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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "QED de cavité"


Lechner, Daniel, Riccardo Pennetta, Martin Blaha, Philipp Schneeweiss, Jürgen Volz und Arno Rauschenbeutel. „Experimental investigation of light-matter interaction when transitioning from cavity QED to waveguide QED“. EPJ Web of Conferences 266 (2022): 11006.

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Cavity quantum electrodynamics (cavity QED) is conventionally described by the Jaynes- or Tavis-Cummings model, where quantum emitters couple to a single-mode cavity. The opposite scenario, in which an ensemble of emitters couples to a single spatial mode of a propagating light field, is described by waveguide QED, where emitters interact with a continuum of frequency modes. Here we present an experiment where an ensemble of cold atoms strongly couples to a fiber-ring resonator with variable length containing an optical nanofiber. By changing the length of the resonator we can tailor the density of frequency modes and thus explore the transition from cavity QED to waveguide QED. We analyse the response of the ensemble–cavity system after the sudden switch-on of resonant laser light and find that for progressively longer resonators, the Rabi oscillations typical of cavity QED disappear and the single-pass dynamics of waveguide QED appear. Our measurements shed light on the interplay between the single-pass collective response of the atoms to the propagating cavity field and the ensemble–cavity dynamics.
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Zhang Lei, 张蕾. „基于腔QED制备三粒子singlet态“. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress 58, Nr. 23 (2021): 2327002.

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YE, LIU, und GUANG-CAN GUO. „ENTANGLEMENT CONCENTRATION AND A QUANTUM REPEATER IN CAVITY QED“. International Journal of Quantum Information 03, Nr. 02 (Juni 2005): 351–57.

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A scheme of quantum concentration for unknown atomic entangled states via cavity QED is proposed. During the preparation and the joint measurement of quantum states, the cavity is only virtually excited; thus, the scheme is insensitive to the cavity field states and the cavity decay. In the meanwhile, our setup also provides a demonstration of a quantum repeater in cavity QED in principle.
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We propose an experimentally feasible scheme to implement the optimal asymmetric economical 1 → 2 phase-covariant telecloning, which works without ancilla, based on Cavity-QED. Our scheme is insensitive to the cavity field states and cavity decay. During the telecloning process, the cavity is only virtually excited, thus it greatly prolongs the efficient decoherent time. Therefore, the scheme can be experimentally realized in the range of current cavity QED techniques.
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Wang, Yahong, und Changshui Yu. „Minimum remote state preparation of an arbitrary two-level one-atom state via cavity QED“. International Journal of Quantum Information 13, Nr. 02 (März 2015): 1550009.

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In this paper, we propose three schemes for remotely state preparation (RSP) an arbitrary two-level one-atom state via cavity quantum electro dynamics (QED) with minimal resources consumption. In the first case, a Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger (GHZ) state is used as quantum channel; in the second case, the sender needs to construct an quantum channel with both of the assistant of cavity QED and the knowledge about the state to be remotely prepared. In each scheme, only 1 cbit and 1 ebit are needed with the aid of cavity QED. In the third case, we combine the first two protocols and give a theoretical proposal for controlled RSP with only 2 cbits and 1 ebit resources consumption.
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We investigate schemes to securely distribute and reconstruct single-qubit and two-qubit arbitrary quantum states between two parties via tripartite GHZ states in cavity QED without joint measurement. Our schemes offer a simple way of demonstrating quantum state sharing in cavity QED. We also consider the generalization of our schemes to distribute and reconstruct a quantum state among many parties.
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A scheme for realizing the non-local Toffoli gate among three spatially separated nodes through cavity quantum electrodynamics (C-QED) is presented. The scheme can obtain high fidelity in the current C-QED system. With entangled qubits as quantum channels, the operation is resistive to actual environment noise.
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Said, Taoufik, Abdelhaq Chouikh, Karima Essammouni und Mohamed Bennai. „Realizing an N-two-qubit quantum logic gate in a cavity QED with nearest qubit--qubit interaction“. Quantum Information and Computation 16, Nr. 5&6 (April 2016): 465–82.

