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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Rubbk"


Agung, Halim, Jessica Jessica und Rizky Januar. „Implementasi Algoritma Kociemba pada Rekomendasi Penyelesaian Langkah Permainan Rubik“. Jurnal Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi (JUSTIN) 7, Nr. 3 (31.07.2019): 139.

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Aplikasi rekomendasi penyelesaian langkah pada permainan rubik menggunakan algoritma kociemba berbasis adalah sebuah aplikasi atau perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan langkah dalam permainan rubik serta membantu pemain untuk memecahkan permasalahan permainan rubik. Masalah yang dihadapi pemain pemula dalam permainan rubik adalah tidak adanya aplikasi yang dapat membantu pemain untuk menyelesaikan masalah rubik dengan dimensi 3x3. Tujuan dibuatnya aplikasi ini adalah untuk mempermudah pemain pemula untuk mendapatkan langkah dalam menyelesaikan permainan rubik. Algoritma kociemba merupakan sebuah metode yang menghasilkan langkah optimal sebanyak 30 langkah dengan 2 fase (Two Phase) yaitu fase pertama menghasilkan 18 langkah dan fase kedua dengan 12 langkah. Dari metode yang diterapkan dengan menguji perbandingan 10 pemain dengan sistem menunjukan bahwa 7 pemain tidak dapat menyelesaikan permainan rubik dimensi 3x3 dan 3 pemain dapat menyelesaikan permainan rubik dengan waktu lebih dari 10 menit. Namun, aplikasi yang menerapkan algoritma kociemba menghasilkan waktu kurang 1 menit dengan 22 langkah.
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Rood, Sarah, und Katherine Sheedy. „Sydney Rubbo“. Microbiology Australia 30, Nr. 3 (2009): 30.

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Born in Sydney in 1911, Sydney Dattilo Rubbo was educated at Sydney Boys? High School and the University of Sydney (BSc, 1934) before travelling to London to further his studies. He obtained a diploma in bacteriology from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (1935) and was awarded a scholarship for microbiological research at the University of London (PhD, 1937). Returning to Australia in 1937, Rubbo took up an appointment as a senior lecturer in the Department of Bacteriology at the University of Melbourne where he taught students of medicine, dentistry, science and agricultural science. A ?brilliant and provocative lecturer?, he inspired a generation of students. He also studied and completed a medical degree (MB, BS, 1943) and in 1945, at the age of 33, was appointed Professor of Bacteriology (Microbiology from 1964), a position he held until 1969.
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NİŞANCI TÜRKMEN, Burcu, und Gamze Ela KUKUŞ. „Applications of Hypergroup Theory in Solving the Rubik's Cube“. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 13, Nr. 3 (05.05.2023): 2068–92.

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Rubik küpünün çözümünün hiper gruplar yardımıyla literatürde var olan grup cebirsel yapısından farklı bir cebirsel yapıyla tasarımı sağlanmıştır. Rubik küp çözümünün stratejisinin gelişim kaydedeceği yöntem olarak genelleştirilmiş permütasyon hiper grup kavramı benimsenmiş olup; grup teoride uygulanan yöntemlerin geliştirilmesi ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Soyut cebir çalışmalarının uygulama bulması konusunda tüm dünyada yetersizlikler mevcut olmasına rağmen bu çalışma ile Rubik küpün hiper gruplar yardımıyla çözümleme esası elde edilmiş; böylece ulusal ve uluslararası akademik araştırmalara, ülkemizdeki soyut cebir alanında yürütülen çalışmaların uygulaması olması hususunda katkı sunulmuştur. Dolayısıyla Rubik küp yardımıyla literatürde var olan cebir çalışmalarının uygulamaya dönüştürülebilir olduğu kanıtlanmıştır.
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Saraswati, Widya, Rahmatika Kayyis und Kurniati Kurniati. „DEVELOPING RUBIK’S CUBE VOCABULARY FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL“. Jurnal Smart 6, Nr. 2 (31.08.2020): 127–35.

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The Research and Development aimed to find out the target needs and the learning needs and develop appropriate English learning materials especially for using media in learning process for Grade 5 students at Elementary School of Muhammadiyah Gisting. The purpose of this study is to increase and develop the students’ vocabulary in daily activity. The product of this study is using two different types of rubiks, 2x2 and 3x3 rubik. In each rubik has a worksheet. Based on the material evaluation and implementation, the students can increase their vocabulary using these rubik and the rubik is so useful for learning process.
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Sucipto, Try Adi. „Measurement of Friction Coefficient between Glass and Rubik's Beam on the Sloping Field using Rubik Lubricant“. Journal of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Research 5, Nr. 1 (30.06.2019): 7–9.

