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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Poussière carbonée"
Martin, D., I. Dufourt, E. Graf, M. Litzenberger, J. Papin und P. Brochard. „Étude épidémiologique rétrospective sur des salariés exposés à des poussières de composite carbone/carbone“. Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l'Environnement 71, Nr. 4 (September 2010): 644–52.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBouzidi, Belkacem, und Mourad Haddadi. „Implication financière des GES pour le développement des systèmes photovoltaïques de pompage de l’eau“. Journal of Renewable Energies 10, Nr. 4 (31.12.2007).
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDissertationen zum Thema "Poussière carbonée"
Boutéraon, Thomas. „Nano-poussières carbonées dans les disques protoplanétaires“. Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2019.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis focuses on spectroscopic signatures of carbon nanoparticles in the near and mid-infrared in protoplanetary disks. These signatures are widely observed in the interstellar medium and galaxies and thus represent an essential tool for studying their physical conditions. In particular, their study in the circumstellar environments of Herbig stars contributes to our knowledge of the formation of planetary systems and the dust cycle in the MilkyWay. Even if dust represents only a small percentage of galactic matter, it is key to the formation of complex chemical species, photoelectric gas heating, energy balance or structural dynamics. Thus, it participates directly in the evolution of protoplanetary disks.This work is based in particular on spatially resolved spectroscopic observation data obtained with the NaCo instrument at the VLT in the near infrared between 3 and 4 μm. The THEMIS model provides an interpretative framework for observations by proposing a physical dust model in which optical properties are calculated by considering the composition, structure and size of grain populations. THEMIS proposes a scenario of its evolution through the different phasesof the interstellar medium.The results obtained show that carbon sub-nanoparticles with high aromaticity are present in a widespread and structured manner at the surface ofprotoplanetary disks. Their degree of aromaticity increases with the intensity of the stellar radiation field. Moreover, the observation of these particles close to the star suggests their continuous replenishment. Modelling the dust emission under disk conditions highlights the contributions of dust populations according to the wavelength and the radiation field.This work is related to the preparation of the James Webb Space Telescope mission which will allow to observe protoplanetary disks over a wide infrared range (0.6-28 μm) with a resolution of 0.1”. This work also led to the production of two articles, one published and the other submitted to the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics
Grieco, Francesco. „Le rôle de la poussière carbonée dans le milieu interstellaire en tant que catalyseur pour la formation de molécules et la croissance des grains“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., CY Cergy Paris Université, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis Thesis presents a comprehensive study of the interaction between dust grains andvarious gas-phase species in the ISM. The main results involve the use of surfaces likeices and coronene, a surface that resembles polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs),with gas-phase H and O elements. We investigate how dust grains can catalyze the formation of new molecules through processes like adsorption, diffusion, surface reactions and desorption in typical ISM conditions.The Thesis includes three experimental Chapters (4, 5 and 6), performed at LERMACYUby using the FORMOLISM setup, that are complemented by two theoretical studies(Chapters 8 and 9), conducted with Cloudy and Nautilus codes at UGent. The experiments focus on the role that different dust grain surfaces and ice layers have onthe Binding Energies (BEs) of molecules (Chapter 4), on the experimental formation ofH2 on coronene up to 250 K (Chapter 5) and on the formation of solid water on dustat temperatures up to 85 K (Chapter 6). Several astrophysical implications are alsodiscussed.The results presented in Chapter 5 show how H2 can form in molecular clouds with dusttemperatures >20 K and this is extremely relevant to explain the efficient H2 and starformation in high redshift galaxies. Chapter 6 gives new insights on the formation oficy mantles that could be forming at higher temperature than previously demonstrated,being a significant way to explain the gas-phase elemental O depletion observed in suchconditions. Moreover, the disappearance of PAHs in the transition from diffuse to denseclouds could be explained by the dust grains starting to be covered by ice layers. InChapter 8 we study the effect of the high temperature experimental H2 formation onPAHs on the location of the dissociation front (DF) in a classical PDR picture, bymodelling it with Cloudy. From a basic implementation of the experimental results ofChapter 5 in the code, it has been challenging to quantify such effect. This underlineshow a lot of work still needs to be done on models to better match observations. InChapter 9 some questions regarding O depletion in translucent clouds and grain growthintroduced in Chapter 6 are addressed with Nautilus. By using an innovative strategy,we were able to reproduce C and O depletions in translucent cloud conditions by lockingthem in two separate surface species upon adsorption, reproducing the molecular structure ratio of organic carbonates.This Thesis shows the incredible catalytic nature of PAHs and their capacity to enablechemisorption processes for the formation of molecules at high dust temperatures. Thisis an important result that can be linked to the new discoveries reporting the possibilityof having grain growth at lower nH
