Dissertationen zum Thema „Scholasticus“

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Gardiner, Luke Charles Alfred. „'The truth is bitter' : Socrates Scholasticus and the writing of a history of the Christian Roman empire“. Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2013. https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/265614.

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This thesis examines the social and intellectual history of the later Roman Empire as evaluated by one of the most astute observers of the period, the church historian Socrates Scholasticus. Around 440, as the western Empire crumbled, Socrates composed his monumental Church Hist01y, spanning the turbulent period 305-439. Although he wrote in the relative security of the new imperial metropolis, Constantinople, during the reign of the pious emperor Theodosius II, I argue that Socrates was neither complacent nor, in any straightforward manner, confident in the upward trajectory of human history or the progress of Christian religion. This thesis presents, then, a new reading of Socrates, not as an optimist, but as a sophisticated realist. Faced with the bitter intellectual, theological, and organisational disputes that afflicted Christian communities during this period - so often the unfo1iunate products of well-meaning attempts by Christians to correct the errors they perceived in one another - Socrates explored a range of potential solutions to restore unity. Although discovering no panacea, I argue that Socrates found more modest means of returning civility to the everyday life of these communities in intellectual humility, in religious tolerance, and - in a move almost unparalleled in contemporary Christian thought - in humour. Socrates was also concerned with the state, and the disequilibrating effects on lateantique society of imperial overreach. He was, I argue, therefore attuned to the intricate relationships and rituals that defined the possibilities of imperial power. Deeply aware that good governance required continual tradeoffs and complex bargaining, Socrates accordingly believed that any assessment of emperors required a commensurately nuanced analytical framework, rather than the simplistic language and idealism of panegyric. Reflecting on a century of strife and division.following the 'definitive' triumph of Constantine, Socrates was all too aware that Eusebius of Caesarea's vision of a Roman Empire fundamentally transformed by Christianity - and hencefo1ih at lasting peace and harmonious in religious uniformity - had been an illusion. Rather, for Socrates, even in a Christian Roman Empire, institutions and individuals remained inherently imperfect and fallible.
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Harris, Kevin Brice. „Fifth-Century Views of Conversion: A Comparison of Conversion Narratives in the Church Histories of Sozomen and Socrates Scholasticus“. The Ohio State University, 1998. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1364297607.

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Burton, Simon James Gowan. „Hallowing of logic : the Trinitarian method of Richard Baxter's Methodus Theologiae“. Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/1842/7821.

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While Richard Baxter (1615-91) is well known and rightly held in high esteem for his practical divinity and his evangelistic zeal, he has hitherto been conspicuously neglected as a theologian. In particular there have been no major studies of him with respect to the renewed paradigm of Protestant Scholasticism and none at all of his Methodus Theologiae (1681), which represents the fruit of a lifetime of theological reflection and study and which is arguably, in both scope and vision, one of the last great Summas of English scholastic divinity. This thesis focuses on the Methodus and on Baxter‟s theological method, which he took, though imperfect, to be the closest to the true Scripture method of theology that anyone had yet come. Baxter believed that every level of (active) created reality reflected the impress of God‟s Triune being in metaphysical composition, structure and activity. This he described, following the Italian metaphysicist Tommaso Campanella, in terms of the divine primalities or principles of Power, Wisdom and Love. In the Methodus these insights are systematised into a kind of Trinitarian logic. Baxter held that human reason should be sanctified in order to conform to the Trinitarian structure of created reality, and therefore espoused a method of trichotomising organised according to these same divine principles, derivative of both Ramist and Lullist method. This thesis argues that the whole of Baxter‟s mature thought is structured in a Trinitarian fashion according to his own „hallowed logic‟ and that two themes, often interlinked, are the key to interpreting his thought: the metaphysics of the divine principles and the Christian‟s baptismal covenant with the Triune God. Furthermore it examines Baxter‟s analogical ascent from the general vestigia Trinitatis present in the whole created order through the special vestigium of man‟s soul fashioned in the image of God and finally to the Trinity itself. This detailed exposition provides the basis, in the concluding chapter, for an examination of the whole of the Methodus and a demonstration that this represents a methodological unfolding of the covenant between the believer and God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in the threefold Kingdom of Nature, Grace and Glory. In this way the Methodus may be seen as having taken its inspiration from the Theo-Politica (1659) of Baxter‟s friend George Lawson. Finally this thesis concludes that Baxter‟s thought has pronounced Scotist and Nominalist accents. His Scotism in particular runs deep and has strong ties with his Trinitarian thought, which is especially significant in light of the recent increasingly vocal discussions of the Scotist character of Protestant Scholasticism. Overall therefore it is suggested that Baxter is a neglected figure who deserves to be rediscovered and whose mature theology represents a fascinating reconstrual of biblical ideas according to a Trinitarian and scholastic paradigm.
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McCabe, Benjamin. „Sir Gawain and Scholasticism“. Thesis, The University of Sydney, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/2123/19599.

