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Mytrofanova, A. S. „Role of technological mode of production in transforming relations of production“. Thesis, НТУ "ХПИ", 2015.

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Kazic, Dusan. „Plantes animées. De la production aux relations avec les plantes“. Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2019.

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Cette thèse porte sur des rapports animés entre les et leurs plantes dans les champs français. Pour certains, les plantes sont des êtres sensibles et intelligentes, pour d’autres, elles sont des êtres de travail, des êtres d’accompagnement, des êtres de jeu, des êtres de souffrance. Certain.e.s parlent à leurs plantes, d’autres tissent des relations d’amour, et se laissent instruire par leurs plantes sur les manières de les cultiver dans les champs. En décrivant ces rapports, la thèse montre que grâce aux relations sensibles que tissent ces avec leurs plantes, ils/elles les animent en laissant de côté les épistémologies naturalistes. En prenant ces propos au sérieux, littéralement, la thèse défend l’hypothèse selon laquelle, pour éviter que le monde agricole ne se transforme en véritable ruine, il ne faut plus chercher à « produire autrement », mais il faut rompre avec le paradigme de production pour ancrer les et leurs plantes dans des rapports co-évolutifs. En plongeant dans l’histoire de la modernité, c’est-à-dire en revisitant le conflit qui opposait le monde paysan d’un côté et le monde moderne de l’autre, avec l’arrivée des physiocrates parmi les instances intellectuelles et politiques françaises, cette thèse montre que le concept de production relève d’une approche universaliste et naturalisée qui s’est imposée sans aucun fondement empirique dans le monde agricole et dans le monde moderne plus largement
This thesis deals with animated relationships between peasants and their plants in French fields. For some, plants are sentient and intelligent beings, for others they are working beings, accompanying beings, game beings, suffering beings. Some peasants speak to their plants, others weave loving relationships, and let their plants teach them how to cultivate them in the fields. In describing these relationships, the thesis shows that, thanks to the sensitive relations that these peasants weave with their plants, they animate them by leaving naturalist epistemologies aside. By taking these words seriously, literally, the thesis defends the hypothesis that, in order to prevent the agricultural world from becoming ruins, we must no longer seek to "produce differently", but we must break with the paradigm of production to anchor peasants and their plants in co-evolutionary relationships. By plunging into the history of modernity, that is to say by revisiting the conflict between the peasant world on one side and the modern world on the other, with the arrival of the physiocrats among the French intellectual and policy-making bodies, this thesis shows that the concept of production is based on a universalist and naturalized approach that has been imposed without any empirical basis in the agricultural world and in the modern world more widely
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Burston, Jonathan Isaac. „The megamusical new forms and relations in global cultural production /“. Thesis, Online version, 1998.

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Dorosz, Sven. „Fluctuation Relations for Stochastic Systems far from Equilibrium“. Diss., Virginia Tech, 2010.

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Fluctuations are of great importance in systems of small length and energy scales. Measuring the pulling of single molecules or the stationary fiow of mesospheres dragged through a viscous media enables the direct analysis of work and entropy distributions. These probability distributions are the result of a large number of repetitions of the same experiment. Due to the small scale of these experiments, the outcome can vary significantly from one realization to the next. Strong theoretical predictions exist, collectively called Fluctuation Theorems, that restrict the shape of these distributions due to an underlying time reversal symmetry of the microscopic dynamics. Fluctuation Theorems are the strongest existing statements on the entropy production of systems that are out of equilibrium. Being the most important ingredient for the Fluctuation Theorems, the probability distribution of the entropy change is itself of great interest. Using numerically exact methods we characterize entropy distributions for various stochastic reaction-diffusion systems that present different properties in their underlying dynamics. We investigate these systems in their steady states and in cases where time dependent forces act on them. This study allows us to clarify the connection between the microscopic rules and the resulting entropy production. The present work also adds to the discussion of the steady state properties of stationary probabilities and discusses a non-equilibrium current amplitude that allows us to quantify the distance from equilibrium. The presented results are part of a greater endeavor to find common rules that will eventually lead to a general understanding of non-equilibrium systems.
Ph. D.
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Struthers, S. J. R. „A study of social relations in the recording of popular music“. Thesis, Keele University, 1986.

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Molina, Herrera Antonio J. „Ecohydrological relations in a wild cherry tree plantation for timber production“. Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2015.