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We propose an effective way for realizing a three quantum logic gates (NTCP gate, NTCP-NOT gate and NTQ-NOT gate) of one qubit simultaneously controlling N target qubits based on the qubit-qubit interaction. We use the superconducting qubits in a cavity QED driven by a strong microwave field. In our scheme, the operation time of these gates is independent of the number N of qubits involved in the gate operation. These gates are insensitive to the initial state of the cavity QED and can be used to produce an analogous CNOT gate simultaneously acting on N qubits. The quantum phase gate can be realized in a time (nanosecond-scale) much smaller than decoherence time and dephasing time (microsecond-scale) in cavity QED. Numerical simulation under the influence of the gate operations shows that the scheme could be achieved efficiently within current state-of-the-art technology.
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Chang, D. E., L. Jiang, A. V. Gorshkov und H. J. Kimble. „Cavity QED with atomic mirrors“. New Journal of Physics 14, Nr. 6 (01.06.2012): 063003.

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Imamoglu, Atac. „Cavity-QED Using Quantum Dots“. Optics and Photonics News 13, Nr. 8 (01.08.2002): 22.

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Dissertationen zum Thema "QED de cavité"


De, Santis Lorenzo. „Single photon generation and manipulation with semiconductor quantum dot devices“. Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2018.

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Les phénomènes quantiques les plus fondamentaux comme la cohérence quantique et l’intrication sont aujourd'hui explorés pour réaliser de nouvelles technologies. C'est le domaine des technologies quantiques, qui promettent de révolutionner le calcul, la communication et la métrologie. En encodant l'information dans les systèmes quantiques, il serait possible de résoudre des problèmes inaccessibles aux ordinateurs classiques, de garantir une sécurité absolue dans les communications et de développer des capteurs dépassant les limites classiques de précision. Les photons uniques, en tant que vecteurs d'information quantique, ont acquis un rôle central dans ce domaine, car ils peuvent être manipulés facilement et être utilisés pour mettre en œuvre de nombreux protocoles quantiques. Pour cela, il est essentiel de développer des interfaces très efficaces entre les photons et les systèmes quantiques matériels, tels les atomes uniques, une fonctionnalité fondamentale à la fois pour la génération et la manipulation des photons. La réalisation de tels systèmes dans l'état solide permettrait de fabriquer des dispositifs quantiques intégrés et à large échelle. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous étudions l'interface lumière-matière réalisée par une boîte quantique unique, utilisée comme un atome artificiel, couplée de façon déterministe à une cavité de type micropilier. Un tel dispositif s'avère être un émetteur et un récepteur efficace de photons uniques, et il est utilisé ici pour implémenter des fonctionnalités quantiques de base. Tout d'abord, sous une excitation optique résonante, nous montrons comment nos composants sont des sources très brillantes de photons uniques. L’accélération de l'émission spontanée de la boîte quantique dans la cavité et le contrôle électrique de la structure permettent de générer des photons très indiscernables avec une très haute brillance. Cette nouvelle génération de sources de photons uniques peut être utilisée pour générer des états de photons intriqués en chemin appelés états NOON. Ces états intriqués sont des ressources importantes pour la détection de phase optique, mais leur caractérisation optique a été peu étudiée jusqu’à présent. Nous présentons une nouvelle méthode de tomographie pour caractériser les états de NOON encodés en chemin et implémentons expérimentalement cette méthode dans le cas de deux photons. Enfin, nous étudions le comportement de nos composants comme filtres non-linéaires de lumière. L'interface optimale entre la lumière et la boîte quantique permet l'observation d'une réponse optique non-linéaire au niveau d'un seul photon incident. Cet effet est utilisé pour démontrer le filtrage des états Fock à un seul photon à partir d’impulsions classiques incidentes. Ceci ouvre la voie à la réalisation efficace d’interactions effectives entre deux photons dans un système à l’état solide, une étape fondamentale pour surmonter les limitations dues au fonctionnement probabilistes des portes optiques linéaires
Quantum phenomena can nowadays be engineered to realize fundamentally new applications. This is the field of quantum technology, which holds the promise of revolutionizing computation, communication and metrology. By encoding the information in quantum mechanical systems, it appears to be possible to solve classically intractable problems, achieve absolute security in distant communications and beat the classical limits for precision measurements. Single photons as quantum information carriers play a central role in this field, as they can be easily manipulated and can be used to implement many quantum protocols. A key aspect is the interfacing between photons and matter quantum systems, a fundamental operation both for the generation and the readout of the photons. This has been driving a lot of research toward the realization of efficient atom-cavity systems, which allows the deterministic and reversible transfer of the information between the flying photons and the optical transition of a stationary atom. The realization of such systems in the solid-state gives the possibility of fabricating integrated and scalable quantum devices. With this objective, in this thesis work, we study the light-matter interface provided by a single semiconductor quantum dot, acting as an artificial atom, deterministically coupled to a micropillar cavity. Such a device is shown to be an efficient emitter and receiver of single photons, and is used to implement basic quantum functionalities.First, under resonant optical excitation, the device is shown to act as a very bright source of single photons. The strong acceleration of the spontaneous emission in the cavity and the electrical control of the structure, allow generating highly indistinguishable photons with a record brightness. This new generation of single photon sources can be used to generate path entangled NOON states. Such entangled states are important resources for sensing application, but their full characterizatiob has been scarcely studied. We propose here a novel tomography method to fully characterize path entangled N00N state and experimentally demonstrate the method to derive the density matrix of a two-photon path entangled state. Finally, we study the effect of the quantum dot-cavity device as a non-linear filter. The optimal light matter interface achieved here leads to the observation of an optical nonlinear response at the level of a single incident photon. This effect is used to demonstrate the filtering of single photon Fock state from classical incident light pulses. This opens the way towards the realization of efficient photon-photon effective interactions in the solid state, a fundamental step to overcome the limitations arising from the probabilistic operations of linear optical gates that are currently employed in quantum computation and communication
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Diniz, Igor. „Quantum electrodynamics in superconducting artificial atoms“. Thesis, Grenoble, 2012.

