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Utari, Indah Sri. „COMMUNITY OF CHILDREN INMATES AND ASSISTANCE SYSTEM IN THE PENITENTIARY: The Impact of Child Social System to the Assistance Process at Kutoarjo Children Penitentiary“. IJCLS (Indonesian Journal of Criminal Law Studies) 2, Nr. 2 (10.12.2017): 111–20.

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The community of inmates children as a unique and unique social system is difficult to understand when viewed only from the outside, so it is necessary to systematically attempt to know the values, norms, relationships, and objectives-through where and with what they are living, and understand both their own experiences and the world in which they liveThe situational system of the inmates children as human beings (although in this case is the child) to be fostered, is one of the important elements in the whole process of assistance in the Penitentiary is no exception to the Children Penitentiary in Kutoarjo. The entire penitentiary system design, from the assistance program, the assistance mechanism, and the assistance implementation, is actually determined by the circumstances and the reality of the people who are to be fostered, the inmates.The reality of the children inmates who are always on the "social order" in their various communities is essentially constantly changing. Specifically, this study finds links between: the institutional reality of a children penitentiary, which includes the factual circumstances concerning facilities and infrastructure, and the administrative aspects of KutoarjoChildren Penitentiary. The reality of the member of KutoarjoChildren Penitentiaryin the form of identified number of occupants, placement systems, and formal and informal groupings of the targeted children in addition to the build and formed a community of the assisted children in KutoarjoChildren Penitentiary and the basic elements of the Social System of the Auxiliaries in all the community of assisted children and etc.As Soerjono Sukanto said that even though human "convicts" live in a confined state, they instinctively want to interact with fellow inmates. This instinct is referred to as "gregariousness" (Soekanto: 1998: 73), which in the last instance will give birth to so-called "social groups". In this context created social structure, social system, norms and so on.
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The article presents the results of the analysis of interaction processes between the penitentiary system production units and business community representatives. On the basis of official statistics, a structural analysis of the production activities of penitentiary institutions, as well as the features of their counterparty relations with business community representatives, was carried out. The current trends and promising directions for the development of cooperative interaction between penitentiary institutions and business structures in the organization of production are substantiated.
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Uvarov, I. A. „Structure of power relations in penitentiary community“. Теория и практика общественного развития, Nr. 12 (2021): 57–61.

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This study aims to determine the effect of organizational commitment, service quality, and employee performance on community satisfaction on employees of the Class IIA Padang Penitentiary. The method used in this research is quantitative research with a descriptive approach. The population in this study were employees of the Class IIA Penitentiary in Padang. The sample used was 144 people using a saturated sampling technique (census). The data analysis technique is multiple linear regression. The results showed that: (1) Organizational commitment has a positive and significant effect on community satisfaction. (2) Service quality has a positive and significant effect on community satisfaction. (3) Employee performance has a positive and significant effect on community satisfaction. (4) Organizational commitment, service quality, employee performance together have a positive and significant effect on community satisfaction in the Class IIA Padang Penitentiary.
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Anggalana*, Anggalana, und Amalia Oktarina. „Implementation of Peraturan Bersama Nomor Perber/01/III/2014/BNN Using Therapeutic Community Method Towards Convicted of Drugs Offenders (Study in Narcotics Penitentiary Class IIa Bandar Lampung)“. JIM: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Pendidikan Sejarah 8, Nr. 2 (16.04.2023): 388–96.

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The Narcotics Correctional Institution has the main objective of dealing with the problem of narcotics, including breaking the network of illegal drugs circulation within the Correctional Institution. The institution also provides health and dependency care for inmates of the correctionl facility. Narcotics Penitentiary Class IIA Bandar Lampung has specific conditions, namely narcotics abuse convicts as residents, it is appropriate to implement a therapy and rehabilitation program. One of the techniques of therapy and rehabilitation methods is the Therapeutic Community Method. Research problems are the implementation of the Therapeutic Community Method in Narcotics Penitentiary Class IIA Bandar Lampung and the obstacles in applying the Therapeutic Community Method to inmates of drugs offenders in Narcotics Penitentiary Class IIA Bandar Lampung. Normative and empirical juridical approaches are used in this research, normative juridical approaches are carried out by studying norms or rules, while the empirical approach is carried out by interviewing informants. Based on indicators of the success of the social rehabilitation program using the Therapeutic Community method, all social rehabilitation participants using the Therapeutic Community method are in a substance-free condition (abstinence) and none of them repeat narcotic crimes (recidivist). The inhibiting factor for the social rehabilitation activities of the Therapeutic Community method in Narcotics Penitentiary Class IIA Bandar Lampung are the lack of supporting facilities and infrastructure, it often causes the implementation of the program to not running smoothly.
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After a long time was not heard to the public area, lately death penalty toward the criminal cases that classified as extraordinary crime are appear. The author discovers electronic article about the execution of the death penalty which is the prosecutor prepares to execute death penalty toward the drugs dealer. The president of Republic of Indonesia stated that it is necessary to give a deterrent effect to the convicted criminal and keep the morality of Indonesian teenagers. According to my opinion, the author argues that it will be better and wiser if we discuss about renovating all of the Penitentiary in Indonesia than debating whether death penalty could be done in Indonesia or not, because it will be displeasure many parties, death penalty infringed the human rights of the convicted criminals and cause psychological burden to them, families, the executor of the death penalty, and other parties. Because if we have to improve the quality of the Penitentiary, if the function of Penitentiary for fostering moralily has been optimal or properly enough to the convicted criminals, Indonesia will be no longer need the death penalty option as sanction to the convicted crimanals including for the extraordinary crime (especially for drugs trafficking in our country). Penitentiary is one of the public services which aims for fostering the people that initially have bad habits (commited to the crime), so that they will have the awareness to change their bad attitude into the be better ones, will not harm others, and positively contributed to the society. Already Penitentiary’s conditions should be designed in such a way and as good as possible, so that the inmates feels like at their own home (like having a second home after his own home), and feel humaner to spend their days in the Penitentiary. The author believes that if the Penitentiary has been improved and optimized its function well, then the real purpose of Penitentiary will definitely achieved. As stated in Law Number 12 Year 1995 regarding to Penitentiary Article 2 which states "sanction system are organized in order to fostering the convicted criminals in order to be the real man, aware of their fault, improve themselves, and not to repeat the criminal act so that they can be friendly received by the community, can actively participated in the development of our country, and can socialize themselves as good citizen."Article 3 on this regulation also intensifies the function of Penitentiary "the function of Penitentiary is to prepare convicted criminals to be able to properly integrated to the society, so they can be accepted again as members of the public who are free and responsible ones."
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After a long time was not heard to the public area, lately death penalty toward the criminal cases that classified as extraordinary crime are appear. The author discovers electronic article about the execution of the death penalty which is the prosecutor prepares to execute death penalty toward the drugs dealer. The president of Republic of Indonesia stated that it is necessary to give a deterrent effect to the convicted criminal and keep the morality of Indonesian teenagers. According to my opinion, the author argues that it will be better and wiser if we discuss about renovating all of the Penitentiary in Indonesia than debating whether death penalty could be done in Indonesia or not, because it will be displeasure many parties, death penalty infringed the human rights of the convicted criminals and cause psychological burden to them, families, the executor of the death penalty, and other parties. Because if we have to improve the quality of the Penitentiary, if the function of Penitentiary for fostering moralily has been optimal or properly enough to the convicted criminals, Indonesia will be no longer need the death penalty option as sanction to the convicted crimanals including for the extraordinary crime (especially for drugs trafficking in our country). Penitentiary is one of the public services which aims for fostering the people that initially have bad habits (commited to the crime), so that they will have the awareness to change their bad attitude into the be better ones, will not harm others, and positively contributed to the society. Already Penitentiary’s conditions should be designed in such a way and as good as possible, so that the inmates feels like at their own home (like having a second home after his own home), and feel humaner to spend their days in the Penitentiary. The author believes that if the Penitentiary has been improved and optimized its function well, then the real purpose of Penitentiary will definitely achieved. As stated in Law Number 12 Year 1995 regarding to Penitentiary Article 2 which states "sanction system are organized in order to fostering the convicted criminals in order to be the real man, aware of their fault, improve themselves, and not to repeat the criminal act so that they can be friendly received by the community, can actively participated in the development of our country, and can socialize themselves as good citizen."Article 3 on this regulation also intensifies the function of Penitentiary "the function of Penitentiary is to prepare convicted criminals to be able to properly integrated to the society, so they can be accepted again as members of the public who are free and responsible ones."
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Pratama, I. Wayan Kevin Mahatya, Anak Agung Sagung Laksmi Dewi und I. Made Minggu Widyantara. „Fungsi Lembaga Pemasyarakatan dalam Melaksanakan Pembinaan terhadap Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan (WBP) (di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Perempuan Kelas II A Denpasar)“. Jurnal Preferensi Hukum 2, Nr. 1 (19.03.2021): 166–71.

