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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Perte de contraste"
Folch-Mateu, Pere. „L’inquiétante étrangeté dans les groupes : diffusion et personnification“. Revue de psychothérapie psychanalytique de groupe 34, Nr. 1 (2000): 25–43.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePrendergast, Maria Teresa Micaela. „The Aesthetics of Railing: Troilus and Cressida and Coriolanus“. Renaissance and Reformation 31, Nr. 3 (01.01.2008): 69–101.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDugué, S. „Les spécificités du syndrome douloureux régional complexe de type 1 (SDRC 1) en pédiatrie“. Douleur et Analgésie 33, Nr. 4 (Dezember 2020): 211–18.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleHorton, David. „Social deixis in the translation of dramatic discourse“. Babel. Revue internationale de la traduction / International Journal of Translation 45, Nr. 1 (23.07.1999): 53–73.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMackenzie, Sara, und B. Elan Dresher. „Contrast and Phonological Activity in the Nez Perce Vowel System“. Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society 29, Nr. 1 (15.06.2003): 283.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIssaka, Souley, Mariama Abdoulaye Moussa Souley und Adamou Basso. „Epidémie de la panachure jaune du riz: une contrainte biotique majeure de la production rizicole dans les périmètres irrigués du Niger“. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 15, Nr. 5 (20.01.2022): 1824–41.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleNawa, Ricardo Kenji, Marcio Luiz Ferreira De Camillis, Monique Buttignol, Fernanda Machado Kutchak, Eder Chaves Pacheco, Louise Helena Rodrigues Gonçalves, Leonardo Miguel Corrêa Garcia, Karina Tavares Timenetsky und Luiz Alberto Forgiarini Júnior. „Clinimetric properties of the Perme Intensive Care Unit Mobility Score“. Colombia Medica 54, Nr. 3 (30.11.2023): e2005580.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleKadner Graziano, Thomas. „Loss of a Chance in European Private Law ‘All or Nothing’ or Partial Liability in Cases of Uncertain Causation“. European Review of Private Law 16, Issue 6 (01.12.2008): 1009–42.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMarpsat, Maryse. „Un avantage sous contrainte : le risque moindre pour les femmes de se trouver sans abri“. Population Vol. 54, Nr. 6 (01.06.1999): 885–932.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleHayward, Sandra F. „Colonial Expressions of Identity in Funerals, Cemeteries, and Funerary Monuments of Nineteenth-Century Perth, Western Australia“. Genealogy 2, Nr. 3 (18.07.2018): 23.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDissertationen zum Thema "Perte de contraste"
Albarian, Alexis. „De la perte de confiance légitime en droit contractuel : essai d'une théorie“. Aix-Marseille 3, 2010.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe examination of the substantive law reveals the existence of numerous appearances of the phenomenon of loss of reliance. Firstly, at the level of the process of formation of the contractual link, the notion of loss of legitimate reliance allows a negotiator to end negotiations even very advanced, without engaging his or her civil liability, because of the emergence of a loss of reliance either in the draft contract in discussion, or in the person of his or her partner of negotiation. Secondly, at the level of the contract performance, a contracting party can break one-sidedly the contract binding him to his cocontracting party if the behavior of this last one is of a gravity such as he engenders a loss of reliance. Thirdly, at the level of the extinction of the contractual relation, if the break of negotiations or real contracts turns out culprit, the victim of this inequitable break can ask in justice for the compensation of the damage of loss of reliance. In contract law, the loss of reliance is, thus, called to occupy two different functions: a "destructive" function of the precontractual or, contractual link, a repair function of the consequences of the extinction of such relations. Therefore, the loss of reliance allowing to put an end to a precontractual or contractual relation can be called when it turns out that the partner does not possess the indispensable moral or professional qualities, or when this one betrayed the reliance of his or her partner by not concretizing the qualities waited in the preparation or the execution of its contract: The agreement, the collaboration, the cooperation, the righteousness, the absence of indirect competition, the regular performance of his or her contractual duties, etc. Besides, the loss of reliance can designate a moral damage characherized by the infringement of the commercial reputation or the credibility of the victim of the breaking off of the precontractual or contractual relations
