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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Repeated treatments"


Lakatos, Istvan, Julianna Lakatos-Szabo, Istvan Munkacai und Sandor Tromboczki. „Potential of Repeated Polymer Well Treatments“. SPE Production & Facilities 8, Nr. 04 (01.11.1993): 269–75.

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Mattingly, Bruce A., Latonia L. Rice, Mike Langfels und Sonia E. Fields. „Repeated Treatments with 7-OH-DPAT“. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 65, Nr. 2 (Februar 2000): 241–46.

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Sarkar, Palash, und Bimal Roy. „Construction of Nearly Balanced Uniform Repeated Measurement Designs“. Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin 45, Nr. 3-4 (September 1995): 235–44.

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Nearly balanced uniform repeated measurement designs are defined and construction of such designs when the number of units is less than or equal to the number of treatments and the numbers of periods is less than the number of treatments, is given. AMS (1980) subject classification : 62K05.
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Oren, Eyal, Aleena Banerji, Sunday Clark und Carlos A. Camargo. „Food-induced anaphylaxis and repeated epinephrine treatments“. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology 99, Nr. 5 (November 2007): 429–32.

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Svensson, Maria, Thord Hallin, Jonas Broms, Joakim Ekstrand und Anders Tingström. „Spatial memory impairment in Morris water maze after electroconvulsive seizures“. Acta Neuropsychiatrica 29, Nr. 1 (03.05.2016): 17–26.

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ObjectiveElectroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is one of the most efficient treatments for severe major depression, but some patients suffer from retrograde memory loss after treatment. Electroconvulsive seizures (ECS), an animal model of ECT, have repeatedly been shown to increase hippocampal neurogenesis, and multiple ECS treatments cause retrograde amnesia in hippocampus-dependent memory tasks. Since recent studies propose that addition of newborn hippocampal neurons might degrade existing memories, we investigated whether the memory impairment after multiple ECS treatments is a cumulative effect of repeated treatments, or if it is the result of a delayed effect after a single ECS.MethodsWe used the hippocampus-dependent memory task Morris water maze (MWM) to evaluate spatial memory. Rats were exposed to an 8-day training paradigm before receiving either a single ECS or sham treatment and tested in the MWM 24 h, 72 h, or 7 days after this treatment, or multiple (four) ECS or sham treatments and tested 7 days after the first treatment.ResultsA single ECS treatment was not sufficient to cause retrograde amnesia whereas multiple ECS treatments strongly disrupted spatial memory in the MWM.ConclusionThe retrograde amnesia after multiple ECS is a cumulative effect of repeated treatments rather than a delayed effect after a single ECS.
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Zandstra, Bernard H., Sylvia Morse, Rodney V. Tocco und Jarrod J. Morrice. „Response of Asparagus to Repeated Application of Residual Herbicides“. HortTechnology 23, Nr. 1 (Februar 2013): 109–13.

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Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) is a perennial crop that has a 12- to 20-year production life in the field. Herbicides are applied in the spring each year and again after final harvest in early summer. Asparagus yield declines with age, and herbicides may contribute to yield decline. An experiment was established in 2004 and maintained for seven years with the same herbicide treatments applied each spring to determine herbicide effects on marketable spear yield. Spring-applied diuron, metribuzin, terbacil, sulfentrazone, halosulfuron, mesotrione, and clomazone had no adverse effect on yield or quality over the seven years of the experiment. Flumioxazin reduced yearly average marketable yield compared with standard treatments, and some spears developed lesions early in the season after rainfall. Asparagus yield from most treatments declined more than 50% from 2004 to 2010.
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Hong, Sung-Tae, Han-Jong Rim, Duk-Young Min, Xueming Li, Jingxian Xu, Zheng Feng und Soon-Hyung Lee. „Control of clonorchiasis by repeated treatments with praziquantel“. Korean Journal of Parasitology 39, Nr. 4 (2001): 285.

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Arstila, Hanna, Di Zhang, Erik Vedel, Leena Hupa, Heimo O. Ylänen und Mikko Hupa. „Bioactive Glass Compositions Suitable for Repeated Heat-Treatments“. Key Engineering Materials 284-286 (April 2005): 925–28.

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The crystallization tendency for 30 experimental glasses in the system Na2O-K2O-MgOCaO-B2O3-P2O5-SiO2 was studied with thermal methods, DTA, HSM and XRD. The glasses were also immersed into simulated body fluid for 8 and 72 hours. The formation of the silica-rich gel and calcium phosphate layer on the glasses were analyzed with SEM. The in vitro behavior and crystallization tendency for heat-treated glasses were then related. This information is essential for choosing glass compositions that can be manufactured to desired products with controlled bioactivity for different applications. In general, glasses with low alkali content can tolerate heattreatment without crystallization but have less initial Si-gel formation ability and show less in vitro bioactivity than glasses with high alkali content.
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Chiang, F. L., und R. G. Rodway. „The Effect of Repeated Hypoglycaemia on Plasma β-Endorphin in Gilts“. Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Production (1972) 1994 (März 1994): 169.

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The activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis is one of the best studied stress-related responses. In particular, the involvement of endogenous opioid peptides in response to pltysiological and pharmacological stimuli has been the subject of extensive study both in man and other animals (Nakao, 1979, Petraglia, 1985, Engler, 1988). However, in animal models of repeated stress, the acute response to a stressor often habituates when the stressor is presented repeatedly (Ottenweller, 1991). Hypoglycaemia is a stress which can be easily and repeatedly applied to experimental animals. The present study was performed to determine whether insulin-induced hypogrycaemia enhances the release of β-endorphin in pigs, and whether this response is maintained over repeated treatments on consecutive days.
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Abdel-Zahra, Sarah Abbas, und Abdul Hussein Saber AL-Mouel. „Restricted estimators of repeated measurements model for unbalanced data“. Journal of Statistics and Management Systems 27, Nr. 3 (2024): 655–61.

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The model of one-way repeated measurements for imbalanced data, as the number of explanations are not the same at some levels, is the subject of this research. We used two methods to estimate the model parameters: the restricted maximum likelihood method and maximum likelihood approach, and we considered some of their characteristics. The Experiment’s practical research goal is to determine how the experimental elements and their interactions affect date palm productivity. The Experiment included the factor of irrigation method with three treatments: drip irrigation, basin irrigation, and the regular tidal method, while the irrigation interval factor included three treatments: 3, 6 and 9 days.
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Dissertationen zum Thema "Repeated treatments"


Blamey, Katrin L. „The effects of two repeated reading treatments on fluency and comprehension of second grade students“. Access to citation, abstract and download form provided by ProQuest Information and Learning Company; downloadable PDF file, 216 p, 2008.

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Brown, Leonard Dale. „The effects of alternative reading and math strategy treatments on word problem-solving“. Miami University / OhioLINK, 2010.

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Brown, Leonard Dale. „The effects of alternative reading and math strategy treatments on word problem-solving“. Oxford, Ohio : Miami University, 2009.

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Gross, Viktoriia. „An integrative approach to characterize and predict cell death and escape to beta-lactam antibiotic treatments“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2024.

