Dissertationen zum Thema „Puits et sources de carbone“
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Lauvaux, Thomas. „Inversion à méso échelle des sources et puits de carbone“. Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008VERS0007.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLes méthodes d'inversion à grande échelle ont permis d'estimer la variabilité spatiale des sources et puits de carbone continentaux mais les incertitudes associées restent importantes. En e_et, les concentrations atmosphériques intègrent la variabilité des _ux de surface, mais les modèles de transport à basse résolution utilisés dans les inversions ne peuvent reproduire correctement la complexité da la dynamique atmosphérique locale des sites de mesure. Cependant, ces estimations sont plus représentatives de la grande hétérogénéité spatiale des écosystèmes que les mesures directes des _ux. Les méthodes inverses et directes qui visent toutes les deux à estimer le bilan des échanges de carbone entre la surface et l'atmosphère s'appliquent donc à des échelles di_érentes et sont ainsi di_cilement comparables. Au cours de cette thèse, un système d'inversion à méso échelle a été développé pour corrigerles _ux de carbone à une résolution de 8km. Le modèle de transport à haute résolution (MésoNH) a permis de simuler la variabilité des concentrations atmosphériques avec une meilleure précision, ce qui a permis de limiter les incertitudes sur les _ux inversés. L'intégralité des données est issue de la campagne régionale intensive CERES de mai et juin 2005, lors de laquelle plusieurs tours instrumentées ont mesurées les concentrations et les _ux de CO2 dans le Sud Ouest de la France. Des mesures aéroportées ont permis également d'observer les concentrations en altitude ainsi que les _ux de CO2 aggrégées sur de larges bandes à la surface. Dans un premier temps, la capacité du système à corriger les _ux de CO2 a été estimé par l'intermédiaire de pseudo-données. La majeure partie de la variabilité des concentrations a été attribuée aux _ux régionaux dans une zone qui s'étend, selon les conditions météorologiques, jusqu'à 300km autour des sites de mesure. Dans un second temps, un ensemble de simulations a permis de dé_nir les structures spatiale et temporelle des erreurs de transport. Dans un dernier temps, les _ux corrigés par l'inversion à 8km de résolution ont été comparés à des mesures directes de _ux. Le système d'inversion a été ainsi validé dans le temps et l'espace et a montré une amélioration de l'estimation des _ux de CO2 issues d'un modèle de végétation en diminuant signi_cativement les erreurs initiales par rapport aux observations indépendantes de _ux de CO2
Yver, Camille. „Estimation des sources et puits du dihydrogène troposphérique : développements instrumentaux, mesures atmosphériques et assimilation variationnelle“. Phd thesis, Université de Versailles-Saint Quentin en Yvelines, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00633825.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBairam, Emna. „Etude des processus écophysiologiques caractérisant la distribution du carbone entre les sources et les puits au sein de la charpentière du pommier. Eléments pour un modèle fonction-structure“. Thesis, Rennes, Agrocampus Ouest, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017NSARC129/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe synthesis and the transport of carbon in apple are basedon a whole host of complex and interlaced mechanisms thatdepend on endogenous and exogenous factors. An approachthat combines the ecophysiological characterisation with theuse of a Functional-Structural Plant Model (FSPM) representsan interesting method in this fi eld of research, inasmuch assuch an FSPM allows integrating the topology and the geometryof the plant and its constituting organs with the entiretyof factors involved in assimilation as well as water andcarbon transport. The present study has contributed to thebetter understanding of the source-sink relations characterizingthis system but also to the elaboration of a multi-scaledFSPM. First, the development of models for the prediction ofthe architecture of different shoot types in apple from simplevariables provides a novel way to simplify the simulationof theinitial structure of branches but also to quantify leaf area in arobust manner. Second, the creation of a network of correlationsamong morphometric variables of the different organsformed by the mixed bud of apple clearly shows the functionalrelations among the spur organs. In the end, the study ofsource-sink relations at the branch scale has allowed, on theone hand, to characterize the regulation of net photosynthesisas a function of a changed source/sink ratio but also asa function of leaf type and, on the other hand, to shed somelight on the infl uence that the competition among fruits hason increasing sink strength and thus regulating the leaf
Cheiney, Audrey. „Estimation des sources et puits de gaz à effet de serre et de leurs précurseurs par inversion du transport et de la chimie atmosphériques“. Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013VERS0008.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe understanding of the changes in the greenhouse gas and their precursor concentrations is essential for a comprehensive knowledge of tropospheric chemistry and of the actual carbon cycle and for the modeling of future biogeochemical cycles from realistic emission scenarios. In this work, atmospheric concentration measurements, by satellite or/and at surface stations have been extensively used, to i) optimize the estimations of the sources and sinks (emission, chemical production and loss) of greenhouse gases (methane CH4, methylchloroform MCF, chlorodifluoromethane HCFC-22 et 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoromethane HFC-134a) and some of their precursors (carbon monoxide CO, formaldehyde HCHO, volatile organic compounds VOC) and ii) reduce the uncertainties associated to their budget. The bayesian and variational PYVAR inversion system, coupled to the chemistry-transport model LMDz-SACS has been developed and improved. The relatively high spatial and temporal resolution of the inversion and the long time-period studied provided additional knowledge on the amplitude and the variability of these gases. For example, the optimized CO emissions are 37% higher than the prior ones built from EDGAR-v3. 2 and GFED-v2 inventories. Our results also exhibit an overestimation of about 30% of isoprene emissions in the GEIA inventory. Significant seasonal variations of the CO, VOC and HCFC-22 emissions, explained by socioeconomic or biogenic factors, have been revealed. Finally, an alternative to MCF as a proxy for the hydroxyl radical, OH, is studied using HFC-134a
Lerat, Sylvain. „Étude des relations source/puits de carbone dans la symbiose endomycorhizienne à arbuscules“. Thesis, Université Laval, 2003. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2003/20826/20826.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDifferent aspects of the carbon (C) source-sink relationships in the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis were investigated. In an initial ecophysiological-based study carried under natural conditions, the existence of AM fungal mediated C exchanges between plant species with different phenology was reported. Two physiological studies based on a split-root system showed the C sink strength of AM fungi to be fungal species, fungal strain and plant species dependent. Finally, an ecological study carried out subsequently to the ice storm of 1998 (natural disturbance) which severely damaged mature tree crowns revealed that poor post-traumatic crown regrowth was associated with higher mycorrhizal colonization levels than in good regrowth trees. In conclusion, the C demand of AM fungi varies with the species involved in the symbiosis and with the phenological stage and health of the phytobiont.
Inscrit au Tableau d'honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures
Gutjahr, Sylvain. „Modulation de la force des sources et des puits de carbone sur la croissance du bulbe de l'érythrone d'Amérique, Erythronium americanum“. Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/18877.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleReduction in light intensity as well as seasonal increase in temperature are considered the main factors inducing the senescence of the leaves of deciduous forest spring ephemerals. However, these two factors cannot completely explain the interannual variations in belowground organ growth. We suggest that leaf longevity of spring geophytes is determined by carbohydrate storage conditions (size and growth duration of the perennial organ, storage duration) and not that leaf lifespan determine the size of the perennial organ. Our results on Erythronium americanum suggest that leaf senescence appears prematurely under the higher temperature regime when plants are cultivated at 12/8°C or 18/14°C; when the bulb stops to grow, the leaf is still photosynthetically active and the nutrient concentration is high, meaning their mobilisation is not achieved. CO2 air enrichment increases plant net assimilation rate but does not increase bulb growth rate, and thus does not enhance carbohydrate storage. The strength of a sink of carbon such as the bulb might influence leaf longevity in single-leaved individuals of this species.
