when compared to internal pressure side load condition of 0.138 MPa & 0.276 MPa. Moreover, the gasket cross-sectional pressure distribution obtained by experimental tests and CAE models correlated very well with R2 ranging from 90 to 99% for all load cases. Both CAE and Sensor pad test results shows increase in sealing pressure when internal side pressure is applied to the gasket seal.
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