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Correctional in its system is useful for preparing convicted people in prisons to integrate normally and be accepted in society again. Merging normally again means restoring the relationship between the convicted or often referred to as Correctional Assistance and the community. The Penitentiary is a place for the Community Assisted to serve their sentence. This study aims to determine the function of prisons in carrying out coaching for Correctional Assistance and to analyze the form and benefits of the guidance program for Correctional Assistance held at Class II-A Denpasar Women's Penitentiary. This research uses normative legal research methods. The data obtained through direct observation in the field. The results showed that in the Guidance Program of the Correctional Institution, especially the location of this research, was held, namely the Class IIA Denpasar Women's Penitentiary, which has collaborated with government agencies, private foundations, and community organizations engaged in the field of women in providing guidance as well as promoting the work of prisoners or residents. Correctional Assistance. In addition, the Class IIA Denpasar Women's Penitentiary held and participated in several exhibitions of the work of the Community Assisted Citizens. This activity aims to introduce the work of the Community Assisted Citizens to the community and make it clear that the Correctional Institution guides or fosters Prisoners to be able to work and be able to contribute to society when they finish serving their sentence.
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Zavitnevych, R. Yu. „Main vectors of reforming the Ukrainian penitentiary system in light of European integration processes: a retrospective view“. Uzhhorod National University Herald. Series: Law 3, Nr. 82 (10.06.2024): 9–14.

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The article examines the process of reforming the Ukrainian penitentiary system from independence to the present. It is stressed that with the advent of independence in Ukraine, there was a departure from the Soviet past and a wish to join Western European values and institutions. The European course and intention to be integrated into the European community have become the primary priorities of Ukraine’s foreign policy. The attention is focused on the fact that the political course taken by our country for integration into the European community requires transformations in various spheres of social relations. In this context, an important place is occupied by reforming the Ukrainian penitentiary system, taking into account the experience of positive functioning of the penitentiary systems in the European Union member states. Accession of Ukraine to the Council of Europe demonstrated the readiness of our country to make global reforms aimed at protecting human rights and strengthening democratic institutions. The historical analysis proved that the present Ukrainian penitentiary system follows the Soviet model for the treatment of prisoners, which is based on authoritarianism and totalitarianism. In light of European integration processes, the Ukrainian penitentiary system must be overviewed, and new ways must be sought for its development. Respect for the dignity of the human person is one of the most European Union values. Ukraine’s orientation to the system of European values shall contribute to rethinking and seeking new ways to build a civilised European-style penitentiary system in our country. In modern circumstances, the Ukrainian penitentiary system is still in crisis. It has many issues, which are primarily related to its underfunding, outdated prison infrastructure, inadequate level of medical care, numerous cases of prisoners’ ill-treatment, lack of a sufficient number of rehabilitation programs, etc. Comparative legal research on the functioning of the penitentiary systems in the European Union and Ukraine is needed to build a civilised European-style penitentiary system in our country. Analysing and studying the theoretical development of this subject will help formulating specific proposals for improving the Ukrainian criminal-executive system.
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Rukmi B, Shinta, und Anggo Doyoharjo. „Community Guidance in the Era of COVID-19 on Children in Conflict with the Law“. East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research 1, Nr. 7 (31.08.2022): 1255–70.

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The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the obstacles that occur in the implementation of the assistance of the Surakarta Penitentiary Community Counselor for Children in Conflict with the Law. The approach method in this writing is sociological juridical. Data collection techniques using interview studies, and observation. To analyze the data, the researcher used a qualitative descriptive analysis method. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the Surakarta Penitentiary's Social Advisor for Children in Conflict with the Law was carrying out assistance, guidance, supervision, and Community Research on children in conflict with the law. Assistance at every level of examination is carried out during the implementation of diversion and execution of court decisions or decisions.
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Purnawati, Andi, und Ilham Ilham. „Supervision and Observation for the Implementation of Court Decisions: A Case Study of Child Crime“. Al-Ishlah: Jurnal Ilmiah Hukum 25, Nr. 2 (30.11.2022): 93–104.

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This study aims to determine the role of the Supervisor and Observer Judge and to analyze the factors influencing the implementation of Court Decisions against child crimes in the Class IIA Penitentiary of Maros. This research uses empirical legal research methods. The primary data collection was carried out using a questionnaire, while the secondary data was collected using literature study techniques. The data obtained in this research is quantified using a quantitative descriptive analysis model, then described using a frequency distribution table for answer research purposes. The results show that the role of the Supervisor and Observer Judge is not limited to supervising and observing child convicts during their punishment period at the Penitentiary but also supervising and observing child convicts after they leave the Penitentiary or have finished their punishment period and return to society. Furthermore, three dominant factors influence the implementation of Court Decisions against child crimes in the Class IIA Penitentiary of Maros: the law enforcer factor, the facilities factor, and the community factor. Awareness of child convicts as a community factor has positively influenced the implementation of the Maros District Court Decision. Therefore, it is recommended for the Supervisor and Observer Judge to maximize their role. In this case, the role of the judge must supervise and observe the activities of child convicts and the role of Correctional Officers in implementing Court Decisions in the Class IIA Penitentiary of Maros. In addition, it is suggested to the Minister of Law and Human Rights make regulations regarding the proportion of the Supervisor and Observer Judge to the number of convicts in the Penitentiary so that the implementation of Court Decisions can run optimally in the future.
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Wardhini, Savitri Restu, Rama Wijaya K.W und Pasiska Pasiska. „‘MASUK NAPI KELUAR SANTRI’: PEMBINAAN NARAPIDANA BERBASIS PESANTREN DI LAPAS KELAS II A KOTA LUBUKLINGGAU“. Psychosophia: Journal of Psychology, Religion, and Humanity 2, Nr. 2 (20.12.2020): 111–25.

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This research will examine the psychology of communication in the community fostered at the Class II A Lubuklinggau penitentiary facility, the research method used is qualitative research with a case study approach, then in data collection by interviewing, documentation and in data processing used with data reduction, then the presentation of the data and in the end the data is concluded. The communication psychology of clerics and prisoners in the class II A penitentiary boarding school in Lubuklinggau City is very influential. Because some prisoners have shown a positive response while receiving guidance at this pesantren. Based on the results of observations, interviews, and documentation, the researchers got the results that the implementation of strategic management in the Class II A penitentiary of Lubuklinggau City ran optimally, it can be proven that the number of prisoners after leaving the coaching process can live and survive and are able to be accepted in the community, although not yet within the scope broad.
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan pemberian pembebasan bersyarat bagi narapidana di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (LAPAS) Kelas I Makassar serta mengetahui bagaimana perlakuan khusus terhadap narapidana risiko tinggi di dalam lembaga pemasyarakatan serta implementasi kebijakan perlakuan khusus terhadap narapidana risiko tinggi di lembaga pemasyarakatan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kota Makassar pada Kantor Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas I Kota Makassar. Metode yang digunakan penulis adalah pendekatan normative empiris. Maksudnya pendekatan yang dilakukan untuk menganalisa tentang sejauh manakah suatu peraturan atau perundang-undangan atau hukum yang sedang berlaku secara efektif dalam masyarakat mengenai pelaksanaan pemberian pembebasan bersyarat bagi narapidana di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (LAPAS) Kelas I Makassar. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penanganan narapidana resiko tinggi pada Lapas Kelas I Makassar sudah cukup efektif dengan menempatkan narapidana resiko tinggi ditempat terpisah dengan narapidana tindak pidana lain serta pemberian program pembebasan bersyarat agar narapidana memperoleh kesempatan beradaptasi dan berbaur kembali dengan masyarakat luas. This study aims to determine the implementation of parole for prisoners in Class I Penitentiary (LAPAS) Makassar and to find out how the special treatment of high-risk prisoners in penitentiary and the implementation of special treatment policies for high-risk prisoners in penitentiary. This research was conducted in Makassar in the Class I Penitentiary Office. The method used was an empirical normative approach. The purpose of this approach taken was to analyze the extent of a regulation or legislation or law applicable in the community regarding the implementation of granting parole for prisoners in Class I Penitentiary Makassar. The results of this study indicate that the handling of high-risk prisoners in Class I Penitentiary Makassar is quite effective by placing high-risk prisoners separated from other criminal inmates and providing parole programs so that prisoners have the opportunity to adapt and socialise with a wider community.
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Uvarov, Igor Alekseyevich. „Information in the System of Management Mechanisms of a Social Organization (on the Example of a Penitentiary Society)“. Общество: социология, психология, педагогика, Nr. 9 (25.09.2020): 42–46.

