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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Sago"



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This study aims to map the condition of land where sago plant grows, to determine the suitability level of sago plant land and to describe the potential of sago and sago consumption patterns by the community. The method used in this research is survey method with distance observation free survey and pit profile observation type. The condition of the land where sago plants grow is quite good. The types of sago found are sagu tuni (Metroxylon rumphii Mart.), Sagu Ihur (Metroxylon sylvestre Mart.) And sagu molat (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.). The size of sago palm in Rumahkay Village is 55.5 Ha, the average number of cutting trees (MT) 24 trees / Ha / yr with average production of wet starch per tree sebesr 700 kg. Total dry starch production at the study site was 449.55 tons. The pattern of community consumption of sago 10 percent, the combination of sago, tuber and banana by 20 percent, the combination of sago, tubers, bananas and rice by 55 percent and rice 10 percent. Types of confectionery and food based sago starch consumed is papeda, sago plate, sinoli and karu-karu. Frequency and time to eat sago as main food and food complement of 65% is as much as 2 times in a day that is time of morning and afternoon. Then 3 times as much as 25% and once as much as 10%. In general, people who consume sago once a day is at breakfast or afternoon in the form of snacks (sago plate, sinoli, karu-karu). Keywords: condition, land, sago ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan kondisi lahan tempat tumbuh tumbuhan sagu, menetapkan tingkat kesesuaian lahan tumbuhan sagu serta mendeskripsikan potensi sagu dan pola konsumsi sagu oleh masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survei dengan jarak observasi survei bebas dan tipe observasi profil pit. Kondisi lahan tempat tumbuh tumbuhan sagu tergolong baik. Jenis sagu yang ditemukan adalah sagu Tuni (Metroxylon rumphii Mart.), sagu Ihur (Metroxylon sylvestre Mart.) dan sagu Molat (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.). Luas lahan sagu di Desa Rumahkay adalah 55,5 Ha, rata-rata jumlah pohon masak tebang (MT) 24 pohon/Ha/thn dengan rata-rata produksi pati basah per pohon sebesr 700 kg. Total produksi pati kering pada lokasi penelitian adalah 449,55 ton. Pola konsumsi masyarakat terhadap sagu 10 persen, kombinasi sagu, umbian dan pisang sebesar 20 persen, kombinasi sagu, umbian, pisang dan beras sebesar 55 persen serta beras 10 persen. Jenis penganan dan pangan berbahan dasar pati sagu yang dikonsumsi adalah papeda, sagu lempeng, sinoli dan karu-karu. Frekwensi dan waktu makan sagu sebagai pangan utama maupun pangan pelengkap sebesar 65% adalah sebanyak 2 kali dalam sehari yaitu waktu pagi dan siang. Kemudian 3 kali sebanyak 25% dan satu kali sebanyak 10%. Pada umumnya mereka yang mengkonsumsi sagu satu kali dalam sehari adalah pada saat sarapan pagi atau sore hari dalam bentuk penganan (sagu lempeng, sinoli, karu-karu). Kata kunci: kondisi, lahan, sagu
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Sumantri, Sumantri, Dewi Marwati Nuryanti und Hamja Abdul Halik. „Tingkat Kapasitas Pelaku Usaha Pembuatan Tepung Sagu di Desa Langkiddi“. Perbal: Jurnal Pertanian Berkelanjutan 12, Nr. 2 (15.07.2024): 164–70.

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Tana Luwu sejak dahulu sudah dikenal sebagai daerah penghasil sagu di Sulawesi Selatan. Industri pembuatan tepung sagu berpotensi meningkatkan pemanfaatan dan pendapatan sagu, maka kapasitas pelaku usaha berperan dalam meningkatkan pemanfaatan sagu dan daya saing sagu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kapasitas pelaku usaha pembuatan tepung sagu di Desa Langkiddi Kecamatan Bajo Kabupaten Luwu. Waktu penelitian dilaksanakan bulan Januari s/d Februari 2024, dengan analisis data yang digunakan Skala Likert dan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kapasitas diri pelaku usaha pembuatan tepung sagu di Desa Langkiddi dikategorikan tinggi, sedangkan kapasitas usaha pelaku usaha sagu dikategorikan tinggi. Kapasitas pelaku usaha tepung sagu berdasarkan kapasitas diri dan kapasitas usaha menunjukkan bahwa pelaku usaha pembuatan tepung sagu memiliki kemampuan untuk meningkatkan dan mengembangkan usaha, sehingga nilai tambah sagu dapat meningkat dan lebih kompetitif. Tana Luwu has long been known as a sago producing area in South Sulawesi. The sago flour manufacturing industry has the potential to increase sago utilization and income, so the capacity of business actors plays a role in increasing sago utilization and sago competitiveness. This research aims to determine the level of capacity of sago flour manufacturing business actors in Langkiddi Village, Bajo District, Luwu Regency. The research was carried out from January to February 2024, with data analysis using a Likert scale and descriptive analysis. The results of the research show that the level of personal capacity of sago flour manufacturing business actors in Langkiddi Village is categorized as high, while the business capacity of sago business actors is categorized as high. The capacity of sago flour business actors based on personal capacity and business capacity shows that sago starch manufacturing business actors have the ability to improve and develop their business, so that the added value of sago can increase and be more competitive.
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Darma, Darma, Reniana Reniana, Budi Santoso und Bertha Mangallo. „Pengembangan industri pengolahan sagu skala rumah tangga di Kabupaten Teluk Wondama Provinsi Papua Barat“. IGKOJEI: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 4, Nr. 2 (12.07.2023): 86–95.

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ABSTRACT Development of small scale of sago processing based on community in West Papua Province has a bright prospect because it is supported by abundant sago palm resources as row material. Teluk Wondama is one of the regency in West Papua Province which has high potential of sago, unfortunately the potency have not utilized optimally. The ovjective of this program was to develop home industry sago processing in Distric Rasiei, Teluk Wondama Regency by application of mechanical sago processing machines. The methods used were introducing mechanical sago processing equipment followed by partner training and assistance to operate the machines for sago starch production. The results had been achieved from this program were (1) partner have new asset i.e. a set of sago processing equipment which consists of sago rasping machine variant-01 and stirrer rotary blade type of sago starch extraction machine, as well as supporting components such as starch sedimentation tank and water pump (2) partner have already changed their method in sago processing, from traditional method to mechanical one, (3) partner were able to operate the machine easily without any difficulties. During training and assistance, the machine was work properly and there was no technical constrains (4) fresh sago starch production capacity increase from 352 kg/week to 2.112 kg/week. Keywords: Home industry; Sago processing machine; Sago rasping machine; Teluk wondama ABSTRAK Papua Barat memiliki prospek yang cerah karena didukung bahan baku yang melimpah berupa sumberdaya sagu. Teluk Wondama merupakan salah satu kabupaten di Papua barat dengan potensi sagu yang tinggi namun belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal. Tujuan dari program ini adalah untuk mengembangkan pengolahan sagu skala industri rumah tangga melalui penerapan mesin pengolahan mekanis di Distrik Rasiei, Kabupaten Teluk Wondama. Metode yang digunakan adalah mengintroduksi peralatan pengolahan sagu mekanis diikuti dengan pelatihan dan pendampingan mitra dalam pengoperasian mesin untuk produksi sagu. Hasil yang dicapai adalah (1) mitra memiliki asset baru berupa 1 paket mesin pengolahan sagu yang terdiri dari mesin parut sagu tipe silinder variant-01 dan mesin ekstraksi pati sagu tipe stirrer rotary blade beserta bagian pendukung berupa bak pengendapan pati dan pompa air, (2) mitra telah merubah metode pengolahan sagu dari cara tradisional ke mekanis, (3) mitra telah terampil mengoperasikan mesin-mesin pengolahan yang diintroduksi dan selama kegiatan berlangsung mesin berfungsi dengan baik tanpa kendala teknis, (4) kapasitas produksi pati sagu meningkat dari 352 kg/minggu menjadi 2.112 kg/minggu. Kata kunci: Industri rumah tangga; Mesin pengolahan sagu; Pemarut sagu; Teluk wondama
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Putri, Amurwani, und Hari Suroto. „JEJAK BUDAYA SAGU DAN TRADISI PENGELOLAAN HUTAN SAGU DI KAWASAN DANAU SENTANI, PAPUA“. Naditira Widya 17, Nr. 1 (18.09.2023): 1–16.

