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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Province of Quebec Association of Architects"


Hendri, Hendri, Rahma Evita Chaniago, Robihtho Dhia Shidqi, Dianny Putri Ramli und Rahdiansyah Rahdiansyah. „PENGATURAN PRAKTEK LAYANAN PROFESI ARSITEK ATAS ARSITEK ILEGAL DI PROVINSI RIAU“. Mizan: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum 12, Nr. 2 (06.12.2023): 144.

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The primary objective of this research is to examine the role of the architectural professional organization, namely the Indonesian Architects Association (IAI), in supervising the practices and services of the architectural profession in Riau Province. This research also aims to understand the problems related to illegal architects that occur in Riau Province and analyze the application of sanctions and solutions by IAI Riau Province to this problem. This research uses a normative juridical method which examines the implementation of positive legal provisions in each specific legal event that occurs in society, data obtained from interviews with related parties. IAI Riau has taken various efforts to supervise and develop professional architect service practice providers. This effort includes preventive and curative measures. To provide education to prospective architects regarding the applicable legal rules of the architectural profession. Apart from that, curative efforts are carried out by providing sanctions for violations of the professional code of ethics. Apart from that, IAI Riau Province also took a persuasive approach to the Provincial Government and the PUPR Service. This approach aims to align common goals and ensure that Undang-Undang No 6 of 2017 concerning architects can be fully enforced in the Riau Province Region. It is hoped that this research will provide better insight into how the regulation of architectural professional service practices can deal with the problem of illegal architects in Riau Province and optimize the role of IAI in overcoming this challenge.
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Guttman, Renata. „Architecture in Canada: French-language publishing, 1981-1995“. Art Libraries Journal 21, Nr. 3 (1996): 4–28.

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Interest in Canada’s built heritage flourished in the period following 1967, inspired by the centennial of Confederation and institutional support of heritage research. An already vibrant and officially sanctioned concern for cultural history in Canada’s mainly Francophone province Quebec and the Official Languages Act of 1969 resulted in a rich series of French-language publications devoted to Canadian architecture. The architecture of provinces, cities and towns, of individual styles, buildings and architects, architectural competitions and archaeology have all been explored in the literature. The contribution of scholars, cultural, academic, and governmental institutions, and publishers has created a strong body of work related to architecture in Canada.
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Ladouceur, Robert. „Prevalence Estimates of Pathological Gambling in Quebec“. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 36, Nr. 10 (Dezember 1991): 732–34.

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Pathological gambling was officially defined and recognized as a psychiatric illness by the American Psychiatric Association in 1980. This survey reports the results of a province-wide study in Quebec based on telephone interviews using standardized assessment instruments with 1,002 subjects. The current prevalence of pathological gambling is 1.2%. The results also show that 88% of the respondents have gambled at least once in their life. The implications of these results for the prevention and treatment of this debilitating disorder are discussed.
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Sexton, Jean. „Controlling Corruption in the Construction Industry: The Quebec Approach“. ILR Review 42, Nr. 4 (Juli 1989): 524–35.

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Between 1968 and 1975, the Province of Quebec instituted several laws to combat violence and corruption in its construction industry. Among them were a requirement that all construction workers belong to a union, and all contractors to the sole employers' association; province-wide coverage of construction workers and employers by a single collective agreement at any given time; the presumption of guilt of anyone charged with criminal activities in the industry; mandated multiple sources of manpower, to prevent monopolies in manpower allocation; mandatory elections of union stewards, to prevent abuses by appointed stewards; the barring from union office of those with criminal records; and government trusteeship of several union locals. The author credits these measures with dramatically reducing violence and corruption, but cautions that they might not be readily transferable to labor relations systems outside Quebec.
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Gagné, Thierry, Annie Pelekanakis und Jennifer L. O’Loughlin. „Do demographic and socioeconomic characteristics underpin differences in youth smoking initiation across Canadian provinces? Evidence from the Canadian Community Health Survey (2015–2018)“. Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada 42, Nr. 11/12 (November 2022): 457–65.

