Dissertationen zum Thema „Perte de contraste“
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Albarian, Alexis. „De la perte de confiance légitime en droit contractuel : essai d'une théorie“. Aix-Marseille 3, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010AIX32058.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe examination of the substantive law reveals the existence of numerous appearances of the phenomenon of loss of reliance. Firstly, at the level of the process of formation of the contractual link, the notion of loss of legitimate reliance allows a negotiator to end negotiations even very advanced, without engaging his or her civil liability, because of the emergence of a loss of reliance either in the draft contract in discussion, or in the person of his or her partner of negotiation. Secondly, at the level of the contract performance, a contracting party can break one-sidedly the contract binding him to his cocontracting party if the behavior of this last one is of a gravity such as he engenders a loss of reliance. Thirdly, at the level of the extinction of the contractual relation, if the break of negotiations or real contracts turns out culprit, the victim of this inequitable break can ask in justice for the compensation of the damage of loss of reliance. In contract law, the loss of reliance is, thus, called to occupy two different functions: a "destructive" function of the precontractual or, contractual link, a repair function of the consequences of the extinction of such relations. Therefore, the loss of reliance allowing to put an end to a precontractual or contractual relation can be called when it turns out that the partner does not possess the indispensable moral or professional qualities, or when this one betrayed the reliance of his or her partner by not concretizing the qualities waited in the preparation or the execution of its contract: The agreement, the collaboration, the cooperation, the righteousness, the absence of indirect competition, the regular performance of his or her contractual duties, etc. Besides, the loss of reliance can designate a moral damage characherized by the infringement of the commercial reputation or the credibility of the victim of the breaking off of the precontractual or contractual relations
Caron, Baptiste. „Compréhension des pertes optiques et amélioration du contraste des OLEDs en architecture top-émission“. Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020GRALT065.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSince their discovery in the 80's, OLEDs (Organic Light Emitting Diodes) have established themselves as a key technology for display applications. They enable to achieve flexible or transparent OLED display panels. Organic semiconductors are intrinsically emissive and OLED therefore do not require backlighting unlike LCD monitors. This allows the fabrication of compact and lightweight devices and make very high display resolutions achievable. All these strengths are especially useful for the realization of micro-displays, developed for many years at CEA-LETI and used in nomadic display devices (augmented reality glasses, or AR).However, optical losses within the OLED stacks strongly limit the light power and the efficiency of these devices. For a conventional OLED, 80% of the light emitted within the device is lost. However, high luminance (typically 10-20 cd/m²) is required for AR applications to obtain a good contrast with the ambient outdoor light. The efficiency must also be as high as possible in order to minimize the battery weight of such mobile devices.A dedicated OLED device for studying emission modes has been created in this work in order to experimentally measure the sources of optical losses present in the top-emission OLED structures used in microdisplays. A nano-grating has been achieved by photolithography on top of the top-emitting OLED thin layer encapsulation, made by atomic layer deposition (ALD). This grating allowed to observe two of the guided modes contained in the microcavity of the OLED. It is the first time that such an observation is made on this kind of OLED which emits light from the top of the structure. An absorbing cathode has also been developed to improve the contrast of these OLEDs. The chosen material is a cermet (ceramic/metal) composed of silver and tungsten oxide (Ag:WO3 with a thickness < 20 nm). A study of the optical, electrical and morphological characteristics of this material allowed to realize OLEDs devices with improved contrast without adding a circular polarizer. The absorption of the cermet coupled with the cavity effect of the OLED strongly limits the reflections due to ambient luminosity
Walcarius, Kévin. „Modélisation numérique et mise en œuvre expérimentale d'un prototype imageur laser 3D pour la visualisation de cibles immergées dans un milieu aquatique diffusant“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Toulouse, ISAE, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024ESAE0036.