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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Psychologie sociale – Togo"


Guillén, Diana. „Todo en Chiapas es América Latina“. Estudios Latinoamericanos 2, Nr. 4 (21.11.1995): 157.

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La problemática en Chiapas condensa buena parte de las contradicciones que el neoliberalismo ha provocado en los países latinoamericanos. Descubrir las raíces del conflicto chiapaneco, reconocer la manera como se engarzan en la coyuntura los añejos problemas con los nuevos, definir a las fuerzas sociales en pugna y el proyecto político que defiende, mostrar el proceso de lucha campesino-indígena y las causas del desgaste y frustración que orillan a numerosas comunidades a optar por la lucha armada; son todos ellos, elementos que la autora maneja para analizar el conflicto chiapaneco. La comprensión de éste es útil para todos los latinoamericanos.
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Pawlik, Jacek Jan. „Spotkanie Jana Pawła II z przedstawicielami afrykańskich religii tradycyjnych w Togo i w Beninie. Kontekst i możliwości dialogu“. Studia Warmińskie 60 (21.12.2023): 205–20.

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Podczas każdej pielgrzymki Jan Paweł II spotykał się z przedstawicielami innych religii lub kierował do nich przesłanie. W niniejszym artykule autor analizuje dwie wizyty papieża: w Togo (1985) i w Beninie (1993), podczas których papież spotkał się z przedstawicielami kultów vodun. Autor zwraca uwagę, że okoliczności, czas i miejsce zdeterminowały znaczenie tych spotkań w oczach wyznawców religii tradycyjnych. Dla wyznawców religii vodun była to pewna legitymizacja ich wierzeń na równi z chrześcijaństwem, zaś dla katolików był to wyraz cichej aprobacji ich powiązań z religią tradycyjną. Niemniej, otwarcie na drugą osobę, dostrzeżenie problemów egzystencjalnych i nierówności społecznych wypływające z postawy i orędzia Papieża, silnie odcisnęło się w pamięci mieszkańców. Wizyty Jana Pawła II na długo pozostaną wydarzeniem wyjątkowym i niezwykłym we współczesnej historii Togoi Beninu.
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Amorim, Henrique. „El “fin de las clases sociales” en la teoría social brasileña“. Estudios Latinoamericanos, Nr. 35 (15.02.2015): 15.

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El objetivo del artículo es analizar la “importación” llevada a cabo por la sociología brasileña de la tesis del “fin de las clases sociales”. La influencia en Brasil de las teorías que apuntaban a superar el concepto de clase social y que fueron desarrolladas sobre todo en Europa Occidental y Estados Unidos motivó a intelectuales brasileños a discutir acerca de las luchas y los movimientos sociales, más allá de las determinaciones de clase. No obstante, la tesis del “fin de las clases sociales” fue incorporada en un contexto de intensas movilizaciones, ya fueran sindicales, partidarias o populares. En este sentido, parece haber una contradicción entre la tesis “importada” y la realidad concreta de las luchas políticas en Brasil. Discutir los entresijos de esta tesis y las formas de su incorporación a la sociología brasileña nos parece central para las investigaciones dedicadas al análisis del trabajo y la acción política colectiva hoy en día
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Kokou-Kpolou, Kossigan, Daniel Mbassa Menick, Charlemagne S. Moukouta, Lucy Baugnet und Dzodzo E. Kpelly. „A Cross-Cultural Approach to Complicated Grief Reactions Among Togo–Western African Immigrants in Europe“. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 48, Nr. 8 (24.07.2017): 1247–62.

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Many researchers have noted that bereavement is a major stress factor associated with the etiopathogeny of psychological disorders among immigrants, but until now, the grief reactions of these ethnic minorities have not been analyzed. This study aims to examine the impact of the migration trajectory (immigration status and duration) as well as the use of ritual support to cope with grief reactions in the context of migration. Fifty-four migrants and 20 refugees ( N = 74) in France and Belgium were surveyed regarding their experience of mourning a family member. The results showed that complicated grief is associated with the status and duration of immigration. A majority of refugees reported a deterioration of their social life when the duration of their immigration exceeded 10 years. Feeling guilty, dazed or stunned, loneliness, bitterness, numbness, and emptiness made up the spectrum of severe and persistent guilt reactions. Those who took part in bereavement rituals suffered less from feelings of guilt and despondency. Eldest siblings presented a very high rate of complicated grief. These findings were discussed using a psycho-cultural approach; they demonstrated that in the context of migration, grief reactions develop around the principle of debt, based on the parent–child relationship inextricably associated with a feeling of belonging to the ethnic group and collective memory.
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Atitsogbe, Kokou A., Paboussoum Pari, Pazambadi Kazimna, Yawo A. Holu, Akila Alfa, Masamaésso Tchonda und Jérôme Rossier. „Effets des variables démographiques et contextuelles sur les intentions entrepreneuriales des étudiant·e·s et chômeur·euse·s au Togo“. L’Orientation scolaire et professionnelle, Nr. 50/2 (01.06.2021): 199–230.

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Linares, Martín. „Ruy Mauro Marini y Margara Millán (coords.), La teoría social latinoamericana, tomo III, "La centralidad del marxismo", México, Ed. El Caballito, 1995.“ Estudios Latinoamericanos 3, Nr. 5 (06.03.1996): 329.

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<p>Este tomo reúne una selección de trabajos presentados de 1993 a 1995 en el Seminario Interno Permanente del Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la UNAM.</p>
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Attivon, Christa, und Claire Mestre. „Dziku dzikui , pour la vie des bébés chez les Adja-Ewé au Togo“. Spirale N° 107, Nr. 3 (16.01.2024): 173–76.

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M, A. R. „Problems with HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment in Togo, West Africa: professional caregivers' perspectives“. AIDS Care 15, Nr. 5 (01.01.2003): 1.

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Moore, A. R., und D. A. Williamson. „Problems with HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment in Togo, West Africa: Professional caregivers' perspectives“. AIDS Care 15, Nr. 5 (Oktober 2003): 615–27.

