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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Scriptores historici"


Peixoto da Fonseca, Fernando Venâncio. „Aspectos do vocabulário e semântica do português arcaico“. Linguistica 29, Nr. 1 (01.12.1989): 129–36.

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Sob este título ocupamo-nos aqui de alguns aspectos dos vocábulos que constituem as crónicas em português dos Portugaliae Monumenta Historica (vol. Scriptores, publicado em Lisboa, em 1856, por Alexandre Herculano). Todos os problemas relacionados com essa edição, principalmente do ponto de vista diplomático e paleográfico, se encontram por nós estudados em extenso artigo da Revue des Langues Romanes, torno LXXVII (1967), Les Chroniques Portugaises des Portugaliae Monumenta Historica. A ortografia de todos os exemplos é a que apurámos, nos textos que serviram de fonte à crónicas, ser a mais fidedigna, e nem sempre a ocorrente nos Scriptores, a que, no entanto, para comodidade do leitor, nos reportamos, indicando a página, coluna e linha onde os mesmos se acham, muitas vezes em leitura menos exacta.
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Lubich, Gerhard, und Bernd Schütte. „Rezension von: Schütte, Bernd (Hrsg.), Die Lebensbeschreibungen der Königin Mathilde ...“ Württembergisch Franken 80 (09.08.2023): 327–28.

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Bernd Schütte (Hrsg.), Die Lebensbeschreibungen der Königin Mathilde (Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Scriptores rerum Germanicarum in usum scholarum separatim editi; Bd. 66), Hannover (Hahnsche Buchhandlung) 1994, 236 S.Bernd Schütte, Untersuchungen zu den Lebensbeschreibungen der Königin Mathilde (Monumenta Germania Historica, Studien und Texte; Bd. 9), Hannover (Hahnsche Buchhandlung) 1994, 114 S.
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Venâncio da Fonseca, Fernando Peixoto. „Morfologia das crónicas Portuguesas dos p.m.h. (artigos, numerais e pronomes)“. Verba Hispanica 6, Nr. 1 (31.12.1996): 107–12.

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Dos cronicões dos Portugaliae Monumenta Historica (vol. Scriptores), Lisboa, 1856, publicados sob a direcção do insigne historiador Alexandre Herculano, vamos estudar agora a parte da morfologia que abrange os artigos, os numerais e os pronomes. Muitos outros aspectos ja foram por nós tratados quer em artigos, quer em comunicações, quer em livros, o último dos quais intitulado Crónica da Tomada de Lisboa (Lisboa, 1995). A grafia empregada é a dos originais, quando existem, ou a dos mais antigos apógrafos; no entanto, para facilitar a localização dos vocábulos, apresentamos aquela em que se acham nos Scriptores (página, coluna e linha), excepto nas ocorrências repetidas. Sempre que os termos estudados não se usam na actualidade, levam a indicação de antigos (ant.) ou arcaicos (arc., estes não posteriores a 1500).
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Peixoto da Fonseca, Fernando Venâncio. „Vocábulos antigos nas crónicas em português dos PMH (vol. Scriptores)“. Linguistica 31, Nr. 1 (01.12.1991): 387–400.

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O volume Scriptores, publicado em 18'56 soba direcção de A. Herculano, e que faz parte dos Portugaliae Monumenta Historica, editados pela Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, é o único que contém crónicas, quer em latim quer em português, geralmente designadas por cronicões. São as seguintes as redigidas em português
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GURNEY, L. W., und P. J. GURNEY. „The Scriptores Historiae Augustae: History and Controversy“. Literary and Linguistic Computing 13, Nr. 3 (01.09.1998): 105–9.

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GURNEY, P. J., und L. W. GURNEY. „Authorship Attribution of the Scriptores Historiae Augustae“. Literary and Linguistic Computing 13, Nr. 3 (01.09.1998): 119–31.

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Honoré, Tony. „Scriptor Historiae Augustae“. Journal of Roman Studies 77 (November 1987): 156–76.