Gutjahr, Sylvain. „Modulation de la force des sources et des puits de carbone sur la croissance du bulbe de l'érythrone d'Amérique, Erythronium americanum“. Québec : Université Laval, 2007. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2006/24110/24110.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGutjahr, Sylvain. „Modulation de la force des sources et des puits de carbone sur la croissance du bulbe de l'érythrone d'Amérique, Erythronium americanum“. Thesis, Université Laval, 2006. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2006/24110/24110.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleReduction in light intensity as well as seasonal increase in temperature are considered the main factors inducing the senescence of the leaves of deciduous forest spring ephemerals. However, these two factors cannot completely explain the interannual variations in belowground organ growth. We suggest that leaf longevity of spring geophytes is determined by carbohydrate storage conditions (size and growth duration of the perennial organ, storage duration) and not that leaf lifespan determine the size of the perennial organ. Our results on Erythronium americanum suggest that leaf senescence appears prematurely under the higher temperature regime when plants are cultivated at 12/8°C or 18/14°C; when the bulb stops to grow, the leaf is still photosynthetically active and the nutrient concentration is high, meaning their mobilisation is not achieved. CO2 air enrichment increases plant net assimilation rate but does not increase bulb growth rate, and thus does not enhance carbohydrate storage. The strength of a sink of carbon such as the bulb might influence leaf longevity in single-leaved individuals of this species.
Aulagnier, Céline. „Apport d'un modèle de transport méso-échelle sur l'estimation des sources et puits de CO2 à l'échelle régionale européenne par inversion du transport et assimilation d'observations in-situ“. Paris 6, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA066327.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLebegue, Benjamin. „L'apport des nouvelles technologies de mesure pour la caractérisation des sources et puits de gaz à effet de serre“. Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016SACLV035/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDuring the last three decades, GHG observations programs went towards ever smaller scales, and it is becoming necessary to develop observation networks and adapt them to the different scales studied. Besides denser networks, we are going toward an increase of the species monitored in order to have a wide range of atmospheric tracers available to identify processes. As a member of the European research program ICOS (Integrated Carbon Observing System), the LSCE (Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement) is in charge of technological watch for GHG measuring analyzers. In the scope of my thesis, I first tested a Fourier Transform Infra-Red Spectrometer (FTIR) commercialized by Ecotech which can analyze five species: N2O, CH4, CO, CO2 and its isotope 13CO2.Apart of the FTIR, other new technologies appeared on the market, particularly relating to N2O measurements. Unlike CO2 and CH4, ICOS stations don’t require measuring N2O, as no instrument has been found to be performant enough concerning measurement precision and reliability for the ICOS network. During my thesis, I had the responsibility to make an exhaustive evaluation of seven analyzers of N2O from five different manufacturers. I’ve been able to gather the analyzers in two categories: those with good high frequency measurements (< 1 min) and those which are stable over long periods. The first category is particularly adapted to measurement of exchange rates between different ecosystems, whereas the second allows for high precision monitoring of the atmosphere. Most instruments show dependence to ambient temperature variations as well as a water vapor correction either useless or lacking (Lebegue et al., AMT, 2016).Then, I used N2O measurements from the FTIR in order to determine night emissions of this gas by using the Radon method which calculates the correlation between the nocturnal accumulation of 222Rn and N2O. Thanks to the better repeatability of the FTIR over the gas chromatograph one, I have been able to obtain more workable events than with the GC (+45%). Start of 2014, I installed the FTIR at the Trainou station, a radio tower near Orléans, in order to document the vertical gradients of N2O and 13CO2.The LSCE received in March 2015 a laser spectrometer from Aerodyne Research dedicated to the study of atmosphere/biosphere carbon fluxes. Three species are analyzed, CO2, H2O and carbonyl sulfide (COS) for which the mixing ratio in the troposphere is a million times smaller than CO2’s. Considering that vegetation assimilate COS and CO2 in similar proportions and that there is no mechanism similar to respiration for COS, the absorption of COS by the vegetation should be directly proportional to the photosynthetic activity. In this respect, I have characterized the performances of the new instrument Aerodyne. I then compared measurements of COS from this instrument to those obtained with a GC which document, since August 2014, the diurnal and seasonal variations of COS mixing ratios and fluxes at the LSCE. Finally, I installed the Aerodyne analyzer at the ICOS tower of Saclay in order to document the diurnal variations of the vertical gradient of COS during the winter period.My studies showed (1) that the Aerodyne and the GC show similar performances although the Aerodyne analyzer has the advantage of needing less maintenance, and (2) that the Aerodyne analyzer is able to detect a vertical gradient of a few ppt during a nocturnal stratification. Here, I also study the seasonal variations of COS in the low troposphere, from GC data, which I compare to other stations across the world. I’ve also been able to estimate over this period, with the Radon method, the deposition velocity of COS over the Saclay plateau. Thanks to this method, I was able to document a nocturnal sink active for almost the full year over the Saclay Plateau
Lebegue, Benjamin. „L'apport des nouvelles technologies de mesure pour la caractérisation des sources et puits de gaz à effet de serre“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016SACLV035.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDuring the last three decades, GHG observations programs went towards ever smaller scales, and it is becoming necessary to develop observation networks and adapt them to the different scales studied. Besides denser networks, we are going toward an increase of the species monitored in order to have a wide range of atmospheric tracers available to identify processes. As a member of the European research program ICOS (Integrated Carbon Observing System), the LSCE (Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement) is in charge of technological watch for GHG measuring analyzers. In the scope of my thesis, I first tested a Fourier Transform Infra-Red Spectrometer (FTIR) commercialized by Ecotech which can analyze five species: N2O, CH4, CO, CO2 and its isotope 13CO2.Apart of the FTIR, other new technologies appeared on the market, particularly relating to N2O measurements. Unlike CO2 and CH4, ICOS stations don’t require measuring N2O, as no instrument has been found to be performant enough concerning measurement precision and reliability for the ICOS network. During my thesis, I had the responsibility to make an exhaustive evaluation of seven analyzers of N2O from five different manufacturers. I’ve been able to gather the analyzers in two categories: those with good high frequency measurements (< 1 min) and those which are stable over long periods. The first category is particularly adapted to measurement of exchange rates between different ecosystems, whereas the second allows for high precision monitoring of the atmosphere. Most instruments show dependence to ambient temperature variations as well as a water vapor correction either useless or lacking (Lebegue et al., AMT, 2016).Then, I used N2O measurements from the FTIR in order to determine night emissions of this gas by using the Radon method which calculates the correlation between the nocturnal accumulation of 222Rn and N2O. Thanks to the better repeatability of the FTIR over the gas chromatograph one, I have been able to obtain more workable events than with the GC (+45%). Start of 2014, I installed the FTIR at the Trainou station, a radio tower near Orléans, in order to document the vertical gradients of N2O and 