Peng, Yan. „Synthèse et caractérisation de poussières carbonées dans une décharge radiofréquence“. Thesis, Nancy 1, 2009.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe formation of carbon dust in tokamaks raises currently several real problems (safety, energy losses ...). To understand the mechanisms of these powders’ formation (size distribution, spatial distribution and transportation) and then find out a way to limit their role, an experimental study was carried out in a radiofrequency discharge Ar/C2H2. The plasma and these carbon powders were characterized by different techniques (optical emission spectroscopy, scattering of radiation, in-situ FTIR, fast camera, SEM and ex-situ FTIR). The scattering of polychromatic radiation (IR and Ultra violet-visible-near infrared) was used to obtain some information about the powders’ spatial distribution and the evolution of their size distribution. A model, based on the Mie theory and associated with the method of Monte Carlo, was developed to reproduce the optical measurements in-situ. The comparison between experiments and numerical simulations provides new roads in terms of interpretation and analysis of their results. This study is the first step to determine in real-time the dust size and density by coupling the optical measurements with the numerical model based on the Mie theory
Vatry, Aude. „Mise en suspension par laser de poussières générées lors du fonctionnement des réacteurs de fusion“. Thesis, Aix-Marseille 2, 2010.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDuring tokamak operation, plasma-wall interactions lead to material erosion processand dusts production. These dusts are mainly composed by carbon and tungsten, with sizesranging from 10 nm to 100 $m. For safety reasons and to guarantee an optimum reactorfunctioning, the dusts have to be kept in reasonable quantity. The dusts mobilization is a firststep to collect them, and the laser is a promising technique for this application. To optimizethe cleaning, physical mechanisms responsible for dust ejection induced by laser have beenidentified. Some particles, such as aggregates, are directly ablated by the laser. The metaldroplets are ejected intact by an electrostatic force, induced by the photoelectrons. We alsocharacterized the particles ejection to choose an appropriate collection device
Cao, Anh Tuan. „Propriétés des nanograins carbonés interstellaires : exploration au laboratoire“. Paris 11, 2008.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis work concerns the study of carbonaceous material in the laboratory in relation to interstellar carbonaceaous material. The observation of this material makes a particular use of infrared spectroscopy. That’s why we sought to synthesize analogues of carbonaceous interstellar grains and realize their spectroscopy in the range 7000 cm -1 – 600 cm -1, in order to compare the obtained patterns with the observed spectral signatures in the interstellar medium. The first part of the work consisted in the completion of the set-up and in the development of the “nanograins” experiment at the Laboratoire de Photophysique Moléculaire in Orsay – France. This set-up allows to mount a flame burning under low pressure and to collect products after sampling in the reactive environment under controlled conditions. The experimental settings were adjusted so as to keep the flame and produce soot, the carbon material which retained most of our attention. Deposits from condensation of species in the flame have been collected and its components analyzed by infrared absorption spectroscopy. We have studied the flame in the gas phase and also studied the effect of laser and ion irradiation on deposits. We were able to trace the path of evolution of the solid phase soot from the flame depending on various conditions of the flame. The spectra of some deposits demonstrate their strong aromatic character. We found an agreement with the signals of the interstellar medium class B and class C. This result combined with those from the analysis by raman spectroscopy and mass spectrometry, will be valuable tools to seek for an agreement with the signals of class A of the interstellar medium
Demasy, Clément. „Solubility and bioavailability of Patagonian dust in the future Southern Ocean“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris Cité, 2023.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThroughout geological time, the Southern Ocean has played a major role in regulating the Earth's surface climate and in particular in the reduction of atmospheric CO2. This oceanic region is the most important biological pump of carbon and through the photosynthesis of phytoplankton allows the sequestration of carbon in the deep ocean. This decrease would have been caused by dust deposits which, by bringing elements such as iron in areas limited in micronutrients, fertilize the ocean surface and allow the activation of the biological carbon pump. Nowadays, the entering into the Anthropocene era has been marked by the impact that human activity has exerted on its environment. Anthropogenic activity that generates the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere causes a greenhouse effect on the surface of the Earth and upsets the environmental balance. This study investigates the Southern Ocean which is biogeochemical paradox zone with high concentration of macronutrients but low biological