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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Roda Sandstone"


Molenaar, N., und A. W. Martinius. „Origin of nodules in mixed siliciclastic-carbonate sandstones, the Lower Eocene Roda Sandstone Member, southern Pyrenees, Spain“. Sedimentary Geology 66, Nr. 3-4 (März 1990): 277–93.

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Molenaar, N., G. P. Van de Bilt, E. R. Van den Hoek Ostende und S. D. Nio. „Early diagenetic alteration of shallow-marine mixed sandstones: An example from the lower eocene Roda sandstone member, Tremp-Graus basin, Spain“. Sedimentary Geology 55, Nr. 3-4 (März 1988): 295–318.

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Martinius, Allard W. „Multiscale Gilbert-type delta lobe architecture and heterogeneities: The case of the Roda Sandstone Member“. AAPG Bulletin 101, Nr. 04 (April 2017): 453–63.

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López-Blanco, M., M. Marzo und J. A. Muñoz. „Low-amplitude, synsedimentary folding of a deltaic complex: Roda Sandstone (lower Eocene), South-Pyrenean Foreland Basin“. Basin Research 15, Nr. 1 (28.02.2003): 73–96.

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Leren, Beate L. S., John Howell, Håvard Enge und Allard W. Martinius. „Controls on stratigraphic architecture in contemporaneous delta systems from the Eocene Roda Sandstone, Tremp-Graus Basin, northern Spain“. Sedimentary Geology 229, Nr. 1-2 (Juli 2010): 9–40.

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Martinius, A. W., und N. Molenaar. „A Coral-Mollusc (Goniaraea-Crassatella) Dominated Hardground Community in a Siliciclastic-Carbonate Sandstone (The Lower Eocene Roda Formation, Southern Pyrenees, Spain)“. PALAIOS 6, Nr. 2 (April 1991): 142.

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Klejment, Piotr, Robert Dziedziczak und Paweł Łukaszewski. „Strength of industrial sandstones modelled with the Discrete Element Method“. Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica 43, Nr. 4 (09.10.2021): 346–65.

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Abstract Sandstone is one of the most popular building materials since the earliest times. It has various textures and colours as well as good technical parameters. Sandstones, having such wide applications, are subjected to various external factors during the period of use. So, it is of utmost importance to have a good knowledge of their strength parameters. We employed a numerical method called Discrete Element Method to examine in a non-invasive manner the mechanical strength of industrial sandstones, that are commonly used as broken stones in road construction, cladding material, paving stones, pavement tiles and so on. Various mechanical external factors were considered, such as breaking, compressional and abrasion forces or impact by external objects and vibrations. Fragmentation of the considered sandstones under compressional regime was a source of knowledge about energy storage inside the material and energy release, as well as appearance of fractures inside the matter and final sandstone fragmentation into crumbs.
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Kovářová, Kateřina, und Zdenek Pala. „The Influence of Mineralogical Composition Changes of Sandstone Cement on Physical-Mechanical Properties“. Advanced Materials Research 923 (April 2014): 71–74.

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The aim of the contribution is to present the results of research focused on cement mineralogical composition changes and their influence on physical-mechanical properties of sandstones. Three types of Czech sandstones were tested during this experiment Hořice, Kocběře and Božanov. The sandstone samples were treated in the climatic chamber in order to simulate weathering processes that are typical for winter period in Prague. The influence of road salts was also taken into consideration. For the purposes of mineralogical changes determination the sandstone cement was separated and subsequently analyzed using X-Ray diffraction a DTA/TG analysis. The physical-mechanical properties such as e.g. uniaxial compressive strength, water absorption and open porosity were determined before and after the climatic treatment to enable evaluation of the influence of weathering processes.
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Yang, Chang-Shu, und Swie-Djin Nio. „An ebb-tide delta depositional model—a comparison between the modern Eastern Scheldt tidal basin (southwest Netherlands) and the Lower Eocene Roda Sandstone in the southern Pyrenees (Spain)“. Sedimentary Geology 64, Nr. 1-3 (August 1989): 175–96.