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Ianni, Octavio. „Las ciencias sociales en la época de la globalización“. Estudios Latinoamericanos, Nr. 8 (13.08.1997): 17.

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<p>La globalización como un nuevo ciclo de la historia está trastocando todos los procesos de la vida sociohistórica y en todos sus espacios: local, nacional, internacional, transnacional y mundial. Para todas las ciencias sociales esta ruptura histórica plantea retos epistemológicos, metodológicos y teóricos, y su rico conocimiento acumulado debe ser sometido a la crítica. El reto no sólo toca a sus campos disciplinarios, sino también a las metateorías en sus modalidades “sistémicas” o históricas y exige contrapuntear sus nociones de “sujeto-objeto”, parte y todo, pasado y presente. Las ciencias sociales deben seguir construyendo las formas de autoconciencia científica de la realidad social.</p>
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Dissertationen zum Thema "Psychologie sociale – Togo"


Naroumbo, D. Nahendjade. „Etude psycho-sociale des projets professionnels des classes terminales au Togo“. Toulouse 2, 1995.

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La diversite des projets professionnels observables chez les jeunes a l'heure des choix a donne lieu a deux types d'explications reductri ces : soit une reduction de type sociologique representee deja par m. Halb wachs qui explique la nature du projet professionnel par la position de l'individu dans un systeme social. Soit une reduction de type psychologique expliquant la nature du projet professionnel par les caracteristiques psychologiques des sujets. Cette conception est representee par d. E. Super. Dans notre these nous voulons soutenir un point de vue interaction niste selon lequel ce n'est pas exclusivement l'une des deux positions qui determine la nature du projet professionnel mais les deux. Apres demonstration, les resultats ont confirme cette these. On note l'existence des effets significatifs d'interaction. Ces resultats conduisent a dire qu'au togo les systemes de valeurs sont differents a lome et a sokode puisque la reussite scolaire (versus l'echec scolaire) suscite des projets differents dans ces deux aires culturelles
The diversity of professional plans that one may observe among secondary school students upon completing their studies has given rise to two types of reductive explanation. The first is of a sociological nature, represented by mr. Halbwachs, and explains the nature of the profes sional plan in terms of the position of the individual within a social system. The second is of a psycho logical nature, represented by d. E. Super, and explains the nature of the professional plan in terms of the psychological characteristics of the subject. The present thesis puts forward an interactive view according to which neither one nor the other of these positions is exclusively determinative of the professional plan, but rather both together. Our research has confirmed this thesis; namely the existence of significant signs of interac tion. These findings lead to the conclusion that in togo the systems of value in lome are different from those in sokode because the scholastic suc cess (versus scholastic failure) requires different plans in these two cultural regions
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Notokpe, Adjo Fâa-Ny Céline. „L'image du corps chez l'adolescent en surpoids et sa famille au Togo“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2024.

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En occident nombre de travaux sur la psychopathologie du surpoids impute à celui-ci d'être un agir somatique exprimant ou résultant d'un mal-être psychique individuel et/ou familial de l'adolescent. Un surpoids qui serait donc porte-symptôme d'une image inconsciente du corps individuel et /ou familial porteuse de fragilités narcissiques marquées (Carof, 2017 ; Sanahuja & Vicente, 2018 ; Benoît 2020). Cependant, notre étude effectuée dans un contexte socio-culturel africain tend à démontrer le contraire et permet de souligner l'importance du creuset socio-culturel d'évolution de l'adolescent en surpoids ou non dans la construction de son image du corps. De fait, l'appréhension psychopathologique occidentale du surpoids à l'instar d'autres théorisations psychopathologiques occidentales dépend de l'environnement socio-culturel d'identification, d'émergence et d'évolution du phénomène ou de la problématique. Une appréhension et des théorisations psychopathologiques du surpoids qui peuvent donc ne pas du tout faire sens dans un autre contexte socio-culturel. En effet, le surpoids dans le cadre socio-culturel africain en général et togolais en particulier est d'abord un phénomène du corps, banal à l'instar d'un corps petit, grand ou mince. Socio culturellement, le corps en surpoids est perçu comme signant un épanouissement du corps et de l'esprit traduisant santé et aisance économique. Pour décrire une personne en surpoids dans nombre de pays africains on dit d'elle qu'elle est « en forme ». Ainsi, le surpoids n'est donc pas d'emblée pathologisé voire encore moins, psychopathologisé. Il ne devient problématique du corps, et là encore que problématique pathologique médicale uniquement quand il s'agit d'une obésité de type sévère, morbide ou massive car handicapant le quotidien du sujet.C'est donc ce phénomène du corps gros, en surpoids à travers son image inconsciente du corps individuel et familial chez l'adolescent au Togo que se propose d'explorer, découvrir, décrire et analyser suivant une démarche scientifique cette présente étude. Ainsi indépendamment du surpoids mais aussi en lien avec celui-ci, nous partons de l'assertion suivant laquelle cette image du corps individuel et familial de l'adolescent en surpoids est avant tout tributaire de l'image du corps social et donc du regard social sur le corps en surpoids, sous lequel il a grandi
In the West, several studies on the psychopathology of overweight attribute it to being a somatic action expressing or resulting from an individual and/or family psychological malaise of the adolescent. Excess weight which would therefore be a symptom of an unconscious image of the individual and/or family body carrying marked narcissistic fragilities (Carof, 2017; Sanahuja & Vicente, 2018; Benoît 2020). However, our study carried out in an African socio-cultural context tends to demonstrate the opposite and allows us to underline the importance of the socio-cultural crucible of evolution of the overweight adolescent or not, in the construction of his body image. In fact, the Western psychopathological understanding of overweight, like other Western psychopathological theorizations, depends on the socio-cultural environment of identification, emergence and evolution of the phenomenon or problem. An apprehension and psychopathological theorizations of overweight which may therefore not make sense at all in another socio-cultural context. Indeed, overweight in the African socio-cultural framework in general and Togolese in particular is first and foremost a body phenomenon, banal like a small, short, tall, or thin body. Socio-culturally, the overweight body is perceived as signifying a development of body and mind reflecting health and economic well-being. To describe an overweight person in many African countries, they are said to be “in shape”. Thus, overweight is not immediately pathologized or even less psychopathologized in Africa. It only becomes a problem of the body, and again only a medical pathological problem when it is a case of severe, morbid, or massive obesity because it handicaps the subject's daily life and health.It is therefore this phenomenon of the fat, overweight body through its unconscious image of the individual and family body among adolescents in Togo that this present study proposes to explore, discover, describe, and analyze following a scientific and psychological approach. Thus, independently of overweight but also in connection with it, we start from the assertion that this image of the individual and family body of the overweight adolescent is above all dependent on the image of the social body and therefore of the social gaze about the overweight body, under which the adolescent grew up
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Gbebe, Komi Mawouli. „Éducation inclusive et dignité de l’enfant en situation de handicap : étude ethnographique auprès des Éwés du Togo“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2023.