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Hutan sagu dijumpai di kawasan Danau Sentani, di Papua. Tanaman sagu ini sudah ada sejak nenek moyang etnis Sentani tiba pertama kali di kawasan danau ini, dan pengelolaan hutan sagu merupakan identitas masyarakat Sentani. Selain sebagai sumber pangan, sagu juga memiliki nilai filosofis dari segi kearifan lokal yang harus dijaga karena mengandung aspek lingkungan dan budaya. Saat ini, hutan sagu ditantang oleh modernisasi. Persoalan mendasar dari tantangan tersebut adalah bagaimana masyarakat Sentani mampu mempertahankan tradisi pengelolaan hutan sagu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keberadaan budaya sagu dan tradisi pengelolaan hutan sagu oleh etnis Sentani di kawasan Danau Sentani. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan etnoarkeologi yang berupaya untuk mengkaji perilaku masyarakat Sentani dalam mendukung kearifan lokal dalam pengelolaan sagu dan menjawab permasalahan modernisasi yang terjadi di kawasan Danau Sentani. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi pustaka, wawancara, survei arkeologi, dan observasi lapangan. Bukti arkeologi menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan sagu sebagai bahan makanan sudah ada sejak zaman prasejarah. Artefak terkait sagu yang ditemukan dari situs-situs di kawasan Danau Sentani adalah pecahan tembikar dan alat tokok sagu. Pembangunan infrastruktur modern akhir-akhir ini mulai merusak hutan sagu. Kondisi tersebut makin diperparah dengan penggunaan mesin pengolah sagu modern yang lebih efisien, tetapi tidak mempertimbangkan laju pertumbuhan pohon sagu sehingga menyebabkan cepatnya kepunahan tanaman sagu. Tanaman sagu sangat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat Sentani, oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan pelestarian hutan sagu yang berbasis kearifan lokal. Sago forests grow in the Sentani Lake region, in Papua, and the management of sago forests is known as the identity of the Sentani people. Sago conveys a philosophical value of local wisdom concerning environmental and cultural aspects. This research aimed to understand the sago culture and the sago forest management tradition of the Sentani people. An ethnoarchaeological approach and data obtainment was performed through literature study, interviews, archaeological surveys, and field observations. Results show that people have regarded sago as a constituent food since prehistoric periods. Sago-related artifacts recovered from the Sentani sites were potsherds and sago felling tools. Today, the development of modern infrastructure and the use of modern machines have begun to destroy sago forests. Such circumstance causes the rapid extinction of sago plants. Sago plants are beneficial to the people of Sentani. Therefore, it is necessary to preserve sago forests based on local wisdom.
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Beding, Petrus Alexander, und Niki Lewaherilla. „INOVASI MODEL BIOINDUSTRI BERBASIS SAGU SPESIFIK LOKASI DI PAPUA“. SEPA: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis 16, Nr. 2 (29.02.2020): 112.

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<p align="justify"><strong><em>Abstrack :</em></strong> <em>The Sago Bioindustry Agriculture Model produces food raw materials in the form of flour, and sago sugar food ingredients and the use of sago waste into organic fertilizer. The results of the business analysis show that sago starch, sago sugar and fertilizer products provide benefits for increasing farmers' income and are feasible to be developed each with a business feasibility level of R / C sago flour R / C (2.44) efficiency level for venture capital 40 , 8%; sago sugar R / C value of 2.81 with an efficiency level of 22.6% and sago waste organic fertilizer value of R / C 1.3 with a level of business capital efficiency of 76%. The purpose of this research is to disseminate location-specific sago bioindustry technology innovation models in accordance with the SOP of quality sago flour production, sago-based food processing, and utilization of waste for fertilizer</em>.</p><p align="justify"><strong> </strong></p><p align="justify"><strong>Abstrak</strong><strong><em>:</em></strong> Model Pertanian Bioindustri sagu menghasilkan produk bahan baku pangan berupa tepung, dan bahan pangan gula sagu serta pemanfaatan limbah sagu menjadi pupuk organik. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendiseminasikan model inovasi teknologi bioindustri sagu spesifik lokasi sesuai dengan SOP produksi tepung sagu bermutu, pengolahan pangan berbasis sagu, dan pemanfaatan limbah untuk pupuk.<strong> </strong>Hasil analisis usaha menunjukan bahwa produk tepung sagu, gula sagu dan pupuk memberikan nilai manfaat bagi peningkatan pendapatan petani dan layak untuk dikembangkan masing-masing dengan tingkat kelayakan usaha R/C tepung sagu R/C (2,44) tingkat efisensi terhadap modal usaha 40,8%; gula sagu nilai R/C 2,81 dengan tingkat efisiensi 22,6% dan pupuk organik limbah sagu nilai R/C 1,3 dengan tingkat efisiensi modal usaha sebesar 76%. </p>
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Abidin, Zainal, Bungati und Musadar. „ANALISIS KELAYAKAN DAN PERSPEKTIF PENGEMBANGAN PENGOLAHAN SAGU DI SULAWESI TENGGARA“. Jurnal Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian 22, Nr. 3 (22.05.2020): 307.

