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Folch-Mateu, Pere. „L’inquiétante étrangeté dans les groupes : diffusion et personnification“. Revue de psychothérapie psychanalytique de groupe 34, Nr. 1 (2000): 25–43.

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L'auteur considère la qualité d'inquiétante étrangeté qu'on éprouve à différents moments des séances de thérapie groupale. D'après le moment du groupe, cette expérience d'inquiétante étrangeté trouble le climat des séances et s'exprime comme humeur flottante, comme atmosphère raréfiée de crainte vague qui n'arrive pas à se concrétiser dans une dramatisation ou verbalisation précise. Le caractère de diffusion d’une pareille atmosphère peut se produire à n'importe quel moment du groupe mais il est plus fréquent au cours des premières séances. La difficulté d'élaboration est à considérer comme responsable de la perte des membres du groupe qui quitteraient le traitement tout au début. A d'autres moments, le groupe est capable de verbaliser le vécu d’inquiétante étrangeté dans les scénarios de la fantaisie, des rêves ou dans des passages à l’acte hors du cadre groupal. Le travail inclut le matériel clinique pour illustrer ces deux éventualités à travers le compte rendu d'une première séance, en contraste avec le rapport d’une séance tenue avec un autre groupe de longue durée.
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Prendergast, Maria Teresa Micaela. „The Aesthetics of Railing: Troilus and Cressida and Coriolanus“. Renaissance and Reformation 31, Nr. 3 (01.01.2008): 69–101.

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Cet essai explore comment Shakespeare utilise la rhétorique des insultes cruelles et fortement métaphoriques des débuts de la modernité afin de réaliser une rivalité agressive entre le déclinant idéal aristocratique élisabéthain du sang et du langage épique d’une part, et le théâtre satirique en émergence d’autre part. Ce type de théâtre se justifie en associant le guerrier aristocratique à un corps suintant, efféminé, et malade. Cet essai se concentre en particulier sur les pièces Troilus and Cressida et Coriolanus, qui établissent un fort lien entre la manifestation de maladies internes sur la peau et la perte d’autonomie masculine. Dans Troilus and Cressida, Thersites, incarnant le personnage du fou, domine la pièce avec ses discours vicieux qui transforment sur le plan rhétorique le personnage héroïque de l’aristocrate masculin en une créature abjecte. Parallèlement, Coriolan, en fort contraste avec Thersites, est un guerrier autonome, qui néanmoins soutient l’opinion de Thersites que le spectacle théâtral, ainsi que la fréquentation des gens du peuple dégradent les idéaux guerriers aristocratiques. Les deux pièces suggèrent que c’est à travers une langue caustique et scatologique de l’insulte, de pair avec une destruction rhétorique des idéaux de l’aristocratie guerrière, que le théâtre britannique du début du dix-septième siècle remplace une esthétique traditionnelle de l’élite faite de sang héroïque par une célébration de la puissance rhétorique des croûtes et des éruptions cutanées.
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Dugué, S. „Les spécificités du syndrome douloureux régional complexe de type 1 (SDRC 1) en pédiatrie“. Douleur et Analgésie 33, Nr. 4 (Dezember 2020): 211–18.

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Le syndrome douloureux régional complexe de type 1 (SDRC 1) est caractérisé par des douleurs chroniques associées à des troubles vasomoteurs et/ou trophiques et/ou sudomoteurs témoignant d’une hyperactivité sympathique. Les formes pédiatriques de SDRC 1 se distinguent des formes adultes : les douleurs sont majoritairement localisées aux membres inférieurs (cheville, pied) et surviennent après un traumatisme mineur. Les enfants se présentent le plus souvent avec une forme froide d’emblée. Les douleurs entraînent une impotence fonctionnelle majeure et prolongée, ce qui contraste avec l’absence ou la banalité de la lésion sous-jacente. Les retentissements sont rapidement importants et concernent tous les domaines de la vie de l’enfant : perte d’autonomie, troubles du sommeil, anxiété, dépression, altération des liens sociaux et familiaux, absentéisme scolaire…Le diagnostic reste clinique, sur la base des critères de Budapest, même s’ils n’ont pas été validés en pédiatrie. Le traitement repose sur une réhabilitation fonctionnelle grâce à la physiothérapie associée à une prise en charge psychothérapeutique. L’objectif est de remobiliser le membre douloureux de manière progressive et adaptée, sans attendre la sédation complète de la douleur, et de limiter les retentissements de la douleur au quotidien. Les antalgiques peuvent parfois être utiles, mais doivent être surveillés de manière étroite. Cette prise en charge est ambulatoire initialement, mais lorsque les douleurs sont trop intenses et entraînent des retentissements importants, une hospitalisation doit être proposée. Enfin, l’évolution semble meilleure que chez les adultes même si environ 20 % des enfants rechutent dans les six premiers mois le plus souvent.
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Horton, David. „Social deixis in the translation of dramatic discourse“. Babel. Revue internationale de la traduction / International Journal of Translation 45, Nr. 1 (23.07.1999): 53–73.

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Abstract Pronominal modes of address are an instance of the kind of structural incompatibility between languages which presents a considerable challenge to the translator. Indeed, they have been described as an "impossibility of translation" (Lyons). The structural contrast between English and most other European languages with regard to this feature has significant implications for literary translations, since address behaviour encodes social relations and thus functions as an important signal of unfolding interpersonal dynamics in texts. This article explores the implications of divergent address systems in the translation of dramatic discourse, using examples from French-English and English-German translation to illustrate the problems involved. In the first case, the absence of differentiated second-person pronouns in modern English means that other signals have to be found to encode the social dynamics of the text. In Sartre's subtle exploration of shifting human relations in Huis Clos/In Camera we witness a constant switching between the "tu" and "vous" forms of address as the characters seek to establish their roles. Translation into English inevitably results in a loss of explicitness and the introduction of alternative indices of interpersonal relations. In translation from English into German, on the other hand, as an analysis of Pinter's The Caretaker/Der Hausmeister demonstrates, selection between the "du" and "Sie"-forms becomes necessary, and a further level of differentiation is added to those available in the original. Here, pronominal choice presupposes a careful analysis of the dynamics of the text, and results in an explicitation of the attitudinal nuances of the original. In both cases, the process of translation implies a re-encoding based on the translator's individual conception of the source texts. The issue under discussion thus emerges as an archetypal feature of literary translation, showing how the latter manipulates texts by opening up some interpretive possibilities and closing down others. Résumé Les pronoms appellatifs sont un exemple du type de l'incompatibilité structurelle entre les langues qui représente un défi considérable pour le traducteur. En fait, ces pronoms ont été décrits comme une "impossibilité de traduction" (Lyons). Le contraste structurelle entre l'anglais et la plupart des autres langues européennes vis-à-vis de cet aspect a des implications significatives pour la traduction littéraire, car la façon de s'adresser encode des relations sociales et fonctionne donc comme un signal important d'ouverture des dynamiques interpersonnelles dans les textes. Cet article explore les implications des systèmes divergents d'appellation dans la traduction du discours dramatique, en utilisant des exemples de traduction français-anglais et anglais-allemand pour illustrer les problèmes. Dans le premier cas, l'absence de pronoms de la seconde personne différenciés dans l'anglais moderne signifie que d'autres signaux doivent être trouvés pour encoder la dynamique sociale du texte. Dans l'exploration subtile de Sartre des glissements de relations humaines dans Huis Clos (en anglais In Camera), nous sommes les témoins d'un transfert constant entre les formes d'abord "tu" et "vous", alors que les personnages cherchent à définir leurs rôles. La traduction vers l'anglais résulte inévitablement en une perte d'explicité et l'introduction d'indices alternatifs pour les relations interpersonnelles. Dans la traduction de l'anglais vers l'allemand, telle que le démontre une analyse de The Caretaker de Pinter (en allemand Der Hausmeister), le choix entre les formes de tutoiement et de vouvoiement devient nécessaire, et un niveau ultérieur de différenciation s'ajoute à ceux disponibles dans l'original. Ici le choix pronominal présuppose une analyse soigneuse de la dynamique du texte, et se conclut par une explicitation des nuances d'aptitude de l'original. Dans les deux cas, le processus de traduction implique un ré-encodage basée sur la conception individuelle du traducteur des textes sources. Le point discuté apparaît donc comme une caractéristique de type archétypal de la traduction littéraire, indiquant comment cette dernière manipule les textes en les ouvrant à certaines possibilités d'interprétation et en les fermant à d'autres.
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Mackenzie, Sara, und B. Elan Dresher. „Contrast and Phonological Activity in the Nez Perce Vowel System“. Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society 29, Nr. 1 (15.06.2003): 283.

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Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society: General Session and Parasession on Phonetic Sources of Phonological Patterns: Synchronic and Diachronic Explanations (2003)
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Issaka, Souley, Mariama Abdoulaye Moussa Souley und Adamou Basso. „Epidémie de la panachure jaune du riz: une contrainte biotique majeure de la production rizicole dans les périmètres irrigués du Niger“. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 15, Nr. 5 (20.01.2022): 1824–41.