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This thesis focuses on two problems in circuit quantum electrodynamics. We first investigate theoretically the coupling of a resonator to a continuous distribution of inhomogeneously broadened emitters. Studying this formalism is strongly motivated by recent proposals to use collections of emitters as quantum memories for individual excitations. Such systems benefit from the collective enhancement of the interaction strength, while keeping the relaxation properties of a single emitter. We discuss the influence of the emitters inhomogeneous broadening on the existence and on the coherence properties of the polaritonic peaks. We find that their coherence depends crucially on the shape of the distribution and not only on its width. Taking into account the inhomogeneous broadening allows to simulate with a great accuracy a number of pioneer experimental results on a ensemble of NV centers. The modeling is shown to be a powerful tool to obtain the properties of the spin ensembles coupled to a resonator. We also suggest an original Josephson qubit readout method based on a dc-SQUID with high loop inductance. This system supports a diamond-shape artificial atom where we define logical and ancilla qubits coupled through a cross-Kerr like term. Depending on the logical qubit state, the ancilla is resonantly or dispersively coupled to the resonator, leading to a large contrast in the transmitted microwave signal amplitude. Simulations show that this original method can be faster and have higher fidelity than methods currently used in circuit QED
Cette thèse porte sur deux problèmes théoriques d'électrodynamique quantique en circuits supraconducteurs. Nous avons d'abord étudié les conditions d'obtention du couplage fort entre un résonateur et une distribution continue d'émetteurs élargie de façon inhomogène. Le développement de ce formalisme est fortement motivé par les récentes propositions d'utiliser des ensembles de degrés de liberté microscopiques pour réaliser des mémoires quantiques. En effet, ces systèmes bénéficient du couplage collectif au résonateur, tout en conservant les propriétés de relaxation d'un seul émetteur. Nous discutons l'influence de l'élargissement inhomogène sur l'existence et les propriétés de cohérence des pics polaritoniques obtenus dans le régime de couplage fort. Nous constatons que leur cohérence dépend de façon critique de la forme de la distribution et pas uniquement de sa largeur. En tenant compte de l'élargissement inhomogène, nous avons pu simuler avec une grande précision de nombreux résultats expérimentaux pionniers sur un ensemble de centres NV. La modélisation s'est révélée un outil puissant pour obtenir les propriétés des ensembles de spins couplés à un résonateur. Nous proposons également une méthode originale de mesure de l'état de qubits Josephson fondée sur un SQUID DC avec une inductance de boucle élevée. Ce système est décrit par un atome artificiel avec des niveaux d'énergie en forme de diamant où nous définissons les qubits logique et ancilla couplés entre eux par un terme Kerr croisé. En fonction de l'état du qubit logique, l'ancilla est couplée de manière résonante ou dispersive au résonateur, ce qui provoque un contraste important dans l'amplitude du signal micro-onde transmis par le résonateur. Les simulations montrent que cette méthode originale peut être plus rapide et peut aussi avoir une plus grande fidélité que les méthodes actuellement utilisées dans la communauté des circuits supraconducteurs
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Srivastava, Vineesha. „Entanglement generation and quantum gates with quantum emitters in a cavity“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Strasbourg, 2024.