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<p><strong><em>Feasibility and Perspective Analysis of Sagu Processing Development in South Sulawesi</em></strong><em>.</em><em> </em><em>Sago starch has an important role both as a staple food and a material for making various other processed food products. Sago processing can produce both wet sago and dried sago starch. The study was conducted to determine the feasibility of the sago processing business and its development perspective in Southeast Sulawesi. The study was conducted in South Konawe District in March - December 2017. Data were collected through field observations of the Biosagu Sejahtera Farmer Group in Matalamokula Village, North Moramo Sub District which has wet and dry sago production units. The data collected were the production capacity of wet sago and dry sago, the price of sago trees, the price of wet sago and dry sago, the production costs include labor costs, fuel costs, packaging costs as well as the costs of depreciation of tools and machinery. Data were analyzed using a profit equation. The results showed that the production of wet sago starch on a processing scale of 12 sago trees (1 production cycle) was feasible because it provided a profit of 7,314,000 IDR with Production-Break Even Point (PBEP) of 2,359 kg and Price BEP of 1,493 IDR and RCR value was 1.93. Likewise, dry sago production business was feasible with an RCR of 2.18; BEP from the production and price were 460 kg and 7,571 IDR respectively and provided profit of around 6,435,000 IDR. Thus the production of wet sago and dry sago can be alternative non-farm employment in rural areas. Perspective of sago processing in Southeast Sulawesi in the future is quite good due to the several supports such as availability of sago plantation area, the availability of human resources, the technology available as well as policies and regulations from the government. The demand for sago in the future will be influenced by the demand to substitute commodities that are still imported such as wheat and sugar as well as products that have a large domestic use, namely bioethanol. The development of sago in the future needs to respond to changes in demand by changing the management model with conventional management to modern technology.</em><em></em></p><p> </p><p>Tepung sagu memiliki peran penting baik sebagai bahan pangan pokok maupun sebagai bahan pembuatan berbagai produk olahan pangan lainnya. Pengolahan sagu dapat menghasilkan tepung sagu basah dan tepung sagu kering. Kajian dilakukan untuk mengetahui kelayakan usaha pengolahan sagu serta perspektif pengembangannya di Sulawesi Tenggara. Penelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten Konawe Selatan bulan Maret – Desember tahun 2017. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi lapangan terhadap Kelompok Tani Biosagu Sejahtera Desa Matalamokula, Kecamatan Moramo Utara yang memiliki unit produksi sagu basah dan unit produksi sagu kering. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah kapasitas produksi sagu basah dan sagu kering, harga pohon sagu, harga sagu basah dan sagu kering, biaya produksi meliputi biaya tenaga kerja, biaya bahan bakar, biaya kemasan serta biaya penyusutan alat dan mesin, analisis data dilakukan menggunakan persamaan keuntungan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa usaha produksi tepung sagu basah pada skala pengolahan 12 pohon sagu (1 siklus produksi) layak diusahakan karena memberikan keuntungan sebesar Rp 7.314.000, dengan nilai Titik Impas Produksi (TIP) dan Titik Impas Harga (TIH) masing-masing 2.359 kg dan Rp 1.493 serta nilai RCR sebesar 1,93. Usaha produksi sagu kering layak dilakukan dengan nilai RCR sebesar 2,18; nilai TIP dan TIH masing-masing 460 kg dan Rp 7.571 serta memberikan keuntungan sebesar Rp 6.435.000. Usaha produksi sagu basah maupun sagu kering dapat menjadi alternatif lapangan kerja <em>non farm</em> di pedesaan. Perspektif pengolahan sagu di Sulawesi Tenggara ke depan cukup baik karena ditunjang ketersediaan areal pertanaman sagu cukup luas, ketersediaan sumberdaya manusia, teknologi hingga dukungan kebijakan dan regulasi. Permintaan sagu ke depan akan dihela oleh permintaan untuk mensubstitusi komoditas-komoditas yang selama ini masih diimpor seperti gandum dan gula maupun produk yang pemanfaatannya dalam negeri cukup besar yaitu bioetanol. Pengembangan sagu juga perlu merespon perubahan-perubahan permintaan tersebut dengan mengubah model pengelolaan dengan teknologi konvensional menjadi teknologi modern.</p>
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Hamid, Umrah, M. Rasyid Ridha und Muh Saleh Madjid. „Pengolahan Sagu di Desa Cenning Kecamatan Malangke Barat Kabupaten Luwu Utara (1982-2017)“. Jurnal Pattingalloang 6, Nr. 3 (23.12.2019): 106.

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Modernisasi Pengolahan Sagu di Desa Cenning Kecamatan Malangke Barat Kabupaten Luwu Utara (1982-2017) dengan mengungkap pengolahan sagu sebelum modernisasi, proses modernisasi pengolahan sagu serta dampak dari modernisasi.. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengolahan sagu sebelum adanya modernisasi masih bergantung pada alat-alat tradisional. Modernisasi pada proses pengolahan sagu ditandai dengan penggunaan mesin yang diperkenalkan oleh Muh. Majid pada tahun 1982. Pada proses perkembangannya secara perlahan alat modern menggantikan alat tradisional. Modernisasi memberi dampak pada peningkatan hasil produksi, peningkatan tenaga kerja, dan efisiensi waktu pengolahan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan penggunaan teknologi modern pada proses pengolahan sagu lebih efektif dan efisien di banding dengan menggunakan alat-alat tradisional. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi penelitian sejarah yang meliputi heuristik yaitu tahapan pengumpulan data, kritik sumber bertujuan menilai dan menentukan sumber, interpretasi yaitu menafsirkan data dan tahap historiografi atau penyajian atau penulisan sejarah. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara penelitian lapangan terdiri dari wawancara (Petani Sagu) dan literatur-literatur yang berhubungan dengan penelitian ini. This study aims to study the modernization of sago prosessing in the village og Cenning, Malangke Barat Sub-district, West Luwu District (1982-2017). By revealing the processing of sago before modernization, the proccess of medernization and impact of modernization. Research result show that sago processing before modernization still depends on tradisional tools. Modernization in the rocessing of the sagoo is maked by yhe use of machines introduced by the Muh. Majid in 1982. In the process of development slowly modern tools replace traditional tools. Modernization has an impact on increasing production output, increasing labor and processing time efficiency. Baced on the results of the study it can be concluded that the use of modern technology in theprocessing og the sago is more effective and afficient compared to using traditional tools. This research uses historical research methodologies which include heuristics namely the stages of data collection, source criticism aimed at assessing and determining sources , interpretation, namely interpreting data and historiographic stages or presenting or writing history. The data collection method was carried out by means of field research consisting of interviews (sago farmers) and the literature relating to this research.Keywords: Sago, Processing, Cenning
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Huwae, Barney, und Pamella Papilaya. „ANALISIS KADAR KARBOHIDRAT TEPUNG BEBERAPA JENIS SAGU YANG DIKONSUMSI MASYARAKAT MALUKU“. BIOPENDIX: Jurnal Biologi, Pendidikan dan Terapan 1, Nr. 1 (20.10.2014): 61–66.