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La panachure jaune du riz, causée par le Rice Yellow Mottle Virus (RYMV), est présente au Niger depuis plus de trois décennies, avec des pertes importantes de récoltes. Une réévaluation de cette maladie sur les périmètres irrigués a été faite pour estimer son incidence et les pertes de récoltes qu’elle engendre. L’étude a consisté à: (i) surveiller l’épidémie dans quelques périmètres rizicoles sur deux campagnes, (ii) calculer les pertes de production en grains enregistrées et (ii) caractériser quelques isolats du virus. Elle a révélé que la maladie est toujours présente dans les périmètres irrigués du pays. Son incidence moyenne est de 5 à 30%, en saison sèche et en saison humide, elle varie entre 5 et 70%, avec des niveaux d’infestation variables d’un périmètre à l’autre. Les pertes moyennes de production en grains enregistrées en champ paysan sont variables selon les sites et oscillent entre 27,17% et 63,26% en saison humide où lesdites pertes ont été plus importantes. Ces résultats montrent que l’épidémie de la panachure jaune du riz est toujours très fréquente au Niger et constitue une contrainte majeure de la production rizicole, dominée par la prévalence d’isolats de contournement de la résistance e et l’utilisation presque exclusive de deux principales variétés de riz que sont IR1529-680-3-1 et Kogoni91-1. The rice yellow mottle due to Rice Yellow Mottle Virus (RYMV) is present in Niger Republic for more than three decades, with significant crop losses. A reassessment of this disease on irrigated areas has been made, to estimate its incidence and the crop losses it causes. The study consisted of: (i) monitoring the epidemic in a few rice-growing perimeters over two seasons, (ii) calculating the recorded grains production losses and (ii) characterizing some isolates of the virus. It revealed that the disease is still present in the country's rice irrigated perimeters. Its average incidence is 5-30% in the dry season and in the wet season it varies between 5 and 70%, with varying levels of infestation depending on the perimeter. Average grains production losses recorded in the producer’s field vary from site to site and range from 27.17% to 63.26% in the wet season when these losses were greater. These results show that the Rice yellow mottling epidemic is still very frequent in Niger Republic and constitutes a major constraint of rice production, dominated by the prevalence of Resistance Breaking isolates (RB) and the almost exclusive use of two main rice varieties which are IR1529-680-3-1 and Kogoni91-1.
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Nawa, Ricardo Kenji, Marcio Luiz Ferreira De Camillis, Monique Buttignol, Fernanda Machado Kutchak, Eder Chaves Pacheco, Louise Helena Rodrigues Gonçalves, Leonardo Miguel Corrêa Garcia, Karina Tavares Timenetsky und Luiz Alberto Forgiarini Júnior. „Clinimetric properties of the Perme Intensive Care Unit Mobility Score“. Colombia Medica 54, Nr. 3 (30.11.2023): e2005580.

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Background:The use of instruments in clinical practice with measurement properties tested is highly recommended, in order to provide adequate assessment and measurement of outcomes. Objective:To calculate the minimum clinically important difference (MCID) and responsiveness of the Perme Intensive Care Unit Mobility Score (Perme Score). Methods:This retrospective, multicentric study investigated the clinimetric properties of MCID, estimated by constructing the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC). Maximizing sensitivity and specificity by Youden's, the ROC curve calibration was performed by theHosmer and Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test. Additionally, we established the responsiveness, floor and ceiling effects, internal consistency, and predictive validity of the Perme Score. Results:A total of 1.200 adult patient records from four mixed general intensive care units (ICUs) were included. To analyze which difference clinically reflects a relevant evolution we calculated the area under the curve (AUC) of 0.96 (95% CI: 0.95-0.98), and the optimal cut-off value of 7.0 points was established. No substantial floor (8.8%) or ceiling effects (4.9%) were observed at ICU discharge. However, a moderate floor effect was observed at ICU admission (19.3%), in contrast to a very low incidence of ceiling effect (0.6%). The Perme Score at ICU admission was associated with hospital mortality, OR 0.86 (95% CI: 0.82-0.91), and the predictivevalidity for ICU stay presented a mean ratio of 0.97 (95% CI: 0.96-0.98). Conclusions:Our findings support the establishment of the minimum clinically important difference and responsiveness of the Perme Score as a measure of mobility status in the ICU.
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Kadner Graziano, Thomas. „Loss of a Chance in European Private Law ‘All or Nothing’ or Partial Liability in Cases of Uncertain Causation“. European Review of Private Law 16, Issue 6 (01.12.2008): 1009–42.

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Abstract: Victims who have suffered damage to person or property are often confronted with diffi culties proving the link between the negligent behaviour of the person whose liability is alleged and the damage with the degree of probability required by law. The victims may, however, be able to prove that they have lost a chance to avoid the damage, a chance that had existed but for the negligence of the persons claimed to be liable. Under the legal concept of ‘loss of a chance’, the claimant’s loss of this opportunity or chance is itself treated as actionable damage, and the damage suffered is partially compensated in accordance with the chance lost. In many European countries, the idea of compensating for lost chances has not yet been accepted or has been rejected; in numerous other countries, the concept of loss of a chance has been widely accepted or has been accepted for certain categories of cases. The following contribution presents the state of the law in Europe, followed by a proposal to partially abandon the traditional ‘all or nothing’ principle in cases of uncertainty regarding causation and to compensate, under certain conditions, for damage according to the probability of causation. Arguably, the loss of a chance should be regarded not as a (new) category of damage but as an issue of alternative causation. This would allow for a distinction between liability for lost chances in contracts and torts, whilst at the same time avoiding the severity of the ‘all or nothing’approach. Resumé: Les situations dans lesquelles se pose la question de la « perte d’une chance » ont en commun que la personne tenue pour responsable a agi de manière illicite, mais que la victime n’est pas en mesure de prouver, avec la probabilité traditionnellement requise, un lien de causalité entre l’acte d’autrui et le dommage. L’acte commis par la personne tenue pour responsable a pourtant privé la victime d’une chance d’un résultat plus favorable. Selon la théorie de la « perte d’une chance », c’est cette « perte d’une chance » elle-même qui constitue le dommage et engage la responsabilité civile. Ce concept ne mène pas à une réparation selon le principe du « tout ou rien », mais à une réparation correspondant à l’étendue de la chance perdue. Dans de nombreux ordres juridiques européens, le concept de « perte d’une chance » n’est pas (ou n’est pas encore) accepté. Dans de nombreux autres, ce concept est soit accepté, soit il a, ces dernières années, gagné du terrain. La contribution suivante présentera l’état actuel du « tout ou rien » et d’indemniser, dans certaines situations, selon des probabilités de causalité. Pourtant, au lieu de qualifi er la « perte de chance » de dommage engageant la responsabilité, dans la présente contribution, il est proposé d’appliquer des règles sur la causalité alternative pour résoudre le problème de causalité incertaine et de chances perdues. Ceci permettrait d’indemniser des victimes selon des probabilités de causalité tout en respectant les particularités respectives des régimes de responsabilité contractuelle et délictuelle.
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Marpsat, Maryse. „Un avantage sous contrainte : le risque moindre pour les femmes de se trouver sans abri“. Population Vol. 54, Nr. 6 (01.06.1999): 885–932.

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Résumé Marpsat Maryse.- Un avantage sous contrainte : le risque moindre pour les femmes de se trouver sans abri Les personnes sans domicile ont des propriétés sociales très proches de celles des autres personnes pauvres, mais qui, elles, disposent d'un logement. Toutefois, les femmes sont plus nombreuses que les hommes parmi les pauvres ; pourquoi sont-elles alors si peu nombreuses parmi les personnes sans domicile ? Pourquoi celles qui ont tout de même perdu leur logement se trouvent-elles dans des conditions relativement meilleures que les hommes, souvent dans des centres d'hébergement de longue durée, presque jamais dans la rue ? Cet article examine les différents facteurs qui interviennent pour expliquer la relative protection dont bénéficient les femmes contre la perte du logement. L'auteur relie ces facteurs aux représentations des rôles de l'homme, de la femme et surtout de la mère qui feraient bénéficier les femmes d'avantages secondaires liés à la position de dominée. Toutefois, l'examen des modalités pratiques selon lesquelles s'exerce cet avantage relatif conduit à remettre partiellement en cause cette idée de « situation plus favorable ».
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Hayward, Sandra F. „Colonial Expressions of Identity in Funerals, Cemeteries, and Funerary Monuments of Nineteenth-Century Perth, Western Australia“. Genealogy 2, Nr. 3 (18.07.2018): 23.

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A general cemetery was established in 1829–1830 for the town of Perth, Western Australia, and during the rest of the nineteenth century, other cemeteries were added to the complex to cater for various Christian denominations as well as for Chinese and Jewish communities. In all, seven contiguous cemeteries were used over the colonial period in Perth. By 1899, when the cemetery complex was closed, approximately ten thousand people were buried there. The deceased or their bereaved loved ones chose funerals, epitaphs, burial locations, and funerary monuments to express social, ethnic, religious, familial, and gendered identity. These expressions of identity provide more information than just birth and death dates for genealogists and family historians as to what was important to the deceased and their family. In the first half of the nineteenth century, identities were dominantly related to family, whereas later in the century, identities included religion, ethnicity, and achievements within the colony of Western Australia. Some expressions of identity in Perth contrast with those found in other Australian colonies, especially in regard to the use and types of religious crosses in the Christian denominations.
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Rausser, Gordon C. „Predatory Versus Productive Government: The Case of U.S. Agricultural Policies“. Journal of Economic Perspectives 6, Nr. 3 (01.08.1992): 133–57.

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This essay will argue that agricultural policy in the United States has led to both the enhancement of efficiency through “productive policies” and the transfer of wealth and income to special interests through redistributive or “predatory policies.” These two activities can be labeled as PESTs and PERTs. PEST policies, or political-economic-seeking transfers, are meant to redistribute wealth from one social group to another and are not explicitly concerned with efficiency. In contrast, PERTs, or political-economic resource transactions, are intended to correct market failures or to provide public goods; these policies have neutral distributional effects, at least in design. A review of the history of public policy in agriculture reveals not only tension between the PERT and PEST roles of the public sector, but also some coordination between these two types of activities. As different interest groups pressure the political process, the government trades off PESTs and PERTs in its attempts to acquire, balance, and secure political power. At times this has led to combinations of programs that appear incoherent. In such a world, the challenge for economists is to design and advocate policies that are both economically productive and politically sustainable.
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Cullen, Trevor, Laura Glitsos und Andrea Burns. „Revisiting news editors’ evaluation of journalism courses and graduate employability“. Australian Journalism Review 45, Nr. 1 (01.06.2023): 73–92.