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Cette thèse présente de nouveaux protocoles pour les portes quantiques multi-qubits non locales et la génération d’intrication dans des systèmes où plusieurs émetteurs quantiques interagissent avec un mode bosonique partagé. Elle introduit les portes de phase géométrique et adiabatique, avec des expressions analytiques de l’infidélité dépendant du nombre de qubits et de la coopérativité. Pour deux qubits, elles forment un ensemble universel, tandis que dans les systèmes multi-qubits, elles permettent des portes déterministes pour la simulation quantique et la correction d’erreurs. Une contribution majeure est un protocole de détection optimisé par l’intrication, atteignant une haute précision de mesure grâce au contrôle optimal. La thèse explore aussi un mécanisme de blocage polaritonique en cavité pour la génération d’états W non locaux et de portes multi-qubits. Ces opérations déterministes, basées sur des excitations classiques de cavité et parfois des impulsions globales, offrent une base évolutive pour l’informatique quantique, la détection quantique et l'internet quantique de demain, en particulier pour les systèmes à atomes neutres
This thesis presents novel protocols for non-local multi-qubit quantum gates and entanglement generation in systems where multiple quantum emitters interact with a shared bosonic mode. It introduces the Geometric and Adiabatic Phase Gates, with closed-form infidelity expressions scaling with qubit number and cooperativity. For two qubits, these form a universal gate set, while in multi-qubit systems, they enable deterministic gates for quantum simulation and quantum error correction. A key contribution is an entanglement-enhanced sensing protocol that achieves high measurement precision via optimal control. The thesis also examines a cavity polariton blockade mechanism for non-local W-state generation and multi-qubit gates. These deterministic multi-qubit operations rely only on classical cavity drives and, in some cases, global qubit pulses, providing a scalable foundation for quantum computing, sensing, and the future quantum internet, especially for neutral atom systems
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Diniz, Igor. „Electrodynamique quantique des les atomes artificiels supraconducteurs“. Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2012.

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This thesis focuses on two problems in circuit quantum electrodynamics. We first investigate theoretically the coupling of a resonator to a continuous distribution of inhomogeneously broadened emitters. Studying this formalism is strongly motivated by recent proposals to use collections of emitters as quantum memories for individual excitations. Such systems benefit from the collective enhancement of the interaction strength, while keeping the relaxation properties of a single emitter. We discuss the influence of the emitters inhomogeneous broadening on the existence and on the coherence properties of the polaritonic peaks. We find that their coherence depends crucially on the shape of the distribution and not only on its width. Taking into account the inhomogeneous broadening allows to simulate with a great accuracy a number of pioneer experimental results on a ensemble of NV centers. The modeling is shown to be a powerful tool to obtain the properties of the spin ensembles coupled to a resonator. We also suggest an original Josephson qubit readout method based on a dc-SQUID with high loop inductance. This system supports a diamond-shape artificial atom where we define logical and ancilla qubits coupled through a cross-Kerr like term. Depending on the logical qubit state, the ancilla is resonantly or dispersively coupled to the resonator, leading to a large contrast in the transmitted microwave signal amplitude. Simulations show that this original method can be faster and have higher fidelity than methods currently used in circuit QED.
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Martini, Ullrich. „Cavity QED with many atoms“. Diss., [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2000.