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This research is based on a rubik game involving the coefficient of friction. Rubik when difficult to rotate then the coefficient of friction is large. Rubik has several lubricants including Maru Lube, Ellips, and Kit Shampoo. This study aims to determine friction coefficient between the inclined plane of glass and rubik beams with lubricating. The beam is launched on an inclined plane and measured travel time. The results of the measurement of the coefficient of friction of the three lubricants namely Maru Lube lubricant has a coefficient of friction value of 0.4586, Ellips lubricant of 0.4375, and shampoo Kit lubricant of 0.4630. Based on these data it can be concluded that Ellips lubricant is the most slippery and more effective lubricant to use.
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Shodikin, Ali, und Tri Retno Rahayu. „PENGARUH MODEL PEMBELAJARAN THINK PAIR SHARE BERBANTUAN RUBIK TERHADAP PRESTASI BELAJAR SISWA“. JMPM: Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika 7, Nr. 2 (02.02.2023): 127–38.

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Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran kooperatif think pair share (TPS) berbantuan alat peraga rubik terhadap prestasi belajar siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimental dengan desain pretes-postes dan kelompok kontrol tidak acak (nonrandomized control group, pretest-posttest design) dengan kelompok eksperimen siswa yang diajar menggunakan model pembelajaran TPS berbantuan alat peraga rubik dan kelompok kontrol siswa yang diajar menggunakan pembelajaran konvensional. Dilibatkan 70 siswa SMP di Kabupaten Lamongan dalam pembelajaran dan pelaksanaan tes. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) terdapat pengaruh signifikan model pembelajaran kooperatif TPS berbantuan rubik terhadap prestasi belajar siswa, dan (2) terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada prestasi belajar siswa yang diajar menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif TPS berbantuan alat peraga rubik dibandingkan dengan siswa yang diajar menggunakan pembelajaran konvensional.
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Sun, Biyun, Madhu K. Sundaraneedi, Hannah M. Southam, Robert K. Poole, Ian F. Musgrave, F. Richard Keene und J. Grant Collins. „Synthesis and biological properties of tetranuclear ruthenium complexes containing the bis[4(4′-methyl-2,2′-bipyridyl)]-1,7-heptane ligand“. Dalton Transactions 48, Nr. 38 (2019): 14505–15.

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The non-linear polypyridylruthenium(ii) complex (Rubb7-TNL) exhibited good antimicrobial activity, but surprisingly was also highly active against cancer cells. The results suggest Rubb7-TNL may have potential as a new anticancer agent.
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Cairns, Ian. „The first Rubik solution“. New Scientist 199, Nr. 2674 (September 2008): 19.

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Nagy, Konrád Ákos. „Mire tanít a Rubik kocka“. Világpolitika és a Közgazdaságtan 3, Nr. 3 (Mai 2024): 59–62.

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Resmiana, Lolita Dwi, Joko Siswanto und Ahmad Nashir Tsalatsa. „Media Rubik Pada Pembelajaran IPA Pada Penerapan Model Think Pair Share“. Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan 3, Nr. 2 (25.04.2019): 138.

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh model pembelajaran TPS berbantu media rubik terhadap hasil belajar IPA Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri 03 Bulakan Kabupaten Pemalang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dalam bentuk Pre-Experimental Design dengan desain One Gruop Pretest Posttest Design. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan hasil belajar siswa yang dapat dilihat berdasarkan hasil pre-test dan post-test. Rata-rata nilai pre-test yang diperoleh dengan nilai tertinggi 92 dan nilai terendah 44. Sedangkan nilai rata-rata post-test diperoleh dengan nilai tertinggi 100 dan nilai terendah 60. Hal tersebut telah dibuktikan dalam pengujian hipotesis, yang menyatakan bahwa nilai t-hitung ≥ t-tabel (17,17 > 1,980) maka H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat keefektifan model pembelajaran TPS berbantu media Rubik terhadap hasil belajar IPA Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri 03 Bulakan Kabupaten Pemalang. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini saran yang dapat disampaikan adalah supaya model pembelajaran TPS dan media Rubik dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu alternative guru dalam mengajar
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Dissertationen zum Thema "Rubbk"


Silva, Geovani Rita da. „Termodinâmica através do Cubo de Rubik“. Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016.