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Background: Sago is one type of traditional food ingredient Maluku area that has a high carbohydrate content. In Maluku, there are various sago species in their respective habitats and are consumed by the local people. Several types of sago growing in the Maluku region and have a high economic value is Sagu Tuni, Ihur, Molat, Makanaru and Duri Rotan. Method: Measurement of carbohydrate content of some sago type using spectrophotometer to calculate absorbance value and using linear regression formula to calculate carbohydrate content value. Result: Content of carbohydrate flour Sagu Tuni (Metroxylon rumphii) amounted to 89,13%, Sagu Ihur flour (Metroxylon sylvester) equal to 77,4% and Sagu Molat flour (Metroxylon sagus Rottbol) equal to 88,6%. Conclusion: Further research on sago tubing and any potential contained therein is needed, especially sago flour in order to be a perfect product.
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ABSTRAKTepung sagu adalah tepung yang berasal dari teras batang pohon sagu. Tepung sagu biasa digunakan sebagai salah satu bahan baku kue atau penganan lainnya. Pembuatan kue, sagu biasanya digunakan sebagai bahan pengental karena tepung ini bersifat lengket. Tepung sagu kaya dengan karbohidrat (pati) namun sangat miskin gizi lainnya. Ini terjadi akibat kandungan tinggi pati di dalam teras batang maupun proses pemanenannya. Sagu merupakan makanan pokok bagi masyarakat Indonesia seperti Maluku, Papua yang tinggal di pesisir dan banyak dijumpai di daerah Sulawesi Selatan khususnya di kota Palopo, dan Kabupaten Luwu yang dikenal dengan nama Sagu. Sagu dimakan dalam bentuk papeda, semacam bubur, atau dalam bentuk-bentuk yang lain. Sagu sendiri dijual sebagai tepung curah maupun yang dipadatkan dan dikemas dengan daun pisang. Selain itu, saat ini sagu juga diolah menjadi kue berbagai rasa seperti sinole. Jika usaha ini ditekuni dengan baik, maka akan memberikan kontribusi pendapatan bagi masyarakat Luwu dimasa pandemi Covid-19. Untuk itu, dalam memberikan kontribusi kepada masyarakat, semoga dengan adanya edukasi pengolahan sagu ini, mampu memberikan pemahaman kepada masyarakat bahwa sagu bisa diolah menjadi berbagai varian rasa sehingga hal ini menjadi referensi bagi masyarakat agar dapat memanfaatkan Sumber Daya Alam yang ada di daerahnya yaitu sagu menjadi nilai ekonomi. Kata Kunci: tepung sagu; sinole; penambahan ekonomi. ABSTRAKSago flour is flour that comes from the terrace of the sago palm tree. Sago flour is commonly used as a raw material for cakes or other snacks. In making cakes, sago is usually used as a thickening agent because this flour is sticky. Sago flour is rich in carbohydrates (starch) but very poor in other nutrients. This occurs due to the high starch content in the stem terraces and the harvesting process. Sago is a staple food for Indonesian people such as Maluku, Papua who live on the coast and can be found in South Sulawesi, especially in the city of Palopo, and Luwu Regency which is known as Sago. Sago is eaten in the form of papeda, a kind of pulp, or in other forms. Sago itself is sold as bulk flour or compressed and packed with banana leaves. In addition, at this time sago is also processed into cakes of various flavors such as sinole. If this business is weel pursued, it will contribute to income for the people of Luwu during the Covid-19 pandemic. For this reason, in contributing to the community, hopefully with this education on sago processing, it will be able to provide an understanding to the community that sago can be processed into various flavors so that this becomes a reference for the community so that they can take advantage of the existing natural resources in their area, namely sago. economic value. Keywords: sago flour; sinole; economic income.
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Lestari, Purnama, Wiwin Tyas Istikowati, Sunardi Sunardi, Dede Heri Yuli Yanto, Widya Fatiasari und Riska Surya Ningrum. „ANALISIS KANDUNGAN KIMIA KULIT BATANG SAGU (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.)SEBAGAI BAHAN BAKU PULP DAN KERTAS“. Jurnal Sylva Scienteae 5, Nr. 2 (30.04.2022): 187.

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South Kalimantan is a province with a fairly large wetland area so that the population of non-timber forest products such as sago (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) Is widely found. Sago are found along the rivers, especially swamps. A good environment for sago growth is a muddy area, where breath roots aren’t submerged, rich in minerals and organic matter, groundwater is brown and reacts slightly acidic. Freshwater sago growth requires several substances, including potassium, phosphate, calcium and magnesium. Sago is a humid tropical lowland species, which can naturally be found on land with an altitude of up to 700masl. The best growing conditions are at an average temperature of 26°C, relative humidity at 90%, and solar radiation around 9MJ/m2/day. Sago grow well at an altitude of up to 400masl. Above 400masl, sago growth is stunted and starch levels are low. At an altitude above 600masl, the height of the sago is about 6 meters. Utilization of sago in Kalimantan is still not optimal, especially in the midrib and bark of sago palms, sago leaves mostly are only used as a substitute for rope. Sago fronds and bark are cellulose producers can be used for other purposes, however, research related to the use of sago fronds and bark hasn’t been widely carried out. Therefore, in this research, chemical content analysis, making pulp and pulp sheets will be carried out as well as physical testing of the resulting pulp sheets to see their suitability as a source of raw materials for pulp and paperKalimantan Selatan merupakan provinsi dengan luasan lahan basah yang cukup besar sehingga populasi hasil hutan bukan kayu seperti tanaman sagu (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) banyak ditemukan. Tanaman sagu banyak ditemukan di sepanjang sungai Kalimantan terutama daerah rawa-rawa. Daerah berlumpur merupakan lingkungan yang baik untuk tanaman sagu, yang dimana tidak terendam akar napasnya, kaya akakn mineral dan bahan organik, air tanah berwarna coklat dan bereaksi agak asam. Sagu air tawar memerlukan beberapa zat yaitu potasium, fosfat, kalsium, dan magnesium. Tanaman sagu merupakan spesies tumbuhan daerah tropis yang lembab, secara alamiah dapat ditemui pada lahan dengan ketinggian hingga 700 m dpl. Pertumbuhan tanaman sagu yang baik adalah pada suhu rata-rata 26oC, kelembaban relative level 90%, dan radiasi matahari sekitar 9 MJ/m2 per hari. Sagu juga dapat tumbuh baik dengan ketinggian hingga 400 m dpl. Lebih dari 400 m dpl pertumbuhan sagu agak terhambat karena kadar patinya rendahkadar patinya rendah. Pada ketinggian di atas 600 m dpl, tinggi tanaman sagu sekitar 6 m. Pemanfaatan tanaman sagu di Kalimantan masih kurang optimal terutama di bagian pelepah dan kulit batang sagu, sebagian besar pelepah sagu hanya digunakan sebagai bahan pengganti tali. Pelepah dan kulit batang sagu merupakan penghasil selulosa yang bisa dimanfaatkan untuk keperluan lain, akan tetapi penelitian terkait pemanfaatan pelepah dan kulit batang sagu masih belum banyak dilakukan. Oleh karea itu, dalam penelitian ini, akan dilakukan analisis kandungan kimia, pembuatan pulp, dan lembaran pulp serta pengujian fisik lembaran pulp yang dihasilkan untuk melihat kesesuaiannya sebagai sumber bahan baku pulp dan kertas
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Dissertationen zum Thema "Sago"


Wan, Yoke Kin. „Synthesise a sustainable sago industry“. Thesis, University of Nottingham, 2016.