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The following thesis makes a reading of the Middle English romance of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight that contextualises the poem within the framework of Scholastic thought, focusing in particular on the influence of the Scholastic discussions of moral philosophy, in order to better understand the poem’s treatment of moral indeterminacy. My approach to the poem is one that focuses on a historical understanding of ethics that prevailed in the poet’s time, and so is historicist in a broad sense, but focused particularly on the history of ideas. Rather than trying to read the poem through the lens of later modern philosophical and critical understandings, I explore how the moral issues addressed within the poem would have been framed in the late fourteenth-century. My thesis centres on the argument that a familiarity with the Scholastic approach to moral philosophy is indispensable to an authentic reading of SGGK. The poem’s plot focuses clearly on the moral dilemmas that Gawain is faced with, and wraps these in a complex of moral quandaries, making an understanding of these in fourteenth-century terms imperative. From this premise, I argue that it is therefore of great importance to appreciate how these ethical issues were conceived of in the fourteenth-century. The suggestion that the moral hermeneutic of the poem emerges within a Scholastic frame is not new, nor is the suggestion that the poet is deeply interested in the tension between human weakness and Christian ideals. The following discussion of Scholastic thought includes a particular focus on the works of Thomas Aquinas, not because other medieval theologians deserve less attention, but because Aquinas’ pre-eminence and universal influence allows us to treat him as the most influential representative of that school of thought.
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Noël, Martin. „Prêcher par l'histoire : les sources de six historiens du haut moyen âge (VIIe-XIe siècles)“. Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/17756.

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Fitzpatrick, A. „Bodily identity in scholastic theology“. Thesis, University College London (University of London), 2013. http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/1411124/.

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At the core of this thesis is an examination of how Aquinas's materialistic understanding of resurrection shaped his thinking on human nature, individuality and bodily identity. Resurrection implied two things with respect to the individual body. First: the union between soul and matter was intimate and essential. Aquinas held that the soul is the only substantial, or nature-determining, form in a human being. Second: the material part in a human was relatively independent from the soul. Aquinas grounded the relative independence of body from soul on the accidental form 'dimensive quantity', which gave to the body its organic structure, individualised its matter, and supported its material continuity. Chapters 1 and 2 discuss Aquinas's Aristotelian and Averroan sources. For Aristotle, although individuality had its basis in matter, all matter was exchangeable without prejudice to identity. Problematically for the theologian working on resurrection, Aristotle offered no account of postmortem bodily continuity. Averroes, crucially, imported Aristotle's geometrical notion of 'body' as a three-dimensional kind of quantity into his discussions of bodily identity. Averroes thought that matter had a bodily structure of its own, supporting its continuing identity across radical change. Chapters 3 and 4 discuss Aquinas's thinking on the individual body and bodily identity. Reflection on resurrection, it seems, pushed Aquinas towards adopting a position on the nature of matter similar to Averroes'. In the 1270s, critics (mostly Franciscan) of Aquinas's theory of human nature turned it on its head, argued that it threatened the body (with heretical consequences for the identity of Christ's corpse), and set off the late-thirteenth century's defining debate on human nature. Chapter 5 discusses the divergent ways in which the Dominicans Thomas of Sutton, Robert of Orford, and Richard Knapwell defended Aquinas's theory of human nature and its consequences for postmortem bodily continuity at Oxford during 1277-86. It culminates in an examination of Knapwell's advanced work on the nature of matter, which built upon Averroes' and Aquinas's. The thesis contends, furthermore, that these three Dominicans can still be grouped under the banner of the 'early Thomistic school' if the ground they share is understood to be primarily political, rather than primarily doctrinal.
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Chin, Clive S. „The inspiration and authority of the Bible continuity and discontinuity of Reformed Scholasticism with the Reformation /“. Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 1991. http://www.tren.com.

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Tucker, Luke Rohan. „Devotio Moderna: Confrontations with Scholastic, University Culture“. Thesis, University of Sydney, 2021. https://hdl.handle.net/2123/24539.

