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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Santissima Annunziata (Church)"


Zanovello, Giovanni. „“In the Church and in the Chapel”“. Journal of the American Musicological Society 67, Nr. 2 (2014): 379–428.

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Detailed payment records and notes preserved in the Archivio di Stato di Firenze allow us to reconstruct the relationship of music and space in the Florentine church of Santissima Annunziata. In the late fifteenth century different musical styles and repertories came to define ritually the composite space of the church, one of the main houses belonging to the mendicant order of the Servants of Mary. This special role of music came into focus in the early 1470s and even more in the 1480s, when subsequent priors increased the musical activities, possibly to negotiate the new spatial features of the church after a consequential remodeling. Music thus helped organize key areas that had undergone architectural transformations, linking each part of the building to the specific rituals performed there through special sounds directed at the likely participants. The remodeling also involved a shift in the balance of power, with private patrons coming to control the virtual totality of the church. Music helped address this problem as well, by acoustically marking and reclaiming certain spaces as the friars' dedicated ritual sites, but also creating in its variety a nuanced representation of the community—both ordained and lay—that frequented the building.
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Ferrari, F., und M. Medici. „CRITICAL ANALYSIS AND DIGITAL RECONSTRUCTIONS OF ALBERTI’S ARCHITECTURES BY THE USE OF 3D MORPHOMETRIC INTEGRATED SURVEY DATABASE“. ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XLII-2/W3 (23.02.2017): 289–95.

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Since 2005, DIAPReM Centre of the Department of Architecture of the University of Ferrara, in collaboration with the "Centro Studi Leon Battista Alberti" Foundation and the Consorzio Futuro in Ricerca, is carrying out a research project for the creation of 3D databases that could allow the development of a critical interpretation of Alberti's architectural work. <br><br> The project is primarily based on a common three-dimensional integrated survey methodology for the creation of a navigable multilayered database. The research allows the possibility of reiterative metrical analysis, thanks to the use of a coherent data in order to check and validate hypothesis by researchers, art historians and scholars on Alberti's architectural work. <br><br> Coherently with this methodological framework, indeed, two case studies are explained in this paper: the church of San Sebastiano in Matua and The Church of the Santissima Annunziata in Florence. Furthermore, thanks to a brief introduction of further developments of the project, a short graphical analysis of preliminary results on Tempio Malatestiano in Rimini opens new perspectives of research.
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Dadà, Massimo. „‘<i>Cui multum datum est</i>...’ La confraternita dei Bianchi di Fosdinovo (Toscana, Italia) tra XV e XVII secolo“. Confraternitas 17, Nr. 2 (01.07.2006): 28–39.

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This article is a brief history and overview of the Confraternity of the Most Holy Annunciation (Compagnia della Santissima Annunziata) in Fosdinovo, a small town in the Lunigiana region in north-western Tuscany. From the fourteenth to the eighteenth century the town’s history was closely connected with the Malaspina family. The principal source of information for the confraternity is its oldest book, an unpublished paper register datable to 1614. The confraternity itself was founded in 1468, just a few months before the Marquis Gabriele Malaspina assumed possession of the territory in the wake of an agreement that finally ended the conflicts between the heirs of Antonio Alberico Malaspina. From the moment of its foundation the confraternity had an oratory. In 1653 the oratory was rebuilt by Pasquale Malaspina as a rather sizeable building (25 m x 13 m). The church holds a valuable fifteenth-century wooden statue of the Madonna Annunciate, to whom, from the seventeenth century on, many miracles have been attributed. The confraternity’s first book is a rich fount of information for the physical aspects of the oratory that allows us to track the work carried out on it and to analyze the confraternity’s organizational structures. In light of this information, the confraternity seems to have been primarily interested in the organization of its members’ devotional life and in religious rituals. It did have, however, a small mutual assistance program that came into operation especially at the time of a member’s death and saw to the funeral services of the deceased and related rituals. The confraternity’s membership list indicates that in the seventeenth century, a time of great importance in the history of the confraternity, there was relatively little evolution in a dynastic sense and the highest positions in the organization went to members from a restricted number of families.
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Bücher zum Thema "Santissima Annunziata (Church)"


Petrucci, Francesca. Santissima Annunziata. Roma: F.lli Palombi, 1992.

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Vera, Marcolini, Turrini Patrizia und Martini Laura, Hrsg. La Compagnia della Santissima Annunziata in San Gusmè: Storia, patrimonio artistico e statuto. Siena: Pascal, 2007.

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Vera, Marcolini, Turrini Patrizia und Martini Laura, Hrsg. La Compagnia della Santissima Annunziata in San Gusmè: Storia, patrimonio artistico e statuto. Siena: Pascal, 2007.

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Marta, Lucchi, Hrsg. Le regole dello spirito: Norme, statuti e liturgie della confraternita della Santissima Annunziata di Modena. Modena: Poligrafico Mucchi, 2006.

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Russo, Fernando. Otto secoli di storia: La chiesa di Maria Santissima Annunziata a Castro : dall'edificazione al restauro. Firenze: Nardini editore, 2021.

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Franca, Falletti, Nelson Jonathan Katz, Italy. Soprintendenza speciale per il Polo museale fiorentino. und Galleria dell'Accademia (Florence Italy), Hrsg. Filippino Lippi e Pietro Perugino: La Deposizione della Santissima Annunziata e il suo restauro. Livorno: Sillabe, 2004.

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Ratta, Franca Della. Il complesso dell'Annunziata: Sette secoli di arte, storia, accoglienza. Napoli: Guida editori, 2018.

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honoree, Casalini Eugenio M., Hrsg. Studi sulla Santissima Annunziata di Firenze in memoria di Eugenio Casalini osm: Non est in tota sanctior urbe locus. Firenze: Edifir, 2014.

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Fabbri, Maria Cecilia. Due bozzetti di Ciro Ferri e del Volterrano per il soffitto della Santissima Annunziata a Firenze. Firenze: Giovanni Pratesi, 1995.

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Evelin, Bubenik, Hrsg. Leonardo Da Vinci's Single Immaculate Madonna, painting from the altar of the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception in the church San Francesco Grande at Milan : Leonardo's Annunciation, lunette intended for the crown piece of the main altar of the church Santissima Annunziata in Florence: And the Virgins of the Rocks, case. Wolnzach: Kastner, 2009.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Santissima Annunziata (Church)"


Arena, Adriana. „Francesco Valenti’s Restoration Design of Santissima Annunziata of Catalans Church in Messina. A Walkthrough Among Survey and Graphic Representation“. In Putting Tradition into Practice: Heritage, Place and Design, 181–90. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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