Caron, Baptiste. „Compréhension des pertes optiques et amélioration du contraste des OLEDs en architecture top-émission“. Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, 2020.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSince their discovery in the 80's, OLEDs (Organic Light Emitting Diodes) have established themselves as a key technology for display applications. They enable to achieve flexible or transparent OLED display panels. Organic semiconductors are intrinsically emissive and OLED therefore do not require backlighting unlike LCD monitors. This allows the fabrication of compact and lightweight devices and make very high display resolutions achievable. All these strengths are especially useful for the realization of micro-displays, developed for many years at CEA-LETI and used in nomadic display devices (augmented reality glasses, or AR).However, optical losses within the OLED stacks strongly limit the light power and the efficiency of these devices. For a conventional OLED, 80% of the light emitted within the device is lost. However, high luminance (typically 10-20 cd/m²) is required for AR applications to obtain a good contrast with the ambient outdoor light. The efficiency must also be as high as possible in order to minimize the battery weight of such mobile devices.A dedicated OLED device for studying emission modes has been created in this work in order to experimentally measure the sources of optical losses present in the top-emission OLED structures used in microdisplays. A nano-grating has been achieved by photolithography on top of the top-emitting OLED thin layer encapsulation, made by atomic layer deposition (ALD). This grating allowed to observe two of the guided modes contained in the microcavity of the OLED. It is the first time that such an observation is made on this kind of OLED which emits light from the top of the structure. An absorbing cathode has also been developed to improve the contrast of these OLEDs. The chosen material is a cermet (ceramic/metal) composed of silver and tungsten oxide (Ag:WO3 with a thickness < 20 nm). A study of the optical, electrical and morphological characteristics of this material allowed to realize OLEDs devices with improved contrast without adding a circular polarizer. The absorption of the cermet coupled with the cavity effect of the OLED strongly limits the reflections due to ambient luminosity
Walcarius, Kévin. „Modélisation numérique et mise en œuvre expérimentale d'un prototype imageur laser 3D pour la visualisation de cibles immergées dans un milieu aquatique diffusant“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Toulouse, ISAE, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIn the fields of defense, industry, and marine exploration, the detailed representation of a scene in three dimensions (3D) under all conditions is crucial. One of the challenges is to access this 3D information in environments with high concentrations of suspended matter in the aquatic medium. In this context, 3D focal plane imagers use a pulsed laser source, and each pixel is equipped with an internal clock synchronized with the laser emission, allowing access to 3D information while temporally filtering out stray photons scattered by hydrosols present in the studied medium. Photon-counting cameras can capture very low light fluxes, enabling visibility through high optical thicknesses while minimizing the necessary laser power. However, such a regime is highly sensitive to the ratio between the signal from the turbid water volume and the target signal.To evaluate the potential contribution of lidar technology for observing 3D targets at short range (5-20 m) in dense environments, an active imager prototype with an SPAD array was previously developed at ONERA-Toulouse. The objective of this thesis is to assess the prototype's ability to reproduce a 3D scene under high turbidity conditions and to understand the impact of particle scattering in the medium on the signal detected by the camera. The methodology used is based on a theoretical (modeling) and experimental approach. The theoretical approach involved developing a Monte Carlo-type radiative transfer model to simulate the interactions between the radiation emitted by a laser source, the particles in the traversed medium, and the observed target. The experimental approach involved deploying the imager prototype in a climate chamber to validate the developed Monte Carlo model.A state-of-the-art review of the optical properties of aquatic environments was conducted, followed by adapting the radiative transfer model to the context of short-range imaging in dense environments by proposing a modeling of the "blur" optical phenomenon on the signal scattered from the turbid column near the detector. This model accelerates the convergence speed of the model, especially when the traversed optical thickness is significant (acceleration factor of 6500 for an optical thickness of 4.1). This allows the simulation of 3D scenes for significant optical thicknesses (>5), which was previously impossible within a reasonable computation time.The model was validated for single scattering, then the impact of multiple scattering and the orientation of scattering on the 3D signal received by the camera was studied. Quantitative metrics were proposed to characterize the target signal. The study of these metrics showed, among other things, that the loss of contrast in the 3D restitution of the target in multiple scattering depends on the directionality of the scattering and the size of the detection and illumination fields.The final stage of the thesis consisted of experimentally validating the numerical model. The imager prototype was first characterized precisely, then a measurement campaign was conducted in a climate greenhouse with a canonical 3D scene and two turbid agents, addressing two scattering regimes (weakly and strongly forward-directed). The main result of this thesis is the numerical and experimental demonstration of a loss of 3D information of the observed scene when turbidity or the field of view increases. The transverse distribution of the contrast loss is strongly dependent on the scattering agent used. This phenomenon cannot be corrected by any temporal filtering as it originates from weakly deviated and weakly delayed photons
