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Hayrapetyan, A., A. Tumasyan, W. Adam, J. W. Andrejkovic, T. Bergauer, S. Chatterjee, K. Damanakis et al. „Performance of CMS muon reconstruction from proton-proton to heavy ion collisions“. Journal of Instrumentation 19, Nr. 09 (01.09.2024): P09012.

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Abstract The performance of muon tracking, identification, triggering, momentum resolution, and momentum scale has been studied with the CMS detector at the LHC using data collected at √(s NN) = 5.02 TeV in proton-proton (pp) and lead-lead (PbPb) collisions in 2017 and 2018, respectively, and at √(s NN) = 8.16 TeV in proton-lead (pPb) collisions in 2016. Muon efficiencies, momentum resolutions, and momentum scales are compared by focusing on how the muon reconstruction performance varies from relatively small occupancy pp collisions to the larger occupancies of pPb collisions and, finally, to the highest track multiplicity PbPb collisions. We find the efficiencies of muon tracking, identification, and triggering to be above 90% throughout most of the track multiplicity range. The momentum resolution and scale are unaffected by the detector occupancy. The excellent muon reconstruction of the CMS detector enables precision studies across all available collision systems.
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Baty, Austin. „Overview of recent CMS results“. EPJ Web of Conferences 296 (2024): 01002.

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Recent results from the CMS Collaboration are presented. These measurements include a full physics program using ultraperipheral collisions such as photon-photon and photon-ion interactions, small collision systems including proton-proton and proton-lead collisions, and many measurements of hadronic ion-ion collisions. The properties of the quark-gluon plasma produced in ion-ion collisions are studied in detail. The measurements examine the number of degrees of freedom of the medium, the strength of jet quenching effects in the medium, the role of heavy flavor in hadronization processes, and more.
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Ercolessi, Francesca. „Shedding light on light-flavour-particle production in small systems at the LHC with ALICE“. EPJ Web of Conferences 296 (2024): 12009.

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The measurement of light-flavour-particle production in small collision systems at the LHC has shown features that resemble phenomena seen in heavy-ion collisions. The historical signatures of the quark–gluon plasma (QGP) formation, such as collective flow and the enhanced production of strange hadrons, were also observed in high-multiplicity proton–proton (pp) and proton–lead (p–Pb) collisions. In this article, new results on lightflavour-particle production measured in high-multiplicity triggered events are presented, reaching charged-particle values of semi-peripheral Pb–Pb collisions. In addition, this paper presents the first Run 3 results on the production of π, K, p, and Ω multi-strange baryons in pp collisions at √S = 13:6 TeV and √S = 900 GeV, the highest and the lowest collision energies at the LHC.
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Li, Li-Li, Fu-Hu Liu, Muhammad Waqas, Rasha Al-Yusufi und Altaf Mujear. „Excitation Functions of Related Parameters from Transverse Momentum (Mass) Spectra in High-Energy Collisions“. Advances in High Energy Physics 2020 (10.06.2020): 1–21.

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Transverse momentum (mass) spectra of positively and negatively charged pions and of positively and negatively charged kaons, protons, and antiprotons produced at mid-(pseudo)rapidity in various collisions at high energies are analyzed in this work. The experimental data measured in central gold-gold, central lead-lead, and inelastic proton-proton collisions by several international collaborations are studied. The (two-component) standard distribution is used to fit the data and extract the excitation function of effective temperature. Then, the excitation functions of kinetic freeze-out temperature, transverse flow velocity, and initial temperature are obtained. In the considered collisions, the four parameters increase with the increase of collision energy in general, and the kinetic freeze-out temperature appears at the trend of saturation at the top Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider and the Large Hadron Collider.
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Masson, Erwann, und on behalf of the ALICE Collaboration. „Direct Photon Measurements with the ALICE Experiment at the LHC“. Proceedings 10, Nr. 1 (03.04.2019): 1.

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In high-energy hadron collisions, direct photons can be produced in various processes andare of particular interest to study the hot QCD medium since they escape it without being affected.These proceedings present the latest ALICE experiment results concerning direct photon productionin proton-proton (pp), proton-lead (p–Pb) and lead-lead (Pb–Pb) collisions. All measurements agreewith pQCD calculations at high transverse momentum (pT) and show no direct photon excess at lowpT in small systems while a low-pT signal is found in central Pb–Pb collisions.
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Falmagne, Guillaume. „First measurement of the Bc+ meson nuclear modification factor in PbPb collisions with CMS“. EPJ Web of Conferences 259 (2022): 12011.