13CO2.The LSCE received in March 2015 a laser spectrometer from Aerodyne Research dedicated to the study of atmosphere/biosphere carbon fluxes. Three species are analyzed, CO2, H2O and carbonyl sulfide (COS) for which the mixing ratio in the troposphere is a million times smaller than CO2’s. Considering that vegetation assimilate COS and CO2 in similar proportions and that there is no mechanism similar to respiration for COS, the absorption of COS by the vegetation should be directly proportional to the photosynthetic activity. In this respect, I have characterized the performances of the new instrument Aerodyne. I then compared measurements of COS from this instrument to those obtained with a GC which document, since August 2014, the diurnal and seasonal variations of COS mixing ratios and fluxes at the LSCE. Finally, I installed the Aerodyne analyzer at the ICOS tower of Saclay in order to document the diurnal variations of the vertical gradient of COS during the winter period.My studies showed (1) that the Aerodyne and the GC show similar performances although the Aerodyne analyzer has the advantage of needing less maintenance, and (2) that the Aerodyne analyzer is able to detect a vertical gradient of a few ppt during a nocturnal stratification. Here, I also study the seasonal variations of COS in the low troposphere, from GC data, which I compare to other stations across the world. I’ve also been able to estimate over this period, with the Radon method, the deposition velocity of COS over the Saclay plateau. Thanks to this method, I was able to document a nocturnal sink active for almost the full year over the Saclay Plateau
Girard, Léo. „Étangs piscicoles et services écosystémiques : Relations entre pratiques de gestion, maintien de la biodiversité et stockage de carbone“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, AgroParisTech, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024AGPT0008.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleEurope is home to a large number of “pond landscapes”, many with origins dating back to the Middle Ages and a historic vocation for fish farming. Despite their man-made nature, these environments are known for their capacity to harbor significant biodiversity, with rare, even endemic or endangered species. With the abandonment of fish farming, combined with other threats such as climate change, a significant number of these ponds have disappeared in recent decades. Until recently, and despite the important role they can play, these small water bodies have been neglected in research, but also in public policies.In this PhD thesis work, we looked at the effects of different fish farming management practices on ecosystem services provided by fish ponds. First, we analyzed the practice of drying-out ponds and its impact on both biodiversity and fish yields. Secondly, we explored the impacts of different fish density management on macrophyte community characteristics. And finally, we studied fish ponds as potential carbon sinks or sources, and the effects of management practices on these carbon balances.To contribute to the scientific knowledge on these topics, we capitalized on historical data collected in the Dombes region (Ain, France) since 2007, but also on data collected as part of the European PONDERFUL project, between 2021 and 2022, in Dombes and Midden-Limburg (Belgium). We analyzed data on water and sediment physico-chemistry, as well as biodiversity (macrophytes, phytoplankton and macroinvertebrates), carbon storage and emissions, and fish farming management practices (time since the last dry year, fish stocking, fertilization).Our results show that drying-out is a major agroecological practice for extensive pond fish farming. This voluntary draining facilitates the recolonization of macrophytes and their diversity when the pond is re-watered. The second year in water is characterized by an "unstable state" of equilibrium between the two primary producers. This state appears to be favorable to biodiversity, production and carbon storage. Intensification of production, through increased fish densities, nevertheless has negative effects on macrophyte species richness. It also impacts community structure. Ponds used for fish farming have subsets of species that nest in the richer communities of ponds managed without fish. We were also able to show a very high degree of variability in the carbon balances of 20 fish ponds. On average, monitored ponds appear to be carbon sinks, with around 4 tonnes of CO2 equivalent stored per hectare over 6 months. The dry year, on the other hand, is characterized by high greenhouse gas emissions.All these elements confirm that fish ponds, combined with extensive practices, can provide numerous ecosystem services. Fish production is not incompatible with biodiversity conservation. The sustainability of these environments in European landscapes, and of the ecosystem services they provide, depends on the maintenance of these management practices. Even if it seems possible to reconcile provisioning and support services, in the future it will be necessary to establish a hierarchy of desired services, particularly in view of the inverse effects that certain management practices may have
Moreau, Sébastien D. V. „Effets combinés du réchauffement climatique et du rayonnement UVB sur la composition et le métabolisme de la communauté microbienne marine dans l'ouest de la Péninsule Antarctique : impact potentiel sur le cycle du carbone“. Thesis, Montpellier 2, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011MON20028.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRegional warming in the western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP), along with the expected decrease in sea-ice cover and the seasonal ozone layer breakdown could modify the composition and the structure of the microbial community. In addition, these environmental changes could modify the potential of the WAP as a CO2 sink. In this context, this thesis aimed at evaluating the combined effects of regional climatic changes on the primary production and the composition and structure of the microbial community in the WAP. In a second time, this thesis aimed at evaluating the role of the microbial community structure, composition, primary production and respiration on air-sea CO2 gas exchanges.First, the variations in sea-ice cover, stratospheric ozone layer thickness and sea surface temperature over the last 30 years (1972-2007) were described. Related to the warming of WAP waters, the retreat of sea-ice was happening earlier each decade in the WAP. The observed changes in these environmental parameters offer a new temporal window for primary production. Indeed, the annual primary production increased from 1997 to 2007, in relation with the sea-ice cover anomaly for the previous winter. In addition, daily primary production was negatively and positively correlated to, respectively, sea-ice cover and sea-water temperature from September to November and from February to March, suggesting that regional warming favoured more primary production during spring and fall. On the contrary, the early retreat of sea-ice in spring, in coincidence with the spring ozone layer breakdown, led to an increase in photoinhibition (with an average of 11.6 ± 2.8 % of the daily primary production being photoinhibited). Therefore, regional climatic changes in the WAP had both a positive and a negative impact on primary production.The microbial community variability was also described in the Melchior Archipelago (in the WAP) from fall to spring 2006. Because of the extreme environmental conditions, the microbial community abundance and biomass were low in fall and winter and the community was dominated by small cells (< 2 µm), hence by a microbial food-web. Indeed, phytoplanktonic biomass was low during fall and winter (with respective chlorophyll a concentration, Chl-a, of 0.3 and 0.13 µg l-1). Phytoplankton biomass increased in spring (with a maximum Chl-a of 1.13 µg l-1) but, despite favourable growth conditions, phytoplankton was still dominated by small cells (2-20 µm), hence by a microbial or multivorous food-web. In addition, the early retreat of sea-ice in the spring 2006 exposed the WAP waters to strong ultraviolet B radiations (UVBR, 280-320 nm) that had a negative impact on the microbial community in surface waters.Finally, the relationship between air-sea CO2 and O2 exchanges in the WAP with the phytoplankton community biomass and composition and with the microbial community primary production and respiration was described. A positive relationship existed between Chl-a and the proportion of diatoms in the phytoplankton community. In addition, a negative relationship existed between Chl-a and ΔpCO2. The net community production (NCP) was mainly controlled by primary production and was negatively and positively related to ΔpCO2 and the %O2 saturation, respectively, suggesting that primary production was the main driver of air-sea CO2 and O2 gas exchanges in the WAP. In addition, the average ΔpCO2 for the summers and falls 2002 to 2004 was -20.04 ± 44.3 µatm, leading to a potential CO2 sink during this period in the WAP. The southern WAP was a potential CO2 sink (-43.60 ± 39.06 µatm) during fall while the northern part of the Peninsula was mainly a potential CO2 source during summer and fall (-4.96 ± 37.6 and 21.71 ± 22.39 µatm, respectively). The higher Chl-a concentrations measured in the southern WAP may explain this spatial distribution