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Various sago biomass (i.e., sago barks, fibres and wastewater) that potentially converted into value-added products are generated during sago starch extraction process (SSEP). In current industrial practices, such biomass are disposed to the environment and caused severe environmental issues. Therefore, in order to minimise the environmental impacts and to improve economic performance of sago industry, sago biomass is vital to be recovered. On the other hand, a sustainable sago value chain, which involved activities plantation, harvesting, sago starch extraction process (SSEP), and transportations, is synthesised in this thesis via Fuzzy Multi-Footprint Optimisation (FMFO) approach. This proposed approach considered carbon, water, and workplace footprints as well as economic performance of sago value chain. In order to trade-off the conflicts among the optimisation objectives, the concept of fuzzy optimisation is adopted in this approach. Then, recovery of sago biomass in SSEP is focused. In order to prioritise sago biomass for recovery in sago industry, Material Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA)-based prioritisation approach is developed in this thesis. This MFCA-based approach introduced hidden cost (HC) and carry-forward cost (CFC) to determine cost associated with waste streams. Based on the associated cost, waste streams can be prioritised for recovery. Then, this MFCA-based prioritisation approach is further extended as extended MFCA (eMFCA)-based approach to simultaneous synthesise total resource conservation network (RCN) with industrial processes. In this thesis, total water network and SSEP is synthesised simultaneously via eMFCA-based approach. Furthermore, techno-economic and environmental performance of conversion of sago barks and fibres into combined heat and power (CHP) and bioethanol is evaluated. In addition, sensitivity analysis on payback period is conducted in different scenarios due to variation of feedstock cost, enzyme cost, and labour cost. In order to further improve sustainability of sago industry, a conceptual integrated sago-based biorefinery (SBB) is envisaged. Maali’s method is adopted in this thesis to allocate the benefits of each party participating in integrated SBB. Lastly, conclusions and future works are included in the end of this thesis.
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Vásquez, Zottele Constanza. „El sago - buzon: una insustituible originalidad comunicacional“. Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2002.

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Memoria para optar al título de Periodista
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En una sociedad caracterizada por la preferencia de las recetas exitosas, resulta difícil encontrar algo distinto. Hay ocasiones en que las respuestas al ahogo que genera la “producción en serie” en materia comunicacional, nos hace olvidar que la palabra original viene de origen, así es que, para dar con ese concepto tan difícil de hallar, muchas veces es conveniente mirar precisamente al nacimiento. El fenómeno de las radios satelitales y de la televisión, que llegan a casi todos los rincones, parecieran obligar a mirar a la historia, si es que de buscar algo original se trata. En Osorno, existe una radio que por más de 60 años ha permanecido fiel a su programación. ¿Próxima a desaparecer? Nada de eso. Incluso, ha sido capaz de sobreponerse a difíciles momentos en lo económico y levantarse como una alternativa a las grandes cadenas que depredan los diales y con ello las identidades propias de cada territorio. Es la radio Sago, propiedad de la Sociedad Agrícola y Ganadera de Osorno, una emisora que ha resistido la tentación de comprar un modelo de probado resultado, anteponiendo los principios que le dieron vida. Dentro de esos principios fundantes, se encuentra el Sago – buzón, un servicio a los auditores del campo que desde fuera puede parecer pintoresco, pero que en la provincia de Osorno se ha levantado como toda una institución. En la presenta memoria de grado, intentaremos demostrar cómo un servicio original, es capaz de mantenerse inalterable a lo largo del tiempo y transformarse en algo casi irremplazable, que se levanta orgulloso y desafiante a las corrientes de nuestro tiempo. Es el Sago - buzón, una realidad inmutable, en medio de un mundo intrínsecamente cambiante y la única posibilidad de que esta verdadera “institución” desaparezca es que se acabe la ruralidad.
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Ansharullah, of Western Sydney Hawkesbury University, Faculty of Environmental Management and Agriculture und School of Food Science. „Characterisation and extrusion of Metroxylon sago starch“. THESIS_FEMA_SFS_Ansharullah_X.xml, 1997.

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The study presented here was firstly to investigate the physiochemical properties of native sago starch (obtained from Metroxylon sp. and designated as sago INA), in comparison with those of Metroxylon sago starch obtained from a different source, sago starch derived from Arenga sp. palms, wheat, corn, and tapioca starches. The properties analysed were chemical composition, total starch content, apparent amylose content, pasting properties, endothermic thermal behaviour, starch paste clarity, freeze-thaw stability, hardness of gel, and microscopic structure of the granules. The results obtained indicated that sago INA starch sample contained less fat and protein, compared to cereal starches. The sago starch sample had larger sized granules and had a more transparent paste. The gels of the starch were harder, and showed a relatively better stability to freeze-thaw treatment. The other part of the study was extrusion of sago INA starch both in the absence and presence of enzyme by utilising a response surface design. In the absence of the enzyme, the experiment was conducted to establish the extrusion process conditions including moisture contents, melt temperature, and screw speed. The extruded products were then analysed for degree of molecular degradation, light microscopic structure, reducing sugars of the water soluble materials, water absorption index, water solubility index, enzyme susceptibility, and gelatinisation endothermic energy. Increased mechanical and thermal energy input received by the products in the extruder resulted in a significant degradation of the molecular weight of the macromolecules. Light photomicrographs also suggested that the granule structures of the extrudates have been reshaped. All extrudate samples had a very low gelatinisation endothermic energy compared to its native starch. The specific mechanical energy received by the products in the extruder was calculated and related to the process variables. The possibility of using the products in food application was also discussed.
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Badruddin, Ahmad Fasihuddin. „Physicochemical characterisation and properties of sago starch“. Thesis, University of Salford, 1998.

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Ansharullah. „Characterisation and extrusion of Metroxylon sago starch“. Thesis, Richmond, N.S.W. : School of Food Sciences, University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury, 1997.

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The study presented here was firstly to investigate the physiochemical properties of native sago starch (obtained from Metroxylon sp. and designated as sago INA), in comparison with those of Metroxylon sago starch obtained from a different source, sago starch derived from Arenga sp. palms, wheat, corn, and tapioca starches. The properties analysed were chemical composition, total starch content, apparent amylose content, pasting properties, endothermic thermal behaviour, starch paste clarity, freeze-thaw stability, hardness of gel, and microscopic structure of the granules. The results obtained indicated that sago INA starch sample contained less fat and protein, compared to cereal starches. The sago starch sample had larger sized granules and had a more transparent paste. The gels of the starch were harder, and showed a relatively better stability to freeze-thaw treatment. The other part of the study was extrusion of sago INA starch both in the absence and presence of enzyme by utilising a response surface design. In the absence of the enzyme, the experiment was conducted to establish the extrusion process conditions including moisture contents, melt temperature, and screw speed. The extruded products were then analysed for degree of molecular degradation, light microscopic structure, reducing sugars of the water soluble materials, water absorption index, water solubility index, enzyme susceptibility, and gelatinisation endothermic energy. Increased mechanical and thermal energy input received by the products in the extruder resulted in a significant degradation of the molecular weight of the macromolecules. Light photomicrographs also suggested that the granule structures of the extrudates have been reshaped. All extrudate samples had a very low gelatinisation endothermic energy compared to its native starch. The specific mechanical energy received by the products in the extruder was calculated and related to the process variables. The possibility of using the products in food application was also discussed.
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Carlstedt, Elisabeth. „Sagor och barnlitteratur i skolarbetet : En fallstudie av sago- och barnlitteraturanvändning på skolor med olika pedagogiska inriktningar“. Thesis, Växjö University, School of Humanities, 2006.