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La résistance aux antibiotique est de plus en plus courante. En particulier, la fraction croissante d'Escherichia coli commensaux et pathogènes exprimant des bêta-lactamases à spectre étendu et/ou des carbapénémases est alarmante. E. coli est une cause majeure d'infections courantes telles que les infections urinaires, qui touchent plus de 150 millions de personnes dans le monde. Il est important de noter que de nombreuses infections récidivent. Il est donc essentiel de comprendre en profondeur la sensibilité des isolats cliniques d'E. coli aux bêta-lactamines pour proposer des traitements efficaces.Les bactéries peuvent échapper aux traitements de différentes manières. Les bactéries résistantes se développent et se divisent normalement en présence d'antibiotiques. Leur caractérisation est facile à l'aide de tests de diagnostic standard. Les bactéries tolérantes se contentent de survivre en présence d'antibiotiques et repoussent lorsque l'antibiotique est retiré ou dégradé. Ce comportement biphasique complique la prédiction des résultats du traitement. La résilience au traitement est notamment observée dans la tolérance collective aux antibiotiques, où les cellules mortes libèrent des bêta-lactamases qui dégradent l'antibiotique dans l'environnement. Les approches standard ne sont pas adaptées pour quantifier et comprendre le rôle de la résistance et/ou de la résilience.Nos principaux objectifs sont de quantifier la dynamique de la mort cellulaire au cours de traitements répétés et de quantifier l'impact des différentes conditions environnementaux sur la mort cellulaire. Tout d'abord, nous avons développé de nouveaux protocoles pour résoudre les problèmes de variabilité dans les mesures de densité optique, et pour effectuer des tests d'unités formant colonies d'une manière efficace. Grâce à ces techniques, nous avons généré un vaste ensemble de données décrivant l'impact de traitements répétés sur différents isolats cliniques. Nous avons calibré un modèle, précédemment développé par l'équipe, de la réponse de la population aux antibiotiques et de l'évolution de l'environnement dans le contexte de tolérance collective aux antibiotiques. Nous avons calibré le modèle sur l'ensemble de données, et nous avons montré que le modèle tient compte de l'évolution temporelle de la biomasse et du nombre de cellules vivantes. En outre, nous avons démontré qu'en utilisant ce modèle, nous pouvons prédire le nombre de cellules vivantes à partir des mesures de la biomasse.Dans ce travail, nous avons mis en évidence l'écart entre l'in vitro et l'in vivo en évaluant l'effet de différentes conditions de croissance sur la survie des cellules. Pour relever ce défi, nous avons étudié la réponse bactérienne dans l'urine humaine et dans le milieu de Mueller-Hinton (milieu utilisé pour les antibiogrammes standard), ainsi que dans un milieu défini avec différentes sources de carbone. Tout d'abord, nous avons observé une meilleure survie dans l'urine par rapport au milieu Mueller-Hinton, mais ce résultat variait en fonction de la souche et de la concentration d'antibiotique. Il est intéressant de noter que les données expérimentales ont montré que la concentration en nutriments n'avait pas d'effet sur le taux de croissance, mais un effet important sur la capacité de charge et la réponse aux antibiotiques. Grâce à l'étalonnage du modèle et à l'analyse des valeurs des paramètres du modèle, nous avons identifié des processus biologiques qui pourraient expliquer les différences entre le comportement des bactéries dans différents milieux
Resistance to first-line antimicrobial drugs is now commonly encountered. In particular, the increasing fraction of commensal and pathogenic Escherichia coli expressing extended-spectrum beta-lactamases and/or carbapenemases is alarming. E. coli is a major cause of common infections such as urinary tract infections, affecting over 150 million people worldwide. Importantly, many infections relapse. Therefore, an in-depth understanding of the susceptibility of E. coli clinical isolates to beta-lactams is essential for proposing effective treatments.Bacteria might escape treatments in many different ways. Resistant bacteria grow and divide normally in the presence of antibiotics. Their characterization is easy using standard diagnostic tests. Resilient bacteria merely survive in the presence of antibiotics and regrow when the antibiotic is removed or degraded. This biphasic behavior complicates the prediction of treatment outcomes. Resilience to treatment is notably observed in collective antibiotic tolerance, where dead cells release beta-lactamases degrading the antibiotic in the environment. Standard approaches are not adapted for quantifying and understanding the role of resistance and/or resilience.Our main objectives are to quantify the dynamics of cell death during repeated treatments and to quantify the impact of different growth conditions on cell death. First, we developed novel protocols to address variability issues in optical density measurements, and to perform colony forming unit assays in an efficient manner. Using these techniques, we generated an extensive dataset describing the impact of repeated treatments on different clinical isolates. We calibrated a previously developed in the team model of population response to antibiotic and evolution of the environment in the context of collective antibiotic tolerance. We calibrated the model to our dataset, and we showed that the model accounts for the temporal evolution of both biomass and live cell counts. Further, we demonstrated that using this model we can predict live cell number from biomass measurements.In addition, in this work we highlighted the in vitro - in vivo gap by assessing the effect of different growth conditions on cell survival. To address this challenge, we studied the bacterial response in human urine and in Mueller-Hinton media (media used for standard antibiotic susceptibility tests), as well as a defined media with different carbon sources. First, we observed better survival in urine compared to Mueller-Hinton media, but this result varied depending on the strain and the antibiotic concentration. Interestingly, the experimental data showed that nutrient concentration had no effect on growth rate, but a strong effect on carrying capacity and antibiotic response. Through model calibration and analysis of identified model parameter values, we identified biological processes that could explain the differences between bacterial behavior in different media
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Imai, Takumi. „Exploratory assessment of treatment-dependent random-effects distribution using gradient functions“. Doctoral thesis, Kyoto University, 2021.

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(主査)教授 佐藤 俊哉, 教授 藤渕 航, 教授 黒田 知宏
Doctor of Public Health
Kyoto University
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Törmäkangas, L. (Liisa). „Experimental Chlamydia pneumoniae infection model: effects of repeated inoculations and treatment“. Doctoral thesis, University of Oulu, 2006.

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Abstract Chlamydia pneumoniae is a common human pathogen worldwide, which causes both upper and lower respiratory tract infections. In addition, C. pneumoniae infections have been associated with atherosclerosis and other chronic diseases, and successful treatment and eradication of the organism from tissues would therefore be desirable. The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of C. pneumoniae inoculations on the development of chronic infection and atherosclerotic changes in normocholesterolemic, wild-type mice. We also aimed to elucidate the effects of antibiotic and other treatments on the eradication of chlamydia and on the reduction of the pathologic sequelae induced by these infections. Female C57BL/6J mice were fed either normal chow when assessing the effects of acute infection, or a diet supplemented with 0.2% cholesterol when evaluating the atherosclerotic changes. Primary or repeated inoculations with C. pneumoniae isolate K7 were given to the mice intranasally, and the effects of treatments with telithromycin, levofloxacin and erythromycin antimicrobial agents and with the phenolic compounds quercetin, luteolin and octyl gallate were evaluated. The following methods were used to measure infection and treatment effects and the presence of chlamydia in tissue: chlamydia culture, PCR and RT-PCR methods, histology of lung, heart and aortic tissue, serologic methods and measurements of aortic contractility responses. Repeated C. pneumoniae inoculations induced persistent chlamydial DNA and inflammation in lung tissue and development of mouse Hsp60 autoantibodies. Infection was shown to influence aortic endothelial function, and repeated inoculations significantly increased subendothelial lipid accumulation in the aortic sinus area. A flavonoid, luteolin, was shown to effectively decrease the chlamydial load and inflammatory reactions in lung tissue. All antimicrobial agents eradicated the presence of viable chlamydia effectively; however, PCR positivity persisted in lung tissue despite the treatments. Only immediate treatment after each inoculation was able to decrease aortic sinus lipid accumulation. In conclusion, these data support the role of C. pneumoniae in promoting atherosclerotic development via autoimmune responses and also via direct effects on aortic tissue. Conventional antimicrobial treatments may not effectively eradicate persistent infection, and further studies are warranted to seek for alternative treatment options.
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de, la Salle Sara. „Electrophysiological Correlates and Predictors of the Antidepressant Response to Repeated Ketamine Infusions in Treatment-Resistant Depression“. Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2020.