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIn the fields of defense, industry, and marine exploration, the detailed representation of a scene in three dimensions (3D) under all conditions is crucial. One of the challenges is to access this 3D information in environments with high concentrations of suspended matter in the aquatic medium. In this context, 3D focal plane imagers use a pulsed laser source, and each pixel is equipped with an internal clock synchronized with the laser emission, allowing access to 3D information while temporally filtering out stray photons scattered by hydrosols present in the studied medium. Photon-counting cameras can capture very low light fluxes, enabling visibility through high optical thicknesses while minimizing the necessary laser power. However, such a regime is highly sensitive to the ratio between the signal from the turbid water volume and the target signal.To evaluate the potential contribution of lidar technology for observing 3D targets at short range (5-20 m) in dense environments, an active imager prototype with an SPAD array was previously developed at ONERA-Toulouse. The objective of this thesis is to assess the prototype's ability to reproduce a 3D scene under high turbidity conditions and to understand the impact of particle scattering in the medium on the signal detected by the camera. The methodology used is based on a theoretical (modeling) and experimental approach. The theoretical approach involved developing a Monte Carlo-type radiative transfer model to simulate the interactions between the radiation emitted by a laser source, the particles in the traversed medium, and the observed target. The experimental approach involved deploying the imager prototype in a climate chamber to validate the developed Monte Carlo model.A state-of-the-art review of the optical properties of aquatic environments was conducted, followed by adapting the radiative transfer model to the context of short-range imaging in dense environments by proposing a modeling of the "blur" optical phenomenon on the signal scattered from the turbid column near the detector. This model accelerates the convergence speed of the model, especially when the traversed optical thickness is significant (acceleration factor of 6500 for an optical thickness of 4.1). This allows the simulation of 3D scenes for significant optical thicknesses (>5), which was previously impossible within a reasonable computation time.The model was validated for single scattering, then the impact of multiple scattering and the orientation of scattering on the 3D signal received by the camera was studied. Quantitative metrics were proposed to characterize the target signal. The study of these metrics showed, among other things, that the loss of contrast in the 3D restitution of the target in multiple scattering depends on the directionality of the scattering and the size of the detection and illumination fields.The final stage of the thesis consisted of experimentally validating the numerical model. The imager prototype was first characterized precisely, then a measurement campaign was conducted in a climate greenhouse with a canonical 3D scene and two turbid agents, addressing two scattering regimes (weakly and strongly forward-directed). The main result of this thesis is the numerical and experimental demonstration of a loss of 3D information of the observed scene when turbidity or the field of view increases. The transverse distribution of the contrast loss is strongly dependent on the scattering agent used. This phenomenon cannot be corrected by any temporal filtering as it originates from weakly deviated and weakly delayed photons
Saumard, Adrien. „Estimation par Minimum de Contraste Régulier et Heuristique de Pente en Sélection de Modèles“. Phd thesis, Université Rennes 1, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00569372.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBodecher, Maurice. „La perte de confiance et les mécanismes de rupture du contrat de travail“. Aix-Marseille 3, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986AIX32042.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe existence of a suspicion of such a nature and seriousness that the trustful relationships between employer and employee have to be discontinued, allows the breach of the contract of employment (dismissal or judicial rescission), on condition that clues precise enough be put forward, in order both to ascertain the objectivity of the cause and to help the judge appreciate the reality of the grounds. Presently the causes of a loss of trust are quite varied: jurisprudence will recall both the employee's behaviour on the working premises (faults, disagreement), and his her extra-professional life, especially when he she is prosecuted before a penal court, which gives rise to a legitimate suspicion. Moreover the loss of trust may bear no relation to the employee's behaviour, when it results from a fault on the part of the spouse or from the activity of the employee's surroundings. The courts have to appreciate the grounds of dismissal through the degrees of trust. In most cases the "general trust" which is exerted towards any employee whatever his her post, only vanishes in case of the employee's fault, but then this fault itself justifies the breach of the contract of employment, without uselessly resorting to the idea of loss of trust. The "special trust", a more specific trust granted to some employees with particular responsibilities in the firm, such as the executives or the accountants, really makes the contract of employment a brittle thing. It is advisable that the judge should appreciate the loss of trust prior to any rupture, within the framework of the judicial rescission, and no longer only subsequently, in an analysis of the reality and seriousness of the grounds of dismissal
Durand, Cyril. „Circulations fluides, transferts de matière et évolution minéralogique entre deux réservoirs à géochimie contrastée. Les septa carbonatés dans les granites du Quérigut (Pyrénées, France)“. Phd thesis, Université de Franche-Comté, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00134463.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLes relations géométriques entre les septa carbonatés et les roches granitiques encaissantes ont été contraintes par une étude cartographique détaillée. Le contact est caractérisé par le développement d'un endoskarn et d'un exoskarn du côté granitique et carbonaté respectivement. L'endoskarn consiste en un assemblage à Kfs-Qtz-Cpx-Amp-Pl développé au dépend d'un assemblage à Pl-Amp-Bt-Qtz-Kfs. L'exoskarn montre une évolution minéralogique continue et complexe depuis un assemblage à Cal-Cpx-Amp-Qtz-An vers un assemblage à Grt-Wo/Czo-Cpx-Qtz.