Saumard, Adrien. „Estimation par Minimum de Contraste Régulier et Heuristique de Pente en Sélection de Modèles“. Phd thesis, Université Rennes 1, 2010.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBodecher, Maurice. „La perte de confiance et les mécanismes de rupture du contrat de travail“. Aix-Marseille 3, 1986.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe existence of a suspicion of such a nature and seriousness that the trustful relationships between employer and employee have to be discontinued, allows the breach of the contract of employment (dismissal or judicial rescission), on condition that clues precise enough be put forward, in order both to ascertain the objectivity of the cause and to help the judge appreciate the reality of the grounds. Presently the causes of a loss of trust are quite varied: jurisprudence will recall both the employee's behaviour on the working premises (faults, disagreement), and his her extra-professional life, especially when he she is prosecuted before a penal court, which gives rise to a legitimate suspicion. Moreover the loss of trust may bear no relation to the employee's behaviour, when it results from a fault on the part of the spouse or from the activity of the employee's surroundings. The courts have to appreciate the grounds of dismissal through the degrees of trust. In most cases the "general trust" which is exerted towards any employee whatever his her post, only vanishes in case of the employee's fault, but then this fault itself justifies the breach of the contract of employment, without uselessly resorting to the idea of loss of trust. The "special trust", a more specific trust granted to some employees with particular responsibilities in the firm, such as the executives or the accountants, really makes the contract of employment a brittle thing. It is advisable that the judge should appreciate the loss of trust prior to any rupture, within the framework of the judicial rescission, and no longer only subsequently, in an analysis of the reality and seriousness of the grounds of dismissal
Durand, Cyril. „Circulations fluides, transferts de matière et évolution minéralogique entre deux réservoirs à géochimie contrastée. Les septa carbonatés dans les granites du Quérigut (Pyrénées, France)“. Phd thesis, Université de Franche-Comté, 2006.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLes relations géométriques entre les septa carbonatés et les roches granitiques encaissantes ont été contraintes par une étude cartographique détaillée. Le contact est caractérisé par le développement d'un endoskarn et d'un exoskarn du côté granitique et carbonaté respectivement. L'endoskarn consiste en un assemblage à Kfs-Qtz-Cpx-Amp-Pl développé au dépend d'un assemblage à Pl-Amp-Bt-Qtz-Kfs. L'exoskarn montre une évolution minéralogique continue et complexe depuis un assemblage à Cal-Cpx-Amp-Qtz-An vers un assemblage à Grt-Wo/Czo-Cpx-Qtz.
Les résultats sur les isotopes stables (Δ18O et Δ13C) suggèrent que ce système se comporte comme un système fermé vis-à-vis des circulations de fluides externes et des arrivées de matière. Seuls des processus de diffusion apparaissent entre les deux réservoirs à géochimie contrastée avec une infiltration limitée de fluides magmatiques dans les métacarbonates proches du contact. Le métamorphisme de contact entre ces deux types de roche est également associé avec d'importants transferts de matière mais toujours sans échanges chimiques significatifs entre les granitoïdes et les carbonates. Dans les roches magmatiques, les transferts se restreignent à l'endoskarn avec un enrichissement significatif en K2O, Rb, Y, Ce, Nb et Ba. A l'opposé, les transferts de matière dans les septa carbonatés apparaissent sur une distance significativement plus épaisse que l'endoskarn. Une forte diminution des teneurs en CaO, Sr et CO2 (atteignant plus de 80 %) est corrélée à une chute des teneurs en calcite en direction du contact. Les autres éléments chimiques, initialement présents dans le carbonate, se comportent comme des éléments immobiles et sont alors concentrés passivement. La perte de calcite est expliquée par des réactions de décarbonatation et des phénomènes de pression-dissolution. Ces processus sont accompagnés par une forte perte de volume atteignant plus de 80% du volume initial en direction de la zone de contact.
La modélisation thermodynamique suggère des gammes de température entre 460°C et 600°C avec une diminution significative de la composition fluide XCO2 en direction du contact afin de stabiliser des assemblages Grt-Wo/Czo (XCO2 < 0,021). Les relations de phase établies en fonction de la composition chimique (Xcompo) et de la composition fluide (XCO2) sont en parfait accord avec les assemblages minéralogiques observés, confortant l'hypothèse d'une forte perte de calcite dans les septa carbonatés lors de l'épisode de métamorphisme de contact. De plus, ces résultats montrent que les diagrammes de phases XCO2 vs Xcompo établis à température et pression constantes sont des modèles prédictifs adéquats à l'étude de la formation des skarns.
Un modèle couplant les circulations fluides et les transferts de matière et contrôlé par des processus de diffusion et de perte de calcite est proposé pour expliquer les évolutions minéralogiques et géochimiques des septa carbonatés emprisonnés dans les roches granitiques du massif de Quérigut.