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Introduction Youth initiation may drive differences in smoking prevalence across Canadian provinces. Provincial differences in initiation relate to tobacco control strategies and public health funding, but have also been attributed to population characteristics. We test this hypothesis by examining the extent to which seven characteristics—immigration, language, family structure, education, income, home ownership and at-school status—explain differences in initiation across provinces. Methods We used data from 16 897 youth aged 12 to 17 years in the Canadian Community Health Survey collected from 2015 to 2018. To examine the proportion of provincial differences explained by population characteristics, we compared average marginal effects (AMEs) from partially and fully adjusted models regressing “having ever initiated” on province and other characteristics. We also tested interactions to examine differences in the association between population characteristics and initiation across provinces. Results Initiation varied from 4% in British Columbia to 10% in Quebec. Being born in Canada, speaking French, not living in a two-parent household, being in the lowest household income quintile, having parents without postsecondary education, living in rented accommodation and not being in school were each associated with initiation. Taking these results into consideration, the AME of residing in another province compared with Quebec was attenuated by between 3% and 9%. Family structure and household income were more strongly associated with initiation in the Atlantic region and Manitoba, but not in Quebec. Conclusion Differences in initiation between Quebec and other provinces are unlikely to be substantially explained by their demographic or socioeconomic composition. Reprioritizing tobacco control and public health funding are likely key in attaining the “tobacco endgame” across provinces.
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Cutumisu, Nicoleta, Issouf Traoré, Marie-Claude Paquette, Linda Cazale, Hélène Camirand, Benoit Lalonde und Eric Robitaille. „Association between junk food consumption and fast-food outlet access near school among Quebec secondary-school children: findings from the Quebec Health Survey of High School Students (QHSHSS) 2010–11“. Public Health Nutrition 20, Nr. 5 (24.11.2016): 927–37.

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AbstractObjectiveWe investigated the association between junk food consumption at lunchtime (JCL) and fast-food outlet access near school among secondary-school children in Quebec.DesignA geographic information system database was used to characterize the food environment around a sub-sample of 374 public schools in which 26 655 students were enrolled. The outcome variable was JCL during the previous week, dichotomized into low JCL (none or once)v. high JCL (twice or more). Access to fast-food outlets near school was assessed using an existing database of fast-food outlets in Quebec. Covariates included student (age, sex and self-rated perceived health), family (familial status and parental education) and school (urban/rural status and deprivation) variables. Hierarchical logistic regression models were employed for analyses using PROC GLIMMIX of SAS version 9.3.SettingProvince of Quebec, Canada.SubjectsWe used data from the Quebec Health Survey of High School Students (QHSHSS) 2010–11, a survey of secondary-school Quebec students.ResultsExposure to two or more fast-food outlets within a radius of 750 m around schools was associated with a higher likelihood of excess JCL (OR=1·50; 95 % CI 1·28, 1·75), controlling for the characteristics of the students, their families and their schools.ConclusionsThe food environment surrounding schools can constitute a target for interventions to improve food choices among secondary-school children living in the province of Quebec. Transforming environments around schools to promote healthy eating includes modifying zoning regulations that restrict access to fast-food outlets around schools.
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Ngamini Ngui, André, Philippe Apparicio, Mathieu Philibert und Marie-Josée Fleury. „Neighborhood Characteristics Associated with the Availability of Alcohol Outlets in Quebec, Canada“. Journal of Addiction 2015 (2015): 1–11.

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Objectives. The objectives of this study were to examine the spatial accessibility to alcohol outlets in Quebec and to assess the association between neighborhood level characteristics and availability of alcohol outlets.Methods. The Tobit Model was used to assess the association between neighborhood level characteristics and the availability of alcohol outlets within 500, 1000, 2000, and 3000 metres, respectively.Results. Alcohol outlets were found to be most available in the two largest metropolitan areas of the province of Quebec (Montréal and Québec City). Within 1000 metres, alcohol outlets are more available in neighbourhoods with the following characteristics: highest concentration of men, least materially deprived highest concentration of persons aged 20 years or more, and location either in a metropolitan area or in a small town. Finally, the number of bars with video lottery terminals increases with the level of social and material deprivation.Conclusion. In Québec, there is no rule governing the location of alcohol outlets. Thus, there is an abundant literature indicating that the regulation of alcohol outlet density could be an effective means of controlling risk attributable to alcohol consumption.
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Castonguay, Mathias, Nawar Dakhallah, Marie-Laure Colaiacovo, Camille Jimenez-Cortes, Justin Desroches, Anne-Marie Claveau, Amer Yassine Hafsaoui et al. „COVID-19 and Sickle Cell Disease in the Province of Quebec: Morbidity and Mortality Rates Derived from the Provincial Registry“. Blood 138, Supplement 1 (05.11.2021): 4064.