Ollat, Nathalie. „Bases physologiques et anatomiques de la croissance des baies de vitis vinifera cv. Cabernet sauvignon“. Montpellier, ENSA, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997ENSA0001.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe growth of grapevine berries and their water and carbon supply are studied on fruiting cuttings under controlled conditions. Fluorescent probes were used to follow xylem and phloem transport to the berry. During the first growth period, there is a symplastic continuity between the mesocarp cells and the sieve tubes of the peripherie vascular network. At the onset of ripening, the circulation of the fluorescent probes stops in the tracheids and in the sieve tubes of the peripherie network. During ripening a symplastic discontinuity between the vascular bundles and the mesocarp cells could occur. The analysis of berry growth reveals two growth periods. During the first one, the berry is characterized by high transpiration and respiration rates and by water imports mainly through the xylem pathway. The seeds store half of the carbon accumulated in the whole berry. Organic acids represent 20 % of the carbon in the pericarp. At the beginning of the second period, berry growth resumes rapidly. Metabolic changes occur suddenly. Transpiration rates are much lower. Water is imported through the phloem pathway. Consequently carbon and mineraI nutrient imports are stimulated. Hexoses account for at least 40 % of the carbon stored in the pericarp. Respiration rates are reduced. During the first period, berry growth is very sensitive to a reduction in leaf area. Malic acid accumulation is affected. The onset of ripening is also delayed. There is no effect of this early limitation on berry growth and sugar accumulation during ripening if carbon supply is restored at veraison. On the contrary, a limited carbon supply during ripening does not reduce the fresh weight increase, but strongly affects sugar accumulation. During the first period, berry growth is under the control of source activity. During maturation, the regulation of imports to support growth occurs mainly in the berry
Durand, Mickael. „Étude de l'allocation du carbone dans la plante en réponse à la contrainte hydrique : impact sur l'expression des transporteurs de saccharose dans les organes source et puits“. Thesis, Poitiers, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015POIT2306/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe aim of this thesis was to investigate the sucrose transporters involved in sink organs development, and more precisely their role in roots of plants submitted to water deficit.The expression of AtSUCs and AtSWEETs transporters was mapped during the full development of A. thaliana plants grown hydroponically in rosette, stem, siliques and roots. In parallel, we evaluated C partitioning and sugar metabolism in whole plant during development to finally (1) get an insight on C allocation, sugar metabolism and sucrose transporters genes expression and (2) discuss their possible relationships.Secondly, we designed an innovating soil culture system, called “Rhizobox” which allows clean roots harvest, root system architecture analysis and water deficit experiment. Under water deficit, root growth was reduced, but in depth root exploration was maintained probably to improve water uptake. In addition, although shoot submitted to water deficit were smaller, 14C exported to the roots increased. In the same time, the transcript levels of the sucrose effluxers gene AtSWEET11 and AtSWEET12 and the companion-cell specific sucrose:H+ symporter gene AtSUC2, all three involved in sucrose phloem loading, are up-regulated in leaves of water deficit plants, agreeing with the increase in carbon export to the roots. Interestingly, the transcript levels of AtSUC2, and AtSWEET11-15, were higher in stressed roots, underlying (1) the potential existence of sucrose apoplastic unloading in Arabidopsis roots and (2) a putative role for these sucrose transporters in sucrose unloading in root since they are mainly expressed in root zones where C demand is high
Maurice, Isabelle. „Mise en place du volume et dépôt de composés carbonés et azotés au cours de la croissance de la feuille de fétuque élevée (Festuca arundinacea Schreb. )“. Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 1997. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/INPL_T_1997_MAURICE_I.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSOLTAMI, GERESHTEH. „Reserves carbonees et modelisation source/puits du remplissage des grains de ble“. Paris, Institut national d'agronomie de Paris Grignon, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001INAP0001.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSchwager-Guilloux, Julie. „Les toitures végétalisées, puits et sources d’éléments en traces métalliques“. Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014LORR0073/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDespite the presence of a soil and plants, green roof impact on water quality has proven to be mixed, mainly because there are not designed to purify rainwater. To make suggestions for green roofs suitable for water treatment, it is important to better understand pollutant fluxes in these structures. Dedicated to metals, this thesis is based on two complementary steps : - the study of six green roofs built in 2010 (Nancy, France), thanks to rain and roof waters, plants and materials samplings. - a laboratory characterization of these materials via microscopic scale observations, sorption and lixiviation tests. Material characteristics are mostly favorable to metal storing but several of them have been identified as sources of metals via leaching of fine particles or lixiviation of available ions. Even if they have no specific ability to store metals, plants can have direct and indirect impacts on metal retention. Several technical suggestions are drawn from these scientific results
Gandin, Anthony. „Rôle du métabolisme carboné dans la modulation de l'activité de la source et du puits chez l'érythrone d'amérique (Erythronium americanum)“. Thesis, Université Laval, 2010. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2010/27042/27042.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMansouri, Wafa. „Problèmes inverses de localisation de sources et d'identification de puits et de paramètres“. Thesis, Lyon, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LYSEI078.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis work deals with the development of algorithms and application of numerical methods for solving inverse problems of parameters estimation, identification of boundary conditions and localisation of sources in porous media. These tools will be usefull in the management of groundwater resources and their preservation as to damage. The objective of this thesis is to solve the inverse problem based on different approaches: A resolution based on topological shape optimization is to find an optimal design without any priori assumption about its topology, that is, about the number of holes it may contain. Knowing that these holes represent the searched wells. To do this, we have adopted the method of topological gradient, which is to study the behavior of an objective function when creating a small hole inside the domain. A resolution based on the minimization of a constitutive law gap functional by using overspecified data on a part of the boundary of the domain to complete the data on all the boundary of the domain and determine the positions, the flows and the number of existing wells inside the domain. A resolution by the coupling of the adaptive parameterization method which has the advantage to minimize the number of the unknowns of parameters allowing to interpret at best the available data and the method of the topological gradient. This coupling allows us at the same time to identify the geological zones, to determine the values of the hydraulic transmissivity in every zone and to locate wells' positions