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The founding stories of the Devotio Moderna began with a book burning and explicit rejections of scholastic, university culture. Most scholars have either pitted the movement’s dimensions of pastoral care and teaching against each other as exclusive alternatives or have declined to treat the New Devout’s status as a culture of learning. However, if we are to take this mythos as essential to the movement, we must proceed from the outset that confrontations with scholastic, university culture lay at the heart of the Devotio Moderna. This thesis suggests that either above approach is inadequate and misreads the movement. Using Charles Taylor’s framework of the Social Imaginary, this thesis argues that the Devotio Moderna developed based on an Augustinian Imaginary, a sense deriving from Augustine and his medieval interlocutors. By the time of the Observant Century, this Augustinian Imaginary now stood in competition with the universitas, a competing Social Imaginary that the New Devout could not reconcile with their Augustinian Imaginary and therefore rejected. By articulating the Devotio Moderna’s daily habits of reading, writing, and prayer, this thesis argues that this conflict between the Devotio Moderna and scholastic, university culture loomed large in the movement’s imagination. By relocating the key issues in analysis of the Devotio Moderna, we see the difficulty of the historian writing within the institution that the New Devout opposed, but which ultimately supplanted the movement. This thesis is therefore significant as a repositioning of analysis of the Devotio Moderna as a movement in relation fundamentally to scholastic, university culture, and in being an articulation of the difficulty for the universitas’ distant descendant, the modern discipline of history, to understand a historical movement animated by an imaginary opposed to that which vivified, and continues to vivify, university culture.
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Brigham, Stephen King 1950. „Architectural archives: Redefining archives as scholastic tools“. Thesis, The University of Arizona, 1992. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/291404.

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Architectural archives contain cultural records that are valuable to researchers and students of architecture. According to a national survey conducted for this thesis, many of these valuable records are not accessible. Architectural records that are not accessible may become neglected, thereby jeopardizing their long term preservation. This thesis proposes that architectural records will become more accessible when the archives containing these records are linked to curricula in schools of architecture. The thesis outlines the change in mission, the educational programs, and the planning criteria required to transform these archives from expensive repositories to centers of education.
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Zhang, Jing. „An integrative model to predict scholastic performance“. Doctoral thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.18452/17558.

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Diese Promotion befasst sich in drei unterschiedlichen Studien mit der Vorhersage schulischer Leistungen in der chinesischen Kultur. Die Arbeit befasst sich demzufolge sowohl mit Konstrukten der fluiden Intelligenz (Gf), den Persönlichkeitsdomänen (Big Five), schmaler gefassten Persönlichkeitskonstrukten (Glaube an sich Selbst, Lernstrategien) sowie dem komplexen Zusammenspiel dieser Konstrukte als Prädiktoren für schulische Leistungen. Nach einer generellen Einführung und der Herleitung des Big Five Narrow Trait (B5NT) Modells werden die drei Studien dargestellt. Studie 1 untersucht bei chinesischen Sekundarschülern figurale Verarbeitungsfähigkeit als Indikator für Gf und Persönlichkeitseigenschaften als Indikatoren für Schulnoten in den Fächern Mathematik, Chinesisch und Englisch sowie mögliche Interaktionen. Die zweite Studie integriert diese Ergebnisse in das B5NT Modell, das zudem mit anderen Modellen, wie etwa dem Double Mediation model (DM), verglichen wird. Der Glaube an sich selbst sowie Lernstrategien werden in den Analysen als wichtige Mediatoren betrachtet. Studie 3 überprüft die Ergebnisse in einem längsschnittlichen Design. Während bereits in Studie 2 starke Evidenz für das B5NT Modell gefunden werden konnte, kann dies auch in Studie 3 repliziert werden. Zudem können in einem Revisionsmodell reziproke Effekte von Performanz auf Persönlichkeitsdomänen angenommen werden. Die Promotion stellt daher ein theoretisches Modell zur Verfügung, das den Einfluss von den Big Five Domänen auf die schulischen Leistungen erklärt und durch querschnittliche sowie längsschnittliche Daten gestützt wird
This dissertation deals with the prediction of scholastic performance in Chinese culture. The thesis uses the constructs of fluid intelligence (Gf), broad personality traits (Big Five), narrow personality traits (i.e., self-beliefs and learning approaches), and their complex interplay as predictors of scholastic performance. Following a general introduction summarizing the theoretical foundations as well as outlining the derivation of the Big Five Narrow Trait (B5NT) Model, three papers are presented. In the context of Chinese secondary school students, Paper 1 examined the predictive power of figural reasoning as an indicator of Gf and personality traits on school grades in three subjects (i.e., Mathematics, Chinese, and English), and further investigated their potential interactions. Paper 2 integrated the findings of Paper 1 with the aforementioned B5NT. Within the study, the B5NT is empirically tested and compared to an alternative model proposed in earlier work, the Double Mediation model [DM]. Self-beliefs and learning approaches were considered as relevant mediators within those analyses. In this cross-sectional study, the B5NT model was strongly supported, whereas the DM model did not find strong empirical support. In order to empirically verify the underlying processes from a longitudinal perspective, Paper 3 expanded on the B5NT related findings in a three-wave longitudinal panel design. The findings supported the B5NT model and further warranted a revision model in which reciprocal effects from performance to big traits are suggested. Thus, the presented thesis provides a theoretical model explaining the influence of the Big Five on scholastic performance. Moreover, empirical support for the proposed model from cross-sectional and longitudinal data was found. Finally, integrating interactions with cognitive ability rounds off the perspective.
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Attiglah, Mama Agbeko. „Dynamic scholastic control applications in finance and insurance“. Thesis, City University London, 2006. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.440674.