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Utgångspunkten för detta examensarbete har varit sago- och barnlitteraturanvändning i undervisningen i skolår 3. Syftet var att undersöka hur litteraturarbetet bedrevs på några skolor med olika pedagogiska inriktningar. Ett syfte var också att undersöka lärarnas och elevernas uppfattningar om detta arbete och hur dessa uppfattningar skiljer sig åt mellan de skolor där sagor och barnlitteratur används mycket jämfört de där sagorna inte har en framträdande plats. Undersökningen genomfördes i form av kvalitativa lärarintervjuer och kvantitativa elevenkäter. Intervjuer genomfördes med lärare på tre olika skolor och 40 elever deltog i enkätundersökningen. Resultatet av undersökningen visade att arbetssätt och användningsfrekvens varierade mycket liksom uppfattningarna om arbetet, vidare så kom det fram att varierad och flitig litteraturanvändning i skolan inte automatiskt betyder att eleverna får ökad läslust och en mer positiv inställning till arbeta med sagor och barnlitteratur. Däremot tycktes val av arbetssätt och elevernas möjligheter att påverka innehållet betyda mer i detta sammanhang.

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Fitriani, Shanti. „Sago starch : behaviour and manufacture of expanded iron-fortified extrudates“. Thesis, University of Nottingham, 2016.

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Sago starch is extracted from the trunk of sago palm (Metroxylon spp.), which is found throughout South East Asia. In Indonesia sago is considered an underutilised crop and moreover Iron Deficiency Anaemia (IDA) is prevalent among particularly women and children. Creation of a ready to eat product from sago, which was fortified with iron, would address issues of food security both in terms of nutrition and as a non-imported carbohydrate source. With this aim studies for the manufacture of a thermomechanical directly expanded snack product using a commercial source of sago starch were conducted. Composition and properties of sago starch were analysed and compared with rice and cassava. Sago starch differed in several aspects from the two other starches widely processed in Asia. Sago starch had large granules, had the highest amylose levels and gelatinisation temperature (76 °C). X-ray diffraction suggested an A-type packing for all samples, including the sago where literature suggest a C-type ordering. Conversion of the starches (30% moisture) and their flow were studied in a capillary rheometer. A stable extruded product was achieved, but it did not expand. Capillary rheometer data showed pseudoplastic behaviour of the moistened sago starch. With increasing temperature viscosity decreased and no impact of the presence of iron (ferrous sulphate heptahydrate 800 ppm) on the flow behaviour was found, but the inclusion of iron made the extrudates brown in colour. The losses of crystallinity were measured on the extrudates from the rheometer. Levels of order loss were predicted from the state diagram and by comparison with the DSC enthalpy changes for uncooked sago at higher moisture contents. When processed at 70 °C the samples showed more amorphous material than anticipated. When processed at 100 °C still 30% of the order remained. This indicated that shear and moisture levels are critical in the processing of the starch. Thermomechanical extrusion was carried out on a twin screw pilot scale machine (Thermo Fisher, Prism). The screw and die configuration and feed rate for the sago starch (8 kg/h) were fixed. The impact of variable processing parameters of water feed rate (16.5 to 25% wwb), screw speed (200, 300 and 400 rpm) and die temperature (120, 140 and 160 °C) on the physical and physicochemical properties of extruded sago starch were investigated. At the lower water feed rates expansion occurred as the product left the extruder to form a stable extrudate with multiple air cells, which gave a crispy texture. The specific mechanical energies needed to create the expanded product were high at 400-500Whr/kg. The properties of the extrudates were more affected by water feed rate than by alterations in screw speed or die temperature. In order to reduce discolorations, iron-fortified sago starch extrudates were made using iron and ascorbic acid (1:6 ratio). The presence of additives at low water feed rate had no detrimental impact on the extrudates. The recommended extrusion parameters for the manufacture of an extruded sago starch product would be: feed rate of 8 kg/h, screw speed of 300 rpm, die temperature at 140 °C, and water feed rate at 4 mL/min (equivalent to 16.5% wwb), and it is possible that machine settings that produce even higher SME values may allow a more expanded product. From this work it appears that an iron fortified directly expanded sago product could be manufactured. Its nutritional properties and commercial applicability would need to be ascertained.
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Laufa, Terence Miro. „Explaining the“Underutilization Phenomena”of the Sago Palm in Papua New Guinea : evidence from malalaua area“. Graduate School of International Development. Nagoya University, 2004.

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Mendes, Erica Araujo. „Protocolo de vacinação utilizando vírus recombinantes expressando as proteínas SAG1, SAG2 e SAG3 de Toxoplasma gondii“. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2011.