Polsenaere, Pierre. „Echanges de CO2 atmosphérique dans la lagune d’Arcachon et relations avec le métabolisme intertidal“. Thesis, Bordeaux 1, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011BOR14253/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe coastal zone is only taken into account since recently in global carbon budgeting efforts. Although covering globally modest surface areas, carbon and nutrient fluxes in the coastal zone appear significant at the global scale. However, little is known about the CO2 behaviour in lagoons and even less in intertidal zones where exchanges with the atmosphere occur alternatively with the water and the sediment. The purposes of this work are, on one hand, to establish the carbon budget between the Arcachon lagoon, the atmosphere and the terrestrial watershed and on the other hand, to link these fluxes with the net ecosystem production (NEP) and better characterize its metabolic status along with the relevant environmental factors. For the first time, CO2 flux measurements by Eddy Correlation have been carried out at different seasons and stations in the tidal flat. In parallel, the total terrestrial carbon export from river waters has been quantified throughout a complete hydrological cycle in nine watercourses flowing into the lagoon. The total carbon export from the watershed through surface river waters is estimated at 116 t C km-2 yr-1 on which 39% is exported to the lagoon as dissolved organic carbon (DOC) owing to the predominance of podzols in the watershed. Intense organic matter mineralization in soils and groundwaters largely over-saturate river waters in CO2 on which export accounts for 21% as dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). The mathematical “StreamCO2-DEGAS” model formulation based on water pCO2, DIC concentrations and isotopic composition measurements permits to show that 43% of the total carbon export was degassed as CO2 from the riverine surface waters to the atmosphere, lowering then this latter to 66 t C km-2 yr-1. With respect to the CO2 flux measurements in the lagoon, cospectral analysis and the well accordance of results with physical and biological controls at the tidal, diurnal and seasonal time scales permit to validate the Eddy Correlation technique over tidal coastal zone. CO2 fluxes with the atmosphere, during each period, were generally weak and ranged between -13 and 19 µmol m-2 s-1. Low tide and daytime conditions were always characterized by an uptake of atmospheric CO2. In contrast, during the immersion and during low tide at night, CO2 fluxes where either positive or negative, or close to zero, depending on the season and the site. The concomitant analysis of CO2 fluxes with satellite images of the lagoon at low tide during the day clearly discriminate the relative importance of the two distinct metabolic carbon cycling involving the main primary producers, i.e. (1) the Zostera noltii seagrass meadow predominance on the NEP in autumn and summer in the more central station, with an annual cycling and (2) the microphytobenthos community predominance on the gross primary production (GPP) in spring at the same station and in autumn in the inner part of the bay where a rapid carbon cycling during the immersion and the emersion was clearly highlighted. The different results obtained with the Eddy Correlation technique over tidal flats opens interesting perspectives on the knowledge of the carbon budget and the biogeochemical and ecological processes within the coastal zone
Rondeau, Marine. „Floraison de la vigne et changement climatique : effet de l’augmentation de la température sur le métabolisme carboné au cours du développement floral“. Thesis, Reims, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018REIMS043.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleStudies on climate change predict significant changes in temperature for next decades. The global warming could impact the crop plants development. Indeed, thermal stresses affect almost all aspects of plant development including growth, floral development and yield. Plants modify their metabolism to prevent damage caused by environmental changes. Temperature is an important factor for the phenology, the vigor and especially the floral development in grapevine. So, a few degrees increase during flowering can result in a complete flowers loss and therefore fruits. In addition, an increase of temperature stimulates vegetative development and thus rises the carbohydrates consumption, while net photosynthesis decreases due to the respiration raise. In this study, we investigated the temperature increase impacts on the carbon metabolism which has a major role in the flowering process in grapevine. We particularly focused our attention on the physiological modifications in leaves and inflorescences. at the level of the photosynthesis and the respiration with the increase of the day temperature. Moreover, expression analyzes of some key genes involved in photosynthesis and metabolism allowed to improve the understanding in the carbohydrate distribution mechanisms, between vegetative and reproductive organs, during a temperature increase
Nong, Hanond. „Absorbant saturable à base de nanotubes de carbone et de puits quantiques pour la régénération tout-optique du signal télécom à très haut débit“. Rennes, INSA, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010ISAR0018.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLocatelli, Robin. „Estimation des sources et puits de méthane : bilan planétaire et impacts de la modélisation du transport atmosphérique“. Thesis, Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014VERS0035/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleA better knowledge of the methane biogeochemical cycle is fundamental for a betterunderstanding of climate change. Inverse modelling is one powerful tool to derivemethane sources and sinks by optimally combining information from atmospheric observations of methane mixing ratios, from process-based models and inventories ofmethane emissions and sinks, and from a chemistry-transport model used to link emissionsto atmospheric mixing ratios. However, uncertainties related to the modelling ofatmospheric transport are becoming a serious limitation for inverse modelling due tothe increasing number and type of observations.After showing that the impact of transport errors on current atmospheric inversionscould be significant, I tried to improve the representation of atmospheric transport inthe inverse system used at LSCE. Thus, I have tested new physical parameterizations(deep convection, vertical diffusion and non-local transport within the boundary layer)in the LMDz model and adapted it to finer horizontal and vertical resolutions. Thesedevelopments were integrated into the inverse system.Nine inversions have been performed using the different versions of LMDz in order toestimate methane emissions over the period 2006-2012. Two years of strong methaneemissions have been highlighted in 2007 and in 2010. These anomalies have beenmainly attributed to anomalies in the Tropics and in China, where major climate eventshave been observed (Tropical South America and South East Asia) and where economicdevelopment is carrying on with a fast pace (China), even if emissions magnitude andtrend reported in inventories are found to be overestimated
Locatelli, Robin. „Estimation des sources et puits de méthane : bilan planétaire et impacts de la modélisation du transport atmosphérique“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014VERS0035.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleA better knowledge of the methane biogeochemical cycle is fundamental for a betterunderstanding of climate change. Inverse modelling is one powerful tool to derivemethane sources and sinks by optimally combining information from atmospheric observations of methane mixing ratios, from process-based models and inventories ofmethane emissions and sinks, and from a chemistry-transport model used to link emissionsto atmospheric mixing ratios. However, uncertainties related to the modelling ofatmospheric transport are becoming a serious limitation for inverse modelling due tothe increasing number and type of observations.After showing that the impact of transport errors on current atmospheric inversionscould be significant, I tried to improve the representation of atmospheric transport inthe inverse system used at LSCE. Thus, I have tested new physical parameterizations(deep convection, vertical diffusion and non-local transport within the boundary layer)in the LMDz model and adapted it to finer horizontal and vertical resolutions. Thesedevelopments were integrated into the inverse system.Nine inversions have been performed using the different versions of LMDz in order toestimate methane emissions over the period 2006-2012. Two years of strong methaneemissions have been highlighted in 2007 and in 2010. These anomalies have beenmainly attributed to anomalies in the Tropics and in China, where major climate eventshave been observed (Tropical South America and South East Asia) and where economicdevelopment is carrying on with a fast pace (China), even if emissions magnitude andtrend reported in inventories are found to be overestimated