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Traditional antidepressants, which act on the serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine systems, require many weeks to produce a therapeutic effect and are not effective for every patient. A sub-anesthetic dose of the anesthetic agent ketamine, a glutamate N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist, has been shown to produce a rapid and robust antidepressant effect in treatment-resistant major depressive disorder (MDD). As depressive symptoms typically return after one week following a single infusion, recent work has begun to focus on methods for prolonging the effects. Repeated infusions on a specific dosing schedule are being explored, however, the early identification of treatment responders and non-responders would be beneficial for optimized treatment selection within this population. The mechanisms underlying ketamine’s rapid effects conceivably involve the regulation of altered glutamatergic signaling in MDD, though this is not yet completely understood. Understanding of the central mechanisms mediating ketamine’s rapid antidepressant effects may be increased through the use of non-invasive electroencephalographic measures, including resting electroencephalography (EEG) and the mismatch negativity (MMN) event-related potential. These measures have been shown to be altered in depressed individuals and are sensitive to ketamine administration. The primary objectives of this study were to 1) examine acute changes in EEG- and MMN-derived indices, immediately post- and two hours postinfusion, with a sub-anesthetic ketamine dose in comparison to an active placebo (midazolam), and 2) to examine their relationships with early and sustained antidepressant treatment response to ketamine within an eight week clinical trial involving three study phases. Ketamine decreased measures of scalp-level alpha and theta resting activity, immediately postinfusion, and increased gamma immediately and two hours postinfusion. An increase in source-localized anterior cingulate activity two hours postinfusion was also observed. Regarding the MMN, ketamine reduced frontal amplitudes as well as theta event-related oscillations and source-localized peak frontal generator activity. Measures of resting theta and change in gamma, as well as left frontal MMN amplitude, theta event-related oscillations, baseline left phase locking factor, and baseline right inferior temporal lobe activity were predictive of decreases in depressive symptoms at both early and sustained treatment time points. Alpha power was predictive of decrease in suicidal ideation, though the relationship with baseline and early change in symptoms was stronger. These findings contribute to our understanding of the role of baseline and ketamine-induced changes in both resting and task-evoked electrophysiological measures, and may have the potential to act as non-invasive biomarkers of antidepressant response prediction to glutamatergic agents.
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Hastie, Kenneth John. „A study of the toxicity of repeated interperitoneal administration of epirubicin under normothermic and hypothermic conditions in normal rats“. Thesis, University of Liverpool, 1988.

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Milbourne, Katrina Jane, und n/a. „A randomised controlled trial to investigate the efficacy of heparin and hydrocortisone additive to extend the life of peripheral cannulae in children“. University of Canberra. Health Sciences, 2002.

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Repeated cannulation of children during the course of treatment is distressing for the child, their family and to their nurses. Some paediatric units endeavour to minimise recannulation by employing strategies to reduce complications such as phlebitis and thrombosis formation. One strategy is to infuse low dose heparin and hydrocortisone (HEPHC). However, its effectiveness in prolonging cannula survival is inconclusive. There is also concern about the potential risks of administering these preparations to children. A randomised, controlled, blinded trial was conducted that examined the effectiveness of continuous infusion of low dose HEPHC in a group of children requiring long term intravenous antibiotics in a general paediatric unit. Comparisons of cannula complications and cannulae survival times were made in children receiving either continuous infusions of clear fluids or low dose HEPHC. The results demonstrated that there was no statistically significant difference (Logrank statistic=l.l, p=0.3) in cannula survival times between the two groups. It was also found that the bacterial and fungal colonisation of cannula for these children was extremely low. Based on these findings it is recommended that routine administration of low dose HEPHC to extend cannula survival time be discontinued. The findings also support current practice of removing cannula in children only when a complication occurs on completion of treatment.
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Ross, Helen. „Dialectical behaviour therapy for adolescents who repeatedly self-harm : a qualitative study“. Thesis, Bangor University, 2002.

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Despite the level of concern generated by adolescents who repeatedly self-harm, there is a dearth of empirically validated interventions for this client group. In the adult domain, dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT; Linehan, 1993) is the only evidence-based intervention for individuals at high risk of repetition, and preliminary research has suggested its utility with adolescents. This study employed a qualitative methodology to evaluate an existing inpatient DBT programme for adolescents with multiple presenting problems including deliberate self-harm. Four female adolescents were interviewed in depth about their experiences and the perceived impact of receiving DBT. Transcripts were analysed for significant and recurrent themes using interpretative phenomenological analysis. Overall, the results supported existing quantitative data indicating that this client group can benefit from DBT. Participants emphasised the role of applying DBT skills in gaining a sense of control over internal experiences and overt behaviours (including self-harm). However, there were marked individual differences in the degree to which such control was attained. Furthermore, for most participants, the effective use of DBT skills was at least partially dependent upon the continued receipt of therapy. Motivation to engage in and comply with therapy appeared to be significantly influenced by participants' perceptions of staff and peers within the inpatient unit. A sense of connection or identification with others emerged as an important source of learning and inspiration, as well as serving to normalise participants' difficulties. The role of social comparison was particularly salient in participants' attempts to make sense of the changes in self since entering DBT. The findings are discussed in relation to the existing literature, with particular emphasis on the extent to which therapeutic processes deemed important by DBT theory were concordant with participants' experiences. Implications for clinical practice are highlighted and directions for future research suggested.
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Bücher zum Thema "Repeated treatments"


Manske, Llewellyn L. Effects on vegetation, endomycorrhizal fungi, and soil mineral nitrogen from prescribed burning treatments repeated every-other-year in mixed grass prairie invaded by western snowberry. Dickinson, N.D: North Dakota State University, Dickinson Research Extension Center, 2007.

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Manske, Llewellyn L. Effects on vegetation, endomycorrhizal fungi, and soil mineral nitrogen from prescribed burning treatments repeated every-other-year in mixed grass prairie invaded by western snowberry. Dickinson, N.D: North Dakota State University, Dickinson Research Extension Center, 2007.

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Manske, Llewellyn L. Effects on vegetation, endomycorrhizal fungi, and soil mineral nitrogen from prescribed burning treatments repeated every-other-year in mixed grass prairie invaded by western snowberry. Dickinson, N.D: North Dakota State University, Dickinson Research Extension Center, 2007.

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Persson, Bo G. Repeated intermittent dearterialization in the treatment of liver tumors: An experimental and clinical study. Lund: Dept. of Surgery, Lund University, 1990.

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universitet, Lunds, Hrsg. Repeated intermittent hepatic ischaemia in liver cancer therapy: An experimental study with special reference to influences on tumour growth, RNA synthesis and glucose metabolism. Lund, Sweden: Dept. of Surgery, Lund University, 1988.

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Thursfield, Rebecca, Chris Orchard, Rosanna Featherstone und Jane C. Davies. Future treatments. Oxford University Press, 2015.