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Abstract Introduction Approximately 1500 people live with sickle cell disease (SCD) in the province of Quebec, Canada. Public health has recognized these patients as immunocompromised. SCD patients may be at higher risk of developing severe COVID-19 infection due to their underlying pro-inflammatory and thrombogenic state, splenic dysfunction and secondary organopathies. Descriptions about disease severity and mortality rates in SCD vary widely. From the SECURE-SCD registry, Mucalo et al. recently reported a 0.3% and 4.7% mortality rate in children and adults, respectively. In the French registry, Arlet and colleagues reported a 2.4% death rate among those hospitalized with COVID-19 and SCD, not different from the general population. As a result, the COVID-19 morbidity and mortality rates among the SCD population remain uncertain. Objectives The primary objectives of our study are to describe the epidemiology, baseline characteristics and clinical outcomes of SCD patients with COVID-19 infection in the province of Quebec. In addition, we aim to identify risk factors for hospitalization and severe forms of COVID-19. Methods We built a web-based SCD-COVID-19 registry regrouping 7 adult and 4 paediatric tertiary care hospitals in the province of Quebec in June 2020. All SCD patients with a confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection by PCR test were included in the study. We compared the prevalence of infection and hospitalization rates of SCD patients to the general population of Quebec using the epidemiological data from the INSPQ (National Institute of Public Health of Quebec) public database. We retrospectively analyzed data included between March 11, 2020 to March 1, 2021. Relative risk was calculated using bilateral association measures (exact fisher, mid-p or chi-squared tests, as appropriate) to compare the incidence of infection and hospitalization of SCD patients to the population of Quebec and to assess risk factors of hospitalization among SCD patients. Results During the first 12 months of the pandemic, 74 patients were included in the registry. The male to female ratio was 1:1.12. Median age was 23 years, ranging from 8 months to 68 years old. SS-Sbeta 0 genotypes were present in 51% of cases, while 49% were SC or Sbeta +. The majority of patients were on disease modifying therapy: 54% were on hydroxyurea and 17.5% on exchange transfusion therapy. The incidence of reported COVID-19 infection was significantly higher in SCD patients compared to the general population (4.9% vs. 3.5% p=0,002) (Table 1). Even more strikingly, SCD had rate of hospitalization 10-times greater than the general population (33.8 vs 3.2%, p<0,001). Nevertheless, the risk of admission to the intensive care unit was similar between SCD patients and the general population (24.0% vs. 24.1%, p=0.99). No death was recorded amongst SCD patients with COVID-19 compared to a death rate in the general population in Quebec of less than 70 years old of 48-78 for 100 000 infections (male-female). A history of acute chest syndrome (ACS) in the last year (OR 2.6 [1.5-4.6], p=0.04) and arterial hypertension (OR 3.3 [2.3-4.8], p=0.01) were associated with a higher risk of hospitalization (Table 2). On the other hand, there was no statistically significant association with age, sex, genotype, ABO blood group, baseline SCD therapy, or other comorbidities (chronic renal disease, obesity, pulmonary hypertension, chronic lung disease and previous admission to ICU) in our cohort. Conclusions Similar to other reports, we found that SCD patients were at much greater risk of hospitalization compared to the general population. We however found no increased risk of mortality or disease complication. This contrasts with results from other registries. A history of ACS and hypertension were associated with a higher risk of hospitalization. Whether social determinants of health could explain some of the outcome variability between different countries merit further investigation. Furthermore, we believe that registries are critical to monitor the impact of preventive measures. As vaccination is ongoing, it will be important to consider its impact on hospitalization and death rate among SCD population. Recruitment to the registry is ongoing and updated data will be presented at the meeting. Figure 1 Figure 1. Disclosures Soulieres: BMS: Membership on an entity's Board of Directors or advisory committees; Novartis: Research Funding. Forté: Novartis: Honoraria; Canadian Hematology Society: Research Funding; Pfizer: Research Funding.
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Wardle, Richard J., Donald T. James, David J. Scott und Jeremy Hall. „The southeastern Churchill Province: synthesis of a Paleoproterozoic transpressional orogen“. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 39, Nr. 5 (01.05.2002): 639–63.