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Chutia, Ananya, Dimple Moni Kachari und Chaitra Dhar Taye. „Petrography and Geochemistry of the Lower Sylhet Sandstone Member (Therria Sandstone) of Jaintia Group Exposed Along Jowai-Badarpur Road Section, Jaintia Hills District, Meghalaya: Implication for Provenance and Palaeoclimate“. Journal Of The Geological Society Of India 100, Nr. 5 (01.05.2024): 661–73.

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ABSTRACT The Paleogene sediments of the Shillong Plateau are exposed in the southern part of Meghalaya and are designated as the Jaintia Group. The Lower Sylhet Sandstone Member (LSSM) (Therria Sandstone) is the lowermost member of the Shella Formation of Jaintia Group. To understand the depositional history of the studied sandstones, petrographic and geochemical approaches have been made. Petrographically, these sandstones are classified as quartz arenite and quartz wacke. They were derived from intermediate to upper rank metamorphic and plutonic source which were deposited in a craton interior and quartzose recycled tectonic setting. The paleoweathering indices of CIA, CIW, PIA and ICV indicate that the weathering at the provenance was intense. The tectonic discrimination diagrams suggest passive margin setting for their sedimentation and climatic condition during the deposition was humid in nature. The studied sediments were deposited in non-marine conditions as evidenced by the geochemical proxies and primary sedimentary structures existing in the LSSM.
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Dissertationen zum Thema "Roda Sandstone"


Mas, Perrine. „Géothermie dans les réservoirs silico-clastiques : Apport de l'étude d'un analogue de terrain (Grès de Roda) pour la modélisation des hétérogénéités sédimentaires du réservoir argilo-sableux de l'Albien du Bassin de Paris“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2024.