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Submitted by Cássia Santos ( on 2016-10-03T12:22:59Z No. of bitstreams: 3 Dissertação - Geovani Rita da Silva - 2016.pdf: 1692714 bytes, checksum: d0d181e14ba19b51de51781d66cde3c2 (MD5) Produto Final - Geovani Rita da Silva - 2016.pdf: 1554742 bytes, checksum: 54b1a2cb259fe91d44d7d9c87a0b6507 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5)
Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira ( on 2016-10-03T12:55:18Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 3 Dissertação - Geovani Rita da Silva - 2016.pdf: 1692714 bytes, checksum: d0d181e14ba19b51de51781d66cde3c2 (MD5) Produto Final - Geovani Rita da Silva - 2016.pdf: 1554742 bytes, checksum: 54b1a2cb259fe91d44d7d9c87a0b6507 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-03T12:55:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3 Dissertação - Geovani Rita da Silva - 2016.pdf: 1692714 bytes, checksum: d0d181e14ba19b51de51781d66cde3c2 (MD5) Produto Final - Geovani Rita da Silva - 2016.pdf: 1554742 bytes, checksum: 54b1a2cb259fe91d44d7d9c87a0b6507 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-26
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
The famous Rubik’s cube offers interesting opportunities to teach concepts applied in physics, chemistry and mathematics, to develop skills for problem solving. We developed this work using the Rubik’s cube in order to work with some concepts that are forgotten in the books of physics at basic education. Through a guide for teachers, we apply ou product in2nd and 3nd year high school classes in the Estate school Messias Pedreiro in Uberlândia – MG, showing among other things the statiscal nature of entropy, the second law of thermodynamics, Maxwell’s demon and the Max- Boltzmann distribution. To support this work we based on overview about the applied technique.
O famoso cubo de Rubik oferece oportunidades interessantes para ensinar conceitos aplicados na Física, Química e Matemática, para desenvolver habilidades para resolução de problemas. Nesse aspecto desenvolvemos este trabalho no intuito de trabalhar com alguns conceitos que são esquecidos nos livros de Física na educação básica, utilizando o cubo de Rubik. Através de um guia para professores, aplicamos nosso produto em sala de aula de segundo e terceiro ano colegial da Escola Estadual Messias Pedreiro em Uberlândia – MG, mostrando entre outros aspectos, o caráter estatístico da entropia, a segunda lei da termodinâmica, demônio de Maxwell e a distribuição de Max-Boltzmann. Para fundamentar este trabalho baseamos na estratégia de jogos e suas possibilidades metodológicas. Após aplicar o produto foram relatadas pelos estudantes suas impressões sobre a técnica aplicada.
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GRÖNÅS, DANIEL, und FREDRIK MAZUR. „Robotic Cuber : A Rubik´s Cube solving robot“. Thesis, KTH, Skolan för industriell teknik och management (ITM), 2020.

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Since the 1970s, the Rubik’s Cube puzzle has intrigued millions of people. It did not take long until people tried to solve the cube as fast as possible, and started to compete. However, in recent years, a new trend of robots solving the cube has flourished. The purpose of this project was to investigate time and precision aspects of a Rubik’s cube solving robot. A four armed robot was designed and a system was built. The construction made it possible to first scan the cube using a webcam and solve the cube by letting the robot perform the movements necessary for solving. Differences in time for different scrambles was analyzed as well as the robot’s precision. Since the robot only had four arms, the results showed differences in turning the up- and downside of the cube. To get access to these sides, the robot had to perform a flip motion. Since the software used was not optimized to minimize these moves there were differences in solving time. Moreover, the robot’s precision differed depending on its setup and how fast it was programmed to go. Two different setups was compared, one being slow and having big margins between each move and the other one being more rapid. Both setups worked, although calibration was more crucial for the faster one.
Sedan 70-talet har Rubiks kub fängslat miljontals människor. Det tog inte lång tid innan kampen om att lösa kuben så snabbt som möjligt uppstod och med det även tävlingar. Under de senaste åren har däremot en ny trend kommit med robotar som löser kuben. Projektets syfte var att undersöka tids- och precisionsaspekter för en robot som löser en Rubiks kub. I det här projeketet byggdes en fyrarmad robot med uppgift att lösa kuben. Systemet skapades så att kuben först skannas med en webkamera och sedan sätts på plats i roboten som löser kuben. Skillnader i tid för olika blandningar samt robotens precision analyserades. Eftersom roboten konstruerades med fyra armar var det tydliga skillnader i tid för upp- och nersidans drag. För att få tillgång till dessa sidor var hela kuben tvungen att roteras. Eftersom mjukvaran som användes inte var optimerad för att minimera nyttjandet av dessa rörelser varierade lösningstiderna. Dessutom var det skillnader i robotens precision beroende på systemets kalibrerade hastighet. Två olika inställningar jämfördes där en var långsammare med större marginaler mellan varje drag och den andra var snabbare. Båda fungerade för att lösa kuben men kalibreringen blev mycket avgörande för den snabbare inställningen.
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Barbosa, Fernando Vieira. „O cubo mágico de Rubik : teoria, prática e arte“. reponame:Repositório Institucional da UnB, 2018.