Les résultats sur les isotopes stables (Δ18O et Δ13C) suggèrent que ce système se comporte comme un système fermé vis-à-vis des circulations de fluides externes et des arrivées de matière. Seuls des processus de diffusion apparaissent entre les deux réservoirs à géochimie contrastée avec une infiltration limitée de fluides magmatiques dans les métacarbonates proches du contact. Le métamorphisme de contact entre ces deux types de roche est également associé avec d'importants transferts de matière mais toujours sans échanges chimiques significatifs entre les granitoïdes et les carbonates. Dans les roches magmatiques, les transferts se restreignent à l'endoskarn avec un enrichissement significatif en K2O, Rb, Y, Ce, Nb et Ba. A l'opposé, les transferts de matière dans les septa carbonatés apparaissent sur une distance significativement plus épaisse que l'endoskarn. Une forte diminution des teneurs en CaO, Sr et CO2 (atteignant plus de 80 %) est corrélée à une chute des teneurs en calcite en direction du contact. Les autres éléments chimiques, initialement présents dans le carbonate, se comportent comme des éléments immobiles et sont alors concentrés passivement. La perte de calcite est expliquée par des réactions de décarbonatation et des phénomènes de pression-dissolution. Ces processus sont accompagnés par une forte perte de volume atteignant plus de 80% du volume initial en direction de la zone de contact.
La modélisation thermodynamique suggère des gammes de température entre 460°C et 600°C avec une diminution significative de la composition fluide XCO2 en direction du contact afin de stabiliser des assemblages Grt-Wo/Czo (XCO2 < 0,021). Les relations de phase établies en fonction de la composition chimique (Xcompo) et de la composition fluide (XCO2) sont en parfait accord avec les assemblages minéralogiques observés, confortant l'hypothèse d'une forte perte de calcite dans les septa carbonatés lors de l'épisode de métamorphisme de contact. De plus, ces résultats montrent que les diagrammes de phases XCO2 vs Xcompo établis à température et pression constantes sont des modèles prédictifs adéquats à l'étude de la formation des skarns.
Un modèle couplant les circulations fluides et les transferts de matière et contrôlé par des processus de diffusion et de perte de calcite est proposé pour expliquer les évolutions minéralogiques et géochimiques des septa carbonatés emprisonnés dans les roches granitiques du massif de Quérigut.
Kopecká, Jana. „Rizika řízení průběhu zakázky v nebankovní instituci“. Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Ústav soudního inženýrství, 2020. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-414111.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGusto, Gaëlle. „Estimation de l'intensité d'un processus de Hawkes généralisé double : application à la recherche de motifs corépartis le long d'une séquence d'ADN“. Paris 11, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA112188.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleEstimation of the intensity of a generalised Hawkes' process. Application to the detection of correlated words along a DNA sequence. The objective of the thesis is the detection of possible constraints on distances between two genomic motifs along the genome. For this, we model the positions of the occurrences of the motifs with a Hawkes' process. In fact, in this model the intensity is linear and explicitly depends on two functions describing the dependence between the motifs. We non parametrically estimate these functions with splines, using the maximum likelihood method under constraints or the minimization of the least square contrast. In each case, we use some model selection method to determine the optimal number of knots. These knots can be regularly spaced or not. The validation of this estimation procedure is analysed by simulations. Two biological applications are studied
Sylvestre-Touvin, Stéphane. „Le coup d'accordéon ou les vicissitudes du capital“. Paris 1, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002PA010257.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleHug, Eric. „Etude des dégradations des propriétés magnétiques d'alliages Fe-3% Si avec les déformations plastiques : Application à la mise en oeuvre des tôles utilisées dans la conception des moteurs électriques“. Compiègne, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993COMP632S.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleTakafo-Kenfack, Didier. „La sécurité de l'emploi dans l'entreprise“. Thesis, Poitiers, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014POIT3019.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBasis of income and political stability, employment is the gateway through which man gets his roots and acquires a place in society. It is the object of constant legislative intervention in order to assist the worker to fully exercise his career in the enterprise. We have seen these last decades diverse actions geared towards not only assuring to the worker the stability of contractual relations, but equally actions to guarantee him against loss of employment. It is thus the case in a majority of legal systems, notably France and within the OHADA sphere such as Cameroon where the State authorities are striving to drive reforms aimed at preserving contractual relationship. These measures gain importance during the establishment of the employment contract. During the execution of the relationship, involved the suspension, professional training and maintaining the rule of contracts in the event of restructuring in order to achieve the imperative of job stability. It is equally same for various dispositions aimed at protecting employment against the risk of loss which could result from the employer. This study aims to analyze the different techniques of protection of contractual relationship. It relates the recommended possible ways to secure jobs in the enterprise. However, it also displays the insufficiencies and proposes some solutions