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A recent study of the Theodosian Code, which includes the identification of constitutions composed by Ausonius (A.D. 375 to 377) and Nicomachus Flavianus (A.D. 388 to 390) as quaestors prompts a fresh interpretation of the Historia Augusta and its author, whom I shall call Scriptor. On this interpretation his work is subtler than is generally conceded. The enigmatic series of biographies meant, and was intended to mean, different things to different people: to the vulgar it was an entertaining and often salacious series of lives interspersed with jokes; to the author an enjoyable exercise in teasing others and not least himself; to the insider a set of puzzles behind which lurked personal and political allusions, but also a reflection on certain political themes: the role of the Roman senate and urban prefecture, the importance of regular administration, the overriding need to defend Gaul and the west.
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Cemil, KOYUNCU. „Scriptores Historiae Augustae: Roma İmparatoru Antoninus Pius’un Çevirisi“. Archivum Anatolicum-Anadolu Arşivleri 11, Nr. 1 (2017): 111–28.

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Pobežin, Gregor. „In quodam libro Graeco: raba in navajanje grških virov pri ‘piscih’ Cesarske zgodovine“. Keria: Studia Latina et Graeca 12, Nr. 1 (24.07.2010): 85.

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Besedilo Cesarske zgodovine pri obravnavi narekuje previdnost iz vrste različnih razlogov, začenši s problematičnim vprašanjem avtorstva. Poleg vprašljivega števila avtorjev in časovnih vrzeli je eden najbolj perečih problemov, povezanih z nastankom te zbirke življenjepisov, vprašanje virov; scriptores Historiae Augustae se sklicujejo na vrsto različnih virov, med njimi na številne dokumente, katerih pristnost je težko dokazljiva ali celo vprašljiva. Pričujoči prispevek se posveča specifični dikciji uvajanja posameznih dokumentov v pripovedi s poudarkom na dokumentih grškega izvora.
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Тубин, Славиша. „Constantine Porphyrogennetos, The Book of Ceremonies“. Theological Views – Religious and Scientific Journal / Теолошки погледи – версконаучни часопис LIV, Nr. 2 (30.09.2021): 363–66.

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Constantine Porphyrogennetos, The Book of Ceremonies With the Greek edition of the Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae (Bonn, 1829), Byzantina Australiensia, 18, ed. and tr. by Ann Moffatt and Maxene Tall. Canberra: Australian Association for Byzantine Studies, 2012. 870 pp. ISBN 1876503424
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Dissertationen zum Thema "Scriptores historici"


Desbordes, Olivier. „Scriptores historiae augustae : maximini duo iuli capitolini : edition critique“. Paris 10, 1988.

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Prenant son point de départ dans les travaux d’Ernst HOHL, de Susan H. BALLOU et de Blanche B. Boyer, et fondée sur une étude d'ensemble de la tradition manuscrite, cette Edition de la VITA MAXIMINORVM établit dans le détail le classement des différents groupes de manuscrits. L’archétype carolingien est au point de départ de deux lignées: la première a donné le jour à l'ancêtre des Vaticans Palatins latins 899 et 886; elle était connue dans ses grandes lignes, mises au point par HOHL; ayant refait nous-même le travail, nous avons fixe la position des témoins de ce rameau dont il ne faisait pas état, affine et redresse ses propositions. La seconde lignée a donné naissance à une copie, soumise très tôt à une révision attentive et qui a abouti à quatre branches; d'une de ces branches est sortie, après recension, une sous-famille qui se divise en deux sections de trois et cinq témoins. L’étude du texte de la VITA MAXIMINORVM a permis d'examiner dans le détail ces deux recensions, de voir quel genre d'améliorations - ou d'outrages - elles ont fait subir au texte
Starting from the research work done by Ernst HOHL, Susan H. Ballou and Blanche B. Boyer, and based on a full study of the manuscript tradition, this edition of the VITA MAXIMINORUM establishes a detailed classification of the various groups of manuscripts. The Carolingian archetype splits into two classes: the first one produced the common ancestor of the two Vatican, Pal. Lat. 899 and 886; it was known in its main outlines, worked out by HOHL; having undertaken this study ourselves, we have determined the position of the witnesses of the group he did not mention, refined or emended his propositions. The second line of descent generated a copy which was soon thoroughly revised and fell into four branches; after recension one of them led to a sub-group divided into two sections of three and five witnesses. The study of the text of the VITA MAXIMINORUM has allowed an investigation of these two recensions in order to track down the improvements or deteriorations - they produced
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Desbordes, Olivier. „Scriptores historiae augustae maximini duo Iuli Capitolini édition critique /“. Lille 3 : ANRT, 1989.

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Pageau, Valérie. „Imperator orator : la perception de l'éloquence impériale dans l'Histoire Auguste“. Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2012.