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There are only a relatively limited armoury of drugs, the majority of which are aimed at downstream symptoms of cystic fibrosis. Therapies targeting the basic defect in CF as well as continued availability of more conventional drugs are required. Progress in gene therapy has been limited by the significant barriers to gene transfer of the CF lung, but the UK is hosting a large repeated dose trial of nebulized non-viral gene therapy designed around clinically meaningful outcomes. The UK CF Gene Therapy Consortium is also seeking to develop a promising modified lentiviral approach, although this is some years off. Perhaps the exciting development of recent decades has come from small molecule CFTR modulators, driven by an understanding of basic pathophysiological mechanisms. Ivacaftor is the first drug to be licensed, having proved itself highly clinically efficacious in patients with the class-3 gating mutation G551D. The trial pipeline seeks to expand indications for this and to explore the potential of Phe508del correctors. Finally, a number of anti-inflammatory and anti-infective strategies are being pursued. The emerging global problem of antibiotic resistance is leading to exciting alternatives such as biofilm disruption and bacteriophage to be explored.
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Burgette, Lane, Beth Griffin und Daniel McCaffrey. Propensity Scores for Repeated Treatments: A Tutorial for the iptw Function in the TWANG Package. RAND Corporation, 2017.

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McFarr, Lynn, Julie Snyder, Lisa Benson und Rachel Higier. Psychosocial Treatment Approaches for Substance Use. Herausgegeben von Shahla J. Modir und George E. Muñoz. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Multiple psychosocial treatments for substance-use disorders have been studied for efficacy. A recent meta-analysis indicates that psychosocial interventions are effective across multiple types of substances used. In the case of opiates, psychosocial interventions combined with medication appear to be the most effective. Many studies further agree that psychosocial interventions are an integral and necessary part of treating substance-use disorders. Although theoretical orientations may differ across psychosocial treatments, they have several principles and practices in common. All involve talk therapy or talk in communities as a way to clarify triggers, build commitment, and improve accountability. Many also target addiction behaviors and work to develop alternative contingencies to reduce or eliminate use. Finally, targeting repeated performance (or building “chains of committed behavior”) decreases the likelihood of relapse. This chapter discusses the most frequently studied and employed psychosocial treatments for substance use including CBT, motivational interviewing, contingency management, mindfulness, and community-based programs.
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Pantilat, Steven Z., Anthony E. Steimle und Patricia M. Davidson. Advanced heart disease. Oxford University Press, 2015.

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Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the developed world and causes significant morbidity and repeated hospitalization. Optimal medical management and targeted use of devices can improve survival and quality of life for people with heart failure (HF). Despite optimal management of HF symptoms including breathlessness, pain, fatigue and oedema may persist and palliative care interventions may be needed. Palliative care specialists must be aware that referral to HF specialists may be necessary for patients with advanced HF. The risk of sudden death at every stage of HF means that palliative care treatments should be integrated into care for all patients. Palliative care should enhance communication among clinicians and with the patient and family, and should provide options for treatment of symptoms and deactivation of devices. Integrating palliative care alongside HF care can increase quality of life, decrease suffering and health-care costs, and improve quality of care.
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Jaeger, Albert. Role of toxicology assessment in poisoning. Oxford University Press, 2016.

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Diagnosis of acute poisoning is based on history, symptoms, biomedical investigations, toxicological analyses, and sometimes therapeutic tests. Toxicological analytical methods are now widely available. A qualitative or semiquantitative analysis of the parent compound may be adequate for diagnostic assessment. A quantitative analysis is mandatory for kinetic studies. For instance, in ethylene glycol poisoning, analysis of ethylene glycol concentrations is useful for the diagnosis, but glycolate concentrations are more relevant for the evaluation of the severity and prognosis. Groups of symptoms (or toxidromes) may provide diagnostic clues for toxins that are not usually included in routine screening. The management of the poisoned patient is mostly supportive, but toxicological quantitative analyses are mandatory for some treatments, e.g. alkaline diuresis in salicylate poisoning, repeated activated charcoal in theophylline poisoning, haemodialysis, ethanol in ethylene glycol poisoning, or the use of chelating agents.
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Buchteile zum Thema "Repeated treatments"


Arstila, Hanna, Di Zhang, Erik Vedel, Leena Hupa, Heimo O. Ylänen und Mikko Hupa. „Bioactive Glass Compositions Suitable for Repeated Heat-Treatments“. In Bioceramics 17, 925–28. Stafa: Trans Tech Publications Ltd., 2005.

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Salinas Ruíz, Josafhat, Osval Antonio Montesinos López, Gabriela Hernández Ramírez und Jose Crossa Hiriart. „Generalized Linear Mixed Models for Repeated Measurements“. In Generalized Linear Mixed Models with Applications in Agriculture and Biology, 377–423. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.

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AbstractRepeated measures data, also known as longitudinal data, are those derived from experiments in which observations are made on the same experimental units at various planned times. These experiments can be of the regression or analysis of variance (ANOVA) type, can contain two or more treatments, and are set up using familiar designs, such as CRD (Completely Randomized design), randomized complete block design (RCBD), or randomized incomplete blocks, if blocking is appropriate, or using row and column designs such as Latin squares when appropriate. Repeated measures designs are widely used in the biological sciences and are fairly well understood for normally distributed data but less so with binary, ordinal, count data, and so on. Nevertheless, recent developments in statistical computing methodology and software have greatly increased the number of tools available for analyzing categorical data.
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Barrera, G., F. Biasi, V. M. Fazio, L. Paradisi und M. U. Dianzani. „Repeated Treatments with a Low HNE Concentration Affect K562 Cell Proliferation“. In Chemical Carcinogenesis 2, 337–42. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1991.

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Lee, Juhee, und Jihee Kim. „Minimal-Invasive Technologies for Treatment of HTS and Keloids: Corticosteroids“. In Textbook on Scar Management, 243–50. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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AbstractHypertrophic scars and keloids are common lesions caused by abnormal wound healing process. Especially in keloids, abnormal fibroblast activity and excessive synthesis of collagen is a histopathological hallmark in its pathogenesis. Due to heterogeneity of etiologies and clinical presentations, treatment of hypertrophic scars and keloids are often challenging. The response rate varies widely, depending on treatment modalities and the timing of therapeutic intervention. Corticosteroid is considered to be one of the best treatment options, yet paucity of information exists on its mechanism of action. It is mostly known to inhibit abnormal fibroblast proliferation leading to collagen synthesis and promote further degeneration of extracellular matrix. Intralesional injection of corticosteroid has been well advocated in the treatment of both hypertrophic scars and keloids. Locally delivered corticosteroid causes significant decrease in scar volume and ameliorates the symptoms of the scars such as pain and pruritus. However, the lesions are prone to localized adverse reactions upon repeated treatments. Therefore, appropriate use of steroids requires awareness of its mechanism of action in scar treatment.
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Ganier, Clarisse, und Sonia Gaucher. „Emerging Technologies in Scar Management: The Role of Allogeneic Cells“. In Textbook on Scar Management, 451–55. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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AbstractScars caused by burns, chronic ulcers from diabetes, infections, skin cancer surgery, and other genetic or somatic disease could require effective treatment to avoid functional and psychological troubles and even mortality. Most of the current treatments aim to reduce local inflammation but not to prevent scarring. Herein, we discussed about emerging technologies in scar management using allogeneic cell therapy. The industrialised allogeneic cell therapy products and the clinical trials using keratinocytes, fibroblasts or MSCs demonstrated acceleration of skin cell migration and proliferation, control wound scarring, immunomodulatory properties and improved angiogenesis. In addition, allogeneic cell transplants offered the possibility of large pre-fabrication, cryo-preservation, for instantaneous use and repeated applications. Current research exploring allogeneic cell therapies for scar treatment are focusing on grafting of epidermal sheets, cellular dermal substitutes and reconstructed skin equivalent and cell intradermal injections. Advances in knowledge in therapeutic potentials of allogeneic injected cells give rise to new therapeutic approaches such as administration of allogeneic cell-derived extracellular vesicles.
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Gandolfi, Ottavio, und Rossella Dall’Olio. „Behavioral Effects of Single and Repeated Treatments with the Combination of D1 and D2 Antagonists“. In Advances in Behavioral Biology, 455–62. Boston, MA: Springer New York, 1991.