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Casarin, Régis Franco. „O probabilismo na scholastica colonialis segundo Diego de Avendaño“. Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2012. http://www.repositorio.jesuita.org.br/handle/UNISINOS/2996.

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Submitted by Vanessa Nunes (vnunes@unisinos.br) on 2015-03-13T19:47:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 000009CF.pdf: 476237 bytes, checksum: dac8a551d376d7584494f5edd617b2bd (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-13T19:47:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 000009CF.pdf: 476237 bytes, checksum: dac8a551d376d7584494f5edd617b2bd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012
CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Trata-se de um estudo histórico-epistemológico sobre o Probabilismo do Sec. XVI-XVIII desenvolvido na América Colonial, especialmente no Peru, tendo por base o primeiro volume do Thesaurus Indicus de Diego de Avendaño, s.i. Divide-se em três partes: Antecedentes; Tensão moral nas colônias; e O Thesaurus Indicus. Além de ver a relevância histórica e influência deste sistema moral nas colônias espanholas, adentra-se na problemática dos sistemas morais, com especial ênfase no Probabilismo e se expõe, a modo ilustrativo, não sem antes conhecer um pouco Diego de Avendaño, a administração da justiça nas Índias, relatada no Volume I do Thesaurus. Conclui-se que a obra estudada está completamente permeada pelo Probabilismo.
This is a historical-epistemological study on the XVII-XVIII century's probabilism developed in Colonial America, especially in Peru, based on Diego de Avendaño's first volume of his Thesaurus Indicus. It is divided into three sections: Background; moral tension in the colonies, and the Thesaurus Indicus . Besides seeing the historical significance and influence of this moral system in the Spanish colonies, enters into the problem of moral systems, with particular emphasis on probabilism and exposes as an illustration, not without knowing a little of Diego de Avendaño, the management of justice in the Indias, reported in Volume I of the Thesaurus . We conclude that the work in study is totally permeated by the probabilism.
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Whelan, Raymond M. „An Irish Scholastic? : the public identity of Archbishop William King (1650-1729) of Dublin“. Thesis, University of Aberdeen, 2015. http://digitool.abdn.ac.uk:80/webclient/DeliveryManager?pid=227687.

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This thesis will determine the public identity of Archbishop William King (1650-1729) of Dublin. This discussion will be framed in three distinct facets of his identity; ecclesiastical, political and philosophical. It will introduce crisis points in King's life and how his development was shaped as a result of these crises. His literary works will be analysed to illustrate his identity in the aforementioned areas. Through the analysis of his texts certain misconceptions will be addressed; his conversion, his political stance and his Lockeanism will be concluded upon. This thesis will situate King ecclesiastically, politically and philosophically to illustrate his tripartite identity. It will also argue that King was a late Scholastic thinker and not an early enlightenment philosopher, as has been previously assumed. The main methodological element present in his work was Scholasticism and throughout the thesis this will be proven to be correct. In each of the works examined the Scholastic method will be highlighted and traditional commonalities of reformed Scholastic thought will be identified. The thesis will conclude with a reflection on the public identity of William King and his scholasticism.
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St, Clair-Thompson Helen. „Working memory and its role in children’s scholastic attainment“. Thesis, Durham University, 2005. http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/2950/.

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Previous research has identified links between working memory and scholastic skills. This thesis reports five studies that investigated both the role of working memory in children's scholastic attainment and the resources that underlie working memory task performance. Study 1 demonstrated that both verbal and nonverbal working memory were important predictors of children's academic achievement at 11 and 14 years of age. Study 2 provided evidence for the utility of working memory as a predictor of later academic achievement. Study 3 demonstrated a distinction between the executive processes of inhibition and updating working memory, both of which were uniquely related to children'sscholastic attainment scores. Study 4 revealed that both speeds of processing and working memory span scores predicted unique variance in children's educational attainment. The relationships between speed and span in tasks varying in difficulty were also explored. Speed and span did not always conform to the same linear relationship. Study 5 explored a metric of cognitive cost suggesting that working memory task performance is determined by the difficulty of the retrievals required and the number of these retrievals divided by the time allowed to perform them. The results demonstrated that working memory task performance is constrained by temporal duration and the nature of processing activities. The results were discussed in terms of implications for models of working memory and implications for educational practice.
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Guáqueta, R. Camilo (Richard Camilo) 1981. „Computer simulations for a scholastic theory of granular drainage“. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/17613.