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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Matemática, Programa de Mestrado Profissional em Matemática em Rede Nacional, 2018.
Submitted by Raquel Almeida ( on 2018-05-09T16:48:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2017_FernandoVieiraBarbosa.pdf: 3039587 bytes, checksum: 554cd4dfd764e78784432de149eaebcf (MD5)
Approved for entry into archive by Raquel Viana ( on 2018-05-30T16:44:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2017_FernandoVieiraBarbosa.pdf: 3039587 bytes, checksum: 554cd4dfd764e78784432de149eaebcf (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-30T16:44:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2017_FernandoVieiraBarbosa.pdf: 3039587 bytes, checksum: 554cd4dfd764e78784432de149eaebcf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-05-30
Este trabalho constitui-se de uma proposta de ensino utilizando o cubo mágico de Rubik. Inicialmente relata-se a história do “brinquedo” para que o leitor perceba que irá trabalhar com um instrumento clássico que será conhecido por anos e anos e não um recurso que se tornará obsoleto. Seguido de manuais que apresentam o cubo mágico ao leitor e o ensina a desembaralhar suas peças de uma forma simples e acessível. Já no contexto acadêmico, voltado para o ensino superior, foi elaborado um capítulo que mostra uma possibilidade de materializar o tão abstrato conteúdo de teoria de grupos. Visando o ensino básico, apresento uma proposta de projeto, que foi realizada com alunos do ensino médio, a confecção de um mosaico utilizando 500 cubos mágicos. Uma proposta interdisciplinar que desperta o interesse, mesmo de estudantes com dificuldade em matemática. Por fim, manuais de derivados do cubo – 4x4x4 e 5x5x5 - desta forma o docente pode dar continuidade ao projeto com cubos maiores.
This work consists of a teaching proposal using the magic cube of Rubik. Initially telling the story of the "toy" so the reader can realize that he is going to work with a classic instrument that will be known throughout years and not only a resource that is becoming obsolete. Followed by manuals that introduce the magic cube to the reader and teach to unscramble its pieces in a simple and accessible way. Moreover, in the academic context, focused on higher education, has been created a chapter that shows a possibility to materialize such an abstract content from the theory of groups. Aiming at basic education, I present a project proposal, which was carried out with high school students, developing a mosaic using 500 magic cubes. An interdisciplinary proposal that arouses interest, even of students with difficulty in mathematics. Finally, derivatives manuals of the cube - 4x4x4 and 5x5x5 – in this way the teacher can follow through this project with larger cubes.
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Tan, Elizabeth. „Rubik & ‘We Have No Future’: The science-fictionalised present“. Thesis, Curtin University, 2015.

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This thesis investigates the intrusion of science-fictional tropes and iconography onto our current social reality, and the cultural anxieties that this has produced. I characterise these anxieties broadly as a fear of obsolescence – ‘obsolescence’ signifying a loss of agency, relevance, uniqueness, and competence. My collection of short stories and exegesis experiment and engage with narrative strategies drawn from two closely overlapping narrative forms, science fiction and postmodern fiction, to articulate and represent obsolescence.
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Erixon, Arreman Inger. „Att rubba föreställningar och bryta traditioner : Forskningsutveckling, makt och förändring i svensk lärarutbildning“. Doctoral thesis, Umeå universitet, Matematik, teknik och naturvetenskap, 2005.

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The overall aim of this study is to understand the impact of Swedish education policy-making on teacher education post-1945. The study explores the relationship between national structures and changes affecting teacher education, its relationship to research, and in particular, implications of policies for teacher educators at Umeå University in northern Sweden. A combination of top-down and bottom-up research approaches was used and included analysis of policy documents, research literature and micro-level perspectives. This included interviews with 57 teacher educators and senior managers, who had been or remained responsible for teacher education programmes. The research draws on a variety of theoretical frameworks, which aid the exploration of the relationship between various parts of teacher education and higher education more generally. In so doing, relationships of power, discourse and gender are seen as particularly important, as are the sociological perspectives of Bourdieu, Bernstein, Foucault and Connell among others. Prosopography was used as a methodological approach, by which biographical details were collected and analysed in order to illuminate the social relations of the field of teacher education. The study showed that in Sweden, research for teacher education was a major issue in post-war education policy in connection to reforms of the school-system, and widening access to research. ‘Practical Pedagogy’ was specifically created as a sub-discipline of Pedagogik (Educational Studies), and established in the 1950s and 1960s at the new teacher colleges. The relationship between educational research and teacher education remained weak, however, and traditional research structures were largely maintained despite reform intentions. Also, reform of higher education and inclusion of teacher education in the university system in 1977 paradoxically meant that teacher education, given its new university status, lost its research subject and avenue into research. The weak relationship between research and teacher education was thereafter repeatedly taken up in state committees until the late 1990s. Simultaneously, from the early 1990s onwards, various discourses on the importance of professionalism in teacher education emerged. Internationally, from the 1990s the separation of structures for research and teacher education also became a topic of growing concern. In Sweden, the clear discrepancy between rhetoric and practice eventually resulted in a parliamentary decision in 2000 to create a nationally valid research structure for teacher education, which was to be implemented in 2001. Umeå University was the first university in the country to establish a Faculty (Board) of Teacher Education, which enabled the introduction of new research structures and a cross-disciplinary research approach related to teacher education and teachers’ work. The study suggests that discourses of research development (for vocational subject areas such as teacher education), and new classifications are likely to meet with resistance from a number of directions and established university hierarchies. However, it is argued that ‘discursive breaks’ can open up a questioning about the right to discourse and ‘truth’ about knowledge and research and the conditions whereby changes can be put into place. The study also suggests that men and women have different perceptions of research in teacher education; male staff tended to rely on practice-based experience, while female staff saw research as a means of expanding their knowledge base. The prosopography indicates that social class distinguishes the field of teacher education from other university disciplines, with its generally lower social backgrounds of students and proportionately more women as staff and students. Teacher education also has generally low status within the university, which is both the cause and consequence of reduced access to research development and funding. Finally the study shows that the struggles of teacher education over knowledge and power, constitute a multilayered process involving a variety of actors at different levels. In the case of Umeå, this meant that teacher education was eventually able to claim the right to establish new and different research paradigms, for its own benefit.
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Erixon, Arreman Inger. „Att rubba föreställningar och bryta traditioner : forskningsutveckling, makt och förändring i svensk lärarutbildning /“. Umeå : Institutionen för matematik, teknik och naturvetenskap, Umeå universitet, 2005.

