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Phillips, Laura Rachel. „Secret Schemes: Frequently There Must Be a Beverage“. Thesis, University of North Texas, 1994. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc277843/.

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Pang, Tian Yang. „Lisa See's Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, the Lao Tong relationship from a feminist perspective“. Thesis, University of Macau, 2018. http://umaclib3.umac.mo/record=b3953434.

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Wilkinson, Mark. „Playing the long game : UK secret intelligence and its relationship with chemical and biological weapons related foreign policy“. Thesis, University of Warwick, 2009. http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/3373/.

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This thesis considers the influence of secret intelligence on UK chemical and biological warfare related foreign policy. Using the Butler Report, published in the wake of the 2003 Iraq War as a reference, a model of intelligence and foreign policy interaction will be constructed. This model will then be used as a baseline against which to compare the interaction of intelligence and foreign policy relating to chemical and / or biological weapons from three case studies; the Soviet Union, South Africa and Libya. Specifically, this thesis will consider how, in each of the three case studies: intelligence linked to foreign policy, what role intelligence had in the termination / exposure of those programmes, what factors might be seen to affect that relationship, and whether intelligence might be seen to be representative of state power. The thesis will argue that the 2003 Iraq War, as described by Butler, marked a paradigm shift in terms of the relationship between intelligence and foreign policy. In particular, it will be argued that the lead up to that war marks a transition in the function of intelligence from something that had always worked to gather information to inform foreign policy to hunting for information to directly support or justify a foreign policy decision that has already been taken. Each of the three case studies will also show the intelligence and foreign policy relationship is further influenced by other factors including personalities, organisational structures and cultures as well as the perceived importance of that case study as a political issue. The thesis will conclude by suggesting that the case studies examined provide several policy recommendations; that HUMINT is essential in counterproliferation efforts, that the development of technical specialists with UK intelligence agencies is vital to prevent future proliferation crises, and that pre-emptive war places such rigorous demands on the intelligence agencies it seems they are at present unable to respond quickly enough – this requires urgent action if UK foreign policy is to continue to purse counter-proliferation as a key objective.
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Jackson, Kristyn Marie. „Secrecy in the Context of Romantic Relationships“. UKnowledge, 2016. http://uknowledge.uky.edu/hes_etds/45.

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The studies included in this dissertation investigated the experiences of individual romantic partners as secret keepers and couples as collective secret keepers. Study 1 investigated the topics of secrets kept by individual romantic partners and public perception of secret keeping in the context of romantic relationships via qualitative content analysis. The analysis of secret topics resulted in the following themes: (1) secrets about the Redditors’ relationship, (2) secrets about the Redditor, and (3) a discussion of secrecy. The analysis of public perception resulted in the following themes: (1) normalization, (2) advice, (3) comfort, (4) personal reactions, and (5) a request for more information. Study 2 investigated the experiences of collective secret keepers. Inductive analysis was used in the analysis of participants’ (n = 522) responses to questions investigating: (1) the topics of collective secrets, (2) the reasons for keeping or disclosing the secret, and (3) the reasons for disagreeing over the disclosure of the secret. Further analyses revealed a relationship between secret topic and the overall relational impact of collective secret keeping (F(27, 385) = 1.64, p < .05, 2 = .10); some topics were found to be more distancing than others. A relationship between relationship satisfaction and disagreement between spouses over the disclosure (F(1, 310) = 5.83, p < .05, η2 = .02) was also found; disagreement on the disclosure of a secret was found to result in lower relationship satisfaction. Study 2 also investigated the relationship between collective secret functions and relational outcomes via multilevel modeling. A relationship between secret functions and the following relational outcomes were found when the collective secret was kept: relational impact (χ2= 14.18, df = 1, p < .001), relational closeness (χ2= 14.18, df = 1, p < .001), and relationship satisfaction (χ2= 17.60, df = 1, p < .001). A relationship between secret functions and the relational impact was also found when the collective secret was disclosed (χ2= 3.12, df = 1, p < .10).
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Newman, Ashiko E. „POOR ATTACHMENT AND THE SOCIOEMOTIONAL EFFECTS DURING EARLY CHILDHOOD“. CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2017. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/etd/554.

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A significant focus is placed on positive outcomes for children in today’s society. However, mental health clinicians attest that poor attachments, during early childhood, are likely to have negative effects on a child’s long-term outcomes. By using the post-positivist paradigm, 10 mental health clinicians were interviewed and each provided their perspectives regarding the negative social skills and emotional regulations of young children, when parents fail to appropriately bond with their children, during their early years. Their ideas were formulated, connected, and structured to develop a theoretical statement. The resulting theory focused on the parent’s ability to develop and strengthen the parent/child relationship, through a range of interventions. Parent’s inability to form positive attachments were influenced by a variety of issues, such as, depression, drug and/or alcohol dependency, poverty, poor relationships with the child’s parent, mental illness, violence, etc. These factors resulted in poor social dynamics with the parent; thereby, hindering their bonding. Children with poor attachments tend to display poor socioemotional affects, such as, poor social, coping, and problem solving skills, tantrums, clingy, withdrawn, or aggressive behaviors, etc. These negative effects, often impacts the child throughout their developmental years.
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Mehan, Arti. „The experiences of British Indian women in secret romantic relationships : an interpretative phenomenological analysis“. Thesis, University of East London, 2017. http://roar.uel.ac.uk/7310/.

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There is an immense amount of research, most of it quantitative, on the topics of romantic relationships, romantic secrecy, bicultural difficulties, acculturation, and issues for individuals who are in the first or second generation of immigration. However there is a paucity of published research on the personal experiences of bicultural, specifically British Indian, people in secret romantic relationships. This research attempts to address the gap by exploring these experiences to gain deep insights into issues for second-generation British Indian women who are in romantic relationships that they choose to keep secret from their first-generation parents. The hope is to help expand the knowledge base of counselling psychologists in this area, and to increase awareness both of the mental health of bicultural women and of the issues they might face. For this study, the qualitative approach of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was used to interview, and analyse the transcripts of, a homogenous sample of six British Indian women. They were born in the United Kingdom and raised by parents who had emigrated from other countries. They were aged 20 to 22 and, at the time of the interviews, were all in long-term relationships kept secret from their parents, except for one participant who had ended her secret romantic relationship. The following three superordinate themes and their subordinate themes emerged from the data: Biculturalism - A double life - The culture clash - The negotiation of personal values Dependent Decisions - The particular choice of a partner - Holding on to one’s virginity - Retaining the image of a good Indian girl Freedom - Experiencing the short-lived freedom to date - The costs of being in a secret romantic relationship - The right time to reveal the secret romantic relationship The research findings indicate that the experiences of British Indian women in secret romantic relationships are complex, and suggest limitations on the women’s autonomy as they make decisions that are dependent on other people’s happiness. Their psychological distress is a product of psychosocial and bicultural issues, inter-generational conflicts, intense pressure, and stressors that have an effect on their well-being and how they manage their relationships. The research suggests that bicultural clients may be attracted to therapy to aid them through any bicultural stress or potential familial conflicts they may experience. Counselling psychologists are well placed to work with this particular client group due to their understanding of the psychological issues surrounding the group, allowing practitioners to tailor their therapeutic interventions appropriately. Moreover the research findings could be used to encourage British Indian women to be more open about their feelings regarding their hardships by raising their awareness. Future research might include a follow-up study on how this sample of British Indian women experience their secret romantic relationship during the next few years. Furthermore a study following the experiences of British Indian men in secret romantic relationships could shed new light on this relatively hidden world. Additionally further research, in the light of this study, on the culture-clash that first-generation parents experience with their second-generation children may also be revealing. The research outcomes illustrate the importance of providing the support that bicultural women need, as their difficulties are not always articulated openly, making them less evident to healthcare professionals. It is hoped that this contribution to research in counselling psychology offers fresh understandings and might prompt an increased awareness of issues facing clients from this culture.
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Nieto, Adrien. „La vie privée à l'épreuve de la relation de soin“. Thesis, Montpellier, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017MONTD024/document.