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The Bc+ meson is observed in lead-lead and proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy per nucleon pair of √SNN = 5.02 TeV, via the Bc+ → (J/ψ → μ+μ−)μ+vμ decay and using 2017 and 2018 data from the CMS detector. The resulting Bc+ nuclear modification factor is measured in two bins of the trimuon transverse momentum and of the collision centrality. Less suppression is observed than for other quarkonia and most open heavy flavour mesons. This first observation of the Bc+ meson in heavy ion collisions will shed light on the interplay of suppression and enhancement mechanisms in the production of heavy-flavor mesons in the quark-gluon plasma.
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Lao, Hai-Ling, Fu-Hu Liu und Bo-Qiang Ma. „Analyzing Transverse Momentum Spectra of Pions, Kaons and Protons in p–p, p–A and A–A Collisions via the Blast-Wave Model with Fluctuations“. Entropy 23, Nr. 7 (24.06.2021): 803.

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The transverse momentum spectra of different types of particles, π±, K±, p and p¯, produced at mid-(pseudo)rapidity in different centrality lead–lead (Pb–Pb) collisions at 2.76 TeV; proton–lead (p–Pb) collisions at 5.02 TeV; xenon–xenon (Xe–Xe) collisions at 5.44 TeV; and proton–proton (p–p) collisions at 0.9, 2.76, 5.02, 7 and 13 TeV, were analyzed by the blast-wave model with fluctuations. With the experimental data measured by the ALICE and CMS Collaborations at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the kinetic freeze-out temperature, transverse flow velocity and proper time were extracted from fitting the transverse momentum spectra. In nucleus–nucleus (A–A) and proton–nucleus (p–A) collisions, the three parameters decrease with the decrease of event centrality from central to peripheral, indicating higher degrees of excitation, quicker expansion velocities and longer evolution times for central collisions. In p–p collisions, the kinetic freeze-out temperature is nearly invariant with the increase of energy, though the transverse flow velocity and proper time increase slightly, in the considered energy range.
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Song, Wen-Yi, und Wendy Taylor. „Pair production of magnetic monopoles and stable high-electric-charge objects in proton–proton and heavy-ion collisions“. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 49, Nr. 4 (25.02.2022): 045002.

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Abstract We describe pair-production models of spin-0 and spin-½ magnetic monopoles and high-electric-charge objects (HECOs) in proton–proton (pp) and heavy-ion collisions, considering both the Drell–Yan (DY) and the photon-fusion processes. In particular, we extend the DY production model of spin-½ HECOs to include Z 0-boson exchange for pp collisions. Furthermore, we explore spin-½ and, for the first time, spin-0 production in ultraperipheral heavy-ion collisions. With matrix element calculations and equivalent photon fluxes implemented in MadGraph5_aMC@NLO, we present leading-order production cross sections of these mechanisms in s = 14 TeV pp collisions and s NN = 5.5 TeV ultraperipheral lead–lead collisions at the LHC. While the mass range accessible in ultraperipheral lead–lead collisions is much lower than that in pp collisions, we find that the theoretical production cross sections are significantly enhanced in the former for masses below 82 GeV.
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Bartsch, Esther. „Results on light (anti)hypernuclei production with ALICE at the LHC“. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2586, Nr. 1 (01.09.2023): 012014.

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Abstract The high collision energies reached at the LHC lead to significant production yields of light (anti)hypernuclei in proton–proton (pp), proton–lead (p–Pb) and, in particular, Pb–Pb collisions. The lightest known hypernucleus is the hypertriton, which is a bound state of a proton, a neutron, and a Λ hyperon. It decays weakly with a decay length of a few centimeters. The excellent tracking and particle identification capabilities of the ALICE detector, exploiting the energy loss measurement of the Time Projection Chamber (TPC) and using the Inner Tracking System (ITS) to distinguish between primary and secondary (decay) vertices, allow for the determination of the hypertriton yield across different collision systems, its lifetime, and its binding energy. The latest hypertriton lifetime measurement in Pb–Pb collisions performed in the 2-body decay channel will be presented. This measurement contributes to the solution of the hypertriton lifetime puzzle. In addition, the hypertriton production in different collision systems and at different energies will be compared to model predictions. Due to its low binding energy, and hence to its large size, the hypertriton is the ideal candidate to distinguish between statistical hadronization and coalescence models. With the precision of the presented yield measurements some variants of the aforementioned models can be excluded.
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Salgado, Carlos A., und Johannes P. Wessels. „Proton–Lead Collisions at the CERN LHC“. Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 66, Nr. 1 (19.10.2016): 449–73.

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Yang, Zhenwei. „LHCb results from the proton-lead collisions“. Nuclear Physics A 956 (Dezember 2016): 693–96.