Assayag, Nelly. „Traçage isotopique des sources, puits et de la réactivité du C02 dans les réservoirs géologiques“. Paris, Institut de physique du globe, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006GLOB0014.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe aim of this research works consisted in studying the behaviour of the carbonate system (dissolved inorganic carbon: DIC) following a CO2 injection (artificial or natural), in geological reservoirs. One part of the study consisted in improving an analytical protocol for the measurementof delta13CDIC and DIC, using a continuous flow mass spectrometer. As a first study, we have focused our attention on the Pavin Lake (Massif Central,France). Owing to its limnologic characteristics (meromictic lake) and a deep volcanic CO2contribution, it can be viewed as a natural analogue of reservoir storing important quantitiesof CO2 in the bottom part. Isotopic measurements (delta18O, delta13CDIC) allowed to better constrainthe dynamics of the lake (stratification, seasonal variations), the magnitudes of biologicalactivities (photosynthesis, organic matter decay, methane oxidation, methanogenesis), carbonsources (magmatic, methanogenetic), and the hydrological budgets (sublacustrine inputs). The second study was conducted on the Lamont-Doherty test well site (NY, USA). Itincludes an instrumental borehole which cuts through most of the section of the Palisades silland into the Newark Basin sediments. Single well push-pull tests were performed: a testsolution containing conservative tracers and a reactive tracer (CO2) was injected at apermeable depth interval located in basaltic and metasedimentary rocks. After an incubationperiod, the test solution/groundwater mixture was extracted from the hydraulically isolatedzone. Isotopic measurements (delta18O, delta13CDIC) confronted to chemical data (major elements)allowed to investigate the extent of in-situ CO2-water-rock interactions: essentially calcite dissolution and at a lesser extend silicate dissolution. . . And for one of the test, CO2 degassing
David, Marie. „Echange d'ammoniac entre une prairie et l'atmosphère : sources et puits à l'échelle du couvert prairial et influence des pratiques agronomiques“. Paris 11, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002PA112057.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAtmospheric ammonia is recognised as a pollutant mainly because of its negative impact, associated with acidification and eutrophication, on natural ecosystems. The ammonia exchange between plants and the atmosphere is bidirectional: both ammonia emission and deposition can occur. Semi-natural ecosystems are generally regarded as ammonia sinks and agricultural ecosystems as ammonia sources. However, less is known about the role of the vegetation in atmospheric ammonia budgets. This PhD thesis, a part of the European project GRAMINAE (GRassland AMmonia INteractions Across Europe), focuses on two main points: the study of the origin of the ammonia fluxes within the canopy and the quantification of the net exchange budgets under a semi-continental climate. A dynamic chamber was developed to measure ammonia emissions within a grassland canopy under field conditions over several days. The emissions from the green leaves, the litter and the soil were assessed. .
Amalhay, Mohamed, und Ioannis Ignatiadis. „Contribution à l'étude des phénomènes de corrosion-dépôts et de leur inhibition dans les tubages en acier au carbone des puits géothermiques“. Aix-Marseille 1, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994AIX11068.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBavu, Éric. „Le puits à retournement temporel dans le domaine audible : un outil de focalisation et d'imagerie à haute résolution de sources sonores et vibratoires“. Thèse, Université de Sherbrooke, 2008. http://savoirs.usherbrooke.ca/handle/11143/1834.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleJacquemet, Nicolas. „Durabilité des matériaux de puits pétroliers dans le cadre d'une séquestration géologique de dioxyde de carbone et d'hydrogène sulfuré“. Phd thesis, Université Henri Poincaré - Nancy I, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00084391.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePellerano, Mario. „Évaluation d'absorbants pour le captage et le transport de CO²“. Nantes, 2010. http://archive.bu.univ-nantes.fr/pollux/show.action?id=f10f503c-d210-4296-89f9-32e6e8a2cc79.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIn order to reduce greenhouse gases emissions, CO2 release due to human activities should be better controlled. CO2 capture by adsorption is considered as one ot the potential options. In this work, different commercialized activated carbons (AC) were evaluated as a potential adsorbent for CO2 capture by pressure modulation and were compared to commercialised zeolites. Adsorption isotherms, materials aging and gas separation were determined and evaluated. Relations between physical properties and adsorption capacities are founded. These relations were used in order to determine the adsorbent demonstrating the best adsorption regeneration capacities depending on the operating conditions applied. CO2 transportation from production places to storage locations is presently accomplished by liquid or supercritical phase, which generate large costs and emissions. This final part of this work considers the possibility to transport CO2 in adsorbed phase (with considered materials) and analyzes its cost as a function of transported quantities, transport conditions and transportation means. CO2 transport by ship in adsorbed phase on small distances was seen as being competive to ship transportation in liquid phase. The CO2 emissions generated by CO2 transport in adsorbed phase were evaluated in all cases (transportation means, distances, conditions) to be much smaller than the ones generated by liquid phase transport
Jlassi, Sabrine. „Composites à fibres de carbone recyclées : variabilité des sources et optimisation des performances mécaniques“. Thesis, Ecole nationale des Mines d'Albi-Carmaux, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019EMAC0006.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThere is a great deal of interest with carbon fiber reinforced composite recycling in order to respond to regulatory requirements and industrial needs. The major challenge is to recover carbon fibers in order to reintegrate them into second-generation (2.0) composites. The particularity of recycled carbon fibers coming from different sources is the variability of their properties. From an industrial and economical point of view, composite sorting by fiber type/grade before recycling seems to be not profitable. This project aims to evaluate the interest of recycling composites by steam-thermolysis without preliminary sorting and to validate at a representative scale the implementation conditions of recycled fibers into textile reinforcements and 2.0 thermoplastic composites. The study focused on development and mechanical characterization of new virgin carbon fiber non-woven reinforced composites. A design of experiments was carried out by using a Mixture Design methodology considering three carbon fiber grades cut into three different lengths in order to produce non-woven reinforcement by carding. It has been shown that the mixture of fibers with different properties and lengths induces reducing variability of composite properties. But the increase in mixture proportion of fibers having low mechanical properties leads to a drop-in composite performance. This part allowed a better understanding of fiber properties and non-woven reinforcement architecture influence on composite properties. The study was completed by a comparison of mechanical properties of two simple and comingled recycled carbon fiber non-woven reinforced composites. The results showed an excellent potential of recycled carbon fiber non-woven reinforcement compared to virgin carbon fiber and commercialized recycled carbon fiber non-wovens