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La région Île-de-France bénéficie d'un contexte géologique favorable à la géothermie profonde basse énergie pour augmenter la part des énergies bas carbone dans la production de chaleur. Le réservoir du Jurassique moyen étant très sollicité, l'aquifère des sables de l'Albien, situé à environ 650 mètres de profondeur avec des températures de 28 à 38°C, constitue également une cible intéressante. L'exploitation de ces sables est entravée par le colmatage des puits d'injection par des particules fines. L'objectif est de mettre en place une méthodologie combinant (1) des données de terrain issues de l'étude des Grès de Roda (Eocène, Bassin Sud-Pyrénéen), analogue de réservoirs de subsurface, (2) des données de subsurface disponibles (ex. diagraphies, profils sismiques) dans le réservoir sableux de l'Albien d'Île-de-France et (3) de modélisation, afin de construire un outil prédictif de la performance d'un lieu donné sur son potentiel géothermique. Le corps Y des Grès de Roda a été choisi en tant qu'analogue de système deltaïque dominé par les courants tidaux. Une étude sédimentologique et stratigraphique de détail a été réalisée. Elle est basée sur un travail de terrain (21 coupes levées), qui a été entièrement numérisé avec la réalisation d'un modèle photogrammétrique haute résolution (environ 3 cm/pixel) couvrant une superficie d'environ 3,3 km². Ce travail de terrain a été complété par la description de 340 m de carottes proches des affleurements. Toutes les données de terrain (faciès, surfaces stratigraphiques, directions de courant, logs) ont pu être reportées sur cet affleurement numérique. Un modèle 3D de faciès (11,2 millions de cellules de 10 m de côté et 0,5 m de hauteur) a été construit à l'aide de l'affleurement numérique. L'étude sédimentologique et stratigraphique a permis la définition de 10 faciès regroupés dans 5 associations de faciès, l'identification de 7 lobes deltaïques représentatifs de séquences de 5ème ordre, dont l'évolution en 3D montre des variations de directions de progradation et d'intensité de remaniement tidal. Ce travail a permis de caractériser les corps sédimentaires tidaux afin d'établir des dimensions de dunes et barres tidales, des paléobathymétries et leurs localisations dans les cortèges progradants et rétrogradant. Pour le réservoir sableux de l'Albien du Bassin de Paris, l'étude géologique a été réalisée à partir de la description de 2 sections carottées (longueur totale de 83 m), de données de 149 puits et de 68 lignes sismiques. Dix faciès correspondant à 4 environnements de dépôt ont été définis. L'analyse précise des successions verticales et latérales des faciès montre 7 séquences de 3ème et 4ème ordre. Les Sables de l'Albien sont formés à la base d'une succession estuarienne (Sables Verts), qui se déposent à l'Aptien supérieur au-dessus de la discordance de l'Aptien supérieur et remplissant des paléo-vallées incisées. Puis un système deltaïque (Sables des Drillons) se met en place, suivi par un système côtier dominé par la houle (Sables de Frécambault) à l'Albien inférieur. Cette succession traduit une période transgressive après l'émersion d'une grande partie du bassin puis une période de progradation des dépôts côtiers influencés par la marée, avant un ennoiement à l'Albien moyen. Un modèle 3D de faciès centré sur Paris a été réalisé, permettant de visualiser l'architecture des réservoirs. Ce travail a permis d'évaluer les faciès les moins argileux (les sables propres de shoreface), les volumes d'argiles des différents faciès, leurs répartitions géographiques, et leurs épaisseurs. Bien que les Grès de Roda ne soient pas un analogue de toute la série albienne (notamment des séries estuariennes), leur étude a permis de mieux comprendre les successions verticales et variations latérales de faciès d'un delta influencé par la marée, surtout pour la formation des Sables des Drillons
The Île-de-France region benefits from a favorable geological context for deep low-energy geothermal energy to increase the share of renewable energies in energy consumption. Since the Middle Jurassic reservoir is highly solicited, the Albian sands aquifer, located at approximately 650 meters depth with temperatures ranging from 28 to 38°C, is also targeted for heat production. Although it presents good hydrogeological characteristics, the exploitation of the Albien is hindered by the clogging of injection wells by fine particles originating from unisolated clayey layers. Therefore, a thorough geological understanding of the reservoir is essential, and outcrop analogues help characterize these heterogeneities. The objectives of this thesis are: (1) to exploit the available data (e.g., well logs, seismic profiles) for the Albien reservoir in Île-de-France to produce a synthesis of the facies, their recognition on well logs, and to obtain a high-resolution 3D facies model; (2) to apply a reservoir analogue approach constructed from a digital outcrop model to improve the understanding of lateral heterogeneities in siliciclastic reservoirs. The chosen reservoir analogue is the Y body of the Roda Sandstones (Eocene, South-Pyrenean Basin), which is a deltaic system influenced by tidal currents. A sedimentological and stratigraphic study, based on fieldwork, the description of 340 meters of cores close to outcrops, and the creation of a high-resolution photogrammetric model (approximately 3 cm/pixel) covering an area of about 3.3 km², allowed the definition of 10 facies or facies associations and the identification of 7 deltaic lobes. This enabled the characterization of tidal sedimentary bodies to decipher the complex processes resulting from the competition between fluvial and tidal currents. A 3D facies model (11.2 million cells, each 10m wide and 0.5m high) was constructed in Petrel from the interpreted digital outcrop model. It provides a visualization of a possible 3D realization of the system. For the Albian reservoir in the Paris Basin, the geological study was carried out using subsurface data, including 149 wells, two cored sections (total length of 83 meters), and 68 seismic lines. Ten facies associations corresponding to four depositional environments were defined, and a sequence stratigraphy framework comprising 7 third- and fourth-order sequences was constructed. The Albian sands are formed at the base of an estuarine succession (Green Sands), deposited in the late Aptian above the Late Aptian Unconformity, filling incised paleo-valleys. Then, a deltaic system (Drillons Sands) was established, followed by a wave-dominated coastal system (Frécambault Sands) in the lower Albian. This succession reflects a transgressive period after the erosion of a large part of the basin, followed by a progradation period of tide-influenced coastal deposits, before a drowning in the middle Albian. A 3D facies model centered on the Île-de-France region was created, allowing the visualization of the Albian reservoir architecture and predicting facies variations, identifying potentially favorable or problematic areas for geothermal exploitation. Although the Roda Sandstones are not an analogue for the entire Albian series (notably the estuarine series), their study has allowed for a better understanding of the vertical successions and lateral facies variations of a tide-influenced delta, especially for the Drillons Sands formation. The results highlight the interest in outcrop analogues but also the necessity of having a broader spectrum of analogues to cover the stratigraphic heterogeneity of a complex reservoir
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Buchteile zum Thema "Roda Sandstone"


Gratchev, Ivan, Sinnappoo Ravindran, Dong Hyun Kim, Chen Cui und Qianhao Tang. „Mechanisms of Shallow Rainfall-Induced Landslides from Australia: Insights into Field and Laboratory Investigations“. In Progress in Landslide Research and Technology, Volume 1 Issue 1, 2022, 113–22. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.