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Els diferents treballs presentats en aquesta tesi han permès aprofundir en diversos aspectes relacionats amb el maneig de plantacions de cirerer per a fusta de qualitat en un context mediterrani, així com en uns altres més purament relacionats amb processos hidrològics, fisiològics o ecològics i amb la metodologia utilitzada per la mesura d'aquests. En el primer capítol es van testar els efectes que poden tenir sobre la producció de fusta el tipus de sòl (argilenc amb escàs percentatge d'elements gruixuts, enfront de sorrenc amb elevat percentatge d'elements gruixuts), el reg per degoteig (reg enfront de no reg) i el llaurat del sòl (llaurat mecànic enfront de vegetació espontània). Els resultats van mostrar que tant el tipus de sòl com el reg van tenir efectes significatius, mentre que el llaurat de sòl no va suposar increments notables en el increment en el volum de fusta. L'extrapolació dels resultats a tot el torn de plantació va permetre establir que, si la tendència observada es manté, el torn de plantació pot ser massa elevat per al sòl de tipus sorrenc, mentre que s'aconseguiria una reducció del voltant de deu anys al aplicar el reg, independentment del tipus de sòl. D'altra banda, la valoració econòmica i ecològica dels resultats del llaurat del sòl va permetre establir una forta reducció dels costos associats i una alta diversitat de la vegetació herbàcia acompanyant, amb els beneficis associats que aquesta última podria portar amb si. En el següent capítol es va estudiar la partició de la pluja amb un disseny experimental d'alta resolució espacial i temporal (que va permetre estudiar els processos a diferents escales), i amb un seguiment de l'estructura forestal i el clima com a possibles factors explicatius. Mentre que certes pluges d'escassa magnitud van provocar elevades intercepcions de pluja, els resultats a escala global (acumulat per a tot el període d'estudi) van indicar una baixa capacitat d'intercepció de la plantació, amb el que això pot suposar en matèria de reg. Des del punt de vista metodològic, es va posar de manifest que deu pluviòmetres per mesurar la trascolaciò són suficients per recollir la variabilitat espacial d'aquesta variable a l'escala global. En el tercer i quart capítol així com en l'annex, es va avaluar la transpiració i la seva relació amb variables ambientals (evapotranspiraciò i contingut hídric del perfil de sòl) i estructurals de la vegetació, d'una banda, i diversos aspectes metodològics relacionats amb l'us de sensors de flux de saba per estimar la transpiració, per una altra. Com a resultats més importants, es va posar de manifest el control estomàtic de la transpiració per a rangs concrets de contingut hídric del sòl, així com de la utilitat de les podes per millorar l'eficiència en l'ús de l'aigua a escala de plantació (capítol 3). En relació als aspectes metodològics, es va confirmar que alguns mètodes àmpliament utilitzats en altres espècies per estimar l'àrea conductora no van ser vàlids per a l'espècie estudiada. D'altra banda, es van establir els perfils radials i azimutals de la densitat de flux de saba (capítol 4) i es va comprovar que no considerar la variació que l'àrea conductora té al llarg del període vegetatiu pot suposar importants errors en l'estimació de la transpiració (annex). Finalment, en el capítol cinc, gràcies a l'us d'isòtops estables de l'aigua, es va arribar a la conclusió que, encara que les arrels fines dels arbres es van presentar al llarg del tot el perfil de sòl (0-100 cm), l'extracció principal d'aigua en l'època vegetativa es va produir fonamentalment de les capes superficials, unes vegades a 25 cm de profunditat i unes altres a menor profunditat. Aquest patró d'extracció d'aigua, juntament amb el similar observat per a la vegetació herbàcia acompanyant, va semblar indicar una competència per l'ús de l'aigua entre els arbres i les herbàcies. D'altra banda, els resultats en el sòl de pitjor qualitat agronòmica (el de tipus sorrenc indicat en el primer paràgraf d'aquest resum), amb taxes transpiratives molt baixes en les condicions de no reg, van indicar que la tècnica isotòpica podria ser no adequada en aquestes condicions, on la mescla de les aigües del xilema i floema invalidaria l'assumpció inicial de la relació directa entre l'aigua de xilema i l'aigua del sòl.
Los diferentes trabajos presentados en esta tesis han permitido profundizar en diversos aspectos relacionados con el manejo de plantaciones de cerezo para madera de calidad en un contexto mediterráneo, así como en otros más puramente relacionados con procesos hidrológicos, fisiológicos ó ecológicos y con la metodología utilizada para el monitoreo de éstos. En el primer capítulo se testaron los efectos que pueden tener sobre la producción de madera el tipo de suelo (arcilloso con escaso porcentaje de elementos gruesos frente a arenoso con porcentaje elevado de elementos gruesos), el riego por goteo (riego frente a no riego) y el laboreo del suelo (laboreo mecánico frente a vegetación espontánea). Los resultados mostraron que tanto el tipo de suelo como el riego tuvieron efectos significativos, mientras que el laboreo no supuso incrementos notables en el volumen maderable. La extrapolación de los resultados a todo el turno de plantación permitió establecer que, si la tendencia observada se mantiene, el turno de plantación puede ser demasiado elevado para el suelo de tipo arenoso con porcentaje elevado de elementos gruesos, mientras que se lograría una reducción de alrededor de diez años al aplicar el riego, independientemente del tipo de suelo. Por otra parte, la valoración económica y ecológica de los resultados del laboreo del suelo permitió establecer una fuerte reducción de los costes asociados y una alta diversidad de la vegetación herbácea acompañante, con los beneficios asociados que esta última puede traer consigo. En el segundo capítulo se estudió la partición de la lluvia con un diseño experimental de alta resolución espacial y temporal, además de un seguimiento de la estructura forestal y las variables meteorológicas como posibles factores explicativos de la variabilidad espacio-temporal. Mientras que ciertas lluvias de escasa magnitud provocaron elevadas pérdidas por interceptación, los resultados para todo el periodo de estudio indicaron una baja capacidad de interceptación de la plantación, con lo que ello puede implicar en materia de riego. Desde el punto de vista metodológico, se puso de manifiesto que diez pluviómetros son suficientes para recoger la variabilidad espacial de la trascolación a escala de parcela. En el tercer y cuarto capítulos, así como en el anejo, se evaluó la transpiración y su relación con las variables ambientales (evapotranspiración y contenido hídrico del perfil de suelo) y estructurales de la vegetación. Así mismo, se analizaron diversos aspectos metodológicos relacionados con el empleo de sensores de flujo de savia para estimar la transpiración. Como resultados más destacables se puso de manifiesto el control estomático de la transpiración para rangos concretos de contenido hídrico del suelo, así como de la utilidad de las podas para mejorar la eficiencia en el uso del agua a escala de plantación (capítulo 3). En lo que se refiere a los aspectos metodológicos, se confirmó que algunos métodos ampliamente utilizados en otras especies para estimar el área conductora, no fueron válidos para la especie estudiada. Por otro lado, se establecieron los perfiles radiales y azimutales de la densidad de flujo de savia (capítulo 4) y se comprobó que no considerar la variación a lo largo del período vegetativo del área conductora puede suponer importantes errores en la estimación de la transpiración (anejo). Por último, en el capítulo cinco, gracias al empleo de isótopos estables del agua, se llegó a la conclusión de que, aunque las raíces finas de los árboles se localizaron a lo largo del todo el perfil de suelo (0-100 cm), la extracción de agua durante el período vegetativo se produjo principalmente de las capas más superficiales, unas veces a 25 cm de profundidad y otras a menor profundidad. Este patrón de extracción de agua, junto con un patrón similar observado para la vegetación herbácea acompañante, pareció indicar una competencia por el uso del agua entre los árboles y las herbáceas. Finalmente, las tasas transpirativas tan bajas obtenidas en condiciones de no riego en los árboles situados en el suelo de peor calidad agronómica (el de tipo arenoso indicado en el primer párrafo de este resumen), indicaron que la técnica isotópica podría ser no adecuada en dichas condiciones, ya que una posible mezcla de las aguas del xilema y floema, en estas condiciones de estrés severo, invalidaría la asunción inicial del método de una relación directa entre el agua del xilema y el agua del suelo.
All different works presented in this thesis have allowed a further study of some of the main aspects related to the management of wild cherry tree plantations for timber production under Mediterranean climatic conditions. Moreover, key hydrological, physiological and ecological processes have been monitored and the methodology used for that purpose tested. Within the first chapter, the potential effects of soil type (clay-loam texture with negligible presence of gravels versus sandy-loam texture with high proportion of gravels), irrigation (drip irrigation versus rainfed conditions) and soil tillage (soil tillage versus spontaneous herbaceous plants leaved to grow) on timber volume were tested. Results showed that both soil type and irrigation had significant effects on the timber volume increase, whereas soil tillage did not. Extrapolation of these results to the future allowed setting that, if the observed tendency is maintained, the rotation length will be too high for the sandy soil, whereas a reduction of ten years in the rotation length will be obtained if irrigation is applied, regardless the soil type. On the other hand, the economic and ecological assessment of soil tillage results allowed establishing a strong reduction of the associated costs and high herbaceous vegetation diversity, with the potential related benefits the latter could imply. In the following chapter rainfall partitioning was studied by using an experimental design of high spatial and temporal resolution, together with the monitoring of forest structure and climate variables as potential driving factors. While certain rainfall events of low magnitude caused high interception losses, results at global scale (the accumulated value for the whole study period) indicated a low rainfall interception capacity for the plantation. From a methodological point of view, it was showed that ten tipping buckets were sufficient to collect the spatial variability of throughfall at the global scale. Within chapters three and four and in the annex, stand transpiration and its dependency with environmental (evapotranspiration and soil water content) and forest structural variables were assessed in one hand, and in the other, certain methodological aspects related to the use of sap flow sensors were evaluated. As for the most relevant results, the linear relationship between transpiration and soil water content, and the ability of branch pruning to improve the water use efficiency at stand scale, are highlighted (chapter 3). With regards to methodological aspects, it was confirmed that some methods widely used in other species to estimate the sapwood area were not suitable for the specie under study. In addition, radial and azimuthal profiles of the sap flux density were defined (chapter 4), and it was confirmed that the non consideration of the variation of the sapwood area along the vegetative period may cause relevant errors in the transpiration estimates (annex). Finally, in chapter five, thanks to the use of stable water isotopes, it could be concluded that, even though fine tree roots were observed all through the soil profile (0-100 cm), the root water extraction during the vegetative period was mainly obtained from soil superficial layers, sometimes from 25 cm depth, and some other times from more superficial depths. This water uptake pattern for wild cherry tree, together with that similar one observed in the spontaneous vegetation, is likely to be an indication of water use competence between trees and herbaceous plants. On the other hand, results from the lowest agronomic quality soil (that of sandy texture indicated in the first paragraph of this summary), with very low tree transpiration rates under rainfed conditions, seemed to indicate that water isotopes technique can be inadequate for such conditions, where the mixture of xylem and phloem waters may invalidate the assumption of a direct linkage between xylem and soil waters.
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Anderson, Alison. „The production of environmental news : a study of source-media relations“. Thesis, University of Greenwich, 1993.

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This study analyses the production of environmental news and focuses upon the neglected area of source-media relations. Through a combination of in-depth, semi-structured interviews and content analysis, the study explores relations between media practitioners and key news sources, such as environmental pressure groups, related interest groups, scientists and the Department of the Environment. It suggests that a major lacuna exists within the analysis of source-media relations. Researchers have, until recently, adopted a media-centric position and have rarely considered the perceptions of the sources themselves. This thesis, then, fills an important gap in the literature. It argues that through largely focusing upon the ways in which media make use of sources, the sociology of mass communications has ignored a fundamental aspect of news production. The hypothesis that environmental pressure groups are becoming increasingly adept in their approaches towards the media was supported by the research findings. Many of the campaigning pressure groups that were formed in the 1970s have become established news sources and key definers of the political agenda. During the late 1980s many environmental pressure groups experienced greater access to television and the press. This thesis highlights a number of weaknesses with the structuralist model of source-dependency which maintains that official sources such as government or the courts, co=and privileged access to the media by virtue of their representative status, institutional standing, or their claims to expert knowledge. It suggests that a new model of source-media relations needs to be developed. While official sources tend to gam greater access to the media than non-official sources such as pressure groups, the evidence suggests that this observation needs to be qualified in a number of respects. First, this study indicates that it fails to take into account inequalities of access among 'accredited sources'. Second, it neglects the role of the media as definers in the agenda-setting process. Third, the structuralist model fails to analyse the varying degrees with which media practitioners judge the claims of 'primary definers'. The study indicates that journalists and broadcasters tend to view Friends of the Earth as more credible than Greenpeace. Finally, this thesis indicates that evidence about patterns of source-dependence deduced from content analysis or journalistic evidence needs to be supplemented by interviews with the sources themselves.
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Damasceno, Geovani Maia. „Relations industrial production and demand for energy: an application model VAR“. Universidade Federal do CearÃ, 2009.

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nÃo hÃ
The objective of this research is to analyze the relationship between industrial production and demand for electric energy in the Cearà state. First, it analyzed the behavior of the series used in the study, verifying if they were stationary or integrated processes. Second, Cointegrating tests were utilized to verify of the long-run relationship among economic variables. Finally, through VAR estimation, it was possible to analyze the effect of the variation a long of the time of the industrial production on the others variables. The results obtained indicated that shocks in the industrial production make to increase the energy production, over all of the oil derivatives. The effect most significant occurred on the variable oil diesel. In relation to the electric energy, the results had little indicated a significant variation of this source to explain the increase of the industrial production. In virtue of Cearà industry to be more sensible the shocks in the oil derivatives that in the electric energy, seem to be more reasonable to the State to adopt politics that stimulate the expansion of offer of the first ones, in case that it has as pretension to stimulate its industrial growth.
Esse estudo tem como objetivo analisar a relaÃÃo entre produÃÃo industrial e demanda de energia no Estado do CearÃ. Para tanto buscou-se, a princÃpio, analisar o comportamento das sÃries utilizadas no estudo, verificando se eram estacionÃrias ou processos integrados. Em seguida, procedeu-se ao teste de co-integraÃÃo, cujo intuito era determinar se as sÃries apresentavam alguma tendÃncia comum ao longo do tempo. Por fim, atravÃs da estimaÃÃo de um VAR, procurou-se analisar o efeito da variaÃÃo ao longo do tempo da produÃÃo industrial sobre as demais variÃveis. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que choques na produÃÃo industrial fazem aumentar a produÃÃo de energia, sobretudo dos derivados de petrÃleo. O efeito mais significativo ocorreu sobre a variÃvel Ãleo diesel. Em relaÃÃo à energia elÃtrica, os resultados indicaram uma variaÃÃo pouco significante dessa fonte para explicar o aumento da produÃÃo industrial. Em virtude da indÃstria cearense ser mais sensÃvel a choques nos derivados de petrÃleo que na energia elÃtrica, parece ser mais razoÃvel ao Estado adotar polÃticas que incentivem a expansÃo da oferta dos primeiros, caso tenha como pretensÃo estimular seu crescimento industrial .
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O homem como ser social faz uso de variados veículos de expressão e comunicação de suas idéias. Os objetos surgem como facilitadores de sua existência, inclusive como suportes das relações sociais. Dentro do vasto universo de objetos produzidos pela humanidade, destacamos os adornos pessoais - jóias, como aqueles aos quais inúmeros usos e significados são atribuídos. Na presente dissertação será traçado um panorama deste objeto na sociedade brasileira nos dias atuais. Objetiva-se localizar o designer dentro do setor de jóias e gemas nacional, compreendendo a sua relação com o setor produtivo e as oportunidades de formação especializada.
Man is a social being and, as such, makes use of various means to express and communicate his ideas. He uses objects to make his existence easier, inclusively in support of his social relations. Within the ample universe of objects created by humanity, we point out personal ornaments - jewels, to which sometimes different usages and meanings are attributed. In this paper we provide an overview of these objects in present-day Brazilian society. Our aim is to place the designer within the Brazilian gem and jewelry industry and describe his relation with the productive sector and the opportunities for specialization.
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Davis, Aeron. „Public relations, political communications and national news production in Britain 1979-1999“. Thesis, Goldsmiths College (University of London), 2000.