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Comment définir une éthique fondée sur la dignité de l'enfant en situation de handicap pour favoriser le développement de l'éducation inclusive en Afrique et plus spécialement dans des contextes traditionnellement discriminants comme la communauté éwé au Togo, où le sujet handicapé est qualifié de « corps vivant malformé » et exclu ? Quelles sont les sources des discriminations ? Quels sont les facteurs à promouvoir ? Les enjeux principaux de la thèse sont liés à l'identification des processus de stigmatisation en contexte traditionnel éwé, à une redéfinition du concept de « dignité » et à un éclairage des processus de l'éducation inclusive. Ils sont aussi relatifs aux mécanismes de transfert de ces processus dans les pratiques sociopolitiques et à l'inclusion socioprofessionnelle des personnes en situation de handicap. Autrement dit, cette thèse vise à démontrer que face à la personne en situation de handicap, la dignité de son corps peut l'emporter sur sa déficience, de sorte que l'expression « Tohↄsu » ou « corps vivant malformé » se vide de son sens. L'utilisation de cette expression devient une injure. Quelle perception de l'éducation et de l'homme fonde ces perspectives ? L'anthropologie appliquée au champ de l'éducation (méthodes ethnographiques et la casuistique), fournira un cadre pertinent pour essayer de saisir une vision dynamique de l'humain en lien avec les principes de l'éducation inclusive et qui contraste avec le stigmate réifié dans la langue et réifiant. Des entretiens seront conduits auprès de notre population cible : élèves et enfants porteurs de handicap, parents de sujets, institutions publiques, personnes et/ou Associations et Organisations non gouvernementales œuvrant dans le domaine du handicap, de l'intégration sociale, de la promotion de la dignité humaine et dans le domaine de l'éducation inclusive au Togo
How to define an ethic based on the dignity of children with disabilities to promote the development of inclusive Éducation in Africa, especially in traditionally discriminatory contexts such as the Ewe community in Togo, where the disabled subject is qualified as a 'malformed living body' and excluded ? What are the sources of discrimination ? What are the factors to be promoted ? The main issues of the thesis are related to the identification of stigmatization processes in traditional Ewe context, to a redefinition of the concept of 'dignity' and to a clarification of the processes of inclusive Education. They are also related to the mechanisms of transfer of these processes into socio-political practices and the socio-professional inclusion of people with disabilities. In other words, this thesis aims to demonstrate that, when faced with a person with a disability, the dignity of his or her body can take precedence over his or her disability, so that the expression 'Tohↄsu' or 'malformed living body' becomes meaningless. The use of this expression becomes an insult. What perception of Education and of the human being underpins these perspectives ? Anthropology applied to the field of Education (ethnographic methods and casuistry), will provide a relevant framework for trying to grasp a dynamic vision of the human in relation to the principles of inclusive Education and which contrasts with the stigma reified in language and reifying. Interviews will be conducted with our target population : pupils and children with disabilities, parents of disabled subjects, public institutions, persons and/or Associations and Non-Governmental Organizations working in the field of disability, social integration, promotion of human dignity and in the field of inclusive Education in Togo
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Lawson, Dossou Louise. „Représentations sociales de la déficience mentale propres aux éducateurs prenant en charge des enfants déficients mentaux d’un IMPP au Togo“. Caen, 2007.

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Notre étude porte sur un décalage observé entre la conscience des intentions exprimées par des éducateurs togolais ayant en charge des enfants déficients intellectuels et IMC et la cohérence de leurs pratiques éducatives. Elle a donc pour but d’objectiver les représentations sociales ethniques de la déficience propres aux éducateurs spécialisés prenant en charge des enfants d’un IMPP du Togo, pays africain connaissant deux siècles de présence occidentale. Les personnes déficientes ont de tout temps suscité répugnance et peur dans la plupart des sociétés. L’Occident les avait éliminées, rejetées, ou surprotégées. Par la suite, ce rejet a été suivi par une ambivalence qui avec les progrès scientifiques a abouti depuis des décennies à leur éducation. La personne déficiente est éduquée pour une meilleure intégration, même si parfois les représentations archaïques refont encore surface. En Afrique sub-saharienne, l’enfant déficient encore éliminé, reste une créature inhumaine. Au Togo, il est chez la plupart des ethnies, monstre, diable, bon diable et quelques rares fois, dieu. Ni le Christianisme, ni l’Islam n’ont pu ébranler ces ethnothéories concernant la déficience mentale. L’objet principal de notre étude porte sur le rapport entre la double référence des éducateurs et le décalage que l’on peut constater entre leurs intentions et leurs pratiques. Des éducateurs qui « ne peuvent nier leur culture », comprennent et semblent approuver les pratiques traditionnelles malgré un discours très techniciste au niveau des typologies de la déficience mentale. Pour eux les causes de la déficience restent toujours surnaturelles. La double référence en effet, engendre chez une partie des éducateurs un rejet et chez d’autres une ambivalence. Ou encore elle crée chez ces éducateurs, compatissants ou non, un décalage entre un savoir professionnel et des attitudes négatives envers les enfants déficients mentaux qui seront sans doute éliminés à moins d’être « un peu sauvés » par une religion monothéiste
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Nelson, Andrew A. „Too Pretty for Homework: The Academic Correlates of Sexualized Gender Stereotypes Among Adolescent Girls“. UKnowledge, 2017.