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McArdle, J. J., und D. B. Allison. „Regression Change Models with Incomplete Repeated Measures Data in Obesity Research“. In Obesity Treatment, 53–63. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1995.

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Fernández-Trigo, Vicente, Falah Shamsa, Joaquin Aldrete, Roland Andersson, Jean-Pierre Arnaud, Roberto Bergamaschi, Enrico Ciferri et al. „Repeat liver resections from colorectal metastasis“. In Cancer Treatment and Research, 185–96. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1994.

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Nordlinger, Bernard, und Philippe Wind. „Repeat resections of primary hepatic malignancies“. In Cancer Treatment and Research, 53–56. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1994.

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Dhar, Vikrom, Ryan M. Thomas und Syed A. Ahmad. „Repeat Hepatectomy for Colorectal Liver Metastases“. In Cancer Treatment and Research, 203–20. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Repeated treatments"


Pop, Petru A., Liviu Lazar und Florin M. Marcu. „Specific Treatments for Improving the Quality of Life in Rheumatologic Affections and Osteoporosis“. In ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2011.

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The analysis and implementation of modern treatments for the patients diagnosed with osteoporosis, degenerative rheumatic affections and peripheral circulatory disorders have become a healthy priority for the society. These treatments have the goal to raise the bone mineral density of the skeleton, reducing joints pain and inflammation while improving and maintaining joints function. This paper presents a conservative treatment of patients from Recovery Clinical Hospital of Felix Spa, diagnosed with degenerative and rheumatoid affections. The treatment is complex and involves balneal-physical-kinetic recovery therapy that must be periodical repeated at every six months to perform. Ankylosing spondylitis was been evaluated by BASFI-BASDAI scores, while the gonarthrosis with Artroflex by SF-36 of quality life scale and Lequesne index. In addition, a vibration treatment combined with balneal-conservative treatment was been proposed to reduce the therapy time and improved the quality live of patients. The vibration system comprises a vibration bed with adjusting control of signal by a digital frequency convertor, and a command panel system for measuring and processing of data. Because the vibration trial is in incipient experiment stage, it was been applied first on Wistar rats, due to increase the calcium mass of bones. The results of all treatments were emphasized the efficiency of balneal cure in rheumatic affections.
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Miles, Dale R., Lynn M. Parker, Patricia A. Thiemann, Kathryn W. Woodburn und Stuart W. Young. „Feasibility of repeated sequential treatments of RIF-1 tumors with photodynamic therapy (PDT) using lutetium texaphyrin (PCI-0123)“. In BiOS '97, Part of Photonics West, herausgegeben von Thomas J. Dougherty. SPIE, 1997.

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Mylavarapu, Goutham, Ephraim Gutmark, Mihai Mihaescu und Shanmugam Murugappan. „Simulation of Flow and Structural Dynamics in Human Upper Airways“. In ASME 2010 Summer Bioengineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2010.

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Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Hypo Apnea Syndrome (OSAHS) is a respiratory disorder characterized by repeated episodes of partial or complete airway obstruction. OSAHS is also associated with decreased quality of life, decreased cardiovascular health, day-time sleepiness, and increased transportation accidents. Its high prevalence with as much as 4% of American population suffering from OSAHS also makes it an important health care issue[1]. Existing surgical treatments suffer from a moderate to high successful failure rates. Broader research on this respiratory disorder for a better understanding of the pathophysiology of human upper airway, to develop better diagnostic methods and treatment modalities is very much needed.
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Pop, Petru A., Liviu Lazar und Florin M. Marcu. „Some Aspects Regarding Treatment and Rehabilitation of Weight Bearing Joints for Patients With Osteoarthritis“. In ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2010.

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The paper presents some aspects and practical solutions of weight bearing joints treatment for patients with osteoarthritis and following by the rehabilitation process, which has realized at Recovery Clinical Hospital of Felix Spa. A model of human body under applied and conjunction forces explains the damping and shocks into synovial joints from elastic modulus of bone cartilages in contact and variation of dynamic viscosity’s synovial fluid and spine fluid. The conservative treatment of osteoarthritis involves balneal-physical-kinetic therapy or balneal-physical-kinetic recovery treatment, which must be repeated periodical, every six months to get good results. In addition, a vibration treatment of patients with osteoarthritis combines with balneal-conservative treatment is proposed. This vibration treatment system is composed of vibration bed, electrical motor to generate the vibration with direct adjustment of frequency by a digital frequency convertor, and a command panel system of measurement, analysis and interpretation of data from FFT electronic vibration gage. These combination treatments have assured an amelioration of patients with osteoarthritis and improving the bio-lubrication between cartilages of synovial joints, respectively of fluid spine.
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Pop, Petru A., Liviu Lazar und Florin M. Marcu. „Benefic Effect of Conservative Treatments on Patients Diagnosed With Osteoporosis“. In ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012.

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Osteoporosis (OP) represents the most common metabolic bone disease, characterized by the shrinkage in bone mass and the destruction of bone quality, thus conferring a higher risk for micro-fractures and injuries. The goal of treatment in OP is to grow-up the bone mineral density of the skeleton and to increase resorption of formed bone, due to improving the quality life of patients. The methods are diverse, such as medications, conservative measures, weight reduction, physical and occupational therapy, mechanical support devices and surgery. This paper presents a balneal-conservative treatment of patients diagnosed with OP from Rehabilitation Clinical Hospital of Felix Spa. The treatment is complex and involves balneal-physical-kinetic therapy or balneal-physical-kinetic recovery treatment, which must be periodical repeated every six months to obtain good results. The study has been applied to two separate groups of patients with OP between 2009–2011. The first group of 100 subjects, presented clinical symptomatology, as pain of variable types like backaches, fragility fractures or deformation of bone shape that resulted from fractures or alterations of weakens bones. A second group of 80 subjects, received the balneal-rehabilitation treatment combined, or not with physical exercises. DEXA and SF-36 scores, using statistical analysis, performed the evaluation of OP treatment. The results of experiment emphasized the efficiency of balneal-rehabilitation treatment applied patients with OP. The future research will be focused upon the implementation of vibration therapy with balneal-conservative treatment on patients with osteoporosis and osteoarthritis to reduce the therapy time and improving the quality life of patients.
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Kalabayev, Ruslan, Ekaterina Sukhova, Gadam Rovshenov und Roman Kontarev. „Acidizing Workflow for Optimized Well Performance in Zhdanov and Lam Oil Fields Offshore Caspian Sea“. In SPE Europec featured at 82nd EAGE Conference and Exhibition. SPE, 2021.