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L'existence de mécanismes juridiques de protection de la vie privée en droit commun est irréfutable. Ceux dont le patient peut se prévaloir à l'occasion de la relation de soin demeurent nébuleux. La spécificité de cette relation, et des atteintes physiques et morales à la vie privée qui y sont consommées - regard, le toucher, nudité et échange d’informations privées - justifient un encadrement spécial et des protections spécifiques, existantes - mais à repenser - pour accompagner les enjeux posés par l'évolution et la modification de la relation de soin. L'émergence de nouveaux acteurs en santé, aux aspirations propres, modifie incontestablement l'objectif et les conséquences de cette relation. La donnée de santé, composante sous-estimée de la vie privée, en ce qu'elle ne transite plus uniquement du patient vers le professionnel de santé - et inversement - doit être encadrée, tant les enjeux économiques et politiques qui y sont afférents sont importants. La "valeur" de la vie privée doit être recentrée, à l’heure où la consommation, l’échange instantané d’informations et la publicité semblent avoir pris le pas sur elle
The existence of legal mechanisms for the protection of privacy under common law is irrefutable. Those that the patient can claim during the care relationship remain unclear. The specific nature of this relationship, and the physical and moral impairments to privacy that are consumed in it - look, touch, nudity and the exchange of private information - justify a special framework and specific protections, existing but repensable, for accompany the stakes posed by the evolution and the modification of the care relationship. The emergence of new actors in health, with their own aspirations, undoubtedly modifies the objective and consequences of this relationship. Health data, an underestimated component of privacy, in that it n° longer passes only from the patient to the healthcare professional - and vice versa - must be framed, both the economic and political stakes associated with it . The "value" of privacy must be refocused, at a time when consumption, instantaneous exchange of information and “publicy” seem to have taken precedence over it
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Tewell, Mackenzie Rae. „"When You Tell Them, Your Secret is Out There": Experiences of Sexuality and Intimacy Among HIV Positive Black Women“. Scholar Commons, 2013. http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/etd/4592.

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HIV/AIDS infections disproportionately impact African Americans within the United States. In 2010, black Americans made up 12 percent of the United States population, yet accounted for 44 percent of new HIV/AIDS infections (Kaiser Family Foundation 2013). The majority of black women (85 percent) are infected with the virus through heterosexual contact, meaning it is critical examine their sexual lives in order to gain insight into this infection within this population (CDC 2011b). Through semi-structured interviews at a Tampa, Florida AIDS service organization, this study presents the experiences of sexuality and intimacy among HIV positive black women. Results demonstrate that HIV impacts much more than sexuality in the lives of these women, and that their sexual and romantic satisfaction, disclosure patterns and mechanisms for decreasing further transmission are influenced by emotional connections, feelings of closeness, love, and intimacy, and are often motivated by non-traditional messages about health.
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Ryou, Ho-Young. „A literary and thematic analysis of the relationship between the secrecy motif and the incomprehension of the disciples in the Gospel of Mark“. Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 1994. http://www.tren.com.

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Senthil, Vijayalakshmi. „Structure, activity and relationship studies of peptide and non-peptide analogs with secretin receptor : in search of agonist and/or antagonist“. Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10722/207206.

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Class B GPCRs are emerging target in drug research. Currently these receptors serve as drug targets for several drug discovery companies and more than 50 percent of the drugs in the market targets GPCRs. Secretin receptor is found to be expressed in various tissues. Secretin regulates many bodily functions from energy to water homeostasis through both central and peripheral system. Though it holds a history of 100 years, the major drawback is its structural insights. In evidence of its integrated role in physiology as a potential target, the lookout for a novel agonist and / or antagonist for secretin receptor is initiated. As this target is in the primary state of drug research, it is also necessary to develop the appropriate screening platforms. Due to the lack of experimental structure of secretin receptor-ligand, a 3D virtual homology model is developed using multiple template approach. Besides virtual docking, a non-radioactive FRET competitive binding assay is also developed and substantiated to enable the receptor-ligand interaction studies. Both peptide and non-peptide analogs were screened for virtual docking, in vitro binding and functional response. For the peptide analogs, the modifications were made either in the N or C terminal portion of the peptide based on the previous findings that C-terminal portion is involved in receptor binding followed by allosteric modifications and N-terminal portion is involved in activation. These peptide analogs exhibited binding affinity in the virtual model. Paradoxically it did not exhibit in vitro binding as predicted. Along with this, the agonistic and antagonistic functional responses of these peptide analogs were also found to be negative. SPECS natural product library of 500 non-peptide analogs were screened virtually against secretin receptor and 32 hits were identified. Of these hits glycyrrhizin’s functions were comparable to secretin was screened for receptor binding and functional response. These in vitro assays did not exert anything positive; however an IP-GTT on WT, 〖SCT〗^(-/- )and 〖SCTR〗^(-/-) mice with acute treatment of glycyrrhizin at 10 mg/kg and chronic treatment of 5 mg/kg exhibited an interesting profile with negligible effect on 〖SCT〗^(-/- )mice whereas in WT and 〖SCTR〗^(-/-) mice it displayed a better profile with improved glucose tolerance. The chronic study serum analysis on day 28 exhibited substantial reduction in blood glucose while significant increase in serum secretin and insulin levels. As glycyrrhizin promotes secretin secretion, its acute effect on blood pressure in WT mice was also analyzed at 10 mg/kg; remarkably exhibited a significant drop in blood pressure. In summary modifications in the peptide analogs lead to instability in the receptor-ligand binding complex in the in vitro system leading to loss of binding efficiency. In case of non-peptides, though glycyrrhizin could not exhibit in vitro response, its supplementary mechanism through secretin pathway of increased secretin release is confirmed using the WT, 〖SCT〗^(-/- )and 〖SCTR〗^(-/-) mice. The hypotensive effect with an acute treatment in WT is also revealed. Discovery of this new mechanism of an old drug could broaden the research for a new class of drug, “secretin sensitizers / promoters”.
Biological Sciences
Doctor of Philosophy
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Johnson, Marckdaline. „An Exploration of the Lived Experience of Women who had Abortions and the Effects of the Abortion Secret on their Relationships: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis“. Diss., NSUWorks, 2019. https://nsuworks.nova.edu/shss_dft_etd/40.