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The paper attempts to analyze the role of infor-mation in the system of management mechanisms of penitentiary society (a specific type of a social organization). The author has made use of the con-ceptual approach in which information and man-agement influence is carried out by two subjects - the administration of correctional institutions and the penitentiary community. The difficulty in the qualitative assessment of the management mecha-nisms of such a social organization as the peniten-tiary society is that the information impact is carried out by two confrontational subjects. The incon-sistency of management information creates a situa-tion of instability both in the implementation of management mechanisms and in the organization of activities of the entire penitentiary society. The au-thor's analysis of the consequences of such a man-agement system for the penitentiary society shows that the use of innovative forms in the information support of management mechanisms needs further improvement.
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Hamja, Hamja, Lukman Nul Hakim und Murtiningsih Kartini. „The Effectiveness of Coaching Prisoners With The Therapeutic Community Method in The Cirebon Class IIA Narcotics Penitentiary“. Jurnal Dinamika Hukum 22, Nr. 1 (15.07.2022): 87.

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Drug abuse is a significant problem, various rehabilitation efforts are carried out at the Cirebon Class IIA Narcotics Penitentiary, one of which is by using therapeutic communities to provide expectations of drug abuse inmates. The problems studied in this research are related to the rehabilitation of prisoners and their implications with the therapeutic community method at the Cirebon Class IIA Penitentiary. This research is empirical research that uses survey methods, observations, interviews, and literature studies. The data obtained are collected and analyzed qualitatively by analytical descriptive methods. The results showed that the therapeutic community can be implemented optimally but is still faced with the first problem therapeutic community has not been focused on the fundamentals of the resident's addiction and the second problem is that the resident is still faced with having to fight his mind with the effects of the relapse he feels.Keywords: Coaching, Therapeutic community, Relapse.
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Kusztal, Justyna, und Ewelina Franczyk. „Loneliness in penitentiary isolation in social rehabilitation“. Studia z Teorii Wychowania XI, Nr. 2(31) (20.08.2020): 245–62.

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This article, based on literature analysys, will present the concept of the loneliness in penitentiary isolation over the centuries and the critique of the concept in contemporary social rehabilitation. The article focuses on the analysys of loneliness and the the justifications of the penalty reaction in criminal policy in historical approach. This idea of loneliness is critisezed in contemporary theories and practise of social rehabiltation. The programmes of social rehabilitation of convicted based on resources and socialisation’s and activisation’s strategy in local community
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Mujaddidah, Jihan Annisa, Said Karim und Syamsuddin Muchtar. „IMPLEMENTATION OF CRIMINAL DEVELOPMENT IN CORRECTION INSTITUTIONS“. Awang Long Law Review 5, Nr. 2 (31.05.2023): 654–60.

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This study aims to analyze the implementation of prisoner coaching in Class IIB Polewali Mandar Penitentiary and to analyze the factors that influence the implementation of prisoner coaching in Class IIB Polewali Mandar Penitentiary. This research is empirical research. The data sources used consist of primary data, namely data from informants at Class IIB Polewali Mandar Penitentiary. Secondary data, namely data obtained from books, the internet, and related legislation. Data collection techniques are by interviews and direct observation. All of these data were analyzed by descriptive qualitative. The results of the study show that (1) the implementation of convict coaching in Class IIB Polewali Mandar Penitentiary has been carried out quite well personality development and independence development. Personality development includes fostering religious awareness, fostering awareness of the nation and state, fostering intellectual abilities, fostering legal awareness and skills. While fostering self-sufficiency includes bread making, carpentry, electric welding, hydroponics, barbershop, paving blocks, handicrafts from sticks, laying hens, fisheries, goat farming, sewing, workshops, agriculture, and laundry. (2) The factors that influence the implementation of convict coaching at the Polewali Mandar Class IIB Penitentiary include legal factors, law enforcement factors, facilities or facilities, community factors, and cultural factors, each of which has an interrelated role so that the implementation run optimally.
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Aulia, Syifa, und Heri Ridwan. „THE EXTERNAL FACTORS AFFECTING OF NURSE JOB SATISFACTION“. Jurnal Keperawatan Malang (JKM) 9, Nr. 1 (15.01.2024): 67–77.

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Background: Health care is provided to the whole of the community without exception, including convicts. However, there are numerous issues beyond individual control, such as overcrowding of inmates exceeding penitentiary capacity and issues regarding healthcare such as insufficient healthcare staff and nurses having to be on call outside of their regular duty hours, be the factor that affect nurse’s job satisfaction at Class IIB Sumedang Penitentiary Purpose: To determine the external factors affecting nurse job satisfaction at the Class IIB Sumedang Penitentiary. Methods: This research used a qualitative method with a descriptive case study. Data collection techniques include interviews, observations, and documentation. The data is then analyzed using the Miles and Huberman model, which consists of three stages: data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. Triangulation technique is also used for validity of the data through interviews with two nurses at the Class IIB Sumedang Penitentiary, observations conducted by the researcher, and documentation. Result: The result showed that external factors affecting nurse job satisfaction at the Class IIB Sumedang Penitentiary include nurse workload, nurse motivation, work environment and relationships with colleagues, as well as remuneration. Implication: The institution is advised to increase the number of healthcare staff, in line with the ideal ratio between healthcare workers and the number of inmates, and to appoint a permanent doctor to serve in the penitentiary clinic to provide optimal treatment to the inmates. Improving healthcare facilities to meet clinic standards is also recommended. Keywords:Job satisfaction; nurse; Correctional Institution
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Nyatina, Natalya Vladimirovna, Natalia Nikolaevna Klimenko und Marina Igorevna Chernykh. „On the Institutionalization of Penitentiary Sociology“. Общество: социология, психология, педагогика, Nr. 10 (30.10.2020): 49–53.

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Nowadays a new direction of penitentiary sociology is being actualized in the scientific community, which considers significant issues of social adapta-tion of convicts, their subculture, stratification, and resocialization. The importance of sociological knowledge in this area is substantiated, facts about a contradictory vision of punishment as a social function are presented. The subject of the author's consideration is the peculiarities of the interpreta-tion of penitentiary sociology and the specificity of its formation. The purpose of this article is to char-acterize the boundaries of the subject field of this sociological knowledge and to consider the specif-ics of considering prison punishment from the point of view of multifunctional purpose. The authors consider the protosociological approaches of D. Howard, S. V. Poznyshev to the issue of organiz-ing the penal system, as well as M. Fuko sociological interpretation of the role of punishment in society.
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Malukhov, Beslan. „ethodological and regulatory framework for the implementation of projects for the interaction of subjects of the production sector of the penitentiary system with representatives of the business community“. Russian Journal of Management 11, Nr. 2 (05.08.2023): 335–42.

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The article presents the results of a study of the methodological and regulatory framework for the implementation of projects for the interaction of subjects of the production sector of the penitentiary system with representatives of the business community. It is proved that the problem of the development of integration relations in the penitentiary system remains insufficiently studied both in terms of economic theory and from the point of view of economics and management. The above research results allow us to conclude that in today's conditions, the approach to building relationships between participants in integration processes is relevant, primarily as partnerships in the form of certain projects involving representatives of the business community, which are based on the fundamental common interests of the participants.
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Prisoners in undergoing the crime of missing independence at the Penitentiary must be introduced to the community. Banyan Tree Protection Point.6). Prisoners must be given work and must be one with the community and support efforts to increase production. Bandung Women's Class IIA Penitentiary Institution is one of the Technical Implementation units of the Directorate General of Correctional Facility under the ranks of the West Java Province Ministry of Law and Human Rights office as a place to foster female prisoners in the field of independence fostering programs. Fostering the independence program is a form of fostering aimed at empowering female prisoners. It is hoped that they will be effective and efficient in empowering the family's economy, so that they can help a source of income for the family after being free from criminal punishment. The purpose of this study is to determine the motivation of women prisoners in Class IIA Bandung Women's Penitentiary in participating in a program to develop independence, find out the constraints of obstacles and provide solutions to overcome obstacles in the process of fostering Independence.
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Shcherbakov, Grigoriy, Aleksandr Parshkov und Aleksandr Machkasov. „IV International Penitentiary Forum “Crime, punishment, correction” as a discussion platform on the problems of criminal penalties execution“. International penitentiary journal 1, Nr. 3 (31.12.2019): 201–11.

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The article is devoted to the IV International Penitentiary Forum “Crime, punishment, correction”, held in the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia on November 20–22, 2019. The event was organized by the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Academy of the FPS of Russia, the Board of Trustees of the Penal system, the Association of Legal Education, the Association of Lawyers of Russia, Research and Educational Institutions of the FPS of Russia. The purposes of the forum are: to create an international dialogue platform for representatives of Russian and foreign Penitentiary Services and the Scientific Community on criminal penalties execution; to develop and improve research and practical activities in the field of criminal penalties execution; to study the state of the world penitentiary experience and search for promising forms and methods of work with convicts; to promote the development and deepening of inter-state penitentiary cooperation. The forum was attended by more than 1000 participants, including 52 foreign participants from 14 countries (Azerbaijan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Moldova, Mongolia, Republic of Uzbekistan, Republic of South Ossetia, socialist Republic of Vietnam, Federal Republic of Germany, Republic of Finland, French Republic, Swiss Confederation), including 5 heads of Penitentiary Services. The range of participants made it possible to ensure the high status of this international event. A specific feature of the forum was the combination of traditional (plenary session, conference, round table) and original forms of work, for example, the organization of master classes, presentations of scientific literature, open lectures by leading scientists and specialists, etc. During the 3 days of the forum, more than 45 scientific events were held in the format of international conferences, round tables, master classes, presentations of scientific and educational literature, open lectures, etc.
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Priambodo, Guntur Salasa, und Candra Mecca Sufyana. „DESIGN OF WEB-BASED FIXED ASSETS FOR LOAN SYSTEM AT CLASS II A COMMUNITY INSTITUTIONS BANCEUY BANDUNG“. Jurnal Informasi dan Komputer 9, Nr. 2 (24.10.2021): 190–95.