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AbstractThis paper presents and discusses the mechanisms of rainfall-induced shallow landslides that commonly occur in South East Queensland (SEQ) and northern New South Wales (NSW), Australia. The major factors causing the formation of landslide mass such as geology, weathering, and rainfall patterns were discussed. Results from field surveys and laboratory testing of rock/soil material from landslide masses were presented, and relationships between the material strength and landslide occurrence were drawn. It was found that most of shallow slides were related to sandstone deposits. Those failures occurred on natural slopes and road cuts with the inclination of the failure plane being in the range of 35–45°. For natural slopes where the landslide mass mostly consisted of coarse-grained soil, the relationship between the soil strength and water content was established. In addition, the relationship between rainfall patterns such as intensity and duration, and the landslide occurrence was presented. Based on the data from field work and laboratory results including a series of flume tests, the mechanism of shallow landslides triggered by rainfall events was identified and discussed.
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Yang, Liu, und Changxi Tang. „Study on the Effect of Steel Slag Fine Aggregate on the Road Performance of Cement Stabilised Sandstone Subgrade“. In Advances in Engineering Research, 635–43. Dordrecht: Atlantis Press International BV, 2024.

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Cunningham, Carol, und Joel Berger. „The Witch Doctor’s Revenge“. In Horn of Darkness, 196–200. Oxford University PressNew York, NY, 1997.

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Abstract he familiar sound of rock against rubber, shrub against chassis, returned as we left bthe gravel road. The red sandstone at Twyfelfontein was behind us. Soon mud and stick huts appeared near the site where, three years earlier, several men had stoned a rhino calf and eaten some of its meat.
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Kinsella, John. „On the trauma of writing ‘Seeing’ and the urge to create a poem after journeying out on the Mizen“. In Polysituatedness. Manchester University Press, 2017.

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Just back from an excursion to the Mizen area. Searching back-roads, we passed through a small sandstone gap, then were funnelled on to what became a narrow, grassed and pitted road to ‘nowhere’. Views of Fastnet and the Atlantic, and unbeknown to us, a slow climb up a mountain named after the people of the otherworld. We had to backtrack when we reached a farm gate and wound our way back to the main road....
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Crumeyrolle, Philippe. „Two Contrasting Styles of Lowstand Deltaic Wedges: The Roda Sandstone (Spain) as Seen from Outcrops and the Late Pleistocene Mahakam Delta (Indonesia) as Imaged from 3D and 2D Hr Seismic Profiles“. In Shelf Margin Deltas and Linked Down Slope Petroleum Systems: 23rd Annual, 639–45. SOCIETY OF ECONOMIC PALEONTOLOGISTS AND MINERALOGISTS, 2003.

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Brasier, Martin. „Through A Lens, Darkly“. In Darwin’s Lost World, 204–33. Oxford University PressOxford, 2009.

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Abstract I felt obliged to stop the vehicle owing to a growing sense of déjà vu. My students and I had been motoring along the road from Durness to Loch Assynt in north-west Scotland, snaking up a mountain pass through the famous Pipe Rock—a pile of fossilized seaside some forty furlongs thick. This Pipe Rock was a buff to fesh-pink sandstone packed here and there with worm tracks shaped like the pipes of Pan. But it was not the pipes that got me. It was the panorama of rock and bog, lying alongside the road from Kylesku to Inchnadamph.
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„Road Log from Las Vegas, Nevada, to Mountain Pass, California“. In Proterozoic Ore Deposits of the Southwestern U.S., 2–12. Society of Economic Geologists, 1987.