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The United States Supreme Court decision in the Roe v. Wade (1973) case provides women with a right to privacy and the liberty to make decisions concerning their reproductive lives. With this, women who become pregnant are offered the right to choose between keeping their pregnancy and terminating the pregnancy by way of abortion. Since Roe v. Wade (1973), many women have exercised their reproductive liberties, as evidenced by the termination of over 60 million pregnancies via legal abortion in the United States. Still, secrecy among women with a history of abortion remains a common phenomenon. Studies conducted on abortion and reasons for abortion are innumerable and literature on reasons women keep abortion secret are readily available. However, research lacks in the area of examining the lived experience of women with history of abortion secret. Thus, this research examines this phenomenon from women’s lived experiences and the effects of the secret on their relationship(s) when kept from at least one person(s) with whom the post-abortive women are/were in relationship. Purposive sampling was used to select five female participants for this study. To examine participants’ lived experience with abortion secret history as it relates to its effects on relationship(s), the researcher employed qualitative method Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) in conjunction with Bowen Family Systems Theory approach. Seven superordinate themes emerged from the data analysis: self-sacrifice, emotional aftermath of abortion secret; secrecy as protection; dance of anxiety; effects on relationships; generational experiences; and, finding freedom. The collaborative use of IPA and Family Systems Theory provided an understanding of participants’ experiences, the effects of the secret on participants, as well as their emotional systems. The data collected added to the limited research available on this phenomenon providing space for post-abortive women’s secrecy experience to be heard.
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Berilla-Macdonald, Jamie M. „“`A Secret Something That is Striving to Grow’”: Sherwood Anderson's Collage of Changing American Families in Winesburg, Ohio “. Cleveland State University / OhioLINK, 2015. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=csu1431456269.

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Ramongolalaina, Clarissien. „Relationships between the symbiotic compatibility of Bradyrhizobium strains and root-secreted flavonoids in soybean“. Kyoto University, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/2433/232353.

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Weeks, Dennis A. „Secure-Base Caregiving and Adult Attachment Development Within the Client-Psychotherapist Relationship“. ScholarWorks, 2015. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/335.

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Recent studies have shown significant improvements in the attachment security of adult therapy clients during therapy, supporting Bowlby's theory that such improvement can be influenced by secure-base caregiving provided by mentors such as therapists. However, because these studies did not measure the secure-base variable, its relationship to client attachment development remains unknown. The present study is the first to evaluate that relationship by measuring clients' pre and posttherapy attachment security using the Relationship Scales Questionnaire and therapists' secure-base caregiving using the Client Attachment to Therapist and Working Alliance Inventory, Short Form. Of 21 initially insecure client participants, 17 experienced high levels of secure-base caregiving from their therapists (the SBC-High group) while 4 experienced low levels (the SBC-Low group). Comparison of pre and posttherapy group mean attachment scores, using the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test, found a statistically significant improvement (a = .01) in attachment security for the SBC-High group with no statistical change in attachment security for the SBC-Low group. These findings suggest that therapists and other mentors can positively influence the attachment development of their insecure mentees. Purposeful incorporation of this knowledge into the design and goals of existing graduate and professional mentoring programs can positively influence regenerative social change by promoting the attachment security of approximately one third of mentees expected to be insecurely attached, based on demographic studies. Improving their attachments can equip them to positively influence the attachments of all their future insecure clients who, like them, might then realize the multiple benefits associated with attachment security.
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Reilly, Christopher Reid. „Determination of the structure-function relationship of human group IIA secreted phospholipase A2 and two tryptopan-containing mutants“. Honors in the Major Thesis, University of Central Florida, 2010. http://digital.library.ucf.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ETH/id/1484.

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This item is only available in print in the UCF Libraries. If this is your Honors Thesis, you can help us make it available online for use by researchers around the world by following the instructions on the distribution consent form at http://library.ucf.edu/Systems/DigitalInitiatives/DigitalCollections/InternetDistributionConsentAgreementForm.pdf You may also contact the project coordinator, Kerri Bottorff, at kerri.bottorff@ucf.edu for more information.
Molecular Biology and Microbiology
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Secrier, Maria [Verfasser], und Lars [Akademischer Betreuer] Steinmetz. „Visualization and analysis strategies for dynamic gene-phenotype relationships and their biological interpretation / Maria Secrier ; Betreuer: Lars Steinmetz“. Heidelberg : Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, 2013. http://d-nb.info/1177249510/34.

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Fuzaylova, Viktoriya. „Nonmonogamous Clients’ Experiences of Identity Disclosure in Therapy“. Antioch University / OhioLINK, 2018. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=antioch1526046412469314.

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Alva, Cruz Josselyn Estefanía. „The implementation of business policies of use and control of technological work tools as an effective mechanism to suspend the expectation of confidentiality in the employment relationship“. Derecho & Sociedad, 2017. http://repositorio.pucp.edu.pe/index/handle/123456789/117473.

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Based on the considerations presented by the Constitutional Court in the light of a specific case, this article addresses the discussion about the limit of intervention that the employer has to intercept and collect those communications that are protected by the secrecy of the law of the Communications of workers, establishing the possibility of implementing new control mechanisms that suspend any kind of expectation of confidentiality.
A partir de las consideraciones expuestas por el Tribunal Constitucional en atención a un caso en concreto, el presente artículo aborda la discusión sobre el límite de intervención que posee el empleador para interceptar y recaudar aquellas comunicaciones que se encuentran protegidas por el secreto al derecho de las comunicaciones de los trabajadores, estableciendo la posibilidad de implementar nuevos mecanismos de control que suspenden cualquier tipo de expectativa de confidencialidad.
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Dhawan, Anil. „The role of oocyte- and embryo-secreted factors in cumulus cell differentiation and their relationship to embryo quality and developmental competence“. Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2000. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk1/tape2/PQDD_0028/MQ52295.pdf.

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Gastelle, Marissa. „Distinguishing the Roles of Parental Autonomy Support and Sensitivity in Predicting Dimensions of Attachment“. Kent State University / OhioLINK, 2018. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=kent1524135169707352.

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Baars, Louise. „Protein targeting, translocation and insertion in Escherichia coli : Proteomic analysis of substrate-pathway relationships“. Doctoral thesis, Stockholm : Dept. of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Stockholm University, 2007. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:su:diva-6990.

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Olsavsky, Anna Lorraine. „Partners, Parents, and Children: Examining the Roles of Secure Base Script Knowledge Within the Family Context“. The Ohio State University, 2020. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu158758986155005.

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Stackhouse, Daniel S. Jr. „Detente or Razryadka? The Kissinger-Dobrynin Telephone Transcripts and Relaxing American-Soviet Tensions, 1969-1977“. Scholarship @ Claremont, 2013. http://scholarship.claremont.edu/cgu_etd/86.

