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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Relations professionnelles comparées"
Lemoine, Lise, und Benoît Schneider. „La fratrie d’adultes porteurs de trisomie 21 : une approche à partir des représentations comparées des frères et soeurs et des parents d’adultes avec trisomie 21“. Revue francophone de la déficience intellectuelle 25 (17.11.2014): 148–73.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleKass, Efrat. „“A Compliment is all I need” – Teachers Telling Principals How to Promote Their Staff's Self-Efficacy“. Alberta Journal of Educational Research 59, Nr. 2 (15.04.2014): 208–25.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBÉLANGER, Pierre W., und Eigil PEDERSEN. „Projets des étudiants québécois“. Sociologie et sociétés 5, Nr. 1 (30.09.2002): 91–110.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBouchard, Louise, Ricardo Batista und Ian Colman. „Santé mentale et maladies mentales des jeunes francophones de 15 à 24 ans“. Articles, Nr. 9 (26.02.2018): 227–45.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBreton, Éléanor. „Les usagers professionnels des prévisions météorologiques probabilistes : des rapports à l'incertitude variés“. La Météorologie, Nr. 123 (2023): 032.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMcShane, Steven L. „Sources of Attitudinal Union Militancy“. Articles 40, Nr. 2 (12.04.2005): 284–302.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMick, Jacques. „Trabalho jornalístico e mundialização“. Sur le journalisme, About journalism, Sobre jornalismo 6, Nr. 2 (14.12.2017): 68–81.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleNaszályi, Philippe. „Assumer“. La Revue des Sciences de Gestion N° 323, Nr. 4 (09.02.2024): 1–2.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleVuong, Vincent, Ramola Bhojwani, Anjana Sengar und Allan Mills. „Prescription Modification by Pharmacists in a Hospital Setting: Are Ontario Pharmacists Ready?“ Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy 74, Nr. 3 (05.07.2021).
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDissertationen zum Thema "Relations professionnelles comparées"
Massimo, Francesco Sabato. „Mobilising work and demobilising labour under contemporary monopoly capitalism : a comparative study of the labour process and industrial relations in Amazon’s logistics network“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis contributes to the study of one of the largest contemporary companies and perhaps the most representative of contemporary capitalism: Amazon. The main goal of this thesis is to bring labour back at the core of the analysis, showing its centrality in the production of value, even in those giant corporations called “digital monopolies”.With its vast logistics network and millions of employees scattered across dozens of countries, Amazon is an ideal case study for understanding (1) why these monopolies, despite their “digital” nature, rely on massive physical infrastructures and how these infrastructures depends on the activity of millions of workers – in the case of Amazon, wage-workers, particularly in logistics warehouses; (2) how Amazon manages this workforce in order to mobilise the effort of employees while simultaneously demobilising their resistance, but above all how these strategies change at the same time as the evolution of Amazon’s profit strategy (3) how the “disruptive” power of digital monopolies unfolds in historical and institutional contexts other than those of the United States, particularly in terms of labour regulations and its impact on working conditions in Amazon’s workplace. To answer these three questions, the thesis mobilises the results of a multi-level investigation: the level of the labour process, studied through participant observation, interviews with employees and written sources; the level of Amazon’s profit strategy, examining the company’s balance sheets, interviewing management, and analysing vast secondary sources; the level of industrial relations, local and transnational, analysed through the direct observation of trade union activities, interviews and secondary sources
Loubaki-Kaya, Eudes Sabas. „L' évolution du droit des relations de travail dans les pays d'Afrique noire francophone : les cas du Congo et du Gabon (étude comparée)“. Aix-Marseille 3, 2002.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleFlexibility, mondialisation and employability are keys words in the context of our African reality. In order to adapt, the Congolese labour laws have been ambitiously reoriented towards an economic finality, whereas the labour of Gabon still retain a purely protective finality. Unfortunately, the former, owing to its liberal orientation, only imperfectly ensures the rights and guarantees of the workers. The protectionism which characterises the latter country has a creed of overbearing legalistic positivism, and as an instrument rigid and all embracing rules whose volume, incessant flow and incoherence as regards market economy and the OHADA, cannot but give rise to confusion and interrogations. Between flexibility and rigidity, an extension of the role of collective negociation would appear to be the ideal means to adapt to the changes which are taking place. This would entail total participation by the Congolese and the Gabonese Unions. It is no longer a question of simply negiciating additional advantages but of the actual contents of the rules to be applied. At the same time, the extreme poverty of the rural populations must lead Congo and Gabon to move beyond programmes of stabilisation and structural adjustments, in order to launch growth strategies to create jobs. Tha adaptation of labour laws in rural areas leads naturally to a redifinition of the word "worker" and would seem to necessitate a new right : the right to a job or professional activity. Whence comes the necessity for a normative modification of the basis of labour laws in French speaking countries of Central Africa (in a general way). This new ideal of working relations which moves from the idea of work towards that a job in the sense of a professional activity must not however lead us to anticipate a change of rationality in the way in which working relations are understood in the legal sense. As far as social security systemes are concerned, they are rudimentary in both countries, althought the Gabonese is moving towards universality
Courtois-Champenois, Estelle. „Le droit du travail américain, un droit de l'entreprise : contribution à l'étude comparée des sources du droit du travail français et américain“. Aix-Marseille 3, 2001.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe American plant is an autonomous legal order, self-governed, which unifies the law of the workplace. The best interests of the corporation are confused with those of the employer. Unlike French law, it is not a law built on legal tradition. Traditionally, the study of the law governing the American workplace is limited to labor relations law, that is, the regulation of union-management relationships. However, this description doesn't fully refect the ambivalent nature of the law governing the workplace. Neglecting the legal sources that the French law favors, the American law governing the workplace mainly arises out of either the manager's right to control or a collective bargaining agreement negotiated between the union and management. This law is less a " labor and employment " law as understood by the French law than it is a private " of the shop "
Charfi, Mohammed. „Les altérations de la relation individuelle de travail en droit algérien comparé“. Perpignan, 2008.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleScheepers, Julien. „Logiques, formes et enjeux de l'ethnicisation des compétences professionnelles. Les cas comparés des éducateurs dans le travail social et des agents de sécurité privée : les cas comparés des éducateurs dans le travail social et des agents de sécurité privée“. Thesis, Nice, 2013.