Kopecká, Jana. „Rizika řízení průběhu zakázky v nebankovní instituci“. Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Ústav soudního inženýrství, 2020.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGusto, Gaëlle. „Estimation de l'intensité d'un processus de Hawkes généralisé double : application à la recherche de motifs corépartis le long d'une séquence d'ADN“. Paris 11, 2004.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleEstimation of the intensity of a generalised Hawkes' process. Application to the detection of correlated words along a DNA sequence. The objective of the thesis is the detection of possible constraints on distances between two genomic motifs along the genome. For this, we model the positions of the occurrences of the motifs with a Hawkes' process. In fact, in this model the intensity is linear and explicitly depends on two functions describing the dependence between the motifs. We non parametrically estimate these functions with splines, using the maximum likelihood method under constraints or the minimization of the least square contrast. In each case, we use some model selection method to determine the optimal number of knots. These knots can be regularly spaced or not. The validation of this estimation procedure is analysed by simulations. Two biological applications are studied
Sylvestre-Touvin, Stéphane. „Le coup d'accordéon ou les vicissitudes du capital“. Paris 1, 2002.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleHug, Eric. „Etude des dégradations des propriétés magnétiques d'alliages Fe-3% Si avec les déformations plastiques : Application à la mise en oeuvre des tôles utilisées dans la conception des moteurs électriques“. Compiègne, 1993.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBücher zum Thema "Perte de contraste"
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenHorry, Ruth N. Paul Claudel and Saint-John Perse: Parallels and Contrasts. University of North Carolina Press, 2011.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenSurdam, David George. The NFL’s Big Television Score 1961. University of Illinois Press, 2017.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRentall of the County of Perth by Act of the Estates of Parliament of Scotland 4th August 1649 Contrasted with the Valuation of the Same County 1st. British Library, Historical Print Editions, 2011.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenRemarks on Mr. Justice Brown's report to the committee appointed to promote the St. Lawrence and Lake Huron Railroad, via Peterborough: Contrasted with a more inland route, via Smith's Falls, Perth, &c.; to which is added, a glimpse of the future prospects of the route, of which this contemplated railway will form a prominent and essential link. [Perth, Ont.?: s.n.], 1986.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenBuchteile zum Thema "Perte de contraste"
Nieto Izquierdo, Enrique. „Une isoglosse des dialectes doriens du sud‑est de la mer Égée“. In Contacts linguistiques en Grèce ancienne, 273–86. Lyon: MOM Éditions, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der Quelle„CHARME ET AUTORITÉ ÉLÉMENTS D’UN PORTRAIT CONTRASTÉ“. In Le pere Roland de Vaux, o.p., 215–41. Peeters Publishers, 2022.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePommier, François. „Situations extrêmes“. In Situations extrêmes, 11–18. In Press, 2021.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBEAUVIEUX, Fleur, Marc EGROT und Carlotta MAGNANI. „De la peste au covid-19“. In Les épidémies au prisme des SHS, 143–54. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGlissant, Édouard. „What Was Us, What Is Us“. In Treatise on the Whole-World, übersetzt von Celia Britton, 77–110. Liverpool University Press, 2020.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLabrusse, Rémi. „La préhistoire au présent“. In La préhistoire au présent, 167–84. CNRS Éditions, 2021.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMustafa, Adak. „Names, Ethnicity and Acculturation in thePamphylian–Lycian Borderland“. In Personal Names in Ancient Anatolia. British Academy, 2013.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePICART, Ludovic, und Jacques JAUSSAUD. „Le rôle du supérieur hiérarchique dans la prévention du Burnout des cadres“. In Revue Education, Santé, Sociétés, Vol. 7, No. 2, 43–62. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2021.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRees, Owen. „“That Worishh, that Devillishe, and Faithlesse Song”“. In Byrd Studies in the Twenty-First Century, 81–98. Liverpool University Press, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGraham, Hugh Davis. „Introduction“. In Collision Course, 1–12. Oxford University PressNew York, NY, 2002.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleKonferenzberichte zum Thema "Perte de contraste"
Raja, KI, K. Hickson, AT Treweeke, G. Rushworth, E. Morrison, E. Sandilands, JN Cobley, D. McEneaney, M. Eddleston und IL Megson. „P9 N-actylcysteine fails to impact on plasma antioxidant status in a placebo controlled crossover study in healthy volunteers and patients with chronic kidney disease: implications for its value in preventing contrast-induced nephropathy“. In The Scottish Cardiovascular Forum 2019, Saturday 2nd February 2019, The Centre for Health Science, Old Perth Road, Inverness, Scotland. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and British Cardiovascular Society, 2019.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSantos, Letícia Roberto dos. „Uma breve comparação entre a associação da mulher com a morte em duas obras alemãs do século XVI“. In Encontro de História da Arte. Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2012.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleHossain, Muhammad Shazzad, und Youngho Kim. „Fish Anchor Testing in the Swan River“. In Offshore Technology Conference Asia. OTC, 2022.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBerichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Perte de contraste"
Pozzana, Tony. Attitude face au risque & Assurance d'entreprise. Fondation pour une culture de sécurité industrielle, März 2015.
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