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Thesis (S.B.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, June 2003.
"June 2003."
Includes bibliographical references (leaf 44).
There is a surprising lack of good models for granular flow. In 2002, Bazant proposed a new stochastic kinematic model of granular drainage from a silo. The new model rests on the notion that flow in the silo is caused by the migration of extended regions of excess interstitial space upward from the orifice at the bottom. An implementation of this model with the purpose of simulating the behavior of particles in the silo was developed by the author, and several results were obtained using simulations carried out with this implementation. As regards particle streamlines, average velocity profiles, predictions of particle mixing and of particle diffusivity, it was found that qualitative and quantitative agreement with experiments was excellent, in particular for a specific version of the implementation. This version uses a self-correlated random walk to describe the motion of the excess interstitial space through the silo. The model can also be used to make predictions about many other features of the granular flow (such as granular temperature), that are not as accessible through experiment's, and for which empirical behavior is not well known. In particular, the implementation of the model developed in this work can be used to simulate three dimensional flow, whereas existing experimental techniques are limited to observing two dimensions.
R. Camilo Guáqueta.
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Reyes, Cardenas Paniel. „The place of scholastic realism in Peirce's pragmatist philosophy“. Thesis, University of Sheffield, 2014. http://etheses.whiterose.ac.uk/6984/.

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The aim of the thesis is to answer a question of how Charles Sanders Peirce found unity for his pragmatist philosophy by formulating his Scholastic Realism. I propose this doctrine as a reading guide and leading principle of his different stages as a philosopher. I want to understand why Peirce’s realist doctrine was for him a feasible and consistent account for the problem of universals. I provide an answer as why the problem of universals, in Peirce’s mind, pervades the history of philosophy. A derived question analysed is: why Peirce required us to conceive philosophy as a struggle between nominalism and realism? I offer to follow the tread of argumentation that leads to recognise that Peirce’s Scholastic Realism is of a particular and fundamental importance to understand his philosophy and the problems involved in his continued inquiry. Yet more importantly, I will argue that my reading is a novel, feasible and plausible account of reality. Peirce’s scholarship has not considered such interpretation in its full insightful nature for reasons that are not necessarily philosophical. I argue that we might get good use of it if we ask the right questions about reality as Peirce did. I show that Peirce’s realism responds to different related philosophical problems that led up to the final version as ‘scientific metaphysics’. The conclusion offers an interpretation principle of ‘Scholastic Realism’ as a solution for Peirce’s concerns, a useful idea in order to achieve a better account of reality in Peirce’s strive for a posteriori metaphysics. Peirce’s doctrine is suggested with some of its applications, especially in the field of the theories about abstraction and the foundations of mathematics, as Peirce would want it to be. I believe the thesis, therefore, will render advancement in the comprehension of the problems involved in Peirce’s philosophy, in pragmatism and its origins, and in the history of philosophy conceived as the struggle between realism and nominalism.
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Lopez, Francesca. „Educational Policy and Scholastic Competence Among English Language Learners“. Diss., The University of Arizona, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/193881.

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In this study, I explore the potential impact of differing educational policies and reform efforts that influence state and federal standards-based assessments and their interpretations. Specifically, I examine the educational policies of Arizona (Structured English Immersion [SEI]) and Texas (bilingual education) for their effect on the belief systems of students, parents, and teachers. I also examine the role of identity and language in the motivation to learn and student disposition toward school among English Language Learners (ELLs). In support of a co-regulation model of emerging identity, acculturation, acculturative stress, and student perceptions of scholastic competence, student disposition toward school, and student motivational dynamics contributed to the accurate prediction of 77.5% of the participants' group membership in either SEI or bilingual education. ELLs in bilingual education had higher perceptions of scholastic competence than ELLs in SEI (d = .54). Four types of dispositions toward school, Pride in Achieving, Participation and Belonging, Literacy, and Math, were higher for ELLs in bilingual education than for ELLs in SEI. Contrary to the hypothesized results, however, there were no differences in the Rigid and Right disposition between ELLs in SEI and bilingual education. In reference to motivation, scores on Disengaged and Distracting were higher for ELLs in SEI (Arizona) than for ELLs in bilingual programs (Texas). However, contrary to the hypotheses, Good Worker/Engaged Learner, and Struggling and Persistent were higher for ELLs in SEI than for ELLs in bilingual programs. I conclude by discussing the potential impact of differing educational policies and reform efforts on the belief systems of ELLs, their parents, and teachers.
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Bickart, Noah Banjamin. „Tistayem| An Investigation into the Scholastic Culture of the Bavli“. Thesis, The Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 2015. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=3738081.