Sotom, Michel. „Etude experimentale de l'ouverture angulaire de fibres optiques multimodes“. Toulouse, INSA, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986ISAT0042.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBienner, Aurélien. „Real-gas effects on freestream induced transition and losses in ORC turbine flows“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, HESAM, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024HESAE016.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleOrganic Rankine Cycle (ORC) systems appear as one of the solutions to answer the current energy and environmental challenges, owing to their significant potential for generating power. A key component for ORC is the expander, most often a turbine. For small systems, the latter works in the transonic to supersonic regimes and can be affected by the properties of the organic vapor used and exhibit strong non-ideal effects. In the present study, we investigate boundary layer (BL) transitions and losses mechanism in turbines under conditions representative of ORC for the organic vapor Novec649. We begin by reporting the first direct numerical simulation (DNS) and large-eddy simulations (LES) of transitional and turbulent BL of Novec at high-subsonic conditions. In the turbulent state, the profiles of dynamic flow properties are little affected by the gas properties and remain very close to incompressible DNS, despite the high-subsonic flow speed and even if genuine but very small compressibility effects are present. Our LES strategy is validated against the reference DNS and is used to investigate the influence of forcing frequency and amplitude on the established turbulent state. Then, for the first time, we investigate freestream turbulence (FST)-induced transition of dense-gas BL on flat plates and around the leading-edge of a turbine by means of LES. Due to the high Reynolds number conditions, the thin BL experience large-scale incoming turbulent structures which can, for relatively high intensities, promote a non-linear transition mechanism instead of the classical laminar streak transition mechanism. Compared to Novec flows, air BL are found to be slightly more unstable but retains overall similar characteristics, in particular concerning the transition mechanisms observed. Finally, the flow around an idealized blade vane configuration is tackle by means of Delayed Detached-Eddy Simulations (DDES), allowing fine-detail analysis of unsteady flow phenomena. As the non-ideality of the flow increases, a lower pressure ratio is achieved and the losses increases. With regards to air, Novec's high heat capacity reduces temperature fluctuations, suppressing the so-called energy separation phenomena, while accentuating pressure fluctuations in the wake. Compared to DDES, RANS simulations leads to an underestimation of the losses by about 20%
Martinez-Cardenas, Betty Mercedes. „La responsabilité précontractuelle : étude comparative des régimes colombien et français“. Thesis, Paris 2, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA020005/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePre-contractual liability is derived from the transfer of the duty of the contracting parties to act in good faith from the contract performance phase to the contract formation phase. This transfer was carried out in Colombia by legislative action through the 1971 Commerce Code and in France, by jurisprudence. Nevertheless, the repressive nature of liability during contract formation is still interpreted as simply a reminiscence of delictual liability, at best, and as a marginal sanction for contractual liability, at worst. The goal of this study in comparative law is to find a criterion that confers autonomy and specificity to pre-contractual liability. Therefore, careful analysis by the author led to the discovery that those who insist on denying the existence of pre-contractual liability by linking it to delictual liability have based their argument on a chronological perspective taken from the old notion of contract, i.e., the time of execution. Furthermore, in their view, the absence of a contract justifies the application of the non-contractual liability regime. However, a comparison of the Colombian and French systems on this matter shows the fragility of the argument when faced with the large number of victims of defects of consent who, day after day, prefer indemnification of damages instead of a ruling of nullity of contract. This fragility is much more evident when judges order the indemnification of damages in well-formed contracts, due not to faults related to failure to meet any of the obligations that are derived from them, but to faults originating in the contract formation phase. In essence, finding common ground and discrepancies between the Colombian and French law systems regarding the contract formation phase and comparing them with the mutations of the good faith regime seem to actually contribute to consolidating pre-contractual liability as an autonomous institution
Fonseca, Armando. „Comparaison de machines à aimants permanents pour la traction de véhicules électriques et hybrides“. Phd thesis, Grenoble INPG, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000INPG0065.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleA modelling methodology is proposed to study PM synchronous motor for electric drives. A non-linear model is presented to take saturation effects into account. FEM accuracy is combined. To analytical modelling to quicker reach motor performances whatever operating point. A new FEM magnetic 10ss estimation is exploited to obtain efficiency maps (Copper and core 10ss). Influence of active length shortening is stridied. Surface PM shape modification reduces high speed core. Loss. Inset and Interior PM motors are compared. Driving cycle consumption of Interior PM motor is improved by an airgap induction shape modification. Another analytical model is dedicated to conception. It uses a reluctance network. Constrained optimisation ofPM motors is then performed to reach cost and volume reduction