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This research project deployed one-on-one, semi-structured interviews with news editors in Perth, Western Australia, to evaluate journalism courses and student employability across the five Perth-based universities that teach journalism (Edith Cowan, Murdoch, Curtin, University of Western Australia [UWA] and Notre Dame universities). The 2022 interviews were undertaken with a view to compare and contrast the results to similar interviews published in 2014. The findings indicate that industry practitioners still think universities are typically the best place to teach journalism, and that students are highly competent in digital technologies. However, there is concern about the current state of graduate general and civil knowledge. Other trends include a growing sense that journalism students should be given training in public relations foundations and, additionally, that most editors would like to be involved with university curriculums. A major difference was an awareness during interviews in 2022 that tertiary staff cuts and financial pressures complicate the maintenance of high standards.
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Stone, John. „Contrasts in Reform: How the Cain and Burke Years Shaped Public Transport in Melbourne and Perth“. Urban Policy and Research 27, Nr. 4 (Dezember 2009): 419–34.

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Monteiro, Ricardo Nogueira de Castro. „Saudosa maloca e os deserdados de dois mundos: aspectos do imaginário italiano em um clássico do samba brasileiro“. Via Atlântica 1, Nr. 41 (30.06.2022): 474–506.

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Pelo menos duas canções italianas de peso apresentam aproximações com relação a Saudosa Maloca (1951): Casetta de Trastevere (1931) e Picón, dàgghe cianìn (1957). Compartilhando diversas estruturas narrativas e discursivas, sua similaridade contrasta com o afastamento de sambas de época e temática próximas como A favela vai abaixo (1928) e Praça onze (1942). Conclui-se que a composição expressa, dentro de uma estética brasileira, um drama universal apresentado dentro de uma perspectiva que segue de perto cânones solidamente consolidados dentro do imaginário italiano, evidenciando marcas daquela ancestralidade na obra de seu autor para muito além da superficialidade de algumas pontuais escolhas lexicais.
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Cozzolino, Marilena, Paolo Mauriello und Domenico Patella. „Principles of a Fast Probability-Based, Data-Adaptive Gravity Inversion Method for 3D Mass Density Modelling“. Geosciences 12, Nr. 8 (12.08.2022): 306.

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The aim of this paper is to present a 3D Probability-based Earth Density Tomography Inversion (PEDTI) method derived from the principles of the Gravity Probability Tomography (GPT). The new method follows the rationale of a previous Probability-based Electrical Resistivity Inversion (PERTI) method, which has proved to be a fast and versatile user-friendly approach. Along with PERTI, PEDTI requires no external a priori information. In this paper, after recalling the GPT imaging method, the PEDTI theory is developed and concluded with a key inversion formula that allows a wide class of equivalent solutions to be computed. Two synthetic cases are discussed to show the resolution that can be achieved in the determination of density contrasts and to examine the nature of the gravity non-uniqueness problem. Regarding the first issue, it is shown that the estimate of the density by PEDTI can change by about two orders of magnitude and get closer to reality with a more focused solution on a specific source body. Regarding the second problem, it is shown that two levels of equivalence can be classified, i.e., weak and strong equivalence, for a finer selection among the solutions. This is obtained by defining two appropriate statistical indices based on the information power of both the input and output gravity datasets.
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Murphy, Micheal, Richard Hodgson, Peter L. Harris, Richard G. McWilliams, David E. Hartley und Michael M. D. Lawrence-Brown. „Plain Radiographic Surveillance of Abdominal Aortic Stent-Grafts: The Liverpool/Perth Protocol“. Journal of Endovascular Therapy 10, Nr. 5 (Oktober 2003): 911–12.

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Purpose: To present a protocol for plain radiographic surveillance of abdominal aortic stent-grafts that addresses the main variables in need of standardization: (1) patient position, (2) radiographic centering point, and (3) focus-to-film distance. Technique: Our policy is to perform baseline anteroposterior and lateral films following endoluminal grafting and repeat the studies annually. These are the most important films to assess migration and component separation; supplementary right and left posterior oblique radiographs may help identify wireform fractures. It is best to perform radiography before computed tomography if both tests are scheduled for the same day, as excretion of intravenous contrast opacifies the renal collecting systems and interferes with radiographic analysis. Conclusions: Evaluation of the radiographs depends on the design of the stent-graft, so it is important to understand graft construction and the position of the radiopaque markers to best assess changes on follow-up films.
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Cozens, Paul, und Marc Tarca. „Exploring housing maintenance and vacancy in Western Australia“. Property Management 34, Nr. 3 (20.06.2016): 199–220.

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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate “image management” as an important element within the concept to the Crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED). Globally, guidance tends to focus on promoting surveillance and few studies have explored how vacant poorly maintained housing might affect perceptions of crime and CPTED. Design/methodology/approach – This paper contrasts the perceptions of 168 members of the public and 12 built environment professionals with regards to a detached property in Perth, Western Australia. Using two photographs to elicit responses (one poorly maintained and one well-maintained) respondents were asked about their perceptions of crime, and the extent to which CPTED features were perceived to be present. These results are contrasted with a site audit of the CPTED qualities visible in both images. Findings – The CPTED audit recorded significantly higher scores for the well-maintained property than for the poorly maintained dwelling. Most respondents indicated they felt less safe, perceived more crime and lower levels of CPTED in relation to the poorly maintained house. The findings provide support that there is a link between poorly maintained housing and the perceptions of CPTED, crime and the fear of crime. Originality/value – This innovative study utilised two photographic images of the same property to probe “image management”, perceptions of crime and CPTED qualities. It highlights the need to consider these issues throughout the different stages of the development process and presents idea of the “cradle to the grave” life-cycle of criminal opportunities.
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Halffter, Gonzalo, José R. Verdú, Juan Márquez und Claudia E. Moreno. „BIOGEOGRAPHICAL ANALYSIS OF SCARABAEINAE AND GEOTRUPINAE ALONG A TRANSECT IN CENTRAL MEXICO (COLEOPTERA, SCARABAEOIDEA)“. Fragmenta Entomologica 40, Nr. 2 (31.10.2008): 273.

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Scarabaeinae and Geotrupinae (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea) species composition is analyzed along a 150 km long altitudinal transect that runs S-NE in the Mexican Transition zone. The transect is located in the state of Hidalgo in central-eastern Mexico. The spatial unit of analysis is the landscape. The transect crosses five different landscapes. As terms of reference for studying the geographic distribution of the species, the entomofauna distribution patterns for the Mexican Transition zone were used. The transect includes all the patterns established by Halffter for this zone. Only genera with northern origins were found in landscape of the Pachuca Sierra (mountain range). The two landscapes of the High Plateau (temperate and arid) have one genus with a northern origin (<em>Onthophagus</em>), along with species belonging to genera with Neotropical origins that evolved on the High Plateau. For the landscapes of the zacualtipán Sierra and the slope down to the Gulf–Las Huastecas region genera of Neotropical affinity dominate, and there are also some species with a tropical distribution and of northern-Old World origin. The relationship between the mountains and the phyletic lineages or genera of northern origin and of recent entry into the Mexican Transition zone is confirmed, as is that between the tropical lowlands and the Neotropical lines or genera, also recent arrivals. Taxa that arrived a long time ago, of either origin, do not exhibit this geographic-ecological dependence. The Hidalgo Transect is compared with two other, similar transects sampled in the Mexican Transition zone: the Cofre de Perote–Gulf Coast transect (Veracruz) and that of Manantlán (Jalisco). In the mountain landscapes, High Plateau and Tropical Lowlands, there were no important differences in the species composition of the groups studied. In contrast, in the Transition landscape (zacualtipán in the Hidalgo Transect) there were very notable differences. In the Cofre de Perote transect, an important functional group is missing from the treeless habitats: the roller Scarabaeinae. For the same landscape, in Manantlán, lineages with Neotropical affinities are represented by a single species which completely dominates the beetles of northern affinities. This contrasts markedly with the Hidalgo and Cofre de Perote transects where, in the Transition landscape, Neotropical taxa are well represented. It appears that, unlike the tropical lowlands where (geologically recent) penetration of Neotropical taxa is massive in all three transects, in the transition landscapes (originally covered by cloud forest) the penetration of Neotropical taxa is highly variable, and depends on the mountain range in which they are found. In the Conclusions section, we analyze how the beetle fauna with different distribution patterns have contributed to the composition of the fauna of the Hidalgo Transect and in general that of the Mexican Transition zone, resulting in a mixture (genera with northern-Old World affinity, and genera with Neotropical affinities) that give the Mexican Transition zone its unique character.
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Bremer, Thomas S. „Black Robes and the Book of Heaven“. Church History and Religious Culture 101, Nr. 1 (23.02.2021): 80–100.

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Abstract Protestant and Catholic sources tell different stories about four Nez Perce emissaries from beyond the Rocky Mountains who arrived in St. Louis in the fall of 1831. Although their respective historical accounts reveal little about why native peoples would find it advantageous to send a delegation to an American frontier town asking for help, they reveal much about the contrasts between these rival groups of American Christians in the nineteenth century as well as their common objectives in Christianizing the American west. A third version of Christian missionaries arriving in the intermountain west from an indigenous oral tradition offers a different interpretation of Christianity’s consequences for the native peoples of the region.
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Kayilou, J. M. Bazaba, Alain Boussana, Judith F. Ahounou Aikpe, Pierre H. Dansou und Joachim D. Gbenou. „Réponses physiologiques par poste de jeu des footballeurs d’élite lors d’un match éprouvant dans un environnement chaud et humide“. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 14, Nr. 4 (17.08.2020): 1273–81.