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This dissertation argues that through a secret backchannel, US National Security Adviser and later Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and Soviet Ambassador to the US Anatoly Dobrynin formed a relationship which provided the empathy needed to bridge many of the ideological differences between their two countries. It examines transcripts of their telephone conversations from 1969-1977 when the United States and the Soviet Union engaged in detente, or a relaxation of tensions, during the Cold War. The dissertation concludes that the Kissinger-Dobrynin backchannel serves as a case study of the effectiveness of back channels in international diplomacy.
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BASTIANONI, CHIARA. „Qualità delle Relazioni Familiari e Funzionamento Psicosociale in Adolescenza: il Ruolo della Mentalizzazione Genitoriale in Famiglie Separate e Intatte / Quality of Family Relationships and Psychosocial Functioning during Adolescence: the Role of Parental Mentalization in Separated and Intact Families“. Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Genova, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/11567/1052889.

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Adolescence represents a transitional period of profound changes at emotional, cognitive, social and behavioral levels, with significant consequences for the overall psychosocial adjustment. Moreover, this phase entails a crisis of conventional family roles, hence requiring a gradual reorganization and redefinition of family relationships. As a matter of fact, during adolescence individuals are driven to seek greater independence, autonomy and differentiation from their primary caregivers, additionally experiencing new attachment relationships. Nevertheless, within this developmental phase parental figures continue to represent a fundamental source of security by offering emotional availability in situations of distress and thus supporting adolescents’ efforts aimed to gain greater autonomy. Starting from these assumptions, and considering the importance of monitoring the adolescence phase not only in terms of presence/absence of clinical symptoms but also looking at adolescents’ perception of wellbeing and satisfaction experienced in different life contexts, the present multi-method, cross-sectional research aimed to explore the possible role played by Parental Reflective Functioning (PRF; Slade, 2005) in influencing adolescents’ psychosocial functioning and quality of family relationships within both intact and separated families. Given this general objective, the present contribution has been organized in three different chapters focused on specific aims and hypothesis, which also considered different individual and relational outcomes. The sample included 72 family triads (42 intact – 30 separated; N = 216 subjects) composed by mother, father and adolescent child aged 13-19 years (M = 15.54, SD = 1.54, 53% girls). The main results showed that: 1) separated parents reported lower levels of PRF compared to united once, while mothers generally reported higher levels of PRF compared to the paternal figures; 2) parental mentalizing was positively associated with quality of family relationships – in terms of adolescents’ attachment dimensional indexes, family satisfaction and perceived parenting; 3) paternal PRF acted as a moderator in the relation between the specific family organization and family satisfaction reported by adolescents, in other words the association between the presence of separated parents and low family satisfaction was significant only at low levels of paternal PRF. In addition, the psychometric properties of the Reflective Functioning Five-Minute Speech Sample (RF-FMSS; Adkins & Fonagy, 2017) were presented. Within the conclusions section, theoretical and clinical implications have been further discussed.
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Younis, Abuelhassan Elshazly [Verfasser], und Norbert [Akademischer Betreuer] Brattig. „Identification and characterization of secreted stage-related proteins from the nematode Strongyloides ratti with putative relevance for parasite-host relationship : small heat shock proteins 17 and a homologue of the macrophage migration inhibitory factor / Abuelhassan Elshazly Younis. Betreuer: Norbert Brattig“. Hamburg : Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg, 2011. http://d-nb.info/1020457163/34.

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Shahrani, Shahreena. „The Social (Re)Construction of 'Urfi Marriage“. The Ohio State University, 2010. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1276045137.

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Salas, Leslie. „Mirrors and Vanities“. Master's thesis, University of Central Florida, 2013. http://digital.library.ucf.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ETD/id/5697.

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Mirrors and Vanities is a multi-modal collection which showcases the diversity of working in long and short storytelling forms. Featured in this thesis are fiction, nonfiction, graphic narrative, and screenplay. Using unconventional approaches to storytelling in order to achieve emotional resonance with the audience while maintaining high standards for craft, these stories and essays explore the costs inherent to the subtle nuances of interpersonal relationships. The fiction focuses on the complications of characters keeping secrets. A husband discovers the truth behind his wife's miscarriage. A girl visits her fiance in purgatory. A boy crosses a line and loses his best friend. Meanwhile, the nonfiction centers on self-discovery and gender roles associated with power struggles. A schizophrenic threatens to ruin my mother's wedding. I rediscover my relationship with my father through food writing. Sword-work teaches me to fail and succeed at making martial art. The title work of the thesis is a collaged story highlighting the tribulations of a physicist fixated on recovering his lost love by manipulating the multiverse. The multi-modal format implicates the nebulosity of physics theories and how different aspects of the narrative can be presented in various formats to best suit the nature of the storytelling. Through the interactions of characters in mundane and extraordinary circumstances, the works in this thesis examine the consequences of choice, the contrast between reality and expectation, coming of age, and the Truth of narrative.
Arts and Humanities
Creative Writing
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Bortz, Patrick Robert. „Interrelations of Family Differentiation, Attachment, and Parenting with Identity Development in Emerging Adults“. The Ohio State University, 2020. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1592601478258601.

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Wadhawan, Subhah. „Living Under Security Certificates: Experiences of Securitization of Detainees and their Families“. Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/38539.

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Security and race have historically been entangled in the politics of nation-building, whereby national security discourses have constructed the ‘public’ whom it should protect as ‘white’ while demonizing persons of colour as a threat to that public. In the current war against terrorism, these racialized discourses, underwritten by a colonial logic, have materialized through the symbolic and literal displacement of Muslim persons. Under this imperative of national security, both existing and novel legislations have either been suspended, contorted, or implemented to be used against Muslims, or anyone who visibly appears Muslim. Security certificates are one of such judicial tools. This thesis seeks to explore the experiences of securitization, analyzing how this legislation strips the subjects of the security certificate program of their legal rights and social connectedness. To explore this, I interviewed three of the five men from the ‘Secret Trial Five’ cases and some of their family members. I investigate how securitization manifests in the lives of those who have been securitized, exploring the practices that are used to maintain and reinforce the othering and the displacement of Muslim populations.
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Hartman, Lynne I. „A Narrative Study of Emotions Associated with Negative Childhood Experiences Reported in the Adult Attachment Interview“. Antioch University / OhioLINK, 2015. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=antioch1443730177.

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Pisani, Federico. „Knowledge workers management. Concorrenza e invenzioni nel rapporto di lavoro subordinato: il modello statunitense“. Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/11577/3425914.