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Mouawad, Julie. „Les relations d'affaires : approche comparée du droit français et du droit libanais“. Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2018.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe word « business relations » is no longer only a denomination in the « business world »; in fact, the legal notion of business relations intervenes today as a new legal category of law, in particular since the drafting of French order No. 2016-131 in 10 February 2016. Our analysis will focus on the consecration of « business relations » in French and Lebanese positive law. This analysis has a principal interest to attempt to outline a general definition of the concept of « business relations », to develop the legal framework within which it is formed, and to determine the related characteristics of the business relations concept. A legal approach of this notion has enabled us to specify the legal framework of the business relations notion, this is largely based on article L. 442-6-I, 5⁰ of the French commercial code. The analysis of the economic equilibrium and the legal security of contractors will lead us to study not only the pre-contractual and contractual relations but also the condition and the legal effects of business relations at the post-contract stage. In a first approach, we will clarify the areas in which the notion of business relations is approached in positive law, and will try to specify its constituent elements. In a second approach, we will analyze the legal effects of the « business relations » notion during the diverse phases of the contract drafting and the consequences of the contract termination on those relations
Vanommeslaghe, Laurence. „Les stratégies d'action ouvrières face aux menaces sur l'emploi en France et en Belgique (1996-2003) : étude ethnographique comparée de quatre conflits industriels“. Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2009.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis doctoral thesis deals with the collective response of employees hit by the closure or restructuring of their production tool, putting them at risk of losing their job. We have sought to identify the reasons for resignation or, on the contrary, the inspiration behind protest movements and response strategies put together by industry workers, at a time when such workers are to an extent losing their bearings and their traditional culture of struggle has been eroding. Field studies were carried out on the collapse of Forges de Clabecq, the offshoring of three Levi’s factories, the restructuring of two continental steel plants belonging to Arcelor and the receivership of the Cellatex factory. Our research was framed by a comparison between France and Belgium, as our hypothesis was that unions and the degree with which they work with the state have an impact on the intensity and form of labour movements. In this respect, France and Belgium offer highly contrasting systems. A second key to understanding this phenomenon is the local environment and the underlying characteristics of different employment basins. Lastly, the company itself, its industrial and social history, its local image and its human resources management policies forge the identity, values, collective culture and the perception of class relations of its employees. For this reason, we attach especial importance to the impact of new management on the company’s collective cohesiveness and, accordingly, its mobilisation potential
Moreau, Marie-Pierre. „Comparer pour comprendre : la différentiation sexuée des parcours professionnels et familiaux des enseigant-e-s du second degré en France et en Angleterre“. Toulouse 2, 2009.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDrawing on gender theories, the sociology of occupations and cross-national comparative perspectives, this doctoral thesis endeavours to understand the construction of gender-differentiated career and personal paths among secondary school teachers in England and France. The analysis is based on primary data (over 60 semi-structured interviews with men and women teachers n both countries) and secondary data (statistical datasets, official reports, etc. ). Gender inequalities and their subjective construction by teachers require a combined analysis of the societal level (including the gendered norms of paid and unpaid work and work-life policies), the specific working conditions and career paths within the teaching profession, and individual biographies. Thanks to the articulation of these differents levels of analysis from a cross-national comparative perspective, the thesis underlines how gender inequalities are socially constructed. Although gender inequalities can be identified in teaching careers in both countries, they nevertheless take different forms according to the national context. The thesis analyses the mechanisms behind the reproduction of gender structures, as well as those leading to their transformation, showing that inequalities between men and women are not inevitable
Faraj, Amine. „L' obligation d'information dans le contrat médical : Approche de droit comparé franco-libanais“. Montpellier 1, 2007.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleNeron, Sylvain. „L'obligation de paix sociale aux États-Unis et en France : étude de droit du travail comparé“. Toulouse 1, 2008.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe industrial peace is the main objective of the American labor law. In France, an implicit obligation is equally the matrix of the labor law. Nevertheless the reality of this obligation is completely different in both countries. But nowadays the convergence of these laws appears unavoidable. Concerning the American labor law, although the collective agreement permits to secure the collective agreement by limiting the resort to the strike or to the judge, the lack of a continual and plural dialogue encourages the opposition between th employer and the union. .
Bücher zum Thema "Relations professionnelles comparées"
Pourchez, Laurence, Hrsg. Naître et grandir. Normes du Sud, du Nord, d’hier et d’aujourd’hui. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2020.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBerichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Relations professionnelles comparées"
Barbuscia, Anna, und Chiara Comolli. Gender and socioeconomic inequalities in health and wellbeing across age in France and Switzerland. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Juni 2021.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleNegrini, Alessia, Jacques Perron, Samantha Vila Masse, Charles-Édouard Giguère, Andrea Gragnano und Marc Corbière. Analyse longitudinale et comparative des absences et des départs hâtifs dans un milieu d'éducation au Québec : une étude de exploratoire. IRSST, August 2024.
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