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Malgré la hausse de la température atmosphérique pendant la grande saison de pluies, la Fédération Congolaise de Football (FECOFOOT) organise les matchs à 14 heures. Dans le but d’évaluer les paramètres physiologiques des footballeurs par poste de jeu et la distance totale qu’ils parcourent au cours d’un match éprouvant de football en république du Congo. Un match test a été organisé à une température de 39 °C et une humidité relative de 60 %. La fréquence cardiaque d’effort (170,4 ± 8,73 bpm), la température corporelle centrale (37,06 ± 0,20 °C) ainsi que la quantité d’eau consommée au cours du match (2,28 ± 0,37 L) des attaquants étaient plus élevées que les autres joueurs. Par contre, la perte hydrique (3,55 ± 0,55%), la dépense énergétique (868,00 ± 99,52 kcal) et la distance totale parcourue (8,95 ± 0,47 km) des milieux de terrain étaient supérieures aux autres joueurs. Le football pratiqué dans un environnement chaud et humide entraine une contrainte physiologique élevée responsable de la contre performance des footballeurs. Mots clés : Perte hydrique, performance, footballeur, climat chaud et humide, R. Congo. English Title: Physiological responses by playing position of elite footballers during a challenging match in a hot and humid environment Despite the rise in atmospheric temperature during the great rainy season, the Congolese Football Federation (FECOFOOT) organizes the matches at 2 pm. For the purpose of evaluating the physiological parameters and the total distance travelled by footballers per playing position during a challenging football match in the republic of Congo. A test match was held in a hot and humid environment with a temperature of 38 °C and a relative humidity of 60%. The exertion heart rate (170.4 ± 8.73 bpm), core body temperature (37.06 ± 0.20 °C) and the amount of water consumed during the match (2.28 ± 0.37 L) of the strikers were higher than those of the other players. In contrast, water loss (3.55 ± 0.55%), energy expenditure (868.00 ± 99.52 kcal) and total distance travelled (8.95 ± 0.47 km) from midfielders were higher than other players. Football played in a hot and humid environment leads to a high physiological stress responsible for the counter-performance of footballers. Keywords: Water loss, performance, football player, hot and humid climate, R. Congo.
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Guindo, Issiaka. „La protection des investissements étrangers face aux vulnérabilités au Sahel“. Revue internationale de droit économique XXXVIII, Nr. 1 (17.09.2024): 65–89.

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Des événements ayant cours au Sahel depuis plus d’une décennie, aggravés par des renversements des gouvernements civils, ont fait l’objet d’immenses commentaires. L’insécurité soulève de multiples questions de droit international, qui mettent en jeu les engagements de protection des investissements souscrits par ces États. Toutefois, cette question tant importante semble avoir échappé aux observateurs, même les plus avertis. La protection des investissements étrangers implique des engagements de long terme qui sont vulnérables dans des conditions de conflit ou l’insécurité. À cet effet, la force majeure et l’état de nécessité peuvent être considérés comme des moyens d’exonération possibles mais limités en droit de responsabilité internationale des États au profit de ces États. Les accords d’investissement ratifiés par ces États et les codes d’investissement prévoient plusieurs dispositions comme les clauses dites de la protection entière et de la pleine sécurité ainsi que les clauses de compensation pour perte. Ces dispositions traitent des situations critiques comme l’insécurité ou l’instabilité politique. L’objet de cet article est de démontrer que l’applicabilité de ces règles de protection dans le contexte actuel au Sahel reste contrastée à l’égard des investissements étrangers.
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Ford, John D. „Conformity in Conscience: The Structure of the Perth Articles Debate in Scotland, 1618–38“. Journal of Ecclesiastical History 46, Nr. 2 (April 1995): 256–77.

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Most Scots have heard of the National Covenant subscribed in Edinburgh around the end of February 1638. Few, by contrast, know anything about the five acts or articles (requiring the observation of holy days, episcopal confirmation of the laity, kneeling in the act of receiving the eucharist, and permitting the celebration of both communion and baptism in private) passed by a general assembly of the Church at Perth twenty years earlier. Yet those who took time to read the Covenant through would find that its signatories were, among other things, renewing a fifty-year-old pledge to resist all ‘vain allegories, ritis, signes, and traditions brought in the Kirk, without or againis the Word of God and doctrine of this trew reformed Kirk’, and were agreeing more immediately to refrain from the ‘practice of all novations, already introduced in the matters of the worship of God’ until they could be ‘tryed & allowed in free assemblies, and in Parliaments’. Those who examined the aftermath of the Covenant would also learn that it was one of the first acts of the general assembly convened at Glasgow later in 1638 to abjure the Perth Articles. If the National Covenant remains a crucial component of Scottish national consciousness, few Scots, for all the talk of Laud's Liturgy and Jennie Geddes, have much awareness of the debate about church ceremonies that helped to form the context in which the Covenant was produced.
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Haddab, Eddine, und Pierre Traimond. „La finance islamique et la contrainte des besoins en fonds de roulement des PME“. Revue internationale P.M.E. 5, Nr. 3-4 (16.02.2012): 141–52.

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Le problème des fonds de roulement des PME intéresse particulièrement les institutions financières des pays d’Islam où petit commerce et artisanat dominent et où les relations d’argent s’effectuent intuitu personae. Les difficultés des PME des pays en développement à accéder au crédit apparaissent dans le besoin de financement du cycle d’exploitation. Composante essentielle, sinon unique, du fonds de roulement, le crédit se révèle particulièrement court. Dans un environnement économique précaire, la tradition islamique connaît un partage des risques entre prêteur et emprunteur. Les insuffisances des systèmes bancaires sont compensées par la présence d’un secteur informel qui aide les PME à se procurer matières premières et semi-produits, sans oublier des équipements souvent obsolètes, ou à surmonter les risques-pays. La Charia, loi musulmane, repose sur l’équité des transactions et le refus de la thésaurisation. Les bailleurs de fonds s’associent aux projets qu’ils financent selon la règle de partage des profits et des pertes. Le financement se détermine à partir du montant des stocks, des créances sur les clients et des dettes. Tout cela est réduit au maximum, car l’entreprise vit au jour le jour et les co-contractants se connaissent. Les contrats islamiques, musharaka, murabaha ou ijara, sorte de crédit-bail, apportent à la fois études de projets et moyens financiers. Rigide en raison de l’hostilité au prêt à intérêt, la finance islamique reste pragmatique par son souci du quotidien.
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James, Kieran, und Simon Elliott. „Student-Led Cricket Matches as a Product of Coaching/Mentoring“. Boyhood Studies 16, Nr. 1 (01.06.2023): 40–64.

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Abstract Using a historical, autoethnographic approach in this article, we discuss six student-led cricket matches that we organized in Perth, Australia, from 1979 to 1981. From a Foucauldian perspective, we present these games as a student-led resistance against the normalizing and disciplinary processes of official school and youth cricket. The original scoresheets and match summaries exist both then and now only as subjugated knowledges. As these matches’ two captains, we attribute the positive atmosphere, which encouraged such creative initiatives, as being partly due to one class teacher's vision and ethos, which contrasted with the toxic hypermasculinity of the other men teachers. Through a look at our student-led cricket matches of 1979–1981, we recall memories of whiteness within a socially conservative and overall pro-British cultural context.
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Manin, B. L., L. V. Malakhova, A. B. Sarbasov und N. V. Moroz. „CYTOMORPHOLOGICAL TRANSFORMATIONS IN YADK-04 CELLS DURING INTERACTION WITH PESTE DE PETITS RUMINANTS VIRUS“. Veterinary Science Today, Nr. 2 (28.06.2019): 41–45.

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The paper presents experimental study results of the cytopathic effect of peste de petits ruminants virus on a goat gonad continuous cell line (YaDK-04). The interaction of peste de petits ruminants virus with cells at different stages of its reproduction was shown using a combination of phase-contrast and luminescent microscopy. It was found that at the initial stage of interaction (20–24 hours) the cells became rounded and de-adhered, and the monolayer was partially loosened. On day 2 post reproduction the most part of the culture monolayer affected by the virus began to destruct, and the cell nuclei were displaced to periphery. At the terminal stage (72 hours) the destruction of monolayer cells and cytoplasmic matrix, deformation and partial lysis of the nuclei and cytoplasm, aggregation of detritus occurred. At the final stage of reproduction (96 hours) the peste de petits ruminants virus diffused into the culture medium, the fluorescence in the yellow spectrum decreased significantly, but the virus titer reached 6.89 lg TCD50/cm3.
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Porello, Sara. „Building for the Sea Safeguarding Ashore. Brigs, Ships and Peote: A Complex Conservation“. Advanced Materials Research 778 (September 2013): 983–89.

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The presented work is intended to be an international overview on the most important conservative project of naval heritage. As it was immediately clear that mostly concerns ancient shipwrecks' structures which came from underwater environment and made of waterlogged wood, the analysis has therefore focused on waterlogged wood conservation and reinforcement. Based on the state of the art in the field of conservation and management of ancient ships some considerations can be made. The conservation of artefacts coming from the underwater environment has began in the mid XXth century and developed through a great deal of effort which has resulted in a strong improvement of scientific and multidisciplinary research. Case-studies are various and it is clear that conservative approaches and choices are, sometimes, in contrast: an improvement of the state of the art in this particular field is therefore actual. The considered examples concern different experiences both in historical features and in their conservative tracks. In the selection different situations were taken into account, in order to get to a proper analysis of conservation and on how methods and protocols may have evolved over the years. On one side the research dealt with the waterlogged wood, on the other the goal was establish a method applicable to a wider context. In the case of the last two structures taken into account, it was to check whether the same multi-phase and multidisciplinary approach recorded could be appropriate to achieve, even in this case, the common purpose of heritage conservation.
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Boubacar, Moussa Mamoudou, Douma Soumana, Abdourahamane Illiassou Salamatou, Issiakou Bakari Nassirou und Mahamane Ali. „Occupation du sol, phytodiversité de la forêt classée de Gorou Bassounga (Niger) et perception paysanne sur le changement climatique“. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 16, Nr. 1 (08.06.2022): 145–58.