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Abstract Successful sandstone matrix stimulation treatments require addressing complex mineralogy, correctly identifying formation damage, selecting the best stimulation fluids, and placing these fluids correctly. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate a workflow considering laboratory testing, advanced software modeling including acid and diverter fluid efficiency calibration using field experimental data, field execution, and relevant case studies in two oil fields located in the Cheleken block, offshore Caspian Sea. Implementation of the workflow has led to positive results. Matrix acidizing was selected as the primary method for restoring production of the oil wells drilled into sandstone reservoirs due to the reservoir characteristics. Deep Zhdanov wells and shallower Lam wells possess ~15 and ~250 md permeability and ~90 and ~50°C static reservoir temperature, respectively. The target rock mineralogy in both fields predominantly consists of quartz, chlorite, and carbonate minerals. Fluids selection, stimulation design and job execution followed the above mentioned workflow. Treatment modeling considered calibration factors derived from field testing and incorporated several acid and diverter systems. A mix of bullhead and coiled tubing placed treatments were employed. The first step of the workflow considered characterization of the rock mineralogy and selection of the best-fit treatment fluids. Rock dissolution and X-ray diffraction (XRD) tests were run to develop the optimum formulations for the treatment conditions. Further, the results of the laboratory testing were incorporated into the advanced matrix acidizing simulator to model and optimize the treatment schedules. The recently developed matrix stimulation software incorporates geochemical, thermal, and placement simulations calibrated with experimental data. Offset well stimulation treatment pressure match was done by calibrating the acid and diverter fluid efficiency, and those calibrated values were considered for design simulations for the following acid treatments. In this paper, the term "acid efficiency" is defined as a measure of the relative rate at which the acid can penetrate when it flows in the rock matrix as a function of matrix porosity and the overall acid reactivity. The term "diverter efficiency" is defined as a measure of the viscosity developed by a given diverter when it flows in the rock matrix. Such a calibration method accounts for the actual reservoir large-scale acid-rock reaction kinetics. Finally, diagnostic tests and main acid treatments were executed that enabled achieving the desired levels of skin reduction, reservoir placement, zone coverage, and hydrocarbon production rates. Several acid stimulation operations were conducted including three cases in which a low-temperature well with carbonate damage needed repeated acidizing and two additional cases that involved wells with deep, hot, and clay-rich pay zones. Several fluid schedules were applied including foam diversion technique. The above approach uses a unique method of acid efficiency calibration using field experimental data. It requires good knowledge of reservoir rock mineralogy, porosity, and permeability profiles in the zones of interest. Pretreatment skin is calibrated using production data prior to acid efficiency calibration based on matching the actual treatment pressures. The pressure behavior observed during the following treatments closely matched the design pressures confirming applicability of the approach.
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Croccolo, Dario, Massimiliano De Agostinis, Stefano Fini, Giorgio Olmi, Francesco Robusto, Omar Cavalli und Nicolò Vincenzi. „The Influence of Material, Hardness, Roughness and Surface Treatment on the Frictional Characteristics of the Underhead Contact in Socket-Head Screws“. In ASME 2018 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018.

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The present paper aims at determining the effect of several design and manufacturing parameters on the frictional response of the underhead contact in a bolted joint comprising a socket-head M6 class 12.9 screw. The rationale of the research moves from the need to understand the frictional behavior of screw joints used in machine tools as a means to join roller monoguides with the moving carriages of three-axis tooling units. The experimentation takes into account different underhead materials (Steel, Cast Iron, Aluminum), different roughness levels (Ra = 0.8, 1.6, 3.2), different surface treatments (No treatment, oxidised, DLC), as well as repeated tightening operations. The experimentation has been run by a specifically developed specimen, consisting of two parts: an instrumented sleeve, equipped with a double array of strain gauges capable of sampling both the axial preload and the underhead torque, and interchangeable underhead washers, with an anti-rotation device, whose material and surface treatment are suitably changed among the different sets. The tightening torque is recorded by a digital torque wrench. The collected data are processed by ANoVa tools, to investigate the significance of each factor, as well as related interactions. The friction coefficients associated with the different operating parameters are a useful tool to support the design task of bolted joints.
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Pop, Petru A., Liviu Lazar und Florin M. Marcu. „Significance of Kinetotherapy in Rehabilitation Treatment of Osteoporosis“. In ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013.

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Osteoporosis is a systemic skeleton disease, characterized by a low bone mass and micro-architectural deterioration of bone tissue with consecutive increasing of fragile bones and susceptibility of fractures. Risk facture, advanced ages, family history, rheumatoid arthritis, low calcium intake, physical inactivity, and low body weight can lead to this condition. The aim of treatment in osteoporosis is to grow-up the bone mineral density of the skeleton and to increase resorption of formed bone, used diverse methods as medications, conservative measures, weight reduction, physical and occupational therapy, mechanical support devices and surgery. This paper presents a balneal-conservative treatment applied to 82 patients diagnosed with osteoporosis from Rehabilitation Clinical Hospital of Felix Spa in 2011–2012, which has combined with a kinetotherapy and medication treatment. The complex rehabilitation treatment involves balneal-physical-kinetic recovery treatment that must be periodical repeated every six months, while the subjects themselves at home followed the kinetotherapy with drugs between balneal-treatments at hospital. The significance of rehabilitation treatment for the osteoporosis patients is to rise both functional and independence level, and improving their quality life. DEXA, Qualeffo-41 Test, fragility fractures, difference of height patients, using the statistical analysis have performed the evaluation of trial. These results emphasized the efficiency of balneal-rehabilitation treatment with main accent on respect the kinetotherapy applied the osteoporosis patients. The future research will be focused upon the implementation of vibration therapy with balneal-conservative treatment on patients with osteoporosis to reduce the therapy time and improving the quality patients life.
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Huang, Yu-Chih, Nadia Tran, J. Stuart Nelson und Bernard Choi. „Noninvasive Blood Flow Imaging for Real-Time Feedback During Laser Therapy of Port Wine Stain Birthmarks“. In ASME 2008 3rd Frontiers in Biomedical Devices Conference. ASMEDC, 2008.

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Port wine stain (PWS) birthmarks are progressive vascular malformations that occur in ∼12,000 live births per year in the United States. The majority (∼90%) of PWS birthmarks occur on the head and neck regions, and thus are difficult to conceal. The psychosocial development of individuals with PWS birthmarks is adversely affected. Facial PWS lesions have been associated with increased incidence of glaucoma and seizures. The progressive nature of PWS skin may be due to lack of neuronal regulation of blood vessel size. Progressive development of the PWS results in a darker appearance, soft tissue hypertrophy, nodularity, and overall further disfigurement. Current treatment options have significant limitations in terms of efficacy and risk. With laser therapy, a reduction in size and degree of redness of PWS skin occurs in ∼60% of treated patients. After ten treatment sessions, complete disappearance of the PWS occurs in only ∼10% of treated patients. To reduce the financial burden and potential risks of repeated treatments under general anesthesia, there is a need for innovative, personalized methods to maximize the reduction in PWS redness per treatment session. Without addressing this need, the overall efficacy of PWS laser therapy will remain variable, because treatment protocols will remain based primarily on the subjective impression and overall experience of the treating surgeon. To address this need, we propose use of laser speckle imaging (LSI) to provide real-time, quantitative feedback during laser surgery.
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Wammack, James E., Jared Crosby, Daniel Fletcher, Jeffrey P. Bons und Thomas H. Fletcher. „Evolution of Surface Deposits on a High Pressure Turbine Blade: Part I — Physical Characteristics“. In ASME Turbo Expo 2006: Power for Land, Sea, and Air. ASMEDC, 2006.