productivity. In 1990 John Martin elaborated the "Iron hypothesis" hence iron (micronutrients) restricts phytoplankton growth. Dust is major source of metals in the surface ocean. In the Southern Ocean, dust have mainly a South America (Patagonian dust) origin. Input from South America contributed to 58% of the total dust into the Southern Ocean and will increase by two fold higher with the future environmental changes. During the last glacial maximal in the Southern Ocean, dust input would have decreased the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. Moreover, in the small timescale there are tests of artificial iron fertilization performed in Southern Ocean have demonstrated high biological productivity. The overall aim of this work is to better characterize and quantify the fraction of metals that solubilizes from Patagonian dust in seawater under actual and future conditions (2100) and to improve predictions of the phytoplankton evolution in response to intensification of Patagonian dust input and other multi-stressor changes in the Southern Ocean in order to evaluate the impacts on carbon production
Galvez, Aymeric. „Elaboration, organisation et proprietes optiques de nanoparticules de carbone modeles de poussieres interstellaires“. Orléans, 1999.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGUILLOIS, OLIVIER. „Les charbons en tant que modeles des poussieres circum- et interstellaires carbonees“. Paris 11, 1996.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDominique, Claire. „Etude d'une décharge à pulvérisaion cathodique pour la production de poussières carbonées et étude de la croissance des nanoparticules produites“. Aix-Marseille 1, 2006.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleWe study the dusts growth in gas phase from graphite target sputtering in argon glow discharges. The target sputtering by ions and energetic neutrals bombardment allows carbon injection. By using models we estimate the carbon flux. Then, the evolution of the sputtered carbon atoms energy distribution during their transport in the plasma shows that they quickly cool by collisions with argon atoms. This produces a supersaturated carbon vapour which condensation induces formation of dust precursors. Dusts are detected in situ by laser attenuation, then collected and analysed by SEM, HRTEM and IR spectroscopy to get information on their size, morphology, chemical and structural composition. The dusts are higher than 20 nm, more or less spherical and cauliflower-like shaped. The evolution of the dust sizes distribution as well as the growth law as a function of discharge duration were experimentally established and reveal a growth mechanism by accretion of neutral carbonaceous clusters
Bérard, Rémi. „Formation et croissance par voie plasma d'analogues en laboratoire de poussières d'étoiles : exploration du rôle du rapport C/O et des métaux“. Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2019.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDust formation is a fundamental topic in both cold plasma physics and astrophysics. This PhD thesis, carried out at the interface between these two fields, aims to better understand the formation of stardust. The problem is treated experimentally in cold plasmas and discussed in the context of the environment of evolved stars. We observe the formation of successive generations of dust due to pulsed injection of hexamethyldisiloxane (HMDSO: Si2O(CH3)3) in a capacitively-coupled radiofrequency asymmetric plasma sustained in argon. The used molecular precursor contains potential stardust forming elements, like carbon, oxygen, silicon and hydrogen. Our approach involves different steps: study of the dust formation in the plasma, dust collection, characterization of the dust properties and correlation of the plasma parameters with the dust characteristics. We have thus succeeded to identify optimum conditions for the formation of organosilicon dust with typical size of 50 nm. A major factor impacting dust formation in evolved stars is the variation of the C/O ratio, which is though to determine two large families of stardust, silicates (C/O < 1) and carbonaceous dust (C/O > 1). To explore this effect, we have enriched the Ar/HMDSO mixture with oxygen aiming at a variation of the C/O ratio in the plasma. Above a certain quantity of oxygen, dust is not formed anymore in the plasma. The abundance of oxygen limits dust formation through inhibition of the dust seeds in the gas phase. Instead, deposition of a silica-like matrix is favored. The role of metals is studied through sputtering of a silver target during organosilicon dust formation. We have demonstrated the formation of dust with composite structure in this case. Dust contains crystalline silver nanoparticles that attach to the amorphous organosilicon dust during their growth phase. Moreover, the presence of silver leads to a large variety of molecules composed of species containing Ag and/or Si and hydrocarbon species. Those molecules reveal a complex chemistry around three competitive processes at molecular scale: dust formation involving molecules such as SiCH3 or SiOCH3, metallic grains with clusters of Agn and aromatic molecules of large size such as C16H10 and C24H12, whose formation path involves radicals and possibly an organometallic chemistry as revealed by AgC5H6 and AgC13H8. The above results demonstrate the undoubted necessity to tackle stardust formation by taking into account the chemical complexity of these media
Buchteile zum Thema "Poussière carbonée"
Bellali, Abderrahmane. „Recherches sur la Sustainability“. In Recherches sur la Sustainability, 368–85. EMS Editions, 2023.
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