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This dissertation investigates the meaning and usage of a particular set of linguistically related Talmudic terms in order to show how and in what cultural context the Talmud began to take shape in the emerging scholastic centers of rabbinic learning in late Sassanian Babylonia. The term tistayem is here defined as meaning, "let it be promulgated" and is thus shown to be inherently redactional in nature. By its very meaning and the way it is employed it speaks to the ordering of extant traditions in new literary frameworks. This term has analogs both in early sources dating from Amoraic disciple circles, in which an analogous term was used to indicate the process by which different reports of statements could be combined to achieve a more authoritative version of a tradition, and in later texts from Geonic times in which the term comes to denote a specific kind of scholastic practice in which traditions were ordered for easy memorization and promulgation. Additionally, parallels to these terms are found in the literatures of Syriac speaking Christians providing avenues for comparisons between these scholastic cultures which shared scripture, language and similar modes of study as worship. Finally, this study demonstrates the ways in which increasing sophistication in usage of these terms mirrors increasing academization during the Talmudic period. As such, evidence is marshalled in support of a more gradual model of the redaction of the Talmud.

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Harlach, Timothy J. „A scholastic center for political science majors: an indoor street“. Thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1996. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/54880.

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"A building is a small city, a city is a large building." Alberti Even though Alberti wrote this quote hundreds of years ago, it still raises relevant design issues that can be explored in the architecture of today’s buildings. The quote addresses a modern architectural question in the design of large scale mixed use buildings by offering an architect the similarities between city-building and building interior spaces. These relationships all share design possibilities such as views, thresholds, passageways, public spaces, private spaces, places for activity, and places for rest. These are just a few of the physical and emotional ties that allow a city/building/interior space the opportunity to relate to its surroundings and ultimately create its surroundings.
Master of Architecture
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Ojakallas, T. „One scholastic approach: does progress require the conquest of nature?“ Thesis, Видавництво СумДУ, 2012. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/26669.

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Adams, William F. (William Franklin). „Identification of College Freshmen According to Scholastic and Persistence Potential“. Thesis, University of North Texas, 1992. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc279134/.

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This study was designed to develop a procedure for the identification of freshman students at risk in the academic and social integration process at Texas Christian University. The data for the study were collected from the Student Information Form (SIF) and student records system at Texas Christian University. The data included demographic, attitudinal, educational background and one-year persistence indicators (retain and drop) as well as one-year cumulative grade point averages for the fall 1990 entering freshman class.
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Rosemann, Philipp W. „Omne agens agit sibi simile : a repetition of scholastic metaphysics /“. Leuven : Leuven university press, 1996. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb39106139j.

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Mashilwane, Mahlotle Pauline. „Socio-economic status and their impact on scholastic performance (achievement)“. Thesis, University of Limpopo, 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/10386/2082.

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Thesis (M.Dev.) --University of Limpopo, 2001.
The aim of this study was to examine the impact of socio-economic factors on scholastic performance (achievement) ofleamers in the secondary school. The study was conducted in the Southern Region of the Northern Province, in the Nebo District. The Southern Regio which is made up of basically Nebo and Sekhukhune, forms part of the former Lebowa and is basically rural. A literature study was-conducted, which unravelled and brought into surface factors of social and economic nature, which are contrary to effective learning and contributes towards poor performance, especially in public secondary schools. Literature study revealed that learners from disadvantaged backgrounds especially in the rural communities have their learning process heavily affected and disturbed by social and economic factors. An empirical survey was also conducted to establish the views and opinions of parents, educators and the learners themselves. A qualitative research method was used. Letebele Marishane Secondary School in Ngwaritsi circuit was used as a case study. Educators completed questionnaire whilst learners and parents were engaged in focus group interviews (discussion groups). Information gathered through observations was also taken into account. Both the literature review and the empirical survey agreed that the learner's background that is his/her family, home environment; his/her neighbourhood and other factors of economic and social nature can impact positively or negatively on performance in the classroom. That is, according to information gathered, learners from advantaged backgrounds stand a better chance in the classroom than learners from disadvantaged backgrounds. It is evident therefore that poverty that prevails amongst the rural communities impacts on learning and performance in the examination and other classroom activities.
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Coulter, Dale M. „Per visibilia ad invisibilia : theological method in Richard of St. Victor (d. 1173)“. Thesis, University of Oxford, 2002. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.273141.

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Hampton, Stephen William Peter. „Reformed scholasticism and the battle for orthodoxy in the later Stuart church“. Thesis, University of Oxford, 2002. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.270668.

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Brooks, Benjamin. „Educating for a Good Life: An Investigation into Quality of Life, Educational Attainment, Scholastic and Non-Scholastic Learning Experiences, and the Economics-Based Model of Schooling“. University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2011. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ucin1313684449.

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Islam, Tajul. „Scholastic traditional minimalism : a critical analysis of Intra-Sunni sectarian polemics“. Thesis, University of Exeter, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10871/18952.