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This research was conducted at the Class II-A Banceuy Penitentiary. The problem in this research is the system of borrowing goods in the form of fixed assets which is still done traditionally. This research has a goal, namely to design a system for borrowing goods in the form of web-based fixed assets at the Class II-A Banceuy Penitentiary in Bandung. The waterfall method is used in this research. The data collection process was carried out using interviews and field observations. The next process is designing the database and UI, and then doing the coding process using the PHP and MySQL programming languages to create a database. The information system for borrowing goods in the form of fixed assets was created with features to view inventory data, input goods in, input goods out. The need for this functional system has been tested, and the process is in accordance with the existing business activities at the Class II-A Banceuy Penitentiary Bandung. The system helps so that the process of borrowing goods can be carried out easily by Banceuy prison staff and can also view inventory data, so that the performance and service felt by the staff are optimal. Keywords: Web-Based Goods Lending System, Fixed Assets, Class II-A Correctional Institution Banceuy Bandung
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Matchanov, Fakhriddin. „Analysis of the material well-being of prisoners in some foreign countries“. Jurisprudence 1, Nr. 2 (10.12.2021): 91–99.

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"The article provides an analysis of the material well-being of prisoners in some foreign countries. In addition, in order to find a theoretical and practical solution to the problem posed in the article, a number of conclusions were provided. In particular, it was emphasized that Uzbekistan, as an equal subject of the world community, recognizing the generally recognized norms and rules of international law, regardless of our desire, should not allow the functioning of the penitentiary system in military or paramilitary structures. When analyzing the material well-being of prisoners, the article also included the development of a new concept covering at least fifteen or twenty years of the functioning of the penitentiary system, with an approximate but realistic time frame, without a hasty solution to this issue. This article analyzes the fact that in all countries that it is wrong to say that the penitentiary system is under the control of the Ministry of Justice. In Great Britain, for example, the Ministry of Internal Affairs runs the penitentiary system. It is clear from this that this issue, related to the internal policy of each state, is also closely related to its economy. "
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Zack, Barry, Coretha Smith, Mark C. Andrews und John P. May. „Peer Health Education in Haiti’s National Penitentiary“. Journal of Correctional Health Care 19, Nr. 1 (01.01.2013): 65–68.

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Pettanase, Ismail. „PEMBINAAN NARAPIDANA DALAM SISTEM PEMASYARAKATAN“. Solusi 17, Nr. 1 (01.01.2019): 57–63.

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Penitentiary is stated as a system of guidance for lawbreakers and as an embodiment of justice which aims to achieve social reintegration or the restoration of the unity of relations between Prisoners and the community. Penitentiary in Indonesia has experienced significant changes, especially regarding the method of treating prisoners themselves. The idea of ​​the function of punishment according to Indonesia which adheres to the Pancasila ideology is no longer just deterrence but is also an attempt to rehabilitate and reintegrate socially Correctional Guidance (WBP) which has been established with a system of treatment of lawbreakers in Indonesia called the penal system
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The modern legal paradigm now has been echoed by all elements of law enforcement. Currently, there are laws that are just and bring benefits to the whole community. The existence of penitentiary facilities is increasingly needed, especially in terms of fostering or returning, penitentiary inmates (WBP) to become fully human beings. The purpose of correctional is social reintegration which is implemented by restoring the life relationship, life, and livelihood of the PAPs. Actors implementing law enforcement, stakeholders, and the community must work hand in hand in carrying out social reintegration. Because it takes alignment of the legal paradigm adopted. This study refer to the existence of penitentiary facilities in realizing social reintegration for PAPs. The author uses a qualitative research method with a literature study approach. Researchers collect data that is relevant to the topic or problem that is linear with this research. Information is obtained from scientific books, research reports, research journal articles, regulations, scientific papers, and other written sources. The results of the study reveal that the existence of correctional facilities is increasingly important, especially in carrying out social reintegration. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen between law enforcement and still require collaboration and alignment of the paradigm adopted between a number of elements, both actors implementing law enforcement, stakeholders, and the society.
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Golovinov, A. V., und Yu V. Golovinova. „“The Russian Community in Prison and Exile” by N. M. Yadrintsev as a Source for Studying the Penitentiary Policy of Pre-Revolutionary Russia: Experience of Historical and Political Science Actualization“. Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Political Science and Religion Studies 42 (2022): 34–41.

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The purpose of the publication is to emphasize the first major work of the founder of the Siberian regionalism N. M. Yadrintsev “The Russian community in prison and exile” in 1872 as a journalistic and scientific source for studying the penitentiary policy of pre-revolutionary Russia. This monumental and relevant work in the 21st century can be safely put on a par with such similar bestsellers as “Notes from the Dead House” by F. M. Dostoevsky, “Sakhalin Island” by A. P. Chekhov and “Siberia and Hard Labor” by S. V. Maksimova. The publication shows the main socio-political ideas of the leader of the movement of Siberian democratic regionalists in the field of state penitentiary policy. The authors found that, sharing the basic provisions of populist political philosophy, N. M. Yadrintsev attached a special role to the community in the re-education of the criminal element. The authors come to the conclusion that the value of the material of the book under consideration for the historical and political analysis of the penitentiary policy is determined by the range of problems presented in it. First of all, these are unique data and reflections on the organization of prison life, the situation of guards, the tasks of correcting a criminal, etc.
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Wicaksana, I. Made Satya Adhi, I. Made Minggu Widyantara und I. Pt Gd Seputra. „Pelaksanaan Asimilasi dalam Pembinaan Anak Negara di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Karangasem“. Jurnal Preferensi Hukum 1, Nr. 1 (27.07.2020): 97–103.

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Assimilation embodies the correctional principle which requires that prisoners not be separated from society. This assimilation was given in order to provide guidance for prisoners, provide skills or education for prisoners to prepare themselves to live independently in the community after being free to undergo criminal justice. Assimilation can allow providing opportunities for prisoners to be able to socialize with the community through coaching, as well as activities carried out with the community. So that later when it is free to be able to return to the midst of society as part of the community and that is not less important, it can provide provision of education and skills that can be used in the community later. The formulation of the problem in this study is: how is the implementation of assimilation as an effort to foster State Children in the Karangasem Correctional Institution and what obstacles are faced in implementing assimilation in the Karangasem Penitentiary. The type of research used in this study is empirical legal research. The results of the discussion in this study are as follows: Implementation of assimilation in the Karangasem Penitentiary based on the Decree of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia Number M.01. PK.04-10 of 1999, and for prisoners related to drug cases, especially users, the coaching is carried out strictly, making it difficult to give assimilation efforts. The obstacles faced in the implementation of assimilation in the Karangasem Penitentiary include: the lack of officers of Karangasem prison institutions who have professional and professional education, lack of interest in serving people in Karangasem Prison, lack of implementing officers for prisoner training, experts are still less like psychiatrists, psychologists, sociologists, doctors and others according to the operational technical needs of Karangasem state detention centers.
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S. O., Nishchymna. „Administrative and legal support of the educational process in the Academy of the State Penitentiary Service“. Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 1, Nr. 12 (02.07.2021): 61–68.

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The article addresses to the characteristics of the administrative and legal support of the the educational process organization in the Academy of the State Penitentiary Service. With the declaration of independence, Ukraine has paid attention to build a European state with appropriate standards in all spheres of state activity. One of the priority areas of this course is the development of a new functioning system of the structure of law enforcement agencies, including the penitentiary system. For the proper functioning of this institution, professional personnel is needed, who will be the main persons of the development of the new penitentiary system of Ukraine in compliance with the leading standards of the European community. The Academy of the State Penitentiary Service has been established and operates in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”. The main purpose of the Academy is to train specialists in the field of knowledge “Law”, “Social and Behavioral Sciences” and other fields in order to meet the needs of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine, to provide society with qualified specialists with higher education, scientific, scientific and pedagogical staff according to the state order, contractual obligations and thus the new generations formation of national intelligentsia. The educational process in higher educational institutions with specific learning conditions, such as the Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, is carried out in accordance with the legislation on higher education, although general subordination is carried out by the relevant ministry – the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. Having certain peculiarities in the cadets, students and associate professors’ training, the Academy also prepares students and graduate students at the expense of individuals and legal entities. The main participants in the educational process at the Academy, as well as in any higher educational institution with specific learning conditions, along with research and teaching staff, are cadets (students) (at the expense of legal entities), students (at the expense of individuals), associate professors (graduate students). All higher education obtainers, enrolled in the Academy receive higher education at the first (bachelor’s), second (master’s) and third (educational-scientific) levels. Key words: administrative and legal support, educational process, Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, penitentiary system.
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Kokun, O. M. „Specificity of professional self-actuating of the employees of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine“. Law and Safety 71, Nr. 4 (27.12.2018): 91–96.