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This study looks at the recent rise of the public relations profession and its influence on national news production in Britain. Simply put, has public relations undermined the notion of the fourth estate media in Britain and has it advantaged certain kinds of news source over others? The thesis breaks down into three parts. The first part documents the rise of public relations in Britain, its profile, and distribution amongst a range of institutions and organisations. The developing public relations and media industries are compared and the literature, on the relations between 'news sources', PR practitioners and journalists, is critically evaluated. The second part focuses on corporate public relations generally and, more specifically, on financial and City PR. Industry and fieldwork data are contrasted with radical and liberal accounts of media-corporate source relations. The findings suggest that corporate PR has had limited success in influencing mainstream news but been considerably more adept at managing specialist news sections. It is thus argued that PR has benefited the corporate sector, less by influencing journalists and the general public, and more by excluding them. This pattern is supported with a detailed case study involving Granada's take-over of Forte in 1995/96. The third part discusses 'resource-poor' and 'outsider' groups - more specifically, British trade unions. Fieldwork data is used to test radical and pluralist accounts of the coverage of such groups in the mass media. The findings argue that unions have found new ways to increase their media access using PR - and with rather more success than earlier studies suggested. The conclusion is borne out by a case study of the UCW's (Union of Communication Workers) successful PR campaign to halt Post Office privatisation in 1994. Finally, the separate findings of the thesis are used to develop a fuller description of how public relations affects media production and news source access.
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Gray, Gavan Patrick. „Japanese defence production, national security and alliance relations in the 21st century“. Thesis, University of Leicester, 2014.

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As a result of constitutional restrictions on its use of military force, Japan has long held a reputation as a pacifist state. Yet, for more than twenty years, it has been undergoing a steady process of normalization that has seen these restrictions gradually removed or bypassed. At a time when Japan is moving toward a more proactive security policy this thesis examines the important effect procurement choices have upon both its strategic options and its regional relations. This study examines the development and structure of Japan's defence industry, assesses the threats it is required to address, and gauges the impact of domestic and foreign influence upon security policy. In addition, it raises important questions regarding the nature of Japan's strategic direction and the lack of open discussion of areas of significance. In particular, it looks at the failure of weapon choices to become more than an economic issue, despite the far broader impact of the choices made. It also considers the extent to which the threats faced by Japan have been accurately assessed, and the possible implications of narrow adherence to the US-Japan security alliance. Finally the thesis helps to address a long-standing gulf in Japan's academic community which has seen liberal academics largely standing removed from discussion of security policy on ideologically pacifist grounds. By showing that the possible choices in security policy are far broader than commonly perceived, this thesis allows and encourages a more open and active debate on Japan's future role, both in East Asia and internationally.
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McGuire, Alistair James. „The economics of the hospital : an analysis of production and cost relations“. Thesis, University of Aberdeen, 1987.

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This study consists of an economic analysis of the Scottish hospital sector. In particular analysis is directed towards an understanding of the hospital production process and the resultant cost - output relations. Both theoretical and empirical study is undertaken. The underlying methodological approach relies heavily on the transaction cost analysis developed by Williamson (1975). As such the study suggests that many of the traditional neo-classical theories applied to the hospital sector have been misdirected. The study includes a review of existing theories of hospital behaviour and the empirical literature on hospital production and cost functions. This reveals that there has been little overlap between these two literatures. It is suggested that this is largely because the hospital as an economic institution does not readily lend itself to positive analysis. In part this arises because of the inherent characteristics of the hospital production process, but it is also suggested that economic analysis at this level of aggregation is not appropriate. A behavioural analysis of hospital production is forwarded which emphasises the internal allocation processes. The agency relationship that exists between the doctor and the patient is highlighted, as are the underlying ethical constraints within which this relationship operates. The importance of internal organisational and process choice aspects of production are also emphasised. The rights to self-regulation held by the medical profession are seen to lie outside of the normal monitoring and control channels which are focussed largely upon the expenditure determination process. The limitations of a neo-classical production function analysis is outlined through the empirical estimation of a generalisable production function applied to a sample of Scottish hospitals. Following consideration of the behavioural aspects of the hospital production process a behavioural cost function model is estimated. As a secondary objective analysis of the specification of hospital output is undertaken.
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Conway, Bethany Anne. „Networks of News Production: An Interdependent Approach to Understanding Journalist-Source Relations“. Diss., The University of Arizona, 2015.

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This investigation of the 2014 midterm election brings together research in communication, journalism, political science, and sociology. Incorporating concepts of interdependence through the application of social network analysis, I analyzed how journalists construct and utilize networks of news sources in election coverage. Survey results indicate that journalists use sources in a complementary fashion in order to fulfill their resource needs. Such perceptions are also dependent on aspects of the journalist, news norms, organizational pressures, and extra-media influences. Overall, source networks are strategically used to fulfill traditional journalistic norms of objectivity and credibility as well as economic and entertainment needs. Content analysis results suggest that, along with more traditional variables such as ownership and source type, networks characteristics also influence new outcomes, with higher network density resulting in increases in issue coverage. In other words, greater connections among sources may result in more substantive information being passed on to voters. For the field of communication, this study enhances our understanding of agenda building and framing by revealing (1) how journalists perceive their networks (networks to journalists), (2) how they translate real life networks into symbolic networks within news coverage (networks from journalists), (3) how source networks vary across time and election contexts (networks across time), and (4) how such networks influence coverage outcomes. It furthers our understanding of the role interdependence plays in news construction and suggests the incorporation of network concepts and measures will increase our understanding of the news production process.
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PAZZOLA, GIAN GAVINO. „The socio-spatial relations of innovative artistic production in Piedmont and Liguria“. Doctoral thesis, Politecnico di Torino, 2019.

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SORTE, JUNIOR Waldemiro Francisco. „New Trends in Inter-firm Relations in the Brazilian Automobile Industry“. 名古屋大学大学院国際開発研究科, 2008.

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Leiman, Anthony. „Informal production in Zimbabwe : a study of production methods and intersectoral relations with special reference to the clothing industry“. Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 1985.

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Bibliography: pages 219-229.
This thesis covers the constraints, both theoretical and practical, on the growth and evolution of the Zimbabwean informal sector, in particular of informal clothing and footwear production. The aim of the study was to provide a foundation for decision-making in the intersectoral allocation of resources. To this end, a survey was conducted of over one hundred and twenty formal and informal clothing producers in Bulawayo. The questionnaire was administered and completed by the author during the course of an interview, the questions requiring specific, as opposed to open-ended, answers. The production data obtained were analysed using the Kmenta formulation of the Constant Elasticity of Substitution (C.E.S.) production function, with a view to obtaining the production parameters. The data from formal and informal sector interviewees were analysed separately and in aggregate and tested for constancy of variance, significance of parameters and explanatory power. Whilst a number of conclusions are drawn in the course of the thesis, the central finding is that allocation of scarce resources to the informal sector should be based on the standard procedures used by venture capital seeking an outlet in a normal market economy, and in particular on the ability of the entrepreneur, since this appears to be an increasingly crucial variable as firm sizes fell.
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Bas, Yener. „Production Of Urban Form As The Reproduction Of Property Relations Morphogenesis Of Yenisehir“. Phd thesis, METU, 2010.

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Aim of this thesis is to explain the role of property relations in the production of urban form. It is assumed that urban form is produced not only as a physical setting but also as a concrete and relatively fixed manifestation of property relations. In this respect, urban form should be considered in a relational conception of space. The study departs from the proposition that property relations are the main determinants of the formation of urban space, and private property constitutes the generator of the dynamics and contradictions of urban formation, through a continuous process of fragmentation. For this reason, in the control of urban formation, property rights are the basic element that city planners have to face. Therefore, this study presents a comprehensive framework that integrates the categories of urban morphology with a structural analysis of urban formation process. As the essential unit of capitalist city, &ldquo
production of the parcel as a commodity&rdquo
is elaborated as the core of urban formation process. In this framework, morphogenesis of Yenisehir&ndash
Ankara is analyzed in order to understand its historical transformation with reference to the context of property relations. Its morphological layers are depicted as a product of the contradictory relation between urban planning and property relations. It is seen that the morphogenesis of Yenisehir includes three distinct layers of formation, which are characterized by the gradual domination of commodity production in the formation process of urban space.
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Johnson, Hazel Eileen. „Reproduction, exchange relations and food insecurity : maize production and maize markets in Honduras“. Thesis, Open University, 1995.

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Epenoux, Francoise d'. „Relations milieu-production : application au pin noir d'Autriche dans les Alpes externes méridionales“. Grenoble 1, 1992.

