Dissertationen zum Thema „Pope Franics“
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Copeland, M. Shawn, Francesco C. 1959 Cesareo, Mar Muñoz-Visoso und Richard 1958 Gaillardetz. „Pope Francis and the future of the global Church:“. The Church in the 21st Century Center at Boston College, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/2345/bc-ir:103959.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleTurner, Adam Chase. „Framing a Pope: Analyzing Media Frames in The New York Times Coverage of Pope Francis“. Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/91391.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMaster of Arts
Since Pope Francis’ election, the mass media has focused heavily on his statements and actions. Previous literature attests to the notion that Pope Francis is unique among his predecessors when it comes to media coverage, primarily due to his propensity to make statements or moral recommendations that seemingly oppose or deviate from traditional Catholic values. This thesis explores the relationship between Pope Francis and the American mass media by analyzing 226 articles published by The New York Times within the first six years of his Papacy. The findings of this thesis point to notions related to the valence of Papal coverage, which began as primarily positive but have shifted in nature from the beginning of Francis’ Papacy. The findings of this thesis also point towards the religious nature of Papal coverage and also the potential for sexscandal coverage to shift representation of the Pope.
As pessoas com deficiência são pessoas fantásticas porque elas são doadoras e não sugadoras. Elas podem nos ensinar a viver uma vida de felicidade e alegria apesar do sofrimento. Papa Francisco é consciente de que o sofrimento está relacionado com a cultura do descarte. É por isso que ele sempre lembra a todos que ouçam as vozes de nossos irmãos e irmãs que são pobres, doentes, marginalizados. Ele deseja promover a cultura do encontro porque a cultura do encontro é o oposto da cultura do descarte cujas vítimas são precisamente as pessoas mais frágeis e vulneráveis. Olhar o mundo pelas lentes do encontro é perceber a presença de Deus que é misericordioso e que nos precede no amor. Papa Francisco nos encoraja no sentido de que sejamos para as pessoas com deficiência como Bons Samaritanos, e tenhamos para com essas pessoas solidariedade, caridade e misericórdia. Ele diz que nós não devemos ter medo de abrir as portas e sair para o encontro servindo com amor e ternura especialmente às pessoas com deficiência porque elas são recursos de humanidade.
The disabled people are great persons because they are givers and not takers. They can teach us to live a life with joy and laughter in spite of the pain. Pope Francis is conscious that the cause of the pain has to do with a throw-away culture. That is why he always reminds everybody to hear the voices of our brothers and sisters who are poor, sick, marginalized. He wants to promote the culture of encounter because the culture of encounter is the opposite of the throw-away culture whose victims are precisely the weakest and most fragile human beings. To see the world through the lens of encounter is to realize a presence of a merciful God who first encounters us in love. Pope Francis encourages us to take the disabled person on as Good Samaritans, with solidarity, charity and mercy. He says that we don t have to fear of opening the doors and going out to encounter, serving with love and tenderness especially the disabled people because they are true resources of humanity.
Piccinin, Antonella. „Catholic public reason: John Rawls and catholic social teaching: from Vatican II to Pope Francis“. Doctoral thesis, Luiss Guido Carli, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/11385/201122.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleHong, Kimberly Yuen. „Tear down the veils : Francis Bacon's papal variations, 1946-1971 /“. Connect to title online (Scholars' Bank), 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/1794/9871.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleVela, Victoria E. „Marriage and Annulments in the Papacy of Francis: Themes of Mercy and Accompaniment“. University of Dayton / OhioLINK, 2020. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=dayton1595605783800129.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleHahn, O. S. B. Michael L. „From Communion Toward Synodality: The Ecclesial Vision of Pope Francis and Its Implications for Catholic Higher Education in the United States“. Thesis, Boston College, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/2345/bc-ir:108477.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAt the intersection of theology and education, this dissertation investigates the distinctive character of the participation of Catholic colleges and universities in the mission of the Catholic Church. In 1967, less than two years after the final session of the Second Vatican Council, Catholic educators assembled in Land O’Lakes, Wisconsin to discuss the nature and role of Catholic universities in the modern era. While representing a necessary and natural stage of development for Catholic higher education, the Land O’Lakes statement—and, particularly its assertion of “true autonomy”—lacked sufficient theological foundation. In response to perceived abuses stemming from an undue emphasis on institutional autonomy, Pope John Paul II published the apostolic constitution on Catholic universities, Ex corde Ecclesiae (1990). This document proposed an ecclesiology of communion as a more adequate theological foundation. Although communion ecclesiology represented a real advance on several fronts, ultimately, the inability of this theological foundation to resolve challenging issues regarding the distinctive mission of Catholic institutions became evident. Consequently, a more adequate ecclesiological foundation is required. This dissertation proposes that ecclesial synodality, as it has emerged in the papacy of Francis, provides a more constructive ecclesiological foundation for considering the relationship between Catholic higher education and the church. I propose that Catholic colleges and universities can serve as institutions to foster the practice of synodality in the church
Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2019
Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Discipline: Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry
Fee, Alexandra. „An Appeal to the Common Good: Pope Francis's Speech to Congress“. Thesis, Boston College, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/2345/bc-ir:106813.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis paper analyzes Pope Francis’s view of politics, particularly politics in the United States. Beginning with his speech before a special joint session of Congress on September 24, 2015, this paper explores many of the themes the Pope introduces in this speech, and compares those themes to those in other works he has published since being elected Pontiff in 2013. Then, this paper applies what he has said about contemporary American politics with the analysis of other scholars of American politics. Ultimately, I find that the Pope is very aware of problems in the United States, but hopes to present a positive alternative to address what he identifies as the contemporary world’s ills
Thesis (MA) — Boston College, 2016
Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Discipline: Political Science
Bell, Rachel. „Serving the Body: Using the Political Theology of Pope Francis as a Bridge to Implement Theology of the Body Within Pastoral Ministry“. Walsh University Honors Theses / OhioLINK, 2019. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=walshhonors1555676073165535.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGagliano, Anna. „L'arcivescovo Francica Nava, il clero di Catania e la prima guerra mondiale“. Doctoral thesis, Università di Catania, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10761/973.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSmith, Andrew Philip. „Pope Leo IX 1049-1054 : a study of his Pontificate“. Thesis, University of Glasgow, 2018. http://theses.gla.ac.uk/30786/.
O tema da misericórdia é estudado a partir do que é apresentado no Livro de Walter Kasper A Misericórdia – Condição fundamental do Evangelho e chave da vida Cristã , com elementos para o aprofundamento do conhecimento da misericórdia de Deus, nas Escrituras, no ensinamento e na vida da Igreja, e sua ação dentro da Igreja e no mundo. Juntamente com o estudo de Kasper, a dissertação procura verificar o ensinamento do Papa Francisco no ano do Jubileu Extraordinário da Misericórdia. A dissertação destaca elementos do livro de Kasper e ênfases do ensinamento do Papa Francisco, em principais documentos pontífícios no ano jubilar, como a Bula Misericordiae Vultus que abre o ano da misericórdia e a carta apostólica Mirecordie et Misera fechando o ano e em audiências. Em Kasper e em Francisco apresentam-se questões importantes para o agir do cristão no mundo. A Escritura mostra a misericórdia de Deus. A misericórdia está na obra salvífica de Deus. A misericórdia deve estar na fé e na vida dos cristãos. O diálogo da misericórdia será necessário para levar a ação da misericórdia de Deus para uma cultura da misericórdia e para a evangelização do mundo. A Igreja deve receber a misericórdia de Deus e anunciar com palavras e obras da misericórdia e nos sacramentos. É necessário ter atenção com o sacramento da reconciliação onde a pessoa se encontra com o perdão e a misericórdia de Deus.
The theme of mercy is studied from what is presented in Walter Kasper s book Mercy-The essential condition of the Gospel and the Key to the Christian Life with elements for deepening the knowledge to God s mercy in the Scriptures, in the teaching and in the life at Church, and its action within the Church and in the world. Together with Kasper s study, the thesis seeks to verify the teaching of Pope Francis by year during Jubilee extraordinary of Mercy. See the deepening of mercy in the main section of the Pope s hearings in this jubilee. The dissertation highlights elements of Kasper s book and emphases of the teaching of Pope Francis with pontifical texts in the jubilee year, as in the Bull Misericordiae Vultus that the year of mercy was opened and the apostolic letter Misericordia and Misera closing the jubilee year. In Kasper and Francis are presented important questions for the action of the Christian in the world. Scripture shows the mercy of God. Mercy is in the saving work of God. Mercy must be in the faith and life of Christians. The dialogue of mercy will be necessary to bring the action of God s mercy to a culture of mercy and to the evangelization of the world. The Church must receive the mercy of God and proclaim with words and works of mercy and the sacraments. Within this framework, attention will need to be paid, among other things, the sacrament of reconciliation where one encounters the forgiveness and the mercy of God.