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A Large Ion Collider Experiment – ALICE will become operational with the startup of the Large Hadron Collider – LHC at the end of 2007. One focus of the physics program is the measurement of quarkonia in proton-proton and lead-lead collisions. Quarkonia states will be measured in two kinematic regions and channels: di-muonic decays will be measured in the forward region by the muon arm, the central part of the detector will measure di-electronic decays. The presented studies show the expected performance of the di-electron measurement in proton-proton and central lead-lead collisions.
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Arleo, François, und Stéphane Peigné. „Quarkonium Suppression from Coherent Energy Loss in Fixed-Target Experiments Using LHC Beams“. Advances in High Energy Physics 2015 (2015): 1–6.

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Quarkonium production in proton-nucleus collisions is a powerful tool to disentangle cold nuclear matter effects. A model based on coherent energy loss is able to explain the available quarkonium suppression data in a broad range of rapidities, from fixed-target to collider energies, suggesting coherent energy loss in cold nuclear matter to be the dominant effect in quarkonium suppression in p-A collisions. This could be further tested in a high-energy fixed-target experiment using a proton or nucleus beam. The nuclear modification factors ofJ/ψandΥas a function of rapidity are computed in p-A collisions ats=114.6 GeV, and in p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions ats=72 GeV. These center-of-mass energies correspond to the collision on fixed-target nuclei of 7 TeV protons and 2.76 TeV (per nucleon) lead nuclei available at the LHC.
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Werthmann, Clemens, Victor E. Ambruş und Sören Schlichting. „Establishing the Range of Applicability of Hydrodynamics in High-Energy Collisions“. EPJ Web of Conferences 296 (2024): 05003.

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We simulate the space-time dynamics of high-energy collisions based on a microscopic kinetic description, in order to determine the range of applicability of an effective description in relativistic viscous hydrodynamics. We find that hydrodynamics provides a quantitatively accurate description of collective flow when the average inverse Reynolds number Re−1 is sufficiently small and the early pre-equilibrium stage is properly accounted for. By determining the breakdown of hydrodynamics as a function of system size and energy, we find that it is quantitatively accurate in central lead-lead collisions at LHC energies, but should not be used in typical proton-lead or proton-proton collisions, where the development of collective flow cannot accurately be described within hydrodynamics.
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Sirunyan, A. M., A. Tumasyan, W. Adam, F. Ambrogi, T. Bergauer, J. Brandstetter, M. Dragicevic et al. „Production of Λc+ baryons in proton-proton and lead-lead collisions at sNN=5.02TeV“. Physics Letters B 803 (April 2020): 135328.

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Zhang, Xu-Hong, Fu-Hu Liu und Khusniddin K. Olimov. „A systematic analysis of transverse momentum spectra of J/ψ mesons in high energy collisions“. International Journal of Modern Physics E 30, Nr. 07 (Juli 2021): 2150051.

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We aggregate the transverse momentum spectra of [Formula: see text] mesons produced in high energy gold–gold (Au–Au), deuteron–gold ([Formula: see text]Au), lead–lead (Pb–Pb), proton–lead ([Formula: see text]–Pb), and proton–(anti)proton ([Formula: see text]–[Formula: see text]) collisions measured by several collaborations at the Relativistic Heavy Ion collider (RHIC), the Tevatron Proton–Antiproton Collider, and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The collision energy (the center-of-mass energy) gets involved in a large range from dozens of GeV to 13 TeV (the top LHC energy). We consider two participant or contributor partons, a charm quark and an anti-charm quark, in the production of [Formula: see text]. The probability density of each quark is described by means of the modified Tsallis–Pareto-type function (the TP-like function) while considering that both quarks make suitable contributions to the [Formula: see text] transverse momentum spectrum. Therefore, the convolution of two TP-like functions is applied to represent the [Formula: see text] spectrum. We adopt the mentioned convolution function to fit the experimental data and find out the trends of the power exponent, effective temperature, and of the revised index with changing the centrality, rapidity, and collision energy. Beyond that, we capture the characteristic of [Formula: see text] spectrum, which is of great significance to better understand the production mechanism of [Formula: see text] in high energy collisions.
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Winn, Michael. „Heavy flavour production in proton–lead and lead–lead collisions with LHCb“. Nuclear Physics A 967 (November 2017): 596–99.

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Akesson, T., Y. Choi, P. Dam, G. DiTorre, C. Fabjan, A. Franz, C. Grupen et al. „The transverse energy distribution in proton-lead collisions“. Nuclear Physics A 447 (Januar 1986): 475–78.

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Ercolessi, Francesca. „Probing the interplay of multiplicity and effective energy on strangeness production in pp collisions with ALICE“. EPJ Web of Conferences 310 (2024): 00017.