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Rubbo, Louis Joseph. „Gravitational wave astronomy using spaceborne detectors“. Diss., Montana State University, 2004.

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Sparnacini, Chiara <1993&gt. „Pechino come il cubo di Rubik. Proposta di traduzione e analisi della novella di Hao Jingfang "Beijing zhedie"“. Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2019.

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1. 概要 这本论文的目标是郝景芳(1984-)短中篇小说《北京折叠》译文和评论。 我们一谈到雨果奖,通常会想到西方作家, 比如英国亚瑟•查尔斯•克拉克爵士和他的《天堂的喷泉》(1980年),俄国以撒•艾西莫夫和他的《基地邊緣》(1982年-),美国的羅伯特•海萊因和他的《星河战队》(1960年),以及另一位美国厄修拉•勒古恩和她的《黑暗的左手》(1970年)。但是中国作家刘慈新和郝景芳最近连续获奖被视为特别具有重要的意义,已促使我们重新考虑先前存在的意念。近几年来,中国科幻作家不仅在中国获得了巨大成功,获得许多国内的科幻文学奖项,而且提升了他们国际的地位。在这段时期,科幻小说越来越受欢迎,备受瞩目,还受到文坛的广泛关注。 为方便阅览,本文分为五个章节。第一章简要叙述了在中国科幻小说界的活动以及其独特而多元的声音。 第二章围绕郝景芳的生活和作品。她凭借《北京折叠》获得了第 74 届“雨果奖”最佳短中篇小说奖。该作品综合了想象力、技术进步和其他重大主题。用看似平实拙朴的语言,她描述了贫富悬殊,表达了对小人物的悲悯之情。她描写的技法使读者对故事里的人物深表同情。作者开启了一片反思的空间,涉及到了我们大家需要共同面对的问题。2016年,这本小说由刘宇昆(Ken Liu,1976年-)翻译成英语。随后,根据雨果奖得主的英文文本翻译成意大利语。 第三章是《北京折叠》的汉意翻译。 第四章为翻译的评论。主要分析了一些有关所遇问题细节和解决这些问题的方法。并特别著重在时态的选择、标点符号、俗语以及四字成语的翻译。 第五章报告对原作与译作的对比分析。所采用的调查方法涉及中国学者和翻译家顾明栋“可读性翻译” 和“可写性翻译”的两种理论框架,还谈及了王东风和申丹的研究。这个章节并按照叶子南和施晓菁的翻译策略撰写。 最后,本论文的参考书目在本文的附录。
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Batello, Luciano. „Avaliação do soro de leite como coagulante do látex de borracha natural /“. Ilha Solteira, 2016.