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The specifics of professional activity of the employees of the State Penitentiary Service (SPS) of Ukraine have been revealed; and the definition of personal and professional self-actuating of the employees of SPS of Ukraine has been offered. The forms (objectively and internally professional) and features of professional self-actuating of the employees of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine have been determined. Internally professional features of professional self-actuating of the employees of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine include: the need for professional development; availability of the project of own professional development; prevailing satisfaction with their own professional achievements; constant setting of new professional goals; formation of the own “life-professional environment”. Objectively professional features of professional self-actuating have been called: achievement of the set professional goals; recognition of specialist achievements by a professional community; use of professional experience and achievements by other specialists; disclosure of personal potential and abilities in the profession; manifestation of high level of creativity in professional activity. The factors of professional self-actuating of the employees of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine have been characterized. It is: the level of satisfaction with the content of the own professional activities; degree of satisfaction with the own profession and work; satisfaction with the own social status. The main technological approaches to psycho-physiological provision of professional self-actuating of the employees of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine have been considered. It has been noted that the professional self-actuating of the employees of the State Penitentiary service of Ukraine plays an important role in their professional activity. Such areas of influence are: increase in the efficiency of professional activities (indicators are improved); prevention and neutralization of negative mental states (aggression, anxiety, etc.); prevention of conflict behavior (conflicts with convicts, with colleagues); prevention of emotional burnout (occurs in case of prolonged impact of the criminal world); prevention of professional deformation (negative personality changes leading to appropriate behavior of employees); prevention of deviant behavior (offenses involving the penitentiary staff), etc.
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Palazzo, Francesco. „Delitto, pena e comunità“. La Nuova Giuridica 1, Nr. 1 (14.09.2022): 13–41.

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After outlining the characteristics of the idea of community in postmodernity, the paper examines the role assumed by community in the world of crime and punishment. In the relationship with crime, the community is considered essentially on the level of criminogenesis, as a factor that can contribute to the production of the crime. In the relationship with punishment, the community plays a decisive role in the perspective of resocialising finalism, both at the ideological-political level and at the executive and penitentiary level.
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Pérez-Molina, José A., Francisco Fernández-González, Susana Hernangómez, C. González, P. Miralles, Juan López-Bernaldo de Quirós und Emilio Bouza. „Differential characteristics of HIV-infected penitentiary patients and HIV-infected community patients“. HIV Clinical Trials 3, Nr. 2 (April 2002): 139–47.

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Панова, О. Б. „Key forms of scientific penitentiary and pedagogical knowledge“. Penitentiary Science, Nr. 3(59) (30.09.2022): 327–42.

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Введение: статья посвящена обоснованию целесообразности формализации научного пенитенциарно-педагогического знания с учетом накопленной в данной сфере информации и задач пенитенциарной педагогики; представлению научного взгляда на систематизацию основных форм пенитенциарно-педагогического знания и рассмотрению их базовых параметров. Цель: представить и охарактеризовать современное пенитенциарно-педагогическое знание как формализованную структуру, базирующуюся на определенных стандартных подходах, которые призваны обеспечивать ясность и единообразие восприятия ключевых аспектов пенитенциарно-педагогической действительности в научном сообществе, среде практических работников и общественных деятелей. Методы: сравнительно-исторический анализ, монографический метод, структурный анализ, логическое обобщение и др. Результаты: в ходе теоретического анализа литературы, отражающей основные достижения пенитенциарной педагогики и устоявшиеся подходы к структурированию научной информации, были представлены основные формы научного пенитенциарно-педагогического знания в контексте современных тенденций развития уголовно-исполнительной системы. В качестве основных форм рассмотрены педагогические термины, закономерности, принципы, условия, модели, концепции и теории. Характеристики данных форм включают базовые признаки, пенитенциарную специфику, критерии действенности и перспективы дальнейшего развития. Названные формы подкрепляются примерами, которые позволяют конкретизировать каждуюиз них. Определены перспективы исследования проблемы формализации пенитенциарно-педагогического знания. Introduction: the article is devoted to substantiating the expediency of formalizing scientific penitentiary and pedagogical knowledge, taking into account the information accumulated in this field and penitentiary pedagogy tasks; presenting a scientific view on the systematization of key forms of penitentiary and pedagogical knowledge and considering their basic parameters. Purpose: to present and characterize modern penitentiary and pedagogical knowledge as a formalized structure based on certain standard approaches that are designed to provide clarity and uniformity in the perception of key aspects of penitentiarypedagogical reality in the scientific community, among practitioners and public figures. Methods: comparative historical analysis, monographic, structural analysis, logical generalization, etc. Results: during theoretical analysis of the literature reflecting priority achievements of penitentiary pedagogy and the established approaches to structuring scientific information, key forms of scientific penitentiary and pedagogical knowledge in the aspect of modern trends in the development of the penal system were presented and characterized. Pedagogical terms, patterns, principles, conditions, models, concepts and theories were considered as the main forms. Characteristics of these forms included basic features, penitentiary specifics, criteria of effectiveness and prospects for further development. These forms were supported by examples that made it possible to concretize each of them. The prospects to further elaborate the problem of formalization of penitentiary and pedagogical knowledge are determined.
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Ono, Dipo Krishyudi. „LITERASI DIGITAL PERAN TAMPING LAPAS KELAS II A BOGOR MELALUI VIDEO DI ERA PANDEMI COVID-19“. Media Bahasa, Sastra, dan Budaya Wahana 27, Nr. 2 (30.12.2021): 590–97.

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Abstract There are many information are present through mass media or social media. Positive and accurate information will be beneficial for the community. People's ability to understand any information is still considered low. One of them is information about the activities of built citizens in Penitentiary (LAPAS) during COVID-19 pandemic. Many residents in penitentiary have skills in various fields, one of which is cooking skills. Built residents with good skills are entrusted to help penitentiary officers do daily activities. One of them is to help in the kitchen, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. To provide information to the community about the activities of the residents who help in the kitchen, Penitentiary Class II A Bogor made a video of the activity uploaded on social media. The purpose of making this video is to provide information to the public about the lives and activities of the built citizens, especially the tamping who help in the kitchen. The video showed the activities of the tamping kitchen. The tamping kitchen activities began with raw materials of cuisine arrived in the penitentiary, processing the materials, cooked and consumed by the members of penitentiary occupants. Research methods use a descriptive qualitative approach, data collection is done through observation, interviews and document tracing. The study was conducted from November 2020 to February 2021. Key word : Digital Literacy, inmates, tamping kitchen Abstrak: Di era digital literasi saat ini, beragam informasi hadir melalui media massa ataupun media sosial. Informasi positif dan akurat akan bermanfaat bagi masayarakat. Kemampuan masyarakat memahami setiap informasi masih dianggap rendah. Salah satunya informasi tentang kegiatan warga binaan di dalam Lembaga pemasyarakatan (LAPAS) selama pandemi COVID-19. Warga binaan di Lapas banyak yang memiliki keterampilan di beragam bidang, salah satunya keterampilan memasak. Warga binaan dengan keterampilan baik dipercayakan membantu petugas Lapas mengerjakan kegiatan sehari-hari. Salah satunya adalah membantu di dapur, khususnya di masa pandemi Covid-19. Untuk memberikan informasi pada masyarakat tentang kegiatan para warga binaan (tamping) yang membantu di dapur, pihak Lapas Kelas II A Bogor membuat video kegiatan yang diunggah di media sosial. Tujuan dari pembuatan video ini adalah untuk memberikan informasi pada masyarakat tentang kehidupan dan kegiatan warga binaan, khususnya para tamping yang membantu di dapur. Dalam video ditayangkan aktivitas para tamping dapur dalam melaksanakan pekerjaannya, dimulai dari awal bahan baku masakan tiba di lapas, pengolahan dan dikonsumsi para warga binaan. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif, Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara dan penelusuran dokumen. Penelitian dilakukan pada November 2020 sampai Februari 2021. Kata kunci : Literasi digital, tamping dapur, warga binaan
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Febrianto, Dewa Dermawan. „Implementation of Prisoners' Self-Guidance Development at Penitentiary Institutions to Eradicate Negative Stigma“. Bisma The Journal of Counseling 4, Nr. 1 (12.05.2020): 57.