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The strong interaction between quarks and gluons, the elementary constituents of the hadronic matter, is described by quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Under extreme conditions of high temperature and energy density, the QCD predicts a transition from the hadronic phase to a colour deconfined medium called quark-gluon plasma (QGP). The QGP can be investigated in the laboratory through ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions, such as the ones between lead (Pb) ions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. The enhanced production of strange hadrons in heavy-ion collisions with respect to proton-proton (pp) collisions was historically considered one of the signatures of QGP formation. At the LHC, the ALICE Collaboration observed that the ratio of strange to non-strange hadron yields increases with the charged-particle multiplicity at midrapidity, starting from pp collisions and evolving smoothly across larger interaction systems and energies, ultimately reaching Pb-Pb collisions. The origin of this effect in small collision systems remains an open question. This work exploits a novel approach to study strangeness production in pp collisions, introducing, for the first time, the concept of effective energy in hadronic collisions at the LHC.
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Malecki, Bartosz. „Bose–Einstein Correlations in pp and pPb Collisions at LHCb †“. Universe 5, Nr. 4 (25.04.2019): 95.

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Bose–Einstein correlations for same-sign charged pions from proton–proton collisions at s = 7 TeV are studied by the Large Hadron Collider beauty (LHCb) experiment. Correlation radii and chaoticity parameters are determined for different regions of charged-particle multiplicity using a double-ratio technique and a Levy parametrization of the correlation function. The correlation radius increases with the charged-particle multiplicity, while the chaoticity parameter decreases, which is consistent with observations from other experiments. A similar study for proton-lead collisions at s N N = 5 . 02 TeV is proposed. These results can give valuable input for the theoretical models that describe the evolution of the particle source, probing both its potential dependence on pseudorapidity region and differences between proton–proton and proton–lead systems.
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Gao, Li-Na, Fu-Hu Liu und Bao-Chun Li. „Rapidity Dependent Transverse Momentum Spectra of Heavy Quarkonia Produced in Small Collision Systems at the LHC“. Advances in High Energy Physics 2019 (22.05.2019): 1–17.

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The rapidity dependent transverse momentum spectra of heavy quarkonia (J/ψ and Υ mesons) produced in small collision systems such as proton-proton (pp) and proton-lead (p-Pb) collisions at center-of-mass energy (per nucleon pair) s (sNN) = 5-13 TeV are described by a two-component statistical model which is based on the Tsallis statistics and inverse power-law. The experimental data measured by the LHCb Collaboration at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are well fitted by the model results. The related parameters are obtained and the dependence of parameters on rapidity is analyzed.
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Zhu, Jianhui. „Charm-baryon enhancement and charm fragmentation fractions in small systems measured with ALICE“. EPJ Web of Conferences 259 (2022): 12003.

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Recent measurements of charm-baryon production at midrapidity by the ALICE collaboration show baryon-to-meson yield ratios significantly higher than those measured in e+e− collisions, suggesting that the charm fragmentations are not universal across different collisions systems. Thus, measurements of charm-baryon production are crucial to study the charm quark hadronisation in proton–proton (pp) collisions. In proton–lead (p–Pb) collisions, the measurements of charm baryons provide important information about cold nuclear matter effects and help to understand how the possible presence of collective effects could modify the production of heavy-flavour hadrons. In this contribution, the most recent results on open charm-hadron production in pp and p–Pb collisions measured by ALICE are discussed.
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Zhu, Jianhui. „Charm-baryon enhancement and charm fragmentation fractions in small systems measured with ALICE“. EPJ Web of Conferences 259 (2022): 12006.

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Recent measurements of charm-baryon production at midrapidity by the ALICE collaboration show baryon-to-meson yield ratios significantly higher than those measured in e+e− collisions, suggesting that the charm fragmentations are not universal across different collisions systems. Thus, measurements of charm-baryon production are crucial to study the charm quark hadronisation in proton–proton (pp) collisions. In proton–lead (p–Pb) collisions, the measurements of charm baryons provide important information about cold nuclear matter effects and help to understand how the possible presence of collective effects could modify the production of heavy-flavour hadrons. In this contribution, the most recent results on open charm-hadron production in pp and p–Pb collisions measured by ALICE are discussed.
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Trzupek, Adam. „Recent ATLAS results on flow measurements in lead-lead and proton-lead collisions“. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 509 (07.05.2014): 012030.

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Helenius, Ilkka, und Hannu Paukkunen. „Double D-meson production in proton-proton and proton-lead collisions at the LHC“. Physics Letters B 800 (Januar 2020): 135084.