Mello, Alexandre Awi. „Maria-Iglesia: Madre del Pueblo Misionero - Papa Francisco y la piedad popular mariana en el contexto teologico-pastoral latino-americano (Mary-Church: Mother of the Missionary People – Pope Francis and popular Marian piety)“. IMRI - Marian Library / OhioLINK, 2018. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=udmarian1549794813187077.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDiLeo, Daniel Robert. „Laudato Si' in the United States: Constructing a Public Theology“. Thesis, Boston College, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/2345/bc-ir:107612.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis project constructs a public theology of Laudato Si' with which Catholics in the United States might shape climate change discourse, policy, and action. Chapter 1 outlines anthropogenic climate change and reviews magisterial Catholic teaching about this issue. Chapter 2 argues that the Christian church should engage with the world through both secular and faith-based language in the forms of public philosophy and public theology. Chapter 3 considers Catholic public theology in the contemporary U.S. Chapter 4 considers LS as a document of public theology and demonstrates how this document both develops Catholic public theology in the social encyclical tradition and is organized according to a modified Pastoral Circle. Chapter 5 analyzes a nationally representative public opinion survey of American adults to discern the likelihood that messages based on LS might move Americans’ climate change opinions more in line with Pope Francis’s ecological vision. Chapter 6 combines these insights with the reflections in Chapter 3 to construct an American Catholic public theology of LS that might help accordingly shape American climate change discourse, policy and action. The project thus combines theological ethics and social science to engage in applied ecological theological ethics and constructively suggest the contents of an evidence-based American Catholic public theology of LS with which the church might advance Pope Francis’s ecological vision
Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2017
Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Discipline: Theology
Konrath, Germana. „Às vezes fazer algo poético pode se tornar político e às vezes fazer algo político pode se tornar poético : a ocupação do tempo e do espaço na poética urbana de Francis Alÿs“. reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10183/169320.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis research approaches the updating of utopian impulses through the poetic trajectory of the Belgian-Mexican artist Francis Alÿs and his intertwining with the notion of the right to the city developed by Henri Lefebvre. More specifically, it questions the potential for reflection and transformation that this artistic production presents in relation to our way of thinking and occupying public spaces, both from a time and spatial point of view. The empirical object is Francis Alÿs oeuvre carried out in large western cities, mostly Latin American, between the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first. These actions are discussed facing the theoretical contributions from authors who are contemporary to Francis Alÿs: Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, Jacques Rancière, Michel de Certeau and Néstor García Canclini. The concepts that underlie all the research, however, such as public space, right to the city and utopian impulse, go back to two thinkers from the early twentieth century: Henri Lefebvre and Ernst Bloch. The dialogue between theory and practice, seeking in artistic works the updating of the concepts brought by the cited authors and aiming to identify the reverberation of these practices in theory, forms the backbone of this master’s dissertation.
Villey, Colette. „Le défi prostitutionnel : la prostitution se pose comme un défi : celui de sa disparition“. Paris 5, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986PA05H029.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDeye, Joseph M. „Of the Presidential and Papal: Dialectics in Charismatic, Political Leadership“. University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2018. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ucin1522319466919265.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGuilford, Jonathon. „Les emprunts à l'anglais dans la presse française pop-rock“. Paris 5, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA05H043.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis research is a contribution to the study of English loanwords in French. It is essentially a synchronic study of 974 different anglicism’s taken mainly from the French pop rock music press, which have been analysed from various angles : i> from a syntactic angle ; namely the distribution between different syntactic categories (nouns, adjectives, verbs, etc. ), the use of typographical markings, word order (especially adjectives with nouns), gender choice for loaned nouns, the degree of morphosyntactic "gallicization". Ii> a comparison of language registers used for the same word in French and English, and the changes in register resulting from the transfer from English to French. Ii> dates : the links between the influx of loanwords and sociolinguistic factors were noted. In addition, we carried out four surveys concerning the application of gender to borrowed nouns, French attitudes to loanwords and to their officially recommended French equivalents, and the level of knowledge and frequency of use of loanwords by young French speakers. These had the overall aim of estimating the degree of penetration and acceptance of English loanwords in French. Although a large number of English loanwords were found in our sources and seem to be easily accepted by young French speakers, our research demonstrates that the French language system in is little danger. Moreover, they form an important resource for the production of slang and the creation of neologisms in French
Francis, Shawn Michael. „Differences in Ground Reaction Forces between Take-Offs that are Out, On, or Under in the Pole Vault“. Thesis, North Dakota State University, 2012. https://hdl.handle.net/10365/26658.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGraciani, Maria Regina Ribeiro. „Perspectivas antropológico-cristãs: elementos de uma antropologia cristã na Evangelii Gaudium“. Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2016. https://tede2.pucsp.br/handle/handle/18959.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMade available in DSpace on 2016-08-27T15:28:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Regina Ribeiro Graciani.pdf: 995635 bytes, checksum: 74dc694947c58c1652281d07a1326df4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-06
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
This research presents a study of the human being from the perspective of Christian anthropology. It is through the central mystery of the life of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, in his Incarnation, Passion, Death and Resurrection, which reveals the divine plan for humanity. The Christian faith points out that the encounter between God and human happens unsurpassed way in Jesus Christ and, through Him, and the grace of the Spirit, the human being has the possibility of conformity to God and to share in his divine life. The relationship with God is essential for the achievement of every man, every woman and all mankind. In the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis makes a swing state in which humanity faces today and is an invitation for a return and deepening the encounter with Jesus Christ. It proposes that the joy, the strength of the Risen Lord, is present in the practice of the law of love and shine more in the daily life of Christians and from them to the society. The message of life proclaimed and lived for twenty-one centuries by Master's followers still present in preaching and life of Christians today. It is the joy of the Gospel that illuminates and gives meaning to human life, as evidenced by the Holy Scriptures: "I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly" (Jo 10,10)
Esta pesquisa apresenta um estudo acerca do ser humano sob a ótica da antropologia cristã. E vai apontar que é por meio do mistério central da vida de Jesus Cristo, o Filho de Deus Vivo, em sua Encarnação, Paixão, Morte e Ressurreição, que se desvela o desígnio divino para a humanidade. A fé cristã acredita que o encontro entre Deus e o humano acontece de forma insuperável em Jesus Cristo e, que, por intermédio dEle e da graça do Espírito, o ser humano tem a possibilidade de uma conformação a Deus e à participação em sua vida divina. A relação com Deus é fundamental para a realização de cada homem, de cada mulher e da humanidade toda. Na Exortação Apostólica Evangelii Gaudium, Papa Francisco faz um balanço do estado em que a humanidade se depara hoje e faz um convite para um retorno e aprofundamento no encontro com Jesus Cristo. Propõe que a alegria, na força do Ressuscitado, esteja presente na prática da lei do amor e resplandeça mais na vida cotidiana dos cristãos e a partir deles para a sociedade. A mensagem de vida proclamada e vivida há vinte e um séculos pelos seguidores do Mestre continua presente na pregação e na existência dos cristãos nos dias de hoje. É a Alegria do Evangelho que ilumina e dá sentido à vida humana, conforme atestam as Sagradas Escrituras: “Eu vim para que tenham vida e a tenham em abundância” (Jo 10,10)
Ajayi, Christina. „Role of Religion on Climate Change Governance The influence of RNGO in COP 21“. Thesis, Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-23504.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleScholz, Sebastian. „Politik - Selbstverständnis - Selbstdarstellung : die Päpste in karolingischer und ottonischer Zeit /“. Stuttgart : F. Steiner, 2006. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb411598188.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleZanconato, Alessandro. „La dispute du fatalisme entre 1730-1760 en France“. Paris 10, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003PA100079.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis reconstructs historically the "debate on fatalism" which originated with the publication of the "Essay on man" by Alexander Pope in France between the years 1730 and 1760. Translated for the first time in France in 1736, Pope's poem caused a long "querelle" as to the presumed fatalism of which his optimistic theodicy was accused within the ambience of French apologetics. The orthodoxy of "tout est bien" was soon the object of attacks aiming to put in the spotlight its incompatiblity with Christian doctrine : according to the apologists involved in the debate. , Pope was rehabiliting human nature, denying the dogma of original sin ; was celebrating self love and concupiscence and was inviting the belief in freely enjoying earthly pleasures