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Orientador: José Antonio Malmonge
Resumo: A proporção aquosa liberada do leite durante a fabricação convencional de queijos é denominado soro de leite, este é considerado poluente devido a sua elevada carga orgânica, Demanda Bioquímica de Oxigênio (DBO) e Demanda Química de Oxigênio (DQO), como também pelo volume gerado. Para produzir 1 kg de queijo são gerados aproximadamente 9 kg de soro. Do total do soro produzido mundialmente estima-se que 50% sejam descartados em estações de tratamento de água ou reutilizados, como por exemplo, para alimentação de animais em fazendas. Também o fato do soro conter lactose, vitaminas e minerais, ele pode ser aproveitado principalmente para fabricação de alimentos. Procurando uma alternativa para este descarte produzido por pequenas e médias indústrias de laticínios e também com a necessidade de produzir materiais verdes e ecologicamente corretos, este trabalho avaliou a potencialidade do emprego do soro de leite como coagulante para látex de borracha natural (BN) e sua influência nas propriedades térmicas, mecânicas e tecnológicas da borracha crua da seringueira Hevea brasiliensis clone RRIM 600, cultivada na Fazenda Experimental da Faculdade de Engenharia de Ilha Solteira – SP. Foram avaliados os soros resultantes da produção de queijos muçarela, minas e cottage e como referência foi utilizado o coagulante ácido acético 3 mol L-1, o qual é utilizado pelas indústrias do setor. Para este estudo foi analisada a influência da temperatura e do tempo na acidez dos soros. Foram analisad... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Abstract: The aqueous released milk ratio during manufacturing of cheese is called whey, this is considered a pollutant because of its high organic load, Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), as well as by the volume generated. To produce 1 kg of cheese are generated approximately 9 kg of serum. Of the total serum produced worldwide it is estimated that 50% are dropped in water treatment plants or reused, e.g. for feeding of animals on farms. The serum also contain lactose, vitamins and minerals, it can be used mainly for food manufacturing. Looking for an alternative to this disposal produced by small and medium-sized dairy industries and also with the need to produce green materials and eco-friendly, this study assessed the employment potentiality of the whey as coagulant for natural rubber latex (BN) and its influence on thermal, mechanical and technological properties of raw rubber of rubber trees Hevea brasiliensis clone RRIM 600, grown in the Experimental Farm of the Faculty of engineering of Ilha Solteira-SP. Were evaluated the resulting from the production of mozzarella cheese, mines and cottage and as reference was used coagulant acetic acid 3 mol L-1, which is used by the industries in the sector. This study examined the influence of temperature and time on acidity of serum. Were analyzed the properties: plasticity Wallace (P0), plasticity retention index [PRI (%)], Mooney Viscosity (VR) and thermogravimetric analysis (TG) of rubber coagulated usin... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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Selldén, Mattias. „En Duell med Dualismen : Ett försök att rubba det rådande tillståndet mellan kropp och förnuft, natur och kultur både hos människor i allmänhet såväl som inom mitt eget fält, det för inredningsarkitektur och möbelformgivning“. Thesis, Konstfack, Inredningsarkitektur & Möbeldesign, 2019.

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Detta arbete grundar sig i en observation av dagens samhälle. Det tycks ha slagits in i en enorm kil mellan den kultive- rade människan och den natur som tidigare var en påtaglig del i vår vardag. I vissa sammanhang är alieneringen nära nog total. Det samtida boendet kan upplevas som ett derivat av modern rationalitet och ekonomi snarare än mänsklig omtanke och det är inte svårt att hävda att detsamma snart gäller alla de saker som hjälper till att göra dessa platser beboeliga. Allt ifrån gipsskivan som skiljer badrum från hall till minsta smörkniv är för många nära nog ett mysterium. Det är dock i skalan däremellan jag främst ser mig själv i min yrkesroll; inredningsarkitekt och formgivare, en prak- tiker vars uppgift och förmåga ligger i att ”skapa” de föremål som står oss närmast och som vi ser, vidrör och brukar varje dag. De ting som gör de bitvis ogästvänliga kuber vi uppehåller oss i till hem. Det är här jag ser min möjlighet att förstärka materialitet och hantverk samt uppmana till eftertanke kring tillkomst och härkomst. Ting att betrakta som en motvikt till den närmast maskinella bostad som kommit att bli dagens praxis. Ett komplement till det fysiska tomrum som uppstår då våra medvetanden verkar sväva kollektivt world wide web. Av samma vikt för arbetet är det tillvägagångssätt jag valt. Text och form betraktar jag som varsin del av en helhet då de som utgångspunkt för varandra istället snarast verkar hämmande. Texten kan aldrig till fullo beskriva ens den enklaste pall och på samma sätt är form komplicerat, ja närmast onödigt när det gäller att kommunicera text. Texten finns ju där redan, formen gör den sällan starkare som text betraktat. Med detta i åtanke och, den egentligen självklara, anledningen till att Jag befinner mig på konstfack, vilken är ett intresse för färg, form, rum, materialitet, och hantverk, är det också rimligt att ett prövande genom skiss, modell, ritning och prototyp är det som ska vägleda mig. Detta snarare än det på högskolan ofta rådande sakförhållandet mellan idé (formulerad i text) och illustration (fysisk gestalt). Med det första klart överordnat, ja näst själva essensen för det andra. Min egen högst personliga upplevelse av detta är att studenten, oftast självpåtaget, ömsom påhejat av lärarkåren, försöker ta sig an uppgiften statiskt placerad vid sitt skrivbord med Heidegger och ett skissblock som enda hjälpmedel. Referenser staplas på varandra. Frustrationen total! Detta helt i enlighet med det akademiska formatet i den traditionella högskolan, samtidigt som ett försök att ge sitt verk värde på andra sätt än det rumsliga och formmässiga. Av någon anledningen förefaller blivande inredningsarki- tekter och formgivare anse att den egna praktiken är futtig i sig själv. Mitt examensarbete är resultatet av ett tillvägagångssätt där texten rör just text, och formen just form. De möbler och föremål som skapats är formade utifrån ett förhållningssätt där rumsliga och formmässiga beslut är något som främst och bäst görs av lust med handen, och stundom magen, snarare än tanken och logiken den föder. Med detta sagt bjuder jag nu den intresserade att läsa vidare och på ett någorlunda, rationellt plan förstå vad jag menar med alieneringen mellan människa och dess fysiska omgivning. Men även för att följa ett resonemang kring min egen praktik, fältet i stort samt hur jag upplever att utbildningen till en yrkespraktik inom inredningsarkitektur och möbel- formgivning ser ut idag. Lika gott är att lägga ifrån sig texten och istället låta sig uppfyllas av färg och form vilken är formulerad utifrån sina egna premisser och på intet sätt behöver följande sidor för att rättfärdigas. Den står på egna ben.
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Bücher zum Thema "Rubbk"