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Boozer, Allen David Kimble H. Jeff. „Raman transitions in cavity QED /“. Diss., Pasadena, Calif. : California Institute of Technology, 2005.

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Birnbaum, Kevin Michael Kimble H. Jeff. „Cavity QED with multilevel atoms /“. Diss., Pasadena, Calif. : California Institute of Technology, 2005.

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Northup, Tracy Eleanor Kimble H. Jeff Kimble H. Jeff. „Coherent control in cavity QED /“. Diss., Pasadena, Calif. : California Institute of Technology, 2008.

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Brama, Elisabeth. „Ion trap cavity system for strongly coupled cavity-QED“. Thesis, University of Sussex, 2013.

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The combination of an ion trap with a high finesse optical cavity is an ideal system for the investigation of strong coupling cavity quantum electrodynamics, and allows the observation of a number of interesting quantum phenomena. To achieve the small mode volumes required without impairing the ion trapping small traps with a short ion electrode distance are needed. Two microscopic linear rf ion traps have been developed and built to accommodate experimental cavities of lengths of several 100 microns. The first trap design, the 'sandwich' trap, was successfully used to trap 40Ca+ - ions for several hours. It was characterised extensively including a measurement of the heating rates of the ions in the trap. Spectroscopy measurements of the cooling transition, as well as the two repumping transitions were carried out. The second trap design, the 'alumina' trap, also successfully trapped 40Ca+ - ions, and a full characterisation of this trap was made. The experimental cavity was installed at a preliminary cavity length distance of 3.7 mm. The cavity characteristics were examined. Finally the trapped ions were overlapped with the cavity mode by adjusting the trap minimum position along the trap axis via dc voltages and the vertical position of the cavity. To progress further a locking scheme for the cavity length as well as a single - photon detection setup are necessary. To achieve strong coupling a reduction of the cavity length will have to be made.
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Alqahtani, Moteb M. „Multi-photon processes in cavity QED“. Thesis, University of Sussex, 2014.

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Based on a multi-mode multi-level Jaynes-Cummings model and multi-photon resonance theory, a set of universal two-qubit and three-qubit gates has been realized where dual-rail qubits are encoded in cavities. In this way, the information has been stored in cavities and the off-resonant levels have been eliminated by the theory of an effective two-level Hamiltonian. A further model, namely the spin-J model, has been introduced so that a complete population inversion for levels of interest has been achieved and periodic multilevel multi-photon models have been performed. The combination of the two models has been employed to address two-level, three-level, four-level, and even five-level configurations. Considering the present cavity-QED experiments, several numerical simulations have been designed in order to check the robustness of the logic gates to variations in experimentally important parameters including the coupling constants and the detunings. Finally, based on Liouville's equation, and the wave-function treatments, the impact of decoherence processes on the fidelity of the qubit states in the iSWAP and the Fredkin gates has been studied. This thesis may have applications to quantum information processing, involving logic with simple quantum bits, with the possible application to the building of a quantum computer.
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Bücher zum Thema "QED de cavité"


Putz, Stefan. Circuit Cavity QED with Macroscopic Solid-State Spin Ensembles. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Cavity QED with atomic ensembles. 2010.

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Vučković, Jelena. Quantum optics and cavity QED with quantum dots in photonic crystals. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Quantum dots in optical nanocavities are interesting as a test-bed for fundamental studies of light–matter interaction (cavity quantum electrodynamics, QED), as well as an integrated platform for information processing. As a result of the strong field localization inside sub-cubic-wavelength volumes, these dots enable very large emitter–field interaction strengths. In addition to their use in the study of new regimes of cavity QED, they can also be employed to build devices for quantum information processing, such as ultrafast quantum gates, non-classical light sources, and spin–photon interfaces. Beside quantum information systems, many classical information processing devices, such as lasers and modulators, benefit greatly from the enhanced light–matter interaction in such structures. This chapter gives an introduction to quantum dots, photonic crystal resonators, cavity QED, and quantum optics on this platform, as well as possible device applications.
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Thoumany, Pierre. Optical spectroscopy and cavity QED experiments with Rydberg atoms. 2011.