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The Paleoproterozoic southeastern Churchill Province (SECP) is located in the northeastern Canadian Shield of Labrador and Quebec. The SECP formed through the oblique collisions of the Archean Nain and Superior cratons with a third intervening Archean block, the core zone. The belt has a tripartite structure, comprising the Torngat Orogen (TO) formed by Nain craton – core zone collision in the east, the core zone in the centre, and the New Quebec Orogen (NQO) formed by Superior craton – core zone collision in the west. The SECP thus records transpressional development on the flanks of the Superior and Nain cratons as they indented northwards to form the larger Trans-Hudson – Nagssugtoqidian orogenic belt to the north. Principal stages of tectonic development were (1) 2.2–2.1 Ga crustal rifting of Nain and Superior cratons; (2) ca. 1.9 Ga subduction under eastern Nain craton; (3) ca. 1.87–1.85 Ga collision of Nain craton and core zone to form the TO; (4) 1.845–1.820 Ga sinistral transpression in the TO, and subduction under the western core zone; and (5) 1.82–1.77 Ga collision of Superior craton and core zone to form the NQO, in association with dextral transpression. Crustal-scale cross sections of the SECP have been developed from reflection and refraction seismic data. The western part of the NQO is dominantly west-vergent and associated with an imbricate thick-skinned thrust stack that ramps from the base of the crust. The core zone is characterized by a 35–40 km thick crust and pervasive east-dipping fabrics related to westerly thrusting. The TO is a narrow, doubly vergent belt, associated with a 48 km thick crust that forms a crustal root with a Moho relief of 12 km. The root is interpreted to result from attempted subduction of the core zone under the Nain craton, possibly as a result of mid-crustal wedging by the Nain craton. The TO was the site of intense convergence that resulted in excision of juvenile crust, possibly including tectonic removal of the axial magmatic arc. As a result, the middle to lower levels of the SECP consist largely of refractory Archean lithosphere. This may account for the lack of widespread post-collisional plutonism in the SECP and the preservation of the TO root.
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Poder, Thomas G., Liang Wang und Nathalie Carrier. „EQ-5D-5L and SF-6Dv2 utility scores in people living with chronic low back pain: a survey from Quebec“. BMJ Open 10, Nr. 9 (September 2020): e035722.

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ObjectiveTo describe how chronic low back pain (CLBP) impacts on utility scores and which patients’ characteristics most affect these scores in the province of Quebec.SettingsProvince of Quebec, Canada.Participants569 adult patients with CLBP.Methods and outcomesAn online survey on low back pain was conducted between October 2018 and January 2019. The EuroQol Five Dimensions (EQ-5D-5L) and the Short Form Six Dimensions version 2 (SF-6Dv2) are two generic preference-based measures used to evaluate health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and provide quality-adjusted life-year utility values.ResultsThe number of subjects who agreed to participate was 610, but 41 were excluded because 8 had low back pain for less than 3 months and 33 did not start the survey. A total of 569 subjects were analysed, but only 410 completed the survey up to the EQ-5D-5L or SF-6Dv2 sections. Median (range) of EQ-5D-5L was 0.622 (−0.072 to 0.905), and mean (range) of SF-6Dv2 and EQ-Visual Analogue Scale was 0.561 (0.301–0.829) and 51.0 (0–100), respectively. In all multivariate models, health or life satisfaction increased the health utility score, while pain reduced it. Co-occurring health problems were present for a majority (68%) of participants, mainly fatigue/insomnia (57.4%), musculoskeletal disorder (56.2%) and mental disorder (44%).ConclusionThis study provided utility scores with EQ-5D-5L and SF-6Dv2 in patients with CLBP in Quebec, and results were similar to other studies conducted in different settings. These values were well below those reported in the Quebec general population and highlight the association between CLBP and HRQoL.
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Bücher zum Thema "Province of Quebec Association of Architects"


Province of Quebec Association for the Protection of Fish and Game. Constitution and by-laws, Province of Quebec association for the Protection of Fish and Game. [Quebec?: s.n., 1986.

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Provincial Exhibition (1886 : Montréal, Quebec), Hrsg. List of premiums offered by the Montreal Horticultural Society and Fruit Growers' Association of the Province of Quebec: Open to the province of Quebec : exhibition to be held at Montreal in September, 1886. [Montréal?: s.n.], 1993.

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Convention, Association de la protection des forêts de la province de Québec. Procès-verbaux et discours, assemblée de l'Association de la protection des forêts de Québec, 1918. [Montréal?: s.n., 1996.