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This thesis is an analytical exploration of the influence of medieval theology on contemporary scholastic traditionalist polemics within Sunni Islam. Intra-Sunni sectarian polemics as an emerging area of study is relatively untouched as opposed to sectarian violence. A detailed mapping of the theological terrain from the genesis of Sunni ‘orthodoxy’ and the perennial tensions within the classical theological tradition and how they have manifested parochially into the contemporary scholastic traditionalist trends of the Barelwi, Deobandi, Ahl-i-Ḥadīth and Wahhābī within the backdrop of the Sufi-Salafi contestation of Sunni authenticity is timely. Concern regarding growing extremism prompted Muslim Ulama, academics and political leaders to create unity initiatives such as the Amman Message and the Sunni Pledge in dealing with this problem and also delineating ‘orthodoxy’. The theological basis for these neo-credos can be explained as doctrinal ‘minimalism’. Minimalism is a growing social construction of scholastic traditionalists through which the warring factions are attempting to salvage the historical continuity with ‘orthodoxy’ and placate Sunni infighting. The thesis aims to examine the theological veracity of the minimalism project and explore its doctrinal, methodological and ethical facets. Polemicism and excommunication is the current state of affairs within Sunni theological discourse. Minimalism is deemed as the antidote to this problem.
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Steele, Charles Noah. „Scholastic aptitude test scores and the economic returns to college education“. Thesis, Montana State University, 1990. http://etd.lib.montana.edu/etd/1990/steele/SteeleC1990.pdf.

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Student scores on standardized achievement tests fell during the 1960's, raising questions about the quality of education in America. The decline was especially pronounced on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), the most widely used college entrance examination. Much of this decline remains unexplained. This study examines the hypothesis that declining returns to college education played a role in the score decline. Specifically, it is hypothesized that declining returns to education reduce the incentive for students to invest in the college skills which the SAT attempts to measure. This study proposes a general model in which SAT participation rates and SAT scores are determined in part by the relative wage differential between an average college graduate and a high school graduate. several empirical specifications of this model are then estimated, using aggregate time series data for the years 1967 to 1987. The methods of three stage least squares and seemingly unrelated regressions are used. The results of the regressions suggest that fluctuations in the relative economic return to a college education may have accounted for between 11 percent,and 24 percent of the decline in average SAT scores. When these effects are considered in conjunction with those of a demographic variable, approximately 40 percent of the decline is explained, perhaps suggesting that fears of declining educational quality are somewhat exaggerated.
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Fimister, Alan Paul. „Neo-scholastic humanism and the re-unification of Europe, 1878-1958“. Thesis, University of Aberdeen, 2007. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.446576.

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This thesis explores the determining influence of St Thomas Aquinas and the Papal Social Magisterium and the authors of the Neo-Thomistic period in Catholic philosophy in shaping certain ideas about the international political order and the relations between European states. It is argued that this influence was formative of the most important political actions of Robert Schuman, the French Foreign Minister who launched the European Community of the Six between 1950 and 1953. In the first half of the thesis a new examination of the Papal social Magisterium and of neo-Thomist political thought in this period is offered in which it is shown that the ‘supranational question’, the question of Christian Democracy and the question of the relation between Church and State were always inseparable. Most influentially: it was the contention of Jacques Maritain that the circumstances which determine the application of the positive precepts of the natural law are dependent upon whether or not man is called to a supernatural end in this order of providence. He is; but this is knowable only through revelation. Without this knowledge certain obligations crucial to relations between states and between social classes cannot be known. This leads Maritain to argue that ‘Human Rights’ and ‘Democracy’ as they are understood today have no rational foundation without public revelation. In the second half of the Thesis, by examining Robert Schuman’s published and unpublished writings in this their proper historical and philosophical context it is shown that Schuman knew of and embraced these ideas and initiated the construction of the European community precisely for this reason.
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Cogar, Margaret. „Gatekeeping in Scholastic Journalism: Examining factors that predict student content decisions“. Kent State University / OhioLINK, 2021. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=kent1627380228967214.

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Giladi, Mira. „#Manof or not to be' : the influence of the resocialisation process at Manof Youth Village on abused teenage dropouts from previous frameworks at risk of deterioration“. Thesis, Anglia Ruskin University, 2002. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.247786.

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Wallraff, Martin. „Der Kirchenhistoriker Sokrates : Untersuchungen zu Geschichtsdarstellung, Methode und Person /“. Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1997. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb36989388n.

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Bloch, David. „Aristotle on memory and recollection : text, translation, interpretation, and reception in Western scholasticism /“. Leiden : Brill, 2007. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb41031433j.

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Texte remanié de: Doctoral dissertation--Faculty of humanities--University of Copenhagen, 2006.
Contient une éd. du texte grec de De la mémoire et de la réminiscence avec trad. anglaise en regard. Bibliogr. p. 245-254.
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Hutto, Rodney Dean. „Teacher evaluation and development and student performance“. Thesis, Full text (PDF) from UMI/Dissertation Abstracts International, 2001. http://wwwlib.umi.com/cr/utexas/fullcit?p3008259.

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Williams, Kevin. „The role of psychopathy in scholastic cheating: self-report and objective measures“. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/198.