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Girls grow up in a culture of ubiquitous female sexualization, and this culture propagates stereotypes that could interfere with their academic outcomes. The current study examined the academic correlates of these sexualized gender stereotypes (SGS) among early adolescent girls. Girls (N = 99) aged 11 to 14 (Mage = 12.4 years, SD = .57 years) completed a survey assessing their academic performance, attitudes, and beliefs. The survey also assessed the degree to which girls believed that boys and girls should act in accordance with these sexualized gender stereotypes. Results indicated that higher endorsement of sexualized gender stereotypes was associated with lower academic performance, more negative academic attitudes, and less adaptive approaches to learning. Implications for girls’ academic trajectories are discussed.
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Harper, Jocelyn R. „"Please do not lean on the computer it has feelings too" the relationships transferred by humans to technology /“. Access electronically, 2007.

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Norén, Jennie, und Karin O'Mahony. „Att vara kvinna i en mansdominerad bransch : En intervjustudie om kvinnliga sjömäns upplevelser av kulturell exkludering“. Thesis, Stockholms universitet, Sociologiska institutionen, 2020.

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Sjömansyrket har länge varit mansdominerat och det ter det sig därför intressant att undersöka de kvinnliga sjömännens subjektiva erfarenheter av att vara minoritet. Studiens syfte är att undersöka kulturell exkludering av kvinnor som minoritet i en mansdominerad bransch. Detta görs genom frågeställningarna Vilka exkluderande uttryck i sjömanskulturen upplever kvinnor till sjöss? och På vilka sätt hanterar kvinnor dessa?. Studiens datamaterial består av sju semistrukturerade intervjuer med tematiskt öppna inslag. Studien har utgått från en abduktiv ansats, det vill säga det har skett en växelverkan mellan induktion och deduktion. De teoretiska utgångspunkter som främst används behandlar organisationskultur, samhällets könsstrukturer samt strukturella effekter och copingstrategier som har identifierats i förhållande till avvikarpositionen. Resultatet visar att undersökningsdeltagarna trivs med sitt yrkesval och i många fall med branschen överlag, men att sjömanskulturen är manligt kodad vilket medför flertalet exkluderande uttryck. De exkluderande uttryck som identifieras är sjömansstereotypen, jargong, mumshaming, fysisk arbetsmiljö, uteslutning från språkliga praktiker, homogena chefsled samt jämställdhetsdiskursen. Utifrån studien tas en modell för en framgångsrik strategi fram, där anpassning, motstånd och socialt stöd kan ses som tre kompletterande delstrategier. En pågående förändringsprocess av kulturen i sjöfartsbranschen identifieras, vilken påverkas av att normer förändras på samhällsnivå. Detta märks särskilt genom hur Me too-rörelsen har medfört en stark förbättring av sjömanskulturen.
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Larsson, Marta Cristina Loureiro de Bragança Sousa Ribeiro. „Too old for work, too young for retirement: the psychosocial experience of unemployment among older adults“. Doctoral thesis, 2014.

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Larsson, Marta Cristina Loureiro de Bragança Sousa Ribeiro. „Too old for work, too young for retirement: the psychosocial experience of unemployment among older adults“. Tese, 2014.

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Brandão, Catarina. „O desempenho individual de dirigentes de topo da Administração Pública portuguesa: um contributo para o desenvolvimento de uma taxionomia comportamental e motivacional“. Doctoral thesis, 2010.

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Bücher zum Thema "Psychologie sociale – Togo"


Aguirre, Víctor Manuel Ortiz. Mujer ante todo(s): Trabajadoras sexuales y psicología sexual. Zamora, Michoacán: El Colegio de Michoacán, 2008.

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(Firm), Marabout. Todo sobre los chicos. México, D.F: Marabout, 2007.

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Azuma, Yasuyuki. Sakai no kosumoroji: Ichi, nagisa, toge (Kaicho bukkusu). Kaichosha, 1989.

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Hooks, Bell. Todo Sobre El Amor. Vergara Editor S.A., 2000.

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Ferdinando El Toro. 5. Aufl. Lectorum Pubns Inc (J), 1994.

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Caas, Jose, und Munro Leaf. El Toro Ferdinando. Everest Publishing, 2000.

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Hooks, Bell. Todo Sobre el Amor: Nuevas Perspectivas. Editorial Planeta, S. A., 2022.

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Bullock, Heather E., und Harmony A. Reppond. Of “Takers” and “Makers”: A Social Psychological Analysis of Class and Classism. Herausgegeben von Phillip L. Hammack. Oxford University Press, 2016.

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During the 2012 United States presidential campaign, the Republican presidential and vice presidential candidates drew a stark line between “takers” and “makers,” claiming that too many Americans are “takers” because they receive more from the government and society than they contribute. In this chapter, we employ a critical social psychological framework to understand and deconstruct the political discourse surrounding “makers” versus “takers” and to illuminate the social psychology of social class and classism. This chapter focuses on attitudes and beliefs about social class that legitimize economic inequality and class disparities and the relationship of these beliefs to interclass relations and social and economic policy. In doing so, this chapter identifies the important role of social psychological research and justice-oriented frameworks in alleviating class-based disparities and classism.
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van Zomeren, Martijn, und John F. Dovidio, Hrsg. The Oxford Handbook of the Human Essence. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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What is the human essence? In this handbook, a broad range of scholars in psychology wrestle with this core question. The question is too infrequently asked within psychology, yet is one of central interest to students and scholars in psychology, philosophy, sociology, public health, anthropology, and cognitive science. This new and exciting handbook contains a diverse set of intriguing answers from cutting-edge social-psychological theorizing and research; raises novel and important questions about human nature; and identifies new directions for future inquiry. The chapters are written in an essay-like style that allows contributors to articulate what the human essence is without jargon or empirical details. Furthermore, this handbook uniquely brings together scholars who otherwise would not be found in conversation (e.g., evolutionary approaches to the human essence and social constructivist accounts that essentially deny its existence). Addressing the question of the human essence is absolutely vital because it promotes reflection and debate about human nature and existence, as revealed in discussant and concluding chapters. Thus, this volume articulates what psychology can tell us about the human essence and illuminates why a social science of human behavior should develop broader and integrative theories that acknowledge the many different essences that define us.
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Todo Le Que Necesitas Saber Cuando Termina Tu Noviazgo/Everything You Need to Know About Romantic Breakup. Rosen Publishing Group, 1994.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Psychologie sociale – Togo"