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Putz, Stefan. Circuit Cavity QED with Macroscopic Solid-State Spin Ensembles. Springer, 2017.

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Putz, Stefan. Circuit Cavity QED with Macroscopic Solid-State Spin Ensembles. Springer, 2018.

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Jones, Bobby L. Monte Carlo study of a single atom cavity QED laser. 1995.

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Pandey, Deepak. Fiber-Based Optical Resonators: Cavity QED, Resonator Design and Technological Applications. de Gruyter GmbH, Walter, 2022.

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Pandey, Deepak. Fiber-Based Optical Resonators: Cavity QED, Resonator Design and Technological Applications. de Gruyter GmbH, Walter, 2022.

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Pandey, Deepak. Fiber-Based Optical Resonators: Cavity QED, Resonator Design and Technological Applications. de Gruyter GmbH, Walter, 2022.

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Buchteile zum Thema "QED de cavité"


Meystre, P. „Cavity QED“. In Springer Series on Wave Phenomena, 26–36. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1990.

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Lange, W., Q. A. Turchette, C. J. Hood, H. Mabuchi und H. J. Kimble. „Optical Cavity QED“. In Microcavities and Photonic Bandgaps: Physics and Applications, 443–56. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1996.

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Vollmer, Frank, und Deshui Yu. „Molecular Cavity QED“. In Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering, 345–83. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Puri, Ravinder Rupchand. „Dissipative Cavity QED“. In Springer Series in Optical Sciences, 251–66. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2001.

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Vollmer, Frank, und Deshui Yu. „Molecular Cavity QED“. In Optical Whispering Gallery Modes for Biosensing, 399–446. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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Putz, Stefan. „Spins in the Cavity—Cavity QED“. In Circuit Cavity QED with Macroscopic Solid-State Spin Ensembles, 25–49. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Lange, W., Q. A. Turchette, C. Hood, H. Mabuchi und H. J. Kimble. „Flying Qubits in Cavity QED“. In Coherence and Quantum Optics VII, 345–46. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1996.

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Haroche, Serge, und Jean-Michel Raimond. „Bohr’s Legacy in Cavity QED“. In Niels Bohr, 1913-2013, 103–46. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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Raizen, M. G., R. J. Thompson, R. J. Brecha, H. J. Kimble und H. J. Carmichael. „Modulation Spectroscopy and Cavity QED“. In Springer Proceedings in Physics, 176–80. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1989.

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Meystre, Pierre. „Tailoring the Environment—Cavity QED“. In Quantum Optics, 187–228. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "QED de cavité"


Wong, Yu-En, Adam Johnston, Ulises Felix-Rendon und Songtao Chen. „Enhanced Light-Matter Interactions for a Single T Center in a Silicon Nanocavity“. In CLEO: Fundamental Science, FTu3I.4. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 2024.

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We investigate light-matter interactions for a single T center coupled to a silicon photonic crystal cavity. By solving Lindblad master equation, we extract the cavity-QED parameters for the coupled system.
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Hensley, Hagan, Braden Larsen und James K. Thompson. „Hot Atoms and Light Cooperating“. In Frontiers in Optics, JTu5A.39. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 2024.

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Here we demonstrate a limited-infrastructure cavity QED platform by probing transits of thermal Rb atoms through a narrow optical cavity. We detail our progress towards resolving single-atom transits and creating a non-classical source of light.
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Kanneworff, Kirsten N., Petr Steindl, Mio T. L. Poortvliet und Wolfgang Löffler. „Photon Quantum Interference for Quantum Position Verification with Four Detectors“. In Quantum 2.0, QW2B.6. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 2024.