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In this study we evaluated the ability of recombinant adenoviruses (rAd) encoding the antigens SAG1, SAG2 and SAG3 from Toxoplasma gondii (AdSAG1, AdSAG2 and AdSAG3, respectively) to induce immune responses and protection against the parasite. C57BL/6 mice received two doses of AdSAG1, AdSAG2, AdSAG3 or a control adenovirus (AdCTRL). The production of anti-SAG specific antibodies, as well as activation of T cells able to recognize those antigens were evaluated after vaccination. Each rAd elicited production of IgG antibodies specific against the SAG that they encode. On the other hand, only AdSAG1 led to significant activation of IFN- producing T cells, which responded in vitro to a T. gondii antigen extract and to a T CD8+ epitope (TPTENFTL) identified in the sequence of SAG1 protein. Vaccinated animals were challenged with a cystogenic strain of T. gondii for evaluation of survival and parasite load in brains. Only AdSAG1-immunized groups showed significant survival and reduction in brain cyst numbers. In vaccination experiments performed with T CD8+ cell-deficient mice, it was demonstrated that activation of IFN- producing T CD8+ cells specific to SAG1 is one of the protection mechanisms induced by AdSAG1. In a similar approach, by vaccinating MyD88 and IL-12 deficient mice with AdSAG1, we identified innate immune mechanisms activated in vivo by that rAd, which are involved in the differentiation of anti-SAG1 specific T lymphocytes into IFN- secreting cells and that contribute to the immunogenicity and protective properties of AdSAG1. To enhance the level of protection obtained with the homologous vaccination protocol (two doses of rAd), we constructed recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara (rMVA) encoding SAG1 and SAG2 to be used as boost dose after prime immunization with rAds, in a heterologous vaccination protocol. Again, protection was observed only after vaccination with viral vectors encoding SAG1, with a tendency to enhanced survival levels in groups of animals vaccinated according to the heterologous protocol (AdSAG1 + MVASAG1) in comparison to those groups that received homologous vaccination (two AdSAG1 doses). As for the parasite load, it was observed a significant difference between the two vaccination protocols, with the heterologous protocol providing a higher amount of reduction in brain cyst numbers. Altogether, the results indicate that the use of recombinant viral vectors is a useful approach for the development of immunization protocols against T. gondii
No presente estudo, avaliamos a capacidade de adenovírus recombinantes (rAd) codificando os antígenos SAG1, SAG2 e SAG3 de Toxoplasma gondii (AdSAG1, AdSAG2 e AdSAG3, respectivamente) em induzir resposta imune e proteção contra o parasita. Camundongos C57BL/6 receberam duas doses de AdSAG1, AdSAG2, AdSAG3 ou de um adenovírus controle (AdCTRL). A produção de anticorpos específicos anti-SAG, bem como a ativação de linfócitos T capazes de reconhecer esses antígenos foram avaliadas após a vacinação. Cada rAd induziu a produção de IgG específica contra a SAG que codifica. Por outro lado, apenas o AdSAG1 levou a ativação significativa de linfócitos T produtores de IFN-, os quais responderam in vitro a um extrato de antígenos de T. gondii e a um epítopo de células T CD8+ (TPTENFTL) identificado na seqüência da proteína SAG1. Os animais vacinados foram desafiados com uma cepa cistogênica de T. gondii, para avaliação da mortalidade e da carga parasitária cerebral. Apenas grupos imunizados com AdSAG1 apresentaram sobrevivência e redução no número de cistos cerebrais em níveis significativos. Em experimentos de vacinação de animais deficientes em células T CD8+ com AdSAG1 ficou demonstrado que a ativação de células T CD8+ produtoras de IFN- específicas contra SAG1 é um dos mecanismos de proteção induzidos por aquele rAd. Da mesma forma, por meio da vacinação de animais deficientes em MyD88 e IL-12, identificamos mecanismos de resposta imune inata ativados por AdSAG1 in vivo, os quais estão envolvidos na diferenciação de linfócitos T anti-SAG1 em células produtoras de IFN- e contribuem para a imunogenicidade e capacidade protetora do AdSAG1. Para melhorar o nível de proteção obtido com o protocolo de imunização homólogo (duas doses de rAd), foram construídos vírus vaccinia Ankara modificados recombinantes (rMVA) codificando os antígenos SAG1 ou SAG2 para serem utilizados como dose de reforço após primo-imunização com rAd, num protocolo heterólogo de imunização. Novamente, foi observada proteção apenas na imunização com vetores virais codificando SAG1, sendo que houve tendência no aumento da sobrevivência dos animais vacinados de acordo com o protocolo heterólogo (AdSAG1 + MVASAG1) em comparação com aqueles que receberam a imunização homóloga (duas doses de AdSAG1). Quanto à carga de parasitas, foi observada diferença significativa entre os protocolos de imunização, com o heterólogo proporcionando maior redução no número de cistos cerebrais. Esses resultados indicam que a utilização de vetores virais recombinantes é uma abordagem viável para o desenvolvimento de protocolos de imunização contra o parasita T. gondii
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Gapor, Salfarina Abdul. „Rural sustainability in Sarawak : the role of adat and indigenous knowledge in promoting sustainable sago production in the coastal areas of Sarawak“. Thesis, University of Hull, 2001.

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Bücher zum Thema "Sago"


Montague, Gert. Sago saga. [Minnesota?]: G. Montague, 1989.

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Ki, No-gak. Chukpʻo sago. [Korea]: Ki Ho-sŏng, 1990.

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Ehara, Hiroshi, Yukio Toyoda und Dennis V. Johnson, Hrsg. Sago Palm. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018.

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Hwi-ung, Yang, Hrsg. Sago chŏnsŏ. Sŏul: Saenggak ŭi Namu, 2009.

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1868-1923, Kim Kyo-hŏn, Pak Ŭn-sik 1859-1926 und Yu Kŭn 1861-1921, Hrsg. Tanjo sago. Kyŏnggi-do Koyang-si: Hanppuri, 2006.

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Kim, Sang-jin. Pyŏngnong sago. Chŏnnam Changsŏng-gun: Pyŏn Si-yŏn, 1989.

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Chŏng, Hŏn-tʻae. Hadang sago. Taejŏn-si: Sŏjin Chʻulpʻansa, 1988.

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Kong, Chae-sŏng. Mano sago. Chŏnnam Changsŏng-gun: Kong Yŏng-jun, 1989.

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Ki, No-gak. Chukpʻo sago. [Korea]: Ki Ho-sŏng, 1990.

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International Sago Symposium (5th 1994 Hat Yai, Songkhla, Thailand). Fifth International Sago Symposium: Hat Yai, Songkhla, Thailand, 27-29 January 1994. Herausgegeben von Subhadrabandhu Suranant, Sdoodee Sayan, International Society for Horticultural Science. und International Society for Horticultural Science. Commission for Tropical and Subtropical Horticulture. Leuven, Belgium: International Society for Horticultural Science, 1995.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Sago"


Hisajima, S. „Metroxylon sagu Rottb. (Sago Palm)“. In Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, 217–30. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1996.

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Nakamura, Satoshi. „Morphogenesis of Sago Palm“. In Sago Palm, 169–79. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018.

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Darma. „Improvement of Sago Processing Machinery“. In Sago Palm, 231–45. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018.

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Konuma, Hiroyuki. „Status and Outlook of Global Food Security and the Role of Underutilized Food Resources: Sago Palm“. In Sago Palm, 3–16. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018.

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Watling, Dick. „Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of the Fiji Sago Palm Metroxylon vitiense“. In Sago Palm, 139–53. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018.

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Yamamoto, Yoshinori. „Dry Matter Production as a Basis of Starch Production in Sago Palm“. In Sago Palm, 157–67. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018.

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Nitta, Yoji. „Morphological and Anatomical Characteristics of Sago Palm Starch“. In Sago Palm, 181–89. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018.

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Okazaki, Masanori, und Yuka Sasaki. „Soil Environment in Sago Palm Forest“. In Sago Palm, 193–206. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018.

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Toyota, Koki. „Microbial Interactions and Activities Affecting Sago Palm Growth“. In Sago Palm, 207–17. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018.

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Nishimura, Yoshihiko. „Sago Starch: Transformation of Extraction and Consumption Processes in Traditional Indonesian Societies“. In Sago Palm, 221–29. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Sago"


Soplanit, Alberth, Merlin K. Rumbarar und Niki E. Lewaherilla. „Propagating sago palm (Metroxylon sago Rottb.) seeds using immersion technique in Papua“. In 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES ON SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS (2ND ICSM). AIP Publishing, 2023.