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Depuis longtemps les forestiers ont cherché, d'une part à définir la production ligneuse et d'autre part, à analyser et à estimer les facteurs du milieu ayant une incidence sur cette production. La liaison entre cette production et le milieu a longtemps été exprimée de façon qualitative, à partir d'observations menées sur le terrain. A présent, ce problème sollicite une réponse quantitative, qui fait l'objet de cette thèse. Cette étude correspond au choix d'une méthodologie afin d'exprimer les relations entre le milieu et la production, quelle que soit l'échelle géographique retenue. Pour chaque échelle, il s'agit premièrement d'exprimer les relations entre le milieu et la production (phase descriptive) et d'en apprécier la précision; pour pouvoir ensuite lors d'un changement d'échelle, mesurer la prédiction (phase prédictive) des résultats, obtenus dans la phase descriptive. A cet effet deux du milieu sont retenues l'une dite synthétique et l'autre dite analytique. Pour illustrer les méthodes sélectionnées, une essence forestière et trois échelles géographiques emboitées ont été choisies. Il s'agit: du pin noir d'Autriche introduit massivement dans les alpes externes méridionales (reboisements r. T. M. ); des trois espaces géographiques emboités, depuis les Alpes externes méridionales jusqu'au massif forestier, en passant par la région climato-géologique
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De, Lamotte Frédéric. „Étude des relations structure - fonction des protéines végétales“. Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Montpellier II - Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, 2006.

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Lors de mon cursus universitaire à Orsay, j'ai eu l‘opportunité de suivre des enseignements variés, tous (ou presque ...) dispensés avec passion. Ces professeurs m'ont conforté dans mon amour de la Science, avec un intérêt tout particulier pour l'étude des systèmes complexes : la compréhension du fonctionnement de la cellule, de l'organe et de l'individu m'apparaissait alors riche de mille promesses !
J'ai lu avec intérêt les deux volumes du “Heller”, captivé par l'ingéniosité de nos aînés pour élucider le fonctionnement des plantes. Toutefois, déjà à l'époque, je ressentais une certaine frustration car l'analyse s'arrêtait à un niveau “descriptif”. Je rêvais de pouvoir descendre à un niveau “explicatif” (par la suite, j'ai appris qu'on disait “moléculaire”). Imaginer un instant qu'on puisse un jour visualiser la cascade d'interactions moléculaires qui va de l'application de l'acide abscissique à la chute des feuilles me comblait d'aise.
Comprendre cet enchaînement nécessite d'appréhender le fonctionnement de chacune des protéines impliquées, or ces fonctions sont portées par les structures tridimensionnelles des protéines. C'est là que tout devient plus compliqué ! En effet, il suffit de consulter les bases de données et d'y comparer l'abondance relative des structures primaires de protéines à celle des structures tertiaires pour mesurer la difficulté d'aborder la troisième dimension ! Même avec les progrès réalisés au tournant du millénaire, déterminer toutes les structures 3D de toutes les protéines étudiées semble hors de portée. On réalise alors le grand intérêt de construire une “Pierre de Rosette” qui fera correspondre structures primaires, structures tertiaires et fonctions. De même qu'on sait déjà traduire une séquence de nucléotides en une séquence d'acides aminés, il est primordial de percer les lois qui nous permettront de replier une séquence d'acides aminés en une structure tridimensionnelle. Nous pourrons ainsi, à moindre effort, obtenir les structures 3D in silico, en analyser le fonctionnement et les interactions. Cela est d'autant plus important en cette ère de post-génomique qui voit s'accumuler des milliers de séquences inconnues, issues des programmes de séquençage systématique.
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Amar, Véronique. „Analyse économique de la production non marchande des retraités“. [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2002.

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Rothenberg-Aalami, Jessica. „Coming full circle? : Nike production networks in and beyond Viet Nam /“. view abstract or download file of text, 2002.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Oregon, 2002.
Typescript. Includes vita and abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 239-261). Also available for download via the World Wide Web; free to University of Oregon users.
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Pankhurst, Donna Tracey. „The dynamics of the social relations of production and reproduction in Zimbabwean Communal areas“. Thesis, University of Liverpool, 1988.

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Wilkie, Rhoda. „Sentient commodities : human-livestock relations from birth to slaughter in commercial and hobby production“. Thesis, University of Aberdeen, 2002.

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This thesis is a sociological exploration of how people involved in commercial and hobby livestock production, in Northeast Scotland, make sense of their relations with livestock, from birth to slaughter. I carried out an ethnographic study that combines fieldwork and unstructured interviewing to elicit how mart workers, auctioneers, vets, farmers, stockmen, hobby farmers and slaughter workers regard and interact with livestock. Although livestock are the raw materials of production, I show that the commodity status of livestock is variable and that people's relationships with livestock are complex, dynamic and ambiguous. One of the main reasons for ambiguity is that livestock are sentient and social begins: they have the capacity to engage in social relations with each other and with those who work closest with them. In effect, livestock are commodified sentient beings but to draw attention to people's difficulty in classifying and relating to them, I suggest they are sentient commodities. I argue that people's attitude, feeling and behaviour, towards livestock is systematically related to the place they, and their animals, occupy in the commercial and non-commercial production process. For instance, breeding animals are more likely to be regarded as individuals whilst slaughter animals are anonymously processed as part of a de-individualised batch. Similarly, people attend to express varying degrees of emotional attachment to livestock at the breeding end of the process and varying degrees of emotional detachment towards livestock destined for slaughter. Any animals, however, that requires additional handling or deviates from the routine is included to stand out from the herd, will acquire more meaning for the worker, and will become more than 'just an animal'. People who work with livestock are therefore faced with the challenge of negotiating the contradictory demands of being empathetic carers and economic producers of livestock.
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Salimian, Abbas. „Production relations and technical efficiencies for selected Iranian sectors and regions : an empirical study“. Thesis, University of Essex, 1998.

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Filipescu, Corina Domnina. „A postcolonial critique of the production of unequal power relations by the European Union“. Thesis, University of Birmingham, 2016.

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This thesis argues that the limited application of postcolonial perspectives in European Union (EU) enlargement studies, and especially in studying power relations, has led to a failure to properly identify and examine the extent to which the EU produces unequal power relations. Current studies of enlargement are largely based on mainstream positivist theories and thus overlook the importance of a post-positivist, critical and interpretivist research framework in understanding the EU and power relations. In contrast, by adopting postcolonialist perspectives and applying them to the case of the Romanian enlargement, the thesis presents a critical discourse analysis of the EU enlargement monitoring reports and interviews with officials of the EU and Romanian negotiating teams in order to demonstrate the extent to which the EU produces unequal power relations through instances of subalternity, orientalism and mimicry that have so far been identified and discussed by postcolonial scholars. Each of these three perspectives has so far been obscured to a large extent from the enlargement literature, as a result of the limited application of postcolonial approaches in EU studies. This thesis aims therefore to address this gap and advance the postcolonial research on the EU and unequal power relations.
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Hirsch, Philip. „Participation, rural development, and changing production relations in recently settled forest areas of Thailand“. Thesis, SOAS, University of London, 1987.

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This study examines aspects of change and development in two peripheral Thai communities. Rural development is seen as a generic term used to describe processes of change occurring or meant to occur in rural areas of countries such as Thailand, its desirability or direction depending on the point of view of the analyst or practitioner concerned. It is observed that participation is stressed increasingly as an essential element in such development. Since a dynamic common to most forms of rural development is incorporation into the wider structures of state and capital, participation becomes an issue of the "terms of incorporation". These differ significantly depending on which point of view among the many groups of "developers" and "developed" we choose to adopt. The main argument of the thesis is illustrated with reference to the situation of two recently settled communities on the northwestern periphery of the Central Plains of Thailand. Issues of rural development and participation are related to changes in production relations being brought about to show that incorporation in the name of increasing control within the wider system leads to a loss of control over local material and social resources necessary for production on the part of the poor. Alternative attempts to regain control are discussed, and implications for participatory development as a struggle over terms of incorporation on the part of the rural poor are drawn. The study first examines rural development from a theoretical perspective, and relates it to historical processes and the Thai social formation. It goes on to set out the general and local geographical contexts of recently settled areas. An account of production in the study villages is followed by a discussion of differentiation. Finally, the themes of cooperation and participation are taken up and related to issues of control and power.
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Pavlidis, Pascal. „Industrie et défense nationale aux Etats-Unis : l'impact des pouvoirs de gestion sur la production et le transfert des armements“. Paris 9, 1986.