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Torres, Juan Mauricio. „Quantum Operations Assisted by Multiphoton and Multiphonon States“. In Latin America Optics and Photonics Conference, M3B.2. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 2024.

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Quantum operations in cavity-QED scenarios are theoretically investigated, where multiphoton states assist in generating atomic entanglement. Similar schemes are implementable with trapped ions. These operations can serve protocols such as entanglement purification.
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Tziperman, Offek, Ron Ruimy, Alexey Gorlach und Ido Kaminer. „Creating Entanglement Through a Joint Decay Channel“. In CLEO: Fundamental Science, FTu3O.4. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 2024.

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We propose a protocol to create entanglement between emitters in cavity- or waveguide-QED through their decay to a common channel. Heralding on emitters’ states creates desired quantum light states such as cat and GKP.
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Sahu, Subrat, Kali P. Nayak und Rajan Jha. „One-sided Slotted Photonic Crystal Nanofiber for Cavity QED“. In CLEO: Applications and Technology, JW2A.63. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 2024.

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A one-sided slotted photonic crystal cavity structure on an optical nanofiber is proposed to realize cavity quantum electrodynamics. The device can unidirectionally couple single photons with an efficiency of ~90% into the nanofiber fundamental mode.
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Sahu, Subrat, Kali P. Nayak und Rajan Jha. „Single-Sided Cavity QED Effect on an Optical Nanowire“. In Frontiers in Optics, JW5A.6. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 2024.

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A single-sided photonic crystal cavity structure on an optical nanowire is proposed to realize cavity quantum electrodynamics. Unidirectional coupling of single photons can be achieved into the guided mode of nanowire from a quantum emitter.
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Meystre, Pierre. „Cavity QED“. In OSA Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1989.

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Cavity QED is the study of the interaction between one or a few atoms or electrons and the tailored electromagnetic environments that can be realized, e.g., in optical or microwave cavities. This tutorial gives a broad review of this field, illustrating how it impacts our understanding of the transition from truly microscopic to macroscopic dynamics in light-matter interactions, as well as challenges our conventional (ensemble average) interpretation of quantum mechanics.
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Kono, Junichiro. „Ultrastrong Light-Matter Coupling in a High-Q Terahertz Cavity“. In JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 2017.

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Strong resonant light-matter coupling in a cavity setting is an essential ingredient in fundamental cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) studies as well as in cavity-QED-based quantum information processing. In particular, a variety of solid-state cavity QED systems have recently been examined, not only for the purpose of developing scalable quantum technologies, but also for exploring novel many-body effects inherent to condensed matter. For example, collective N1/2-fold enhancement of light-matter coupling in an N-body system, combined with colossal dipole moments available in solids, compared to traditional atomic systems, is promising for entering uncharted regimes of ultrastrong light-matter coupling. Nonintuitive quantum phenomena can occur in such regimes, including a squeezed vacuum state, the Dicke superradiant phase transition, the breakdown of the Purcell effect, and quantum vacuum radiation induced by the dynamic Casimir effect. However, creating a system that combines a long electronic coherence time, a large dipole moment, and a high cavity quality (Q) factor has been a challenging goal.
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Lai, H. M., P. T. Leung, S. Y. Liu und K. Young. „Cavity QED in microdroplets“. In 1992 Shanghai International Symposium on Quantum Optics, herausgegeben von Yuzhu Wang, Yiqiu Wang und Zugeng Wang. SPIE, 1992.

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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "QED de cavité"


Wang, Hailin. Cavity QED of NV Centers in Diamond Nanopillars. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, März 2012.

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Vuckovic, Jelena. Quantum Dot-Photonic Crystal Cavity QED Based Quantum Information Processing. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, August 2012.

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Stamper-Kurn, Dan M. Operation and On-Chip Integration of Cavity-QED-Based Detectors for Single Atoms and Molecules. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Mai 2010.

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Sercel, Peter C. High Resolution Optical Spectroscopy of Single Quantum Dots and Cavity-QED Effects and Lasing in Quantum Dot Microdisk Resonator Structures. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Dezember 2000.

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