Canário, Tainan Costa. Contos de Rubik. Maceió, Alagoas: Imprensa Oficial Graciliano Ramos, 2014.

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Mazurkin, P. M. Dinamika rubok lesa. Ĭoshkar-Ola: MarGTU, 2002.

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Boureanu, Bogdan. Rubik: Roman colectiv. Iași: Polirom, 2008.

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Jennings, Linda. I Peripeties tou Rubby. Athens: Psihogios, 1999.

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Cabré, Jordi. Rubik a les palpentes. Barcelona: Proa, 2004.

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Jennings, Linda. Ela Sto Spiti Rubby. Athens: Psihogios, 1999.

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A, Vasi͡u︡kov V., Karelʹskiĭ nauchno-issledovatelʹskiĭ institut lesnoĭ promyshlennosti. und Institut lesa (Akademii͡a︡ nauk SSSR. Karelʹskiĭ filial), Hrsg. Tipovye tekhnologicheskie karty dli͡a︡ provedenii͡a︡ rubok ukhoda i sanitarnykh vyborochnykh rubok v lesakh Karelʹskoĭ ASSR. Petrozavodsk: Karelʹskiĭ filial AN SSSR, 1985.

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Instytut istoriï Ukraïny (Nat︠s︡ionalʹna akademii︠a︡ nauk Ukraïny), Perei͡aslav-Khmelʹnyt͡sʹkyĭ derz͡havnyĭ pedahohichnyĭ instytut im. H.S. Skovorody und Smoliĭ V. A, Hrsg. Perei͡aslav u vikakh. Kyïv: "Svit Uspikhu", 2007.

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F, Kozlov A., Hrsg. Ėkonomika rubok lesa glavnogo i promezhutochnogo polʹzovanii͡a︡. Petrozavodsk: "Karelii͡a︡", 1985.

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Castro, Silvia. Tura: X ejercicios de poesía rubik, 1993-1998. Buenos Aires: El Suri Porfiado, 2012.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Rubbk"


Barnes, John. „Rubik“. In Nice Numbers, 265–85. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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Delorme, Charles, und Petrişor Panaite. „Rubik routing permutations on graphs“. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 283–86. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1996.

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Bingham, Madeleine. „Publick Rubbs and Private Ease“. In Masks and Facades, 326–41. London: Routledge, 2023.

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Zhang, Xin, und Jinguo Liu. „Prototype Design of a Rubik Snake Robot“. In Advances in Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots II, 581–91. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.

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Théry, Laurent. „Proof Pearl: Revisiting the Mini-rubik in Coq“. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 310–19. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.

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Bianchini, Devis, Silvana Castano, Valeria De Antonellis, Alfio Ferrara, Elisa Quintarelli und Letizia Tanca. „RUBIK: Proactive, Entity-Centric and Personalized Situational Web Application Design“. In Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XIII, 123–57. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.

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Lichodzijewski, Peter, und Malcolm Heywood. „The Rubik Cube and GP Temporal Sequence Learning: An Initial Study“. In Genetic Programming Theory and Practice VIII, 35–54. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2010.

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Chowdhury, Rajdeep, Soma Sharma, Md Adil Alam und Niharika. „Design and Implementation of Cryptographic Technique Employing Intricate Table and Rubik Rotation Algorithm“. In Emerging Technologies in Data Mining and Information Security, 871–81. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021.

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„Rubak“. In Indigenous Literatures from Micronesia, 282–83. University of Hawaii Press, 2019.

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Sengebau, Valentine N. „Rubak“. In Indigenous Literatures from Micronesia, 282–83. University of Hawaii Press, 2019.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Rubbk"


Zacharatou, Eleni Tzirita, Farhan Tauheed, Thomas Heinis und Anastasia Ailamaki. „RUBIK“. In SSDBM 2015: International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2015.

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Kasture, Harshad, Davide B. Bartolini, Nathan Beckmann und Daniel Sanchez. „Rubik“. In MICRO-48: The 48th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium of Microarchitecture. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2015.

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Wang, Yichen, Robert Chen, Joydeep Ghosh, Joshua C. Denny, Abel Kho, You Chen, Bradley A. Malin und Jimeng Sun. „Rubik“. In KDD '15: The 21th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2015.