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La position de puissance dominante des Etats-Unis se révèle, entre autres, au niveau de sa capacité de production en matière d'armement. Du fait de leur dimension, de l'étendue des matériels et services qu'elles englobent, les activités de production et de transfert des armements ont progressivement débordé aux Etats-Unis le cadre strictement militaire. Ce qui peut sembler être une décision d'ordre militaire est avant tout l'aboutissement d'une politique industrielle nationale ayant généré des pouvoirs spécifiques. L'état américain est dépendant du fonctionnement des grands groupes privés d'armements pour exécuter ses propres taches. La course aux armements dans laquelle sont engagés les U. S. A. A acquis un dynamisme propre dont le moteur se situe avant tout dans le domaine de la gestion et plus particulièrement dans les pouvoirs qu'elle génère. La puissance industrielle et les intérêts nationaux américains répondent à une dynamique interne de la conjonction des intérêts industriels et militaires. La création de nouvelles structures bureaucratiques et l'application de méthodes de gestion ont contribué au renforcement de cette dynamique. Aux U. S. A. , le "jeu" de la production et du transfert des armements est structure par des règles définies par les différents acteurs politiques, économiques et sociaux. Les liens créés entre économie de défense et économie nationale conditionnent pour une grande part les équilibres actuels des cycles de production et de transfert des armements. L'analyse du pouvoir de gestion dans le processus d'acquisition des matériels d'armement et celle de la gestion des matériels d'armement permet de montrer que la systématisation des procédures et règles établies favorise l'interaction des pouvoirs de gestion industriels et militaires. Du fait de la symbiose créée entre pouvoirs de gestion industriels et militaires, l'industrie de défense des Etats-Unis évolue dans un contexte de guerre rendue nécessaire pour l'accomplissement des différents enjeux militaires internationaux des Etats-Unis qui l'entretiennent pour mieux en faire usage. L'expérience des Etats-Unis prouve à l'évidence l'importance fondamentale d'une bonne synergie de la gestion entre militaires et industriels et révèle son impact tant déterminant qu'inéluctable sur la réalisation des armements modernes
The United States domining power position is revealed, among other things, at the level of its production capacity of armaments. Because of their dimension, of the scope of materials and services they cover armaments production and transfer activities have gradually extended beyond the strictly military frame. What may appear as a military decision is before all the outcome of a national industrial policy having generated specific powers. To carry on its tasks, the American States is depending on the functioning of great private armaments groups. The armaments race in which the U. S. A. Are involved has acquired a proper dynamics the movement of which is lying before all in the management area and more especially in the powers it generates. The American national interests and industrial power depend on an internal dynamics of the conjunction of military and industrial interests. The creation of new bureaucratic structures and the application of management methods have contributed to the reinforcement of this dynamics. In the U. S. A. , the "game" of the production and transfer of armaments is structured by rules defined by the different social, economical and political actors. The links created between defense economy and national economy greatly determine the present balances of the armaments production and transfer cycles. The analysis of management powers within the armament equipment acquisition process and this of management of armament equipment enable to show that systematization of procedures and rules established, promotes interaction of military and industrial management powers. On account of the symbiosis created between military and industrial management powers, the United States defense industry moves in a war context made necessary to meet the different international military stakes of the United States which maintain it to better use it. The U. S. A. Experience really makes clear the basic importance of a good management synergy between industrials and militaries and reveals its impact both decisive and ineluctable on the development of modern armaments
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Ayata, Asude. „(Re)imagining Turkey : Bureaucratic relations in the creation of a national identity during the Kemalist single-party regime 1932-1951“. Thesis, Stockholms universitet, Institutionen för etnologi, religionshistoria och genusvetenskap, 2021.

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This study is an exploration of the social engineering of the single-party era through the lenses of state officials in their work of propagating the nationalist state ideology. It aims to bring the state officials, in their (re)production of the beliefs and values as products and as the (re)producers of the state ideology, to the forefront. More specifically, it studies the negotiations and the contestations between state officials in regards to three main social structures which are (ethno)nationalism, womanhood, and laicism. A fourth social structure is the hierarchical relations within the state bureaucracy. A deeper understanding of the social engineering through the lenses of state officials is provided through a discursive close reading of the archival data regarding the activities of Halkevleri (People’s Houses), which were state institutions through which the state ideology was propagated to the people.
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Fourment-Aptekman, Marie-Claude. „La métaphore chez l'enfant : étude des relations entre production et compréhension au cours du développement“. Paris 5, 1994.

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Jusqu'au milieu des annees 80, certains chercheurs ont affirme que la production de metaphores chez l'enfant culminait vers 3-4 ans, alors que leur comprehension ne commencerait a intervenir qu'aux alentours de 7-8 ans. Notre travail montre que l'apparente precocite de la production metaphorique tient a la confusion entre les metaphores et les pseudo-metaphores, representees par les productions symboliques au cours du jeu et les denominations de fantaisie. Lorsque les pseudo-metaphores sont distinguees des metaphores, on observe un decalage beaucoup moins important entre production et comprehension, cette derniere apparaissant plus tot que la production. Pair ailleurs, les fidderents types de materiel utilises dans les experiences : images ou objets, simples ou composites, et le contexte linguistique, n'apportent pas toujours l'aide attendue aux enfants, et ne jouent pas le meme role en production et en comprehension. En conclusion, c'est l'evolution des facteurs cognitifs, linguistiques et metalinguistiques, qui permet l'emergence d'une capacite figurative globale, a l'interieur de laquelle la competence metaphorique presente une specificite. La production et la comprehenssion de metaphores impliquent une
Until the mid eighties, some psychologists claimed that children's production of metaphors was culminating about 3-4 years, whil comprehension of metaphors was beginning around 7-8 years. Our work shows that the apparent precosciousness of metaphoric productions is due to the fact that metaphors and pseudometaphors are not well differentiated. The latter being symbolic productions during play and imaginery renamings. When pseudo - metaphors are distinguished from metaphors, it appears that the delay between production and comprehension is less marked, and that comprehension would appear earlier than production. In the other hand, the different types of meteriels used in experiments : pictures or objects, simple or composite, and linguistic context, do not always help the children and to not play the same role in production and comprehension tasks. As a conclusion, it is the evolution f cognitive, linguistic and metalinguistic factors which allows the emergence of a
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Recoquillay, Julien. „Architecture génétique du comportement chez la caille japonaise et relations avec des caractères de production“. Thesis, Tours, 2014.

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Notre étude a porté sur le contrôle génétique des comportements sociaux ou de peur et leur relation avec les caractères de production au sein d’un croisement entre deux lignées de cailles sélectionnées de façon divergente sur la motivation sociale. Les résultats alertent sur un possible effet délétère de la sélection pour une plus forte productivité sur la sociabilité et la réactivité émotionnelle des animaux. Dans le même temps, ils indiquent des synergies possibles entre une plus forte motivation sociale et la précocité de la ponte, ou une plus faible réactivité émotionnelle et une production d’œufs plus importante. L’étude a permis la construction de la première carte génétique de moyenne densité à l’aide de marqueurs SNP chez la caille. Les analyses de liaison ont révélé un total de 45 QTLs dont 23 pour les caractères comportementaux et 22 pour ceux de production. Ce sont pour les critères de motivation sociale que les QTLs sont les plus nombreux (15). Certaines régions contrôlent à la fois la réactivité émotionnelle et le poids ou la sociabilité et l’âge au premier œuf. Plusieurs gènes candidats en lien avec la sociabilité ont été suggérés
Our study focused on the genetic control of social and fear behaviors and their relationships with production traits in a second generation crossing between two lines of quail divergently selected for their social reinstatement behavior. The results warn us about a possible deleterious effect of the selection for higher productivity on the animal’s sociability and emotional reactivity. At the same time, they also indicate possible synergies between a stronger social motivation and a precocious laying onset, or a lower emotional reactivity toward a novel object and a higher egg production. The study allowed us to construct the first genetic map of medium density using SNP markers in the quail. Linkage analyses reveal a total of 45 QTLs with 23 linked to behavioral traits and 22 to the production traits. Most of the behavioral QTLs were linked to the social motivation (15). Also, some regions control both emotional reactivity and weight or sociability and the age at first egg. At this stage of the study, several candidate genes related to sociability were suggested
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Dobres, Marcia-Anne. „Gender in the making : late Magdalenian social relations of production in the French Midi-Pyrénées /“. Ann Arbor : UMI dissertation services, 2001.

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Seskin, Jill Sharon 1964. „Production and reproduction of Wal-Mart workers: A study of spatial, social and economic relations“. Thesis, The University of Arizona, 1992.

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This thesis examines the productive and reproductive experiences of discount department store workers. More specifically, I investigate how female and male Wal-Mart employees reproduce and resist their spatial, social and economic relations, both inside their paid workplace, and outside, in their homes and community. I examine the history of discount department stores and workers; the role of place in influencing workers' experiences; the spatial, social and economic divisions of labor in the paid workplace, home and community; and specific acts of reproduction and resistance on the part of my co-workers. I used covert participant observation and informal interviews in order to learn about Wal-Mart workers paid and unpaid work experiences. I was employed for eight months as a part-time salesclerk by Wal-Mart. This enabled me to observe the various spatial, social and economic relations at work within the store, and it allowed me to hear about my co-workers' experiences outside the paid workplace, in the course of everyday conversations.
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Foran, Tira. „Rivers of contention : Pak Mun Dam, electricity planning, and state-society relations in Thailand, 1932-2004“. Thesis, The University of Sydney, 2006.

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This study investigates how actions – especially narratives and claims – of civil society advocates influenced electricity generation planning and hydropower project implementation, in the context of a democratising authoritarian state. To pursue this research agenda, I use a critical realist philosophy of science to ground a conceptual framework whose fundamental components consist of institutions, interests, and discourses. The research presents three case studies from Thailand, a nation-state with distinct authoritarian legacies, as well as significant economic and political dynamism in the late 20th century. The cases step from macro to micro levels of analysis: (1) Electricity generation planning: an overview and critique of the social construction of peak power demand and supply options in Thailand, 1960s–2004. I focus on the rise of energy conservation advocacy in the early 1990s, and the rise of more confrontational energy activism in the late 1990s; (2) Pak Mun Dam: contention between EGAT, anti-dam villagers, and other state and civil society actors, 1989–2003; (3) Pak Mun Dam: analysis of how knowledge discourses shaped debates over fisheries and local livelihoods in the lower Mun river basin, 1999–2004. I pursue these cases in the larger context of Thai state–society relations, 1932–early 2000s: from the Khana Ratsadorn (People’s Party) and its founders’ increasingly authoritarian struggles to shape the state; through to the rise of civil society in the Indochina-war era; through the emergence of parliamentary politics and NGO evolution in the 1980s and early 1990s; to the Thai Rak Thai “money politics” party that emerged in 1998. Specific research questions focus on patterns and outcomes of state–society interaction, the role of lay and expert knowledge discourses in structuring conflict, and plausible causal connections between outcomes and concepts used in the conceptual framework. The study is based on fieldwork conducted between 2001 and 2005, with 18 months of intensive work concentrated in 2002 and 2004. Recurrent procedures consisted of collecting policy narratives and arguments and re-constructing actors’ interests (including those of leaders in organizations) via participant observation, interviews, and textual analysis. The thesis argues that anti-dam advocates influenced project implementation practices at Pak Mun Dam by forming social change networks, gaining contingent recognition as new political actors. Through innovative and disruptive action, through claims for transparency and justice, through mass performances of worthiness, unity, and commitment, and through the production of local knowledge, they helped set agendas. They triggered elite intervention, as well as reactive counter-mobilization and occasional violence. The escalation of uncertainty from unintended outcomes challenged elites – aided by deliberative exchanges – to reconsider unfavourable decisions, to reconsider their preferences, and to make concessions. At the same time, a number of events made the Assembly of the Poor, the main anti-dam movement organization, vulnerable to destabilizing action at the local and national levels. These include: the formation of competitive organizations in the lower Mun basin; complex and intractable issues (such as multiple rounds of compensation); and inability to take credit for championing the interests of vulnerable small farmers. Destabilizing interactions occurred particularly in the restricted media space of the post-financial and economic crisis years. Populist platforms put forward by Thai Rak Thai and Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra pre-empted the AOP’s influence. Sustainable energy advocates influenced practices of power system planning by teaching new techniques of energy conservation, and diffusing new norms. In the recent period, however, as some of them engaged in more contentious interaction, such as intervening in conflicts over new coal and hydroelectric power plants (in southern Thailand and Laos respectively) they disrupted dominant rationalities, and found themselves confronting some of the same core practices of a power-wielding bureaucracy and an authoritarian state, namely rhetorical strategies that police the boundaries of policy-relevant knowledge. The thesis, intended to contribute to social science methodology and theory, concludes with a critical appraisal of the conceptual framework. I suggest new research agendas for analysts interested in mechanisms of civil society advocacy in the context of democratising states.
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Foran, Tira. „Rivers of contention : Pak Mun Dam, electricity planning, and state-society relations in Thailand, 1932-2004“. Connect to full text, 2006.