Kulesza, Wojciech, und Dariusz Doliński. „Time to Bother! Longitudinal Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic (and Others Too): Why Dismantling Social Cognition Biases Is Absolutely Crucial to Save Not Only Lives“. In Social Biases During Covid 19, 69–75. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.

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AbstractWe are closing this book by presenting a wider perspective, which is crucial in fighting pandemics. For us psychologists, professionals interested in protecting well-being, as well as for our colleagues, medical professionals oriented toward safeguarding one’s life, it is unbelievably hard to see that some people are proposing not managing COVID-19 and future pandemics. Simply and terribly put, these people are proposing letting vulnerable people die without putting much effort into prevention (like vaccines and massive vaccination) and developing effective cures.In this chapter we will present less obvious impacts on us and future generations. From this perspective we try to show that the social psychology perspective of biased perception of the social world may prevent these terrible longitudinal consequences from appearing.
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Hargreaves, Eleanore, Denise Buchanan und Laura Quick. „Imagining Schooling as a Positive Experience: Conclusions and Practical Recommendations“. In Palgrave Critical Perspectives on Schooling, Teachers and Teaching, 213–24. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.

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AbstractThis final chapter brings together our interpretations of CLIPS children’s life-histories and suggests implications for imagining schooling as a positive experience which promotes wellbeing. We indicate how the theories of Fraser from political science and Ryan and Deci from social psychology enriched our understandings of both wellbeing; and social justice synergies between the two; when applied to the CLIPS data. Watkins’ pedagogical distinction between learning and performance in schooling allowed us to draw well-targeted implications out of our data—in particular because children’s own voices informed and directed these. This rich set of sources added insights into our psychological understandings of children’s motivational Orientations in schooling which appear to be dependent on all children being constantly supported to have a strong Sense of Competence, Autonomy (Agency) and Relatedness. They highlight too how influences of a global performative schooling system influence individual children’s everyday experiences, often leading those who are lower-attainers in mathematics and English to experience status subordination. In this chapter, we present some implications of the life-histories in relation specifically to the following aspects of social justice: Redistribution, suggesting transformative remedies at national or international level; and Recognition and Representation, providing affirmative remedies at school and classroom level.
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Brockner, Joel, und Batia M. Wiesenfeld. „Organizational Justice is Alive and Well and Living Elsewhere (But Not Too Far Away)“. In Social Psychology and Justice, 213–42. Routledge, 2019.

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Chen, Szu-Yu, und Natalya A. Lindo. „Teachers Can Play Too“. In Advances in Psychology, Mental Health, and Behavioral Studies, 288–313. IGI Global, 2017.

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Positive teacher-child relationships are key factors for children's social-emotional development and academic success in schools. Teachers' ability to provide children with emotional support and understand children's unique needs may improve challenging behaviors in the classroom. Play-based teacher intervention training models provide teachers opportunities to become therapeutic agents and learn how to use humanistic play therapy skills and language to communicate with children and respond to their unique needs. In this chapter, the authors introduce four play-based teacher intervention training models: Kinder Training, Child-Teacher Relationship Training, Relationship Enhancement for Learner and Teacher, and Teacher-Child Relationship Building. The authors also illustrate these models' goals, training structure, research support for their effectiveness with teacher-child relationships, children's behavioral issues, academic engagement, and teachers' classroom management skills.
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Ogilvy, James A. „Social Forces and Creativity“. In Creating Better Futures, 93–110. Oxford University PressNew York, NY, 2002.

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Abstract Do we trust a psychotic to offer his own best diagnosis? No, individual introspection is almost bound to be warped by the biases of self deception. Too much is at stake for an individual subject to see herself clearly. Likewise, to the extent that sociology uses the cultural and intellectual artifacts of a society—a culturally bound set of categories—to understand that society, it is just as suspect as introspective psychology. Subjectivity in selective sampling is the original sin of sociology: Thou shalt not use one’s own ethnic customs as the standard for judging one’s own society, much less other societies.
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García, Ofelia. „Too Much Psychology? The Role of the Social in Language Learning Motivation“. In Researching Language Learning Motivation. Bloomsbury Academic, 2022.

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Turner, Mark. „Choice“. In Cognitive Dimensions Of Social Science, 85–118. Oxford University PressNew York, NY, 2001.

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Abstract COGNITIVE science, allied with precursor and tributary traditions—psychology, philosophy of mind, interpretive anthropology, rhetoric—thinks it has something to say, useful if embryonic, about principles of human reason and choice. So, too, do economics and political science, lately with increased confidence. The rise in economics and political science of research programs for modeling decision and judgment—viewed as causes of action, on the assumptions of greed, rationality, and equilibrium—has created a social scientific armada parallel to cognitive science in its interest in reason and choice.
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O’Neill, Susan A. „Gender and music“. In The Social Psychology of Music, 46–64. Oxford University PressOxford, 1997.

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Abstract Historically in Western culture, men have dominated the music profession and occupied positions of power and privilege. Prior to the 1850s, the vast majority of orchestras refused to employ women. It was thought to be ‘improper’ for a woman to perform in public. Women were traditionally encouraged to play instruments such as the harp and keyboard which could be played as accompaniment to the voice and used to entertain family and friends in the home. They were discouraged from playing instruments such as the drums, woodwind, and brass, either because women were thought to be too weak (e.g. physical strength, lung capacity) or because it would ‘spoil their appearance’. In 1904, an American conductor was quoted as saying, ‘nature never intended the fair sex to become cornettists, trombonists, and players of wind instruments. In the first place, they are not strong enough to play them as well as men ... Another point against them is that women cannot play brass instruments and look pretty and why should they spoil their good looks?’ (cited in Pugh 1991, p. 7).
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Simonton, Dean Keith. „Products, persons, and periods: historiometric analyses of compositional creativity“. In The Social Psychology of Music, 107–22. Oxford University PressOxford, 1997.