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Cleymans, Jean, Boris Hippolyte, Masimba W. Paradza und Natasha Sharma. „Hadron resonance gas model and high multiplicities in p–p, p–Pb and Pb–Pb collisions at the LHC“. International Journal of Modern Physics E 28, Nr. 09 (September 2019): 1940002.

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Recent work on the particle composition (hadrochemistry) of the final state in proton–proton (p–p), proton–lead (p–Pb) and lead–lead (Pb–Pb) collisions as a function of the charged particle multiplicity ([Formula: see text]) is reviewed. It is argued that for high multiplicities (at least about 20 charged hadrons in the mid-rapidity interval), consistent results are obtained in the thermal model.
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Lao, Hai-Ling, Ya-Qin Gao und Fu-Hu Liu. „Light Particle and Quark Chemical Potentials from Negatively to Positively Charged Particle Yield Ratios Corrected by Removing Strong and Weak Decays“. Advances in High Energy Physics 2020 (09.01.2020): 1–11.

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The yield ratios of negatively to positively charged pions (π−/π+), negatively to positively charged kaons (K−/K+), and anti-protons to protons (p¯/p) produced in mid-rapidity interval in central gold-gold (Au-Au) collisions, central lead-lead (Pb-Pb) collisions, and inelastic (INEL) or non-single-diffractive (NSD) proton-proton (pp) collisions, as well as in forward rapidity region in INEL pp collisions are analyzed in the present work. Over an energy range from a few GeV to above 10 TeV, the chemical potentials of light flavor particles (pion, kaon, and proton) and quarks (up, down, and strange quarks) are extracted from the mentioned yield ratios in which the contributions of strong decay from high-mass resonance and weak decay from heavy flavor hadrons are removed. Most energy dependent chemical potentials show the maximum at about 4 GeV, while the energy dependent yield ratios do not show such an extremum.
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Yang, Pei-Pin, Mai-Ying Duan, Fu-Hu Liu und Raghunath Sahoo. „Analysis of Identified Particle Transverse Momentum Spectra Produced in pp, p–Pb and Pb–Pb Collisions at the LHC Using TP-like Function“. Symmetry 14, Nr. 8 (26.07.2022): 1530.

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In the framework of a multi-source thermal model at the partonic level, we have analyzed transverse momentum spectra of hadrons measured by the ALICE Collaboration in proton–proton (pp or p–p) collisions at the center-of-mass energy of s=7 and 13 TeV, proton–lead (p–Pb) collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV, and lead–lead (Pb–Pb) collisions at sNN=2.76 TeV. For mesons (baryons), the contributions of two (three) constituent quarks are considered, in which each quark contributes to hadron transverse momentum to obey the revised phenomenological Tsallis transverse momentum distribution for Maxwell–Boltzmann particles (the TP-like function, in short) with isotropic random azimuthal angles. Three main parameters, namely, the revised index a0, effective temperature T, and entropy-related index n, are obtained, showing the same tendency for both small and large systems with respect to the centrality (or multiplicity) of events, the rest mass of hadrons, and the constituent mass of quarks.
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Liu, Jinfeng, und Zhen Hu. „Observations of double J/ψ in pPb collisions and triple J/ψ in pp collisions“. EPJ Web of Conferences 312 (2024): 06005.

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Multi parton scattering (MPI) research has great importance in the field of high energy physics. Two recent outcomes of MPI studies conducted by the CMS collaboration at the LHC are presents. The first observation of double J/ψ production in proton-lead (pPb) collisions is reported, as well as the first observation of the concurrent production of triple J/ψ in proton-proton (pp) collisions. Both studies provide calculations of the effective cross section.
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Badshah, Murad, Abd Haj Ismail, Muhammad Waqas, Muhammad Ajaz, Mateen Ullah Mian, Elmuez A. Dawi, Muhammad Adil Khan und Atef AbdelKader. „Excitation Function of Freeze-Out Parameters in Symmetric Nucleus–Nucleus and Proton–Proton Collisions at the Same Collision Energy“. Symmetry 15, Nr. 8 (08.08.2023): 1554.