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Tableau d’honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2012-2013.
En tant que recueil de biographies impériales et une des rares sources latines sur la période de la crise du IIIe siècle, l'Histoire Auguste a depuis toujours motivé surtout les études à caractère historique. En revanche, et malgré le souci d'écriture évident du rédacteur -perceptible dans son goût pour l'ironie et autres figures de style - l'aspect littéraire de l'ouvrage a jusqu'ici été beaucoup négligé. Afin de rétablir la situation, nous avons décidé de nous consacrer à une étude non seulement littéraire, mais rhétorique de l'Histoire Auguste, dans laquelle on discerne aisément l'intérêt du rédacteur pour l'éloquence des empereurs. Dans cette optique, ce mémoire a comme objectif de tracer le portrait de la rhétorique à la fois par rapport à la structure de l'oeuvre, à son lien avec les autres disciplines des belles-lettres et des sciences libérales, et surtout, par rapport à l'empereur et à sa performance oratoire. Ce travail pourra également s'inscrire dans la recherche récente sur la rhétorique latine de l'Antiquité tardive, une période charnière qui fut longtemps négligée par les littéraires.
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Wright, Alexander Robert. „William Cave (1637-1713) and the fortunes of Historia Literaria in England“. Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2018.

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This thesis is the first full-length study of the English clergyman and historian William Cave (1637-1713). As one of a number of Restoration divines invested in exploring the lives and writings of the early Christians, Cave has nonetheless won only meagre interest from early-modernists in the past decade. Among his contemporaries and well into the nineteenth century Cave’s vernacular biographies of the Apostles and Church Fathers were widely read, but it was with the two volumes of his Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Historia Literaria (1688 and 1698), his life’s work, that he made his most important and lasting contribution to scholarship. The first aim of the thesis is therefore to build on a recent quickening of research into the innovative early-modern genre of historia literaria by exploring how, why, and with what help, in the context of late seventeenth-century European intellectual culture, Cave decided to write a work of literary history. To do so it makes extensive use of the handwritten drafts, annotations, notebooks, and letters that he left behind, giving a comprehensive account of his reading and scholarly practices from his student-days in 1650s Cambridge and then as a young clergyman in the 1660s to his final, unsuccessful attempts to publish a revised edition of his book at the end of his life. Cave’s motives, it finds, were multiple, complex, and sometimes conflicting: they developed in response to the immediate practical concerns of the post-Restoration Church of England even as they reflected some of the deeper-lying tensions of late humanist scholarship. The second reason for writing a thesis about Cave is that it makes it possible to reconsider an influential historiographical narrative about the origins of the ‘modern’ disciplinary category of literature. Since the 1970s the consensus among scholars has been that the nineteenth-century definition of literature as imaginative fictions in verse and prose – in other words literature as it is now taught in schools and universities – more or less completely replaced the early-modern notion of literature, literae, as learned books of all kinds. This view is challenged in the final section of this thesis, which traces the influence of Cave’s work on some of the canonical authors of the English literary tradition, including Johnson and Coleridge. Coleridge’s example, in particular, helps us to see why Cave and scholars like him were excluded lastingly from genealogies of English studies in the twentieth century, despite having given the discipline many of its characteristic concerns and aversions.
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Bücher zum Thema "Scriptores historici"


Samberger, Christa, Wolfgang Seyfarth und Ernst Hohl, Hrsg. Scriptores historiae Augustae. Volume I. Berlin, Boston: DE GRUYTER, 1997.

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Samberger, Christa, Wolfgang Seyfarth und Ernst Hohl, Hrsg. Scriptores historiae Augustae. Volume II. Berlin, Boston: DE GRUYTER, 1997.

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Historiae, Augustae Colloquium (7th 1998 Geneva Switzerland). Historiae Augustae Colloquium Genevense. Bari: Edipuglia, 1999.

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Historiae Augustae Colloquium (3rd 1992 Macerata, Italy). Historiae Augustae Colloquium Maceratense. Bari: Edipuglia, 1995.

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Historiae Augustae Colloquium (2nd 1991 Geneva, Switzerland). Historiae Augustae Colloquium Genevense: [presentazioni]. Bari: Edipuglia, 1994.

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Historiae Augustae Colloquium (2nd 1991 Geneva, Switzerland). Historiae Augustae Colloquium Genevense: [presentazioni]. Bari: Edipuglia, 1994.