Oliveira, Andrà Silva. „Modalidade volitiva em lÃngua espanhola nos discursos do Papa Francisco em viagem apostÃlica“. Universidade Federal do CearÃ, 2017. http://www.teses.ufc.br/tde_busca/arquivo.php?codArquivo=20152.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleO objetivo desta pesquisa à analisar e descrever a manifestaÃÃo da modalidade volitiva em lÃngua espanhola nos discursos do Papa Francisco em viagem apostÃlica, tendo em vista a relaÃÃo entre a FormulaÃÃo (NÃvel Interpessoal e NÃvel Representacional), a CodificaÃÃo (NÃvel MorfossintÃtico) e o Componente Contextual. Conforme a GramÃtica Discursivo-Funcional (GDF) e partindo do pressuposto de que a modalidade volitiva està relacionada ao que à (in)desejÃvel (HENGEVELD e MACKENZIE, 2008), postulamos que o NÃvel MorfossintÃtico codifica diferentemente a modalidade volitiva, tendo em vista os elementos do NÃvel Interpessoal, do NÃvel Representacional e do Componente Contextual. Para isso, constituÃmos um corpus com 13 discursos proferidos pelo Papa Francisco em quatro viagens apostÃlicas realizadas entre os anos de 2015 e 2016 aos Estados Unidos, a Cuba, à AmÃrica do Sul (Equador, BolÃvia e Paraguai) e ao MÃxico. A anÃlise quantitativo-qualitativa dos dados obtidos com o auxÃlio do SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) em relaÃÃo à modalidade volitiva revelou-nos que o Papa Francisco prefere modalizar, volitivamente, para o Ouvinte 1 (chefes de estados, altas autoridades e sociedade civil) em ambientes polÃticos e, em ambientes religiosos, para o Ouvinte 2 (bispos, sacerdotes e fiÃis catÃlicos). Verificamos que o Sumo PontÃfice costuma construir-se como fonte de tipo Enunciador nos seus discursos, preferindo ilocuÃÃes declarativas e optativas para a instauraÃÃo dos valores semÃnticos de desideraÃÃo, optaÃÃo e intenÃÃo, majoritariamente, sobre o alvo de tipo DomÃnio Comum; utilizando-se de auxiliares modais, verbos plenos e construÃÃes volitivas e empregando, preferencialmente, o presente do indicativo. Constatamos ainda que as categorias de anÃlise relativas ao NÃvel MorfossintÃtico se relacionavam tanto com as categorias de anÃlise referentes ao NÃvel Representacional, como Ãs do NÃvel Interpessoal e do Componente Contextual, atestando, dessa forma, a nossa hipÃtese primÃria. Por fim, apresentamos as nossas dificuldades na anÃlise e descriÃÃo da modalidade volitiva, haja vista que ela pode se apresentar de forma âatÃpicaâ (sem o emprego de modalizadores) por meio do contexto ou de oraÃÃes finais; alÃm de dissertamos sobre as marcas de polidez e cortesia empregadas por meio de verbos volitivos, mas sem que configurassem como expressÃo da voliÃÃo, bem como os casos de aspectualidade do verbo pleno querer.
The main goal of this research is to analyze and describe the manifestation of the volitive modality in Spanish language in the discourses of Pope Francis on apostolic journey, considering the relationship between Formulation (Interpersonal Level and Representational Level), Codification (Morphosyntactic Level) and the contextual component. According to the Discursive-Functional Grammar (FDG) and assuming that the volitive modality is related to what is (in)desirable (HENGEVELD and MACKENZIE, 2008), we postulate that the Morphosyntactic Level encodes the volitive modality differently, considering the elements of the Interpersonal Level, the Representational Level and the Contextual Component. To this end, we have constituted a corpus of 13 speeches given by Pope Francis in four apostolic journeys between the years 2015 and 2016 to the United States, Cuba, South America (Ecuador, Bolivia and Paraguay) and Mexico. The quantitative-qualitative analysis of the data obtained with the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) in relation to the volitive modality revealed to us that Pope Francis prefers to modify, volitively, to Listener 1 (heads of states, high authorities and society civilian) in political settings and in religious settings for Listener 2 (bishops, priests and Catholic people). We find that the Supreme Pontiff usually builds himself as an Enunciator type source in his discourses, preferring declarative and optional illocutions for the establishment of semantic values of desideration, willness and intention, mostly on the Common Domain type target; using modal auxiliaries, full verbs, and volitive constructions, and preferably employing the present indicative. We also found that the categories of analysis related to the Morphosyntactic Level were related both to the categories of analysis related to the Representational Level, as well as to the Interpersonal Level and the Contextual Component, thus attesting to our primary hypothesis. Finally, we present our difficulties on the analysis and description of the volitive modality, since it can present itself in an "atypical" way (without the use of modalizers) through the context or final clauses; in addition to discussing the marks of politeness and courtesy employed by means of volitive verbs, but without configuring them as an expression of volition, as well as the cases of aspectuality of the full verb will
Garncarzyk, Dimitri. „La muse géomètre. L'épopée dans l'Europe du XVIIIe siècle“. Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018USPCA100/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleConsidering an epic corpus from 18th-century France, England, Poland and Denmark, the epic genre can be said to exist in the 18th century in several forms. (1) As the theoretical object of speculative poetics (the main model of which is Boileau's Art Poétique). (2) As heroic epics, such as Voltaire's Henriade, which may enjoy success but are whose shortcomings are systematically pointed out by critics. (3) As comic epics (heavily influenced by Boileau's Lutrin), which achieve much greater success than their heroic counterparts both in the 18th century and today: Pope's Rape of the Lock, Ludvig Holberg's Peder Paars, Ignacy Krasicki's Myszeis. Can the epic genre then only survive through comic degradation? Is heroic poetry so smothered by speculative rules of art that it can only survive when burlesque subversion relaxes them?Whereas theoretical over-thinking has been, since the late 17th century, the go-to explanation for the many failures of early modern epic poetry, it seems that heroicomic poetry is actually a paragon of poetic regularity in the 18th century. Far from being asphyxiated by its rules, the epic genre as theorized and practiced by men of letters admirative of French neoclassicism such as Alexander Pope, Ludvig Holberg, Charles Batteux, Ignacy Krasicki or F. X. Dmochowski is both regular and very much alive. An epic is even more efficient the better it fits within a neoclassical framework heavily based on 18th-century reinterpretations of Aristotle's Poetics. To formulate this framework amounts to understanding "classical readability", a set of aesthetic and normative expectations within which poetic rules are not empty slogans but describe actual meaningful poetic techniques.This dissertation examines the implications of this idea with respect to the reception of early modern texts in the 18th century (I), how the opening lines of epic poems are seen to program the bulk of the work (II), the representation of the inspiration and social role of the epic poet (III), epic fiction (the "fable", IV), and the composition of the epic text itself (V). The aforementioned English, Danish and Polish epics are testaments to the transformations of neoclassical poetics and poetry through 18th-century Europe, whereas Voltaire's ambitious attempt at a reform of the neoclassical normative doctrine shows that, in contrast to some of his contemporaries, he failed to perceive its poetic conductivity
Quéré, Michel. „Le pôle technologique comme instrument d'aménagement de l'espace : étude du cas de la région Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur“. Aix-Marseille 3, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986AIX32048.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe french concept of regional technological pole is the historical reality of a new economic problematic in an institutionnal field upset by the rise of a regional level. Born of a comparative analysis between japanese and american systems to put new technologies into an optimal concrete shape, this concept tackles the ambiguities and the power battles inherent in the regional area. Despite the innovation aspect of this concept wich might have led to an institutionnal decentralization context, we have been able to establish a historical continuity in french centralization (about the use of urban planning in regional technological pole concept) which, under the seemingly regard of regional realities, actually remains deep-rooted in the central institutions game. Thereby, we can consider the dispute (technological pole - technopolis) as an historical battle between central and reginal powers. The case of "provence-alpes-cote d'azur" area has a twofold interest : first, it was the field of a dynamic regional policy before the french officiali- zation in 1982; second, the "provence-alpes-cote d'azur" area, a national model though it be (the international research park of the "valbonne-sophia-antipolis") meets difficulties in its finality and result. Both these researchs (theoric and empiric) help to contribute to a better definition of urban planning role in the success of this concept in which this field has not taken a full dimension yet
Ollion, Martine. „Face à la critique : Salomé, Oscar Wilde, Lugné-Poe et Richard Strauss : Paris, 1891-1910“. Thesis, Paris 4, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA040153.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIn the early 1890s, Oscar Wilde chose Paris as his adopted land, aiming at becoming famous. Soon known as the author of The Portrait of Dorian Gray and Salomé, a play inspired by the Symbolist movement and written in French, he triggered much curiosity on the part of the critics. In 1896, Aurélien-Marie Lugné-Poe, brought Salomé to the stage and provided the conditions of a new Parisian reception. In 1902, Richard Strauss saw the play represented in Berlin and used it to compose the German libretto of an opera of which he also, simultaneously gave a French version. Against the backdrop of a socio-Cultural context of change and political tension between France and Germany, Strauss’s Salome was performed in Paris in 1907, accompanied by a huge critical reception that would not weaken until it entered the Repertoire of the Opera in 1910. From Oscar Wilde to Richard Strauss, Salomé was thus adopted on several occasions by the Paris, literally sustained by the receptions that it received there, becoming, in spite of its several, marked foreign national characteristics, a work resounding with a strong French accent. Salomé’s critical reception can be seen as an illustration of the journalistic speech in Paris in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, in a vertical perspective - over a period of twenty years - and horizontal, through three critical perspectives. Revealed by this kind of writing or shaped by it into its different types of metamorphosis, this play may also be a successful attempt at total art, superlatively embodying the myth of Salomé in its multiple literary, dramatic and musical dimensions