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We analyze the transverse momentum (pT) spectra of π+, π−, K+, K−, p, p¯, Λ, Λ¯, Ξ, Ξ¯, Ω−, Ω¯+ or Ω−+Ω¯+ in different centrality intervals in gold–gold (Au–Au) and lead–lead (Pb–Pb) symmetric collisions at 200 GeV and 2.76 TeV, respectively, by Tsallis–Pareto-type function. Proton–proton collisions at the same centre of mass energies are also analyzed for these particles to compare the results obtained from these systems. The present work extracts the effective temperature T, non-extensivity parameter (q), the mean transverse momentum spectra (⟨pT⟩), the multiplicity parameter (N0), kinetic freeze-out temperature (T0) and transverse flow velocity (βT). We reported a plateau structure of pT, T, T0, βT, pT and q in central collisions. Beyond the plateau region, the excitation function of all the above parameters decreases towards the periphery, except q, which has a reverse trend. The multiplicity parameter is also extracted, which is found to be decreasing towards the periphery from the central collisions. In addition, we observed that the excitation function of pp collisions is nearly the same to that of the most peripheral symmetric nucleus–nucleus collisions at the same colliding energy. Throughout the analyses, the same multiplicity parameters for particles and their antiparticles have been reported, which show the symmetric production of particles and their antiparticles.
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Xie, Ya-Ping, und Xurong Chen. „Meson production in two-photon interaction in pp and pA ultraperipheral collisions at the LHC and FCC“. International Journal of Modern Physics E 27, Nr. 09 (September 2018): 1850075.

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Meson cross-sections are evaluated in two-photon interaction in hadron–hadron ultraperipheral collisions at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and Future Circular Collider (FCC). Two models of the equivalent photon flux are employed in the calculations. Cross-sections of meson production in proton–proton and proton-lead ultraperipheral collisions are presented in this paper. These meson cross-sections in two-photon interaction can be applied to predict cross-sections in the experiments at the LHC and FCC.
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Khatun, Anisa. „Measurement of J/Ψ production as a function of multiplicity in pp and p-Pb collisions with ALICE“. EPJ Web of Conferences 182 (2018): 02064.

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The increase of hard probe production as a function of the charged particle multiplicity in proton-proton and proton-lead collisions is considered to be an interesting observable for the study of multiple parton interactions. In the present work, the correlation between J/Ψ production and charged particle multiplicity has been reviewed in pp collisions at √s = 7 and 13 TeV and p-Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV at mid- and forward rapidities. The J/√ measurement in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV using events triggered by the ALICE electromagnetic calorimeter at midrapidity is discussed in this report, too. An increment of the relative J/Ψ yields has been observed as a function of the multiplicity. The results have also been compared to theoretical model predictions.
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Behera, A. „Measurement of Long-range Azimuthal Correlations in Proton--Proton and Proton--Lead Collisions with ATLAS“. Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement 12, Nr. 2 (2019): 247.

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Dembinski, Hans P. „LHCb: Recent results related to cosmic ray interactions“. EPJ Web of Conferences 208 (2019): 05003.

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The LHCb experiment is designed to study flavor physics of b and c quarks. The detector is optimized for the study of identified hadrons produced in the forward direction, which also makes LHCb very interesting for the understanding of cosmic-ray induced air showers. LHCb is analysing proton-proton, protonlead, and lead-lead collisions. As a unique feature, LHCb is also studying beam interactions with noble gases using its SMOG system. We present recent measurements of charmed mesons, which are used to obtain production cross-sections, to constrain the parton PDF, to test pomeron and multi-particle interactions, nuclear and collective effects. These mostly have an indirect impact on the modeling of hadronic interactions. Finally, we present a direct measurement of the anti-proton production in proton collisions with helium gas, which are important for the understanding of AMS-02 and PAMELA data.
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Dembinski, Hans P. „LHCb: Recent results related to cosmic ray interactions“. EPJ Web of Conferences 208 (2019): 15005.

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The LHCb experiment is designed to study flavor physics of b and c quarks. The detector is optimized for the study of identified hadrons produced in the forward direction, which also makes LHCb very interesting for the understanding of cosmic-ray induced air showers. LHCb is analysing proton-proton, protonlead, and lead-lead collisions. As a unique feature, LHCb is also studying beam interactions with noble gases using its SMOG system. We present recent measurements of charmed mesons, which are used to obtain production cross-sections, to constrain the parton PDF, to test pomeron and multi-particle interactions, nuclear and collective effects. These mostly have an indirect impact on the modeling of hadronic interactions. Finally, we present a direct measurement of the anti-proton production in proton collisions with helium gas, which are important for the understanding of AMS-02 and PAMELA data.
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Zhang, Xu-Hong, Fu-Hu Liu, Khusniddin K. Olimov und Airton Deppman. „Random Statistical Analysis of Transverse Momentum Spectra of Strange Particles and Dependence of Related Parameters on Centrality in High Energy Collisions at the LHC“. Advances in High Energy Physics 2022 (02.11.2022): 1–20.