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Mohamad Daud, Wan Samiati Andriana bt W., Margaret Chan Kit Yok, Norazlin Abdullah und Safrina Muhammad Azmi. „Notice of Retraction: Sago kraft paper: A potential solution to sago industry pollution“. In 2010 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Management Science (ICAMS). IEEE, 2010.

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Tabugon, Hazel C., Jeanne Phyre L. Oracion, Lyka B. De La Rosa, Jesalyn C. Grumo, Arnold C. Alguno, Custer C. Deocaris und Rey Y. Capangpangan. „Synthesis and characterization of cellulose nanocrystals extracted from sago (Methoxylon sagu) pulp“. In 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CHEMISTRY, CHEMICAL PROCESS AND ENGINEERING (IC3PE). AIP Publishing, 2021.

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Soplanit, Alberth, Merlin K. Rumbarar und Niki E. Lewaherilla. „Sago (Metroxylon sago, Rottb) genetic resources in Jayapura Regency: A case study in Waibu district“. In THE 5th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGRICULTURE AND LIFE SCIENCE 2021 (ICALS 2021): “Accelerating Transformation in Industrial Agriculture Through Sciences Implementation”. AIP Publishing, 2023.

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„Influence of ultra-fine friction grinding on microstructured Sago starch particles and suspension films“. In Sustainable Processes and Clean Energy Transition. Materials Research Forum LLC, 2023.

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Abstract. Microstructured sago (Metroxylon sagu) possesses an excellent potential to be used for numerous applications. In this paper, sago starch microparticles (SMPs) were fabricated using an ultra-fine grinder without any chemical treatments or purification steps thus making it a “green” and an eco-friendly procedure. The effects on increasing the numbers of passages through the grinder on the resulting SMPs and as suspension films were investigated. We observed that after 7 cycles the average diameter was reduced to a microscale region of 0.811 ± 0.754 µm (811 nm). The highest tensile strength was shown to be the highest after 3 cycles of 2.308 ± 0.210 MPa and repeated cycles beyond 7-cycled SMPs process had resulted in damaged microparticles. Furthermore, water vapor permeability was observed in SMPs with higher number of grinding cycles, with 7-cycled SMPs being 15.522 ± 0.184 g mm/m2 h Pa and 10-cycled SMPs, 19.763± 0.233 g mm/m2 h Pa. Our results demonstrated that the final particle size, water vapor permeability and tensile strength of the SMPs suspensions films were affected by the number of passages through the mechanical grinder.
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Mohamed, Abdul Manan Dos, Rinani Shima Abd Rashid, Shamini Nair, Abbas F. M. Alkarkhi und Shahrulzaman Shaharuddin. „Sago palm (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) as a new industrial source for value-added product“. In XIV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ELECTROMACHINING 2023. AIP Publishing, 2024.

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Hasanah, Uswatun, Tri Ardyati und Prilya Dewi Fitriasari. „Amylolytic activity of bacterial strains isolated from sago pulp of the traditional sago industry in Palopo, South Sulawesi“. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE 3RD INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON METALLURGY AND MATERIALS (ISMM2019): Exploring New Innovation in Metallurgy and Materials. AIP Publishing, 2020.

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Suripatty, Batseba Alfonsina, Pudja Mardi Utomo, Ebedly Lewerissa und Julanda Noya. „Distribution and analysis of Metroxylon sago sago starch in Tandia-Wasior Regency and Serewen-North Yapen Islands Regency“. In 1ST INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON CHEMISTRY AND CHEMISTRY EDUCATION (1st ISCCE-2021). AIP Publishing, 2023.

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Suhadi, Elena, Annisa Sylviana, Firman Kurniawansyah, Hikmatun Ni'mah, Himawan Tri Bayu Murti Petrus, Mahfud Mahfud und Achmad Roesyadi. „Preparation of Sulfonated SiO<sub>2 </sub>Catalyst from Geothermal Sludge Waste for Sago Flour Hydrolysis“. In 4th International Seminar on Fundamental and Application of Chemical Engineering. Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2024.

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Catalyst is a substance that is widely used in chemical reactions to obtain certain products. This study has been focusing on preparing and employing solid catalyst derived from geothermal sludge (GS) as waste material from Dieng Geothermal Power Plant (PLTPB) activity. The methodology of catalyst preparation was extraction of silica from the sludge by alkali solution, followed by gelling formation and acidification with sulfuric acid solution. The prepared catalyst was then applied in hydrolysis reaction to convert sago flour into glucose.Catalyst properties were assessed in term of morphology, crystallinity, surface area, and activity (hydrolysis reaction). Sample analysis confirmed the produced catalyst was amorphous in general, having 127 m2/g of surface area. In addition, the prepared catalyst contained 78 - 79 % of silica, a significant increase - as a result of preparation - from that of raw material sludge which had 33 - 43 % silica. From the catalyst activity test conducted at 120 - 185°C hydrolysis reaction, as much as 50 % of glucose yield could be obtained from sago starch conversion, indicating prospective catalyst performance.Keyword: Sulfonated SiO2, Catalyst, Geothermal Sludge Waste, Sago, Hydrolysis
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Fauzia, S., H. Aziz, D. Dahlan und R. Zein. „Study of equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic for removal of Pb(II) in aqueous solution using Sago bark (Metroxylon sago)“. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE 3RD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CURRENT PROGRESS IN MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCES 2017 (ISCPMS2017). Author(s), 2018.

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Best, Elly P., und William A. Boyd. POTAM (Version 1.0): A Simulation Model for Growth of Sago Pondweed. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Juli 2003.

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Morris, Marvin E., und Matthew B. Higgins. Measurement and modeling of transfer functions for lightning coupling into the Sago mine. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), April 2007.

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Best, Elly P., und William A. Boyd. A Simulation Model for Growth of the Submersed Aquatic Macrophyte Sago Pondweed (Potamogeton pectinatus L.). Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Juli 2003.

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Abdurashitov, J. N., V. N. Gavrin und S. V. Girin. Results from SAGE. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), April 1996.

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Bowles, T. J. Present status of SAGE. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Juni 1993.

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Nico, J. S. Results from SAGE II. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Oktober 1994.

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Wenren, Yonghu, Luke Allen und Robert Haehnel. SAGE-PEDD user manual. Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), August 2022.

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SAGE-PEDD is a computational model for estimating snowdrift shapes around buildings. The main inputs to the model are wind speed, wind direction, building geometry and initial ground or snow-surface topography. Though developed mainly for predicting snowdrift shapes, it has the flexibility to accept other soil types, though this manual addresses snow only. This manual provides detailed information for set up, running, and viewing the output of a SAGE-PEDD simulation.
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Llobet Megias, Anna. 2023 SAGE-Camp Report. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Oktober 2023.

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Quantock, David E. Disaster at Savo Island, 1942. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, April 2002.

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Maloney, Alan. The Story of SAGE Recommends. SAGE Publications Inc., Februar 2016.

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