Baudry, Jean-Patrick. „Sélection de modèle pour la classification non supervisée. Choix du nombre de classes“. Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00461550.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleTrad, Ayman. „Analyse du comportement et modélisation de structures souples de protection : le cas des écrans de filets pare-pierres sous sollicitations statique et dynamique“. Phd thesis, INSA de Lyon, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00690546.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleKhan, Inamullah. „Etude expérimentale de la corrosion en béton armé“. Thesis, Toulouse, INSA, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012ISAT0043/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe thesis aims to study the effect of corrosion on the mechanical properties of reinforced concrete reinforced concrete structures in chloride environment. Experiments were carried out in order to investigate the different mechanical properties such as bending strength, shear strength etc. The experimental work consists of two parts; in the first part small annular cement sand mortar samples were tested in order to observe the effect of cracks on corrosion. Results show that cracks whatever their width allows the corrosion onset at bottom of cracks and along the steel-concrete interface damaged zone caused by the creation of cracks. In the second part an extensive study was carried out on a 26-year-old corroded reinforced concrete beam and a non-corroded of same age in order to better understand the effect of corrosion on reinforced concrete members in flexion and shear. Impact of corrosion on the mechanical properties of steel in reinforced concrete was studied. A new model was proposed for the relationship between corrosion cracks width and loss of steel cross-section
Stul, Olivier. „Les risques en finance : fabriqués ou subis ? : des convictions de professionnels à une analyse sociologique des déterminants organisationnels dans la gestion des risques des multinationales de la finance“. Paris, EHESS, 2016. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01318695.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe financial crisis triggered in 2007 exposed the limits of quantitative tools for risk management in finance, revealing the necessity of a qualitative study of human adaptation towards these technical tools. How have these human efforts to reduce risk evolved in global financial companies since the late 80s? Did their employees become less vigilant? Has corporate risk increased over this period ? This research explores these issues through three levels of complexity : - A " macro " level where global figures and trends are studied through academic literature and indicators. - A "meso" level where finance professionals are interviewed in their natural environment. - A " micro " level with 20 case studies of tangible financial losses. Results indicate that, although the definition of risk evolved during the period studied, remains controversial and eventually appears to be a social construction, overall risk has increased. An unbiased reading of the relationships between company and employees remains complex, but it appears that employees' motivation to protect their company is decreasing due to an increased sense of insecurity. A causal analysis of operational losses reveals multiple key factors that are either underestimated or obscured by global companies. These factors are correlated to human behaviours, influenced by organisation and management tools
Dang, Vu Hiep. „Phases d'initiation et de propagation de la corrosion des armatures du béton armé fissuré en environnement carbonique ou salin“. Thesis, Toulouse, INSA, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013ISAT0039/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis aims to study the reinforcement corrosion embedded in reinforced concrete structures on both initiation and propagation of corrosion and its long-term consequences on the service life of structures. Firstly, a long-term study on the conditions for the initiation and propagation of corrosion in saline environment is presented and the first results confirm the early initiation of corrosion, but shows that the influence of pre-cracks on the propagation of corrosion depends on their conditions of exposure and concrete cover thickness. A study was conducted in carbon dioxide condition with presence of cracks to examine its impact on the initiation and propagation of corrosion. The results showed that whatever the mechanical crack opening, the crack edge and the steel-concrete interface were carbonated. Carbonation of the steel-concrete interface is likely to be due to mechanical damage induced by loading and stress transfer from the steel to mortar when creating cracks. This damage is also caused by the presence of internal micro-cracks around the steel bar. Following exposure to wetting-drying cycles, corrosion develops throughout the reinforcement but with a greater thickness of rust layer on the underside of the reinforcement where the quality of the interface is weaker. The results showed that the corrosion cracking induced by the development of rust layer arises from internal micro-cracks due to mechanical damage. This result is consistent with the development of corrosion