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Laach), Historiae Augustae Colloquium (5th 1994 Abtei Maria. Historiae Augustae Colloquium Bonnense. Bari: Edipuglia, 1997.

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Germany) Historiae Augustae Colloquium (13th 2015 Düsseldorf. Historiae Augustae Colloquium Dusseldorpiense. Bari: Edipuglia, 2017.

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Historiae Augustae Colloquium (4th 1993 Empúries, Spain). Historiae Augustae Colloquium Barcinonense. Bari: Edipuglia, 1996.

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Historiae Augustae Colloquium (9th 2002 Ampurias, Spain). Historiae Augustae Colloquium Barcinonense. Bari: Edipuglia, 2005.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Scriptores historici"


Momigliano, Arnaldo. „Ein ungelöstes Problem historischer Fälschung: Die »Scriptores Historiae Augustae«“. In Ausgewählte Schriften zur Geschichte und Geschichtsschreibung, 313–49. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 1998.

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Walecka-Rynduch, Agnieszka, und Vaclav Walecki. „Simonis Starovolsci[i] Scriptorum Polonicorum Έκατονταʹς, Seu Centum Illustrioum Poloniae Scriptorum Elogia et Vitae“. In “The History of Literature”: Non-scientific sources of a scientific genre, übersetzt von Maria R. Nenarokova, 337–49. A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2022.

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The article focuses on The Centurion by Shimon Starowolski. The given book can be considered the first history of Polish literature. The Centurion consists of biographies of a hundred Polish writers.The biographies are modeled on Plutarch’s Parallel Lives, as well as the works of Paolo Giovio and Albert le Mira. The authors of the article set themselves two goals: to describe the work that is very significant for Polish culture and to show, how the method of compiling biographies, developed by Starowolski, fits into recent discussions concerning the theory of communication. The biography of Starovolsky himself is given against the background of important historical events of his time. Starovolsky was the author of theological, homiletic, legal works, and panegyrics. Collections of biographies were the genre thanks to which he went down to cultural history as the first biographer, the first bibliographer and the first literary historian. The approaches he developed to the study of Polish literature have not lost their relevance to this day. Starovolsky’s Centurion contains biographies of authors of various texts: religious, historical, legal, philosophical ones and those related to fiction. All biographies are written according to a single model, significant for Polish and European culture, and include poetic eulogies. As an example, the article examines the biography of Andrzej Schön, an almost forgotten writer of the 16th–17th centuries. The second part of the article considers Starovolsky’s Centurion from the point of view of modern requirements of social communication and mass media. Starovolsky appears before the reader as a successful PR specialist, focused on creating a positive image of his native country and the Jagiellonian University. From this point of view, Starowolski’s Centurion can be viewed as a fundamental work on the history of (old) Polish literature and proves that its author has significant (modern) communicative intuition.
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Rosik, Stanisław. „Koryfeusze śląskiej mediewistyki w XIX w. w służbie idei i narodu. U źródeł koncepcji europeizacji Śląska w średniowieczu (rekonesans)“. In Fontes historiae examinare: Studia ofiarowane Profesorowi Rościsławowi Żerelikowi w sześćdziesięciopięciolecie urodzin, 155–69. Ksiegarnia Akademicka Publishing, 2022.

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CORYPHAEUS OF SILESIAN MEDIEVAL STUDIES IN THE 19TH CENTURY IN THE SERVICE OF THE IDEA AND THE NATION AT THE SOURCES OF THE CONCEPT OF EUROPEANIZATION OF SILESIA IN THE MIDDLE AGES (RECONNAISSANCE) The article describes the achievements of Silesian historiography, which laid the foundation for the interpretation of the history of the region in the Middle Ages. The focus was on presenting research on the long 13th century. It was a century particularly important for the later history of Silesia due to the German colonization. The historiography of Silesia in the 18th century was generally described. However, the focus was on historians active in the 19th century. The article presents research achievements of Karl Adolf Menzel (1784-1855), Gustav Gottlieb Büsching (1783-1829), Gustav Adolf Harald Stenzel (1792-1854), Colmar Grünhagen (1828-1911). The achievements of Grünhagen, who published source materials for the history of Silesia in Scriptores rerum Silesiacarum and Codex diplomaticus Silesiae, published since 1870, and in Regesta episcopatus Vratislaviensis (1864), were especially emphasized. In the years 1884-1886 he published the very important Geschichte Schlesiens.
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