Debrand, Dorian. „Barrières à l'innovation et Stratégies dans la Plasturgie française : le cas des membres du pole de competitivite plastipolis“. Thesis, Lyon, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019LYSE2001.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis offers a study of the barriers to innovation and the strategies of the French plastics processing firms that are members of the competitive cluster Plastipolis. We adopt a method that combines and compares theory and empiricism over four chapters. Our empirical material is made up of data from 24 interviews with innovative plastics processing firms. We offer an up-to-date review of the empirical literature on innovation barriers and bring to light the main variation factors in the nature and intensity of these barriers. The review is enriched by developing the main concepts of the economic evolutionism of firms’ innovative behaviours. The overview and analyses of plastics processing in France today make it possible to identify the sector’s actors and specificities, and by studying innovative plastics firms’ trajectories, we can detect and construct a typology of innovation strategies. Interpreting evolutionary literature and studies of barriers enables us to formulate a proposal to analyse the shared role of skills and barriers when adopting a new strategy, and to put forward in two hypotheses the existence of two factors that cause their nature and intensity to vary. The evaluation of the effects of these two variation factors is tested on our sample using descriptive statistics, principal component analysis (PCA) and 3 in-depth case studies. Our findings make it easier to grasp the complexity of innovation in the French plastics processing industry, and to identify the levers that can be implemented to support innovative firms. Before making recommendations, we examine the intermediation role of open innovation played by competitive clusters, particularly Plastipolis
Rollin, Vincent. „Rendre les derniers devoirs en musique : Rituels, chants et pompe musicale des cérémonies funèbres catholiques à Paris sous le régime concordataire“. Thesis, Saint-Etienne, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015STET2210/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis studies the motivations, practices and repertories of chant and music used in catholic funeral ceremonies at Paris under the Concordat (1802-1905). The singing and musical solemnization of, added to and during the Mass of the Dead (plain chant, false bourdon, counterpoint, music) is analyzed for its scopes of organization and production : on the one hand the texts and rubrics of the rituals, ceremonies, prayers and chants of the liturgical books (roman and parisian rites) ; on the other hand the legislation, economy and administration of the funeral mass the official fees regulation of “pompes funèbres” fees and parishes. Then the making of the extraordinary musical “pompe” is studied by means of four particular cases : the involvement of the soldiers in and ex ecclesia (military honours and music) ; official and national funeral ceremonies, with their financing, symbolic system, places and official musical repertories ; the mournings of the musical community, involving not only a voluntary summoning up of musicians, singular choices for the musical program, but also a funeral discourse through music
Silva, Mariane de Almeida. „Colegialidade: experiências de Jorge Mario Bergoglio e sua influência no pontificado de Francisco“. Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2018. https://tede2.pucsp.br/handle/handle/21052.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMade available in DSpace on 2018-04-24T12:28:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mariane de Almeida Silva.pdf: 1085880 bytes, checksum: bae4fadc0ee60d2abaa3ab662306f514 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-12
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
Pope Francis has been surprising the world since his arrival at the Vatican's most important balcony on March 13, 2013, when he was elected Supreme Pontiff of the Catholic Church. There, already in those brief minutes of his appearance, he draws attention by his gestures, by the way of his speaking, actig and mainly, by the way of being close to people. Still on that memorable day, Francis points to an way that, although not explicitly, becomes central in his ministry: Collegiality. This is noticeable at the moment when he calls himself bishop of Rome and calls the cardinals of brothers. Francis's words point to Collegiality. However, only a deeper inquiry is able to discover whether, in fact, Francis is a pope who lives the collegial spirit in his family and ministerial base. The present dissertation sought to know the theoretical and theological bases of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the ecclesiological paths covered by him, regarding Collegiality. This work had, among other things, the intention of discovering if the experiences of Jorge Mario Bergoglio before the election contributed to the collegial tone present in the documents of Francis. For this, the research sought to show the roots of Collegiality present not only in the moment of the Second Vatican Council, but also the aspects of its reception in the different continents, particulary in Latin American soil, of which Bergoglio is a beloved son. It was too important to know the biographical-existential roots of the future archbishop of Buenos Aires. Recognizing such aspects of Bergoglio, it will be easier to discover who, in fact, is Francis and what his thoughts are for the Church and her mission
O papa Francisco vem surpreendendo o mundo desde sua chegada à sacada mais importante do Vaticano naquele 13 de março de 2013, quando fora eleito Sumo Pontífice da Igreja Católica. Ali, já naqueles breves minutos de sua aparição, chama a atenção seja pelos gestos, pela maneira de falar e agir e, principalmente, pela maneira de se fazer próximo às pessoas. Ainda naquele dia memorável, Francisco aponta para um eixo que, embora não explicitamente, passa a ser central em seu ministério: a Colegialidade. Isso é perceptível já no momento em que ele se denomina como bispo de Roma e chama os cardeais de irmãos. As palavras de Francisco apontam para a Colegialidade. Entretanto, somente uma averiguação mais profunda é capaz de descobrir se, de fato, Francisco é um papa que vive o espírito colegial desde sua base familiar e ministerial. A presente dissertação buscou conhecer as bases teóricas e teológicas de Jorge Mario Bergoglio, os caminhos eclesiológicos percorridos por ele, no que tange a Colegialidade. Esse trabalho teve, dentre outras coisas, o intuito de descobrir se as experiências de Jorge Mario Bergoglio anteriores à eleição contribuíram para a tônica colegial presente nos documentos de Francisco. Para tanto a pesquisa procurou mostrar as raízes da Colegialidade presentes não só no momento do Concílio Vaticano II, como os aspectos de sua recepção nos diferentes continentes, particularmente em solo latino-americano, do qual Bergoglio é um dileto filho. Demasiado importante se mostrou o conhecimento das raízes biográfico-existenciais do futuro arcebispo de Buenos Aires. Reconhecendo tais aspectos de Bergoglio, com mais facilidade se descobrirá quem, de fato é Francisco e quais são seus pensamentos para a Igreja e sua missão
Nellier, Yann-Michel. „Influence des processus biogéochimiques sur la contamination par les PCB des espèces piscicoles des lacs d'altitude“. Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015GREAA012/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAltitude lakes undergo atmospheric deposition of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) resulting mainly from human activities despite their distance from emission sources. If the mechanisms driving the atmospheric transport of these pollutants to altitude environment are now fairly known ("global distillation" or "grasshopper effect"), there is still few information about their fate in these mountain ecosystems. This work aims to identify the internal lake processes influencing the fate of POPs, with a particular focus on their interaction with the organic phases and their integration into food webs. Due to their variability of physico-chemical properties between congeners (e.g., less to more hydrophobic), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) have been chosen as POP models.The study was conducted on two alpine lakes from the National Park of Ecrins (Isère, France): Lake Muzelle (2110 m) and Lake Plan Vianney (2250 m). A monitoring was conducted in 2012 and 2013 to assess PCBs concentration in aquatic organisms, particulate and dissolved fractions and atmospheric PCBs inputs. Thus, seasonal, interannual and inter-lakes variability of PCBs level in fish have been assessed and linked to atmospheric inputs and biogeochemical lake processes.Our results show that snowmelt corresponds to an important and sudden flux of PCBs to altitude lakes (40% of annual contributions during the few weeks of spring thaw). Mass balance also reveals that PCBs inputs are higher than outputs, highlighting the role of altitude lakes as atmospheric PCBs sinks. PCBs partition between particulate and dissolved phases varies both between lakes and seasons, revealing a succession of thermodynamics equilibrium and non-equilibrium. In fact, when lakes are ice-covered, the water column is isolated from the atmosphere and therefore from sources of pollutants, allowing to reach a thermodynamic equilibrium partition of PCBs between the particulate and dissolved phases. On the contrary, when lakes are ice-free, parameters affecting PCBs adsorption on particulate matter (temperature, concentration and nature of the particles, PCBs concentration) are subject to environmental variability, preventing chemicals to reach thermodynamic equilibrium. Finally, even though PCBs fish contamination varies both between lakes and between seasons, the lack of relationship between PCBs concentrations and trophic indicators (stable isotope composition of carbon or lipid biomarkers) highlights that fish level of PCBs does not depend on habitat use and inter-individual trophic variability. In contrast, the PCBs concentration in fish is related to the concentration of pollutants in the dissolved phase. In altitude lakes, even though POPs are presented at low concentrations, these chemicals are mainly transferred to the fish compartment by bioconcentration rather than bioaccumulation.These results highlight the need to improve our knowledge on POPs ecodynamics even in low contaminated environments. In a context of global change for which pollutant inputs in altitude ecosystems might vary in intensity or temporality, this research appears essential to (i) assess the future role of altitude lakes as atmospheric POPs sinks or secondary sources and (ii) predict any modification of PCBs levels in fish in remote aquatic ecosystems