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This study investigates how actions – especially narratives and claims – of civil society advocates influenced electricity generation planning and hydropower project implementation, in the context of a democratising authoritarian state. To pursue this research agenda, I use a critical realist philosophy of science to ground a conceptual framework whose fundamental components consist of institutions, interests, and discourses. The research presents three case studies from Thailand, a nation-state with distinct authoritarian legacies, as well as significant economic and political dynamism in the late 20th century. The cases step from macro to micro levels of analysis: (1) Electricity generation planning: an overview and critique of the social construction of peak power demand and supply options in Thailand, 1960s–2004. I focus on the rise of energy conservation advocacy in the early 1990s, and the rise of more confrontational energy activism in the late 1990s; (2) Pak Mun Dam: contention between EGAT, anti-dam villagers, and other state and civil society actors, 1989–2003; (3) Pak Mun Dam: analysis of how knowledge discourses shaped debates over fisheries and local livelihoods in the lower Mun river basin, 1999–2004. I pursue these cases in the larger context of Thai state–society relations, 1932–early 2000s: from the Khana Ratsadorn (People’s Party) and its founders’ increasingly authoritarian struggles to shape the state; through to the rise of civil society in the Indochina-war era; through the emergence of parliamentary politics and NGO evolution in the 1980s and early 1990s; to the Thai Rak Thai “money politics” party that emerged in 1998. Specific research questions focus on patterns and outcomes of state–society interaction, the role of lay and expert knowledge discourses in structuring conflict, and plausible causal connections between outcomes and concepts used in the conceptual framework. The study is based on fieldwork conducted between 2001 and 2005, with 18 months of intensive work concentrated in 2002 and 2004. Recurrent procedures consisted of collecting policy narratives and arguments and re-constructing actors’ interests (including those of leaders in organizations) via participant observation, interviews, and textual analysis. The thesis argues that anti-dam advocates influenced project implementation practices at Pak Mun Dam by forming social change networks, gaining contingent recognition as new political actors. Through innovative and disruptive action, through claims for transparency and justice, through mass performances of worthiness, unity, and commitment, and through the production of local knowledge, they helped set agendas. They triggered elite intervention, as well as reactive counter-mobilization and occasional violence. The escalation of uncertainty from unintended outcomes challenged elites – aided by deliberative exchanges – to reconsider unfavourable decisions, to reconsider their preferences, and to make concessions. At the same time, a number of events made the Assembly of the Poor, the main anti-dam movement organization, vulnerable to destabilizing action at the local and national levels. These include: the formation of competitive organizations in the lower Mun basin; complex and intractable issues (such as multiple rounds of compensation); and inability to take credit for championing the interests of vulnerable small farmers. Destabilizing interactions occurred particularly in the restricted media space of the post-financial and economic crisis years. Populist platforms put forward by Thai Rak Thai and Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra pre-empted the AOP’s influence. Sustainable energy advocates influenced practices of power system planning by teaching new techniques of energy conservation, and diffusing new norms. In the recent period, however, as some of them engaged in more contentious interaction, such as intervening in conflicts over new coal and hydroelectric power plants (in southern Thailand and Laos respectively) they disrupted dominant rationalities, and found themselves confronting some of the same core practices of a power-wielding bureaucracy and an authoritarian state, namely rhetorical strategies that police the boundaries of policy-relevant knowledge. The thesis, intended to contribute to social science methodology and theory, concludes with a critical appraisal of the conceptual framework. I suggest new research agendas for analysts interested in mechanisms of civil society advocacy in the context of democratising states.
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Newsome, Kirsty Jane. „Beyond the point of production : Just-In-Time, changing buyer-supplier relations and the labour implications for suppliers“. Thesis, University of Hertfordshire, 1998.

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Huertas, Juana. „Relations entre musique et scène dans une esthétique du théâtre lyrique : le théâtre mental“. Paris 8, 2013.

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Depuis toujours et davantage aujourd’hui, les relations entre la musique et la scène au théâtre lyrique posent des difficultés à la représentation de l’œuvre dans la mesure où l’enjeu crucial n’est autre que le sens. Afin de nous entendre sur la valeur de l’esthétique du théâtre mental comme solution aux problèmes d’interprétation, nous élaborerons une définition du théâtre lyrique en nous appuyant fortement sur la réflexion d’Adorno exposée dans Relations entre musique et peinture, mais également sur celle de Ricœur, Deleuze, Ehrenzweig et d’autres. La deuxième partie est consacrée à l’esthétique générale des réalisations de Wieland Wagner, Heiner Müller et Danièle Huillet et Jean-Marie Straub suivie de l’analyse des relations entre le texte musico-dramatique et la mise en scène de nos trois objets d’étude dans des exemples distincts. Issus de domaines différents, nous verrons comment et pourquoi leurs réalisations scéniques rejoignent notre définition du théâtre lyrique présentée initialement, puis nous montrerons en quoi ces trois esthétiques partagent le même sort : le théâtre mental
Since always and more today, the relations between the music and the scene with the opera house raise difficulties with the representation of work insofar as the crucial issue is not other than the direction. In order to hear us on the value of the esthetics of the mental theatre as solution with the problems of interpretation, we will work out a definition of the opera house by strongly supporting us on there flection of Adorno exposed in Relations between music and painting, but also on that of Ricœur, Deleuze, Ehrenzweig and others. The second part is devoted to the general esthetics of the achievements of Wieland Wagner, Heiner Müller and Danièle Huillet and followed Jean-Marie Straub by the analysis of the relations between the musico-dramatic text and the production of our three objects of study in distinct examples. Resulting from different fields, we will see how and why their scenic achievements join our definition of the opera house presented initially, then we will show in what these three esthetics share the same fate: the mental theatre
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Woo, Seog-hun. „Production systems and employment relations in the Korean automotive industry : a case study of the emergence of a hybrid production system at Kia Motors“. Thesis, The University of Sydney, 2000.

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This thesis analyses the interrelationship between production system and employment relations in the Korean automotive industry. It includes a case study of how Kia Motors sought to introduce a lean production system in two plants: an older site in Seoul (the SI plant) and a newer site in the rural area of Asan (the A3 plant). A key finding reported in the thesis is that a hybrid production system emerged in each plant as the result of the interaction between external variables and internal company-specific variables. Three key factors were investigated in each plant: the production structure, the organisation of work, and employment relations. Strong worker and union resistance to lean production, on the ground that it would lead to work intensification, was encountered by Kia Motors. The hybrid production system which emerged at each plant contained elements of both the traditional mass production system and the newer lean production system, although there were differences between the approaches adopted at $1 and A3 plants. The thesis provides an alternative perspective to other studies which have portrayed the Korean automotive industry following either a Fordist mass production system or a Toyota-inspired lean production system, and shows how Kia has developed its own hybrid production system.
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Chan, Wa Kimmy. „Three studies on understanding customer relationship management in services customer-firm affection, customer-staff proximity, and customer co-production /“. Click to view the E-thesis via HKUTO, 2008.

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Jones, Craig McLeod Frank. „Too much glass, social forces and the restructuring of production relations among care-givers in Ontario“. Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1997.

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Bruas-Reignier, Françoise. „Relations entre conditions de production, composition chimique et évolution post-mortem des viandes de jeunes bovins“. Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 1996.