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We have studied the transverse momentum ( p T ) spectra of the final-state strange particles, including K ± , ϕ , Ξ , and Ω , produced in high energy lead–lead (Pb–Pb), proton–lead ( p –Pb), xenon–xenon (Xe–Xe) collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Taking into account the contribution of multiquark composition, whose probability density distribution is described by the modified Tsallis–Pareto-type function; we simulate the p T spectra of the final-state strange particles by a Monte Carlo method, which is shown to be in good agreement with the experimental data in most the cases. The kinetic freeze-out parameters are obtained. The present method provides a new tool for studying the spectra of various particles produced in high energy collisions, reflecting more realistically the collision process, which is of great significance to study the formation and properties of the produced particles.
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HERTEN, GREGOR. „THE FIRST YEAR OF THE LARGE HADRON COLLIDER: A BRIEF REVIEW“. Modern Physics Letters A 26, Nr. 12 (20.04.2011): 843–55.

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The first year of LHC data taking provided an integrated luminosity of about 35 pb-1 in proton–proton collisions at [Formula: see text]. The accelerator and the experiments have demonstrated an excellent performance. The experiments have obtained important physics results in many areas, ranging from tests of the Standard Model to searches for new particles. Among other results, the physics highlights have been the measurements of the W-, Z-boson and [Formula: see text] production cross-sections, improved limits on supersymmetric and other hypothetical particles and the observation of jet-quenching, elliptical flow and J/ψ suppression in lead–lead collisions at [Formula: see text].
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Ke, Weiyao, und Ivan Vitev. „Transverse-momentum-dependent (TMD) factorization in reactions with nuclei: From Drell-Yan to hadron production“. EPJ Web of Conferences 296 (2024): 13002.

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We study cold nuclear matter effects on Drell-Yan production at small and moderate pT in proton/pion-nucleus collisions using a new transversemomentum dependent (TMD) factorization framework. Both collisional broadening and medium-induced radiative corrections in the initial state are considered in the soft-collinear effective theory with Glauber gluons (SCETG) approach. We demonstrate that in-medium bremsstrahlung exhibits rapidity divergences as x → 1 and collinear divergences at the endpoints x = 0, 1 of the medium-induced emission spectra. We further show that the rapidity divergences lead to the Balitsky-Fadin-Kuraev-Lipatov (BFKL) evolution of the collision kernel and can be resummed into the transverse momentum broadening of particle production. In turn, the endpoints divergences of in-medium radiation can be resummed through the collinear evolution of parton densities in nuclear matter. The TMD factorization framework is applied to understand the transverse-momentum spectra of Drell-Yan pair production in pA and πA collisions and provides calculations with improved accuracy for hadron production in cold QCD processes at RHIC and LHC.
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Spousta, M. „Physics of Ridge and Hard Processes in Proton--Lead and Lead--Lead Collisions with ATLAS“. Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement 11, Nr. 3 (2018): 595.

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Caliandro, Rocco. „Hyperon production in proton-lead and lead-lead collisions at 158 GeV/c per nucleon“. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 48, S1 (Januar 1998): 69–74.

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Chandra, Soumik. „Measurements of charm quark production and hadronization at CMS“. EPJ Web of Conferences 296 (2024): 09012.

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The study of charm quark hadrons is an important probe into the hadronization of heavy quarks. More specifically, we present results on the production of Λc baryon, the nuclear modification factors (RAA), and the Λc/D0 yield ratios at √SNN = 5.02 TeV in proton-proton (pp) collisions and in different centrality regions in lead-lead (PbPb) collisions, using data recorded with the CMS detector in 2017 and 2018, respectively. The reported RAA for Λc provides useful information regarding the energy loss mechanism and the hadronization processes of charm quark in the quark-gluon plasma. The transverse momentum (pT) dependence of the RAA is similar to that of other charm and beauty hadrons but with its minimum shifted towards higher pT. Comparing the Λc/D0 production ratio in pp and PbPb collisions suggests that coalescence as a hadronization process is not significant for pT > 10 GeV/c. The ratio becomes comparable to the measurements in e+e− collisions for pT > 30 GeV/c. We also present results of the Λc baryon and D0 meson production and their ratios in proton-lead (pPb) collisions at √SNN = 8.16 TeV as a function of pT and final-state multiplicity using the data recorded by the CMS experiment in 2016. We do not observe significant multiplicity dependence for the baryon over meson ratio for charm hadrons. Based on a previous study, the difference between the results from charm quarks and those from light quarks suggests coalescence processes for heavy quarks do not increase further with multiplicity, unlike light quarks.
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Albacete, Javier L. „Testing the CGC in proton–lead collisions at the LHC“. Nuclear Physics A 910-911 (August 2013): 155–62.

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Topilskaya, N. S. „Charmonium production in proton-proton collisions and in collisions of lead nuclei at CERN and comparison with Brookhaven data“. Physics of Atomic Nuclei 76, Nr. 10 (Oktober 2013): 1196–204.