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Au sahel, le déséquilibre entre les besoins des populations et la capacité de production des écosystèmes entrainent un amenuisement des ressources forestières consécutif à une baisse du niveau de vie des populations. Toutefois, la connaissance du niveau de résilience des communautés et des écosystèmes comme les aires protégées permettra d’atténuer les impacts. Cette étude vise à évaluer la phytodiversité des unités d’occupations de la forêt classée de Gorou Bassounga et à apprécier la perception paysanne du changement climatique. Une cartographie de la forêt a été réalisée avec des images sentinel suivis d’un inventaire floristique dans 59 relevés issus d’un échantillonnage stratifié aléatoire et des enquêtes auprès des groupes ethnolinguistiques. La carte d’occupation a fait ressortir six unités à savoir savane arbustive, forêt galerie, sol nu, champ-jachère, formation contractée et affleurement rocheux. Trois groupements végétaux ont été identifiés avec une flore constituée de 95 espèces et une diversité de Shannon élevée. Cependant, la qualité des parcours pastoraux est menacée par l’abondance de Hyptis suaveolens. Par ailleurs, les paysans perçoivent le changement climatique à travers la baisse des pluies, la perte de la biodiversité et l’exode des populations. Ces résultats sont des outils qui serviront pour une meilleure gestion de la forêt.
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Resque, Myrla Franco Antunes, und Dalva Maria da Mota. „MOTIVAÇÃO DE JOVENS PARA O TRABALHO NA AMAZÔNIA PARAENSE“. Raízes: Revista de Ciências Sociais e Econômicas 37, Nr. 2 (13.12.2017): 117–33.

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A literatura, ao tratar da motivação de jovens filhos de agricultores para o trabalho no espaço rural, mostra dilemas entre “sair e ficar” no estabelecimento familiar. Contrariamente, os nossos primeiros contatos no campo indicaram apenas o desejo de permanência. Motivadas por esse contraste, investigamos a questão e, neste artigo, analisamos a motivação de jovens para trabalhar na sua região de origem. Amparada na sociologia rural e do trabalho, a pesquisa foi realizada por meio de um estudo de caso na localidade de Perseverança, São Domingos do Capim (PA). Observações e entrevistas com jovens e seus pais constaram nos procedimentos de pesquisa. Concluímos que, em sua maioria, os jovens têm interesse em continuar vivendo e trabalhando na localidade, mas o desejo de autonomia pessoal e financeira motiva-os a buscar uma formação profissional para conquistar um trabalho assalariado ou mais remunerado perto de casa ou no seu próprio estabelecimento. Há variação de motivações para o trabalho segundo o recorte de gênero, mas a condição de precariedade alcança todos os jovens entrevistados.
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Loi, A., P. S. Cocks, J. G. Howieson und S. J. Carr. „Hardseededness and the pattern of softening in Biserrula pelecinus L., Ornithopus compressus L., and Trifolium subterraneum L. seeds“. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 50, Nr. 6 (1999): 1073.

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Experiments measuring seed bank size, hardseededness, and seed softening of biserrula (Biserrula pelecinus L.) were conducted at Merredin and Perth in Western Australia. At Merredin, a mixture of 2 biserrula accessions was grazed, shallow cultivated, or left uncultivated and ungrazed. Seed bank size, seedling regeneration, and seed softening were measured over 2 years. At Perth, softening of biserrula, yellow serradella, and subterranean clover seeds grown at 2 sites (Binnu and Northam) was compared on the soil surface and after burial at 2 and 10 cm over a period of 2 years. Seed bank size of biserrula at Merredin ranged from 14000 to 17500 seeds/m2. Regeneration was greater in the second year (800–1700 seedlings/m2) than in the first year (40–600 seedlings/m2). In both years the shallow cultivated treatment recorded the highest number of seedlings. About 90% of biserrula and serradella seed remained hard after 2 years on the soil surface, compared with only about 10% of subterranean clover. Serradella softened more rapidly when buried 2 cm below the soil surface (8–12% hard) than it did on the soil surface (84–92% hard) (P<0.05). In contrast, the softening of subterranean clover decreased with increasing depth. Biserrula was intermediate, although it too softened most rapidly at 2 cm (78–95% hard compared with 82–97% on the surface) (P<0.05). Rate of seed softening in all species decreased with increasing depth of burial below 2 cm. Of the 4 accessions of biserrula, an accession from Greece (83% hard after 2 years exposure) was significantly softer than the other accessions. The results indicate that biserrula is very hardseeded, although there is sufficient variation in hardseededness for the selection of somewhat softer lines. Its pattern of softening suggests that biserrula may be successful in the ley farming system (crop/pasture rotations) of southern Australia.
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Baloch, Sindhu, Adnan Yousaf, Saba Shaheen, Samia Shaheen, Inayatullah Sarki, Abdullah Babar, Asfa Sakhawat et al. „Study on the Prevalence of Peste Des Petits Virus Antibodies in Caprine and Ovine Through the Contrast of Serological Assessments in Sindh, Pakistan“. American Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 9, Nr. 5 (2021): 131.

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López Sández, María. „pensamento pedagóxico de Emilia Pardo Bazán e José Rodríguez Carracido: dúas novelas para a educación dun novo século“. La Tribuna, Nr. 15 (11.11.2020): 71–83.

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A coincidencia no cultivo do xénero da estudantina en Emilia Pardo Bazán e José Rodríguez Carracido é reveladora dun interese común por preocupacións pedagóxicas que se expresan tamén noutros escritos non ficcionais de ambos. A pesar das diferenzas de xénero e clase, existen nos seus posicionamentos algunhas notables concomitancias: a defensa da vocación fronte ás imposicións externas; a crítica a unha aprendizaxe superficial, mecánica, memorística e excesivamente especializada; a defensa da necesidade de que conflúan coñecemento teórico e aplicación práctica. Partindo da inserción da estudantina no marco máis amplo do Bildungsroman, Pascual López. Autobiografía de un estudiante de medicina (1879) e La muceta roja (1890) coinciden en presentar, a través dos seus argumentos, exemplos de formacións fracasadas. É revelador este contraste co fin exitoso da máis coñecida novela do grupo da estudantina compostelá, La casa de la Troya (1915), de Alejandro Pérez Lugín ou, no marco máis amplo do Bildungsroman, respecto a Arredor de sí (1931), de Ramón Otero Pedrayo. As formacións frustradas de Pascual e Jacobo apuntan, de maneira alegórica, ao que a colectividade perde, facendo intuír a oportunidade que se abriría cunha educación concibida doutro xeito.
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Coën, Alain, und Aurélie Desfleurs. „La précision des analystes financiers en Europe : l’effet pays et l’effet secteur revisités“. Articles 86, Nr. 2 (12.04.2011): 133–62.

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Nous analysons les erreurs de prévision commises par les analystes financiers pour 13 pays européens sur la période 1990-2006. Afin de mettre en évidence les effets pays, industries et ceux spécifiques à la firme comme sources de variation des erreurs de précision, nous adaptons une méthode développée par Heston et Rouwenhorst (1994) pour étudier la décomposition de la variance des rendements boursiers. Nous estimons chaque effet à l’aide d’une régression avec des variables muettes, puis nous décomposons la variance en mettant en évidence la contribution de chaque effet. Nos résultats révèlent que les différences entre les pays, secteurs industriels ou nombre d’analystes offrent une faible explication aux erreurs de prévision. Par contre, notre analyse dynamique montre clairement que l’effet pays domine de façon continue l’effet industrie et le nombre d’analystes sur les marchés financiers européens jusqu'en 2004 où un retournement de tendance est observé. Lorsque le biais de prévision est étudié, l'ordonnancement est inversé dès 1997. Par contraste, le type de bénéfice – profits ou pertes – et la variation des bénéfices – augmentation ou diminution – jouent un rôle très significatif dans la performance des analystes financiers.
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Bradshaw, Don, Aubret Fabien, Stéphanie Maumelat, Terry Schwaner und Xavier Bonnet. „Diet divergence, jaw size and scale counts in two neighbouring populations of tiger snakes (Notechis scutatus)“. Amphibia-Reptilia 25, Nr. 1 (2004): 9–17.

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AbstractLarge snakes usually possess a higher number of scales to cover their larger bodies and their larger heads. It has been suggested that a diet based on large prey items also favours the development of scale number because the skin would be more extensible and would enable easier swallowing of voluminous prey. A recent study, however, suggested that although body size positively influences scale count in snakes, diet is probably unimportant (Shine, 2002). We took advantage of a natural experiment that separated two neighbouring and genetically indistinguishable populations of tiger snakes in the vicinity of Perth, Western Australia. In one population, situated on a small coastal Island (Carnac Island), snakes feed primarily on seagull chicks (large prey). In the second population, located on the mainland (Herdsman Lake), snakes feed mostly on frogs (small prey). Carnac Island snakes possess more scales (labial and mid-body rows) and larger relative jaw lengths compared with Herdsman Lake snakes. Although preliminary, these data suggest that tiger snakes, whose many populations show contrasted feeding habits, are suitable models to test the "dietary habits / scale count" hypothesis.
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McDonald, K. S., P. S. Cocks und M. A. Ewing. „Genetic variation in five populations of strawberry clover (Trifolium fragiferum cv. Palestine) in Western Australia“. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 45, Nr. 11 (2005): 1445.