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Il presente studio affronta gli argomenti della concorrenza e delle invenzioni nel rapporto di lavoro subordinato statunitense. L’attività di ricerca è stata svolta in parte presso la School of Law della Boston University, USA, sotto la supervisione di Micheal C. Harper, professore di diritto del lavoro. L’argomento presenta una crescente rilevanza, considerato che nella nuova organizzazione produttiva, fondata in gran parte sulla conoscenza globalizzata, al lavoro dipendente si chiede ormai sempre maggiore professionalità, innovazione e creatività. La scelta di esaminare questa tematica dalla prospettiva del “laboratorio USA”, è dovuta al primato di cui tale nazione gode a livello internazionale sul piano economico, scientifico e dell’innovazione dei processi lavorativi, che fanno emergere criticità in altri Paesi probabilmente ancora non avvertite. Al fine di inquadrare gli istituti giudici menzionati nel modello statunitense, si è reso opportuno dare conto del sistema delle fonti normative negli USA, con particolare focus sul Restatement of Employment Law, cioè la raccolta di principi fondamentali elaborati negli anni dal common law in materia di rapporto di lavoro. All'esame delle fonti segue la definizione del concetto di lavoratore subordinato (employee) e lavoratore autonomo (independent contractor), necessario per l’inquadramento del campo di applicazione degli obblighi scaturenti dal rapporto di lavoro subordinato, tra cui il duty of loyalty, implicato nel rapporto fiduciario. In tale ambito, si è osservata l’evoluzione giurisprudenziale che ha condotto all'adozione dei criteri relativi alla distinzione in esame, prevalentemente concernenti il giudizio sulla rilevanza degli elementi fattuali determinanti per l’accertamento della subordinazione. Delineati i contorni della fattispecie di lavoro subordinato, il presente studio affronta la tematica della tipica forma del contratto di lavoro statunitense, il c.d. employment-at-will, cioè il rapporto a libera recedibilità. Tale peculiarità scaturisce dal principio fondamentale per cui le parti non sono vincolate ad alcun obbligo di fornire la motivazione per il licenziamento. La terza parte del lavoro ha ad oggetto la disciplina della concorrenza del lavoratore effettuata sulla base delle conoscenze acquisite, legalmente o illegalmente, durante il rapporto e le relative tecniche di tutela del datore di lavoro, a fronte della violazione del duty of loyalty, quale obbligo del lavoratore subordinato di esecuzione della prestazione lavorativa nell'interesse esclusivo dell’imprenditore e, conseguentemente, di astensione dal porre in essere condotte pregiudizievoli nei confronti di quest’ultimo. Quanto alle tecniche di tutela esperibili in caso di violazione degli obblighi esaminati, vengono illustrati i rimedi legali e equitativi che il diritto statunitense offre al datore di lavoro. La parte finale del presente studio si occupa della disciplina relativa alla titolarità dei diritti scaturenti dalle invenzioni sviluppate dai dipendenti nel corso del rapporto di lavoro. In questo senso si sono esaminate le definizioni di “invenzione” e “brevetto” ed il loro rapporto nel contesto della regolamentazione giuslavoristica; si è posta in rilievo la differenza tra invenzione come opera di ingegno e proprietà intellettuale tutelata dal diritto d’autore. Inoltre, si sono osservati i meccanismi sottesi alle norme fondamentali che regolano la materia e la loro convivenza con la libertà contrattuale delle parti e il loro potere di disporre dei suddetti diritti.
This work addresses the issues of competition and inventions in the U.S. employment relationships. The research was carried out in part at the Boston University School of Law of, under the supervision of Micheal C. Harper, professor of Labour Law. The selection of the topic is justified in the light of its importance, given that in the new production organization, based largely on globalized knowledge, employees are now increasingly being asked for professionalism, innovation and creativity. The decision to examine this issue from the perspective of the "U.S. laboratory" is due to the primacy that this nation holds at international level on the economic, scientific and innovation of work processes, which bring out critical issues that in other Countries probably have not yet been raised. In order to frame the above-mentioned topics, it has become appropriate to give an account of the system of regulatory sources in the USA, with particular focus on the Restatement of Employment Law, i.e. the collection of fundamental principles developed over the years by common law in the field of employment relationships. The examination of the sources is followed by the definition of the concept of employee and self-employed worker (independent contractor), necessary for the assessment of the application of the obligations arising from the employment relationships, including the duty of loyalty, involved in the fiduciary law. In this context, the evolution of the case law has been observed, as well as the examination of the criteria relating to the distinction between employees and independent contractors, mainly concerning the judgement on the relevance of the factual elements determining the assessment of the existence of an employment relationship. Subsequently, this study addresses the issue of the typical form of the U.S. employment contract, the so-called employment-at-will. This peculiarity is originated from the principle that the parties are not bound by any obligation to provide reasons for termination. The third part of the work has as its object the discipline of competition of the worker carried out on the basis of the knowledge acquired, legally or illegally, during the relationship and the relative legal remedies for the employer, against the violation of the duty of loyalty, intended as an obligation of the employee to perform the work in the exclusive interest of the entrepreneur and, consequently, to refrain from engaging in prejudicial conduct against the company. About the remedies available in the event of breach of the obligations examined, the legal and equitable remedies that U.S. law offers the employer have been explained. The final part of this study deals with the rules governing the ownership of rights arising from inventions developed by employees in the course of their employment. The definitions of "invention" and "patent" and their relationship in the context of employment law has been examined and the difference between invention as a work of genius and intellectual property protected by copyright has been highlighted. In addition, the mechanisms underlying the basic rules governing the subject matter and their coexistence with the contractual freedom of the parties and their power to dispose of these rights have been observed.
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Chen, How-ren, und 陳厚仁. „Ethical Relationship in Amy Tan’s The Hundred Secret Senses“. Thesis, 2004. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/39857352217626789455.

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This thesis aims to investigate Amy Tan’s The Hundred Secret Senses in terms of Emmanuel Levinas’s ethical philosophy, Michel Foucault’s discursive theory and Edward Said’s observations about Orientalism. Through the use of juxtaposition of two narratives, the novel depicts the relationship between two half sisters, Chinese-born Kwan Li and Chinese American Olivia Yee, and a fascinating journey through time and space. By telling this amazing story, Tan expresses her serious concern for ethical issue of the Other. Western philosophy and epistemology have a tradition of totalizing thought. Plato regarded the “I think” thought as the dialogue of the soul with itself; truth was said to inhabit the soul. In western philosophical tradition, the Other is viewed as something that is temporarily separate from the Same (the Self) but is ultimately reconcilable with the Same. In other words, the otherness of the Other is assimilated and oppressed within the totality of the Same. Hence western philosophy is a knowledge about the narcissistic Same, rather than about genuine Other. The Hundred Secret Senses explores the discursive violence of totality in various knowledges such as psychology, medicine, and history. Likewise, the novel also depicts the violence of totality in intercultural relationships. The westerners in the novel tend to view non-westerners and their culture in an Orientalist way, in which a series of constructed opposites are adopted─West/Orient; Civilized/Barbaric; We/They. Against this violent and unjust tradition in western philosophy, Levinas advocates an ethical philosophy, in which the Other is affirmed in his otherness. In the Levinasian ethical relationship, the Self and the Other are viewed as separate but connected terms; neither is assimilated into or confused with the other. Ethical relationship is the coexistence of Totality and Infinity (otherness). Subjectivity of the Self is awakened by the presence of the Other; hence its essence is for the Other. In ethical relationship the Self has responsibility for the Other. Through the perspectives of Levinas, Foucault and Said, the thesis will also scrutinize the ethical meaning of interpersonal relations and cultural exchanges in The Hundred Secret Senses.
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Chen, Ching Shing, und 陳慶信. „A Study of Pay Secret and The Harmony of Labor Relationship“. Thesis, 1993. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/44710856245333769788.