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Lao, Hai-Ling, Ya-Qin Gao und Fu-Hu Liu. „Energy Dependent Chemical Potentials of Light Particles and Quarks from Yield Ratios of Antiparticles to Particles in High Energy Collisions“. Universe 5, Nr. 6 (14.06.2019): 152.

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We collect the yields of charged pions ( π − and π + ), charged kaons ( K − and K + ), anti-protons ( p ¯ ), and protons (p) produced in mid-rapidity interval (in most cases) in central gold–gold (Au–Au), central lead–lead (Pb–Pb), and inelastic or non-single-diffractive proton–proton ( p p ) collisions at different collision energies. The chemical potentials of light particles and quarks are extracted from the yield ratios, π − / π + , K − / K + , and p ¯ / p , of antiparticles to particles over an energy range from a few GeV to above 10 TeV. At a few GeV (∼4 GeV), the chemical potentials show, and the yield ratios do not show, different trends comparing with those at other energies, although the limiting values of the chemical potentials and the yield ratios at very high energy are 0 and 1, respectively.
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Bursche, Albert. „Highlights from LHCb“. EPJ Web of Conferences 171 (2018): 01008.

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The recent highlights from LHCb in soft QCD and Heavy Ion physics are presented. This includes measurements from collisions of proton and lead [see formula in PDF] ion beams with other beams as well as noble gas targets. An outlook on future analyses of [see formula in PDF] collisions is presented.
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Chen, Ya-Hui, Fu-Hu Liu und Roy A. Lacey. „Event Patterns Extracted from Transverse Momentum and Rapidity Spectra ofZBosons and Quarkonium States Produced in pp and Pb-Pb Collisions at LHC“. Advances in High Energy Physics 2016 (2016): 1–19.

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Transverse momentum (pT) and rapidity (y) spectra ofZbosons and quarkonium states (some charmoniumcc¯mesons such asJ/ψandψ(2S)and some bottomoniumbb¯mesons such asΥ(1S),Υ(2S), andΥ(3S)) produced in proton-proton (pp) and lead-lead (Pb-Pb) collisions at the large hadron collider (LHC) are uniformly described by a hybrid model of two-component Erlang distribution forpTspectrum and two-component Gaussian distribution foryspectrum. The former distribution results from a multisource thermal model, and the latter one results from the revised Landau hydrodynamic model. The modelling results are in agreement with the experimental data measured in pp collisions at center-of-mass energiess=2.76and 7 TeV and in Pb-Pb collisions at center-of-mass energy per nucleon pairsNN=2.76 TeV. Based on the parameter values extracted frompTandyspectra, the event patterns (particle scatter plots) in two-dimensionalpT-yspace and in three-dimensional velocity space are obtained.
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Mäntysaari, Heikki, Björn Schenke, Chun Shen und Prithwish Tribedy. „Imprints of fluctuating proton shapes on flow in proton-lead collisions at the LHC“. Physics Letters B 772 (September 2017): 681–86.

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Gao, Li-Na, und Fu-Hu Liu. „Comparing Erlang Distribution and Schwinger Mechanism on Transverse Momentum Spectra in High Energy Collisions“. Advances in High Energy Physics 2016 (2016): 1–15.

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We study the transverse momentum spectra ofJ/ψandΥmesons by using two methods: the two-component Erlang distribution and the two-component Schwinger mechanism. The results obtained by the two methods are compared and found to be in agreement with the experimental data of proton-proton (pp), proton-lead (p-Pb), and lead-lead (Pb-Pb) collisions measured by the LHCb and ALICE Collaborations at the large hadron collider (LHC). The related parameters such as the mean transverse momentum contributed by each parton in the first (second) component in the two-component Erlang distribution and the string tension between two partons in the first (second) component in the two-component Schwinger mechanism are extracted.
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Armesto, Néstor. „Small collision systems: Theory overview on cold nuclear matter effects“. EPJ Web of Conferences 171 (2018): 11001.

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Many observables measured at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider and the Large Hadron Collider show a smooth transition between proton-proton and protonnucleus collisions (small systems), and nucleus-nucleus collisions (large systems), when represented versus some variable like the multiplicity in the event. In this contribution I review some of the physics mechanisms, named cold nuclear matter effects, that may lead to a collective-like behaviour in small systems beyond the macroscopic description provided by relativistic hydrodynamics. I focus on the nuclear modification of parton densities, single inclusive particle production and correlations.
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Grabowska-Bold, Iwona. „Measurements of vector boson production in lead–lead and proton–lead collisions with the ATLAS detector“. Nuclear Physics A 931 (November 2014): 724–28.

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