Lambert, Thibault. „Sources, production et transfert du carbone organique dissous dans les bassins versants élémentaires sur socle : apports des isotopes stables du carbone“. Phd thesis, Université Rennes 1, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00857422.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCharpentier, Frédéric. „Développement de fibres optiques et de guides d'ondes infrarouges dédiés à la surveillance des puits de stockage du CO₂“. Rennes 1, 2009. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00443994.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCO₂ capture and storage is a solution to fight climate change. This work reported in this thesis, concerns infrared optical fibers and thin films development dedicated to monitoring CO₂ in storage wells. Chalcogenide glasses are unique materials with a large transparency window in the mid-infrared and good rheological properties. The development of thin films belonging to the Ge-Sb-S and Ge-Sb-Se systems, prepared by RF-sputtering or pulsed laser deposition, has been described. Properties of thin films have been compared to find the best composition for the realisation of a micro-sensor. Sulphide thin films, deposited by sputtering were chosen. Dry etching was used to pattern rib and Y-junction waveguides. Different optical fiber profiles, such as single index fibers, tapered fibers or microstructured fibers, have been produced in selenide glasses. An important work on glass purification led to a low attenuation of 0. 2 dB/m at 4. 2 µm. A detection threshold of about 0. 5 vol. %,was obtained using the infrared signal absorption between two single index fibers. This technique has been adapted for a first series of measurement on site, in Sainte-Marguerite, in the Puy-de-Dôme, in natural CO₂ sources
Tavernier, Emmanuel. „Opportunités des microsystèmes dans l'exploitation des hydrocarbures : réalisation d'un capteur de CO2 en fond de puits“. Université de Marne-la-Vallée, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007MARN0376.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePolle, Claude. „Contribution à l'étude des sources naturelles de monoxyde de carbone et d'hydrocarbures légers non méthaniques“. Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 1993. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00780186.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePolle, Claude. „Contribution a l'etude des sources naturelles de monoxyde de carbone et d'hydrocarbures legers non methaniques“. Paris 6, 1993. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00780186.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDong, Yanwen. „Rôle du métabolisme carboné dans la modulation des relations source-puits et études des facteurs impliqués dans l'induction de la sénescence foliaire chez une éphémère printanière (Erythronium americanum)“. Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/38098.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSome geophytes such as spring ephemerals are known to grow better at lower temperatures, which results in larger underground perennial organs. A lower temperature induces a longer leaf life span, which allows the plant to fix more carbon. This extra carbon is allocated to the bulb and invested mostly as storage (starch) form, thus increasing the amount of reserves found in cool compared to higher temperature grown plants. Previous works suggested that such increased growth at low temperature is related to a better equilibrium between source and sink activities. In this study, we wanted to deepen our understanding of the intrinsic factors that influence the growth of reserve organs in geophytes and to explain the strong growth observed at low temperature in these species. We also attempted to identify the signaling pathways that induce leaf senescence when the sink organ is filled with starch, using a metabolomic approach and a phytohormonal profiling. The species studied, yellow trout-lily (Erythronium americanum Ker-Gawl.), was grown at three temperature regimes: 8/6 °C, 12/8 °C et 18/14 °C (day/night). Respiratory rates at both the leaf and bulb levels were measured at the respective growth temperatures and at a common temperature in order to test our hypothesis that dark respiration acclimates to growth temperature, mainly via the alternative pathway, as a means of reducing the source−sink imbalance. The different non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) and structural carbohydrates (SC) in the bulb were qualitatively and quantitatively determined, which allowed us to verify if the plants could adjust their carbon partitioning between different compounds (NSC vs. SC) once the cells are filled with starch. We also characterized phytohormones and metabolites, especially those closely associated with the phenological stages that precede senescence, to identify the signaling pathways that establish the link between the decrease of sink strength and the induction of leaf senescence in this species. Homeostasis of leaf respiration combined with lower assimilation in cool-grown plants suggests that these plants can reduce the amount of carbon available for translocation to the bulb to maintain a better balance between source and sink activities over a longer period. Bulb respiration can be stimulated as sink limitation builds up, likely in response to source–sink imbalance. A preferential carbon partitioning into cell wall compounds was found in warm-grown plants once the cells were filled with starch. Such adjustment of C between NSC and SC could represent an effective way to maintain the sink strength under warm temperature at least for a few more days. Some phytohormones and metabolites appear to pay a role in triggering leaf senescence, but many are specific to one organ or specific to a temperature regime. Increased levels of cytokinins during the mature leaf stage and into the senescence stage might counteract the increasing abundance of soluble sugars at least for a while, and thus avoid inducing an early leaf senescence. We have also pointed out five metabolites that could potentially serve as general signaling factors to induce leaf senescence, namely 2-O-glycerol-β-D-galactopyranoside, mannose, fructose, sorbose and maltose. This study has helped us better characterize the signaling pathways that associate the decrease in sink strength with the induction of leaf senescence. It also improve our understanding of the thermal acclimation of this species. We may ultimately conclude that this sink-limited spring geophyte seems to be able to differentially modulate its sink strength under different growth temperatures in order to avoid early leaf senescence in situations of source–sink imbalances.
Jacquemet, Mathieu. „Sources laser solides pompées par diode, émettant autour de 1000 et 500 nm à base de cristaux dopés ytterbium et de semiconducteurs“. Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2005. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00011531.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLe premier chapitre de ce travail présente le contexte de cette étude, à travers un état de l'art des sources laser autour de 500 nm, les solutions retenues et explorées, ainsi que des éléments théoriques pour la génération de seconde harmonique. Le principe commun des deux voies est de produire une émission laser monomode spectrale à 1000 nm qui est ensuite doublée en fréquence.
Le deuxième chapitre traite de la solution utilisant des cristaux dopés ytterbium émettant à 1000 nm, dont l'émission est doublée en fréquence intracavité dans un cristal non linéaire de KNbO3. Deux cristaux laser sont utilisés : le Yb:YSO et le Yb:KYW. Dans les deux cas, à 501,7 nm, nous démontrons des puissances en régime monofréquence comprises entre 35 et 60 mW pour une puissance de pompe de 4W à 980 nm.
Le troisième chapitre concerne la seconde voie étudiée utilisant un milieu amplificateur semiconducteur à puits quantiques de type VCSEL. La structure active, formée d'un miroir de Bragg et de puits quantiques, est montée en cavité étendue et pompée optiquement. L'émission autour de 1000 nm est doublée en fréquence pour produire 60 mW en régime monomode spectral à 500 nm, à partir d'une puissance de pompe de 6,5 W à 808 nm.