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Abstract Anyone well versed in the European music tradition must have some acquaintance with such compositions as the Missa Papae Marcelli, the Brandenburg Concerti, Eine kleine Nach,tmusik, Tristan und Isolde, La Mer, Das Lied von der Erde, and Le Sacre du Printemps. Such persons would also show some familiarity with the composers responsible for these masterpieces: Palestrina, Bach, Mozart, Wagner, Mahler, Debussy, and Stravinsky. And, finally, these well-educated individuals will have some awareness of the musical periods in which these composers conceived their works, whether the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Post-Romantic, Impressionist, or Modern eras. Moreover, musicologists devote considerable amount of time to discussing these and other products, persons, and periods in order to discern the nature of composition, the basis for a composer’s achievements, or the changes in musical style. Yet these three entities are not merely of interest to musicologists. Psychologists, too, can learn a great deal about musical creativity by a careful examination of the compositions, the composers, and the compositional eras that define the European music tradition.
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Costello, Robert. „Social Development Through Gaming and Gaming Industry“. In Advances in Psychology, Mental Health, and Behavioral Studies, 45–72. IGI Global, 2024.

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For some individuals with autism, everyday stimuli such as crowded public places, lighting, sounds, and even touch can be highly unpleasant. The increasing prevalence of ASD has driven the research community on the therapy of individuals with autism, especially children/adolescents, to improve and accommodate the condition. This research explores social gaming and gaming design approaches to support meaningful dialogs and enhance interaction. Through careful support and management from many different disciplinary areas, addressing accessibility issues could assist individuals with health issues like obesity, poor self-related health issues (diabetes and heart diseases), ASD, and visual impairments to welfare and emotional needs, too.
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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Psychologie sociale – Togo"


Panagiotopoulou, Penny, Aikaterini Gari und Sophia Christakopoulou. „Dimensions of Well-Being: A Cross-Cultural Study in European Neighborhoods“. In International Association of Cross Cultural Psychology Congress. International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2009.

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People build their sense of well-being by responding to their objectively defined environment. The community environment and more specifically the neighborhood affects the subjective and psychological well being of the individuals. Neighboring refers to the residents’ social interaction and mutual material and non material support. This chapter attempts to examine how the social, political, and economic aspect of community life is related to community well-being focusing on community satisfaction, informal social interaction, feeling safe, the residents’ involvement in the community decision making process, the economic life, and the job opportunities and training of 705 participants in six European cultural settings: Dingle Partnership Area (DPA), Liverpool, United Kingdom; Bournazi, Athens, Greece; Westside, Galway, Ireland; Plateia Eleftherias, Patras, Greece; Knocknaheeny, Cork, Ireland; and Kontopefko, Athens, Greece. The overall picture as emerged by one-way analyses of variance and a posteriori Scheffé comparisons employed is defined by the clear statistical differences regarding the informal social interaction, community services satisfaction and income sufficiency and the more homogeneous conditions regarding the residents’ feeling of safety, their involvement in the community decision making process and their job/training opportunities in the community. The neighborhood contextual effects on individuals’ behavior and affect are complicated and ask for an integrated approach, as population stability and coherence as well as opportunities for interaction need to be addressed too.
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Ochsner, Andrea. „Exploring an Unfamiliar Space Reflections on the Socio-Psychological Aspects of Synchronous Online Teaching“. In Seventh International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021.

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Online technologies provide a myriad of new teaching and learning methods, and while those new technologies have a lot of advantages, the rapid change from face-to-face to online teaching and distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic has made certain disadvantages visible, too. This paper focuses on the psychological impact of online learning on students, specifically in connection with the move from a well-known place, the university campus, to an unknown space, the online classroom. It explores why uncertainty and anxiety can result in reluctance to engage, a process that is caused by a lack of social information, low peer bonding possibilities and obstacles to create a sense of belonging. The findings are based on a general, theoretical understanding of psychological aspects that impact the virtual classroom, as well as on observations made during the lockdown period and its subsequent months of online teaching, drawing on concepts from social psychology, i.e. social cognition, social perception and conformity. What has become undoubtedly evident is that while the new technologies create new and creative spaces for teaching and learning, they are by no means free of stress and anxiety.
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Lu, Peixian, und Liang Ma. „Support from conversational agent on daily stress for user satisfaction improvement“. In 15th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2024). AHFE International, 2024.