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Association des régistrateurs de la province de Québec. Répertoire des règles et résolutions adoptées par l'Association des régistrateurs de la province de Québec et obligatoires pour tous les membres: Repertory of rules and resolutions adopted by the Registrars' Association of the Province of Quebec and binging on all its members. [Montréal?: s.n., 1987.

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Society, Montreal Horticultural, und Fruit Growers' Association of the Province of Quebec., Hrsg. On the establishment of a botanic garden and aboretum in Montreal: Under the auspices of the Montreal Horticultural Society and Fruit Growers' Association of the province of Quebec. [Montreal?: s.n., 1986.

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Inc, RJR-MacDonald. In the Supreme Court of Canada on appeal from the Quebec Court of Appeal, court no.: 23460, between RJR-MacDonald Inc., appellant, and the Attorney General of Canada, respondent: And between court no.: 23490, Imperial Tobacco Ltd., appellant, and Attorney General of Canada, respondent, and the Attorney General of Quebec, mis-en-cause, and the Attorney General of Ontario, the Attorney General of Saskatchewan, the Attorney General of British Columbia, the Canadian Cancer Society, the Canadian Council on Smoking and Health, the Canadian Medical Association, the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, the Canadian Lung Association, interveners. [Montréal: Court of Appeal, 1993.

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Canada. Parliament. House of Commons. Bill: An act to amend the operation of the Act of the Legislature of the late Province of Canada, 19 and 20 Victoria, Chapter 141, to all parts of the Dominion of Canada. Ottawa: I.B. Taylor, 2002.

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Winnipeg Child and Family Services (Northwest Area). In the Supreme Court of Canada (on appeal from the Court of Appeal for the Province of Manitoba) between: Winnipeg Child and Family Services (Northwest Area), (plaintiff) appellant, and G.(D.F.), (defendant) respondent: And Alliance for Life, Canadian Abortion Rights Action League, Canadian Civil Liberties Association, the Catholic Group for Health, Justice and Life, the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada and the Christian Medical and Dental Society, Government of Yukon, L'association des centres jeunesse du Quebec, Southeast Child and Family Services and West Region Child and Family Services and Women's Legal Education Action Fund, interveners. [Ottawa: Supreme Court, 1997.

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Province of Quebec Association of Arc. Catalogue of Architectural and Arts and Crafts Exhibition under the Auspices of the Province of Quebec Association of Architects [microform]: Architectural Drawings, a Loan Collection of Antiques, Modern Industrial Art in Its Application To... Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2021.

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You could lose an eye: My first eighty years in Montreal. Montreal: Baraka Books, 2010.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Province of Quebec Association of Architects"


Młodkowska-Przepiórowska, Iwona. „From excavations to investments in the Old Market Square in Częstochowa“. In Ziemia Częstochowska. T. 46, 297–324. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczego im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie, 2020.