Caraseni, Rita de Cassia Goulart. „Compaixão no pensamento do Papa Francisco: a compaixão como chave de leitura da Laudato Si’“. Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2017. https://tede2.pucsp.br/handle/handle/20670.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMade available in DSpace on 2017-12-12T11:31:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rita de Cassia Goulart Caraseni.pdf: 1273719 bytes, checksum: 6cf2f6ad710fcbf99ecc0abee66423b8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-11-29
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
Fundação São Paulo - FUNDASP
This research had as a general objective, to elaborate a study on the compassion category and how it presents itself in the thought of Pope Francisco, especially in the Encyclical Laudato Si'. We had as specific objectives: to characterize the category by relating it to elements identified in the encyclical, investigate and discuss how the category is present in the thought of Francisco and identifying the main meanings of the category in the Encyclical Laudato Si'. The theme of this dissertation arose from the desire to carry out research that treated compassion as a principle to be studied for its relevance in the process of maturing the human being in its relations. As a hypothesis of the research, we consider that the compassion category is expressed in an underlying way throughout the text of the Encyclical, through the use of elements of the category present in the text and also in the interlinkages of the main meanings of the category: anthropological, ecological and theological. The methodological approach used to compose this study was based on bibliographical and documentary research. We looked for authors who representing the state of the art about what was being researched and who presenting a discussion model that was closer to our intention of placing the compassion category in a social and global context, using it as a key to reading. As a result of the research, we note that through compassion, the human being is recognized within life, since this principle is capable of eliminating boundaries, creating bonds of brotherhood and building bridges of accessibility
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo geral, elaborar um estudo sobre a categoria compaixão e como ela se apresenta no pensamento do Papa Francisco, especialmente na encíclica Laudato Si’. Tivemos como objetivos específicos: caracterizar a categoria relacionando-a com elementos identificados na encíclica, investigar e debater como a categoria se faz presente no pensamento de Francisco e identificar os principais significados da categoria na encíclica Laudato Si’. O tema dessa dissertação surgiu da vontade de realizar uma pesquisa que tratasse a compaixão como um princípio a ser estudado por sua relevância no processo de amadurecimento do ser humano em suas relações. Como hipótese da pesquisa, consideramos que a categoria compaixão vem expressa de forma subjacente ao longo de todo o texto da encíclica, através do uso de elementos da categoria presentes no texto e também nas interligações dos principais significados da categoria: antropológico, ecológico e teológico. O enfoque metodológico utilizado para compor esse estudo, partiu de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. Buscamos autores que representassem o estado da arte e que apresentassem um modelo de discussão que mais se aproximasse da nossa intenção de colocar a categoria compaixão em um contexto social e global, utilizando-a como chave de leitura. Como resultado da pesquisa, observamos que através da compaixão, o ser humano se reconhece dentro da vida, uma vez que esse princípio é capaz de eliminar fronteiras, criar laços de irmandade e erguer pontes de acessibilidade
Ribeiro, Célia Maria. „O espírito do pastor: a espiritualidade inaciana no ministério do Papa Francisco“. Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2018. https://tede2.pucsp.br/handle/handle/21597.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMade available in DSpace on 2018-11-21T08:58:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Célia Maria Ribeiro.pdf: 1742445 bytes, checksum: a8dea33a0619c23b8118adceaf216235 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-09-28
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
This work introduces Pope Francis ministry in a different light, an approach which has not been usually adopted, so far: Ignatian spirituality. From the start, it narrates Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s spiritual and intellectual backgrounds, which were firstly incorporated from his own family and further developed when he joined in the Society of Jesus. His trajectory as a clergyman highlights his struggles with his fellow brothers in his religious congregation, where he experienced both setbacks and advancements, especially, when we consider the Latin America historical context at the time, during which Argentina, where he was born and raised, was under a military dictatorship. Nevertheless, in spite of all the political tensions, his decisions always go in the direction of pastoral work and spiritual discernment. Following that, this work highlights the Second Vatican Council major influence over the Church new policies in our contemporary cultural scenario, a context full of challenges which were long felt in the successive Church crisis. This was an important aspect for Pope Benedict XVI resignation, which is also assessed in this work, a resignation that was followed by the conclave ending up in the election of the first Jesuit Pope. The circumstances for his choice and the facts triggered by the new Bishop of Rome, beginning with his decision to be called “Francis” and advancing to the traits of his Petrine ministry, are taken into account, especially in the light of Ignatian spirituality, when references to time, places and people are underlined. Nevertheless, it is a work that introduces Pope Francis inner language in the context of his outspoken life
Este trabalho apresenta o ministério do Papa Francisco sob um enfoque com poucos precedentes, até então: a espiritualidade inaciana. De início, narra a formação espiritual e intelectual de Jorge Mario Bergoglio, obtida a partir de sua própria família e desenvolvimento na Companhia de Jesus. Em sua trajetória, destacam-se as nuances e os reveses da convivência na congregação religiosa, sobretudo, no contexto latino-americano, em decorrência da ditadura militar na Argentina, país de sua origem e crescimento pessoal e eclesial; assim como as tensões para a tomada de decisão, porém sempre baseada no discernimento espiritual e pastoral. A seguir, sinaliza para a influência do Concílio Ecumênico Vaticano II na reorientação da Igreja e na relação com a cultura contemporânea, repleta de desafios, os quais foram sentidos na longa crise da instituição milenar. Este, um aspecto considerado relevante na renúncia do Papa Bento XVI, também abordado na pesquisa, seguido do conclave que culminou na eleição do primeiro Papa jesuíta. As circunstâncias de sua escolha e os fatos desencadeados pelo novo Bispo de Roma, desde a opção por chamar-se “Francisco” às características próprias do seu ministério petrino, são levados em consideração, especialmente à luz da espiritualidade inaciana, quando se assinalam as referências aos tempos, lugares e pessoas. Contudo, trata-se de um trabalho que analisa a linguagem interior do Papa Francisco baseada na exterioridade de sua vida
Escoubet, Stéphane. „La légitimation d’une pop "indépendante" en France : The Divine Comedy d’après Les Inrockuptibles, une étude de cas“. Thesis, Paris 4, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PA040153.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe subject of this work falls into the broader context of a symbolic rise of rock in the French cultural landscape, comparable to the similar longstanding evolution of jazz. The French audience of so-called "independent" pop (or indie pop) has been found mainly within a population of students or young workers one might refer to as "educated", and who have aspired to distinguish themselves from the most common musical tastes. Still, the starting point of our concern is that of a gap between this cultural profile and the apparent triviality of the pop genre: has this audience’s fondness anything to do with legitimate dispositions (despite appearances) or, on the contrary, does it step away from the historical features of "legitimate culture"? This thesis attempts to provide answers through a joint case study of the magazine Les Inrockuptibles (one of the main legitimizing institutions of indie pop in France) and one of the British bands it had most contributed to promoting during the 1990s, The Divine Comedy. What this study ultimately reveals is a hybrid type of legitimacy, which holds both the fundamental values of the art world and the heterodox registers of competing legitimizing institutions. This study also investigates the relation between the representations thus associated with The Divine Comedy and the musical features of the opus, sketching a musicological approach of the musical work through its mediation