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In Law 12 of 1995 concerning Correctional, it is explained that the convict is someone who has obtained permanent legal force from the court for violating the law he commited and placed in a correctional institution. In undergoing their criminal term in correctional institution they receive guidance in order to realize their mistakes, improve themselves, and no longer to repeat their criminal acts, so that they can be readmitted into the community. In the process of their return to the community, many of them were struggled to adapt again, because of negative stigmatization of the community. The impact is they will find hard to get a decent job, will be exclude from the community, and even worse they will did their crime again. In correctional institution there is a term for recidivist or a term for those ex-convict who have been released but go back again into correctional institution for repeating their crime. In this case many opinions from outside assume if the coaching process was given did not go well or failed. So in the study will discuss how to disperse the negative stigma of ex-convicts through the implementation results of the guidance that has been given into the community.
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Tajuddin, Mulyadi Alrianto, und Leonardus Abung. „PEMBINAAN ANAK DIDIK PEMASYARAKATAN BERORIENTASI REHABILITASI SOSIAL DI LEMBAGA PEMASYARAKATAN KELAS IIB MERAUKE“. Al-Adalah: Jurnal Hukum dan Politik Islam 4, Nr. 2 (10.10.2019): 173–93.

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The effectiveness in the existence of social rehabilitation for correctional students in Merauke Class IIB Correctional Institutions has not yet fully provided guidance in accordance with Law Number 12 of 1995 concerning Corrections because the Class IIB Correctional Institution of Merauke is a General Correctional Institution and Not a Special Penitentiary for Children. This study examines the formation of correctional students in Merauke Class IIB Correctional Institutions which are socially oriented and inhibiting factors in conducting social rehabilitation for correctional students in the Class IIB Correctional Institution of Merauke. This study uses an empirical juridical approach method with a qualitative analysis which then results are obtained that the social rehabilitation of the implementation of coaching in the Class IIB Correctional Institution of Merauke is carried out namely the fostering of religious awareness, fostering intellectual abilities (intelligence) and fostering legal awareness, However, social rehabilitation such as fostering national and state awareness, and guidance to interact with the community has not been carried out at the Merauke Class IIB Penitentiary so that social rehabilitation at the Merauke Class IIB Penitentiary has not been effective and there is also a lack of facilities and staff resources at the Class IIB Penitentiary Office in Merauke. There needs to be an increase in solutions to solutions or alternatives in the completion of social rehabilitation in the future will be achieved and carried out properly referring to Law No. 12 of 1995 concerning Corrections
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Kashaf, Sh R. „Means of communication and socio-legal aspects of interaction between subjects of religious-penitentiary space: the case of Muslims“. Minbar. Islamic Studies 14, Nr. 4 (12.01.2022): 819–34.

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The Constitutional and Legal Institute of Religious Freedom in the Penitentiary System is subordinated to and regulated by the rules established by the Federal Executive Body exercising law enforcement functions in the fi eld of execution of sentences (FSIN of Russia). Finding themselves isolated from society, ethnic and practising Muslims, sentenced to imprisonment, feel forced restrictions on the religious freedom. The time and place of Muslims who perform religious rites and rituals are regulated by the documents issued by the Ministry of Justice of Russia were outlined the internal regulations for correctional institutions. The state is entrusted with the duty to provide in prisons a special environment, which would enable the spiritual nourishment of Muslims, whose rights to freedom of religious life are supported by centralized Islamic religious organizations. The civil institutions exercise public control over this implementation. At the same time, the Russian State is increasingly interested in interacting with the main subjects of the religious and penitentiary space. Among them there are offi cial structures of the Islamic Ummah, sending educated imams and Islamic theologians for religious service in prisons, representatives of the Islamic expert community, also there are Public Councils on the problems of the penitentiary system under the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. The present author considers the activities of Muslim spiritual departments to provide prison libraries with religious literature (the Holy Quran and semantic translations, the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad, His biography, books on Islamic law) as well as the best examples of religious literature, which manifest the traditional values of Russian Islam and the imperatives of a positive socio-cultural environment to be the signifi cant means of communication in the religious-penitentiary environment.
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Bodnar, I. V., D. Yu Kondratov und A. I. Kyrienko. „SEPARATE ASPECTS OF SECURITY ENSURING IN PENITENTIARY INSTITUTIONS“. Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2024, Nr. 2 (17.06.2024): 7–15.

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The article discusses the necessity of implementing admitted by the world community and enshrined in relevant international documents principles and norms of dynamic security as one of the forms of ensuring the security of penitentiary institutions and its implementation into the national legislation of Ukraine. In particular, the main aspects of comprehensive application of principles and forms of physical, procedural, and dynamic security are defined with the aim of transitioning from a punitive method of dealing with convicts to a rehabilitative one. The authors believe that during the study of these issues, it is necessary to outline the following questions: regarding physical security, it is a matter concerning modern approaches to equipping penitentiary institutions, modernization of perimeter security systems and other electronic security systems, physical barriers, means for localization and isolation, access control systems, means of identification and verification of people, video surveillance systems, the use of metal detectors, X-ray machines, and other detection devices; regarding procedural security, it is a matter concerning the regime as the main means of educational influence on convicts, especially related to the study of world practice regarding the organization of admission regime, search work, application of incentive and punitive measures, actions of personnel in case of emergencies while respecting the rights, freedoms, and legitimate interests of convicts; regarding dynamic security, it is a matter related to the introduction into the activities of penitentiary institution personnel of its principles and approaches in working with convicts, establishing trustful and positive relationships with them, forming interpersonal skills in personnel, and their training to resist manipulation by convicts, and so on. Key words: Penitentiary system, State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine, penitentiary institution, correctional colony, pre-trial detention center, security, physical, procedural, and dynamic security, convict, correction and resocialization, labor, convict labor, labor relations, ordinary and managerial personnel, discipline, responsibility, selection, conditions and terms of service.
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Ovchinnikov, Sergei N. „Promising Directions for Modernizing Legal Regulations on Non-Custodial Sentences and Criminal Measures“. Russian Journal of Legal Studies (Moscow) 11, Nr. 3 (21.10.2024): 79–86.

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The reduction of criminal repression has gained recognition in modern criminal law, embraced not only by proponents of humanistic principles in criminal justice but also by advocates of a rationalistic approach to maintaining law and order in society and the state. A prevalent trend in modern penitentiary policy is the expansion of legal boundaries and practices involving criminal penalties and measures not involving the isolation of convicts from society. Strategic planning documents for the development of the penal system of the Russian Federation emphasize ongoing modernization efforts, particularly the adoption of alternative state coercive measures to imprisonment. However, an analysis of law enforcement practice reveals divergent trends that characterize the current state of penitentiary policy. Understanding these trends demands careful attention from the scientific community, legislators, and law enforcement authorities.
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Skiba, A. P., A. V. Rodionov und M. Yu Voronin. „Development of public-private partnership in the penal system“. Law Enforcement Review 7, Nr. 1 (22.03.2023): 134–44.

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The subject. The production sector of the Russian penitentiary system requires development and modernization in order to increase the level of convicts’ employment, to ensure the growth of their labor productivity, which is ultimately aimed at increasing the level of correctional impact of socially useful labour. In modern conditions of market economy development, low efficiency of state production organizations economic activity on competitive markets, as well as the lack of budget funds for the modernization of production assets, the most promising form of organization of penitentiary institutions production activities is public-private partnership. The aim of the article is to develop scientifically based provisions that define the most promising areas for the development of Russian legislation, which will significantly improve the practice of implementing public-private partnership projects in the production sector of the penitentiary system. The methodology. In the course of the study, a complex of general scientific and special methods of scientific search was used, including scientific abstraction, a systematic approach, a dialectical method of cognition, as well as comparative legal and structural-system methods of research. The information base of the study is represented by scientific works of Russian and foreign scientists-penitentiaries, statistical data, regulations, as well as data on legal practice in the field under study. The main results, scope of application. The prerequisites for promising changes in the legislation that determine the need for a significant modernization of the production sector of the penitentiary system are identified. The expansion of the practice of implementing production projects with the involvement of private business initiatives in penitentiary institutions makes it possible to strengthen the corrective impact of socially useful labour, to improve convicts’ food and clothing provision, as well as the communal living conditions of their detention. Conclusion. The article substantiates the need to develop a concept of interaction between the penitentiary system and the business community in order to improve the efficiency of convicts’ employment and their correction, within the framework of which the most relevant directions and stages of the development of public-private partnership should be determined in the future.
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Ромашов, Р. А. „Penitentiary law: phenomenology and consistency“. Penitentiary Science, Nr. 3(59) (30.09.2022): 234–44.