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Genetic variation within and among populations of an outcrossing stoloniferous perennial legume, strawberry clover (Trifolium fragiferum L.), was studied using seed collected from 5 different locations in Western Australia. The sites ranged from Badgingarra to the north of the wheatbelt to Karridale in the southwest of the state. Seed was collected randomly at each site and was grown out at the University of Western Australia Field Station at Shenton Park, Perth. Thirteen morphological plant traits were measured and analysed. Results show that within-population variation was extremely high. In contrast, among-population variation was generally low with most characters showing only 8–15% of the total variation. Despite this, all but 1 of the measured plant traits differed among populations. Principal components analysis highlighted the large amount of variation within the populations with the first 3 principal components accounting for only 59% of the total variation. We suggest that the populations have begun to differentiate into ecotypes more suited to those habitats into which they have been sown but that within-population variation remains high due to the outcrossing nature of strawberry clover.
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Ainsworth, Frank, Sue Ash und Adele Summers. „Foster care trends in a Western Australian non-government family welfare agency 1991-1999“. Children Australia 27, Nr. 1 (2002): 38–41.

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Wanslea Family Services (WFS), a non-government family welfare agency in Perth, has provided foster care placements for the Western Australian Department of Family and Children's Services for many years. Data about these children and their families is held in a comprehensive electronic database that covers the period 1991-1999. This 9-year data set is unique in Western Australia and may be unique nationally.An analysis of this data indicates no significant variation across the nine year period for age at admission of children to foster care. In contrast, a statistically significant cubic trend was found for length of episode of care indicating that the duration of foster care placements significantly varied across the nine year period. Analyses of gender for both age at admission and length of foster care showed significant differences but only for particular years. In 1995 females were significantly younger than males while in 1998 males were significantly younger than females. Only in 1998 was length of episode of care significant when it was shorter for males than females. Possible explanations for these results are discussed.
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Lilleholt, Kåre. „Passing of Risk and the Risk of Mystification: Some Drafting Issues“. European Review of Private Law 19, Issue 6 (01.12.2011): 921–29.

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Abstract: The Feasibility Study contains one chapter (seven articles) dealing with the passing of risk in sales contracts. Loss of, or damage to, the goods after the risk has passed to the buyer does not discharge the buyer from the obligation to pay the price, unless the loss or damage is due to an act or omission of the seller. In this paper, the author argues that the Feasibility Study's model of non-performance and remedies would be more coherent and accessible if the rules on passing of risk were substituted by minor adjustments to the rules on delivery or by reworking the rules concerning the effects of the buyer's non-performance of the obligation to take delivery. The inclusion of rules on the passing of risk is just one of several examples of drafting with traditional notions rather than in descriptive language and self-explanatory formulas. Résumé: L'Etude de faisabilité contient un chapitre (sept articles) qui porte sur le transfert de risque dans les contrats de vente. La perte, ou l'endommagement, des biens une fois le risque passé à l'acheteur ne décharge pas l'acheteur de son obligation de payer le prix, sauf si la perte ou l'endommagement est dû à un acte ou une omission du vendeur. Dans cet article, l'auteur argumente que le modèle d'inexécution et des moyens de l'Etude de faisabilité serait plus cohérent et plus accessible si les règles concernant le transfert de risque étaient remplacées par des ajustements mineurs aux règles sur la délivrance ou par un ajustement des règles concernant les effets d'inexécution par l'acheteur de l'obligation d'accepter la délivrance. L'inclusion de telles règles sur le transfert du risque n'est qu'un exemple parmi d'autres de l'incapacité de se détacher des notions traditionnelles dans la rédaction de lois quand on ferait mieux de se fier à un langage descriptif et des formules évidentes pour tout lecteur. Zusammenfassung: Die Machbarkeitsstudie enthält ein Kapitel (sieben Artikel), das sich mit dem Gefahrübergang bei Kaufverträgen beschäftigt. Der Verlust oder die Beschädigung der Ware nach Gefahrübergang auf den Käufer befreit diesen nicht von seiner Pflicht den Kaufpreis zu zahlen, solange der Verlust oder die Beschädigung nicht auf ein Tun oder Unterlassen des Verkäufers zurück geht. In dem vorliegenden Beitrag argumentiert der Autor, dass das Modell der Machbarkeitsstudie für Nichterfüllung und Rechtsbehelfe kohärenter und zugänglicher wäre, wenn die Regeln über den Gefahrü-bergang durch kleinere Anpassungen der Regeln bezüglich der Lieferung oder durch eine Überarbeitung der Regeln, die die Folgen der Verletzung der Pflicht zur Annahme der Lieferung durch den Käufer betreffen, ersetzt würden. Die Einbeziehung von Gefahrübergangsregeln ist nur eines von mehreren Beispielen, wie mit traditionellen Begriffen anstelle von deskriptiver Sprache und selbsterklärenden Formulierungen Gesetze entworfen werden.
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Martínez-Martín, Abel-Fernando, und Andrés-Ricardo Otálora-Cascante. „La peste que dejó despobladas las casas y yermas las ciudades en el Nuevo Reino de Granada, 1633“. HiSTOReLo. Revista de Historia Regional y Local 15, Nr. 34 (01.09.2023): 205–39.

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Este artículo de investigación aborda, a partir de fuentes primarias, la olvidada Peste general en el Nuevo Reino de Granada en 1633, que contrasta con fuentes clásicas de la historia de la medicina y la demografía histórica. Se trató de la confluencia de dos epidemias, una de viruela, que afectó la población infantil y otra, en Suelo virgen, de tifus exantemático o tabardillo, transmitida por piojos, frecuentes en las tierras altas del altiplano, que afectó primero a la población rural de los pueblos de indios, sobre todo adulta, y luego a la población de Santafé y Tunja, provocando una crisis sanitaria, social y económica que marcó el colapso definitivo de la población indígena, afectando las minas, la agricultura y el comercio; acompañada por una crisis política entre el presidente de la Real Audiencia y el arzobispo, vista como castigo divino. Contra la epidemia se empleó por segunda vez la Virgen de Chiquinquirá en Tunja y Santafé. Evidencian las fuentes, que la sequía, el despoblamiento y la hambruna acompañaron la epidemia y entre sus consecuencias están la llegada de los hermanos de Juan de Dios a administrar los hospitales y la primera cátedra de medicina en el Nuevo Reino de Granada.
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The paper deals with the compositional and performing approach to the analysis of Fratres by the Estonian composer Arvo Pärt. The author’s creative credo grew out of a specific artistic and life ideology that he consistently implemented in his works, through the unique musical language tintinabuli. It is combined with the principle of static and dynamic symmetries, whereby mutual action is established between them. Both analyzes were considered according to the methodology of the American musicologist John Rink. The choice of technique applied in each variation is related to the nature of tintinabuli, which is related to the evocation of the sound of bells. Each variation presents the performer with technical problems that the musician faces, and in order to achieve the highest quality and most reliable interpretation, it is necessary to be aware of them analytically and solve them creatively. The mutual relationship between theoretical and interpretive analysis considered in the paper is coherent and corresponding. The basic principles and conclusions of both analytical approaches support the claim that creative and performing aspects are inextricably linked and dependent on each other. In order to interpret the interpretation in a stylistically and conceptually adequate way, it is necessary to put the analytical conclusions into the performance function. Nevertheless, it is necessary to show creativity and, if the need arises, to contrast theoretical conclusions with executive analysis, in order to obtain a complete and adequate result. In this way, the interpretation stands out qualitatively in relation to the traditional conception, at the same time giving it an individual stamp.
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Martins, José Lauro. „EDUCAR NO PRESENTE EFÊMERO PARA UM FUTURO INCERTO“. Revista Observatório 5, Nr. 5 (01.08.2019): 145–67.

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A crítica de alguns autores quanto ao papel da escola na nova realidade educativa perante as possibilidades de interação e informação, chega a extremos. Há autores que consideram que a escola, diante dos avanços tecnológicos capazes de distribuir com eficiência a informação, perde a razão de existir (PERELMAN, 1992). Embora entenda que este seja um posicionamento reducionista e obtuso, uma vez que o papel da escola não é ou não pode ser apenas o de informar. No contexto deste artigo propomos um viés para o debate educacional para a educação no século XXI: por um lado as tecnologias digitais de comunicação e informação que abalam as estruturas centenárias da educação e por outro a autonomia que esta tecnologia possibilita contrasta com o modelo de escola e da educação oficial que temos. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Tecnologias digitais; autonomia, educação. ABSTRACT The critique of some authors regarding the role of the school in the new educational reality towards the possibilities of interaction and information, reaches to extremes. There are authors who consider that the school, given the technological advances capable of efficiently distributing information, loses its existence reason (Perelman, 1992). Although understands that this is a reductionist and obtuse position, since the role of the school is not or cannot be just to inform. In the context of this article we propose a bias towards the educational debate for education in the 21st century: on the one side the digital technologies of communication and information that undermine the centennial structures of education and on the other the autonomy that this technology allows contrasts with the school model and the official education we have. KEYWORDS: Digital technologies; autonomy, education. RESUMEN La crítica de algunos autores respecto al rol de la escuela en la nueva realidad educativa delante de las posibilidades de interacción e información, llega a extremos. Hay autores que consideran que la escuela, frente a los avances tecnológicos capaces de repartir con eficiencia la información, pierde la razón de existir (PERELMAN, 1992). No obstante entienda que este sea un posicionamiento reduccionista y obtuso, una vez que el rol de la escuela no es o no puede ser solamente el de informar. En el contexto de este artículo proponemos un sesgo para el debate educacional hacia la educación en el siglo XXI: por un lado las tecnologías digitales de comunicación e información que tiemblan las estructuras centenarias de la educación y por otro la autonomía que esta tecnología posibilita y contrasta con el modelo de escuela y de educación oficial que tenemos. PALABRAS CLAVE: Tecnologías digitales; autonomía, educación.
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Testamanti, M. Nadia, Reza Rezaee und Jie Zou. „Porosity and pore size distribution of shales: a case study of the Carynginia Formation, Perth Basin, Western Australia“. APPEA Journal 57, Nr. 2 (2017): 660.