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Abstract Assemble at the Las Vegas Convention Center, south of the Hilton Hotel. Take any main street south to Tropicana Avenue. Turn west on Tropicana, past the Las Vegas Strip, and continue to Interstate Highway 15. Turn south on Interstate 15 toward Mountain Pass, California. Mileage starts at 0.0. 0.0 Tropicana exit on Interstate 15. Head south toward Mountain Pass. McCarran International Airport on the left. Spring Mountains on your right at 3:00. The impressive range is made up of thrust plates of the foreland fold and thrust belt (Armstrong and Oriel, 1965; Armstrong, 1968; Burchfiel and Davis, 1972). In the low morning sun the bold cliffs of the Aztec Sandstone are clearly visible. The Keystone thrust plate, consisting of dark Cambrian limestone and dolomite, overlies the Aztec Sandstone (Longwell and others, 1965; Burchfiel and others, 1974). Lower and presumably older thrust faults, which aren't very obvious from here, include the Red Springs thrust (Davis, 1973) and the Bird Spring thrust (Hewett, 1956). Behind and to your left, at approximately 7:00, is Frenchman Mountain, a titled and listrically rotated fault block containing most of the Paleozoic shelf sequence of carbonate rocks (Longwell and others, 1965). 2.9 Mountains at 9:00 are the northern end of the McCullough Range extending south from Henderson, Nevada (fig. 1). Northern part of the range consists predominantly of Tertiary volcanic rocks. View to the right in the Spring Mountains shows Keystone and older thrust plates. Strata in the thrust plates at 3:00 are relatively horizontal, but to
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„Road Log, Day SevenMorning; Sequence Stratigraphy and Facies Architecture of an Exhumed Tocito Sandbody.“ In Sequence Stratigraphy Applications to Shelf Sandstone ReservoirsOutcrop to Subsurface Examples. American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1991.

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Owen, Donald E. „Road Log, Day FiveNotes on Selected Aspects of the Sequence Stratigraphy of the San Juan Mountains, Colorado“. In Sequence Stratigraphy Applications to Shelf Sandstone ReservoirsOutcrop to Subsurface Examples. American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1991.

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Taylor, David R. „Road Log Day 2High-Frequency Sequence Stratigraphy and Facies Architecture of the Kenilworth Member of the Blackhawk Formation, Book Cliffs, Utah“. In Sequence Stratigraphy Applications to Shelf Sandstone ReservoirsOutcrop to Subsurface Examples. American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1991.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Roda Sandstone"


Ali, Amalina, Elsaid M. M. Zahran, Soon Jian Tan und Nurul Hasan. „Chemical stabilisation of sandstone road aggregate layers: A literature review“. In 8TH BRUNEI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY 2021. AIP Publishing, 2023.

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Mehra, Vishal, Shashank Chaturvedi, Alka B. Garg, R. Mittal und R. Mukhopadhyay. „Penetration of Long Steel Rods into Thick Steel and Sandstone Targets“. In SOLID STATE PHYSICS, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 55TH DAE SOLID STATE PHYSICS SYMPOSIUM 2010. AIP, 2011.

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Verstralen, I., und A. Hurst. „Sedimentology and reservoir characteristics of the Rona Sandstone (Upper Jurassic), West of Shetland“. In 55th EAEG Meeting. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 1993.

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Lu, XiaoGuang, YuPu Wang und YongQing Zhang. „Strategies and Techniques for a Giant Sandstone Oilfield Development: A Road Map To Maximize Recovery“. In SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2006.

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Dunn, Patrick, und Dennis Harris. „Piloting a Cohelical-Axial Multiphase ESP Design in a Sandstone Reservoir Where Rod Pumping Failed“. In SPE Gulf Coast Section Electric Submersible Pumps Symposium. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2019.

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Crumpler, Larry S., Jayne C. Aubele, Spencer G. Lucas und Andrew B. Heckert. „Supplemental road log 1: From Grants to eastern margin of El Malpais, Sandstone Bluffs Overlook, and McCartys lava flow“. In 54th Annual Fall Field Conference. New Mexico Geological Society, 2003.

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Massey, John Lucas, und Mauricio Monzon. „Jet Lift Bridges Transition Gaps Between Various Forms of Artificial Lift in Horizontal Well Lifecycle“. In SPE Artificial Lift Conference and Exhibition - Americas. SPE, 2022.