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Afin de mieux connaitre les effets de la maturation sur les viandes de jeunes bovins laitiers abattus dans un abattoir industriel, ont été étudiées l'évolution de la composition chimique et de la structure myofibrillaire de muscles soumis à une conservation sous vide à 4°C jusqu'à 14 jours post-mortem. La variabilité entre les muscles Longissimus dorsi (LD), Triceps brachii caput longum (TBCL) et Rectus femoris (RF), et la variabilité entre individus ont été étudiées. L’influence de facteurs zootechniques a été abordée. Dans un premier essai, 13 animaux ont été étudiés. Les teneurs en eau et en azote total n'évoluent pas au cours de la conservation. L’azote non protéique (ANP) augmente. La teneur en azote protéique soluble (APS) augmente entre 3 et 7 jours puis chute jusqu'à 14 jours. L’index de fragmentation myofibrillaire (IFM) augmente avec un pallier atteint vers 7 jours post-mortem. Les variations de l'ANP, l'IFM et l'APS ne sont pas corrélées. La composition chimique n'influe pas sur le développement de la maturation. La variation d'ANP est liée au poids de carcasse. Dans un deuxième essai, les relations entre composition chimique, structure, protéolyse et état de maturation ont été étudiées sur le muscle LD de 32 animaux issus de 5 élevages. La composition chimique, l'IFM, la longueur de sarcomères sont liés aux caractéristiques des animaux. Une discrimination des 5 élevages par la composition chimique du LD, les caractéristiques des carcasses et la différence entre les valeurs de force de compression à 20% à 10 et 3 jours est mise en évidence. L’état de maturation est très variable entre individus à 3 jours, mais semble atteindre une même valeur seuil à 10 jours. Les estimateurs de protéolyse, de fragmentation et de maturation ne sont pas liés et sont indépendants de la composition chimique. Dans un troisième essai, les relations entre cinétiques de chute de pH post-mortem ont été abordées sur 6 individus de l'essai 1 et 9 de l'essai 2. La vitesse et l'amplitude de chute du pH ne sont pas liées aux caractéristiques des carcasses. Les modèles de prévision établis montrent que la maturation est liée aux caractéristiques des animaux (poids et âge) et de façon moins nette aux conditions d'entrée en rigor.
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Jerome, Kristine P. „Social and spatial relations in the production of social order: A case of the women's refuge“. Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2001.

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This thesis explores the way social and spatial relations produce social order. It does this through an examination of the women's refuge. The women's refuge is a particularly appropriate case to examine this relationship. While many other social institutions share the purpose of transforming populations, the refuge intensifies this process. This is because the refuge is about producing 'independent women' in a setting that is not purpose built, within a period of three months. Thus, the process of transformation is intensified socially, because it is compressed temporally and spatially. This thesis proposes a conceptual framework that is informed by Bourdieu and the theorists of 'the interaction order' - Goffman, Garfinkel and Sacks - and a case study using a number of qualitative methods to investigate this process. It does this by comparing the way the notions of 'independence', 'empowerment' and 'home' are embedded in daily practices of three examples of the refuge, in operation in urban Southeast Queensland. This provides a means to formulate a comprehensive picture about the production of the 'refuge culture', and the social and spatial relations that construct social order in this kind of social organisation. There are two reasons why this kind of investigation is important. Firstly, this investigation makes a substantive contribution to the study of the women's refuge. Existing literature about the women's refuge does not clearly describe the way this social world is produced and the way 'independent women' are constructed. This study does this by examining the social and spatial relations of this setting and the rhetoric that accompanies it. Furthermore, this case study examines three different refuge models in order to understand the way social order is produced and how social and spatial relations contribute to this process. This provides an opportunity to explore different versions of 'independence' and explain why one refuge model is more likely to produce 'independent women' in keeping with feminist rationale. Secondly, conceptually and methodologically, the contribution of this thesis is made possible by exploring the relevance of concepts proposed by Bourdieu to the issues of social and spatial relations and the way they construct social order. These concepts are operationalised and applied to theories of 'the interaction order' - proposed by Goffman, Garfinkel and Sacks - in order to understand the women's refuge. This research approach offers a framework to capture the everyday experience of the refuge by focusing on the way social actors sustain daily action. The methods used to do this are participant observation, focus group discussions and semi-structured interviews. The application of this method of social inquiry means that it is possible to comprehend the process of transformation, the way this is operationalised on a daily basis, and the set of relations that produce the ordered social world of the refuge. Furthermore, the application of this method of social inquiry provides a way to further comprehend the mechanisms that produce social order in social institutions intent on transforming populations in transition. This investigation makes substantive theoretical and methodological contributions to the disciplines of sociology and design. In relation to the sociological study of social organisations, this study demonstrates the importance of using a particular method of social inquiry to uncover the relationship between social and spatial orders in the construction of social order. In relation to design, this investigation demonstrates the way spatial organisation is intertwined with aspects of social and cultural organisation. Collectively, the findings presented in this study demonstrate the reflexive relationship between social and spatial orders and the construction of social institutions. This is managed by describing the relationships that produce the social institution of the women's refuge and the way these facilitate the transformation of a population in transition. This study concludes by discussing the significance of these findings in relation to theories and policies about the refuge, and the benefit of future research of this kind in the investigation of social organisations intent on producing transformation.
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Texier, Véronique. „Croissance et production du tournesol dans diverses conditions de milieu : étude expérimentale et modélisation“. Toulouse 3, 1992.

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Gros consommateur d'eau, le tournesol presente cependant des caracteres d'adaptation a la secheresse et une aptitude a un rendement eleve sous contrainte hydrique selon des processus physiologiques encore imparfaitement connus. Pour tacher de comprendre le determinisme de la croissance, nous avons fait intervenir en parallele deux demarches: la premiere est un approfondissement des connaissances physiologiques et agronomiques sur la biosynthese et le transfert des assimilats d'une part, et les processus d'adaptation a la secheresse d'autre part; la seconde fait appel a la modelisation et cherche a explorer de nouvelles conduites culturales mieux adaptees en situations pedoclimatiques variees. Ainsi, dans une premiere etape nous avons elucide comment s'integrent les processus de nutrition azotee, de photosynthese et de transpiration dans la croissance et la production du tournesol en conditions hydriques variees, puis dans une deuxieme etape, nous avons tente de synthetiser ces connaissances en ameliorant un modele (epic) a des fins predictives. Ces simulations (5 annees, 6 lieux) permettent de confirmer le phenomene d'adaptation a la secheresse, et l'accroissement de l'efficience de l'eau consommee (liee aux caracteres pedoclimatiques). Outil de demultiplication des resultats experimentaux, la modelisation fournit de nombreux elements caracteristiques du fonctionnement du systeme climat-sol-plante-techniques culturales. Avec ce modele, nous avons precise dans quelles conditions pedoclimatiques se produit cette adaptation aux conditions seches, et quelles strategies d'irrigations pourraient etre valorisees. Nous avons egalement montre que le modele pouvait permettre un diagnostic des contraintes subies tout au long du cycle de developpement. L'examen des stress subis au cours de chacune des phases du cycle de developpement permet une interpretation pertinente des composantes du rendement. La modelisation met aussi en evidence notre connaissance actuellement imparfaite de l'influence de l'environnement (temperature, lumiere, regime hydrique) sur le coefficient de conversion en biomasse de l'energie lumineuse interceptee, qui recouvre de larges aspects du metabolisme du carbone
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Balssa, Séverine. „Le système d'acteurs de la production de la politique irakienne de la France (1981-1995) : contribution à une théorie des acteurs subnationaux de la politique étrangère“. Toulouse 1, 2000.

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En vue de contribuer à la théorie de la politique étrangère, nous avons choisi l'étude de l'un de ses segments : la production de la politique irakienne de la France sous les deux septennats Mitterrand. Nous apportons une description en profondeur du poids des acteurs intervenant dans la production interne de cette politique (sans négliger les autres catégories d'acteurs - extra-nationaux rencontrés au cours de notre recherche), contribuant ainsi à une systématisation de la théorie des acteurs subnationaux. Nous avons consacré le tiers de notre thèse à l' « acteur central » - le président de la République -, en nous penchant particulièrement sur sa personnalité, son idiosyncrasie, et en cherchant à vérifier son poids à l'aide de trois études de cas. Notre étude comprend aussi les « acteurs majeurs » du segment de politique étrangère et de la période considérés : les assemblées, les ministères, les bureaucraties gouvernementales traditionnelles, mais aussi celle du commissariat à l'énergie atomique et les grandes entreprises publiques dans les secteurs stratégiques (sociétés pétrolières et industries d'armement avec la problématique d'un complexe militaro-industriel). Nous avons abordé les groupes d'intérêt : ceux qui proposent et défendent des politiques (partis politiques en premier lieu), ceux qualifiés de « groupes d'intérêt culturels ». Enfin, nous avons évoqué les médias, compte tenu notamment de leur rôle controversé pendant la Guerre du Golfe.
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Grant, David Stephen. „Japanese manufacturers in the UK electronics sector : the impact of production systems on employee attitudes and behaviour“. Thesis, London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London), 1993.

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Recent research at Japanese manufacturers in the UK has tended to simply focus on their employee relations practices, arguing that where they operate effectively they result in a loyal and highly productive workforce. It often goes on to point out that there is a link between these practices and the companies' production systems, suggesting that employee relations practices are an integral part of the production system at a Japanese company. However, the research fails to adequately show the implications of this link. Its attempts to examine the issue have remained descriptive, devaluing its results and conclusions. This research remedies this deficiency. The research's central argument and findings are that production systems vary considerably between Japanese manufacturers in the UK and that contrary to popular belief some of these companies' production systems display serious shortcomings. It argues that employment relations practices at these companies though an integral part of their production systems are only one of several sets of characteristics necessary to the successful operation of the company. It is also important to consider a company's organizational structure and managerial effectiveness. Strengths and weaknesses in these other production system characteristics affect employee responses to a company's employment relations practices, impeding or assisting the intended improvement of individuals in the performance of their work. Either a vicious or virtuous circle can therefore emerge since employee responses to a company's employment relations practices will further contribute to its production performance. Testing this argument involves the design and use of an innovative model that identifies the key characteristics necessary for the production system at a Japanese manufacturing transplant in the UK to perform efficiently. Identification of these characteristics allows the model to be used as a benchmark against which to compare the production systems of Japanese manufacturers. The research applies the model to the production systems of nine Japanese companies in the UK's consumer electronics sector and identifies a number of differences in their production system characteristics. Two of these nine companies are then selected as case studies and their production systems are examined in detail. In addition, workforce reactions to the employee relations practices at these two companies are also measured using questionnaire and interview data. The results confirm the research's argument that the closer a company's manufacturing system comes to displaying the model's full set of production system characteristics, the more likely it is that its employee relations practices will elicit workforce attitudes and behaviour desired by the company.
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Chan, Wa Kimmy, und 陳華. „Three studies on understanding customer relationship management in services: customer-firm affection, customer-staff proximity, and customer co-production“. Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2008.