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The evaluation of the gas storage potential of shale reservoirs requires a good understanding of their pore network. Each of the laboratory techniques used for pore characterisation can be applied to a specific range of pore sizes; but if the lithology of the rock is known, usually one suitable method can be selected to investigate its pore system. Shales do not fall under any particular lithological classification and can have a wide range of minerals present, so a combination of at least two methods is typically recommended for a better understanding of their pore network. In the laboratory, the Low-Pressure Nitrogen Gas Adsorption (LP-N2-GA) technique is typically used to examine micropores and mesopores, and Mercury Injection Capillary Pressure (MICP) tests can identify pore throats larger than 3 nm. In contrast, a wider range of pore sizes in rock can be screened with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), either in laboratory measurements made on cores or through well logging, provided that the pores are saturated with a fluid. The pore network of a set of shale core samples from the Carynginia Formation was investigated using a combination of laboratory methods. The cores were studied using the NMR, LP-N2-GA and MICP techniques, and the experimental porosity and pore size distribution results are presented. When NMR results were calibrated with MICP or LP-N2-GA measurements, then the pore size distribution of the shale samples studied could be estimated.
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Pamatika, Christian Maucler, Henri Saint Calver Diemer, Christian Diamant Mossoro- Kpindé, Geoffroy Ndakouzou, Hyacinthe Nguida, Régina Lenguetama und Jean de Dieu Longo. „Place de l'hépatite B parmi les pathologies à l'origine de la perte de statut des donneurs bénévoles de sang de Bangui et Bimbo en Centrafrique : analyse rétrospective de cinq années“. Annales Africaines de Medecine 15, Nr. 1 (30.01.2022): e4417-e4430.

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Context and objective. Hemovigilance activities are poorly documented in sub-Saharan African countries. The present study aimed to determine the prevalence of markers of infection in Volunteer Blood Donors (VBD) and to study the place of viral hepatitis B (VHB) in the loss of status of VBD in Bangui and Bimbo. Methods. Data of first-time donors and regular VBD living in the cities of Bangui and Bimbo, who had lost their donor status in the event of positivity of a serological test between 2015 and 2019 were retrospectively examined at the National Blood Transfusion Centre. Results. 51002 VBD were involved. Their average age was 28 years (18 and 64 yrs) and males were preponderant (95%). The majority of VBD were first-time donors (58.9%). The number of donations ranges from 1 to 105. The prevalence rate of VHB had increased from 15.6% in 2015 to 20.1% in 2019, that of HIV from 6.8 to 5.2%, and of VHC from 6.1 to 3.2%. The average prevalence rate of VHB (17.2%) was three times and five times higher than HIV (5.4%), VHC (3.3%), respectively. Young ages (18-34 years) and males were significantly associated with hepatitis B and C (p< 0.05%). By contrast, regular VBD status provides a significant protective effect for all three viral pathologies. Conclusion. VHB is the first pathology to cause the loss of status of VBD in Bangui and Bimbo. Its prevalence is constantly changing. Implementation of the national VHB policy is needed. Contexte et objectif. Les activités de l’hémovigilance dans les pays d’Afrique subsaharienne sont peu documentées. La présente étude avait pour objectifs de déterminer la prévalence des marqueurs de l’infection chez les Donneurs Bénévoles de Sang (DBS) et étudier la place de l’hépatite virale B (HVB) dans la perte de statut des DBS à Bangui et Bimbo. Méthodes. Nous avons rétrospectivement examiné, les données de DBS primo-donneurs et réguliers ; du Centre National de Transfusion Sanguine, des villes de Bangui et Bimbo ayant perdu leur statut de donneur en cas de positivité d’un test sérologique, entre 2015 à 2019. Résultats. Au total, 51002 données de DBS ont été colligées. Leur âge moyen était de 28 ans (extrême 18 et 64 ans) et les hommes étaient prépondérant (95,3 %). La majorité des DBS étaient des primo donneurs (58,9 %). Le nombre de don variait de 1 à 105. Le taux de prévalence de l’HVB était passé de 15,0 % en 2015 à 20,1 % en 2019, celle du VIH de 6,8 à 5,2 % et de l’HVC de 6,1 à 3,2 %. Le taux moyen de prévalence de l’HVB (17,2%) était respectivement, trois fois et cinq fois plus élevé que celui du VIH (5,4 %) et de l’HVC (3,3 %). Le jeune âge (18 à 34 ans) et le sexe masculin étaient significativement associés à la survenue des hépatites B et C (p < 0,05). Le statut DBS régulier était en revanche protecteur pour les trois pathologies virales. Conclusion. L’HVB est la première pathologie à l'origine de la perte de statut des DBS à Bangui et Bimbo. Sa prévalence est en constante évolution. La mise en œuvre de la politique nationale de lutte contre l’HVB s’avère nécessaire.
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Carmo, Ignácio Lund Gabriel da Silva, Roberto Dantas De Medeiros, José de Anchieta Alves De Albuquerque, João Luiz Lopes Monteiro Neto, Richard Alcides Molina Alvarez, Maurício Lourenzoni Augusti, Deila Cristina Vieira Da Silva und Natalia Vieira De Sousa. „Management and post-harvest characteristics of melon cultivars and their prospects in the Roraima savannah: a review“. CONTRIBUCIONES A LAS CIENCIAS SOCIALES 16, Nr. 12 (20.12.2023): 32508–20.

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O melão (Cucumis melo L.) tem significativa importância econômica no cenário mundial, com o Brasil destacando-se como um robusto exportador. Condições climáticas como temperaturas elevadas, baixa umidade relativa do ar e prolongados períodos de insolação são benéficas para a produção e qualidade dos frutos. A região do Nordeste de Roraima, especialmente os municípios de Bonfim e Normandia, perto da fronteira com a Guiana, possui clima semiárido com uma pluviosidade média anual entre 1.200 e 1.400 mm. Após a colheita, os produtos hortifrutícolas começam a respirar, processo que compromete a qualidade pós-colheita, levando à redução das características organolépticas, firmeza, teor de açúcares e perda de massa. Os melões Cantaloupensis e Reticulatus, climatéricos, têm elevada síntese de etileno e alta taxa respiratória nos frutos, o que resulta em deterioração do sabor, perda de firmeza e menor vida útil pós-colheita. Em contraste, melões não climatéricos, como o grupo inodorus, exibem síntese reduzida de etileno, polpa branca, aroma discreto, sem amadurecimento pronunciado e uma vida útil pós-colheita mais extensa. Vale ressaltar que o mercado de melão oferece uma diversidade de cultivares relevantes, resistentes a pragas, com alta produtividade e excelente qualidade pós-colheita. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo abordar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o manejo do meloeiro, condições de desenvolvimento da cultura e pós-colheita de cultivares de melão na Savana de Roraima.
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Tombi, J., und Charles F. Bilong Bilong. „Répartition des parasites branchiaux du poisson d’eau douce Barbus martorelli Roman, 1971 (Teleostei : Cyprinidae) et tendance à une évolution d’intensité contraire des myxosporidies et des monogènes en fonction de l’âge de l’hôte“. Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 57, Nr. 1-2 (01.01.2004): 71.

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L’étude de la parasitofaune branchiale de 558 Barbus martorelli a été menée dans un cours d’eau douce aux alentours de Yaoundé (Cameroun) en milieu tropical, afin d’obtenir des informations sur la répartition des agents pathogènes dans une population d’hôtes sauvages ; ces données sont indispensables dans la recherche de moyens pour éviter les pertes énormes souvent observées en pisciculture intensive. Cette analyse a révélé la présence de deux espèces de myxosporidies (Myxobolus barbi et M. njinei) et de huit espèces de monogènes (Dactylogyrus bopeleti, D. insolitus, D. simplex, D. maillardi, Dogielius martorellii, Dogielius sp., une espèce de Gyrodactylidae et une larve de Polystomatidae). Quatre poissons n’ont pas présenté de parasites, 24 ont présenté une infection monospécifique et 530 une infection plurispécifique. Chaque individu infesté a hébergé en moyenne quatre espèces de parasites. Alors que la prévalence et l’intensité moyenne parasitaire diminuaient avec la taille de l’hôte pour les protozoaires, le phénomène inverse a été observé pour les helminthes. L’effet sexe a été noté dans l’infestation de B. martorelli par la myxosporidie M. njinei et par la plupart des espèces de monogènes. Les femelles ont ainsi été plus infestées que les mâles en raison de leur biologie en période de frai. Enfin, la richesse des espèces parasitaires a semblé affecter négativement le poids des hôtes.
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Mahapatra, M., S. Parida, M. D. Baron und T. Barrett. „Matrix protein and glycoproteins F and H of Peste-des-petits-ruminants virus function better as a homologous complex“. Journal of General Virology 87, Nr. 7 (01.07.2006): 2021–29.