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Abstract This paper aims to share insights from a case history of jet lift applications in the Permian Yeso play. Apache Corporation has been actively drilling horizontally and multistage fracturing the Yeso formation in Eddy County, N.M., targeting dolostone/limestone/sandstone reservoirs interbedded with shale and anhydrite. The Yeso yields oil and liquids-rich gas at depths of 5,000-6,000 feet. Apache's initial strategy was to commence post-flowback production from fractured wells with electrical submersible pumps and then transition to rod lift as rates declined over time. However, as the wells approached the transition window between ESPs and rod pumps, high sand content, wellbore deviation and gas-to-liquids ratios caused frequent downtime for both types of lift, negatively impacting well performance. These conditions caused Apache to experiment with other forms of lift to seek a solution in horizontal wells in the transitionary window. This paper focuses on the trial and success of using concentric jet pumps in place of ESP and rod lift systems. Not all horizontal wells will be ideal candidates for this form of lift. This is especially true when ESP or rod lift can lift the well without issue or with limited downtime due to efficiency differences. However, jet lift is an underutilized form of lift that can produce wells from early life, through the steep horizontal decline, and into the late life steady state decline. This paper aims to show the versatility, under the right circumstances, inherent to downhole jet pumps with an example of a successful installation.
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Tan, Eng Hie, Soon Jiann Tan und Elsaid M. M. Zahran. „An investigation into the relationship between strength properties of sandstone aggregate stabilised with cement and polymer emulsion for road sub-base applications“. In 8TH BRUNEI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY 2021. AIP Publishing, 2023.

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Steinstø, Magnus, Gaute Hånsnar, Benedicte Gjersdal, Trygve Mikal Viga Skretting, Alexey Pavlov und Fred Florence. „Design and Demonstration of Autonomous Directional Drilling With a Miniature Scale Rig“. In ASME 2022 41st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022.

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Abstract Drillbotics, an international student competition hosted by SPE/DSATS, directed the 2020/2021 competitors to design, build and implement a 1.5″ (3.8cm) hole size, fully autonomous drilling rig capable of intersecting multiple pre-set targets within a rock sample with up to 30-degree inclination and 15-degree azimuth adjustments from the KOP. The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) won the competition using a fixed bent Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) and a simulated mud-motor stator with a rod inside the drillpipe transferring rotational torque from a top drive. The team designed and created a custom drill bit, bi-directional hydraulic swivel, and BHA. Trajectory control was achieved by changing the BHA bend orientation over time, rotating the drillpipe with inputs from a nonlinear Model Predictive Controller (nMPC) following a pre-planned Bezier-curve well path. Capabilities of the rig were demonstrated by drilling a 37-degree inclination well path in 6 minutes in a 60 cm sandstone replica.
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Abdulkarim, Anar, Alexander Kharitonov, Taher M. El Gezeery, Mohamed Al Haddad, Yousif Ahmad Halawah und Salem Al Sabea. „Integration of Seismic Poisson Impedance Data with Real-Time Geomechanics and Real-Time 3D Ultra-Deep Resistivity Inversion Enabled New Opportunities in Developed Field“. In SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition. SPE, 2023.

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Abstract The Wara sandstone reservoir in the Minagish field of Kuwait Oil Company is a complex deposition of a typical pro-deltaic environment consisting of shaly-silty sandstone sequences W7-W1. Three sequences (W6, W5, and W3) were expected in the case study well. The objective was to set 9⅝-in. casing at the top of W6 and then drill through the Wara sequences to connect all of them and land and drill the lateral section within W3. The W6 sequence is typically the primary target in the Wara formation, being thick and consistent throughout the field. The next logical step in developing the Wara reservoir was to study and investigate the minor W5 and W3 members. Due to poor correlation of W5 and W3 channels in offset wells, the geological target was selected based on seismic Poisson impedance. Historically, targeting the Wara formation occasionally resulted in multiple sidetracks due to drilling challenges. A real-time geomechanics service was utilized to overcome drilling challenges and real-time 3D ultra-deep resistivity inversion was implemented to optimize well placement. An extensive pre-drilling study for geomechanical and ultra-deep resistivity inversion modelling helped to develop road map for an optimal and safe well-construction process. The study showed that utilization of real-time 3D ultra-deep resistivity (UDR) inversion would help to optimize well placement and maximize sweet-zone exposure. The original well design, mud properties, and drilling parameters were modified based on the geomechanical study. Additionally, real-time geomechanics services were utilized to monitor and control the drilling process to follow the road map, which helped to avoid drilling issues, geostop at the W6 channel, and finally to run the casing smoothly. Real-time 3D ultra-deep resistivity mapping in the lateral section helped the operator to drill through W6 and W5, land precisely, and drill the lateral in the W3 channel, which was well developed, as expected from seismic Poisson impedance analysis. Formation evaluation of lateral section showed an average porosity of 24 p.u., water saturation 11% and up to 3 D/cp mobility. The application of real-time 3D ultra-deep resistivity inversion helped to triple the planned formation exposure and to discover a geometric extension of the above deposited channels (W6 and W5), which will help for future field development. The flow test showed the highest production rates from W3 of the field. The integrated approach described above was recommended to be utilized for all future Wara wells.
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Lane, L. S., und M. P. Cecile. Bedrock geology, Mount Hare, Yukon, NTS 116-I/9. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2021.