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The major purpose of this study is to investigate the follow- ing three hypotheses: 1.By the questionaire to understand and analyze the develop- mental situation of compensation management about pay secret in Taiwan. 2.Which background of enterprises, such as pay level, industry, nationality, history, captial, and the number of employee, etc., would or would not influence their choice to disclose the pay information? 3.Are There any relationship between pay secret and harmony of labor relationship? 212 peivate enterprises were randomly assigned from Taiwan Top 500 enterprises. By mailing survey, obtaining 51 effective ones from 61 questionaires received. Chai-Squire test, Frequency analysis, Cluster analysis, one way ANOVA, MANOVA, and T-test, will be employed in this research method. The results are summarized as follows: 1.More than 40% enterprises used pay secret. 2.The background of enterprises, using pay disclosed, have two characteristics. The first is foreign enterprises, another is more than 20 years old. That means experience is very helpful to using pay disclosed. 3.The enterprises, using pay disclosed, would have good labor climate, and alse have less employee turnover. It is good news for enterprises.
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Chang, Hui-Yin, und 張蕙茵. „The relationship among the trade secret, insider trading and corporate governance“. Thesis, 2008. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/07078252886085132169.

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T he invisible knowledge has become the most important element of production to the enterprise management nowadays. The intangible assets scope are general, including the public intangible asset information (ex: Patent) and private trade secret. The former literature had many relative researches about the public intangible asset information, but really unusually research about trade secret. However, more and more research found public patent information had less relationship with the firm operating performance, but it still had high relationship with the firm operating performance (Lev, 2001), so we want to examine can trade secret also affect the enterprise to manage? Therefore, the goal of this research is explore the relationship of trade secret, insider trading and corporate governance. Because the private information is so hard to directly measure, this research refers the concept of Marshall (1890) "ordinal utility", trying to quantify and rank the trade secret depends on its strength, the arrangement slightly, the trade secret strength will be lower, otherwise, the arrangement is bigger, the trade secret strength will be higher. We discuss the relationship between the trade secret strength and during various variables by regression model. This research was sampled from the Taiwan public electronics industry taking year 2002 to 2006, after deleting the samples had missing financial data, finally, the sample numbers are 199. The findings shows significant positive relationship between trade secret and the enterprise operating performance variables, indicated trade secret indeed can enhance the enterprise operating performance. And the higher trade secret strength will increase the insider trading situation. It shows significant positive relationship between trade secret and the corporate governance variables, expressed the more concentrative shareholder structure will increase the trade secret produce from the enterprise invests to innovation activities.
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CHYU, SHIH-YU, und 邱詩瑜. „A Study of Relationship between Secret Code of Chinese Names and Human Relations“. Thesis, 2007. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/77808559356753840059.

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‘Last name’ indicates ‘kinship’ and ‘generation’ and ‘first name’ represents ‘standard’ and ‘virtue’. Therefore, Chinese used to engage in name issue, especially Chinese family structure signifies the importance of name. In the cultural context of ‘name-value’, in the end the specific study for name exerted and it combined numerology, becoming the wisdom to judge luck and omen and to tell future fortune. All studies need link with the fundamental and concerned issues to attract the emphasis. The appearance and pervasion of name study hereby resulted from ‘name-value’ of a people. In Chapter 1 it aimed to illustrate research motivation and purposes and extent and subjects. In Chapter 2 it explored the development process of name study and the principles behind it. In Chapter 3 it stated the algorithm of name study in numerology and 5 elements and test method on interpersonal relationship. In Chapter 4 it calculated the affinity values of the graduates and the advisory professors in Fo Guang University to analyze the accuracy of name study via teacher-student relationship. In Chapter 5 it proposed the conclusions and future research suggestions. Name study is one of the pervading fortune-telling methods; also interpersonal relationship is the vital task of social behaviors and surviving development. This paper expected to realize the accuracy of name study employed in real life and the sufficiency of reference for associating with persons via the name study of teacher-student relationship. In current Taiwan society, due to the inner inconstancy and distrust of each other, it leads to the distance between people. It is convenient and rapid and meets the requirement of time for name study and interpersonal relationship to integrate.
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Hsu, Shu-ting, und 許淑婷. „A Study of the Relationship Between the Secret Societies and Non-governmental Organizations During the Ming and Qing Dynasties“. Thesis, 2013. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/69651527643641057189.

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Guan, Jian-Niu, und 關健牛. „My Victoria''s Secret Angels: Intimacy as a Moderation Effect on the Celebrity Worship among Teenagers and Brand Relationship“. Thesis, 2019. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/a3cm7h.

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Tang, Huei-Yuan, und 唐惠媛. „The spoken secret:「the research of trust restore with Intimate relationship in narrative research after extradyadic lovers were honest with former partner」“. Thesis, 2012. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/10223803530293382820.

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The purpose of this research was to explore the process of trust restore with intimate relationship in narrative research after extradyadic lovers were honest with former partner. According to narrative research approach, the data was collected from two participants between the ages of 25-30-year-old unmarried men and by depth interview and analyzed in a “Holistic-Content” perspective. The Results of this research were listed as below: 1.The experience of extradyadic lovers were honest with former partner: (1)It is easy to be honest with participant’s former partner, while they feel the satisfaction of the relationship decrease and want to end this relationship. (2)It is an advance for participants to be honest with the extradyadic discovered by former partners. (3)Participants hope that the extradyadic would not be discovered as long as the extradyadic was not find. (4)The self-concept from participants was influenced on extradyadic and thought they did not have qualification to keep former partner staying. (5)participants were regretted for extradyadic that influenced the former relationship. (6)To be honest is a way to help participants knowing their needs, and re-view their relationship. 2.The process of trust restore with intimate relationship: (1)Participants can accept behaviors and focus on restoring trust with former partner. (2)Cooperation between participants and former partners is a good way to promote. (3)Adding trust factors in former partners are helping to fix their relationship. (4)Through the assistant from interpersonal resources to advance the trust restore. (5)By compensate behaviors to make up for participants’ extradyadic. (6)Based on the experiences from past to be a way to promote relationship. Finally, according to the research findings, some suggestions were provided for future research, for participants and counselors to assist the extradyadic people.
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Shin-YiLin und 林欣儀. „The Research on Li Tung’s Novels about Man-land Relationship and Ethnic Writing─”Kavalan Boy”, ”Doctor, Budu and Me”, “Our Secret Shelter” as Examples“. Thesis, 2015. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/547b6k.

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The purpose of this research aims to discuss man-land relationship and ethnic writing as represented in Li Tung’s three young adult novels, ”Kavalan Boy”, ”Doctor, Budu and Me”, and “Our Secret Shelter.” Chapter one describes the motivation and purpose of this research as well as several relevant studies. Chapter two focuses on Li Tung’s writings, including folk songs, prose, adult fiction and juvenile fiction, in an attempt to clarify the reasons why he began his career of writing. The concept of human geography is employed to discuss Li Tung’s novels in Chapter three. Li Tung’s novels guide the readers to understand the relationship between our human beings and lands through the geographical imagination of literature. This conveys a set of philosophies orbiting in our nature. Understanding, respect, tolerance, and acceptance are the only ways to resolve the conflicts. The existence of multi-cultures then makes the entire society more balanced. Chapter four focuses on ethnic narrative in the novels. Li Tung attempts to present the main four ethnic groups in Taiwan, trying to put them on the same table for discussion. Li Tung’s works hope both the children and adults to “see”, to see the people and everything with such strong vitality continuously happening around us on this land. No matter how sorrowful or delightful our memories will be, they are all our precious treasures which belong to the Taiwanese. Li Tung teaches us how to face our emotions, accept the facts and imagine the future.
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Knobel, Johann. „The right to the trade secret“. Thesis, 1996. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/17105.