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Введение: право как системное явление представлено двумя теоретическими моделями: динамическим процессом и статичной конструкцией. Право в динамике – это взаимосвязанные этапы (стадии), в совокупности составляющие феномен правовой жизни. Конструктивный (юридико-технический) подход к пониманию права предполагает его восприятие в качестве совокупности взаимосвязанных и взаимодействующих средств, создаваемых и применяемых для упорядочения и охраны общественных отношений, сложившихся на определенном историческом этапе в обособленной социально-культурной среде. Взаимозаменяемость в русском юридическом языке слов «право» и «закон» обусловливает смешение понятий «система права» и «система законодательства», следствием чего является терминологическое отождествление категорий «отрасль права» и «отрасль законодательства». Проблему понимания пенитенциарного права и определения его места в правовой системе и системе законодательства следует решать с учетом циклической природы российского полито- и правогенеза. В современной России внедрение в терминологический оборот слова «пенитенциарный», с одной стороны, связано со стремлением к европеизации традиционных правовых институтов путем их простого переименования (уголовно-исполнительное право – пенитенциарное право). С другой стороны, использование термина «пенитенциарный» применительно к системе исполнения уголовных наказаний, а также совокупности правовых актов, регламентирующих общественные отношения в данной области, призвано показать трансформацию наказания из института государственной репрессии в средство исправления и профилактики. Целью статьи является системный анализ права как динамического процесса и формализованной конструкции с акцентом на понимании пенитенциарного права и определении его места в правовой системе и системе законодательства. Методологическую основу образуют общенаучные (системный, структурный, функциональный), частные (сравнительно-правовой анализ, межотраслевой синтез, правовая систематика) и специальные (теоретико-правового моделирования, циклического полито- и правогенеза) методы познания правовой действительности. Выводы: пенитенциарное право следует рассматривать в контексте соотношения категорий «система права», «правовая система», «система законодательства». На основе метода циклического полито- и правогенеза предлагается осуществлять это с учетом специфики организации и функционирования уголовно-исполнительных систем Российской империи, Советской России (РСФСР/СССР) и Российской Федерации. В современной России пенитенциарное право представляет межотраслевую нормативную общность, объединяющую правовые акты, регламентирующие общественные отношения в сфере пенитенциарной жизнедеятельности. Не имеет смысла говорить о пенитенциарном праве как вновь образованной отрасли системы права в силу восприятия последней в качестве объективной категории (логической умозрительной конструкции). Вместе с тем пенитенциарное право, пенитенциарная система, пенитенциарная наука являются устоявшимися терминологическими конструкциями, наполняемыми различными смысловыми коннотациями как в научных исследованиях, так и в правовых актах. Introduction: law as a systemic phenomenon is represented by 2 theoretical models: a dynamic process and a static construction. Law in dynamics is interrelated stages that together make up the phenomenon of legal life. A constructive (legal and technical) approach to understanding law pre- supposes its perception as a set of interrelated and interacting means created and used to stream- line and protect public relations that have developed at a certain historical stage in a separate socio- cultural environment. Interchangeability of the words “law” and “legislative act” in the Russian legal language causes confusion of the concepts “system of law” and “legislative system”, which results in terminological identification of the categories “branch of law” and “branch of legislation”. The prob- lem of understanding penitentiary law and determining its place in the legal system and the legisla- tive system should be solved taking into account the cyclical nature of Russian political and legal genesis. In modern Russia, introduction of the word “penitentiary” into terminology is connected, on the one hand, with the desire to Europeanize traditional legal institutions by simply renaming them (penal law – penitentiary law). On the other hand, the use of the term “penitentiary” in relation to the system of execution of criminal penalties, as well as to the totality of legal acts regulating public relations in this area, is intended to show transformation of punishment from the institution of state repression into a means of correction and prevention. Purpose: to carry out a systematic analysis of law as a dynamic process and a formalized structure, with an emphasis on understanding peni- tentiary law and determining its place in legal and legislative systems. The methodological basis is formed by general scientific (systemic, structural, functional), private (comparative legal analysis, intersectoral synthesis, legal systematics) and special (theoretical and legal modeling, cyclic po- litical and legal genesis) legal reality cognition methods. Conclusions: сonsideration of penitentiary law should be carried out in the context of correlation of the categories: system of law, legal system, system of legislation. Taking the method of cyclic political and legal genesis as a basis, it is proposed to consider penitentiary law with regard to the specifics of organization and functioning of the penal systems of the Russian Empire, Soviet Russia (RSFSR/USSR) and the Russian Federation. In modern Russia, penitentiary law is an intersectoral normative community that unites legal acts regulating public relations in the field of penitentiary life. It makes no sense to talk about penitentiary law as a newly formed branch of the system of law, due to the perception of the latter as an objective category (logical speculative construction). At the same time, penitentiary law, penitentiary system, peniten- tiary science are well-established terminological constructions filled with various semantic connota- tions both in scientific research and legal acts.
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Pantea, Oleg. „Legal classifier of penitentiaries in the Republic of Moldova. Human rights problems and solutions“. Studia Universitatis Moldaviae. Seria Stiinte Sociale, Nr. 3 (Juni 2023): 59–69.

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This research presents an analysis of the legal fields of categorization of penitentiaries in the Republic of Moldova, correlated with the principle of individualization of punishment and other fundamental principles. Detention must fulfill the purpose for which the person was placed in a penitentiary – social security and reintegration into community. The achievement of this goal can be ensured only by creating and organizing an individualized mechanism for each detained person. A special place in this paper was dedicated to the law gaps regarding the categories and types of penitentiaries, as well as the identification of the concepts of „category” and „type” in terms of the criminal-executive law. At the same time, there were highlighted the problems arising in connection with establishing the type of penitentiary by the court and the possibility of assigning this c
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Panjaitan, Petrus Irwan. „PUSAT STUDI LEMBAGA PEMASYARAKATAN FAKULTAS HUKUM UKI“. to-ra 5, Nr. 1 (13.05.2019): 31.

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Abstract Pusat Studi Lembaga Pemasyarakatan is an institution that conducts scienti c analysis of the correctional system; inmate behavior; of cer behavior; coaches behavior; the regulations that apply in Corrections Institutions; facilities available to the public’s view of the Penitentiary; in addition there are also problems that occur in the Penitentiary; such as a criminal period that is too short; community prisoners’ social relations; the problem of assimilation into and outside the institution and the problem of the prisoner’s biological needs; can be analyzed or studied in more depth; to make effective analysis of the existence of Correctional Institutions requires an academic authority through the Higher Education Law Institution as a Higher Education Institution, the UKI Faculty of Law should properly have a Correctional Institution Study Center when entering the age of 40 years as well as maintaining the best predicate among the Law Pakuitas as a consideration of establishment Study Centers that until now there has not been a Faculty of Law that has such Study Centers; Penitentiary a strategic part of the criminal justice system; Penal Institutions need to be empowered in their role in society. Keywords: Lembaga Pemasyarakatan; prison; study center; criminal justice system.
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Akbar, Andi Armansyah, und Musakkir Musakkir. „Legal and Economic Analysis: A Case Study of Convict Self-Development“. SIGn Jurnal Hukum 4, Nr. 2 (05.10.2022): 173–90.

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This study examines and analyzes the effectiveness and efficiency of the convict self-development program in the penitentiary using legal and economic approaches. This study uses empirical legal research methods. The primary data were collected using direct interviews with four informants. While the secondary data was collected using literature study techniques on primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials. The data obtained in this research were then analyzed using qualitative data analysis methods with a legal and economic approach. The results show four concepts and five principles for conducting legal and economic analysis. Legal and economic analysis shows that the convict self-development program in Class 1 Penitentiary of Makassar is not running effectively and efficiently based on four factors: legal, law enforcement, facilities, and community. Therefore, it is recommended for MoLHR to make Regulations on observation, assessment, and reporting for implementing the convict development. Furthermore, it is recommended that the Director General of Correctional make Regulations on The guidance for implementing Correctional Guardian. In addition, there should be a restoration of regulations related to the role of correctional guardians as certain functional positions in the Penitentiary. In this case, the convict self-development program in the future can be carried out more focused, measurably, and systematically.
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The practice of territorial bodies of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation cooperating with prevention entities when working with persons registered in penal enforcement inspections in order to prevent individuals with repeated offenses from committing crimes is analyzed based on the provisions of the Federal Law of June 23, 2016 No. 182-FZ “On Basics of the Prevention System in the Russian Federation”. The authors aim to make the importance of such cooperation, the expediency of applying and implementing positive regional experience a focal point for both the scientific community and the leadership of various departmental structural units. Therefore, the objectives of the study are the following: gathering analytical data from the territorial bodies of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation, analyzing ongoing cooperation, and, with statistical data considered, identifying the most interesting and effective practices based on various legislative acts. The authors used general legal methods as well as comparative analysis to conduct the study. The article substantiates the need to take into account the positive experience of territorial bodies of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia cooperating with prevention entities within their competence prior to the entry into force of some provisions of the Federal Law of February 6, 2023 No. 10-FZ “On Probation in the Russian Federation”.
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Monika Kotowska. „‘White Collars’ in Penitentiary Isolation: A Case Study“. Archives of Criminology, Nr. XXXIX (02.01.2017): 149–76.