Mounier, Florence. „Modélisation mécaniste de la bioaccumulation de contaminants organiques (PCB et PFAS) chez les poissons dans le contexte du changement global : application aux juvéniles de sole commune de l’estuaire de la Gironde“. Thesis, Bordeaux, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019BORD0046.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleEstuarine ecosystems are particularly impacted by global change and, specifically, bychemical pollution from numerous xenobiotics that may be associated to ecotoxicological and health risks. In environmental toxicology and risk assessment, bioaccumulation is a fundamental process as it controls the internal doses of potential toxicants in organisms. However, the contamination and decontamination flows depend on internal processes thatare themselves dependent on environmental conditions (e.g. temperature, food) and thus on the other variables of global change.In this context, this manuscript aims at describing, within a mechanistic modelling framework, the bioaccumulation processes of two families of potentially toxic and bioaccumulable halogenated persistent organic pollutants (POPs) with contrasting physicochemical properties: the polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs, highly lipophilic historical compounds) and the perfluorinated substances (PFAS, amphiphilic emerging compounds).This work focuses on the Gironde estuary whose nursery function is fundamental for many species of marine fish including the common sole (Solea solea), often used as an indicator of the quality of coastal and estuarine bursary grounds. In order to account for the influence of environmental conditions on bioaccumulation, the first part of this work consisted in developing a toxicokinetic model (TK) coupled with a mechanistic bioenergetic model based on the theory DEB (Dynamic Energy Budget). This DEBmodel has been parameterized for common sole and calibrated for each sex (packageDEBtool). It allows predicting the main evolution of the physiological functions of interest forbioaccumulation (ingestion, growth, reproduction...) throughout the life cycle of an individualaccounting for dynamic environmental conditions. The developed TK model was first calibrated for some PCBs, under controlled conditions, using an innovative method to take into account individual ingestion variability. This work showed that even if the individual ingestion of each fish is accounted for, the effective assimilation of contaminant is very variable and correlated with the lipid levels of the individuals. The application of the model tothe in situ conditions of the Gironde estuary led to identify that, whatever the contaminant family, the composition of the soles diet had a strong influence on the variability of soles contamination and age at sexual maturity. The comparison of model predictions with measurements made in juveniles of the estuary allowed calibrating the TK parameters values for the major compound of each family in the environment (CB153 and PFOS). This calibration led to two observations in the context of a risk assessment: (1) a lack of knowledge to extrapolate calibrations of TK parameters under controlled conditions to natural conditions;(2) the difference in risk assessment error related to the use of the same "worst case" TK parameters regardless of the compounds. Lastly, simple prospective scenarios have beendeveloped to illustrate these results and the possible applications of the model developed.Ultimately, these predictions of soles contamination, growth and development may be related in future work to potential effects on the physiological functions of sole (DEBtox models), and to consequences on soles population dynamics (e.g. matrix population models)
Bouadjadja, Jawad. „Un antiracisme à distance des racistes : ethnographies de quatre associations de lutte contre le racisme“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris Cité, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020UNIP7238.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis draws on an ethnographic investigation led between 2014 and 2017 among activists from four French antiracist organizations: the Conseil représentatif des associations noires de France, the Ligue internationale contre le racisme et l'antisémitisme, the Parti des Indigènes de la République and SOS Racisme. Utilizing anthropology of space, sociology of social movements and sociology of audiences, the thesis aims at exploring a unique aspect of French activism: the distance between antiracist activists and the people they deem racist. In other words, rather than looking at activist antiracism through the sole lens of fighting against racists, this thesis explores a fight without racists. This body of work thus questions the part of activist antiracism which amounts to avoiding any contact with racists. Through a study of organizations' premises and activist fields, of relationships maintained with racist opponents and non-racist audiences, this research endeavors to describe and comprehend the lack of both copresence and dialogue within the relations between activist antiracism and the people it deems racist. It also strives to question an obvious paradox: how do antiracists plan on contributing to ending racism if they keep away from racists ? In order to answer this question, this thesis unveils the way this distance can be seen by antiracists as a way to prevail against racists. By trying to convince a third-party non-racist audience to join in the antiracist fight, activist antiracism hopes to build a majority and become a compelling force which could silence racists
Garcia, Cely Lorena. „Les écrits d’artistes dans les revues d’art entre 1957 et 1967 : la contribution des artistes à la configuration de l'art contemporain“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 8, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019PA080056.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleOne of the characteristics of the art in the late 1950s is the considerablenumber of artists' writings that were published in art journals. We are interested in questioning the recurrent publications that emerged in New York and Paris between 1957 and 1967, which could point to the importance of these writings in theemergence of contemporary art. Some of these are journalistic texts, others belong to literary categories or even follow the academic forms of essays and dissertations. Inaddition to these, there are works that are considered as pieces of art on their own. Such a formal and conceptual diversity leads us to question the specificity of the writings published in magazines. Being halfway between critic and literature, between philosophical and artistic thinking, where are the limits allowing to ponder the value of their speech? The answer to this question could not be given if the writings are examined separately from their medium, which is the result of a precise production and diffusion context. Hence understanding the artists' writings means accounting for the communicative circuit that organizes and gives them meaning, namely, the institutional network of journals. As a matter of fact, the latter is not a simple medium for artistic discourse, since they limit their content and regulate their use. In this way we conclude that artists' writings in journal not only contributed to the progression of the artistic conditions of this epoch but can also explain its transformations. Therefore, entering this particular dimension of the discourse of these writings is how they can send us back to the debates on the construction of the legitimacy of contemporary art
Bardy, Gilles. „De la subtile folie du désespoir : étude des conditions psychologiques de production du texte“. Paris 7, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990PA070098.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIn the first, and theoretical part, the processes of the freudian discovery are carefully analysed: discovery, resistance, analytical work, discovery, and so on. In the three other parts (about The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald, The purloined letter by Poe and As I lay dying by Faulkner), by means of the analysis of the most important words and situations, i try to find out the main fantasy, the desire. We can see that the fantasy of symbiosis is hidden by the oedipian fantasy
Roucole, Fabien. „Prélats et hommes de guerre : Dans l'espace français au XVe siècle : Culture et pratiques“. Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014AIXM3090.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIn the Middle Ages, Clerics bearing arms, often bishops, regularly appear. Both priests and secular lords, these men fight for various reasons: to serve the king, for the cause of the Church, or even for their own interests. This is a study of these prelates and of the cultural, legal and social norms that condition their behaviour: noble and military culture, various services owed to the the king, limits brought by canon law. The chosen period begins with the Great Schism (1378) and ends at the dawn of the Lutherian Reform (1517). In France, this time is marked by the omnipresence of war, especially in the first half of the century; prelates often have to take part in these conflicts. On the other hand, the Hundred Years War induce the development of new military institutions, which tend to discharge bishops and abbots from the old feudal obligations. Prelates who engage in warfare are only rarely punished, even the most scandalous ones.At the councils, critics are expressed against them, but they lead to no conclusion. In fact, many reasons may justify the conduct of fighting bishops
Essaouri, Mohamed. „Rapports entre le texte et l'image dans la litterature francaise du surrealisme aux annees 1970“. Paris 4, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989PA040059.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleWhat are the connexions between the text and the picture? these are the problems raised by this study, which establishes that the aesthetic and literary criteria that have been suggested up to the beginning of the twentieth century to form the art (by giving supremacy to poetry and then to painting) and to define the links between the picture (much emphasis being put on the illustrative role of the picture) prove to be irrelevant. This study tries to surrount the most important aspect of the new links which have been established between the painters and the writers (from the surrealism period to the seventies) links that are based upon the conception which is different from creation, benceforth considered as a production, a hesitating research following the same proceeding : pictoral and verbal collage, picturesque novel, elaboration of fictions from pictures, introduction of linguistic symbols in painting (namemy proper nouns) and at last the experimentation of the scriptural practice the pictural one, by modern writers
Sleutjes, Luiz Albertus. „Ecologia integral e sinais dos tempos“. Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2018. https://tede2.pucsp.br/handle/handle/21336.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMade available in DSpace on 2018-08-13T13:06:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luiz Albertus Sleutjes.pdf: 1364866 bytes, checksum: 2d925068a38b0bae73c681e94b144fbd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-06-15