Kalabokas, Pavlos. „Etude des facteurs sources et puits des composes carbonyles dans les masses d'air transitant au-dessus de la region parisienne“. Paris 7, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987PA077216.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleKalabokas, Pavlos. „Etude des facteurs sources et puits des composés carbonylés dans les masses d'air transitant au-dessus de la région parisienne“. Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1987. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37606310z.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBavu, Eric. „LE PUITS À RETOURNEMENT TEMPOREL DANS LE DOMAINE AUDIBLE : UN OUTIL DE FOCALISATION ET D'IMAGERIE À HAUTE RÉSOLUTION DE SOURCES SONORES ET VIBRATOIRES“. Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00811601.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleVallet, Patrick. „Impact de différentes stratégies sylvicoles sur la fonction "puits de carbone" des peuplements forestiers. Modélisation et simulation à l'échelle de la parcelle“. Phd thesis, ENGREF (AgroParisTech), 2005. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00001635.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleVallet, Patrick. „Impact de différentes stratégies sylvicoles sur la fonction « puits de carbone » des peuplements forestiers. Modélisation et simulation à l’échelle de la parcelle“. Paris, ENGR, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005ENGR0012.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleStanding biomass capitalization and species substitution are two silvicultural strategies analyzed in this study. Both should lead to an additional increase of carbon stocks, a main issue of the XXIst century for mitigating the climate change. The first one corresponds to a slowing down of harvests that should generate an additional carbon sink by increasing the mean growing stocks. The second, substitution of slow-growing broadleaved high forests of sessile oak or beech by fast-growing coniferous plantations like Corsican Pine or Douglas Fir, should also lead to a faster absorption of CO2. The impact of both strategies on carbon is even worthier to study considering that foresters already use this way of managing their forests. The building up of a model chain taking into account all parts where carbon is implied (standing biomass, carbon soil, but also wood products generated by harvests) allowed us to simulate quantitative results following these practices. We point out that the standing biomass capitalization would lead to an increase of carbon stock depending on the initial state of the stands, the site index and the new forest management practiced. It could rise up to 142 tC/ha in the most favourable case. The substitution of slow-growing broadleaved species by coniferous plantations would also be an important carbon sink (up to 2 tC/ha/year) for several decades, but would have a smaller mean carbon stock at steady state
Maiziere, Pierre Alexandre. „Les paiements pour services environnementaux et la lutte contre la pauvreté dans les pays du Sud : exemple d'un puits de carbone au Congo (RD)“. Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014VERS027S.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleClimate change is a reality that can hardly be ignored. To fight against this phenomenon, a set of national and international instruments, regulations and voluntary and coercive incentives had set in place. Among the cohort of mechanisms, one seems to be increasingly preferred: Payments for Environmental Services (PES). This thesis aims to identify the reasons for such a popularization from various international and national but also public and private actors. It seems that the PSE should be considered by all of them as being able to combine environmental protection and the development of local populations. However, is the reduction of poverty generated sustainable? The words are then illustrated through a case study present in Congo. To do this, an institutional analysis of the rise of the project, and an analysis of the impact of the latter on the local population and their vulnerability are made
Aubaud, Cyril. „Processus de dégazage et sources mantelliques dans les magmas de type MORB et OIB : le carbone, l'eau et les gaz rares : aspects chimiques et isotopiques“. Paris 7, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002PA077011.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePallas, Benoît. „Modélisation dynamique des interactions plante-environnement : application à l'étude des interactions entre les relations sources-puits et les processus de développement chez la vigne“. Phd thesis, Ecole Centrale Paris, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00448756.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThanwerdas, Joël. „Estimation des émissions et puits de méthane par inversion atmosphérique multi-contraintes du transport et de la chimie atmosphérique à l’aide d’un ensemble d’observations“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021UPASJ015.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAtmospheric methane mole fractions have been multiplied by 2.6 since the beginning of the industrial era. This increase greatly amplified the impact of methane on global warming, ecosystems and human health. Understanding the biogeochemical cycle of methane and quantifying its sources and sinks from the global to the national scale is crucial to implement and evaluate the effectiveness of policies to mitigate methane emissions. Atmospheric inversion methods allow to estimate methane sources and sinks by combining information from observations of atmospheric methane mole fractions and a priori knowledge of its sources and sinks through chemistry-transport modeling. Furthermore, using the additional information provided by observations of methane isotopic signals (in 13C:12C and in D:H) can help to better differentiate between the multiple emission categories and reduce uncertainties in their estimates compared to assimilating methane mole fractions alone. The aim of this PhD was to investigate the evolution of the methane cycle over the last 20 years by integrating new functionalities to the CIF-LMDz-SACS inversion system used at LSCE. First, the LMDz-SACS chemistry-transport model was enriched to include the methane sink by chlorine which has a large influence on the isotopic fractionation of atmospheric methane. The influence of chlorine concentrations on methane mole fractions and its 13C:12C isotopic signal was rigorously quantified and found to be important for the representation of methane isotopic signals. Second, the CIF-LMDz-SACS inversion system was enhanced and the sensitivity of the system to some configuration parameters was analyzed. Finally, the new system was used to explain the increase in atmospheric methane mole fractions since 2007, after they stabilized between 1999 and 2006. Taking into account the large uncertainties in source isotopic signatures, our results suggest that this increase was caused by increases in emissions from 1) fossil fuels and 2) agriculture and waste. By contrast, if the source isotopic signatures are considered perfectly known, the distribution of total emissions among the different emission categories is radically changed and our results suggest this time that the increase in methane mole fractions after 2007 was caused by increases in emissions from 1) fossil fuels, 2) agriculture and waste and 3) wetlands. This work suggests that reducing uncertainties in source isotopic signatures and increasing the number of available isotopic observations would allow the isotopic constraint to express its full potential to better separate different sources of methane on a regional scale
Mazzella, Di Bosco Nicolas. „Etude de la composition phospholipidique de bactéries hydrocarbonoclastes marines cultivées sur différentes sources de carbone et application in situ“. Aix-Marseille 3, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004AIX30055.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePhospholipids are the major components of bacterial membrane. Furthermore, the growths in vitro on xenobiotics such as n-alkanes, aromatic compounds and alkanols bring about to a bacterial membrane adaptive response. Generally, this response is revealed by major modification of the phospholipid ester-linked fatty acids composition. Concerning this work, we studied different hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria cultured in vitro on either a soluble or hydrophobic substrates so as to determine the effects xenobiotics on both phospholipid ester-linked fatty acids and intact phospholipids. Afterward, we proposed an in situ experiment involving the structural determination and the quantitative analysis of fatty acids and polar lipids extracted from marine sediments. These sediments were collected near to a petroleum refinery and during either the winter or the late spring in order to estimate the influence of hydrocarbon amounts and the seasonal lipid contribution of the macrophytes respectively
Vallin, Valérie. „Modélisation chimio-poromécanique du comportement des géomatériaux dans le contexte du stockage géologique du dioxyde de carbone : application au puits d'injection“. Thesis, Paris Est, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PEST1050/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIn order to reduce in medium-term the anthropogenic original greenhouse gas, the processes of capture-transport-storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) is considered as a promising technology. Several pilot sites already exist in the world. However, before developing the technology on an industrial scale, experimental and numerical researches have to be performed in order to ensure the success and the sustainability of a storage project. In a storage site, the natural discontinuities of the rocks and of the injection wells are normally the preferential leak paths of CO2. In this context, the present PhD research focuses particularly on the cement injection wells. The problems of the integrity of the well and thus ensuring its sealing are the critical points of the caprock.After the injection and the ascent of the CO2 plume to the caprock, the cement paste of well at the triple zone (well/ reservoir/caprock) is contacted with a fluid saturated with dissolved CO2. Because of its acidity, such a fluid is reacted with geomaterials and causes diverse reactions of dissolution of the minerals in the cementitious matrix and precipitation reactions that may affect the material. This strong coupling existing between the chemical reactions and poro-mechanical behavior of the cement well can indeed induce damage to the cementitious matrix related to the modifications of the porosity and the transport characteristics, to the degradation of mechanical modulus, or to the development of localized pore pressure.A constitutive model fully coupled has been developed to simulate the chemo-poro-mechanical behaviour of the hard cement paste of the well with the presence of a CO2-rich fluid. This model has been implemented in two numerical codes: on the one hand, a finite volume code, and on the other hand, a finite element code, BIL, developed at the Navier Laboratory. The first implementation was found to be well adapted to the problems of reactive transport with sharp front, and is used in this thesis to modeling an one-dimensional geometry by combining the cement well and the caprock. The second implementation method is best suited to modeling the poro-mechanical behavior of cement, but, as we shall see, requires numerical adaptations in order to be suitable for modeling chemical phenomenon involving discontinuities. The mechanical damage related to chemical phenomena is evaluated firstly via a simplified micro-mechanical approach, and secondly a theory of isotropic damage. Finally, the results are compared to experimental tests from the scientific literature in the context of the CO2 geosequestration