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Turbine blade coupons with three different surface treatments were exposed to deposition conditions in an accelerated deposition facility. The facility simulates the flow conditions at the inlet to a first stage high pressure turbine (T = 1150°C, M = 0.31). The combustor exit flow is seeded with dust particulate that would typically be ingested by a large utility power plant. The three coupon surface treatments included: (1) bare polished metal, (2) polished thermal barrier coating with bondcoat, and (3) unpolished oxidation resistant bondcoat. Each coupon was subjected to four successive 2 hour deposition tests. The particulate loading was scaled to simulate 0.02 ppmw (parts per million weight) of particulate over three months of continuous gas turbine operation for each 2 hour laboratory simulation (for a cumulative one year of operation). Three-dimensional maps of the deposit-roughened surfaces were created between each test, representing a total of four measurements evenly spaced through the lifecycle of a turbine blade surface. From these measurements the surface topology and roughness statistics were determined. Despite the different surface treatments, all three surfaces exhibited similar non-monotonic changes in roughness with repeated exposure. In each case, an initial build-up of isolated roughness peaks was followed by a period when valleys between peaks were filled with subsequent deposition. This trend is well documented using the average forward facing roughness angle in combination with the average roughness height as characteristic roughness metrics. Deposition-related mechanisms leading to spallation of the thermal barrier coated coupons are identified and documented.
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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Repeated treatments"


Majumdar, Dibyen. Optimal Repeated Measurements Designs for Comparing Test Treatments with a Control. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Januar 1987.

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d'Haultfoeuille, Xavier, Stefan Hoderlein und Yuya Sasaki. Nonlinear difference-in-differences in repeated cross sections with continuous treatments. Institute for Fiscal Studies, August 2013.

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Bray, Elizabeth, Zvi Lerner und Alexander Poljakoff-Mayber. The Role of Phytohormones in the Response of Plants to Salinity Stress. United States Department of Agriculture, September 1994.

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Salinity is an increasing problem in many irrigated areas of crop production and is a significant factor in reducing crop productivity. Developmental, physiological, and molecular responses to salinity were studied in order to improve our understanding of these responses. Improvements in our understanding of plant responses to salinity are necessary in order to develop crops with improved salt tolerance. Previously, in Israel, it was shown that Sorghum biccolor can adapt to an otherwise lethal concentration of NaCl. These experiments were refined and it was shown that there is a specific window of development in which this adaption can occur. Past the window of development, Sorghum plants can not be adapted. In addition, the ability to adapt is not present in all genotypes of Sorghum. Cultivars that adapt have an increased coefficient of variation for many of the physiological parameters measured during the mid-phase of adaptation. Therefore, it is possible that the adaptation process does not occur identically in the entire population. A novel gene was identified, isolated and characterized from Sorghum that is induced in roots in response to salinity. This gene is expressed in roots in response to salt treatments, but it is not salt-induced in leaves. In leaves, the gene is expressed without a salt treatment. The gene encodes a proline-rich protein with a novel proline repeat, PEPK, repeated more than 50 times. An antibody produced to the PEPK repeat was used to show that the PEPK protein is present in the endodermal cell wall of the root during salt treatments. In the leaves, the protein is also found predominantly in the cell wall and is present mainly in the mesophyll cells. It is proposed that this protein is involved in the maintenance of solute concentration.
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Deb, Partha, Edward Norton, Jeffrey Wooldridge und Jeffrey Zabel. A Flexible, Heterogeneous Treatment Effects Difference-in-Differences Estimator for Repeated Cross-Sections. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, Oktober 2024.

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Short, Mary, und Sherry Leis. Vegetation monitoring in the Manley Woods unit at Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield: 1998–2020. Herausgegeben von Tani Hubbard. National Park Service, Juni 2022.

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Natural resource management at Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield (NB) is guided by our understanding of the woodlands and prairies at the time of the Civil War battle in 1861. This report is focused on the Manley Woods unit of the park. This unit is an oak-hickory woodland in the Springfield Plain subsection of the Ozarks. Canopy closure for Missouri oak woodlands can be highly variable and ranges from 30–100% across the spectrum of savanna, open woodland, and closed woodland types. In 1861, the woodland was likely a savanna community. Changes in land use (e.g., fire exclusion) caused an increase in tree density in woodlands at Wilson’s Creek NB and across the Ozarks. Savannas and open woodlands transitioned to closed canopy woodlands over time. Park management plans include restoring the area to a savanna/open woodland structure. Prescribed fire was reintroduced to Wilson’s Creek NB in 1988 and continues as the primary mechanism for reducing the tree canopy. The Manley Woods unit of Wilson’s Creek NB has been subject to intense natural and anthropogenic disturbance events such as a tornado in 2003, timber removal in 2005, prescribed fires in 2006, 2009, and 2019, an ice storm in 2007, and periodic drought. The Heartland Inventory and Monitoring Network (hereafter, Heartland Network) installed four permanent monitoring sites within the Manley Woods area of the park in 1997. Initially, we assessed ground flora and regeneration within the sites (1998–1999). We added fuel sampling after the 2003 tornado. Although overstory sampling occurred prior to the tornado, the protocol was not yet stabilized and pre-2003 overstory data were not included in these analyses. In this report, we focus on the overstory, tree regeneration, and ground cover metrics; ground flora data will be assessed in future analyses. Heartland Network monitoring data reveal that Manley Woods has undergone substantial change in canopy cover and midstory trees since 1998. While basal area and density metrics classify Manley Woods as an open woodland, the closed canopy of the midstory and overstory reveal a plant community that is moving toward closed woodland or forest structure. The most recent fire in 2019 was patchy and mild, resulting in continued increases in fuels. Ground cover metrics indicate infrequent disturbance since leaf litter continued to increase. Management objectives to restore savanna or woodland composition and structure to the Manley Woods overstory, regeneration layer, and ground cover will require implementation of prescribed fire in the future. Repeated fires can thin midstory trees and limit less fire tolerant early seral species. Additionally, mechanical or chemical treatments to reduce undesirable tree species should be considered for woodland restoration. Decreasing canopy closure is an important and essential step toward the restoration of a functioning savanna/open woodland plant community in Manley Woods. Treatments that thin the midstory and reduce fuel loading will also benefit these plant communities. With the anticipated changing climate, maintaining an open woodland community type may also provide resilience through management for native species tolerant of increasingly warmer temperatures.
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Hsieh, Patrick, Eric Apaydin, Robert G. Briggs, Dalal Al-Amodi, Andrea Aleman, Kellie Dubel, Ariana Sardano et al. Diagnosis and Treatment of Tethered Spinal Cord. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Oktober 2024.