Pope Francis, in the Encyclical Laudato Si, assumes a position of those who want to promote dialogue with all those who struggle and engage in caring for Mother Earth, one of the signs of the times, in order to solve the challenges of both social order and of ecological order. Thus, to rethink the theology of creation in its entirety is intended to combat an excluding model acquired by nations over time, especially in the last three decades. This exclusion generates more and more hostility in the common house. Starting from these presuppositions, this work aims to establish a theological reflection on the christian practice and at the same time to offer a theological-ethical collaboration, starting from the dialogue with other knowledge; therefore, it is a question of presenting the coordinates of an ecology that integrates efforts in the political, philosophical and economic field, in the light of the signs of the times. The problematic of this work is based on the following question: What are the theological and pastoral ramifications of Laudato Si in relation to ecclesial conversion and its contribution in the elaboration of ethical proposals to society? To this end, the assumed hypothesis is based on the assumption that the Encyclical Laudato Si contributes both to ecclesiological conversion and to the presentation of ethical principles and attitudes that promote social justice. These proposals go beyond those put forward by the UN, at the conclusion of the Climate Conferences or also called Conferences between the Parties (COPs). Therefore, the research is in the line of theological reflection on Christian practice, moral theology, from an eco-theology. The general objective of this work is to present the limits and possibilities of the dialogue between the integral ecology of Laudato Si and the aspirations of contemporary society in COPs 20 and 21. As specific objectives are: to contemplate reality in its challenges and impulses. In a second moment, discern how society is organized: politics; how one thinks this question: philosophy and the way in which things are produced and consumed: the economy. Finally, propose some reactions that aim to promote the integrality, care and cultivation of life: a celebration to change the look, a prayer for conversion. This research assumes as methodology the bibliographic research coming from different authors, (final considerations) in order to think the reality in the light of the interdependence of the knowledge with a view to finding solutions that are collective. Sustaining the life of everything and everyone depends on reviewing the conduct of this generation to care for and guard the common home in a healthy way and deliver it to the next generations
O papa Francisco, na Encíclica Laudato Si, assume uma postura de quem quer promover o diálogo com todos aqueles que lutam e se engajam pelo cuidado com a mãe Terra, um dos sinais dos tempos, a fim de resolver os desafios tanto de ordem social quanto de ordem ecológica. Assim, repensar a teologia da criação em sua integralidade tem como intenção combater um modelo excludente adquirido pelas nações ao longo do tempo, sobretudo nas três últimas décadas. Essa exclusão gera cada vez mais hostilidade na casa comum. Partindo desses pressupostos, este trabalho visa estabelecer uma reflexão teológica a respeito da prática cristã e ao mesmo tempo oferecer uma colaboração de cunho ético-teológico, a partir do diálogo com outros saberes; logo, trata-se de apresentar as coordenadas de uma ecologia que integre esforços no campo político, filosófico e econômico, à luz dos sinais dos tempos. A problemática deste trabalho parte da seguinte questão: Quais os desdobramentos teológicos pastorais da Laudato Si com relação à conversão eclesial e sua contribuição na elaboração de propostas éticas à sociedade? Para tanto, a hipótese assumida parte do pressuposto de que a Encíclica Laudato Si contribui tanto com a conversão eclesiológica quanto a apresentação de princípios e posturas éticas que promovam a justiça social. Essas propostas vão além das apresentadas pela ONU, na celebração das Conferências sobre o Clima ou também denominadas Conferências entre as partes (COPs). Por isso, a pesquisa se dá na linha da reflexão teológica sobre a prática cristã, a teologia moral, a partir de uma eco-teologia. O objetivo geral deste trabalho é apresentar os limites e as possibilidades do diálogo entre a ecologia integral da Laudato Si e as aspirações da sociedade contemporânea nas COPs 20 e 21. Como objetivos específicos têm-se: contemplar a realidade em seus desafios e impulsos. Num segundo momento, discernir como a sociedade está organizada: a política; como se pensa essa questão: a filosofia e o modo como nela as coisas são produzidas e consumidas: a economia. Por fim, propor algumas reações que visam promover a integralidade, o cuidado e o cultivo da vida: um celebrar para mudar o olhar, um orar para converte-se. Essa pesquisa assume como metodologia a pesquisa bibliográfica oriunda de diferentes autores, (considerações finais) a fim de pensar a realidade à luz da interdependência dos saberes com vistas a encontrar soluções que sejam coletivas. A sustentação da vida de tudo e de todos depende da revisão da conduta desta geração para cuidar e guardar a casa comum de maneira saudável e entregá-la às próximas gerações
Joyeux, Hélène. „Un certain "esprit de collection" : les collectionneurs d'art français du monde de la mode (XXe-XXIe siècles)“. Thesis, Paris 1, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020PA01H040.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSince the invention of haute couture at the end of the XIXth century until today, the fashion world has been one of the professional sectors where the collectors are the most numerous. This raises the question of whether there is a specific type of collectionnism among the fashion collectors, and if so, how is it structured and how has it evolved. If this is the first line of research chosen to analyze these relationships, it is certainly not the only one but it cannot be understood without addressing, more widely other forms of collaboration between all the peripheral creative actors in this field. Indeed, collectionism is part of the network of relationships between leading fashion designers, or leaders of luxury goods companies, artists, art dealers, gallery owners, journalists, critics, photographers and clients of both sectors, etc. To do so, we have chosen three examples of collectionism that have in common the fact that they have marked their era, contemporary fashion and the ‘spirit’ of collection: those of Jacques Doucet, the couple Pierre Bergé and Yves Saint Laurent and Bernard Arnault through the brand Louis Vuitton and the Louis Vuitton Foundation. This thesis proposes to analyze and explore collectionism from the point of view of the collector but also, to place these collections at the same time in their respective era, in their filiations, in the history of art and fashion history
David, Marine. „Influence des apports d'eaux souterraines sur le fonctionnement hydrologique et biogéochimique des lagunes méditerranéennes : cas de la lagune de l'Or“. Thesis, Montpellier, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019MONTG039.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAt the interface between the continent and the sea, Mediterranean lagoons are vulnerable to excessive nutrient inputs from anthropogenic activities, causing eutrophication of the water bodies. Even management actions have been implemented on the watershed to reduce nutrient fluxes to the coastal zone, some lagoons remain in a bad ecological status according to the Water Frame Directive, highlighting the need for improving our understanding of the land-sea continuum. On the Mediterranean coast, little is known on groundwater inputs, their associated nutrient fluxes and their impact on lagoons in a bad ecological status. The aim of this PhD thesis was to improve our understanding of two main hydrological processes associated with groundwater: 1) continental groundwater inputs, as a new nutrient source to the lagoon from the adjacent aquifers and 2) pore water recirculation, driving nutrient from sediments to the water column through advective water flow, as a regenerated nutrient source. Or lagoon, whose bad ecological status has not improved over the last decade despite management actions, was chosen as a study site. Investigations the watershed revealed that important loads of nitrogen, originating from continental groundwater, was discharged to the lagoon through the streams. Experiments on lagoon sediments suggested that the muddy characteristics of Or lagoon induced low pore water recirculation fluxes. Hence, the majority of groundwater inputs to Or lagoon occurs through the streams from the continental aquifer. An annual nutrient budget enabled to conclude that given the importance of two main contributors (canalette and Rhône to Sète canal), groundwater inputs are not the major nutrient source to Or lagoon. The work carried out in this lagoon in a bad ecological status contributes to improving our understanding of nutrient fluxes on the land-sea continuum, in order to prioritize actions to be implemented to reach a good ecological status on Mediterranean lagoons
Bardet, Manuela. „Quelles logiques d'insertion dans les pôles de compétitivité ? : Une analyse par les ressources recherchées et les liens mobilisés. les cas des pôles mer paca et pass (2006-2008)“. Thesis, Aix-Marseille 2, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011AIX24022/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleClusters are a dynamic collective space. Therefore, understanding the integration of organizations within this system is strategic. This research focuses on logic then insert the actors in the “pôles”. Mobilized the methodology is based on the qualitative study of two cases: the “pôle” PASS and Mer based in the PACA region. Three levels of results are available. The first level concerns the identification of resources sought by the players when they enter in the pin, then a second level, capture both the intensity of ties mobilized by the actors during their insertion. Finally, drawing on the resources sought and inter-organizational linkages mobilized by different actors, a third level of results allows us to identify three logical integration: technological, economic and political
Juhem, Philippe. „SOS-Racisme : histoire d'une mobilisation "apolitique" : contribution à une analyse des transformations des représentations politiques après 1981“. Phd thesis, Université de Nanterre - Paris X, 1998. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00131701.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCe travail s'est d'abord intéressé aux conditions de la fondation de SOS. Il s'agissait de comprendre comment d'anciens militants étudiants d'extrême gauche qui se situaient alors à l'aile gauche du PS avaient pu envisager de constituer une organisation se présentant comme « apolitique ». Il s'agissait aussi d'expliquer pourquoi les fondateurs de SOS avaient choisi de constituer leur nouvelle association à ce moment précis alors qu'ils appartenaient déjà à plusieurs organisations partisanes (PS, MJS, Unef-Id). Mené à partir d'entretiens biographiques avec les membres fondateurs (environ une vingtaine, complétés par une cinquantaine d'entretiens de cadres et de militants de l'association), ce travail tend à montrer que les raisons qui ont déterminé la création de SOS provenaient davantage de la position minoritaire qu'occupaient ses fondateurs au sein des organisations dans lesquelles ils militaient et des chances de reclassement qui étaient alors les leurs au sein du PS, que d'une stratégie antiraciste qu'ils auraient poursuivie. La fondation de la nouvelle association répond donc notamment aux contraintes militantes et professionnelles propres à ses futurs dirigeants. Elle a constitué un moyen déterminant de l'accumulation des ressources politiques de ses fondateurs, ressources qui seront ultérieurement reconverties au sein du PS dans la construction d'un nouveau courant, celui de la Nouvelle Ecole Socialiste (NES).