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Daily stress is a universally experienced phenomenon in our modern lives [1]. Studies have shown that cumulative stress in daily life can result in cardiovascular disease [2] and psychological or behavioral disorders, such as depression and anxiety [3]. To regulate stress, social sharing is often used as a method. By talking to others, sharers can gain support that help them cope with their stress events [4]. However, people are not always comfortable sharing their stress events with others, such as the stigmatised issues [5]. In addition, people are not always able to find the right person to talk to. Their friends may be tired of hearing about the same issues [6]. Besides, professional help may be too expensive and require long waits [7].With the widespread use of conversational agent (CA), the CA should provide support for the users who encounter with daily stress to help them get socio-emotional benefits and therefore improve the user satisfaction [8]. At the same time, the gender of the CA should be considered as a factor which influence the user satisfaction of daily stress support.MethodsIn this study, we developed a 2 (CA genders)×3 (types of support) between-subject experiment on user satisfaction of CA with daily stress support function. The CA had two types of gender, including male and female. Three support types included control (without stress support function), stress (with stress detection and support function), and stressor (with stress and stressor detection, and provide support targeted at stressor) groups. So, there were six types of CA in this experiment.Participants (N = 76) were asked to share one personal daily stress experience with a CA, which was assigned from the six CAs randomly and provided support via the Wizard-of-Oz method (a human-operated CA).Results & DiscussionResults showed that participants felt better after sharing with the CA in stress group and stressor group, as evidenced by reduced stress intensity. The interaction experience of participants showed that the likeability, enjoyment, and user satisfaction of stress group were significantly higher than that of control group. While, the user satisfaction of stressor group had no significant difference with that of stress group. For the gender the CA, the female CA achieved higher likeability in control group and stress group. Meanwhile, the female CA achieved higher enjoyment, engagement, and user satisfaction in stressor group.According to the interview after the experiment, the participants in the stressor group proposed more requirements for the targeted advice from CA. They explained that they felt the high intelligent level of the CA. So, they were looking forward for the help from the CA for the solution of their daily stress events.ConclusionAccording to the above results, the support for daily stress from CA can improve the user satisfaction. Between different genders of CA, the female CA is more preferred in this study. What’s more, the CA should provide targeted advice for users with different stressors.Reference[1] Piazza, J. R., Charles, S. T., Sliwinski, M. J., Mogle, J., & Almeida, D. M. (2013). Affective reactivity to daily stressors and long-term risk of reporting a chronic physical health condition. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 45(1), 110-120.[2] Schubert, C., Lambertz, M., Nelesen, R. A., Bardwell, W., Choi, J. B., & Dimsdale, J. E. (2009). Effects of stress on heart rate complexity—a comparison between short-term and chronic stress. Biological psychology, 80(3), 325-332.[3] Cohen, S., Kessler, R. C., & Gordon, L. U. (Eds.). (1997). Measuring stress: A guide for health and social scientists. Oxford University Press on Demand.[4] Rim ́e, B. (2009). Emotion elicits the social sharing of emotion: Theory and empirical review. Emotion Review, 1(1), 60–85.[5] Smart, L., & Wegner, D. M. (2000). The hidden costs of hidden stigma. In T. F. Heatherton, R. E. Kleck, M. R. Hebl, & J. G. Hull (Eds.), The social psychology of stigma (pp. 220–242). New York: Guildford Press.[6] Forest, A. L., Kille, D. R., Wood, J. V., & Holmes, J. G. (2014). Discount and disengage: How chronic negative expressivity undermines partner responsiveness to negative disclosures. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 107(6), 1013–1032.[7] Hunt, J., & Eisenberg, D. (2010). Mental health problems and help-seeking behavior among college students. Journal of Adolescent Health, 46(1), 3–10.[8] Pauw, L. S., Sauter, D. A., van Kleef, G. A., Lucas, G. M., Gratch, J., & Fischer, A. H. (2022). The avatar will see you now: Support from a virtual human provides socio-emotional benefits. Computers in Human Behavior, 136, 107368.
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Sabo, Helena maria, und Mircea Muresianu. „LEARNING. IS IT A MOTIVATION FOR STUDENTS? CASE STUDY ROMANIA“. In eLSE 2015. Carol I National Defence University Publishing House, 2015.

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What it is the Motivation from Students? It is a course, a need from a social success, too promoted in society? Motivation to learn is the primary segment of school success and is a fundamental issue for educational psychology. Product quality and the educational performance depend a lot on the interest of the client, not only by the teacher's role. I think this is important for the quality of human capital and forming a society we are going to. This paper presents you a research from undergraduates in 1st year of the Faculty of Geography, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The motivation for learning is very important not only in the family for a good example for children but also in society. In this way any teacher wishes to stimulate undergraduate's motivation for learning need to now own motivation (as well she can). I think a good motivated teaching activity may involve the undergraduates in an active way and capture their interest. We need a very good human interrelationship and good competence of the educational system. The goal of the research is to make a descriptive analysis of the motivational factors involved in learning in higher education at the University, to make the teaching- learning- assessing process more efficient and to increase the success of the school. We have used the method of descriptive analysis as well as descriptive comparison. The goal of processing and interpreting the results was to get to better know the motivation for learning in the undergraduates of our university and to get to act more efficiently to increase motivation for learning and education success.
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Vrasmas, Ecaterina, und Traian Vrasmas. „INTERNET RESOURCES FOR SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS AND INCLUSION“. In eLSE 2012. Editura Universitara, 2012.