cracks observed previously in saline environment. Another part of the thesis is to study the residual mechanical properties of corroded reinforced concrete beams of 26-28 years exposed to a saline environment under bending load. The behavior of single tensile steel corroded extracted from these corroded beams is studied. It is very difficult to know the true stress of tensile steels corroded "naturally" in concrete contaminated by exposure to chlorides. Indeed, the corrosion induced by chlorides leads to create corrosion pits with various geometries that make it difficult to determine accurately the residual steel cross-section. However, it appears that the true yield stress is unaffected, the true ultimate stress is slightly increased by corrosion but the total elongation at failure is drastically reduced by the presence of pitting corrosion. The effect of reinforcement corrosion on flexural behavior is then studied. The corrosion resulted in a change in failure mode, from concrete crushing in compression after yielding of tensile steel to brittle failure of tension reinforcement. The decrease of the load bearing capacity is proportional to the loss of steel section in the mid-span section. The loss of ductility or decrease in deflection at failure of reinforced concrete beams is very important and could be the limiting factor for the service life of corroded RC structures. It appears that the change in ductility of corroded reinforced concrete beam is correlated with the change in ductility of the steel due to corrosion. The effect of corrosion on the shear behavior is then studied. To make this, the short-shear span beams (deep beams) were tested under three point bending until failure. The results showed that corrosion can lead to changes in mechanical behavior but load bearing capacity of deep beams is generally unaffected by corrosion of longitudinal reinforcement and stirrups. These results can be explained by a coupled behavior between arch action and beam action leading to change in load transfer mechanism and failure mode. In addition, the capacity of straight end anchorage of corroded reinforcement appears to be very much higher than expected despite the presence of corrosion cracks. Concrete confinement effect due to the end support reaction and the “natural” corrosion condition which do not lead to a homogeneous damage all around perimeter of re-bars may explain these surprising results
Belhadri, Mansour. „Écoulements des fluides à seuil au travers de singularités convergentes et divergentes“. Grenoble INPG, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996INPG0002.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleZuwam, Fatma. „La finance islamique une alternative à la finance classique“. Thesis, Tours, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019TOUR1009.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe financial crisis of 2018, called the subprimes crisis, highlighted the increasingly deeper disconnection between the financial economy and the real economy. The question then arose as to whether redirect the international finance to moral values. This context explains the interest in Islamic finance which is said to have been spared by the crisis, in particular, due to the ban of speculation (maīsir) which is illicit as regards Islamic law. Still in that context, some studies presented this finance as a competitor or even an alternative to the conventional finance. This stance can rely on the extension of Islamic finance to the Western countries. It can also rely on some arguments relating to ethical imperatives, recommended by Islam and adopted, in theory, by Islamic finance : prohibition of usurious interest (ribā) and of uncertainty in the terms of contractual transactions (gharār) ; profit and loss sharing between contractors and asset-backing in any financial operation ; benevolent loans (ḳarḍ al- ḥassān) and distribution of the zakāt (alms) to the needy ; implementation of an insurance based on solidarity (takāfūl) consisting of voluntary contributions and where the insured persons are insurers at the same time
Benboubker-Jebbari, Samira. „Risque, sécurité et responsabilité du transporteur aérien à l'égard de son passager“. Thesis, Paris 5, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA05D004.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIn recent decades, air transport has been greatly democratized, the regulations has increased significantly. The applicable sources for the air carrier liability are based on international conventions, EU regulations and domestic legislations. This research points dynamic application of the sources and the results produced by different combinations. The evolution of the responsibility concept starts other fields of thought through a combined study of the concepts of risk and safety of air carrier towards passengers. It's also studying the particularism of the carriage contract by air of persons under new regards. EU law has brought a new vision of the carriage contract to the point that it assimilates the passenger to a consumer. The liability of the air carrier also values the new technologies field. Today, air passenger benefits from protective measures of consumer law. The damage analysis helps to understand this nesting process sources, and the diversity of cases law. EU law has set up an innovative and pragmatic regulation in line with new requirements on passenger delays and flight cancellations. The purpose is showing the important role of EU law in the cumulative application of treaty law and of Regulation No 261/2004. The general notion of delay has to be dissociated from ordinary situations generating delay; EU law has drawn a distinction between these events. The delay may be experienced collectively by the passengers, as in case of