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The Mount Hare map area extends across the western limb of the Richardson anticlinorium in the southern Richardson Mountains, northern Yukon. It is underlain by four Paleozoic sedimentary successions: middle Cambrian Slats Creek Formation, middle Cambrian to Early Devonian Road River Group, Devonian Canol Formation, and Late Devonian to Carboniferous Imperial and Tuttle formations. The Richardson trough depositional setting of the first three successions is succeeded by a deep-marine, turbiditic Ellesmerian orogenic foredeep setting for the Imperial-Tuttle succession. The carbonate-dominated Road River Group defines a west-dipping homocline which is transected by oblique transverse faults in its upper part. In the overlying Imperial-Tuttle succession, map-scale folds can be defined where shales are interbedded with thick persistent sandstone units. The structural geometry reflects Cretaceous-Cenozoic regional Cordilleran tectonism.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

Lane, L. S. Bedrock geology, Mount Raymond, Yukon, NTS 116-I/8. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2022.

Der volle Inhalt der Quelle
The Mount Raymond map area incorporates the western limb of the Richardson anticlinorium, southern Richardson Mountains, northern Yukon. It is underlain by four Paleozoic sedimentary successions: middle Cambrian Slats Creek Formation, Cambrian to Early Devonian Road River Group, Devonian Canol Formation, and Late Devonian to Carboniferous Imperial and Tuttle formations. The Richardson trough depositional setting of the first three successions is succeeded by a deep-marine, turbiditic, Ellesmerian, orogenic foredeep setting for the Imperial-Tuttle succession. Several major thrust faults and related folds transect the map area from north to south. The carbonate-dominated Road River Group defines a west-dipping homocline, modified by the Mount Raymond thrust fault together with minor folds in its footwall. In the overlying Imperial-Tuttle succession, map-scale folds are defined where shales are interbedded with persistent sandstones. Steep reverse faults in the east may have reactivated Cambrian rift faults. The structural geometry reflects Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic regional Cordilleran tectonism.
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Nelson, Margot, Michael Antonioni, Vincent Santucci und Justin Tweet. Oxon Run Parkway: Paleontological resource inventory; supplement to the National Capital Parks-East paleontological resource inventory. National Park Service, August 2021.

Der volle Inhalt der Quelle
Oxon Run Parkway (OXRN) is a 51-hectare (126-acre) natural area within Washington, D.C. administered by the National Park Service under National Capital Parks East (NACE). The original plan called for a road, slated to follow Oxon Run stream, but this never came to fruition; despite this, the moniker stuck. The majority of the original Oxon Run Parkway is managed by the District of Columbia. The section of Oxon Run Parkway under NPS jurisdiction contains wetlands and forests, as well as the only McAteean magnolia bogs still remaining in the District. The lower Cretaceous Potomac Group, known as one of the few dinosaur-bearing rock units on the east coast of North America, crops out within Oxon Run. One of the most prevalent fossil-bearing resources are the siderite, or “bog iron” sandstone slabs that sometimes preserve the footprints or trackways of various vertebrates, including dinosaurs. Such trackways have been reported from Potomac Group outcrops throughout the Atlantic Coastal Plain of Maryland and Virginia. In 2019, National Capital Parks-East took possession of such a track, referred to a dinosaur, collected by paleontologist Dr. Peter Kranz. This report was compiled after a paleontological survey of Oxon Run Parkway and is intended as a supplement to the National Capital Parks East Paleontological Resource Inventory (Nelson et al. 2019). This report contains information on the history of Oxon Run Parkway and its geology, as well as discussion of the fossil track.
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