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Monteiro, Gustavo Ribeiro, und Daniel Sadoc Menasché. „Roteamento e o Cubo Mágico“. In Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020.

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O cubo mágico, também conhecido como cubo de Rubik, é um jogo popular que recentemente atraiu a atenção da comunidade científica como um problema estilizado para ilustrar a aplicabilidade das técnicas de aprendizado de máquina. Neste artigo, mostramos novos resultados que aproveitam as propriedades de simetria do cubo Rubik para fins de roteamento. Dados dois estados alcançáveis do cubo, mostramos que podemos rotear eficientemente de um estado para outro, dada uma solução para o problema padrão do cubo Rubik. Em seguida, indicamos como o algoritmo eficiente proposto pode ser usado para refinar as soluções abaixo do ideal para o roteamento de caminho mais curto entre os estados do cubo Rubik.
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Guo, Teng, Si Wei Feng, Mario Szegedy und Jingjin Yu. „Rubik Tables, Stack Rearrangement, and Multi-Robot Path Planning“. In 2022 58th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton). IEEE, 2022.

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DA SILVA, Geovani R., und Petrus H. R. DOS ANJOS. „CUBO DE RUBIK: UMA FERRAMENTA PARA O ENSINO DE FÍSICA“. In 1º Semana da Física do Campus Catalão - UFG. Editora Edgard Blücher, 2014.

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Santos, Jane Barbosa, Adriana Viriato Ribeiro, Italo Valcy S. Brito, Maria Carolina Santos de Souza, Ecivaldo De Souza Matos und Leobino Nascimento Sampaio. „Uma Experiência de Avaliação Multidimensional de Cursos de Redes de Computadores em Ambientes de Testbeds“. In Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020.

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As redes de experimentação (testbeds) são comumente utilizadas para realização de pesquisas em redes de computadores, entretanto, poucos trabalhos exploram seu uso como ferramenta de apoio às práticas de ensino. Além disso, não há um sistema que oriente o professor no uso desses ambientes para potencializar a aprendizagem pelos alunos, tampouco há técnicas de avaliação que considerem suas especificidades. Neste artigo, apresentamos os resultados da aplicação do dispositivo de avaliação RUBIK criado para apoiar o professor na elaboração e validação de cursos utilizando testbeds. Os resultados demonstraram que o dispositivo auxilia o professor através da identificação de pontos fortes e fracos, além de promover uma aprendizagem centrada no aluno.
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Li, Ang, Guodong Yin, Ziwei Wang, Jinhao Liang, Fanxun Wang, Xin Bai und Zhichao Liu. „RCAFusion: Cross Rubik Cube Attention Network for Multi-modal Image Fusion of Intelligent Vehicles“. In 2024 IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium (IV). IEEE, 2024.

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Chowdhury, Rajdeep, Rajdeep Bose, Nilanjan Sengupta und Mallika De. „Logarithmic Formula Generated Seed Based Cryptographic Technique using proposed Alphanumeric Number System and Rubik Rotation Algorithm“. In 2012 International Conference on Communications, Devices and Intelligent Systems (CODIS). IEEE, 2012.

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Felipe, María José, und Víctor Manuel Ortíz Sotomayor. „Análisis de estructuras algebraicas mediante la modelización de puzzles y rompecabezas“. In IN-RED 2018: IV Congreso Nacional de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2018.

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La asignatura Métodos Algebraicos y sus Aplicaciones del Máster en Investigación Matemática está orientada a mostrar la aplicabilidad que ofrecen algunas estructuras algebraicas abstractas en diversas áreas científicas, tanto en la propia matemática pura como en otras áreas más aplicadas de nuestro entorno real. Uno de los principales problemas en el aprendizaje de dichas estructuras es su alto grado de abstracción que dificulta su entendimiento, principalmente para alumnos que se inician por primera vez en este campo, y la falta de aplicabilidad con las que han sido tratadas con anterioridad, centrándose en su aspecto puramente matemático.El método de utilizar juegos en la enseñanza es una innovadora y eficaz herramienta conocida como “game-based learning”. Esta tendencia pedagógica es utilizada como componente lúdica con un objetivo concreto de aprendizaje. En esta línea, la presente comunicación trata sobre la modelización matemática de diversos puzzles y rompecabezas, así como el estudio de su resolubilidad, mediante técnicas algebraicas que han sido utilizadas en la citada asignatura para abordar el estudio de la estructura de grupo y el análisis de sus propiedades más básicas. Para ello, hacemos uso en el aula del sistema algebraico computacional GAP (Groups, Algorithms and Programming), el cual facilita los cálculos en álgebra discreta y posibilita una mejor comprensión de esta estructura. El caso del cubo de Rubik, uno de los juegos más célebres y vendidos en el mundo, y sus variantes son considerados especialmente.Keywords: álgebra computacional, teoría de grupos, modelización, puzz-les, GAP.
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