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‘White collars’ are perpetrators who do not fit the image of a ‘typical criminal’. They are often esteemed and enjoy a high position in society, while their crimes are part of the professional sphere and often occur ‘on the margins’ of legal activity. They also include people who – unlike ordinary criminals – risk losing their prestige, reputation and professional position. Their criminal activity is often seen as a mistake or omission, rather than as an intentional violation of the law. It would seem that ‘white collars’ are not a large group and that their crimes are not easily detected. They are not viewed as dangerous offenders who should be isolated. This is due to their personal traits, their modus operandi and the nature of their crimes, particularly as the latter are hard to detect, as well as to the fact that they have better access to high-quality legal aid than their less educated and wealthy counterparts. In prison, ‘white collars’ form a group which is difficult to define because of their small number. However, taking into account that Poland has seen a drop in the number of criminal offense in recent years, with a concomitant rise in the number of economic crimes, the number of ‘white collars’ in penitentiary facilities will surely grow steadily, particularly if a punitive criminal policy is pursued. From the viewpoint of criminal science, ‘white collars’ remain an unstudied phenomenon in Poland. Nor are there any studies of how ‘white collars’ cope with the conditions of life in prison. Looking for answers to these questions, the Author approached the authorities of one of the largest (the third in size) penitentiary facilities in the Olsztyn region with a request to access the prison archives. She examined the archival prison records of individuals who had served a sentence of imprisonment between 2005 and 2015 in order to identify a group of ‘white collars’. The selection criteria were as follows:- Final conviction for an economic crime/crimes- The crime was committed in connection with the person’s professional activity- Holders of a university/higher degree - Having a stable legal source of income.Individuals fulfilling the above criteria were considered as belonging to the category of ‘white collars’. It was found that during the period in question only two inmates detained at the facility matched the criteria, which justified further qualitative research. A case study was then conducted based on the archival personal records, parts A and B, which the prison made available to the Author. The Author looked specifically at documents like court sentences along with their justification, parole decisions made by penitentiary courts, probation reports, psychological opinions, as well as notes compiled by the inmates’ supervisors based on conversations with them. Because both of the inmates were serving their sentences within the framework of a programme system, the scope and nature of their personal programmes, including any updates, were also assessed. The records provided a glimpse into the perpetrators’ social and demographic status, including their financial and family status, as well as an overview of their previous life in society and, finally, in penitentiary conditions. The qualitative research undertaken by the Author did not make it possible to draw general conclusions, particularly since the cases studied were so few. But one can compare the studied perpetrators to the ‘statistical’ or ‘typical’ inmate doing time in prison. The literature on the subject indicates that most such inmates are single, young, unemployed, without work habits, they have gaps in their education, are alcohol or substance abusers and come from difficult homes. In prison, they lack external support, which makes their later social adaptation more difficult.The perpetrators studied as part of the research described here were much older and better educated than ‘typical’ convicts. They were relatively well-off, with stable incomes, and came from non-pathological homes. Their families were also evaluated positively by probation services, the police and neighbours. Before their stay in prison they had been involved in community initiatives, they were good husbands and fathers, active in the local community and the Church, without alcohol or substance abuse problems. While serving their sentences they received support from family and figures of authority esteemed in the local community. The Prison Service considered them well adapted to prison conditions, calm, often rewarded, obeying the rules, active, highly respected by other inmates, willingly performing unpaid work in behalf of the penitentiary facility and cooperating with the prison administration. The research material presented only represents two cases; it therefore does not make it possible to draw general conclusions, yet it does highlight certain problems and areas for further research. At the same time it is for the Author a point of departure for reflection on the legal and judicial level of sentences against ‘white collars’ and the way such sentences are enforced
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Dini Iswari Amaliani, Fandhi Abiyyu Akmal, Laila Azizah, Nursyaniah Siregar, Putri Satya Permana und Mic Finanto Ario Bangun. „Hubungan Pungutan Liar terhadap Kesejahteraan Masyarakat di Bekasi“. Concept: Journal of Social Humanities and Education 3, Nr. 2 (13.06.2024): 273–85.

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The main goal in improving the governance of correctional institutions is to realise a clean correctional, but there are obstacles in the process of achieving it. One of them is about the problem of illegal levies that are still raging and rampant in the Penitentiary environment, Pungli (wild levies) not only harms inmates and their families, but becomes one of the inhibiting factors in achieving a clean transformation of corrections.The purpose of this research is to describe and explain the causes and efforts to eradicate illegal levies in the Penitentiary environment in order to realise a prosperous community life. The research method used is research by reviewing literature studies. The data collection technique in this research is carried out by searching and analysing various literature sources such as journals and scientific articles searched through the official website in the form of Google Scholar.The results of the research show that the cause of illegal levy behaviour in the community is due to the inefficiency of providing services to the community and is too complicated, this can be one of the causes of opening a gap for individuals to practice illegal levies. As for the countermeasures that have been carried out by the security parties who are responsible in terms of inj, among others, are carrying out routine patrols.
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Antón Basanta, J., S. Paz Ruiz, V. P. Estévez Closas, Á. López López, L. F. Barrios und A. Calcedo-Barba. „‘Main the gap!’ The view of healthcare professionals on gains and pitfalls of traditional and innovative models for providing mental health care to imprisoned persons with a severe mental illness in Spain“. European Psychiatry 66, S1 (März 2023): S468—S469.

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IntroductionDifferent mental health care provision models coexist in prisons in Spain. The Ministry of Interior applies a traditional model to secure mental health care to 83% of the country imprisoned population. Three autonomous regions with acquired competencies for health care provision (17% of the imprisoned population) are implementing innovative care models.ObjectivesTo explore the views of healthcare professionals on models of mental health care provision for imprisoned persons with a serious mental illness (SMI) in Spain.Methods21 healthcare professionals (13 physicians, 5 nurses, 3 pharmacists) working in prisons, penitentiary psychiatric hospitals and a psychiatric in-prison unit took part in 5 online, 2 hours focus groups and one in-deep interview between 31st May and 20th July 2022. The moderator used open-ended questions to research into the characteristics of mental health care models and on the challenges for implementation. Focus groups were audiotape recorded and transcribed. Transcripts were analysed applying thematic analysis.ResultsHealthcare professionals reported that within the traditional model of healthcare provision, the psychiatric care of SMI imprisoners relies on correctional general practitioner physicians (GP). Psychiatrists act as external care providers. There are two psychiatric penitentiary hospitals with a strong correctional character for in-hospital care. Acute psychiatric care happens in prisons or at the local general hospital. Healthcare records remain within the penitentiary organization and outside the accesible healthcare information system. In consequence, there is fragmentation and delocalization of mental health care. An innovative approach consists of a dedicated mental healthcare unit within the prison with continuous psychiatric supervision of imprisoners with SMI and good quality psychiatric care. Schizophrenia and hyperactive attention deficit disorder persons benefit the most. Continued mental health care in the community remains a challenge. Another model of care is centred in the SMI imprisoned person. Acute and rehabilitation psychiatric penitentiary units operate within a network of mental health and social care resources in the community, coordinated by a liaison nurse. Individualised care plans keep SMI persons in their social environment. Costs of implementation are high. Clear definition of roles; investment in dedicated staff and shared information systems are challenges to overcome.ConclusionsInnovative models of mental health care are needed to benefit imprisoned persons with a SMI in Spain. A decided national and regional will is paramount to overcome challenges.Disclosure of InterestNone Declared
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Gomide, Geisa, Mariana Teixeira, Guilherme Pereira, Fernanda Camargo, Beatriz Pastori, Felipe Dias, Júlio Cesar Ferreira et al. „Hepatitis C survey among the prison community in the Triângulo Mineiro region, Minas Gerais: revealing an invisible population“. Concilium 23, Nr. 18 (15.09.2023): 355–69.

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Hepatitis C is a health problem in penitentiaries and its elimination must be strengthened. The study describes socio-epidemiological aspects of a hepatitis C investigation in a penitentiary in the region of Triângulo Mineiro in Minas Gerais. It is a cross-sectional and epidemiological survey, with an exploratory, observational, quantitative element. It was carried out in a state penitentiary with 1564 inmates. A semi-structured individual interview and anti-HCV testing were carried out between December 2019 and March 2020, in a simple random sample of 240 prisoners. The prevalence for HCV was 2.1% (anti-HCV test). Most participants were men (76.6%), with a mean age of 33.8 years, with incomplete high school educational level (80.5%). 93.8% self-reported heterosexuality, multiple sexual partners (mean of 6.5 partners/year) and inconsistent condom use. 54.2% had undergone a previous surgical procedure. Regarding alcohol use, 72.9% reported some consumption, at an average amount of 188.5 grams/day. Non-injecting drug use was reported by 70% of participants and cigarette by 56.3%. Other aspects were the recurrence of imprisonment (70.4%) and having the tattoos (75.8%). The study supports the organization of epidemiological survey protocols, the construction of intersectoral health projects and the description of the prison population's vulnerabilities.
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