flight cancellation or individually as in case of denied boarding. EU law enacted standardized measures of assistance and compensation. These mechanisms should be explained such as the improvements proposed by the European legislator. In case of accidents the air carrier liability puts the Convention at the center of attention. Exclusivity agreements are more than ever reasserted by international jurisprudence. However this elevation of treaty law is undermined by some courts practices, which do not hesitate to put aside the Convention to the benefit of the domestic law. Dismantling risk of conventional law is softened by the different references of EU law and domestic law to the primacy of the Convention. The air carrier's liability is a strict liability. It puts an end to any financial limitations in case of body injury or death of passenger. The lack of definition of accident concept continues to raise many questions. For accidents, treaty law carries out an implicit reference to domestic law in order to determine the positions damages. As part of the complementarity of sources, it is important to have a combined approach of French domestic law, which enshrines the principle of full compensation, and the enforcement of treaty law. Air passenger travels with his personal effects. Treaty law has introduced different liability regimes depending on luggage destination. The provision of EU law is minimalist in terms of luggage, but the CJUE cases law allowed a renewed interpretation of the compensation for luggage damages. The study of this liability will lead us to stress the importance of IATA regulations and general terms of carriage which fill in the gaps in EU and treaty law, not interested in this part of the air carrier's liability. The Convention has established options of competence which lead to a multitude of courts. The advent of fifth option of competence is part of a consumerist approach of treaty/conventionnal law. More ground of jurisdiction are, more important is the practice of forum shopping. Jurisdiction rules have been enacted by the jurisprudence as mandatory. The introduction of standardized measures of assistance and compensation by EU law highlighted the purview of exclusive nature of the jurisdiction rules. A liability action of victims in case of aircraft accidents or their heirs before the U.S. courts is likely to result in a forum non conveniens. A survey of American and French jurisprudence is needed to measure the extent of this phenomenon. (...)
Giraldo, soto Catalina. „Optimisation des techniques de surveillance et développement de l'analyse de données pour la caractérisation in-situ du comportement énergétique réel de l'enveloppe du bâtiment“. Thesis, Bordeaux, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021BORD0041.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe general objective of this doctoral thesis project is to advance in the reliability and optimisation of Monitoring and Control Systems for HLC estimation and decoupling, in order to be able to define a minimum energy Monitoring Kit for residential or tertiary buildings in the future. These monitoring kits should be as unobtrusive as possible and should allow the minimum amount of data to be reliably monitored which, together with a correct analysis, should allow the real behaviour of the building envelope to be characterised.Thus after presenting the existing in-use HLC estimation and decoupling methods, the analysis of the State of the Art on monitoring and control systems for in-use building envelope energy characterisation is performed. Thanks to this review on monitoring and control systems analysis, it has been found that the overall uncertainty of indoor and outdoor temperature (when presented) is always considered to be the manufacturer’s accuracy in the existing literature. Using only the manufacturer accuracy as the overall uncertainty for these two important measurements required for the in-use HLC estimation, might lead to strongly underestimating their real uncertainty and this underestimation would be propagated to the estimated HLC values. To deeply analyse this topic, which could generate serious reliability issues for the estimated HLC values, a three dimensional monitoring system has been designed and deployed in an office building. To analyse the overall uncertainty of the indoor air temperature measurement, four thermal zones within the office building have been monitored with a three dimensional approach. To analyse the overall uncertainty of the outdoor air temperature measurement, a three dimensional monitoring approach has also been implemented around the building envelope.Furthermore, the results of this analysis have allowed the identification of the best location for the indoor and outdoor temperature sensors on the monitored building. Besides, the quantification of the discrepancies between the value of the sensor accuracy given by the manufacturer and the experimental value of the sensor accuracy plus the monitoring and control system has also been analysed. Here, the main contribution of this thesis can be found: the methodology developed to allow the quantification of the overall uncertainty of intensive variable measurements such as indoor air temperature and outdoor air temperature on in-use buildings. This methodology not only allows us to obtain the overall value of these measurements’ uncertainty containing all sources of uncertainty (called Measurement Uncertainty), but also allows us to decouple the Measurement Uncertainty into the uncertainty associated to the random and systematic errors. This decoupling separates the value of the variance associated with the overall uncertainty into the sum of two variances, one variance associated with the uncertainty related to the systematic errors (called in the study, Sensor Measurement Uncertainty) and another associated with the uncertainty related to the random errors (called in the study, Measurement’s Spatial Uncertainty).On the other hand, from the analysis of the Co-heating and Average method to estimate the HLC, an extremely detailed monitoring system has been designed and implemented in a residential building. The aim of this extremely detailed monitoring system is to be able to analyse what the minimum required set of sensors to estimate and decouple the in-use HLC values with a sufficient reliability. The selected sensors have the greatest possible accuracy that could be found for building sector applications. A detailed economic analysis is also included for this extremely detailed monitoring