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The Old Market Square in Częstochowa has been the subject of interest of historians, archaeologists and conservation services since the 1960s. Archaeological research was carried out on and completed in 2012. From May 2019 to the present day, during the earthworks related to the investment, archaeological works have been going on, covering the spaces of access streets – roadways to the market square and pavements, as well as the areas that, for technical reasons, have not previously been covered by the research. Relics of the foundations of the extension to the building and a cellar with a wooden well were uncovered on the south side of the building. Garbage pits with 17th century antique items were found in the ceiling of the cellar. Under the supervision of specialists, cellars 1 and 2 were cleared of rubble and their bottom layers were examined. Under the sidewalks of Mirowska and Stary Rynek streets, the ceilings of the cellars were found to protrude about 4.0 m beyond the southern and eastern frontages buildings, which defines the width of the arcades. During the earthworks near the church of St. Zygmunt, a skeleton of a woman with a body of a child resting next to her was uncovered in the former cemetery. The appearance of the Old Market Square has long been important for the inhabitants and authorities of Częstochowa. In 2013, the Provincial Office for the Protection of Historic Monuments –Branch Office in Częstochowa asked the Mayor of Częstochowa to develop a concept of taking care of the relics of the inner-city market buildings. In October 2014, the City of Częstochowa signed a contract with the Association of Polish Architects (SARP) for the announcing and conducting a competition for the reconstruction and extension of the building of the Częstochowa Old Town Hall. The competition was concluded in February 2015. The competition was won by the design of Michał Bernasik, an architect from Cologne. The subject of the design was a building hidden underground, below the market square, functioning as a museum and its extension on both, the underground and aboveground level. The detailed design, taking into account the current conditions and the initial assumptions of the design awarded in the competition, was made by an architect, K. Borowiecki. The city of Częstochowa obtained funds for the investment from the Regional Operational Program of the Province of Silesia. Since 2012, starting with workshops attended by the inhabitants of Częstochowa, in particular the Old Town, work has been carried out to revive and raise the rank and prestige of that part of the city. The reconstruction of the Old Market Square, giving it a new look and new functions were part of the Urban Revitalization Program of the Old Town / Market Square area, which recognized that the arrangement of this space would stimulate the activity of residents, increase spatial attractiveness, and encourage business companies to locate their offices in that part of the city. The urban and architectural assumptions compliant to these goals are reflected in the resolution No. 274.XXIII.2016 of the Częstochowa City Council of March 31, 2016 on the local spatial development plan for the area located in Częstochowa in the districts of Zawodzie-Dąbie and the Old Town and the premises of the Jurajska Gallery, in which the conditions and methods of land development covering the historic urban layout of the Old Town were specified. Relics of downtown old-market-square building cluster – historic cellars are to be located under the pavilion visible above the surface of the market square. They were subjected to conservation, as well as works protecting and strengthening their structure. Currently, activities have been started by the Częstochowa Museum to the prepare and adapt the facility to museum purposes and organize an archaeological and historical exhibition in it in an attractive and modern form.
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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Province of Quebec Association of Architects"


Myriam, Myriam. „The Role of Culture in Mental Illness Perspectives in the Quebec Population“. In International Association of Cross Cultural Psychology Congress. International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2022.

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The study assesses the variations in perspectives toward mental illness in the Quebec general population. The study sampled 293 individuals living within the province of Quebec, targeting a culturally diverse sample. They were sampled through a small liberal arts university and community associations. The study used a quantitative self-report approach comprising questions regarding cultural background (e.g., ethnicity) and personal factors (e.g., education level) as well as perspectives, knowledge, and behaviors towards mental illness. Significant differences in perspectives towards mental illness emerged for cultural background based on time spent in Canada, for knowledge (greater knowledge associated with more positive perspectives towards mental illness), and multiple personal factors, except for gender. The results provide a more comprehensive view of variations based on cultural background and personal factors associated with mental illness stigma in the Quebec population.
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Cerda Brintrup, Gonzalo, Mónica Virginia de Souza, Hernán Ascui Fernandez, Pablo Fuentes Hernandez und Roberto Burdiles Allende. „Identidad, patrimonio y desarrollo territorial en la Provincia de Arauco-Chile“. In Seminario Internacional de Investigación en Urbanismo. Barcelona: Instituto de Arte Americano. Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2013.

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Se presenta el proyecto Identidad, patrimonio y desarrollo territorial en la provincia de Arauco, Chile, proyecto desarrollado el año 2012 por un equipo de arquitectos/as de la Universidad del Bío-Bío en Concepción-Chile, en convenio con la Asociación de Municipalidades de la Provincia de Arauco-Chile. El proyecto tuvo como objetivo la investigación, reconocimiento y valoración de los espacios públicos de valor patrimonial de la Provincia de Arauco-Chile, haciendo una propuesta de diseño a nivel de imagen objetivo para 40 espacios públicos deteriorados pero de gran valor patrimonial en las localidades involucradas. Se trabajó con lugares degradados y/o poco consolidados pero de una gran potencialidad urbana, con el propósito de desarrollar propuestas de recuperación que valoren el patrimonio cultural, urbano, arquitectónico y paisajístico de 6 pequeñas localidades del sur de Chile. We present the project Identity, heritage and territorial development in Arauco province, Chile, a project developed in 2012by a team of architects of the University of Bío-Bío in Concepción, Chile, in agreement with the Association of Municipalities in the Province of Arauco, Chile. The project aims to research, recognition and appreciation of the public spaces of the equity value of Arauco Province, Chile, with a design proposal in terms of image target damaged 40 public spaces but of great historical value in the localities involved. Worked with degraded sites or poorly consolidated but a large urban potential, in order develop proposals for recovery that value cultural heritage, urban, architectural and landscape of six small towns in southern Chile.
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