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A legally protectable trade secret is secret information which is applicable in trade or industry, in respect of which the owner has the will to keep it secret, which has economic value, and which is concrete enough to be embodied in a tangible form and to exist separately form its owner. A comparative study reveals that while trade secrets can be infringed in three ways - namely unauthorized acquisition, use and disclosure - contemporary legal systems differ in respect of both the ambit and juridical bases of protection against such infringing conduct. The legal protection of trade secrets is promoted by the recognition of a subjective right to the trade secret. This right is an intellectual property right independent of statutory intellectual property rights like patent rights and copyright, the common law intellectual property right to goodwill, and the personality right to privacy. In South African private law, trade secrets can be adequately protected by the application of general delictual and contractual principles. Delictual wrongfulness of trade secret misappropriation is constituted by an infringement of the right to the trade secret. Thus any act that interferes with the powers of use, enjoyment and disposal exercised by someone with a subjective right to that trade secret, is, in the absence of legal grounds justifying such interference, wrongful. Patrim·onial loss caused by both intentional and negligent infringement of trade secrets should be actionable under the actio legis Aquiliae. Wrongful trade secret infringements can - also in the absence of fault on the part of the infringer - be prevented by an interdict. Protection of trade secrets is not restricted to the contexts of either unlawful competition, or fiduciary relationships. Trade secret protection is on a sound footing in South African law, compares favourably with the position in other legal systems, and is in step with the international agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights to which South Africa is a signatory nation.
Private Law
LL.D. (Private Law)
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Chang, Sung-Sheng, und 張松生. „The Relationships of Trade Secret and Knowledge Management - The Financial Enterprise as an example“. Thesis, 2003. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/42263269048068929791.

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“People” and “The rights of intellectual property ” are the indispensable invisible assets of enterprises, being the important factors of enterprises so as to maintain the competitive edge. With the arrival of the knowledge era, numerous kinds of knowledge and information are evolving. The development of information technology has removed the confinement of time and space and expected the communication and distribution of knowledge. However, enterprises are not only users of the knowledge and information, but also are the initiators of knowledge and information. The obsolete laws on intelligent property right have been failed to keep pace with the accelerated progress of science and technology, rapid circulation of information as well as development of economics. Hence, the range of intelligent property tends to be extended gradually. The thesis successfully approach three fields:firstly, it approach the management system of “trade secret” finance enterprise adopted. Secondly, it approaches the management system of “knowledge”. And lastly, it can be hopefully the useful reference of finance enterprise which tries to implement the “trade secret” and “knowledge” into correct operation. From induction of the experimental study, the conclusion and suggestions:1.organization culture intangibly affects the behavior of individual in organization;2.an organization should assign a certain person to protect and file all contracts of keeping trade secret and belonging agreements of intellectual property rights, and this procedure should be listed for internal audit;3.one of knowledge diffusion method is to designate a department or person to review the relevant information and the design the framework of keeping trade secret;4.organization should set up clear rules for staff to act and to be assessed;5.data security and system access control should strictly follow the security management of separation.
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Teng, Hsiu-Yu, und 鄧秀玉. „The Relationship among Pay Secrecy, Trust and Psychological Contracts“. Thesis, 2010. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/89178285833573017046.

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Pay secrecy has been used in organizations for many years. However, there are some contradictions between theoretical and practical for organizations. The main purpose of this study is to examine the relationship among pay secrecy, trust and psychological contracts. The samples of this study are employees who work for private companies. In this study, 580 questionnaires were distributed and 417 usable surveys were received, 64 questionnaires were unusable, representing a response rate of 71.90 percent. The results indicate that pay secrecy is positively related to psychological contract; pay secrecy is positively related to trust; trust is positively related to psychological contract. Specifically, the impact of pay secrecy on psychological contract is mediated by trust as perceive by employees. In addition, the results demonstrated that policy & rules and organizational norms are positively related to relational contract. However, enforcement is positively related to transactional contract. Finally, according to the results, this study can offer practical insights into pay secrecy as to how to enhance the psychological contract between the organization and employees. This study also offered some practical implications and suggestions for further studies.
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Kuo, Chien-Lung, und 郭健隆. „The Relationship between Pay Secrecy and Employee Job Outcomes“. Thesis, 2009. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/r3czt2.

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Pay plays a very important role in human resource management. Pay secrecy has been widely used in organizations. However, research on pay secrecy in over the past has some conflicting views between theory and practice. For example, some literatures indicated that pay secrecy can lead to the dissatisfaction and low motivation on job performance;, but, some suggested that pay secrecy can reduce the conflict and labor mobility. Apparently, how pay secrecy affects employee is still under debate. The main purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between pay secrecy and job outcomes, job performance, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. A structured questionnaire was conducted with purposive sample, the samples of this study are collected from employees who work for public or private companies. In this study, 380 questionnaires were collected and 308 were valid, representing the response rate of 81.05%. The result of this study shows that the construct, “ policies and rules ” is significantly negatively related to job outcomes’ job performance; pay secrecy is also significantly negatively related to job satisfaction. Surprisingly, pay secrecy is significantly positively related to job performance, “organizational norms”, one of pay secrecy construct, was positively related to job performance either. Pay secrecy policy is like a “double-edged knife”, and it has different effects on employees’ job outcomes performances. Finally, this study provides some practical implications and suggestions for future research.
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Fang, Shih-Hsien, und 方世賢. „A study of relationships among Customer Relationship Management, Service Quality and Customer’ Satisfaction Constrained by Secrecy Regulations of Defense Technology Service Promotion“. Thesis, 2007. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/80777172440775090374.

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The Chun-Shan Institute of Science and Technology is established to develop defense technology, therefore, our country can make its unique weapon systems. During the past decades, the institute has accumulated a lot of technology capacity and experience, which are continuously not only, following the defense policy, to support the development of next generation weapon system, but also, coordinating with the government scheme, to help local industries demand to leverage their competitive strength and skill level of products. In order to transform defense technology into commercial products, the institute set up the Dual-use technology cooperative program. On the basis of common technology for defense and industry, this program, each year, receives budget from Ministry of Economic Affair(MOEA) to administer many projects to create value innovation and to promote local economy. The main purpose of this research is to study customers’ relationship of the department of technology promotion which is the main mission of the Dual-use technology cooperative program. The study dedicates in finding the correlation among management of customers relationship, service quality, and customers satisfaction and influence of nation defense security law to the customers satisfaction for the technology promotion. The study results will be analyzed and suggestions will be proposed to the department of technology promotion and administrators of enterprises for their references in design strategy of promoting customers relationship and quality of service. This study adopts a concept model of quality of service proposed by Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry which inspects and analyzes nicks of service quality. This study is designed to evaluate gaps between expectation and reality for quality of service in different aspects. Gaps will affect customers’ feeling of service quality. Furthermore, the study also investigates customers satisfaction associated with the correlation among customers’ feeling of service quality, customers relationship and technology security regulation. This study concludes that there exists an obvious difference between customers’ expectation and perception, and finds that customers feel that, on average, service quality is below their expectation. In addition, this study also concludes that feeling of service quality and management of customers’ relationship can affect customers’ satisfaction, however, customers’ satisfaction is not affected by every aspect of feeling of service quality. Only aspects of reliability service, guarantee service, integration function and quality of relationship can affect customers’ satisfaction, the affection of rest services is not obvious. Based on ANOVA, this study does not find that customers’ satisfaction and feeling of service quality are not remarkably affected by different customers.
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Cifrodelli, Gabriele. „Can you patent the sun? The Covid-SARS-19 as a chance to rethink the relationship between Intellectual Property and Commons“. Doctoral thesis, 2022. https://www.openaccessrepository.it/record/76887.