Hu, Lianxin. „Micromechanics of granular materials : Modeling anisotropy by a hyperelastic-plastic model“. Thesis, Lyon, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020LYSEI133.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIn order to model the behavior of geometarials under complex loadings, several researches have done numerous experimental works and established relative constitutive models for decades. An important feature of granular materials is that the relationship between stress and strain especially in elastic domain is not linear, unlike the responses of typical metal or rubber. It has been also found that the stress-strain response of granular materials shows the characteristics of cross-anisotropy, as well as the non-linearities. Besides, the stress-induced anisotropy occurs expectedly during the process of disturbance on soils, for example, the loads or displacements. In this work, a new model which is a combination of Houlsby hyperelastic model and elastoplastic Plasol model was proposed. This new model took into account the non-linear response of stress and strain in both elastic and plastic domain, and the anisotropic elasticity was also well considered. Moreover, the overflow problem of plastic strain in plastic part was calibrated by a proper integration algorithm. Later, new model was verified by using numerical method and compared with laboratory experiments in axisymmetric triaxial conditions. The comparison results showed a good simulation effect of new model which just used one single set of parameters for a specific soil in different confining pressure situations. Then the analysis of new model internal variable, i.e., pressure exponent, illustrated that the value of pressure exponent which corresponds to the degree of anisotropy had an obvious effect on the stress-strain response. Moreover, this kind of effect is also affected by the density and drainage condition of samples. Basing on new model, a safety factor which refers to the second-order work criterion was adopted and tested in axisymmetric model and actual slope model. It showed that the negative value or dramatic decreasing of global normalized second-order work occurs accompanying with a local or global failure with a burst of kinetic energy. This feature of second-order work can also be affected by the variable pressure exponent. At last, new model was also compared with an elastoplastic model which considers both anisotropic elastic and anisotropic dilatancy, i.e., modified SANISAND model. Both advantages and disadvantages were illustrated in the comparison results
Bruynooghe, Stéphane. „Étude de l'élaboration par voie sol-gel de structures guidantes SiO2/Si pour applications en optique intégrée“. Grenoble INPG, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997INPG0166.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRekik, Mahmoud. „Mesure et modélisation du comportement magnéto-mécanique dissipatif des matériaux ferromagnétiques à haute limite élastique sous chargement multiaxial“. Thesis, Cachan, Ecole normale supérieure, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014DENS0019/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe research presented in this thesis is motivated by the design of rotors for high speed rotating machines. The increased power density of these devices requires a higher rotation speed, leading to higher levels of centrifugal forces and stress in the rotor. A first point is to ensure good mechanical strength of the materials. A second point is to take into account changes in the magnetic behavior (and ultimately torque) when they are subjected to a multiaxial stress state. The present study aims at exploring the influence of biaxial stress states on the magnetic behavior of the materials of the rotor. The challenge lies in the development of methods for the characterization of the magneto-mechanical dissipative uniaxial and multiaxial behavior of metal sheets developed by Aperam Alloy and used by Thales Avionics for their aeronautical applications (in FeCo-2V and non-oriented Fe-3%Si). Non conventional experiments are performed on cross-shaped samples in order to apply biaxial stress representative of the loadings experienced by rotors of rotating machines. These experiments are performed on a multiaxial testing machine, Astrée. Stress level is estimated thanks to digital image correlation and X-ray diffraction Both anhysteretic and dissipative magnetic responses to magneto-mechanical loadings have been recorded. On the other hand, a multi-scale multiaxial model describing the behavior of a RVE from the energy balance at the microscopic scale is presented. The approach is based on a comparison of the free energy of each domain. A probabilistic comparison is made to determine the volume fraction of domains used as internal variables. Different strategies for modeling the static dissipation are discussed. Then we present the chosen magneto-elastic approach, improving the description of the effect of stress on ferromagnetic materials behavior