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The matrix (M) protein of paramyxoviruses forms an inner coat to the viral envelope and serves as a bridge between the surface glycoproteins (F and H) and the ribonucleoprotein core. Previously, a marker vaccine (RPV-PPRFH) was produced for the control of peste des petits ruminants (PPR) disease, where the F and H genes of Rinderpest virus (RPV) were replaced with the equivalent genes from Peste-des-petits-ruminants virus (PPRV); however, this virus grew poorly in tissue culture. The poor growth of the RPV-PPRFH chimeric virus was thought to be due to non-homologous interaction of the surface glycoproteins with the internal components of the virus, in particular with the M protein. In contrast, replacement of the M gene of RPV with that from PPRV did not have an effect on the viability or replication efficiency of the recombinant virus. Therefore, in an effort to improve the growth of the RPV-PPRFH virus, a triple chimera (RPV-PPRMFH) was made, where the M, F and H genes of RPV were replaced with those from PPRV. As expected, the growth of the triple chimera was improved; it grew to a titre as high as that of the unmodified PPRV, although comparatively lower than that of the parental RPV virus. Goats infected with the triple chimera showed no adverse reaction and were protected from subsequent challenge with wild-type PPRV. The neutralizing-antibody titre on the day of challenge was ∼17 times higher than that in the RPV-PPRFH group, indicating RPV-PPRMFH as a promising marker-vaccine candidate.
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Cuesta-Briand, Beatriz, Sherry Saggers und Alexandra McManus. „‘It still leaves me sixty dollars out of pocket’: experiences of diabetes medical care among low-income earners in Perth“. Australian Journal of Primary Health 20, Nr. 2 (2014): 143.

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Diabetes prevalence is increasing in Australia, and there are stark inequities in prevalence and clinical outcomes experienced by Indigenous people and low socioeconomic groups compared with non-Indigenous and socioeconomically advantaged groups. This paper explores the impact of Indigenous status and socioeconomic disadvantage on the experience of diabetes care in the primary health setting. Data were collected through focus groups and interviews. The sample, comprising 38 participants (Indigenous and non-Indigenous), was recruited from disadvantaged areas in Perth, Australia. Data analysis was mainly deductive and based on a conceptual framework for the relationship between socioeconomic position and diabetes health outcomes. Most participants reported accessing general practitioners regularly; however, evidence of access to dietitians and podiatrists was very limited. Perceived need, cost, lack of information on available services and previous negative experiences influenced health care-seeking behaviour. Complexity and lack of coordination characterised the model of care reported by most participants. In contrast, Indigenous participants accessing an Aboriginal community-controlled health organisation reported a more accessible and coordinated experience of care. Our analysis suggests that Indigenous and socioeconomically disadvantaged people tailor their health care-seeking behaviour to the limitations imposed by their income and disadvantaged circumstances. To reduce inequities in care experiences, diabetes services in primary care need to be accessible and responsive to the needs of such groups in the community.
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Allain, JP, PJ Coghlan, KG Kenrick, K. Whitson, A. Keller, GJ Cooper, DS Vallari, SR Delaney und MC Kuhns. „Prediction of hepatitis C virus infectivity in seropositive Australian blood donors by supplemental immunoassays and detection of viral RNA“. Blood 78, Nr. 9 (01.11.1991): 2462–68.

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Abstract The prevalence of anti-hepatitis C virus (HCV) enzyme immunoassay (EIA)- positive in 167,511 Australian volunteer blood donors from Adelaide, Melbourne, Perth, and Sydney was 0.78%. One thousand two-hundred and eighteen EIA-positive serum samples were assessed by supplemental tests including a blocking EIA and two peptide EIAs corresponding to major epitopes of the HCV C-100–3 antigen. Seven hundred and eighteen samples (59%) were negative by supplemental testing; no evidence of reactivity with other HCV gene products or HCV RNA detected by cDNA polymerase chain reaction was found in selected samples from this group. In contrast, of 43 samples randomly selected from 400 samples (32.8%) positive by supplemental testing, 88% were reactive with HCV 33-C or core antigens and 52% contained HCV RNA, suggesting contact with HCV and infectivity of most donors in this group. Most samples equivocal by supplemental testing reacted only with C-100 and not with other HCV antigens when tested by dot immunoblot assay. Only 21% had detectable HCV RNA. The battery of assays used in this study indicated that approximately 32% of HCV EIA repeatably reactive serum samples were serologically related to HCV, corresponding to a 0.25% prevalence of potentially infectious donors.
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Allain, JP, PJ Coghlan, KG Kenrick, K. Whitson, A. Keller, GJ Cooper, DS Vallari, SR Delaney und MC Kuhns. „Prediction of hepatitis C virus infectivity in seropositive Australian blood donors by supplemental immunoassays and detection of viral RNA“. Blood 78, Nr. 9 (01.11.1991): 2462–68.

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The prevalence of anti-hepatitis C virus (HCV) enzyme immunoassay (EIA)- positive in 167,511 Australian volunteer blood donors from Adelaide, Melbourne, Perth, and Sydney was 0.78%. One thousand two-hundred and eighteen EIA-positive serum samples were assessed by supplemental tests including a blocking EIA and two peptide EIAs corresponding to major epitopes of the HCV C-100–3 antigen. Seven hundred and eighteen samples (59%) were negative by supplemental testing; no evidence of reactivity with other HCV gene products or HCV RNA detected by cDNA polymerase chain reaction was found in selected samples from this group. In contrast, of 43 samples randomly selected from 400 samples (32.8%) positive by supplemental testing, 88% were reactive with HCV 33-C or core antigens and 52% contained HCV RNA, suggesting contact with HCV and infectivity of most donors in this group. Most samples equivocal by supplemental testing reacted only with C-100 and not with other HCV antigens when tested by dot immunoblot assay. Only 21% had detectable HCV RNA. The battery of assays used in this study indicated that approximately 32% of HCV EIA repeatably reactive serum samples were serologically related to HCV, corresponding to a 0.25% prevalence of potentially infectious donors.
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Wilson, Julia, P. A. Mason, F. T. Last, K. Ingleby und R. C. Munro. „Ectomycorrhiza formation and growth of Sitka spruce seedlings on first-rotation forest sites in northern Britain“. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 17, Nr. 8 (01.08.1987): 957–63.

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The potential benefits of inoculation of Piceasitchensis (Bong.) Carr. seedlings with ectomycorrhizal fungi are being explored in trials on two first-rotation forest sites (at Wealside and Gleedlee) in Northumberland. Trials have been initiated on two contrasting soil types at each site, using plants inoculated with isolates of fungi that occur early in the mycorrhizal succession (Hebelomacrustuliniforme (Bull, ex St. Amans) Quélet, H. subsaponaceum Karst., Laccarialaccata (Scop, ex Fr.) Cooke, L. proximo (Boud.) Pat., L. tortilis (Bolt.) S. F. Gray, Paxillusinvolutus (Batsch) Fr., and Thelephoraterrestris Ehrenb. ex Fr.), together with appropriate control treatments. Inoculation treatments produced significant differences in growth on both sites. At Wealside, and on one soil type at Gleedlee, height increment was positively correlated with the proportion of the root system that was mycorrhizal at planting, rather than to the type of inoculum perse. In contrast, on the other soil at Gleedlee, increment was positively correlated with root/shoot ratio at the time of planting, not with mycorrhizal infection. Examination of root systems at Wealside suggested that inoculant fungi could infect new roots on site for at least 4 years and that, despite proximity of established woodland, mycorrhizal formation with indigenous fungi was slow. The data suggest that further work on mycorrhizal inoculation for British forestry and elsewhere is justified.
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Lanfossi, Carlo. „Ghosting Agrippina“. Journal of Musicology 36, Nr. 1 (01.01.2019): 1–38.

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Baroque opera was invented on a deathly premise: reviving a tradition of sung ancient tragedy that had in fact never existed. Modern historiography has struggled with the notion of origins, focusing on relationships among the surviving textual sources to make sense of the proliferation of theatrical subjects. These relationships remain important—but there is also reason to delve deeper into the “haunted” status of early opera. With respect to three central works on the subject of Agrippina and her son Nero (Nerone fatto Cesare, Noris-Perti, Venice 1693; Agrippina, Noris-Magni, Milan 1703; and L’Agrippina, Handel-[Grimani], Venice 1709), the haunted status of performances was made explicit, both in the drama and in contemporary poems dedicated to the main singers. Using terminology associated with the “spectral turn” in the humanities, this essay argues for rethinking operatic genealogies through the lens of hauntological intertextualities. In contrast to traditional theories of compositional influence, this study adopts a non-linear historiographical approach to performance genealogies, embracing text, music, and discourse about opera itself. Contesting the use of the concept of “origins” with respect to both the birth and subject matter of baroque opera, I argue that the genre developed as an already haunted narration.
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Young, Glen C., Brent S. Wise und Suzanne G. Ayvazian. „A tagging study on tailor (Pomatomus saltatrix) in Western Australian waters: their movement, exploitation, growth and mortality“. Marine and Freshwater Research 50, Nr. 7 (1999): 633.

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Recreational anglers fishing for tailor (Pomatomus saltatrix) around Perth, Western Australia, have expressed concern over declining catches during the early 1990s. A total of 3949 undersize (below the legal minimum length of 250 mm), 1015 sub-adult and 143 adult tailor were tagged between November 1994 and August 1996 at 24 sites along 1200 km of Western Australian coastline. Undersize tailor were recaptured at lower rates than sub-adult tailor, and were, on average, at liberty for longer periods. Modelling indicates that fishers under-report undersize fish, probably because of the legal minimum length requirement, and that the natural loss rate is higher for undersize than sub-adult fish. The majority of recaptured undersize and sub-adult fish had moved <25 km, remaining in sheltered estuarine and marine areas. In contrast, recaptured undersize and sub-adult tailor that had become adults while tagged displayed behaviour consistent with a northward or offshore winter movement. Comparisons between tag returns and the annual commercial catch of tailor suggests that recreational fishers take the majority of the total catch of tailor in Western Australia. Growth estimates between 0.41 ± 0.19 and 0.44 ± 0.12 mm day −1 suggest that tailor reach legal size in 18–22 months.
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