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Objectives. To summarize the evidence regarding diagnosis, prophylactic treatment, symptomatic treatment, and repeat surgery of tethered spinal cord. Data sources. We searched PubMed®, Embase®, CINAHL, Web of Science, SCOPUS,, ICTRP, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, PROSPERO, ECRI repository, G-I-N, MagicApp, and ClinicalKey from inception to March 2024; reference-mined reviews; and contacted research authors. Review methods. The review followed a detailed protocol and was supported by a Technical Expert Panel. Systematic review software (DistillerSR) was utilized for all screening and data extraction tasks. Citation screening was facilitated by machine learning; two independent reviewers each screened full text citations for eligibility; one literature reviewer extracted data and a methodologist checked for accuracy. Risk of bias assessments focused on key sources of bias for diagnostic and intervention studies. We conducted strength of evidence (SoE) and applicability assessments for key outcomes. The protocol for the review has been registered in PROSPERO (CRD42023461296). Results. Searches identified 6,285 citations; 2,005 were obtained as full text. In total, 103 studies met inclusion criteria, with an additional 355 case series providing additional information. We found the strongest evidence for accuracy of MRI in diagnosing tethered spinal cord. Specifically, studies indicated this modality has medium to high diagnostic sensitivity and specificity (moderate SoE). A small number of existing studies suggested benefits of prophylactic surgery, but it was also associated with complications such as surgical site infection (low SoE). A larger body of evidence evaluated various treatments for symptomatic patients, with the majority focused on surgical detethering. Studies reported improvement of neurological status after surgical detethering (low SoE), but it was also associated with post-operative complications such as cerebrospinal fluid leakage (moderate SoE). A very small body of evidence exists for revision detethering and spinal column shortening for repeat surgery (low or insufficient SoE for all outcomes). Across diagnosis, prophylactic treatment, symptomatic treatment, and repeat surgery there was insufficient evidence for multiple key outcomes (e.g., over- or undertreatment, clinical impact of diagnostic modalities, ambulation or quality of life outcomes) and thus no evidence statements could be derived. Conclusions. The evidence base for the diagnosis and treatment of tethered spinal cord is limited, with few exceptions (use of MRI or ultrasound for diagnosis, surgical detethering improving neurological status in symptomatic patients, complications associated with open detethering surgery) and would benefit from stronger study designs that include tool evaluations reporting diagnostic performance and treatment studies with concurrent comparator.
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Foreit, James R. Postabortion family planning benefits clients and providers. Population Council, 2005.

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A woman’s fertility can return quickly following an abortion or miscarriage, yet recent data show high levels of unmet need for family planning (FP) among women who have been treated for incomplete abortion. This leaves many women at risk of another unintended pregnancy and in some cases subsequent repeated abortions and abortion-related complications. It is thus vital for programs to provide a comprehensive package of postabortion care (PAC) services that includes medical treatment, FP counseling and services, and other reproductive health services such as evaluation and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, HIV counseling and/or testing, and community support and mobilization. Providing FP services within PAC benefits clients and programs. Facilities that can effectively treat women with incomplete abortions can also provide contraceptive services, including counseling and appropriate methods. As stated in this brief, any provider who can treat incomplete abortion can also provide selected FP methods. Clients, providers, and programs benefit when FP methods are provided to postabortion clients at the time of treatment.
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Liu, Zhang, Si-jia Yu, You-fan Hu, Ding Wang, Shu-yu Wang, Zhao-hui Tang und Wei-hong Li. Efficacy and Safety of Repeated Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Combined with Escitalopram in the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder: A Meta-Analysis. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, November 2023.

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Hansen, Peter J., und Amir Arav. Embryo transfer as a tool for improving fertility of heat-stressed dairy cattle. United States Department of Agriculture, September 2007.

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The overall objective of the current proposal is to develop procedures to improve the pregnancy rate achieved following transfer of fresh or cryopreserved embryos produced in the laboratory into heat-stress recipients. The overall hypothesis is that pregnancy rate in heat-stressed lactating cows can be improved by use of embryo transfer and that additional gains in pregnancy rate can be achieved through development of procedures to cryopreserve embryos, select embryos most likely to establish and maintain pregnancy after transfer, and to enhance embryo competence for post-transfer survival through manipulation of culture conditions. The original specific objectives were to 1) optimize procedures for cryopreservation (Israel/US), 2) develop procedures for identifying embryos with the greatest potential for development and survival using the remote monitoring system called EmbryoGuard (Israel), 3) perform field trials to test the efficacy of cryopreservation and the EmbryoGuard selection system for improving pregnancy rates in heat-stressed, lactating cows (US/Israel), 4) test whether selection of fresh or frozen-thawed blastocysts based on measurement of group II caspase activity is an effective means of increasing survival after cryopreservation and post-transfer pregnancy rate (US), and 5) identify genes in blastocysts induced by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) (US). In addition to these objectives, additional work was carried out to determine additional cellular determinants of embryonic resistance to heat shock. There were several major achievements. Results of one experiment indicated that survival of embryos to freezing could be improved by treating embryos with cytochalasin B to disrupt the cytoskeleton. An additional improvement in the efficacy of embryo transfer for achieving pregnancy in heat-stressed cows follows from the finding that IGF-1 can improve post-transfer survival of in vitro produced embryos in the summer but not winter. Expression of several genes in the blastocyst was regulated by IGF-1 including IGF binding protein-3, desmocollin II, Na/K ATPase, Bax, heat shock protein 70 and IGF-1 receptor. These genes are likely candidates 1) for developing assays for selection of embryos for transfer and 2) as marker genes for improving culture conditions for embryo production. The fact that IGF-1 improved survival of embryos in heat-stressed recipients only is consistent with the hypothesis that IGF-1 confers cellular thermotolerance to bovine embryos. Other experiments confirmed this action of IGF-1. One action of IGF-1, the ability to block heat-shock induced apoptosis, was shown to be mediated through activation of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathway. Other cellular determinants of resistance of embryos to elevated temperature were identified including redox status of the embryo and the ceramide signaling pathway. Developmental changes in embryonic apoptosis responses in response to heat shock were described and found to include alterations in the capacity of the embryo to undergo caspase-9 and caspase-3 activation as well as events downstream from caspase-3 activation. With the exception of IGF-1, other possible treatments to improve pregnancy rate to embryo transfer were not effective including selection of embryos for caspase activity, treatment of recipients with GnRH.and bilateral transfer of twin embryos. In conclusion, accomplishments achieved during the grant period have resulted in methods for improving post-transfer survival of in vitro produced embryos transferred into heat-stressed cows and have lead to additional avenues for research to increase embryo resistance to elevated temperature and improve survival to cryopreservation. In addition, embryo transfer of vitrified IVF embryos increased significantly the pregnancy rate in repeated breeder cows.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

zhixia, Zhang, Song Jiating, Pan lanlan, xiaoting Lin und jing li. The Effect of different exercise methods in the treatment of cancer-related fatigue: a network meta-analysis. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, November 2022.

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Review question / Objective: To compare the clinical effects of different exercise methods for cancer fatigue by using mesh Meta-analysis, and to choose the best exercise method for cancer fatigue. Condition being studied: Cancer-related fatigue. Eligibility criteria: Inclusion criteria: (1) Study subjects: the patients is caused by fatigue.(2) Intervention: A group of patients used exercise intervention. (3) Study type: RCT. (4) Outcome index: Cancer-related fatigue score.(5) Grey literature is available.(6) Language in Chinese or English.Exclusion criteria:(1) Using oral drugs. (2) It can not provide complete data. (3) Repeatedly published literature. (4) Conference papers. (5) Literature with inconsistent data types:(1) Using oral drugs. (2) It can not provide complete data. (3) Repeatedly published literature. (4) Conference papers. (5) Literature with inconsistent data types.
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