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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Schistometopum thomensis"


Stoelting, Ricka E., G. John Measey und Robert C. Drewes. „Population Genetics of the São Tomé Caecilian (Gymnophiona: Dermophiidae: Schistometopum thomense) Reveals Strong Geographic Structuring“. PLoS ONE 9, Nr. 8 (29.08.2014): e104628.

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Delêtre, M., und G. J. Measey. „Sexual selection vs ecological causation in a sexually dimorphic caecilian,Schistometopum thomense(Amphibia Gymnophiona Caeciliidae)“. Ethology Ecology & Evolution 16, Nr. 3 (Juli 2004): 243–53.

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Junker, Kerstin, Jean Mariaux, G. John Measey und Yasen Mutafchiev. „Meteterakis saotomensis n. sp. (Nematoda: Heterakidae) from Schistometopum thomense (Bocage) (Gymnophiona: Dermophiidae) on São Tomé Island“. Systematic Parasitology 92, Nr. 2 (10.09.2015): 131–39.

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Measey, G. John, und Anthony Herrel. „Rotational feeding in caecilians: putting a spin on the evolution of cranial design“. Biology Letters 2, Nr. 4 (25.07.2006): 485–87.

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Caecilians are a poorly known group of amphibians with a highly derived skull and cranial musculature that has evolved in response to their specialized head-first burrowing lifestyle. They possess a unique jaw-closing system, which is shown to be capable of generating considerable bite forces for its head width (1.09±0.34 and 0.62±0.31 N for Schistometopum thomense and Boulengerula taitanus , respectively). However, comprehensive dietary studies indicate that there is no need for large bite forces, since most caecilians appear to be generalist predators of subterranean macrofauna. Here, we demonstrate, based on in vivo external and X-ray video recordings of animals feeding, that long-axis body rotations are used independent of prey size by these two species of caeciliid caecilians when feeding underground. Further, we show that individuals are capable of generating a substantial spinning force, which is greater than their bite force (1.35±0.26 and 1.02±0.18 N, respectively). These observations shed light on the functional and the evolutionary significance of several unique features of the cranial design in derived caecilians; spinning may allow the individuals to judge prey size and subsequently reduce oversized prey within gape limits.
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„Correction: Population Genetics of the São Tomé Caecilian (Gymnophiona: Dermophiidae: Schistometopum thomense) Reveals Strong Geographic Structuring“. PLoS ONE 9, Nr. 12 (15.12.2014): e116005.

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