Pourtant, l'analyse des logiques particulières ayant conduit à la formation d'une nouvelle organisation antiraciste ne nous renseignait pas sur les causes de son succès.Ce travail s'attache donc à comprendre les raisons pour lesquelles certaines rédactions avaient initialement consacré autant d'articles et de reportages à une association dont les effectifs et la capacité d'action étaient alors aussi faibles. Il s'agissait de déterminer si la forme adoptée initialement par SOS-Racisme et en particulier l'effort de neutralisation politique mené par sa direction, mais aussi la mise en scène de la spontanéité et de la jeunesse de ses militants, avait pu constituer un élément favorisant l'intérêt surprenant que les journalistes lui ont rapidement manifesté. La constitution d'une base de données des articles ayant été publiés sur l'association dans la presse nationale et la réalisation d'une trentaine d'entretiens auprès des journalistes ayant écrit sur SOS, a permis de déterminer les logiques de la fluctuation des jugements journalistiques portés sur SOS. C'est l'adaptation de la forme adoptée par la nouvelle organisation aux besoins nouveaux de la presse qui va être à l'origine de son succès. En effet, une association antiraciste « apolitique » permet alors à la presse associée à la gauche (Libération, le Matin de Paris, le Nouvel Observateur) de maintenir un positionnement idéologique d'allure progressiste tout en adoptant des stratégies de prise de distance avec leur ancien engagement militant et notamment en rompant avec les pratiques de soutien au gouvernement alors réputées être à l'origine de la baisse des tirages que connaît la presse de gauche. Au contraire, lorsque l'image publique de SOS-Racisme sera de façon croissante associée au PS, à travers la figure de son fondateur Julien Dray, l'appui des journalistes envers SOS s'affaiblira avant que sa mise en cause ne devienne profitable. Le déclin relatif de SOS aura pour origine un retournement de l'attitude de la presse de gauche à son égard lorsque le soutien à l'association ne servira plus les intérêts professionnels des rédactions.
Mais pour rendre compte des conditions structurelles d'émergence d'une entreprise de mobilisation «apolitique» sur la question du racisme, il nous restait à expliquer comment cette mise en forme particulière, difficilement envisageable en 1979 ou en 1980 lorsque l'ensemble des organisations antiracistes s'opposait à la politique d'aide au retour des immigrés du gouvernement de Raymond Barre, devient en 1985 la condition même du succès de la nouvelle association. Il fallait comprendre par quels processus politiques et sociaux, l'accession de la gauche au gouvernement en 1981 avait pu transformer la nature et le contenu de l'offre politique des partis de gauche mais aussi entraîner la « neutralisation » des lignes rédactionnelles des journaux qui en étaient proches et le rétrécissement de l'éventail des thématiques politiques disponibles pour les acteurs sociaux. La baisse de la popularité de tout ce qui apparaît lié au gouvernement et à la gauche va ainsi contraindre les fondateurs de SOS-Racisme à mettre en œuvre une mise en forme « apolitique » de leur nouvelle organisation.
Ce travail entend donc être une contribution à l'analyse des mouvements sociaux et politiques mais aussi à celle du fonctionnement de la presse. Plus généralement, et au-delà du cas historique étudié, cette étude permet de comprendre les relations qui, au tournant des années 80, unissent différents acteurs de la sphère publique : acteurs politiques, journalistes, experts économiques, intellectuels, etc. En montrant comment les transformations de l'offre politique de la gauche avaient pu modifier « l'ambiance » idéologique de la décennie quatre-vingt – c'est-à-dire la fréquence objective d'utilisation des thématiques politiques en raison de leur inégal rendement social – ce travail représente une contribution à l'analyse des conditions de structuration du débat public en France.
Alexis, Alain. „Etude geotechnique et sedimentologique de souilles et chenaux de la rade de lorient : contribution a la stabilite des sols immerges“. Nantes, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987NANT2033.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleYacouba, Amani Abdoul Nasser. „Approche multi-géophysique pour la caractérisation de la fracturation et des propriétés de transport des roches carbonatées“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Orléans, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024ORLE1024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIn a context of global changes and ecological and energy transitions, climate change induces recurrent drought and water resource crisis in several regions and continents. It is crucial to study groundwaters in order to support these transitions and ensure effective management and use of this vital resource. In particular, the vadose zone which plays an important role in the recharge of these groundwaters and the transfer of possible pollutants and inputs. Most of the time this unsaturated zone is characterized by multi-scale heterogeneities (e.g., pore structure, fractures, mineralogical variation) particularly in a limestone environment. These heterogeneities are complexified by diagenetic processes linked mainly to physicochemical and mineralogical alteration which leads to uncertainty in reservoir property (e.g., porosity, permeability, water saturation) estimation from geophysical methods. Among these methods, acoustic and electrical methods are well suited because of the strong relation between heterogeneities and the measured properties.This thesis relies on a multi-geophysical approach in order to better characterize a complex carbonate reservoir using petrophysical measurements combined with microstructural descriptions. Based on this approach, we demonstrated the influence of rock structure on the prediction and modeling of petroacoustic properties. This work leads to a good discrimination of some facies, which can be used to improve simulation and flow models. In addition, we demonstrate the relevance of complex conductivity measurements in limestone characterization and permeability prediction. However, additional developments are needed to understand the upscaling problematic for heterogeneous and complex reservoirs
Drahi, Patricia. „L’expérience de l’enseignement de la Shoah en France par des professeurs de collège et de lycée : un analyseur de l’expertise professionnelle face à une question socialement vive“. Thesis, Paris 10, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PA100077/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSince the beginning of the 2000’s, teaching Shoah has been perceived as a deep social is-sue in France which may well change the rules of classroom practices. This thesis studies the experience of teaching the Shoah from the point of view of secondary school teachers. Drawing from 30 semi-directive interviews, this research in education shows from the inside how the teachers questioned perceive this teaching and its difficulties. This thesis shows how teachers deal with this issue from an educational point of view and the answers they provide. The results underline difficulties stemming from “the pupils’ point of view”: presumed satura-tion, anti-Semitism, competition between memoirs, but also competition between social backgrounds and school knowledge. “From the teachers’ point of view” the intensity of the issue is also present, dividing more than federating the members of the educational team. Moreover, the emotional impact on the teacher concerning the confrontation between school knowledge and social background conveyed by pupils can create and increase the difficulties encountered. The teachers who show confidence in this teaching have disclosed through classroom stories that they fully invest the didactic pole and the educational pole of their po-sition. In doing so, they hail, welcome and accept the social background with the necessary benevolence and unstructured consciousness that this entails. Helping pupils express them-selves but not letting them talk without knowing helps the teacher answer questions in a precise and rigorous historical framework and is against relativistic or normative drifting as defined by Legardez (2006). The framework of ethical and citizen indicators as far as the management of emotions in the classroom is concerned (including the teacher's emotions) also part of the framework built by the teacher. Thus, these latter alternate between the di-dactic pole and educational pole and enable them to bring in and adopt the improvisational operation mode of the expert instructor as defined by Tochon (1993). In some sensitive situa-tions, the teaching of the Shoah is compared to a fight. A typology inspired by Jacques Pain's thoughts concerning the regulation of delinquent violence through martial arts has emerged: the strategist fighter, the dauntless fighter, the emotional fighter or the aloof witnesses are the various teaching figures that have emerged from this research
Ducos, Pascale Laurence. „Poétique de la chronique dramatique de Catulle Mendès (1895-1897)“. Thesis, Université Laval, 2012. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2012/28945/28945.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePayet, Linda. „Viscoélasticité et structure de gels à base de chitosane - Relations avec les propriétés diffusionnelles de macromolécules dans ces biogels“. Phd thesis, Université Paris-Diderot - Paris VII, 2005. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00011265.
Der volle Inhalt der Quelle