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Title: Internet resources for special educational needs and inclusion Vrasmas, Traian, Ovidius University Constanta, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Bd. Mamaia Street No.124 Email: Vrasmas, Ecaterina, Bucharest University, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Sos. Panduri nr.90, Email: ABSTRACT Introduction The importance of educational and social inclusion for all children and adolescents is clear in the modern world and particularly in Europe, with an emphasis on marginalized and vulnerable groups. Children with special educational needs (SEN) are one important group in this social and educational area. Main objectives: 1. Explore the internet resources in connection with the SEN and inclusion (criteria based), in order to identify the amplitude and the main meanings of the two concepts 2. Built lists of publications available on internet from major resources and making short reviews for some of these Methodology and process Based on the two key words (special educational needs and inclusion) hundreds of websites and blogs were explored, during the first phase. In the second phase some of them were selected – on a short list - according to the consistence to the key words: special educational needs and inclusion. This short list – including resources in English, French and Romanian language - was explored more in depths, following the indicators of: a) Terminology and meanings – for the two main terms b) Coverage (components) for special educational needs c) Linkage between the two terms In the third phase internet resources from UNESCO and European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education (EADSNE) was reviewed, in order to build - for each one - a short list of publica-tions and studies. Findings The main results are presented in synthesis. Objective 1 There is huge amount of web sites and blogs connected with SEN and inclusion. Of course this is more obvious from the internet sources in English. Due to the dynamics and complexity of internet communi-cation (direct and linked sources) is very difficult to make a quantitative estimation, but there are certainly thousands of links in the international arena. From a qualitative approach some major findings were: a) In the English sources from Europe SEN and SNE (Special Needs Education) are by far the most frequently used words. In the USA and Canada SEN is used interchangeably with ‘special needs’ and/or ‘spe-cial education’. In Europe SEN and SNE have a wide usage, particularly in the UK, Spain, Portugal but also at the level of the EADSNE (2 countries from EU as members). In the French sources there is less usage of SEN and SNE terms, but the term “besoignes educatif particuliere’ (particular educational needs) has emerged recently (EADSNE, 2009). In the Romanian sources there is a mixture of using SEN (a little bit of SNE) and also traditional terms as handicap, impairment, learning and language disorders etc. b) There is some variety in Europe, when scrutinizing the coverage (components) for SEN, but the tendency is to take the OECD definition from 2000 (IE: Hungary). Some countries have made recent changes in legislation in connection with SEN meaning and coverage (Scotland and Spain). There are similarities between the content of SEN in Europe and that of ‘special needs; or special education beneficiaries’ in USA. An interesting term in USA is “exceptional children’ (The Council of Exceptional Children), which refers both to children with disabilities and to gifted children. In Romania a pilot project was undertaken by RENINCO in 2007 – in cooperation with the Education Ministry - using the OECD definition of SEN. This definition is also present in a draft strategy for special needs education in the context of inclusion, posted on the Ministry website since April 2010. c) In all languages and geographical entities explored there is a clear and strong connection between SEN (or SNE) and inclusion. UNESCO and the European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education are two important leading organisations in this field, also emphasising a strong connection between SEN and inclusion. Objective 2 After reviewing various resources two of them where selected for a thorough inventory of relevant publications and other resources. UNESCO ( is offering, in particular, a lot of information on inclusive education, like for instance the following publications and eReports: - Open file on inclusive education, 2001 - Case studies on inclusive education, 2001 (comprising Romania too) - Guidelines for inclusion. Ensuring education for all, 2005 - Positive discipline in the inclusive, learning-friendly classroom: a guide for teachers and teacher educators, 2006 - Policy guidelines on inclusion in education, 2009 EADSNE ( offers resources both on SEN and inclusion, like for exam-ple: - Development of a set of indicators – for inclusive education in Europe, 2009 - Inclusive Education and Classroom Practices, 2003 - Multicultural diversity and special needs education. Summary Report, 2009 - Special Needs Country Data, 2008 - Thematic Key words for Inclusive and Special Needs Education, 2009 The paper presents a short summary for each of these publications. Conclusions The internet resources for SEN and inclusion are very rich and diverse. The idea of Inclusive Education for pupils with Special Educational Needs is widely spread and emphasised on the internet. In spite of the diversity, there are some important common features and clear tendencies in terminology and in the definition of the two terms. The UNESCO work posted on internet – particularly on inclusion – and EADSNE – both on SEN (SNE) and inclusion – are very important and could be wider accessed and better valued in this context.
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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Psychologie sociale – Togo"


Hillestad, Torgeir Martin. The Metapsychology of Evil: Main Theoretical Perspectives Causes, Consequences and Critique. University of Stavanger, 2014.

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The purpose of this text or dissertation is to throw some basic light on a fundamental problem concerning manhood, namely the question of evil, its main sources, dynamics and importance for human attitudes and behaviour. The perspective behind the analysis itself is that of psychology. Somebody, or many, may feel at bit nervous by the word “evil” itself. It may very well be seen as too connected to religion, myth and even superstition. Yet those who are motivated to lose oneself in the subject retain a deep interest in human destructiveness, malevolence and hate, significant themes pointing at threatening prospects for mankind. The text is organized or divided into four main ordinary chapters, the three first of them organized or divided into continuous and numbered sections. A crucial point or question is of cause how to define evil itself. It can of cause be done both intentional, instrumental and by consequence. Other theorists however have stated that the concept of evil exclusively rests on a myth originated in the Judean-Christian conception of Satan and ultimate evil. This last argument presupposes evil itself as non-existent in the real rational world. It seems however a fact that most people attach certain basic meaning to the concept, mainly that it represents ultimately bad and terrible actions and behaviour directed toward common people for the purpose of bringing upon them ultimate pain and suffer. However, there is no room for essentialism here, meaning that we simply can look “inside” some original matter to get to know what it “really” is. Rather, a phenomenon gets its identity from the constituted meaning operating within a certain human communities and contexts loaded with intentionality and inter-subjective meaning. As mentioned above, the concept of evil can be interpreted both instrumental and intentional, the first being the broadest of them. Here evil stands for behaviour and human deeds having terrifying or fatal consequences for subjects and people or in general, regardless of the intentions behind. The intentional interpretation however, links the concept to certain predispositions, characteristics and even strong motives in subjects, groups and sometimes political systems and nations. I will keep in mind and clear the way for both these perspectives for the discussion in prospect. This essay represents a psychological perspective on evil, but makes it clear that a more or less complete account of such a psychological view also should include a thorough understanding or integration of some basic social and even biological assumptions. However, I consider a social psychological position of significant importance, especially because in my opinion it represents some sort of coordination of knowledge and theoretical perspectives inherent in the subject or problem itself, the main task here being to integrate perspectives of a psychological as well as social and biological kind. Since humans are essential social creatures, the way itself to present knowledge concerning the human condition, must be social of some sort and kind, however not referring to some kind of reductionism where social models of explanation possess or holds monopoly. Social and social psychological perspectives itself represents parts of the whole matter regarding understanding and explanation of human evil. The fact that humans present, or has to represent themselves as humans among other humans, means that basically a social language is required both to explain and describe human manners and ways of being. This then truly represents its own way or, more correctly, level or standard of explanation, which makes social psychology some sort of significant, though not sufficient. More substantial, the vision itself of integrating different ontological and theoretical levels and objects of science for the purpose of manifesting or make real a full-fledged psychological perspective on evil, should be considered or characterized a meta-psychological perspective. The text is partially constructed as a review of existing theories and theorists concerning the matter of evil and logically associated themes such as violence, mass murder, genocide, antisocial behaviour in general, aggression, hate and cruelty. However, the demands of making a theoretical distinction between these themes, although connected, is stressed. Above all, an integral perspective combining different scientific disciplines is aimed at.
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