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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Poïétique et esthétique"
Declercq, Gilles. „Topique et poétique du sublime. La leçon du laconisme quignardien“. Tangence, Nr. 115 (01.05.2018): 13–33.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMichaud, Yves. „Redimensionner l’esthétique – et revisiter la philosophie de l’art“. Figures de l'Art. Revue d'études esthétiques 10, Nr. 1 (2005): 99–109.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLucas, Fabió Roberto. „Le Faust en cours : les brouillons du Faust valéryen et les notes de son cours de poïétique entre la fiducia et l’infini esthétique“. RELIEF - Revue Électronique de Littérature Française 13, Nr. 2 (19.12.2019): 76.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleFrançois, Cassingena-Trévedy. „La liturgie comme poïétique fondamentale“. Studia Liturgica, 31.03.2022, 003932072210813.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAït-Touati, Frédérique. „La mesure du ciel : la correspondance de Chapelain et Huygens“. 45, Nr. 2 (19.08.2009): 83–97.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBARRES, Patrick. „Пойетический сценарий и нарративный процесс в фильмах Юрия Норштейна, диалектика художественного видения“. Slovo To the East of Pixar :... (02.03.2019).
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDissertationen zum Thema "Poïétique et esthétique"
Bout, Erwan David Mickaël. „Poïétique et procédure : pour une esthétique de la boîte noire“. Paris 1, 2009.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleChiron, Éliane. „Poïétique du dessin et enracinement culturel“. Paris 1, 1991.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleI - any graphic production of sketch is linked with theoretics in a searching process where a poetic analysis founds both reality and fiction, drawing and photography, technicality and alchemy. Ii- drawing is specified by the line, condensing a material cause, an action, an effect. It means stregth, rythm, abstraction; colour means the material is alive. Iii- finding roots in one culture implies being previously uprooted (rejecting one's own culture), efflorescence (producting works of art), crossing cultures (borrowed from others) to produce a creative process in wich the works (the sketches) are flowers as well as roots
Sagot, Stéphanie. „Design et matériau : la création entre plastique industrielle et pratiques buissonnières“. Toulouse 2, 2005.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis research explores the complex relationships between design and creation. The etymology itself of the notion of design, implies the dematerialized positions of design and drawing – dessein/dessin – while it designates new, emerging practices which are based, on the opposite, on material and on the process of making. The notion of creation oscillates between old promethean conceptions of art and their being challenged by arts placed at the centre of production systems. We explore this relationship through the notion of material as an object of study in a poïetic perspective allowing to consider design not as the simple fact of shaping objects but in its implication in production and manufacture. Poïetic is a key element of this research which combines our own experimental practice of design and a theoretical exploration
Marrakchi, Mohamed. „Couleur et conception lumière dans l'architecture hospitalière en Tunisie : approche esthétique et poïétique“. Thesis, Toulouse 2, 2013.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleInnovation hospital design interested field and creation in reading and aesthetic and poietic approach. This research aims to contribute to reflections on aesthetics and poietics, through questions about color and light. The conceptual approach ends with a back and forth between theory and practice, between sensitivity and nervous system, between complexity and simplicity. I'm looking through this research, to find another identity sanitary spaces Tunisia, respecting both the technical requirements and medical heritage identity. I put the problems of the approach and methodology, reflection and reading, the theoretical and empirical. The different parts of this doctoral research focuses on the relationship between color and light designs and some questions for poietic and aesthetic
Poussier, Isabelle. „La question de l'objet : recherches sur les affinités entre l'humain, la machine et l'animal“. Paris 1, 2003.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleEstay, Stange Verônica. „Poïétique et musicalité : vers une modélisation de la poétique musicale autour du Symbolisme français“. Paris 8, 2011.