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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Paysage – Modèles mathématiques"
QUENUM, Yves B., und Dorian MONTCHO. „Effets des Politiques Agricoles sur l’offre de Riz Local dans la Commune de Glazoué au Benin : Une Application du Modèle de Ménage Paysan“. Revue d’Economie Théorique et Appliquée 1, Nr. 2 (30.12.2011): 73–90.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleFélix-Fromentin, Clotilde. „Le Kouglof comme plis réglés, « des plis là où l’on ne s’y attend pas »“. Déméter, Nr. 1 | Été (15.09.2018).
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDissertationen zum Thema "Paysage – Modèles mathématiques"
Dépigny, Sylvain. „Le modèle PAYSAGRI : expérimentation de la sensibilité au paysage des agriculteurs comme facteur des évolutions du paysage rural“. Paris, AgroParisTech, 2007.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleFoudhil, Hadjira. „Développement d'un modèle numérique de dispersion atmosphérique de particules à l'échelle d'un paysage hétérogène“. Bordeaux 1, 2002.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDachary-Bernard, Jeanne. „Approche multi-attributs pour une évaluation économique du paysage“. Bordeaux 4, 2004.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleChiarello, Ernest. „Pyramide stochastique et écologie du paysage : modélisation des structures spatiales par images de synthèse“. Lyon 1, 1994.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePichancourt, Jean-Baptiste. „Modéliser la dynamique de population à différents niveaux d'observation, et le long de gradients d’évolution du paysage : le cas d'Abax parallelepipus (Coleoptera, Carabidae)“. Rennes 1, 2006.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMaigrot, Jean-Louis. „La relation homme-territoire à de grandes échelles d'espace : (contribution à la mise au point d'un modèle permettant, à un niveau communal, de localiser des enjeux territoriaux)“. Dijon, 1997.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleVinatier, Fabrice. „Dynamique spatiale du charançon du bananier en interaction avec le système de culture et l'organisation paysagère“. Phd thesis, AgroParisTech, 2010.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleKpemlie, Emmanuel Kwashi. „Assimilation variationnelle de données de télédétection dans des modèles de fonctionnement des couverts végétaux et du paysage agricole“. Phd thesis, Université d'Avignon, 2009.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDuthoit, Sylvie. „Prise en compte de l'agrégation des cultures dans la simulation du transfert radiatif : importance pour l'estimation de l'indice foliaire (LAI), de la parcelle au paysage“. Toulouse 3, 2006.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe leaf area index (LAI) is a key variable involved in many biophysical processes. Indirect measurements methods provide LAI estimations from in situ gap fraction measurements. Inversion of reflectance models provides LAI estimations from satellite data with high repetitivity on large areas; the models usually used are one-dimensional because few entry parameters are needed. In both cases, these models assume that the foliage elements are randomly distributed, that is not the case in most of the canopies. The main objective of this work is to evaluate if the use of a clumping index in radiative transfer models could improve the simulations for heterogeneous canopies, in order to provide better LAI estimations. In the first part of the work, we evaluate LAI estimations provided by the analysis of hemispherical photographs with the CAN_EYE software; it provides LAI estimations assuming leaves randomly distributed or taking into account the canopy heterogeneity with a clumping index. The evaluation is done by comparison with destructive measurements carried out over wheat, maize and sunflower crops. The main results show that the LAI estimations are improved when using the clumping index, but its calculation with the Lang and Xiang method (1986) must be done with great care according to the species. Possible improvements for its calculation are discussed. The second part of the work concerns the analysis of BRDF simulations at field and landscape scales. Taking BRDF simulations with a 3D model as references (the DART model, Gastellu et al. , 1996), we show first that the use of a clumping index in a one dimensional reflectance model generally improves field BRDF simulations for a maize canopy in the red spectral band. In the near infra red, we have best results when the canopy is considered as homogeneous. At the landscape scale, the changes in agricultural land use seem to be the main factor of heterogeneity and this heterogeneity could be partially taken into account with a clumping factor used to simulate BRDF in the visible spectral band. A preliminary study allows us to conclude that LAI estimations from reflectance models could be improved
Villanueva, Villa Antonio. „Services écosystémiques et paysage : Interactions dans un système socio-écologique à la périphérie de la Ville de Mexico“. Thesis, Paris, Institut agronomique, vétérinaire et forestier de France, 2018.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIn an era dominated by strong anthropogenic transformations, the search for new approaches to reconcile human activities and natural ecosystems is becoming increasingly important. In this sense, the concepts of "Ecosystem Services" and "Socio-Ecological Systems" are increasingly used in different scientific disciplines and are taken into account in political spheres to draw attention to the benefits that humans derive from ecosystems. These concepts lead to the study of complex links between society and nature, where the spatial dimension and landscape characteristics have a strong influence. However, few studies have been applied in a spatial approach.This thesis presents a research on the spatial dimension of Ecosystem Services, in particulary those of the temperate forests of the mountains on the periphery of Mexico City. Ecosystems have an important role to the human well-being through many ecosystem services. These Ecosystem Services are the result of complex interactions between nature and society.The Central Valley (central zone) of Mexico is a priority area for biodiversity conservation due to the high degree of endemism of the fauna and flora species present. In this zone where several protected natural areas are located, a public-private initiative is seeking to create a new conservation category that includes the management of all these areas. This initiative is known as the "Bosque de Agua" (Water Forest). However, in the "Bosque de Agua" the spatial stakes between nature and society are subject to strong anthropic pressures which are due to mining and agricultural activities and to the urban spread of large conurbations. In this space, these pressures lead to the degradation of natural ecosystems. Research is needed to analyse the spatial dimension of interactions between nature and society, by studying the synergy between Socio-Ecological Systems and Ecosystem Services.The thesis introduces the conceptual framework used to study the links between Ecosystem Services and Socio-Ecological Systems. It is considered in this research that Ecosystem Services are at the centre of the "Bosque de Agua" Socio-Ecological Ecological System.In the spatial modelling section, four Ecosystem Services were evaluated (water supply, wood supply, food supply and local climate regulation).The results of this section include a map of Ecosystem Services by identifying hotspots of Ecosystem Services. These results make explicit in space, through geographically weighted regressions, the impact of landscape characteristics on Ecosystem Services.In addition, the spatial coherence of protected natural areas and the spatial distribution of Ecosystem Services were assessed in terms of area. The objective is to create a typology of natural areas according to the surface area of protected and unprotected Ecosystem Services hotspots.Finally, a third result relates to the perception of local inhabitants of the intrinsic capacity of the "Bosque de Agua" to provide Ecosystem Services. This perceived capacity was assessed through field photo questionnaires