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This work argues that the Covid-19 vaccine should be considered as a Commons, something that is managed and owned by the public at large, and not as private property – exclusivity - of pharmaceutical companies. The reasons of such a strong argument – in particular the conspicuous public funding contribution and the search for a human and equity-oriented Global Health Security - are investigated in this work through a methodological approach which analyzes legislation, case-law and secondary sources, mostly in relation to the United States and the European Union, but also focusing on the international community as a whole. Although there are different forms of intellectual property, the main focus of this work is on patents and, in a smaller part, trade secrets, considering that these are the main instruments through which pharmaceuticals, such as vaccines, are protected. It is true that, from a legal perspective, vaccines can be patented, leading to questionable practices in the pharmaceutical industry, such as patent thickets and strategic accumulations, and they can be covered by trade secrets, whose owners do not seem inclined to consider the disclosure as an option, even when this would benefit the public at large. However, an alternative path, which would result in the theorization of a Commons for the vaccine, can be pursued. Indeed, it is noted that this invention would satisfy the two requirements that every Commons should have to be defined as such: being potentially owned in a private way; being managed more efficiently by the public at large. In particular, considering that the actual types of Commons in the intellectual property law field - the public domain, exceptions/limitations to patents, or open innovation instruments such as IP pledges – present some issues in relation to enforceability, this dissertation, building on the work of the author Dusollier, advances the idea that from the inclusivity, which is the typical feature of every Commons, an inclusive right can be envisaged and applied in the context of the vaccine, while rethinking the relationship between intellectual property and Commons. Although this is - for now - a theoretical speculation without proper legal grounds, it can provide inputs to the current discussion about the waiver of IP rights that has been proposed at the WTO level and has been already the object of attention of the civil society at large. This dissertation has been awarded by AISA (Italian Association for the promotion of Open Science) as one of the Outstanding Dissertations in the Open Science field written in the years 2020, 2021 and 2022.
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Burkhard, Mike-David. „The impact of the Swiss-EU relationships on the Swiss banking secrecy“. Master's thesis, 2012. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-304209.

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Switzerland and the European Union share common values and have peaceful and well functioning economic and political agreements. Nevertheless, the Swiss banking secrecy is definitely a thorn in the EU's flesh, especially because of tax fraud or money laundering. Since the existence of the Swiss banking secrecy it has been associated with holocaust money, tax evasion, potentates' money etc. and also has been confronted with espionage attacks by foreign authorities and various other disputes. Recent global events have shed light on the Swiss banking secrecy's wider international agenda. A newly debate about the Swiss banking secrecy started with the global economic crisis and the Euro crisis. Finally, not a day goes by where there is no report or article in the media regarding the banking secrecy, the Swiss banks and its issues concerning the European Union or the United States. This writing focuses on the relationship between Switzerland and the European Union which is affected by Swiss banking secrecy: By explaining the history and importance of the Switzerland as a financial centre, its banking secrecy and the differences to other systems, possible issues and conflicts can be outlined. This thesis covers existing issues with EU member states. What regulations and restrictions were enforced by the...
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Catanzariti, Ann-Maree. „Avirulence elicitors expressed and secreted from the haustoria of flax rust“. Phd thesis, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/1885/150090.

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Su, Chien-Wei, und 蘇倩緯. „Study of the Relationship between Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein and Secreted Cyclophilin A in Cultured Macrophages“. Thesis, 2011. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/11692971602136845053.

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Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory response in the walls of arteries. Different types of cells are involved in the atherosclerosis progression, including endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells and macrophages. Oxidized low-density lipoproteins (ox-LDLs), with high concentrations in atherosclerotic plaques, induce the production of numerous proinflammatory cytokines and growth factors. Cyclophilin A (CypA) is a secreted oxidative stress-induced factor that promotes inflammation. In the present study, we examined whether ox-LDL induces macrophages to secrete CypA. Western blot analysis showed that secreted CypA increases with time in the cultured macrophages treated with ox-LDL. Furthermore both phospho-p38 and phospho-Erk levels are increased in the cells treated with ox-LDL. In addition, we observed an increased MMP-9 expression by Western blot analysis. Next, we assessed whether recombinant CypA stimulates and regulates MMP-9 in the cultured macrophages. Under CypA stimulation, phospho-p38 and phospho-Erk levels are increased upon CypA treatment. Because CD147 is a signaling receptor for extracellular CypA, we performed immunofluorescence analysis to study the expression of CD147. The data showed an increased accumulation of CD147 on cell membrane upon the treatment of CypA or ox-LDL. Taken together, our results indicate that monocyte-derived macrophages secrete CypA and activate MAPK pathway under ox-LDL treatment. Extracellular addition of CypA in the cultured macrophages leads to an increased accumulation of CD147 on cell membrane and ERK activation. Furthermore, as evidenced by immunohistochemical staining, the accumulation of CypA was observed among glomerular cells in the kidney tissues of the rabbits treated with high cholesterol diet. The cultured mesangial cells were treated with oxidative stress induced by H2O2 or high glucose. Western blot analysis showed that secreted CypA expression increases with time in the cultured mesangial cells treated with H2O2 or high glucose. This thesis provides evidence that secreted CypA acts as an inflammatory mediator that may be involved in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Moreover, CypA may also act as an inflammatory factor in the initial stage of nephropathy.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

Taškárová, Ivana. „Bankovní tajemství“. Master's thesis, 2016. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-350674.

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Title of the thesis: Banking secrecy The paper deals with a traditional instrument dedicated to protection of client's personal data provided to the bank - banking secrecy. The instrument is analysed in connection with breaking of banking secrecy. The ways of breaking the banking secrecy are divided into two groups: (i) manners of breaking the banking secrecy regulated by law and (ii) manners of breaking the bank secrecy not specifically regulated by law where the main role is given to secondary legislation and case law. Regarding the ways of breaking regulated by law, the paper describes the Act on Banks as a general law and also regulation included in specific laws. There are two categories of specific laws: which specify the process of breaking the bank secrecy included in the Act on Banks or which regulate specific case of breaking the banking secrecy. As for the civil procedure, there is a premise of diminution of use of the Civil Procedure Act for gathering client information by authorised persons because of the Central Registry of Accounts. The important type of laws regulating the breaking of the banking secrecy is those regulating registers of client information protected by the banking secrecy. The most important development of legislation is the new regulation of non-banking registers in...
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen
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