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleApproaching musicality as organizing principle of work of art and of aestheticising (poietical) perception, this research proposes a semiotic model based upon the musical paradigm that intersects German Romanticism, French symbolism and artistic formalism of the late 19th century. Musicality is initially associated with the episteme of "correspondences" (horizontal, vertical, fitted and oblique) which involve in the Romantic Naturphilosophie particular ways of organizing meaning. Each of these correspondences is related to a particular mythical motif and to a specific manifestation of music. Coming to Symbolist poetics, the concept of musicality is then analyzed as a transversal operator among the arts (poetry, painting, music). A semiotic model is suggested that goes up from the structure to the tensivity and to the enunciative activity, showing the generative “depth” of musicalised sensibility. Finally, the general hypothesis of this work enables a rereading of the forgotten writers and theoreticians who, based upon music, contributed to the emergence of abstract art: Charles Beauquier, Maurice Griveau, and most of all Jean d’Udine. Solving the aporias that underlie in the formalist tendencies, these authors proposed a conceptual way towards nonfigurative art by exploring the sensitive universe. Therefore, the research concludes with a semio-phenomenology of musicality
Younes, Elhem. „Poïétique de l’indiscernable : approche esthétique de la perception dans les environnements virtuels et oniriques“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 8, 2017.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePoietics of the indiscernible is an aesthetic approach to perceptual and imaginary modalities deployed in relationship to virtual and oneiric environments. In our research-creation, it designates a singular state of consciousness and a set of aesthetic qualities of an image. A detailed analysis of dreaming, hallucination, imagination and perceptual illusions phenomena based on a transdisciplinary research linking science and phenomenology, reveals different challenging regimes putting at stake both an immersive consciousness and a sense of presence in their causal link to the aesthetic of the indiscernible proper to oneiric images. Dreaming, taken as a model reference for the establishment of an oneiric experience, allowed us to assess the necessary and sufficient conditions for triggering a state of indiscernibility that had to be completed by cybernetic theories specialized in this matter. From this investigation step practical issues related to our artistic approach have been hinged. The latter deals with the creation process of a range of digital animations and a virtual matter intended for a real time interactive experience, and the apparatus for putting spectators through them. The aesthetic of the indiscernible must be the result of Poietics of the indiscernible based on creative conversion, which is the essential principle of the studied oneiric phenomena. The computer-generated images have to awaken one’s imaginary by means of the intrinsic and extrinsic structures, establish a Poietic of gaze and eventually give rise to a state of indiscernibility
Mouakhar, Nizar. „Le "faire-oeuvre" : poïésis de l'altération, du grattage et du barbouillage dans la peinture“. Aix-Marseille 1, 2007.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMorignat, Valérie. „Poi͏̈étique des transversalités : entrelacs du dessin et du numérique“. Paris 1, 2001.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleTilea, Monica. „Henri Michaux : déplacements et interventions poïétiques“. Roumanie, Universitatea din Craiova, 2006.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleHenri Michaux is in permanent motion in a fluctuating universe with mobile and confusing frontiers that he permanently destroys and re-invents. In order to analyse the effects that this constant propensity for the elsewhere has upon his poiein, we took into account Michaux's voyages within real and imaginary spaces, which are exterior to creation, as well, as his circulation within creative activities represented by the passage from writing to painting. Our reflection on the creative process of the writer and painter Henri Michaux starts from his own reading pattern identified in “Aventures de lignes”, where he recomposes the genesis of Paul Klee's paintings beginning from their formal appearance. This poietic/poetic approach, suggested by Michaux himself, allowed the analyses of the interventions of an artist who transforms the spaces he traverses according to his creative needs and expectations and led to the conclusion that Michaux's creative process implies a constant exchange with the outside and that it is dominated by kinesthetic and visual perception. Moreover, it became evident that the discussed poietic displacements undergo poetic changes which determine the emergence, in “Épreuves, Écorcismes”, of a scream-writing situated half-way between painting and writing by its instauration as well as by its poetics. Contrary to the conventional representation of a self-centered Michaux, our thesis places his poietic/poetic becoming under the sign of introspective and perceptive actions, physical experiences energising his creative gesture and maintaining its dynamism
Bücher zum Thema "Poïétique et esthétique"
Université de Paris IV: Paris-Sorbonne, Hrsg. Essai philologique pour l'étude comparée d'une poïétique: Les arts aux salons des XX et de la Libre Esthétique (Bruxelles, 1884-1914). Lille: A.N.R.T, Université de Lille III, 1999.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenKonferenzberichte zum Thema "Poïétique et esthétique"
Beyaert-Geslin, Anne. „Faire un point“. In Arts du faire : production et expertise. Limoges: Université de Limoges, 2009.
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