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Despite a wealth of studies, no consistent personality predictors of scholastic cheating have been identified. However, several highly-relevant variables have been overlooked. I address this void with a series of three studies. Study 1 was a large-scale survey of a broad range of personality predictors of self-reported scholastic cheating. The significant predictors were psychopathy, Machiavellianism, narcissism, low Agreeableness and low Conscientiousness. However, only psychopathy remained significant in a multiple regression. Study 2 replicated this pattern using a naturalistic, behavioural indicator of cheating -- plagiarism as indexed by the internet service Turn-It-In. The psychopathy association still held up after controlling for intelligence. Finally, Study 3 examined possible motivational mediators of the association between psychopathy and cheating. Unmitigated achievement and moral inhibition were successful mediators whereas fear of punishment was not. Implications for researchers and educators are discussed.
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Schneider, Rebecca [Verfasser]. „Scholastic achievements and academic self-concepts in elementary school students / Rebecca Schneider“. Saarbrücken : Saarländische Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, 2018. http://d-nb.info/1223452700/34.

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Laws, Brent C. „The Phenomenon of Abstract Cognition Among Scholastic Chess Participants: A Case Study“. Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2014. https://dc.etsu.edu/etd/2458.

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A qualitative investigation was conducted to explore the phenomenon of abstract cognition among a purposive sample of 5 secondary scholastic chess club participants. The case study enabled the researcher to explore the faculties of abstract cognition among students of contrasting skills and abilities in playing chess. The study also allowed for the consideration of potential visual-spatial, logical, academic, social competency and life benefits of chess play. Through analysis of interviews, chess simulations, blindfold chess play, and narration of chess lines and sequences, the investigator was able to extract meaning and code schemata into a holistic understanding of the phenomenon of abstract cognition within the context of Piaget’s Formal Operations Stage. Scholastic chess systematically engages the student in a stimuli-enriched environment in which the participant must exercise optimal cognitive control in processing and anticipating chess lines and sequences, thus facilitating the manifestation and phenomenon of abstract cognition. Abstract cognition as a phenomenon may elicit increased academic, scholarly, and life potential. Participation in scholastic chess may produce both scholarly and critical thinking individuals. Suggestions for future research include continuing qualitative research in the area of abstract cognition among chess players and developing a stronger understanding of cognitive growth in students.
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陳衍輝 und Hin-fai Gregory Chan. „Selection for admission to the undergraduate programmes of the University of Hong Kong“. Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 1990. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B29910857.

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Braun, Harald E. „Scholasticism and humanism in the political thought of Juan de Mariana, SJ : (1535-1624)“. Thesis, University of Oxford, 2000. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.365500.

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Lang, Uwe Michael. „Studies in the Christology of John Philoponus and its setting in the controversies over Chalcedon“. Thesis, University of Oxford, 1999. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.312636.

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Penn, Stephen. „Truth, time and sacred text : responses to medieval nominalism in John Wyclif's Summa de Ente and De Veritate Sacrae Scripturae“. Thesis, University of York, 1998. http://etheses.whiterose.ac.uk/16328/.

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Park, Hoon. „A study of liturgy with special reference to F. Turretin (1623-1687) and its relevance for Korea“. Pretoria : [S.n.], 2008. http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-01072009-120137/.

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Finch, Lindsey Beth. „An investigation of pervasive scholastic stress within a selective, single-sex educational environment“. Thesis, Ulster University, 2005. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.423452.

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Koning, Frederic John. „The doctrine of predestination in scholastic Calvinism an evaluation of the Muller thesis /“. Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN) Access this title online, 1999. http://www.tren.com/search.cfm?p048-0234.

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Gonzalez, Eugenia C. „Effects of language priming on timed scholastic tests administered to Spanish-English bilinguals“. To access this resource online via ProQuest Dissertations and Theses @ UTEP, 2008. http://0-proquest.umi.com.lib.utep.edu/login?COPT=REJTPTU0YmImSU5UPTAmVkVSPTI=&clientId=2515.

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Lindholm, Stefan [Verfasser]. „Jerome Zanchi (1516–90) and the Analysis of Reformed Scholastic Christology / Stefan Lindholm“. Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2016. http://www.v-r.de/.

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Brett, Annabel S. „Subjective right and human agency in later scholastic thought c. 1250 - c. 1560“. Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1994. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.318291.

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Petrill, Stephen Anthony. „The phenotypic and genetic relationships among school-related temperament, intelligence, and scholastic achievement“. Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 1995. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=case1057952905.

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Livingston, Carol Vagner. „The privilege of pedagogical capital a framework for understanding scholastic success in mathematics /“. Thesis, [Tuscaloosa, Ala. : University of Alabama Libraries], 2009. http://purl.lib.ua.edu/90.

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Moran, Virginia Rabor. „Perceived scholastic competence in children: What roles do acculturative stress and coping pay?“ CSUSB ScholarWorks, 1994. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/etd-project/485.

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