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The Best PhD Thesis in the Faculties of Architexture, Arts, Business & Economics, Education, Law and Social Sciences (University of Hong Kong), Li Ka Shing Prize, 2007-2008.
Doctor of Philosophy
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Levaillant, Mélissa. „Le ministère des Affaires étrangères indien (1947-2015) : la production d’une diplomatie sous-dimensionnée“. Thesis, Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2016.

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Afin d’analyser la posture diplomatique actuelle de l’Inde sur la scène internationale, ce travail de recherche étudie les processus d’institutionnalisation et d’adaptation du ministère des Affaires étrangères indien de 1947 à 2015. Le dispositif théorique de cette thèse conjugue les recherches menées sur l’adaptation des ministères des Affaires étrangères comme acteurs centraux de la diplomatie et la sociologie politique des institutions. En effet, on ne peut comprendre l’évolution de la diplomatie indienne que si on l’analyse à partir d’une démarche micro sociologique, par l’étude de ses lieux de production. Ces lieux désignent dans un sens restreint l’organisation du ministère des Affaires étrangères et le rôle qui y est joué par les diplomates. Dans un sens plus large, ils renvoient à l’interaction de ce ministère avec l’environnement diplomatique national et international. Cette thèse vise à démontrer la façon dont la vulnérabilité du ministère des Affaires étrangères indien, déterminée par son sous-dimensionnement structurel et sa marginalisation croissante dans le processus de décision, conditionne son adaptation graduelle aux évolutions de la mondialisation. Cette adaptation se manifeste par la plus grande importance donnée aux pratiques de « low diplomacy » comme la diplomatie économique, publique et consulaire. Mais elle reste fortement limitée, ce qui explique la posture diplomatique prudente de l’Inde sur la scène internationale, contrainte par la priorité donnée au développement économique du pays
In order to analyse the evolution of India’s diplomacy, this work studies the adaptation of the Indian Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) from 1947 to 2015, using a sociological approach to institutions. We argue that the evolution of Indian diplomacy can be better understood by studying its production at a micro level, which relates both to the organisation of the MEA and its interactions with other actors of Indian diplomacy. This work shows that the vulnerability of the Indian MEA is determined by its structural weaknesses and its growing marginalisation within the foreign policy decision making process. This vulnerability restrains the MEA’s adaptation to the evolutions of globalisation. The adaptation is gradual and is manifested by the growing importance given to the practice of low diplomacy (economic, public and consular diplomacy). Nevertheless, it remains greatly limited and constrained by domestic imperatives of economic development. That explains, to a large extent, many of India’s prudent diplomatic decisions
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Ypsilos, Ioannis K. „Impact of water relations on the production, ecological fitness and stability of the biocontrol fungus Metarhizium anisopliae“. Thesis, Cranfield University, 2004.

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The aim of this work was the production of high numbers of propagules of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae with high germination capacity under low water availability, good storage stability and enhanced pathogenicity. To this end modifications of cultural conditions were employed. Water-stress in solid substrate fermentation reduced the conidial production but resulted in enhancement of germination capacity. Conidial production and germination was also considerably influenced by the type of solid substrate (bulgar wheat, millet grain). Intracellular accumulation of endogenous reserves of selected polyols, which have been linked with enhancement of germination under conditions of restricted water availability, was altered by such substrate modifications. Imposed water-stress in liquid culture resulted in increased blastospore production in the 0.998 to 0.96 water activity (a. ) range when ionic solutes (NaCl, KCI) were used for medium modification but when PEG 200 was used, this range was narrower (0.998-0.98 aw). Water-stress resulted in the production of modified blastospores with increased levels of the low molecular weight polyol erythritol. Higher amounts of endogenous polyols were retained intracellularly when modified blastospores were harvested in isotonic solutions compared to those subjected to hypo-osmotic shock by washing with water. Intracellular polyol patterns of blastospores were also affected by nitrogen source, pH and aW-modifying solute as well as by interaction between these factors. Optimum conditions for increased erythritol accumulation occurred when ionic solutes (NaCl, KCl) were used for aW modification and in the pH range between 6.8-8. Total endogenous protein was also enhanced under the same conditions. Germination of blastospores produced under these conditions was between 62-89% under conditions of water-stress (0.96 a, ). In contrast, blastospores with lower amounts of erythritol and total protein content had decreased germination (8- 67%). Osmoprotection of such modified blastospores resulted in increased storage stability as wet pastes and as freeze-dried preparations. Fluidised bed dried blastospores had either decreased viability (<25%) or good viability (>40%) but high conent of moisture (>30%). Destruxin A production was not affected by osmoprotection whereas protease activity was enhanced by isotonic washing with PEG 200 solution but not by. ionic (NaCl) or carbohydrate (glucose) solutions. Modified blastospores were not more infective to aphids than unmodified ones under 100% R. H. regimes.
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Wixted, Brian L., University of Western Sydney, College of Law and Business und Australian Expert Group in Industry Studies. „Systems of innovation beyond borders: linked clustering and the role, scale and spatial structure of extra-territorial interdependencies“. THESIS_CLAB_AEGIS_Wixted_B.xml, 2005.

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The study of technological innovation covers a broad range of issues. Everything, from the public funding of science, research policy to the role of universities, from the business development of new products and services, the financing of innovation, institutional arrangements through to the spatially located conditions that promote innovation has been considered by analysts. Mostly these subject matters have been conceptualised as components of 'national’ systems of innovation even when studied at different spatial levels (including regions and clusters). The emphasis of systems research is that places (nations or localities), within the global economic landscape, are especially important for the creation, spread and use of innovations. The systems perspective on innovation encourages, due to results on the development of endogenous capabilities and the proximity of knowledge spillovers, a view that production and innovation geographies are enclaves of activity, innovating largely in isolation from what is occurring in other technologically isolated systems. A central concern in the present thesis is that this view of national and sub-national systems does not provide a sufficiently comprehensive perspective on the global architecture of production. The primary goal is to begin to develop an innovation systems framework that combines the consideration of the advantages of individual spatial entities (clusters) with an analysis of value chains as they extend across regional and national borders. To achieve this, the analysis focuses on evaluating the role, scale and spatial structure of inter-cluster linkages. The literature on role of interdependencies within clusters suggests that user producer and tacit knowledge flows are more important for innovation than traded interdependencies. To aid the analysis of the scale and spatial structure of interdependencies and rather than be restricted by case studies methods which would facilitate analysis of only one or two clusters, two inter-country input-output datasets covering nine OECD countries (33 sectors) and fifteen European Union countries (25 sectors) were developed for the research project. To analyse these datasets in a manner that was consistent with the goals of the research new modelling software was constructed. The analysis of these spatial structures reveals that substantial associations exist between some clusters, with most national clusters maintaining one important connection. The analysis reveals differences in the global architecture of production for assembly based systems (motor vehicles and aerospace) when compared to modular component based systems such as electronics and computing. Just as businesses form networks, then it seems reasonable, on the basis of the research presented here, to suggest that global production consists of networks of clusters which are organised in hierarchical circuits. This evidence supports the argument developed through the present thesis that certain elements of innovation systems can be better understood through a crossborder cluster-to-cluster framework
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Peruch, Julie. „La fabrication de la photographie de film dans le cinéma français : dispositif et environnement visuel, technique et organisationnel“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, EHESS, 2024.

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Le cinéma français forme une institution transnationale dans laquelle ses promoteurs adoptent des valeurs sociologiques libérales et cherchent à les promouvoir dans les contenus visuels. Par quels mécanismes la valeur marchande des images des longs-métrages de fiction est-elle réactualisée et réinvestie dans les espaces de sa fabrication ? Comment la valeur marchande anticipée des photographies de longs-métrages de fiction français s’inscrit-elle dans le processus de fabrication ? Avec quels paradigmes les professionnels de l’image regardent-ils les photographies de films qu’ils fabriquent ? A partir d’une enquête de terrain de plusieurs mois dans des espaces de fabrication de la photographie de longs-métrages de fiction français et une trentaine d’entretiens auprès de différents professionnels du secteur, cette thèse vise à montrer que dans le processus de fabrication, la valeur anticipée du produit est un paradigme de la perception visuelle qui organise le visible de l’image et façonne les rapports de production. Les techniciens image sont une catégorie de professionnels qui agissent en tant que groupe affinitaire, qui mobilisent des systèmes socio-techniques inscrits dans un marché du matériel image, et qui utilisent un regard professionnel, marqué par la projection dans une valeur marchande de l’image, et également un regard situé en fonction de leur position dans les rapports de production. Le regard des professionnels de l’image, insérés dans des rapports de production, assurent une existence et une intelligibilité à la photographie par mobilisation de sa valeur marchande anticipée dans le processus de fabrication lui-même
French cinema is a transnational institution whose promoters embrace liberal values and seek to promote them through visual content. What are the mechanisms by which the market value of feature-film images is updated and reinvested in the spaces where they are made ? How does the anticipated market value of photographs of French feature-length fiction films influence the production process ? With what paradigms do image professionals look at the photographs of the films they make ? Based on a field work lasting several months in photography production facilities for French feature-length fiction films, and through thirty interviews with various professionals in the sector, this thesis aims to show that in the context of the the production process, the anticipated value of the product is a paradigm of visual perception that organizes the visibility of the image and shapes the relationships which produce it. Image technicians are a category of professionals who act as an affinity group, who mobilize socio-technical systems inscribed in a market logic for image material, and who deploy a professional gaze, characterised by projection into the domain of market value, as welle as a gaze situated according to their position in production relations. The gaze of image professionals, embedded in production relationships, ensure the existence and intelligibility of photography by mobilizing its anticipated market value in the production process it self
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